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July 25, 2024 β€’ 32 mins
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Episode Transcript

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It is Coast, one of threepoint five the top stories Top of the
Hour. Good morning of Ellen kand President Biden delivering a national address last
night from the Oval Office, touchingon his decision to nazeek reelection and what's
next. And as he steps aside, the President asks all of us to
simply get along in this moment.We can see those we disagree with,

not as enemies, as but asfellow Americans. Can we do that?
And Biden acknowledges that this is acrucial point. I've made it clear that
I believe America has had an inflectionpoint, one of those rare moments in
history. One of the decisions wemake now determine our fate of our nation
and the world for decades to come. And then we're counting down the hours

now until opening ceremony at the ParisSummer Games. While it will be nighttime
in Paris, we get it liveten thirty tomorrow morning. You can catch
it all on NBC four or yourpeacock app. LA Mayor Karen Bass traveled
to France yesterday along with First LadyJoe Biden, plus several LA City Console
members and civic leaders. And wecan confirm that both Celine Dion and Lady
Gaga have touched down ahead of theirrumored duet of the magical song La Vien

Rose. The first events actually startedlast night. Men soccer two matches,
Rugby seven's archery handball starts today.First medals awarded on Saturday, and then
the game's rapping. August eleventh,A wildly hot week welcomes its hottest day
today, temps topping one hundred.A gradual slide starts tomorrow. We stay
toast you through the weekend. MissionHills. Hello to one oh three for

your high in Montclair one hundred.Right now it is sixty eight in Burbank,
and we run on Celsius Energy Drinks. Kost Los Angeles. It's Coast
one o three point five. It'sChristmas in July. You get all the
presents plus one thousand dollars cash onCoast. It's coming up. It's the
llen K Morning Show. You guys, you're very inspiring. You speak positivity,

your full of joy and happiness,and in this world it's pretty hard
to be that. We Coast oneoh three point box with the other K
Morning Show. Good Morning, MerryChristmas. We're your official holiday music station,
and it is Christmas in July hereon the hottest day at least of
the week. We're going up toone hundred and three and many valley areas.

Y y, I'm ellen, goodmorning. I'm right man, I'm
up so Queen Darling, thanks forjoining us. What's interesting really, when
you think about it, so manyChristmas songs we're written not far from here
in the heat of summer. Yeah. Let us know. The Christmas song
sleigh Ride had written right here inBurbank. Yah. Yeah. Oh man.
Well, we've got presents for you. We have Cash on Coast coming

up. We have Mariah Carey getawaysto Vegas. We have Luke Bryan at
the Forum. And we also havea Puffy Bear for you know. We've
had this in our studio since Monday. I walked in and Ryan, you
said it to me first. Yousaid, there's a big box here from
Bulgaria. Yeah, and we openedit. It's the Puffy Bear, six
foot cuddle bear. It's a therapybear with real fingers, a small little

bear head on a big man sizedbike. And these are for we leaving
stress and anxiety or loneliness. Really, you can dress them up. We're
putting him in a christmaswater today forChristmas in July, and we have one
to give away. So the PuffyBear team said, Hey, we love
Christmas in July two and we wantto give you a bear. So we'll
tell you when to call, ormaybe we could think of a bear sound.

When you hear the bear sound,sure call this color twenty gets Puffy
Bear. Be warned. I meanit is big. It's big. Just
know that it's big. We canfit it in a box, or you
can come pick it up. Wecan. We can fold him over.
If you have a five seater car, save a seat for this bear.
He's six feet Yeah. I lovethat they are so into this bear that

we've been talking about that they gaveus another one to give away. Well,
they love Christmas in July just likewe do here on the hottest day
of the week. Clean though,this song works for really hot days and
really cold days. Oh the weatheroffside what the fire is so delightful And

since we've no place to go,let it snow, Let it snow,
Let it snow. Share your favoriteholiday memories, your favorite holiday songs with
us. We love being your officialholiday music station. I brought a contribution.
Ok we are going to be givingaway Barbie show tickets for the Hollywood
Bowl this Saturday. That's a bonus. And I brought the first black Barbie

with down syndrome. I found herat Target yesterday. She's really cute and
I'm actually tracking down the girl thatinspired this Barbie doll. She lives in
Georgia. Oh okay, and she'sa college student. She looks just like
her. So I want to throwin this Barbie as a bonus to our
Barbie tickets. Oh nice, Yef, that's so great. I'm happy you

