All Episodes

September 10, 2024 • 149 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:07):
Five o five.

Speaker 2 (00:09):
At fifty five k r C, the talk station after
Tuesday end of your wait for the debates.

Speaker 3 (00:26):
It was a vacation.

Speaker 4 (00:29):
I'm the dude man.

Speaker 2 (00:31):
You may be, but I'm Ryan Thomas and I'm glad
to see the Joe Strecker's Backeraye belongs after his vacation.
Really didn't think you were gonna come back, Joe Scott.
You had me worried. Well, this is like your first
vacation in twenty years. Yet it was apparently very nice.
Mike have I got that summed up in a word,
nice one hundred percent. He's gonna make good in his

threats to move to Florida, I fear. Anyhow, it is
wonderful seeing back reblong. Joe really miss adequately covered by
Sean and others, But you know it's just not the
same without yet, so I could a heavy back Inside
Scoop of Bright Barton is first guest eighth five aw R. Hawkins,
the firearms expert. What can we expect from the Harris

Walls administration relating to the Second Amendment issues?

Speaker 1 (01:18):
I imagine a crackdown. YEP.

Speaker 2 (01:22):
A lot of people believe that these crazy people out
in the world have been prodded and egged into and
egged on into committing acts of violence and firearms, so
they can be used as a pretext too well banned firearms,
dangerous world in which we find ourselves. Asked if residents
of Springfield started out yesterday talking about this reports of

the twenty thousand migrant from hate Haiti who have invaded
or otherwise been relocated into the tiny sixty thousand resident
town of Springfield, Ohio, and that has gotten legs. Yesterday
I was asking out loud, I mean, anybody in Springfield
let me know if this is true or not. And
I see some reports on some of the more fringey

media outlets, and next thing, you know, everybody's reporting on
this one just takes a little bit of time to
find out that well, guess what, I guess it's true.
Even our Ohio Attorney General says he's going to be
trying to do something to stop the federal government from
dumping migrants into the state. We'll get to that a
little bit here. Daniel Davis deep Die, We get him
every Tuesday at eight thirty. Today the latest on Hamas

and Israel, as well as the latest in Ukraine. Things
in Ukraine not looking good at all as far as
the Ukrainians are concerned, widespread reports of deserters. When you
just go and grab people out of their houses and
put them in a uniform and expect them to fight
when they don't want to fight, you don't have a
really cohesive military and that seems to be one of
the broader problems facing Ukraine right now. Anyhow, that plus

is being well overwhelmed by a superior military force in
the form of the Russian Army. So we'll see what
Daniel Davis has to say about that. At eight thirty, Joe,
you can open the phones up in case anybody wants
to call five one, three, seven, four, nine fifty, five hundred,
eight hundred and eighty two to three talk pound five
fifty on AT and T phones. I'd be more than
happy to take your call anyway. Uh pivoting over, let

us see here now, let's go ahead and mention Whathio
Attorney General David Yo said yesterday. He announced that his
office will be investigating how in terms of legal ways,
the folks here in Ohio, him and others on behalf
of Ohioan's in the United States, citizen regi citizen citizen

regenerally can stop the current administration Biden Harris or is
it Harris, from resettling massive numbers of foreign nationals into
the state of Ohio. Again, the argument can be extended
pretty much anywhere, pointing out that this massive increase in
illegal immigrants in Ohio has taken past place over the

past four years. The state's economic, medical, and education system
Corddio's declaration and a press release, Yehost said he is
now directing his office to research legal strategies on how
to stop the White House from sending, in his word,
unlimited numbers of migrants into Ohio. How many people can

they be expected to take?

Speaker 1 (04:19):
He asked.

Speaker 2 (04:22):
This, of course, on the heels of the situation going
on in Springfield. What are the limits to the federal
government's power? Could the federal government simply funnel into Ohio
all the millions of migrants flooded in under the current
administration's watch. It's a wonderful rhetorical question. There's got to

be a limiting principle, he pointed out. We're going to
find a way to get this disaster in front of
a federal judge. Now, the problem that we're dealing with
here is the current laws on the books aren't being enforced.
They're treating the whole immigration system on an Ada hog basis,
with the current administration, of course, facilitating the influx of

illegal immigrants. Sign up on an app, We'll fly you
into the country. Coming across the border. We're letting you in.
You get a court day ten years down the road.
Have fun wire here. I throw our bases to keep
people out of the country. We all know under the

Trump administration at least enforced it to a much greater degree.

Speaker 1 (05:31):
Obviously it can be legal to do that.

Speaker 2 (05:34):
Numerous court challenges, and basically Trump administration was successful in
its efforts to slow and curb be what now is
unlimited number of people flowing across the borders, both southern
and northern. In addition to training government resources, YOS also
allege locals in the state have been complaining about migrants
causing car crashes, squatting in homes, killing wildlife for food.

That was the other one that was going on the
day that again coming from Springfield in the town hall meetings.
And I've got the letter actually the City of Springfield's
letter from July eighth, signed by the city manager pointing
out most recently, Springfield has seen a surge in population
through immigration that has significantly impacted our ability as a
community to produce enough housing opportunities for all spring Ultation

population has increased fifteen to twenty thousand people over the
last four years in a community of just over sixty
thousand previous residents, putting a significant strain on our resources
and ability to provide ample housing for all of our residents.
Despite two thousand additional housing units set to come online
over the next year to five years, this is still

not enough. Again, without further support at the federal level,
communities like Springfield are set up to fail in being
able to meet the housing needs of its residents. Well
that's housing alone. School resources. I know there have been complaints,
and some of them noted the town hall meetings they've had.
You have Haitian children who don't speak English. That's a

strain on resources in and of itself. You have separate
facilities for Haitians who are struggling with mastery of the
English language, or even have any knowledge of the English language.

Speaker 1 (07:22):
How can you teach children?

Speaker 2 (07:24):
Most notably, if you think about Haiti, Oh my god,
It's just it's been a terrible, terrible economic and corrupt
system and country for so many years. How likely is
it that the young Haitian folks who come into the
neighborhood and going to schools even have a foundation in

education in their own language, sus that such of that
knowledge could be transferred over in their brains once they
understand and comprehend English, and therefore consider an English classroom
and study. Okay, yeah, I had math class, and I
achieved my math up until a certain age while speaking
Haitian or Creole or whatever the language dialect is there.

Now that I know how to speak English, I can
at least understand mathematical concepts on the level that I
learned it back in Haiti. Did they learn anything in
Haiti up until the moment they came here? Young people?
I don't know what the education system's like, but if
the United States, the wealthiest country on the planet, has
a failing education system where only a small percentage of
eighth graders can read at appropriate level, or a fewer

percentage of eighth graders can comprehend mathematics at the expected level,
well I imagine Haiti's a lot worse. So just one
extra problem there. And going back to Springfield, I mentioned

the city manager's letter, and that was referenced in connection
with this article about Yo's trying to figure out some
legal solution on all of our behalves. One resident to
the Springfield City I told Springfield City commissioners during an
August meeting, most recently, I have men that cannot speak
English in my front yard, screaming at me, throwing mattresses

in my front yard, throwing trash from my front yard.
One resident referred to as Noel since she felt unsafe
because a number of homeless migrants were allegedly camped down
in her neighborhood and some even camping out in her
front yard. She said, and I quote this, look at me.
I weigh ninety five pounds. I couldn't defend myself if

I had to. Well, I would talk to a w
or Hawkins, who will have on the program at eight
o five about that. Yeah, I should probably do a
commercial for twenty two to three right now. Ninety five
pound part. A woman can defend herself if she is
threatened with grievous bodily harm or em an apprehension of
death or grievous bodily harm with a firearm?

Speaker 5 (09:59):
Is that?

Speaker 6 (09:59):
What is that?

Speaker 2 (10:00):
Where we've come? So people who otherwise might not be
inclined on a firearm now feel obligated to own one,
simply because our federal government has failed to keep us
safe from some very, very very dangerous people who have
no legal right to be in our country in the
first instance.

Speaker 1 (10:17):
No, not all migrants.

Speaker 2 (10:19):
Are criminals, but apparently a pretty damn sizable amount are.
We have a huge Venezuela and promin appears at Venezuela
just emptied out its prison and dumped them into the
United States of America. I just read an article this
morning Venezuela and crime has dropped dropped. I guess that's
because the gang members found it more lucrative to come

to the United States, where there's more money and more
loot to be stolen, and there's a demand for human
trafficking in the heartland here in the United States, among
other economic reasons criminals might want to come into the
United States of America. Apparently open arms were being what
we're welcoming in here. Set up shop yourselves out five sixteenth.

If you have k site talk station, feel free to
give me a call if you have a comment, love
to hear from you, And hell, why not do a
commercial for twenty two three. I'm gonna do one in
this hour. Anyway, I'm going to take them out of
order since I just brought that up twenty two three.
Look at it on a round forty two between Mason
and eleven, and I find it. You know, the great
Equalizer is a nice thing to have around the house

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They have classes that teach you how to hold one
fire one oat load, unload safely. It's the pistol first
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picked up a gun, but I'd like to own one.

Speaker 1 (11:41):

Speaker 2 (11:42):
But beyond that classes for folks with seasoned skills. You
can hone those skills. They have membership options, the greatest
range around, the friendliest staff, and the nicest pair of owners.
You're ever going to run into. Wendy and Jeff. Please
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on Route forty two between Mason and eleven, and you
can learn more about the shop and everything that has
to offer online. Go to twenty three dot com the
number twenty two followed by the word three spelled out

dot com.

Speaker 7 (12:05):
This is fifty five krc an iHeartRadio station.

Speaker 2 (12:09):
We're less than two weeks so well and for the
high overnight clear and fifty six tomorrow Sunnay eighty eight
overnight a few clowns dropping a sixty and on Thursday,
partly sunny day, mostly cloudy night with showers possible overnight
to day hot time high eighty eight right now fifty
three degrees at fifty five KRCD talk station five twenty
on a Tidnesday, feel free to call five one, three, seven,

four nine fifty five hundred, eight hundred and eighty two
three talk fou five fifty on AH and T phones.
And Springfield not the only one. This is a problem,
that's it's unrolling all across this great land of ours.
We got a problem in Alabama as well. City council
meeting people, upset situations, a mess. And you note that

the city of Springfield has asked for federal government help
it's a common theme city managers Springfield. In that letter,
I just meant in the last segment without further support
at the federal level. Now what kind of support does
that mean? Does that means shutting down the border? Does
that mean money? And I think that means money. That's
the same thing the Alabama councils having to deal with,

as well as state leaders, demand answers from the federal
government while migrants appear to be in the county illegally,
actually legally under the temporary prospective protective status that's the
one that's been extended to Haitian nationals by Homelands Security
Secretary Alejandro and majorcas Here. Just sign up on an
app and you can come on in under temporary protected status.

Sila Couga, I'm trying. I think that's right. S y
La Cauga, Silah Cauga. It's a city just south of
Talladega Speedway. The city council President Tivity Nicks had to
curtail public comments. She shut down public comment while residents
were demanding some accountability for the illegal immigrants. He shut

up in the city and she said we're done. After
one of the residents I named David Phillips was criticized
in the Council's attitude is entirely unacceptable. So rather than
allow the debate to continue, we're just shutting it down.
This guy said, hey, he's a failed state. The president
there was assassinated in twenty twenty one. There is no
way the state department can vet these individuals. That's another

component of the Springfield problem. Are they vetted? Who are
they or do they have a terrorist background? We have
no blanking idea. Another resident is where the school problem
shows up. How the local schools are going to be
on to handle the new migrants. They speak French Creole,
not English. That was the language. I was trying to
recall that I from the last segment earlier in the meeting.

The president the next said, there's no reason to launch
a municipal investigation. That people should not treat others differently
because of how they look. That is not what people
are doing. That is not the motivation for expressing concern
over this. We flip it back over to Springfield. We

had a resident there mixing that exact claim that this
is somehow racism motivated Diana Daniel's as we said, counties
or countries rather are defined by their culture and their language,
not to the color. When folks stand up here and

describe what's happening to them, meaning the residents of Springfield,
and them being overwhelmed by having the population of the
city almost double over four years, that's the problem. It's
not who's the color of their skin. Anyway, When folks
stand up here and describe what is happening to them,
they're often painted with the broad brush of racism. That
has nothing to do with it. Shame on you, well,

stated Diana. That's what this person down in Alabama is
trying to suggest. State Representative bench Jamin Robbins, again going
back to the problem presented in Alabama, wrote a lot

of Thursday to Allehandra Maorca is demanding federal response, releasing
my disc Recently, my district has had an influx of
Haitian immigrants. You and your agency have failed into responsibility
to notify our community of the relocation of refugees, provide
any information to local leaders, or answer any questions. He
said he was going to demand Congress investigative Department of

Homeland Security does nothing. I put a little lol after that.
One city, one tiny city in Alabama, Springfield one small
city in Ohio, just two of thousands of cities across
this great land of ours. Are we going to do
an investigation of each and every city and why federal
authorities didn't coordinate their efforts to relocate these folks, gave

them no notice, just plopped them down in the middle
of the night. My understanding, it's happening here every single
day of the week. Local news not reporting on it
because we have to rely on something like cats being
strung up in trees and Springfield to get legs. So
some national media will finally wake up to it and go, huh,
maybe this is a problem that isn't being widely reported.

Enquirir WCPO WXIX, Fox nineteen, Channel five. Anybody you want
to go out and check this out. Talk to my
listener Bobby. He shows up over the KFC on I
think it's seven forty seven. He says, twice a day
the bus comes and drops off illegal immigrants and they
are immediately spirited away by some non governmental organization. He

described it as an extremely well organized operation. I had
a conversation with them yesterday about that. Fouve twenty five
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Speaker 8 (18:55):
Ninety five, fifty five KRC.

Speaker 2 (18:58):
Joe Kramer grouping today you a Sunday day high eighty
seven or a nine clear skies in fifty six tomorrow
sunny eighty eighty eight rather a few clouds overnight on
Wednesday night sixty for the low eighty eight the high
on Thursday with a partly sunny day fifty three degrees
right now at the five KRCD talk station or fifty
five car Sea dot com. Stream the audio directly from

the website. Getcher iHeart Mediums. You can listen wherever you
happen to be. You get the podcast Yes good podcasts
over there, fifty five kr seed dot com and uh
kind of local stories here. You can feel free to
call though if you would like to raise a specific topic.
I don't know where the signature gathering is. We have
this proposal circulated by Tom Brigman, to put six hundred

million dollars with the Railroad Fund into an interest earning
or a investment account like the Railroad Money to generate
money annually to help city own property owners pay their
real estate taxes. Six hundred million dollars. It's a lot
of money we have now, a local news WX actual reporting.

The City Task Force has completed a study on how
to help homeowners struggling to pay on their property taxes.
Timing couldn't be better for the CINCINNTI Property Tax Force,
which for sened its findings and suggestions during the Budget
and Finance Committee session yesterday. Mark Jefferies, councilman led the
task force, says property tax increases have impacted most lower

income homeowners than those unfixed and those unfixed incomes. Naturally,
they would suggestions from the Cincinnati Property Task Force. So
what did I say? They want to put the proposals circular.
The ballot petition wants to put six hundred million in
a fund that's invested. This task force suggests providing one

million dollars to a fund that will help homeowners with
delinquent taxes. Joe how Long do you think that fund
would last? You think a week and a half. I
give it like fifteen minutes. It says it's going to
be doled out on a first come, first serve basis,
So if you're not in line in in the queue
up front, watch that money disappear in a moment's time. Also,

the proposal unlock federal and private funding to invest in
the reduction of energy bills.

Speaker 1 (21:19):
Wire energy bills so high.

