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July 23, 2024 33 mins
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Episode Transcript

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It's coast one to three point fivehere on your Olympic week. It's right.
We kick it all off on Friday. Lebron James carrying the flag.
He is the male who has beenchosen. The female will be announced later
on today. So a female anda male USA team flag carriers. You
know what's interesting about you know,because they have those cardboard beds, yes,

to prevent athletes from yeah, lovemaking. Yeah. I can't imagine
a guy like Lebron sleeping on acardboard bed. That's right for the U.
I found this out too. I'mglad you brought that up. For
USA basketball. They do not haveto sleep on the cardboard beds. In
fact, everywhere that the NBA goesor any of the basketball players go,

they get specially pre ordered long beds, oh for their long bodies, So
they get to sleep on regular mattresses. Okay, yeah, I thought that
was You know, if they stayin the Olympic village with the rest of
them, yes, everyone's there together. So team USA basketball, especially boiled
sleeping in those beds. Yeah.Could you imagine Lebron on a cardboard bed?

That would just not be right?All right, Well, thanks for
joining us. Coming up, We'vegot your cash on coast for about ten
minutes out And there's the Breakdancing team. All right, four two girls,
two guys. Jeffrey, jeffro Lewisand Victor Montalvo of Team USA's Breakdancing Team
have picked the best breakdancing songs andone of their favorites that you'll be seeing

them performed to Wu Tang protect yournet. All right, let's get your
break on. I just was lookingthis up, judges. We'll be looking
for four specific moves top rock,down, rock, huh, power moves
up and freezer. I love it. Boys, girls can't wait. All

right? Coming up, we're gonnago Inside Entertainment. It's Gorgeous Grandma Day.
Are you a gorgeous grandma? Who'sthe hottest grandma Hollywood? We'll tell
you plus your one thousand dollars.Next, it's the L and K Morning
Shell Think I fall in love withyou? Guys? Is that official?
Are we dating? We are onlinedating? Coast one O three point five
Coast one O three point five InsideEntertainment with Ellen k Well. Lady Yaga

may have secured her gig at theParis Summer Olympics opening ceremony NBC broadcasting live
Friday, starting at about nine amhere in New Eastern followed by a primetime
encourse. Are they're going to,you know, show the ceremony and then
do it again. Gagas in France, So she's rumored to be one of
the entertainers. Celin Jon also expectedto appear for these Olympics. It will

be a flotilla rather than a paradeof nations inside the stadium. Usually we
sit through every nation walking through andthey're really great uniforms. But this time
it's going to be the Olympians jumpinginto eighty five boats floating down the Sun
River and the performers will be stagedalong the four mile route. So a
few million are predicted to stand theriver's edge to greet the Olympians. Pretty

cool. Yeah, four years fromnow, we'll have it the Olympics.
Taylor Swift and Kendrick Lamar are consideredas opening acts to represent American culture.
It is Gorgeous Grandma Day, Soif you're a gorgeous grandma, we want
to hear from you. But DemiMoore has been voted Hollywood's Hottest Grandma at
the age of sixty one. Yeah, I would have to say she is

a grandma, she is hot.And Sam Smith on skis. We know
Sam pretty well. I've never heardhim talk about skiing. I can't picture
him skiing. Oh he did goskiing, and then he tore his ACL.
He decided not to do surgery though, and I decided to go down
the non surgical route. But Icouldn't walk basically for a month and on

this leg, and I was like, it was awful. It was the
first time I'd ever not been ableto move for a month. But now
he's okay. Cass On back onthe street again. We want you to
get you a one thousand dollars.It's your cash on Coast. You enter
a keyword online, so if youjust joining us, it is bank.
Enter bank at Coast one of threefive dot com for one thousand dollars.

