Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:05):
Ripped news, need advice? Who you don't have? Come run
anxious as fast as we can. Shooter's gonna help me.
Speaker 2 (00:18):
Come, man, this is the Troubleshooter Show. No Tom Martinez, Welcome,
Welcome to the only show of it's kind. We're here
to solve problems, answer questions, take your complaints. My goal
and our goal is to make your life a little
bit better. You've been ripped off or taking advantage of
I want to hear from you. That is what this
shows about. I love sinking my teeth into the bad guys,
maybe a bad contractor maybe a bad landlord, a bad doctor,
you name it. I want to help you. And on
top of that, we got a list of experts at
referral list dot com that are better than anybody out there.
I'll just say it. In fact, if you're looking for
a vendor, if you're looking for an a turn need
to use, if you're looking for anything along those lines,
you go to referral list dot com. I'll simply say
that I'm also going to add the worst of the worst.
You know where that is? Where is that, Suzanne? Where
do we list the worst of the worst?
Speaker 3 (01:13):
Sleez Brigade dot com.
Speaker 2 (01:15):
By the way, Don Ailey, does anybody remember Don Iiley?
Don Iiley screwed over not only some of our people,
meaning people on referral list and people around the state
of Colorado, small businesses. He was an accountant that would
file bogus tax returns and basically the business got held,
but the business got left hold in the bag. That
was the bottom line. He would basically tell the Feds
that a small business had zero employees, but he would
take the payroll proceeds each month out of that business's
bank account and tell them that they paid the Feds.
After five or ten years, the Feds figured out what
was going on. They came after him, and they went
after the businesses. He got twelve and a half years
in federal in the federal pen. Why am I talking
about him? You know what I heard? I got an
email from somebody. Oh yeah, you remember that. Oh yeah,
he's dead. Apparently he died. He met his maker somewhere
in prison. Of course, he's only been in four or
five years. I don't know if he was murdered. I
don't know if he hung himself, but quite honestly, I
don't care.
Speaker 4 (02:31):
He ruined a lot of lives, mark marriages, divorces, suicide,
suicides is terrible.
Speaker 2 (02:37):
We had one guy own a business ended up blowing
his head off after Di Niley destroyed the entire business.
So quite frankly, I'm glad he's six feet in the ground.
Speaker 3 (02:44):
Good riddance.
Speaker 5 (02:45):
Speaker 2 (02:46):
We tried to look up what happened, but when you're
in a federal prison and you die, it's not exactly
easy to find information. So I don't know what else
to say. But if anybody out there does know how
he died, I'd love to hear it. I would love
to hear how that man died. He screwed so many people,
He caused deaths, and he destroyed families. So that's it.
And there's still ten million dollars missing. I don't know
who has it, no idea, but.
Speaker 4 (03:11):
Here's what the folks he took money from, they still
were left holding the bag, paying not.
Speaker 2 (03:15):
Money before he went to court. Oh they're still paying
til this day.
Speaker 3 (03:18):
That's sad.
Speaker 2 (03:19):
I went down there. In fact, on our Facebook page,
I went down to his office. This is way pre COVID,
and he was the only one in this office. It
was like half a floor of a big building. It
had to be five thousand square feet, twenty thirty forty offices,
big conference room, big reception area, the whole bit. I
walked in there not one person in there, and I'm
Facebook Live at the time. One guy walks out of
one office and the entire thing. It was Don Eiley,
and I confronted him. He had nothing to say, of course,
and basically at some point told me I had to
get out. I was stresspassing. But anyhow, that's what we
do here. I love going after the bad guys. I'll
always let you know when lines are open. Right now,
we have two open three oh three seven to one,
three eight two five five in the studio with me,
my beautiful wife Suzanne, Deputy dollar counting background. We have
Deputy Dmitri. He's our trash man. What do you think
of that, Deputy?
Speaker 6 (04:16):
Yeah, I really like that.
Speaker 2 (04:17):
I like to he's in the recycling business. He makes
problems disappear good. You like that, yeah, okay. And then
of course we have Kelly on the other side of
the glass and Shannon running the board. We'd love to
hear from you three oh three seven to one, three eight,
two five five before I go to Clayton he's got
a problem with the roofing contractor Clayton. You'll be first,
and then Ray has got a question on wills and probate.
We might get one of our attorneys on at refralist
dot com. But doctor Joel Cherdak is in with me.
He's the owner of Denver regen dot com. What's going on, doc?
Hey Marko morning, Good morning, sir. We're gonna dive into
something I'm doing through you guys. I'm not going to
do it right now, but it's very exciting. I can't
wait to talk about it. And I also want to
dive into a study with you that I was reading yesterday.
I think it came out over the weekend, and it's
basically saying, if you drink any amount of alcohol at all,
your risk of getting cancer is high. That is how
I have read it on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, Fox
had a little different take on it, and then some
other articles. But I assume you know what I'm talking
about on this study.
Speaker 7 (05:26):
Yeah, I'm pretty familiar with it.
Speaker 2 (05:27):
I can't wait to dig into that because there's a
lot of people out there going see you tell me
I have a glass of wine at dinner on Friday.
I'm going to die of cancer. I really do want
to get into that. But before we dive into that, Hey,
what's going on, Clayton, Clayton, you're up, sir?
Speaker 8 (05:47):
Speaker 9 (05:47):
Hey, yes, I do have a problem with a riffing companies.
They came in, did my roof would didn't do a
good job. When I try to add to repeat on
me to redo it, all you want to do is
argue with me.
Speaker 2 (06:04):
Hey, Clayton, let's start. Let's start with some basics. When
was the roof done?
Speaker 10 (06:12):
Just roughlyly in July?
Speaker 2 (06:15):
So in July you hired these roofers, Like after a
hailstorm or was it a cash deal? Why were they
there after a healthstorm? Okay, so you had heal damage,
you contacted your insurance or a roofer. It got approved,
The roofer comes out, they do the roof. Now, when
you said you didn't like what was not done or
how it was done, get a little more specific for me,
like when they were finished or thought they were finished.
What was wrong with it?
Speaker 9 (06:44):
It looked like it was an old job though, what
does that mean? One of the one of the employees,
he told me that the shingles was old, but he said,
so that he don't.
Speaker 5 (06:56):
Get in trouble.
Speaker 9 (06:56):
He said, if I bring that up to his boss,
he would not.
Speaker 2 (07:01):
Wait a second, agreed. I'm trying to understand what you're saying.
So tell me if I've got this right. One of
the subcontractors, or I assume is the sub someone that
was working on your roof, said that the shingles were old.
When you say old, you mean they were still new,
but they were old, or you saying they were using
like used shingles.
Speaker 9 (07:21):
He didn't say pacific. Only thing he What he did
is he came and replaced a couple of with like
five shingles, and he said that those shingles were not
too good.
Speaker 2 (07:33):
Oh wait a second, wait a second, I'm sorry. I
I thought the entire claim would cover the whole roof.
Was it just a small section of the roof?
Speaker 5 (07:40):
No, No, they covered the whole roof. They did the
whole room.
Speaker 2 (07:43):
So wait a minute, and what do you mean by
he put a few on there that looked old? I
don't get that.
Speaker 9 (07:49):
Uh So what he did was when I told him
that the shingles wasn't right.
Speaker 2 (07:54):
And so wait wait wait, Clayton, Clayton, I'm sorry, to
keep interrupting, but I really got to understand. So when
you looked up when the roof was done, and you're
telling me it's not right, what do you mean by
that it was the wrong color? They looked old? What
when you said they're not right? What did you mean.
Speaker 5 (08:12):
It was the right color?
Speaker 9 (08:14):
But what happened is it looked like.
Speaker 5 (08:18):
The tip of it was like.
Speaker 11 (08:21):
Speaker 9 (08:21):
It looked like the chinger would be in there for
a long time. I mean it was like the lift up.
It would kind of like up. And he said, that's
the way the chingo's supposed to look and supposed to
give it the old look instead of a new.
Speaker 2 (08:35):
It's supposed to That's really what he said. It's supposed
to give an old look instead of a new look.
Speaker 5 (08:40):
That's exactly what he told me.
Speaker 2 (08:41):
What was this company called? Who was it?
Speaker 5 (08:45):
Robin Hood Roofing?
Speaker 2 (08:48):
In What area are you at?
Speaker 5 (08:50):
I mean Denver, the Mombella area.
Speaker 2 (08:53):
Okay, hold on a second, let me get on hold.
I got to take this break. I'm going to come
back to you right after this. Ray Hold on two
lines open three seven, one, three eight, two five five,
and Kelly, I would like you to get Jay brats
On or Henry brats I would appreciate that. Everybody, hold tight.
We're gonna get to the bottom of this. I mean,
I've never heard of this. You've had some roofing experience,
doctor Joel, You've you know, in your past. I mean,
if you ever heard of anything like that. It's supposed
to look old. That's that's what we're selling you. Is
a shingle that's meant to look old.
Speaker 7 (09:26):
That seems ridiculous.
Speaker 2 (09:27):
I've never heard anything like it. Hold on, man, there
is a lot.
Speaker 11 (09:36):
Go with a sure thing Denver's Best Roofer Excel Roofing
dot com.
Speaker 2 (09:40):
You don't pay a cent until you're content.
Speaker 11 (09:46):
Time for an insurance check up free no obligation comparison
call Compass Insurance paying too much your coverage at dozens
of insurance companies find out now three oh three seven
seven to one help. You'll think you're his only customer
when you choose Frank Durant, the real estate man dot
com to list your home with Remax Alliance three oh
three nine two zero sixteen twenty two.
Speaker 2 (10:06):
Going on in the news. By the way, we're going
to dig into some of it, but right now we're
trying to get one of our roofing companies on. But
I don't care what anybody says. Kelly, did you try
to reach out to those guys?
Speaker 12 (10:17):
They haven't responded yet, but I'm working on it.
Speaker 2 (10:19):
We should hear back the other one. Let's try down
in Colorado Springs. Who are our friends down there, Suzanne?
But trolley? But what's his name? I like, yeah, see
if we can get O'Malley on. He's a great roofer
down in the Springs, really good people. But here's the deal.
If you're just joining this. Clayton hired Robin Hood roofing.
These guys came out, did the roof. He looks up
at it and the roof just simply doesn't look good
to you, right, Clayton.
Speaker 5 (10:47):
Right, that's correct.
Speaker 2 (10:48):
And the guy says, he's saying.
Speaker 9 (10:50):
That that they tore it a siding off the house.
Speaker 5 (10:54):
Yeah, if he placed it with the two by four,
they call it good.
Speaker 2 (10:58):
Well, So right now, if you said you a picture,
I mean, the side of your house is a two
by four, that's hard to believe.
Speaker 9 (11:06):
If you that you would come and see it, you'll
see I couldn't. I was like, why didn't you just
put a regular sighting. But he just put a two
by four on the side in two areas and then
didn't even paint it.
Speaker 2 (11:19):
This doesn't wait a minute, Clayton. Sometimes I get calls
where I just start scratching my head. First of all,
you're telling me this roofing company, Robinhood Roofing, they came out,
they did the roof. You look up on it, and
some of the shingles, for lack of a better word,
look old. They're curling up, they look like they've been
sitting in the sun forever. They just look old. So
you ask them about it, and the person there on
their behalf Robin Hood Roofing employees or subcontractors, whatever it is,
tells you those shingles are meant to look old, right.
Speaker 5 (11:53):
Right after the manager told me that.
Speaker 2 (11:57):
So then after wait a minute, then after the manager
tells you these shingles are made to look old, and
these are just assphold shingles like most roofs.
Speaker 5 (12:06):
Right yeah.
Speaker 2 (12:08):
So after you bring that up, not only does he
tell you that, but then you point out where some
siding was on your house. Is this a house or
is this like a barn? So on the siding, they
remove the siding when they were doing the roof or
doing some other work, and they replaced it with just
wood that they didn't even paint correct. This is crazy.
Does anybody in this room believe this? I mean, I'm
not calling you a liar by any means, Clayton, I
just can't believe what clowns these people are. In fact,
before I go any further with these guys and let
everybody know what Robin Hood Roofing possibly has done, Kelly,
let's try to reach out to these guys and give
them an opportunity. So here's what I would like, real quick, Clayton,
I'm gonna put you on hold, take another call. You're
gonna give Kelly the information you have. If you have
the sales guy's name, the phone number, the manager, the owner,
give the best information. And if you have a couple
phone numbers, that would be great. Kelly's going to try
to get them to come on the air because I
would love to hear what they have to say about it.
