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May 6, 2024 17 mins
On today's P1 Podcast Emily tells us all about her awards dinner experience with the man, the myth, the legend...Robert!
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Episode Transcript

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So we talked a little bit thismorning about this big Little League banquet that
me and Emily attended together. Uhhuh, I won this big coaching award,
which was super nice. But webrought our spouses. So when Emily
goes anywhere with her man Robert,oh, you know what is about to

happen. We ain't done yet.It's time for the one podcast over yet,
completely uncensored and unacting filtered. Exceptfor that part, the party wouldn't
know the show's after show starts now, so you just sort of know.

When Emily and Robert are together,you're waiting for the fuse to be lit,
because at some point something's gonna happenand Emily's gonna get annoyed with him.
Like I feel like when they walkinto an event, it's like,
oh, the parties here are likethe party starting, but then you know
what you said too. But theneventually some might go sideways at a point,

and it's like certain situations are betterthan others, Like when we're hanging
around like my whole crew of closeknit friends like my friend Aubrey or something,
and it's like a bigger party wherepeople know how Robert is that doesn't
happen as bad because I'm not asembarrassed of him because they know how he
is. You feel like you can'tleave him alone around people you don't know,
Yeah, around people I don't know, or like like even like when

when we're at this you know,nicer event where we're going to be around
like reads our son, reads coachand then like the president of the league,
and then I know that Eddie's sittingover there, who knows Robert,
but I know he's watching it witha microscope. It's like a sitcom because
Amylina watched King of Queen still andthat's that's what his wife did, Like

she was embarrassed everywhere they went.But he would act like mora. Robert
is Doug Hafford. He'll say ithimself to like, because your family is,
you know, kind of high class, do do big kind of gallows
and events and things like that,and you always bring Robert obviously he's your
man. Like do you get freakedout going to stuff like that? Not

really with my family because they thinkit's so adorable although wild ship that he
does, But what about the otherlike the nice events, so like,
yeah, yeah, we do goto like some sort of a banquet,
a fancy thing. Yeah, Iknow. I'm just happy anyways with you.
Really, So your mom just letsslide. Yeah, she does like
family gatherings and stuff like that.But out of the road, yeah,

road normies, we're not good travelroad show. Yeah, then I'm way
more edge on edge, trying tomake sure he's not doing anything, keep
my eye on him the whole time, that kind of stuff. And that's
when you better watch yourself. Butit comes out not only for your son,
but for Robber. You tell Robertyou better watch Oh yeah he's fifty

so many words, but he's fiftythree. He's fifty five years ago,
ma'am. Oh yeah, yeah.So when we're in that situation, there's
yeah, you're right, Eddiot's Iyou better watch yourself to my son,
I'm not saying you better watch suchRobbert, but I'm correcting him the whole

time and telling him what to dobecause he'll sit down at the table and
like, for instance, at thisbanquet, he didn't put his napkin on
his lap. He just threw itlike like almost and crunched up in a
ball next to coach. Like onthe it's a small table and you didn't
like that. No, kept getyou. Oh we're doing that. You
did that. He went to goget a gravy boat or not a gravy

boat, a gravy boat but withsalad dressing in it, and he completely
like reached over like three other peopleto get it. Oh so it doesn't
have great manners, No, butthey're getting worse with age. I feel
like when you get old, well, and also you get older, you
don't give a fuck. Like mygrandma Judy is not going to be ninety
three and she could care less.I think that's what it is like when
she well, she doesn't drive anymore, but when she did drive, she

wouldn't even look backwards and more shewas just I'm coming so much. So
she didn't give a fuck to lockthe door at your wedding and in the
bathroom and turned Intokellen Winslow, Iwent into a bathroom, was unlocking.
There's grabbing Judy dropping a dude.So in my gosh, see that anyway,

Now do you have a go tomove with Robert? Is it an
elbow to the ribs? Is ita pinch or is it just a whatever?
Just screaming out because I'm trying tokeep it cool around people out of
time, you know, around eightperson take. As the night progresses and
as Emily gets a couple of popsin her she is more apt to just

outwardly saying is wrong with you?That's right, Edie's correct, I'm looser.
And also like the table has hadtime because at this instance, I
didn't really know everybody, only acouple of people. The tables had time
to like chat it up, andeverybody else is getting looser, so like
they're seeing what's going on at thispoint that I'm embarrassed with Robert. So
again, I was at a differenttable, but I do glance over every

once in all I did to makesure my girl's okay. Yeah, and
too, boy, I was seeinga lot of gyrations going on over there.
And at one point there was somethinggoing on with your food. Yeah.
Yeah, so all the food hadbeen served at the table except for
one person, and the adorable sweetpresident of the league is sitting next to
me to my left. Yeah,we had the same situation. Yeah,

it was weird. Yeah, oneperson didn't get served. Yeah, and
so you know, we're doing theplight thing. We're all sitting there waiting,
and then it never came, andso finally her husband got up and
just grabbed a plate, because youknow, they're all under those cloches and
they're sitting there and we don't knowwhat happened to the server. So we
were literally sitting there for like almostten minutes, and finally the guys like
fuck it just went and got it. So I was like, good,