It's the Ellen Morning Show. Thankyou so much for making my morning so
much easier to wake up to Coastone oh three point five higher color twenty.
You are going to pink Martini.Oh my gosh, so awesome.
Yeah, what's your name? Whereare you calling from? There? I'm
calling from Plus and Show. Areyou at work? No, I'm at
home, okay, just my coffee. Oh right, what kind of brew

do you do? I do thedark roast strong c Yeah, oh Kira,
okay, so you're going pods.Yes, you're one of the only
people I know Ellen that does thebasket with the filter and you top it
off in there too. I havethe gold cone filter and it's a queasin

art I think, uh huh yeah, and I set the timer. Wake
up to coffee every morning, abig brood pot. Well, thank you
for waking up with us. Youare going to the Hollywood Bowl to see
Pink Martini. You know they havetwenty three members in this band, twenty
three of them on stage making makingjazz and fun music and really cool outfits.

Wow, that'll be so much fun. Thank you very much. I'm
looking forward to it. Coast oneof three point five, The ellen K
Morning Show. It's the ellen KMorning Show. Sunshine and a ball.
This is Ellen. Yeah, yougo my morning Coast one o three point
five. That's happiness. Hack shallbe here on Coast one of three point

five. Not a lot of happinessright now this morning Ellen at lax and
oh no Burbank Airport CrowdStrike. Itoutage from last week really made a mess,
and they're still digging out. Likeyou said, Delta's canceled thousands of
flights. Other airlines struggling to justkind of recover from this. Passengers in
some cases stranded for days at lax. Yeah. Just inside, Well,

once things calm down, and uhhuh is your smoother way to travel.
There's a viral hack I saw onTikTok. It's the key to a flight
upgrade. Oh and it's a boxof donuts. A box of donuts.
Just grab a box from wherever yourfavorite donut place, Krispy Kreme, Brandy's,
wherever. Yeah, you can takethem through security. It works,
that's fine. Yeah, And whenyou get on your plane, you take
them up to the flight attendants andsay, here, these are for you

guys. And it works almost everytime if they have an upgrade for you,
be at first class or way.So you get on the plane with
your regular ticket and then you whipout the donuts and you're like, hey,
I want you to have these.That's it. And then you say,
and by the way, do youhave any I mean, I think
I don't know about asking they'll hookit up. It would have an extra

reclining. First of see would youfind your feel good here? On the
L and K Morning Show Coast oneoh three point five Top Stories Top of
the Hour. Good Morning, I'mEllen k Kamala Harris and her campaign announcing
they've already received more than one hundredmillion dollars in donations, the largest single
day total in the history of Americanpolitics, as Harris has officially secured the

number of delegates needed to become theDemocratic nominee for president. Meanwhile, Donald
Trump said he's backing out of thePlant September debate unless it switch from ABC
to Fox News. The Director ofthe Secret Service was grilled yesterday by Congress
It was the Grill on Capitol Hill, saying she quote takes full responsibility for
lapses and security on the day ofDonald Trump's assassination attempt. Kim Cheedle said

she's lunt an investigation when it'll takesixty days to figure out what happened and
why and how to ensure it willnever happen again. She did add that
she will not resign her post.However, Representative Rocanna pushed the issue,
reminding Cheetle that the director of theSecret Service did resigned after the assassination attempt
on President Ronald Rayton. You knowwhat Stuart Knight did when he was in

charge at the time of the SecretService. You know what he did afterwards?
He remained on duty. He resigned. He resigned that all right?
What about this? Kobe Bryant's lockerfrom the Staples Center is hitting the auction
block. It could sell for morethan one million dollars. And the Raiders
are coming back to LA. Didto hear about that? But only for

training camp starting today. The teamarrives in coast to Mesa. It's kind
of interesting. Due to NFL marketingrules, the team cannot promote their LA
presence because the Charges and Rams haveexclusive rights. But can you feel those
Raiders? They're here and our excessiveheat warning stays on for today. More
triple digits on tap valleys and inlandgetting at the worst. No one is
seeing cooling until Sunday. Valencia upone hundred for year high van Nice.

