Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Bitch time for Dodger base Oh yes, it is. Were
the only K morning show. Nothing like postseason baseball, especially
being in it with the home field advantage. The Madres
thinking that they're all and that they're sitting there wrapping
buses and saying that they have speir. But no, this
is a franchise. This is the Dodgers. This is this
is our team. This is Show Hayes's first playoffs. The
best player in baseball. This is a team that has
never gone to postseason played before. What a combination. We
have Yamamoto on the mound and we have those tickets
for you for Sunday. Just listen for Benda Win. We
just we just heard Vin. We miss you, Vin Scully.
I'm gonna take a Color twenty here live in just
a second. Darlene's feverishly counting down or counting up. By
the way, Melanky, good morning, I'm good morning.
Speaker 2 (00:58):
I'm producing Mike Romos.
Speaker 1 (01:00):
Darlinge on the phones right now, getting you ready to
come on the air with us. Yeah, So every time
you hear Vinda Winn be Color twenty, we are going
to enter your name into a Dodger cap. I brought
this Dodger cap. This is a special blessed Dodger cap.
This is a world series cap. This is the World
Series la. Oh yeah, Alphy, isn't that great? And I'm
wearing a World Series hat too, because we're going to
the World Series. Gonna win the World Series. That's right, Hi,
your color twenty. You're going to the playoffs? Who's this?
Speaker 3 (01:33):
Robert Wayne? How are you?
Speaker 1 (01:35):
Robert? Great? We are entering your name to be put
in this Dodger hat to send you to the playoff Sunday.
We're gonna make the drawing at nine ten.
Speaker 3 (01:46):
Awesome, thank you.
Speaker 1 (01:48):
You're welcome, Robert. Thank you. Where are you calling from?
Speaker 3 (01:52):
I'm driving right now. I'm onto Ventura.
Speaker 1 (01:57):
Okay, what are you gonna do in Ventura?
Speaker 3 (02:00):
We go store picture for gross stores. I'm just doing
a quick install up there.
Speaker 1 (02:06):
All right, all right, now we know it.
Speaker 3 (02:08):
I see you guys. I listen to you guys every morning.
Speaker 1 (02:11):
Well, thank you for having us on and see it
paid off for you?
Speaker 4 (02:17):
Speaker 3 (02:17):
Great, hopefully I get it.
Speaker 5 (02:19):
Yeah, let's go Dodgers.
Speaker 4 (02:22):
Right, thank god, it's thank god IT'SI.
Speaker 1 (02:43):
And a little Bertie told us who's going to host
the Oscars? And you are gonna love It two Men
one show Oscar hosts. I'm going to share that with
you coming up plus cash on Coast Keep It.
Speaker 6 (03:00):
It's feel good Friday. Here on the llen K Morning Show.
Coast one O three point five.
Speaker 7 (03:04):
It's the llen K Morning Show.
Speaker 8 (03:06):
Hey, guys are great to listen to, Great energy cost.
Speaker 6 (03:09):
One O three point five. Coast one O three point five.
Inside Entertainment with Ellen K.
Speaker 1 (03:14):
All right, So there's a Texas attorney. His name is
Tony Busby, and he announced that he has one hundred
and twenty clients with evidence that they were victims of ditty.
Guess how many calls this DA in Texas has received
to his hotline at work potential victims.
Speaker 2 (03:33):
Another two hundred.
Speaker 1 (03:35):
Twelve thousand calls. He set up a hotline and in
twenty four hours, this DA has received twelve thousand calls
about Ditty. I know that's what he said too. Yikes.
And so he has a huge staff and they're chasing
down everything. They're not taking anything lightly. The Joker sequel,
co starring Joaquin Phoenix and Lady Gaga as Harley Quinn,
arrives this weekend to reviews forty on Rotten Tomatoes saw
last night. It's a joker Foley I do it has
earned a forty percent score. A common complaint among critics
is that Gaga's underutilized. She's a strong supporting role. I
didn't think she was underutilized at all. There's a lot
of singing. It's more like musical theater. I thought, wow,
this could be a Broadway play. Actually, and Joaquin didn't
want a stand in singing for him. He was offered
we could w over and Lady Gaga insisted that Joaquin
do all of the singing, so he brought it. I mean,
his voice is pretty good. It wasn't supposed to be
perfect renditions. Yeah, so I thought it was pretty good.
I mean this singing, this singing look, someone worked extremely
hard on that movie. The production A plus one hundred.
Joaquin Phoenix, great actor, Lady Gaga, we love you the
movie on the whole. Don't waste your time. There you go,
I did, I did it for you.
Speaker 2 (04:57):
I was thank you.
Speaker 1 (04:59):
Oscar host do you think it is? It's Steve Martin
and Martin Short. They've been rumored, but now a lot
of people are saying that they have a lock on this.
Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds co hosting.
Speaker 9 (05:11):
All right, you know like that now, it's fine, But
when you just kind of set that up a few
minutes ago, you said two guys, one show. Yeah, I
had my hopes up that it was going to be
Brian Cranston and Aaron Pole.
Speaker 1 (05:21):
Oh okay, right, which would have been so fun. Or
it could have been like ted Lasso has been renewed
for a short season.
Speaker 2 (05:27):
It could have been what's his name and Roy Ken exactly.
Speaker 1 (05:30):
Yeah, well there you go. I love it, Hugh Jackman
and Ryan Okay Goslin, Ryan Reynolds. I would love Ryan Gosling,
all right. Travis Kelcey finally made his grotesqua Rie Dabut
with the takeaway is the Kansas City Chief SuperStar's role
is not all that different from his real life persona.
He said, he's sick of himself. He can barely watch this.
The three time Super Bowl champion hit the screen during
the third episode of The Ryan Murphy Show.
Speaker 10 (05:56):
Thank you anthem ed ed Lockman, but you can call
me Eddie Eddy. Something tells me, when you're done with
your little CIGGI break here, you're gonna want to get
the hell out of here.
Speaker 1 (06:15):
It's crazy.
Speaker 2 (06:16):
A lot of people trying real hard in Hollywood right now.
