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June 14, 2024 34 mins
Dr. Jill Biden laughably tries to suggest the reason for Joe's debatable success as President is because of his age, not in spite of it.

Stephen joins Dan with an update on his race in Colorado's 3rd Congressional District against fellow lead candidates Jeff Hurd and Ron Hanks.

Stephen Varela for Congress | Colorado's 3rd District (
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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This is Dan Caples, and welcometo today's online podcast edition of The Dan
Kaplis Show. Please be sure togive us a five star rating if you'd
be so kind, and to subscribe, download, and listen to the show
every single day on your favorite podcastplatform. The stakes are so high,
and there is so much awful stuffto be fighting Againstate five five for zero

five eight two five five the numbertext d an five seven seven three nine.
The good news is there are somany good people out there who see
things for what they are and arefighting to stop the bad. So just
a matter of smart punches now wildpunches and good tactics and being smart and
finding a way to win eight fifive for zero five eight two five five

the number and have some fun inthe meantime, d an five seven seven
three nine, So fire it willanything you want to talk about a few
things I want to do right outof the gate. I want to play
some just so confirming and lightning,enjoyable Joe Biden's sound, because it just
confirms America got to this awful pointwith a clearly incapacitated president and a bizarre

election scenario shaping up. So we'llstart with that sound. I do want
to touch on these headlines that you'reprobably seeing right now, big gallup pole,
you know, suggesting that the Republicansare going to be sunk on the
life issue. If Republicans stand upfor innocent human life, it's going to
kill them at the polls in November. And I want to get into the

Gallop survey that is underlying this nonsensethat you're hanging from the left and just
give you the real facts from thissurvey that will help you blow up that
argument if you encounter it, andgive you great comfort and peace knowing that.
First of all, I mean,we know, right, you've got
to fight for the right thing,no matter what the consequence, whether it's

fighting against slavery or fighting against abortion. But b when you actually get into
this polling and combine it with otherfacts, it just confirms that, no,
that the pro life issue is nota loser for Republicans. In fact,
it has been a winner over time, It will be a winner now,
it will be a winner in thefuture. So we'll dive into the
gallop pole and then get you thetruth out of that, which is remarkably

encouraging given the headlines out there.And then we will touch on the latest
in the effort in Colorado, theeffort of so many courageous people within the
GOP to try to mitigate the damagecaused by the very unfortunate and awful hate
literally hate campaign launched by the chairof the GOP featuring the H word and

just a remarkable gift to the leftwhich has done tremendous damage to the GOP
causes, including the fight against thereally insidious extreme far left agenda on LGBTQ
issues, you know, which istrying to undermine parental rights, overly sexualized
children, children shouldn't be sexualized atall, you know, stamp out religious

liberties. So you've got this reallyinsidious agenda from the Biden administration centering around
those issues, pushing child mutilation,et cetera, and the Colorado gopchair hands
the left, hands that movement justthis big gift by launching literally a hate
campaign featuring the word hate. Soyou've got these courageous Republicans pushing back against

that internally. And I want tobring up to speed on the latest developments,
which may not quite be what they'remade out to be at the moment.
And we have something recent on thatas well eight five five for zero
five A two five five text dan five seven seven three nine to that
point, I know that we attemptedto get Dave Williams gop chair on the

show again today. We've had davonmany times over the years. I enjoyed
Dave, obviously, I think thathe did enormous harm here and needs to
be replaced. But what's the lateston that, Kelly. I know we
tried to get Dave on the showagain today, right, we did.
He's out campaigning, so he actuallysuggested someone else second, So Dave's that

can't be true, Dave's duckiness.Well, no, he's campaigning. Oh
he's campaigning. But you know it'sremarkable because I heard him on another show
this morning on another station. Correct, So he wasn't campaigning then, No,
he's campaigning now. So he's goingto be campaigning. I assume every
minute that we're on air between nowin Infinity. Don't know. We'll try

it. We'll try to get himagain on Monday that in the meantime he
sent us somebody else to no surrogates, No surrogates. This is the point,
Listen, you've got this show.It's a matter of record, for
twenty five years, has been thefriendliest, most fair place on air anywhere

for Republicans, whether they're from theso called establishment, the so called grassroots,
anywhere in between, whether I agreewith them or disagree with them on
a particular issue, This show hasbeen the safest place, the safest place
for Republicans for twenty five years,the friendliest, most supportive place. So

let me get this. You've gota chair of the party who is calling
all of these Republicans right now.There are twelve different counties county Republican parties
reportedly that have called for his ouster, including Denver, in including Pueblo,
including Eagle, and many others whohave called for his ouster. And Dave

