Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
This is Dan Capless and welcome to today's online podcast
edition of The Dan Caplis Show. Please be sure to
give us a five star rating if you'd be so kind,
and to subscribe, download and listen to the show every
single day on your favorite podcast platform, even in the
worst of times. This time, right now, it's about five o'clock,
and that Wednesday before Thanksgiving is just one of the
greatest times of the year for a lot of people,
because Thanksgiving right so many people's favorite or second favorite holiday,
because you're getting the family together, and it's just there's
just nothing better than that. The world seems to slow
down for a few hours and that is so sweet.
And then for a lot of folks, hopefully it's a
four day weekend, and that's pretty precious. It's not even
like a mini vacation. It's like a vacation. So so
many people come Sunday night at about seven thirty are thinking, man,
I wish it was I wish it was Wednesday at
five o'clock again. So it is right now, Let's enjoy
every minute of it. Glad you're here. We're looking ahead
to tomorrow and we do know that many of us
we're going to have some lefties at the table, not leftovers, lefties,
and so okay, how do you approach that tomorrow? And
we certainly have many texters and a caller who said,
not listen, just don't even talk politics. And I respect that,
I get it. I just live in the real world.
I think that's unrealistic. This election was so big and
it's still so close, and it was such a big
win it and it'd be a lot of alcoholic beverages.
You know, stuff is going to happen. All I'm saying
is pay live in the real world, plan ahead, and
just plan to use humor. So we've just been talking
about he have some good Kamala Harris jokes, because at
this point everybody sees that that was that was a
total joke. That would have been awful for America no
matter where people come down on the issues. You know,
some good Kamala Harris jokes, some other ways to work
humor in. And so we've got some good text and
calls such as this one. Ryan says, Dan, you're really
off on this one. Those liberals don't have much of
a sense of humor, especially when it comes to anything
regarding Trump et cetera. Definitely would fall flat guaranteed. Well,
we're gonna find out well.
Speaker 2 (02:10):
And as I said, I hate to say it, but
I have liberal family members. Those that they are further
to the left, in my experience, have far less of
a sense of humor about themselves. They can't laugh at themselves,
and that's a problem that's tied into it. Their political
identity is much more to them than a religion. That's
just what I've found. It's not the same way for us.
We love Trump, we wanted them to win, but it's
not a religion thing. My whole deal. Like I said,
and I agree somewhat with these Texters. If you make
fun of Kamala, but you do it in a Trump voice,
everybody's gonna let you.
Speaker 3 (02:44):
But you could tell with Kamala she had too much
to drink in the debate. It was there.
Speaker 4 (02:49):
You could see it, and you know and the ahaha,
you know.
Speaker 1 (02:52):
Yeah, and we you know we But only you can
do those impersonations. So you need to go on cameo friend,
Lauren Bolbert went on for like an hour, which is
too bad. Lots of people would have hired her. If
you're not familiar with cameo, it's this site that you know,
different people go on and then they get paid for
sending recorded messages to people things like that. So yeah,
you should go on Cameo to do that. That's fun
with that. Yeah, and of course all of this tomorrow,
it all starts with right, It all starts with the
golden rule. You know, you just want to treat other
people the way you'd want to be treated. And so
that that's where I think the humor really comes in.
Let's see happy Thanksgiving wishes to you and Ryan and
your family, Stephen Littletonnay, thank you, Steve that that is
a beautiful thing. And Dan, it's none of your beeswax.
That's what people said. That goes back to an earlier caller,
What an interesting point, and he said, wait a second,
don't talk politics. He said, there was a day not
long ago when if you said to somebody who you'd
vote for, they'd say none of your business. And then
I thought back, and he's right, because as a little kid,
I can remember some people my parents' age, but more
likely grandparents, where they say who'd you vote for? And
they say it's none of your business. And lots of
people didn't discuss who they voted for, and I've forgotten
that Ara even existed. My argument to you would be,
this is a better era because the stakes are so high,
these issues are so life and death. We need to
be out there trying to persuade people. But that was
definitely easier Dan. Oh, and then none of your beeswax. Yeah,
I don't know anybody currently under one hundred who uses
that phrase. But yeah, it used to be. You know,
you would hear older people saying none of your bees wax.
But truly, I don't think anybody under one hundred now. Dan.
On Harris's recent video, I think she's lamenting that she
surrendered her power to the party and became their puppet.