It's going to be one of two things. Number one,
they're total clowns and they actually did all this, and
they don't have much money in their upside down option
number two. Option number two would be Clayton's stretching it.
He really believes the roof doesn't look good and he
wants it redone, and they're saying it is fine. I
do want to ask him one thing, Hey, Clayton, did
it pass inspection?
Speaker 5 (13:42):
We never seen the instruction on paper.
Speaker 2 (13:45):
You've never seen it at all. Do you know if
they pulled a permit? Did you see a permit on
your house?
Speaker 5 (13:50):
They never did a permit either, So there.
Speaker 2 (13:52):
Was never a permit anywhere on your house, like on
the garage door or post it anywhere?
Speaker 5 (13:56):
Oh? Nothing?
Speaker 2 (13:58):
How much did the insurance company pay them, guys? Eighteen
eighteen thousand? Hold on, this is crazy. You know I've
been wanting something to go after. This is driving me nuts, Kelly.
I'm gonna leave them on hold, please, like right now,
try to figure out. Get one of them on. Let's
see if these guys come on this Robin Hood. I mean,
this is this is absolutely insane. Hey, Ray, what's going
on with you? It looks like you got a question
on a will?
Speaker 13 (14:29):
Yeah, I just need to know what kind of advice
what to follow. My mom died a couple of weeks ago.
She had a will, complete will or whatever thing she
wanted to done. She has no real estate, it's just
a little bit of cash. It's around one hundred thousand,
so I guess that's the amount has to go through
probate before it's dispersed.
Speaker 2 (14:51):
So in the will everything's left to you. I'm asking
you that. Or do you have siblings? How does that look.
Speaker 13 (14:57):
If divided among the siblings?
Speaker 2 (14:59):
And how many are there? Yeah, I don't think there's
a way to get out of probate. And on the
bank account itself, no one was listed after her if
if she met her demise like she did.
Speaker 13 (15:16):
No, huhh, it's the bank. Most of your money's in Nebraska.
But she lived in Colorado, but she moved for Nebraska
and just left her money there. So that's but it's
just in her name.
Speaker 2 (15:29):
It's just in her name, one hundred percent. I wonder
why she didn't list a beneficiary I I want to
get I don't think really there's much to do. You
got to go into probate. Who's in charge of the will?
Who did she list?
Speaker 13 (15:45):
My brother? Then my sister's next in mine if he
doesn't do it well, and.
Speaker 2 (15:51):
Are they simply not doing it? Why are you making
the call today? And I'm going to get Brad O'Brien
on or I'm sorry, I'm going to get mackenzie on
to talk about it.
Speaker 13 (16:00):
My brother's gone overwhelmed. He don't know what to do,
he said, he just wants to give it to the
lawyer and handle I. So if you do that, the
money's going to be gone.
Speaker 2 (16:08):
It's not you know, well, I don't know about that necessarily.
I'm not exactly sure how much that would cost. But
what I would like to do is we'll get Dan
McKenzie on. Hold on, I'm going to get one of
our experts on. We're going to get Dan McKenzie and
ask them. Not only that, we're going to kind of
ask him how much to go through probate with a
with an attorney and what are the other options. Let's
hear that from them. Is there something your brother can
do or is there something your sister can do or
you can do that would cost a little or next
to nothing. But let's figure out those answers. I'm sure
there is a way for people to do it themselves.
I mean, there's no doubt about it. Whether or not
you guys are capable of that. Maybe you'll decide after
we talked to Dan McKenzie. Now doctor Joel in studio.
We got two lines open three O three seven one
three eight two five five. We're waiting on Kelly to
talk to that roofing company. So doctor Joel, I want
to tell you something. I don't mind talking about this
on air. I talked to Suzanne about it, and I
don't mind it all. I started try try zeppetide. How
do you put it? Tears zepetide, tar zepetide t E
r t I r t I r turs zeppiptide. That's
going to kill me every Why do they name medications
so ridiculous? If you look at cars, most cars are
named very simple, like take Tesla model as model X.
But medications they have like fourteen syllables and no one knows.
They're all made up, right, I mean, it's that's made up.
Speaker 7 (17:34):
It's made up.
Speaker 2 (17:36):
Yeah, it's crazy. Anyhow, I digress. Here's the bottom line.
I went on it. I started it Wednesday, last Wednesday.
And what it is and I'll have you explain it.
In fact, you explain what it is first.
Speaker 7 (17:50):
Well, what it's called is a GLP one. A lot
of people have probably heard that term GLP one medication,
which stands for glucagon like protein and all that is. Glucagon.
Protein is a protein your body makes when you have
enough food, when you feel hungry.
Speaker 2 (18:05):
So, the best way that I can describe it, now
that I'm on it, everybody out there has sat down
and had more than they can chew. They've had a
big Thanksgiving dinner, they ate too many slices of pizza.
They ate the pizza then followed it up with a
bag of the ritos. Whatever it is, you're too freaking full,
and your stomach tells your brain you can't get another
bite in. I mean literally, you feel so full it's crazy.
It's like after Thanksgiving dinner. What I have noticed about this?
And I am amazed, amazed. Not even a weekend tomorrow
be a week I've only had one shot last Wednesday morning.
I don't feel hungry. I almost wonder if there's some
form of a placebo effect happening to me, but I
simply don't feel hungry now. I have intermittently fasted along
with my wife for many years. There's been years we
have only eaten once a day. Now. I haven't done
that for a while, but generally we never eat in
the mornings. We just don't. Will end up e for
on a trip or something, we will, but generally we don't.
And I weighed starting at two twenty five. Okay, I
am down under two fifteen. Now I'm down twelve pounds
in six days. But I'll tell you why. There's no
magic about it. I'm not hungry. I have eaten, like
I think to first day, well, the first day I
ate normally, I didn't do anything. The second day, I'd
like six chicken wings. The next day I might have
had a Hamburger, patty, whatever it is. But I've been
eating next to nothing, and I don't feel hungry at all.
I seem to still have the energy level. I was
terrified I wouldn't have the energy level to do yoga
and stuff. But the fact that I've dropped almost twelve
pounds in six days is unbelievable. I can't imagine. Those
are the kind of results most people have. And I'm
on the lowest dose there is, right, five units.
Speaker 7 (19:54):
You call it, Well, you're on our standard starter dose, so.
Speaker 2 (19:57):
That's the standard. It's crazy. What do you make of that?
I mean, if you heard that kind of outcome before, Uh,
we have.
Speaker 7 (20:04):
Actually, you know, everybody responds a little bit differently, but
generally speaking, people lose weight pretty quickly, sometimes remarkable. Sometimes
it's a couple of weeks. I mean with you, it's
it's a week. It's amazing. Uh, but we've seen it's
not unheard of.
Speaker 2 (20:18):
It's crazy. You don't. I can't even explain it to
my wife. I can't even explain it to her. It's like,
I don't feel hungry. You know, generally you get hungry
and you start thinking of food. Those thoughts are literally
wiped out. I mean, I just don't feel hungry anymore.
I can't believe it, but I want them inside effects.
I really haven't had any side.
Speaker 3 (20:40):
Was forcing yourself to eat, Mark, I mean, really you have.
That's what I've noticed.
Speaker 2 (20:44):
I literally had last night we got home. We did
yoga after the show, like between three and four. We
get home. I hadn't eaten all day, and I literally
forced myself to eat maybe uh maybe a quarter pound
of some kind of chicken. That's that's what I ate,
and then a handful of pistachios. And when I was
done with the pistachios, I was like, I overdid it.
I can't believe it. I overdid it. I ate like
calorie wise, we're talking like three for hundred calories. There's
got to be a downside to this. We'll talk about that.
Dan McKenzie's coming up right after this break, So Ray,
we're gonna answer your question for Dan. His wife or
I'm sorry, his mother passed away one hundred thousand dollars
in cash, no real estate, so a small Affidavid's not
going to work a small state Affidavid. But for him
to get the one hundred thousand dollars, Uh, he's going
to have to go to probate Dan. I would assume that,
but can he do it on his own? And if not, Dan,
what would that generally run? Everybody hold tight a lot cooking,
all right? Three three seven, one, three eight two five five.
By the way, this hour brought to you by Frank Dran,
the real estate man. You know, Frank made us a
fortune selling our house in cap So Rock. He actually
listed it lower than the same models in the neighborhood
by quite a bit. I thought he was nuts. If
he's listening, sorry, Frank, but I thought you were crazy.
But ultimately what happened he created a bidding frenzy, and
all said and done, are sold for more than any
of the other ones. I couldn't have been more happy.
It was great. And then he helped us get our
house and negotiate a great price on our house in
frank Town. Frank durand Holmes dot com. Check him out
Frank durand Holmes dot com. Now I want to go
to a referral list member and a really really great
attorney when it comes to Will's probate anything like that.
Trust he can do everything. But Dan McKenzie COO Plans
dot co. By the way, But Dan, first of all,
Happy New Year. How are you doing?
Speaker 5 (22:44):
Speaker 14 (22:46):
Very good?
Speaker 5 (22:46):
Very good.
Speaker 2 (22:47):
So we've got a question. I want to bring Ray up.
But Ray had a pretty basic question. His mom passed away,
I think a couple of weeks ago. Is that correct, Ray, Yes, sir,
his all she had was cash in the bank, and
for whatever reason, there was no beneficiary. But I want
to ask you about that after the fact end. But
what does he have to First of all, he does
have to go through probate, is that correct?
Speaker 15 (23:14):
Yeah, she's got more than eighty two thousand bucks, and
you know, I'm sure she has some personal property too,
but just that cash in the bank is more than
eighty two thousands, So yes.
Speaker 2 (23:22):
So there it is. And then if it's real estate,
just for other people listening, my understanding is it doesn't
matter if the piece of property or the parcel is
only worth fifteen thousand, it pretty much if it's not
in a trust or something like that, it pretty much
has to go through probate as well.
Speaker 5 (23:40):
Speaker 2 (23:40):
Okay, Now his main question is the person in charge
of the will, is that your brother or sister. Ray
brother has no idea what they're doing. He has too
many things on his mind. He's not doing anything and
he doesn't know what to do. So you know, kind
of pick it up from there. I guess that's really
the question is there something Ray he can do. He's
afraid if they hire an attorney, you know, it's going
to wipe out all the money. Just give me your thoughts, Dan, I.
Speaker 15 (24:09):
Mean, that would be a lot of money to wipe out.
Speaker 10 (24:12):
I mean, I think you know.
Speaker 15 (24:14):
Unfortunately, there is only one probate process, whether we're dealing
with ten million or one hundred thousand, So you've still
got to run the credit or notifications.
Speaker 10 (24:21):
You still got to do.
Speaker 15 (24:22):
You know a couple things and inventory and stuff like that,
but it probably would be relatively straightforward. So you know,
you're probably looking in the five to ten thousand range
should do a probate typically that is uncontested and relatively straightforward, honest,
say with attorneycy.
Speaker 8 (24:38):
So that might be too much.
Speaker 5 (24:39):
I understand.
Speaker 15 (24:42):
You can go out there. The courts actually do have
a lot of self help resources for people who are
trying to do probates. Your brother, even if he is
nominated in the will, can renounce that position. He does
not have to do it if he's if he understands
he doesn't have time to do it, that's great. But
if you go out there and just google the term
Colorado probate JDF j d F instructions like, you'll probably
pull up this form that the courts have put out
explaining what you need to do to get the probate
going and which forms you need to file.
Speaker 2 (25:12):
Could you brother elect anybody he wants or can the
other people listed in the will say no, no, no, we
don't want that person.
Speaker 15 (25:20):
Well, if so, it depends on if so, there's a
priority in the in the Colorado Statutes for who gets
to be appointed. If multiple people apply at the same time,
and if obviously they're all brothers and sisters are going
to have the same level of priority. So if they
cannot agree with each other on who should do it,
then yeah, there's going to be a court hearing and
the court will need to decide which one to appoint.
If they can agree, they can all all the ones
who don't want to do it just file those renunciations
that I just mentioned and make it clear to the court, like,
we don't need to have a court hearing. We all
agree it should be this person.
