Episode Transcript
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By both three. I think yougot k r C the talk station Happy
Monday, July. Well, thereyou go. Joe Trecker not here today.
You can tell we started a littlebit early. Sean McMahon's covering adequately
for Joe Strecker, who is enjoying, I'm sure the back of his eyelids,
sleeping soundly this morning, not listeningto the fifty five Morning Show.
He didn't say he was going tobe listening. In fact, he said
he wouldn't be. I understand thatcompletely. Excuse me, did use the
cough button. Apologies for not gettingon it quick more quickly the first time
I uttered a syllable this morning,really, except for about three or four
words to Shawn before the show startsout, getting the voice back in gear.
Anyhow, I hope you had awonderful weekend. Brian Thomas, your
host of fifty five Carracity Morning SureMoney at fifty five care See dot com,
get your iHeartMedia so you can streamthe audio wherever you happen to be.
All the iHeart content there and includingthe podcast from the fifty five care
See Morning Show. Mm hmm,it's your self. Copy of TANKD and
Cincinnati by Brett Baker and Mike Morgan. Fun to have them on the program.
On Friday, we heard from AlexTrantha Filo about the post mortem on
the Hindenburg disaster or the Hindenburg explosion, that was Joe Biden's performance at the
debate, and among other things,including Tech Friday with Dave Hatter. Always
a wonderful segment and a very importantsegment to listen to, to keep you
out of trouble. You can feelfree to call this morning. I love
to hear from you. Five one, three, seven, four, nine
fifty five hundred, eight hundred andeighty two to three taco with pound five
fifty on at and t phones.Of course, more to talk about in
the aftermath of the debate last week. What are the Democrats going to do?
Are they going to stick with him? Are they going to try to
swap him out? They are ina world of hurt. Multiple articles on
that, as you might imagine,over the weekend and up until this morning.
Coming up this morning, speaking ofwhich Christopher smithvent every Monday at seven
thirty for the Smith Event. Again, not sure what Christopher is going to
be talking about. Maybe get acomment or two about the debate, what
happened, what's going to happen goingforward? More likely local politics. He
did a fundraiser for Hamilton County ProsecuteMelissa Powers last week. Why did he
go to that? But I hita prior engagement. Oh well, a
good turnout there at Jim and Jacksonthe River. And it's speaking of Jim
and Jackson. We will be atJim and Jackson at some point here and
for a fifty five Casey listener lunch. This is Independence Day week, so
a quick reminder, we're not havinglistener lunch this Wednesday. I'll be here,
but we're not doing listener lunch.It's next week on the tenth,
and we're going to be a turfclub. Love that place, and I
love the fact that they're going toopen just for the fifty five Casing Morning
Show because normally they're not open forlunchtime on Wednesdays. They don't live until
four pm, so early for us. Enjoy the big old burger that you
get at the turf Club, thewonderful neon, the great fellow ship that
always happens at the fifty five CarecenMorning Show listener lunch next Wednesday. Hope
to see you there coming up ineight oh five. Here this morning,
Lynn Hoover from st RS Ohio theState Teachers Retirement System. The board voted
five to four against approving a bonusplan for employees, bringing some applause from
some of the current and retired teachersassembled to its meeting this past Friday.
Lynn Hoover from the State Teachers RetirementBoard is going to join us talk about
the the Teachers Union Pension Plan employeebonus plan, specifically the article that appeared
in the inquire about that which Ijust mentioned, and voting against the bonus
plan. So that'll be well.Leasta will get an update from Lynn on
that. Where they are since ADVA. Miss Gene Wilson, President Hemilton County
Veterans Service Commission, talking about VeteransAppreciation Day event coming up a Great American
Ballpark Saturday, July twentieth, detailsat eight of forty. Again, I
always enjoy hearing from you, sofeel free to call five one, three,
seven fifty five hundred, eight hundredand eighty two to three talk and
sad news. Of course you probablyhave heard already two actually very sad events.
It was just really devastating because CongressmanThomas Massey's wife passed away a few
days ago. I don't know anythingabout the circumstances. It came out of
the blue. For me. Ikind of got the impression slightly that maybe
this was expected on some level,although came out of the blue. Nonetheless,
I don't know anything about it.But condolences, God bless Congressman Thomas
Massey and his entire family in theirtime of loss. So mention that and
get that out of the way,and you know, you probably have heard
this one already as well. JimScott, contemporary of my father, died
after a battle with als, accordingto his wife in an announcement on Saturday.
Of course, every remembers Jim sevenhundred do yellow w for however man
forever WSAI. From when I wasa little kid, remember the Grippo's bag.
He was all big about. Youknow, when you're done with your
Grippo's potato Jim bag, fold itup and put it in your wallet,
because for some reason it's supposed tobe good luck. That was all Jim
Scott. So he announced back inAugust of last year that he had been
diagnosed with ALS aka lou Garrick's disease. Said he got the news in the
spring of twenty twenty two after hebegan experiencing weakness in the same arm and
leg that polio. Well, hewas stricken with polio as a child.
Anybody remembers Jim, and actually Iremember him very well from the celebrity Reds
game because my dad would participate inthat. I remember Jim pitching and you
would take the glove off of hispolio hand. He would throw the ball
with his you know, the armthat was not disabled, and then switch
back and forth. But he bedealt with that throughout his entire life,
going his wife. With his graciousnessand thowtfulness and gratitude, he continued to
spark joy in everyone he met.A good friend said that Jim was the
preclearance line straight to heaven, andI envisioned Jim there meeting with everyone saying,
Hi, I'm Jim Scott. What'syour name? Tell me about you?
He won't say that to my dad. They know each other. I
even commented to Joe Strekker when helet me know about Jim Scott's passing.
Anything. Do you think my dadreached out to him in Heaven nineteen sixty
eight when he started his career hereat WSAI. Then he spent thirty years
at LW named Honorary Grand Marshall thetwenty twenty four Reds Opening Day Parade last
year Deceummer last year, something hehad marched in for more than fifty years.
Apparently, apparently he referred to OpeningDay as his favorite day of the
year. Since they Reds posted onsocial media remembering Scott as well, he
was a huge Reds fan. There'sno doubt about it, Reds wrote.
His love for the people of thiscity was unparalleled. His generous support of
the communities throughout the Reds country wasnever ending. He was an inspiration.
Will not be forgotten. For herpart, his wife's post, you said,
Jim Scott felt like a friend tomillions of listeners who awoke to his
voice. And he was that friend. Jim was the real deal. And
I love standing back and watching himmeeting people, talk with them, and
making others feel good about themselves.Sure, Jim's core model and belief was
everyone deserves recognition and he lived bythat every day. So the family is
going to be hosting a funeral,not be hosting a quote unquote funeral funeral,
because there was nothing funeral about Jim. They'll be doing a celebration of
life sometime down the road, sodetails on that, whether the public's invited
and all that will let you knowdown. But remembering Jim Scott this morning,
I met him many times over theyears, always seemed like a really
genuinely nice guy. So well,this reminds me so much. You know,
they have the history in this city, and you know, my dad
included very prominent names, been stickingaroun and outlasting folks over the years.
And that was one thing my dadalways talked about during his career in radio.
He loved. My dad loves Cincinnatimuch in the same way Jim Scott
did. Never wanted to leave,had opportunities to go, mind you,
but wanted to stay here. Andhe always talked about how unusual that was.
And in fact, I remember havingthese conversations with my dad before I
accepted this job, because Dad wasthe one that told me not to take
it. He said, stay whereyou are, Brian, stay where you
are. Radio industry is volatile,and I am a unique thing, like
Jim Scott, a unique thing,and that I've been able to stay here
and make a living out of remainingin one market, Cincinnati my entire career.
No one does that. People hoparound all over the place. And
you may have some people in mindthat you know that are here on radio
and have gone elsewhere for a whilereturn or that left the Cincinni market and
pursued careers outside of the area andcontinue to do so to this day.
So it's neat that we have sucha close connection with so many people in
the broadcast industry here in the cityof Cincinnati. So just a it's an
interesting phenomenon. Also interesting phenomenon thatwe are one of the few cities in
the entire United States that has AMstations. This one included in the top
ten of the ratings. That doesn'thappen anymore. I'm blessed to have it
happen here in the greater Cincinnati area. Okay, so God bress you and
God speed Jim Scott. I knowyou will be missed. What is the
polling aftermath and going back over tothe disaster that is Biden's well and something
else I wants you to keep inmind here that many of the people in
the Biden Canverra saying no, he'sgoing to stick it out. They're coming
out to rush to his defense.There are a lot oft calls for Biden
step beside posts debate. CBS poll, which is one of to Turn too
Right Now, found more voters ofdoubts about Biden's cognitive abilities after the presidential
of Baiten. How wouldn't you?They conducted a pole between Friday and Saturday.
Eighteen percent of voters thought Biden's debateperformance inspired confidence. How could you
ever walk away with that blindly partisanconclusion? Forty four percent believe that former
President Trump's performance did twenty one percent. Poll voters believed that Biden presented his
ideas clearly only twenty one percent.I'd like to talk one on one with
the people in that category to kindof get a sense of who they are
and what they actually think they witnessedversus what we all the rest of us
saw, asked earlier June, Bidenhad the mental and cognitive health to service
president. Thirty five percent of respondensethat he did. Post debate, that
dropped to twenty seven percent. Sixtyfive percent of poll voters said Biden did
not have the mental and cognitive healththe service president when asked June ninth,
that number has increased to seventy twopercent. That is a sizable majority believe
he lacks the mental and cognitive healthto serve as president. Fifty percent said
Trump's mental and cognitive abilities were okayfor not I side splittingly funny are some
of the political commentators out there whoare claiming that Donald Trump should step down
because of I don't know, dementiaor something. And it was a Nancy
Pelosi who suggested that Donald Trump haddementia. Dodge, dip, duck,
dive and dodge, I believe isexactly what's going on. And look at
some of the quotes. So yougot all this drumpedi of calls for Biden
to step aside, even among hisown circles, obviously presenting some significant logistical
challenges, noting that you're going tohave to have that someone secured as a
nominee on the ballot to beat allof these different state deadlines, including Ohio,
Atlanta Journal Constitution writing off Biden onSunday and an editorial the unfortunate Truth
that Biden should withdraw from the raceday road for the good the nation.
He has served so admirably for ahalf century. The shade of retirement is
now necessary for President Biden. Inresponse to which here's some of the most
noted notable Democrats out there were SenatorsRaphael Warnock, Georgia Democrat, absolutely not
talking to NBC's Meet the Press yesterday, bad debates happened. The question is
who has Donald Trump ever showed upfor other than himself and people like himself.
I'm with Joe Biden, and it'sour assignment to make sure that he
gets over the finish line come November. Our Democrats collective assignment. Keep this
in mind. HAAKM Jefferies House ofRepresentative Democratic leader could be speaker next year
if they take control of the House. He pointed out, Biden did suffer
a setback in the debate with aformer President Trump. I believe a setback
is nothing more than a setup fora comeback, he said, So the
moment we're in right now is acomeback moment, and it's going to require
all of us to lean in again, emphasizing this sort of Democrat team effort,
all of us to lean in articulatea forward looking message as to why
the Democratic platform is best equipped todeal with the challenges facing the American people.
That message will not be delivered,apparently by Joe Biden. It'll be
by the Democrats generally speaking. Listen, the president's merely a figurehead. Obviously,
Joe has not been making the decisionsleading up until now. It's this
whole cadre of people behind the scenes, the unelected officials, the puppet masters.
If I might be so bold,don't sweat it, James Cliburn,
House Democrat. He should stay inthe race. He should demonstrate it going
forward. His capacity to lead thecountry, well, that may be what
he should do, but he can't. If he was capable of doing that,
he would have performed much better atthe debate the other day. Apparently
they need to get him out ofthe limelight before six pm. I guess
his operating margins are like a sixhour window during the day between ten am
and six pm or something like that. Sundowner syndrome has been, you know,
regularly repeated over and over again,and for those families dealing with someone
with Alzheimer's, you know exactly whatthat's all about. But did Joe Biden
come out other than at the fundraisersof the weekend to defend himself. Did
Joe Biden come out to articulate thisvision. Did Joe Biden come out and
say, hey, listen, Ihad a bad night, but wait wait
for debate number two. I willbe on fire. Look at me.
Between now and then, I'll beout everywhere. I'll be doing press conferences.
I'll be doing all no, noneof it. He's got press secretaries,
Nancy Pelosi, he's got his peoplesurrounding him, all these noted notables,
and I just mentioned a handful ofelected officials of prominence say no,
he's okay. You got to stickwith him. It's going to be all
right. Do you really feel thatway? And will it work? Five
eighteen fifty five KRCD Talk station,Feel free to give me a call.
Got a comment on that. I'dlove to know what you have to say.
I really enjoyed all the comments thatcame in this past Friday in the
aftermath of debate. You know whatelse I like? It is five twenty
one that they do about KRCD TalkStation five on three seven nine fifty two
to three Talk to a Time fivefifteen at and T phones and Supreme Court
is going to be doing the immunitycase. We should maybe even get it
today. I don't know whether DonaldTrump Joyce presidential immunity got six justices rejecting.