I think she's regretting her choices for the past thirty years,
referring to this video she released yesterday. If you haven't
seen the video, now, she's an attractive person. This was
not her best look in this video. Either looked umb. Well,
people have different explanations.
Speaker 5 (05:03):
I just have to remind you, don't you ever let
anybody take your power from you. You have the same
power that you did before November fifth, and you have
the same purpose that you did, and you have the
same ability to engage and inspire. So don't ever let
anybody or any circumstance take your power from you.
Speaker 1 (05:32):
Well, first, you've got kind of the overall tone and
all that, but let's get to the substance of it
for a second. Once again, it's in some many cases
untrue because a lot of these people don't have the
same power they did before November fifth. Their candidate lost
elections have consequences. And what is highly likely to happen
now is because conservative stuff works and lefty stuff doesn't.
Is that there's a tremendous likelihood that Trump's going to
be very successful in this term and he's going to
hand it off to j D or somebody else, and
conservatives are going to win again in twenty eight and
you're going to have a very long lasting change in America.
And so and the same purpose, she says, you have
the same purpose he did before November fifth. No, don't
buy that, because people change. Everybody in this audience, and
Ryan can probably give you an example of his life.
At some point in all of our lives, we have
been wrong about something important and then you know that
the truth hit us between the eyes and we had
to realize we were wrong and admit it and then
move forward in the right direction. You have a lot
of people who voted for, particularly young people, though Trump
did so well with young and one of the reasons
Trump did so well with young is on the life issues.
So you've got a lot of these younger people who
voted for They were very pro abortion. Oh, you don't
have the same purpose. You can be better, you can change,
you can realize the error of your ways and in
the future support somebody who's gonna defend innocent life. So yeah, no,
she's just wrong on the substance there too. Not to
get all serious, I'm trying to avoid that today, though
I do have to get into this story, Ryan, I
think it's so important.
Speaker 6 (07:21):
Multiple Trump picks have been targeted by violent bomb threats
and swatting that according to the Trump transition team, no
injuries have been reported. Brian Yennis is lying from West
Palm Beach, Florida.
Speaker 1 (07:34):
With the latest on all of this.
Speaker 6 (07:35):
We're beginning to get a little more information of names
being added to this list. What do we know, Brian, Yeah,
that's right, Molly Well. Sources tell Fox News that nearly
a dozen of President like Trump's new administration picks have
been threatened at least since Tuesday night.
Speaker 1 (07:51):
Yes, So what does this mean for the future? Obviously
a very coordinated effort, Right, why do you think it happened?
What does it mean for the future? Four zero five
A two five five takes d A N five seven
seven three night. Now the obvious starting point, right, we
know none of these people are going to be intimidated,
none of these people are going to back off, none
of these people are going to be less vigorous in
pursuing change, and in part because they're going to follow
their leader, you know, the guy who got shot in
the head and jumped back up and said fight, fight,
fight and won the election in those twelve seconds. So,
but but what do you think is going on here?
And what lasting effect do you think it's going to have?
So we will do something maybe unattainable in talk radio,
never tried before, which is mixing those two topics Kamala
jokes and what do you think is going on with
these coordinated threats against the Trump folks? Have you ever
been swatted? No? Thank god? Yeah, but we were swatted once.
It was a fascinating experience, and were Amy and I
were at home and I think one of the kids
was with us. It was just a calm, whatever night,
I can't remember week weekday night, I think. And then
all of a sudden, you know, knock on the door.
We go the front door. There are a bunch of police
out in front. Dan, yeah, Dany said everything okay, yes, sir,
everything's great, said, do you mind if we come in
search the house? Said all I have at it. I'm
sorry it doesn't cleaner, you know, because Amy is so
clean and eat and organized, and that's never been like
my strength. And so yeah, they just came in, went
to every corner of the house, said thank you, sir.
We just got a call that there was something real
bad happening here. And I think that's before swannin even
became a term or a thing. But I appreciated the
way law enforcement handled it. They were great about it.
But yeah, so what do you think all of this
coordinated effort on the Trump team, where do you think
it's coming from? And what do you think it's going
to lead to? And then also, and again sorry to
be serious, but we have to follow the news of
the day. I do need to talk about Ukraine just
for a second and make an observation that I think
goes right to the heart of everything. And I don't
hear being discussed out there because Russian official big headlines
right now just came out and said no one has
ever defeated the Russians. Just part of you know Russian
now as you know, it's on the offense, on the
offense of making a lot of gains in Ukraine, the
land that Putin is raping and pillaging. But want to
come back and make a quick observation about how we
got to this point and why it's so critical that
Trump get it resolved right now. Eighty five for Zer
five eight two five five text d An five seven
seven three nine.