found her. Yeah. Oh,I went right away. I took the
whole family. I'm like, let'sgo find this Barbie. Yay, let's
do it. Okay, we gotyour cash. On Coast it's coming up
also the highest grossing animated film everin the history you've ever. We'll share
that with you as well. Keepit here, let us go the llen
K Morning Show on Coast one Othree point five Coast one oh three point

five. Inside Entertainment with ellen KInside Out Too just became the highest grossing
animated movie of all time with morethan one point four billion dollars. It's
followed by Frozen two, Super MarioBrothers, Frozen and then Incredibles two.
And Selene Dion is feeling well enoughto perform at the Summer Olympics opening ceremony
and book another Las Vegas residency.A Gaga is in Paris and we'll do

a duet with Selene. It's gonnabeautiful. But Selena has agreed to a
Las Vegas residency Resorts World. Itcould start around the holidays or right after
the New Year. It's a donedeal. She's gonna do it. She
has a passion for getting back onstage. What a comeback. That is
just incredible. If you haven't seenthe documentary I Am Selene Dion, watch

it. It is. It's beautiful, it's touching and what a fighter.
So it's going to be really cool. Selene was booked for that one song
at a rate of two million dollars. Okay, speaking of money, Deadpool
Wolverine is just gonna kill it atthe box office and globally. And Ryan
Reynolds and Hugh Jackman sat in forJimmy Kimmel last night. They can't wait

for you to see the movie.Yes, I wait, We cannot wait
for you to see the movie.People are saying that this film could save
the Marvel cinematic universe. You knowwhat, maybe just maybe even democracy.
And it is green for your onethousand dollars. Grab it Green. What

a perfect word for Christmas in July. Green, get your green. It's
your cash. On Coast go toCoast one of three five dot com enter
Green, the Ellen k Morning Showon Coast one oh three point five hot
and stay of the week here andso Callan. We're in it together.
Thanks for being here on Coast oneof three point five. Christmas in July

giving you all the presents. Howabout a pair of tickets to see Pink
Martini and the Andrew Birdtree. Oh, come into the Hollywood Bowl. It's
a little orchestra returning to the stage. It's the thirtieth anniversary. And Ryan,
you said twenty three members in theband. That's it, twenty three
of them. I don't know whythey say a little orchestra. It's a
big orchestra with timeless music. TheColor twenty now eight nine nine kost Good

morning your Color twenty what's your name? Lenny? Wow, I'm Lenny.
What you doing? I'm driving goingto work? Oh my God, I
can't believe it. What road areyou on? I pick the side street
because it's saying on my navigation andI have to take the side street inside

of the tent. Oh okay,what part of town? I'm coming from?
Mid City? Okay, I'm I'min a Beverly Beverly Center. Oh
okay, yeah, Well, Lenny, you are going to the Hollywood Bowl
picked Martini and the Andrew Bird treeoutOkay. Finally, Yeah, when's the

last time you sat under the starsat the Hollywood Bowl? I think maybe
fifteen years ago. Oh, myfriend give me some tickets with my son.
Yeah. I think it's the Harmonic. Oh yeah, the La Film
Nice. Yeah, that's the one. Yeah, we'll get there early.

Try the Fried Chickens and have agreat time. And thanks for having a
sign in your car. All right, thank you Ellen and seem Oh and
hey Lenny. Yeah, Merry Christmas. Oh, thank you Mary. Christmas
Coast the Ellen k Morning Show.Text us anytime at five one oh three
five. It is Christmas in Julyhere on coast one of three point five.

Your happiness hack for life. Okay, this is a money saving hack,
something that a lot of us mightnot know. I did not know
this until I just looked it up. If you're gonna need an artificial tree
this holiday season, I know youguys go real. Yeah yeah, yeah,
Darling, I went fake. Okay, Yeah, there's nothing wrong with
that. I grew up with theReal show, That's why. So it
was a hard transition for me.If you're gonna go artificial, today is

the day. Do not wait tillNovember, not even October, not tomorrow.
Today I am looking at a twohundred dollars Valley spruce for sixty five
bucks. National Tree Company, dotCom, Balsam Hill, Target, Wayfair.
They all have their trees marked downfifty percent or more today to celebrate
Christmas in July. That's phenomenal.Saving and sprucing makes everyone happy. The

feel good continues next on The LANDK Morning Show, Coast one O three
point five. It's the L andK Morning Show. Think I fall in
love with you? Guys? Isthat official? Are we dating? We
are online dating? Coast one Othree point five. All right, Christmas
in July. When you hear thesound of a bear, go be Color
twenty and you win your own puppybear therapy cuddler. It's a six foot

bear. We have one here inthe studio. Puffy Bear loves you.
And when you hear that bear becolor twenty you can you can win your
own. If you want to seethe unboxing, it's up on our Instagram.
Prepare Yourself does host on A threefive FM. The video is something
else The ellen K Morning Show onCoast one. Oh three point five.

