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July 15, 2024 30 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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And we're the only game warning showsCoast one of three point five. Let's
make it as lovely as a dayas we can. So many shocking headlines,
I mean starting, let's go backto doctor Ruth passed away, Alec
Baldwin case dismissed, he breaks downin tears. In New Mexico. We
lose Richard Simmons, we lost ShannonDoherty, and former President Trump shot at

isrally in Pennsylvania. What were youdoing? We were getting ready to go
to the Hollywood Bowl to go seemy store of the movies John Williams with
all of his movie scores, andwe're going to be some friends early.
So we were planning on getting tothe Bowl by the time doors open so
we could get in there and picnic. And then the news breaking, and

then Ryan, you were like myfirst text coming in, Yeah, what
was you doing? I was inmy kitchen putting away dishes. And it's
one of those just like moments thatyou'll never forget, where you just see
the headline you're like what, yeah, what, Oh my gosh, Darlene.
I was snoring, I was takingand I woke up to easily thirty
plus text messages and push notifications andI kind of was like, is this

real? Am I waking up rightnow? Right? Producer My Gromos.
Yeah, we were at Notts VeryFarm and it's always scary when you're a
public place like that because you don'tknow how people are going to react to
it. Yeah, that's true withthe kids, and yeah, that's scary.
Yeah. So Donald Trump saying thathe changed his speech for the Republican
National Convention it's going to be oneabout unity, said it would have been

way different, of course. Butyou know, the one thing I think
about it's not even about the election, right, It's about you can't put
toothpaste back in the tube, LikeI don't want it. We don't want
it to escalate, right. Ithink about my nieces and my niece and
my nephew, and dar your kidsand Mike, your daughter's right, Like
what you just want everyone to Idon't know. I still want to be

living in fear. And it's sadthat we're so used to hearing about shootings.
Yes, yeah, yeah, ohboy. Well we then uh decided,
you know, how was the bowl? By the way, the Bulls
is fantastic? You went you wentlast night? Yeah? Favorite part for

you. Favorite part was probably probablythe ending when they when he when they
bring all the Star Wars lights goup in the air. It is just
so beautiful there and it was sucha you know, it's such a shocking
headline and the news and then weget to the Hollywood Bowl and it was
just tranquil and everyone's there loving thesame thing, getting along, having fun,

waving their wands. Come to thedark side. No, you know
what I mean. It was justit was such a contrast. Such a
guy. Yeah, So how didthe kids like it? Dar? They
my sons were. I was actuallylike just as into it as they were
because I was watching that. They'rehuge Star Wars fans. But I was

talk that My most favorite part wasthe Sunday Sunday Night football theme he made.
Yeah, yeah, and how inspiring, Like he made so much music
for so many things that I'm like, wow, it really opens your mind
to like we're all capable of somuch. Yeah. John Williams, the
maestro. He had a large range, a large range. Ah. Yeah,

Well we're gonna go inside entertainment.We're gonna make it a lovely day
Monday, call us with what you'refeeling. Lovely about Ellen King and the
world, Oh with me getting upwith the and no, it's gonna be

oh lovely. Kid's choice of warshappened? You know the big winners small
will tell you anyway coming up?And also Eddie Murphy is married. This
was a six year engagement. Hekept his now bride page waiting for a
long time. But what also attributeto Shannon Doherty next to feel Good continues

next on the L and K MorningShow Coast one O three point five Coast
one oh three point five Inside Entertainmentwith Ellen k. The Nickelodeon Kids' Choice
Awards were hosted by SpongeBob and PatrickStarr from Bikini Bottom. The show simulcast,
of course across Nickelodeon Team Nick Nicktoonsand all the Nick Channels. Barbie
Taylor, Swift, Post Malone,Timothy Chala May winning Jack Black also winning

Favorite Villain for Mario Brothers. UhAnd what about this? Shannon Doherty passing
Saturday the age of fifty three ofcancer, best known for her role Brenda
Walsh and Beverly Hills nine oh twoto one. Oh, wasn't too long
ago that Shannon, who'd been battlingbreast cancer for years, was talking about
life. Not afraid of death becauseI know where I'm going, I know

you know the people that I'm gonnasee. I think I'd be afraid of
death if I wasn't a good person, but I am. I don't want
to die. That's the difference.I'm not afraid of dying. I just
don't want to die like ever.Ah that laugh, Rest easy, Shannon

