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December 5, 2024 • 15 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Talk about.

Speaker 2 (00:01):
Uh, at least we're gonna start out talking about before
we get to the adoption and pregnancy help the common
sense as you described, a bathroom bill recently signed in
a law by Governor Mike Dewain. Welcome back to the
fifty five CAC morning. So, John Hohuston, it's always a
pleasure speaking with you.

Speaker 1 (00:14):
Great to be with you this morning.

Speaker 2 (00:16):
Okay, let's start with an interesting thought question, shall we
before we get to the details. Basically, the bathroom bill
requires you know, if you when you are born, you're
a signed agender X and Y chromosome. You're a guy, period,
end of story. That scientific reality. So that means you
can't go into a women's bathroom K through twelve and
higher education. That's basically the summoned substance. You know, boys

going to boys rooms, girls going to girls rooms. But
transgender women means you are a X Y gender male.
But believe and I'm not going to deny your belief structure,
but believe yourself to be a woman. Question, John, you said,
if you what test is there? This is why I

justify the bill and think it's appropriate. What does it
take to become a designated true transgender female. And I'm
thinking about this in the context of the COVID nineteen
religious exemptions for vaccines. They started asking people questions about
how often they went to church, what they believed in.
There was all these layers, which was totally unconstitutional. But

does anybody ever ask the transgender female, did you just
declare this before you went into the bathroom? Is that
enough to allow you to get in the bathroom. This
is the kind of problem we face because I have
a daughter, and it worries the hell out of me
that a guy, a forty year old guy, who just
stands up one day, holds his hands up and says,
I'm a transgender female. It's going to be in a

bathroom with her. You know what I'm saying, Amen, I do.

Speaker 1 (01:48):
It is really unbelievable that we're at a point in
the world where we actually need a law like this,
where it says to you know, if you're a biological
man at birth, then you will go to the boys
or men's bathroom, and likewise if you're a female. That
is common sense. That is what I mean. For all

of my life fifty seven now and all of my
life up until what five ten years ago, like this
was how we all like, no one questioned that this
is what we should do, right, and now all of
a sudden, now, all of a sudden, we think men
can play women's sports, they can undress in their locker rooms,

they can use their bathrooms, forty year old men going
into the same bathroom with a ten year old girl,
not you know, your teenage daughters not having a private
space to I mean, it's just all of these kinds
of things that literally we have a section of society

that believes that that the whole world, a whole history
of humanity should be changed over how someone views their
gender in their mind.

Speaker 2 (03:15):
Yeah, you know, and it makes it and it makes
it worse because you know, it's one thing because okay,
someone might say, well, there's a stall and you're not
going to be looking at someone's junk or whatever. This
includes showers, this is locker rooms, this is.

Speaker 1 (03:29):
Okay, I'm telling you you I wouldn't. I was, actually,
you know, I was in disbelief that this was happening,
Like I was. It was hard to believe. But I
remember my one of the conversations I had with Riley Gains,
the Kentucky swimmer who has been really outspoken on this
because she'd lost she'd lost a a NCAA championship to

a man who claimed to be a woman and swam
in a women's meat in NCAA let him happen. She
said that she was in the locker room with this
man who had full male gentle talia, yeah, and was
in the locker room undressing and is going to swim

in the women's meat. And like, how in the world
adults around this process could ever come to conclusion that
that was okay, that this was that the whole rest
of the world should change and accommodate. That really is
what led to the need for these laws.

Speaker 2 (04:32):
Well, and I'm glad they're in place in Ohio now.
Now the other component of this, and it's something that's
quite often overlooked. I think the presumption the arguments from
you know, those who are going to appeal this law,
like the ACLU and the LGBT activist group were going
to claim it's unconstitutional or something. The idea of a
transgender woman again, a guy believing in his heart or

her heart of hearts whatever that they are. Indeed, a
woman does not, in any way, shape or form determine
what their sexual proclivities are. In other words, they could
be attracted to women even though they identify as a woman.
Meaning there is a forty five year old guy with
full junk in the locker room and it's still attracted
to women. That's the creepy part. Now, I know I've

been in bathrooms. I'm fifty nine, so a little bit
older than you, and I'm sure that all throughout my
life there have been gay men in the bathroom. Never
had an issue, no problem, never been molested or attack.
But I'm also in a better position to defend myself
because I'm a little bit on equal footing with them.
As you point out with Riley Gaines, men have a
substantial size and strength advantage over women generally speaking, putting

women at a significant disadvantage if they're in a situation
where they're someone's trying to molest them in the in
the girl's bathroom.

Speaker 1 (05:46):
Yes, and look, there are plenty of ways that we
because I acknowledge that, Okay, there's a small percentage of
people who have gender identity issue. Yes, that in a bucket,
call it what you want, okay, And there are you know,

we have men's restrooms, we have women's restrooms, and then
we have these single use family restrooms or where where
where an individual can go into those and change or
go to the bathroom do and those are perfectly appropriate
accommodations for somebody in that situation, but the rest of
the world should not have to accommodate something that makes

them feel uncomfortable or threatens their privacy. And so this
is a very common sense way to deal with the
issue in my opinion. And look, this is as you
well know, the whole issue of transgender surgeries and treatment
for minors was before the US Supreme Court yesterday challenging

a Tennessee law that's similar to the Ohio law. You know,
the idea, because we're learning more all the time about
the the fact that there are young people who've been
persuaded to have these gender trans uh transgender surgeries and
chemical hormonal treatments, who had them as a youth and

now as adults, really regret having done that because they
were just confused. They might have been gay, but they
were not transgender. Somehow the medical professionals or the adults
in their lives persuaded them to do this, and now
they have irreversible situation as adults. And so this is
this is an issue about protecting everybody. They might giving

giving transgender individuals, particularly children, accommodations, but let's not go
too far with this, particularly with kids.