Speaker 2 (21:22):
Oh, that's right, climate change, and automatically enroll senior residence
for a homestead exemption credit. I have no problem with
automatically enrolling senior resident for something that they are automatically
or entitled to already without having to change the law.
But I don't think one million dollars is going to
solve the property de linkulent property tax problem in the
City of Cincinnati. And again he said, the fund that

we doled out on a first come, first serve basis,
and the city needs to be ready for that. These
dollars are coming down early next year. We need to
train our workforce now. If you don't have a pipeline
of products projects now, we won't be ready in the
early part of next year period. And we'll lose out
let you steal on that one for a while. Oh,

Duke Energy wants a ray hike. I brought this up yesterday.
Joey had the story. Put it out again, but just
a reminder. As the task force tries to figure out
if they can unlock federal and private funding to invest
in the reduction of energy bills. Duke Energy, of course,
is having a hearing tonight Tuesday City Council Chambers about

the proposed rate increase.

Speaker 1 (22:26):
You can be there.

Speaker 2 (22:27):
It starts at six pm and they are welcoming comments. Well,
maybe not welcoming them, but there'll be an opportunity for
comments from the community. Eight year old girl dad after
an ATV crash over the weekend north of Kentucky sad
eight year old Ma Hackey on an ATV with her
dad and a sibling when an Owen County sheriffs off
his deputy say the ATV flipped over while going down

a hill. Happened six pm Saturday in the Owen County
Grant County line, just north of Jonesville. No one in
the ATV was wearing a helmet. The deputy pointed out
this young girl, eight years old died from her injuries.
Corn to the deputy, her dad and sibling did survive.
Can you imagine having to live your life under this that.

Speaker 1 (23:10):
Oh so sad?

Speaker 9 (23:12):

Speaker 1 (23:13):
Let us see here. Since a public school, let's see no,
there we go.

Speaker 2 (23:16):
Since a school, students are required to magnetically lock their
cell phones in pouches. Public schools say the It's yonder
Pouch policy, Yon dr Most high school districts have implemented.
This is about cutting down a distraction improving academic performance.
According to Brandon Craig's CPS board member, I think there's
a lot of students who are actually going to benefit

from being free from distraction Amen CPS board member doctor
Kareem mult Creem Moffitt said Hughes High School experience a
thirty eight percent decrease in ninth grade failures. Wow fight
enthusiasm behind the policy. One Walnut Hill's student, there's always
one thinks to be unintended consequences. Aiden Mulholland, junior, one

of the Hill's high school speaking with I Guess WCPO,
said there's just so many things that could go wrong.
Kids can miss their buses, they mix extra miss extracurriculars,
you started a petition over at CPS to ban these pouches.
As of Monday, it had more than twenty eight hundred signatures.
He also pointed out, and the only way parents can
contact their kids is through multiple people at the school,

calling it too slow. Oh, if this young man had
only been able to grow up in the period of
time that people my age grew up in where you
didn't have cell phones, you didn't even have email, there
was no Internet. You had to work these things out
in advance with mom and dad. And you're right, Joe,
there was no reason for them to contact you at school.

Speaker 6 (24:47):

Speaker 2 (24:48):
Can you think of a single situation where your mom
and dad tried to reach you at school for some
unknown reason?

Speaker 1 (24:53):

Speaker 2 (24:54):
Yeah, I can't recall what happened in either five thirty five.
If you five care see the talk station, I can
recall what what happened, Just to the other that was
not I'll get to that later.

Speaker 1 (25:04):
Well. I mentioned Zimmer.

Speaker 2 (25:04):
Though Zimmer Heating and air Conditioning more than seventy five years,
they have been taking great care of their customers, keeping
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It's so easy to schedule apploytment and learn more about

the company too. Go to the website go Zimmer dot com.
That's go Zimmer dot com.

Speaker 7 (25:53):
This is fifty five karc an iHeartRadio station.

Speaker 1 (25:58):
It's the politic heavyweight events.

Speaker 10 (26:01):
We like the good bye Vice President Kamala Harris and
former President Donald Trump.

Speaker 4 (26:06):
Here we're gonna have some fun, right last fun.

Speaker 2 (26:12):
Here's your nine first wonder weatherwork ass Today sunny eighty
seven over night clear fifty six. Tomorrow sunny eighty eight,
overnight sixty for the low and on Thursday partly sunny skies.
I have eighty eight Oh where's my temperature? Fifty six degrees?
Right now with you by KCV talk station. Time for
first traffic.

Speaker 4 (26:31):
From the UCF Traffic Center.

Speaker 11 (26:33):
Substance dependence is a treatable medical disease that affects both
brain and behavior. You see health Addiction Sciences can help
call five one and three, five eighty five, eighty two
two seven. Please slay down the highways early on this
Tuesday morning. No recks to deal with North Down seventy
five and North Doown forth seventy one. They're both wide
open coming into downtown with no delays. Chuck ing Ramont

fifty five, KRC the talk station.

Speaker 2 (27:01):
By forty If if I have KCD talk station in
a happy Tuesday, too, can I watch the debate tonight
late night for me, considering I normally got a bet
at eight, but I am going to stay up for
that one historic, obviously most historic, and probably most important
presidential debate ever since it's the only time that two
are going to be fighting against each other squaring off.
Maybet an opportunity to learn what the Kamala Harris is

or where she is on the issues, and many times
over the phones I mentioned his name. Look who called Bobby,
Welcome to the program, Happy.

Speaker 12 (27:27):
Tuesday, Happy debate day, my brother.

Speaker 2 (27:31):
Yes, indeed you're going to stay up and watch it,
aren't you. Oh of course I knew you would.

Speaker 12 (27:37):
I just I just hope the Trump's tra missions mentioned
something about Springfield.

Speaker 6 (27:42):
That'd be great.

Speaker 2 (27:43):
It would be great, wouldn't it. But just one of
a growing, growing, growing number of problems apparently that have
existed out there for quite a long time.

Speaker 1 (27:51):
It's just we're now getting wind of it.

Speaker 12 (27:54):
One solution, and we could talk to the people up
theres Springfield of their city council get out here. But
we've got a lot of empty seats on those MgO
buses heading back to New York. You know it's a
short distance between there and here. Yeah, you're good, head
and ship and run up to New York.

Speaker 2 (28:10):
And you say you have literally witnessed on multiple occasions
bussing dropping buses dropping off military age Chinese illegal immigrants. Now,
as I pointed out to you yesterday, we had a
conversation about this, I wouldn't know an illegal immigrant just
to look at them from across the street. I don't
know what their immigration status is, but you're saying Chinese

military age men are people coming from Chinatown in New
York and being dropped off here.

Speaker 12 (28:37):
Yes, there's that. Are all dress the same way. There's
never a woman with them. All military grade, all about
the same. They all carry the same backpacks. I've got
one of them. Yeah, i'd been going on three and
a half years.

Speaker 2 (28:52):
How'd you liberate one of those backpacks from a young
to military age Chinese man, Bobby Dway, you even need to.

Speaker 12 (28:57):
Ask that, I tell you, I'll take exactly what it was.
One of them emptied it out, took it off and
threw it over the fence by mitchells Oh school of
their pair school.

Speaker 1 (29:12):
Okay, anything else on your mind today.

Speaker 6 (29:15):
Bobby, that's it, my brother.

Speaker 12 (29:18):
You have a great day, and welcome Joe back.

Speaker 2 (29:20):
Yeah, it's nice to have Joe back. That is for
sure appreciated, Bobby. Take care of yourself. Over to the
stack is too. But I thought this was rather funny.
California state senator forced, at least stay alleged forced a
former stafford to do sexual favors for her whilst she
was his boss as part of a quid quote quid
pro quote say it right Thomas relationship that left him

riddled with back and hip injuries. According to the lawsuit
allegations wait for It. Senator Marie Alvardo, Gill's former chief
of staff guy named Chad Condit, fought the lawsuits. Allegend
the lawmaker, longtime Democrat he just recently jump shipped to
the Republican Party, pressured him into performing sex acts on

her while they traveled for work. Mary Day claims he
relented and performed the acts on his boss over the
years as part of a sex base quid pro quo
relationship to protect his job. This any lawsuit bod in
Sacramento Superior Court. On their final final encounter, Condit alleges
he suffered a debilitating back injury while having to quote

twist and contort close quote while performing a specific sexual
act on her in the car, claiming he got three
herniated disc and a collapse hipped as a consequence of
performing this specific act. Condon alleged he was then fired
in December after repeatedly making clear that the sexual advances

were no longer welcoming that he was undergoing back surgery.
This was a sex based quid pro co relationship and
of unwelcome advances and sexual behaviors, coupled with punishment and
flexing of power. According to the complaint, Levardo Gill, portrayed
in the suit as an erratic and controlling boss, allegedly
inflicted his sexually dominating abuse of authority in power. Condis

a former Congressman Gary Conda of California, first started working
for her when she ran for Senate in twenty twenty two,
ultimately became her chief of staff.

Speaker 12 (31:30):
Keep your stupid mouth shut.

Speaker 2 (31:35):
That's not how he injured his back. Joe I didn't
specify what sexual act he had to perform the result
of him herniating his discs, but he could not perform
that act if he kept his stupid mouth shut. That's enough,
Thomas right there, five forty five fifty five.

Speaker 5 (31:54):
Now, who can argue with that.

Speaker 2 (32:00):
Imaging services? No one can argue with the benefit of
gord to affordable imaging services to get your mrict scan,
eco cardiogram, ultra sound long screening, your cardiacc because it
is literally a small fraction of what they charge at
the hospital imaging department. Go ahead, your doctor is gonna
you can need one of these at some point. I've
had multiples of these over my life. So when the
doctor says you need an MRI with a contrast, go ahead,

call the hospital Imaging department. Find out how much it's
gonna cost you after its process through your insurance company.
They have to provide this information. Now, my friend Jeff
did exactly that his echo cardiogram is gonna cost him
thirty one hundred dollars personally after the insurance payment, and
he went to Affordable Imaging Services because you heard me
talking about it. He got an echo cardiogram for four
hundred and ninety five dollars, and yes, it included the

Hospital of the Radiologist report Board Certified Radiologists report comes
with every single scan at Affordable Imaging Services built into
the price. It's not a separate bill like he would
have probably gotten at the hospital. MRI with a contrast
six forty five And that's the most expensive image that
you can even get there without a contrast and a horizon,

only four hundred ninety five bucks. Just like the Echo
Cardigram CT scans come in at a low cost of
four to fifty six hundred with the contrast. Find out
more information online. You have a choice when it comes
to your medical care. You can go where you want.
I would go where I would save heap loads of money.
Affordable Medimaging dot com. The number is five one three
seven five three eight thousand, seven five three eight.

Speaker 8 (33:25):
Thousand fifty five krc in uh.

Speaker 2 (33:29):
We're gonna have a Sunda day today high of eighty
seven over nine clear and fifty six sonnay again tomorrow
eighty eight for the high. Few clouds every night down
to sixty and eight partly sunny Thursday with the high
of eighty eight fifty two degrees Right now, typer traffic.

Speaker 4 (33:43):
From the UCL Tramphing Center.

Speaker 11 (33:45):
Substance dependence as a treatable medical disease that affects both
brain and behavior. You see health addiction services can help
called five one three five eight five eighty two two
seven highways continue to look good for your Tuesday morning.

Speaker 4 (33:57):
No rex to deal with.

Speaker 11 (33:59):
I'm non seen anything close to a delay yet on
westbound two seventy five. He's still the under ten minutes
between Milford and Montgomery, chuck Ingramont fifty five krs.

Speaker 4 (34:09):
The talk station.

Speaker 2 (34:13):
Five fifty fifty five KRCD talk station heading back to
the stack is stupid.

Speaker 1 (34:18):
You can call though, So this is a.

Speaker 2 (34:21):
Relatable article to the one where the guy injured himself
having to perform vigorous sexual acts on the senator from California. Possibly,
see that was my article. I pulled that one out.
You pulled this one out independently, as if we had
some sort of mind meld. I can't go into the
specific of it, but Strekker always is trying to throw

me a curveball, and here's today's curveball. A broken penis
what really happens to a broken That's the headline, just
reading the sentence here. The gruesome reality of penile injuries
has been revealed in a new educational video on YouTube
from the Institute of Human Anatomy, specializing in human could

have a research. This apparently happens to one in every
one hundred thousand American men. Broken penis not life threatening.
Injuries may require surgery, and I cannot go into the
details of the surgery because it pains me to read them.
Since I read them once, I'm not going to do
that to myself again. Unlike bone fractures, a penl fracture

involves tearing of the connective fibers here's another sentence, You're
going to love. The faint sound of a snap or
pop usually accompanies the gut wrenching pain of a penal fracture.
After an explanation of anatomy, the researcher Jonathan Bennion in
this video explains how these injuries occur and what complications
can happen. He describes certain positions which can result in this,

which I won't go into quote in a way, in
a way, it's kind of an aiming issue. You missed
the target you are going for in hit and immovable object.

Speaker 4 (36:02):
Now, who can argue with that?

Speaker 2 (36:05):
And where else do we most solve an experienced penal
vigor than during sex. That's why unusual or acrobatic sex
positions are the quickest way to pan aal injury and
should be approached with caution and communicated clearly between partners,
the anatomy experts suggested, And don't get in contorted positions
in an automobile with your senator because apparently that can

result in her neated lower lombard discs. Moving over Las Vegas,
we have a convenience store clerk arrested for allegedly beating
a man with a baseball bat for taking too much
nacho cheese. Las Vegas Metropolitan Police arrested forteen to seven
year old Myron Bully last week on suspicion of attempted
murder and battery with a deadly weapon. Rest report says

they got to call early morning Tuesday, September third, at
a person bleeding near a gas station. As just found
the victim lining of the sidewalk, face covered in blood.
Man said he couldn't tell what happened. He was taken
to the medical center via ambulance. Staff members told the
police the man was suffering from two different blank brain bleeds,
multiple skull fractures, and facial bone fractures, injuries considered life

threatening at the time the report was written. Person called
nine one one told police he saw the victim on
the ground while pumping gas and asked the store clerk
to call nine one one. Clerk responded, quote, I'm not
going to call nine one one. He better have learned
a lesson the clerk. This bully guy told officers he
was upset the victim too much took too much cheese

from the nacho cheese machine, so he told the victim
to leave and not break things, victim left the store
returned a few minutes later. The victim said he would
not leave without the nachos, so bully pushed him out
and then hit him with a baseball bat just a
police took him in the custody. Bully complained that the
victims started talking s word aw said he hit the

man twice and could he once in the head, but
police reviewed the surveillance video from inside the store and
saw the bully hit him multiple times. Held in the
clerk had a detention center in a ten thousand dollars bond.
Preliminary hearing scheduled for the twenty.

Speaker 3 (38:04):
Third Idiots doing idiot things because there idiots.

Speaker 2 (38:07):
Indeed, let's see here, Yeah, I got time twudo. Two
veneros facing capital murder charges in Texas after allegedly setting
up a man via social media by possibly offering him
sex in a robbery ploy ending in death eighteen year
old Nathaniel Hall and twenty one year old Jasmine Williams
Why are you doing that? And a sixteen year old

boy who's not been identified publicly behind bars for the
death of a twenty year old Carmen Montrey Anderson, Smith
County Sheriff's old reporters at a press conference. Deputies were
called to a car fire. When the firefighters extinguished the flames,
they found a man later identified as Anderson dead in
the trunk, suffering from several gunshot wounds. Smith said detectively

would identify Hall as a possible suspect, along with Williams,
his girlfriend, and the sixteen year old who's described as
a friend. Tectis believed the trio lord Anderson on social
media from his death Alice home, possibly for sex where
suspects planned to do a rip, which is slang for robbery.
At some point, Anderson was murdered corner the Smith. Neighbors

reported gunshots in the area of Hall's home the night
of his Anderson's death. Also, Hall's mother reportedly told deputies
her son had been with friends, including Williams and a juvenile.
After the shooting, the three stuffed Anderson into the truck
of his own trunk of his own car, and then
set it on fire. Be careful who you interact with
on social media. Fifty six to fifty five car see

talk station.

Speaker 1 (39:33):
Feel free to call.