Speaker 1 (06:19):
His name is Ed your CIGGI break cash on. I
love the way his brother was just trolling for it
and he's like, I know, I can't even watch it.
All right. It is cash to get your cash cash
on Coast one thousand dollars. You enter online Coast one
of three five dot com. Enter the keyword cash, get
one thousand dollars.
Speaker 7 (06:41):
It's the Ellen k Morning.
Speaker 11 (06:42):
Showcase is Sunshine and a ball.
Speaker 1 (06:45):
This is Ellen.
Speaker 5 (06:46):
Yeah, you go to my Morning.
Speaker 7 (06:48):
Coast one O three point five.
Speaker 1 (06:50):
Hi, you're a winner. Your collar twenty. You just got
a four pack of six flags.
Speaker 8 (06:54):
Thank you so bad?
Speaker 2 (06:55):
Speaker 12 (06:55):
Where are you?
Speaker 1 (06:56):
What's your name?
Speaker 5 (06:57):
I will listen if I'm from Olympia. I'm driving to
Pasadena right now.
Speaker 1 (07:02):
Okay, how's traffic? That's what we want to know.
Speaker 8 (07:06):
It's really light.
Speaker 5 (07:07):
And I listen to you guys every morning, but I'm
on my way to work.
Speaker 2 (07:11):
Yes, where do you work in Pasadena?
Speaker 5 (07:14):
I actually work for a company called home Instead. We
take care of seniors and they're home.
Speaker 1 (07:20):
Oh, in home care. That's so important, and you know,
and so many people depend on you. Nice job.
Speaker 5 (07:30):
Yeah, it's a very rewarding.
Speaker 1 (07:33):
Well, you got a four pack to go have some fun,
six Flags, Magic Mountains, Kids, Boofest and Octoberfest.
Speaker 5 (07:40):
Okay, thank you so much, Thanks.
Speaker 1 (07:42):
For listening, Thanks for having us on in your car
every morning.
Speaker 5 (07:45):
Thanks again, you guys have a great weekend.
Speaker 6 (07:47):
Coast one of three point five The llen K Morning
Show follow at Official ellen K.
Speaker 7 (07:52):
It's the ellen K Morning Shows.
Speaker 3 (07:55):
So good this morning.
Speaker 1 (07:56):
Thank you, Coast three of giving you Happiness Hacks Ryan Mano.
It's about the pumpkin patch. I love the pumpkin patch.
It's such a happy place to.
Speaker 2 (08:06):
Be, but it can be stressful.
Speaker 1 (08:08):
Yeah, it's hard to pick a watermelon and a pumpkin.
Speaker 2 (08:10):
Right, You brought in a nice one the other day.
Speaker 1 (08:13):
Well, I picked him and it is a hymn. I
think it's a hymn.
Speaker 2 (08:19):
What are we basing that on?
Speaker 1 (08:20):
Well, he just looks like he he's got a really
beautiful stem and it's a big, long one. It just
looks it looks it looks like something you'd see in
a Tim Burton movie.
Speaker 12 (08:30):
Sure has big pumpkin energy.
Speaker 1 (08:32):
Yeah, it a bpe.
Speaker 9 (08:34):
Yeah, so when we're at the patch and we want
that bpe there are the four s's we need to consider.
Speaker 8 (08:40):
Speaker 9 (08:41):
The sound, Okay, when you go up to a pumpkin,
flick it. If it makes a deep, hollow sound when
tapped or flicked, it is ripe and perfect. A loud,
short thud, just kind of like a Okay, that indicates
it's already passed its prime.
Speaker 2 (08:55):
So you don't want that, don't.
Speaker 13 (08:57):
Grandma always said that about watermelons too, sitting for the
hollow watermelon.
Speaker 1 (09:01):
Speaker 2 (09:02):
The other s. Second s is skin.
Speaker 1 (09:04):
When you poke, what was the first sound? Sound?
Speaker 2 (09:07):
Okay, yeah, so we got sound. Now we're on the skin.
Speaker 9 (09:09):
Use your fingernail, and a ripe pumpkin will spring back
when poked with a fingernail. If you see any soft spotter,
it like goes in a little deep and doesn't come
back right away. That indicates internal rot or mold.
Speaker 1 (09:21):
How do you think the pumpkins are feeling that?
Speaker 2 (09:23):
We're like, we're just this is their life. I mean
it's not my number, all right?
Speaker 7 (09:28):
Speaker 2 (09:28):
Speaker 1 (09:29):
What else?
Speaker 2 (09:29):
Okay? Stem, just like you picked yours. Okay.
Speaker 9 (09:32):
When we're looking for a stem, we want a strong,
sturdy stem. A brittle or thin stem indicates that the
pumpkin was fighting for water and nutrients, went out.
Speaker 1 (09:40):
In the fieldpin he took it off, got it all.
Speaker 2 (09:44):
Sorry about your other pumpkins. Ellen's got it. He's got
the BPE.
Speaker 1 (09:52):
Fourth s Wait till you see.
Speaker 2 (09:55):
Speaking of VPE, we're going to size.
Speaker 3 (10:00):
Speaker 1 (10:02):
He's very large.
Speaker 9 (10:03):
You know what, if you want to bake your pumpy names,
you're pumpkin for baking. Smaller pumpkins are better carving, obviously
large field, but do not use a large VPE pumpkin
for baking because they're too stringy and flavorless for baking.
Speaker 2 (10:19):
So those are your four essens.
Speaker 12 (10:23):
All right?
Speaker 1 (10:23):
Oh, I have something else to make you happy.
Speaker 14 (10:27):
Chime for Dodger bag field.
Speaker 6 (10:31):
Good Fridays happen here on the L and K Morning Show.
Coast one O three point five. It's the L and
K Morning Show.
Speaker 5 (10:37):
Good morning, Coast QTS.
Speaker 11 (10:39):
That's my new name for you, Coast QTS.
Speaker 7 (10:43):
Coast one O three point five.
Speaker 1 (10:44):
You are collar twenty. You're qualified to go to the
Dodgers playoff game Sunday.
