All Episodes

December 26, 2024 37 mins
Smell ya later, garlic! The happy hack your hands will love! Say goodbye to stubborn smells with this genius happiness hack!
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Another hot day to day and we are the only
K Morning show.

Speaker 2 (00:03):

Speaker 3 (00:03):
Good morning, I'm Ryan Mano, Good morning. I'm Social Queen Darling.

Speaker 1 (00:05):
Good morning. I'm producer Mike Ramos. We are here right
by your side. Coming up Shania Twain in Vegas. We
also have your Llen K one K Payday, your song
of the day, Queen. We will rock you. We have
the champions, Freddie Mercury's birthday today and also Brian May.

Speaker 3 (00:20):
How about that story.

Speaker 1 (00:22):
I had a stroke so he's uh recovering from that.
We'll give you the latest. I love.

Speaker 4 (00:27):
One of his statements was, look, I don't want anyone sympathy.
It's only going to crowd my inbox and nobody wants to.

Speaker 1 (00:33):
Well, when you're snarky like that, then you're feeling better.
That's that's actually such a great sign. All right, So
we're going to do this for you. Today. I was
whitewater rafting on the Umpqua River in Oregon. I don't
know if you've ever been up and around Oregon, but
I think their motto should be Oregon it's right up there.

Speaker 3 (00:52):
I've never been.

Speaker 1 (00:53):
We've never been to Oregon. Same.

Speaker 3 (00:55):
How was it?

Speaker 1 (00:56):
Well, we went to see my sister in Portland, and
that's beautiful. And then we watched Portlandia and so if
you've ever watched Portland, ya, it is exactly Portland. And
then we rode tripped down and found the Umpquall River
and the Steamboat Inn, which has no internet by the way,
so so cut off. Who in this room could survive
a couple of days with no internet? Ryan, I thought

of you. We had at one table outside for a
few hours every day. Yeah, so we read books and talked,
and we walked, we hiked waterfalls. We reconnected as a family.

Speaker 3 (01:31):
Did you feel like like a like an original settler?

Speaker 1 (01:34):
I really did.

Speaker 5 (01:37):

Speaker 1 (01:37):
Then we went White Rider rapting. Every time you go over,
like every every rapids has a name, like the washing
machine or the pinball. The pinballs where you have to
go through you got to get a zero score and
not hit any rocks. And then after the real difficult
ones like the Eiffel Tower that goes straight down, you
do a paddle high five. So yeah, so I think

we should slap paddles slept paddles. We also have our
big fantasy football draft that is happening two day at
three pm, and we're all in it. So I am
Pink Mamba. Yeah you can say who you are, right,
I don't think I should.

Speaker 3 (02:14):
I think you can be fine. It's Hawk Tua. But
it's different because of there's two players.

Speaker 1 (02:20):
There's Hawk and there's Tua. Yeah there's actually who does
Hawk play for?

Speaker 3 (02:24):
I don't know? Yeah, different, I'm sorry.

Speaker 1 (02:26):
That's okay, hot touchdown darlings. Okay, And I got the
mud Dogs from the water Boy all right, Yeah, I
love that. All right, So that's three pm. We're gonna
do that. We are the Iheartfootball Fantasy League. And coming
up for to go Inside Entertainment, give you a paddle
high five and Dancing with the Stars. The first ever

contestant with the ankle bracelet. Yeah we got a felonious dancer.
We'll tell you who.

Speaker 2 (02:52):
It's the Morning Show.

Speaker 5 (02:54):
Thank you so much for making my morning.

Speaker 2 (02:56):
So much easier to wake up to the coast. One
oh three point five Inside Entertainment with Ellen k all right.

Speaker 1 (03:01):
One of these seasons Dancing with the Stars competitors will
Sawsan Chacha wearing an ankle monitor. And that is Anna Delvi.
She posts for promo posters with the GPS device. She's
been under house arrest since being released from prison. The
Russian con artist had been sent to twelve years for
bilking New York socialites while posing as a German heiress,
and to compete on Dancing with the Stars, she requires

approval from US Immigration and Customs Enforcement. That's ICE. So
Anna Delvey has fought deportation since her release, and she's
restricted to stay within seventy miles of New York City.
She told reporters quote, I've been waiting to get permission
from ICE to travel here to LA so maybe she'll
get that. I guess she's one of the lineup. Also

in the lineup for this next season of Dancing with
Stars Vager Parks from Real Housewives of Atlanta, also Tory
Spelling Pamelhorse Guy Stephen Netterosik, who is a favored to win.
Oh and The Bacheloret's Jen Tran And.

Speaker 4 (03:59):
I'm I'm rooting for the dad from Family Matters Reginald
vell Johnson.

Speaker 3 (04:07):
Yeah, I love it.

Speaker 1 (04:09):
How fun and Travis Kelsey has purchased a racehorse named
Swift Delivery. He talks about how it happened and how
the name helped influence the purchase.

