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November 25, 2024 • 39 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Here's what I think happens. I think Soros and all
the guys at the one light bulb cigar table that
run the world, they send out these missions. All right,
Let's get the Denver mayor. Let's get the new Mexico governor.
Let's get the Massachusetts governor. Have them come out and
say they'll be willing to be arrested. Let's start it up.
Let's start it up right there. Let's get Lester Holt
to get some footage of Denver mayor being arrested. And

then we'll go back and show how Lester Holt was right.
Maybe not Joe and Mika anymore. I will have them
go arrest Joy Reid. Yes, wow, Broadcaster of color. Yes,
let's have her bald head towed into a paddy wagon.

Speaker 2 (00:34):

Speaker 1 (00:35):
This is what they're they want this. They want the
footage of the fed raids right of home and workplace right,
and then they'll have everything. They'll have Matt Flapper Tapper
on CNN and be able to say I told you fascist,
look at Hitler routing them up. We tried to warn
you about that Nazi rally Madison Square Garden. Right now,
we got the Denver mayor, saying he's willing to go
to jail. Guys, this is just they're playing possum right now, right,

they're doing the Muhammad Ali ropen doupe. Go ahead, We're
just gonna act like we're just getting punch and we're losing,
and then we're coming out with our flurry. Watch. It's
all they got left and it's not going to work.
The popular vote, the electoral college win a mandate. And
I think some recent polling should maybe clear things up again.
I love polling that I agree with CBS News and

a you Gove Polly. And here's the thing. If I said, well,
John noltiat Breitbart did a poll outside there where he
lose back in one of the Carolinas. Now this is
a CBS News pole showing that American people, it doesn't matter.
Do all your hysterics about being arrested. Right. How many
people want the deportations to begin? About three out of
four of Americans. This is what the you Gove CBS

poll showed. Forty five percent think it's a high priority,
twenty eight percent say medium priority. Let's add that up.
Seventy three percent say it's a priority A priority. So
you're not if you feel this way, and I'm sure
it has to be tough for I guess it's a
little easier for a white Christian National Assist gender talk

show host to say this. But if you're if you're
a Hispanic Republican conservative, right, there's people in your circle
and family right that will could be affected by this.
I understand it's a tough decision. I understand that it's
become almost just commonplace in California for it to be
as simple as, oh, they just moved here from Rhode Island, well, welcome, right,

it's oh they're in illegal Well they're working and they're
contributing because all jobs depend on AG ANDNAG depends upon
illegal alien. So by golly, no, we can't have that.
Those kind of raids going on around here. Right. Well,
we've had some law enforcement. We had Riverside County Sheriff
Bianco stating he have to he couldn't work with the Feds,

has to be fifty four holds him underguard. We read
where interim police chief Castos State and sheriffs known He
stated afresnel Land dot Org that they have to go
along with SB fifty four. They have enough crime that
they have to worry about. Well, if criminals are criminals,
doesn't matter where they're from. You wouldn't say that if
the Fed said there's a murderer that was allowed back

into the country. He was from Baltimore originally, but then
he went to Costa Rica and now he's back right here.
He was last seen at Shawan Blackstone and we're looking
for him. Will you help us find this murderer. I'm
sure that law enforcement will say yes to that. There's
no way that they can't. I haven't heard, like I said,

and I think it's only fair to do is not
to ask people questions that are a hypothetical situations. Yet,
we do not know what the Feds are going to demand.
We don't know what the situation is, but I'll tell
you it could come to a showdown here in California
with law enforcement. New Gingrid said the mayor Dinmer doesn't
seem to understand. The United States Army settled the question

of states, counties, and cities defying the federal government in
eighteen sixty five when generally surrendered Denver. Attempting to block
the federal government detention and deportation of illegals would be
an act of insurrection and would be immediately crushed by
the federal government. We always talk about, well, California has
its own weed laws, yeah, but federal overright state. We

always hear that. Right again, listen to what this mayor
Denver responded to and asked by a report not civil disobedience.

Speaker 3 (04:30):
You've mentioned that a couple of times now. Would you
be willing to participate in those as the mayor of Denver?
Would you be willing to go out and protest these things?