Doherty. Win Cash on Coasts andwe give you your cash on Coast.
It is bills for one thousand dollarsbills. Get your Cash on Coast bills,
enter online, past one of threefive dot comics bills, Hi Your
Color twenty? Who's this barby?You are a big winner at the Nickelodeon

Kids' Choice Awards. Oh yay?And you also just want a pair of
tickets to the Festival of Arts andPageant of the Masters in sunny Laguna Beach.
Congrats, Oh thank you so much. Have you been before? No,
I'm ritten for yes, It's gonnabe great in case you're just joining

us. There were two weddings overthe weekend. Eddie Murphy finally married his
fiancee of six years. Her nameis Paige Butcher, It was a small
ceremony, thirty five people. Shewore a white dress, and then Kim
Kardashian went to the Ambani wedding,that big billionaire wedding, and she wore
the same color as the bride andeveryone was like, oh no o oh,

that's a big no, no,big no no hm, but you're
a big yes. Yes, it'sthe all morning show. Oh, you
guys are awesome. I really doappreciate you guys. And honestly, you
guys are on all the time,either on the radio, in the car
or at home coast one oh threepoint five. But the attitude, in
the gratitude, that's your happiness hike, happiness, hack for life. If

you combine hack in life, that'shike, that's a that's a hike.
Let's go for a hike. Andwhen we're on that hike, we may
tend to overheat. Oh my gosh. We went to Runyon. Yeah,
middle of the day. Once againwe're the only ones there, wide open
parking, the three of us,my husband, Roy Calvin, and I
hiking. It was ninety three andit was it was in the afternoon,

like two pm, Like, whyisn't anyone here it's hot and it's gonna
be another hot week. We won'tget those triple digits we've had, but
but yeah, still super super warm. What's your favorite way to cool down?
Like, how do you cool down? Oh, if there's a pool
around, I like to jump.I went last night. I shut that

pool down. I went till thesun went down. Oh good for you.
Yeah, and I was the onlyone laughed. I'm like, no,
like a merman. But this isinteresting. So ways to cool down
and it kind of defies logic.A couple of top line ways to cool
down. Hot tea okay, whichyou would think would make you warm,
right because you want to drink somethingcold. It's the opposite effect a hot

shower. Avoid sugar, spicy,you know, hot sauce. No way.
They all help you cool down.But here's one that I had never
known until this morning. Onions helpyou cool down. Eat onions. Onions
have natural cooling properties that lower yourbody's temperature just by eating them. Oh
my gosh. Yeah, so wehave built in air conditioners when we eat

onions. Both post one oh threepoint five The llen k Morning Show.
Follow us at Coast one O threefive dot com. If you want to
really see something that said, takea look at what happened over good morning,
I'm llen k Top Stories, Topof the Hour. The attempted assassination

of Donald Trump happening Saturday evening Butler, Pennsylvania, suburb of Pittsburgh. Details
continuing to pour in all morning long. Twenty year old Thomas Matthew Crooks has
been idd as the shooter, aregistered Republican whose motive remains on clear.
Former high school classmate of Crooks saidthat he was bullied all the time.
This is the most direct attack onany president since the attempted assassination of Ron

With Reagan back in nineteen eighty one. And in a sudden and surprising move
in New Mexico, judge dismissed thecase against Alec Baldwin over the fatal shooting
on the set of Rust. JudgeMary Summer says there was clear misconduct on
the part of both police and prosecutors. They withheld crucial evidence. It's pretty
wild. A set worker arrived incourt and delivered an envelope containing a gun
filled with the same live rounds foundin Baldwin's gun and the twenty twenty four

Paris Olympics Food by the numbers,five hundred recipes, eleven thousand bagats,
three million bananas and more. Onefood the Olympians will not be eating avocados.
Avocado's not available because they would needto be imported from a great distance
and require lots of water to grow, lots of storage to keep them fresh.
And they said they just could notpull it off. The first place