Rejecting, however, the idea thatlaws against homeless encampments are cruel and
unusual punishment. That's right. AnotherSupreme Court decision, conservatives rescued progressive cities
and the journal rights on the WestCoast from themselves, over ruling lower courts
that had created a constitutional right tocamp on the streets homeless evogance. It
challenged the ban on camping on publicproperty by the city of grant Pass,
Oregon. Defences punishabley a twohundred ninetyfive dollars fine and short stints in jail
for repeat violations. There are manyof these laws across the United States,
but the Ninth Circuit Court of Appealsruled in twenty eighteen that those laws violate
the Eighth Amendments ban on cruel andunusual punishment. Six to three decision Friday
said, now, not so much. Quoting San Francisco Mayor London Reed,
Neil Gorsich wrote, the Ninth Circuit'smisapplication of this Court's Eighth Amendment precedence has
undermined public safety and made it harderfor cities to encourage the homeless to accept
shelter. Since that twenty eighteen decisionby the Ninth Circuit, I might point
out progresses the filed lawsuits all overthe place, any of them covered by
the Ninth Circuit. In the WesternStates, encampments have increased dramatically. Vagrants
have rejected more than half of SanFrancisco's offers of shelter, citing the Ninth
Circuit opinion themselves. Ask a randomhomeless person in the streets of San Francisco.
They don't know the name of thecase. Nine Circuits ruling also stated
the cities can't clear encampments unless theyhave have more available homeless beds and people
on the streets. Judges have addedother stipulation. Los Angeles Federal Court jed
rules that cities must first provide adequateshelter quote unquote adequate, including nursing staff
and security. Where does the wheredoes that come from? The judges made
that up whole cloth. However,the Supreme Court decision Justice Courses explained the
crone Unusual Punishment's clause focuses on thequestion of what method or kind of punishment
a government may impose after a criminalconviction, not on the question of whether
a government may criminalize particular behavior inthe first place, or how it may
go about securing a conviction for thatoffense. Anti camping laws don't criminalize status,
they prohibit certain actions. Planets andgrand Pass sought to extend the Robinson
rule, which it was a nineteensixty two decision blocking a state law the
criminalized drug addiction. They sought toextend that rule beyond laws addressing mere status
to laws addressing actions that, evenif undertaken with the requisite men's ray of
the mental element, might in somesense qualify as involuntary. Gorsich Road.
Addressing homelessness is complex, and ifpeople don't like their leader's policies, they
can vote them out. Not so. Federal judges who gorsage rights cannot begin
to match the collective wisdom of theAmerican people process and deciding how to best
handle a pressing social question like homelessness. Yeah, so, there you have
it. The streets may be safeagain. At least they have taken that
argument out of the realm. Imean, there other aren't other state law
state laws on the books. Thatrequire jurisdictions to have homeless housing and shelter
for every single homeless person that fallswithin the definition that is a financial problem
created by the individual states. Fivetwenty five you five KRCD talk stations.
It is five thirty and ain't veryhalf Monday, trying to make it so
anyway, five one three sevente fiftyfive hundred eight hundred eight two three talk
and with time five fifty on ATand T phones. Still I haven't gotten
used to Tom not being on thephone at this time on a uh of
this show, change his work scheduling. Did don't vote Democratic? Go ahead?
And thrown in there for Tom inhis absence. Ah Over the local
stories again. I started the programmentioning about Jim Scott's passing after battle with
als. It's a huge loss,and of course so well respected man in
radio here in the city for howmany years? Man? Not quite as
long as Dad, I don't think. But still we'll miss Jim Scott and
certainly his love of baseball. Baseball. Let us see here with other local
stories that you can dive onto.This Kentucky State Police investigating in Taylor Mill
after a police officer shot somebody yesterday, Corney to Kentucky State Police public information
officer David Jones. He did notsay what time the shooting happened, but
appears police were initially called around sixpm. Tailormill Police Department issued a statement
stating, with the assistance of theCovington Police Department, officers responded to a
home in Grand Avenue for reports ofsomebody threatening a family member with a knife
and at some point a shot wasfired by police. Identity and condition of
the person shot has not yet beendisclosed or remains under investigation by the Kentucky
State Police. Thank you WCPO forreporting on that. We'll give you further
details if they unfold this morning.Ah, let us see here we go
to Westchester where Westchester Police are investigatinga deceased person found off Schumacher Park Drive
yesterday, Cortney, the spokesperson fromthe Westchester At least they said the deceased
person was discovered by somebody working inthe area. Butler County Corner expected to
conduct the autopsy. Accorded police officialssaid nothing further will be released until that
autopsy is complete. Two people hospitalizedafter his shooting in Westwood early yesterday morning.
Since any. Police Department said abouttwo o'clock in the morning, they
responded to a shooting near the thirtyone hundred block of Brackenwood's Lane. Two
victims, a twenty three year oldguy and a twenty year old woman,
were driven to private vehicle within privatevehicles the Good Samaritan Hospital. Both had
non fatal gunshot wounds. Police havenot yet said if they have any suspects
in the shooting. CPO crews wereat the scene of a crash along Harrison
Avenue, which was close to thereported shooting and happened shortly after it.
Police have not confirmed with the crashand the shooting are connected in any way
and unfolding details wear a helmet.I always mentioned that anytime I see a
motorcycle accident in the news, andhere we go motorcyclist in critical condition after
a crash and over the rhine.This happened Friday evening about ten pm,
according to the police, and theyrespoted the two hundred block of West Liberty,
where they found that a forty yearold woman was driving her Chevy Cruise
eastbound on West Liberty when she attemptedto turn left on a central parkway and
while doing so, a thirty oneyear old guy driving a Honda motorcycle westbound
on West Liberty collided with the woman'scar. Motorcyclists not yet identified taking a
UC medical center. He was wearinga helmet. Driver and three passengers and
the other vehicle had seat belts on. They weren't injured. Excessive speed and
impairment are being investigated as factors inthe crash. If you are a witness,
since a police department traffic unit wouldlove to hear from you, that's
five poet three three five two twentyfive fourteen three five two twenty five fourteen.
Let's gore to the phone like atKeith's call, and Keith, thanks
for calling this morning, and happyMonday to you, Hi. How you
do it? If you remember Friday, I called in and talked about what
a dangerous situation. The speech ofJoe Biden's was that what our enemies see,
and that speech when they see withweakness. There's a lot of serious
stuff that's happened because of the ramificationsof his performance. All US military bases
and assets throughout all of Europe andNATO right now are on Task Force Charlie
because they think within the next twoweeks, terrorists may try to do an
attack. Yeah, I saw thatmilitary basis. Also, because Iran sees
weakness, they have threatened that ifIsrael attacks has Blah, they will also
respond militarily. And this gets moreserious. Israel has threatened that if that
would happen, they would absolutely completelyand totally destroy all of our Iran fun
facts going on this morning in theworld, aren't there. Yeah, I
did see that CNN announce that yesterdaythat several US military bases in Europe had
in fact detected terror threats, resultingin that force protection condition Charlie that you
mentioned. It's like, you know, deaf Con three or whatever. It's
force conditioned, Charlie, which justputs our bases on high alert. So
yeah, I don't know if youcan draw a direct parallel between the debate
performance and any decision by a terroristorganization or not, but we do and
all fully appreciate that the office ofpresidency is weak and he is the commander
in chief of the military. Notthat I ever believe that Joe Biden was
calling the shots during his presidency,at least over the past several years.
So well, this military situation inthe Middle East might be the most scariest
of all with Iran. Now,this could possibly lead to World War three,
Yes it could, and those arenot words that could be taken or
should be used lightly. But Ican I disagree with you. It has
fallen apart before our very eyes.Five thirty six fifty five R see the
talk station stick around. Got moreto talk about, stack and stupid of
course coming up. I prefer phonecalls, but that's entirely up to you,
and also encourage you to call Zimmerfor eight A Christopher Smith Smith Event
Monday, No Brian James. We'regonna hear from Lynn Hoover from the Steve
State Teacher's Retirement System about the BOLDUSplan that got shot down. The meantimes
gore to the phone before we getthe stack of stupid. I got Mike
on the line. Mike, thanksfor calling, and happy Monday to you,
Sir Hi Marrim Bryan about the debateon Thursday. But Joe Biden's amazing
performance and the bale has been liftedand the Democrats are finally admitting he's not
all there. But when it comesto the twentieth fifth of minute, does
the Congress do that, or doesKamala Harris going to have to enact that?
Or exactly how's that work? Youknow? Well, Representative Chip Roy,
Republican out of Texas, he apparentlyon his own, was proposing a
resolution urging Kamala Harris to initiate thoseproceedings another twenty fifth to declare and not
fit for office. Now, Idon't know if his egging on will get
her to do anything. And Idon't know that this has never happened in
my lifetime. I don't know anybody'sever, you know, proposed the resolution
using the twenty fifth of Meriment Amendmentto declare Biden unable to perform his duties.
But there it is calling on KamalaHarris to convene and mobilize the principal
officers of the executive departments of theCANINET to activate section four of the twenty
fifth Amendment to declare Joe Biden incapableof executing the duties of his office and
to immediately exercise powers as acting President. So it sounds like she'd be the
one to have to do it.But I mean, Kamala Harris is the
is the problem, isn't she?She holes lower than Joe Biden even after
the debate last week. So,I mean, you draw your own conclusions
on that one. But is anybodywould with the prior caller pointing out that
it may very well be that we'reon the on the verge of World War
three, does anybody believe that thegiggling words Salad Kamala Harris is capable of
handling that role as commander in chief. Let's see what Bobby's got this morning,
Bobby, welcome morning, showing avery happy Monday to you. Happy
Monday, brother, happy first ofmonth. Just stay fresh, is all
I could tell you. Trying Itell you my brother, it's it's hey,
everybody, we all know what's goingon. You know, Joe Biden's
going to be up there in CampDavid all week. He's will be hid.
People just need to prepare for what'scoming. We got a smart audience.
Just prepare yourself. That's all Ican say. Well, do you
want to put any flesh on thebones of that statement there, Bobby,
Well, all I can put isthat you know it's real sample you know,
face flag, family of firearms.Would you have those who always have
freedom? And you need to prepareyourself. That is true, That is
true. I see Mexican cartels havetaken your advice to heart, and they
now apparently have tank busting FGM oneeight javelin infrared guided missile launchers made by
US defense contractors. There's nothing tosee there. Yeah, the Let's Go
cartel among others, claim they havethese and they can blow up airplanes and
tanks as well as helicopters, andthere's some evidence that they have already done
that. A little flexing of muscleby the cartels compared to the elected authorities
in Mexico. I just say thatout loud, because Bobby, you know,
Joe Biden believes that there's no waythat you or I could take on
a government that has F sixteen aircraft. Just ask yourself a question, what
are they gonna do with the Fsixteen aircraft? They're gonna start bombing their
own citizens and neighborhoods with heavy bombsand missiles. Castro is able to fight
a successful operation against the batism Toregime with just arms in the mountains and
rebels fighting against a well stocked military. Hmm. Anyhow, Just putting a
little emphasis on your point there,Bobby, appreciate the call. You can
feel free to call as well,and in the meantime we get one at
least one of these stories. Inspeaking of firearms, we have Dennis Winn,
seventy two years old, arrested inLake County, Florida. He opened
fire on a Walmart delivery drone andappaently scored a direct hit. Lake County
Sheriff's Office sudden release that David Winnadmitting to pulling out his nine millimeters pistol
and shooting at the drone as itflew seventy five feet over his property.
A bullet hole was discovered in thepayload. The drone was carrying a cord.
To the press release, we're incharge with shooting in an aircraft,
criminal mischief, damage over one thousanddollars, and discharging a firearm in public
or residential property his arrest. AvidAvid MS estimates the damage to the drone
at twenty five hundred dollars. Walmarthas begun rolling out drone to lo reason.
This particular one was part of aneighborhood demo operation. As he was
waiting to be taken away, Winshouted to a neighbor that he was going
to jail for shooting a drone.Well, at least he fessed up to
it. Exactly appreciate that John fiveforty five fifty five care CD talk station,
CD talk station Monday, like itor not. I always like Mondays
because' been here from Christopher Smith minat seven thirty. I always like hearing
from you too, regardless of whatday of the week it is. Fifty
eight two to three talk nine pointfifty on AT and T phones. Make
it back over to the stack ofstupid. Go to Pueblo, Colorado,
where the police department and arrested aman for chasing another guy with ama schetty
last Wednesday. Police responded to thethirty four in the block of o'eil Avenue.
There, they saw that the suspect, Josiah Velasquez, had called the
victim the previous evening and said,well, he needed a place to sleep,
the police said. The next day, the victim told Velasquez he needed
to leave. Lasquez then allegedly brandisheda larden knife or machete depending on your
perspective, at the victim and chasedhim out of the house and down the
street, all while threatening the victim. Victim ran to an area of O'Neill
and Gladiola. I guess those arestreets where he was able to call the
police and accorded the police. Velasquewas then barricaded himself in the victim's home
and began breaking property and threatening policewith a large knives Plural SWAT negotiators responded
to the scene. After a longstandoff, police then able to obtain a
search warrant for the home and arrestwarn't for Joseph Alasquez. They entered the
home, SWATT found the Velasquez passedout, whereupon they successfully took him into
custody. After a medical clearance,he was booked into the Pueblo County Detention
Center for felony, menacing, restraining, wader violation, and the criminal mischief.
