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July 17, 2024 20 mins
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Cash on Coast. When's the lasttime you've got a bonus? Here's some
cash on coast and your keyword isbonus. And your bonus online at Coast
one O three five dot com andget your one thousand dollars. It is
bonus and you're online to get yourcash on Coast The L and K Morning
Show on Coast one oh three pointfive. Pageant is a word that I

would misspell and a spelling bee.All right, spell it because it's it's
pagiant. Yeah, yeah, andI want to say pageant and it's such
a different word. I would putthe A before the e. But it's
the pageant of the Masters, justlike Wednesday. Yes, it's wed Wednesday.
Yeah. Why did they do that? I don't know if they're a

D it's sillep. Well, wewant to send you a pageant of the
Masters in Laguna Beach, happening nowthrough August thirtieth. You get a pair
of tickets starlet amphitheater, watch artcome to life right before your eyes.
And now you have to do isbe callar twenty eight ed your nine two
nine kost Coast one of three pointfive The ellen K Morning Show stream us

on the iHeart Radio lap Good Morning, Coast one of three point five.
Thank you for being up with usfirst thing in the morning. I'm a
radio station to listen to you guyswake me up and it's amazing. Thank
you so much for making my morningso much easier to wake up to see
llenk Morning Show on Coast one ofthree point five. Nany, Hey guys,
good morning morning, Hey, goodmorning. You have a happiness haack

for us. Okay, Lows andhome Depot, they're always puncturing the concrete
bags with the forklift when they're movingthe palate those bags. I always get
the bag to have most of theconcrete doing it. Those bags are half
off or depending on the clerk,you can get them for a dollar.
If a bag is punctured, youcan get it for a dollar or half

off, depending on who you get. Sometimes you get like a checkout lady
that's really really really nice, andshe'll be like one dollar. That's so
good. Well, I don't know. We're getting sidewalks lately. That's so
good to know. Building stairs goingdown the hill right now, because I'm
tired of falling down my hill.Yeah, so I'm in need of concrete
and rebar, but on a budgetand rebar if the rebars bent, they

can't sell a full price, soyou get a half off. Let me
look at my receat right now.Hold on, I just left. Let
me I got twenty feet a rebarthree dollars and seventy four cents, which
is half off, and I boughtthree backs of concrete at one dollar each
one to keep tell that I'm lookingat my receipt in my hands. Oh
congratulations. You always feel good whenyou leave being it, but but you

feel cheap love it. Thank you, Dan. Yeah, I'm cheap when
it comes to stuff like this,but then I'd want to spend the money
on the family, taking them outto eat or something like that. Yeah,
for sure, Thanks Dan. Yeah, thanks guys. Post one of
three point five the llen K MorningShow follow ad official ellen K. We're
still getting calls about ricky stepfather whoraised his daughter with so much love and

care from the age of four andnow she's getting married. And he provided
a loving family and a home.And he said he's a blue collar worker.
He doesn't make a ton of money. But her biological father is this
hot shot surgeon who's super rich,but never really gave emotionally or monetarily.
So really he was the surgeon,was the father, Yes, Ricky was

the dad. Yeah, yeah,I mean he learned how to bright hair
for Veronica. He bonded with her, Yeah, big time. My husband
and I were talking about this.He can't stop texting me because he heard
what's going on. And he saidif nobody, like, if he doesn't
bring it up the stepdad, thendrama will enfold at the wedding, and

that he feels, which is funny. My husband never cares about this stuff.
But he was like, stuff isgoing to go down. It's better
to air it out before the wedding. Oh see, that's that's a good
point. I don't know, Alex. I kind of agree with the wife.
Yeah. The wife said, it'sher day, let her decide,
and you cannot meddle. This islike, she's the bride, she's an
adult. She makes her own decisionsand that's just part of parenting. Still,

