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Hi, It's Brian Thomas, pleaseto welcome back to the fifty five Cars
Morning Show. Briona Morella, formerFox News NEWSMAC Local News MLB producers,
also spent several years reporting on theissues that matter most, and after Fox
threading to put her on unpaid leavefor not getting the COVID shot, she
said the hell with it, leftcorporate media and went on her own and
she's doing a great job. She'sa truth seeker. She amplifies her findings
through her podcast, which you canfind online. Go to Brionnamarello dot com.
There she is right there. I'mlooking at the web page. Welcome
back to the fifty five Cassey MorningShow, Live from the RNC. Brionna
Morello, it's good to have youback on. It's great to be honest
you. Thank you so much.My pleasure. So the mood of the
air from all accounts. We've gotseveral local folks, one Claremont County commissioner
who's been reporting from the floor.We have a former trustee who's been there
all week reporting live. I heardfrom Congressman Davidson about the event, yes,
just the other day, and nowI want to hear from you.
Is the air as filled with energyas it sounds and appears to be by
all accounts. Brianna, Yeah,it does. You know, it feels
like, you know, the SuperBowl. Honestly, it really does.
The R Andc's done a great jobfirst off, which is organizing this and
planning everything out. It has beenincredible. Everyone is extremely excited. You
know, we're heading into November,and obviously we do have the upper hand
as Republicans right now because Democrats arein a debacle and it's entertaining to just
keep watching at this point because itrarely does happen where they're so openly divided.
But it has been incredible. Ihave to say, I have never
experienced anything like this, like youdecided. I've worked in sports, I've
worked in media for years. Thisseems to be just a completely different experience.
Everyone is excited. Obviously, theevent took place last week and we're
absolutely devastating, but there seems tobe kind of like this inspirational feeling in
the air right now. President Trumpsshowing up and showing out, I mean,
just his energy and he steps intothe arena is absolutely incredible. He
is just he has the people withhim and that's really what's important here.
You know, everyone is with him, and it was incredible to see even
his granddaughter speaking and speaking about theman that she knows and the man who
the media portrayed is not true.It's just it's incredible to witness. I
have to say, well, i'dhave to see a lot of that energy.
You started off by pointing out howthe Democrats are in a state of
disarray, and I think that's agross understatement. I mean, they are
just losing their collective minds. Butit's for two reasons. First off,
I think a lot of the energyat the RNC is coming from the fact
that they are falling apart. Theyhave no backbench. Joe Biden struggling to
even be the nominee in the faceof the more and more Democrats that come
forward and tell him, dude,you've got to step down for the good
of the country. But more fundamentally, more fundamentally, on every single policy
point that you can come up with, the Republicans are on the right side
of the Ledger. I mean,DEEI sucks. Nobody likes that it hasn't
worked out all the country or thecompanies across the country are throwing it out
because it's terrible for morale, it'sterrible for their business model. We have
the uh more and more accounts ofthe Army incorporating DEI and blame being laid
at the foot of DEI for thenumbers of recruits going into the toilet.
We've got failed criminal justice systems.We have the liberal policies destroying these blue
cities and states that become sanctuary citiesand states while they drop efforts to prosecute
people for crimes, crimes running rampant. The streets are a mess. That's
a loser for them. The borderitself is a loser. Immigrants are overwhelming
our system. They're taking away resourcesfrom citizens. That's a loser. What
could they even possibly run on ifthey had a candidate that knew what day
it was, Brianna fear mongering.I mean, that's what you're seeing play
out right now, Fenger, Right, Yeah. And they continue to push
the abortion on issue even though Imean Republicans understand right now at the time
they discussed it, because again,although its controversial for conservatives, obviously we
want to push it. We haveto win over those in the middle,
and you have to do so properly, but just by you know, just
kind of heating the line a littlebit and not going into that. But
that's what Democrats are trying to pushthat. But you can't even that's an
easy one, and I keep pointingit out. On a federal level,
the Supreme Court has said the Constitutiondoes not have anything by way of language
or authority in the federal government tothem to have any say in it.
