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June 11, 2024 34 mins
MSNBC's Nicolle Wallace breathlessly overdramatizes a secret recording of Justice Samuel Alito, in which he suggests we may not be able to 'split the difference' and compromise modern political philosophies in the United States, as she calls it an 'extraordinary development.' Is it, though?

Also, a previously unpublicized video of then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi surfaces, showing her reacting in the moment to the unrest of January 6th, 2021 and admitting 'I take responsibility' for there not being more National Guard troops at the ready to stave off the storming of the Capitol building that day. Will the mainstream media even mention this, let alone show it?
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Episode Transcript

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Do you think Hunter Biden should goto jail? Of course, you read
these pieces. He's facing all theseyears, right decades in jail. Theoretically,
et cetera. We all know itisn't going to be anything like that,
and we all know it's one thingyou know for sure, and you
can be more sure of it thanyour own name. Hunter Biden will never
do a day in jail as longas Joe Biden is president with the power

to pardon or commute his sentence.So we know that's a given right.
Hunter Biden is not going to goto jail on no matter what he is
sentenced with. But do you thinkhe should eight five five four zero five
eight two five five the number textd an five seven seven three nine.
Those who talk about today is sucha tough day for Joe Biden politically,

et cetera. I don't buy thatfor a second. I personally believe that
the Bidens once, once the DOJsweetheart deal for Hunter blew up, that
the Biden's at this point they wantedthis trial first, before the tax of
Asian trial, and they wanted aconviction. Because of conviction, Sir Joe
Biden and Hunter Biden, because again, he's not going to jail. Joe

Biden will eventually pardon him completely,not just commute his sentence. He's not
going to go to jail. Anda conviction can take pressure off Hunter Biden
because Hunter Biden who is facing thesetax evasion charges and there should be more
tax evation charges. But again thequote special counsel, who I believe really
isn't when you get into it technically, but anyway allowed the statute of limitations

to run on a lot of thosetaxavas charges, including for years when Joe
Biden was Vice president. So thetax evation charge is far more damaging to
Joe Biden because that's all about money. Where did Hunter Biden get that money?
He didn't pay taxes? Hunt,right, where did he get it
other than selling access to Joe?So yeah, right now, a conviction

helps Joe Biden because he can standup and say equal justice under the laws.
See what a good father I am. I changed my plans today I
meet Hunter on the tarmac and Hunterjust happen to pop out on the tarmac
for the photo app up and wehave this nice big hugs. See what
a great dad I am. Soit serves Joe Biden. Politically, it
serves Hunter Biden because maybe it takessome pressure off on his far bigger worries

right now, such as the taxevasion and the other corruption in line to
Congress charges that are being investigated.So it serves them all the way around.
And then bottom line, never forgetthis and think about what an odd
state it puts this nation in.Hunter Biden is this and you feel for
and pray for anybody who's an addict, right but this addict, Hunter Biden,

with all of his issues and allof as many flaws, owns Joe
Biden. Hunter Biden owns Joe Bidenbecause Hunter Biden knows the truth. Hunter
Biden knows where all the bodies areburied, and a lot of those bodies
are already kind of exhumed for everybodyto see. But Hunter Biden knows the
truth. Hunter Biden could bury JoeBiden. So think about that. We

live in a world right now nowwhere Hunter Biden owns the President of the
United States in very real terms.So that'll help us all sleep tonight eight
five to five for zero five eighttwo five five the number Nancy Palazi joined
us at four oh six she's chairof the jeffco GOP talking about the effort
now to remove GOP chair Dave Williamsfrom his office, and she updated us

on counties that are backing that.She thinks she's going to get the votes
ultimately to do it, though shesaid it would be close some counties not
backing it, including some prominent counties. So we had that conversation. We
will keep you updated. Lots moregoing on in the world. I've got
to get to this Taylor Swift stuff, right because it's President Trump talking about
Taylor Swift and then now more talkon the left about, hey, Taylor

