Episode Transcript
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And this is Coast one of threepoint five top stories Top of the hour,
Good morning, I'm ellen k andPresident Biden held a solo press conference
last night, his first since thedebate, and i'll amid continued calls for
him to step aside. Both sideshave their usual takes on his performance.
Most outlets are focusing on two specificgaffs from yesterday. First, during a
NATO summit, he misintroduced the Ukrainianpresident play president putin president and got big
President President Lensky. Then, duringhis later speech this happened. I wouldn't
have picked Vice President Trump to bevice president. I think she was not
qualified to be president. So let'sstart there. At the moment, eleven
congressional Democrats are urging Biden to backout, but the President still insists he
is in it to win it.In time to keep an eye again on
the Mega Million's jackpot, the drawingtonight has jumped to a hepty two hundred
and three mil. A big congratsto unlucky player in Redlands who matched five
or six numbers. All right,so went worth two hundred and eighty five
thousand dollars. Is just money waitingthere for you and what about this our
first place Dodgers have had their phila Philly, dropping three straight and a
rare sweep. They're just three andseven in their last ten games. It's
not in Detroit today for a weekendset with the Tigers. Three point forty
first pitch on our free iHeartRadio appKeyword AM five seventy LA Sports every play
in HD from the Gallpin Motors broadcastbooth. Also this just in the team
is demoted pitcher Bobby Miller back tothe miners after a couple of rough recent
starts. And hey, Today's NationalFriday. Like French fries no matter how
you like them. Tons of Softlandspots are slinging deep fried steals and deals
McDonald's free Medium any dollar purchase onthe app, Jack in the Box,
Burger King, Taco Bell, Wendy'sand raising canes giving away freebies to their
club members. It's a big,happy Friday. Where are your favorite fries
from? And which ones do younot like? I want to hear from
you. Eight hundred ninet two ninekost and not as hot for your Friday,
but really that just means no tripledigits. Hi today hit nine ninety
eight looks like Sunday is going tobe our coolest of the next seven summer
ninety five. Seem me Valley,you'll see ninety for your highs. And
it is sixty eight here in burbage. We run on Celsia's Energy Drinks.
It's Kost Los Angeles, Coast onea three point five. It's a feel
good Friday. What's making you feelgood? I'll so one thousand dollars just
ahead the llen K Morning Show onCoast one on three point five. And
you did it, Cappy Friday's Coastone of three point five. Come on
in, We're the ellen K MorningShow. Let's do this cash just ahead,
one thousand dollars for you. I'mellen K, good morning, I'm
Ryan man O, good morning.I'm Social Queen Darley, good morning.
I'm producing Mike Romos, and weare here for you. Nick Paul Yochini
coming up on traffic. Thanks forhaving us on. All right, let's
go right to her. She isready for us. Redondo Beach, Nancy.
We just want to say thank youfor listening to us at the UPS
store. Yeah whoa yeah, yeah. So you've been working for UPS for
eighteen years, do you drive.Do you work at the store, what
do you do? No, Iwork in the office. I do air
import okay, Oh I work forUPS. Right, okay, right,
you're like an air traffic controller prettymuch. Yeah? Wow, and the
incoming volume. I love UPS.I just I don't know. I just
trust UPS. I always feel good. It's easy to ship with UPS.
I love your brown Yeah, thankyou. Do you wear the uniform or
are you able to wear plank clothes? Oh? I'm able to wear plank
clothes. I'm wearing right now,some jeans and a T shirt. All
right, that's nice, comfortable.I've never met a Coast aholic, but
wow, I'm sure I'm happy youare one. Yes, I definitely am.
I was just telling your colleague thatI listen to Coast all day during
Christmas. I think my mom wasthe one who kind of planets that seed
in me. Okay, well tellyour mom. And we're telling you that
Hallmark has their Christmas in July moviesevery Saturday all month long. Awesome.
Yeah. Do we do a littleshould we? Should we do a little
Christmas? Do you want a littleChristmas? Oh? Of course, why
not. Let's go happy happy Holiday. That's right, happy holidays. We
just did our well a Christmas photoshoot yesterday. It was so fun.
We were here working late, buthaving fun. Can't call it work.
