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November 21, 2024 • 14 mins
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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
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Speaker 2 (00:31):
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Speaker 3 (01:03):
Have you spent a regrettable amount of time scrolling through
shows and praying for something new or hearing about a
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all have head over to The Hollywood Reporter and check
out TJR charts to find a menu of all the streamers,
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great shows and films. The Hollywood Reporter is the source

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follow us at Hollywood Reporter on all your social platforms.

Speaker 4 (01:33):
Andy ignorant on the campuses, talk about it.

Speaker 5 (01:36):
You're just getting away with all this rather than knowing fact.

Speaker 4 (01:39):
Fifty five KRC, it't ato six here, fifty five KRCV talkstation.
It being Thursday. We'll hear from my heart media aviation
extpert Day Rattler at the bottom of the hour. As
is always the case, a welcome edition to the fifty
five KRC Morning Show. And please to announce David Harsanyi
my next guest. You may have read what David has

done in the past. He's a senior writer with the
Washington Examiner or a nationally syndicated columnist, author of four
books contributed to New York Post. His works appeared in
My Favorite Place, the Wall Street Journal, among others including
The Washington Post, Reason, USA Today, National Review, numerous other publications,
and he's been a feature on Fox News, CNN, MSNBC,
Soon to Be Demised, NPR, ABC, World News Tonight, and

other outlets. Welcome to the fifty five Casey Morning sh
David Harsini to talk about your book, The Rise of
Bluing on how the Democrats became a party of conspiracy theorists.
Good to have you on this show today, David.

Speaker 5 (02:35):
Thank you for having me. I appreciate it.

Speaker 4 (02:37):
Among all the things you talk about. And you know
what I've observed over the years and my political philosophy
fifty nine years so old, so you know where I
am and what I've seen throughout my life. I remember
the Soviet Union and all that's happened in between now
and that. But the Democrats seem to me to be
always accusing the Republicans of engaging in conduct that they

are absolutely engaging in right before our very eyes. It's
something like a deflection. They literally will do things that
they then accuse the Republicans of doing. And I have
always just sort of out loud wondered, how is it
that they think they can get away with it, or maybe,
as this most recent election has shown, maybe they aren't
getting away with it and more smarter than they take

us to be.

Speaker 5 (03:20):
Dad. Well, that goes back and that's where I start
my book when Killer Clinton showed up on the Today
Show and said that there had been a vast right
wing conspiracy to undermine her husband, which was not true. Yeah,
there's a lot of projection and deflection about that kind
of stuff. Take the whole case of the Democratic Party,
or not the whole case, but half the cases that

was that Trump is hitler, but the other half was
that democracy was in dire, you know, danger because Republicans
might take over. And then the next sentence they'll say,
but yeah, so we need to pack the court, you know,
we need to sen mis information, we need to get
rid of the electoral college. I think maybe you know,
their version of democracy is just something that you know,

it's just Democratic Party policies, not actually the constitutional order.
So yeah, they do that with a ton of stuff,
and they get away with it because a lot of
our institutions are run by people who agree with them, media,
higher education, and you know, many government agencies and so on.
So they that's how they get away with it.

Speaker 4 (04:19):
Well, getting away with it, and what their desire is
I guess I want to try to drive to that
latter point. They say that, you know, we here on
the more conservative side of the ledger. I consider myself
a little libertarian, so but that we are undermined, we
are going to ruin, We're going to undermine the Constitution,
et cetera. What are they really ultimately looking for. It
seems to me that they want more power. They want
to confiscate more of our wealth. They want to dictate

the terms of conditions, more of our lives, all in
the name of it. Mostly predicated these days on the
underlying religion that they have been teaching to our young
people now for about two decades. Is global warming crap,
Like my exelation. While feeding the plants is wonderful, but
it's also killing the globe. Literally everything hinges on. Oh

my god, we're all going to die airgo. We need
to confiscate and regulate. That's the antithesis of the freedoms
and liberties that are Founding Fathers placed in the Constitution.

Speaker 5 (05:12):
Yeah well, yeah, I mean in the book I wrote,
it's not just about conspiracy theories. It's about currents of paranoia,
paranoid style politics, and global warming. Climate change has been
a big part of that. I'm a little younger than you,
not much, and you know, I remember that, you know,
twenty thirty, even almost thirty years ago, there were you know,
we were told the world was going to start ending.