Swift could bail out the Democrats,Taylor Swift could stop Donald Trump. So
I want to get to some ofthat. Sound see if you agree.
I'm also going to get to thisAlito sound because you're going to love this.
You have the left just like apoplecticover how a liar pretending to be
somebody from the right caught Justice Idoon tape at a Supreme Court reception saying

these dastardly things, Well, thedastardly things are the truths and things he's
right about. Let's get to thatright now. Here's Nicole Wallace on MSNBC
experiencing some kind of out of bodyevent. Spoiler alert. It's not like
you can slit the difference. Alitoin his own words about whether or not

the right and the left can otherever quote live together or work together quote
peacefully. This is the part inthe program where we are obligated to tell
you that as a network, wereached out to Justice Alito as well as
to press officers, and they're makingthis like he was caught with a herd
of sheep or something. Wait asecond, he was caught saying true things.

Listen, we know that we cannegotiate the last in the way life.
You need to have it. Forthe polarization, I think it is
a matter of like winning. Ithink you're probably one side or the other.
One side or the other is theway. Okay, let's start with

that. And by the way,this is a liar. This is somebody
who pretends to be somebody else tryingto catch Republicans on tape saying damaging things.
Okay, but but that aside fora second. So Justice Alito agrees
that, yeah, either one side'sgoing to win or the other side's going
to win. The left or theright. I think that's obviously true,

right when you when you come downto the policy issues at stake here,
I think one side is going toprevail or the other, and I don't
think there's anything controversial about that atall. He goes on from there,
I don't know. I mean,there can be a way of working,

a way of living together peacefully.It's difference, you know, because their
distances on fundamental things that really can'tbecome us. So he's obviously talking about
policy. One side's going to winpolitically, one side's going to lose politically,
and the country is going to bedominated by that ideology. And then

he's talking about, hey, thereare ways to live together peacefully again meeting
politically ideologically, which is also true. I've talked about both on this show.
So so far, there's nothing thatI can see here that's at all
controversial or wrong. How about you, It's not like you're going to sweat

the difference. Yeah, and soi'd love your take on that. And
then we'll get to the next piece, which is where he talked about godliness
and statements that again, I thinkwe're very true and I don't think should
be controversial. But we'll get tothat separately. So what do you think
anything wrong in what the Justice saidabout? Yeah? No, I think

one side, one ideology is goingto win and the other's going to lose.
Just when I think that's where Americais trending, Just when I thought
I knew who the worst on MSNBCwas, Like some days I think it's
Joy Reid, and other days Ithink it might be Rachel Maddow, and
I think maybe it's Mika Brazinski.It's got to be Nicole Wallace though this
is such a space cadet. Sheis so obviously phony and a charlatan.

She used to work on the Bushadministration. I don't know how that ever
happened. But the way she overplayedthis and this clip, Dan, who
seriously watches this channel, That's whatI was just going to say, Why
would she upset you? Because nobodycares. Nobody cares what Nicole Wallace says.
Now you think Justice Alito's concerned aboutthat. I know you watched that
channel for laughs, but well,you know, I watch all this lefty
stuff to try to identify their bestarguments to be best able to defeat them.

I mean, that's what you gotto do right in there, But
no nobody hers seriously or Joy readsseriously, or Joe Scarborough seriously, or
meet us seriously. I mean right, I think there are some, oh,
right, but they're already voting forwhoever the left he is. We're
right, it's a preaching to thechoir scenario. You're absolutely right, it's

red meat for the base. Butthe fact that you can get swept up
in this crap and feel like thisis going to lead anywhere does a lefty
viewer who maybe listens to NPR andwatches MSNBC and reads the New York Times
and has coffee with all the importantpeople, do they really think that Justice
Alito is going to be removed overthese kind of comments. No. The
only time folks like this in themedia matter is if, in fact,

there's some investigative reporting and they breaka story with something legitimate, and they
stand it for days and days anddays. You know, if the underlying
facts are true, then they canmake a difference. But they almost never
do that. They come up withall this phony stuff and then they try
to push it as real and iteventually falls apart because it's phony. But

when we come back there's a lotthat we want to do here. We'll
follow up on this Alito piece.But Nancy Pelosi, has she been busted?
Has she been busted on January sixth, and whether she should have whether
she should have secured national guard protectionfor January six We'll start with that.
You're on the Dan Capla show.Nancy Pelosi admits it right, at least

according to these pressure reports. Youhear the sound yourself, Nancy Pelosi says,
quote, I take responsibility for nothaving national guards at the Capitol on
January sixth, in video shop byher own daughter. That's the take of
the New York Post and not prettymuch the take of Fox News as well.
Play the sound for you again.It's a little hard to hear.