You go to ninety five and itis seventy here Burbank. We run on
Celsa's energy drinks Kost Los Angeles.It's coast one of three point five cash
on coast and Mariah Carey Getaways toVegas coming up. Whoa, it's the
Lank Warning Show. Thank you,Ellen K, just real quick, a

little kiss on you well, thankyou so much for making my day post
one oh three point five and Isaid, thank you Tuesday, thank you
for being here with us. Anyoneyou want to thank live on the air,
you call us eight hundred and ninetwo nine kost or use a top
back button on our iHeartRadio app.Come right into our studio with the only
K Morning charmelin. Hi. I'mRyan Mano and we just met with the

mayor of Burbank. He dropped by. He was hanging out here at iHeart
you know, headquarters, and alot of questions for him. And he
told us all about this beautiful cityof Burbank, and that the Burbank Airport,
one of my favorite airports, isgoing to get a facelift and a
little bit of an expansion. Isaid, please don't let it get too

big, because the beauty of theBurbank Airport is how small it is convenient,
so easy to use. It's reallyhard to be in a bad mood
when you're at the Burbank Airport.Say that again, Ellen I don't know
about that. I mean, look, there are a lot of flight delays.

There's a lot of frustration going on. When the outage happened last week.
Crowd source. Is that what it'scalled CrowdStrike? Crowd strike, that's
right. So anyway, tempers getshort and right here at the Burbank Airport
Spirit Airlines, this guy walks upto the two gate agents and says,

hey, do you know when ourflight is going to leave? It had
been eight hours though it's been eighthours, Hey, when is our flight
going to leave? Now? Okay? There were two gate agents that were

working that gate after the eight ourdelay, which is I mean, look,
you just want information, really,you know, if you have the
information, then you're like, okay, it's going to be this kind of
delay. I can go do this, or maybe I can call ahead and
tell my work. I'm not gonnamake it whatever it is, right,
But when you don't get any informationand then when you ask you get screamed
at like that, that's really that'sreally frustrated. There were two gate agents,

so you heard one of them.Do we want to play the other
one? I mean they're both know, they're both awful. Help us to
help you. Please be quiet,so I know what's going on. I
don't even know what aircraft do becauseeverybody's sleeping numbers. I know what I
have. I'm gonna be honest.I don't know what aircraft is sitting out
there. I don't know what's goingon. You guys want to keep me

a minute, Please give me aminute? Please? She said please.
Yeah, she didn't say please severaltimes. And there's a book gone viral
on TikTok. Those were they wereloaded right away. But those two gate
agents, first they were dismissed.There was an investigation, and now they
are no longer working with spirits.So the internal investigation found hostility and they

broke a lot of their code whenthey screamed. So I think it was
the S word too. I wasn'tallowed to say this word in my house
when I was a little girl.You still cringe whenever you hear anyone say
shut up. Oh my god.I know, and the H word eight
yeah, I know. I recoiland you know when it comes to like

even look, Delta canceled thousands moreflights today, lax a lot of people
frustrated. You know, my dadwould always say well, this is character
building, but it's really hard toremember that when you're in the you know,
when you're in the middle of thefrustration. I think all of this,
Elean, is why we need todayto be an extra special thank you
Tuesday. Yes, thank them forbeing a friend. Tell them thank you

tuesdays with them. So thanks onone who has made a defer yep,
and do it live on the airwith us. Thank you. Ryan.
Coming up, we're gonna go insideentertainment. Oh, there's so much going
on, EMILYI and Petty is comingback. Oh. In the Bachelorette,

it was on last night again andthere's already a guy falling in love.
Yeah. They were supposed to dolike a mail review, kind of like
a mail ye exactly. One guytook that opportunity to profess his love.
Anyway, you'll hear that. Andyour cash on Coast next, guys,
gave me a minute, Please giveme a minute, Ellen k Morning Show

on Coast one O three point fivecash on. Let's get you some cash
and the keyword is cash. That'seasy. You have all hour to enter
the word cash online, all right, Coast one of three five dot com
enter cash for your one thousand dollarscash on past. It's the Ellen k

