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December 4, 2024 35 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Socialising masking. We're not back with data and the lab
was where COVID originated from. Well, thank you, thank you,
and thank you. The report said the sub committee learned
that the virus had a biological characteristic that's not found
in nature, and that the truth the data showed all

COVID nineteen cases stemming from a single introduction to humans.
A report says, I read by nearly all measures of science,
if there was evidence of a natural origin, it would
have already surfaced. So falci think of the embarrassment. They
don't have that in them. They're not embarrassed. But seriously,

Fresno B and all these other media outlets and I
mean every other media outlet, TV radio, online, you got
it wrong, got it wrong. And I don't know if
there'll be accountability from this report. But you know, Trump
knows what China did. They had to destroy the economy, man,
that's that's it. We were having I remember having show
after show playing Bill Maher on HBO talking about the

fact of hey, I'll take a recession so that we
can stop this economy. Really, you would wish that on
people that don't have as much money, if you Yeah,
they didn't know how they were going to stop Trump.
And I still believe this was man made. And the
fact that Fauci actually stated the next incoming president he
said this, Fauci in twenty seventeen will face an epidemic
like this. The World Health Organization or the World Economic

Forum excuse me, Bill Gates all got together did a
simulated worldwide pandemic before the pandemic actually happened. Yeah, this
is the report set. Also, no conclusive evidence at wearing
masks protected anybody from COVID. Social distancing not based on science.
The report states that during closed door testimony, doctor Anthony

Fauci testified that the guidance sort of just appeared. It
just sort of just appeared. What do you got to say?
What do you think about that? Fauci doesn't matter what
I think or not think. Okay, just sort of appeared.
The report found that unemployment skyrocketed and children lost decades

worth of academic progress. They also found that Echo Health
Alliance Peter Dazac played to his audio day in and
day out that they facilitated the gain of function research
in Wuhan. They submitted their five year annual progress report
two years late, failed to timely report the experiment they
were doing with the NIH. Here's Senator Rampaul to Fuci

talking about the gain of function funding which actually incorporated
and created this virus.

Speaker 2 (02:41):
Doctor Fauci, do you still support funding of the NIH
funding of the lab in Wuhan Senator poll?

Speaker 3 (02:49):
With all due respect, you are entire entirely and completely
incorrect that the NIH has not eva and does not
now fund gain of function research in the Wuhan Institute.

Speaker 2 (03:05):
Do they find Barrack.

Speaker 1 (03:07):
We do not fund finding.

Speaker 2 (03:10):
Barracks gain of function research.

Speaker 3 (03:12):
Doctor Barrett does not doing gain to function research. And
if it is, it's according to the guidelines, and it
is being conducted in North Carolina.

Speaker 2 (03:22):
And I don't think it concerning a bad virus spike
protein that he got from the Wuhan Institute into the
SARS virus' gain of function. That is not a minority,
because at least two hundred scientists have signed a statement
from the Cambridge Working Group saying that it is gain
of function.

Speaker 1 (03:37):
Well, it is not.

Speaker 3 (03:39):
And if you look at the grant and you look
at the progress reports, it is not gain of function.

Speaker 1 (03:45):
Despite the fact that people tweet that so.

Speaker 2 (03:49):
Report sending money to the Wuhan Virology Institute.

Speaker 1 (03:52):
We do not send money now to they do one hundred.

Speaker 2 (03:56):
Sending money we did under your tutelage. We were sending
it through Eco Health. It was a subagency and a subgrant.
Do you support that the money from NIH that was
going to the Wuhan Institute.

Speaker 3 (04:07):
Let me explain to you why that was.

Speaker 1 (04:10):
Done, you fraudster.

Speaker 4 (04:11):

Speaker 1 (04:13):
The House COVID Committee found out that the COVID relief
funding federal and state government had lapses in coordination. That's
an understatement. We're under prepared to oversee the allocation of
all the money. They talked about the waste of fraud,
the abuse of taxpayer dollars paycheck protection program. It had
so much fraud in it. They claimed at least sixty

four billion dollars loss to fraudsters and criminals, sixty four billion.
The lockdowns prolonged harm not only to the economy, the
report stated, but to the mental and physical health of Americans.
That we can't put a price tag on negative effect
on younger kids. Everything they're coming out with was exactly

what everybody that got shut down and told to be
quiet and to shut up, and you're spreading misinformation and
if you keep this up, you're going to kill grand
mall right. That we talked about the effect that the
mind effect that this has. We experienced it, those that
didn't go to work and we're home or we're able
to work from home, the isolation aspect of it all.