Speaker 3 (25:52):
And then the court word points out.
Speaker 2 (25:53):
And what was that again, JDF.
Speaker 15 (25:55):
What uh Colorado Probate instructions put some combination in Colorado
AP probate instructions JBF, got it.
Speaker 2 (26:04):
And that'll be the actually document on it.
Speaker 15 (26:06):
Yeah, and then it's there's a bunch of JDF forms
the US fill out yep.
Speaker 2 (26:12):
And then how much do you think? Roughly? And I
hate putting you on the spot with pricing, but honestly,
if no one was contesting everything and it was a
straightforward I realize you got to list everything in the
paper to make sure you know different creditors don't come forward.
I mean if everything went smooth, I mean, how many
hours of work is that? How many dollars generally? And
you know, I mean I realize every attorney's a little different,
but give us a generalized because if we're talking five
or ten grand, it could be very well worth it.
But if we're talking fifty grand, that'd be insane.
Speaker 5 (26:47):
Speaker 15 (26:48):
Yeah, I mean, I think you've made the point there
that you know, you never know if something got to
shop and contest something. It sounds like there is they
will and no one's I mean it said there's one
account and it probably gets split equally to gain of siblings.
You know, Yeah, you're right on the ballpark there. You know,
probably five to ten thousand bucks depending on how they
charge without any context.
Speaker 2 (27:09):
So Ray, what are you just listening to Dan and
what he said so far? There's a couple options here. One,
if your brother doesn't want to do it, he can
basically step down and say, well he can say, Ray
can do it, but you're going to have to go
through the court. We've told you what to google, and
you can fill out that paperwork and file it and
that's probably not that big of a deal. But then
you could go in there and figure out how to
do this all yourself. But man, that sounds crazy, whereas
you could hire an attorney. And if you guys aren't fighting,
And by the way, is there any infighting or everybody
just wants to do what was in the will and
get it done.
Speaker 13 (27:49):
No, there's no fighting. She laid everything out what she
wanted done.
Speaker 2 (27:52):
And everybody respects it.
Speaker 13 (27:55):
Speaker 2 (27:56):
So there's a couple of ways.
Speaker 5 (27:57):
Speaker 2 (27:58):
One you call Dan McKenzie. To be honest, that's what
I would do. I wouldn't even think twice about it.
I mean he's talking if everything's good, I mean smooth sailing.
You're looking at five grand, possibly you know, ten grand,
but somewhere around there, and it's done. It's over the money.
You'll be in everybody's bank account and more importantly, it'll
be done right. You'll make sure you guys split that
money up. Or you don't do something right, And Dan,
tell me if I'm wrong in six months from now,
some creditor and the notice wasn't properly done. That can
come back and bite someone in the ass.
Speaker 15 (28:32):
Yeah, that's the big risk that people overlook. And the
family's getting along there just about the family, but the
probate process is about paying anybody who thinks your mother
owed them money as well. And you know there could
be a medical dout there from like a wall. You know,
you just don't know. And it's like if you distribute
the money prematurely, March point is exactly right, like you,
they can come back and now you've got personal liability
because you didn't do it correctly.
Speaker 6 (28:56):
Speaker 2 (28:56):
So I mean, Ray, it's worth I know people don't
like hearing this. You're talking five or ten percent of
the inheritance in this case, but it's well worth it, man,
because the last thing you want is someone coming after
your assets because you didn't do something right. It's just crazy, man.
So Ray, I'm going to give you Dan's number. You ready.
It's so easy, it's crazy. Eight three three co plans
eight three three co plans. What I would do is
talk to your brother, talk to your other siblings and
basically say, hey, listen, I got some advice today. I
called up to Troubleshooter Show. I talked to one of
their attorneys on referral list dot com, Dan McKenzie, and
here's the bottom line, here's the information I got, And
tell them I think this is the best way to
do it, because a it's gonna get done and we're
not going to risk people coming after us later on.
Speaker 10 (29:47):
Okay, I appreciate that you got it, man.
Speaker 2 (29:50):
I appreciate your call. Hey, Dan, I appreciate you coming
on as always. Man, have a good New Year's anybody
out there. I mean, you do everything simple. I say
a simple trust. I would assume there's something you know
what there are what I would refer to as a
simple trust, because I know there's very complicated trust. So
you can do either or you can also do a
simple will you can do it all. I mean that's
the bottom line, right, Yeah, we do.
Speaker 15 (30:16):
We don't put everyone in the same plan. We don't
put everyone in trust frankly, so yes, there are simple
plans that does happen sometimes.
Speaker 6 (30:24):
Speaker 2 (30:24):
I absolutely love it. And people can call you up
and you'll do generally speaking, they'll tell you what's going on,
what they want done, and you're going to tell them
how much, in other words, flat rate pricing. They're not
going to be surprised at the end. Right, I love it.
Thank you, Dan, and you can find Dan McKenzie at
referral list dot com. Now we're still trying to get
one of our roofers on. That's driving me nuts. Three
oh three seven one three eight two five five. We've
got a couple lines open. You've been ripped off, taken
advantage of, and then, Kelly, before I go to break
real quick, did you get in touch with this robinhood
roofing anything?
Speaker 3 (30:58):
Oh I did?
Speaker 2 (30:59):
Oh wait, wait, don't tell me now, tell me tell
me after this.
Speaker 11 (31:08):
Go with a sure thing Denver's best roofer Excel Roofing
dot com. You don't pay a cent until you're contenth
time for an insurance checkup free, no obligation comparison call
Compass Insurance paying too much your coverage at dozens of
insurance companies find out now three O three seven to
seven to one help. You'll think you're his only customer
when you choose Frank durand the real estate Man dot
com to list your home with Remax Alliance three three
nine two zero sixteen twenty two.
Speaker 2 (31:40):
Oh man, we finally got a roofing expert on. But
you know, uh, it's no longer going to be the
Golf of Mexico. Did you guys know that I was
just reading a Trump's newest.
Speaker 3 (31:51):
Sounds like you're getting a kick out of it much.
Speaker 2 (31:53):
I love it. I know there's people out there pulling
their hair out going he can't do that. I don't
know why he can't. But they're to rename the Golf
of Mexico. Ready for this, the Golf of Trump. No,
I'm kidding, I'm kidding, Golf of America. I love it.
He really said that today we're gonna buy Greenland? Right,
aren't we trying to purchase Greenland?
Speaker 5 (32:16):
Speaker 6 (32:16):
His son is over there, and I assume he brought
this checkbook.
Speaker 2 (32:19):
I assume so. And I doubt Greenland costs that much
these days. I don't know what'd we buy Alaska for someone?
It was crazy. We bought it from Russia for you know,
almost nothing.
Speaker 13 (32:28):
Speaker 2 (32:28):
Granted, back then it was nothing. You couldn't drill. You
couldn't back then, you had no idea. The value is
what I'm saying.
Speaker 16 (32:35):
Oh yeah, oil wasn't nearly as valuable back then. But no,
got a really good deal on Manhattan if I remember.
Speaker 2 (32:41):
Oh yeah, I'm sure Russia's spanking themselves over that one. Hey,
Michael O'Malley, he is on a referral list. A referral
list that Commy's one of the owners of Petrolley Roofing.
First of all, Happy New Year.
Speaker 17 (32:52):
Yes, yes, do you want me to give you an
update on Robin Hood?
Speaker 2 (32:55):
I don't quite yet. Okay, I don't quite yet. So
Michael O'Malley, First of all, have you ever heard of
Robinhood roofing? I haven't. Okay, So they told this guy,
listen to this. This is the craziest thing I've ever heard.
Here's the problem. I'm gonna run out of time because
I'm a blabbermouth. But here's the deal. We've already talked
to him. We're we're gonna go to Kelly and figure
out what they had to say. But according to Clayton,
the caller, here's what they told him. They came out.
They did the roof eighteen thousand dollars. It was a
hail claim. And he looked at it when it was done.
Some of the shingles were kind of curved up. It
looked old. It looked like the shinkles had either been
sitting in the sun or sitting in the warehouse forever.
It looked like crap. The shingles themselves on the siding
that they were supposed to repair. All they did was
take the siding off, put up some two by Ford's
and didn't even paint it. But the shinkles is why
I have you up. Hold on a second, are right, Michael?
I am so sorry we had you up, but we're
going to go back to that. It's crazy.
Speaker 11 (33:56):
Go with a sure thing Denver's Best roofer Excel Roofing
dot com. You don't pay a cent until you're content.
Time for an insurance check up free, no obligation. In comparison,
call Compass Insurance paying too much your coverage at dozens
of insurance companies find out now three all three seven
to seven to one help. You'll think you're his only
customer when you choose Frank durand the real estate Man
dot com to list your home with Remax Alliance three
all three nine two zero sixteen twenty two.
Speaker 1 (34:26):
Yeah, ripped.
Speaker 2 (34:33):
News need so you don't.
Speaker 4 (34:36):
Have to.
Speaker 1 (34:38):
Come runs as you can. Shooter's gonna help.
Speaker 9 (34:44):
Come man, this is.
Speaker 18 (34:47):
The Troubleshooter Show Now, Tom Martinez, welcome.
Speaker 2 (34:51):
My friends, Welcome to the only show of it'skan. We're
here to soelve problems, answer your questions, take complaints. I've
got a few things I want to talk about as
the show moves on. But right now, I've got one
of our experts up, so we're going to go to
him in a second. But this hour is brought to
you by Paul Doubting. We call him Paul the water Man.
In fact, if you Google listen to this, google Paul
the water Man podcast and you can find his podcast.
But I was telling these guys on our YouTube channel
during the break, my goodness, I have never met anybody
so passionate about a cleaning water. He's got a system
right now, and it's absolutely unbelievable. This is a whole
house system. It removes chlorine, it removes forever chemicals, it's
bacteria resistant, it softens the water. It's one magnificent, beautiful machine.
As Trump would say in this Bad Boys on sale
right now for your whole house. You knock out everything
with one purchase, cheaper than anything I've ever seen. In fact,
I'm a little mad at him because I bought a
water softener from him for about the same price, although
it still was half the price of the other guys.
Thirty six ninety five, three thousand and six on your
ninety five bucks. It does everything check him out. Check
out Paul the water Man, simple as that. Check him out.
Call him at three oh three eight six ' two
fifty five fifty four waterpros dot net. Now I want
to go to Michael O'Malley. I had him up before. Michael.
I think I kind of explained the issue. But in
a nutshell, Clayton's got a problem with Robin hood roofing.
The shingles look old. Now I want to ask you something.
Have you ever seen old shingles?
Speaker 8 (36:31):
Speaker 2 (36:31):
What do you think? He means? He says, you look
at him and basically they're curling up. In fact, I'm
gonna let him speak, Clayton, they're curling up. Kind of
describe what the shingles look like.
Speaker 5 (36:43):
It's like in an angle. It'll not splits down on
regular like the regular roof did.
Speaker 2 (36:49):
So they're sticking up.
Speaker 10 (36:50):
When did it get installed, Oh my god, installed or
was it.
Speaker 2 (36:55):
They were installed in July?
Speaker 10 (36:58):
Oh yeah, and there's still that way like it sometimes
in cold weather that happens, just it takes time for
the singles to settle down. But you know it's in July.
If they're installed and they still haven't settled down, you've
got a problem.
Speaker 4 (37:13):
So what what what?
Speaker 2 (37:14):
What does that mean? Though? Why would they do that?
Is it a manufacturing defect?
Speaker 10 (37:19):
Well, and I don't know this company, and I hate
to I hate to speak against any company. You know,
contractors work hard, sure, but some contractors do, uh, they
do use what's called factory seconds.
Speaker 5 (37:31):
Speaker 10 (37:31):
They get them cheaper and they install it, which increases
their margins. I'm not saying that's what this company did
by any means, but you know, you can buy seconds,
you can buy factory discuss.
Speaker 2 (37:40):
How would you tell or or you.
Speaker 10 (37:42):
Can well, sometimes you tell by the install right if
if the shingle isn't doing what it's supposed to do,
I definitely have specific some suspicions there. The the other
thing is sometimes you know, contractors buy bulk orders of
of shingles and they sit around and they just sit
in their own warehouse. They weren't seconds, They just they
weren't stored properly. And so I mean an asphalt shingle
is going to take the shape of well, you've seen
it right where it's the palette isn't stacked correctly and anything.