Morning Show. You guys, you'revery inspiring. You speak positivity, you're
full of joy and happiness, andin this world, it's pretty hard to
be that. My Coast one ohthree point five. He did say goodbye.
David Banda Madonna's son, said,I'm going to move out of this
mansion here in New York and golive with my girlfriend in a tiny apartment,
and I'm going to scavenge for food. So everyone thinks that David has

been cut off by Madonna. Ohyeah, but he hasn't, he said.
He was just talking about, youknow, being independent. So it's
all okay, And we've got MariahCarey in Vegas. Let's send you.
This happens two hundred and fifty thousandtimes every year here in the US.
What do you think it is?Quarter million? This happens two hundred and

fifty thousand times every year here inthe US. It's your Ellen KQ and
a Mariah Carey in Vegas. It'seight hundred and ninety two nine Kost.
We're going to get your guesses andwe're going to get him mixed Coast one
oh three point five it's the EllenOkay Q and A on coast one oh
three point five. Marissa is inSeem Valley and now you are on with
us for the llen k Q andA. This happens two hundred and fifty

thousand times every year. What isit? I'm hoping someone gets fired?
Well, I'm not hoping they getfired like those two Spirit Airlines agents that
were at the gate yelling at people. Yes, exactly, they got fired.
Someone gets fired two hundred and fiftythousand times every year. It's a

really great guess. A lot ofpeople are saying getting fired. It's not
the right answer. Thank you somuch. Hope you guys have a great
day and I'll try again tomorrow.All right, Thanks Marissa. We go
not to coast to Mesa. Hi. Edgar, Hey, good morning,
Edgar. You're getting ready for work. Where do you work? I'm on
accounting in Coast Tosa. Okay?What do you do? There? A

text for breach? All right?Well, what is your guess? What
do you think? It is?Two hundred and fifty thousands every year this
happens. Yeah, break up anengagement? Someone breaks off an engagement.
Have you ever done that? Orhas it happened to you. No,
no, no, I have notno Ryan, no, no, no

no. Someone breaks off an engagementtwo hundred and fifty thousand times every year.
I ran the numbers on this.That's six hundred and eighty five per
day, which seems really high.Oh geez, really and you, Edgar,
are right? Yes? Made?Oh wow, oh man, thank
you so much. This is soawesome. Wow wow. It's Riya Carrey
in Vegas, two nights day,one hundred dollars gas card for the road.

Oh man, that's great. Ican't wait to go on my girlfriend.
She went there earlier this year,and I hopefully should be willing to
go again here, so that'd begreat. I make sure she will be,
Edgar, good one. Thank youvery much, Thank you so much.
Thank you. Yeah. How manyper day? Six eighty five?
Oh my gosh. Yeah, everyyear in the US, two hundred and

fifty thousand times someone brace off anengagement. It's your ellen KQNA. We
are sending you to Mariah Carey allweek long, Vegas getaway. Get play
the ellen K Morning Show on costone O three point five. Top stories,
Top of the Hour, Good Morningof ellen K and Embattled Secret Service

chief, Kimberly Cheadle, hasn't knownshe will resign from her post. This
less than two weeks after the agency'sfailure at Donald Trump's campaign rally, leading
him to being wounded by an assassin'sbullet. Cheadle, a twenty eight year
veteran of the agency, faced mountingpressure to step down in recent days,
but insisted all along that she wouldremain on the job. At a House
Oversight Committee meeting yesterday, Cheatle admittedthe agency's rally response was a failure,

but still gave her agents an Agrade for the job they did that day.
Still, Cheatle just resigning. Breakingnews. And you know those abandoned
graffiti towers downtown La. It's calledOcean Wide Plaza and Flower. They've been
sitting empty since work stopped in twentynineteen. The housing development first made news
when Tiger started scaling the buildings andpainting them up. This morning, we

got word that an anonymous buyer isputting up more than a billion dollars to
buy and finish the mixed use project, all after the City of La paid
millions to secure the site and scrubthe graffiti. And Alexa now knows gen
Z slang terms. So there's anew feature to help parents communicate with any
teenagers. Just say Alexa talk genz to me, and then she will
spit out different trends and phrases.The math isn't mathing. You know,