Speaker 4 (04:37):
I would if I believe that our residents are having
their rights violate, If I think things are happening that
are illegal or immoral or an American in our city,
I would certainly protest it, and I would expect other
residents would do the same.

Speaker 5 (04:49):
Would you be willing to go to jail for these things?

Speaker 4 (04:51):
Yeah, I'm not afraid of that.

Speaker 1 (04:52):
I'm not afraid of that because I've been told to
say that so leicster Hl can put me on TV
so that we can prove Trump as a fascist. Right.
There was a young man that probably grew up around
the dinner table with his father being a doctor and
a congressman, that learned a lot about the Constitution of
the United States, Rand, what's Article two say? Right? I'm
sure Ron ask his son Rand. I'm talking about the

Paul family sitting at the table. Let's go see what
Senator Ran Paul has to say about the Denver mayor.

Speaker 6 (05:19):
That the mayor of Denver, if he's going to resist
federal law, which there's a long standing history of the
supremacy of federal law. He's going to resist that, it
will go all the way to Supreme Court, and I
would suspect that he would be removed from office. I
don't know whether or not there'd be a criminal prosecution
for someone resisting federal law, but he will lose.

Speaker 3 (05:38):
And people need to.

Speaker 6 (05:39):
Realize that what he is offering is a form of
insurrection where the states resist the federal government. Most people
objected to that and rejected that long ago. So I
think the mayor of Denver is on the wrong side
of history, and really I think will face legal ramifications
if he doesn't obey the federal law.

Speaker 1 (05:58):
So what's different between the Denver mayor and let's say
a county sheriff or a police chief or someone in
a state that's making that decision. Right, you heard Senator
Anne Paul saying federal law. You have to go along
with federal law. That applies not just to some people,
it applies to every organization that's out there. Right, let's

go here, Tom Homan talk about here, how he's going
to enforce the law.

Speaker 2 (06:27):
He's a good This administration's turn this road upside down.
So now I'm being this administration's turn this road upside down.
So now now I'm being attacked. Right, I got death threats.
My family's not even living in my home right now.
So all of a sudden, the guys who want enforced
law are the bad guys. The guys who break the
law are the victims. And for those mayors and those
governments who say they're going to stop me from stop

Ice from doing the job, stop me from doing this job,
Listen to the Lake and Riley tape. Listen to the
seventeen minutes and this girl suffering, fighting for her life,
fighting for her breath. This little girl didn't want to die.
She fought like hell. And listen to that tape. That
happens every day across this country in the hands of
an illego alid.

Speaker 1 (07:05):
Yeah, you would think everybody doesn't matter. If you're a
Republican or a Democrat. You want us to be safe,
but we got a lot of deep down, deep state
swamping Democrats, and you know what they're doing. They're drawing
a line in the sand and they're threatening, we're going
to resist you try and mass depart any illegals and
our sanctuary cities. Right, just wait until thousands around federal
ICE agents. What will local law enforcement do? What will

the CHP do? Will they have to pick a side?
Right here's Tom Holman talking about how governors. He's saying,
listen up here, Cousnan.

Speaker 2 (07:37):
Trump has made it clear we're going to prioritize public
safety threats and national security threats right out.

Speaker 5 (07:42):
Of the gate.

Speaker 2 (07:43):
Could they pose the most dangerous country? What governor or
mayor is doesn't want public safety threats and national security
threats out of their neighborhoods, other communities. That's your number
one responsibility. So you can hate Trump all you want,
but you got to love your community more than you
hate President Trump.

Speaker 1 (07:59):
Yeah, love your community. ICE in Buffalo, their Filled Office
director issued a statement this week after two illegals wanted
for murder in their home countries were caught in Buffalo.
They captured a forty year old illegal with an active
warrnt for homicide in the Benican Republic. Two days later
at Brazilian male same orders for murder in Brazil. They

were caught there. But this is the second case. It
is many days. He said, his Buffalo officers arresting a
foreign national attempting to outrun his criminal pass by illegally entering.
They enter the dangers of a sanctuary jurisdiction, and he
said their laws obstruct us from going after the criminals.
And this is also this last week, at the end

of last week, in illegal from Venezuela arrested at a
migrant hotel and a Buffalo suburb there, let's see Amherst.
Actually I lived in Amherst. He was stabbed. Two adults
were injured during the altercation. He was bused there. New
York City said we got to get him out of here,
send him out to a far far western New York