All right, let us see here, h don't do this. This
is in Australia, but the samething could happen to you. Don't use
your barbecue inside. Four people rushedto the hospital with suspected carbon monoxide poisoning
after they used the charcoal barbecue toheat their home. Emergency crews calls the
unit and Wentworthvill in Western Sydney,Australia, three thirty the morning after residents
reported having difficulty breathing. Three ofthe residents were found unconscious. Four people,
including a child, treated at thescene before being taken to the hospital.
Superintendent said carbon monoxide is believed tohave come from a charcoal brickhead barbecue
which had been used again to heatthe house. He said these types of
equipment used as heaters pose a verydangerous threat. We urge those using this
kind of equipment to only use themin well ventilated areas. Yeap, odorless,
colorless can cause illness and death.Got a carbon monoxide detector? You're
fired? Thank you, Sean.A Florida man took a beating after he
attempted to break into a truck,which resulted in him making a hospital visit
for the injuries he sustained from quotegetting his butt whipped clause quote by a
sixty six year old man. BeverCounty Sheriff's Office of the sixty six year
old called nine to one one Thursdaymorning to report a noise outside at home.
He went outside to see what wasgoing on. That's where he found
twenty nine year old Blake Robinson attemptingto break into his truck. Sixty six
year old man went back inside tograb his phone and report the incident to
the police, but could not locatehis phone. Went back outside to confront
Robinson. He was reportedly attacked,with the suspect punching him in the head
and throwing him to the ground andthen kicking him in the head. However,
the older man managed to defend himselfand hit the suspect, causing the
younger intruder to fall back so hecould get away and contact law enforcement.
Deputies got there, they detained Robinson, who appeared to have had trouble standing
up after receiving the beating from thesixty six year old. Robinson taken to
the hospital for treatment before being releasedto law enforcement. Victim only required brief
medical attention was left out any seriousinjuries. Robinson charged with a felony battery
of a person over the age ofsixty five and attempted burglary of a conveyance.
Booked into the Brevard County Jail ina three thousand dollars bond. Sheriff
Wayne Ivy riding on Facebook. Asfor Robinson, he was fortunate enough to
be in Bereverend County, where hewon a few prizes for being stupid,
including a chauffeur ride to a localmedical facility to check his injuries before arriving
at his less than luxurious accommodation atIvy's Iron Bar lounge. At the lounge
he was at the lounge, hewas given a frenchly washed two ensemble to
get comfortable in before being shown hissleeping area in our open floor plan.
The sheriff concluded in the statement thesuspect got an enhanced charge for hitting someone
over the age of sixty five whoended up whooping his punk butt. We
hope you enjoy your stay at ourlodge, and, as we like to
say here in Brevard County, messaround and find out. Amen. Five
fifty six forty five krs of theDuck station, feel free to call.
We got plenty to talk about inthe six o'clock hour. Not all good
news, I must point out,but well worthy of the discussion. Love
to hear from you, so feelfree to call in. I'll be right
back. Ever, changing world,there's one constant you can depend on.
Fifty five KRC the talk station atthe top end bottom of the hour.
Hey people talking, See how muchthat brings climb down Even a breakdown ten
percent fifty five krz the talk station. So say text the pig about Garasee
the talk station. Brian Thomas WishiA very happy Monday. Try to make
it so anyway, also an inmitationto call it can feel free to chime
in on any subject you want,matters not to measet dear the conversation.
I always enjoy talking with you fiveone, three, seven, four nine
fifty five hundred, eight hundred eightytwo to three talk with Pound five fifty
on AT and T phones. Andif you have care sea dot com,
why you can get the podcasts like, for example Tech Friday with Dave Hatter,
Alex Chantafiliz, post mortem on thepresidential debate which continues to this day,
the general discussion about which direction theDemocrats are going to go given the
obviously imperiled state of the president.More to talk about on that, but
the podcast right there forty five caresea dot com Tech Frida with Dave Hatter
as well, among other things,plus a book you can get Mike Brett
Baker and Mike Morgan's fun book Tankand Cincinnatis. But the uh, the
fun and game struggles and ups anddowns of being in the micro brewery business,
there were fun guys to talk to, so good good podcast at check
out. Let us see here comingup in the fifty five Kersey Morning Show,
It's Monday, No Joe Strecker today. I got Sean McMahon covering four
Joe in the booth today and JoeStrekker lined up Christopher Smith and as I
mentioned, as he always does,we also have Lynn Hoover from the State
Teachers Retirement Program, State Teachers' Unionpension plan and employee bonus plan was voted
down, so we'll find out whatthat means. We're going to do that
at eight oh five with Lynn Hoover. Since any Va returns to the program,
there's a special event coming up VeteransAppreciate Appreciation Day events going on at
Great American Ballpark on Saturday, Julytwentieth, and Ms Jean Wilson, president
of the Hamilton County Veteran Services Commission, is going to join the program in
lieu of Todd's sledge to give usthose details. She'll join the program at
eight forty tomorrow inside Scoop and BrightBart News and Daniel Davis Deep Dive,
along with the return of Joe Strekker, and just so you know, I
will be here on Wednesday, butI'm taking Thursday, Independence Day off as
well as Friday, so they candeal with the app aftermath of my Independence
Day celebration. I love Independence Day. Love it. Since someone brought up
in the last segment the twenty fifthAmendment, and I mentioned Chip Roy described
as on a mission to save Democratstwenty fifth Amendment, it would require Vice
President Kamala Harris to get involved.It had been a while since I read
it, never been used before thebest of my knowledge. But as the
language of the Constitution pointed out,whenever the Vice President and a majority of
either the principal officers of the ExecutiveDepartments or alternatively such other bodies as Congress
may by law provide, when thosegroups, the Vice President and the Executive
Department members transmit to the President proTempore of the Senate and the Speaker of
the House their written declaration that thePresident is unable to discharge the powers and
duties of his office, the VicePresident shall immediately assume the powers and duties
of the acting President. So itwould instantaneously take effect if those if those
two groups got together and told theHouse and the Speaker it ain't his night.
Thereafter, when the President transmits tothe President's ProTem of the Senate and
the Speaker of the House represented hiswritten declaration that no inability exists, he
takes back over the responsibilities and dutiesof the office of President, unless the
Vice President and a majority of eitherthe principal officers of the Executive Artment or
such other body as Congress made bylaw provide, transmit within four days to
the again the President pro Tem ofthe Senate of the Speaker of the House
their written declaration that no, infact, the President is unable to discharge
his powers and duties. That's whenCongress decides Thereupon, Congress shall decide the
issue Assembly within forty eight hours forthat purpose, if not in session,
if the Congress within twenty one daysafter receipt of the latter written declaration of
the words Joe Biden saying no,No, Everything's okay, or if Congress
is not in session within twenty onedays after Congress is required to assemble,
determines by two thirds of vote ofboth houses that the President is unable to
discharge the powers and duties. TheVice President shall continue discharge the same as
acting president, So VP and theexecutives have to say he's lost it.
She takes over. Joe Biden couldthen at the behest of Joe Biden presumably
or any of his other handlers,say no, no, no, I'm
fine, No dis inability exists.Then he gets his job back. And
then this follow up hearing within thewithin the timeframe prescribed, allows Congress to
decide the issue. And again it'sa sizable chunk of two thirds vote of
both houses that he can't discharge thepowers. So it's it's a longer process
than you might imagine. It's goingto take at least a month, and
you run into some problems. HeritageFoundation Oversight Project had earlier identified removing Biden
from the Democratic ticket in like,for example, three swing states Georgia and
Nevada, Wisconsin, would effectively preventanybody from replacing him. Those state laws
make it virtually impossible to withdraw anominee from the ballot unless the candidate dies
or is declared mentally incompetent. Wisconsindoes not allow withdraw from the ballot for
any reason besides death. Nevada,no changes can be made to the ballot
after five pm on the fourth Fridayin June of an election year, which
has already passed unless a nominee diesor is adjudicated insane or mentally incompetent.
In Georgia, if Biden were towithdraw less than sixty days before the election,
his name would remain on the ballot, but no votes would be counted.
So there's the bottom line problem thatthe Democrats are facing in any direction
they go. It seems to methere's a lot more flexibility that would be
it would be allowed in these threestates that were mentioned if he was declared
mentally incompetent under the twenty fifth Amendment, that's going to require two thirds majority
of both houses. Can you seethat happening? I can't personally, And
why would you want to rush tome? Kamala President, Kamala Harris,
President of the United States of America. He's getting dissed on this all over
the place. At least I Representativechip Roy is not a huge Trump fan.
Chip Roy, but it's an extraordinarilycomplicated process. And then moving away
from the twenty fifth Amendment is there'sthree states illustrated, and we've already talked
about this in Ohio, you haveto declare who the nominee is within a
certain number of days in advance ofthe election, and that was going to
require some legislative changes here in Ohio, and they were doing a workaround on
that, and then we run intothis train wreck. See what Pat's got
this morning five one three, sevennine fifty five hundred eight hundred eight two
three talk Pat, thanks for callingthis morning and to have you Monday.
To you, Thank to you,Brian. Watching the debate, uh,
they said Joe had a cold swordthroat whatever. When that was over,
and Kamala or not Kamala, butJoe came and held his hand. He
went down these steps. It wasa man at the bottom. He took
him one at a time. Thenext day he's given it. He's campaigning,
he is yelling and screening. Hiseyes are wide open. And this
is one of the things I noticedin the State of the Union address he
was the same way. So Idon't know what they gave Joe, but
all I can say is I feelsorry for this man. I pray for
the president, but Brian, heis not altogether there, and I don't
know who's running it. I stillthink it's got to do with Obama.
But anyway, sweetie, there's twodifference. And maybe it's the fact they
didn't want to give him anything atthe debate because like Trump said they would
they should take a drug test.So I don't know, Well, they
never agreed to that, and theywere never going to agree to that,
and they said they wouldn't agree tothat, so it was never a factor
they chose. I suppose if youbelieve, and many do, that he's
been taking some sort of cocktail tokeep them all jacked up and coherent and
capable and alert, that they chosenot to give it to him. Or
maybe it didn't have any impact onhim for the debate because it was so
late after his bedtime. I don'tknow, but he does. He's all
over the place, depending on thetime of day you run into Joe Biden,
what event you're in. But theDemocrats who are defending him and saying,
no, we can to keep himon the ticket. He's the guy.
We're not going to go anyplace else. They're all carrying the water for
Joe Biden. As kind of apoint I made earlier in the program,
Joe Biden is not coming out anddefending himself jacked up on something or not.
He's the guy that should be ableto come out and say, you
know what, Yeah, I hada bad night. Sorry about that.
I don't mean to alarm everybody.I'm just was off my game. Just
wait for it, though. SeeI'm standing right here. I'll take all
the questions you want to throw atme that would never happen. I'll go
off script that would never happen.I'll answer my own questions and won't have
them pre answered for me. Thatwill never happen. He can't do it.
He hasn't been able to do thatfor a long time. These are
some of the observations many people.We all been lied to. That's the
conclusion from people, even on theDemocrat side. Why did the press continue
to lie to me about Joe Biden'smental health. They kept coming out and
saying he's fine, he's fine,he's fine, you should see him behind
the scenes. Well, guess what, after a week of solid preparation with
sixteen people training Joe Biden on howto answer questions and effectively respond during the
debate failed epically. There's every singleperson in my listening audience that they had
a week's worth of coaching could havemanaged that debate much better than Joe Biden
did on the debate stage last Thursday, much better. And you know,
go ahead stare at it. Bidenand Trump, one of them is gonna
be the next leader of the freeworld one currently is Do you feel comfortable
about that? I certainly don't,Although I much rather have Donald Trump than
Joe Biden. Donald Trump knows whatday it is. Plus, you know,
we do have four years of Trumppresidency throwing out all the nonsense and
the Democrats trying to convict him ofanything they could get their hands on.
We were in much better shape duringthis four years than we currently are six
seventeen forty one. Think you abouKRCD talk station Happy Monday. Yeah.
Further to the point about being winetoo about Biden Biden's did Wall Street Journals
at a toile board? Just touchingupon this, Democrats left with Vice President
Kamala Harris even less popular than Biden. Democrats and their media allies got themselves
and the country into this mess.They observe properly. They happily covered for
White House deceptions. The press did. The Democrat press barely questioned Biden's limited
workday, his reliance on a telepropter, his rare unscripted media interviews kaream Gene
Pierre last year eighty is the newforty? Didn't you hear she can point
out in twenty twenty two that Bidendisplays such samina that she, who wasn't
even fifty at the time, can'teven keep up with him. The press
laughed off Conservative's mockery of that statement. Reporters noticed Biden and started pairing his
business suits with dark tennis shoes ratherthan traditional dress shoes. Speculation was that
his footwear was meant to keep himfrom following. Deputy Press Secretary Andrew Bates
said, no, no, Iknow you aren't all partial to presidents who
exercise speak with a New York Post, but don't worry. You'll get used
to it. Oh that's what thatwas about. He's jogging in between his
public appearances, doesn't have time tochange his shoes. Then the Wall Street
Journal took it on the chin forthe forty five interviews they did with both
Republicans and Democrats, some behind thescenes about Joe Biden's cognitive problems, Jeans
Sperling, and economic advisor toy reporterswould standard practice for presidents to read from
note cards and meetings. Andrew Batessaid the story was a smear full of
politically motivated false claims, and thenmister Biden was savvy and effective leader.