Williams has responded by saying that peoplewho want to oust him are really supporters
of Pride Month and of the PrideAgenda, which is obviously false, right,
but he says they're weak. DaveWilliams is saying that those who want
him ousted are weak. Well,wait a second, if you're a party
chair and you can't come on thisshow, how weak does that make you?

Twenty five years, it's all ontape, It's a track record talk
to anybody. There has been nofriendlier, more respectful place for Republicans than
this radio show. And so thesame guy who is calling the people courageous
enough to stand up to him forlaunching this hate campaign, he's calling them

weak. They're strong, they're courageous. The chair won't come on this show.
And the reason he won't come onthis show is he knows he does
not have good answers to the fairtough questions and he knows he will be
asked the fair tough questions here.So Dave's refusal to come on this show
is an admission that he cannot justifywhat he did. And it's a gift

to the left. That's the thingthat's so heartbreaking about this. It is
so hard in Colorado to defeat theleft, and the left is pushing so
much that is so awful for thisstate, including their radical LGBTQ policy agenda.
But Dave hands them this gift andthen is not willing to come on
this show. Talk about the definitionof week eight FI five for zero five

eight two five five the numbers.Wait a minute, we do the math.
Dan doesn't make that make you awoke? Rhino is that why he's not
coming on? You know? Thatgets back to what is so transparent here
and the fact that Dave actually believesthat when he says the people standing up
to him for launching this hate campaignliterally featuring the H word, when he

says they are people who support PrideMonth, he really thinks there's somebody out
there on the face of the earthstupid enough to believe that, right.
I mean, it's such a childishplayground lie about the people who are courageously
calling you out for the harm youare doing to our causes that it just

kind of confirms why he needs togo. It's not about him personally.
I've always enjoyed him personally. It'sabout do you care about these causes or
not? Because if you care aboutthese causes and care about winning, please
somebody explain to me how Dave Williamsand these antics in this hate campaign he
launched, how that helps Republicans win. Everybody can give you, anybody honest,

can give you one hundred different waysthat it makes it harder for Republicans
to win. They can give youone hundred different ways that it helps the
left win, including on LGBTQ policyissues. But can somebody explain to me
how what Dave is doing helps thegop win. Dave obviously can't explain it,
or he'd come on the show anddo it. Eight five five for

zero five A two five five thenumber text d an five seven seven three
nine. So when we come back, I want to talk about Joe Biden,
Ji ll Biden and play some soundfor you which will make you laugh,
and that's great on a Friday afternoon, but will confirm why Biden is
still preposterously in this presidential race andwhy they keep hanging on much to the

benefit of Donald Trump. You're onthe Dan Caplas Show and now back to
the Dankaplas Show podcast. I'm overhere paying them no mind. See,
I'm so tired of hearing these idiotscall my name as Fanny in a way

to attempt to humiliate me because likesilly schoolboys, the name reminds them of
a woman's rear. I think thatda Willis is doing a pretty good job
of humiliating herself, and that's becauseshe has chosen to make the law look

like the body part she's referring to. Right. She just got busted.
She just got busted. And shegot busted the way of and Bragg did
up in New York because they maybe dancing around now because they got this
wrongful conviction. But America can seewhat's going on in America, saw what
was going on in New York.America can see what's going on in Georgia.