out there by that eerie lake out there. Right. Yeah,
they relocated. It was executive order from then Governor Cuomo
that in twenty seventeen they became a sanctuary. Right. Let's
see here, suspect in a near fatal arm robbery outside
of nursing home in Pittsburgh last week. Nothing to see here, Pittsburgh,

keep moving. He was a Venezuelan citizen released by the
Feds illegally entering the United States. Mister Sharinos twenty five
was the rested near a pawnshop in Pittsburgh. Eccused of
shooting a seventy year old man in a nursing home.
He was there to visit his brother in there, and
he stole his gold wedding band in cash. Yeah, he

entered illegally. One of these that was allowed then to
continue on into the country. Let me give you another story.
Here's a migrant hotel in New York City. An illegal
hotel in New York City. Venezuelan and illegal with a
She charged with sexually motivated robbery of a prosecutor who
works under Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg. This was two am

last Sunday in New York City. This young woman walking
home ambushed. He'd been following her, grab what the prosecutor
believed to be a gun from his pocket, demanding cash,
cornered her in the stairwell, snatched her valuables and cell phone,
then begin masturbating towards the victim for a period of
several moments before fleeing the scene. That's that's like a

serial murderer, rapist kind of behavior, right. So he had
her cell phone and they tracked it to a device
and oh arrested him at the Row New York City
used to be a nice hotel. It's now where the
illegals stay, a large hotel in midtown there and yeah,
sitting in there in the taxpayer funded hotel with her

cell phone. They tracked him down and arrested him. He
entered the US illegally last year at Eagle Pass, Texas
serve of the notice you know what do appear future
date released in He has been arrested at least seven times,
according to The New York Post since being here. Domestic assault, transit,
fair evasion, multiple counts of grand larceny, and we were

still paying for his hotel. Here's another one. Venezuela male
suspected of sexually assaulting a miner in Colorado, was arrested
in the sanctuary city of Denver. He came in the
twenty year old did he was given a job by
somebody and he was staying in the basement of his employer. Yeah,

That's how it always works in America, isn't it. Right. Yeah,
but he forced himself on the fourteen year old daughter
of the homeowner, sexually assaulting her. Left the residents before
deputies arrived. They tracked him down in Denver and he's
being held on what you sexually assault a child and

five thousand dollars cash bond, that's all. Yeah, he came
into all pass over. It was overcrowded, so we sent
him into the interior. He tried to go to Orlando,
but somehow ended up in the sanctuary state of Colorado. Right.
But yeah, Mayor Denver's gonna he's gonna go to jail
to protect these individuals, right the mayor Denver, he said,

it's like the tenem and Square moment with the rose
and the gun. You have every one of those Highland
moms who came out with the migrants. You don't want
to mess with them. Right. He's talking about the Highland
Colorado soccer moms that he thinks would come out and
stand in line with him. Right, Man, a Denver mayor,

he should be prepared to go to jail. And I
guess the FEDS might be locking up mayors and governors
that stand in their way. Right, and please notice the
revolution has not stopped just because the opposition won power, right,
they only increase. And please notice that over seventy million
Americans support open borders. They voted for the borders. Are

Kamala right? This is only begun.

Speaker 7 (13:04):
This is the Tremor Charry Show on the Valley East
Power Talk.

Speaker 1 (13:09):
And on January twentieth of twenty twenty five, he's gonna
ship them back to their home country. He actually has
a name for it. He's calling it Operation Guardian. I'll
quote the governor said, he's excited about the law. He's
excited about law and order. Also, getting back to the
White House, he said, per our Commissioner of Public Safety

under Biden, Ice would not deport any illegal that Oklahoma
turned over. But now we're preparing to work with a
white House that's eager to uphold the law. Let's go
listen to the governor of Oklahoma. Boy, I wish, wouldn't
that be nice if we had a governor like that
that would stand up for our safety ride there.

Speaker 8 (13:49):
That's true, because it's true states have no option because
Ice was not deporting anyone that we would turn back
into them, And so we have a five hundred twenty
six people incarcerated in the state of Oklahoma that.