The press also called the story irresponsible, seeing the Wall Street Journal had fallen
for a right wing Fox News trope, MSNBC Morning Joe, obviously a left
leaning if I not even stated boldlyenough, called the Wall Street Journal news
article a false, biased story anda Trump hit piece. New York Times
another left wing, left wing bastion, and published a long story blos I
mean concerns about Biden's frailties on adistorted online version of himself, a product
of often misleading videos that play intoand reinforce voters long standing concerns about his
agent abilities. In other words,the cheap fake nonsense that krem Gan Pierre
was rolling around. Oh that's justtaken out of contact. Well, you
can't watch ninety minutes of Joe Bidenfumbling all over himself and try to call
it a cheap fake. No,that was real. We all saw it,
and so to thee hundred million peoplearound the world, the Journal observes
well, elected Democrats at least havethe excuse that they risk their careers that
they tell the truth about mister BidenExhibit A Dean Phillis. But there's no
excuse for a press court to denywhat two thirds of the public say they
saw with their own eyes. Now, with the looming president of prospect of
defeat to Donald Trump, the liberalmedia establishment has turned to admit what it
can no longer deny. This iswhere Kamala Harris enters into the discussion.
The path out of his nightmare mightbe easier if not for another problem.
The press refused to recognize that KamalaHarris wasn't remotely qualified to be vice president.
When Biden chose her, it promisedto pick a woman as his vice
president, then selected Harris because shewas a woman of color, not because
of her qualification. Harris bombed asa presidential candidate. You may recall that,
remember the seventeen Democrats up on thestage. She couldn't even get like
two percent of the vote. Shedropped out, couldn't even defend her own
Medicare plan at the primary debate.Journal claims she's risen in the Senate based
upon patronage. Yet she was hailedby Democrats and the press as the first
woman of color on a national ticket, as if this were more important than
someone who could do the job.Criticism of her failures on immigration, of
her frequent word salads was said tobe racist or sexist. Of course it
was, they say, imagine athe vice president. Now were someone like
Gerald Ford a pair of safe handsas president after nixon resignation in seventy four.
The press is now reporting that onereason Biden chose to run for reelection
was fear that Harris couldn't defeat Trump, a legitimate concern by the left.
But mister Biden a bowed out lastyear. Democrats could have had a normal
primary fight for the nomination. Harriswould have had to show she deserved it
in her own right by defeating competitors. Now Democrats run the risk of appearing
to bypass the first minority woman vicepresident in a back room coup. This
is what happens when a party putsits identity politics above governing experience and political
skill. Biden withdrawal and an oathand August convention are still desirable in the
best interests of the country as muchas those of the Democratic Party. Biden's
failures are an invitation added to adversariesto exploit in a second term. Going
back to one of the callers earlierobservations that it's now reported that US bases
all throughout Europe are on a highterror alert. Invitation to adversaries to exploit
in a second term. I don'tthink they're waiting for the second term.
Harris doesn't appear to be up thejob, and opening a convention carries a
risk. But the best way Democratsand the media allies can clean up this
mess that they've made is apparently anopen convention. But then again, I
don't think that run that gets aroundthe problems that you run into in the
various states and their laws. Sixtwenty six fifty five KRCY Detalk Station Local
stories coming up. Alternatively, I'dlove to hear from you thoughts and comments
on that. I want you toalso call Suzett Losa Camp buying a new
home refinanciing your existing mortgage. SusantteLoasa Camp with Cross Country Mortgage can and
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She'll get right back to you todayfive one three three one three fifty
one seventy six, or shoot heran email. So is that dot Low's
camp at CCM dot com? Sis that dot Lows camp l O s
E ka MP at c CM dotcom. Fifty five KRC two guys five
Rigs thirty two fifty five KCV talkstation. Wishing you a happy Monday,
try to make it so. Onehour from now Christopher Smith and always a
good thing from my perspective, lookingforward to hearing what Christopher has on his
mind this morning again morning, lossof Jim Scott local radio legend of course
contemporary. My father died after alosing a battle with a l S.
Lugare Briggs disease, eighty one yearsold. So his wife Dono made the
announcement on Saturday, and so alot of people mourning the passing of Jim
Scott, also personally on a personallevel, but also others mourning the loss
of Congressman Thomas Massey's wife. Heissued a statement. I believe it was
on Friday afternoon, got from hisassistant that she had passed away, completely
out of the blue. From myperspective, I didn't know she was struggling
with health issues. Maybe she was, maybe she wasn't. Nothing specific on
that, but prayers, thoughts,condolences to the Massey family as well as
the Scott family. Let's see here, this one happened just yesterday Kentucky Steve
Police investigating a Taylor Mill police officershooting. Apparently the police officer shot somebody
yesterday about six pm. Kentucky StatePolice public information officer David Jones did not
say what time the shooting happened,but police were initially called around six pm.
Taylor will Police Department statement said,with the assistance of the Covington Police
Department, officers responded to a homeon Grand Avenue for reports as somebody threatening
a family member with a knife,and at some point police fired a shot
at any condition of the person shotnot been disclosed. It remains under investigation
by the Kentucky State Police. Lastwords on that one. Two people hospitalized
after a shooting Westwood happened early yesterdaymorning. Corneed Police two am officers showed
up to a shooting near the thirtyone hundred lock of Brackenwoods Lane, where
they found two victims, a twentythree year old man and a twenty year
old woman. Both had been drivenin private vehicles to Good sam Hospital with
non fatal gunshot wounds. According tothe police statement, They haven't yet said
if they have any suspects in thatone. Police have not confirmed if a
crash that had happened WCPO was therebecause it was a two vehicle crash on
Harrison Avenue. They don't know ifit was related or not. The police
did not yet confirmed that that connectionor if there was a connection. Let
us see here the block of ElmStreet right there in front of Duke Energy
Convention Center shutting down today comes aftersince a council voted to made a pass
the ordinance that would close Elm Streetbetween fifth and sixth Street, that block
directly in front of Duke Energy ConventionCenter, which is also beginning major renovations.
This morning. As a consequence ofthe closure, motorists on Elm will
be redirected north at Vine via FifthStreet. This closure is going to make
way for a pedestrian plaza seen asan outdoor extension of the convention center at
times probably a Dora Zone space,part of a separate council lite and that
must be approved. Designs submitted thePlanning Commission earlier in the month indicated that
greenery, a pavilion, and bathrooms, as well as a dog park will
be located there. Director of KatieWestbrook of the CDC Development told the City
Planning Commission that the plaza construction won'tbegin until a few months after the convention
Center project kicks off as system manageability. Weber told the Planning Commission back in
May that the close of the streetentirely was something that we went back and
forth on internally, but after opposingthe closure due to lack of data last
year, the Department of Transportation Engineeringwrote back in April that it didn't object
to the closure. Weber said thatwhile there are no concrete extension plans,
at some point in the future,this could be the site for extension to
the convention Center itself. So alittle bit of a block there, I'm
sure you'll be able to manage it. Six thirty five fifty five Kercitt Talk
Station. Feel free to call ifyou have a comment, something you want
to talk about six thirty five rightnow five one three, seven, four
nine fifty five hundred, eight hundredeight two three talk and another number I'll
give you for a great product atsix forty here fifty five Kerseite talk Station.
Happy Monday. Sean McMahon covering forthe vacation in Joe Strecker, who
is probably asleep. Five one threeseven nine fifty five hundred, eight hundred
two three talk. Remember fifty fivecasee dot com get your iHeart media app
so you can stream the audio whereveryou happen to be. Let us see
here something one of my listeners broughtup and I did have the article.
It's a little frightening considering our southernborder issues. We have US bases in
Europe and now elevated on a terroralert. CNN reported yesterday that several US
military bases in Europe had detected terrorthreats on the continent. Spokesman for the
US European Command, Commander Dan Day, speaking with CNN, that usu COM
is constantly assessing a variety of factorswho play into the safety of the US
military community abroad. As part ofthat effort, we oftentimes take additional steps
to ensure the safety of our servicemembers for operational security reasons. We will
not get into the specific measures,but we remain vigilant. They have raised
the alert level to force Protection ConditionCharlie. Maybe one of my US military
friends can let me know what thatcondition means, but Charlie is an elevated
condition, and they noted that it'snot clear what intelligence triggered the heightened security,
but they are worried about the ParisOlympics. I know Germany and France
have both rolled at additional police officers. They're taking extra precautionary measures, and
that as well. The US Embassyin France pointed out authorities of actively monitored
terrorist threats from organized groups and ragalizedindividuals. These terror attacks happened with little
or no warning, targeting tourist locations, major sporting and cultural events, and
other public areas that attract large membersand numbers of civilians. Oh joy,
you planning on going to the Olympics. Frightening pivoting over the number of criminals
criminal conviction folks with criminal convictions caughtentering the United States illegally has risen to
a record high. The monthly numberof criminally convicted illegal immigrants is at a
record. Data from the US Customsand Border Protection reflected an average of fourteen
and fifty nine criminal illegal aliens permonth have been arrested after crossing the US
border unlawfully since the current fiscal yearbegan October of last year, highest monthly
tally of any year on record.They're expecting now if this trend continues on
the current path, there'd be morethan seventeen thousand criminals caught crossing the border
illegally but then allowed to enter intothe interior of our country. How's this
good for our security and our safety? Going back to the concerns expressed by
one of my callers earlier in theprogram, Joe Biden is obviously compromised.
Might some of our enemies Iran orothers take advantage of the current situation,
recognizing that we're all back on ourheels since we finally witnessed for our own
eyes a compromised Biden presidency. BorderPatrol Chief Jason Owens pointed out three hundred
and sixty of the illegal immigrants withcriminal convictions arrested so far in this calendar
year or rather a fiscal year,have gang affiliations. Huh, he wrote
in a post on Acts. BorderPatrol Chief Jason Owens. Individual like these
can post a significant threat to publicsafety. We must be able to apprehend
and identify them so we can prosecuteand remove them. Yeah, that's a
good idea. Now, most ofthese criminal illegal aliens have arrests for minor
convictions prior illegal entry. Significant numbersof DUIs and things, but a whole
bunch of them are burglaries and sexualoffenders and well individuals who murdered people.
And sadly, we don't have sufficientcriminal records to do a proper vetting on
these. The criminal records are basedon searching records, checks of available law
enforcement databases and crimes that may occurredin the United States or abroad, but
also excludes conduct not considered criminal bythe United States. And you also have
to rely on the accuracy of therecords from any given country. Around the
four corners of the globe from whichthese individuals come one hundred and eighty different
countries, how many of them activelykeep records on the criminal status of any
of their individuals who ended up onour southern border. Now take a look
at this one. You know thestory on this one. Patrol agents caught
seven previously convicted sex offenders on theSouthwest border over the past week. And
according to Chief Owens, and thenumbers that I just mentioned, these record
breaking numbers do not include the godaways. Those are the people who avoid border
patrol protection, maybe because they havean even worse criminal background, maybe they're
on the terror watch list. Andthen you got the two that those two
Godaways. Twenty two year old JohannJose Martinez and twenty six year old Franklin
Pina, both from Venezuela, chargedwith capital murder in the death of twelve
year old Joslyn Hungary. Ice confirmedthat they had entered the country illegally at
an unknown date in law location,evaded the detection and earlier in this year,
both of them were found and takeninto custody. But what happened.
They were subsequently released with notices topeer before a judge for removal proceedings,
and that's when they went on andkilled the twelve year old girl. One
of them had an ankle monitor onfor God's sake, huge issue in the
upcoming election. And let's pivot overone more fun fact since I mentioned we
have a sizable number of the convictedcriminals that have entered our country being gang
members. Get a load of thisone. Mexican drug cartels reportedly arming up
to show incoming President Claudia Shinbaum,Mexico's incoming president, that they have all
kinds of weapons, including tank bustingFGM one forty eight Javelin infrared guided missile
launchers made by US defense contractors HMsecurity consultant David Saucedo, speaking with the
paper USA Today, it's to showthe government, perhaps this one or the
upcoming or incoming one, that theythe gangs have the ability to launch attacks
of this kind with the weaponry theyhave. It's their secret weapon, but
they can use it if necessary.That's my impression. Javelins described as shoulder
held close combat anti armor missile launchersdesigned to bus tanks in the battlefield,
but parenthetically can also be used tofire and destroy helicopters and drones. H
The reality is Mexican Secretary of Securityofficials speaking with USA Today that multiple javelins
have been confiscated from cartels, includingthe Hollisco New Generation cartel. ATF Director
Stephen Dettlbach quote, weapons this presentan extreme danger when they're in the hands
of criminals. They're seeking a levelof weaponry that out guns Mexican law enforcement,
and they've even, you know,smuggling these weapons into the United States
for nefarious purposes. Does that perhapscross your mind, as it does mind
six forty eight fifty five Kersite talkstation Horus border. This is one of
the realities we're going to have tobe dealing with in this ever more dangerous
world, and we find ourselves EmoryFederal Credit Union six fifty two pot about
Karosite talk station, Happy Monday,Christopherusmendmen coming up at sevenoint thirty. Yeah.
And further to the arrest records andthe individuals in our country already,
I was talking about the ones that'djust shown up since October of last year,
and those last figures record numbers ofconvicted individuals are now living in our
country, and that goes back.You can even go back to a twenty
nineteen report on DHAKA, the DeferredAction on Childhood Arrivals program that President Obama
created whole cloth. The DACA databaseshows that just under eighty thousand people were
exempted from deportation in spite of thefact that they had arrest records. Now
they point out that you know,draw your own conclusions whether someone who's gotten
a DWY arrest driving while impaired.More than half of those, that's what
their conviction is for. Top ofthe list are those who are arrested for
theft, drug crimes, assault,battery and burglary, sex offenses like rape,
art and arson and murder, andchild porn and kidnapping also on the
list of crimes for which the illegalimmigrants admitted under the DACA program were arrested.