It's everybody at the convention should begoing, no, don't even talk about
abortion, because this is a federalelection. We're here for, not a
state election. Go back and talkto your local representatives and state senators about
that one, because on a federallevel, that is over as a topic.
Period. Yeah, and that's exactlythe point. You know, President
Trump already said too. This isa state issue, this isn't a federal
issue. And so it's really allDemocrats have to run on right now because
most Americans, regardless of your partyaffiliation, could feel the financial burden that
we've had to endure the President JoeBiden, and that really is just the
reality that we're all kind of workingwith right now. You know, Americans
well well aware they were better offunder President Trump than they are right now
under Joe Biden. And it's prettyimpressive though, because when you compare the
fact that, you know, wejust saw Joe Biden get taken out by
COVID, pulled off a campaign trailwith COVID nineteen, which is obviously a
cold, a head cold at thispoint, right and then we saw President
Trump take a bullet to the headand instantly pop back up and telling the
American people to fight. I don'tthink they have a chance. We just
saw one of the most egregious,horrific events take place in front of our
own eyes last weekend, and Americansnow have to make a decision. Do
you go with someone who's weak andcan't even battle a cold, or do
you go with somebody who just tooka bullet to the head and bounce our
block up. I think it's prettyobvious what's going on, and I think
the American people are just fed up. I mean, how many more times
are we're going to continue to watch, you know, Joe Biden make excuse
us or excuse us or excuse everyonesees it for what it's what it is
right now, and I think we'reall ready to you know, push back
and kind of and take November.But everyone needs to show up and they
can't take it for of course,no question about it. Let us underscore
that, folks. I know mylisteners are as excited as you sound like
you are. Everybody at the conventionis excited. It does look like it
is really firmly going in Trump's direction. But don't count your chickens before their
hatch. Get out and vote andmake sure you vote all those down ballot
races that are so important. That'sthe other thing that the Democrats are starting
to fall apart because they see thepresidential races having a profound potential impact on
the House and the Senate, andthey're afraid they're going to lose both.
Yeah. Yeah, I mean it'squite possible. You know, if Republicans
do what they should do, andsometimes it doesn't always happen, but they
do what they should do, theyshould be able to take both. I
really don't see a reason why theycan. Yeah, we were thinking that
in twenty twenty two with a redwave that didn't happen. But you know,
again, yeah, that's why weneed to keep focus on the big
picture. Moving in. What wasyour reaction to jd Vance as the selection
by Trump as the vice presidential runningmate. Yeah, so I think that
is before that he was a memberof the final round of it. These
picks, I think he was thebest out of the four. You know,
my feeling for it has always beenthat President Trump need to selects somebody
who the deep state will fear morethan him, because we all know that
they're coming after him and they needto know the next man in line is
going to be even worse. AndI feel like that should have always been
the kind of the way. SoI don't know if Jade Vance has that
kind of fear factor. I knowthose in the left are saying he does,
but that's more fear mongering than anything. I think he's a good person.
I think that his speech went wellyesterday, sorry two days ago,
his VP speech so well, youknow, we'll see how it plays out.
I think he will destroy Kamala Harrisin a debate. I also appreciate
the Trump camp hunting out that pressrelease the other day in regard to you
know, Kamala Harris saying that she'sready to debate him. But we all
know Joe Biden is not going tobe the final person on the ticket,
and so, you know, thecampaign poking some fun at them and saying,
you know, you pick who yourVP is going to be first,
and then we'll talk about a debate. I think that was pretty laughable,
but it just shows the babble rightnow that's going on on the left,
and so I think that's that's worthdiscussing at this point. At your online
Brionnamarella dot com. Listen to BonnaMorello show. Her podcasts always very informative.
I appreciate you coming on the fiftyfive Crecy Morning Show and give us
your thoughts and impressions of the convention. Brianna, and I'll look forward to
talking with you again real soon.Safe travels on your return trip. Okay,