Dodgers dropped their weekend series with theTigers. We have a little break for
the Midsummer Classics, the All StarGame tomorrow five pm. Deep in the
heart of Texas Homer and Derby.Tonight te Oscar Hernandez, your Dodger who
will be there. Also Atani willbe our only Dodger starter for the All
Star Game tomorrow for others appearing asreserves. And it's another hot day.
There is a designer who has designedshirts with printed on sweatstains around the neck

and under the arms. His nameis Louis Gabrielle Nucci and three hundred and
fifty dollars per shirt. He saidhe wants wear is to embrace the sweltering
summer months with a touch of humor. So we're kicking off another way warm
week temps top and ninety till theweekend. Right now seventy in Burbank Kost,
Los Angeles, we run on Celsia'sEnergy drinks. Coast one of three

point five, more money and JohnLegend at the Greek coming up, keep
it here The llen k Morning Show. Oh my Lanta, because this is
sunshine and a bottle. This isEllen. Yeah, that is the best.
My morning Past one of three pointfive. Your first American Idol winner

Kelly Clarkson and Coast won a threepoint five. There are rumors that Kelly
is wildly interested in Jason Momoa.Oh that's interesting. Yeah, but she's
just she just likes him. Imean want to take in he is?
Yeah? I think is he taken? I thought it was what divorce was

just fun, the divorce was final. Oh but he's already Yeah. It
does it like Jason and we're theKey Morning Show. Welcome. It's a
lovely day Monday, so we loveto hear all about it's making your day
lovely. Give us a call.We need some happy things to happen after
it's wild weekend. Oh my gosh. When the attempted assassination of Donald Trump,

happened. We were getting ready togo to the Hollywood Bowl to watch
Maiestro of the Movies, John Williamsperform all the music that he has written
over the years. Darlene, Iknow you were there last night. We
went Saturday. What a beautiful catalogand body of work. But it was
very hard to walk out the door. So then we put it on the
radio on the way there. Thankyou radio. And then when we walked

into the Greek for this beautiful show, the Hollyowl, the Hollywood Bowl for
this beautiful show, it was likean exhale. Everyone had their sabers and
yeah, it was fun. Anyway, we're going to keep you up to
the minute on more information as itcomes out. There's a lot of stuff

swirling about, a lot of stuffthat you need to know that you may
have missed. But we also lovehappiness, and that's what happened. Spain
won the euro We were watching ityesterday afternoon and it was I mean football
to me, it's always in thoselast moments, right, and then Spain

and scores they win and then everyonewent crazy. And this is the song
that they play in all the restaurantsand bars after a big Spanish win.

I love it cool everybody celebrating.Oh and then the at Wimbledon, you
know we had a Spanish window theretoo, Kazars, so that was really
really cool. Some happy news thathappened over the weekend. You want to
hear your happy news as well.And we also have Inside Entertainment coming up,
and John Legend is going to beat the Greek. We're gonna send

you there plus Cash on Coast nextfind your feel good here on the L
and K Morning Show Coast one ofthree point five Inside Entertainment with Ellen k
all Right, John Legend at theGreek coming up with your Llen k Q
and a Johnny popping in from timeto time here in our studio. And
we asked him between you and Chrissywho said I love you first? I

did, but I will say shewants to claim credit for it because she
was like about to say it andthen I said it first. But I
think our timing was perfect. Cashon Coasts just like you love and we're
going to send you to John atthe Greek coming up. But here's your
cash. Get one thousand dollars nowit is your Cash on Coast. We

want you to be swimming in money. Cash entered the keyword cash online Coast
one of three five dot com cashto win one thousand dollars. The LNK
Morning Show on Coast one of threepoint five looms fast car and it's Coast

one of three point five. Wewant to send you out an evening with
John Legend. Greek Theater right herein beautiful Los Angeles, all right,
August twin, second and third ticketsaround sale now ticketmaster dot com. But
we want to send you to JohnLegend. It's your llen KQ and A.
This is the top red flag tobeware of when dating a divorced man.