Speaker 9 (14:03):
Are criminals and they're also here illegally. So with the
Trump administration in the White House, I just wanted to
get ahead of the game to make sure that our
team was working with the Trump administration to say, hey,
we're not going to burden the Oklahoma taxpayers putting the
bill for illegals that are that are performing criminal activity
in our states. So again, pretty common sense. I think

most other states will follow that trend, and with Trump
and the White House, we'll be back to a rule
of law in protecting our citizens in the country.

Speaker 1 (14:34):
All right. I really hope my predictions of a showdown
are incorrect. I hope that we'll have same minded Democrats
that will say, yeah, we can't have thirty And this
is what we know of. This is from Joe and
Kamala's acting Ice director. Thirteen thousand murderers, fifteen thousand sexual

assaults that have happened out there. There's what was it,
four hundred and sixty eight thousand and people with pending
charges that have been released into our interior. And you
don't want you're going to stop people from going after
these individuals. Oh yeah they are. Here's a little different,
Governor Grisham of New Mexico.

Speaker 10 (15:15):
Kevin arch dun sucking. You've said that you're not going
to help with Donald Trump's aspirations to do mass deportations.
I think there are a lot of people out there
who are happy to hear that. What can you specifically
do to stop his efforts moving forward as once he
becomes president.

Speaker 5 (15:32):
Well a couple of things.

Speaker 11 (15:33):
First of all, as you know, it's unlawful, you can't
use the military, you can't do mass deportations.

Speaker 1 (15:41):
Well, illegal immigration has led to sex trafficking. Where are
the three hundred thousand children? Come on, dims, You were
down there crying at the border, aoc in her white
pants suit, crying at the gate at the fence where
the children were just being fed horse meat and water
on the other side. Right, you pay him back and

oh no, it's just a border patrol parking lot. She's
a zumed in for the picture. Right, Yeah, like you're
gonna be an all white if you're really down on
the border. Tom Holman is going down on the border.
Director Ryan Nigel's just alerted me to that fact. Tomorrow,
so we'll cover that here. But uh yeah, it's been
a pearl pipeline. And the House Judiciary Committee did a report.

Well that's racist Republicans, right, Well, the House Judiciary Committee
had Democrats on it as well. Detailed the fraud and abuse,
you know, the flying people in. I remember a few
years ago a reporter out on the tarmac and was
at Albany was upstate New York in the middle of
the night. He's talking to police officers. Where they come from.

We don't know. We're just told to come out here
and make sure nobody runs off the tarmac. Basically, right,
they were flying them in, Yeah, flying them in five
hundred and thirty six and twenty Cuban, Haitians, Nicaraguans, and
Venezuelans to American cities. They got half a million around,
so it wouldn't create chaos at the border. Right. Since

January twenty twenty one, Joe Biden and as borders are
of welcome seven point seven million in, including one point
nine million illegal Gouda ways. But how do we know
about the godaways because at first it was thirty three
percent of the cameras didn't work. Then they just doubled
that up to sixty six percent. Didn't work. We know
it's probably closer to eighty or ninety. Right, We don't

know the godaways. We have no idea. We have no idea.
If the teraror cells are here and ready to go
on inauguration day, maybe maybe that's what they're waiting for,
to see if Trump won or not. Right, and yeah,
to to mask all the border chaos, they flew them in.
It don't matter which country you bypass our border, you
fly directly into the country on didn't Welcome to Southwest Airlines, Ding,

Welcome to Delta, Ding, Welcome to United They're given parole
for two years by the Secretary of the Department of
Homeland Secure. Then they arrive at an airport, they're paroled
into the country, and then they can apply for a
work permit. Ain't nothing going to go wrong with this?

Speaker 11 (18:08):
Is there any federal administration You should expect States, and
I think you should expect some bipartisan support, not just
by the democratic governors. Is that violating the constitution and
the law. We're not going to do that. Disrupting family
status and the economy, in humane, cruel, unfair, discriminate, policies

that again are illegal on their face. We are not
going to cooperate in any way in that effort.

Speaker 1 (18:38):
Good. I hope Homean and FED officials arrest you for
violation of the United States Constitution. Governor Grisham, Last time
I checked, you were a woman. I know you believe
in that you could change. Or last time I checked,
you were what I say, as a woman, what about
all the women and the girls that are being exploited?