Speaker 2 (07:55):
And I'm not certain and I do not believe it
is the town of counter of John Howston that it
is the considered medical standard of care to start giving youth,
you know, pre pubescent youth gender hormone surge replacements to
keep them from advancing into puberty or otherwise lopping things

off or sewing things on. That is a dispute within
the medical community.

Speaker 1 (08:20):
Oh absolutely, and there's a lot of evidence, a lot
of evidence that it's in the aggregate doing more harm
than good. And understand like not to get into them.
I'm not a doctor, but i will share I've done
a lot of reading and listen to a lot of
smart people on this topic who will tell you that

if you do this to a child and they do
not go through puberty, that is an irreversible situation for
them as an adult. And let adults make those decisions.
Don't have adults making them for children, particularly at very
very young ages, which was where we're seeing a lot
of this happening.

Speaker 2 (09:00):
Amen, then Goo and who said, let's pivot over to
something positive and what we're doing here in the state
of Ohio. And I know you have a personal connection
with the idea that you know they're in. There are
unplanned pregnancies in the world, and we need to help
support those women in all way shapes and forms this
National Adoption Month. And I know you're an outspoken advocate
for adoption on this. You want to explain to my
listeners how it is that you have such a close connection.

Speaker 1 (09:22):
Yeah, Well, I was. I was adopted. I started out
life in a foster home. My birth mother had had
two children and lost her husband in Vietnam, and then
became pregnant and didn't couldn't afford another mouth to feed
and decided to have an adoption. And I started out
life in a foster home and then had the greatest

blessing that could have ever happened to me. Two great parents,
my mom and dad, Jim and Judy Houston, adopted me.
And so this is very near and dear to my
heart because I know that foster care and adoption changed lives,
not just the lives and children, but every adult who
tells you that they've done it will say it changed

our life too. Having this child in our lives made
it more purposeful and meaningful, and so everything that we
can do to promote adoption. We have over three thousand
kids in foster care right now, waiting for a forever home,
and we want to support that and we want to

do all we can to support adoption and foster care
because there's so many kids who, through no fault of
their own, find themselves in just a terrible situation and
they need the love of adults. I mean, I will
tell you this, I tell that story. It's not really
about me. It's about how an adult can change the

life of a child and give them a chance that
they would have never had before.

Speaker 2 (10:51):
I mean, think about that. I'm talking with the Lieutenant
governor of the state of Ohio who came from a
foster home and was adopted. What an amazing thing. I mean,
your life is completely transformed, you know what. I think
there needs to be greater advocacy for adoption, and we
hear about adoption from time to time, and I'm glad
you're elevating it to this level of discussion we're having
here on the Morning Show. But you know, planned parenthood

is everywhere they promote abortion. They suggest, oh, you have
to get an abortion, You're never gonna you shouldn't bring
that baby into full full term, you shouldn't have it.
They're like constantly all over the place, just scream in
that tune you know, wonder you wonder where the chorus
is of Wait, a second adoption is a wonderful option,
and great things come from families who adopt young people

that are in need of a home.

Speaker 1 (11:37):
Yeah. Look, there are local women's and pregnancy centers because look,
we had a constitutional amendment in Ohio. Abortions are allowed
under the Ohio Constitution now basically you know, I mean
it's one of the most expansive abortion laws in the country. Now. Yeah,
and so we have to change hearts and minds. It's

our only path right now. And so no, if you're
a man who's involved with this, a woman who's involved
with this, the parent, somebody, that there is support out
there through these women's and pregnancy centers. They're just the
women I've met, particularly women I've met who run these things,
who run these pregnancy centers, they are there for you.

They will help you through this process. They will make
sure that you're getting the healthcare before your baby's born,
that they have a plan for you to make sure
you have the resources you need to support a healthy
start for that baby, and connect you with the resources
are out there. You're not alone in this. You're not alone.
There are people who want to help you have a healthy.

Speaker 2 (12:41):
Baby, truly there are, and the resources are available. Sometimes
you just have to search for them. And because quite
often the other side has a much better advocacy thing
going on for you as.

Speaker 1 (12:55):
Your local pregnancy center. For the most part, if you
go into a search engine, you say, you know, try
to find a local pregnancy center, pregnancy center closest to me.
You can also use search words like adoption or support
for you know, young mothers, and you'll find it out there.
They're they're all. They're located all across the state. They

don't have they don't have the promotional budget that Planned
Parenthood does, but they are out there. I've visited many
of them across the state. These are these are angels
who run this. They do not judge you. They do
not They do not say, you know, this is what
you should do with your life. They meet you where
you are, they say Okay, you're in this spot. Let's

help you. They wrap their arms around you, love you,
care about you, and show you a way forward and
know that that resource is out there for you.

Speaker 2 (13:51):
Tennant Conor Johnny, So thank you for your advocacy for
adoption and for women having their babies and noting that
there are the resources out there. And I certainly appreciate
your support for a common sense build. It is now
the law in the state of Ohio. It's good to
have you on the fifty five CARC Morning Show, sir.
Keep up the great work.

Speaker 1 (14:09):
Thanks, Brian, appreciate it.

Speaker 2 (14:10):
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Speaker 1 (15:46):
This is fifty five KRC, an iHeartRadio station. Men, if
you're so

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