Speaker 11 (10:49):
Oh my gosh, no way, Ellen, Yeah, what's your name?
Speaker 4 (10:53):
Speaker 1 (10:54):
Jose. We're putting your name into this Championship World Series
Dodger hat.
Speaker 15 (11:00):
Oh my gosh, all right, cool, all.
Speaker 1 (11:02):
Right, so jose your name is going in. We're gonna
make the grand prize drawing at nine ten. We're qualifying
all morning. You heard Vinda Winn you called your call
it twenty and then we're going to mix up all
the names blindfold. Ryan, he's gonna pick one.
Speaker 15 (11:16):
Oh okay, cool, thank you.
Speaker 9 (11:18):
You may be there Sunday weaving that blue towel, getting
everyone hyped.
Speaker 15 (11:22):
Hey, okay, Ryan, my name, all.
Speaker 2 (11:26):
Right, don't bribe me. Okay, I can't accept that.
Speaker 15 (11:31):
Cinnabons, it's the only morning show.
Speaker 11 (11:39):
You are awesome.
Speaker 2 (11:41):
I listen to you guys every morning, anytime I'm in.
Speaker 3 (11:45):
My vehicle, you guys are there to keep me awake
and happy and smiling.
Speaker 1 (11:49):
Thank you for being here with us.
Speaker 11 (11:50):
You guys are the best man, no matter what.
Speaker 1 (11:53):
Host one O three point five Top Stories, Top of
the Hour, Good morning of Ellen k. After thirty five
years behind bars, the Menendez brothers may get a chance
at freedom La County DA. George Gascon held a surprise
a live press conference yesterday. He announced his office we'll
re examine their nineteen eighty nine conviction. What does it mean,
what are the potential options here?
Speaker 16 (12:15):
There are multiple things that could happen. They could walk
out based on what the court decides, or they can
have the sentence given a different shape and perhaps they
still on will stay on but for less lesser pre time.
Or they can have a neutral.
Speaker 1 (12:32):
The resentencing is scheduled for late November. We've also learned
they watched that press conference from prison, and license plate
reader cameras are being placed all across the San Fernando Valley,
all in an effort to come back crime. The system
is pretty advanced and when it picks up the plate
of a vehicle tied to any local crime, police are
immediately dispatched. And the south Land isn't just hot in
temp we're scorching when it comes to scratchers. A Coast
listener named Miguel Tell has just one five million dollars
on a ticket he bought at the CBS's Santa Ana
Way to Go. Miguel. Then Calvin Smith nice name, hit
for another five mil on a ticket he picked up
at Joe's Market in Victorville. Not to be outdone, Bradley
Bullock pulled up to a local seven to eleven bought
a ticket worth ten million dollars. These are scratchers. This
the morning after he won two thousand dollars playing slots
at Morongo. It's just got a lot of winning going on,
and let's keep it going. Dodgers postseason gets underway tomorrow
here at home. We open up the best of five
against the Padres Yamamoto on the mound. Okay, if you
want to know how long you'll live, scientists say that
soon a simple cheek swap can predict how long your
life will be. Researchers found that a DNA test, originally
meant to measure biological aging from cheek cells, can also
predict your mortality risk. This discovery could lead to new
ways to check health risks and develop anti aging treatments. Okay,
another hot one. We're putting the fry in your for Friday.
Another heater on the way. Heisneering one hundred. We also
have your chance to win your way into the playoffs
Sunday's game Dodgers. You're listening for Vin to win. We
also have cash on coast coming up. Getaways to Vegas
to see Maroon five, and it is seventy in Burbank.
We run on Celsia's Energy Drinks. It's Kost Los Angeles,
Coast one a few point five, It's.
Speaker 7 (14:13):
The Lank Morning Show.
Speaker 11 (14:15):
Thank you so much for making my morning so much.
Speaker 7 (14:17):
Easier to wake up to Coast one oh three point fives.
Speaker 1 (14:20):
Listen for Vin to win. We are qualifying you all
throughout the morning. We're putting your name and when you
are colored twenty after you here Vinscully into this World
Series Dodger cap. We're gonna draw it nine ten, you
will go to the Sunday playoff game. Let's go Dodgers.
You know it makes me feel good on feel Good Friday,
John Legend.
Speaker 17 (14:39):
I need some fuel goods, baby, seems like the world's
gone crazy. I need some fuel goods, baby, give it
to me, Give it to me.
Speaker 1 (14:51):
It's good line seven. It's actually labeled feel Good Francisco,
not good morning, Good morning Francisco, Francisco. It says here
you're a Freedom Lay delivery operator. Are you driving a truck? Uh?
Speaker 2 (15:06):
Yes, I am driving a truck.
Speaker 11 (15:08):
Did every of your guys have chips this morning?
Speaker 1 (15:10):
All right, Well, we just want to say happy World
Trucker's Day.
Speaker 5 (15:14):
Oh, thank you, thank you, appreciate it Francisco.
Speaker 1 (15:18):
Uh, what's your route today?
Speaker 11 (15:20):
My route?
Speaker 7 (15:21):
We are in the city of Long Beach, Long Beach,
California this morning.
Speaker 1 (15:25):
Dumping off the chips. Okay, what's your most popular chip
from Freedo?
Speaker 15 (15:28):
L a ah, we have Cheetos.
Speaker 3 (15:30):
See, everyone loves Cheetos.
Speaker 15 (15:32):
Cheetos goes with everything and anything.
Speaker 1 (15:35):
Okay, I just have a question. Classic Cheetos, Puff Cheetos
or baked Cheetos? Which one? If you could only have
one bag, would you go for it?
Speaker 11 (15:43):
We're gonna We're gonna have to go with the puffs.
Crush them down. You can put them with on food,
you can put them, eat them individually, and once they
start going, you can't stop until you finish the whole bag.
Speaker 1 (15:56):
Biger licking good. Ryan disagrees with your friends. I do.
Speaker 9 (16:01):
Let's throw another one at you. How we feel about
hot Cheetos flaming hot?
Speaker 1 (16:04):
Speaker 11 (16:05):
We like him, we like him.