Speaker 6 (04:17):
I like the way that Swift Delivery ran. I've seen
like three or four races that Swift Delivery has been in,
and sure enough, I heard nothing but great reviews. And
it's more of a finishing horse. It comes around that
turn and just hits hits the just like top speed
and kind of saves the last like straightaway for with
all the juice.

Speaker 1 (04:36):
That has got that's nice. Well, an athlete would know
another athlete, all right. And there's no truth to the
rumor that Taylor and Trevor breaking up.

Speaker 2 (04:46):
It's the llen k Morning Show.

Speaker 7 (04:48):
You guys are great to listen to.

Speaker 8 (04:49):
Great energy.

Speaker 2 (04:50):
Host one O three point five Ready for the heat.

Speaker 1 (04:55):
We landed in Burbank from Sacramento yesterday quick Flight. Only
forty people on the plane and the plane holds one
hundred and forty six, so everyone got there take your back,
the flight attendant said, Southwest. Everybody gets their own aisle seat,
and I'm like, I'm a window girl anyway. So well,

we'll keep you up to speed on how hot it's
going to be. We got in the uber and it
was one hundred and eight degrees at two pm, so
we're looking for more of that. But stay here will
keep you cool. Oh, it's hot, too hot. You gotta
run the shelter. You gotta run sh it's too hot.

And it is a therapy Thursday. And if your troubles
you need help with we are your place. Just go
to Coast one O three five dot com enter what
you want to talk about. We have a licensed therapist coming.
So also, thank you Thursday. Who do you want to thank?
You can do it to your life.

Speaker 2 (06:00):
Post one of three point five. It's the lank morning shell.

Speaker 5 (06:03):
Thank you, Ellen k just real quick, a little kiss
on you well, thank you so much for making my day.

Speaker 2 (06:08):
Host one O three point five.

Speaker 3 (06:10):
Let's dance, Let's dance, Let's happiness. Hack it up to Ellen.

Speaker 4 (06:14):
I'm gonna throw you on a spot real quickly. That's
the last thing you cooked.

Speaker 3 (06:17):
With onions are garlet?

Speaker 1 (06:19):
Okay? I made a chicken dish with onions and garlic,
some tomatoes and petpers thrown in there. Almost fahitas talbano
quite oh yoh thanks the best smell by the way,
Oh I love the smell of onions and garlic.

Speaker 4 (06:35):
Okay, but it's not great to have on your fingers.
It's horrible to have on your hands because it lasts
it lingers.

Speaker 1 (06:39):
I did do the fresh chat. It was all over
my fingers.

Speaker 3 (06:42):
Linga's on your fingers. So check this out. I didn't
know this.

Speaker 4 (06:46):
If you rub your hands on stainless steel, it takes
off the smell of garlic and onions right away. So basically,
the makeup of stainless steel is meant to absorb sulfur,
which is what causes that scent to stay on our hands.
But if you just you know, rub your hands on
your sink, it's going.

Speaker 1 (07:03):
Oh that's why we need to rub our hands all
over our sink. Yeah, mayas ceramic. Oh dang, stinky.

Speaker 2 (07:13):
Feel good continues next on The ellen K Morning Show.
This is Jeremy Renner, This is Kate Hudson.

Speaker 3 (07:19):
This is Joe Coy, and I'm chilling with my whole girl.

Speaker 4 (07:22):
Ellen K Morning Show, ellen K Morning Show on Coast
one three point five.

Speaker 1 (07:26):
I love you so much.

Speaker 4 (07:27):

Speaker 1 (07:27):
You're telling you Ryan, these happiness hacks are a thing.
Every time you give one, we get loads of calls.
And you just gave one about garlic on your fingers. Yep.

Speaker 4 (07:36):
If you have that smell on your fingers and you
want to get rid of it, quickly rub your hands
fingers on stainless steel.

Speaker 3 (07:41):
It takes it right off.

Speaker 1 (07:42):
Yeah, my sink is ceramic, so I can't put Joe Anne,
thank you for calling. You have a pro tip for me?

Speaker 7 (07:48):
Yeah, so just wrap your hands on your faucet.

Speaker 1 (07:52):
Okay, there we go. I don't need a whole sink.

Speaker 9 (07:55):
You don't sure, and it works beautifully.

Speaker 1 (08:00):
I love that because, yeah, I love to chop fresh
garlic and I love to cook it and the smell
and everything. But yeah, my fingers, I don't have a
sink to rubblem and it's it's white ceramic, so I
will rub up my post.

Speaker 7 (08:15):
Yes, do it on your works.

Speaker 1 (08:18):
I'm going to do it. Do it, do it, do it, dude,
you too, wake up with ellen k.

Speaker 5 (08:27):
You guys are the best.

Speaker 10 (08:29):
I love listening to you.

Speaker 5 (08:30):
I listen to you every day.

Speaker 1 (08:31):
I love being here with you.

Speaker 2 (08:33):
Coast one oh three point bot.

Speaker 1 (08:34):
Let's chop couches. See my couch is like soft and
it's kind of like a I don't know what kind
of fabric it is, but let's say it's like a
cottony soft thing that's yours.