things aren't adding up or eight atused to pray someone for doing something well,
like you ate with that outfit aboutmother, someone who's iconic. The
example Alexa gives is Rihanna is mother. So that's your new feature, and
our excessive heat warning stays on fortoday. More triple digits on tap valleys
in Inland. You get it theworst, so sorry about that. No
one is seeing any cooling until Sunday. And right now it is seventy three

in Burbank. We run on CelsiusEnergy Drinks Kost Los Angeles. It's Coast
one of three point five. It'sthe Ellen k Morning Show. You guys
are great to listen to Great Energy. Coast one of three point five.
Either added again. Katie Perry OrlandoBloom paddle boarding. The last time they
paddleboarded together Vacation Orlando did its Sam'sclothing and the pictures win Global. But

this time he's closed all in purpleand she wore a matching purple bikini and
they have their daughter Daisy there,so now that their parents, you know,
yeah, I think they're close.Day on, Yeah, there she
is. It's Coast one of threepoint five with the ellen K Morning Show.
Melle. I'm Ryan Manow and it'sa thank you Tuesday. Thank them

for being a friend. Tell themthank you tuesdays with them. So thanks
on one who has made a differ. I want to say Puppy Bear for
the loving bear Puffy that they sentus all the way from Bulgaria. You

can see our Puffy Bear. He'shere in the studio. We're gonna dress
him up. He needs clothing.You know, we're talking about Orlando Bloom
being naked. Yeah. This bearis a six foot bear and he's a
comfort bear. So if you're feelinglonely or anxious or depressed, comfort bear
is just that you can cuddle withthis bear. He's super soft and he
has fingers like a person. They'relike real wiggly fingers. Yeah. Yeah,

we can see it on our socialsat Coast one of three five FM.
Ryan doesn't like it. We area studio divided. I think it's
strange. And we should give itaway. I think he's amazing, okay,
and I think that he's going tolook real good in some iHeart swag
and we dress him up for Christmasin July on Thursday. And you know

he does have a bear head buta man's body. Yeah, made for
a man, but acts like abear. So you like, like you
pointed out at puffybear dot the hottestwomen ever. Yeah, really beautiful women
cuddling with this bear. So Iwant to thank you Puffy Bear for sending
us the loving bear Puffy. Thatwas really sweet. Came all the way
in a big box from Bulgaria.All right, let's gout to Jessica on

the four h five. How's itmoving? Oh? You know, I
Kadia as expected. I'm going aboutI don't know, twenty three miles an
hour. Oh boy, are yougoing to be on time to where you're
going? Oh? Probably not?No, okay, here's some hotel about
it. I might be thankful forthat though. Well, so thank you
Tuesday. You want to thank someonelive on the air, I was saying

I would thank my sister. Shesurprised me with a plane ticket home to
see my grandma for her ninetieth birthdaythat's coming up, and where's home?
It is Missouri, Saint Louis.Okay, ninety, big birthday. Yeah,
I told him I have a fiftyto fifty chance. She's ninety and

my grandpa passed when he was fiftyone. So oh that's dark with me.
You might have like five I don'tknow. All right, well,
Jessica, thank you for sharing thatwith us. Yeah, of course I
think. Okay, okay, wow, turn quick, sure did? Oh

well, I think you're gonna havea wonderful time and you live a long,
beautiful light many many years ago.Lots of cash on Coast coming up.
The feel good continues next on theL and K Morning Show Coast one
oh three point five. Jeanette's inher car and now you're on the line
your Color twenty. You're going toLuke Bryan. Oh my god, thank
you so much. It's his mindof a country boy tour. So he's

gonna be the Forum August night,Glenn Helen have a theater August tenth,
and you just want to pair tickets. Awesome, Thank you so much.
Yeah, where you heading, Jeanette, It's to work, Okay, you
want to say where uh in SilverLake. Uh huh more specifically, Oh,

I flink watch dot com. It'sa jewelry company. Oh okay,
I know those watches. Yes,yes, very cool. All right,
well, I have a great dayat work. And thanks for having us
on in your car. Thank youso much. Coast one of three point
five Alan Mary Show stream us onthe iHeartRadio. An. We love to

hearing from you. Thanks for yourcalls, your texts, talkbacks. Thank
you Tuesday, Marcella, you areon. Thank you for coming on.
Who do you want to think?Oh sweet, I wanted to thank my
husband for thirteen beautiful years. Well, let's talk about him. What's his
name? His name is Gilbert?Uh huh, I tell us all about