I know you're probably driving right now, etc. But before you listen to
it, here, according to theNew York Post, is what Nancy Pelosi
said. And again this is onvideo shot by her own daughter on January
six and the way the Post storyreads quote as rioters stormed the seat of

Congress, Pelosi eighty four fumed aboutthe lack of quote accountability and accepted quote
responsibility for a lack of security aheadof former President Donald Trump stopped the Steel
rally shot for an HBO documentary bythe congresswoman's daughter, Alexandra Pelosi. Quote,
we have responsibility, Terry Pelosi isheard telling her chief of staff Terry

McCullough as they're whisked away in avehicle from the Capitol. We did not
have any accountability for what was goingon there, and we should have.
This is ridiculous. So I wantedto read that to you before you heard
it, because again, the wayher daughter shot this, it's it's a
little bit hard to make out.Eight y five four zero five eight two

five five the number text d anfive seven seven three nine sold that fire
that up for you right now.And then I want to get back to
this business with Justice. Alito underfire from the left. They claim they
have this big find in this tapewhere he just seems to be speaking the
truth. But again the left doesn'tlike the truth very much. It's very

much Ryan, like have you everthought about it this way? The Wicked
Witch and the Wizard of Oz,one of the greatest movies of all time,
and how throwing water on her eventuallymade her melt. The truth is
like water to the left. Itjust makes them melt. They can't handle
it. So tell me what Alitosaid that isn't true. But first,
Nancy Pelosi, we have responsibility,Terry. We did not have any accountability

for what was going on there,and we should have. This is ridiculous.
You're gonna ask me in the middleof the thing when they've already breached
the innaugural stuff, that should wecall the Capitol police? I mean the
National Guard? Why weren't the NationalGuard there to begin with? They thought

that they had sufficient Now they're nota questionable. They don't know. They
clearly didn't know, and I takeresponsibility for not having them just prepare for
Wait a second, how come thiswanted January sixth Committee didn't air that tape?
Right? They certainly had access toit. And this is believable.

This is credible. It's what's inthe law. It's an exception to hearsay
because normally a witness can't testify towhat they heard somebody else say, because
then you don't have the ability tocross examine the original source. But there
are exceptions in the law to hearsay, and one of the admissibility of hearsay,
and one of those exceptions is anexcited utterance, and that's what we

have here by Nancy Pelosi. She'sunder the stress of the moment on January
sixth in the Capitol, so she'smore likely to be speaking the truth.
And that's what we have here onJanuary sixth, is Nancy Pelosi speaking the
truth. She should have had NationalGuard there, and there's been this big
controversy over whether President Trump had requestednational Guard or not. Now, according

to Reuter, is no friend ofTrump. Former Acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller
told a House of Representatives panel thathe spoke with Trump on January three,
three days before obviously the j sixevents, and Trump asked during that meeting
whether DC's Maria had requested National Guardtroops, and Trump told Miller to fill

the request that he wanted national Guardthere. Now, Miller said Trump wanted
national Guard to protect his supporters onthat day he was afraid of violence against
them. But Miller backing up Trump'sclaim at least that he had wanted national
Guard there. But Pelosi, that'sthe headline today video that took so very
long to surface, accepting responsibility fornot having the guard there. Eight five

five for zero five A two fivefive. The number question, yes,
very important one. It is,Well, we just played there that audio
and the corresponding video. Has thatbeen aired on CNN or MSNBC or ABC
or any of the mainstream news networkssince it's surfaced? My friend, I
do not know, but I don'tknow he is, you know, right,

if it's popped up somewhere, it'sit's not going to be repeated,
and the key is repetition. It'snot going to be featured and repeated the
way they would something that hurt Trump, something that But doesn't that just seal
the deal for Donald Trump? Hedid a sit down interview dan with Christian
Welker of NBC, saying that Irequested more national Guard. Nancy Pelosi said