Speaker 3 (18:56):

Speaker 1 (18:57):
Do you care at all? You say, I don't want
to cut up, pa, I don't. You're ignoring what's happening
right in front of you. Why would any police chief
or sheriff of a county not you proclaiming out loud, yes,
thank you Feds. We need help arresting and detating criminals.
We don't care where the criminals are from. We arrest

law breakers, and finally, DC's going to lighten our burden. Right,
That's how I would look at it. Right, federal law
Trump's state sanctuary state law. That's a fact. Let me
repeat that, federal law, Trump's state sanctuary state law. And
I'm looking forward to having the conversations after inauguration day

as we come closer, Right, but man, it can't come sooner.
This is a crisis.

Speaker 7 (19:44):
This is the Trevor Cherry Show on The Valley's Power Talk.

Speaker 1 (19:49):
I think it was Trump wanted what was it, three
billion or five billion dollars? And look what we gave
to Ukraine one hundred and thirty billion in counting in
count team. We could have built a wall around America
for that. We complete with the mode and alligators and cameras.
Right now, you wouldn't put the alligators in there. I'm

little humane than that. But let the rumor spread that
there's alligators. Let's build a mode, right, have some mechanical alligators,
like from Disneyland or something, right, something like that.

Speaker 3 (20:21):

Speaker 1 (20:22):
Tom Mahoman says, no illegal immigrant is off the table
for deportation. And we have to back up decades, guys.
There's nothing wrong with correcting or wrong that happened a
long time ago. Right. We want to have a first
of all, just a way to account for our censes,
just starting there, just starting right there. We need to

have that. Then we can get into the financial aspect
of what it cost us, and then we need to
have the conversation of the importance of the workers. There's
nothing wrong with having that conversation. If okay, if if
I were at the Trump table down in mar Largo
with the Lawn Musk and Vivic Ramaswami and Laura Bush

and uh, let's say Tom Homan walk in right and uh,
and they asked me what I thought I would say.
I would do a press conference, and I would say,
if you're working right now, if you're contributing to the economy,
we're not going to come after you. We understand this,
but we are going to after we arrest bad people,

we're going to lay out a plan here. You're not
there's going to be a penalty for breaking our immigration law.
But we understand, and we're going to work with this.
We're going to ask local law enforcement. We're going to
ask mayors. We're going to ask governors to get the
criminals out of here. Then we'll all sit down at
the conversation table when that's done. We're getting criminals out

of our country. Who would be against that?

Speaker 11 (21:55):

Speaker 12 (21:56):
Even if you're for illegal immigration, you are, you're an activist,
you fight for it, right, wouldn't you sit down and say, well,
of course, I don't want to.

Speaker 1 (22:07):
I'm not fighting for criminals to come in here. Oh
you're not, then okay, then we have to check them.
So work with us, please, right, Homan said, if you're
in the country illegally, you're not at the table. I mean,
we've been looking for fugitives. There's over a million in
the country. You got due process at taxpayer spence that
were ordered removed by a judge and failed to leave. Now,

let me remind you, hardcore leftist Democrats that your man,
Barack Obama, he deported over five million. There is a
reason why, Homan said, We'll be moving on to those
who may not be a criminal, who may not be
a fugitive, but they entered the country illegally, which is
a crime, and they're here illegally, and they're not off

the table. I want to be clear with that, he said. Now,
Trump has stated we're going to start with violent criminals,
the ones that broke the law at the crossing the border,
the ones let into the country with criminal records. We
have to clean that up and then deal with everybody
else that is here illegally. That makes a whole lot
of sense, and what everybody's not really realizing with this argument,

right when you sit down at the table to have
the discussion. After we get rid of the criminals, you
get rid of the rapists and the murderers, and the
gang members and the thieves, right that have been allowed
to roam free across our country. We have to get
rid of the incentives. That's it. You would they're going, well,
it's going to cause run a billion to deport it.