Speaker 3 (16:06):
We prefer baked though.
Speaker 5 (16:08):
Okay, you gotta get a little healthy.
Speaker 11 (16:13):
If you know get it, you can make it up
a little bit.
Speaker 1 (16:16):
Oh Francisco, we like to ask everyone who calls us
from a truck, what's your horn?
Speaker 3 (16:20):
Speaker 1 (16:20):
Speaker 11 (16:21):
Our horn is too loud? Wakes up the people.
Speaker 3 (16:23):
So we use the quieter horn to warn in the morning,
to be waking up everyone.
Speaker 1 (16:27):
Okay, what's the quietorn like?
Speaker 3 (16:31):
Just like a little like a little you can take
like a little Volk wagon, little little deal.
Speaker 1 (16:36):
No one's getting out of your way with that.
Speaker 11 (16:38):
Oh, no one to bring it baked.
Speaker 1 (16:40):
Come on your Francisco.
Speaker 11 (16:42):
All right, thank you guys, have a good morning, enjoy
it and spread energy, spread the love.
Speaker 3 (16:45):
Thank you.
Speaker 1 (16:46):
Oh we love to thank you so much. Francisco on
his route Freedom lay all right, scho classic. That's what
he says when you go for your cheetos. More feel
good for you, bitch, time for God.
Speaker 6 (17:00):
Your biod Friday continues next here on the llen K
Morning Show.
Speaker 7 (17:05):
Coast one oh three point five. It's the llen K Morning.
Speaker 11 (17:08):
Show because the sunshine and a ball.
Speaker 1 (17:10):
Oh, this is Ellen.
Speaker 7 (17:11):
Yeah, you go to my morning Coast one oh three
point five.
Speaker 1 (17:15):
Hi is this Hi?
Speaker 18 (17:17):
This is Alma Almah.
Speaker 1 (17:20):
You call her twenty you're qualified to go to the playoffs.
Speaker 18 (17:24):
Oh my gosh, are you serious? I can't believe it. Okay, yes,
I would have to laugh.
Speaker 1 (17:30):
Where are you calling from?
Speaker 11 (17:32):
Speaker 1 (17:33):
All right?
Speaker 18 (17:35):
Oh my goodness, I'm all red now.
Speaker 1 (17:38):
Good, good job. We're gonna put your name in the
Dodger cap and we're gonna make the big grand price
drawing at nineten.
Speaker 18 (17:45):
Oh my god, okay, I'm going to be listening.
Speaker 11 (17:49):
Oh I have the chills. I can't believe I got
through again. Oh my gosh. Okay.
Speaker 7 (17:54):
O Cash on Coast.
Speaker 1 (17:57):
Your Cash on Coast is online and again just it's
like all my congratulations, all my listen for Vinda win
and are gonna put your name in the hat sending
you to the playoffs, and let's give you some cash
right now. Go online to Coast one of three five
dot com. Enter the word check check, check it out.
It is Cash on Coast. It's one thousand dollars. You
have all hour to win it and you're checking much.
Speaker 7 (18:22):
It's the llen K Morning Show.
Speaker 11 (18:23):
Thank you ellen K. Just real quick, a little kiss
on you well, thank you so much for making my.
Speaker 7 (18:28):
Day host one O three point five.
Speaker 1 (18:30):
Here we're getting your guest. Is ten percent of all
people admit that they've done this in a car. Bob
just gave us a guest go one hundred miles an
hour like speeding like that. Thanks thankfully, that is not
the right answer. What do you think it is? Ten
percent of all people admit they've done this in a car.
It's your llen KQ and A. It's for Ruin five
on Vegas Getaway. More guesses coming up past.
Speaker 7 (18:54):
It's the llen k Morning Show.
Speaker 8 (18:55):
You guys are great to listen to, great energy cost.
Speaker 7 (18:58):
One O three point five. It's the l and K
Q and A on Coast one oh three point five.
Speaker 1 (19:04):
Hey Ronda, all hight, Good morning everyone, Good morning. How's Irvine.
Speaker 11 (19:11):
It's a little like overcat, not overcats, but it's not
really sunshiny right now. But there is no fog, so
that's good.
Speaker 1 (19:21):
Okay, you'll get the sun later. It's gonna be another
hot day, even in Irvine where everything is perfect. What's
your guest, Ronda? Ten percent about people admit they've done
this in a car.
Speaker 11 (19:35):
My guess is just changing your clothes.
Speaker 1 (19:38):
I do it all the time, change shoes, clothes, sit
down in the parking garage, and you know, you just
find a way to do it. I think everybody does
that at some point or another.
Speaker 2 (19:49):
A lot of wiggling involvement.
Speaker 1 (19:50):
Oh yeah, with the sea back and wiggle it, wiggle
it on.
Speaker 12 (19:56):
It's a great guest too.
Speaker 1 (19:57):
It's not the right answer.
Speaker 11 (19:59):
Oh oh that's okay. Thank you for let's to play.
I really enjoy.
Speaker 1 (20:05):
Your Thank you for listening. Thanks so much. Brande Anthony
and his boys. Oh oh my gosh. Okay, three boys
fifth grade and seventh So, hi guys, say, hi guy,
that's a lot of testosterone in one car.
Speaker 12 (20:22):
It sure is.
Speaker 1 (20:26):
Okay, So you're on your way to school.
Speaker 15 (20:27):
Happy Friday, Happy Friday.
Speaker 1 (20:30):
Thank you. What do you guys think? It is? What
do ten percent of all people admit they've done in
a car.
Speaker 15 (20:37):
Week as clean up after themselves?
Speaker 1 (20:40):
Like shower, Oh, shower, like like wipe yourself down, Like
maybe you just worked out. You've got to get your
work clothes on or school clothes with baby white.
Speaker 15 (20:50):
Yeah exactly. We figured, you know, a ten percent tant
of throwing out a random fact and maybe our shower.
Speaker 1 (20:58):
Yeah, that's a great one. It's a great guess you guys.
It's not the right answer.
Speaker 15 (21:05):
It's not the right answer. It's okay, right, thank.