Speaker 3 (10:38):
And now back to the dan Kaplas Show podcast.
Speaker 1 (10:41):
I can't even play sound over that. That's so good.
Speaker 4 (10:44):
Who is that Dido from about twenty years ago?
Speaker 3 (10:47):
Or so Dido that's her name. She was kind of
a flash in the pan. Have one great album.
Speaker 2 (10:52):
This was from that what do you call it? The
album's no Angel and this is thank you for Thanksgiving? Okay,
well I want to pull that up all right, but
then Bud, you liked it.
Speaker 1 (11:02):
We have this nice little soundtrack song list for those
more personal moments.
Speaker 2 (11:10):
Okay, I want to add that. I'm glad it would help.
Thank you, okay, from the album No Angel.
Speaker 1 (11:18):
Well, thank you for Dido.
Speaker 4 (11:20):
What do you.
Speaker 1 (11:22):
That's child abuse? That name?
Speaker 4 (11:24):
Speaker 1 (11:24):
What? What do you think Dido's doing now hopefully not
buying a.
Speaker 2 (11:29):
Letter, hopefully living off the royalties from that album that
was a big hit. I'm trying to see what her
real name is, Dido Florian Cloud, Devonavial, O'Malley Armstrong.
Speaker 1 (11:43):
I don't think that's the real name. That's her entire name,
be part of it maybe, yeah. Now, it's so interesting
these artists too, the one it wonders who that moment
of genius and then could never recapture it wild? Well,
thank you, No, that's great, that is a great addition.
Glad you're here. One of the happiest afternoons of the year.
That Wednesday before Thanksgiving, and we've been talking about a
lot of light stuff, like how to approach tomorrow if
you have lefties at the table or maybe you are
a lefty, and how to deal with those of us
who won. But but just keep in mind that you won, right,
we all won, And that's and I think an awful
lot of people who won't admit it realize that. And
that's that's why my encouragement tomorrow is, you know, consistent
with the Golden Rule, is that just focus on unity.
I think it's unrealistic to think there won't be any
politics discussing on. I mean, it's just like if you Yeah,
I was thinking of some examples, like what if you
lived in one of those areas that had one of
those volcanoes? You know that just change the whole course
of human history. And and you're getting together for a
big dinner like a month after the volcano. Nobody's gonna
mention the volcano. Oh yeah, yeah, uh oh, he'll sure.
How's your golf game? Nobody's gonna mention the volcano.
Speaker 2 (13:04):
You're kind of in the same headspace I've been in
for some time, Dan, which is I like to flip
the script, if you reverse the roles. How do you
think the Liberals would be behaving at Thanksgiving had Kamala
wan and defeated Trump?
Speaker 1 (13:17):
Yeah, they'd be all right. But that's not our standard, right.
Speaker 2 (13:20):
That's what I'm saying though, that's not our different rules
what we do because we're better than that, and that's
why we're winning.
Speaker 1 (13:28):
But even if we're losing, we want to be better
than that. Right. All I'm saying is we just do
it with humor. Like if you're doing the prayer, if
you're doing the opening prayer, just squeezing a quick and
thank you Lord for Trump photers. If you're you're praising
the cook at some point, boy, you made that turkey
great again. I mean, just the little thing you greet
the radical nephew at the door. It's just just a
little quick Trump dance move, you know, just like the
gopher and Caddy Shaggy. You know, there are these little
things you can do and just laughter. We need more laughter,
I agree with Yeah, yeah, need more laughter.
Speaker 4 (14:04):
I have fun.