And you know, it is onlyhelping Donald Trump because so many Americans
now don't want to Banana republic andthey're not going to. You know,
a lot of people are going tovote for Trump even though they don't want
to, because it's the only wayto vote against the left and vote against
having a Banana Republic. So Deawillis, you should have never brought those
charges. But thank you for thegood you have done in opening the eyes

of Americans to just how blatant thislawfare is. And I do think that's
going to help Donald trumple out onelection day. I do want to talk
some more today though about the debateand what is to come and what you
want to see the president do andwhat he needs to avoid. Let me
get to this Jill by the Soundfirst, because this was a remarkable thing
to hear today, but it confirmsat least my suspicions, maybe yours.

Also, this election is most certainlynot about age. Joe and that other
guy are essentially the same age.Let's not be fooled. Joe, is
it one of the most affective presidentsof our lives in spite of his age,
but be because of it. Letthat sink in for a second.

Okay, this is the first Ladyof the United States who wields enormous power
because you have to assume at thispoint that she is directing the president for
the most part. But she actuallythinks there's one person in America stupid enough
to believe what she just said.First that Joe Biden is an effective president,

but second because of his age.I mean, think about it.
She knows that isn't true, right, But she really thinks the American people
are stupid enough to believe that.So that's the first encouraging thing here,
right, because we know the Americanpeople aren't stupid. The American people know
the American people aren't stupid, andwhen somebody tells the American people they think

they're stupid, that's not going toend well for the person saying that to
the American people. We saw thatwith Hillary Clinton and deplorables. Right,
But think about what's going on here. Joe Biden, presumably is a smart
woman. She is so desperate tohold on to power, and to hold
on to glamour, and to holdon to the White House for herself that

look at what she's doing her husband, and look at how desperate she is
to hold on to all of thatfor herself, that she would go out
and say something so ludicrous. Butbecause she's so desperate to hold on to
it all, what is she done. What she's done is walk right up
to the brink of handing this electionto Donald Trump. And she must know

that, right, I mean,because if she had done, assuming she's
calling the shots, I think that'sclear. If she had done what I
thought they were going to do,and I give him too much credit,
and that is get Biden out ofthe race by about you know, Labor
Day last year. You know,it would be ending very well for him.
He'd be viewed improperly. He doesn'tdeserve these accolades, but he'd be

viewed as this elder there's statesmen unselfishlystepping aside for the good of the nation.
All that garbage, right, Butit would have been far better for
him, because now everybody can seehim just spy rolled down and it's humiliating
to him, and it's horrible forthe country and dangerous for the country,
great for the Trump campaign. Soshe's succeeding in having her husband humiliated right

now, really harming this country becauseof the increased danger and we've all seen
it, right, if he'd beenout by Labor Day, do we have
the October seven horror launched against Israel? Decent chance we don't, right,
because obviously the enemy has size Bidenup and figure they can get away with
anything anywhere, anytime. So thatis such a revealing moment to me,

and it makes me I'm torn rightingbecause to hear her say that and see
how delusional she is, how desperatetold under power, makes me think that
she is going to keep him inthis race till the last possible moment,
until literally he collapses. And youknow, that's horrible for this nation because

it subjects us to such a higherrisk of attack and other dangers. And
obviously it's very bad for Joe Biden, which doesn't seem to be the primary
concern inside that circle now. Atthe same time, is it enormously good
for the Trump campaign. You betit is. As I said a year
ago, every day the Biden campaignmakes the mistake of hanging on with him

is a gift to the Trump campaign. But that's the moment where in I
just wanted you to hear that soundJoe Biden saying the most effective president of
our lifetime, which is obviously theopposite of true. But because of his
age, do you think she ryan? Do you think she's so desperate,
so far gone right now trying tohold onto power she actually believes that she's

got to know that it's obviously falseand that the vast majority of people are
going to see it is false.Well, a couple of things. One,
I say this with all due respect, she's not very bright. I
don't think. I don't think she'sa very intelligent person. I don't everything
the way she presents herself. Youknow that she called Mexic Hispanic people breakfast