Speaker 3 (08:47):
More like a swede.

Speaker 1 (08:48):
Sway, darling mother, I have oh okay, oh yeah, that's
good for spills. All right, What your couch says about you,
It says a lot. I had no idea, but we're
going to share that with you. Your top stories coming
up next time, coming.

Speaker 2 (09:03):
Wake up with ellen K.

Speaker 3 (09:04):
Hi, this is Tiffany Hattison. You're listening to the ellen
k Morning Show. Coast one oh three point five.

Speaker 1 (09:10):
She ready get its Coast one oh three point five.
Top stories. I'm ellen k and sadly four people losing
their lives and yesterday's tragic shooting at that school in Georgia.
Two students, two teachers. Chris Hosey is leading the investigation,
and he gave a chilling detail.

Speaker 11 (09:28):
He was in.

Speaker 1 (09:29):
The boy who did the shooting was arrested last year
for making threats or was never arrested and the probe
never went further. In total, eleven people wounded by Gray's gunfire. Okay,
what about this? Are residents of Red Show's Palace Verdies
are resisting the call to leave their homes as after
water and power has been shut off and hundreds of homes.

At the moment, more than six hundred and eighty acres
of the city are sliding, mainly in the seaview neighborhood,
and it is tonight the thirty eighth season premiere of
Thursday Night Football five point fifteen on NBC. The Kansas
City Chiefs hosting the Baltimore Rains and the two time
defending Super Bowl champ. Chiefs are both the consensus betting
favorites and one of the most popular picks to win

an unprecedented third consecutive Super Bowl and days away from
the NFL season kicking off at Sofa, of course, we
have your tickets coming up. But the stadium just launched
a preview of their new food. There's an executive chef
named Omar Almerez. He says he wants to dial it
up a notch poke Nacho's Beef of Noodles, Texas Twinkies,

and Stromboli Dogs. Also, in addition to the expanded menu
of the stadium also made Uber Eats ordering. And again
we are your hookup chargers, raiders. We have your tickets
later on in the show. Just keep it here to win.
And what about this your sofa? How somebody sits on
the couch can tell what kind of a person they are.
If you're a pillow hugger, that means you're an introvert.
If you sit Chris Cross, that means that you have

a desire to project an image of sophistication. And if
you really stretch out, that means you're comfortable, take up
extra space and enjoying your comfort. No matter what I think,
most people are that. And it is scorching heat today,
monster heat wave triple digits through the weekend. Let's see
Erwindale to one ten Industry one oh five. It is

seventy five in Burbank and we run on Celsia's Energy
drinks Kost Los Angeles. It's Coast one of three point
five NSA. Thank you Thursday. Also, we're gonna send you
see Shania Twain in Vegas. We'll get away for you.
It's your llen KQ and a just ahead the LK
Morning Show on Coast one oh three point five Miley
Cyrus and the Line and Coast won a three point

five Thank you for making us your most listened to
morning show. We're the LLENK Morning Show. And shout out
to James in the UK listening on the iHeartRadio app.
He is one of our new listeners. Thank you for
finding us, James. He said he was scrolling through the
iHeart app. It's a free download, and he found us.
James Welcome in case you're just finding us. I'm Ellen Kay,

good morning. I'm Ryan Mana, I'm Social Queen Darling and
it is a thank you Thursday. We like to do
this every Thursday. I got to do is give us
a call. Thank whoever you like live on the air.
All right, Francis first and Q, you're on.

Speaker 11 (12:16):
I just want to thank the doctors and nurses at
Arizona Children's Hospital because my friend's grandson was able to
get a heart and a lung transplant last night last night.

Speaker 1 (12:30):
Congrats. I've been following you on Instagram and your story
and praying for you and your family. That's great news.

Speaker 11 (12:38):
Yeah, so it was exciting that he was actually got
a call the day before that there was a donor
and the transplant went through last night, and so far
it's good.

Speaker 1 (12:53):
And how old is he He's fifteen, Oh my gosh,
but he's had heart disease since he was born.

Speaker 11 (13:00):
So he's already had several open heart surgeries to try
and you know, get him by and it finally just
got to the point where it was failing beyond repair.

Speaker 1 (13:12):
Well now he's got another chance at life.

Speaker 11 (13:16):
Yep, he got a heart and liver because it took
down the liver.

Speaker 1 (13:20):
Well, there you go. Thank you so much, Francis. You
see that beautiful. We love miracles. We were leave in miracles.
And it's a thank you Thursday, thank for being in
afriend Tell them thank you Thursdays with the Lynn.

Speaker 2 (13:36):
So thanks allone who was made up.

Speaker 1 (13:42):
And coming up, we're gonna go inside entertainment. J Lo
and Ben are done, but what about Jalo and Matt Damon.
They are forced to be together on a red carpet.
Tell you why.

Speaker 2 (13:51):
Next it's the L and K Morning Shows.

Speaker 5 (13:54):
So good this morning.