That's when it began, and that ten years ago they
said it was going to Yeah, that is right. So
there's this apocalypse always coming. And because there's the apocalypse coming,
we have to do a B and C. Now that
you know, the Green New Deal, whatever, it's always something new.
And all those policies are socialistic. I mean all of
them are. Carbon dioxide is everywhere and then everything. If
you want to control that, you can basically control the

entire economy, and that's what they want to do. So
you know, that kind of paranoia drives there. They try
to scaremonger you into doing the things that they want.
And it's the same with other stuff. I'll give you
the one what I think is one of the most
pernicious streams of paranoia the suppression of the vote, telling
a whole oh yeah, you know, telling Black Americans, you know,

voting buck, that they are stripped agency, that they cannot vote,
that people want to stop them, you know, from from
being wealthy, or that people want or that cops are
hunting them in the streets now obviously, or a racist
out there not saying every shooting is not doesn't have
racial component to it, but many of them don't. And
yet be the whole BLM thing happened and it was
based on basically conspiracy theories. I mean, there was no

in Michael Brown and others, there was no racial component
to it at all, you know, and anyway, so that
that's one of them as well.

Speaker 4 (06:49):
And this, this, this conspiracy theory, this this anger and
the fear mongering has been enabled by a media that
is almost exclusive up until recently, exclusively dominated by left
leaning commentators and left leaning talking heads. How they ended
up taking over all of media is beyond my comprehension, David.

But you know what, again, this election I think confirmed
and has shown most of these left wing organizations that
people are smarter than that. They've moved away from the
msnbcs and the CNNs and even the NBC's ABC's of
the world. They've gone out into the world and they
start consuming contact like content like the podcast Joe Rogan.
He'll have long, engaging conversations with people of all political stripes.

Doing a more deep dive. People really consume that and
are interested in it because it's informative. It offers greater
insight in what people really think and believe, and it
provides an opportunity for a back and forth. It reveals
again what you've laid out in your book. A lot
of nonsense and garbage. We can find that now with
the Internet in these days.

Speaker 5 (07:56):
Yeah, I mean, I agree with all that, but we
also have to admit that Well, let me just take
a step back and say, when I was young. You know,
I was growing up in New York, and there were
many newspapers and we knew they were all biased in
some way. You read it, you know, you knew it
was biased, but you could read between the lines and
you could figure out what was going on. They didn't
make things up for the most part. You know, you

could have the CIA director come on to our former
CIA director would come on the TV. He'd say something.
You probably believe it because he wouldn't lie to you
about it. But that is no longer the case. Things
become so politicized in media that they made up the
Russia collusion hoax. I mean, either they made it up,
or they were too stupid not to know it was
it was true, and either way they shouldn't be journalists.

And then there was no reckoning. They went on and
they hid Joe Biden's you know, acuity decline in his
physical decline. Then they turned you know, on a dime
when it was you know, they'd gas light us, and
then they turned on the dimes. So they're not even journalists,
their activists. But here's the thing, if we need there
are a lot of boring like Joe Rogan's conversations are great,
but there's a lot of boring journalistic work that needs

to be done, and that takes a lot of money,
and the big media has that money and they're not
doing their job. So it's tomorrow. Donald Trump actually did
something terrible and they told us about it. No one
would believe them. No one would believe them. And we
need a media that is and does look at the powerful,
and we don't have that. So that's bad for America.
It's good that we stopped listening to them because they've
been lying to us, but it's bad that they don't

do the right thing.

Speaker 4 (09:20):
Well, I mean, yeah, absolutely, And here's a question. I've
been asking out a lot of my listeners because I
got a kind of sense that they might start waking
up to this echo chamber that they have been stuck
in and realize that we are smarter than what they
had been feeding us and change their ways. I mean,
CNN may be moving a little bit more centrist, offering

more political points of view. I know that there are
some newspapers out there who are all in sad, sad,
desperate shape to even stay afloat. Didn't offer a political
support for Kamala Harris, took a lot of hits from
the left wingers, but sort of maybe engaging in a
shift to more responsible journalism. Do you think it's too
late for them to do that or can we might

find it? Maybe this might be an opportunity for a
renaissance where we can actually start counting on media to
provide us with maybe an unbiased assessment of the facts
and not offer any commentary.

Speaker 5 (10:13):
At the same time, I hate that I can't be
very positive. Nothing is Yeah, I think it's not so
the owner of the Washington Post, doesn't you know, into
worse and everyone goes bananas there, which just shows you
how off the ranch they are exactly the whole paper
is already hardcore left. Yes, every single circle conservative writer

on their opinion pages is actually just hates Trump. Listen,
you don't have to like Donald Trump. I'm critical of
Donald Trump. But the thing is you're not representing the
readership of your paper or America. There are half the
people in this country are more than half voted for
Donald Trump, you know what I mean? And no one
knows or understands what that is about. Is this guy
Scott Jennings on CNN, who does very good job. He's
a conservative, but what makes me laugh is that he

brings up topics and these other people don't even like
It's like they never even heard the arguments. They don't
understand what the other side's all about. So but the
problem isn't that you can just have an owner who
changes things. The entire culture going down into journalism school
all the way up. I mean, you have assistant editorial
people revolting against the New York Times OpEd page editor,

and who gets fired The opt page guy gets fired
for running something they didn't like. Young people today are
coming out of journalism school, not all young people, but
especially them. They cannot abide by a differing opinion because
they don't see it as an opposing opinion. They see
it as an immoral, evil, you know, thing that needs
not to be heard. They don't debate. I mean, I

got to say, I've been around a while, and I
don't think I had a real policy debate with a
liberal or a left winger in a long time, and
certainly not in this election. It was all just you
are a Russian spooky, you know, bought by big this
and big that, your NRA owns you, you know whatever.