Speaker 1 (21:07):
You, all right, guys, thank you. We love you. Hi, Mom,
Dad and Sophia, fourth grade. Ah, I love the car load.
Speaker 4 (21:16):
Speaker 1 (21:17):
Hey, so we're looking for that right answer. We don't
have it yet. What do you guys say? It is
ten percent of all people admit they've done what in
a car?
Speaker 5 (21:24):
Broken up with someone?
Speaker 1 (21:26):
Broken up in a car. It's a good guess. You
are right, it's right, you win. Ten percent of all
people admit they've broken up with someone in a car.
You're going to Vegas. We're roon five. You're spending the
whole weekend.
Speaker 5 (21:43):
Thank you so much, jellous, thank you.
Speaker 2 (21:45):
It's our pleasure.
Speaker 1 (21:47):
Ten percent of all people admit they've done this in
a car. Let's break up with someone. Well, that's not
a feel good for Friday. But all of our q
and a's are scientifically move it and post. It's been
our blog and it's ben to win. Listen for Vin
Scully to go to the playoffs on Sunday, Dodgers and Madres.
I'm going to send you there.
Speaker 7 (22:11):
Wake up with ellen k.
Speaker 11 (22:12):
Speaker 12 (22:12):
This is Tiffany Hattison. You're listening to the Ellen k
Morning Show.
Speaker 2 (22:17):
Coast one oh three point five.
Speaker 12 (22:19):
She ready keep it good.
Speaker 1 (22:21):
Tapia of Paramount, we put his name in the big
Dodgers World Series cap. We're gonna make a drawing at
nine ten when you hear Vin Scully b Color twenty
just like Alex did. And we're gonna qualify you to
be at the playoffs game on Sunday. All right, round one,
Let's go Dodgers, and it's Coast one of three point
five top stories Top of the Hour. Good morning, I'm
Ellen k And after thirty five years behind bars, the
Menendez brothers make it a chance at freedom. La County
DA George Gascon held a surprise news conference where he
announced his office we'll re examine their nineteen eighty nine
conviction and the resentencing is scheduled for late November. Hey,
with spooky season upon us, we're getting deeper into horror
films on our streamers. But which city is home to
the most scary movie filming? A new study finds it
without a doubt. La takes the top spot twenty four hundred.
Poulter Guys Seami Valley, Halloween in South Pass A Nightmare
on Elm Street and Spaulding Square, Insidious Victoria Park. A.
Second place goes to Jersey City, home of Friday the thirteenth,
followed by DC and then Atlanta. The most googled horror
movie location Oregon's Timberline Lodge, and that provided the creepy
setting of the Shining Hey. Smartphones can negatively impact social
connectedness and well being, but the extent of these effects
depends on the situation. Men in particular tend to experience
ereater negative impact on social connection than women. Men go really,
really deep on their phone, and they disconnect from their friends.
Women might use phones in more social ways, So if
you're feeling like you're a lonely man, you might want
to put down your phone. And a woman in England
name Muriel Lindars just turned one hundred in one. She's
in the news because her advice on how to live
a long and happy life is look after your friends.
Always take the stairs. And I love this, she said,
Dance whenever you can. It's going to be a really
hot Friday. Another heater on the way, Highs nearing one
hundred Glendora one hundred, guardeena eighty five for your highs
and we run on Celsius Energy drinks. It's Kost Los
Angeles Coast one O three point five more cash on Coast.
Danny Elfman at the Bowl and mind win. We're qualifying
you to get to the playoffs on Sunday, Go Dodgers.
Speaker 7 (24:34):
It's the L and K Morning Show.
Speaker 11 (24:36):
I love you guys.
Speaker 1 (24:37):
You are wonderful and you and hunts my morning and
you enhance ours by being there.
Speaker 7 (24:42):
Coast one oh three point five.
Speaker 1 (24:44):
Okay Morning, Friday Morning Lights. Let's go to undefeated Survided
high school head coach Chris Reiner at high Chris hi Ellen.
Speaker 15 (24:56):
I appreciate you guys having me on and this is awesome.
Speaker 1 (24:58):
Well home with the Friars Survided High School. You have
not lost a game. Congrats on a winning season beating
Shamanad Notre Dame, Saint Paul and this week, Jay Sarah, we're.
Speaker 15 (25:08):
Really excited about the opportunities we've been facing. So far,
We've played some really good teams with really good players,
really talented coaching staffs, and so far to this point,
we've we've risen to every challenge and and that's our job,
that's our goal. So obviously we now know that the
level of competition steps up. We've got a tremendous opponent
and we look forward to the opportunity.
Speaker 1 (25:29):
Jay Sarah hi tonight at seven and in two weeks
will be playing the number one school in the nation,
Saint John Bosco at so By. That is big.
Speaker 15 (25:37):
That's obviously it's a really exciting opportunity for us to
go play and probably the best football venue in the
country against again a really, really talented opponent. Obviously, there's
a challenge to you know, staying and living in the
moment and not looking too far ahead to that. But
as far as a great memory to be created for
for our young men and an opportunity to compete in
an arena that's you know, so spectacular. I mean, it's
a it's a tremendous opportunity for them to create a
memory of a lifetime and something that we really definitely look.
Speaker 1 (26:10):
Forward to serve high home with the Friars.
Speaker 9 (26:12):
We are inside the locker room tonight with you, coach Reinert. Okay,
so you're tapped into the bluetooth. You have control of
the music. What song are you putting on?
Speaker 15 (26:20):
Oh? I don't control them music?
Speaker 16 (26:22):
Speaker 15 (26:22):
No, okay, no way, are you kidding me? Okay, So,
if you guys are prepared to hear stuff that came
from before they.
Speaker 2 (26:29):
Were born, let's assume Chris that you're picking us off too.
Speaker 15 (26:35):
You know what's really weird? Okay, this is gonna sound
odd this. I'll tell you this. This is what I
listened to on the on the bus, on the on
the way over. I'll give you that. I I am not.
I don't need lyrics the day of the game. I
don't need anybody else to paint a picture for me.
I'll paint my own picture. And this is this sounds strange.