Speaker 1 (14:05):
Yeah, And that's why I'm so sorry to touch on
this serious issue. But again, when you get twelve at
this point, obviously coordinated terror rising of Trump nominees with
bomb threats to their homes and things like that, and
all of that so disruptive, I just think we have
to be realistic. Again, not to be Danny Downer, I
just think we need to be realistic about the fact that,
Oh I'm so sorry. I'm just looking at this CNN
headline and they're quoting some Democrat consultant. Kamala and Fetterman
are the future of the Democratic Party. Okay, Fetterman has
become kind of a funny surprise every now that by
getting back to the serious business, I think we have
to be realistic about something that that. For the same reason,
this moment is such an amazing moment to be alive,
because it's one of those rare moments in human history
when there may be a big sea change underway for
the better and a real chance for that. It's not
guaranteed to continue, but a real chance it will. I
think we have to be realistic about the fact that
evil is not just going to sit back and say, Okay,
good you want. And I'm not talking about Democrat versus Republic,
and I'm talking about the reality that there is true
evil in this world on a large scale. And all
of human history has been this ongoing battle between good
and evil. And we all know who wins in the end, right,
God wins in the end. But got to do our
part here. And so all I'm saying is, you know,
the assassination's assassination attempts on Trump an example of how
far evil will go. And you know this coordinated terrorizing
of the Trump nominees. We've got to be very realistic
when you have people like you know that those who
run the evil Communist Party of China and the iotola
is that regime and evil in the form of Putin
and others out there. They see what's happening, you think
they're just gonna sit back and take it. I mean,
Trump now so brilliantly aggressive with the threat of terrors
and all the damage he's going to do to China
and Mexico if they don't shut down this chemical attack
on our country. Notice vent and all right now, but
so many different types of evil that are not just
going to sit back and take it. And I think
we've seen that, and so we've got to be ready.
We've got to be ready and guarding against violence, you know,
violence to try to eliminate these people who are changing
the world for the better, starting with Donald Trump. And
so yeah, I just you wonder sometimes Ryan should he
just for the most part stay at Mari Lago and
just stay in a secure environment and govern from there.
And because the main number one thing with Trump is
keep them safe. Trump and his people keep them safe,
because obviously evil has attacked and terrorized already and you
can expect it will again. And I'm not talking about
living in fear. I'm talking about defeating and out maneuvering evil.
And when you know they are out to get you,
we know their nation, at least one nation stayed out
to get them, right now, that's been acknowledged and in Iran.
But what can you do to outmaneuver and defeat evil
in terms of security measures and in terms of thinking
outside the box to make sure Trump is protected, the
people around him are protected, and they continue to do
the good that they're doing. So man, we'll talk about
that some more next week, but we just need to
be practical about that. And again it's because he has
done so much good in the past. He's already doing
so much good and he hasn't even been inaugurated yet. Yeah,
so evil is not going to quit and just have
to continue to find ways to defeat it two five
five text d an five seven seven three nine. So,
whether you want to talk about Kamala jokes or how
to defeat evil, it's a Friday, I about it. You're
under Dan Capitla ship.
Speaker 3 (18:18):
You're listening to the Dan capliss show podcast.
Speaker 6 (18:23):
Thank you for being travel down.
Speaker 1 (18:28):
Look back again. Your hot is true.
Speaker 7 (18:33):
You're a p con.
Speaker 4 (18:37):
The true story a Thanksgiving.
Speaker 8 (18:39):
The story of the Pilgrims begins in the early part
of the seventeenth century. The Church of England, under King
James the First was persecuting anyone and everyone who did
not recognize its absolute civil and spiritual authority. Those who
challenged ecclesiastical authority and those who believe strongly in freedom
of worship were down, imprisoned, and sometimes executed for their beliefs.
A group of separatists first fled to Holland and established
a community. After eleven years, about forty of them agreed
to make a perilous journey to the New World, where
they would certainly face hardships, but could live and worship
God according to the dictates of their own consciences. On
August first, sixteen to twenty, the Mayflowers set sail. It
carried a total of one hundred two passengers, including forty Pilgrims,
led by William Bradford. On the journey, Bradford set up
an agreement a contract the established just and equal laws
for all members of the new community, irrespective of their
religious beliefs. Where did the revolutionary ideas expressed in a
Mayflower Compact come from?
Speaker 4 (19:51):
They came from the Bible. The Pilgrims were a.
Speaker 8 (19:53):
People completely steeped in the lessons of the Old and
New Testaments.
Speaker 4 (19:58):
They looked to the ancient Israelites.
Speaker 8 (20:01):
For their example, and because of the biblical precedence set
forth in scripture, they never doubted that their experiment would work.
Speaker 4 (20:10):
But it was no pleasure cruise.
