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June 12, 2024 34 mins
Dan hones in on the mutliple millions of dollars being funneled into funding programs to support illegal migrants in Denver, and how much it's costing Colorado taxpayers.

Tim Leonard, former state representative, joins the program to go to bat for Dave Williams remaining as state party chair in the wake of a firestorm over an anti-LGBT Pride Month e-mail from the official party account.
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Episode Transcript

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This is Dan Caples and welcome totoday's online podcast edition of The Dan Caplis
Show. Please be sure to giveus a five star rating if you'd be
so kind, and to subscribe,download and listen to the show every single
day on your favorite podcast platform.Let the ideas collide. It can be
respectful, polite, but let theideas collide. And finally today, thank

you Lord. We're gonna hear someonefrom the other side. Is someone make
the case to keep Dave Williams's partychair. Obviously I think he should go
much more importantly, many people inthe GOP think he should no longer be
the GOP party chair. But we'vebeen calling Dave over and over and over
again, and we've had Dave onthe show so many times over the years,

I can't even count it any more. But Kelly, how many times
have you invited Dave on at thispoint? Q plus que for hope is
my share? Don't get any responseat all? No, And Ryan,
you've tried to reach our friend Davealso, right? Oh yeah, yeah,
we've made multiple attempts to inquire,and obviously we've asked on air as

well, over and over and overagain. So I look forward to the
day, and I expect it willcome when Dave will join us and present
the case for why he should remainhis party chair. When I think there's
such overwhelming evidence that that for thegood of all of these causes that Dave
says he cares about, and obviouslyyou care about, and I care about,
and I think all good conservatives andmany other Americans care about, Dave

needs to leave his party chair.He's hurting the cause right now. He's
a walking, talking gift to theleft. And so I don't think it's
even remotely a close call. Idon't know how the vote's going to turn
out, because I'm not an insider. I can't you know, headcount and
all of that other good stuff.Nancy Palazzi, who heads the jeffco GOPU,
I think, has been very courageouson this and has led on this

for Dave's ouster, believes she willhave the votes. But but bottom line
is that if you're just looking atit rationally, logically, objectively, and
your priority is winning on these criticalissues and including the critical issues of this
radical left administration under the guise ofLGBTQ rights, trying to strip away religious

freedom, religious liberty, parental rights, et cetera. It's critical to win
on these in every issue. Andif you're just talking about, okay,
how do we win, how dowe stand for what's right? How do
we represent what Republicans in Colorado reallyare? To me, it's a no
brainer that Dave cannot continue in thatposition. But we're fortunate that a gentleman

who was suggested to us yesterday,Tim Leonard, former State Rep, is
going to join us at four thirtysix to make the case as to why
Dave should stay in that job.So we very much appreciate that and look
forward to Tim Leonard at four thirtysix. He's a former member of the
General Assembly as a representative Dan Andto your earlier point, he had a
friend who was listening to the promnotified him and immediately reached out to come

on. Excellent, excellent, Sowe do look forward to that at four
thirty six. And let me suggestthis to you, Okay, I suggest
to you that in the first twoor three minutes of that interview, it
is going to be clear to misterLeonard, it's going to be clear to
you, it's going to be clearto everybody. If it is not already
right that he simply can't stay thatit is not an option for Dave Williams

to stay in that job because certainthings he's done are causing irreparable harm to
the GOP and these causes and it'sessential that he leave soon. So I'll
look forward to that conversation at fourthirty six. This to me is one
of the coolest things in a longtime, and it's something that you can

do and I can do, andeverybody can do, if not every day,
almost every day. I can doit every day because my routine is
I'm an early morning guy. Iget up, I'm working for others,
and then I go over to snoozeand I grab breakfast and then I go
into the office and get into theoffice early. But so yeah, I'm
eating out every morning. But wheneveryou eat out, you can do something

really tangible to help President Trump win. And I wish this was an original
idea for me, because it's sucha great idea, but it's not.
It's Blake Master's idea. And whathe did and he tweeted out a picture
of a restaurant bill and he hadleft a nice tip, and what he
wrote on the bill next to thetip was vote Trump exclamation point. He