Number one red flag Beware of thiswhen dating a divorced man. It's
eight hundred and ninety two nine KOST. We'll get your guests next. Hey,
this is John Legend. You listento the llen K Morning Show on
Coast one oh three point five.It's the l and K Morning Showdays keep
us up in the morning. It'ssuch a positive vibe and like you know,

you get that good feeling in themorning, so we really appreciate you,
guys. Coast one O three pointfive. It's the llen K Q
and A on coast one O threepoint five. Hi, Paula, how
are you? I'm good? Howare you good? Where you haded to
to work? Where's that? Dude? And Laverne? I work for my

brother's company. How does that gofor you? Guys? You know what?
It is an awesome situation because weget you spend time together and he's
easy to work for. Okod nofamily fights. That's good? Not yet?
All right, Paula, what's yourguess? It's the top red flag
to be aware of if you're datinga guy who's divorced, his living situation.

Is he living with his ex wife? Is he living with his parents?
Is he running a room? Youwould be shocked at how many men
going through divorce are in the garageand the actual garage. In the actual
garage, it's like you can't affordto even have a place to live.
How are you gonna date me?There? You go? No, there

was some kind of study done anda lot of men who are going through
divorce are in the garage. Yeah, and that is a great guess.
It's not the right answer, Paula, but try again. Thank you so
much. Have a great day youtoo. Melinda is at work in orange.
Do you want to talk about it? Thank you? Okay, Well,

what's your guest? The top redflag to beware of if you're dating
a divorce man? I was thinkingabout talking about his X too much?
Yeah, that would be a hugered flag. Have you ever dated someone
who is out of a marriage?No, okay, talking about the X
too much is a great guess.It's our number one guest, but it's
not the right answer. Oh man, Melinda, all right, I have

a great day. Thank you,you too. To Marcella Carson, Hi,
Marcella, Hi. Have you everdated a divorce guy? Yes?
Okay? And what would you sayis the top red flag to beware of
fresh out of a relationship? Freshout? Oh m hm, so you

would be rebound? Yep, prettymuch. Well, the experts say if
you are too fresh out of arelationship, that is the number one red
flag to beware of. You win, boom, Where to go? Ryan?
Ryan? So good at that?You're so good, Ryan, You're
so fast. I don't know he'sgot fast reflexes. You're going to John

legend. Six months after the divorceis the sweet spot, but nothing before
that. You win? Awesome there, that's better. Awesome It's the L
and K Morning Showy falling in lovewith you guys? Is that official?

Are we dating? We are onlineDating Coast one three point five stories,
Top of the Hour, Good Morning, I'm ellen k. President Biden.
Exclusive tonight at nine on NBC withluster hope that will continue as planned.
And the twenty twenty four America TheSides Republican Convention at ten o'clock on CBS,
And what About This? The SuspectYou Shooter? Twenty year old Thomas

Matthew Crooks is from western Pennsylvania.He worked as a diet terry eight at
a nursing and rehab center in BethelPark. The gun was purchased legally by
the suspected shooter's father, and hewas reportedly rejected from his school's rifle team
because of his bad shot and hisoff color jokes. A former classmate claimed
he tried out for the rifle teamand he didn't make it. The school's

range was fifty feet, his almostfatal shot was over about one hundred and
thirty. Anyway, A former highschool classmate of Crooks had this to say,
I didn't have any interaction with him, but he was like a kid
that was always alone. He wasalways bullied every day. He was just
an outcast. And more information comingin about Thomas Crooks. What about this?

A crowdfunding campaign to benefit the familyof Corey Competore, the man shot
dead while shielding his wife and daughters, has raised more than seven hundred and
fifty thousand dollars. COMPEATORI threw himselfon his wife and daughter to save them.
He's a volunteer firefighter and father oftwo. And if you don't like
going to the dentist, you arenot alone. There's a lama who escaped

his property and went for a walkaround the neighborhood in an attempt to avoid
having his teeth cleaned every two months. When the vet stops by, this
lama gets a little bit uh,I don't know antsy. This time he
escaped his pen, came back onhis own after the VET pulled out of
the driveway. And we're kicking offanother way warm week with temp's top in
ninety till the weekend. Valleys andinland say helload in ninety five. Today