Speaker 2 (13:56):
Thank you Coast one O three point five.

Speaker 1 (13:58):
We're glad you picked us. And this is your Ellen
KQ and A. It's Schani Twain in Vegas. We're going
to send you there. It is a two ticket sister,
come on over Las Vegas Residency, all the hits, Planet
Hollywood Live. You also get two night's state, a plant
Hollywood and a gas cart for the road. It's a
whole package. And men spend an hour more than women

doing this every week. So men spend an hour more
than women doing this every week. It's eight hundred ninety
two nine KOST. That is your number, and we will
get your guest's name.

Speaker 2 (14:30):
More feel Good is coming up on the Ellen.

Speaker 1 (14:32):
Tabrning Show Coast one of three point five.

Speaker 5 (14:36):
Oh my god, I'm so happy.

Speaker 1 (14:40):
It's we're the only K morning show. Thank you for
getting up with us. I can't change it.

Speaker 7 (14:45):
I run from the car to the office, from the
car to the house.

Speaker 1 (14:49):
I can't sing it off. These are great The Llen
K Morning Show on Coast one oh three point five.
Let's go to Jackie. Jackie is one of those. She's
one of those who got up early, went to the gym.
Blood is flowing, You're healthy, you're feeling accomplished. How are you?

Speaker 9 (15:05):
Jackie's been good?

Speaker 5 (15:07):
How are you?

Speaker 1 (15:08):
Yeah, we're good. So what did you do with the gym?

Speaker 5 (15:10):
I just did arms a little cardio. Yeah, nice, good morning.

Speaker 1 (15:15):
We were just at Crater Lake and to get into
the lake, there's one specified spot, but you have to
hike to it and there are no guardrails or anything,
and it's like straight down a path that winds and curves.
I was so terrified, and then coming back up, I
felt like I need to do more cardio.

Speaker 5 (15:38):
Oh, it's good.

Speaker 10 (15:40):
Just you know, you got to stay ready for the
zombie apocalypse.

Speaker 1 (15:42):
Okay, where to live by from Jackie? All right, Jackie,
what's your guess what do men do an hour more
every week than women?

Speaker 7 (15:52):
I'm gonna guess hobby, maybe like fantasy football or sport.

Speaker 1 (15:57):
That's a really great guess, the right answer, Dome. All right,
but you're fit, you're Jackie, You're ready for the day.
Let's uh try again.

Speaker 3 (16:08):
Jan ready for the zombies?

Speaker 5 (16:09):
Yeah, so much.

Speaker 1 (16:11):
The great morning, Camilla, how's the ten in West Kobina?
Is it moving?

Speaker 10 (16:17):
It's moving now.

Speaker 7 (16:18):
I'm on the fifty seven.

Speaker 1 (16:21):
We rode tripped and we were like road tripping Oregon.
But I learned so much about maps from my son Calvin.
You know, there's a ten, a twenty, a thirty, a forty,
a fifty, a sixty, a seventy and eighty and a
ninety all the way up our state. What yeah, no, yeah,
he found him. I was like, WHOA, I did not know.

Speaker 7 (16:42):
That's cool.

Speaker 2 (16:42):

Speaker 1 (16:43):
I thought it was really cool info. But Camilla, on
the ten, what is your guess what do men spend
an hour more than women doing each week?

Speaker 11 (16:51):
My guess is that they go to the gym exercising.

Speaker 1 (16:55):
Great guess, not the right answer. Oh well, thanks for playing.
Thank you so much, you too, Maria, daughter Sophia and
sixth great Hi guys, Hi, hello, and here you're your blinker.

Speaker 5 (17:13):
Oh I'm sorry, I'm pulling over.

Speaker 1 (17:15):
No, no, it's okay. Thanks for pulling over for the
ollen k and there's Rye.

Speaker 3 (17:21):
Hey, good morning. What's your guest?

Speaker 5 (17:23):
Hey, I'm gonna have to guess eating eating.

Speaker 1 (17:26):
Men spend an hour more than women eating each week.
You are right, you're going to Twain in Vegas.

Speaker 2 (17:34):
Nice job, thank you.

Speaker 1 (17:37):
You're going to stay playing in Hollywood. You have a
gas card for the road. It's Shania, come on over
Vegas residency. Congrats, it is eating.

Speaker 10 (17:45):
Thank you so much, thank you.

Speaker 1 (17:47):
It's you and KQ and aw we do it every
day and Shania Twain in Vegas. So men spend an
hour more than women eating each week. I don't go
to eat more slowly or just more, just more more.
We put them more in mornings. Thanks for playing. Coming

up just around the corner. One thousand dollars with your
ellen k A one k paty, it's queen. We will
rock you. We have the champions. Good morning Coast one
of three point five, thank you for being up with us.
And Ellen, there's Ryan Hey, Good morning Social Queen Darley,
Good morning, You've got You've got a friendly.

Speaker 2 (18:28):
The ellen K Morning Show on Coast one o three
point five playing the best mints of the eighties nineties.