I don't know. Plus we don'tknow. There is one thing that
was left out because if this surgeonthe dad, not the dad, the
father, the biological father. Ifthis is a rich guy and he offered
to pay for the wedding, andshe feels obligated. She might feel obligated
to walk down the aisle with him. This is a conversation they all need
to have. Yes, she needsto be really honest with her daddy,

yep, and tell him what's goingon with the father? Yes. Do
you know that I have a friendwho has a boy with a man she's
no longer with, and she shecalls him the father, said the father,
not even like his father, it'sthe father. Yeah. I always

that always stuck out in my mind. I'm like, okay, he was
to see one of our friends callshim the donor. Oh, let's go
to Orange Dane. What do youthink? Well, here's what I think.
I think that the daughter has alwayshad Ricky in her life. He's
been her constant. He's shown herthe emotional support, braiding her hair,

taking her to the prompt. Herfather has been emotionally absent, her bio
father, and this is almost herway of forcing him into a social situation
where he has to demonstrate affection towardsher. Yes, but Ricky is her

constant. You know, it doesn'tdiminish his impact on her life. I
mean, being a parent is thejoyous thing and sometimes the most heartbreaking thing
as well, so we always haveto be there for them, even if
we have to be in the shadow. Well, thank you so much,
Diane, have a great day.Okay, love your show. Thank you.

Coast one of three point five,The ellen K Morning Show. Text
us anytime at five one oh threefives. All right, Cash on Coast,
right now it is check. Checkit out online Coast one on three
five dot com. Enter the keywordchecks one thousand dollars. Right now,
Cash on Coast, it is check. It's zer ellen KQ and A.

You're on Coast one of three pointfive and we're the ellen K Morning Show.
Oh I love this question. We'regonna give you the question and the
answer. Make it easy for you. Just call in and win. Caller
twenty is going to John Legend atthe Greech under the Stars. The great
thing about this is that we canjust sit outside and watch a great show.
All right. So the number onething men want, but they're too

embarrassed to tell you or ask forit, Ryan, don't a bunch of
different ways with this. Okay,the number one thing men want, but
to ask for it, to tellyou a massage. Oh that's a good
like a shoulder. How about beingleft at Oh like you're so funny?

Yeah? Or I can I addanother Yeah, a little bit of gratitude,
like just thank you. Yeah,well it's neither. It's a compliment.
Guys hesitate to avoid stroking their ego, but ninety nine percent of all
men would love a compliment. Yeah, Ryan, your new buzz cut really
makes your eyes pop. And Ithink you should keep your hair this short.

Thank you, Ellen dar Pass,Oh my God, call me twenty
eight hundred ninety nine KOs more FeelGood is coming up on the L and
K Morning Show host one oh threepoint five. We love your calls,
we love your text. You canalso use the talkback button when you stream
us on the iHeartRadio app. It'sjust a microphone and you tap it in.

You're in to our studio. Butlet's go to the phones right now.
Nelly, thanks for having us on. How are you good? Good?
I just I just called to sayyou guys are fabulous. I listen
to you every morning. Make mesmile and God, bless you. Thank
you for what you do, Nelly, Thank you, thank you for reaching

out to us. We could wecould just talk to you the rest of
the hour if you'd like. Goodmorning, Coast one of three point five.
Thank you for being up with usfirst thing in the morning. I'm
a radio station. Listen to you, guys, wake me up and it's
amazing. Thank you so much formaking my morning so much easier to wake
up to see Ellen k Morning Showon Coast one of three point five.

Right to Ellen for advice because she'sseen a thing or two. She is
Ellen, Right, guys, Andthis one comes from Fletcher. I love
that name. Fletcher. Yeah,it's a great name. I don't know,
I know, I know, Idon'g named Fletcher. This is so
weird, you guys. But mybrother calls me Fletcher. Why. Hey,
there's a movie starting weird now calleduhf okay, And in the movie

is a character named r. J. Fletcher. Initial My initials are RJH,
so your RJ fletch. So hestarted calling me r J. Fletcher,
which then turned into Fletcher. Oh, Fletcher, Will Fletcher. Thank
you for the letter, says dearEllen. I hope this letter finds all
of you well. I love yourshow. Thank you, Fletcher, he

says. Recently, I experienced amoment of intimacy with my girlfriend that took
an unexpected turn. During what shouldhave been a tender moment between us,
my girlfriend suddenly expressed boredom and decidedto start doing her nails instead. Needless
to say, I was taken abackand felt hurt by this behavior. I'm
confused. I don't know how toaddress the situation. I didn't do it