Speaker 8 (20:12):
The journey to the New World was a long and
arduous one, and when the Pilgrims landed in New England
in November, they found, according to Bradford's detailed journal, a cold, barren,
desolate wilderness. There were no friends to greet them, he wrote,
There were no houses to shelter them, there were no
inns where they could refresh themselves, and the sacrifice they
had made for freedom was just beginning. During the first winter,
half the Pilgrims, including Bradford's own wife, died bitter starvation, sickness,
or exposure. When spring finally came, Indians taught the settlers
how to plant corn fish for cod and skin beavers
for coats. Life improved for the Pilgrims, but they did
not yet prosper and this is important to understand because
this is where modern American history lessons often end. Thanksgiving
is actually explained in some textbooks as a holiday for
which the Pilgrims gave thanks to the Indians for saving
their lives, rather than as a devout expression of gratitude
grounded in the tradition of both the Old and New Testaments.
Speaker 4 (21:19):
Here's the part that's been omitted.
Speaker 8 (21:21):
The original contract the Pilgrims had entered into with their
merchant sponsors in London called for everything they produced to
go into a common store, and each member of the
community was entitled to one common share. All of the
land that they cleared and the houses they built belonged
to the community as well, and they were going to
distribute it equally. All the land they cleared, the houses
they built belonged to the community. Nobody owned anything, they
just had a share in it. It was a commune.
It was the forerunner to the communes we saw in
the sixties and seventies out in California. And it was
a complete with organic vegetables, even just like the communes
of today are God There's no question it was organic vegetables. Bradford,
who had become the new governor of the Econony, recognized
that this form of collectivism was as costly and destructive
to the Pilgrims as that first harsh winter, which had
taken so many lives.
Speaker 4 (22:24):
He decided to take bold action.
Speaker 8 (22:26):
Bradford assigned a plot of land each family to work
and manage.
Speaker 4 (22:31):
Thus turning loose the power in the marketplace.
Speaker 8 (22:34):
Long before Carl Marx was even born, the Pilgrims had
discovered and experimented with what could only be described as socialism,
and what happened. It didn't work, but nearly starved. It
never has worked. What Bradford and his community found was
that the most creative and industrious people had no incentive
to work any harder than anybody else unless they could
utilize the power of personal motivation.
Speaker 4 (23:00):
But while most of the rest of the world.
Speaker 8 (23:02):
Has been experimenting with socialism for well over one hundred years,
trying to refine it, perfect it, and reinvent it, the
Pilgrims decided early on to scrap it permanently. What Bradford
wrote about this social experiment should be in every school
child's history lesson if it were we might prevent such
needless suffering in the future.
Speaker 1 (23:22):
Only one rush. Wow, it's interesting, right, and nobody has
stepped up and even come close. Right, No, and probably
nobody ever will. Yeah, just just one of one.
Speaker 2 (23:36):
Just his manner, his way of delivering a story like
that one. Yeah, and there was. He was a master
communicator and a master of this craft.
Speaker 1 (23:45):
Yeah, boy, and did a lot of good eight five
five for zero five A two five five text dam
five seven seven three nine. If you just joined us,
thank you. We've been talking about a mix of serious
things and then kind of fun, practical how to navigate
Thanksgiving tomorrow with lefties at the table kind of stuff.
So if you have any suggestions, we're wide open to it.
A lot of listeners seem to have thoroughly rejected mind
which I stand by by the way, which is, let's
live in the real world. Okay, it's not realistic to
think that it's going to be totally sanitized tomorrow, that
somehow you're going to get through without any political discussion
if you have lefties hair, it's not I mean, just
at the most consequential election of our lifetime, and we
want America saying it's somehow going to work its way in.
So let's just understand the landscape realistically and plan accordingly,
which means humor, Okay, golden rule. I want to treat
people the way we'd want to be treated. So if
it's got to come up, if it's going to come up,
especially with some beverages thrown in, just playing on humor.
So some good Kamala jokes that nobody can get Oh,
I like that. I like that show. Nobody can get
upset about humor about Kamala Hars because she's got no
constituency and it's fair. I'm not talking about me and humor,
but just humor about Kamala Harris that can't bother any
reasonable person. And then just subtle things like a little
Trump dance movie. You don't work some YMCA maybe into
the song track everybody I think mixes in like the
occasional Christmas song. But then like, what are great Thanksgiving songs?
You played old Dido who I'd never heard of, Dido
who I'd never heard of before.
Speaker 3 (25:27):
That's a good question.
Speaker 4 (25:28):
Thanksgiving songs.
Speaker 2 (25:30):
Yeah, they're specific to that holiday and there's not a
lot to come to mind.
Speaker 3 (25:33):
Yeah, the Adam Sandler song or that's a joke song.