You're up in the ocean and you'redeep seat fishing. All of a sudden,
no whale breaches on your boat.To guys who survived it? Coming
up? Speaking of surviving here survivorto get your top stories coming up next?
Oh, also an Olympic feel goodor is it a feel gold?

Share it with you next and itis Coast one A three point five Top
Stories Top of the hour, GoodMorning of ellen K and Donald Trump.
Shooter Thomas Crook searched online how farLee Harvey Ellswold was from John F.
Kennedy when he shot him. FBIdirector Christopher Ray also told lawmakers the twenty

year old gunman flew a drone twohundred yards from the stage just two hours
before he opened fire in Butler,Pennsylvania. He also had three explosives in
his car, and we are countingdown the hours now until opening ceremony at
the Paris Summer Games ten thirty amtomorrow morning. It'll happen here. It'll
be nighttime in Paris. Catch itall on the Peacock app or NBC four.

La Mayor Karen Bass is there.She traveled to France yesterday along with
First Lady Joe Biden, a lotof city council members civic leaders there as
well. Celine Dion and Lady Gagawill also be doing a duet. It's
an Olympic feel good or is ita field gold? The moment, tennis
player Coco Goff got the big newsfrom her teammate Chris Eubanks that she will

be carrying the flag for Team USA. You have the honor of wearing this
jacket during the opening ceremony and maybea flag barrel with Lebron James. Way
to go, Coco Goff. Cocoand Lebron, they'll be our flag bears.
And the guys who had a whaleland on their boat out in the
open seas are lucky to be alive. Ryland Kenny and Greg Paquette, the

two friends who were forced to scramblefrom their boat. Talk about having a
whale capsize that boat. We're justenjoying ourselves catching a few fish. I
think Ryland was hooked up with afish at the time, and so he's
focusing on that. And I justhear him yell from the back of the
boat, whoa or something like that, and I look back and the whale's

head is crashing down on top ofthe engine. Oh, that is Wally
scary. And we do have asuper hot week. This is the hottest
day today. Timp's topping one hundred, Sherman oaks up to one hundred,
Silmar one to three, and rightnow it is seventy in Burbank Kost,
Los Angeles Coast one a three pointfive. We run on Celsius Energy drinks
here Christmas in July. More cashon coasts coming up. Mariah Carey in

Vegas. And listen for the soundof a growling bear to win your own
therapy bear a six foot it's yourpuffy bear. Just ahead this hour coast
one of three point five. It'sthe L and K Morning Show days.
Keep us up in the morning.It's such a positive vibe and like you
know, you get that good feelingin the morning, so we really appreciate
you, guys. Coast one ohthree point five son is just blazing here

in Burbank in the bank. We'rethe L and K Morning Show. It's
Coast one of three point five andit's Christmas in July. You have your
llen KQ and a coming up aswell. We're gonna send you to Vegas
to see Mariah Carey. N gota Puffy Bear for you at this hour,
and how do we win that again? You listen for the bear to
growl okay, so he'll be likeand then when you hear that v Color

twenty and it's so opposite of whathe really is. He's a big cuddle
therapy bear and we have one herein the studio. You can see it
on our socials at Coast one ofthree five FM. It's the unboxing of
Puffy Bear and we have one togive away, so that's going to happen
this hour too. Listen for thebear to grow and then you recoll our
twenty. All right, guys,let's got a Fontana Nelson, one of

our favorite truck drivers, and you'reon the road now. Yeah, I'm
on my way to work right now, getting ready to log into my truck
and ready to roll. I'd liketo request the song. Oh of course,
what do you want? Nelson,Mariah Carey? Christmas or Normal?