And yet they're not subject to removal. Why. I mean, if
you want an immigration reform, thatjust makes sense, and I think we
pass bipartisan muster. Shouldn't if youenter the country illegally and you're even if
you're waiting around for your hearing date, you convict a crime or you're known
to a be a known criminal,that that subjects you to automatic deportation?
What's wrong with that by way ofa reform? The report noted this.
It was a twenty nineteen report,again just now coming to light, some
of the illegal immigrants allowed to remainin America through this DACA program had more
than ten arrests. These are recidivists, the people least likely to show themselves
as capable of well not breaking thelaw. And again, these are the
eighty thousand folks roughly that have beenaround under the DAKA program under the Abama
administration. Now, add on tothat, the on track to have seventeen
thousand additional criminals now entering the UnitedStates this fiscal year. The numbers just
keep going up. It's just oneof those things you're just really asking yourself
when is it going to happen.It's not a question of if something's going
to happen, and I'm not worriedabout some random crime. You know,
we have a lot of criminals withinthe population of the United States, the
citizenry of the United States. Soyou can point to an illegal that crime
would not have happened and that personwould still be alive, or that you
know, tort would not have happenedif you had not had a porous border
fine. That doesn't eliminate or eradicatecrime, but this is something that we
have within our power to do somethingabout. Don't vote Democrats. Well there's
the answer to the question. Isuppose appreciate that Sean Sean McMahon covering for
Joe Strecker quick with a sound bitemiss hearing from Tom at five point thirty.
Maybe he'll get his schedule change back. Always enjoy hearing from you is
a head on into the break hereplay a feel free to call five one,
three, seven, four nine fiftyfive hundred, eight hundred eight two
three talk pound five fifty on ATand T phone and batcrap insanity in the
climate change world. I got acouple of comments on that coming up apps
in some other direction you want tosteer me stick around though. We right
back after the news plus Christopher Smithmencoming up at seven thirty. It's the
biggest news and trending news events fromaround the world. At the top end
and bottom of the allys. Thisis fifty five kr scene the talk seation.
This one seven five hypt about KRCDtalk Station. Happy Monday, All
right, Thomas here, hosted fromabout kc Mornings show course. Jes trect
Or maybe not of course, justtuning in. He's not here, he's
on vacation, took Friday off,take it today out. He'p it back
tomorrow and I'll be back tomorrow aswell as Wednesday, taking Independence Day off
as well as the day after off. So I'm out after after Wednesday.
So Happy July. First man,Time flies, doesn't it, jeez?
Louise Oh in the nod to listenerlunch because we're not doing it this week
since it's a day before Independence Day, Kicking it off the next week the
tenth, where we are going tobe at the Turf Club change a venue.
We will end up at the barbecueplace and coming to at some juncture.
But because of some communication breakdown orsomething. I still haven't found out
the reason, but we're not goingto be at Smoke Justice Turf Club Eastern
Avenue. They're opening early for justthe fifty five CAC Morning show crew.
So enjoy yourself a huge gourmet burgerand the fun and games that are the
turf Club along with the Fellowship.Next Wednesday, the tenth hope to see
you there. Spread the word.I enjoy hearing from you as well.
Five one three, seven four ninefifty five hundred, eight hundred eight two
three talk. One hour from now, Lynn Hoover from the State Teacher's Retirement
System's going to join the program talkingabout this vote pension board voting against a
bonus plan. So that's one hourfrom now. We'll hear from Jean Wilson,
president of the Hamilton County Veteran ServicesCommission, at eight forty, got
a big Veteran Appreciation Day event comingup at Great American Ballpark on Saturday,
July twentieth. She's going to payalong the details to all of us at
age forty and remember to tune intomorrow for the bright bart News Inside Scoop
as well as the Daniel Davis DeepDive every Tuesday. For those soot further
ado, I wanted, first off, we're all struggling here locally. Obviously,
we lost a veteran in the radiobusiness with Jim Scott's passing from Louke
Garrigg's disease AKA Als that announcement madeon Saturday, the prior day, which
really devastated me, because you know, I love Congressman Thomas Massey. He
lost his wife sudden death, andthere's no indication as to what was wrong
with her, if anything, hedidn't say in his announcement that came out
Friday morning, which heartfelt message yesterday. My high school sweetheart, the love
of my life for over thirty fiveyears, the loving mother of our four
children, the smartest, kindest womanI've ever met, My beautiful and wise
queen forever, Ronda went to Heavenso together for a very long time.
He's fifty two years old. She'sroughly the same age that both went to
MIT together as well, so detailssurrounding her passing not known. They recently
were in Mount rain Neer on avacation and he had some posts pictures of
that in is letting us know thatshe had passed on Friday. So circumstances
swirling around that completely unknown but obviouslydevastating the Massy family. So on behalf
of fifty five Karosee Morning Show andeveryone here at iHeart media condolences to the
Scott family as well as the Massyfamily for their loss. Terrible situation,
and I saw these kind of relatedarticles and moving away from the situation of
Alving Joe Biden, which we weretalking about a lot this morning, and
what might happen now that we allknow and have a firm or firm conviction
that well, he is cognitively impaired. The world does continue, and part
of the problem we have in theworld is this global warming religion which dominating
the conversation literally everywhere. But theamount of energy we need continues to grow,
and it's growing, I would argueexponentially. Largest utility companies in the
United States are warning that our nationis facing a surge of electricity demand unlike
anything seen in decades, and webetter damn well get ahead of it and
on it and increase power generation orour entire economy could be at risk.
Now. Apparently for more than adecade, our demand on electricity has been
flat. But as they point outthese owners of the electricity companies and those
who run the electricity, demand ispoised to skyrocket by twenty thirty. The
reason artificial intelligence, the expansion ofchip manufacturing and the electrification of the vehicle
fleet, as well as literally everythingelse tech sector's built out of data center
to support artificial intelligence and the adoptionof electric vehicles alone, those two things
are expected to add two hundred andninety tarowatt hours of electricity demand by the
end of the decade. That's basedon a report released by the consulting from
Rystot Energy this week. It's expecteddemand from data centers and electric vehicles in
the US equivalent to the entire electricitydemand of Turkey, the world's eighteenth largest
economy. That is a lot ofincrease in a very short period of time.
Quoted as Siriah Hendry, who isthe richt and analyst and the one
that was responsible for this production,the growth is a race against time to
expand power generation without overwhelming electricity systemsto the point of stress. Amazon Alphabet,
Google's Unit, Microsoft Meta all requestingmore power as they bring data centers
online and in some cases require agigawatt of electricity one data center, one
gigawat. What does that mean?Well, according to the reporting, Peter
scant Zy, vice president of infrastructuredevelopment at next Era Energy Resources, puts
it in context, a gigawatt isequivalent to the capacity of a nuclear reactor.
So one data center would require onenuclear reactor, and nobody else gets
anything left over because there won't beit'll use it all up. Scanzy said,
it's this is a difficult this isa different urgency coming. This need
this. They need this load todrive the next iteration of growth. They're
showing up now at the utility andthey're banging on the door and they're saying,
I need to put this resource ontothe grid. So if I can't
get the power capacity online, Icannot do the data center, I cannot
do the manufacturing. I can't growthe core business of some of the largest
corporates in the country. The stakesare really really high. This is a
new environment. We have to getthis right now. It's odd because all
these big energy generation companies keep talkingabout, well, we're going with green
technology, We're going to do allwe can with renewable resources, but in
the final analysis, there ain't enoughof that around to satisfy the growing,
exponentially growing energy demand, and thatnatural gas and nuclear are going to be
crucial to backing up wind and solarobviously, which phase challenge is because of
their unreliability. One of the expertsspeaking with Reuters, nuclear has got to
be a big part of this ofthe decarbonization focus as we go forward,
to make sure we're having the powerand the energy that the electricity this economy
needs. Energy security brings national security, and brings about and supports economics security.
We have to balance and meet theneed for sustainability. But to ensure
we get to continue to have agrowing, thriving economy, we've got to
get the energy piece right. Thatenergy piece clearly involves electricity or involves nuclear
and of course natural gas and coal. Small modular reactors and evolution of nuclear
power, that's one of the bestways to go. Viewed by many in
the industry as the breakthrough technology.They are capital intensive, easier to site
than traditional nuclear power, less capitalintensive. By my point out, they
are modular reactors. One size basicallyfits all. The problem with nuclear these
days is that every single project iscompletely different. It's got to go through
nine thousand layers of regulatory oversight andbillions and billions of If I necessarily spend
dollars to get the nuclear power reactoronline, use the modular one boom,
it's like a cookie cutter. They'remuch smaller of footprint, don't requ are
the giant nuclear cooling tower less unsightlyin that regard, and they're safe.
And one of these artificial intelli youthink of a company like Meta, they
could afford to build one on theirown. And that's the direction. It
sounds like they're going as long asthey can get the regulatory approval to build
these things. The point being they'repushing all of us to go electric literally
everything, and our current infrastructure can'thandle the current demands. And a windmill
ain't gonna cut it, and asolar panel farm ain't gonna cut it.
Meanwhile, teenagers have prevailed in Hawaii. Wait till you hear this story.
It's outlandish. I got Joe andJay on the phone, will take your
for your phone calls as well,But yeah, teenagers in Hawaii have forced
Hawaii to agree that they will nolonger use fossil fuels, no morks,
no more natural gas, no morecoal, only green energy. And how
they have standing to even bring thiscase? And do you think a left
wing dominated government like the one thatexists in Hawaii, who's there to defend
the citizens of Hawaii against frivolous lawsuitsif they have their own green agenda in
mind? Do you think they mightroll over on the lawsuit and go ahead
and settle it in spite of thefact that they may have legal challenges to
what these teenagers are doing. Somefifteen fifty five kc DE talk stations stack
Ground from the program. Thanks forColin this morning. Jay, How I'm
doing well? Man, I hopeyou can say the same. Good good.
Hey. There was a leaked memothat came out from Toyota maybe two
or three months ago where they comparedthe ecological damage of electric cars and the
mining that goes into creating the batteriesversus gasoline cars and plug in electric hybrids,
and they concluded they for every oneelectric car, they could make eleven
fossil fuel cars or nineteen electric plugin hybrids. As far as equality across
the damage done to the ecology,both for mining and long term use of
the fossil fuel car. So theyhave actually backed away from producing electric vehicles.
You won't see Toyota evs out thereon the road, and that's the
reason for that, is that theywant to be good world citizens and not
create more pollution that the electric vehiclesactually do. It's really foolish when you
look at somebody that's an enthusiast forevs when they do it for the ecology,
they're actually doing more damage than theydo with a fossil fuel car.
Yeah. And the other component ofthat is the pollutants that come off of
the tires. Because the evs weighso much more, they do more o
damage. They go through tires alot more quickly, and apparently the toxins
and the and the and the andthe pollutants and the tires are equally,
if not more damage than whatever carbondioxide comes out of the tailpipe. So
there's a lot of reasons why wethis is a bait and switch. It
really is. It's just a wholecloth creation of a brand new in a
brand new Uh. It's a wholeentire category of jobs in industry that was
just created at a whole cloth.This wasn't built on capitalist demands from the
population. This is built on this. This, this religion called global warming
and everything related to it is amulti multi billion, if not trillion dollar
industry that, like in the lastfive minutes of my life, was created.
It's just something just absolutely just unbelievableto behold and that we've all bought
into it. Meanwhile, our electricitydemands continue to go up, as I
mentioned exponentially. You know, allthis technology requires electricity, and you can't
generate sufficient quantities of us for usto remain economically viable in this world without
relying on more traditional forms of electricitygeneration. It's the only thing that can
satisfy our demand. Ah crazy,Joe, Welcome to the show. Thanks
for calling this morning. Happy Mondayto you, happy minded. Prayers for
the Scott and masseew families and forthe Thomas family while we're at it.
Thanks man, I appreciate that.Joe, You're welcome, But as Very
said, I need to get youropinion on something, because online resource is
big surprise, leave something to bedesired. I always associate well in recent
history associated the Confederate flag with states'rights. I know, mister Massey's not
a real fan of it. Kenyou educate me on whether that is inherently
racist item, the Confederate flag,and I'm gonna get out of the way.