no, you know, and shejust confirmed that in that clip. I
take responsibility right now. That's differentthan her saying oh yeah, Trump asked
me, and I said no,that's her saying I should have had national
guard there, right. I thinkthat her a blank moment. I think
it's very significant, right, andwe don't get the chance under oath right
to say take that further with her, and nobody ever will. But because

you do not believe Trump that hewould have requested the National Guard presence.
I just read this. I justread this quote from his Defense secretary,
Acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller saying thatTrump did want National Guard there, told
him that on January three. Sothe whole January sixth committee. I don't
think we've talked about this enough,Dan. It was a sham. It
was a joke. There were twophony Republicans on it that had it out

for Trump. It was a totalmod the Republicans. They couldn't have who
they wanted. Ridiculous, But somuch to talk about, and so much
I want to cover with you today, including the left pretending that they all
of the sudden have Alito busted whenall they said was true stuff. And
we'll get to that after the break, when we have some more time to
let that tape roll out. Iwant to get to some of her great

texters, Dan, Yes, Nancy'svideo accidentally revealed part of the j six
Truth Beyond Criminal. That video wasnot included in the Jay sixth primetime BS
show and investigation. That from Alexaand that is so true, Dan,
Please don't start again with Taylor Swiftsome kind of Salomnak character sitting on her

throne and deciding who will be theleader of the free world. All the
cat ladies men hating Blue Hair Generation'sweird, screaming gaze that slavishly worship her.
We're never going to vote for Trump. Her endorsement is meaningless, but
you love her, so prattle onSwifty. Hey, well written, thank
you for that. Let me comeback. We are listen. What's triggered
this conversation is not me. Ihaven't talked about Taylor Swift in days.

What triggered this conversation is President Trumpdecided to talk publicly about Taylor Swift,
and now the left coming in andsaying, hey, Taylor Swift can save
us, Taylor Swift can swing thiselection. All I am saying to this
well intentioned and creative texture is ifyou don't understand Taylor Swift not an endorsement

in some tweet or Instagram that's seenby fifty million people. No, that's
not going to have lasting impact.But if Taylor Swift was to decide to
pull a Bruce Springsteen and actively goout there and work for whoever the dem
nominee is going to be, it'snot going to be Biden. But if
she was to choose to go outand do that and put on these free

shows in different cities to try topush the DEM nominee, If you don't
think that could swing swing states,then you missed math class. You miss
math class, and door, youdon't have any daughters, and you haven't
been any Taylor Swift shows. Andseen how many Normies go to Taylor Swift
shows from every segment of life inAmerica. So yeah, an endorsement is

relatively meaningless. But really getting behindthe DEM nominee and doing all those free
shows and going swingstate to swing state, yeah yeah, I would say that
could be. That could level theplaying field in a hurry. So when
we come back President Trump's comments onTaylor Swift, your comment on Dad and
everything else on the Dan Capitalist Show, it's not like you can split the

difference. Alito in his own wordsabout whether or not the right and the
left can other ever quote live togetheror work together quote peacefully. This is
the part in the program where weare obligated to tell you that as a
network, we reached out to JusticeAlito as well as to press officers at
the United States Supreme Court to seeif they wanted to respond to Justice Alito

in his own words on tape,saying those things you can't quote split the
difference. If you haven't received anycomment yet, if we do while we're
on the air, we'll bring itto you right away. But again,
another extraordinary development in the entire historyof the United States Supreme Court. Justice
Alito caught on tape is where westart the hour. It is don'pe lease

wherever she works that she can't possiblybelieve what she's saying. And we played
the sound, but it's hard tomake out. So I'll just read it
to you. Here is what she'sall aghast about, or something about.
Here's what Alito said to a liberalfilmmaker, Lauren Windsor, who pretends to
be a conservative to get conservatives tosay certain things. This is at the