We're all in our festive colors.People were walking around the office saying what
Yeah, I know they're saying HiSanta. They do get a little mad
though, because they know that whenit's you know, when it's christm time,
we take everybody, We'll take over. It was so much fun though,
just to think about it. Ohin, Hallmark is going to launch
a Hallmark Plus coming up in afew months, So that's going to be
funds all your Christmas movies destinations.You know, it's Christmas in July coming
up, and we are your holidaydestination. So we're gonna talk about that
coming up plus give you some moneyand finding mister Christmas. Who would that
be? It's another thing Hallmark's doing. They also dominate Christmas. They're a
partner in it. All right,let's get you some cash and let's do
it. Next, it's Feel GoodFriday The llen k Morning Show. This
is Ellen. Yeah, you guysat My Morning Coast one of three point
five Coast one of three point fiveInside Entertainment with Ellen k Okay the box
office. This weekend, a pairof animated comedies will finish, One to
Just spickab Me for We'll be numberone again, and Inside Out Too will
be the number two. Now.An Apple original film that's spent one hundred
million on a Scarlet Johansson Channing Tatumrom com fly Me to the Moon,
is tracking toward a twelve million dollardebut, probably like Third Place. I
went and saw it last night atthe grove with my family. Critics don't
like it. I loved it,really loved it. Scarlett Johansson is so
good in this. There are somecheese moments, like the beginning you kind
of go, what is this?And then you really get into it and
it's just intertwined and it's romantic andit's funny and it's also educational. It's
about Apollo eleven. I like,I like most of your suggestions Owen,
Yeah, but in this case,what did your husband and something? They
liked it? They did? Yes? And isn't rom com like? Aren't
they supposed to be cheesy a littlebit? Yes? Yes, yeah,
you're right. Yeah. I alsolove rockets and Apollo eleven. I mean
that was history. We put menon the Moon and so it revolves around
that fly Me to the Moon.I loved it. Rane's shaking his head.
I don't I don't know. Ican't wait if you say there's cheese
that brings the cheese. Also,our rated Long Legs is a Nicholas Cage
and movie that is out as well. And this is a horror film.
Paeliocchini saw that he got the earlydrop on it and he said it had
a lot of jump scares and thathe checked his car and home when he
got home after seeing it. Sothere's that, all right. Katie Perry
dropped her new album or new songactually Women's World. The album comes out
the twentieth of September. Her albumis called one four three. The song
is Woman's World. She went tothe beach to celebrate and talk about it.
The angels always want to speak withyou. I just got up be
willing to hear it. Happy releaseday. I'm so looking forward to this
rollout. And it's a woman's worldand you're lucky to be living in it.
Meaning as ladies are so full oflove and light, and we love
you and we are soft, weare strong, we are chaos, we
are cool. We are feminine,divine one four three one four three.
I love you. So that's standsfor it's a woman's world and you're lucky
to be living in it. Ryan. Here it goes on. I love
the song, it's so good.And what is Katie singing about? Who
I want to know? And nowshe's getting dragged by her former employer because
she worked with doctor Luke on therecord, Doctor lucas been through a lot
of legalities and she's no longer onidol on ABC. So I'm wondering if
that's a coincidence. All right,Anyways, bonus enter bonus online at Coast
one of three five dot com bonusfor one thousand dollars. Let's get your
cash on Coast and Happy Friday,The Ellen k Morning Show on Coast one
oh three point five. Hi Erica, I'm Ellen, Good morning. I'm
Ryan. Hi Erica, Darlene,good morning. What are you doing right
now on my way to work?Yeah? Well, Erica, where do
you work? I work for Martha'sthe King Hospital. Great, and you're
on your way. It's a Friday. You're happy. I'm wearing my Apollo
eleven jacket because I saw flying meto the Moon. So if you want
to go see a movie, Irecommend that and just pick up with me
for Oh yeah, I want tosee that movie. I heard you guys
talking about it and it sounds reallygood. I love Curly Took Hands In,
so I'm excited to try it.Rogen. Well, have fun at
Wild Rivers. Thank you so much. Have a great Friday. Fell Good
Friday continues next here on the Land K Morning Show, Coast one oh
three point five your happiness hack forlife. Love it when you bring it.
We're all getting the shower right now, guys. All right, okay,
let's talk about your shower. Yourshower temp. I think you love
it hot? Oh do I ever? And I'm a night shower earth Okay,
yeah, I love it hot.Okay, Darlene, I love it
so hot that I have to stickmy head out to catch my breath.