The weight, yeah, exactly, I mean you could get that
in uh paper towel. It doesn't matter if something stacked incorrectly,
it's going to take a shape over time, and so uh,
that could be the case. I'd love to see some
pictures before.
Speaker 2 (38:28):
I Clayton, do you have any pictures you can send us? Yeah, yes,
and explain that part.
Speaker 10 (38:35):
Happy to do an inspection for it too. Mark like
to come out and that it's it's so hard to
give uh, to give information on you know, just just
a story. But I'd love to go out and do
an inspection. We wouldn't do any work because I don't
want to wark void any kind of warranty. But yeah,
what did what did Robin Hood say?
Speaker 2 (38:54):
Did Yeah, Clayton, tell them what Robin Hood said?
Speaker 5 (38:59):
What do you said? The shingle? They give it that?
Oh look like three d's.
Speaker 2 (39:06):
Yeah. See, that's why I can't stand these If they
actually said that, that's the dumbest thing I've heard.
Speaker 9 (39:12):
Speaker 3 (39:13):
What did they tell Kelly? We haven't asked her yet.
Speaker 2 (39:15):
Okay, Kelly called up. Let's hear right now, Kelly, you
called up Robin Hood and what did they tell you?
Just put Yeah, she's coming on, hold on, No, I'm
dying to know what they told.
Speaker 12 (39:27):
Yeah, here's the story.
Speaker 2 (39:30):
I called, and that Dave, the.
Speaker 12 (39:33):
Gentleman that they were working with, answered.
Speaker 17 (39:35):
I identified myself, and as soon as I got you, Hi,
my name's Kelly. I'm calling from the Tom Martino Troubleshooter Show.
Click dial tone, So I figured, I figured maybe we
got cut off, so I called back, of course, and
then he called. He literally answered and then dial tone.
So then he called the station and his number is
on caller. I d right now, supposedly to verify I
was actually, you know, the Tom Martino Show. And as
soon as I answered, the phone dial tone. So then
I called back a three sis time. So far this
guy's hung up.
Speaker 12 (40:13):
On you, correct, And then I called him a fourth time.
Speaker 17 (40:17):
I called him a fourth time because he called us,
so he never answered and his mailbox is full.
Speaker 2 (40:24):
Oh my god. You know, listen, no one, no one
needs to answer the phone or to come on air
and talk about things, but to hang up on this
four times is absurd. And Clayton, you can't get him
to do anything besides tell you your roof is supposed
to look old. And just to make sure I'm not crazy,
Michael O'Malley, have you ever heard of a assphalt shingle
that's supposed to make your roof look old.
Speaker 10 (40:53):
No, No, that's Can you imagine saying eighteen thousand dollars
for a product to be like? Is it Rick Jeans?
Speaker 6 (41:00):
Speaker 2 (41:00):
That's basically what I said. You know what, what is
this jerk's name?
Speaker 4 (41:05):
And you know what?
Speaker 2 (41:06):
That is my opinion?
Speaker 14 (41:07):
What is it?
Speaker 16 (41:08):
Speaker 2 (41:08):
What the hell was the guy's name, Kelly? Does anybody
remember what she said?
Speaker 4 (41:12):
Speaker 19 (41:13):
Speaker 2 (41:13):
So Dave? And what phone number? You know what, let's
blow Dave up. We've got a lot of listeners out there.
I would like people to call up and be nice.
That's number one. You have to be nice and you
simply say, hey, Dave, are you the one that told
Clayton is rufe is supposed to look old? Are you
the one that said that? And if so, exactly what
kind of shingle is that that is supposed to make
your house look old? I would love for people to
do that. Then call us up because this guy's a jerk.
This guy's an absolute jerk in my opinion. Michael O'Malley,
I would love for you to go out and do
some research for us at Clayton's property.
Speaker 10 (41:51):
Absolutely, I'm sure will this is some snow if you
don't mind. I'm not a fan of rufe and snow.
Speaker 2 (41:58):
Come on, no, I'm kidding.
Speaker 13 (42:00):
I know, I know.
Speaker 5 (42:02):
I would do it.
Speaker 2 (42:03):
But hey, Michael, hold on one second. I want you
to hold on. Over the break, I'm gonna let Dmitri
ask whatever he wanted, but I also want you to
hold on because we have another call that might come
into effect for you. Dmitri, go ahead. What were you
going to say?
Speaker 16 (42:16):
Hey, Michael, I was wondering if you have a way
to find out if if Robin Hood first of all,
was a licensed roofing contractor in Clayton's jurisdiction.
Speaker 6 (42:26):
Also if he pulled a permit.
Speaker 10 (42:29):
If notches Yeah, yeah, they might be. Uh it looks
like they're They've got a website, they've got a Facebook page,
so it's not like they're It doesn't seem like they're
fly by night. But it might be somebody else with
that doesn't think.
Speaker 16 (42:44):
That's no guarantee that they're actually licensed to do the work.
They pulled a permit, that's those are my questions.
Speaker 2 (42:51):
The first thing I would like you to do is
pull the permit. Here's what I want to do, Clayton,
I want you to give Kelly offline your address. We're
gonna set you up with Michael to get him to
come out and look at this and do an inspection.
And he's also going to find out if they pulled
a permit. But Michael, nothing has changed. When there's a
permit pulled, it's usually on your front door, on your
garage somewhere where it's posted. Sure, and there simply wasn't.
Clayton never had one at all.
Speaker 10 (43:17):
Yeah, yeah, so I will. But you know, like and again,
I'm maybe too generous with contractors. But the uh, it
could be somebody else was just hijacking the name. It's
not even the real Robin Well.
Speaker 2 (43:29):
Wait, listen, we don't know what it is. But what
I do know, Hey, Kelly, did you call the number
on their website?
Speaker 11 (43:35):
I did not.
Speaker 12 (43:36):
I just called the number that Clayton gave me.
Speaker 2 (43:37):
I want to see. I'm going to take a break
hold on and then if you would hold on, Michael,
I'd appreciate that because we might have another question for you.
But bottom line is, let's make sure it's the same
Robin Hood because that's a valid opinion. Michael just said,
and I'll tell you why because in the past people
have used Excel Roofing, one of our members on the
referral list here in Denver, they have used Excel's name
and it wasn't ell. They simply try to piggyback off
the advertising. So we're going to try to actually call
that number if it's different and find out. But if
everything is correct from what Clayton has told is these
clowns at Robinhood Roofing, if it's all correct, are absolute jerks.
In my opinion, How can you tell someone with the
straight face that ass vault shingle is made to look
your house, make Lah look old.
Speaker 11 (44:30):
Go with a sure thing Denver's best roofer Excel Roofing
dot com. You don't pay a cent until you're content.
Time for an insurance check up free no obligation comparison
call Compass Insurance. Pay too much your coverage at dozens
of insurance companies find out now three O three seven
to seven to one help. You'll think you're his only
customer when you choose Frank durand the real estate Man
dot com to list your home with Remax Alliance three
oh three nine two zero sixteen twenty two.
Speaker 2 (45:03):
All right, three O three seven one three A two
five five Robinhood roofs dot com, Kelly, did we figure
out if that's the same phone number you dialed? Sometimes
sometimes my head's going to explode. We're gonna We're just
gonna have a meeting later. I don't know how else
to put it. I think I'm pretty cool, right am?
I pretty cool? You're cool? I mean, what am I
going to say here? I'm trying to do. It's called
a live show. Three O three seven one three A
two five five. Uh, I'd like to know what we're
I want to make sure it's the same exact people
in the meantime, Sandy, what's going on with you?
Speaker 10 (45:49):
Speaker 2 (45:49):
Hey, Sandy, so.
Speaker 19 (45:52):
COVID, whom do you endorse? Put some cridit guards on
my some they took off my ruin.
Speaker 2 (46:01):
I'm sorry, pro Bid pro Bid Energy, the solar company.
Speaker 19 (46:05):
Yeah, the third company. They took off my ruined hail,
messed up tritter guards and put new ones on. And
the insurance company safe Go said they used to cover
them all the time, and all of a sudden now
they don't ever cover them. They say they can be
reused Brett and Mark were mad. They said, no, there's
no way we can reuse those, and they refused to pay.
Safe refuses to pay.
Speaker 2 (46:36):
Safeg refuses to pay. How much are we talking for
the critter guards? And why can't they be reused? If
you look at them, I mean when you take them
off or they destroyed.
Speaker 19 (46:47):
Or what they were destroyed, there's pictures of them bent
up before.
Speaker 2 (46:54):
Who were you dealing with it, pro Bid? Are you
dealing with Mark? Who were you dealing with?
Speaker 10 (46:58):
Yeah? Mark?
Speaker 20 (46:59):
Speaker 10 (47:00):
Well here's what since that?
Speaker 19 (47:02):
That SAFEGO guy a big long email, and you're not
he could never be.
Speaker 2 (47:08):
Reused And they're simply saying that.
Speaker 19 (47:13):
They're saying, nope, they can be reused.
Speaker 2 (47:15):
Well, I would you know what I would do, I'd
stick it to them. And what I mean by that
was safe Co. I would actually call up a public adjuster.
I'd call up Matt. I wouldn't even think twice about it.
I just dealt with SAFEC and I'm going to tell
you something, Sandy, and I'm not kidding. There is no
exaggeration nothing. We had some hail damage. Safeco came out
and said, Nope, we're not going to do anything. I
got Matt involved. I'm going to get fifty thousand dollars.
I went from zero to fifty. Now I'm going to
tell you something else about three years ago, or maybe
even longer, right, Susanne, when we had our roof done
four years they initially said no damage. This was four
years ago. The first one I told you about was
last year, four year years ago. Go same thing. I
got Matt involved. I had to check for eighty five
thousand dollars. What I would do is sick Matt on him.
Not only will he get those critter guards paid for,
that's my assumption. Long as long as you know, pro
Bid is doing everything they're supposed to do. But I
bet he finds other damage. I bet there's certain things
around your house your insurance company owes you for that
you haven't thought of. I'll give you an idea landscaping.
I'll give you another idea railing, like on a wood deck.
How about chipping on any kind of cement. I don't
know how bad the hail was, but I'll tell you this,
Matt will use a fine toothcomb and go around that
house and find every single thing you should have gotten
paid for.
Speaker 16 (48:42):
Mark, I have a lot more background in this story
than we just heard from Sam. Oh please on September twentieth,
and Tom assigned this case to me. The genesis of
her call was the fact was had nothing to do
with hail damage. She had a company called best Way
approximately seven years ago installed and Sandy, please correct me.
I'm going from no they installed. I'm going from memory, Sandy,
so please correct me if I'm wrong. They installed solar
panels on her roof. Sandy's down in southern Colorado, and
they installed this product that the installer calls critter Guard.
There is no product called critter Guard. That's just a
name that they use.
Speaker 6 (49:21):
It's a steal.
Speaker 16 (49:22):
It's like a chicken wire that they bend into shape.
They installed around the solar array to keep the squirrels
of there and other animals geta got getting in there. Now,
what happened in Sandy's case is squirrels got in there
and shoot the wiring. And if I remember this right,
initially they caused about six and a half thousand dollars
in damage the squirrels. The squirrel's dead, and subsequently Sandy
sent me another email saying that damage actually cost thirteen
thousand dollars to repair, and she asked for our assistance
in getting best way to pay for this damage.
Speaker 6 (49:54):
Now I spoke with both.
Speaker 2 (49:55):
Now, when you say best way, where do they come
into this.
Speaker 16 (49:58):
They're the original installation contractor. They stild the solar panels
and the mesh which they call critter guards.
Speaker 2 (50:04):
Okay, so they're not the best way that I know
on referral.
Speaker 4 (50:08):
Well, in Tom's notes, I'm looking at the call from
last January says it.
Speaker 3 (50:12):
Was three grand granded dammage.
Speaker 6 (50:14):
Speaker 4 (50:15):
She called back and had a solar system installed by
Best Way Mechanical. She paid an extra seven fifty for
critter cards, but squirrels got under it and did three
thousand dollars in damage to the solar system.
Speaker 3 (50:25):
That's Tom's exact notes.
Speaker 6 (50:27):
So that was from a year ago.