Speaker 4 (11:59):
Yeah, well, I mean I've always observed David, and I
know you feel the same way about this. Once, anytime
an actual debate, when it gets reduced to someone screaming
at you and calling you names, you can chalk one
up in the win column, because name calling is not debate.
And them screaming at you know, Donald Trump Nazi, Donald
Trump Nazi not only is absolutely ridiculous from a factual standpoint,

they're not supporting their cause by offering thoughtful logic and
reason in support for what they're advocating.

Speaker 5 (12:26):
So that's cause because yeah, I so, for instance, I
don't like, yeah, I'm sort of libertary whatever, I'm a
free market guy. I don't like teriffs. I don't like
certain things that Donald Trump says, but you just to
keep calling him hitler, you force someone like me to
get out there and defend it because he's not Hitler.
And you know what, Hitler was a really bad guy
and real bad things happen, and historically in context, that's

a terrible thing to demean history in that way. So
you push people actually to defend Donald Trump, who might
not like all the stuff he's doing. Absolutely, and you
know when you when you do that, no one will
trust anything you say about the guy, as I mentioned before.
So yeah, I mean, I think they undermine their case.

Speaker 4 (13:01):
Well, and the other one. They keep running around screaming
Donald Trump fascist. I keep reminding everyone, why would you
please go and look up a dictionary and read what
the word fascist means. You know, it is the state
control of the means of production. And that is exactly
what the left is all about. They are literally about
controlling every aspect of business. They are the definition of fascist.

But because Donald Trump is a charismatic leader, oh see,
like Barack Obama was that ergo, he is Hitler. He
is a fascist. It's just insane, and they undermine their
own credibility, and they also well it's basically are admitting
to their own ignorance about factual definitions. But moving over,
you mentioned something about the money that is required to

run a news outlet, whether it's biased or not, it
does take money. I've been saying this for years and years.
Are they not undermining their own business model when they
continue to attack free markets and business generally speaking, they
are advocating for putting themselves out of business because what
advertisers are going to support that kind of thing.

Speaker 5 (14:08):
Well, they're you know, you're you're you're assigning rationality to
people who were not very irrationally. Mean, you know a
lot a lot of times politics and partisanship, and this
goes across all you know, parties and everything. You know,
you get irrational, you're part of people don't like when
I use this word, but a mob in a sense,
not a violent mob. But you're just this group think

and they they just think. Listen, and the incentives, the
incentives of the first Donald Trump presidency, all the incentives
for journalists was were to be over the top. You've
got ratings if you kept saying that, you know, Trump
was hitler. Think about this, what report. If you're a reporter,
is doing good tempered work, you're doing you know, you're
digging in, You're you're you know, you're just doing your job.

You're not going to get a million followers. The person
who has a million followers is the one who's saying
Donald Trump's going to you know, make American to Handmaid's
tailor or whatever. That it's the person who gets all
the attention. So all the incentives for these people are
to be over the top and to talk that way.
So until all of that changes, I'm not sure you
know that they can change. And yeah, I mean maybe

they'll be hurt, maybe not. I mean, the New York
Times actually this pretty well, but the Washington Post I
think lost like seventy million dollars or something last year. Yes,
so they have these sugar daddies who back them, and
that's fine. I mean, listening had happened, but it's not
a good business model, as you point out. So I
don't know, I don't know if they're going to come
to their senses or not.

Speaker 4 (15:33):
Well. David Harsani, author of the book we're talking about today.
You can get a copy of it on my blog
page if you have Carecy dot com The Rise of Blunon.
You can read into that the reason for the title
how the Democrats became a Party of conspiracy theorist David.
It has been a real pleasure having you on. I'm
going to encourage my listeners to get a copy of
the book, read it and thoroughly enjoy it, and then
let their friends read it when they're done with it,

as I always encourage Dave.

Speaker 5 (15:55):
Keep up the great work.

Speaker 4 (15:55):
I know we're going to continue to read what you
write and all these media outlets that you write for.
It's been an enjoyable experience having you on the morning show,
and I know it's going to be a really enjoyable
experience reading your book or reading your book, The Rise
of bluing On. Have a wonderful day, my friend you two.

Speaker 5 (16:10):
Thanks for having me so much. Thank you.

Speaker 4 (16:12):
It's eight twenty coming up on Jay right left bottom
of the hour for iheartmediavia with some really fun stuff
to talk about with Jay, which is typically the case.
Don't go away, He'll be coming up soon. Fifty five
KRC dot com kick off Christmas with our iHeartRadio Holidays.

Speaker 6 (16:28):
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Speaker 3 (17:30):
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