won't tax tips, exclamation point.So, everybody in America who wants to
see Trump win, everywhere you are, every time you eat out between now
an election day and I'm sure youtip, just write that. Write that
on your bill, vote Trump.Now, what I would write on the
bill is is something like vote Trump. Trump says no to tax on tips

or something like that, because though, isn't it. It is, and
I'm working on it. But youget the gist of it, right,
because listen, I'm always going tobe honest. Trump Trump doesn't have the
unilateral power to stop tax on tips. So I don't want to write something
on this receipt that isn't true.So, but there is a snappy way
to say it that is true.Vote Trump. Right, he says no

to tax on tips or something likethat. But just get the point across
and make sure you're not like mydad, you actually tip. Well,
if you write a message like so, I'm always having to dad, you
can't tip ten percent anyone? Whatare you talking about? I'm like,
it's not the eighties anymore. AndI understand there are some folks that just
don't have the money, right,But for the vast, fat, vast
majority of people who you know can'tafford to leave a decent tip, I

do not understand those who will not, right, I just don't get it.
I just obviously think it's some ofthe best money we can ever spend
because you know that person's working,you know that person's working hard. I
mean to me, it's it's justa tremendous opportunity to be able to show
respect for that. But anyway,whatever you do, we can do it

every single time we eat out ata restaurant or tip in any other scenario,
as long as it's you know,on a receipt like this. So,
man, I think that could bereally effective. You think about how
close some of these swing states couldbe, and you know, hey,
listen to state like Colorado. Willit actually be in play. Probably not,
But that's no excuse for us notdoing everything we can, as Colorado's

to try to win the state.You know, I think we're obligated to
do that. But man, insome of the swing states, this could
make a big, big difference.Just to remind people are working for tips.
Yeah, one guy out there,the other guy wants to tax your
tips. This guy doesn't Yeah eightfive to five or zero five A two
five to five text DN five sevenseven, three nine. Much more going

on today as well. I'll justgive you a quick overview because there's in
time in this segment meant to reallysink our teeth into it. But National
Review out with the piece saying thatmigrantcy legal immigration in Denver has cost Denver
how much in the last year.What would you guess, Ryan, I
don't know. Thirty eight million.We will get you a home. We

will get you a home. Wewill get you a home. Okay,
for every dollar it's likely cost Denveraccording to National Review, I'd have to
push that three and forty million times. WHOA how long do you think it
would take me to do that?I don't know that you have enough years
left on the earth, so almostnot quite, but getting toward twice the

police budget, at least one anda half times the law enforcement budget.
We will get you a home.I'm not sure i'd want to push that
three hundred and forty million times.Speaking of which, I'm sure you've seen
the story by now that border patrolis now tracked down eight different members of
ices, all with Russian backgrounds whogot in through the southern border for everyone

trackdown? How many do you thinkthere are who haven't been tracked out at
least send to one? Yeah,which phrases, And it's a sad question,
right, but it's one we haveto talk about. Certainly, this
New York City councilman is frightening andwe're headed for another nine to eleven.
I predicted that I think we shouldhave a secure border, we should know

who's coming into our country. Sodo you think we're headed toward another nine
to eleven? If so, what'sit going to look like when and where?
I mean, listen right now.And Biden had to know this,
right. I'm not saying he wantedanother nine to eleven. I'm sure he
did, doesn't, but when hedecided to open up that border and essentially
implicitly invite in anybody who wanted tocome in, unvetted, essentially from all

over the world, he had toknow right that you were going to get
a lot of terrorists coming in throughthat southern border. So right now,
we certainly it's not even a question. Right. We have a lot of
very days Jewish people who are herewith bad intentions, and they are waiting
until what So what is your takeon that. I've got my own eighty

five for zero five A two fivefive the number much more ahead as well.
But remember four point thirty six.We'll have a special guest, Tim
Leonard, who's going to take theopposite position from me and say that day
Dave Williams should remain as party chair. You're on the Dankpla Show. And
now back to the Dan Kaplis Showpodcast. National reviews saying three hundred and