It was just a weird time social experiment done. And
the report stated, rather than prioritizing the protection of the
most vulnerable, federal and state government policies force millions to
undergo crucial elements of healthy and financial sound life. They're
talking about seventy plus had an infection survival rate of

ninety four point five percent all the way down to
zero to nineteen at ninety nine point nine nine. At
that point we normally stop and say it's not an issue,
but we didn't. Twenty to twenty nine year olds had
a ninety nine point ninety eight, thirty to thirty nine
year olds a ninety nine point ninety six survival rate,
forty to forty nine, ninety nine point nine, fifty to

fifty nine ninety nine point seven, sixty to sixty nine
ninety nine point four. And they locked us all down,
closed down jobs. Think of all the businesses think of
the people that might have left their career to go
try and become a small business owner, right, and were
successful for ten years, five years, a few years, and

then all of this came along. What about the natural
immunity that we have. Well, the House COVID Committee found
that natural immunity that public health officials engaged in a
coordinated effort to ignore it. Natural immunity. What science had
known for hundreds of years that if you already had COVID,

you don't even need Well, nobody needed the experimental injection,
but at the time they thought it might work to
stop COVID. Right, but no, I have immunity.

Speaker 2 (06:54):
It's all based on doctor Fauci's ignoring the science. One
hundred million people have had the infect naturally. If you
add those people to the vaccinated people, we are at
heard immunity every day. You look at the rates going down,
the death rate going down. It's because we aren't heard immunity.
But doctor Fauci refuses to acknowledge natural immunity. It's what

vaccines are based on. For good takes and he ignores it.
But by doing so now he wants to force every
newborn to have a vaccine. There's no science behind it.
It's all conjecture.

Speaker 5 (07:24):
Mm hmm.

Speaker 1 (07:25):
Now we know no science behind it, right, But remember,
we're all in this together. We'll close down one hundred
and sixty thousand businesses together. We'll impact workers together, We'll
close down schools together. We'll have historic learning losses together,

We'll have psychological distresses together. We'll have people die in
the hospital alone. Oh that's not together. No, I still
think back about that. Although I went directly affected by it,
many people were. We all fear dying. We all think, well,

we want to go out either peacefully in our sleep
or surrounded by our lovel and saying our mumbling our
last words, I love you all, and we in the
families all right there to support you know as you
pass on. Right, that's two of the best case scenarios
that I know. But imagine what we always imagine. But

since we're alive, haven't gone through facing that alone. Criminal.
The House COVID Committee found that the American Federation of
Teachers in the CDC the collusion that happened there. Many

times we talked about the former CDC director Mishelle Velenski,
asking the Federation of Teachers us your guidance right, and
those schools remain closed way longer they should have ever
been closed in the first place. With the American Federation
at teachers, they need to be brought up on charges
for what they did to children. Remember they well, the

teachers would come back if we get a new ventilation system,
and remember all of that kind of crap that they did.
The House COVID Committee finds that standardized test score show
that kids lost decades of academic progress as a result
of the school closures. Mental and health physical concerns skyrocketed.
Suicide attempts by told to seventeen year old age girls

rose fifty one percent. So so from the House COVID
Committee findings there, it's depressing and that nobody, nobody gets
in trouble for it, and that in private they knew
what they were doing.

Speaker 2 (09:50):
In Mitch in private what he won't say in public.
And this is a big deal because if you would
at least say made a mistake, there might be some consideration.

Speaker 5 (09:57):
But he's still.

Speaker 2 (09:58):
Denying that we funded WU on lab gain and function research,
or that they were doing it, or that it was
an unwise decision.