There's a certain thing called reality of life self deportation.
It was a reality of life and why people risk
life and limb to get into this country. Right. But
I think we should use all the power that the
Trump Van's administration has, all the power that the federal
government has to make it as hard as possible, everify

they everify here where I work, many of you, where
you work, everify, make it as difficult as possible to
find work. You might say that's inhumane to make it
difficult for somebody to find housing and travel and what
live in a country that you have no right to
be in and no right to work in, no right
to live in. Right. I don't think, Hey, the TSA's

under federal jurisdiction, right, I don't think they should permit
him buy through security that does not have a government
required issue photoed identification that needs to end immediately, right,
and all the grants, grants that's from the government, right,
like cover California it's free. No, it's not. Somebody pays

for grants. Right. If you're going to use vans and
buses and airlines to transfer people and hotels and all
of that, any illegal should be terminated from any use
of any grant that's going out. This should happen overnight
because the work permits when they're flying half a million

people in and saying all right, here you go. You're
in Tulsa, you're in Sacramento, you're in Denver, you got
a work permit, go work. Those should be terminated immediately, immediately.
And I think anything even like Obamacare, that should be
terminated immediately. I think federal law should overrule California's payments
with health insurance. They each each few years, they just

keep increasing it and increasing it, and we pay thirty
two billion dollars a year for all these services that
we pay. And that's not fair to the US citizens. Now,
if you are deemed viable to the economy of the
United States, again, this is afterwards when we have a
discussion here. If you're deemed that maybe we set up
some kind of system. We spend thirty two billion now

a year. If you're going to tell me we're going
to spend three billion for a service that might keep
somebody here functioning and working, and even the workers that
are here, we might have to say, you're going to
be here seasonally. We're not going to pay twenty thousand
dollars a year to have each of your children in
our school districts. It's English language learner programs. I know

there's a lot of people that give time and heart
and dedication and have seen good results of the of
the six year old that didn't speak a lick of English,
you know, be eight years old in speaking English. I'm
sure there's some rewarding things that have happened out there,
but that's not what the government's in the job to do.
If you want to come to America, babbel, get babel,

learn it, do it the right way. We don't allow
any other thing in our society, whether it be a
line at a taco truck, whether it be a line
at a football game, at a concert, at a soup kitchen,
we don't allow people to cut in line. We get
angry about that, right, especially like at a soup kitchen.
Imagine if you had people, I've used this analogy before,

that you had on Thanksgiving Day free turkeys that you
were giving out hot Thanksgiving meals to people. Right, there
were families waiting in line with little kids. It's rainy,
it's cold outside. They were there at ten am, and
they're going to open up at eleven and it's warm
inside and afterwards gonna be a story time for the
kids and it's but no, at seven point thirty in

the morning, some guys got up on the roof and
broke in right, cut a hole, and they didn't wait
in line. They didn't they didn't do it correctly. They
got in and they got all the services, They ate
the turkey, and there was a little bit left over
for the other people. Would you be angry at those
individuals or would you be like, Nope, I'm an activist
for that. I don't want any law enforcement or security

at that building to apprehend those people. No, they have
the right to do that. Right. What about all the
wire transfers that go out from the banks down to
other countries all around the world. It's not just Mexico
and Central America, right, but a lot does. A lot

goes down here in California and I'm sure other states
around the country. You get federal mortgage insurance for homes
if you're here illegally. That's not fair. That drives up mortgage,
that drives up rent. I don't think you even think
the i R should give tax refunds to people that
are here ill legally, and they can check that through
air everify. That's Department of Homeland Security right there. And

why we saw this change in America while we're even
seeing CBS pouls saying that three out of four Americans
want deportation because Americans are tired of not having the
law enforce right, all the hiring of illegal aliens. I
even had connorson John d'artey on back when he would
kind of come on and I think he's been on
mayhow I was talking to him about, you know, truckers

and roofers when they suffer by what he goes and
he actually said yeah, And I was like, oh, well,
that's I'm a fly with voters, right, But at least
he was honest about it. Yeah, they do. And you
know that construction man is a big industry that hires
a lot of illegals, and that that was the kind
of job where if you didn't, you weren't quote quote

not to say you don't have to be smart to
do construction, but books smarter or whatever. You could go
out and you could get a good job like that
in America, you could afford a family. I mean, that's
hard work, but it paid off. Right, We've seen it
with truck drivers. There's illegal alien truck drivers all over
this country. Right, Yeah, I think we should deny driver's

license illegals and registration tags. You are a mean person. No,
we have to draw dry up the incentives, not make
it easy to break the law. And this would give
an incentive to self depart and stop abusing the hospitality
of the United States immigration system that it does allow