Speaker 1 (18:33):
And today we have the iHeart Fantasy Football League. Talk
about your name later, Ryan, there are too many kids
in the car. But what about the polio Keenny Picklers
Pickleball League? All right? And why pickleball is so good
for you? I'll tell you if your tough stories coming up.

Speaker 2 (18:50):
Next, It's the ellen K Morning Show.

Speaker 5 (18:53):
Ellen, we love you, We listened to you every morning
religiously we implore you.

Speaker 2 (18:57):
Coast one o three point five stories top of.

Speaker 1 (19:00):
The hour, Good morning of Ellen K. And a twenty
eight year research product has concluded this cell phones are
not connected to brain cancer. Those results just out this morning.
And USC legend Reggie Bush, who recently got his Heisman
Trophy back, has added another honor to his resume the
Rose Bowl Hall of Fame. The Trojans start running back
will be honored during the annual Rose Bowl Game on

New Year's Day here in Pasadena. Reggie widely remembered for
crushing it during two Rose Bowl games. One in two
thousand and four another and six, Bush will become the
one hundred and forty sixth person inducted into the Rose
Bowl Hall of Fame. Congrats or Reggie. And evidence shows
that racket sports like pickleball extend life expendency by ten years.

Researchers found those who regularly play racket sports like pickleball
or tennis reduce their risk of death by fifty percent
and also add ten years to their life. Racket sports
also require an opponent, so you can't hit the bow
back to yourself. It means that involves a lot of
social interaction, which is also just good for you. It
does a scorching day today we're keeping it cooking. Our

monster heatwave bringing triple digits through the weekend valleys inland
Heady to one hundred and ten. No real relief until
next Tuesday. Erwindale say hello to one ten today. Industry
one oh five and it is seventy five here in Burbank.
We run on Selseas Energy Drinks KOST Los Angeles. It's
coast one of three point five. It's a therapy Thursday,

going to tackle your troubles. Also one thousand dollars. When
you hear Queen, we will rock you before nine. Good morning,
Coast one of three point five. Thank you for being
up with us.

Speaker 5 (20:32):
First thing in the morning's Emily Radio station. Listen to
see you guys wake me up and this is amazing.
Thank you so much for making my morning so much easier.
It's to wake up too.

Speaker 2 (20:41):
The LNK Morning Show on Coast one O three point five.

Speaker 1 (20:44):
Ever every Thursday, and we are the LNK Morning Show.
It's Coast one of three point five. Our licensed therapist.
She's a therapist, Sarah Dash And uh, thank you so
much for submitting for Sarah, because we hook you up
here on the air. So we got Robert ready on
the line. Run all right, Robert, thanks so much for

coming on. You're on with our therapist. Ordash tell Sarah. Sarah,
what's happening?

Speaker 9 (21:12):
So I have a partner who's kind of no longer
no longer fun to peer around because she's usually we
used to go out to a lot of social events
and lately she's been knocking out and at home she
seems very unhappy, especially when we're like watching TV. She's
always finding an excuse to go and you know, work

in the other room, and I just don't know how
to address the situation.

Speaker 8 (21:38):
Okay, what I'm hearing is that she is electing to
withdraw from you a little bit. So I'm wondering if
you know, for whatever reason she's withdrawing, maybe she's feeling
a little depressed, or she's feeling a disconnect with you.

Speaker 1 (21:58):
Do you tend to domineer the conversations or make all
the plans, or like, is there are you controlling of
her time? No?

Speaker 9 (22:09):
I you know, I usually ask her if she's well,
you know, willing to be willing to hang out, or
if she wants to hang out, or if I give
her ideas like you know, hey, why don't we go
do this? But she's just she's just seeing me not
be interested anymore.

Speaker 8 (22:23):
Ellen, I think you ask a really important question, because
if we do feel controlled, we do tend to rebel,
and a lot of times it's not in an obvious way.

Speaker 3 (22:35):
Is there a chance, any chance that there might be
someone else?

Speaker 9 (22:39):
No, I love her to that, She's everything to me.
It's just, you know, I think I've stayed up on
the same path and maybe she has just stressed out.

Speaker 1 (22:49):
I feel okay.

Speaker 8 (22:50):
Well, when Ryan asked a really important question, you were
talking about how you felt about her?

Speaker 1 (22:58):
How does she feel about about you?

Speaker 9 (23:03):
That's a good question. I probably have to ask you that.

Speaker 1 (23:06):
Like, maybe there's a distraction at work.

Speaker 8 (23:09):
Right, and whatever it is, there is absolutely something going on,
and you want to know what that is.

Speaker 9 (23:18):
Yeah, I do.

Speaker 1 (23:20):
That's a heart to heart.

Speaker 9 (23:23):
Yeah, I appreciate that. Thank you.

Speaker 3 (23:25):
Okay, all right, Robert, hang in there, buddy.

Speaker 9 (23:28):
All right, thank you, thank you.