Speaker 2 (39:34):
We got plenty to talk about the six o'clock hour,
including well, why do. We still have so many questions
swirling around Kamala Harris physicians, and tonight's the first and
probably only opportunity we are going to get to know
Kamala Harris what she really stands for.

Speaker 1 (39:50):
Or will we I'll be.

Speaker 2 (39:52):
Right back your campaign fit stop on the road to
November helps me make.

Speaker 4 (39:57):
An informed choice this November.

Speaker 2 (39:59):
I will fifty five KRC the talk station Day six
six fifty five ker CD talk Station. We're gonna happy
Tuesday t I'm Thomas glad to have Joe Strecker back.

Speaker 1 (40:09):
In any production.

Speaker 2 (40:10):
Blue Rade Belongs looking forward to the insights scoop of
bright Bart News the return of the A. W. R.
Hawkins Second Amendment Expert. He is, what can we expect
from Harrison Walls administration regarding the Second Amendment? We have
no idea except that they're going to probably go for guns.
They're both liberals and they hate you owning firearms. Daniel
Davis Deep Dive. We get the latest on Hamas and
Israel as well as Ukraine. That'll take place at eight thirty.
In between now and then, opportunity to call in five one, three, seven, four, nine,

fifty five hundred, eight hundred eighty two three taco with
pound five fifty on AT and T phones. Let's see
what CJ's got this morning. See what CJ. Thanks for
calling the Morning Show. Good to hear from you.

Speaker 13 (40:42):
Thank you. I hope you had a wonderful I know
it's not Tuesday, but I still hope you had a
wonderful weekend.

Speaker 1 (40:47):
I'll say, and I'm Donald.

Speaker 13 (40:49):
If I was I was, I was advising Donald Trump tonight,
I would tell him this the biggest story in the
in the United States right now regarding the press anything.
I think this story out of Springfield, Ohio, And when
Kamala Harris wants to talk about how Donald Trump is
just an angry old man, I would lean into it

and say, yeah, I am angry. I am angry that
our country is being ran over because you are flying
people from all over the world into places that are
not prepared or ready for any of this. I am
angry that some of these migrants, whether it is in Springfield, Ohio,
whether it is I read a story about in Spokane,

some migrant aa old eagle and they hunted it down
in front of people the other over the weekend.

Speaker 6 (41:40):
And it's all over this.

Speaker 13 (41:41):
Country that this is now coming out that this is happening,
that this is occurring. But what I'm really angry about
is that there is an eight year old boy dead
because you flew people in from Haiti out of in Springfield,
Ohio that did not have to die.

Speaker 14 (41:56):
And that is what I am angry about.

Speaker 13 (41:58):
And there are millions of Americans all over this country
who are angry about this forced migration into this country.
And it doesn't it doesn't matter if they're white, black,
Hispanic Asians. They're angry that people are coming in who
are unvetted and they are not necessarily the best people
are bring into our country to make the United States better.

I'd lean into that and just say, yes, I am angry.
I'm angry at you, and so are so many and
so are hundreds of millions of other people.

Speaker 1 (42:28):

Speaker 2 (42:29):
Brother, I think it's an excellent point. I hope he
knocks it out of the park along the lines of
what you're saying, and that's Springfield story has really gotten legs.
I mean, yesterday I was questioning the legitimacy of it
because it was only reported like in two places, and
you know, the words of one person relating a story
from her sister about a cat being slaughtered in the
next story. It's sort of twice removed from the actual

person experiencing the event, but it's spread beyond, far beyond that.
It's really drawn attention and the mayor of the city.
The letter that she wrote or he wrote I can't
recall to Alexander Maiorcis about the problem as now widely
being circulated, and it points out a city of sixty
thousand people now has over the past four years grown

by twenty thousand just because of Haitian immigrants being flown
into our country by the Biden administration. It's a great point,
and no city is equipped to deal with the volumes
of illegal immigrants. Look at New York, Well, I shouldn't
point to New York, since they were financially troubled anyway,
like a lot of the liberal cities. But the bigger
the city, the more likely you think they'd had the

resources necessary to house the influx of mass quantities of people.
But no, they struggle mightily with the cost and the
price tag of that.

Speaker 6 (43:39):

Speaker 2 (43:41):
Over to William mcgern about the debate tonight, and it's
just an indictment of the mainstream media and it's well deserved,
and thank you William mcgern for pointing it out. The
press failure inflates the debate. And here we are, I mean,
here we stand. I mean we are just so close
to early votings starting and we don't have Kamala Harris's positions?

How is that even possible? Just kind of struggled in it.
Why how can someone could even cast a vote for
the Harris Waltz ticket when they don't know what they
stand for? Not Trump God anyway, he writes. Presidents debates
typically don't determine the outcome of elections, notwithstanding the large

television audiences they draw on the dramatic moments they produce.
But Tuesday Night Tonight's dust up between Trump and Kamala
Harris may be different. Press failure has inflated it into
the seminal event of the Trump Harris rates because reporters
haven't insisted Miss Harris answer basic questions. The debate, moderated
by ABC News may provide the only moment in the

twenty twenty four election when Americans get to see how
Miss Harris performs under pressure. This failure would be appalling
at any time, and it is but the circumstances of
Miss har Us' campaign turned simple media bias into journalistic malpractice.
Vice President secured the top spot of the Democratic ticket

without having to contest a single primary and therefore without
having to lay out and defend her record. This leaves
her largely unknown to American voters. The situation, miss Harris
is now exploiting to reinvent herself as a moderate challenger
rather than a woke incumbent. In addition, Miss Harris is
a motherload of unanswered questions on most of the issues

that wants to find her. This includes her previous support
for everything from defunding the police and banning plastic straws
to getting rid of immigrations and customs enforcement and starting
from scratch, stances she now apparently disavows it appears by
Senator Tom Cotton on eightyc's This Week in August shows
how the press lets her off the hook. When mister

Cotton brought up Misserras's support for eliminating private health insurance,
which the Medicare for All policies Espouse in twenty nineteen
would do, host Jonathan Carl interjected to Miss Harris said
she no longer holds that position. Mister Cotton pushed back, quote,
she has not said that, he correctly pointed out anonymous

aids may have said that she no longer holds a
position she once did, but we haven't heard from the
candidate herself. Did he have a big CNN interview for
which Miss Harris brought long a running mate, Tim Wallas
to cut into the time that she would have to
take questions moderated? Dana Bash did make a showing or
a show of asking Miss Harris about flipping on fracking,

but she wasn't pressed on her biggest non answer of
the evening quote, my values have not changed, something that
Bernie Sanders I think said the quiet part out loud
the other day when he was asked about it. What
about all this flip flocking, Bernie? What's going on there?
Her values haven't changed. She's still the same person in
principle that she's always has been, which I think is revealing.

She's only ch changed. Her position to try to get
elected is pretty much boiled down a quote of what
he said. Can you believe her now or do you
believe what she really campaigned on back in twenty nineteen?
In her positions in elected office since, including her time
as Vice president. Anyway, excuse me back to mister mcgarn,

It's unlikely mss Basher's CNN would accept such an evasion
for mister Trumper as running ma JD.

Speaker 1 (47:29):

Speaker 2 (47:29):
Mister Vance did his own interview with Ms Bass or
missus Bass. She rightly grilled him on abortion and comments
made about mister Walls's characterization of his service in the
Minnesota National Guard. But it's worth watching the two interviews
to see the very different tones Miss Bash took toward
Vance and Harris. In short, Harris is getting a pass

bad enough that fifty six days from the election, she
still isn't giving interviews or holding news conferences. A far
greater scandal is that a free press isn't demanding that
she do so. It's hard to fault Miss Harris. Her
strategy is a sign that she knows her liabilities. Her
campaign is trying to get through the next eight weeks

avoiding events where she might have to answer an unscripted
question or explain the details of say inflation. Tim Aris
knows they don't go very well for her. Take the
recent role out of her economic platform. Most notable for
her call for a federal ban on price gouging. Even
the Washington Post call her plan full of populist gimmicks,

and former Bona administration economist Jason Furman told The New
York Times that it is not sensible policy. His words,
message taken. Better to stick to fuzzy, feel good themes
like joy or to call mister Trump afellon. It isn't
the first time a Democratic presidential candidate's benefited from a domestic,
domesticated press. One reason Miss Harris is her party's nominee

is that the press covered up President Biden's mental decline.
By the time the June twenty seventh debate with Trump
exposed those Biden's condition for all the American people to
see it, it was too late for primaries. It was
much the same in twenty twenty when New York Post
broke the story of Hunter Biden's laptop three weeks before
the election. Because the computer contained evidence of Hunter's sleazy

overseas business dealings while his dad was Vice president, the
press buried it. Today, the received wisdom is that sooner
or later Harris will have to give interviews and press conference.
Is like normal candidate, perhaps, but she has a decent
shot at winning the White House because her campaign is
running out the clock before anyone can answer her a

tough question. Tonight of the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia,
Miss Harris and mister Trump will have at it for
ninety minutes. Ironically, this is a great point he makes. Ironically,
the low expectations for Miss Harris may be an advantage.
All she has to do is not humiliar ate herself

and her performance will be hailed as a triumph. Let
that sink in. I thought that was an absolutely astute observation.
That's where we are. All she has to do is
get through ninety minutes without giggling or going off on
one of these insane words salad saying things that she
throws out.

Speaker 1 (50:21):
That's it, that's the bar.

Speaker 2 (50:26):
Anyway, William concludes, the press Corps did its job, we'd
all know more of what we need to know about
Kamala Harrison, what kind of president she'd make. But because
it won't, it's all on Donald Trump to do that
job himself. Okay, I got time for it. Job right now,
Let's take Terry's call, even though we're out of time. Terry,

Welcome to the Morning Show. Thanks for calling, hey, good morning,
good morning.

Speaker 9 (50:50):
It was the Haitian Times headlines White supremas opposed atient
immigration in Springfield.

Speaker 1 (50:58):
Naturally, naturally.

Speaker 9 (51:01):
And the person who originally made a complaint is a
good friend of my cousins, you know, kind of like
almost like you know a country cousins who would agree, right, yep.
And she's a black woman, her and her cat was missing,
and then she found the clarcass in the yard in
the back you know, in the backyard of one of
our lovely immigrants. My point is is, why would you

take Haitians and put them in the central part of
America when these people live by the sea, have fishing
skills and all this other stuff. Why did you purposely
put Haitians at a disadvantage like that? I mean it
kind of warm and Haiti and it's kind of twenty
blue zero and OHI.

Speaker 4 (51:40):
Sometimes that's a complication.

Speaker 9 (51:42):
None of this makes any sense, and it really sets
these people up for failure, and it's really damaging the community.

Speaker 6 (51:47):
From away, everyone's voice.

Speaker 2 (51:50):
You got great points, my friend. I really appreciate you calling.
And I'll go back to resident Diana Daniels in response
to the headlines from the Haitian paper you just mentioned.
This is from the hall meeting in Springfield where people
were complaining about it.

Speaker 1 (52:03):

Speaker 2 (52:04):
Countries are defined by their culture and their language, not
the color. When folks stand up here and describe what's
happening to them, they are often painted with a broad
brush of racism that has nothing to do with it.
Shame on you close Quote six eighteen fifty five krc
DE talk station. Feel free to call Kevin hang on,
I'll get you call in a second. You don't mind
holding for just a moment. Well, I get to mention

my friend Peter Shabrie and his team at Kellowiams seven Hills,
the finest real estate team assembled. That's why they're Cincinni's
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get in touch with Peter Schabrie. It's easy to do.
It's worth getting in touch with them. A superior real
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They earn their commission, folks, and there's a new commission
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making real estate agents a better well oil machine, which
is what you already got with Shabri Group seven zero
eight three thousand dot com. Learn more right there at
the website seven zero eight three thousand dot com and
then call them up at five one three seven zero
eight three.

Speaker 8 (53:21):
Thousand, fifty five KRC in.

Speaker 2 (53:24):
His ads, sunny eighty seven today, night clear in fifty
six tom are another sunny day high of eighty eight
over nineteen clouds and dropped the sixteenth, Thursday partly sunny
with a high of eighty eight fifty two degrees now
Traffic time.

Speaker 11 (53:37):
From the UCL Triumphane Center. Substance dependence is a treatable
medical disease that affects both brain and behavior.

Speaker 4 (53:43):
You see health addiction.

Speaker 11 (53:44):
Sciences can help called five one three five eight five
eight two two seven. Highway tramping continues to look good
this morning. No major time delays to deal with as
of yet North Bend fourth seventy one. You're still doing okay,
coming across the bridge with no delays.

Speaker 4 (54:00):
John Ingram on fifty five K the talk station.

Speaker 2 (54:05):
CONAIX twenty three five krcy talk station and go to
straight to the phones. I appreciate Kevin holding over the break,
Kevin walcome on the program.

Speaker 1 (54:11):
Happy Tuesday.

Speaker 5 (54:13):
Hey, good morning, Happy debate Day.

Speaker 1 (54:15):
Yeah, really it's finally here.

Speaker 5 (54:18):
I'm going to get your mind off of politics.

Speaker 6 (54:20):
For a minute.

Speaker 1 (54:21):
We knock yourself out. Go ahead.

Speaker 5 (54:25):
Looks like Duke wants to rush through another price ike. Well,
we're all distracted on politics. It looks like they're I'm
guessing in my opinion, Uh, installing new EV charging stations
for your your favorite vehicles.

Speaker 1 (54:44):
Yeah, I thought the federal gunment supposed to do that.

Speaker 5 (54:47):
Yeah, I'm wondering why Elon can't subsidize those.

Speaker 2 (54:53):
Well, I got a big kick out of the fact
that here we are, what three years after the bill
that was passed to install hundreds and foun thousands of
these EV charging stations, only eight of them have built
been built so far. In spite of the I think
three billion dollars that have been allocated to that, So
Duke Energy shouldn't be having to subsidize the creation or
building of those charging stations. Maintaining power source and keeping

the lights on, that to me, should be priority number one.
It's not going to come from a solar panel at
least that's my take on the matter.

Speaker 1 (55:23):
Kevin, thank you for calling it's tonight.

Speaker 2 (55:26):
Tonight though, it's a good opportunity for me to remind
folks the Public Utilities Commission of a house hosting a
hearing six pm City Council Chambers eight oh one Plump
Street to disclose the proposed rate hike application they filed
in April, which of course lays out plans to increase
your electric rates. So are you Are you in favor

of it or not? I'd say the rates have already
gone up too high. Having a bit of a problem
out in California stories I hadn't been able to get
to yet, but I do have more local stories coming
up in a moment here. But yeah, California, the lights
are shutting down and the lights are turning off, and
the problem is they're spending too much time chasing that

mysterious zero carbon emissions.

Speaker 1 (56:15):
I guess fantasy.

Speaker 2 (56:16):
If I may be so bold six twenty five fifty
five care see de talk station Oto eggs. It won't
get rid of the stench of politics, get rid of
the stench of energy bills going up, but it will
deal with smells that you regularly run into and throughout
your day, mold, mildew, pets, human odors, food odors, anything
you can think of by way of just general you know,
the smells that you don't like. They can get rid

of it with the products, the guarantees that it will
eliminate the other with one hundred percent satisfaction guarantee. If
it doesn't work as you as directed, then you get
all your money back. That's a promise from the good
people at otor Exit. Go to otoragsit dot com, od
o r xit, no Need's easy to find out which
product you need, It's easy to learn how to use it,
follow the instructions and the odor is gone, even something

as bad as skunk spray up. If you have any
questions on how to use it or which product you need,
and if you order it on the website before three pm,
it'll be delivered to your home tomorrow by it locally.
If you need it today, there's a search engine today
where it's sold locally. It's sold all over the tri
state odor exit dot.

Speaker 8 (57:13):
Com fifty five KRC.

Speaker 1 (57:17):
Waken up on the right side. This is the Sean
Hannity Morning Minute.