There was a TV show back on ESPN and then
in the nineties early two thousands. It's kind of falling
off favor h lately. I think they may even stream
it now. But the NFL Primetime with Chris Berman, uh huh.
The instrumentals, the instrumentals on the NFL Primetime show that
they played along with the highlights are amazing.
Speaker 2 (27:12):
This is a very deep I wasn't ready for that.
Speaker 1 (27:15):
And I know you can find it Ryan, search it
out like that. I got to give you guys, you
are undefeated. So Chris Reiner, head coach of SERVI you
know what you're doing. Go priors tonight, Jay Sarah seven
pm and and we'll see you in two weeks at
so far. Thank you, guys, Thank you, Okay, this is
this is funny. Want yeah in two weeks Survey Hi
playing the number one's culmination Saint John Botswa. It's so fine.
Everyone can go to that. Well, can you all go
to that? But tonight, Jay, Sarah and Serve I go
at at seven o'clock. Thank you, head coach, Chris Reiner.
Speaker 7 (27:54):
It's the L and K Morning Shows.
Speaker 8 (27:57):
So good this morning.
Speaker 6 (27:58):
Thank you Coast one of your colored twenty you win.
Speaker 3 (28:02):
Oh my gosh, awcome, thanks you so much.
Speaker 1 (28:06):
What's your name?
Speaker 3 (28:07):
My name is Chris.
Speaker 1 (28:09):
Okay, Chris, where are you calling from?
Speaker 3 (28:11):
I am calling from Saugus, California, Saugus.
Speaker 1 (28:15):
I'ven't been to Saugus for a little while. How's Saga
is doing.
Speaker 3 (28:18):
It's doing good. I've loved out here a long time,
but it's definitely getting crowded. It's hot, and I'm ready
for fall weather.
Speaker 1 (28:25):
You go sweather.
Speaker 3 (28:28):
Oh, I can't wait. But I just want to say
I love both of you guys. Queen Darlene, you guys
do an amazing job. And love love listening to you
guys on my commute at home every day.
Speaker 1 (28:40):
Oh, thank you so much. And you're going to be
at the ball under the stars of Danny Elfman. It's
going to be a magical name.
Speaker 3 (28:45):
Oh, I can't wait. I can't wait. Thank you guys
so much more.
Speaker 6 (28:49):
Feel Good Friday is coming up on the LLENK Morning Show.
Coast one O three point bos It's the llen K
Morning Show.
Speaker 11 (28:55):
Thank you so much for making my morning so much.
Here to wake up to.
Speaker 7 (28:58):
Coast one O three point box.
Speaker 1 (29:00):
Hi, who's this? This is Bet? Hey e Bet? What
are you doing right now?
Speaker 5 (29:05):
I'm just getting ready for the day and hoping to
be a final light contestant for the doctor tickets.
Speaker 1 (29:11):
Well, guess what your color twenty? Your name's going in
the hat?
Speaker 18 (29:15):
Awesome, awesome flake?
Speaker 11 (29:18):
Who wins?
Speaker 1 (29:18):
And I hope you mighty bet. We've got these written
on pink post it notes all folded up. We're gonna
blindfold Ryan at nine ten and JN stick his hand
in there and grab a name live.
Speaker 11 (29:29):
Thank you guys, I love you.
Speaker 7 (29:30):
Best of luck here it's the allen K Morning Show.
Speaker 11 (29:33):
Oh, you guys are awesome.
Speaker 15 (29:34):
I really do appreciate you guys.
Speaker 11 (29:36):
And honestly, you guys are on all the.
Speaker 15 (29:38):
Time, either on the radio, in the car.
Speaker 12 (29:40):
Or at home.
Speaker 7 (29:41):
Coast one O three point five.
Speaker 1 (29:43):
Top Stories top the Hour, Good morning, ellen K, and
it's a whole bunch of lists. Glamour magazine announced it's
Women of the Year. They are Serena Williams, Pam Anderson,
Sydney Sweeney, Olympian Sunny Lee and Allison Felix, Taraji p
Henson and four Famous Tina Knowles Mama, Beyonce, Donna Kelce,
you know her, Maggie baird Is, Billie Eilish and Phineas's
Mama and Mandy Tefee Selena Gomez's Mama. They're on the
cover of Glamor as Women of the Year. Also, a
place called the Ringer dot Com ranked the top clowns
in pop culture. Boso comes in at number nine. You
know he's a classic. Number three, Charlie Chaplin, number two,
Penny Wise from It, number one, The Joker, and that
movie happens to be in theaters now. The Joker is
the top clown according to this national poll. Walking Phoenix
in his latest interview, talked about him, you know, singing
the music and Joker. Fully, I do, being a musical.
Speaker 5 (30:41):
Me and my siblings we used to sing together and
we would sing on the streets not too far from
here in Westwood when I was a kid.
Speaker 12 (30:48):
I'm for eight years old.
Speaker 5 (30:49):
My sister is a really accomplished penist.
Speaker 1 (30:51):
My sister is a band.
Speaker 5 (30:54):
So it's funny because I'm kind of like the least
musical of everybody in the family.
Speaker 1 (30:59):
You see a whole lot Joaquin Phoenix singing in Joker
if you do go see it. Octoberfest is happening at
South Coast Botanic Gardens, so it is exactly what it
sounds like. Instead of just Bavarian inspired food and beer
for humans, they also have doggy treats as well. And
preseason tip off tonight for the Lakers. We're facing the
Tea Wolves at Akashore Arena in Palm Springs. New head
coach Jj Reddicks, as he does, plan to play Lebron
James and Anthony Davis at some point. Meanwhile, Clips jump
out tomorrow against the Warriors in Hawaii and the Dodgers
postseason underway tomorrow here at home. We open up the
best of five against the Padre Yamamoto on the mound,
and of course we have your tickets. It's Vinda win
at nine ten. We've been qualifying you all morning. When
you hear Vinda win, and then we are going to
draw a name. Ryan's going to do it nine ten
coming up and a hot day today. Hi's near one
hundred right now. It is seventy five in Burbank. We
run on Celsius Energy Drinks. It's KOST Los Angeles Coast
won a three point five more cash on Coast.