you to come here. We realize what we have here
a good country. That's why so many people want to
come here. And for the individuals that gave their life
their blood to keep this country going, we owe it
to them. We owe it to them to protect our country.
Right did they go and give their lives in foreign
fields to have terror cells sneak in and blow us

up inside fifty sixty seventies eighty years later now now,
and I think Trump has picked the right people. And
why do I think he's picked it? Well, except for
the new surgeon general. But we'll talk about that next hour.
Oh that's a female fauci. I got her audio to
prove it. I disagree with that choice one hundred percent,

and I'm paid to get my opinions. I'm giving my opinion.
I do not agree with that choice. But we'll get
to that next hour. But they're talking about the inexperience
of Trump's picks, right, I don't have other than BONDI
ag what she did with Zimmerman down there. But maybe
she's had a change of heart or got some ethics.
I don't know. But that Attorney General pick, I wasn't

too hot about that. But listen to this. This is
a you democratic when you talk about Trump's people not
being experienced or to be able to lead the department.
This is the chief of the FAA. Are airplanes that
fly in the sky. This is when Biden was pushing
him through. This is from a few years ago, but
I thought it was classic to play today. Right when

you think the FAA guy, would I don't know, would
you want him to maybe have been a pilot at
some point in his life or if not, studied it
and knows about air planes, FAA airplanes, NASA rockets.

Speaker 13 (31:45):
Washington, can you quickly tell me what airspace requires an
ADSB transponder?

Speaker 3 (31:51):
I'm not sure I can answer that question right now.

Speaker 5 (31:53):
That's okay, We'll just keep going.

Speaker 13 (31:54):
So that's a pretty mister Washington, can you quickly tell
me what airpase requires an ADSB transponder?

Speaker 3 (32:03):
I'm not sure I can answer that question right now.

Speaker 13 (32:05):
That's okay, We'll just keep going. So that's a pretty
important part. So what are the six types of special
use of airspace that protect this national security that appear
on FAA charts?

Speaker 3 (32:18):
Sorry, Senator, I cannot answer that question.

Speaker 13 (32:20):
So what are the operational limitations of a pilot flying
under basic MED?

Speaker 3 (32:24):
Senator? I'm not a pilot, so.

Speaker 13 (32:27):
Obviously you'd ever see that Federal Aviation Administration. So any
idea what those restrictions are under basic MED?

Speaker 5 (32:35):

Speaker 14 (32:36):
Well, some of the restrictions I think would be high
blood pressure, some of them would be it's.

Speaker 13 (32:42):
More like how many passengers per airplane, how many pounds
in different categories, and what altitude you can find or so,
and then amount of knots. It's under two hundred and
fifty knots, so it's not having anything to do.

Speaker 5 (32:56):
With blood pressure. So can you tell me what causes
an aircraft to spend or.

Speaker 14 (32:59):
Just again, Senator, I'm not a pilot.

Speaker 5 (33:03):
Okay, let's keep going.

Speaker 13 (33:06):
What are the three aircraft certifications FA requires as part
of the manufacturing process?

Speaker 3 (33:11):

Speaker 5 (33:11):
Please please?

Speaker 1 (33:13):
I'm flying next month. Can you look is Amtrak dot
com or dot org? Amtrak maybe train.

Speaker 5 (33:22):
Three aircraft certifications?

Speaker 3 (33:25):

Speaker 14 (33:26):
What I would say to that is that one of
my first priorities would be to fully implement that Certification
Act and report you.

Speaker 5 (33:34):
Know the three types, mister Washington. That the three types?

Speaker 13 (33:38):
Okay, yeah, that's type certificate, Production certificate, and airworthiness certificate. Okay,
all right, let's just keep going, see if we can
get lucky here. So can you tell me what the
minimum separation distance is for landing into parting airliners during
the daytime?

Speaker 3 (33:52):
Mister Washington, I don't want to guess on that, Senator.

Speaker 13 (33:56):
Are you familiar with the difference between Part one oh
seven and Part forty four eight nine when it comes
to on man Araal standards on man are unmanned like drones?
Are you familiar with yes? Yes, okay, you know the
difference between those two Part forty four eight nine and
part one oh seven.