in the spot. I just lether do what she wanted to do.
Obviously at that moment. I wantto be sure that I can address any
underlying issues or concerns that may haveled to this. I also want to
reaffirm our commitment to each other andour relationship. So I love it when
you guys ask people if they've heardof this or what I should do.
I want to work through this challenge. I love her very much and I

know she loves me. I wasjust taken aback when she would rather be
concentrating on her nails than on us. Thank you, Fletcher. Well maybe
she was just really tired, Anddo want to say it could be,
could be, but maybe you know, listen, and this is something I've
figured out as a man. It'son us a lot to make sure that

we're doing the right things to getthat situation happening, right, And I
think a lot right time, Yes, exactly, That's what I was just
going to say. I think alot of times we assume, oh,
that's could just happen. But look, it's a two way street. Sometimes
I'll walk through the door of myhusband, come and look at this,
and like, I could be holdinggroceries and it could be four pms.
I've been out for like twelve solidhours. Yes, it could have been

working out, you know, doingall kinds of things. It could have
been. There could have been anumber of things. I could have just
done a three hour voice. I'mwalking through the door, come and see
this? Can you come see this? And I'll be like, now,
yeah, Sometimes I think that whenwe're in a relationship, we don't engage
what the other person is doing orfeelings, just like me now, right.

But I will say, and beforeyou weigh in on the star,
I will say, the painting ofthe nails in bed was a little I've
never done that in bed. Yeah, so that's also a thing. Oh
man, I'm like trying to coastifythis. Okay, she's probably just tired
of him. Oh right, right, Yeah, like like I've had my

fill of you. He needs tostep it up and make her feel or
step away, yeah, or stepaway, give her some space because to
me, if you are in thissituation and then you start to do your
nails, to me, that's likea sign like I'm laying down my boundaries.

Huh. This is my me timeand it doesn't include you. Eight
hundred nine nine kost There's more feelgood Next on the LNK Morning Show Coast
one o three point by Cash onCoast. Let's put a grand in your
hand. It's Cash on Coast andyour keyword is grand Grand right now,
enter grand online one thousand dollars.Don't not do it grand for your Cash

on Coast The LNK Morning Show onCoast one o three point by Summer Nights
at Nuts. How fun is that? You know you can always go there.
People are out of town, govisit not maybe you haven't been there
for a while. Take this fourpack, invite your friends and just go
spend the day in the evening.You know what I love too about Knots
is the convenience. Like there's noyou don't run into issues with parking.

It's easy to get to you inand out. It's simple, there's like,
it's it's perfect. I like allthe booths, Darlene. You family
made one of those signs in thewoods. The wood carving. Yeah,
you have the wood carving. Yes. And I love getting my sons.
We get them carekeatures like as oftenas we can. They're very affordable and
we just keep them on the walland they're great. And I like the

saloon. Oh yeah, and welike to send you. It's a four
pack right now. It's eight hundredand nine nine k ost fine, you
feel good here on the Ellen kMorning Show, Coast one oh three point
five. Right to Ellen for advice, because she's seen a thing or two
she is Ellen. All right,we got another one, Dear Ellen.

I experienced a moment of intimacy withmy girlfriend that took an unexpected turn.
During what should have been a tenderand intimate moment to my girlfriend suddenly express
boredom and decided to start doing hernails instead. I love her, I
know she loves me. I justwant to see if there's any underlying issue.
Thank you so much for calling Juliafrom no Ho. You heard the

letter. What do you think isgoing on? With Fletcher and his girl
for small Hi Ellen, thank youso much for having me. I think
that you know, you don't alwayshave to be ready to do that.
You can take a break sometimes,you don't need to be doing it all
the time. So I think maybeshe was just trying to find something to

occupy herself so she didn't have todo that. But if he wants to
ask her, and she's just honest, she could just say, hey,
you know, I didn't feel likedoing it today, right, Like I
just be honest, like put itout there. But he held back and
didn't say anything in the moment becausehe was so shocked because that had never
happened before. Something else, right, And see, I saw it as