Supreme Court Historical Society's annual dinner lastweek. I'm sure she'll be invited back
next year. Quote, this isJustice Alito. One side or the other
is going to win. There canbe a way of working a way of
living together peacefully. But it's difficult, you know, because there are differences
on fundamental things that really can't becompromised Winsor then told Aledo, I think

that the solution really is like winningthe moral argument, Like people in this
country who believe in God have gotto keep fighting for that to return our
country to a place of godliness.I agree with you. Alito responded,
what's the problem with that? Cansomebody tell me the problem with that?
It's obviously in the political sense.In fact, even the AP headline AP

and extension of the left usually quoteJustice Alito questions possibility of political compromise in
secret recording? Did he say anythingthat isn't true? Eight five five for
is there a five A two fivefive. I think he's a giant of
the law, and history will viewhim that way. His opinion in Dobbs

Striking Don Rowe was historically epic andwell reasoned and well supported by the law.
And he also has the moral couragenot to pursue a personal political agenda,
but simply to interpret the law correctly, despite whatever abuse that may bring
him personally. So I think he'llgo down as truly one of the greatest

US Supreme Court justices. Let's goto beautiful Douglas County, Colorado. Talk
to Jake. You're on the DanKaplis Show. Welcome Dan Hayen, Thank
you for bringing these points about NancyPelos. And I know you know this,
but your listeners may not. Wesecure facilities all over the place,
military bases, Buckway, Peterson Capital, all the different locations in why different

lope. I won't be too specific, but when Nancy Pelosi just took credit
for her failure to protect the capital, she is actually the supreme commander of
the Grand Puba of the Capital.She's supposed to keep the capital secure for
the Senate and the House, andshe openly admitted that she failed to do
so. And they put bicycle racksaround the building, that's all they were.

When we did the security of dawe put concrete posts in and steal
and you can't have a vehicle intothe airport, obviously because somebody would blow
it up, which has happened.But I ask you, as an attorney,
did she then take accountability for allof the people that have been arrested
for not doing bad things? Somepeople did some bad forget that, but

did you take credit for the completefailure of securing the capital at the timer
we counted our votes? Yeah?No, great point, Jake and thank
you for that. And obviously theyhid this tape for years, right,
I mean, this is just comingout now. You can be sure that
Nancy Pelosi knew it was on thattape, her daughter took it. You
can be sure the JA six committeeknew. But it's just coming out now.

How about all the what was it? Emails and other evidence that was
just miraculously disappeared, Dan, Itwas destroyed by the JA six committee after
their hearings were done. How isthat allowed? How is that not investigated?
So you can see why they're allliving in fear of a second Trump
term in terms of legitimate investigations.Yeah, but anyway, Text or Dan

I have twined daughters, and theyboth despise Taylor Swift. I don't believe
that Texter, and I don't thinkI've ever said that on a show before,
but I just do not believe that. Text may have a great point,
Brian on your way to law school, great point, and it may
have something to do with the factshe spelled the name tr A I L.

E. R. Traylor Swift.Oh was that man as a dig
at her? You know, liketrailer trash? What I'm just saying,
that's how it's spelled. Don't shiftthe message. Okay, no, no,
no, no, I'm not It'sjust would be kind of an odd
insult for But anyway, here's CNNgetting very worked up over President Trump's latest

comments on Taylor Swift, talking aboutwhat is good to talk about in politics,
what is good for politics and not. Here's an interesting one. Donald
Trump now wondering aloud about Taylor Swift, is apparently coming from an expert of
forthcoming book about his work with theproducer of The Apprentice. The conversation that
took place in November twenty twenty three, Trump saying this about Taylor Swift.

I think she's a liberal. Sheprobably doesn't like Trump, but she is
liberal or is that just an act? He asks, She's legitimately liberal.
It's not an act. It surprisesme that a country star cans can be
successful being liberal, Trump said,before the author noted that swift crossover to
pop music years ago, a crossover. She can do whatever she wants.
I would say, is it goodfor politics to take on Taylor Swift?