Speaker 15 (57:24):
You know she said day one, I'm gonna fly fight
inflation and immigration. Day one was January twenty ath twenty
twenty one. What do you mean on day one? And
then for three years she led about inflation that it
was transitory, light about immigration, said it was the border
was secure and said, well, well you haven't been to
the border, called out by Lester Holts.

Speaker 1 (57:45):
Well, I haven't been to Europe either.

Speaker 15 (57:47):
She's now on record saying she will raise the corporate taxes,
small business taxes, put in a wealth tax and a
state tax. Capital gains taxes to on unprecedented rates that
will destroy investment in this country. Even Mark Cuban recognizes
that unrealized capital gains that would be a depression for
this country.

Speaker 3 (58:07):
From coast to coast, from sea to shining seas.

Speaker 1 (58:12):
It's a Sean Hannity.

Speaker 16 (58:13):
Show more inflation and recession. Did you know that experts
called gold the everything hedge. Gold goes far beyond hedging
against inflation or the stock market. It can potentially even
guard you against these wars in Ukraine in the Middle East,
not to mention the great economic danger of a recession coming,
which is what we're all worried about, and that's why

gold just hit another record high in central banks. They
just keep buying gold at a record pace. It's Linda here.
Join me in thousands of people who have called gold
Coe the number one rate a gold company. It's time
you diversify your money with time tested safe haven assets
physical gold and silver. Today gold Co is offering our
listeners up to eight years in free IRA feest plus

up to eight percent and bonus silver with a qualified
account called eight five five eight one five gold for
free IRA fees, free bonus silver and a free golden
silver invocate.

Speaker 1 (59:07):
What are you waiting for?

Speaker 8 (59:08):
Call eight five five eight one five gold.

Speaker 16 (59:10):
That's eight five five eight one five g O l D.

Speaker 1 (59:14):
Do it today.

Speaker 8 (59:15):
You can't wait.

Speaker 2 (59:19):
Here's your nine first warning weather forecast. It's going to
be a sunny day today. Eighty seven for the high cool.
It's going to be clear and cool over night, fifty
six for the low. Eighty eight under sunny sky is
tomorrow a few clouds overnight down to sixty and Thursday
a partly sunny day.

Speaker 1 (59:32):
I have eighty eight fifty two right now. If you've
out Kcity talk station, Time for a traffic update.

Speaker 4 (59:39):
From the UCUT Tramphics Center.

Speaker 11 (59:41):
Substance dependence is a treatable medical disease that affects both
brain and behavior. You see health addictions sciences can help
called five one, three, five eighty five, eighty two twenty seven.
Highways continue to look pretty good this morning. Northbound four
seventy one starting to slow down a bit coming across
the bridge. Construction mocked off on the bridge southbound seventy five.

No delays as of yet. Pass Union Center, Chuck Ingram
on fifty five krs, the talk station.

Speaker 2 (01:00:14):
Six twenty nine Here fifty five KRC, the talk station
five seven nine fifty five hundred, eight hundred eighty two
three talk or Pound five fifty on eight and t
funth If you care to call love to hear from
you number fifty five kr SE dot com. Get your
iHeart media, put an on your smart device and listen
wherever you happen to be to all the iHeart content
included in the Morning Show, and of course the podcast

of the guests I have on the program this morning. Today,
we're gonna hear from Second Amendment expert A. W. R.
Hawkins for the Inside Scoop. What about the howalts Harrit's administration?
Where are they on gun control? I think I can
draw a pretty quick conclusion, although we're left to guess.
Daniel Davis deep dive late us on the Hamas Israel
situation as well as what's going on between Russia and Ukraine. Anyway,

if that further doolet's go over to the local stories.
I'm sorry, I struggle with this is the last caller
pointed out. Duke's getting ready to raise our energy bills.
They're going to have a public hearing tonight. If you
want to chime in on it and offer your opinions,
show up at eight oh one Plumb Street City Council

Chambers at six pm tonight. That's where the Public Utility
Commission of BEHW is going to be hosting the event.
Duke wants a Raykike, You're going to pay for it?
Pivoting over just almost comical timing. City Task Force has
completed its study on how to help homeowners struggling to
pay their property taxes, among other problems. The Cincinnati Property

Task Force presented its findings. I'll give Fox nineteen credit
Mike Shelf for reporting on this one. This is during
the Budget Finance Committee meeting yesterday. The task force, led
by Councilman Mark Jefferies, says property tax increases have impacted
most low income homeowners and those unfixed incomes, shocking no
one that revelation. Here's some of the suggestions that this

task force presented. Provide one million dollars to a fund
that will help homeowners with delinquent taxes, unlock federal and
private funding, to invest in the reduction of energy bills.
How about just saying no to the duke energy rate hike.

I mean, yeah, God, Anyway, in so far as these
state funds, he says, he will be doled out on
a first come, first serve basis, and I laugh at
this one million dollars, I mean, how much? How many
delinquent tax bills can you actually solve with a million dollars?
And then you're left with the oh, that's right, I'm
gonna have to pay the property tax bill again next year,
which allows you to pivot over to decide whether or

not you want to sign a petition that circulating around
pushing or pulling six hundred million dollars of the railroad
money into a separate fund to be invested to help
pay property taxes for all property owners in the city
ah Politics. We have a real tragic situation Owen Kunty, Kentucky.

Eight year old girl as dad after an ATV crash
that happened over the weekend in northern Kentucky. Am I Hackey,
eight years old on an ATV with her dad and
a sibling. Shriff's deputy said the ATV flipped over while
going down a hill six pm on Saturday. According to
the sheriff's deputy in the statement, no one in the
at ATV was wearing a helmet. According to the deputy,

she died from her injuries. Her dad and sibling did survive.
A new opening date goal for Ohio five sixty two,
commonly known as Norwood Lateral, set Monday morning. Cruise Interphase
eight of the Mill Creek Expressway project. Like the East
Down Lanes, opening date for north latteral lanes heading westbound

pushed back by twenty two days. They expected to reopen
on September twentieth, According to the statement, Although it was
planned to initially a reopening North Lottle by August thirtieth,
the NBA's timeframe was met with weather and construction related issues,
forcing the schedule into September, along with unanticipated additional design
and construction work needed to rectify structural steel issues on
the Ross Avenue Bridge. Excessive heat last week delayed attempted

concrete pores for the deck overlay on back to back nights.
According to o DOT Cruise finishing work on the Ross
Avenue Bridge. If the weather continues to be nice still,
it should be finished paving the week of September sixteenth,
one of several projects within the I seventy five mil
Quicker Expressway Plan, which intends to widen, resurface, and rehabilitate

the interstate roadway between Paddock Road and the Western Hills Viaduct. However,
closing norwith laterals made it difficult for residents to get
to and from the west or east side of the Cincinnati. Yeah,
we knew that was going to be a problem. It
has been. And finally, going back to the situation in Springfield, Ohio,
Attorney General David Yost announced yesterday that his office is

investigating how to stop the Biden Harrison administration from continuing
to resettle these massive numbers of four nationals into the
state of Ohio. Of course, this whole situation in Springfield
has gone viral. Jos said he is now directing his
office to research courtroom strategies on how to stop the
White House from sending an unlimited number of migrants into

Ohio communities. Quote how many people can they be expected
to take? What are the limits to the federal government's power?
Could the federal governments simply simply funnel into Ohio all
the millions of migrants flooding under the current administration's watch.
There's got to be a limiting principle, he pointed out.
We're going to find a way to get this disaster
in front of a federal judge. In addition to strained resources,

ghost alleged locals in the state have been complaining about migrants.
Oh look, he got word of the story in Springfield
from Springfield as well, causing car crashes, squatting at homes,
killing wildlife for food, stealing property, and specifically cited the
town of Springfield and as an example, saying the town
has quote quote swollen by more than a third close

quote because of the migrant influx. So not sure if
Yos is going to come up with a legal solution,
but at least he's noticed it and has issued a
statement claiming he's working on it. Six thirty five. If
you five care see de talk station, feel free to
call it love to hear from if you got a
topic you want to talk about five one, three, seven,
four nine to fifty five hundred, eight hundred eight to
two three talk And you know I don't want you

to spend too much money having your automobile fixed. So
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Foreign Exchange is the place to be where an a
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We can take it to Foreign Exchange. I guess it's
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can be such a disparity, for example, with my car
and the oil change that from the dealer versus the
one at Foreign exchange, same oil, same filter. I save
roughly two hundred dollars savings.

Speaker 1 (01:06:56):
I like that.

Speaker 2 (01:06:57):
That's why I'm proud to recommend foreign exchange either wonderful
people treat you like family, and it's if you get
along with your family anyway. It's easy to get there.
The Tylersville exit rode off seventy five is how do
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we go to and have for years. Towersville exit, Go
east two streets, hanging right on Kingland. You're there online.
You're there at fourign xform the letter x dot com.
Please tell them, Brian said, how many call five one, three, six,

four four, twenty six, twenty six, six, four four, twenty six,
twenty six.

Speaker 7 (01:07:22):
This is fifty five KRC an iHeartRadio station.

Speaker 17 (01:07:26):
Wake up with football every morning and listen to my
new podcast, NFL Daily with Greg Rosenthal five days a week.
You get all the latest news, the best analysis delivered
by the time you get your coffee.

Speaker 2 (01:07:36):
Come, here's your nine first one of weather forecasts. Got
a sunny day to day, going up to eighty seven
over night, little fifty six with clear skies, eighty eight
with sunny skies tomorrow down to sixty over ninth a
few clowns, and I'm partly sunny Thursday going up to
eighty eight again, about fifty two degrees right now for
about ker City talk station.

Speaker 1 (01:07:57):
What's going on with traffic right now?

Speaker 11 (01:07:59):
You see how tramphing center substance dependence as a treatable
medical disease that affects both brain and behavior. You see
health addiction sciences can help. Call five one, three, five,
eighty five, eight, two two seven. Highways are doing just fine,
with the exception of northbound four seventy one. There you'll
need a couple of extra minutes across the bridge from
Memorial Chuck Ingram on fifty five KR.

Speaker 4 (01:08:21):
Receive the talk station.

Speaker 2 (01:08:26):
Six quarter here a fifty five KERCD talk station. Happy Tuesday. Well,
at least have one illustration of the Department of Justice.
I have announcing, well, an illegal immigrant has agreed to
plead guilty charges of stealing an American citizens identity and
using it to vote in several elections and as well.

And this is frightening. Obtaining a United States passport, you
would think would be a little difficult to get a
fake passport, but that's what the announcement is. In the
Department of Justice, Angelica Marie Francisco had been residing in Alabama.
I'm originally from Guatemala, charged with making false claims a
citizenship and connection with voting, aggravated identity theft, false statements
to apply for a US passport, and use of the

US passport obtained by false statements that in the news
release from last week Undocumented Individuals how Miss Francisco is
described by the Partner of Justice assumed the identity of
a US citizen in twenty eleven before using her false
identity then to get a passport the same year, and
she used that to travel to and from Guatemala, used

the false identity to renew the passport and use it
to travel to the United States from Guatemala again, registered
to vote in Alabama using the fake name. Voted in
both the twenty sixteen and twenty twenty primary and general elections.
Doesn't say who she voted for, which doesn't really matter.
The point is that this can be done. Obviously, this
is a prosecution. They they've got a guilty plea. So

one illustration of the fact that it can happen, and
the big concern for a lot of people is that
you know, when we get this vot voter registration that
the Clint administration put in, you automatically get a voter
registration form, even though it is illegal to vote in
federal elections if you're not a US citizen with laws
on the books, that's a fact, that's a reality. You

don't have to implement another law to make it illegal.
But people get the form. They're not specifically told that
they must be a legal citizen to vote. They are
just given the form, they fill it out, they hand
it in, and guess what, they're registered to vote. It
makes it very easy for someone even to inadvertently get
registered to vote if they don't know the law. Let's

just say, for example, we've got a whole bunch of
people coming across the southern border who might struggle with
the English language, might not have a great comprehension of
American laws, what's legal and what's not legal. They are
allowed to go and get a driver's license. Most states
have something in effect that even illegal immigrants can get

a driver's license. The moment you go and apply for
the driver's license, you're given the voter registration form, and oh, look,
it's another form, I'll fill it out.

Speaker 1 (01:11:06):
You are then registered, and.

Speaker 2 (01:11:07):
A lot of states allow illegal immigrants to vote in
local or state elections. That just sets them up to
vote in federal elections very simply and very easily. So
what are the Republicans to do? They got this stopgap measure,
and the Republicans I have this safeguard American Voter Eligibility
Act that they have attached to it, which requires proof

of citizenship to register to vote. Democrats are saying, well,
it's already illegal to vote in federal elections if you're
not a US citizen. Yes, I know, but because of
the scenario that I just pointed out, it's easy to
gain the system, and illegal immigrants can then vote because
they're registered, even though they shouldn't be voting in the

federal elections. And so and they're further part Biden administration.
Joe Biden said he intends to veto the stopgap funding
proposal well because it includes this provision. Biden administration's accusing
the House GOP leaders of choosing brinkmanship over a bipartisan solution,
claiming a shutdown could significantly disrupt a censor of government services.

While millions of voters, including some battleground states, can already
cast their votes. Accord to the Washington Post, that's true,
but it's let's get this provision in there now, shall
we got an opportunity.

Speaker 1 (01:12:25):
To do it.

Speaker 2 (01:12:27):
You've got a government shutdown staring in the face, and
it's an opportunity for the United States citizenry, those who
will be voting in the upcoming election, to get a
sense of where their elected officials stand regarding safeguards in
place to prevent illegal immigrants from perhaps even inadvertently voting
in the federal election as opposed to some intentional conspiracy.

So they have this safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act, which
is tacked on there. During House conference call yesterday with
GP Johnson made initial argument about the spending debate, claiming
that the duration of the continuing Resolution, which would prevent
the shutdown until March twenty twenty five, is the only
practical option. Now, that's God's folks like Congressman Thomas Massey

saying no, it's not. If we sat down and did
our work and did our individual appropriation bills, we wouldn't
be in this sorry state. And so he intends to
vote against it along with Matt Rosendale from Montana. Republicans
are going to need everybody else on their side of
the ledger to get this bill. To get this bill
through because the Democrats are lined up against it for
only the reason that this save provision is tacked onto it.

That's how much they desperately want the opportunity for illegal
immigrants to get registered to vote and maybe vote in
federal elections. It seems why wouldn't you want a protection
in there. And you know the other component of this.
The Democrats have the audacity, through the Biden administration, to

to concern themselves about our military advantage. They're actually claiming
that this continuing resolution is going to put us in
jeopardy because of the military of the under service. Six
months CR would have wrote our military advantage relative to
the People's Republic of China, d grade readiness and fail
to provide the support our troops deserve. The administration or

just House Republicans to engage in a bipartisan process that
keeps the government open and provides much needed emergency disaster
funding for Americans who are trying to rebuild. Calling the
voting related measure as quote unrelated cynical legislation.

Speaker 1 (01:14:44):
Well, we know which side of the ledger of the
Democrats are on.

Speaker 2 (01:14:47):
They're willing to shut the government down in order to
prevent this loophole from being plugged. They know they can't
the illegals can't vote in federal elections under current law period,
end of story. The Republicans are simply trying to prevent
the possibility of people who are are not legally allowed

to vote from voting. That's all this is. Why wouldn't
you want to plug that loophole? What's the nefarious reason
behind the behind that. I think it's sort of staring
us all in the face. Six forty seven fifty five
KC detalk station. Feel free to call. And the other
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Speaker 1 (01:16:12):
Five the Talks Station. We always say a roof calm.

Speaker 2 (01:16:20):
Sunny day to day according Channel nine one of eighty seven,
gone down to fifty six overnight with clear skies eighty
eight with sunny skies, Tomorrow's sixty overnight with a few clowns,
Thursday hive eighty eight as well.

Speaker 1 (01:16:31):
Partley's sunny day fifty two degrees. Now it's time for.