Speaker 16 (50:29):
I got involved in this case when she called us
again on September twentieth, and that's so that's that's the
story that I'm relating to you.
Speaker 6 (50:37):
And I talked, okay, okay, go ahead, Sandy.
Speaker 19 (50:41):
So here's here's the story up to date. Provid I
said I can't get the best way to come out,
La la la, these uh, these solar panels need to
be repaired.
Speaker 21 (50:56):
The squirrels got to them.
Speaker 19 (50:57):
So Mark Mark talk to his boss and they finally
came out and they did. They found that they had
a general contractor come out. Yep, your roof needs to
be redone.
Speaker 16 (51:10):
So wait, wait, wait those airrel Yeah, they found hail damage.
Speaker 2 (51:14):
That's related to the damage.
Speaker 19 (51:18):
Hail damage on my roof. Okay, Mark and Brett took
my solar panels and critter guards off so they could
redo the roof. They repaired what they could, and I
understand that. I'm I'm I'm responsible for anything that the
squirrel did on those panels.
Speaker 10 (51:41):
It's in my policy.
Speaker 2 (51:43):
So I bought from Marandy. I'm sorry everybody, everybody involved
in this. Right now, I've got to understand something basic.
You first said they approved six thousand or three thousand.
Did your insurance companies say yes to that?
Speaker 19 (51:59):
Okay, that my insurance company pay is paying for I'm
got to check. Yet, they're paying for the roof and
for the the panels to be taken off and.
Speaker 21 (52:11):
Put back on.
Speaker 2 (52:12):
So all they're doing is the hail claim. It has
nothing to do with the squirrels.
Speaker 16 (52:16):
Correct, And I actually read Sandy's insurance policy and it
does exclude rodent.
Speaker 2 (52:22):
That's fine. But if she has here, here's what I'm doing.
I'm just getting ready to pull my hair out here.
Hold on, I'm going to put her on hold. So
I'm just going to talk to you, Dimitri. So the
only thing they're going to pay is the hail claim.
That's correct, okay, but on her roof as solar panels,
and there was some kind of critter guard regardless.
Speaker 16 (52:42):
So in addition to the to the hill claim, the
insurance company paid to remove the solar of course they did,
and they'll also paid to reinstall them. However, they decline
to cover the rodent damage.
Speaker 2 (52:56):
Perfect, now hold but now hold on, Sandy? Is that
is that everything? They're just not paying for that part.
Speaker 20 (53:04):
Right, And they're claiming and how I don't care.
Speaker 2 (53:06):
What they're claiming. They're just not paying to reinstall chicken wire?
Is that correct.
Speaker 6 (53:13):
As not paying for the damage the squirrels.
Speaker 2 (53:15):
Caused the damage to the solar panels. Yes, but that's
in the policy, you said.
Speaker 16 (53:20):
Yes, And Sandy said in her last email to me,
she said that the total damage now between the replacement
and repairs comes through like thirteen and a half thousand dollars.
Speaker 6 (53:30):
I believe that's her claim.
Speaker 10 (53:33):
Right, Sandy, I don't have the exact number.
Speaker 2 (53:39):
I gotta take a break. I'm going to talk to
her offline because I've got audiences out there driving into
trees at this point. If I don't understand what she's saying,
my god, who who does? I honestly don't get it, Sandy.
I'm going to talk to you after I do these
live spots. But here's the bottom line. Here's what I
need to know. I mean, what are we going after?
Are we going after Safeco? Am I going after pro Bit?
Who do I call to solve this problem? If it
says squirrel damage isn't covered, the insurance company's not gonna
pay it, Dmitri, it says.
Speaker 6 (54:08):
That, right, I read that in the policy.
Speaker 2 (54:10):
So then why does she think that we're gonna be
able to get safecoat to pay for that?
Speaker 6 (54:17):
I'm not sure.
Speaker 16 (54:17):
I'm really frankly, I'm it would be great to get
Sandy to kind of encapsulate the reason for today's fall.
Speaker 11 (54:23):
Ye do that?
Speaker 2 (54:23):
Sandy? Please put together your thoughts on exactly why you're calling.
If Dmitri already read the policy and pointed out that
critter damage isn't covered. What is today's call for? I
simply don't understand.
Speaker 11 (54:42):
Go with a sure thing Denver's best roofer Excel Roofing
dot com. You don't pay a cent until you're content.
Time for an insurance checkup free, no obligation. In comparison,
call Compass Insurance paying too much your coverage at dozens
of insurance companies out now three all three seven seven
to one help. You'll think you're his only customer when
you choose Frank durand the real estate Man dot com
to list your home with Remax Alliance three all three
nine two zero sixteen twenty two.
Speaker 2 (55:15):
A fine three oh three seven one three eight two
five five. We do have one line open. By the way,
I want to tell you about eight eight heating dot Com.
These guys are absolutely a wonderful company. You have any
problems with that furnace right now, because we're going into
a cold stretch, I want you to call eight eight
eight heating dot com. These guys come out. They're not
going to try to force you into buying a new unit.
If you have an older unit. They literally will give
you options on what to fix. They'll give you all
the options. That's what I love about them. I've known
Garrett personally for ten fifteen years. I've been talking about
him at least that long. It's just a great company.
Eight eight eight Heating dot Com. You want to know
who to call when something breaks, just give him a call.
Eight eight eight Heating dot Com. And if you have
a bit on a furnace out there, if someone gave
you a bit, I bet they'll beat it. If you
have them out, they'll give you a free second opinion,
and I bet they beat it. You'll save some money.
Eight eight eight Heating dot Com. Now I'm going to
go back to Sandy and hopefully just work through this
real quick. She had a problem. There was no coverage,
but she had hail damage, Sandy, So what can we
do for you today? Who should I call to try
to get this right?
Speaker 19 (56:29):
Okay? The issue that I had with the k Meetria
in the past has nothing to do with what's going
on today. It also has nothing to do with squirrels.
It's the fact that the hail repped the cridit guards
and so Mark and Brett put new ones on, and
the insurance companies claiming that they could have been reused
and Mark and Brett say no way, they were ruined.
Speaker 2 (56:57):
Okay, can we get Matt from Paragon on hold? On
a second, I'm gonna put you on hold. Sandy, now
I know who to ask about this. I would assume
and tell me if I'm crazy, I said this to
her already, I would call Matt with Paragon. Did I
not say that? Or did I?
Speaker 6 (57:15):
You certainly did.
Speaker 2 (57:16):
So let's get mad on and get his first blush
at Sandy's situation. I don't understand when they say reused.
Do we ever look at any pictures of this? Dmitri?
Speaker 16 (57:26):
Yeah, I have photos of the credit guard? If Sandy,
how much will it cost? How much did it cost
you to replace and reinstall the credit guards?
Speaker 19 (57:36):
Twelve hundred?
Speaker 2 (57:38):
All right, so it's an additional twelve hundred. I mean
that's a lot of Honestly, it's a lot of work
for that twelve hundred. Did you pay pro bid that money?
Speaker 10 (57:50):
Speaker 19 (57:50):
I haven't gotten a check from the insurance, so I
haven't paid anything.
Speaker 2 (57:53):
Okay, who did the actual roof? Did I understand that
pro bid removed the solar panels? Who the roof?
Speaker 10 (58:01):
Speaker 19 (58:02):
Shoot, I can't remember. It's three it's one that mark recommended.
Speaker 2 (58:07):
Did they get paid already? Yes, okay, so everybody's been
paid except for pro bid in the twelve hundred dollars
for the career guard. All right, I understand hold on
three oh three seven one, three eight two five five.
We're gonna we're gonna get that figured out. We're gonna
see if we can get mad on. Matt's a public adjuster. Basically,
once an insurance company says you have damage and they
agree to fault and they they kind of approve your claim.
I'm not talking about a dollar amount now, but basically
say yes, we're gonna go ahead and pay for it.
Then the next step is how much they're gonna give you.
If they don't give you the amount that you want.
In fact, I'm gonna bring doctor Joel in on this
real quick, Doctor Joel in a previous lifetime. In fact,
I don't know if you still own that company, but
you have done public adjusting.
Speaker 7 (58:53):
Yeah, I still have a public adjusting license.
Speaker 2 (58:55):
You still do, so listen to this, Sandy. Yeah, well
you've been listening to this call. But the bottom line
is the insurance company, Safego approved the roof, okay, and
they had solar panels, they had to remove the solar panels.
They paid for that. Around the solar panels. Whoever installed
the solar panels in the first place put up, for
lack of a better word, chicken wire around them so
the critters couldn't get up there and chew all the
solar panel wiring. Follow So they paid for the roof,
they paid for the removal of the solar panels, and
they paid for the solar panels being back on. They're
saying the company that did that could have reused the
same chicken wire. That company saying, there's no way. They're saying,
look at it, it's totally destroyed. There's nothing we're going
to be able to repair with this. I would say,
if a public adjuster got involved, I can't imagine they
wouldn't pay this additional twelve hundred. I mean, I've never
heard that. I've heard of it. With gutters, you could
have reused those, But anytime our public adjusters have fought
them pretty much, you can't reuse them. They get dented,
they get messed up. I mean, it's just a part
of doing that. So what's your first opinion on this, Well, my.
Speaker 7 (01:00:05):
First opinion is that the the the rodent protectors. Is
that what we're going to call them the.
Speaker 2 (01:00:11):
Chicken wire they call them critter guards.
Speaker 7 (01:00:13):
That the critter guards when they were when that was
removed as part of the whole roof removal. Uh, that
that should be replaced if it can't be reused period.
Speaker 2 (01:00:25):
Yeah. And so the insurance company is saying, no, we're
not going to pay it. That contractor should have reused it.
Speaker 7 (01:00:33):
Well, they just need to take pictures of it and
send it to the insurance company.
Speaker 2 (01:00:36):
And they're claiming they did, Sandy, am I correct in
that mark over it? They've got them, they have pictures, they.
Speaker 7 (01:00:43):
Have everything, and they're saying there can they can be
And why is the contractor saying that they can't be reused?
Speaker 5 (01:00:48):
Speaker 2 (01:00:48):
Good question.
Speaker 7 (01:00:51):
Are they just too damaged?
Speaker 2 (01:00:53):
Sandy? Why what if they were damaged?
Speaker 19 (01:00:55):
They were damaged by by hail? They were damaged, Sandy.
Speaker 2 (01:01:00):
I can't, I can't enter into an argument that hail
damaged chicken wire. How did they how did hal damaged
chicken wire?
Speaker 19 (01:01:07):
Invented vent it out?
Speaker 2 (01:01:09):
Okay, fair enough, I mean if that's the case, then
they should cover it. They should cover it now when
they don't cover something like this, but they already said, yes,
we're going to accept the claim.
Speaker 7 (01:01:20):
Your next step is what hire a public adjust.
Speaker 2 (01:01:23):
Hire a public adjuster, Okay, and they get paid. Here's
the problem though, Doc, Look, I know you own that business,
but I'm going to tell everybody out there there's one
problem with I mean good public adjusters. There's bad ones,
but you're a good one. Matt's a good one. I'm
talking about good ones. My goodness, twelve hundred bucks. What
does that claim mean to you? That means what one
hundred and twenty dollars?
Speaker 22 (01:01:50):
Speaker 2 (01:01:50):
Think about that? One hundred and twenty dollars to deal
with an insurance company for how many hours? Think about
this over twelve hundred.
Speaker 7 (01:01:59):
Bucks worth the time?
Speaker 2 (01:02:01):
Not worth the time. You'll lose money, I would argue,
it's the you would literally lose money. And that's the problem.
Speaker 7 (01:02:08):
That's, unfortunately why they deny a lot of even entire
roof clams.
Speaker 2 (01:02:11):
So, Sandy, what safe Co is doing is basically just
putting the screws to you because they know you're not
going to be able to get a public adjuster unless
if it was simply done out of the kindness of
their heart. Because it's going to cost them more money
to actually deal with this. They generally make ten percent,
maybe twenty percent. But you're still talking driving out to
your house meeting with the adjuster. I mean you're talking
hours upon hours. So honestly, I think it's going to
come out of your pocket. I really do well.
Speaker 7 (01:02:43):
She can keep asking to speak to a supervisor, keep
pushing the issue with them. Sometimes I got an idea.