I mean, I'm serious. Yeah, in the final analysis, your
opinion, But it just depends onwho you're talking to. It's like the
Gadson flag. You know, it'sa symbol of freedom and liberty and you
know, very libertarian philosophy, andsome people claim that's racist. You know,
the Confederate flag a symbol of,you know, breaking away from the
Union, and many people find criticismwith Abraham Lincoln for even going into the
Civil War when states have the rightto break away and you know, from
the Union if they choose to dothat. Obviously, the underlying motivations for
the Confederate States want to do thatin the maintenance of slavery. That is
a problem. So it then becomesinextricably intertwined with slavery. So if you
support the idea of that freedom thatyou have under the Constitution to break away,
then that makes you a believer inslavery. Two separate arguments. So
some believe that flag is a symbolof that right to be free from an
oppressive government to start anew in theevent that your government fails you. Others
believe it is an outright symbol insupport of slavery, and I think more
people believe in the latter than theformer, which is why the flag is
in essence been deemed ver bowten.It's just that you know that in terms
of the controlling prevailing argument, thatone has clearly I think clearly dominated the
narrative on that one. So andI understand that seven twenty six to fifty
five Kercity Talk stations stick around ChristopherSmith and former Vice Mayor of the City
of Cincinnati, with the Smither ventcoming up next. After I mentioned my
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up. Here's your first word orldvolcass. It'll be a mostly sunny day
to day, cool, dry,highest seventy seven, dropping a fifty eight
overnight clouds hot ninety degrees tomorrow withsunny skies, community rises over Tuesday night
or drop the seventy two and theywere going all the way up to ninety
six on Wednesday, with sun anda chances showers and storms after two pm
sixty two degrees. Now time fortraffic from the UCL Traffic Center of the
University of Cincinnati Cancer Center is openingthe most comprehensive blood center in the nation.
The future of cancer is here calledfive one, three, five eighty
five U See c See Highway trafficcontinues to look pretty good this morning.
No major time toilings to deal withall. I'm watching crews work with the
wreck on forty two. Just apuff to seventy five near how It looks
like they're trying to get everybody overto the right shoulder and out of the
way, out of the right veaneshot ingram on fifty five KRC the talk
station seven point thirty. If ifyou I have KRC talk station Monday,
you know what that means. It'stime four former Vice Mayor of the City
of sin Saint Christophas smithment to offerhis thoughts and comments. We call it
this Smith Event. Welcome back,Christopher. It's always great. Heavy on
the program. If you had awonderful weekend, Hey Brian, thank you,
and I hope you had a greatweekend too, Today's commentary and screens
and is debate, debate, debate. I watched the debate, like a
lot of Americans watched the debate,and I didn't learn anything new because I
understood that the president was experiencing acognitive decline. What was so interesting was
how the mainstream media, who hasbeen hiding this fact from the public because
journalism is dead, acted as ifit was a surprise. And so he's
staring off and gazing off. Imean, how many how many times have
your listeners heard you talk about ourcurrent president's cognitive decline. So no one
came the next day and said,oh, Brian, we were just so
surprised that the president was looking likea deer in headlights, or his sentence
structures were slurred, or he losthis train of thought. So many Americans
have family members that have gone throughthis disease of dementia, and families have
rallied around those people. And anybodywho's watching that those millions of Americans and
their families that have been impacted bythat disease, they can look at President
Biden and say, there's something wrong. We don't know what the disease is,
but it's a cognitive decline. Andso when I came away from that,
I said, Wow, it's goingto be interesting to see how the
pundits what they say about it.Well, initially they just threw him under
the bus. Right now the Democratsare circling the wagon and they're trying to
figure out, well, how dowe keep him in the race. How
do we tell the public that there'snothing really wrong with him? How do
we tell the public that President Bidenis really healthy. Here's the reality.
Our enemies after that debate understand thatwe do not have a president and is
at it's full mental capacity. Andguess what. All of our allies out
there are terrified because when it camefrom the G seven, if we would
say, three weeks ago, BrianThomas, three weeks ago, they were
saying, we were meeting anybody whotalked about videos where where President Biden kind
of went away from the G sevenleaders and they had to surround him and
bring him back. They said,oh, this video was doctor. This
really isn't the whole video. That'swhat the mainstream media has been trying to
tell us. Now the debate hashappened, everybody understands that President Biden has
a cognitive decline that is incredibly significantand really should not be running the country.
And as I walked away Brian Thomas, I said, who is running
the country. Well, that's alegitimate question. We've been talking about that
for a long long time. Youknow, we refer to Joe Biden as
the puppet to the puppet masters.Who are the puppet masters? Of course,
wild speculation. It's brockob it's MichelleObama, it's fill in the blank.
We don't know. We do havea commander in chief, and as
I've observed before, you know,the commander in chief is not all seeing
and all knowing. The presidents alwaysrely on advisors and they do roundtables,
and you know, the president mighthave the launch codes, but he does
rely on other military advisors in orderto come to some conclusion about what should
be done from any given military perspective. But he is the figurehead of the
country. He's the one that's supposedto be sharp. He should be able
to answer questions without notes, andhe should be able to answer you know,
ninety minutes worth a back and forthdiscussion with Donald Trump. He couldn't
even handle that. After working fora solid week with sixteen advisors. I
mean it speaks volumes about how badlyhe is in terms of you know,
again, this is the most importantevent of his candidacy here of this presidential
race, and he just absolutely blewit. After all that preparation, they
are rallying around him though you know, way forward everything is going to happen.
People have bad debates. Now's thetime for reset. Now it's time
for you know, a comeback,said I guess HAKEM. Jefferies. I
believe this setback is nothing more thana setup for a comeback. Question Ken
Joe Biden rally and do a comeback. He's gonna have to do it himself.
He can roll out all the Democratsin the in the mainstream media,
which he's got obviously in his pocketall day long. But unless he can
account for his own behavior with hisown words, we're just gonna be listening
to the same parroting of he's aokafrom the same people that we've been hearing
for the past several years. It'scrazy. And Brian Thomas and Brian Thomas,
we have to say that CNN isone of the most friendly to him,
meaning he wasn't in this environment wherequestions were really coming at him,
like what happened with your withdrawal inAfghanistans? Would you do anything different in
that case? What's really going onwith the southern border, right? What's
happening with the Americans that are beingkilled based on your public policy see positions?
You know. So my point isthat CNN, the moderators, even
the most friendly moderators that he's goingto ever get, could not keep President
Biden on track. And that iswhat is so amazing as I listened to
what we call journalism, which they'renot. They're just people giving their opinions.
And that's what's been going on.There is no shock Brian Thomas has
been saying, I've been saying,so many other people have been saying that
there's something wrong with President Biden,and it was on full display for the
entire world to see last week.It was indeed seven thirty six if you
five Kersite talk Stasi. I maybethe mainstream media feels like they have been
lied to by the inner circle ofthe Biden administration. They're the ones who
been carrying the water for him andparenting what the Biden administration has been saying.
So maybe they are a little Idon't know, but hurt or something.
Seven thirty six Affordable Imaging Service sevenif it's about ker Cite talks days,
we're here from Ms. Jean Wilson, president of the Hamlin County Veteran
Services in an hour about the upcomingVeterans Appreciation Day event and Great American Ballpark.
Lyn Hoover from the State Teacher's RetirementSystem in eight oh five at this
recent vote against a bonus plan.In the meantime, Christopher Smith had been
former vice mayor of the City ofCincinnati doing the Smither event. Christopher,
what else is on your mind orelaborate on some additional points. Well,
Brian, you know, I thinkthe country right now is wondering what the
Biden family is thinking and doing.The people that love President Biden, and
so they're asking about his wife,Jill Biden. What are you thinking,
Jill? First, lady, doyou think that this is healthy for your
husband? Forget politics? Right?They really can't though. I mean you're
talking about a love for a familymember and their love for politics and being
politically connect. I would say thelatter Trump's the former. This is obvious
because they've been wheeling Joe Biden aroundin this cognitive decline state now for several
years. So yeah, politics mattersmore to them than than Joe Biden.
At least that's what comes across asme to me, and and and and
I'm saying, as a person youknow who was married and went through my
own journey, you've seen you've gonethrough this journey with your with your father,
meaning your mom has gone through thisjourney. We come and protect that
person. I mean, it's it'sa totally different environment. I just can't
imagine saying, let's keep going,let's keep going, watching the person that
you say that you love decline likethat. So I just I think that's
what I like that. I wantto Yeah, you're you're you want to
say, you're in a more uniqueposition. Of course, you know,
my concern of my father and mymom's dutifully being by his side and all
that, there were no politics evenremotely connected with that. It was one
man'struggling with an illness and his familymembers dealing with it and helping to struggle
through it and in any way wecould, but just having to deal with
the reality you put yourself you wereobviously in politics you're on counsel. When
your wife was struggling with the cancerdiagnosis, you had to put that stuff
on the back burner, and youdid because you prioritize things appropriately. You
cared more about your wife and herhealth and dealing with her and being at
her bedside than you did about politicsin your political future. That's love right
there, my friend. We're notlooking at a similar analogous situation with the
Biden family, but I tell you, I just I was just shaking my
head, going I pray his wifeintervenes on the behalf of Joe Biden,
her husband, not the president,but her husband. You know, I
want to just touch on something thatwas said in the debate, and you
know, this notion that the DemocraticParty has the brand on African Americans with
their candidate President Biden. I justagain want to remind your listening audience about
President Biden's crime bill where he overcriminal over criminalized crack cocaine, over powder
cocaine. So many African Americans arevery aware of of his record where he
was calling people super predators and thugs. You know, this is on the
Senate floor, you know, PresidentBiden, Senator President Biden at the time,
or Senator Biden at the time talkingabout bussing and what his physician was
on bussing and how he worked withSouthern Democrats at that time, and and
then his eulogy of of Robert SenatorRobert Bird who who was a KKK member
at for a long time of hisof his life. And so if anybody
could imagine former President Trump doing aeulogy for a former KKK member, what
the Democrats would be talking about ifhe stood against bussing, if he stood
and had come up with a crimebill, what would they be saying about
any candidate running against President Biden.So again, there are a couple of
ways the media handles this, Likewhen we're dealing with the cognitive issue,
they act as if everybody talking aboutit is off center, not true.
But there are also things they don'ttalk about. They suppress information. And
this is another example of how mainstreammedia doesn't talk about a former senator who
has a fifty year record in theSenate and all of the work are bad
work that he did, it's justamazing. And that's why so many African
Americans are saying, I know this, That's why more how students stood up
and turned their back because they understandit this notion that African Americans are just
just saying, oh, we're justlooking at this other candidate, because there
are public policy reasons of why somepeople in America are saying I'm concerned about
President Biden. And I just wantto say to you, brother that this
immunity case coming from the Supreme Court, this is going to be a big
ruling today. You're the lawyer.I am not, but I would suggest
that what happened in Manhattan, NewYork, as it relates to the use
of the judicial system to go aftersomeone's political opponent, even though the Supreme
Court says, hey, we're notimpacted by things that are happening, I
think that they're going to send amessage. They're going to split the baby,
but they're going to send a messageyou cannot use our judicial system to
go after your political adversaries. Itjust it just it will tear America apart,
and we just can't allow it tohappen. Brian Thomas, you just
can't say I'm running for office,I'm going to get all of these prosecutors
around the country to go after mypolitical opponent, keep them in court,
and then on June the eleven sentencethem right before their their Republican convention.
I'm saying, all of this istheater, and you heard President Biden attempt
to use that during the debate.You're a fella and you've been convicted of
thirty four felony. Look, that'swhat you wanted to say. The reality
of it is everybody knows that thiscase is going to be overturned after the
election, and so the goal herewas to damage the person who was running
for president against you, and Ithink that the Supreme Court is going to
be looking at that very closely andtry to send a message to the states
and the counties don't do it.It's why I support Prosecutor Melissa Powers who's
running for Hamilton County Prosecutor. Iswhy I support a share of Jim Neal
who's running for Share, because I'ma guy of law and order and I
don't want somebody politicizing their positions.Brian Thomas, amen to that. And
that's a regular message from you,and I always appreciate when you make it
very quickly. Before we part comingtoday, Christopher Smith and got to ask
you since you brought up the blackvote, and obviously Joe Biden has all
kinds of legitimate claims of that.He's made some racist comments, made some
stupid gestures like the Robert Byrd thing. Oh, you could go on and
on. They just did an abbreviatedlist of this. What of this idea
that black voters will rebel against theDemocrats if they don't embrace Kamala Harris,
assuming Joe Biden is out and theycall it the twenty fifth Amendment ory he
he just walks away. Joe Bidenconvinces him it's not as night you got
to get out Joe Kamala Harris asvice president. But she's also a terrible
candidate and unelectable by every single punditout there from the far left of the
far right. And I agree withthat conclusion words Salad lady picked because she
was filling the blank a black female, not because she was the most qualified
individual. Do you believe that blackvoters will rebel against the Democrats if they
don't embrace Kamala Harris or do youthink they're smarter than that realize that as
Democrats they have a much better chanceeither with the failing Joe Biden or alternatively
with somebody else, assuming they couldpull that hat trick off. Now,
remember it's not like Vice President KamalaHarris has this overwhelming supports, you know
in the African American community. NumberOne, she's a former prosecutor in California
who has her own criminal issues withover prosecuting in her state, and if
she were to run for president,a lot of that commentary would come up.
Here. Here's what I would say. There's only one candidate that I
see in a situation like this thatcould galvanize the Democratic Party in a way
that would give former President Trump serioustrouble, and that is Michelle Obama.
And I have there is no waythat former First Lady Michelle Obama is going
to get in a race like this. No way. Her life is too
stable. She saw her husband gothrough the presidency, start off with dark
hair and end up with white hair. It's a very stressful job. I
just don't see her saying I'm goingto change my life in order to run
for president of the United States.So the bottom line is, I don't
think that Vice President Kamala Harris.I think she has her own issues.