That's my sister right there. Ican't take a cold enough shower. It's
what wakes No. Start doing this, wicked feet. Like six months ago,
I just needed ice cold. It'swhat gets my brain clicking. No,
wait, wait, do you gocold and then warm? No,
I'll do, I'll do, I'llalternate. I'll start cold just to get
that instant rush. Then I'll warmit up when i'm soaping, and then
I'll finish with cold. Oh oh, that is just brutal. But here's
the thing for you, Ellen,for you, Darlene, and for all
the other hot showers. I'm sureyou've run into the issue of a foggy
mirror. Yes, huh, okay, all the time. Let's fix that.
Okay. Take a little dab ofof car car wax. Okay,
okay, put it all over yourmirror. Did dry? Okay, then
buff it out. Your mirror willlook the same. But that carwax will
prevent your mirror from fogging up wayYep, you're mirroring me. Will never
fog no matter how psychotically scalding hot. You guys like it. Oh love
every point The Ellen k Morning Show. Follow us at cost one oh three
five dot com Top Stories, Topof the Hour Emelan K and the twenty
twenty four sps are now in theBook's Best MLB Player Way to Go Show,
Hey Otani Best NFL Player Patrick Mahomesof the Kansas City Chiefs. He
was not there to accept his award, but he did have Andy Reid going
up to get it for him.Also Best College Athlete Women's Sports Caitlin Clark,
Iowa basketball. Prince Harry attended lastnight's sb Awards with Megan Markle.
He was chosen as this year's recipientof the Pat Tillman Award, named in
honor of the late NFL player whoquit to enlist and fight terrorists in Afghanistan.
The truth is I stand here notas Prince Harry Pat's Tilman Award recipient,
but rather a voice on behalf ofthe Invictus Games Foundation and the thousands
of veterans and service personnel from overtwenty nations who have made the Invictus Games
a reality. This award belongs tothem, not to me. Pat Tillman's
mother publicly expressed dismay that Harry wasbeing honored. In his acceptance, Speechee
confronted the controversy by invoking Princess Dianahis quote, I'd like to express my
deepest gratitude to everyone of the PatTillman Foundation, especially missus Mary Tillman.
Prince Harry did serve in Afghanistan asa helicopter pilot. His dad sent him
to battle to polish Harry's public image. He displayed in his youth bad behavior.
And we're going to have another hotday today again your Fry Day.
It's also French Fry Day. Allthe deals are listed in our blog at
Coast one O three five dot com. But we're going to go up to
about ninety ninety eight in some areas. Right now, it is a seventy
in Burbank. It's KOST, LosAngeles. We run on Celsius Energy drinks
Coast one of three point five cashon Coast just ahead morning show. We
listened to you every morning on ourwe to school every day. Religiously.
We implore you. Thank you theCoast one oh three point five. Did
anyone see the rocket launch in thesky last night? I was at the
movie theater watching fly Me to theMoon and Starlink launched from Vandenberg and you
know the big glowy streaks were inthe sky. It's the Falcon nine at
seven thirty five PM carrying twenty Starlinksatellites. And then there was a problem.
What the thrusters didn't power it pastthe second phase somewhat well, it
needed to go higher, so theylaunched the satellites at a lower elevation and
now they're trying to get the thrusterson the satellites to boost them further into
space. Oh day, anyway,you need a podcast on this. I
love space. Typically, rocket launchesfrom Vandenberg leave a glowing con trail and
a lot of people took pictures ofit, and I just love seeing that
going up in the sky like that. All right, Thunderstruck. This song
you're hearing right now is a themesong for the Dallas Cowboys America's Sweethearts that's
on Netflix. If you want towatch that, you're gonna do some watching
this weekend. And it's also themost over you song in sports events,
one of them. So I likeit. Yeah, the Dallas Cowboy Julia
said, this is the one thatbrings all the fans to their feet.
Yeah. So it's proven Happy Fridayto you. Your cash is coming up
here on coast. Let's go toValerie. How are you good? How
are you good? It's a feelgood Friday? It feel good for you?
Is fly Me to the Moon.Ryan doesn't want to see it.