Speaker 4 (01:16:33):
Traffic from the UCL Tramphique Center.

Speaker 11 (01:16:37):
Substance dependence is a treatable medical disease that affects both
brain and behavior. You see how the Nixon Sciences can
help call five one three, five eight five eighty two
twenty seven. Northbound four seventy one slows for a couple
of extra minutes between Memorial and Downtown. Left lane blocked
off thanks to construction southbound seventy five. I'm seeing no

delays through lockfun as of yet, but not too far away.
Chuck Ingramont fifty five KRC the talk station.

Speaker 2 (01:17:09):
Six fifty one on a Tuesday, feel free to coffee
line five one, three, seven, four nine fifty five hundred,
eight hundred and eighty two to three talk Pound five
fifty on eight and t phone okay. Addition to the
Save Act, which could solve the problem of, you know,
perhaps inadvertently registering illegal immigrants to vote in federal elections,
got another The program that Biden administration put in place

that allows migrants to enter the United States without a
legal visa apparently described as just just fraud. Leyden, head
of Immigration Records and Identity Services Division at the US
Citizenship and Immigration Service, as a guy named Michael Mayhew,
wrote a twenty three page audit about the program. This

is the one that allows migrants from Ukraine and Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua,
and Venezuela to enter the country with the support a
US based sponsor. The audit pointed out the process of
approving sponsors was filled with loopholes that made fraud easy
to perpetrate and very difficult to spot.

Speaker 1 (01:18:13):

Speaker 2 (01:18:13):
Since there is little to no barrier to enter to file,
there is a lot of fraud, exploitation and duplicative filings
that have occurred. In the audit, it points out gang
members and scammers were applying to be sponsors by using
oh fraud here dead people's names. They probably all used
the dead people's names to vote to and apparently they

claim due to insufficient staffing or this report says due
to insufficient staffing, the program was unable to detect fraud
by which the scammers could victimize the migrants as well
as steel Americans' identities. One frauds are apparently filed an
application using the passport number of Michelle Obama. Mayhe recommended

forty program changes to prevent the fraud. The administration paused
the program. It was restarted last late last month after
agency adopted some of his suggestions to prevent the fraud.
One guy ran this agency during the Bush administration said
after the Washington Time shared portions of the internal report,
their vocabulary never uses the word stop. It always is process, transport, house, educate,

bring them through. They want to get as many people
through the door as possible and then deal with the
consequences once they're on this side.

Speaker 1 (01:19:33):
Of the border.

Speaker 2 (01:19:34):
He pointed out, under this program, American citizens, residents others
in the US with legal immigration status are eligible to
be a sponsor and bring the migrants into this country
as long as they agree to financially support them. So
what you get are gang members posing is real people
or dead people you know, to assuming the identity, say
I would like to sponsor one of these probably fellow

gang members. I will be financially responsible for them because
I'll get them a job peddling rugs on the street,
and they'll be able to take care of themselves. So
I'll bring them on in, put them on an airplane,
and here they end up in Springfield. Pretty much my
boil down analysis of how this program works. But guess
what one more government program filled with fraud in abuse,
And of course the ramifications are profound, and that observation

is a correct one. Right seems to be bring as
many people as humanly possible into the country and deal
with the problems later Springfield struggling right now, I think
the problems are already here. It is later, maybe actually
too late.

Speaker 1 (01:20:39):
Stick around.

Speaker 2 (01:20:39):
We're talking at seve o'clock. I then we get the
inside scoop of bright Bart News aw R. Hawkins about
what his guess is on the Harris Wats administration stance
on Second Amendment, plus Daniel Davis deep dive at eight thirty.

Speaker 1 (01:20:50):
I'll be right back after the news. You're twenty twenty
four election headquarters.

Speaker 15 (01:20:54):
Every voter should be asking whether America can survive four more.

Speaker 1 (01:20:58):
Years of fifty five KARC the talk station.

Speaker 2 (01:21:16):
Coming up on seven oh six if it be five
KRSD talk stations about KRC dot com and you can't
listen live podcast Right there, I get your heart media
so you can stream the content wherever you happen to be.
And uh, of course you can stream it directly from
the web page as well, and it's right there if
you have KRC dot com. We're gonna hear from Breitbart's
inside scoop in one hour. Aw R. Hawkins returns. He's

the Second Amendment expert. What can we expect from the
Harris Walts administration regarding the Second Amendment. Oh they'll swear
or notth to uphold it, then they already have given
their elected capacity, but then immediately do everything they can
to take the Second Amendment away, right of taking it
right away from you? And how you can reconcile those positions,
that's something else that someone should ask if you swear

to uphold the Constitution that includes the Second Amendment or
are you sort of keeping your fingers crossed on that one?
Do you not appreciate that we do have the god
given right to defend ourselves? Anyhow, I doubt that question
will be asked tonight during the debate. I will be
my doing my best to stay awake throughout the whole thing,
and I'll be tired tomorrow morning. But it's worth it
because we got a lot of unanswered questions and hopefully

they will be answered tonight. And I go back to
that William mcgirrn observation, if you didn't hear me, I
dove into his op ed piece on the press's failure
inflates the debate because we don't know anything. The press
is not even mildly curious about pressing Kamala Harris. But
this idea that all she has to do is not

humiliate herself. The bar is so low. If she gets
out there and doesn't humiliate herself, doesn't get into a
Calculi giggle fest, and doesn't give you one of those
ridiculous words salad, sandwich things, just gets through it, it'll
be hailed as a triumph. Again, the article is critical

to mainstream media is fair to do its job calling
it malpractice, journalistic malpractice, but they will continue to carry
the water for the left. And it's just a frightening
reality we live in. I remember the Soviet Union days
when they had Tasks and it was the only news
outlet because it was the Soviet approved one and the
only thing you got was Soviet messaging. I mean, we

live in a free society with the rights of free speech,
and we should have responsible reporting. But you know, they're
all in the bag for the Biden Harris administration for
reasons unknown. And another thing they absolutely need to talk about,
and Donald Trump needs to bring this up, is the
taxation of unrealized gains. And that's exactly what the Harris
administration is proposing. Why well, because President Biden supports the idea,

and he did in the State of the Union address
and the under the twenty twenty five budget, Miss Harris
has endorsed that air go. She calls it the billionaire
minimum tax. But you are going to, hey, if you're
invested in the stock market at all, you are going
to be well taken in the shorts and your four
to one K plans are going to just tank in
the toilet. And I'll give credit to how Scott and

John Culliver for breaking down exactly why this happens all
those evil billionaires. Normally, you've got to sell something, then
you make the profit. The profit is taxed because that's
your capital gains. If you don't sell it, you haven't
earned anything. You're sitting on something you paid for that
hasn't given you a return on your investment yet. But
under this plan, they'll tax it before it's sold, taxing

the appreciation even if the assets are not sold and
income is not realized. This Biden Harris wealth tax, of course,
they're characterizing, is that, you know, one of those evil
billionaire taxes, a minimum annual twenty five percent tax on
the income and unrealized capital gains of Americans worth more

than one hundred million dollars AH those and you know
who do you know that's in that class? It's easy
to go after, and there are a small percentage of
the population, and who among us has more than one
hundred million dollars of annual income on also unrealized capital gains.
Biden administration is twenty twenty five budget says, if you

do this tax, we're going to get five hundred billion
dollars in new taxes over ten years, which they want
to do expand social programs. This is one of the
things that Harris campaign is already about expanding Social Security. Well,
and I'm thinking to myself, if you figured out a
way and this is the most terrible way to generate

tax income by taxing unrealized capital gains, and I'll get
to the reason in a minute, but if you got
an extra five hundred billion dollars. I just found out
the other day that you know, the figure is sixty
three trillion dollars in unfunded Social Security liability alone. They
want to expand that program, and yet they're already in
the whole sixty three trillion dollars and what they expect

to have to pay out to the people who are
eligible to receive Social Security. It's a failed business. It's
a failed model. It's not even a business model. And
note they don't include that liability when they tell you
what our national debt is, that's our credit card bill. Anyway,

as to the taxing of unrealized capital gains, it ultimately
hurts all investors, not just the wealthy ones. Billionaires own
more than five trillion dollars in stock, translated to seven
percent of the entire stock market, and it's public stock.

There are private companies and there are public companies. Right
publicly traded versus private. There aren't stock publicly traded stocks
when it's a private company public stock, the ones that
are listed represents sixty six percent of those billionaire's wealth.
So they would need to sell hundreds of billions of
dollars worth of stock to fund this new unrealized capital

gains tax. What might happen if they have to sell
their public stocks? Hmm right, it'll drive down the stock
prices and therefore your four to one K plan, or
if you're invested at all in the stock market at all,
your return is going to go down. Everybody gets hit

by this. They say it would predict produce the long
term dragon the returns of all investors, also reducing the
skin in the game of the innovative founders who built
these companies. Because the wealthiest Americans would be entitled to
a tax refund in future years if the value of
the remaining stockholdings go downs, that wouldn't diminish the effect

of the tax on capital markets. US taxpayers with assets
of more than one hundred million hold four trillion in
unrealized capital gains in private companies. Now, pause and think
about that. They get all this money in the stock market.
Generally they would have to sell off the public stocks
that would impact you and me, But they have unrealized

capital gains invested in private companies which aren't sold on
the market. Now, if they have to sell the investments
they have in these private companies to cover a tax bill,
well that's going to be a problem.

Speaker 1 (01:28:26):

Speaker 2 (01:28:29):
It's more difficult for one to sell investment in private
companies because there's no stock certificate attached to it. Private
companies generally don't have active trading markets, so finding a
buyer can be difficult and the cost of selling can
be very high. It also disrupts the growth of private companies.
So therefore, in this proposal, here's where it really turns

things on its head. There's an exemption for this wealth
tax for ultra rich investors who have eighty percent of
their wealth in non tradable, ill liquid assets like private companies.
They say this would create a major incentive for the
wealthiest Americans who either delist the public companies, in other words,

take them off the stock market and turn them private.
That way, they can keep control of private companies from
going public, or keep private companies from going public in
the first place, because it's the public right. These shares
of stock that are easily saleable and therefore easy to
turn into cash to pay the tax bill. You can't
do that with a private company. So there's this offset.

It totally disrupts the system. You know, there are now
more than seven hundred private company is worth more than
one billion dollars, more than forty private companies worth more
than ten billion, and the most innovative, fastest growing US companies,
they point out, are private companies. They note that billionaire
founders also have voting control over the publicly traded companies

in a lot of cases, and therefore they may be
able to force a dlisting of the public company to
save billions in taxes because of this offset provision, which
means the stock that you're making money on right now
that you can trade, let's say it's trading at ten,
you bought it at five.

Speaker 1 (01:30:13):
The billionaires are.

Speaker 2 (01:30:15):
Are invested in that as well, and if they have
a voting control on that, and they have control over
a majority of the voters on the board, they can
dlist that company, so you no longer have the ability
to buy and sell and trade that share. They have
an advantage to d list. That shrinks the size of
the public market, which is already shrinking. Apparently, in nineteen

ninety six there are more than eight thousand publicly traded companies.
Today there are fewer than five thousand. And of course,
if this Biden Harris or this Harris Walls proposal goes through,
there are going to be even fewer and fewer stocks
to trade, so taking away even more of your opportunity
to grow and save for your own retirement.

Speaker 1 (01:30:54):
In a four to one k.

Speaker 2 (01:30:59):
Because the vast majority of us don't meet the minimum
wealth requirement to even invest in private markets in the
first place. It's a disaster. I mean, it's it's such
a disaster it's almost as if they want our stock
market to fail and another one control over all of us.

And I've always fretted and worried about what is my
taxation rate going to be when it comes time for
me to pull out money from my four to oh
one K. That's a variable that could change in any Congress.
Whatever the current taxation rate is. Hell, they could turn
that into seventy five percent. Well, we're taking seventy five
percent whatever you pull out your four oh one k.

That could be a possibility. So that's one way of
liberating you from your money that you kept and saved
and earned over the years. But if you implement this
taxation of unrealized capital gains proposal, you basically are ruining
everyone's investment in form and you basically I think it

would shift more and more people over to being a
dependent of the government and relying on Social Security, which
again is like sixty three trillion dollars in unfunded liabilities
already seven sixteen fifty five K. STEE talks station a
little long winded on that one, I apologize, but it
is a significant, significant point and it is a very

important topic that they should very well be talking about. Tonight,
Trump could just nail her against the wall by bringing
up the realities of what she wants to do in
terms of taxing unrealized games. Pressig Interiors John Ryan Pressediese
Interiors are one and the same. It's his company and
he's the one you'll be working with for your kitchen
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zero two two nine two four seven zero two two nine.

Speaker 7 (01:33:32):
This is fifty five KRC and iHeartRadio station.

Speaker 2 (01:33:38):
Tatter the nine first warning weather forecasts sunny day to
day and high of eighty seven, clear skies overnight dropping
down to fifty six sonning eighty eight tomorrow with a
few clouds overnight down to sixty and an eighty eight
high on Thursday as well with partly sunny skyes fifty
one degrees.

Speaker 1 (01:33:52):
Right now. Time for traffic update.

Speaker 4 (01:33:53):
Chuck from the UC how Trampling Center.

Speaker 11 (01:33:56):
So's dependents for three noble medical disease that affects the
brain and behavior you see. Health addiction sciences can help
called five one three five.

Speaker 4 (01:34:05):
Eighty five eight two two seven.

Speaker 11 (01:34:07):
Southbound seventy one cruiser are working with an accident where
the left two lanes are blocked off coming out of Kenwood,
single file to get by in the right lane. There's
also some involved on the right shoulder. Traffic backing up
past the Reagan Highway north found seventy one. There's a
wreck before you got to fight for on the right.
Chuck Ingram on fifty five krc DE Talk station, tell.

Speaker 2 (01:34:30):
Them I was seven twenty two, fifty five krc DE
talk Station, Happy Tuesday, five one three seven eight hundred
eight two three talks.

Speaker 1 (01:34:36):
Care to call?

Speaker 2 (01:34:37):
Got a couple of calls online? Order in which they
receive means we start with Randy. Randy, thanks for calling
this morning. Welcome to the Morning Show.

Speaker 18 (01:34:44):
Thanks Bryan. You brought it up there in your rant earlier,
the unreal life gapital gains. I think it's more about
control over us because if that takes us away from
our four oh one case, become more dependent, yeah, on
our sh security system, which we knows a Ponzi scheme
in the first place. And also now, I was listening

to CNBC and I followed on Twitter, but she had
an economic policy advisor and they were talking about the
constitutionality of this. Uh you know, he was saying, it's
like a property tax. Well, property taxes, we pay for
something we get We ain't getting anything back out of this,
I mean nothing, what?

Speaker 1 (01:35:25):
Well, what what? Randy?

Speaker 2 (01:35:26):
One can make that argument with regard to where our
general our income tax dollars are spent anyway. I mean,
do you really feel like you're getting value for what
they take out of your page?

Speaker 1 (01:35:38):

Speaker 14 (01:35:38):
Yeah, But you know, the what is the constitution?

Speaker 19 (01:35:41):
You know?

Speaker 18 (01:35:42):
And I go back to it and you're kind of
the lawyer aspect of it. Is it constitutional that that
this would you know, be able to go through the
court system or not.