Speaker 2 (01:02:51):
I got an idea, Kelly, do me a favor. Let's
get Brian on with Compass Insurance, hold on Sandy. I
got one more. I got someone that can make a
direct call the claims department, the back line for insurance
suggestions from or to Safeco. I want to ask Brian
or one of those guys about it. Maybe just the
right person on her behalf, without having to enter into
an agreement, can make a call. You think that's possible.
Speaker 7 (01:03:16):
I would recommend something else. I would recommend that you
file a complaint with the Department of Insurance at Dora.
We're going to talk about because then they have to respond.
Speaker 2 (01:03:24):
We're going to talk about that whole one.
Speaker 11 (01:03:29):
Go with a sure thing Denver's Best Roofer Excel roofing
dot Com. You don't pay a cent until you're content
than time for an insurance checkup free no obligation. In comparison,
call Compass Insurance paying too much your coverage at dozens
of insurance companies find out now three all three seven
to seven to one help. You'll think you're his only
customer when you choose Frank durand the real estate Man
dot com to list your home with Remax Alliance three
all three nine two zero sixteen twenty two.
Speaker 2 (01:04:01):
All right, three O three seven one three A two
five five uh three oh three Martino, We're gonna be
diving into stuff next hour. But we've got a lot
going on. I got some news on Clayton and that roofing.
I'm sure it is that company. It is Robinhood Roofing.
And the website is I think, uh, what was it
Robinhood Roofs dot com or roof I forget, it's one
of the two. And then that's it. They have the
actual business card and let me just I want to
I do want to clean this up right now. Clayton.
On that business card, it's Robinhood Roofing. And then the
guy's name is Dave. Is that correct?
Speaker 5 (01:04:40):
Speaker 2 (01:04:40):
And that's the phone number you gave to Kelly, right,
and what is what is that phone number for robin
Hood roofing. I'm getting it right now, Yeah, get it,
have her get it, because here's what I want. I
want our listeners to get them a call, honest to goodness,
I do. I want you to be nice. But these people,
in my opinion, got totally screwed. The roof looks old.
We're going to have one of our inspectors go out.
But Kelly tried to reach over there. A lot of
times callers call up and they don't know what they're
talking about. But according to Clayton, there was never a
permit pulled. There was never one on the side of
his house. On top of that, when they were done
with the roof, some of the roof was curling up
and it just looks old, right, Clayton correct. And then
here's the crazy part. When he asked about it, they said,
all that shingle's made to look old, and you're not
kidding this guy. Dave actually said that, yeah. And then
the siding that they had to take off to do
part of the roof, they only put basically a two
by four or two by six up and they didn't
even paint it, and now they won't do anything about it.
I just want everybody to hear it from you. Yeah
or nay.
Speaker 5 (01:05:55):
Yeah, that's what they did.
Speaker 2 (01:05:56):
And what's that phone number for these guys at Robin
Hood Roofing, Because I'll tell you what, Robin Hood Roofing,
I'm gonna start doing commercials for you all the time.
If you're not going to get dis handled, we're going
to send an expert out, so hopefully we hear from you.
And why you would hang up on Kelly four times?
I can't even imagine. She didn't even say what she
was calling about. Maybe they're used to it, Maybe they're
used to people calling up with issues. What is that
phone number?
Speaker 14 (01:06:23):
Seven two zero.
Speaker 21 (01:06:26):
Seven two zero seven zero four nine three four or five?
Speaker 2 (01:06:31):
And Kelly, that is the number we called, right?
Speaker 3 (01:06:34):
Speaker 2 (01:06:35):
Seven two zero seven oh four nine three four five?
Speaker 7 (01:06:40):
Speaker 2 (01:06:41):
Yeah, Kelly just said correct, yep. And I'll tell you what.
Hold on, guys, we're going to free you up, make
sure we have all their information, and we're gonna get
him with our folks over at Petrolley Roofing. As soon
as the snow's gone, they're gonna get over there and
look at this roof. We're going to try to figure
out what's going on. We're gonna see if the shingles
are old or sad, or if the job was done lousy.
We're going to figure out why they sold them shingles that,
according to Dave over there, robin hood roofing are supposed
to look old. It's so weird even saying that, I mean, Dmitri,
is that not the dumbest thing you've ever heard?
Speaker 13 (01:07:15):
Speaker 6 (01:07:15):
You know, I've heard of decorating your house to have
that lived in look. Yeah, But putting on a roof
that looks like a used roof, yes, new to me.
Speaker 2 (01:07:22):
It's like putting on a sweatshirt with a spaghetti stain
on it. And for these jerks to actually say it
is amazing. You know what, robin hood roofing. In my opinion,
according to all the information I have, and we tried
to reach out to you listen to this, not once,
not twice, not three times, but four times, robin hood roofing.
We wanted to reach out just to see what you
had to say about it. All you do is hang up.
That's all you do is hang up. It wasn't even
on air. We don't call people on air unless they
want to come on air. Once again, Robin Hood Roofing,
please do me a favor. Be nice. All the YouTube
people out there that listen, please be nice. Call up
say what is going on? Did you really sell a
shingle that's supposed to make their house look old? Is
that real? Or or is the caller crazy? Ask them?
And why won't you do anything about it? Seven to
zero seven zero four nine three four five seven two
zero seven oh four nine three four five Robin Hood Roofing, Dave.
That's that's right. All from the business card that's on
the business card. That's Clayton's holding in his hand. It's unbelievable.
We got Brian Burns, Brian Burns, Compass Insurance, Brian. Thanks.
I got in a little bit of a rant there.
We got this roofer. We got this Robin Hood roofer
out there driving me crazy. But listen, this one's driving
me crazy too. Sad. He's got a problem. Safeco Safego.
And you know how I feel about Safeco lately, because
I just went all through this. They came out denied
my claim. Now they're paying it. But I had to
get Matt involved. Here's the bottom line. They approved the
roof with the hail damage anslar panels. They approved removing
and replacing the solar panels. But the bottom line, and
I mean this, Brian, is the bottom line is.
Speaker 11 (01:09:07):
There not go with a sure thing Denver's Best roofer
Excel Roofing dot com.
Speaker 2 (01:09:12):
You don't pay a cent until you're content.
Speaker 11 (01:09:17):
Time for an insurance check up free, no obligation comparison
call Compass Insurance paying too much your coverage at dozens
of insurance companies find out now three oh three seven
seven to one help. You'll think you're his only customer
when you choose Frank durand the real estate Man dot
com to list your home with Remax Alliance three oh
three nine two zero sixteen twenty two.
Speaker 23 (01:09:43):
Rips so you don't have run as fast as we can.
Speaker 1 (01:09:54):
Shooter's gonna help come.
Speaker 2 (01:09:57):
This is the Troubleshooter Show.
Speaker 18 (01:10:00):
Oh no, Tom Martinez, Welcome, Welcome to the show.
Speaker 2 (01:10:04):
The only show of It's kind of here to self problems,
answer questions, take complaints. I guess part of the goal
in life is to rile me up no matter what.
I can't stand bad contractors and I'm getting sick and
tired of it. The newest one on my crap list
is this Robin Hood Roofing. I'm just steaming about it.
You know, this poor guy they call them up back
in July they get a new roof. The roof looks
like crap. Apparently when you look at it and we're
sending an expert out there, you know, it just looks
like crap. It's kind of curved up, like the shingles
are misformed and the whole thing looks bad. Are expert's
going to take pictures and report back to that soon.
But the bottom line is this, these guys won't even
talk to the consumer anymore. We tried to reach out
for their side of the story off air, of course,
four times, four different times. We tried to reach out
to Dave at Robin Hood Roofing, and basically, I'm finally
giving on their phone number out and I'll tell you why,
because I need them to know that people out there
like doing live reviews, so I would like people to
give them a live review based upon the information from
the caller. And the information is pretty wild because the
bottom line is when he brought up how come that's curled.
And this is according to the caller, how come the
roof looks old? You know what Dave told him? According
to Clayton, this part's amazing. He said, it's supposed to
look old. That kind of shingle's supposed to look coltro Mark, Yeah,
retroroofing dot com. These jerks, I mean, really unbelievable. I
can't believe this guy Dave would say that to one
of his customers at Robinhood Roofing. Dave, I want you
to call in, my God, just call in right now.
Three zho three Martino, Dave, call in, I bet by
added every stretch. You're listening right now. In fact, I
have no doubt you're listening right now. Why don't you
Why don't you grow a set and call up and
explain to him, or just explain to me. Explain to
me what kind of asphalt shingle you purchase that's supposed
to look old? I really want to know, because I
can't find a roof for anybody that's ever heard of it.
Robinhood Roofing Dave seven two zero seven oh four nine
three four five. It's the most absurd thing I think
I've heard. Well, definitely this year. I mean, really, I've
heard a lot of stuff. I've heard, Hey, the job
didn't do good. I've heard everything in the world, but
I have never heard anybody say once again. It's like
going to Macy's and buying a beautiful new sweater and
there's spaghetti sauce on it, and the person at macy says, oh,
it's supposed to have spaghetti sauce on it.
Speaker 3 (01:12:41):
It's beyond the beyonds mark.
Speaker 2 (01:12:43):
It's beyond the beyonds now. I got to go to
Brian Burns. Brian Burns, he's on a referral list Compass Insurance. Brian,
I got you on for of course, a totally different call.
But here's the bottom line. Happy New Year, sir. How
you been doing, man?
Speaker 20 (01:12:58):
Happy New Year's you guys as well. Oh, I was
just hearing about this really cool designer sweater you.
Speaker 2 (01:13:04):
Yeah, and the designer roof. Can you imagine you pay
eighteen thousand dollars for a roof and when it looks
like crap, they tell you, oh, it's designed to look
that way.
Speaker 20 (01:13:13):
It's like those jeans that have a hole in that.
Speaker 2 (01:13:16):
Let me tell you, Suzanne. But okay, encourage a little
side notes Suzanne potted a pair of Jeens years ago
that had holes in them. They were like one hundred
and fifty bucks. I almost fainted. So, but here's the deal.
I want to ask you something. Safeco safe Co is
refusing to pay for these critter guards. I think I
kind of explained it, but I got to recap because
it's a new hour. But bottom line is she had
roof damage. They agreed they would pay for the hail damage.
They agreed to pay for the solar panels to be
removed and replaced. There was some kind of chicken wire
or critter guard around the solar panels. Everything got put
back together. The contract said, we can't use these old
this old chicken wire. It's almost like a gutter that's
been beat up. We've got to get new ones. We're
only talking twelve hundred bucks, but safe Co is refusing
to pay for that last part of the claim. We
can talk about public adjusters, and we were talking to
doctor Joel that's also in that business. But the bottom
line is, for twelve hundred dollars claim, a public adjuster
would be crazy to get involved because it's like one
hundred dollars. They're going to have to go out there
two three times. Just no one would do that in
their right mind. So, Brian, what do you do in
a case like that? Doctor Joel said to righte Dora,
and they're going to have to answer the complaint. But
I was wondering if you could make a call on
her behalf to Safeco, because I know you've done that
for the show a bunch, and see if you can't
get them to pay the last twelve hundred dollars. It's
almost like they just they're being jerks.
Speaker 20 (01:14:54):
Out of TRIOSTI just I had asked if this was
the case.
Speaker 5 (01:14:57):
Is this our?
Speaker 20 (01:14:58):
Is this a customer of Compass?
Speaker 2 (01:15:00):
Sandy? Who did you get safe go through?
Speaker 21 (01:15:06):
It's Trailstone?
Speaker 20 (01:15:09):
Speaker 2 (01:15:09):
No, now hold on, No. Brian brought up a great
point there that I don't even know if he brought up.
So when you call up who is it Trailstone?
Speaker 10 (01:15:18):
Yeah, Trailstone?
Speaker 2 (01:15:19):
Why aren't they fighting for you? Should they be? Oh
my god?
Speaker 20 (01:15:28):
Here's the point is I won't have access to it.
I don't mind calling them, but they won't legally be
able to have a conversation with me about her policy
unless you wants to sign something giving them permission but
her agent should be able to call and at least
get more details about what the rationale is here. What
is it they're saying.
Speaker 2 (01:15:47):
They're saying they can know. I'll tell you what they're saying.
They're saying the contractors should reuse the old chicken wire.
Speaker 20 (01:15:54):
But if the contractor is able to provide proof that
that's no longer possible.