Gilbert. This is a love story. Yeah, he's just he's just a
best He's he's one of those guyswhere every woman wants, oh oh,
like for instance, like like he'llgo with me wherever, he'll go up
with me, He'll go, He'lljust do anything. He's always down for
whatever. He's always yes, he'llcome home, get tired and I go

the lex No, no, no, let's go, let's go. Oh
Gilbert, He's just yeah, he'sa he's he's a trooper. He's just
like the most beautiful person in theworld. And it feels like I feels
like I married him yesterday. Literallyit was thirteen years today today. Yeah,
yeah, where was it? Where? How did you guys meet at

work? Okay? M hm andyeah at work? Yeah, it's a
it's a long story. Well look, so yeah, let's dive in.
Okay, Well he was he wasmarried at the time, and I wasn't
and I wasn't interested in him,and he wasn't interested in me. And
he was just telling me his problemsat work. And I was telling him,
you need to leave this lady.And I goes, she's not good

for you. And he's like,he goes, I know, I've been
planning to you know, but Ihave three daughters and I don't know what
to do. And I go,your daughters are gonna get are gonna grow
up, gonna get married, andthey're gonna leave your house and you're gonna
be struck with this woman. Oh, And he's like, yeah, you're
right. But we just didn't haveyou know, we didn't like each other.
And then one day he invited meout for a coffee and we went

for a beer, turned out fora beer, and the rest, the
rest is history. That was it. That was the day. It was
over that beer, over that beer, and he'd already left the wife.
No, no, it took himabout three months, but he knew sitting
across from you that he was withthe wrong person and was looking at the
right way. Yeah, both bothof us. And do you get along

with the three daughters? Yeah?Yeah, it took him, you know,
it took him a while to warmup to me. But right now
we're the best of friends. Ohokay, Well, well, Marcella,
that's that's quite the love story.And Gilbert shout out to you. Marcella
loves you so much. Yes,I love you. Gilbert. What's his
nickname? Uh? Baro? Andhe coused me his queen. Well,

okay, all right, that wastad. Today, guys, it's the
Lank Morning Showcase. This is Sunshineand a Ball. This is Ellen.
Yeah, you go to my MorningCoast one oh three point five top stories
Top of the hour, Good morning, and Ellen k and US airline regulators

just opened an investigation into Delta Airlines, which is still struggling to restore operations.
More than four full days after thatfaulty software update disrupted global air travel.
Transportation Secretary Pete Budajeedge announced that theinvestigation this morning, saying, quote,
we must insure Delta is following thelaw and taking care of its passengers.
One of those passengers is stranded atLAX after her flight already left an

hour ago. She just couldn't getthrough the line. I mean, like
just a long line. We gothere like a few hours early, and
there's only like two agents working here, and it's like really slow, and
now she has to wait until Thursday. It is truly a mess. And
toymaker Mattel received an acquisition offer froma private equity firm that also happens to

own Louis Vuitton. Other suitors maycome forward, but if the luxury goods
companies takeover proceeds, parents can lookforward to spending on Barbie's Louis Vaton companion
handbag, which they said they willcome out with. And our brain doesn't
perceive time as a clock. Instead, time flows with experiences. So when
they say something like time really flies, it does when you're having fun.
A brand new study and I lovethis out of UNLV, the University of

Nevada Las Vegas said that our anteriorcortex, a brain region critical for monitoring
activity, moves faster when it's morestimulated with laughter. So time really does
fly when you're having fun. Andwhat about this one? A police dog
in North Carolina helped the little lostboy home after someone spotted him walking down

a road all alone. The kidis six years old, couldn't tell cops
where he lived because he's artistic andnonverbal. They decided to see if a
bloodhound name Remy could do a reverseK nine track, which isn't done often.
That's where they work backward and triedto figure out where a person was
instead of where they are. Infifteen minutes, Remy the blood pound found
the kid's house half a mile away. Turned out he'd snuck out. His
parents had no idea. Reunited safely. And we do have that excessive heat

warning. It is going on todayand more days all the way through the
week. We do not see yourrelief until Sunday. Hi's a new or
from ninety five to one hundred todayand right now it is seventy six.
In Burbank. We run on Celsiusenergy drinks. It's Kost Los Angeles,
coast one of three point five morecash just ahead, get your thousand dollars
cash on coast. It's the EllenK Morning Show. Thank you ellen K.