Speaker 2 (01:35:52):
I think I think anybody impacted by this could very
well go to court and uh probably would prevail under
the argument that you can't tax income isn't realized. That's
I think that's really the argument that needs to be made.
That has always been the case. You have to show
that you have a gain that equals income. If you're
sitting on something that has not been sold, you do

not know what it's worth until the moment of sale,
which is why you know, if the stock ultimately goes
down later you can do write offs for your losses,
but you got to sell it in order to either
get a profit or a loss. It's the mechanism by
which income is determined. This is a whole new, completely
different area of taxation. And while people do draw parallels

between in and property tax, I think it's fundamentally different
and more to the point it is fundamentally far more
devastating to anyone who has a concern about American businesses
and publicly traded companies. I mean, this is the I
that's why I just come and boil down to this.
I'm it's nefarious, It is an it will ultimately be

an outright assault on our four WL one case and
will really truly reduce the number of public companies out
there because the privately held ones are treated differently under
this proposal. And a lot of billionaires have a lot
of money invested in the private sector because let's face it,
I mean, you know, if you want to develop a product,
you got to go to Shark Tank and get billionaires

to maybe invest in your product. Right, those are the
people who create private companies and invest in private companies.
The rest of us out here, we got to deal
with the publicly traded companies and the ability to buy
and sell shares. Seven twenty five efty five ks the
talk station, Dave, please hold, I can't wait to talk
to you, but I am out of time. It's seven
to twenty five. Got to stop mentioned cover Sincy because

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just take me up on my recommendation to get in
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where you can learn more about what they do. It's
COVERSINCI dot com fifty five.

Speaker 1 (01:38:44):
KRC dot com. Time for the weather. We have a
sunny day to day.

Speaker 2 (01:38:52):
I go one up eighty seven over night, down to
fifty six, clear skies, sonny again tomorrow eighty eight for
the high. Down to sixty overnight with a few clouds
and partly sunny. Thursday the high eighty eight again right
now fifty two in time for traffic.

Speaker 4 (01:39:05):
From the UCT Tramphics Center.

Speaker 11 (01:39:07):
Substance dependency is a treatable medical disease that affects both
brain and behavior. You see health addiction sciences can help.
Called five to one three five eighty five eight two
two seven SAP found seventy one's close to a forty
five minute delay to get passed an accident out of
Kenwood left two lanes are blocks, so is the right
shoulder single file to get by. There's a wreck north

found seventy one before Feiffer on the right northbound seventy
five running heavy out of Erlbinger into the cut. Chuck
Ingram on fifty five Karosee the talk station.

Speaker 2 (01:39:41):
Seven twenty nine here fifty five KRCD talk station. Happy Tuesday.
I'm gonna go to the phone five one three, seven
four nine fifty five hundred, eight hundred and eighty two
three talk five five fifty on at and T phones day.
Thanks for holding over the brake there, Welcome to the show.

Speaker 14 (01:39:56):
Hey, Brian, how you doing.

Speaker 2 (01:39:57):
Uh, that's a loaded every time somebody asked you that
second loaded question. Personally, I'm doing fine in terms of
my you know, feelings about the state of global affairs
and national affairs makes me feel like crap, Dave. I
can't do anything about most of it, but go ahead,
I'm sorry.

Speaker 19 (01:40:15):
Yeah, And three things real quick on that if anyone
thinks this stops at one hundred million dollars, I got
a bridge to say, because these are the same people
who told us social Security wouldn't be taxable. Yeah, and
you talked a little bit about the stock market, but
but please also remember real estate and sell and the
self employed and their businesses would probably also fall under

this catch as well. And as you pointed out, it's
hard to pay taxes when you haven't realized any saying yet.

Speaker 1 (01:40:43):
That's why are these people gonna get That's the point.

Speaker 2 (01:40:46):
You have to sell what they own in order to
pay the taxes on what they haven't earned by way
of a capital gain. Yet that's that's how the market
get totally screwed up, and that's how it ruins things
for literally every.

Speaker 19 (01:41:01):
Yeah, and the final point is they had a note
so there about allowing for deductions if things did go
down or i'm sorry, refunds. How easy do you think
it's going to be to give refunds out to all
these people who are going to have a decline like
two thousand and eight and two thousand and nine where
we saw real estate and stock markets all go down.
That would essentially bankrupt us there. But that comes back

to your original point is you know what I think
if you have knowledgeable, self sufficient people, which was kind
of the idea of seventeen seventy six.

Speaker 6 (01:41:32):
They might be harder to control.

Speaker 19 (01:41:34):
It's easier for a king to control people when they
have no funds and no knowledge.

Speaker 2 (01:41:38):
And never ever forget because so many of these the
progressives and the Democrats are actually Marxist lovers and believers
in Marxism, Marxism principles, Communist principles are based on and
predicated on, eradicating the middle class. A happy, comfortable, working,
earning middle class is absolutely contrary to anything Marxism desires.

They want misery, They want people connected to the government.
They want government to be the sole resource and ergo,
I could be able to control everybody if you have
a fat, happy middle class. Nobody wants Marxism because well,
they're happy take away their ability to earn income, whittling
it away. How let me think about all the areas
that are whittled away by government in terms of regulation.

Duke Energy is going to be asking for an increase
in our energy pills tonight. You can go down to
city Hall and complain about it. Starts at six pm.
But how big has your energy bill gotten over the years?
How much is it has increased?

Speaker 1 (01:42:35):

Speaker 2 (01:42:35):
Because of the damn government programs, the prohibitions, the environmental rules,
the limitations on building efficient energy producing things like well
liquid natural gas powered energy plants or maybe even nuclear
or hell, let us keep our coal if we were allowed,
but no, global warming won't allow us to do that.
Everything's going up, price of real estate's gone up, of course,

tremendously slow recently. Therefore, your property tax going up each
of wa here and there, and here and there and
here and there, You've got less and less and less
control over your own money. And a lot of it
is because of a manipulative force called federal government and
heavy regulation. They're whittling away that middle class folks before
our very eyes. Inflation does it too, And who's responsible

for this massive increase in inflation? Something I'm sure we'll
hear about tonight from Donald Trump trying to put the
blame on the Democrats for infusing in additional five or
six or seven trillion dollars in an already overheated economy.

Speaker 1 (01:43:29):
Thanks appreciate that.

Speaker 2 (01:43:32):
Now you got to pay what six eight dollars for
pounds of ground b for you four dollars for a
dozen eggs when it used to set you back ninety
nine cents. The list is long to what Jay's got
this morning. Jay, thanks for calling the Morning Show, and
a happy Tuesday to you, sir.

Speaker 14 (01:43:49):
Hey, Happy Tuesday, Brian, Hey.

Speaker 20 (01:43:51):
I wanted to follow up on the mess the sunfolding
in Springfield with all of the Haitian immigrants. Yeah, did
some digging and Cincinnati dot Com had an article from
twenty nineteen where Trump had an executive order to shut
down immigrations and he allowed every state to gave you

authority to them more or less to say do you
want any more immigrants? And December twenty fourth, twenty nineteen,
Governor DeWine responded to Mike Pompeo saying, absolutely, we want
more immigrants. We have a fantastic system and processes in
place and a rich history and heritage of bringing immigrants
in which you know is we can talk about Obama

and Biden and Harris, and they are all responsible for
what's going on, but we also have to take a
look at the good Governor DeWine who had the opportunity
to shut this down and did not. Furthermore, why are
they all from Haiti? It's just coincidental that DeWine has
a school named after his daughter in Haiti and he

has spent decades down there funding the school through a
Catholic Charities organization. Alarm bells maybe with Catholic Charities being
the organization down in on the border. Yeah, not sure,
the same Catholic Charities, but it'd be worth the investigative
reporter if there's any left out there to kind of
take a look.

Speaker 2 (01:45:18):
At this and real quick, I'm glad you brought that up.
Who screams more about federal government dollars going into anything
religion and starts waving around the First Amendment and the
separation of church and State than the Democrats. Right, anytime
any religious organization gets the benefit of some program, they

go to court and say, no, you cannot do that
because you're funding religion. Oh, unless the religion is being
used to fairy illegal immigrants through non governmental organizations who
are receiving heap loads of cash from the American taxpayer
to do exactly that. No one's complaining about.

Speaker 10 (01:45:54):
That, agreed.

Speaker 20 (01:45:56):
And if we take a look at what the Texas
governor how he's handling immigran He's putting them on buses
and getting them the hell out of the state. What
is our governor doing while Springfield is being overrun? The
silence is deafening, Well, the people the voice is on
the right, keep pointing. You could point to Biden, you
can point to Harris all you want, but there's a
CEO for the state of Ohio who is remaining silent.

And I would love for somebody to pull the thread
that says, why Haiti, Of all the countries out there,
why Haiti? And isn't it coincidental that his relationship to
their country.

Speaker 2 (01:46:29):
Yeah, you can draw the coincidental parallel. But what I
think is Haiti happens to be one of these specifically
named countries that we have this program where you can
sign in through an app and we will happily fly
you from Haiti here into the United States. Once you
get a sizable number of Haitian people, probably the federal
government says, well, let's keep them and their people all together.

They have cultural connections, they'll have family members and friends
within their own community in the new community we've set
up in this particular case in Springfield. So you can
see how that might happen and how people who maybe
cross the border, whether or not it's to the government
program bringing them here, they just sail on through the
southern border like most people do. They find out I
got a lot of my friends gay happened to be

in Springfield, Ohio. I want to be around people of
my own culture and belief systems. I'm moving to Springfield
adding to.

Speaker 20 (01:47:17):
Kind of like go ahead, kind of like what you're
did in Michigan. Is you can take a purple state
and turn it blue if you can. They did it
with some always up in Michigan to where you know,
we got inflicted with eleon Omar yep, and Michigan might
be gone forever because of the amount of concentrated people
from one area that they flew into that area.

Speaker 14 (01:47:38):
So it's certainly looked like.

Speaker 20 (01:47:40):
You know, hey, it was a successful experiment in Michigan,
let's do it in Ohio. But again, where's our governor?
And the silence is deafening again.

Speaker 2 (01:47:49):
Well, at least we have the High Attorney General, David Goyos,
promising to look into a legal way to challenge what's
going on in Springfield. But the weird thing is from
yesterday to today, Jay, yesterday I was kind of had
a lot of question marks floating around my head as
to whether what we heard about what was going on
in Springfield was in fact true. Oh, it's true. It's
gone totally viral. I mean, every major news outlet has

finally got this, and now we've got the documents included
the letter from I believe it was their mayor pleading
with majorcas to do something about it because of the
fifteen to twenty thousand Haitian immigrants who've landed in Springfield,
which only has a population of sixty thousand.

Speaker 20 (01:48:26):
So now the Constitution, Brian, the constitution would say that
we don't have to go beg on bend and knee
to some bureaucrat like Majorcus in DC. The states were
supposed to be the big thing. The federal government was
supposed to be subservient.

Speaker 14 (01:48:40):
And I guess that's the rub.

Speaker 20 (01:48:41):
We all know that that's long gone about one hundred
years ago. But isn't it about time for states to
stand up to be states? And Hey, voters, during the
primary election when you Jim orin Acy was running and
we voted for DeWine.

Speaker 14 (01:48:53):
Here's what you get.

Speaker 20 (01:48:54):
So when you have a twenty percent turnout at primary
elections because you don't think of matters elections matter as
the votes as the folks in Springfield.

Speaker 2 (01:49:02):
Just knock that one out of the park there. Jay,
appreciate that very much. Have a great one seven forty
fifty five k see talk station and get in touch
with Suette Low's camp for mortgages. She is the Queen
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dot com.

Speaker 7 (01:50:03):
This is fifty five KRC and iHeartRadio station.

Speaker 2 (01:50:09):
Channel nine first one and one four Sunny Day today,
I have eighty seven fifty six overnight clear skys Tomorrow
eighty eight with sunny skies down to sixty overnight and
a partly sunny Thursday, also high of eighty eight fifty
two degrees.

Speaker 1 (01:50:21):
Now time for traffic.

Speaker 4 (01:50:23):
From the UCL Tramphinte Center.

Speaker 11 (01:50:25):
Substance dependence is a treatable medical disease that affects both
brain and behavior. You see health addiction services can help.
Called five one, three, five eight, five eight two two
seven southbound seventy one. Crawling from above Field Urnle to
what was an accident coming down to Kenwood that had
the left two lanes blocked off. Everybody's moved over to
the right shoulder. Now all lanes are open. Northbound seventy one.

There's an accident before fight for that blocks the right
hand side inbound seventy four now banks to North Bend.
Chuck Ingram on fifty five KRC, the talk station.

Speaker 2 (01:51:00):
About Fair City Talk Station. Happy Tuesday. Let's go straight
to the phone. Amy, thanks for calling this morning. Welcome
to the Morning Show.

Speaker 6 (01:51:07):
Good morning.

Speaker 1 (01:51:08):
How are you all things considered? I guess I'm still okay.

Speaker 21 (01:51:13):
I'd say we're all blessed, but we're not necessarily blessed.
They have Mike DeWine because Twitter says, I stand with Ukraine.
So we have in Rockland. What about those Morosians from
West Africa. There are multiple dialects, so the school districts

are having a horrible time trying to find people that
can help them. So when you have that kind of
thing going on where you have all these different dialects,
if you look into that West African little part of
the country, they are against Americans and they are not

for Christians. So he look at England, look at Germany,
look at all the places that have all the Mashaddy
attacks and stuff like that. Welcome to Ohio, Thank.

Speaker 2 (01:52:17):
You, thank you Amy for calling. Yeah, and I'm going
to go back again to resident Diana Daniels, who was
quoted in the Springfield meeting. For those who might accuse
my last caller, or me or anybody else assessing this
reality as somehow xenophobic or racist, she pointed out at
the meeting when she was accused of being racist. Countries
are defined by their culture and their language, not the color.

When folks stand up here and describe what is happening
to them, they're often painted with the broad brush of
racism that has nothing to do with it. Shame on you.
That's exactly the point, I think the point that everybody's
making one. It is a transforming reality for the culture
of the United States of America. These people don't understand
concepts of freedom. Quite often they are of Marxist ideological

bet or. I don't care what religion they are. We
don't live in a theocracy. We're entitled to have our
own religion here, and we can. That's part of the
beauty of the American Constitution. But this is not just
a culturally transforming reality. It is also a dollar based reality.
Schools systems, overwhelmed, housing shortages. Look at every city that's

struggling with this overwhelming influx of immigrants. I have no
idea where a town of sixty thousand people Springfield, Ohio,
has been able to fit twenty thousand new arrivals. That
was one of the things that they were complaining about
in their letter to my arcis. Listen, in spite of
the fact that we got two thousand new houses being
going to be built over the next one to five years,
it doesn't even come close to dealing with the demands

that we have here. Already, seven forty six fifty five
kreus thetaxation. Drew Pappus, you're next. I hope you can
hold on play with that little puppy. And before I
get to your call, in the meantime, I mentioned plumb
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dot com.

Speaker 1 (01:54:58):
Fifty five KRC the talks station.

Speaker 2 (01:55:06):
Here's night first one of weather forecast sunny eighty seven today,
every night little of fifty six with urisk guys eighty
eight with sunny skies Tomorrow, down to sixty overnight with
some flouds, and a partly sunny Thursday with another high
of eighty eight fifty two Right now typer traffic.

Speaker 11 (01:55:19):
From the UCL Tramphics Center. Substance dependence is a treatable
medical disease that affects both brain and behavior. If you
see health addiction sciences can help, call five one three
five eighty five eight two two seven. Stapbound seventy one
continues to run over an hour and delay from a
Bup Fields urdle to Red Bank. The accident that calls
part of the bank up is now over on the

right shoulder.

Speaker 4 (01:55:40):
Left lanes are open again northbound.

Speaker 11 (01:55:42):
Seventy one cruiser working with the record Feiffer in west
two seventy five a wreck before you got to seventy one.
Chuck Ingram on fifty five KO see the talk station
seven fifty one for about Kerros decalk station.

Speaker 2 (01:55:56):
We're gonna hear from aw Or Hawkins from Breifart after
top of our news on his guests about the Harris
Waltz administration and their feelings about the second Amen and
Daniel Davis deep dive without further ado. Andrew Pappis former
Anderson Township trustee on the phone. Good hear from you, Drew.
It's always a pleasure that you call. And how's that
new puppy working out for you?

Speaker 12 (01:56:15):

Speaker 14 (01:56:16):
He's uh, he's a pistol. And I was gonna sorry
I was and didn't make it a listener lunch last week.
I had to take him to get some shots.