Speaker 1 (10:05):
I'm trying to remember it was the last week of March,
I think is when Mayor Brand locked the city down,
said two weeks to flatten the curve. Right. So a
month before that, in February, I was listening to what
the CDC in Atlanta was talking about and what was
happening over in Italy. They were talking about some hospitals
and this virus. Right. This is way before that the

ships started showing up in Oakland with the Ghostbuster guys
and the white outfits going out to get the passengers off.
That was the first. It's on the shores of California.
Here it is, right, all the hype with all of that,
Well back when Nancy Pelosi was telling everybody to come
out to celebrate the Chinese New Year and that Trump's
a xenophoe for calling it the China virus, right, I

was kind of starting to be And this is before
the experts, so I'll take a little credit for this.
I was thinking ahead and going what could they possibly
do with this? This was February twenty fifth or twenty twenty.
I was thinking along these lines. You're driving into Singer
Selma by Celia to Larry for us, and there's checkpoints
of like nope, You've come from southern California. You can't

think what that would do to all our jobs, the economy.
I would probably be doing the show from my closet
at home, sounding like this. You know, I'm broadcasting alive
from my closet. Who knows what the world would come into.
That's what it turned into, people broadcasting from home. We
were given the option here when it all went down,
and you saw the decline in audio and video quality

from the major networks with people broadcasting from their closet
at home. And it's still to this day. You go
back before COVID and you look at major network broadcasting.
They didn't allow that poor quality. That was allowed, right.
And I even talked back in February, on February twenty
fifth of twenty twenty about the restrictions that are coming.

This is from the Center for Disease Control talking about
disruption to every day life might be severe. The CDC said, listen,
I'm quoting them here. It's not a question of if
this will happen, but when this will happen. They're putting
up checkpoints across towns across Italy. Picture that here we

had them. We had the waffle shop couldn't even go
out and get a waffle, right. I went back in
my audio hoarding archives and found this little ditty of
me confronting the city city code enforcement out in the
parking lot at the waffle place. I hope you well,
Mayor Brand soldiers, mayor Brand soldiers.

Speaker 5 (12:38):
Okay, you have a paycheck, don't you?

Speaker 6 (12:44):
You're getting paid, aren't you?

Speaker 5 (12:46):
You're getting paid, aren't you?

Speaker 1 (12:48):
That was a fun saturday, some uplifting news. President proven
that I hope that President Trump will never have a
lockdown again. He picked doctor J. Bacacharia at his NIH
director and doctor Bacacaria was one of those experts that
I paid a lot of attention to. He did the

great Barrenton Declaration. He was one of those that said, no,
we need to focus on the vulnerable. See, these are
the smart people that should have been listening to. And
that's an amazing thing that just happened. That Stanford physician,
he's an economist. He was anti lockdown. Now he's going
to be the fauci So good job, President Trump, good
job on that one right there. Pushed back against the mania,

and he was if you want everyone to go back
and see a true conspiracy theory.

Speaker 5 (13:35):
It was.

Speaker 1 (13:36):
It was when all these scientists and doctors came together
and signed the Great Barrenton Declaration, and he was one
of them that did it, Bacacaria was, And they were correct.
They said, no, this is going to have devastating effect
on long term public public health, and it's going to
hurt a lot of people. And they were talking about
natural infection. Why you wouldn't need a vaccine if you

are already had immunity, right, But the science officials claiming
that all his ideas were just fringe. But now he's
going to be director of NIH National Institute of Health.
Doctor Baccacario was blacklisted on Twitter, right, Yeah, he was
part of the misinformation team that was out there during

that time. I every time I see these headlines seventeen
year old hockey player in New York died. Twelfth grade
student at a high school suddenly had a medical event
during a hockey game. The young man collapsed. They did
CPR until responders arrived, but they couldn't save his couldn't
save his life. And this is one of the effects
that he's not talked about, not at all, that young

people are dropping off at a rate where it didn't
have that kind of stuff didn't happen before. Sure it
does happen on a but not like this. Just last month,
of Florida high school football player collapsed on the field
during a game, died. And this is a string of
several teen athlete dashed across the nation. Why do you
think we got to have defibrillators at high school events

where like football, basketball, baseball, soccer, all these events happened.
Speaking of doctor Bacacharia, glad to also see that RFK Junior,
all these drug makers out there kind of rattled by him.
Right now, he's Trump's picked ahead US Health and Human Services,
and he's made promises he's going to take on the
way pharmaceutical companies actually get to advertise their products to consumers.