Speaker 1 (23:32):
Well, so he didn't think about it, like, how does
she feel about him? Maybe you're in that situation. It's
time for Robert to have a heart to heart. Maybe
you've got some suggestions for Robert. At eight hundred ninety
two nine KOSG. That's an eight hundred nine nine five
six seven eight same number to win one thousand dollars

with Queen. We will rock you. We're gonna play four nine, right,
are you okay?

Speaker 3 (23:59):
I mean I think this is oker.

Speaker 1 (24:02):
Calvin used always say when it was awkward, you go aker,
this is occer. It's pretty clear what's going Yeah, So
what you do you think it is?

Speaker 4 (24:11):
Well, I'm when it started a new job, that opens
up a lot of I don't I don't know.

Speaker 2 (24:18):
You're right, it's the k Morning Show.

Speaker 5 (24:20):
Thank you so much for making my morning so much.

Speaker 2 (24:22):
Easier to wake up to Coast one oh three point five.

Speaker 1 (24:26):
It's been our blog Coast on a three five dot
com Stagecoach.

Speaker 4 (24:31):
And that the big lineup just dropped, even Creed. They're
having a sort of a resurrection right now. They're having
a moment, Creed, you.

Speaker 1 (24:39):
Stop and making observation. Wow, okay, So so go back
two years Bryan Manno, I don't like country music. I
know you can't get me there. Yeah, didn't own a
pair of boots, more a plannel or a hat, nothing.

Speaker 3 (24:54):
I had no gear.

Speaker 1 (24:55):
Right, and now you're like immersed all in some of
your best friends. You've made it stage coaches like all
about stage coach.

Speaker 3 (25:03):
I can't wait.

Speaker 1 (25:04):
You've transformed into a country lover.

Speaker 3 (25:07):
Once we get you there, I'm telling you it's game over.

Speaker 1 (25:10):
Yeah. No, I've never been so vocal as you.

Speaker 3 (25:13):
You know you do the coach telephone. We need to
get you to stay.

Speaker 1 (25:18):
Anyway, the entire lineup is out. I've been waiting for
that to drop because we send you there. More details
on that coming up, but first of all, there'd be Thursday.
So we got a call from Robert. His girlfriend is
ignoring him start a new job. She's even leaving the
same room, doesn't want to be around him and irma
thank you for calling. What's your take?

Speaker 7 (25:37):
But it's all about communication. He needs to just straight
up ask her, you know, what is it that I've
done or haven't done that creating a drift between us?

Speaker 1 (25:49):
Yeah, it is a drift. A new job, and then
she no longer even wants to be in the same room.
So I maybe it was a build up of things,
or maybe there is, like Ryan thinks someone knew at work.

Speaker 7 (26:01):
That's always the possibility, you know. But maybe he just
starts to he needs to start re romancing her, you know,
maybe bringing her flowers and offering her a foot massage
or something.

Speaker 1 (26:14):
Have you ever been through a patch like this in
your relationship?

Speaker 7 (26:18):
Yes, I have been to where I said, if you
want to divorce.

Speaker 2 (26:23):
Me, fine, oh you know.

Speaker 5 (26:25):
So it was just.

Speaker 7 (26:25):
Because he was a little bit into himself, you know,
wanting to play sport, and I just felt neglected, you know.
But he finally opened his eyes and started paying more
attention to my family.

Speaker 3 (26:40):
And you're still together.

Speaker 7 (26:43):
Oh yeah, yeah, we've been to Mary for forty four years.

Speaker 1 (26:47):
Okay, well then you would know. Okay, well we will
pass it along. Thank you so much for weighing in.

Speaker 7 (26:53):
You're welcome. Have a wonderful day.

Speaker 1 (26:56):
Thanks Erma. So Erma says, go for the feet and
rub them.

Speaker 2 (27:02):
The LNK Morning Show on Coast one of three point
by Hie.

Speaker 1 (27:05):
Who's this? This is Jackie, Jackie your Color twenty. You
just won one thousand dollars.

Speaker 10 (27:11):
Oh my goodness, I can't believe we've finally happened.

Speaker 5 (27:15):
Yes, what are you doing? I can't believe.

Speaker 10 (27:19):
I'm parked waiting for the song to come out?

Speaker 1 (27:22):
Oh my god, are you waiting to go into work? School?
What's going on? Thank you?

Speaker 10 (27:28):
My kids to school. I just parked and I'm waiting
for the second one, for the second ride, and oh
my god, you got it.

Speaker 1 (27:37):
I'm so happy you stayed in your car. Real have
to listen for the.

Speaker 10 (27:40):
Sad pillful unreal. Yes, I was parked and waiting.

Speaker 1 (27:45):
Oh, your weight paid off a thousand dollars.

Speaker 10 (27:48):
Oh my gosh, it will never happen. I've been doing
it for years. Thank you.

Speaker 1 (27:55):
Well, you're awesome. Thanks for pulling over waiting your car
to win, Queen, we will rock you and it's a
different song, a different winner every single day. You're Ellen
k One day here at Coast Kost, Los Angeles. It's
Coast one of three point five and bought on Celsius
Energy drinks and coming up, we're gonna fly you away

to our iHeartRadio Music Festival. Keep it here to win.