Speaker 1 (01:56:22):
That's okay.

Speaker 14 (01:56:24):
I was wondering, Hold on a second, I was wondering
just dealing with what's going on in Springfield? Where is
the where's the group? Remember when there was a group
of Democrats and and the liberal media made a big
deal out of uh jd Vance's comments about cats that
they took out of context. Yeah, where is the UH? Where?

Where is the outrage? Where is the outrage over the UH?
What's going on in Springfield, Ohio?

Speaker 1 (01:56:58):
Where's the auding?

Speaker 2 (01:57:00):
Where does the all critical cat Lady vote stand on
the situation in Springfield?

Speaker 1 (01:57:04):
Is that what you're driving at?

Speaker 19 (01:57:06):

Speaker 14 (01:57:06):
I was like, they made such a big deal out
of it, and I mean, I'm sorry for the cat noises,
but the UH just cooking some breakfast here? But where
is oh we get in that pod? Where is all
the out where I'd like to know? I mean, they

made a they took Davey Dvance's comments completely out of context.

Speaker 6 (01:57:33):
Sorry, I got a new app on my phone. It's
a lot of fun.

Speaker 10 (01:57:36):
But I was just wondering, you know what, where is
the outrage over the immigration policies of the Harris Biden
administration that is leading to people actually consuming cats as food?
I mean, seriously, I mean, if there was, if there
was any consistency on the left, which is a big
leap to make because we both know and on the

media that the consistency is something sadly lacking where is
their consistency expressing outrage that you know JD events dare
to mention something about people in cats that they took
completely and utterly out of context, tried to make it
into a campaign issue if they have backfired, because you know,
thankfully J. D. Vance is such a well spoken orators

that he was able to completely debunk their, their, their,
their mischaracterization of his comments. But I'd like to know,
you know, where is where is Peter? Where is the
outrage saying you know, you're bringing these people here without
then without without one assimilating are you doing it?

Speaker 6 (01:58:35):
God, it's like.

Speaker 14 (01:58:41):
A it's like a local Democrat meeting. I mean it's
like it's.

Speaker 6 (01:58:45):
Like, you.

Speaker 2 (01:58:50):
Know what I'm thinking of is that scene from Monty
Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail where the
woman is got that cat by the tail, is wailing
it up against the wall, up against.

Speaker 14 (01:59:03):
The wall, or more the man with two brains when
he's trying to do a surgery, he's like, get that
cat out of here.

Speaker 9 (01:59:09):

Speaker 2 (01:59:09):
Yeah, we could go on and on and on, Drew,
but yeah, it's you know, I guess the reason and
this is why yesterday, I mean, this whole this whole
thing about Springfield has gone completely national with reports all
over the country. But I was skeptical of it at first,
because you know the Internet, and you know, if someone
goes to the meeting and says, my sister's cat was

missing and she ended up finding in one of her
neighbor's yards strung up like a deer that's being field
processed and consumed, that is a secondhand story. And you
know it would fall within the hearsay exclusions if you
were arguing in court. Now you got to get direct
testimony from the person who was a witness. This was
once removed, so I can understand like I had some

measure of skepticism that that particular thing happened, but more broadly,
the reality that it was almost like we woke up
to the fact that Springfield has six or twenty thousand
Haitian immigrants that have just arrived over the past four years.
How come that hasn't been more widely reported. You need
the story of a of a maybe fake cat being
strung up to get people's attention on the problem.

Speaker 14 (02:00:16):
The police video, the bodycam video, helped us substantiate there
you go. And then also and also I'd like to
remind all the Cincinnati residents. You know, I was mistaken
as to where Springfield was.

Speaker 6 (02:00:28):
I thought it was up because we have.

Speaker 14 (02:00:29):
A few but this is this is very close to
Data Yeah, not far from Cincinnati, so it's like forty
miles Cincinnati. Folks need to understand this affects them and
why this has been allowed to happen.

Speaker 4 (02:00:40):
Uh, you know a lot of reasons.

Speaker 14 (02:00:43):
But that that that we can't discuss necessarily on the
time here. But it's concerning and you folks might want
to wake up and everybody's sitting on the fence that
might be wondering where they're going to.

Speaker 6 (02:00:54):
Vote this election cycle.

Speaker 14 (02:00:55):
Elections have consequences, and losing your country, losing your state,
losing your neighborhood definitely now one of the consequences if
you vote.

Speaker 2 (02:01:04):
Incorrectly, Amen Drew, always a pleasure hearing from You've got
to kick out of the cat sound effects there. I
think Joe Strecker's latched onto it. Seven fifty six. If
you have KRC talk station Democrat, let's get let's find
out from A. W. R. Hawkins where he thinks the
Harris Waltz administration is relative to the second Amendment. I
think you and I can probably guess he'll be on next.

Speaker 4 (02:01:24):
Tamala Fight Fight Fight.

Speaker 2 (02:01:28):
This is where you get the very latest twenty four.

Speaker 1 (02:01:31):
Fifty five KRC the talk station. This report is for elections.

Speaker 10 (02:01:36):
How can we know our vote seven gonna count is
giving us a lot to talk about illegal Get to
vote on fifty.

Speaker 4 (02:01:43):
Five KRC.

Speaker 2 (02:01:47):
ATO six at fifty five KR see the talk station.
Happy Tuesday always made happier because this is that time
of the week we get the insight scoop from bright
bart News book Market, b R E I T B
A r T dot com. Great information reports there and
well written articles, well researched and outside of the mainstream media,
which means you're going to get a nice healthy dose

of insight and logic and reason and you get to
read what aw R. Hawkins writes about the Second Women.
He's a Second Amomen expert. Welcome back to the morning show, A. W. R.

Speaker 1 (02:02:16):
Hawkins. It's always great speaking with you, sir.

Speaker 6 (02:02:18):
Hy Brian.

Speaker 1 (02:02:19):
Great being with you, buddy, And.

Speaker 2 (02:02:21):
I think I knew the quick answer to the question
what's a Harris Waltz administration position on the Second Amendment.
They would like to eradicate it. I think boiled down.
If they were given their wishes and their hopes and
their dreams and actually said it out loud, they just
take it away from us.

Speaker 6 (02:02:35):
Your take, oh yeah, I can't argue with your take.

Speaker 3 (02:02:40):
They want to be as anti gun as Biden has been.
So basically we had Biden Harris anti gun, and now
they want to do Harris Waltz anti gun two point
zero and there's no difference. All the same gun controls
and all the same ignorance of how gun loss work.

Speaker 2 (02:02:59):
Well, and thankful we do have the Heward decision and
the Brewin decision, a lot of other decisions that.

Speaker 1 (02:03:06):
Conclude. As you and I both have under.

Speaker 2 (02:03:08):
Always understood it to be, the second moment is an
individual right. You and I, in the state of nature
have a right to defend ourselves with whatever means is necessary.
The founding fathers knew this, and they put in an
Act of the Second Amendment. You think about that. Right
after number one comes the right to keeping bear arms. Obviously,
that right to keeping bear arms was what allowed us

to liberate ourselves from British oppression. They knew it, and
they wanted to make sure the government couldn't take them
away like the British were doing the American colonists.

Speaker 6 (02:03:37):
Right, No, you're exactly right. You're exactly right.

Speaker 3 (02:03:40):
And an important point made with somebody yesterday. You know,
not only did they protect the right or them to
own arms, but the arms they owned were very much
like the arms at the military owned when the Red
Coats and they did and they had their muskets, they
were met with muskets very much like their own.

Speaker 1 (02:03:59):
And that's fact.

Speaker 6 (02:04:00):
Of course the left.

Speaker 3 (02:04:01):
Doesn't want included in elementary school, high school, and college curriculum,
but there wasn't a large gap between the average citizen
and the standing army as far as equipment went. And
so I think that's important too. Not only did our
framers hedge in gun rights, but they hisged in gun

rights with the intention.

Speaker 6 (02:04:23):
You can read Fairless forty six and know it.

Speaker 3 (02:04:26):
They hedged in gun rights with the intention that even
the standing army couldn't overrun the people because the people
would be armed and they would be equipped well.

Speaker 2 (02:04:37):
And I know she was in her capacity as a
distric attorney San Francisco, she endorsed it. Amika's carey breathe
in that Heller case which established the right the individual
right to keep them bear arms. She claimed that it
only provides a militia related right to bear arms. I
think that fails to appreciate history. Aw are because local
militias that'd be just like folks in your neighborhood. We'd

get together and form little units that would defend and
protect themselves. We didn't have standing armies, we didn't have
you organized sheriff's departments. And these are the early era
of our country. It was up to an individual to
defend himselves. And sometimes you got together with the rest
of the folks in the neighborhood and next thing you know,
those militias are actually fighting the British right.

Speaker 3 (02:05:19):
You know, you're understand right and beyond that, but you're right.
I'm not saying you're wrong. Here, I'm saying you're right.
And here's something else that's right. Not only did that happen,
but if you look at James Madison, he clearly anticipated
that the people would come together in militia to stand
off the federal government at some point. He anticipated that

they could do that, that if they came together, even
a standing army could not defeat them, because they would
be armed again, Federalists forty six or you're a hundred
percent right. This militia is part of American history, and
it's also part of what our founders anticipated would be
a in the future as America progressed.

Speaker 2 (02:06:03):
Well, isn't it an interesting observation, elwr when you hear
someone like Joe Biden said there's no way, you know,
you can you can shoot down in F sixteen with
your at, with your AK forty seven or AR fifteen.

Speaker 1 (02:06:15):
I think it.

Speaker 2 (02:06:16):
Wasn't the afghanistanis that pretty much held us at bayfor
twenty years until we finally pulled out, and all they
were armed with was a bunch of AK forty sevens
and whatever they could scrounge up by way of donations
from foreign countries.

Speaker 6 (02:06:28):
Yeah, no, you're not wrong. I'll tell you this.

Speaker 3 (02:06:31):
So but this makes the point though that we were
making earlier. When we begin to speak, see there is
the left wants to take away my AR fifteens because
they're weapons of war. You don't leave weapons of war. Well,
they're not weapons of war. They're sem automatic twenty two rifles.
And when you start thinking about F fifteens and other things,
then you really appreciate the gap between the military and

the people. As I say, at our founding, there was
no gap the military. There was no gap between the
equipment the military used and the equipment.

Speaker 6 (02:07:03):
The people used.

Speaker 3 (02:07:04):
Now there is such a gap that Biden can make
those threats, and I don't think our founders would have
ever tolerated this gap developing. I really don't People ask
me all the time, should you be.

Speaker 6 (02:07:19):
Able to own a nuclear weapon?

Speaker 3 (02:07:21):
I mean, I don't know. I don't think it's practical
because I don't know how you would store the components.

Speaker 6 (02:07:26):
But as far as.

Speaker 3 (02:07:28):
I've said all the time, you know you give me
Right now where I sit, literally within arms reach, there
is a three hundred blackout on an AR fifteen frame suppressed.
I would be no more dangerous if that were fully
automatic in hand and had a flamethrower on it, I
would be no more dangerous Because I'm a law bided citizen,
So I don't really think of what weapons I shouldn't

be able to own, because no matter what I own,
I'm not going to be a danger to my fellow citizens,
except for those who decide to break into my home
or try to do harm to myself. My family during
the day, I am a danger to those people.

Speaker 2 (02:08:03):
Well, in which case you are obviously entitled to defend yourself.
I don't know if you have the castle doctor where
you live, but we certainly have it here in Ohio.
You are presumed that that person who has entered your
home unlawfully and without without permission is there to do
you grievous bodily harm, and you can use deadly force
for anybody that breaks in your home. That's a warning
to all would be criminals. Yes, we out here in

the general public own five hundred million firearms, and the
vast majority of us are law abiding because if we weren't,
there would be a literal, day to day bloodmath in
the street every day.

Speaker 6 (02:08:34):
Right, I'm just I'm just telling you, Brian, you you
almost broke.

Speaker 1 (02:08:39):
My heart there.

Speaker 3 (02:08:40):
You said five hundred million, and I know you're right.
I'm not arguing with you, but can't we do better
than that? I mean, really, I was so excited for
this interview and then you said that, and I went, Wow,
what a damn fivedon? Can't we do better than that?

Speaker 2 (02:08:57):
Well, a three hundred and forty or so million live
human beings, some of them are not eligible to on
a fire because of their age. You know, kids, but adults.
I agree everybody should have one. It's the ultimate equalizer.
In fact, there was I'm sure you've heard the stories
about Springfield, Ohio overrun with twenty thousand Haitian immigrants over

the past four years. There was a woman who was
testifying before one of their hearings on it, and she
pointed out, she goes, I'm afraid they have threatened me.
I'm a ninety six pound woman. How could I possibly
defend myself? My response is, get yourself a gun.

Speaker 3 (02:09:33):
Right, that's it, you know, that's what you do. You
get a nine millimeter and if she's that small, maybe
she wants.

Speaker 6 (02:09:39):
A three eighty.

Speaker 3 (02:09:39):
But get get either one, get acquainted with it and understand.
You know, our founders understood our greatest property, no matter
how much you saved in your four oh one k
or in your IRA or whatever, your greatest property remains
your life. And our founders understood that law should law
should center on our ability to defend that life. And

people have to under we have to get back to
that understanding. And that's why you carry a gun. You
don't carry a gun because you love guns, although you
may you carry a gun because you have to defend
that chief property and that's your life.

Speaker 2 (02:10:15):
Yeah, the life of my wife and children as well,
and it's important to me as well.

Speaker 1 (02:10:19):
And you know the other component of this.

Speaker 2 (02:10:20):
And I'll look at the Heller case and the Bruined decision.
Those are going to be the targets of the left now,
much in the same way Roe v. Wade was a
target of the right for decades. They're going to do
everything they can to overturn that and to remove our
right to our our individual constitutional right to keep them
bare arms. And Kamala Harris has set it out loud
on a bunch of times. She does embrace the idea

to packing the Supreme Court so they can get what
they want by appointing a bunch of liberal justices to
undo what we already have a right.

Speaker 3 (02:10:51):
And anybody who doubts what you just said has not
been paying attention because Hella's decided in two thousand and eight,
from the moment it was the decided, even until twenty
twenty four. If you read leftist commentators, they will say
the Supreme Court created, yeah, an individual right in two
thousand and eight and that does exactly what you're saying,

That sets up a liberal court to flip that decision,
saying that decision went too far, that decision created or right.
That's all they're doing is they're laying seed for harvest
down the road. And so anyone who anyone who's listening
to what you're saying, doesn't believe it, they're crazy to
the left. They can't wait to get control and get

that court back under their control. And to me, that's
another reason why Trump has to win. We need we
need more jurists who are pro constitution not less.

Speaker 1 (02:11:43):
Amen to that A. R. Hawkins.

Speaker 2 (02:11:45):
She also it advocated for at least when the five
seconds she was actually running for president, until she realized
that there wasn't a single Democrat who was going to
vote for and then dropped out. But it was twenty
nineteen she endorsed the idea of a buyback program or
basically all semi automatic weapons. So h that's another sort
of solution that he believes is gonna actually work. Seriously, AWR,

wouldn't not turn into you and I and the rest
of the law currently law binding firearms owners into a
bunch of felons, because folks like you, and I probably
wouldn't comply.

Speaker 3 (02:12:20):
Right, But I would also get money for a nice
dinner because I would sell them a rusted out O
gun for three hundred bucks.

Speaker 6 (02:12:28):
But yeah, I like like I.

Speaker 3 (02:12:31):
I think, I tweeted last week, dear Democrats, I didn't
buy my guns from you, so you can't buy them back.

Speaker 6 (02:12:36):
And that's it. I'm done. That's the end of my argument.
I'm done. You're not, you know. And it is such a.