her putting down like you're saying,kind of like putting down boundaries, like
like this is my time get out. Yeah, I see, But I
see it a different way. Ithink we're all like men and or women,
we're not we all have different needsat different times. You can schedule
this stuff, you can plan forit, you can hope, but if
one of us isn't into it,then we're not into it. Yeah,

but right, Okay, that's true, And I don't think there needs to
be deeper meaning, but there alsodoesn't need to be a demonstration like that
or a backup plan. Oh,Julie, well, thank you so much,
Julia, thanks for having us on. Thank you The LK Morning Show

on Coast one O three point fivethat their sunscreen for dogs. No,
yeah, what My puggle Penny hada melanoma tumor on a leg, which
is the best if you're going toget one. That's one of the better
places to get it. On thetoes are in the mouth, that's bad,
but it's cancerous melanoma. They removedit. They had to go a

little deep and she her blood testednormal, but that was a close call.
And they said, look, youcan put on sunscreen for dogs and
protect them against the sun because puggleslove to lay in the sun, pugs,
beagles, they I don't know thatthe short hairs a penny gets really
cold. Yeah, she loves.I always say, there's Penny in the

shunshine, the shunshine. She lovesthe sunshine. And now you have sunscreen
for Penny. How cool is that? Is it? A spray on?
You know? I didn't. Idon't have it yet. Oh okay,
gosh, so I'm not sure whatthe application is, but oh cool.
Yeah, so think about that.If your dog is in the sun a
lot, you might want to lookinto it. But also if you are
looking for just an adorable furry companion, you have to see Jazz. Jazz

is so cute Australian cattle dog butkind of looks almost crossed with maybe a
pug or a puggle. It's socute. Jazz, medium size, young
ready for you. LA Animal Services. Every pet there is ready to go,
so vaccinated, spade, neuter,whatever, it is, just ready

to love. Post one of threefive dot com slash on cass on Coast
it is money for one thousand dollars. That's your keyword, Cash on coast,
go online. It's coast one ofthree five dot com and your money
to get one thousand dollars. Welove waking up with you here on post
one on three point five Yalen kMorning Show. I love the convergence of

this time because people are going everywhich way like you, Monique. You
work at Cedars. Are you therenow? I am good morning. I
love you guys on my way towork, but I just wanted to say
I love what you guys do.Your energy, the great music, the
diversity, the way you guys workso well together. Oh oh, we're

bloyd away. Thank you. Ilove you, guys, Love you can.
I give a quick shut out tomy beautiful daughter Erica and all of
my girlies in the San Fernando Valleys, my core crew. You know,
if you don't have good friends ora good work group with you, you
can't get through the day. Sosin Anna, Donna, Christina, all

my other girls from the San FernandoValley. I love you so much,
and everyone have a happy bus day. Darlin. I have information for you
and I will email you like okayyour raven love you, Thank you guys.
See L and K Morning Show onCoast one of three point byto okay.

So. Italian has been found tobe the most sexy, most romantic,
most passionate language and accent in theworld. And you, Franco are
Italiano Sala Tuesday, Gascoto, Martinoguand exactly you are. You are the

first voice that I hear in themorning when I opened my eyes. Oh,
frank, see, this is whatItalians too. They're they're they're born
with charm. I swear to God, like when you're like two years old
saying your first words. It's likethat, mamma, you are the most
beautiful in the world. That's allthat meant. We are we are Look,

we are passionate no matter of whatwe do, so even when we
talk, that's so true. Oh, Franco. Yeah, Germany went for
most direct language, but that's justnot very you know, warm and friendly.
But Italian the most most romantic languagein the world. So, Franco,
what is it like being you everyday? Being so charming and Italian?

Uh? You know what I notonly is the probably the you know,
the most beautiful and funny things,but also can get you in trouble
because everybody thinks that you're flirting withthem and I don't. Okay, So
there's the flirt factor, okay,but that's not a horrible thing. Basically,

what you're saying, Franco, isthat you wish you could just turn
your charm off a little bit.M hm, I can't. It's in
it's in this, it's in theUh, it's in my DNA. So
I can do that.

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