forty million up to three forty millionspent by Denver on migrants in the past
year, so that one of themany headlines and topics today don in Denver.
You're on the Dan Capitlis Show.Welcome, Hey, Dan uh subject.
There is a study that was doneby an organization called fair FAIRUS dot

com and they looked at all thegovernments statistics and they compiled a study that
indicates that in twenty twenty three,it cost US one hundred and fifty billion
dollars for illegals and how many folksdid they assume we're here illegally? Do
you remember from that study? AndI don't. I have that study in

file, but I don't recall howmany they estimated were here, but they
did give credit for like sales tax, and they'd like that suple paid.
So the gross number was the onehundred and eighty billion, but after credits
were given, it boiled down toone hundred and fifty points seven billion dollars.
That is costing US a year intwenty twenty three to have illegal So

it doesn't surprise me the costs inDenver, well, And I'm sure don
what Mike Johnston and other Democrats arethinking is that wait a second, who
cares these votes are priceles, right, Because that's the whole play is use
these people, including the children andyoung girls and women who are so subject
to sexual assault and abuse in thedangerous trip up, use these people as

pawns because they're going to turn intoDemocrat votes. So these Democrats don't care
how much it costs taxpayers. Theydon't care how much it costs the individuals
who are being used as pawns.All they care about are those ultimate votes
for Democrats eight five or zero fiveeight two five five text d an five
seven seven three nine. And bythe way, again we'll have Tim Leonard

with us at four point thirty six, he offered to come on and make
the case for why Dave Williams shouldstay his party chair. Obviously, I
think the opposite, as do alot of other people, So look forward
to having that conversation with Tim.Texter Dan long Ago. I voted for
Tim Leonard against Bill Owens when Billwent wildly on the life issue. It
will be interesting to hear what Timhas to say. As a Catholic,

I'm opposed to the LGP t agendaflag in Pride months, but that is
now not a politically viable position inMarxist Colorado. Paul with Mercenary construction.
Paul, thank you, No,it's not only Wait a second. If
you're talking about being opposed to saythis administration's far left agenda to use these

LGBTQ plus etc. Issues to underminefree speech, to undermine religious liberty,
to undermine parental rights, to indoctriningchildren, wait a second. You need
to be opposed to those policies,and we need to We need to fight
in the courts, we need tofight politically, and we need to fight
every way we can to win onthose issues. It's vital we win on

those issues and we can win onthose issues. I think America's with us
on those issues. About the onlyway we can lose long term on those
issues is to do what Dave Williamsis doing. Because Dave Williams is playing
right into the hands of the farleft, who like to say because the
far left doesn't like to talk aboutreason and analysis and policy, they like

to say, oh, you disagreewith me, you're a hater. Well
guess what. Dave has giving youthe gift of a lifetime far left because
he is making Republicans in Colorado looklike it's all about hate, look like
they hate gays. I mean,you could not if the far left sat
down and thought, Okay, howdo we protect all of these insane policies

you know which Americans will never gofor, they would say, Okay,
let's have the gopach here start puttingout all this goofy stuff that says Republicans
hate gaze and Republicans go out andgrab and burn gave flags and align with
Westboro Baptist Church, one of themost evil appearing forces on Earth. Yeah.
Yeah, if we can only getthe gopach here to do all those

things, we might actually pull offthis insane leftist agenda. So that's what's
going on right now. Note Paul, we need to win on those policy
issues I just talked about. Wecannot give up. But Dave Williams is
undermining the cause. Uhhh, let'ssee what else do we have? Dan
and attack by Islamic terrorists may notrise to the magnitude of nine to eleven,

but a series of smaller attack shoppingmalls, church functions, et cetera
to and still fear in the Americanpeople. You know we're talking about with
Biden obviously allowing in so many dangerouspeople from around the world, what's likely
to come next? When and where? And I know it's sad to think
about, but we you know,we're adults. We have to be clear
eyed and realistic about what the Democratshave inflicted on America. And we have