And then CNN had this big headlineup today. I'm not sure the context
are and I'm not sure if yousaw the story, Trump says, Taylor
Swift quote unusually beautiful. Wo's theirheadline. It's great at seven o'clock hour
nationally. But anyway, and thisis obviously what they're trying to do,
is they're they're trying to beg baitwhatever they have to do Taylor Swift into

backing the Democrat candidate. They say, Joe Biden right now, but they
must know he's not going to bethe Democrat candidate. I mean, this
just goes into that bucket of weirdand strange that we are seeing pop up
almost every single day in this campaigncase. But you know, again,
I think the more that Donald Trumpfocuses and is obsessed with somebody like Taylor

Swift, the better it is forDemocrats, because I think we do know
that she's liberal. We do knowthat she probably will not vote for Donald
Trump, and she may even comeout and endorse Joe Biden and Kamala Harris
and the Democrats before the November election, which I think would be the Republicans
and Donald Trump's biggest nightmare. Andit's probably why he's injecting this question mark

into this election for whatever reason hemight think helps him. Yeah, an
endorsement again wouldn't mean much, itwouldn't be a positive. But if Taylor
Swift got involved and went city tocity in swing states, yeah, that'll
make a big difference. I willpredict right now, Ryan, going on
the record five point forty three pointfour point eight on this beautiful June eleven,
that Taylor Swift does not go there, and she does not go there

because she doesn't want to experience thewrath of Mega. She doesn't want to
alienate the Trump base, which isunderstandably extremely loyal to the president. When
I say rap, I mean justin terms of, Okay, we're not
going to buy her stuff, wearen't going to go to her shows,
et cetera. She just she livesin this Her concerts are this one and
it's part of the beauty of herconcerts. She doesn't talk politics, which

I really appreciate, you know,because she's a lefty and it's one big
love bubble at her concerts. It'sreally an extraordinarily cool vibe. She is
not going to want to disrupt thatlove bubble vibe by all of the sudden
getting actively involved in trying to defeatDonald Trump, who is you know,
understandably beloved by many, many peopleacross this nation. So I don't think

she's going to go there. Shemay slip out on Instagram endorsement or something.
Wish she wouldn't, but what wouldreally hurt. No, I don't
think she's going city to city.So you think she's following basically line for
line what you just described. Danis the rock his example where he did
endorse Biden the last time around,I think he really regrets it and now
he's backed away entirely. It's notgoing to endorse Trump, but he's not

gonna endorse Bidy. No, that'sright, and said he does regret it.
So when we come back, we'regoing to recap some of the keys
of the Dave Nancy Palazi, chairof the Jeffco GOP updating on the effort
to remove Dave Williams's chair. Shethinks in the end she's going to have
the vote, so we'll update youon that as well as some opposition to
that. And then also Nancy Pelosisaying that Joe Biden's the most religious president

ever. You don't want whatever she'shaving. You're on the Dan Kapla Show.
What is the moral significance of myfriend. I don't about moral,
but it's goodbye stranger, and somein the Republican Party in Colorado would considered
Dave Williams to be a stranger atthis point. Nancy Palasi joined us at

four h six. She's headed theJeff GOP and she was updating us,
and she's been one of the leadersof the efforts to oust Dave Williams as
chair. I support her efforts andmany others do as well. She's telling
us that the Central Committee is aboutfour hundred people of the Colorado GOP,
that it takes sixty percent of thepeople present and voting from the Central Committee

to remove a chair. She believesshe'll have the votes, but says it
will be close, and there issome prominent opposition, she says, including
Douglas County GOP, and so shesaid a meeting she thinks would be after
the June twenty fifth primary, butprior to July one because of the upcoming
GOP convention, et cetera. Sowe'll see where all of that goes.

And I admire a courage I likeDave personally. I've had him on Era
Bonch. Always enjoy our conversations.We agree on most things, disagree on
some. We obviously disagree over whetherhe needs to be removed, not a
personal thing, but removed for thegood of the cause, the good of
the causes, including this very veryimportant cause of standing up to the radical

leftist administration tries trying to use anlb LGBTQ agenda to try to strip away
religious liberty rights, strip away freedomof speech, interfere with parental rights.
These are very serious policy issues,and the way Dave has approached it,
in my opinion, with this reallyhateful kind of stuff, just hands victory

to the other side and really misrepresentswho Republicans are as a people. They're
the opposite of haters, the oppositeof haters, and certainly the opposite of
haters of gays. So Dave,I think is undermining conservative causes, handing
the left victories, undermining the ColoradoGOP, and I think it's time for
him to go. I don't getto make those decisions. The Central Committee