And remember she's tied to the Bidenadministration, so you know they have to
get somebody on the outside. Andnow I tell you this, would it
create a major infight within the DemocraticParty if they stepped over her. The
answer is absolutely, it would dothat. But the reality of it is
she wants him to run as badas anybody else, because she sees herself
running for president in four years.There's no way she wants Biden off the
ticket. She wants him on theticket. She wants him to win because
she sees herself running for president infour years well as an incumbent. Because
Joe Biden ain't gonna make it fourmore years in office. There is no
way. So you're voting for KamalaHarris president of the United States of America
if you go with Joe Biden.Appreciate your comments, Christopher Smithman, as
always find them on the podcast pagefifty five Keresey dot Com. Look forward
to having you on next Monday.Have a great Independence Day, Christopher YouTube
brother Thanks Man seven to fifty oneKRCIT talking about you know how you can
support We've got people talking the opinionsof the mentally ill on America is rididulous.
On fifty five KARC the talk station. It's a No. Five here
if you about KRCD Talk station.Brian Thomas wishing in a very happy Monday,
looking forward to independence here and Ihope you are as well, and
I'm looking forward to this conversation.All morning Lynn Hoover from the State Teacher's
Retirement System, she is currently theacting executive director, to talk about a
recent board vote against bonuses for retirementState Teachers Retirement System employees, and also
some of the grumblings from the membersof the retirement board, those who are
relying on the funds that have beeninvested on their behalf about cost of living
adjustments. Welcome to the program,Lyn Hoover, It's a real pleasure to
have you on today. Hi,Brian, good morning. How are you.
It's a pleasure to be with you. I'm doing great. Saw this
since a inquires reporting on this andbefore we get to the vote and the
concerns about cost of living adjustment.You are currently the acting director. My
understanding is the director is on paidadministrative leave and the inquiry report about some
they called it turbulence within the board. Apparently a national consulting firm canceled its
contract early and David yo Ohio aG fought a civil lawsuit to remove two
of the board members. What's thatall about? What's going on with the
board generally speaking, before we getto the vote on the bonuses and the
cost of living adjustments. Sure,well, thank you for the question.
Yeah, so I have been actingexecutive director. I'm also the chief financial
officer. The board asked me tostep in into that I think last November,
and so they I'm not really privyto the investigation into the executive director.
He has been unpaid administrative leave andthat is a board decision and discussion.
With respect to the board members,there have been yet with an investigation
that the Attorney General launched. Again, I can't really comment on that.
It's an investigation that the Attorney Generalis personally and going forward on two board
members. And then there have beena couple retirement board vacancies due to retirement
since then too, So it's importantto note, you know, board governance
is responsible for oversight of the fund, while management of the system is really
intact and the system is well runand managing effectively. So thank you for
that. Sure, No, andthe Board's response for oversight and minus think
it's ninety billion dollars. It's it'scurrently invested in, you know, generating
hopefully a good return on behalf ofthe five hundred thousand teachers and retirees and
the board eleven members, although thereare some vacancies presiding over it. Now,
there is an investment firm that's beenretained to handle and manage the investments
of the money itself. That isnot done by the board directly correctly,
Yeah, so let me just clarify, Yeah, the board does not invest
the assets. They have an investmentconsultant and they use a firm called Mikita,
So there were a well respected investmentconsultant firm that advises the board on
investment allocation in important matters like that. We also have an internal investment staff
with a great deal of capability andexperience, and they manage about two thirds
of our assets. So in concert, yeah, the board really is more
charged with the decisions around the assetmix, like what percentage goes into domestic
equity, what percentage and fixed incomes, international and things of that nature,
and then the investment staff implement theprogram. Now, the investment staff about
what you speak. Are these thesixty nine what would have been eligible employees
for the bonuses that was the thatyou presented to the full board that ultimately
re rejected. Are those the onesyou're referring to? Okay, right right?
We have we have some professional staffthat are not part of the incentive
compensation program. The board just inAugust of twenty twenty three went through a
really holistic study and review with itscompensation consultant at the time to make changes
to that incentive program. They reducedpositions, changed to a lot of things
about that. So we have someother professional investment staff, but sixty nine
are in the program and that teamthe performance return has been really strong.
I've been with the system for thirtyyears and over the twenty year period,
we've outperformed ninety seven percent of thepeers throughout the entire country and in the
state of Ohio. So we havea really strong investment performance. Well,
that's good to hear, and Iknow the five and thousand folks that rely
on this are happy to hear that. But as far as the eligible employees,
this bonus package that was presented,and I understand you do this present
presentation annually for Bord approval, itwas rejected, and it sounds like the
reason that the bonuses for these employeeswas rejected is because the retirees themselves are
screaming about, listen, we don'thave any protection for inflation. We don't
get a cost of living adjustment,which takes us back to the pension reform
legislation that was passed back in twentytwelve to shore up the pension system finances.
It does not include a future costof living adjustment, so we're all
facing inflation. The retirees included.They're screaming about, Wait a minute,
why are you giving bonuses to theemployees when we don't even get a cost
of living adjustment. I got aKroger bill, I got to pay.
You know, I can hear allthe arguments being made, so the bonuses
didn't go through. But that doesnot change the cost of living adjustment reality,
does it. No, So letme let me go back and explain
something. I just make this clarificationand distinct. So the board has options
with the way they pay the investmentstaff. Okay, they can pay everything
in a fixed salary, fixed compensation. Everything is fixed. What the board
has historically had for its investment staffthat managed and directly make portfolio and asset
class decisions. They carve out someof their compensation and say, you know
what, we're going to make thatvariable. You have to outperform in order
to get this, and it's upto a certain percentage. So in my
mind, it's not a bonus ontop of their compensation, it's within their
compensation. And that's a very importantdistinction. So either have all one hundred
percent fixed, or you can saywe're going to make fifty percent fixed fifty
percent variable. You only get thatif you outperform, like earning your commission.
Yeah. Yeah, it's really andit's one really important distinction that's kind
of important with So the fund isbetter when you have an incentive that that
is that is outperforming. Obviously that'sbetter for the fund, better for the
members our system. It's important.So we talk about the size of our
assets. You know, we're ninetyfour billion dollars, it's important to note
we have liabilities of one hundred andeight billion, one oh eight one hundred
and eight billion, so really they'rein lies. And there's there's a lot
of unique pieces to the STERRS system. And obviously pension reforms. I mean
I hear directly from teachers. Iknow, those working in the classroom.
It's a very different, you know, situation now than it was when they
signed up to teach. And obviouslyretires are hit by the high prices and
the pension reform was needed for thestability of its plan. It but it's
certainly created a hardship for for someof our members. But that said,
I do want to say the boardwas able while continuing to make the funds
stronger and make it more resilient.The board was able to pay two permanent
colas out of two of the lastthree years, so they did a permanent
cola of three percent and a permanentcola of one percent. They've also been
able to make changes to reduce theretirement eligibility for our active teachers and that
has now been brought down and we'rehearing in large part by our membership that
is the direction they want, youknow, they want that to go.
And then about three years ago,I think we eliminated the age sixty requirement,
so again improving the ability for teachersto be able to retire with full
retirement. Those changes and the votedon cost living increases though, doesn't that
increase the outstanding liability that you mentionedbefore one hundred and eight billion versus the
ninety four billion that is currently undermanagement. Yes, Brian, and I
think the real key is really sincetension reform, the board works with its
actuary. Okay, they have anindependent actuary and every change UH that gets
reviewed is reviewed by the actuary tomake sure that it is a sustainable change,
that is an important development. Andand so the actuary looks at,
you know, really catastrophic events,what is the market's downturn, what if
you know all these different things,what if you don't get what you're expecting.
They want to make sure that thatthat that's going down to be able
to be so we don't need wedon't become Illinois for sure, because you
know, our number one goal hasto be sustainability. Our system has been
around for more than one hundred years. We have to be around for more
than one hundred years going forward.And we know that we've got someone that's
that's starting teaching in in what thetwenty three and our oldest RETURNREA is one
hundred and eight, So we havea lot of years that we have to
plan and make sure that it's sustainable. You know, the colas, the
permanent, ongoing, repeating colas arequite expensive, and it's it's really hard
to wrap your head around the expenseof this. But the actual rates have
determined that a one percent, noteven a three percent or two percent,
a one percent permanent, ongoing,repeating cola, it's seven billion dollars well
as an impact to the liabilities.Well, just by comparison, because I
know we're short in time and you'regoing to have to run. I was
told ahead of time, you're shortin time. But the the the bonuses
that the sixty nine elegant employees mighthave gotten. What is a total dollar
value of that, because you know, if it's insignificant by comparison to the
billions of dollars at issue, anytimeyou increase a cola, what are we
really talking about here in terms ofactual dollars. Yeah, yeah, good
question. The actual dollars are somewherebetween eight to eight and a half million
dollars for this payment coming up thisupcoming year. So yeah, it's when
you look at even our total youknow, our total costs, they're insignificant
obviously to the cost of the Ithink at zero point one billion. Zero
point one billion is their total operatingbudget in comparison to that, to that
one percent coole of seven billion.So your concern is to keep these valuable
employees and make good on your promiseto give them this incentive, right,
and I understand that that got shotdown with the most recent board meeting.
My understanding is you're going to havealternative employee performance incentive package to present at
the next board meeting. Have yousolidified the details on that before we've heard
company Lynn? Sure? Sure,so, yes, we are planning the
We're planning to have a July specialmeeting, uh, and that will be
the primary topic on that agenda.You know, the board uh will get
other looks at this incentive program tosee how they want to do that and
look at alternatives, whether they wantto continue with the plan they've had again
I mentioned they just went through anexhaustive review of the plan. Whether they
want to take another vote and kindof look at that or look at alternatives.
But uh, yeah, you've you'vegot an incredible institutional bench strength with
the staff and and and obviously thatthe the performance has been just just really
top notch. It's about every independentassessment that we've had done has has indicated
this between a fiduciary audit, specialaudit, high returnment study council. So
so it's it's important we kind ofthink about that and the long term success
here of the assets. Acting DirectorLynn Hoover for the State Teacher's Retirement System.
I appreciate the time you swow mylisteners of me today and planning this.
The clear distinction there exists between whatyou voted on in the realities of
living off of the pension plan.Lynn, You're always welcome back on the
fifty five case morning. Sure youget an additional developments. I'd love to
have you back on. All right, Thank you so much, Brian,
take care my pleasure. Lynn Hoovereight eighteen fifty five care see the talk
station, got time to talk ifyou want to call fiel th forty five
one, three, seven, fournine, fifty five hundred, eight hundred
eighty first one to one forecast andenjoy today going up to seventy seven nice,
cool, dry, sunny day overnine down to fifty eight pleasant.
Tomorrow's high though ninety stride. Thisis hot. It's all your own conclusion.
Sunny skys and humid over Tuesday nightdown to seventy two, and I'm
guessing humid on Wednesday as well.Ninety six for the highway. The chances
of storms and showers after two pm. Let us see here. Temperature is
here at sixteen one degrees. Rightnow, time for traffic update from the
UCL Tramphing Center. The University ofCincinnati Cancer Center is opening the most comprehensive
BOOD center in the nation. Thefuture of cancer is here. Call it
five to one, three five eightyfive see see see sathbound seventy five continues
slow through Lackland sing for northbound seventyfive, buttermilk into the cut. North
and southbound seventy one are getting betterthrough blue Ash and ken Wood. After
a small grass fire near the ReaganHighway. Chuck king ramon fifty five k
the talk station Hey twenty three abouttheir CEE talk station and a happy Monday.
Going to get straight to the phone. It's got time for one caller.
I'm going to get Edwin's call in. Edwin, thanks for calling this
morning, and happy Monday to you, Happy Monday to you your thoughts.
I'll listen to your answer over theradio. But if this we're waiting the
Supreme Court's decision on the community againstTrump, if it goes in a bad
way for Trump, does that meanthat then Biden would be possibly responsible for
the thirteen lives? Could he besued by the families who's lost family members?
And also could there be a classaction suit against him by the American
citizens for all the equipment lefty behindwhen he left Afghanistan. You talked,
I'm gonna go with no on bothof those. I don't think the acts
of a president. I mean,come on, the thirteen Americans that were
killed, President Biden did not shootthem. I mean, as foolish and
as stupid as pulling the plug onAfghanistan in the way that he did.
It was. Yes, lots ofequipment was left there, but you know,
welcome to the world of war waging. I still have visions in my
mind of them shoving helicopters off ofaircraft carriers after we fled Vietnam. You
know, you just dump it intothe ocean, burn pits with you know,
all the burning equipment and all that. That happens all the time,
and there are casualties in war.So no, I don't think he can
be held responsible for that. Plus, of course he pulled the trigger,
which he didn't. So does aformer president enjoy immunity from criminal prosecution for
alleged acts that took place while inoffice? And if so, to what
extent? That's what's going to bereviewed in this immunity case. Now Trump
claims he enjoys absolute ammunitiony from immunityfor prosecutions on charges that he conspired to
steal the twenty twenty election. Ihaven't seen the evidence of a conspiracy that
that happened, but whatever. Apparentlyduring oral arguments, the court didn't appear
to embrace Trump's sweeping community claims.Range of justices suggest that they believe former
presidents should have some level of protectionfor prosecution after leaving office because they recognize
that, you know, arguments likeyou just made, that people will start
filing lawsuits for presidential actions and thathe'll be bogged down. Any given president
will be bogged down in litigation fromthat point in time forward. So now
Trump's appeal froze Special Counsel Jack Smith'sprosecution, meaning that even if the former
president loses, he might it mightbe difficult to hold a trial before election
day, which I firmly believe istrue. Question also whether there's even an
ability, a constitutional ability to appointa special prosecutor, And the arguments that
were made to that effect are prettydarn strong. So they could just literally
va vacate that office and say sorry, that's extra constitutional the Justice Department itself,
you can't hand off the obligation todo this prosecution to some unelected,
unknown, unnamed person. Well,it just happened in this case to have
been Jack Smith and landed in hislap. Is that an appropriate process?