Do you know, and I didn't know this until today,
that the United States and New Zealand are the only
two countries in the world that allow big Farmer to
run direct to consumer TV ads. I didn't know that
surveils around the world doesn't have to watch the fifty
eight year old guy playing a bass guitar out at

the park gazebo because he took blublanex right, Yeah, boy,
when that be nice to watch a sport event without
being reminded of all the diseases that were dying from,
or the gloomy person under the umbrella with the rain
and then you take but blah blah blah, and suddenly, boy,
you're you're happy again. You got your swiffer out and

you're cleaning the house, whistling Dixie h We're sometimes I'll
laugh at director Ryan Nigel in there acting like he's mopping.
That's fine. I don't know if RFK Junior had how
much it's going to be focused on healthy living, on
that or going after the entire industry. I hope we'll

wait and we'll watch one hundred percent complete overhaul. Though
the way science and medicine is handled in this nation
should go down. We deserve that, we completely deserve that
we deserve better than what we've been getting. And for
all those who made fun of RFK Junior way back
in twenty nineteen on this show, called him a nut job,
a conspiracy theorist, why would I have him on the

I remember, all, y'all, right, well, you're about to be
injected with a healthy dosing of the truth. RK Junior
is going to get the data, and I, for one,
will be highly pleased.

Speaker 6 (17:15):
This is Super Tuesday with Trevor Carey on the Valleys
Power Talk.

Speaker 7 (17:21):
Thank you all so much, What a super Tuesday.

Speaker 1 (17:30):
You're not You're not, you never were. Well. You have
yet to have the skirt president walking up the steps
of Air Force one. Not that I'm a chauvinist, haven't
seen her yet. If she arrives, I could get behind
a female president right, if she has that Margaret Thatcher,

if she has that that drive right, President Trump has
the drive I still do this day. Can't believe that
this guy keeps had energy up and doesn't have any addictions,
it seems, other than die Coke and McDonald's and money
and making America great again and his family and love

of country. And he's made some impressive picks to help
carry out that agenda. I reservations about Cash Patel, but
more than willing to see what he does at the FBI.
Trump picked him for a reason. He knows these individuals
a lot more than I do. Will trust his picks.

While having my opinion, Pete hegsett for Defense Secretary that
looks and feels good. Tom Homan borders are there's not
really too many that it's like wow. I mean even
Tulca Gabbard and R. K Junior giving them the roll
of the dice. Right, we'll see what they can do.
Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswami. Boy, he has just put
together a team and it was masterfully executed in a campaign.

And when the two greatest things was the garbage truck
and wearing the vest. Speaking at that rally up there
with that garbage vest, and he told me it made
me look slimmer, so I decided to wear it. I mean,
that's just good down home relatability, good guy humor. Man
at McDonald's serving it up like that. They raised one

hundred billion, over one hundred billion dollars in lost. Trump
had like three hundred and thirty seven million in one
and I bet he didn't even spend all that. The
two campaign events that got the most traction, he didn't
spend a dime on. Maybe they had to rent that
garbage truck and buy that vest. Maybe he bought some
McDonald's when he was there, but that was the only cost.

Now I do not like whatsoever. This is the most
that I'm going to be critical of his picks. His
choice for the DEA Drug Enforcement Chad Cronister. He's a sheriff.
He's a sheriff in Hillsborough County, Florida. Well, what would
you have wrong with that? Oh, he would drew, He

with drew. You see, you just send it to me.
Good because this guy arrested pastors during the COVID lockdown. Good,
I'm so thank you, thank you. I need to I
should have checked my email in the last hour. Director
Ryan Nigel up on those stories. Right, Yeah, he threw
a Christian pastor and Joey released criminals during COVID. Right,

he threatened the unvaccinated during that time as well. So good.
I'm glad he's not going to be the DEA administrator there.
Uh yeah, I don't know what he was thinking of
that one there, but good. I'm glad some people got
to the president, so that wouldn't be a good choice.
He has a cabinet that's gonna come together. And I've

been saying that the left, the liberals are just playing possum, right,
that they're doing a Muhammad Ali ropid dope. They're just
acting like they're not punching, and they're gonna coming but
maybe they are so defeated. Maybe it was such a
moral slacking right they they have no more hope. Maybe
Kamala didn't inspire them when she came back from her

vacation talking about how they need to be proud and
they haven't lost any of their power. And Buck Sexton
had the best post about Kamala's video that she put together, saying,
she's like the drunk aunt at a party or at
a gathering who catches you on the way out, all
drunk over at the front door, going now, listen, baby,

you need to here's what you need to do your
live And this.