tacos, that she didn't know howto say bodega. There's a lot of
tells with her that show me she'sa pretty shallow intellect. That's point one.
Point two. I think she's incomplete denial because Kevin McCarthy. If
you didn't see this, Dan,I had the audio clip the other day.
He was telling the story to JesseWaters about how he was in for
a winter meeting in the White Houseand Joe Biden asked, do you want

to see the pool? And Jillsteps in and goes Joe, they don't
want to see the pool, andshe's always correcting him, So she's in
on it. She knows that he'stotally gone, but she's not willing to
confront that. She's in complete denialabout it. And like you said,
she is not They are going todrag her out of that White House,
Dan. She is not going tobe the one that goes, you know

what, Joe, it's time togo. She is clearly going to drive
him to the point he drops yes. I mean he's literally going to have
to collapse before they pull him outof this campaign. At least based on
what she had today. Texter todAn five, seven, seven through nine,
Jill is completely delusional if she thinksJoe is a good president. That
from Alexa Dan. I'm sure you'veheard of Westboro Baptist Church in Tapeka,

Kansas. They call themselves Christians,but they are complete hate group. The
web address for the church's website isGod Hates Fags dot com. I believe
Williams was making a plan words withhis stupid post, right because what Dave
Williams did in the name of theColorado Republican Party was tweet out this big
image of God hates flags and Ipersonally believe that he was absolutely intending to

echo the insidious Westboro Baptist Church.Now, we want to get Dave on
the show so we can ask himthat question, But I think that's that
maybe the single biggest reason Dave won'tcome on the show is because he doesn't
want to have to admit that,and how can he really deny it,
and where does it go from thereif he tries to deny it. So

my opinion, yeah, he wasabsolutely echoing one of the worst hate groups
in America. And listen, andplease do not judge any Baptist church by
the fact they call themselves Westboro BaptistChurch. Think about that. This is
a group, Westboro Baptist Church,that celebrates the death of American soldiers.
They go to They have picketed atthe funerals of Americans killed in combat and

celebrated those deaths. And so ifI'm correct, and this is my opinion.
If I'm correct, and Dave wasechoing Westboro Baptist Church with his bizarre
God Hates flags, then that inand of itself is a fireable offense,
right, completely indefensible and enormously destructiveto the GOP. So Dave, if

I'm wrong about that, come onthe show and tell me that leus have
that conversation. But I think that'sone of the reasons he's duck in us
here on the Dan Caplas Show.You're listening to the Dan Kaplis Show podcast.
Go back down here at the borderTijuana right behind me San Diego sector,
the the Sania Sidro Port of entrynot too far away, which is

the largest in the Western Hemisphere.And we were just down here with the
National Guard meeting with customs agents aswell as border patrol, talking about our
partnerships three and and ninety National Guardsmen and women that have been working,
particularly the latest of Fennyl here inthe state of California. Look at the
bottom line the end of the day, they need more resources. Everybody needs
more resources. And the Republican Partyhas been consistently standing in the way of

providing the resources to support for themen and women working hard not only here
at the border, but out throughoutthe state of California in this country to
address the issues related to the border. It's time for them to stop playing
politics. It's time for the Speakerof the House, Mike Johnson, to
stop playing politics and do the rightthing. The beauty is that these idiots

think there's somebody out there dumb enoughto believe what they're saying. That there's
not. There's not the American peoplegetting Democrats are for open borders and the
GOP is for closed borders. Peopleget that, and they should get that,
and it's baked in the cake atthis point. So yeah, it's
kind of fun to hear that though, because it's just an admission that they

know they are in deep, deep, deep trouble on this issue. When
you get a CBS Paul Ryan thatsays sixty two percent of Americans want to
deport everybody here illegally, Yeah,that sends Gavin Newsom to the border.
Hey, let's go to Stephen Verrelli. He's kind enough to join us.
He's running for Congress down in CDthree that's Lauren Bobert's current district. She's

obviously running in for this time around. We've had Jeff heard on before and
so inviting Stephen today. Welcome tothe Dan Kapla Show. Hey, how's
wonder Dan? I appreciate you havingme on your show. It's it's been
a great campaign so far. We'vebeen all over the district. That just
came back from my I think abouta five day trip. I went all