to be thinking about, Okay,what does that mean for our society,
our politics, etc. You canbet a bunch of voters will be thinking
about that. Hey, speaking ofwhich, really good move by Congress today,
here's the speaker before they had thatvote to address the two tiered system
of justice in those countries we've talkedabout, we basically have a three pronged
approach. We're of course aggressively pursuingthe oversight responsibility that we have. We've

talked about this morning. We arelooking at other legislation, and of course
we have the appropriations and we're goingto utilize every tool that we have in
our arsenal because we're required to doso under the Constitution. And I think
that's a part of it. Andin pursuit of that, I do think
the contempt of Merck Garland will passon the floor, and we're anxious to
have that help. It did pass, and it needed to pass because this

is ridiculous. You have this criticalpiece of evidence, the actual tape recording
of Joe Biden when he was interviewedby DOJ in connection with I believe his
obvious criminal mishandling of sensified classified information, and they won't release the tape.
The Biden administration, through DOJ,will not release the tape. The American

voters need access to that tape tomake a fully informed decision on whether Joe
Biden should get a second term.That the fact that the Biden administration won't
release it tells you, welly,it's critical that American voters be able to
hear it. Now, I willtell you what I think is really going
on. Obviously they don't want thevoters to hear it because Biden will sound

mentally incompetent on the tape, right, I mean, Special Council said,
after I interviewed the guy, Iconcluded, and I'm paraphrasing, that you
know, we couldn't charge him withthese offenses, that jury would conclude that,
you know, he's his memory isso bad that he had forgotten he
did all this, but or inother words, just not mentally competent.

But here's the other thing that's goingon. It's not quote just that.
The other thing that's going on hereis is if that tape was released,
what the American people would hear overand over and over again on tape and
it's not getting talked about at allexcept on this show. Is Joe Biden
refusing to answer key questions from theSpecial Council. He claims he cooperated fully.

Nonsense. He refused to answer keyquestions that go right to the heart
of the criminality. And I'm paraphrasing, but questions like hey, did you
know you weren't supposed to take thatstuff? So he didn't cooperate fully.
In fact, on the most importantstuff. He refused to answer at all,
and you can. Democrats don't wantthat tape being played over and over.

So yeah, it absolutely abusive ofthe administration to withhold that from Congress.
And then on top of that,they go out and they lie about
it. They go out and theysay, oh, no, we got
the transcript, and the transcript showsJoe Biden sharp as attack. Yeah,
why don't you release the tape?So no, I'm glad the GOP Congress
stood up on this, and listen, I don't think they're going to release

the tape because, as Peter Boylesloves to say, if you knew where
you were going to die, you'dnever go there. I think the Democrats
know Biden certainly knows he cannot withstandthe release of the tape. Of course,
he's not going to be there.He's not going to be the nominee
much longer anyway, the presumptive nominee. But I think for his legacy and

everything else, he does not wantthat tape out there. And for whoever
the Democrat nominee is going to be, they don't want that tape out there.
Yeah, Hey, when we comeback. So grateful to have Tim
Leonard on with us, former stateRep. He's going to disagree with me
and take the position that Dave Williamsshould stay his party chair. You're on
the Dan Kapla Show. You're listeningto the Dan Kaplis Show podcast. I'm

really happy to have Tim Leonard withus. I don't know Tim personally is
a former state Rep. In CDtwenty five, and we've been out there
pretty much begging to get Dave Williamson, to get somebody on to make
the other side of this argument,because as you know, we've had Nancy
Palasi on a bunch. She isthe courageous GOP chair and jeffco who is
pushing for the removal of Davis partychair, believe she's going to have the

votes to do that. That's anongoing process, so we're trying to get
the other side on and I agreewith Nancy. I admire a for what
she's doing. But Tim is kindenough to join us because he takes the
opposite position. Tim, Welcome tothe Dan Caplis Show. Nhi Dan,
how are you? I am livingthe dream? My friend? How about
you? Excellent? Thank you verymuch. Wonderful. What I would like