Nope. I saw it last nightand I loved it. I was totally
on the fence about it. Butnow that you said it it's going to
be on our list this weekend.You will laugh, and you'll also learn,
you will appreciate, and you'll falleven deeper in love with Scarlettjohnson and
Channing Tatum. Oh good, Ilove her. Yeah, it's a great
love story, really is what itis. I did want to tell you.
I didn't tell the other prison this, but you did this thing about
a twenty second kiss a long timeago. This was forever ago, and
me and my husband started doing that, and I'll just say that it's it's
been a game changer. Well good. They say it enhances your relationship,
It reconnects you, It makes yourbond deeper. First it was billy,
I'll admit, but after, afterlike the first week, it was like,
oh, well, I enjoy this. It's nice to reconnect. Let
let's talk about this a little more. How how how often are you doing
this? And when? Oh,we do this every day. But is
it like before you go to work? Is it when you guys get home?
Oh no, no, when Iget home from work. Yeah,
okay, it's like your daily vitamin. And so I definitely take what Ellen
says to heart. So we'll definitelybe watching the movie this weekme to thank
you, Valerie enjoy. I can'twait to hear your review. All right,
thank you so much. Happy Friday, you too, happy kissing.
Thanks take that, Ryan, Wow, make out Monday. Well, but
Valerie's gonna go see fly Me tothe Moon, the one you won't see
fly Me to the Moon. Letme play among the stars, let me
see what spring is like on you. But the second you said it,
I'm like, I'm out. Ineed to know. I need to hear
from your husband and your son.Stop talking. I'm serious. Host one
of three point five Inside Entertainment withEllen k Jlo and Ben Affleck are so
done they've publicly listed their Beverly Hillsmansion for sixty eight million dollars, showing
start this weekend to buy appointment only. A source says there will always be
people who pretend to be buyers.They just get a kick out of touring
a famous person's home, So everyone'sgoing to be vetted. We should go.
I don't know if we'd make thecut, Ryan or on the radio.
Bennifer spent weeks trying to quietly finda buyer. Meanwhile, the offloaded
the artwork purchased specifically to decorate thisthirty eight thousand square foot mansion. The
Hallmark Channel has cast many famous namesfor the upcoming holiday touchdown A Chief's love
Story. The pair that inspired thisholiday romance, Travis and Taylor, have
not been named yet, but coachAndy Reid will be in that, so
it's going to be fun. It'sfilming now in Kansas City and the sb
Awards were last night. Serena Williamssuch a great host. She kind of
went after a lot of people,listen to this. Some of the best
athletes in the world are right herein this room. Some of the strongest,
fastest and most skilled people ever areright here. And if I've learned
anything this year is that none ofus, not a single one of us,
not even me, should ever picka fight with Kendrick Lamar. They
not like, uh, they notlove. Oh, let's get you one
thousand dollars right now. She hada million jokes last night. Cash enter,
cash online, Coast one O threefive dot com. It's one thousand
dollars. It's waiting for you.It's the Ellen k Morning Show. Oh,
you guys are awesome. I reallydo appreciate you guys, and honestly,
you guys are on all the time, either on the radio, in
the car or at home. Coastone oh three point five, and it
is your Llen KQ and A.We're sending you to see Alanis Morris said,
Jone Jet and the Black Hearts MorganWade all on stage Kia Forum and
you as a pair of tickets.Just be the first caller with the right
answer to our question. When itcomes to dating, seventy five percent of
men have experienced this. What doyou think it is? Seventy five percent
of men have experienced this when itcomes to dating. It's eight hundred ninety
two nine kost. We're gonna getyour guesses next. More Feel Good Friday
is coming up on the L andK Morning Show. Coast one o three
point five. It's the L andK Morning Show. Think I fall in
love with you? Guys? Isthat official? Are we dating? We
are online dating Coast one oh threepoint five. When it comes to dating,
seventy five percent of men have youexperienced this? What do you think
it is? Isaac has such acute guess then butterflies in the tummy.