Speaker 3 (34:13):
Do you know the difference there? No, I cannot this, Okay.

Speaker 7 (34:17):
This is the tremor Chary show on the Valley's Power.

Speaker 1 (34:22):
Talk, Assembly min and Rambler says he's going to run
for Presno City Council. Don't want to be assemblyman. And
again I guess his final term. I guess. He said,
I'm grateful for my community for electing me six times
to the Assembly. I'm looking forward to the twenty sixth
election when I can continue to serve my community. He said.
He lives in District three that covers southwest downtown Fresno

and McGill arius will be turned out in two years. There, okay,
a Rambula back at city Council. Probably when you say,
as his eyes said, on being the mayor of Presno's
that's what I'm kind of picking up parade here, Jim Costa,
he squeaked by with Michael Maher there, Michael good campaign man,

a good guy. There. Costada wants to be the ranking
member of the House Committee on the AG. He wants
to pass a bipartisan farmville protect the supplemental nutritious Assistance program.
He said, I understand how to represent rural Americans. Costa
said he what he had two bills passed in what
twelve years or something. This is, you know, freedom of religion.

I will say, we have in America, but I want
to live in America. And I'll say out loud, I
want to live in America that does not allow Satanic
prayers read before a city council meeting. Where did this happen?
Was this in Hawaii or Oregon or New Jersey? No,
I'll say in the I'm just to say the redist

state that there is right now, Oklahoma, they're going to
put you know, Bibles back into schools where you can
read them in the library. Right you just heard the
governor talking about Trump going to really back him up here.
But listen to this prayer from a Satanic priest, woman
witch that was allowed to come up, and.

Speaker 7 (36:18):
That's would you like to come up?

Speaker 15 (36:20):
As a priestess of the Goddess. I invoked the gorgonea
champions of equality and sacred rage. I call to Medusa
monstrous hero of the oppressed and abused. I opened the
eye of Medusa, the stare that petrifies injustice. I call
upon the serpent that rises from this land to face

the stars. The movement of wisdom unbound. M h.

Speaker 1 (36:46):
Opening a city council meeting with the Satanic prayer by
a priestess of the Goddess. Right, so we're praying to
Biells above. Now I don't know the city council member,
but up there you can see her clapping her hands.
So she's the one that obviously invited the priestess of
the Goddess to say this satanic prayer. I don't have

the lady's name, but I can just see that.

Speaker 7 (37:08):
Who could it possibly be? Was it?

Speaker 15 (37:12):

Speaker 7 (37:12):
I don't know.

Speaker 15 (37:14):
Say the air of truth and the strength of the
earth itself, so below, as within, so without, as the universe.
So the soul may there be peace among you all.
And so it is.

Speaker 3 (37:35):
Thank you very.

Speaker 1 (37:36):
Much, Thank you, thank you very much for coming. I'm
giving a devil prayer. Thank you very much. I would
have grabbed that mic and not.

Speaker 5 (37:43):
Now my watch.

Speaker 1 (37:44):
Yeah, there's a few people had an issue with this.
Oklahoma Governor Stitt, who I just played you earlier in
the hour. Yeah, here's his release. He said, Satan is
trying to establish a foothold, but Oklahoma's going to be
a shining city on the hill. Tulsa City Council needs
to stand strong against actions like this, and Tulsan's need
to remember who allowed this at the ballot box. Then

you had the Oklahoma Superintendent of Schools saying Satanic prayers
are welcome in Hell, but not in Oklahoma. Satanism is
not a religion. Tulsa should immediately move to ensure this
never happens again, and the person who allowed it should
be held accountable. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Religious freedom doesn't allow
you to have Satanism in public life. That's how I feel.

I mean, I'm glad we had some leaders there in
Oklahoma had a spine to say out loud no to
Satanic prayers. Right, that should be an easy thing, right,
and gonna pray for new leaders. That's America today. I
think it was at the Oklahoma State Capitol where the

statue of Bapphamet was allowed. I do think it was Oklahoma.
You see how they go in and they attacked the
most radish state that there is, right, that Ron Reagan Junior,
his whole organization he has out there right. He says,
I got a little quote from him. I only got
forty seconds before Fox News, so I can't find it.
But he says, I'll see you in hell.
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