does. They do all the hardwork, They go out county to county,
they're in the trenches. They havea right to make this decision,
and I hope they make the rightones. So we continue to invite Dave,
look forward to having him on theshow. Would love to let the
ideas collide, and then you decidewe should trademark that eight five five four
zero five eight two five five thenew Moreaus we've been talking about that will

follow that up day to day.Since it's so important for Colorado. Listen,
at some point for the survival ofthis state in any kind of livapool
form, the Colorado GOP has tobe reborn. It has to be its
best version of itself. There areso many good people in it right now,
but it has to take that nextstep. The entire state needs it.

The entire state needs a viable GOPand just can't afford this nonsense right
now. Lots of other stuff goingon. We've been talking today about Nancy
Pelosi, this video that suddenly surfaces. Certainly the JA six committee knew about
it, where she accepted responsibility fornot having National Guard at the capitol on
January sixth. Nice to know daysyears later, right, I wish it

had been days later, years later. Should Hunter Biden go to jail?
You haven't give me your take,Ryan. My take on that is Hunter
Biden should get whatever others in thesame situation normally get I don't know what
that is in the federal SYS forthis particular fence, whatever it is,
wherever that falls on the spectrum,he should get it because it should just

be like any other case, nospecial treatment and no extra punishment whatever is
normally done. If the same standardhad been applied to Donald Trump, he
never would have been charged in NewYork and wouldn't be facing any of these
charges that he's facing across the country. So yeah, and I don't know
what that is. I have toimagine though, normally for this kind of

crime, where it's not just somebodylying about something about themselves to get a
gun, but they actually go getthe gun, and then they're doing something
reckless with the gun, as evidencedhere by the fact I think was it
his wife who then went and dumpedit in a trash can outside of a
local store. Well that was Bo'swife who he had been oh that's right,
concerting with yeah, and got hinton cracked, Okay, exactly right.

Yeah. And one of the greatvalues of this trial, right is
it was finally admitted that the laptopwas real. Now this brings us full
circle. To where we need downthe show because politically, there is nothing
more important looming on the horizon thanthis January twenty seven debate that sets up
so well for Biden because it's short, there are commercial breaks, the bar's

been set so low. You knowhe's if they're going to rest him literally
for ten days, it's in thenews, and he's going to show up
looking better than he normally looks andsounding better than he normally sounds because they
can get him good enough for anhour or two. And so President Trump,
we need to get the A Trumpbecause guess I think those audience numbers
are going to be ginormous for Junetwenty seven and President Trump, this is

a golden opportunity for him. Butwe need the A Trump. If we
don't get the A Trump on Januarytwenty seven, then whoever the dem nominee
is going to because we know it'snot going to be Biden. And I
heard you and Kelly gloating on yourshow today. Ryan does a great bragging
strutting and that was Ryan does agreat show, by the way, two

to four Mountain Time, Monday throughFriday in the Denver Market on six point
thirty KHW just before my show startsthere, and you guys are bragging about
how I'm gonna have to buy youboth Tomaha Tomawk steaks because we have a
bet. I say that the obvious. I'll feel guilty eating those two Tomahawk
steaks all by myself. It maytake me an hour, but I will,

Okay, Because obviously Joe Biden isnot going to be the DEM nominee.
But if we get the eight presidentTrump on June twenty seven, and
we'll talk more tomorrow about what thatlooks like, though I think you already
know, then that is a tremendous, tremendous, huge step towards securing the
second term against whoever the DEM nomineeis. If we get the rambling,

festivist kind of Trump bearing personal grievances, all bets are off. All bets
are off. I think if hetells stories, if he can store that
info, I think Trump can aboutindividuals that he meets on the trail,
that's gold. This is the biggestno bringer in the history of the Earth.
The guy was a phenomenally successful firstterm president by any measure. All
he has to do now is comparewhat he actually did to what Biden has

done, just spend the whole twohours looking at the camera and saying any
question, no matter what said,were you better off when I was president?
Or are you better off now?Are you better off now or when
I was president? That makes thecase. Great job, Brian Kelly,
join us tomorrow, please
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