I can start eating. Well thatwas a good idea, better than what
happened, because then we're all waitingfor her to get her food and then
she's going, she's she goes.Only you guys start eating, start eating,
it's no big deal. And that'swhen Robert, who had already Robert
Loves Pepper, he had already takentaken the pepper, made those massed potatoes
that Thanksgiving with the over pepper.Yeah, the pepper container correctly and a

dump. Okay, well, Robertthe pepper man. Ely's the salt chickl
love I am. I'm very saltytoo. And he had peppered his chicken
that they were serving, and likeI'm talking about like it was like it
looked like something that was peppered likeor blacketted, very visible like very visible,
like he fucking loaded that thing upwith pepper, and so he'd already

done that, right, And thenthat's when the woman who didn't get a
feod it goes, oh, youguys, you can go ahead and eat.
And then that's when Robert pix isplayed up and goes, here,
you could have wine, but hehad already over peppered. Robert, you've
already like, I think you eventook a piece of broccoli off and already
like he already like and as youseasoned it, it's yours. And what

was he gonna do? She's like, you know what, sure, Like
that's it's nice. It's nice,but it's a weird trying to be nice.
But that's a weird thing to do. Yeah, once it's in front
of you, it's over games.Did he say you want my drink to
but to your wife, I wouldget that here, you go ahead,
you eat, But to kind ofyou know, somebody you don't really know
really well to offer them a playto your food, Like, that's weird.

Did he offer his napkin as well? Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised.
But the fact that you seasoned ityourself, that makes it psychotical.
Why I know, did you correcthim? No, Eddie, I was
cool about it. I go,you already seasoned it over in front of
everyone, in front of everybody,and then everybody did start like die laughing

because that's funny, and that's funnythat we're They thought this lock at this
special needs guy over here, andeverybody thought our interactions were hysteros like you
guys were doing a bit. Yeahwe are, you know, Dug and
carry at the table die laughing aboutit. Of course I wasn't laughing.
I was you didn't find across theroom just like oh my yeah, god,

he was behind you. Yeah,And I hated it. I'm saying
it. I'm like, oh god, so you're you're more heightened because last
thing you want us for a tosee all this hundred billion I was the
last thing. Put me in atable on the very other side, back
your front and center. Baby.That was great. Well, uh,
you know, the night was goingon and at one point they have a

speaker, and this speaker was aguy that's worked at little league, like
the corporate offices in Pennsylvania. Yeah, yeah, yeah, Williams, Yeah,
Williamport, trust trust me. Welearned all about there's a difference between
Williamsport and South Williamsport where the actualleague is. So don't get that fucking

twisted it, Oh Scott, youhave no idea because he went through basically
the entire history, like the ninetyyear history of Little League and how it
started and the different presidents and soit was a very long speed and it
was how are you that into littleLeague? Dude? It was a lot.
And then the history of his ownlife because his children and we retired

and he was just a speaker onlittle League. That was pretty wild.
Yeah, well, he just hadretired to San Diego because his kid lives
here and and so that's why he'sin San Diego. That is why they
he came out. But I thinkI think what the district thought was,
he's just gonna say quick a fewwords about little League and how important it

is. But I went on thehistory of Little League. This was his
moment. It was wild. Soyou're right, this guy. It was
a perfect time for a bathroom break. So I sort of, you know,
I had already won my award,so I was like, Okay,
I feel like I'm safe to nowsneak out and go to the restroom because
I really had to take a piss. So I sneak out, uh and
to go to the bathroom. Well, guess who's already in the hallway.
Robert. Really he snuck out rightbefore me, and I hadn't seen it.

And did you have like the chickenin his hand? No, no,
he didn't. He got very excitedto go though, and he goes,
hey, you want to go tothe bathroom with me? And I
said, well, I'm going thatway, so sure, And so we
went into the bathroom together did likeI would have. I would have,

but weirdly, the men's room hadtwo stalls one yearnal weird, very odd.
That's very weird. And so Robertgoes, I'll take this one,
and he went into a stall andI went into the UK. He didn't
share. No, we didn't.We didn't, but there was plenty of

you guys, didn't We didn't doany of that. We didn't do anything.
So after we're done, I tooka little bit longer because first of
all, I'm old, and secondof all, I had to peece so
bad and was holding it for solong. I had a longer stream,
and so I took probably another minute, and then washed my hands and then
expected Robert because he left, Ithought he was gone. He waited for

me, very sweet in the wholeway he did walk back, which I
went, okay, you do thatfor your your wife or something like that,
because you're always done before your wife. Ladies take way longer to pee
for some reason. Yeah, orlike if you're somewhere like Disneyland or something
like that, you're going to gotogether. I know where I'm going.
Maybe he didn't know who the roomwas. He got a little lost,

true, and so he waited forme, and I thought that was sweet.
And so we were walking back towhere this ballroom is and where the
event was happening. Well, thiswas at a hotel and another ballroom there
was another gala or banquet or partygoing on, and this one was going
off. This one was you hearmusic, And they didn't have a little

league coach, a little league guygiving us a reach. No, No,
there wasn't you know, people snoringor anything like that. This was
going off. This is popping off. And Robert very excitedly goes, oh,
what's going on over there? AndI don't know. I got to
get back in, you know,because I feel like I would be noticed
left, and so I go backin and Robert goes to check it out.