That's so good, but it's notthe right answer. More of your guesses
for the l in k Q andA Atlantis Morris at Tickets. The forum
guess is coming up next. It'sthe llen k Q and A on Coast
one oh three point five. HiArt, Hello, thank you for having
us on in your uber and infact we got the good news that were
number one in ubers. Yes,your thank you, so our lives very
happy. You make us art.Thank you well, you get up early,
just like we do. We're allhere together and see ellen KQ and
A. Is there a passenger inyour car right now? Probably not not
right now? Yeah, what's yourguest? So seventy five percent of men
have experienced this when it comes todating, Yes we have. I think
it's waiting for our dates to getready. They have to look beautiful for
us energy time. It does taketime. Some men take a long time
too. I shower, dry up, put my clothes on. I'm ready.
I am not. Sometimes some menhave potions and tanners and I not,
like Ryan, I don't put atanner on. Oh thanks for calling
me out. I'm sorry to callyou out. Good buddy. What he's
saying is he's low maintenance. Yourhigh maintenance. You're and art it's a
great guess. It's not the righthand, sir. Oh that's why I
got sorry. Thank you so much, thanks again for having a song and
your ride. Hello Diane, goodmorning now, and good morning Ryan.
Good morning, Happy Friday. Yeahit's good Friday, Diane. Yes,
and you're on your way to work. What do you do. I work
for doctor Moser, an allergist inThousand Oaks, and I love my job
and he's a great doctor. Ohyou sound happy, and allergies are just
it's like all time high right now. Yeah, with us heat and the
oh yeah, we're pat so bad. Yeah, well you're helping a lot
of people, he is. Yeah, what's your guest? So what is
seventy five percent of men experience whiledating? I've been a woman lying about
her age. Oh okay, thatcould be. It's a good guess.
It's not the right answer. Ohokay, Well, thank you, hug
doctor for us. I will HiJosh, good morning, Good morning,
Josh. Josh is going to HurricaneHarbor today with a fam Yes, yes,
all right, open to beat thatheat. Yeah, that's a great
place to go have fun. Thankyou appreciate it. Well, what do
you think it is so you havea family, you're probably not dating hopefully
not correct, But what is yourguess. I'm going to stay getting hit
on at the grocery store. It'sit's the top spot. And seventy five
percent of men have gotten hit onat the market. When it comes to
dating, you are right, you'regoing to a manas Yeah, let's go.
My life will be so pumped upabout that. Thank you appreciate that.
Oh, we appreciate you. Theonly KQ and A. When it
comes to dating, seventy five percentof men have been hit on at the
market. It happens. Look,if you're single and lonely, we recommend
the grocery store. What specific partdo you have a recommendation? Ellen,
let me thee let me so cute? What about like the deli? Because
you have to kind of stand aroundand mill about there, that's right.
Then you have to wait, soyou're standing there waiting. Yeah, that's
a really good suggestion. I thinka lot of guys get confused and produce
Oh so you go and say,hey, I don't mean a bug,
but I have a question. Butwhat's the difference between a rude bega and
something like that? Also, thefish counter is kind of confusing because they
might have three different kinds of codand you don't know which one you know,
so, but that's where it happens. Frozen foods. You could say,
you're so hot, you could meltall this giant. Let us say,
how goes the morning show on Coastone oh three point five Top Stories,
Top of the hour, Good morning, I'm ellen k and President Biden
held a solo press conference last night, as first since the debate, and
all amid continued calls from to stepaside. Both sides have their usual takes
on his performance. During a NATOsummit, he misintroduced the Ukrainian president,
President Putin, President prudent. He'sa beat President President Lensky. At the
moment, eleven congressional Democrats are urgingBiden to back out, but the President
still insists he is in it towin it. He is not stepping down.
Italian authorities confiscated almost a million dollarsin fake olive oil forty two tons.
They think that this is a ringthat's been operating for quite a while.
Seven people accused of criminal conspiracy,adulteration of food substances, fraud and
public and more. Anyway, Sothey've cracked this ring over in Italy and
they're trying to find out how muchhas been exported here to the States.
And what about this Spain versus England. Spain favored to beat England for the
fourth time in the Euro twenty twentyfour match on Sunday. And there's one
hundred and eight year old woman inAlabama. She celebrated her birthday at her
nursing home and shared some wisdom andthe secretarial longevity. Helen Denmark said she
feels healthy and strong and not aday over one hundred and seven. She
fully expects to go to one hundredand ten at least. And she said
she stays young by drinking wine,eating dessert, and flirting with men with
mustaches. So remember that as yougo through your day today, you want
to live a long, happy life. Okay. An AT and T breach
for almost all customers. The calling, text messages records of tens of millions
of cell phone customers with AT andT had been exposed in a massive data
breach. The company blamed an illegaldownload on a third party cloud platform and
said the compromise data includes the telephonenumbers of nearly all of its customers at
and T, contacting one hundred andten million today. The content of the
calls and texts were not exposed.And another hot one here for you.