Speaker 2 (01:15:58):
They have, and they still refuse. They sent pictures, They've
done everything, and they still refuse. And here's what I
hate about this call. We're going on a year without
getting this handled. I just want to get it handled.
But Brian, let me revisit with Sandy real quick. Sandy,
when you call up Timberline or whoever you what's the
name of it again, your insurance people, Trailstone, Trailstone. Have
you told them, hey, you help me get paid or anything?
Speaker 6 (01:16:24):
Speaker 19 (01:16:24):
I just didn't know that that was a route.
Speaker 2 (01:16:28):
Well, my god, why okay? Why do you use Trailstone.
Speaker 19 (01:16:34):
So they could find me a good insurance policy?
Speaker 2 (01:16:39):
Yeah, I'm gonna well, now hold on, Sandy, I'm gonna
ask you, Brian, honest to god, how many times do
you help your clients with Safeco or the other thirty
plus companies you guys represent.
Speaker 20 (01:16:51):
Yeah, no, we get involved all the time with claims.
It's not that we have decision making power, but we
can put pressure on or at least understand what's going
on and be able to have some kind of rational conversation.
Speaker 2 (01:17:03):
So, Sandy, I mean your people, maybe maybe it's not
Trailstone's issue because you've never even called Is that what
you're saying, Yeah, I haven't. Oh my god. Okay, here's
what I want you to do before anything. Here's the
three steps I want to take. Number One, you're going
to call it Trailstone. Talk to your your agent and
say here, this is what's going on, and honestly, the
way you explained it to me, they're not going to
understand a damn thing. You tell them, just like this,
I have this claim number here. They did the roof,
they did the solar panels back on. They're refusing to
pay the contractor for the critter guard. The contractor says
you cannot reuse it. Here's the pictures of it. Just
keep it that simple, don't get into anything else whatsoever,
and tell them I need your help and see what
they can do if they can't pull it off. Step
Number two is, honestly, I want you to switch over
to Brian and he'll probably pull it off with Safego.
I hate to put you on the spot, Brian, but
twelve hundred dollars on an eighteen hundred dollar claim and
they have pictures and everything. I think they're just being
they're just playing hardball. They know they should be paying this.
I don't even understand the argument, and I can honestly
say that because Safego tried to screw me last year,
so I don't mind saying it whatsoever.
Speaker 4 (01:18:15):
Speaker 2 (01:18:16):
The third would be exactly what doctor Joel says. You
write to Dora and say I can't even get a
response for this people, Doctor Joel charedact please explain that
one more time.
Speaker 7 (01:18:27):
The Department of Insurance is regulated by Dora. Yep, so
I'm not sure exactly. You have to navigate through the
DORAS website to find how you complain against the complaint
to the Department of Insurance. Well, Brian might actually know,
but yeah, he probably does. But all you do is
you file that complaint, explain what's going on in detail,
and they're forced and they have to have somebody responding.
Oftentimes the person that does respond is a supervisor or
somebody higher up because they don't want to get in
trouble with Dora, And a lot of times if the
claim is legitimate, they'll pay it at that point.
Speaker 2 (01:18:58):
So listen, this is exactly what I do. Try to
go through your agent first, Sandy. I figured you already
did that. I mean, I really did. I don't know
why we have missed that for over a year's period
dealing with this, So I want you to do that
soon as we hang up. And then basically I want
you to file that complaint with Dora if they can't,
if your insurance agent give them a few days doesn't
do anything, and then after that then we can go
to the route of switching and going to Brian Burns's
Encompass Insurance, who I have personally used for ten fifteen years.
When's the last time how long have you had Safego?
Speaker 4 (01:19:34):
Speaker 19 (01:19:34):
I don't know a long time.
Speaker 2 (01:19:35):
When's the last time I want to ask you this
for everybody else out listening, when's the last time someone
at Trailstone reached out to you and said, Hey, I
found a cheaper coverage or better coverage through a different
company instead of Safego.
Speaker 19 (01:19:54):
They're in touch with me every year. Okay, I'm finding
the best.
Speaker 2 (01:20:00):
Very glad to hear that, because a lot of agents
don't and the people Accompass do that for me every
year for all mine. So are we on the same page?
And then I want you to get back with Deputy
Dimitri and hopefully we put a close to this because
the twelve hundred bucks is twelve hundred bucks. We need
to get this handled. I believe you're one hundred percent
in the right, Brian. Would you agree If everything she's
say in is gospel, this should be a no brainer
and they should be paying it.
Speaker 20 (01:20:25):
I do agree, And I will tell you one other alternative,
you know, please or instead of would be the appraisal process.
Oh there, you know you can always go through the
appraisal process where you are sending it to a umpire
who will ultimately make a decision.
Speaker 2 (01:20:42):
And that's what I did.
Speaker 20 (01:20:43):
It's a pretty common sense saying you're you're gonna get
it on your side.
Speaker 2 (01:20:46):
Yeah, but once again we're talking twelve hundred bucks. How
much does that cost a consumer?
Speaker 20 (01:20:51):
Very little, because you all you have to do is
you pay for your professional but in this case, it's
for rufer. Yeah, and then and then the umpire you
split the cost, which is pretty cheap, and then they
decide it.
Speaker 6 (01:21:02):
Speaker 2 (01:21:03):
I just went through that with Safeco. Literally, yeah. Whatever,
I'm not gonna dive into that. Hey, I appreciate it.
That's Brian Burns Compass Insurance. By the way, just call
these guys up. If you haven't shopped insurance. I don't care.
If you have all state State Farms, Safego, Progressive, I
don't care. If it's a corporate policy like garage keepers
for a shop, I don't care what it is. The
bottom line is these guys do the best for insurance,
and if you have the best already, they're gonna tell
you they're honest people. Check them out at compassinsurance dot com.
Let's free up Sandy. Monica's got a problem with a neighbor. Joshua,
you're gonna be up next. You've been holding the longest.
And then Jen's got an issue with his septic tank.
All that and a lot more coming right up.
Speaker 11 (01:21:49):
Go with a sure thing Denver's best roofer Excel roofing
dot com. You don't pay a cent until you're content.
Time for an insurance check cup free no obligation. In comparison,
call Compass Insurance pain too much your coverage at dozens
of insurance companies find out Now three O three seven
to seven to one help. You'll think you're his only
customer when you choose Frank durand the real estate man
dot com to list your home with Remax Alliance three
oh three nine two zero sixteen twenty two.
Speaker 2 (01:22:26):
Genesis Total Exteriors. Mark Simanski's the owner. I'm gonna tell
you something about him. He had his painter come out.
As painter's been with him like twenty years. He hates
when I do this because they do everything. They do
siding and windows, he does, roofs, they do a lot
of stuff, anything exterior he does. In fact, his stucco
business is absolutely off the charts. His stucco pricing is great.
They can even go over whatever you currently have on
for the most part and make your house with brand
new at a very reasonable price. They can help with
insurance companies. But his painter, let me get back to that.
My goodness, they painted our house the exterior five years ago.
That thing still looks like they painted it yesterday. They
helped with They helped Suzanne with the colors. It's just
the best paint job. The pricing was great. If you
need that house painted, you need anything with the exterior,
I want you to check out genesistotalexteriors dot com, genesistotal
Exteriors dot com or just google it marks the owner
Great guys now three oh three seven one three A
two five five. I have one line open. Joshuasben Holding
forever Joshua. First of all, I really do appreciate you holding.
You've got props to a contractor. Who is it?
Speaker 24 (01:23:37):
Yeah, it is a pino from a company called Pursuit
of Excellence.
Speaker 2 (01:23:41):
Pursuit of Excellence and what do they do?
Speaker 24 (01:23:45):
Yeah, So he started out as a framer and then
in the Southeast built show decks and he's a framer
up here in Colorado Springs and he is breaking into
the general contracting world. We had a dishwasher flood and
completely flutter house, so we decided I had to completely.
Speaker 5 (01:24:00):
Gut the house.
Speaker 2 (01:24:01):
And he did everything.
Speaker 13 (01:24:03):
He did new.
Speaker 24 (01:24:04):
Floors, new stairs, built hims, Wayne Scotting.
Speaker 2 (01:24:09):
Wow, and he just did a great job.
Speaker 8 (01:24:11):
Speaker 2 (01:24:13):
Yeah, you know what I want you to do? Do
me a favor. I leave your info with Kelly, and
I'm gonna have Daphne contact him about referral list. All right,
So I appreciate you telling him that, but I mean
he's licensed, and I know you had a good deal
with him, But I mean, is there any bad reviews
on him? I mean, how's he look online?
Speaker 5 (01:24:38):
He looked great online.
Speaker 24 (01:24:39):
He just built a new website and half my house
is actually on it. Because he used to be a
framer for somebody that was on your referral list. Oh,
that individual moved to Florida, so he broke in. Who
was general contracting folks rob from Affordable Views.
Speaker 2 (01:24:54):
Oh okay, that's going back away, all right, Hold tight, man,
give that information. Kelly. Just email me that information and
we'll see how it works out. You know, on referral
list dot Com, we do criminal background checks. We have
them sign our code of ethics. Doctor Joel, you're on there.
You know that we've done all that. That's why referral
list dot Com. Not only is it the original list,
but it's the best. I'm gonna go with Monica next,
because you've been holding the longest. But I got to
talk to doctor Joel. I told everybody if you missed it,
By the way, go to YouTube dot com type in
Troubleshooter Network. You can hear and see us during the breaks.
It's a great way to watch and listen to the
show a little more participation. It's kind of cool. But
doc I got on. Try Zeppis. I told you, I'm
going to struggle with that for the rest of my life.
Try zeppetide urszepetide urszepetite.
Speaker 6 (01:25:44):
There you go.
Speaker 2 (01:25:44):
Last Wednesday, my wife's sitting next to me. She'll tell
you I've literally dropped twelve pounds in six days. We've
kind of talked about this. It's an incredible drug for
the main reason and for everybody out there. Basically, I
started around two hundred and twenty five. Last Wednesday, I
weighed myself that day. Now I'm down under two fifteen,
and the bottom line is it's about twelve and a
half thirteen pounds in six days.
Speaker 5 (01:26:09):
Speaker 2 (01:26:10):
A lot of people are going to say that's water
weight or whatever. But one of the things I have
always done is I usually don't eat breakfast and stuff,
but I'm always hungry. I'm constantly thinking of food. In fact,
Dragon told me that one time Dragon lost a ton
of eight years ago, and he's kept it off, but
he thinks about food a lot, just like all of us.
I don't think about that candy bar. That's really what
this drug does, doesn't it. It literally makes you not
think of food somehow. And then the other thing it does,
it makes me feel full even after I eat. Like
last night, I had what was that, maybe a quarter
pound of chicken.
Speaker 3 (01:26:45):
Yeah, a little bit of chicken is all you had?
The night before that, you had two little sliders.
Speaker 2 (01:26:50):
Yeah, two sliders, no bunter or anything, just the actual meat.
But think about that, and I feel full afterwards. Unlike
any other diet. I've ever done a crash diet where
I'm doing no carbs for a month and I can
drop weight pretty quick. But I wanted to try this. Generally,
when I'm on a diet, all I'm thinking about is food.
The difference between any diet I have ever done, whether
it's no carb. I had a diet years ago, she
laughs about, go ahead.
Speaker 14 (01:27:16):
What was it?
Speaker 3 (01:27:16):
Yeah, your banana and beer?
Speaker 2 (01:27:18):
All I had.
Speaker 3 (01:27:19):
Speaker 2 (01:27:19):
All I had was one michelobe each day, one michelob
ultra in bananas, and I dropped twenty pounds in a month.
I mean, you know why, because there's no calorie intake.
But here's the bottom line. I can't believe I just
admitted to my homemade diet of bananas and beer.
Speaker 3 (01:27:35):
It's gonna go viral.
Speaker 2 (01:27:36):
Mark God, it worked too. It was crazy. I'm not
suggesting that for people out there. That was many years ago.
So anyhow, DOC the difference between anything else, I don't
think of food. It's remarkable, yep.
Speaker 7 (01:27:51):
And that's what most patients experience. It's because your body
is literally being told that you have enough, that you're
fool and that you don't eat to eat anymore. You
don't think about food. People that have food cravings that
you know, you've heard the term angry. Yeah, it really
it helps with that. It cures hanger and you know,
it's been shown. I'm looking at some statistics here. Thirty
three percent of people lost more than twenty percent of
their body weight.