Ellenor Ryan or Social Queen. Oneof you three picked the song from Mariah
Carey. Okay, all right,our choice, guys. It's Christmas in
July. Yes, I mean wehave to Okay, thank you guys.
You guys have a wonderful morning.And I love your radio station. I
listen to you guys every day whenI'm in the truck and you guys take

care and have a beautiful, blessedday. Oh one, lo is just
one thing. I don't care aboutthe present, the Christmas tree. Just

want to full my you put eemake mo wi fours it. We are

your official holiday music station. Christmasin July. We celebrating it with you.
Cash on Coast is coming up next. Coast one of three point five.
Catch the Ellen k Morning Show ondemand on the free iHeartRadio app.
Coast one of three point five InsideEntertainment with Ellen K. Well Share can't
turn back time, but she canlook back on the past. Our friend
the Icon just announce she's writing andreleasing a two part memoir. The first

volume will be released in November.And here on Christmas in July, Let's
take you back to last year whenShare flipped our holiday music switch shre Are
you ready to kick out the holidaymusic on Coast one of three five,
I'm right there with you. I'mgoing to count you down three two one.
DJ play a Christmas song Boom cashon right from her living room in

Malibu. Oh my god. Andyou can get your cash on Coast right
now. Bonus. Enter the keywordbonus online. It's one thousand dollars.
It's just sitting there waiting for you. Bonus. Go to Coast ONEO three
five dot com get your cash onCoast. What is Christmas in July?
We just heard her singing all IWant for Christmas is you. It's Mariah

Carey. She has the celebration ofMimi Live in Vegas Comingtodobe Live at Park
MGM January through February. And wewant to send you right now pair of
tickets to the show tonight, hotelsday gas card for the road. Answer
this question. Forty percent of peoplewould rather dump their partner than give up
this. What is it? Peoplewould rather dump their partner than give up

this. What is it? It'seight hundred ninet two nine kost will get
your guesses Coast one O three pointfive The llen k Morning Show. Follow
us at Coast one O three fivedot com. Forty percent of people would
rather dump their partner than give upwhat to Ellen KQ and A David and
Irvine says, passwords, great guest, David, not the right answer,

but more of your guesses from MariahCarey in Vegas coming up next on Coast
It's the llen k Q and Aon Coast one O three point five.
He Nicole, Hi, Nicole,how is that drive back from Palm Springs?
I am sitting in bumper at abumper right now on the ten.
Yes, okay, Well, thankyou for having us on in your in

your ride. We hope that we'rekeeping you good company. Absolutely, and
by the way, you're getting outof Palm Springs right on time. It's
going to be one hundred and thirteentoday. No, yeah, oh my
gosh, come on home to onehundred and three. What's your guest?
So see, forty percent of uswould rather dump our partner than give up

what I'm going to go with eatingmeat. Eating meat. That has been
a really popular guest this morning.You'd rather dump your partner then give up
meat. I guess that would belike bacon or you know, steaks,
anything like that. That's a greatguest, Nicole. It's not the right
answer. Oh all right, tryagain, hang in there. Okay,

thank you so much. Hi,Tina, Hi, good morning, Hey,
good morning, Tina. How isit going good? Good? How
are you guys good? It saysyou're a preschool teacher. When do you
go back to school? A well, full year? We're open a whole
year. Oh okay, all right, So your pre k, so you

probably take care of a lot ofkiddos while their parents are at work.
Yeah, we do, all right, Tina. Well, what's your guess?
Is it their pet? Their pet? You know? I thought about
that too, Like what if youfall in love with someone and they do
not like your dog or your cator whatever critter you have. Yeah,
that would be so heartbreaking. Peoplewould rather dump their partner than give up

their pet. It's not the rightanswer, oh, Darner, Try again,
all right, Priscilla, on yourway to work, where do you
work? Hi? I work ata jewelry. Company. All right,
you want to shout it out?Sure, it's well eighteen thirty four and
that's a good note. Oh nice, And what's your guest? So what

would we dump our partner over?Rather than giving up what I would think
a cell phone? Cell phone?Their phone? Their phone, yeah,
their phone. You are absolutely right, it's their phone. You're going to
see Mariah Carey in Vegas. You'reon the weekend. Bak you Thank you
so much, you guys. Ididn't have such so hard week. This

is this is really nice. Makemy week good. Hopefully this will be
your turning point. And Merry Christmas. Yes, Mary christ is in July.
I love you guys. We loveyou too. People would give up
their love rather than their phone.So cold? Really, I was admitting
that the Ellen k Morning Show onCoast one oh three point five. I