Speaker 1 (25:36):
No no wo, I heard one the other night. What
was it?
Speaker 5 (25:40):
Darn it?
Speaker 1 (25:41):
Thanksgiving song. I'll try to go gobble gobble this gobble
gobble that. You know the song I'm talking about.
Speaker 2 (25:47):
Try to find it for the next gobble goblins gombo
gobble that.
Speaker 1 (25:52):
But uh, but yeah, you can work in a little
y MCA, just a little you know, you go to
greet the lefty nephew at the door. He's got the
man bun. You do the little quick little trump dance move.
Just fun stuff like that. Dan wishing you and n
Amey and Ryan and Kelsey? Uh uh Jason Kelsey or
is it Travis Kelcey?
Speaker 2 (26:14):
It's Kelsey Currents. And that's the young lady that I'm
currently dating.
Speaker 1 (26:18):
Oh, well, when were you going to tell me? I
just did tell me your name? You just you're just
raving about her. She's pretty right callity well no what yeah,
but her name is Kelsey?
Speaker 4 (26:34):
Speaker 1 (26:35):
Okay, Well Kelsey, nice to meet you, which I haven't
done soon you're being hidden from me. How would you
describe young Kelsey? Very Uh?
Speaker 2 (26:45):
She's Irish first of all, so wonderful, already winning points
with you wonderful, but a little spark plug real perky,
per super cute and pretty.
Speaker 1 (26:55):
Yeah, you can never go wrong with perky. Yeah, I
would think so liberalized. No, okay, maybe to the right
of me. Oh oh, I don't know that was possible. Well,
wonderful And that's from Donna. Thank you, Donna, very very
kind of you. How does Donna know Kelsey?
Speaker 3 (27:15):
Just me referencing her maybe once in the year.
Speaker 1 (27:17):
Okay, and Ryan, by the way, you already know does
a great show two to four in the Denver market
before this show, must be serious if you're talking about
her on air.
Speaker 4 (27:27):
Yeah, that's kind of one of those things in this business.
Speaker 2 (27:29):
You know, you talk about Amy obviously she's your wife,
but none from many years or we were married.
Speaker 1 (27:34):
One of the greatest Amy mentioned on air ever before
we were married.
Speaker 2 (27:39):
I imagine you had to be careful because she was
also in an on air capacity. Oh she was in
a very on air crisis CBS four.
Speaker 1 (27:46):
Yeah, but and just truly one of the greatest anchors
ever could have done anything, could have gone network, whatever
she wanted to do. But we're dating very seriously. And
I was doing a Saturday show at that time on
KAWA and I think it started at eight in the morning,
and so I'm running late to start the show, which
is not great in radio, as most people probably know.
So whoever was the host in front of me just
kept going and and so I get in and and
the h no, I'm listening. That's right. I'm driving from Boulder,
and I'm listening to the show, and the host is
covering for me and saying, oh, Dan, you know he's
hit some traffic. This and the ass Saturday morning hit
some traffic show started at nine actually, And anyway, I'm
listening to the show, my show with somebody else hosting it,
and all of a sudden, this lady who sounded like
a hundred years old and not very happy, calls in
and says.
Speaker 4 (28:51):
He's not in traffic.
Speaker 1 (28:54):
I just saw Misspoor leave his house. Yeah yeah, yeah,
you got. So I'm driving down thirty six and I'm like, oh.
Speaker 3 (29:09):
Yeah, that's phenomenal.
Speaker 1 (29:10):
Yeah yeah, no, that was. That was a great moment
in broadcast history. Busted, yep, proud, busted, but good thing.
I had a three bedroom house. There you go eight
five five five eight two five five text d A
N five seven seven three nine.
Speaker 3 (29:27):
And now back to The Dan Kapla Show Podcast.
Speaker 1 (29:31):
Gob Gobble.
Speaker 7 (29:34):
Gobble Gobble Souper gobble gobble, gobble gobble.
Speaker 2 (29:40):
You listen Cooming now.
Speaker 7 (29:41):
Gobble gobble gobble gobble four camel gobble.
Speaker 1 (29:48):
Please can I have some more? Yeah? See quickest way
to a billion dollars? Just come up with a good
Thanksgiving song? All right, that's like the only Thanksgiving song
we Yeah, gotta fix that. Eight five to five for
five two five five the number that came up because
we were talking about kind of fun ways to slip
in a little victory talk tomorrow at Thanksgiving dinner. If
you've got some left, he's there, And I was saying,
you just work Ymca into the playlist and then watch
even the Left. He's just automatically. Now you'll get the
little Trump dance move going, just light stuff like that.