to do, Tim, is seeif we can start with a full kumbai
a here, See if we canstart by agreeing on something which I think
will then lead you to my positionon this. Are you up for that
little experiment? Oh? Sure,I'd love it. Okay, vice versa
right, well of these common grounds, and then maybe I'll lead you to
my position. I look forward tothat journey, my friend. But let's

start with this moment. I'm surewe can agree that Westboro Baptist Church engages
in some of the most evil behaviorwe've ever seen in public life, specifically
picketing the funerals of dead soldiers withsigns and chance. Thank God for dead
soldiers, thank God for IEDs.God hates crippled soldiers. So we can

agree that Westboro Baptist Church is thelast, the last organization on the face
of the earth the Colorado GOP wouldwant to align with. Well, to
answer you, honestly, I haveabsolutely no idea what you're talking about that
church or anything that they've done.So okay, well, well, let

me let me put it in theform of a hypothetical, Tim, But
Tim, don't you remember don't youremember this this group of awful humans who
would travel around and and pick it. You've never heard about any of that,
okay, but but it's all trueand uh, and it's all well
documented in the media. I'm quotingfrom a Guardian piece on this. But

but we've been watching it for years. So just awful, awful, awful
people. And and that is whatDave Williams I believe, has done here.
And you can see it in someof the media stories on this because
because Westborough, Dave Williams puts outthis this email under the guys that Colorado
GOP. Listen, if it wasjust Dave Williams running under the guys,

he is here. I mean itis right. He puts it out as
Colorado g OP about the church.I never heard anything. Yeah, but
I'm getting there. So Dave,Dave Williams puts out this this picture,
this image, uh, and there'sa video underlying it that has a picture
of what I think is intended tobe Jesus with like these rays coming out

of his eyes. Have you seenthat picture? And it says God hates
and flag picture what's that? Andthe other pictures, all the all the
pictures in the in the email thatwas captured one, but but this is
the one on the front right.God hates flags. Well, well,

listening in my view and I thinkthe view of many out there, and
I don't think it's fairly refutable.God hates flags is an obvious is an
obvious takeoff on God Hates fags,the despicable slogan of Westboro Baptist Church.
Well no, well, okay,so maybe guys like me. I don't

want to be the naivest guy onthe block here, but because I never
heard of the church, but Inever I didn't quite get the God hates
flags. I didn't quite you know, was all flags or flags? So
I didn't quite get that. Butthat's a marketing thing, but I didn't.
Yeah, yeah, but unless it'sthat, unless it's intended tim unless

it's intended to align with Westboro BaptistChurch, God hates fags, that then
what would be the meaning? Whatwould be the purpose of God Hates Flags?
I think it's an obvious takeoff onthat. I don't know. I
mean, now we're in the intentionsand yeah, marketing, so I don't

But marketing, you know, ifyou say, hey, you really put
out some you know, like Hey, that picture, that picture in the
front didn't do much as the picturesin the back. So let's but let's
get on some common grounds that wehave because yeah, but let me try
to close the loop on this timAnd if you disagree, and we're not
in a rush for time, youcan stay all day if you'd like,
love to have you, but let'sclose the loop on this one. So

if Dave Williams has actively tried toalign the Colorado GOP with Westboro Baptist Church,
then would you agree at that pointhe should no longer serve as chair.
Well, I have to caveat becauseI don't know enough about that the
other church. But I can takeyour word for it that it's a bad

day. And you're saying, shouldthe chair align with a bad entity?
And if that's his intent, Ithink you have to stretch it because guys
like me read the whole thing andhad no idea, didn't read any of
that into it, and just tookit and face out and read the words,
looked at the pictures and and sawit. And so I think if

we were to go down and say, hey, let's go and analyze the
words, what the party stands for? What the endgame here is. Is
it good for the party or not? But I would I think you and
I have a lot of commons.Oh yeah, But but can we close
this sloop? And I'm happy toget a no. If you disagree,
beautiful, we'll move on and thenpeople can judge that. But but you