Speaker 14 (31:59):
Coming bitch time for Dodger based.
Speaker 1 (32:04):
Good morning, Coast one of three point five. Thank you
for being up with us first thing in the morning.
Speaker 11 (32:09):
I'm a radio station, so listen to you guys. Wake
me up and this is amazing. Thank you so much
for making my morning so much easier to wake up too.
Speaker 7 (32:17):
The LLENK Morning Show on Coast one O three point five.
Speaker 1 (32:20):
All right, Color twenty, you've got you just under the deadline.
What's your name, Angela? Your name's going in the hat
right now. It's a World Series cap, Dodger's cap, and
Ryan's gonna make the drawing coming up. Okay, all right,
this is for Sundays game game two. So excited.
Speaker 2 (32:40):
Keep your phone on. You may be calling you back
momentarily minutes from now.
Speaker 15 (32:44):
Okay, thank you.
Speaker 7 (32:46):
It's the LLENK Morning Show.
Speaker 8 (32:47):
You guys are great to listen to. Great energy cost.
Speaker 7 (32:50):
One of three point five. Okay, we have our.
Speaker 1 (32:54):
Dodger World Series cap says World Series twenty twenty, and
then we have names in it. Robert, Jose, all My, Alex,
Yvette and Angela have all pre qualified to go to
the Dodger playoff game on Sunday. Ryan, I'm gonna hand
you the hat. We're live on Instagram also Coast one
three five FM. There you got it, don't spill. Oh,
you're just gonna do it now.
Speaker 2 (33:17):
Yeah, I'll just do it all right, right.
Speaker 1 (33:20):
Okay, Okay, Ryan has drawn a name.
Speaker 2 (33:22):
I was blindfolded. I cannot see the board.
Speaker 1 (33:24):
Okay, so we're gonna make that call to this name,
and uh, we're gonna do it right now. On go Dodgers,
you and me.
Speaker 2 (33:43):
This is Jeremy Renner.
Speaker 1 (33:44):
This is Kate Hudson. This is Joe Coy and I'm
chilling with my whole girl. Allen K Morning Show, Ellen
K Morning Shows.
Speaker 7 (33:50):
You knt die.
Speaker 1 (33:55):
We've taken it off. All right. We're gonna call up
whoever is on this piece of pink paper really well live.
Speaker 18 (34:16):
Speaker 1 (34:17):
Hi is this almah Hi? Yes, Hi Almah Hi? Is
this it is? Yeah?
Speaker 11 (34:25):
Speaker 13 (34:25):
Speaker 1 (34:26):
Speaker 4 (34:27):
Speaker 1 (34:27):
Say hi to Ryan and Dar Hi.
Speaker 18 (34:29):
Amah Hi, Ryan, Hi, hey.
Speaker 2 (34:32):
Question, what are you doing Sunday?
Speaker 17 (34:38):
No way, yes, way.
Speaker 1 (34:40):
We blindfolded Ryan. He put his hand in his hat
and drew a piece of pink paper. It's all on
pink posted, so folded up. I folded them up four
times and he just opened it and it's you. Oh,
you are going to get to you know.
Speaker 18 (34:57):
Let my blood rushed to my feak right now?
Speaker 1 (35:00):
Are you a faint?
Speaker 18 (35:02):
No, I'm okay. I just like I cannot believe this.
I absolutely cannot believe it. Wait till I tell my husband.
Speaker 1 (35:11):
Oh my gosh, what's his name?
Speaker 18 (35:14):
Speaker 1 (35:15):
Tony and Almah, you're going to be there and your
dad you're blue.
Speaker 18 (35:18):
Oh my gosh, I cannot believe this. She's going to
freak out because I said, Tony, make sure make sure
you're you're listening to okay. Oh my god, I don't
know why. I'm laughing so much.
Speaker 11 (35:33):
I just can't believe it. I just can't.
Speaker 1 (35:35):
Just make sure you sit down, eat a cookie, don't
let you let you you're go too love.
Speaker 11 (35:40):
No, yes, you're right, you're.
Speaker 2 (35:41):
Right, and bring home a win on Sunday. Congrats, Almah,
thank you so much.
Speaker 15 (35:47):
Oh my god.
Speaker 11 (35:48):
Okay, do I hang on, Yeah, hang.
Speaker 1 (35:50):
On, let's go Dodgers all right, kick off the playoffs
tomorrow almost going to be their Sunday five forty Start
tomorrow free iHeartRadio app. Listen to all the games on
our free iHeartRadio app. Your keyword is A M five
seventy l A sports. Thank you, Am five seventy l
A Sports. Our brothers' station for those tickets. The playoffs
is so exciting. I hear there's more where that came from, too,
and Ryan, Yes, ma'am, we can't not play the man
O mix.
Speaker 14 (36:22):
Drive deep center field, Friday Fleeman gross Nan does slams
is cut down into the sea, rolling down.
Speaker 7 (36:38):
Said this is our year starter.
Speaker 2 (36:52):
Thank you guys.
Speaker 14 (36:53):
It's a ball hard to left field in the corner.
Speaker 3 (36:55):
It is gone.
Speaker 14 (36:58):
It's fifty secondly off home run of his career. It's
one nothing. Dodgers' seat six, stage right, dangers on top spots.
There they go through. The third beats.
Speaker 1 (37:17):
Him, but he got his foot in.
Speaker 14 (37:20):
The fiftieth for old Tony on one two Tony sax o.
Speaker 2 (37:26):
The air the other way, get goods, good.
Speaker 14 (37:34):
Run of the killing player, rue of the killing season.
Speaker 8 (37:39):
So hey, Tony.
Speaker 7 (37:41):
Starts the fifty fifty.
Speaker 2 (37:43):
Card, one out from a division title.
Speaker 14 (37:46):
I'll pop up, tested and bruised but still unbroken and
division champs.
Speaker 9 (37:53):
Agat no team that me faith is going to have
more fight than up.
Speaker 8 (37:59):
Let's tack again and when eleven more.