Glad you're here, Texters, Dan, very thankful. We only have
seven point five weeks left of Biden, Harris and the
rest that from our good friend Alexa. But but you know,
not again, not to be all serious, but the simple,
undeniable truth is Joe Biden should not be president for
another ten seconds. He's not competent, he's not capable. And
it's a very bad precedent to just be saying, ah,
it's okay because there's only seven and a half weeks left. No,
we we should not be accepting this as kind of
a new normal, abnormal.
Speaker 2 (31:00):
If I may report something quickly about my life. This
from True Social and the President elect Donald Trump just
had a wonderful conversation with the new president of Mexico,
Claudia Shine Bombardo. She has agreed to stop migration through
Mexico and into the United States, effectively closing our southern border.
We also talked about what can be done to stop
the massive drug flow into the United States and also
US consumption of these drugs. It was a very productive conversation.
Speaker 1 (31:28):
It's piece or strength the threat of tariffs, right, and
now we need the same darn thing with China. China
has been launching a chemical weapons attack on this country
for years in the form of fetanol, and a lot
of it through Mexico. And that's why I think you
see support now in the polls for tariffs, even if
it raises prices. You see support because Americans want some
power back, they want some control back short of war,
and tariffs can help accomplish that Trump proved in the
first term. He knows how to use that stick and
the carrot, and you see both working already on multiple fronts,
including this report from Mexico. Yeah, so, can we please
have that sound You're gonna get tired of winning. You're
gonna win so much, you're gonna get tired of winning.
We need that on the button button. We need that
on the button from Yeah, absolutely, on the button bar.
Speaker 4 (32:20):
You're gonna get tired of winning.
Speaker 1 (32:22):
And let me play this because again you see that
psychological terrorizing of the Trump team, not that they're going
to be intimidated, this coordinated round of bomb threats and
everything else against nominees just a reminder, and we've seen
it before, the Tunis assassination attempts that that evil is
never going to go down easy. And we are in
the middle. I think of a sea change in this
nation and world for the better. And and so just
keeping Trump safe and keeping his people safe is of
paramount importance. And so just you know, the official and
it has been for a long time, prayer of the
Dan Kaplo show, which Trump himself tweeted up.
Speaker 9 (33:00):
Out, Saint Michael the Archangel defend us in battle be
our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him. We humbly pray and do thou, o,
Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God,
cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who
prowl through the world seeking the ruin of souls.
Speaker 7 (33:28):
Speaker 1 (33:28):
Yeah, I'm great to see Trump invoke that and so
many people praying that for him. I'm Catholic, and almost
every Catholic mass I go to, no matter where I go,
now ends with that prayer. And what's interesting, Ryan, have
you ever been in a Catholic church?
Speaker 4 (33:42):
I have?
Speaker 1 (33:43):
Okay, what's interest? Oh is Kelsey. That's her name, Kelsey.
But there's still time. But anyway, what's so interesting is
that particular prayer depending on the church you're in, but
it's always loud and almost anything else. But some of
the churches it's like, okay, you know, you're at a
Bronco game or something, that prayer. I mean, you know,
people really get into it. You can really get some
volume going on that. But I hope you have a
great thanksgiving you as well. Yeah, thank you. You know,
it always is for almost every bit, right, you're just
being together with family.
Speaker 4 (34:18):
It's great.
Speaker 3 (34:18):
The joke could make it back.
Speaker 1 (34:19):
Oh so glad. Yeah, law school and like all the
students out there now, they're heading into finals and stuff.
So just a few day, a little break for all
these student types and everybody's so happy to have them home.
And yeah, so I just hope and it's you know,
one of the great things about Thanksgiving, it's it's a
reminder that the very best things in life are are
truly the simple things, you know, and just the basics.
Because ninety nine point nine percent of all people tomorrow
are going to get more joy out of just being together,
having something to eat together, and above all, having the
time together. Then they would out anything you could buy.
So it's just it. It is a great reminder of that.
But hey, Ryan, thank you for everything. Thanks to our
good friend Kelly. A little under the weather today, have
a tremendous forty weekend. We'll be back Monday. I hope
you have your greatest Thanksgiving ever. Let the celebration continue,
and we'll do that on Monday on The Dan Kapla Show.