throughout the Western Slope and I'm backinto Pueblo and I'm glad to be on
with you today. Well, appreciatethat. Tell everybody a little bit about
yourself, please, Oh well,thank you. I appreciate that. Yep.
So my name is Stephen Morell.I'm actually located in Pueblo, Colorado.
I currently serve as one of yourstate Board of Education members for Colorado
Congressional District three. I did twotours in Operation Iraq Freedom met my wife

and the army. Actually, youknow, she is now a nursing nurse,
but when I met her, shewas a combat medic. We're both
in Airborne School down in Fort Benning, Georgia. Oh, thank you.
I was just in awe. Thankyou. For your service. That's a
cool story. Yeah, please goahead. I appreciate it. Yeah,
no, I met her down thereand been serving on the state board fighting

for parental rights. You know,I'm actually interestingly enough being on the state
board event. I'll tell you what'sreally cool is I am one of the
only members. Actually, I'm theonly member with kids currently in schools,
so it brings a unique perspective.I have one in high school, I
have one in middle and to anelementary. We're a very Catholic family.
One of the really cool things Itell folks about myself is down in Pueblo,

we worked really hard over the pastcouple of years. I'm a former
Democrat and a lot of my friendswere former Democrats and we came over to
the Republican Party and actually last yearwe've organized over these past couple of years,
and last year we worked so hardwe were able to flip Pueblo for
the first time and I think almostninety years, not one Democrat was elected.
We took two school boards, citycouncil, and a mayorship and a

water board seat. So it's justreally good to see Pleblo such a strong
Catholic community, very conservative just talkingabout values based politics, fate, family,
country, less government, lower taxes, more individual freedoms. I always
joke I'm Italian, Hispanic, anda veteran like Pueblo had debate, So
great time. That's a great line. Hey, Stephen, I'm curious.

Stephen Verrella our guest. If youon his website, it's Steph E n
var e La for Colorado. Don'twrite that down if you're driving, Stephen.
I was a Democrat as well,and then went unaffiliated, and then
eventually came to the Republican Party sometimeover a decade ago. So I know
what that journey's like. What causedyou to make that move? You know,

I'll tell you Dan, my wifeand I were very pro life.
It's a very important thing to us. I'm a clinical social worker and my
wife is now a psych nurse practitioner. And even when we were Democrats,
we were very pro life Catholics,and you know, we it was really
weird to see the party and thatwas just one of the issues. I

could always use a generic term ofyou know, the party left me.
I didn't leave it, but itwas so multifaceted. Being a young Hispanic
male, I'm thirty nine years old, and at the time when I made
the move, thirty four and Iwas looking at my kids and I said,
I have them here in a goodCatholic school, and I'm raising them
to be good men, and youknow, a young and a daughter,

and I want them to have theAmerican dream. And that American dream is
what all of us came here for. Whether we were Hispanic, Italian,
Slovanian, whatever our background is,we came to America for that American dream,
which is capitalism. And I wasa part of a party that was
shaming that, and I started tosee it dwindle away, where they were

telling folks that capitalism was racist,or I started hearing the theme being built
up that the American flag was oppressive, and I fought for that flag.
You know, when I was inIraq, I was hit by an ID
I did. I was on agun truck sixteen five hundred miles combat patrol
northern Iraq, and came home forfive months, went back for another twelve,

and I sacrificed everything I could toserve my country. And to be
a part of a party that wasn'trepresenting that, in my mind, was
so distasteful what a great story,powerful story. Wow, Stephen Verilla,
our guest so love the fact thatyou made that journey and that you and

others have succeeded in turning Pueblo readas it should be. And obviously,
Stephen, you know better than alot of us because you've actually done it
on the ground that that's going tobe what saves America right is just just
explaining to people why the GOP alignswith their values, which which are at
their core right. I mean,I'm sure the vast majority of people you

meet in the district, just likethe vast majority of people I meet in
life, you know, at theirvery core is their faith, and at
their very core is understanding that ourtime on this planet is short and looking
ahead to eternity. And if peoplejust stop to think about it, I
think very few people want to votecounter to their faith. And so I