can't. You can't have no comment. I mean, I guess you can't.
If you want over, We're no, No, We're not. This
goes to the heart of it,Tim, Tim, hold on, This
goes to the heart of it.Let me rephrase the question. If if
the chair of the GOP has actedto align the GOP with an organization that
protests at the funerals of dead soldiers, holding signs thank God for Dead Soldiers

and has as its motto God HatesFags. It's their website. God Hates
Fags dot Com is their despicable website. If Dave Williams has acted to align
the GOP with them, do youagree Dave should no longer be chair?
Listen, let's talk next week.I'm that question after I get up to

speed. Tim, what more informationthan you need? I'm just giving you
a hypothetical and if my okay,let's let's go down to something that you
you enjoy more. Okay, butbut but let me add another fact.
Since you're going to ponder this fora week and I don't know why you
need to, let me let meno, no, no, let me
add another fact. And you canstay all day, man, you can

ask me anything you want. Butbut to me, this this makes this
a no brainer. And with alldue respect, that's why I think you're
ducking it. But let me addanother fact, tim, and and and
just one quick thing. I'm thenicest guy in the world on air,
but nobody short of the Good Lordhimself is ever going to talk me down
on my own show. So solet me add another fact. Okay,
Okay, we agree. And you'veseen it that Dave Williams put out this

email representing it to be the ColoradoGOP that God hates pride, right,
yes, okay, that's also directlyfrom Westboro Baptist Church. When you're doing
your research, go to their website. It's right on their website. God
hates pride. So, in myopinion, and I don't think it's it's
fairly refutable, Dave Williams has alignedthe Colorado GOP with Westboro Baptist Church,

one of the most despicable organizations onthe face of the earth. Okay,
okay, and you get to dothat, you get. But if I
go google God hates Pride, I'mgoing to get the Cardinal Sins and I'm
going to get Pride the first one. And it could be next week.
God hates greed, God hates me. Well, what are you going to

get if you google God hates flax? What are you going to get?
Well? Google it up. Yougot your phone in front of you,
Google it up, because what youwill find is Westboro Baptist Church. Their
web domain that they paid money foris God Hates fags dot com. And
do you really think that's a coincidence? Do you really think that's a coincidence

that the Colorado GOP puts out Godhates flags. I don't know, but
I would know. I wouldn't accusepeople on that now. I mean,
it could be if you're a coincidence, that's her or something, And I
get if you're it could be,but I don't think, I mean,
unless it's your whole basis, Iguess I better you know. Oh no,

no, I got a lot morewhere that came from. My friend,
I got a lot more than thatwhere that came from. And and
let's talk about that. Let's talkabout burning plied pride flags. You would
agree, and then we'll hit abreak. You would agree that the Colorado
GOP put out a message including aflame image that that said burn pride flags.

Right, I did see that yet? Oh okay, So when we
come back, and then I'm happyto talk about anything you want to.
When we come back, I'm I'mjust going to ask you do you agree
that it would be illegal, wrongand violent for anyone to take someone's pride
flag and burn it? So we'llwe'll ask Tim that question when we come

back. Eight five to five fourzero five A two five five the number
you're on the Dan Kapla Show.And now back to the Dan Taplas Show
podcast had Tim Leonard zero formask atREPSIB twenty five. Tim's taking the position
Dave Williams should stay his party chair. I take the opposite position, So
Tim, thank you for being here. And the question I left at the

table when we took that break wasand we opened by talking about the Westboro
Baptist Church aspect of this. ButI just asked you about whether you think
it's okay for the Colorado GOP tobe telling the public to go out and
burn Pride flags in June. BeforeI answer that, I just wanted off
a little off topic because I thinkget to hear your ad on your pro

life, your own ad, andI want to thank you, and because
you have done tons and tons andtons of stuff for the pro Lege Commune,
especially the Catholics. I think wedid get to meet each other years
ago on a on a lighthouse coolpregnancy issue that you were a speaker at
MC and but anyway, you've gotforty years worth of really standing up for