Speaker 3 (02:12:42):
Farce to believe these Stevens would give you the value
of your gun. Plus, it's such a farce to believe that,
having taken your guns, they would actually protect you. Plus
it's such a break from our founders to believe that
I would actually rely on an agent of the state
to keep me safe. Part of that Jeffersonian dream is

that individual life, that life full of individuality, where we
protect ourselves and our own That was Jefferson's dream for
the American people. I will not lean on government for protection.

Speaker 1 (02:13:21):
I bore that idea.

Speaker 3 (02:13:22):
I keep a gun on my hip, I keep a
rifle in my truck, and I can take care of myself.

Speaker 6 (02:13:28):
So that's how we'll do that.

Speaker 2 (02:13:30):
And then that's kind of feeling I have AWR and
I actually had to pull my own handgun out in
self defense. I had a guy that tried to kill
me on the expressway by ramming me and trying to
run me off the road, and I really was in
fear for my life. And when I got out of
my car because it became disabled, that's the first thing
I had in my hands was my gun. I got
the car out and just looked very carefully at where

I was and where he was relative to me, and
that's when I saw him walking across the street, and
I thank god I didn't have to use it, but
at least I would I was able to defend myself
if I had to. And that was a situation where
it was extremely unequal. This guy was like six y four,
about two hundred and fifty plus pounds. Hey man, I'm
five ten and weegh in about one hundred and eighty
five hundred and ninety. So I had a sizeable disadvantage

of that guy. No problem with the great equalizer.

Speaker 6 (02:14:16):
But this quick point.

Speaker 3 (02:14:17):
I know our time's getting sore, but what you said
is important because everybody goes well, you know, if maybe
if we all gave up our guns, it'd be more peaceful.

Speaker 6 (02:14:26):
No, Once you get in that.

Speaker 3 (02:14:28):
Situation where you take away that leveling tool, then you
hit the situation where it might makes right, and the
strongest who have criminal or evil intent will dominate in
a situation where might makes right. And that's what the
gun is so important for because it lets that ninety
six pound moment you talked about in Springfield, Ohio. It

lets her make them afraid of her. That's how it
should work. I don't want to be afraid of them
attacking me. I want them to be afraid of the
repercussions of coming after me. That's what I want, and
so that's what that woman. I don't want that woman
to fear them. I want them to fear the repercussions
of attacking her. And that's how our founders.

Speaker 6 (02:15:09):
Looked at it.

Speaker 2 (02:15:10):
That's how they looked at it. And nobody explains it
better than you. A. W. R. Hawkins Brightbart dot com
book market read what he has to write regularly. I owns.
Enjoy our conversations. Man, keep up the great work. I'll
look forward to having you back on the show real soon.

Speaker 6 (02:15:22):
Great being with you, buddy, Have a great day.

Speaker 2 (02:15:24):
Thanks brother eight nineteen fifty five kir CD talk station,
Daniel Davis Deep Dive at eight thirty. Stick around for
that one. We're talking war between Hamas, Israel and Ukraine
and Russia. Updates on that at the bottom of the hour.
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Speaker 8 (02:16:17):
Two fifty five KRC fifty.

Speaker 1 (02:16:21):
Five KRCD talk station. You know it's that time.

Speaker 2 (02:16:25):
The illiterative segment of the fifty five KRC Morning Show.
It's called the Daniel Davis Deep Dive. You can find
the retired lieutenant colonel out there on the web. Just
search for Daniel Davis Deep Dive. Get his thoughtful analysis
on a lot of things military related. Of course, today
we're gonna be talking about the latest on the Jimas
Israel situation as well as Ukraine. Daniel Davis, Always a
pleasure to have you on my program sir, Always a
pleasure to be here.

Speaker 1 (02:16:45):
Brian, How are you? I'm doing fine?

Speaker 2 (02:16:47):
If I'm just joking earlier every day people always ask,
hey you doing, Brian? Is like now, half of me
wants to say I'm great, you know, personally, and the
other half of me looks out in the world and goes, jeez, Louise,
I feel miserable. But it's usually about stuff I have
no control over, like the situation unfolding in the Middle East.

Speaker 1 (02:17:04):
I'm out there with you. You know, you get it.
I mean, you want to be able to chance the world.

Speaker 2 (02:17:08):
You wake up feeling like you got this weight on
your shoulders and come on, man, it's a weight that well,
maybe shouldn't be there, but you know, you have knowledge
and skill sets in certain areas that force you into
having to deal with the cold, painful realities of the world.
And that's what we're doing here this morning. Let's start
with Hamas and israel I. See behind that reality of

their fighting back and forth, Iran is also still threatening
of some sort of what they call inevitable response. After
they took out the Hamas leader Ismail Hani back in July.
They described this the Irunian Revolutionary Guard leaders said, this
is going to be a painful and different attack than
what you expect Israel, so they keep talking about a response.

It didn't come as quickly as most people thought. But
behind the Hamas and the Huthi you have Iran.

Speaker 22 (02:18:04):
Yeah, and look, I think that it's it is definitely
inevitable because you just can't strike it Iran in their
capital city on their inauguration weekend and think that not
you know, something isn't going to be done in retaliation.
The question is just going to be what, Because as
they're pointing out, or as you pointed out, rather you know,

this wasn't the immediate retaliation reaction that many expected. They
thought that it would come within days, and then they said, well,
maybe it'll be after this forty day morning period. I
think that's even expired because that was the time frame
for the Hasbulah attack against Israel a week or so ago.
It came after the fortieth day of morning, after one

of the commanders.

Speaker 1 (02:18:48):
Was assassinated by Israel. So we don't know what it's
going to be.

Speaker 22 (02:18:51):
But it's interesting that the phrasing you is that it's
going to be painful, but different than what you expect,
which means it's probably not going to be another three
hundred and fifty missile barra like the one that came
the first time after Israel destroyed the embassy compound in
the Iranian embassy compound in Syria.

Speaker 1 (02:19:08):
So it's unclear.

Speaker 22 (02:19:09):
It could be something like assassination of a high value
Israeli target. It could be attacking an Israeli embassy in
some other country, something that's not as defended. There's just
a whole range of things that it could be. But
the real the question's going to be then what happens,
because there's in my view, no chance that Israel says
all right, well that's fair, we did this, you did that,

tit for tat which call of to day first, I
think it's certain that they would then, you know, go
one more wrung up that escalation, and then we'll see
what happens.

Speaker 2 (02:19:41):
Yeah, they'll use it as a pretext. And that's exactly
where I was going with you, because if they get
a strong response from Iran an assassination, maybe a huge attack,
whatever the response is, they're going to use that as
a pretext. And I bet they're going to go in
as hard as they possibly can with some of those
bunker buster type munitions and try to eliminate the Iranian

nuclear weapons sites that we all know where they exist,
at least intelligence sources I think have a firm idea
where they're making these things.

Speaker 1 (02:20:11):
Yeah, you know, we do.

Speaker 22 (02:20:12):
But it's also their nuclear program, as distinct from a
nuclear weapons program, is spread all over the place and
in multiple places, and quite a few of them are
like in the sides of mountains, et cetera. And it's
not clear that even the best bunker busters are going
to be able to take all that out. And look,
if Israel does that, I mean, that's that's as much
a declaration of war as.

Speaker 1 (02:20:33):
You can get.

Speaker 12 (02:20:34):

Speaker 22 (02:20:34):
Uh, And you know, and now then you've got the
possibility of exploding this, you know, nearly a year long
attack in Israel, you know, with guys of war et cetera,
now exploding.

Speaker 1 (02:20:45):
Beyond the borders.

Speaker 22 (02:20:46):
And then then all the gloves may come off, with
all of these UH run backed militia groups spattered throughout
the region, both the RAX, Syria, Jordan, et cetera. Hezbollah
then could take its gloves off, and so far it's
it's hell potter is. You know, they've got reportedly over
one hundred and fifty thousand rockets at various tops, which
they've only used a small portion of so far.

Speaker 1 (02:21:08):
So Israel has to be very careful.

Speaker 22 (02:21:10):
They can't just go all in and say, aha, we
got this opportunity. Now we're going to go strack, because
it's not clear that the United States is going to
just say, yeah, we'll just go to war with you,
even though some of our words have said that it's
a different thing to literally plunge yourself into a war
with Iran, given how bad and how long the one
with Iraq took.

Speaker 2 (02:21:30):
Yeah, and I suppose the Israeli forces are at some
point going to become strained much in the way the
Ukrainian forces are strained. You know, they got the Houthis,
they got Hamas. They're surrounded by enemies that are under
constant attack and waging a war against a powerful country
like Iran, even though comparatively speaking not as powerful as Israel.
But they have a standing military. They have access to

weapons from other foes of Israel, including the Russians and
the Chinese, so their supply chain isn't going to break down.

Speaker 1 (02:21:59):
And it's also it's.

Speaker 22 (02:22:01):
Not even a matter of the comparative strength between Israel
and Iran, and Israel's way on the upper side of that,
but you know it's geographically it's there's this massive distance
between them. This is not lack of Russia Ukraine where
you can just pop across the border one way or
the other.

Speaker 1 (02:22:16):
I mean this, and you have to cross countries to
get there, and what are you going to do?

Speaker 22 (02:22:19):
You can't like motor across Iraq right to get into
it too there. Yeah, and even flying across is very
difficult because of the distances involved without having some kind
of refueling situation. And then again you're over foreign territory
and who knows whether that's going to be allowed or
shut down or whatever. So there are some real constraints
on what Israel can do.

Speaker 2 (02:22:40):
Yes, there is, and maybe that's a good thing after all,
because we don't want a global war to break out.

Speaker 1 (02:22:44):
Indeed, we don't.

Speaker 2 (02:22:46):
Well let's dive on over and speaking of global wars
potentially breaking out, it by all accounts, and you know
the fog of war, you and I talk about it
all the time. But doesn't sound like the Ukrainian military
is going to be able to hold its own for
very much longer from what I've read, having obvious problems,
you know, with the maintaining numbers in their standing army.
They're grabbing people off the streets and forcing them into

uniform that don't want to be there. My understanding is
desertions are high, and yet here we find ourselves. What's
your take on the current status?

Speaker 22 (02:23:17):
Yeah, it's a I mean, you just hit all the
big points there that because Ukraine has lost so many
people and no one has an official number, but plausible
numbers are in the hundreds of thousands have killed and
you know triple that number wounded.

Speaker 1 (02:23:35):
It is a massive number.

Speaker 22 (02:23:37):
And so they're the only way that they can just
maintain what they have is to continue having a trough
of new bodies to go in to fill up the
uniforms that are blown up and killed in action, et cetera.

Speaker 1 (02:23:49):
And they just don't have it. They don't have that
many men.

Speaker 22 (02:23:52):
And now then the people that especially the men that
are left, are literally hiding in sellers, hiding out in
the in the forests, in different places because they are
because they're sometimes picked up going to the grocery store, uh,
you know, sometimes in in uh uh.

Speaker 1 (02:24:07):
Bars and that kind of thing. So they literally don't
go anywhere.

Speaker 22 (02:24:09):
And there are scores of videos every day practically on
the Internet of people just being grabbed off the street,
grabbed off their front porch uh in one I saw
just a couple of days ago.

Speaker 6 (02:24:20):

Speaker 22 (02:24:20):
And then we find out that when those guys get
to the front, not surprisingly and this is according to
CNN not any kind of Russian disinformation.

Speaker 1 (02:24:28):
They had a report a couple of days ago.

Speaker 22 (02:24:30):
That said, hey, when these they interviewed the commanders there
were Ukrainian commanders. They say, when these guys get there,
they have almost no training, uh, and they're terrified. They
run at the first side of contact, or they just
flee and they they don't obey any.

Speaker 1 (02:24:44):
Orders if they survived. That was a horrible quote the
guy used.

Speaker 22 (02:24:49):
If they survive first contact, they are afraid and they
won't go back into battle the second time. You just
can't fight a war like that. The numbers just won't work.
So where are in terms of the Russian side of
the equation? You know, part of me just keeps thinking,
for whatever reason, that they just don't want to really
go all in and just end this with just massive forces.

I don't know, militarily speaking, I'm not a strategist, but
the comparative size of the militaries and the strength of
Russia versus Ukraine, and it's just the two of them
right now, I just kind of wonder, really kind of
why it's taking Russia so long to get the job done.
You would have thought that it would have been a
rather quick conflict given the size of the army and
the resources. Now it appears that Putin is very very

He was risk averse, but he's also a very patient
and methodical in money, and we've seen this throughout for example,
when Russia was driven out of Kharkiv area in twenty
twenty two, when they abandoned the Kirsoon area and left
Cyrstone City in the fall of twenty twenty two. They
then said, okay, we spent a full year on defense,

and so they withdrew from all those areas, built all
these defensive lines, manned them. At the same time, they're
building up their defense industrial base. They're growing their base
of troops by half a million, and so those things
take time, and they were willing to take the time.
So they did all of that for twenty twenty three,
and then in twenty twenty four they've been methodically moving
forward to take the last of the defensive lines and

put Krobsk is the last of the existing defensive lines
from twenty fourteen, and by all of my estimation is
when they break through that piece right there, then you
finally may see this big force. Because they've been basically
building it for a year and a half now, and
there has been some evidence of even Belarus possibly joining
in with this. They've moved a lot of troops to

the front, I mean, to the border area there.

Speaker 1 (02:26:39):
Other Russian troops have moved closer to the border area.

Speaker 22 (02:26:42):
I think it's also instructive in this Kursk offensive that
Russia has had sealed it off, but they didn't send
a bunch of forces to go and knock it out,
even though they had them in the area, because it
could be that they want to contain the Ukraine side.

Speaker 1 (02:26:56):
They want them to keep.

Speaker 22 (02:26:57):
Sending reserves into there so that they'll just be methodically
destroyed and they won't be available elsewhere when those other
troops move south into the border. And that's what I
think could happen, possibly as early as it's falled.

Speaker 2 (02:27:09):
The Ukrainian troops moving into Russia. I just think for
whatever reason, I'm having ideas of like the Germans endeavoring
to take over Moscow and getting frozen out in the
middle of winter. I mean, there's a lot of miles
between here and there, a lot of territory that would
have to be held and covered at a lot of distance.
And then, like you said, there are a lot of
Russian forces somewhere out there that could start defending themselves

in that region. It's almost like they're just letting them
wander around and waste their time.

Speaker 22 (02:27:38):
They are and look what you got to take examination
also of where the incursion took place in that course region,
and it's of no strategic value to Russia.

Speaker 1 (02:27:48):
It's a bunch of small villages and hamlets.

Speaker 22 (02:27:51):
There are no big cities in the area that they
could attack, and the Ukraine slide simply doesn't have the
offensive punch to make that a threat to rush.

Speaker 1 (02:28:00):
All they could do is is make.

Speaker 22 (02:28:01):
An incursion in there and you know, a little penetration
and then that's it.

Speaker 1 (02:28:05):
That's now they're doing.

Speaker 22 (02:28:06):
It's all they can do since the tenth day of
this thing, now well into a month into it, to
just maintain what they have, and you see, it's just methodical.
The Kremlin actually out today said we are now starting
an operation to slowly expel all those forces. So they're
going to now increase the firepower. They've been satisfied to
just hit them with long range weapons, artillery, drones, attack aviation,

et cetera, glide bombs, and it's been just a horrific
casualty count. Now then they're saying they're going to actually
start pushing them out as well. So we'll see in
the next week or so how.

Speaker 2 (02:28:37):
That works out. This has been another Daniel Davis deep
dive I've always enjoyed.

Speaker 1 (02:28:41):

Speaker 2 (02:28:41):
Look forward to next two is with another edition and
encourage my listeners. Just search for it online. Daniel Davis
Deep Dive you get more of what we're talking about today.
Best of health, my friend, Always a pleasure, Brian. Next
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Speaker 7 (02:29:47):
This is fifty five krc an iHeartRadio station, a U line.

Speaker 1 (02:29:52):
The prevailing opinion is if you don't live it, you
don't believe it. The people that you line believe in
hard way

Brian Thomas News

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