Speaker 3 (38:01):
Danglar watch.
Speaker 1 (38:06):
Watching. It's so once you watch a weekend because you
call us with so many questions about what we're watching.
Because I really do watch everything, and I do it
because I love to binge, but I also don't want
you to waste your time on something and just you know,
add to your list. I went to see The Joker
last night. I'm just really not feeling it.
Speaker 2 (38:32):
I don't think anyone is right.
Speaker 1 (38:34):
No one's really feeling it. I love Lady Gaga and
Joaquin Phoenix. I think that's why I'm so disappointed. They
got a forty and rotten tomatoes. So I did watch it,
but I say there are other things that you might
enjoy more. Someone worked very hard on that movie. The
production value was one hundred percent. Lady Gaga brings it.
Joaquin Phoenix, what a great actor. You're gonna love them
even more just as a whole. The movie, it drags
on and on and on. It's a musical movie and
it's just not It doesn't make sense, especially if you
loved the Joker. I feel like comic book fans are
the most disappointed. Anyway. What you're watching weekend, this is
what I'm watching. It is the most viewed movie in
Apple TV plus history. It is Wolf's with George Clooney
and Brad Pitt's become the most viewed movie in Apple
TV history. That is so worth it. I'm about halfway
into it.
Speaker 12 (39:30):
I am sold because of those two names.
Speaker 1 (39:33):
So George Clooney plays a cleaner. He comes in he'll
clean up a murder scene. But Brad Pitt is too,
and this woman doesn't realize. She calls George Clooney, but
they both show up. So then they get together to
solve a big caper. All right, So that is on
Apple TV Plus. Let's go to Hulu. Murder in a
Small Town. It's a series. It stars Rossi Sutherland that
is the son of Donald Sutherland, May and Peace and
the half brother of Keeper. It is such a good
kind of love story, lighterhearted. James Cromwell is in it,
but Rossif Sutherland. I keep staring at him to see
if I can see Keeper or Donald in his face.
I think you can see both. So Hulu Murder in
a Small Town, Wolf's Apple TV.
Speaker 13 (40:19):
Plus Oh I have something from Hulu too. Oh yeah,
Sarah Paulson is in this Hold your Breath.
Speaker 12 (40:25):
It's an hour and a half.
Speaker 13 (40:26):
I love when movies are an hour and a half
long because it's just the right amount of time and
it looks nice and creepy, right to fit the mood
for this time of year.
Speaker 12 (40:34):
Yeah, I'm going in on that.
Speaker 1 (40:35):
I love Sarah Paulson so good.
Speaker 2 (40:39):
Can I take us to Peacock?
Speaker 1 (40:40):
Let's go.
Speaker 2 (40:41):
I don't know that you'll go, but I'm going.
Speaker 1 (40:43):
I'll go. What you watching weekend on Peacock? What is it?
Speaker 9 (40:46):
WWE Bad Blood Live from Atlanta tomorrow?
Speaker 1 (40:49):
Okay you can go.
Speaker 2 (40:50):
Yeah, I told you, I told you we'll stay. Yeah.
Speaker 9 (40:53):
You guys don't want to see Roman Reigns and Cody
Rhod's team up for the first time.
Speaker 1 (40:56):
Ever, really the first time ever?
Speaker 2 (40:58):
Okay, all right, maybe this is more your speak.
Speaker 9 (41:00):
Love Is Blind Season seven is out now on Netflix
and I cannot wait.
Speaker 1 (41:04):
Season seven already. It's amazing. Okay, we're gonna post all
these upfits. So what you're watching weekend from Coast to
one O three point five thellen.
Speaker 7 (41:11):
K Morning Show Coast one O three point five.
Speaker 1 (41:14):
Thank you so much for spending your morning with us
here on the l and K Morning Show, Carrie Steels. Next,
she's going to give you more cash on Coast all
day long, every hour twenty after you get another chance
to win one thousand dollars. So when you see a chance,
take it, find romance, make it name that song. Ryan.
Oh gosh, see you take Davie Winwood.
Speaker 2 (41:35):
Oh yeah, gosh, Wow. You didn't give me much time
to really place this.
Speaker 1 (41:42):
Anyway, have a great weekend. I know that you're very
excited for WWE on Peacock because Roman Rains and that
other guy, the other guy, he's up a dynasty family.
Speaker 2 (41:56):
Cody Road is good. His family is a dynasty. They're
teaming up for the first the first time ever.
Speaker 9 (42:02):
Yeah, and then I'm going to I'm actually taking one
of my lifelong best friends to Disneyland for the first time.
Speaker 2 (42:07):
He's never been to Disneyland or Disney World. And we're
going on Sunday.
Speaker 1 (42:11):
So amazing.
Speaker 13 (42:12):
My baby Ray turns three, yes Sunday, Birthday.
Speaker 1 (42:15):
Happy Birthday, Ray. I can't believe he's already three.
Speaker 2 (42:18):
No, and you're presenting a big award tomorrow.
Speaker 1 (42:20):
Tomorrow for c Chla to Sugar Ray Leonard. He's getting
a big award for having the Big Ala to raise
money to keep that hospital thriving. And Sugar Ray and
his wife do that every single day, So that'll be great.
Can't wait to catch up with our friend Ray. And
we end every show with a quote and a kiss
the main thing. Oh and also don't miss the olan
Ky Weekend Show. We have affiliates from here to New
York City points in between, Chicago, Dallas, Florida, Alabama. Thank
you for listening to the L and K Weekend Show
as well. And we have never a show with the
quote and a kiss. So Today's World Old Smile Day.
It's not funny. The Joker came out and they got
the joker smile Today's World.
Speaker 12 (43:05):
They purpose I think they did.
Speaker 1 (43:07):
They had to also the Joker because I saw the
movie last night. He's watching his the press conference about
him from jail, just like the Menendez brothers did yesterday
with Gascon. Thought that was kind of eerie. Also, anyway,
World Smile Day, ed Shearon said this the main thing
that you have to remember on this journey of life
is just be nice to everyone and always smile. Kiss
on three, kiss on me, and one to three