We're going up to about ninety inmost places, and it's seventy in Burbank
Kost, Los Angeles. We runon Celsia's energy drinks. All right,
feel good. I'm going to feelgood because I made a doctor's appointment.
I threw my shoulders out working out, like both of them, but really
the right one is really bad.There's a little bit of a sprain or
something going on in there, andso I've been trying to self medicate and
treat just with ice and advil,but it's not really working. So I
made a doctor's appointment. I sithere every day and say, go to
all your appointments, take care ofyourself. Why wouldn't you want to feel
good? Go to the doctor.So finally I'm going to go. I've
been putting it off. I've justbeen I just I don't know, I
just I guess I want to thinkthat I'm going to marry myself. I
have right so that I feel good. Side note, I'm not trying to
make it feel less good. Butyou have a bone sticking out of your
shoulder. Yeah, you say alittle discomfort, No, you have a
bone thing. It's like a littleit's just like a little love. It's
not little. It's about an inch. No, you guys, come on,
it's like a quarter age. I'llput the video up with a warning.
I'm glad you're going. Thank Okay, that's my feel good? All
right, I feel good. Thereare these shopping carts that you can sometimes
find if you're lucky. They're calledCaroline's carts when you go to different stores,
and they're front loading. Imagine awheelchair connected with the shopping cart,
so that when you have and maybean older member of your family, or
someone that's having a hard time walking, or even your child with special needs,
you can sit them there and easilyshop. And it's really been life
changing for me and my family.While Walmart just agreed to roll out a
Caroline's cart at every single location acrossthe nation, including Sam's Clubs, and
I'm like, I'm choked up becauseI know how much it's going to help
us people in general. Look outfor those Caroline's carts. That's awesome,
amazing, Thank you. Right.This weekend, I am going to visit
La Animal Services to adopt a kit. Okay, I want to go with
you. It's on. Okay,let's go to raing Cynthia feel good Friday.
What's going on? So today wewill be going in and I'm going
to be ringing the bell because Ifinished my twenty fifth radiation. That'son,
rang Cynthia, congratulations, thank youso much. It's been going I mean,
it feels like it's been a longtime, but at the same time,
it feels like it was yesterday whenI first got the news about getting
breast cancer for the third time.So this is really exciting for us today.
But I don't want to cry.Oh, it's very exciting. And
look, tears are good for you. They shed away a lot of stress
and they cleanse and it's such ahuge accomplishment. And we are just so
happy that you get to ring thatbell. And Stepan, so you've been
through it with her, and I'msure she would call you her rock.
Oh that might be the other wayaround this. She's going through everything.
It's crazy how it's wrong she canthat she used this whole way through going
through all this. You know,it's obviously attacking on her body and emotionally
obviously, but he's there with thedoctors every step of the way. He
just wants to get it done.And she's there as an advocate for other
people going through the same thing,telling them to, you know, look
out for your bodies, take yourbodies and take care of take care of
it whenever you first see signs andso it's not just circling through it.
She's helping others go through it.She's just an amazing person. You're both
amazing, and we would just wantto say congratulations, way to go,
thank you, thank you. Youguys have a wonderful day. Oh you
too, ringing the bell that's sucha huge thing. Well, we love
that you're feeling good and well see, I want you to feel good too.
Feel good Friday, Sure Cash onCoast coming up. Feel good Fridays
happen here on the L and KMorning Show. Coast one O three point
five. It's the L and KMorning Showay keep us up in the morning.
It's such a positive vibe and likeyou know, you get that good
feeling in the morning, So wereally appreciate you, guys. Coast one
O three point Bot you want tosend you two c Nile Horan coming to
the Forum July twenty seventh, justaround the corner. Tickets on sale now
at ticketmaster dot com. But it'sthe show live on tour, Nile Horan.
We love Nile. He comes by. We play Nile or Denial.
Nile, It's true, Denial,it's foks okay, Nile or Denial.