He disappears, and so you know, I'm sitting down in my seat,
and now I'm fixating because I can'treally pay attention to this Little League
speech anymore. Is it's still goingon? Oh dude, it was like
thirty minutes. It was easily thirtyminutes at least speech. It was crazy.
It was where every time you thinkit was over, he'd be like,
you know, all right. Well, then in nineteen seventy one,

it was like a bad movie thatand then I was crying. And then
again in nineteen eighty three, LittleLeague changed once again because and I'm just
like, wow, this is crazy. So I couldn't really pay attention anymore.
Now I'm fixated on where's Robert becauseit's been a good ten minutes oh
since I and we finished at thesame time. And Emily's sort of she's

out of it. So she's dyingover the speech. She's joking around with
the people at our table rights,she's not even really paying attention. I
don't even know if you noticed howlong he was gone. He disappeared.
No, I didn't notice Robert atall, which you're probably thankful for.
And then finally I see him comeand strolling back here. And so afterwards
I asked him, I'm like,dude, where'd you go? And he

goes, this, this party overhere is really good. It's really is
a good party. And I waslike, you were there, you wedding
crossed because I don't know what itwas. I have no idea what it
was. And he was like,he was like, no, yeah,
they're playing good music and I washanging out over there. They're fun hanging
out. So Robert went to awhole different banquet for like yeah, and
I didn't see during that long speech. While he was gone, he set

me a photo of the sign ofthe party, like you know how it's
like, you know, the Smith'sparty arrow this way, Like he set
me up. I goes, thisplace is way better, and I'm like,
I'm not gonna leave this where wewere invited to to go over there,
like and have you would you havedone that in the past, or
if Eddie was there, would youhave not done it? Would you know?

I wouldn't have because it would havebeen rude to the people that invited
me. I was at the table, but I don't know. I'm not
the biggest, like party crasher.It's a thing to do. It was.
It was pretty wild. So Ithought that was the end of it.
Oh okay, it's not. It'snot. Oh no more so our
event ended that ten Yeah, okay, So everybody's done, we're wrapping up.
Everybody's walking out as we are watchingold guys still give him the speech.

Yeah, yeah, he was stilltalking. He was up to nineteen
eighty nine. Everyone, we gota long time ago. And so we're
all walking out and that party isstill popping off. You hear the music
jumping. Yeah, I get it. You know that's fine. And Robert
is so excited. He's so excitedto make sure everybody knows this party is

great. I was already there.We're all going here now, we're all
just joined another party after yes,and so he can go, let's go,
guys, come on, let's go. This party is great. Let's
go to this one. Yeah.We're like, dude, that's not we're
not invited to that party. Whatare you talking to? He said,
No, I was there earlier.It is great. Yeah, And that's
when Emily's had enough. She shutShe's over it. Oh yeah, And

so that's when the large bar nowe're not going there, that started started
going over there. That was whenI wish she was not having it was
not you were not ridiculous. Itwas a little ridiculous. Ridiculous. Watch
No, it was to I didn'teven have time for watching. She was

very very he was headed. Allthat caused, Oh yeah, I've experienced
this once or twice. We wentto quite a few galas back in our
day. No more galas for us. I know it is sad, but
it was more like an elementary schoolthing. So like for four years in
a row, and exactly like yousaid, we're in one banquet room and

all of a sudden, my husbandhas this like he was there, we
used to leave what And you knowhow like opposites attract. He has a
bestie who kind of has like Robertenergy, will go up and talk to
anybody, make friends with anyone,you know, walk into somebody else's party,

and so basically that's what would happenevery gala, which they got away
with because they're in suits and tuxes. But the final year they we were
dressed as steampunk. The theme wassteampunk. So my husband's got like a
robot fucking arm going on. Someguy like has a weird hat with like
an eyepiece that like comes down,and they and it was a wedding and

they literally they did wedding crash andpeople thought it was so great that they
started taking pictures with them. I'mlike, how pissed are you if you're
the bride and groom and you're goingthrough your what was open barouar? So
they're trying to again, just likeEmily and Eddie describe my husband and the

sky are trying to get everybody togo over to the open bar. I'm
like, it's these people like wedding, stop it. That's wild. Yeah,
so that does not sound like yourhusband can't be the same he was.
He was being led by someone elseand he was super drunk. But
but this is a thing that happens. And now that you tell me what
Robert did, this sounds like deadon Robert. And and for some reason,

I feel like the people at thatparty enjoyed Robert being No. I
think they did made friends. Liketoday they're all like, man, we
love Robert. But Emily needs tochill. Robert walked out with an award
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