Speaker 6 (21:31):
Is the tremor Charry shown on the Valley East Power Talk.

Speaker 1 (21:34):
Of Appeals unanimously ruled that the federal government has the
authority to deport a legal aliens over the objections of
any and all local authorities. This is a huge win
for Trump and Tom Holman's mass deportation operations and quite
another big news coming from New York Shire City Mayor

Eric Adams Know what about a little over a year
ago started attacking the Biden administration after Governor Abbott and
DeSantis and Republicans started busting up some illegals in New
York City, right, and he started calling out the federal
government for it. Then his office got investigated. And that's
funny how that happens. You know what he's saying now,

he's saying, cancel me. I'm going to get rid of criminals.
I don't care where they're from. Legal, illegal, they're not.
They're not going to be in the United They're not
going to be in New York City. We're getting rid
of the listening to those who are here committing crimes.

Speaker 4 (22:31):
Robberies, shooting at police officers, raping innocent people have been
a harm to our country. Our country. I want to
sit down and hear the plan on how we're going
to address them. Those are the people I am talking about.
And I would love to sit down with the Bordizare
and hit his thoughts on how we're going to address
those who are harming our citizens. I want you to

all go back and google Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.
Google what they said about those who commit crimes in
our city and what they said in our country. They said,
those who commit crimes need to get out right away.
That was their position. So this is not a new position,

you know, because in the state in the era of
cancel culture. No one's afraid to be honest about the truth. Well,
cancel me, because I'm going to protect the people of
the city. And if you come into this country, in
this city and think you're going to harm innocent New
Yorkers and innocent migrants and a silum seekers, this is

not the mayor you want to be in the city under.

Speaker 1 (23:39):
All right, we need mayors like that in the valley
to step up and say the exact same thing. Gvwire
dot Com had a headline Fresno farmers concerned about Trump's
immigration policies? Will there be labor shortages? Questioned Mark, you
know what the headline needs to be Freshno citizens concerned
about violent foreign nationalists? Will there be deportations?

Speaker 2 (24:00):

Speaker 1 (24:00):
Mark, We don't have to worry about labor shortages unless
you hired a murder or a rapist, or a sex
trafficker or a drug dealer. Right, future deportations or rulings
on other law breakers are probably not going to be
leading to raids out in the fields. It could lead

and should lead to if you want to come here
and work, go home and live program. Yeah, come work,
but you can't bring the kids at twenty thousand dollars
a pop to be in schools. Right, you can't bring
your wife, you can't bring your grandma. Workers. Yeah, you
want to live here permanently and become a citizen and
have wife and grandma and the kids. We have a process. Here,

here's the document. You're no longer undocumented. This is the
document of how you become a citizen. Thank you for
working this season and we'll see you next year. You
had a Fresno County farmer, Joe del Bosque, and Joe
if i pronounced Bosque, I apologize. He said. A country

can't be strong if it doesn't have a reliable food supply. Joe,
A nation without border ceases to be a nation. That's
the problem that we're having. The GVIRE articles stated that
half of the states one hundred and sixty two one
hundred and sixty two thousand farm workers are estimated to
be here illegally. They said mass deportations would devastate the
ag workforce, leading to crops just sitting out in the

field rotten and grocery prices rising. They said many farmers
are hopeful Trump will either support a work legalization program
or focus enforcement elsewhere. I think he has stated he's
enforcing his enforcement elsewhere, and these kind of headlines are
just to stir up. They're unnecessary. Your headline should be

about good, We're going to get criminals out of our country.
They quoted the Fresno County Farmer again, he's advocated for
immigration reform. Here they have Manuel Kona, junior president of
the Fresnoe Base Nissi Farmers League, work on legislation to
grant work authorization of farm workers and as sure they
can benefit from the Social Security system that they've contributed

to benefit as if they don't already they pay three
billion dollars in taxes, it cost US thirty two billion
dollars in services they're already benefiting to a tune of
twenty nine billion dollars a year in California. We need
to start telling the truth of what's actual reality. And
unfortunately for many leftists in California and many liberal news outlets,