Speaker 2 (28:21):
It's the Lank Morning Show.

Speaker 1 (28:22):

Speaker 5 (28:22):
We love you. We listen to you every morning religiously.
We implore you.

Speaker 1 (28:26):
Coast one O three point five Googo Dolls just announced
this morning as part of the Coachella I are actually
the stage coach. Line up, stage coach. It's a biggie
just drop this morning.

Speaker 3 (28:41):
Is this the year you're going with me?

Speaker 1 (28:43):
Yep? Yeah, camping. Come on, we're gonna tend camp and
we're gonna wear our cowboy boots and we're just gonna
get dust and lots of music and fun and drink
a lot of beer and dance. I love it. Speaking

of dancing Dancing with the Stars, at first, a contestant
with an ankle monitor Anna Delvey the inspiration of inventing Anna.
She will be there she uh, she just sentnd the
twelve years for bilking socialites in New York for posing
while posing as a German heiress. So she has to
get ICE, the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement to agree

for her to go to New York to LA.

Speaker 3 (29:26):
Does someone that needs to go through all that needs
to be on a TV show.

Speaker 1 (29:29):
It's a good headline, though, I'll said Tory Spelling. Genran
the bachelorette. She proposed and the guy said no. Well
he said yes and he said no. He wasn't the
right guy for Jen.

Speaker 3 (29:40):
I'm pulling for Carl Winslow. He's in the cast.

Speaker 4 (29:43):
Reginald Bell Johnson, he was a sleeper. I didn't see
him coming.

Speaker 3 (29:47):
Yeah, I didn't either. Shout out family matters.

Speaker 1 (29:50):
So Football Tonight, the thirty eighth season premiere Thursday Night
Football five point fifteen. We get the Chiefs and the Ravens.
Travis Kelcey of the chief says he feels old is blank,
entering his twelfth NFL season and more seasoned with a mustache.
These are appending some of your headlines. Also, we have
our fantasy football league. I'm Pink Mamba, I'm the touchdown Darlings.

What a cute name, Darling.

Speaker 3 (30:15):
Thanks, unlike mine.

Speaker 1 (30:16):
Ryan is Hawktua because there is t J. Hawkinson.

Speaker 3 (30:21):
Yeah, he plays for the Vikings.

Speaker 1 (30:23):
And then Tua is to a Dolphins.

Speaker 3 (30:25):
Tag of Balowa plays for you.

Speaker 1 (30:26):
You could have been Tua Hawk, but you did Hawk Tua.
But that's fine.

Speaker 3 (30:30):
I thought it was.

Speaker 1 (30:31):
It's the iHeart Football Fantasy League and we're on it,
so we can't wait for that. So happy birthday to you.
If you're celebrating today, Freddy Mercury rest in peace of
Queen Queen. It was your one Kpayday song of the
Day and tomorrow's song you're listening for Katie Perry Firework
between eight and nine. Also, Michael Keaton celebrating his birthday today.

Beetletooth's coming out well tonight at midnight.

Speaker 3 (30:57):
Can't wait to see it.

Speaker 4 (30:58):
Yeah, I remember that first movie, the dinner table scene.

Speaker 1 (31:02):
Love classic.

Speaker 10 (31:11):
Like oh man, that.

Speaker 5 (31:18):
Is that?

Speaker 1 (31:19):
Is that? He said? Happy birthday, Michael Keith, He like gol.

Speaker 2 (31:31):
It's the Ellen K Morning Show.

Speaker 7 (31:32):
You guys are great to listen to.

Speaker 8 (31:34):
Great energy.

Speaker 2 (31:35):
Host one O three point.

Speaker 1 (31:36):
Five NFL season kicking off today. We have your tickets
coming up right now. All you have to do is
be Connor twenty. Ryan looked at me like, wait, don't
you do it.

Speaker 3 (31:47):
You're gonna do it now, but you can get Let's
do it.

Speaker 1 (31:51):
In time to charge up l A. The NFL season
kicking off. We're celebrating with fan events all across So Cal.
Join us today Brew Court Tap House in Elsagundo five
pm and tomorrow Baja Sharkey's and Hermosa Beach at three
giveaways in the chance to hang with Charger legends. All right,

don't miss the action Sunday against the Raiders, but we're
gonna send you there right now. I had to do
as a big collar twenty Oh, this is exciting. We
have our big draft, yes football today.

Speaker 4 (32:25):
I've never been part of a fantasy league that drafts
two hours before the first game kicks off.

Speaker 1 (32:30):
This is like, is a weird time to do it?

Speaker 5 (32:33):

Speaker 3 (32:33):
Yeah, it's a little late.

Speaker 1 (32:34):
Oh it is okay, Well, we're doing it all right tonight.
You've got the I heard fantasy football league. That's our league.
Got Mano, that's right, Darlene, Darlene's dad Tony playing for
the first time. We excited, so exciting. You got Dar's
husband Alex.