Your first crush was on j LowDenial Denial? Who is it? Do
you remember Mary, Kate and Ashley? Oh yeah, Oh my god.
I watched all of those films shows, whatever there was, remember them?
All is great? Do they knowthey probably don't care well? The K
shows three point Oh my god,I'm happy for the on K Morning Show.
Thank you for getting up with us. I can't change it. I
run from the car to the office, from the car to the house.
I can't turn it. Ups aregreat. The Ellen K Morning Show on
Coast one oh three point five?Hi, your color twenty? What's your
name? How are you kidding me? The Morning on Tree. Hey Teresa,
you are going to go see NileHorn. That is so cool.
We really appreciate that. Me andmy daughter somebody does jump jump the night
out and go have fun. HappyFriday. Happy happy Friday. I bet
you you look forward to it andyour crew. God bless you guys.
Coast one O three point five Theellen k Morning Show. Let's go to
Irvine and is Ron. Hi,Hey, good morning, Thank you for
real good Friday. Well, thankyou for listening. Just appreciate all of
you and what you're what you're doing. We lost the step on the cancer,
but she left us a legacy andat her service, the whole family
gathered and we all felt great becauseof the life you live, the meditation
and your other caller that called inwith her and all the people she she's
battling with. Yeah, no,it's so true. It's it's kind of
one of those things where you knowwe're all in it together. Yeah.
Absolutely, and from the nurse toCana everybody. Those hospitals are amazing people.
Oh well, I'm sorry for yourloss. I'm happy that you're finding
the good in it. Yes,and for those post battles right now,
keep battling strong, your family forour love you and it is. It
is awesome. It's a gift.Thank you so much for calling and sharing
that with us too. All right, have a great day. The llen
K Morning Show on Coast one ofthree point five. It's just boyfriend Travis
Kelsey want to karaoke contest and hesang, you know Taylor Swift songs.
So he said, I want tothank Taylor. He'd had a few pops.
I think a few. But it'scruel summer curl heat, Diane,
thank you for listening, thanks forcalling. Another hot day. And you
say you work outside, Yes,I worked for the post office in Marietta,
and with these heat advisory I justwant to tell people, you know,
if you see your mail carrier offera bottle of water. That's that
is a great message to put outthere. Yes, you know what else?
I've wondered your route? So howlong? How long is your route
on the street. It takes meabout three to four hours, okay,
So do you have your favorite pitstops where like if you need something cold
to drink or do you use therestroom? Do you have that planned in?
I haven't planned in by you know, we're not supposed to leave our
route, So that's what I wondered. You can't leave your truck it's wide
open. I usually bring plenty ofwater and then I pour water on me
because I've gotten heat broken. Ohmy gosh, Okay, you have one
of those frog towels, those coolingtowels you know that stay really cool all
day. They don't do work.And having that hot help. Yeah,
for sure. I love you guys, I love you every morning. Well,
you love you to thank you.Stay cool, stay safe, Diane
and I love the man O meltmix. Take them. Gotta run for
shelter. You gotta run. Dropit like drop it like you, drop
it like it The l n KMorning Show with two hours commercial three The
llen K Morning Show on Coast oneoh three point five. I have an
amazing Friday, and thank you forbeing with us on your feel good Friday,
The l en K Morning Show.And I'm Ellen, I'm right man,
I'm social Queen Darling, We're gratefulfor you. And Carrie Steele is
coming up next, So do notmiss more chances all day long for Cash
on Coast. Sandy's got em,so it does Karen Sharp, all day
long, we give you cash onCoast. I have a great week and
I will beat the Hollywood Bowligain.I'm addicted to the Hollywood. It's the
miestrow of movies John Williams. Soit's all of that music and we're gonna
go with some some of our goodfriends. So it's gonna be fun.
It's the perfect place for summer.Yeah, it is, right. Are
you gonna blow up the pool?Yeah? But we're going on Sunday night.
Oh yeah, yeah, gosh,I feel like I need to go
tonight then, and we're taking ourlightsabers, so putting it out there,
all right, have a great,stay cool. We end every show with
a quote in a kiss, simplecan be harder than complex. You have
to work hard to get your thingsclean to make it simple. It is
simplicity day, So however, youneed to simplify things to do it.
That quote was by Steve Jobs.He was believed in simplicity. Wry kiss
on three, Kiss on Me oneT three