I think the message overwhelming. They gave the White House,
the Senate in the House to one party, and they
ran that they're going to limit illegal immigration on day
one and control it. So what are you going to
do if you're a governor of the liberal of a
liberal state. Right, you ignore all that Newsom doesn't know
how to read the room. You're going to ignore the support.

There's a coming battle on immigration. You're going to have
those that are posted to the federal government in Washington,
and what was it going to be eighteen sixty all
over again? In you got Democrats New York Times reading
quote envision flexing their power in these states to block
the Trump administration's policies by refusing to enforce immigration law.

They're going to rely on the work of hundreds of
lawyers being recruited to combat Trump's policies. They work the
first time, they know they're going to work a second time.
So what they're doing is to combat your quality of
life increasing. It's just so it's prideful. That's what it is.

It's rooted in pride. They don't want to admit that
they're wrong. They don't want to admit that they want
to work with the good guys right Democracy for they're
a legal group that formed right after twenty sixteen, and
they still got money. They still got multimillion dollars and
eight hundred lawyers on call. Here's what the California Senator
Alex Fadia is working on the California Way. No, we're

going to fight and make sure we keep lawbreakers here.

Speaker 5 (28:00):
If the first Trumpet administration is any indicator, we know
that there will continue to be a lot of fear
in communities and communities that deserve to know what their
rights are and what their rights are are not and
so if it's legal assistance, legal advice, legal support, that's
just the California way. We embrace our diversity. Our diversities

has made our communities thrive and our economy thrive. So
we will assist families against the threats of the Trump administration.

Speaker 1 (28:31):
Ridiculous. Isn't it horrible that that's our representation in the
US Senate, Alex Badilla, that's the California way.

Speaker 6 (28:39):

Speaker 1 (28:40):
We take your hard earned tax paying money and we're
going to give it to lawbreakers. Make sure that they
have attorneys as well. There is one mayor, just like
Mayor Eric Adams in New York City standing up Mayor
Bill Wells of el caohoone. He makes it clear and
he's going to join us on the show tomorrow at three.

Speaker 7 (28:58):
Thirty as I'm the mayor of the city of alkahoone.
And there's a lot of talk about sanctuary cities and
the sanctuary state of California. I want to make it
clear right now that Alcohola is not a sanctuary city.
We're going to do everything we can to work with
the federal government to help ease this immigration problem, help
solve this problem. The problem we're facing in alcohol is

that state law, State of California law says that if
a police officer does his duty that we're asking him
to do by complying with the federal government, that police
officer can be charged with the felony and lose his pension.
So that puts us in a really serious situation because
it basically takes frontline police officers and puts them in

the middle of this political crisis, this political argument between
the city, the state, and the Feds.

Speaker 1 (29:45):
Yeah, well that was he made that statement before the
panel three Jerseys on the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals
said that the federal government does not have the authority
or does have the authority to deport I legals over
any local authority that they do not have that that
say so, So we'll see what Mayor Bill Wells of
Elkohol has to say about that huge win. You still

got Newsome spending twenty seven million dollars. That's just pocket
change for California. That's on the side of the table
to night Stan laying around right. You got Governor in
Illinois JB. Pritzker. They're mobilizing their legislature the same way
they're doing it. And here knew some said we're going
to safeguard California's values and rights. Pritzker of Illinois took

a more direct stand, saying, quote, you come for my people,
you come through me. You got the Colorado Governor Jared
Poulus announcing the formation of a block called Governor Safeguarding Democracy.
You got the Massachusetts Governor mar Heally vowing to protect
their state citizens in residents. You got Kathy Hochel there
in New York State, they convene the Empire State Freedom

Initiative to combat threats from the Trump administration and Trump
hating Attorney General Latissa James and New York she vew
to fight on as well. Well. I guess they listened
to Kamala Harris. She said, keep the fight going, Keep
the fight going, guys. Well, Tom Hollman had a message
to the mayor of Denver, who stated that he'll stand

in the way.