Speaker 3 (32:53):
Myself, my mom said she would join if there was
money involved.

Speaker 1 (32:56):
Oh okay, well what I'm hearing that we might? We
might have a one thousand dollars price.

Speaker 3 (33:02):
She doesn't even know anything about football.

Speaker 1 (33:04):
Nor do I, Darling. Let me just do it for
the fun. Okay, be calling twenty now next, Chargers Raders.

Speaker 2 (33:13):
It's the Lank Morning Show.

Speaker 5 (33:15):
Thank you, Ellen k just real quick, a little kiss
on you. Thank you so much for making my day.

Speaker 2 (33:20):
Host one O three point five.

Speaker 1 (33:21):
Hey there you're.

Speaker 11 (33:22):
Coloring my money lead thank you.

Speaker 1 (33:27):
Yeah, you just want a parent ticket to this Sunday's
game Chargers Raiders and you what's your name?

Speaker 10 (33:34):
No way, Letty, Letty?

Speaker 1 (33:37):
What are you doing right now?

Speaker 5 (33:39):
I'm eating birthdays? Would you like that? Sure?

Speaker 1 (33:42):
What are you making? Oh it's trouble.

Speaker 10 (33:45):
Day, Bakdan All American Breakfast.

Speaker 1 (33:50):
You're going to All American Sports Football and you'll be
there on Sunday a para ticket. Wow.

Speaker 5 (33:57):
I can't believe it. I've been trying. I've been calling you, Calle,
I got it.

Speaker 3 (34:02):
Listen to this.

Speaker 4 (34:02):
One of my buddies is catering for the official Raiders
tailgate party and he has to be there at three am.

Speaker 10 (34:09):
Oh that's super early.

Speaker 4 (34:12):
Yeah, well you know when you got I know I'm
meeting him there at noon though I'm not doing all that.

Speaker 1 (34:19):
Fall there. Yeah, you will kick off is at one
o five pm. Secure your Chargers tickets today Chargers dot
com slash tickets and.

Speaker 3 (34:26):
Catch every play on our sister Stational ninety or seven.

Speaker 2 (34:29):
It's the L and K Morning Show.

Speaker 5 (34:31):
Think I fall in love with you? Guys?

Speaker 1 (34:33):
Is that official? Are we dating?

Speaker 5 (34:34):
We are online dating.

Speaker 2 (34:36):
Coast one oh three point five.

Speaker 1 (34:38):
So happy and grateful to be here after those treacherous
whitewater rafting that I was tricked into. Yeah, we went
down those rapids. They all have names that are scary,
like pinball machine and the washing machine. And then afterwards,
after you do a rapid, you stick your paddles in
the air and say paddle high five. I love it.

It's well say paddle high five. Having us on K
Morning Show.

Speaker 2 (35:04):
It's the Ellen K Morning Show.

Speaker 5 (35:06):
Thank you so much for making my morning so much
easier to wake up to.

Speaker 1 (35:09):
Coast one oh three point five. Have cheese pizza today?
It is National Cheese Pizza Day. I think the best
pizza in La is Lentica. DEMI show in Hollywood, But
we all have our favorite spots. It doesn't really matter.
As long as it's your favorite, that's the favorite. And
thank you for spending your morning with us. Kerrie Steele
is coming up next. We'll see you again tomorrow morning.

We're gonna play and have lots of fun. Katie Perry
is worth a thousand dollars firework for tween eight and nine.
And also we have more Charger Raiders tickets coming up
and give those to you as well. I think that
you know, we usually say like who we are and thanks,
but I think we should do our fantasy football names.
Our draft is at three two hours before, two hours

before kickoff NFL season kicking off today. I'm Pink Mamba,
I'm Touchdown Darlings, got the mud Dogs. Yeah, that's a Mike.
He's got the mud Dogs from Uh from the movie
The Way.

Speaker 3 (36:06):
I don't want to say mine again, just say it.

Speaker 1 (36:08):
It's Hawk toua yep, that's right, because there are two players.
There's Hawk and there's Tua.

Speaker 4 (36:13):
Year DJ Hawkinson and Tua.

Speaker 1 (36:17):
Also a happy birthday, Michael Keaton. He's going to be
our quote of the day. But first, Happy Birthday, Los
Angeles two hundred and forty three years old and a
song only for l A seventy.

Speaker 9 (36:29):
Six cities, plenty room for more seven million people.

Speaker 1 (36:36):
Angels, we are none, but Angelino's none the less or
we come from the county they call Los Angeles. Yea, yep.

Speaker 3 (36:44):
That's our official song. That is county of song. It's
called seventy six Cities.

Speaker 1 (36:52):
There's a theory that if you live in two places,
you either live in fear or you live in love.
It's Michael Keaton Beatlejuice Beatle just coming out up. Kiss
on three, kiss on Me one to three, They can't
You See Me

Ellen K Morning Show On Demand News

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