Friday will be your hottest day.Right now it's seventy burbank. We run
on Celsius energy drinks. It's KostLos Angeles, Coast one o three point
five more money just ahead the llenk Morning Show on Coast one oh three
point five. I have a cheapbut fun life pack for you. It's
Show and Tell Ryan So so soyay, So okay. You need to

go on Amazon and buy the redCarpet runner. It is by Lemon Soda.
Yeah, and it's a red carpet, but you roll it up so
it's made out of kind of athin plastic. You chuck it over brick.
Yeah. It has double sided tapeto hold the carpet down. And
everyone needs one of these at work, at school, at home, when

you have someone special come into thestudio or arrive at work, or a
birthday someone comes over to your home. Yeah right, I oh, I
hate to throw things. Yea.Then you roll out the red carpet.
It's so good. That's so cute. Twelve dollars. Darn, I both
thought you had a yoga mat overthere. This is Yeah, it's what
it looks like. I'll rolled up. We're gonna roll out the red carpet.

You know, if if you wantto say you're gonna make a presentation,
it's roll out the red carpet forall of your your guests. That's
cool. Oh yeah, I lovethat. Good idea. Thanks all right,
And I also have a bone topick with Nick Poliochini. Oh yeah,
yeah, yeah. I mean youknow, we don't disagree on a
lot of things, do we.No? No, I was like,

but anyway to continue, all right? Well, at the weekend box office,
the movie that I picked was numberfive. The movie you picked was
number two. I picked fly Meto the Moon and I saw it with
Scarlett Johannson Chanting Tatum. It openedfifth, Quiet Place. Day one is
fourth. I saw that too.It's amazing. Number three Inside Out too,

haven't seen it yet. Number twois Long Legs. It's a horror
mystery about an FBI agent on thetrail of a serial killer played by Nicholas
Cage. I love Nick Cage.That got number two with twenty two million,
and number one Despicable Me for Sothat was expected to win, but
Long Legs was a surprise at thebox office. It wasn't expected to come
in second with twenty two mil.Nick. Now, you told us Friday

go see it, yes, andit's scary, and you checked your car
and your House when you Got Home. Yes, I thought it was one
of the worst movies I've ever seenin while. Yeah, talk to me
about why. Okay, I loveNicholas Cage. That's why I was excited.
I love everything it does. Pigwas one of the best movies I
loved. Oh my god, Pigwas so good. I've seen long legs.

I thought that it was. Ithought that it was a little ridiculous
with the premise, we can't reallysay what it is because I want to
give it away. I thought thathe looked ridiculous, big ark and pretty
pretty gory. Yeah, yeah,yeah, And I thought that they sold
it wrong. It's not really ahorror, mister, a bad an FBI
agent on the trail of the serialkiller. It's more about the FBI agent's

past, right, That is true. That is very true. Indeed,
I mean it's the burden of hiddentruths. If you will, Yes,
yeah, really good. Yes,I don't know, says Yes, I
say two thumbs down. Okay,rotten tomatoes says if we're looking at the
two that you're talking. Yeah.Flying to the Moon I knew, right,
Yeah, you got to be themoderator. Flying to the Moon has

a sixty seven. Long Legs hasan eighty, so Nick wins. Way
to go, Buddy three The AllenK Morning Show. Are your color twenty?
This's not gonna answer. Well herewe are answering. Yeah, just
did and said, okay, you'recolored twenty. Where are you calling from?

I'm from Orange County? Are youworried right now? No? I'm
a home with the kid about yay, thank you. I have Cruise and
Leanna and I have a seven yearold and a five year old, so
they're gonna love it. Oh mygosh, what's your name? My name
is Lily, Lily. Well,it's a four pack. That's Berry Farm,

ghost Town Alive. So much family. Fine, your kids are gonna
love it. Thank you so much. Let's just add one more thing to
our summer before they start school.No, don't say the SS word.
I know, I know, Iknow. I still have about a month.
Yeah, okay, thank you,Gret, thank you so much.