So if they get rid of theSpecial Council, it seems to me that
the whole thing might start over.So my popcorn's out and that's about the
best they can do for you onthat one. But no, I really
don't believe that, you know,this Supreme Court practically speaking, would ever
allow or entertain the idea that wecan hold presidents personally responsible for things like
terrorists dropping a bomb and killing servicemenin spite of the fact that that never
would have happened if they hadn't pulledthe plug in the way that they pulled
it. You know, world's anuncertain place. A twenty six fifty five
krec DE talk station. I'd localstories or morphone calls. You can feel
free to call, and I wantto recommend fast USU nine first one to
Wetherballcaps. Beautiful day to day witha sunny day and highest seventy seven open
night, pleasant fifty eight hot tomorrow, though ninety for the highway. Sunny
sky is going to be rising humidityover Tuesday night seventy to below and then
a sunny probably humid day. Gota chance of storms and showers after two
pm on Wednesday, going up toninety six. Right now sixty four degrees.
Time for traffic updates from the ucUP Traffic Center. The University of
cincidenta cancer center is opening the mostcomprehensive blood center in the nation. The
future fanser is here called five onethree, five eighty five. UCCC sapbound
seventy five continues drunning close to anextra five minutes out of even Dale through
Lachland. Everything else is clearing out, including northbound seventy five into the Cut.
I've been hearing dispatches for an accidenton one point thirty one at dry
Run outside of Milburn chuck INGRAMOM fiftyfive KRC the talk station Hey thirty three
fifty bou KERCD talk station helping outthe veterans. MS g Ian Wilson,
president of the Hamilton County Veterans Association, joined the program in the next segment
of talking about Veterans Appreciation Day,Great American Bomb Park coming up on the
twentieth, Great opportunity to support theAmerican veterans. Of course, Tomorrow inside
Scoop a Bright Bart News, DanielDavis Deep Dive, and the return of
Joe's Drekker whose jobs being covered todayvery well by Sean McMahon. Shawn appreciate
helping out. Of course, localstories A couple of big ones this morning.
Tragic, both of them. Radiolegend Jim Scott passed away after his
battle with ALS lou Garrigtt's disease.It's just real sad. A lot of
people knew and loved Jim, ofcourse radio icon here in the city of
Cincinnati and contemporary my father. SoJim Scott passed away over the weekend.
So it's tragic, of course,and also totally unexpected. I mean,
we were aware that Jim Scott wasstruggling with ALS after his announcement of that
last year. Apparently he got thenews in the spring of twenty twenty two
after experiencing some weakness in the samearmy leg that polio he had pulled when
God as a child may. Everybodyknows Jim had polio, but we knew
about that one, and of courseLouke Garrigg's disease. I don't believe there's
a cure for that one. Sadly, Congressman Thomas Massey's wife, I guess
unexpectedly passed away. He announced thaton Friday morning. That one came out
of nowhere and along with no explanationas to how it is that she passed
away. So much loved Man CongressmanThomas Massey. So condolences on behalf of
the entire fifty five KRSE Morning Showand iHeartMedia to both the survivors of Jim
Scott and his family as well asCongressman Thomas Massey. So, without further
ado, we're gonna pause right nowbecause we want to talk about that veterans
event coming up next. It iseight thirty five right now, so let's
do that. We'll hear from GeeneWilson from the CINCINNTI VA in the next
segment. But you know me,love doing everything I can on behalf of
the veterans in the Greater Cincinnati areaveterans generally speaking, and somebody else who
does great work on behalf of theveterans. Welcome to the fifty five KRS
Morning Show. Ms Jean Wilson,President of the Hemon County Veterans Services Commission,
Gene. Good to have you onthe program today. Welcome to the
morning Show. Well, thank you. Great to be here. Got a
huge event coming up on the twentiethof this I cannot believe it's already July
by I can't. Sorry, Iforgot. I got to get that out
of my system. Time is flyingtoo quickly and before you know that,
it's going to be the twentieth andwe need to be at Great American Ballpark,
that is, if we are veteransor family members of veterans. Time
to show support and gratitude for thosewho served our country. Oh that's so
correct. We're just so excited aboutthe event. It's the first event that
we've ever put on like this andwe're really really looking forward to it.
We've really worked very hard, wellveterans are always worthy of support and showing
of gratitude. But there's a wholelot going on at Great American Ballpark.
My understanding is this event starts atten am. Let's talk about the details.
What we're going to see there,What service are going to be available.
I guess there's got to be food, right all. There's gonna be
plenty of free food and soft drinksof water. No alcohol will be served
that day, but their food isfree. The non alcoholic drinks are free.
It's going to be a great day. They got so much planned.
We're going to start at nine witha river cutting at the entrance of one
hundred Joe Knuxall Way. Ten am, the gates will open, There'll be
activities for everyone. There'll be food, music, the hall. You'll be
able to take a Hall of Fametour. There will be ballpark tours,
first come, first serve on those. There'll be so many resource partners available
on the concourse and the in theoutdoor of the fan zone. There'll be
at eleven am. There will beappreciated program presentation on the Red stugout including
we've got a lot of Raffle prizesthat give away but they must be present
to win, and we got alot of activities, food, resource partners,
live ban on the fans, andstage starting eleven forty five at twelve
footy the Hamilton County Courts, they'llbe doing an expungement ceremony and at two
o'clock sadly the event ends, butit's going to be it's a it's just
jam packful of things for veterans andtheir families to do all day long.
Well, let me underscore the familypart too, because I see you know
you got carnival games, batting cages, speed pitch, speed pitches, the
whiffle ball is going to be played. The mascots are going to be there,
so there's plenty to do for everybody. Of course, the free food
and all the festivities, including alive band, that's going to be an
unbelievable time. But they also resourcesthere too for veterans, right, there's
gonna be plenty of resources there.The Cincinnati BA is going to be there
as long as along with the NationalVA. There's going to be so many
boosts that have so many resources forall our veterans. It's going to just
be a great event. I'm certainit is yeah, where are people going
to park? Geane, I'm gladyou brought that up, because that was
one of the questions I had onmy short list. Where are people to
park the regular parking lot at theGreat American Ballpark or what's the story on
that. Free parking is available atthe Central Riverfront Garage, located under the
banks from the Great American Ballpark,which can be entered via the Pete Roseway
East or Merrianway A or Main Streetjust north of the Holy Grail. Okay,
Now what they'll need to do isonce they park, this is the
only place that you can park forfree. Okay. But once they park
and they go to the ballpark,they'll need to receive a validation ticket that
they'll be able to use when theyexit the garage. But they'll need to
check in at the Great American Ballparkentrance after they go through security. Yeah.
Yeah, Now that is only goodfor the Central Riverfront Garage, no
place else. And if someone ishandicapped or has mobility challenges, there'll be
a special drop off zone on JoeKnutsall Way, and they'll also be marked
handicap spaces in the garage. Nowyou won't be able to provide wheelchairs or
scooters walkers, they'll need to bringtheir own devices. All right, Well,
here's me being jaded and cynical aboutthe world generally speaking. And forgive
me, Gene, proof that you'rea veteran. Is that going to be
required? Not that anybody would evershow up to to eat for free claiming
they're a veteran when they're not.But I got to ask that question out
loud, Gene, Well, tomy to to my knowledge, they're not
asking you to bring anything to provethat you're a veteran. So hopefully no
one I know had that. Weknow that they are, we know that
they are right right well, youyou know, if they if they want
to sign up for the VA benefits, you'll be able to do that there.
But they need a d D twofourteen discharge paper to sign up for
the VA benefits, right right right, you would, so you don't need
one. But if you want tobe able to ecipedite your your signing them
different things up, you may wantto bring a coffee other fair so yeah,
but in for regarding VA benefits,I'm sorry, but regardless of whether
they are going to sign up,then there is information regarding VA benefits and
claims, as well as all theother services that they that some veterans may
not be aware of because a lotof veterans default with well, I got
my insurance from my employer. Idon't need to sign up for VA benefits.
I don't want to take benefits awayfrom another veteran, none of which
is true. You need the VAbenefits to go along with your insurance.
I recommend that strongly to all myveteran listeners out there. But there'll be
details and information about that as wellas all the other things that go along
with well. You know the HamiltonCounty Veteran Services Commission which provides wonderful benefits
and helps that veterans throughout the yearand puts on this great event July twentieth,
Great American Ballpark ribbon cutting at nineforty five, gates open at ten,
free parking, free food, andall this entertainment. Spread the word
to all your veteran friends and theirfamilies that need to be there, and
thank God for the American Veteran rightGene. Oh, you're so correct and
and we appreciate you taking the timeto talk to us to help us promote
this event. We couldn't have donethis event without so many people helping us,
and that is the Hamilton County Boardof Commissioners and the DAVY. They
are in partnership with us or helpingus bring this free event to all Hamilton
County veterans. And even if you'renot a Hamilton County veteran, if you're
a veteran, you want to come, you know, come on down.
We're not you know, yeah,absolutely, I mean we don't discriminate.
We want all veterans to be thereand participate in this great event. Now
there's some things that may not pertainto them if they're not a Hamilton County
veteran, but you know, wewelcome them to come and enjoy the comradeship
of being with other veterans, thefree food, the music, the games
for the kids. It's going tobe a great day. And it's rain
or shine. We're gonna put thison rainer shine. Hopefully it's shining,
but it's rain or shine. Ihave a feeling God will be on the
side of the Hamilton County Veteran Servicesand the veterans who will attend. Tell
your friends about it, get downto great American Ballpark again. July twentieth.
Geen Wilson from the Hamilton County VeteranServices, thank you very much for
joining the program today. Spread thegood news about this great event, and
we'll have a link on my blogpage fifty five Carca dot com at some
point, so if you forget aboutit, one of the details, it'll
be right there. Geene, thanksfor coming on the program today and I
wish you all the best of luckon the on the event. Well,
thank you so much. We appreciateyour time, my pleasure all day long.
Take care. We'll talk again soon. It's eight forty eight fifty five
care Sea Talk Station. Hey,one more look at the weather and enjoy
today. That's all I can say. You got a sunny day with the
highest seventy seventh fifty eight overnight.It's just a few clowns tomorrow going up
to ninety degrees with mostly sun andhumidity kicks in overnight Tuesday, dealing night
low with ninety six degrees for thehigh on Wednesday. Hate reading it all
morning they'd be most of sunny andthen after two pm a chance of storms
and showers. Right now closing outat sixty seven. Time for final traffic
check from the UCL Traffic Center.The University of Cincinnati Cancer Center is opening
the most comprehensive blood center in thenation. The future of cancer is here
called five one three, five eightyfive. UCC scene step found seventy five
continues to run close to an extrafive minutes and in Adam Locklan elsewhere not
all that bad. Northbound seventy fiveis cleared between Buttermilk and Kyle's. There's
a wreck on one thirty one atdry Run outside of Milford. Chuck ingramon
fifty five KRC the talk station eightfifty four. If you five kr CD
talk station Monday, John McMahon coveringfor the vacation jost Rerecord today. Appreciate
you doing that, John, wonderfuljob. Looking forward to having Joe back.
And I'll be gone on Thursday andFriday in honor of Independence Day.
So short week for me, butthat's say okay. And enjoyed having Ristopher
Smimon on this morning. Every Mondayat seven thirty we get former Vice Mayor
Smith's smither vent He, of course, had quite a few things to say
about the Biden Trump debate. Didnot go well for Joe Biden as we're
all dealing with the aftermath of thatand watching the Democrats scramble to figure out
what they're going to do. Remainsa big question mark out there, a
really big one from the state toteachers retirement System. The interim president or
the current acting president, Lynn Hoover, on the situation evolving the teacher's pension
plan and the bonuses that got shotdown by the board vote. Now,
the bonuses were for the employees ofthe pension plan, ones that actively manage
it, et cetera. That's separatefrom what the retirees get. So a
small amount of bonuses shot down.And this is regardles. This is all
about employee retention. So making adecent argument that maybe those bonuses were really
part of the financial performance package thatthese individuals were offered, and now allowing
them to have this money kind oflike a you know, commission on a
sales for example, they haven't sentthem to really grow the retirement plan.
So by taking that away from them, they run the risk of losing some
of these employees. And it's notall worked out yet, but got the
details from Lynn on that. She'svery informative on that subject. So the
podcast is there if if you havecarsee dot com along with the information.
Hopefully a some junction of my pagewill be updated to include the big VA
Appreciation Day of Great American Ballpark wejust talked about. If you BI have
care Sea dot com, don't forgetwhy you're there, get your iHeart Media
so you can stream the audio whereverhappening happened to be tomorrow, in addition
to Joe Strucker being back inside Scoopwith Bright Bart News at eight oh five
and then at eight thirty every Tuesday, the Daniel Davis Deep Dive, that
and a whole lot more tomorrow.Thanks for tuning in today, folks.
I hope you have a wonderful Monday, and unkle away because Glenn Beck is
coming right up.