know, at first we laughed aboutpuppy Bear, and then the longer he's
been with us, now four days, we've fallen in love. At least
I have with this puffy bear.Don't say we, but cuttle bear,
don't let me in with you?Okay, Well I have and you are
collar twenty. You get a puppybear? Yeah, you can dress him

up. However, you like,I just showed my daughter the video of
you, Ellen, and she's like, I want him, Okay, I
don't know. You better be surebecause once you come get him, he's
not coming back. He's so soft. Oh you are welcome. He's soft,
he's cuddly. You guys enjoy what'syour daughter's name? Selga? Hi,

congratulations you guys. Thank you,Ellen and Ryan, thank you and
you can see him. The unboxingof Puffy Bear and Coast one of three
five f that's on Instagram. Comingup next, Tough Stories, a fifty
year tradition is over. Tell youwhat it is next here on Coast one

of three point five Morning Show.Love you listened to you every morning on
our We to school every day religiously. We have floor. Thank you.
The post one O three point bis a therapy Thursday. We have a
licensed therapist, Sarah Dash. Sarah, thank you for being here, Thank
you for having me. You're helpingso many people all over the Southland.
And then you know we're posting itup online too, so everyone gets to

hear the issue and your great advice. You always have that one thing that
helps, And we have Mario onthe line right now, Mario, meet
Sarah. Hey, how you doing? Hey Mario? How are you?
It could be better? Okay,tell me what's going on. I just

went through a recent breakup. It'sbeen kind of hard and we've been together
about two years. She just recentlymoved out too. We're living together.
Uh, you know, I haveto keep telling myself, you know,
over and over, you know,just not to text her. But it's
just kind of really different with thisone. And some days are easy,

some days are not. But I'mjust I guess the main thing is,
you know, how how do Ilet go? Let me ask you something
when you are thinking about reaching outto her, What are your thoughts?
What would you be hoping to accomplishby contacting her? I just want her
to, you know, tell mehow she, you know, feels,

And I guess I'm just missing thatattachment and that, you know, the
motions and just the you know,the things that we used to go through
and why did you guys break up? Well, there's I mean there's a
lot of arguing, but you know, everyone argues, right, I don't
know, it's just it's it's justbeen kind of really up and down a

lot, especially you know, sincewe had moved in together. You know,
we were living together for about ahalf a year. I don't know,
I don't know. It's just alot of argument that goes back and
forth. Well, Mario, whenyou tell me that there are questions that
you need answers to, usually wealready have those answers, and a lot
of times what we're really trying todo is reconnect. If it was her

idea in the relationship and you didn'treally want to do so, you may
be actually hoping for a resolution inthe guise of answering questions. So it's
really important that we are truthful withourselves about what our motivation is when we
reach out. Yeah, I guessthat makes sense. I guess what I'm
just really wanting to know, youknow, what, was it on me?

Or is it you know, maybeit just wasn't meant to be The
truth is it actually is on youin part, but it's also on her.
And it's really easy to forget thata relationship is a dynamic. We
are not acting alone in a relationship. We're not acting and causing an effect.

It's how two people interact. It'sthe dynamic, and it's the dynamic
that either works or doesn't work.Yeah, you can't force it, huh,
because look, I guess it feelslike you've tried and tried and tried,
and then it just ended that itwas best for you guys not to
be together. Yeah, it's justreally hard. I think about things,

and obviously there's this sounds so cliche, but you know, when you hear
a song or a smell, itjust brings this reminder and you know,
and then that's when it gets verydifficult. Appreciate you guys. I guess
I can just keep on trucking.Picture her as a Mylar balloon and you're
gonna cut that string. God,that was drastic. It was. Yes,

I'm sorry, Just don't send thetext. Let's start there, not
watching your float away into space.I appreciate your Mario. Sure they got
me have Sarah and you. Ryanis coming up on the L and K