Just real quick, a little kisson you. Well, thank you
so much for making my day hostone O three point five. Well,
all the way from Nashville, listeningin the iHeartRadio app. Welcome, Leilani,
hi Ellen. How are you weWe're doing great. Thank you for
having us on in Nashville. Ohyes, I listen to you guys all
the time. I flew out onSunday to come to Nashville to be with

my daughter and my son out here. But I still have the eyeheart,
so I'm like, yeah, andlet me try and get in. Yeah.
Well, so thank you Tuesday.Who do you want to thank?
I want to thank my family andGod just for my everyday living and just
being able to have the air inmy lungs and being able to wake up

the next morning. Well, thelittle things are the big things, right,
Yes, yes, you know.I've come to appreciate everything in life
and it wouldn't be possible without God, so I'd like to keep him very
close to me. Well, Leilani, thank you for keeping us close to

you too on the iHeart app.Yes, I'm watching you guys on Instagram
and I love seeing all the videos. And I loved yesterday when I've seen
with the big bear with the therapybear. Yeah, what do you think
of him? I thought he wascute. See Ryan's really creeped out by
him. I think he's cute.I think he's comforting. I am not

alone in this. If you readall those collums on that video saying creepy
when you bent down and then youcame up with a big bear, I'm
like, oh my, he's prettytall, but that was so adorable.
Oh my gosh, he came allthe way from Bulgaria. Oh I'm so

happy to be able to get throughand talk to you guys. Oh well,
we're so happy that you're listening.Thank you. Have a wonderful visit.
Come on home soon. Oh yes, I will got a couple more
weeks ago. You guys, havea wonderful day. It's the Morning Show.
You guys, you're very inspiring.You speak positivity, you're of joy

and happiness, and in this worldit's pretty hard to be at my coast
one O three point five Ellen kMorning Show it's Coast one of three point
five and Sam Smith tores acl skiingdecided to uh not have surgery, and
I decided to go down the nonsurgical route. But I couldn't walk basically
for a month and on this leg, and I was like, it was

awful. It was the first timeI'd ever not been able to move well.
Back up and healed. Playing Switzerlandtomorrow. Here he is on Coast.
Guess it's true. I'm not goodat one. It's Ellen k Morning
Show on Coast one O three pointfive. Every time there's a documentary about
Selena, I think I watch ittwice. Yes, and now she is

on Coast one of three point five. Thanks for spending your morning with us
him, Ellen, I'm Ryan Mano. I love that we got calls from
all over the country. Thank youfor taking us everywhere you go on your
iHeartRadio app. So much fun connectingwith Yeah, Carrie Steel's coming up next.
More cash on coast all throughout theday. You have your chance to

win one thousand dollars right here.And happy birthday to you if you are
celebrating today like Daniel Radcliffe. Doyou remember when he turned from boy to
man? Yeah? And then allof a sudden, he was just ripped
and he bought the super expensive placein New York. I think it was
like Soho or somewhere around there,Garnwish Village. And he's got tons of

money, right, and then hewas single in the city and so he
was just dating up a storm,and I just remember all those days.
I was like, but he's Harrybehind, I know. I think the
most shocking thing for me was whenhe did that play Equis and did a
nude scene yes stage on Broadway,full front toal Harry Potter the man,
come on now, he's thirty five, all right, well it's his birthday

today, Happy birthday. And hesaid this quote, don't try too hard
to be something you're not. Seehe was being totally himself. You're right,
I love it. Ye, kisson three, kiss on you.
What do you do

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