Speaker 8 (31:15):
Yeah, absolutely breaking law. Oh, yes, to do to look
at Arizona versus US, you'll see these breaking law. But look,
me and the Denver mayor, we agree on one thing.
He's willing to go to jail. I'm willing to put
him in jail.

Speaker 3 (31:26):

Speaker 1 (31:26):
And the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals realized, yes, it
is a felony to conceal legals from immigration officers. Homan
had something to say about that, because there's.

Speaker 8 (31:35):
A statue, it's Title eight the United States called thirteen
twenty four trible I And what it says is is
a felony if you knowingly harborn concealed illegal and from
immigration authorities is also a family to imped federal law
force noficer. So if you don't to help, that's fine.
He can get the hell all the way. But we're
going to go do the job. President Trump has a
mandated American people. We got to secure this country. We

got to save American lives.

Speaker 1 (31:58):
Yes. Now there are people that are that are speaking out,
like New York City Mayor Eric Adams, the Mayor of
ALCOHOLM Bill Wells will be on the show tomorrow and
I understand that there are mayors and police chiefs and
sheriffs that why make a comment until you find out
what you are being called upon to do. You can
go that route, or you can come out and you

can talk about the issues and the problems that are
facing us all. And I don't understand it. And if
I had to bet, I'm going to say that our
local law enforcement will side on the side of getting
criminals off our streets, no matter if they're from Baltimore
or Honduras. And that's most people want that, they would

want the threats removed. And that's what Homean's talking about.

Speaker 8 (32:46):
I find it shocking any mayor of a city would say,
the President, trust me clear, we want to concentry on
public safety threats and national security threats. I find it
hard to beither any mayor or government would say they
don't want public safety trusts remove from their neighborhoods. I mean,
do what tell is going on in Denver. But we're
gonna go and we're gonna fix it. If you don't
want to fix it, if you don't want to protect
his communities, President Trump and Ice.

Speaker 6 (33:07):
Will It's Super Tuesday with Trevor Carey on the Valley's
Power Talk.

Speaker 1 (33:14):
And hearing that on top of one hundred and thirty
plus billion dollars, we now send another seven hundred and
twenty five million dollars over to Ukraine. Nothing to do
with our border what soever. The money's not going to
the devastated citizens of the United States from the hurricanes
that rolled through right. Oh, there's money going there as well. Well,

we got all this extra money, don't we, Yeah, buying
announce under seven hundred and twenty five million. They're gonna
keep it going man up until Trump comes in. They
sent stinger missiles, ammunition for high mobility artillery, rocket systems,
artillery ammunition, drones, optically guided wire tracked missiles, small arms, ammunition,

and other military supplies. I'm sure that all of this
money has gone to just fight Putin, hadn't it. You
don't have any of these Ukrainian generals smoking cigars, that
eating cavia idea nah nah. This is on top of
another one hundred and two hundred and seventy five million
that was sent out just on November twentieth, so a

few weeks ago. Here's a check for two hundred and
seventy five million oh, here's another check for seven hundred
and twenty five million dollars right final month of his presidency.
They're gonna send as much money as they can. You
got Zelenski saying the work at end if we became
part of NATO, Yeah, that's what we want. American troops
over there fighting Russia. I saw where Putin is testing

is hypersonic missiles. I talked about that. I don't know
a month and a half ago or so about hypersonic missiles,
how America was behind the game on it. And then
on election night we tested our first hypersonic missiles. They
chose it on election night to do this. But yeah,
we're on the verge. Maybe future documentaries of whistleblowers or

those people at TARK talk under the darkness and have divorcs,
you know, those kind of people will come out and
talk about how close we were, how close? What those
maybe what those Chinese spy balloons actually were. That's a secret, man,
There was really something going on with those We've seen
those laser lights. Have you seen that over Hawaii? They

don't know where they're coming from. They say it's the
Chinese tracking Their satellites are tracking the island. You've had
videos and people on social media going, what are these
green laser lights over the island
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