think you've got so many Democrats nowwho are voting counter to their faith.
And if you get great Republican candidateslike you who can just step up and
explain to them, you know,why the GOP is more consistent with their
core beliefs, I think that's howyou win. I think that's how you
turn the country around. You know, Dan, I couldn't disagree with you,

and I'll tell you why. InPublo, when I ran for Senate,
we hit over twenty two thousand doors. When I ran for that seat,
I was told, you know,you'd never have a chance to get
even close to the Democrat and Isaid, you know, I don't care.
We're going to work them. AndI brought that same model with me
to running for Congresses. Nobody willoutwork me. And when we hit those
doors, we made those phone calls. Right now, my team for Congress

when we're very grassroots, and Itake a lot of pride in that term.
And I know some folks within ourstate party have made that kind of
not a good word, but weare a grassroots campaign. And the way
I look at it is we've madeseventy five four thousand phone calls organically.
Wow, ten thousand doors we've knockedorganically, and I've driven over twenty eight

thousand miles. I've had almost everycounty and we've done it on a shoestring
budget. Because my belief is thatI'm not for sale. I work for
the people. And if we starttalking to folks that way, I mean
the people that have been so excitedto hear, well, you're not a
politician, you're a public servant.To me, that is so impressive because
they're starting to see that and differentiateit. I mean, there's very few

endorsement fall take and the one Idid was Susan B. Anthony, which
was the pro life one, becauseit meant a lot to me. Well,
and when you say these things,you have credibility. You've walked to
talk, you've served, you've servedin combat. I'm excited. I'm excited
to talk to you. I'm excitedabout your future. Stephen Rilla st e
p h E n v A rE l A for Colorado dot Com.

Stephen, come back soon and wishyou the best out there. Hey,
thank you so much. I appreciateyou. Sure thing take care of that
is wow. Impressive guy, impressiveguy. Hey, when we come back,
the left is out there crowing,Hey, this new gallipole shows are
going to kill the GOP in Novemberbecause their pro life will. Guess what,
I've got the gallipole in front ofme, and he doesn't say that.

And there's a lot of good newsin here for pro lifers. We'll
have that next on The Dan KaplasShow and now back to the Dan Kapliss
Show podcast. Well, certainly notabout age. Joe and that other guy
are essentially the same age. Let'snot be fool Joe isn't one of the

most effective presidents of our lives inspite of his age, but because of
it? She really think anybody's stupidenough to believe that. Oh yeah,
first that he's effective, but secondlyany effectiveness is because of his age.
Yeah, I mean he's very effectivein getting us attacked and in getting our
allies attacked. Yes, So itjust shows how desperate she is to cling

to power, which is bad newsfor America because it means that she's or
whoever's behind this, I assume it'sher, is going to keep whipping Biden
through this race. It's very goodnews for the Trump campaign because every day
Biden stays in the race is betterfor the Trump campaign. The earlier the
Democrats can get whoever is going tobe their nominee in the race, the

better for them. Eight five tofive for zero five eight two five to
five. The number text d anfive seven seven three nine exploding text.
As always, Dan Biden has alreadymade T shirts saying he won. Well,
he can wear those, I guessin retirement, and I hope he
has a healthy, happy, peacefulretirement. Just get him away from the

White House, Dan, says aTexter. It would also help Republicans get
elected in Colorado if the GOP wouldgive up its stance on opposing abortion.
Got two words for you, JoeO Day. And Joe is a guy
I really like. And he wasa great Senate candidate, one of the
best overall in a while, greatSenate candidate, except for one thing.