Morning Show Coast one O three pointfive. We're so excited to be able
to send you to the Hollywood Bowlto dance the night away with the Barbie
land Sinfonietta Barbie the Movie and Concert. It's groundbreaking live to film concert experience
one night only to the world famousHollywood Bowl and we are going to send

you. It's for this Saturday,all right, So this is an all
woman ensemble. Barbie's going to cometo life at the Hollywood Bowl. Take
us a courtesy of Mattel to celebrateBarbie the Movie in concert. We want
to send you, and we alsohave a special Barbie for you the throw
in as well. Call out.It's the Ellen k Morning Show. Ellen.
We love. We listen to youevery morning on our way to school

every day. Religiously, we imploreyou. Thank you. Host one oh
three point five. Hi, yourcolor twenty. You are going to the
Bowl for Barbie the Movie and concert. Oh that's amazing. What's your name
and where are you calling from?This is Sally. I'm calling from San
Fernando, Sally. This is onenight only and this is groundbreaking. It

is Barbie the Movie in concert anda special Barbie that Darlene just picked up
yesterday and she's throwing it in asa bonus prize. Oh my goodness,
that's amazing. Thank you so much. It's a collectible. It's the very
first black Barbie with down syndrome.She's very cute. She has a semi
increase on her hand. It's reallycool to see and witness and her braids

are perfect. Oh that's so cool. Oh wow, Well, thank you
so much. I love you guys. It's the L and K Morning Show.
Think I fall in love with you? Guys? Is that official?
Are we dating? We are onlineDating Coast one three point five This Coast

one of three point five top storiesTop of the Hour. Good morning,
I'm ellen K and the IOC.The International Olympic Committee solidified hosts and budgets
for two future Winter Games. Thirtiesevent in the French Alps will run two
point one billion dollars and then twentythirty four or ten years from now Salt
Lake City, it will cost abouttwo point eight billion dollars. Apple is
reportedly working on a foldable iPhone.Are you ready for that? It's a

clamshell design. Don't expect to seeit until at least twenty twenty six,
and it's fun. For all wages. Disney and the union repping fourteen thousand
workers reached that tenet of deal withsignificant wage increases to avert a strike.
In case you missed it, Southwestannounce this morning that they are going to
offer assigned in premium seats instead ofopen seating. They're also going to offer

red eyes, they said. Researchoverwhelmingly said that passengers would like assigned seats
like other carriers do provide the firstplace. Dodgers snapped their five game win
streak last night with a last ofthe Giants' same teams. Today, Kershaw
starts this series finale against the Giants. When he takes the mount, he'll
be the first to pitch seventeen seasonsin a Dodger's uniform. Congrats to that.

And flying cars are coming in Minnesota. There are laws, and Minnesota
has become only the second state inthe US to legalize flying cars. A
provision and the recently signed Transportation Billcarves out a place for rotable aircraft described
as airplanes that can be driven toand from an airport or landing. Script.

Get ready for it. We're goingto be up in the air,
end on the ground, and everywhere. Oh no. And a wildly hot
week. Welcomes the hottest day ofthe week. Time's topping one hundred and
right now it is seventy eight inBurbank. We run on Celsius Energy drinks
KOSG Los Angeles it's Coast one ofthree point five and more Cash on Coast,

just a hit. Thank you forspending your morning with us here on
the llen K Morning Show. CarrieSteele's coming up next. She has more
of your cash on Coast and thisis fun. So my son Calvin is
here. Good morning, calbry momand his girlfriend Arabella. So, Calvin,

and you've been showing Arabella around La. Arabella, you're from New York.
What do you think of our finecity? It's beautiful, it's amazing,
love the beaches. And I wastelling Calvin yesterday that I think it's
very cool that every city in LAhas a different personality, very unique from
each other. Yeah, and youguys have been pretty much all over so
far. You did Disneyland, You'vedone you went to Compton, you went

to Watchtown, You've been all overthe valley, all over the city,
went to Home Boy as well,Santa Monica. We went surfing yesterday,
Malbo. We're going at a breakneckpace. Yeah, yeah, eight Los
Angeles summer. Hey, Rodgers playedone ten today, just saying I also

said this thing, and I hopeI don't embarrass you Calvin in front of
your girlfriend. Nothing ever, goodcomes from us set up like that.
Did you know that when you havea baby, that baby's DNA and cells
live in your bloodstream for yours aftertheir birth and in your brain for the
rest of your life. I didnot know that. So all of us

we have brain cells that we sharewith our mom. I like that.
My thoughts all right. We hadevery show with a quote kiss. It
is Matt LeBlanc's birthday, and hesaid he believes that laughter is the best
emotional band aid in the world islike nature's nias born. So we do

a quoteun kiss at the end ofevery show. So Calvin knows how it
works, Ryan does Arabella. I'mgonna say, kiss on three, kiss
on me, and then we allkiss, Okay, okay, cool I
three right, yeah, and wedon't really kiss, just so yeah,
kiss us three kiss on me?How well? I said, no,

that's something. Wasn't wrong.

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