We're so excited. Find your feelgood here on the L and K Morning
Show. Coast one o three pointfive Top Stories Top of the hour.
Good morning, I'm Ellen K andlaw enforcement here in southern California, warning
of hugging robbers. Authorities are warningus to be vigilant of approaching strangers who
appear to want a hug. Deputieswith the Orange County Sheriff's Department responded to

a residence in Ranches Santa Margarita aftera victim reported that a mail driver parks
his vehicle, came up, askedfor a hug, and ripped off gold
necklaces. So this has happened.There's been a rash of them recently.
Just be aware. And in asudden and surprising move, a New Mexico
judge dismissed the involuntary manslaughter case againstAlec Baldwin over the fatal shooting on the

set of rust Us Pretty Wild.The setworker arrived in Courton delivered an envelope
containing a gun filled with the samelive rounds found in Balde's gun. He
claims the prosecutors knew about it buttold him to keep quiet. Baldwin broke
down in tears. That case isclosed. And of course, the attempted
assassination of Donald Trump happening Saturday eveningin Pennsylvania suburb of Pittsburgh called Butler,

and details continue to pour in.Here's what we know right now the shooter,
twenty year old Thomas Matthew Crooks wasalso bullied in high school. He
was a loner. He didn't makethe shooting club at school, but he
did get really good grades according toall of his co students that were there
with him. Milania Trump also issuinga rare statement saying this incident should unite

America or comments courage should bring usback? As one ed, what about
this? Watching sports could actually helpyou live a longer, happier life.
With the Olympics coming up, alot of sports on TV, the All
Star Game tomorrow. Research shows peoplewho watch sports experience greater well being than
those who don't, probably link tothe social aspects of watching that sport.

And we do have a hot daytoday. Kicking up another way, warm
week. Hi's top in ninety mostof the week in the valleys. Right
now it is seventy and we runon Celsia's Energy drinks. It's kost Los
Angeles Coast one of three point five. More money coming up for you as
your cash on coast. Get yourone thousand dollars just ahead the Ellen k

Morning Show on Coast one of threepoint five, and we are the LK
Morning Show. It's the Coast oneof three point five. Happy birthday to
you if you are celebrating today.Forrest Whitaker is actually on the front page
of the Chronicle this morning. Ryan, Oh, the newspaper your mother in
law send you, that's right,than Chronicle, her place, Yeah,
her community. So Forrest Whittaker,you know, he's a huge peace in

human rights advocate and he always talksabout peace. It always starts from within
for communities and people alike. Sohappy birthday, Happy birthday to you if
you're celebrating. Scott Foley, EddieGriffin, Linda Ronstad and Brian Austin Green
Beverly Hills nine O two one O. You know we went to elementary school

with Brian and his son. Yeah, that's right. Yeah. Cassius,
Yeah, one of the boys hadwith Megan Fox. Cassius's cool kid.
And you were almost on nine twooh you you are in addition, and
I didn't get the part. Whatwas the role again? You were like
working out or something? Yeah,working out a gym on a stairmare master,
Yes, give a good memory.I didn't get it. This girl,

Nickki got it over me and thenshe went up to marry I on
Zering. Yeah, so it wasn'tmy path, Ryan, I understand.
I gave it my best, though, you sure did. Nine roots run
deep with you, yeah, IonZering. Luke Perry, we missed Luke
and remembering Shannon Doherty. She passedfrom cancer at the age of fifty three.

She fought it hard, and justrecently she talked about life and death.
Not afraid of death because I knowwhere I'm going. I know so
you know the people that I'm gonnasee. I think I would be afraid
of death if I wasn't a goodperson, but I am. I don't

want to die. That's the difference. I'm not afraid of dying. I
just don't want to die like evernow She's in the peach pit in the
sky. All right. The ellenk Morning Show on Coast one oh three

point five, we got an emailthat I'm not saying the keyword loud enough.
Yeah, you're the keyword, whispery. Yeah. But it's green,
green, green, Yes, Andyou entered it online as cash on Coast
because I want everyone to hear it. I thought I was projecting green get
your cash on Coast. You havea hour to do it coast one,

three, five dot Com The bad

Ellen K Morning Show On Demand News

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