He was pro abortion. He wantedro codified, and it was a very
good test in Colorado. This theorysome have had that, oh yeah,
if the GOP only gives up itscommitment to life and caves in and supports
abortion on demand, Yeah, thenthe GOP will win. Well, what
happened to Joe oday, right,didn't work out so well. But the

other thing is, there's no doubtabout it. The GOP would cease to
exist as any kind of major partyif it gave up its commitment to life.
He would have so many people fleethe party it would be a complete
non factor. Plus it would haveno reason to exist even if the Texter
is right, and it would win. If it abandoned life, it would

have no reason to exist. That'speople. How many people do you think
Ryan probably advised Lincoln? Hey,if the GOP just agrees to slavery,
if the GOP just gives up itsopposition to slavery man like and you're going
to be president, you guys willwin in a walk. Wasn't the Republican
Party literally founded as an opposition toslavery party? And that's why the GOP

being the party that is saving somany innocent lives and is leading America toward
that day where all life will beprotected. It's just part of that continuum,
right, It's absolutely consistent with that, And slavery was its own unique
form of evil. But the commondenominator treating as a matter of science,
a matter of fact, other innocenthuman life as one's property, that is

a powerful common denominator. We've seenthe policy come along in each state now
responsible for its own the decision obviouslyof Dobbs being a landmark one though,
Dan, but would you describe ourcountry at this moment twenty twenty four as
more pro life or less than nineteenninety four. Well, thank you for
team this upright. Ninety four inparticular, I talk to thirty years.

Thirty years. Oh, I thinkI think America was certainly more pro Oh
ninety four. Let me think ofnine, because I'm thinking of Casey and
all just after Casey. Yeah,because Roe Casey was ninety two US right,
the US Supreme Court had actually votedin ninety two to overturn Row,
because no matter where you come downon abortion policy, Roe was always nonsense.

It was just a joke as constitutionallaw. And the Court saw that
in ninety two, when when theCourt was taking a hard look at Roe
again, it voted to overturn it. It voted to overturn Roe. And
then, according to Jeff Tubin inhis book The Nine, Kennedy flipped.
Kennedy had voted to overturn Row,and then Kennedy changed his mind. And

that's how, even though Roe reallydidn't stay in place, you had a
new standard after Casey. Yeah.But here's the point, And thank you
Ryan for that tea up. You'reprobably seeing some headlines out there right now
about new Gallupole says Republicans in bigtrouble on the abortion issue, come November.
Don't believe it. I've got thatgallupole right in front of me and

it doesn't say that at all.So I want to get into specifics though,
so you know what's going on withthis thing. And if you get
in any conversations, and I'm sureyou will, you know, as you're
attempting to persuade people to vote forPresident Trump or other Republicans between now an
election day and people say, now, your Republicans are going to get killed
at the polls over this, you'llknow the details of this gallupole, which

actually has a ton of good newscombined with other facts for pro life candidates.
And again, the starting point inall of this is we've got to
be pro life, just like wehad to be anti slavery. You've got
to be committed to protecting innocent humanlife, whether it's slavery or whether it's
abortion, regardless of whether it's goodfor you on election day or not,

because put on this planet to dothe right thing. And what a privilege
we have to have the chance tostand up and save innocent human life the
civil rights issue of our lifetime,simply by being politically active. But when
you get into this poll it's actuallyvery encouraging. So I probably won't have
time to give you the whole riffbefore this news break, but I'll get
started on it. Okay. Sothe big headline you're seeing is is gallup

Pole shows recent shift and pro choicesentiment. True, but it's not significant.
It says fifty four percent are nowpro choice. That's a three point
shift to pro choice. Well,wait a second. Last year, the
pro choice side lost three points andthat was after Dobs. So all you're

seeing now is kind of a normalfluctuation in the data that you have had
throughout the polling on pro life prochoice, just kind of this noise and
this fluctuation depending on who you happento poll. So so this three percent
increase in pro choice sentiment is notsignificant. It's just bouncing back from the

three percent loss last year. Buthere's the key. Almost all of this
increase, almost all of this additionalthree percent, and this is huge,
is among Democrats. It's among peopleare already voting for the Democrat anyway.
And Republicans and Independence Republicans and Independenceunchanged unchanged on pro life versus pro choice

since the Dots decision. Think aboutthat and when I come back from the
break. More good news for prolife forces out of this gallipole, but
we have much more to talk aboutas well. You're on the Dan Kapitla Show.
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