the thank you. I'm born appreciateit. And I know we had a
Texter who said that you have beena great pro life champion, So so
thank you for that. And yeah, so common grounds, yeah, common
ground, And I'll answer this one. I got. I got a couple
of things I think will do commonground. So when you asked me the

question, then you re asked me, you said taking other people's flags and
burning them and violence. So Iknow there's a little drama in there,
but nobody was saying anything about takingother people's flags stealing property, facing anything,

and having any violence. So whetherit's a common like let's burn down
the house or you know, let'sfight about this topic, those are not
meant there to be violent. Howdo you know that actions? So here's
the quote from the Colorado Republican Partysix three twenty four, burn all Pride

flags this June, and then animage of a flame. Yes, yes,
I did it. I understand thatthe drama there was kind of exactly
equal to the drama of your questionof should they go out and take other
people's flags and create violence? Soit's kind of the same thing. You
didn't really mean that when you askedme that question. Well, no,

no, no, Tim, Idid. Let's let's say the left put
out burn all Catholic churches this June. What would your reaction be to that.
Would you just say, oh,no, no the left to put
that out? Didn't really mean itliterally, Well, but I don't have
I don't own a cap church myselfand my on my front porch. So
but lots of people can have flags. It could have said go out and

buy one and burn it. Itcould have said it's time for you to
burn your bra Oh I meant burnyour flag, So it could be lots
of those things. And I thinkthat if you want to read it that
way, I wouldn't say you're incorrect. But I don't think you should say
I'm incorrect by saying it's more ofa rhetorical, dramatic dramatization of Hey,

let's get out and let's let's dothe opposite of what's going on. Okay,
But then let me get back tothe starting point question. Do you
think the Colorado GOP I E.Dave Williams was correct to tweet out burn
all the Pride flags this June withthe visual of a flame. Listen,

if I went through all mean tweetsof Trump, you go, oh,
well that's it, forget it.I'm not Yes, too many mean tweets.
Hey, no one's perfect, soI know what I want for us.
Listen to some comedy. But letme ask my friend respectfully, why
can't you answer that yes or no? I mean, I'm not going to

try to twist your arm if youdisagree with me. Say so. What
I'm saying is I'm right in themiddle. I'm saying you can say that
it's rhetorical and no one's reading anythinginto it. And then you could say
there's another group, which maybe includeyourself, that says I'm highly offended American

flags being burned, Nazi flags beingburned, gay play. I don't like
flags being burned. And it's notabout being offended. It's now nobody cares
if I'm offended. This is aboutthe Colorado GOP, which we can agree
on this, right, The ColoradoGOP exists to win elections in order to
stop bad things from happening and makegood things happen. Right, that's okay?

Is correct? Okay, So yourlifted thing, those would be some
of them. Okay, correct?So tell me, my friend, how
does a tweet from the Colorado GOPburn all the Pride flags this June help
the Colorado GOP win? I understand, I understand what you're saying. It
may back up some things, itmay not, but let's go what it

does do. Here's what it does. It reinforces things you and I agree
on, and wills do these groundthings that we can stipulate to. Do
you think there is a battle ofgood and evil? I do, okay,
and I do too, and weagree on that. Where do you

think this battle takes place? Wheredoes it exist everywhere everywhere, like in
the studio in UH. I don'tsee any evil here. Well, no,
you do, you do. There'sjust Ryan and Kelly and me.
No, you get to be thefront of you the battle of ideas.

You get to be right in there. Not always do you get evil,
but sometimes sometimes you do. AndI never get evil, but sometimes we
get evil ideas. But yeah,and we've got about two minutes left in
the segment, and hope we haveyou on the other side. Is there
a oh, I guess we havetwenty seconds, so well pick this up.
On the other side, Tim Leonardis with us. Tim's a former

state rep. He's taking the positionDave Williams should not be removed as party
chair. I believe that Dave should. We've done two segments together already.
If you miss them or most ofthem, you can pick it up off
the podcast. We'll continue this discussionafter news on the Dan Kapla Show.
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