Speaker 2 (01:28:21):
That's incredible. Yeah, and these kind of drugs through you
guys at Denver Region. I mean, I know what I pay,
and I have the I'm not even gonna say it anymore,
but basically, these these kind of plans start at what
three ninety five.
Speaker 7 (01:28:35):
For terms zeppotide we're four seventy five for the other one,
so magnetize, and that's generally what people use. The same
drug that's in ozempic's sozepic.
Speaker 2 (01:28:44):
And how much does that start at, So.
Speaker 7 (01:28:46):
We're two ninety five for that. That's what most of
our patients start with. Ye uh, And most of our
patients are fine with that. If they're not, then oftentimes
we'll move them up to terms epetite, which is a
stronger medication. You started with that, which may be a
reason why you've had such dramatic weight losses.
Speaker 2 (01:29:02):
It's absolutely unbelievable. And here's how it works, you guys.
One of your MD's called me up and basically we
talk on the phone. I fill out a questionnaire and
basically get the prescription. Next thing I know, the next day,
FedEx shows up and the meds come. They're like refrigerated,
They come with the needles, they come with everything you
need and a full video instruction and there's nothing to it.
I was a little afraid. I've never given myself a shot.
I can't even it's not like a flu shot. I
don't even feel it. Basically, you put the needle in
just like you see on TV, you pull it up
to whatever the setting is, five to eight, whatever it is,
and then you just find a little fat on your belly,
next to your belly button, and you just put the
needle in and you put it in.
Speaker 20 (01:29:45):
That's it.
Speaker 2 (01:29:45):
There's nothing else to do it.
Speaker 7 (01:29:47):
It's like a mosquito bite.
Speaker 2 (01:29:48):
I don't even think it's like a mosquito bite, honestly.
I mean it's like nothing.
Speaker 7 (01:29:52):
No, it's like a lot of people don't feel it.
Speaker 2 (01:29:54):
I had no irritation. I had nothing. You know, I'm
big on reading side effects and the side effects, maybe
a little irritation next to it. I had nothing.
Speaker 5 (01:30:03):
Speaker 2 (01:30:03):
Yeah, I couldn't even tell I did.
Speaker 7 (01:30:04):
It's just an insulin. You know, it's really small.
Speaker 2 (01:30:06):
It's so tiny, the needle is so tiny. You just
don't feel it. I don't want people to think, oh,
you're trying to find a vein and you're doing It's
nothing like that.
Speaker 7 (01:30:14):
No, not at all.
Speaker 2 (01:30:15):
It's a remarkable drug. Anybody out there. And who asked
this last time? Was it you, Dimitri? That last fifty pounds?
Speaker 6 (01:30:22):
Yeah, I was actually asking you about the last twenty pounds.
Speaker 5 (01:30:24):
You know.
Speaker 16 (01:30:25):
The first, however much I lost, was really easy and
I'm not on that medication that you guys are just disgusting.
But it's the really it's the most stubborn fat that's
around the belt line. And then it's also the most dangerous,
isn't it, Because it's called visceral or man right, and
it it's somehow harmful to my internal organ well.
Speaker 7 (01:30:43):
Visceral fat. Higher visceral fat percentage is associated with an
increased mortality. There's just a correlation, and that's bad, right, Yes,
being dead is not good. But what I would want
to mention is that in our clinic, we have a
lot of our patients who come to us with that
very problem. They can't get rid of the.
Speaker 2 (01:31:02):
Last you know, they plateau.
Speaker 7 (01:31:04):
Ten to twenty pounds that they need to lose.
Speaker 16 (01:31:06):
And Joe and I haven't asked that question all these
years because I assume that that medication is for like
morbidly obest people.
Speaker 6 (01:31:13):
I didn't realize that I'm pretty close to normal.
Speaker 16 (01:31:16):
I didn't realize I could benefit maybe from it from
to the same extent that you're more challenging.
Speaker 7 (01:31:23):
And what you're talking about is for the insurance carriers
to cover it, you need to fit criteria that would
classify you as MORBIDLEO.
Speaker 2 (01:31:31):
But if you're if you're paying cash and honestly you wondering.
Speaker 7 (01:31:33):
How I'm let me mention the caveat. Our team is
still going to go through the process of medically screening
you to make sure that you're appropriate you have to,
and that there's not going to be any dangerous side
effects and that the benefits are going to outweigh the
risks of taking the medication. Like any medicas, guys.
Speaker 2 (01:31:49):
I have to break here. I hate to interrupt it,
but that's Denver Regen dot com. Really just go check
them out right there, call them up there, great people.
I'm going to let everybody just constantly know how my
journey's going well. Hold on uh Janmonica one line open
three oh three seven one three eight, two five five.
Speaker 11 (01:32:11):
Go with a sure thing Denver's best roofer Excel Roofing
dot com. You don't pay a cent until you're content
than time for an insurance check up, free no obligation
comparison call Compass Insurance paying too much your coverage at
dozens of insurance companies find out now three oh three
seven seven to one help.
Speaker 2 (01:32:31):
You'll think you're his only customer.
Speaker 11 (01:32:33):
When you choose Frank durand the real estate man dot
com to list your home with Remax Alliance three oh
three nine two zero sixteen twenty two.
Speaker 2 (01:32:47):
All right, three oh three seventy one three eight two
five five three oh three, Martino, you've been ripped off
or taking advantage of We want to hear from you.
By the way, just really quick on hop to the phones.
We were talking doctor Joelan myself. I was telling her,
you know, people spend that two hundred and ninety five
bucks a month for that weight loss, and I can't
talk about it more. It is working so well for me.
In six days, I'm over ten twelve pounds down, and
more importantly, I simply just don't I feel full, and
I don't by any means think of food. It's really incredible,
unlike any other diet where you might be sticking to it,
but all you're thinking about is whatever you like eating pizza, sweets,
whatever it is. But I'm actually saving money on this diet,
you know how, even though I'm paying you guys four
hundred and seventy five bucks a month, okay, or two
ninety five whatever it is, depending on the medication. Here's
the deal. You know how I'm saving money? Doc, How's
that we eat out all the time. I'm not kidding,
Susanna and I eat out, you know, since the kids
have been gone.
Speaker 3 (01:33:47):
Yeah, empty nest life five, five, six.
Speaker 2 (01:33:50):
Times a week, maybe seven, to be quite honest.
Speaker 7 (01:33:52):
Sometimes, Yeah, you're saving more money than you.
Speaker 2 (01:33:54):
I'm saving way more money. I mean the average dinner
maybe I don't know, sixty bucks. I mean, think about that.
That's two hundred and fifty to three hundred dollars a week,
and we're not doing it. If we do go out now,
the bill would be half because I'll just eat a
little off her plate. I would never order my own
dinner right now.
Speaker 3 (01:34:12):
Now, I can go do some extra shopping, Mark.
Speaker 2 (01:34:14):
Okay, Well, that that whole part's getting mixed. Well, that's
a great point, Mark, that I'm mixing her whole shopping park,
I think.
Speaker 7 (01:34:21):
So yeah, can you.
Speaker 2 (01:34:23):
Can you imagine it's like when your wife comes back
saving money and says, hey, it was on sale four
hundred dollars. Dress was on sale for two hundred. I
saved you two hundred, Yes, exactly. Okay, So who's been
holding the longest Monica? First of all, I appreciate you
holding three zho three Martino. What's going on with your neighbor?
We have had some neighbor calls over the years that
are incredible. What's going on with yours?
Speaker 4 (01:34:52):
Speaker 21 (01:34:52):
Can you hear me?
Speaker 2 (01:34:53):
I can hear you.
Speaker 25 (01:34:53):
Monica, Okay, I'm driving to my apology.
Speaker 2 (01:34:59):
Well be careful it on speakerphone. If you can go ahead, Yes, yes,
I will.
Speaker 25 (01:35:05):
It has been quite a journey, to say the least.
I have lived in my condos for almost three years,
and for the past year I have had issues with
my neighbor. But it comes down to the fact that
she has been renovating her home and doing it sort of,
you know, by herself, or hiring contractors who don't always
speak English, so it's difficult to even communicate with them
as an outsider. And she's done some things that has
caused water to come through my feelings. Lord, she lives
on the top and I have I have two water
claims and then a liability claim that she has put
onto my insurance. She refuses to take accountability and we
have we have an HR way and that there's some language,
Monica sepregation.
Speaker 2 (01:35:54):
Monica, hold on one second. I want to understand a
few things. So she did some work. Whatever that work was,
who knows, but she was messing around with water lines
or something and it started leaking. It comes through your roof,
correct or your ceiling? Your ceiling, yes, So then you
call up your insurance company, is that correct? Or do
you go talk to her?
Speaker 25 (01:36:17):
I talked to her and she refused to go through
her insurance, so I had to.
Speaker 2 (01:36:22):
So you went through your own insurance, yes, and your
own insurance. Are you having an issue? That's exactly what
you should be doing in this case. So do you
have an issue with your own insurance company not paying.
Speaker 11 (01:36:38):
Speaker 25 (01:36:39):
Now they have handled the water planes, but now I'm
being dropped by them because of how many I've had
to do because of her negligence up stating.
Speaker 2 (01:36:47):
That's very interesting actually.
Speaker 25 (01:36:48):
And they haven't been and they haven't been able to
subrogate because there's some language in the HIA documentation that
prevents that, which is really crazy to me.
Speaker 2 (01:36:57):
Now what would that what would that language be? Don't
get that?
Speaker 25 (01:37:02):
Essentially, it prevents subrogation, So it prevents my insurance company
from being able.
Speaker 2 (01:37:07):
To go after in your HOA documents, have you had
an attorney look at that. I sure have, and the
attorney literally said, your insurance company according to this, I
got to get Brad O'Brien on. I've never heard of
anything like this.
Speaker 16 (01:37:24):
I heard this a couple of weeks ago for the
first time, and I'm wondering, why don't we all have
an anti subrogation clause in our personal life so that
our insurance companies can't somebody can't go trying.
Speaker 2 (01:37:35):
We've got too great hold on Monica. You've been holding
a long time. But I want to get Brad O'Brien on.
That's that's a very interesting.
Speaker 6 (01:37:45):
Speaker 2 (01:37:46):
So there's two things here. One, is there anything she
can do because she got dropped by or an insurance
because of the multiple claims from the neighbors. Does a
neighbor have any liability there at all? That's an interesting
question within itself. My gut says no, but I want
to talk to an attorney on that. And then the
other thing is how can they stop an insurance company
that they do not have an agreement with? In other words,
the choa does not have an agreement with insurance company
number one. If insurance company number one wants to go
after insurance company number two to get reimbursed or subrogate
to claim. I don't understand how an choa document could
stop that from happening. I just don't understand that this
is gonna be good for Brad O'Brien. Everybody holds tight
three oh three Martino, one line open, three oh three Martino,
jen I promise your crappy situation will be up after Monica.
Speaker 11 (01:38:53):
Go with a sure thing Denver's best roofer Excel Roofing
dot com. You don't pay a cent until you're content.
Time for an insurance checkup free, no obligation. In comparison,
call Compass Insurance paying too much your coverage at dozens
of insurance companies find out now three all three, seven
to seven to one.
Speaker 2 (01:39:13):
Speaker 11 (01:39:13):
You'll think you're his only customer when you choose Frank
durand the real estate Man dot com to list your
home with Remax Alliance three all three nine two zero
sixteen twenty two.
Speaker 2 (01:39:25):
All right, folks, and we got another hour going. Listen, Monica,
Kelly's gonna try again over the break to get our
attorney at Brad O'Brien. It's what's really crazy, though about this, Monic,
is I still don't understand how your ho WAD document,
even if you agree to it, I get all that,
I don't understand how that could dictate to your insurance company.
They can't subrogate. I just simply don't understand that, and
I need to understand that from Bradley O'Brien. And then
the other issue is you could probably go ahead.
Speaker 25 (01:40:01):
Oh sorry, no, I wish, I wish I understood that
as well. But when when they attempted to subrogate, because
they did attempt to subrogate, you know, they were unsuccessful.
And then her insurance company sent me a denial letter.
And the only reasoning that they were saying she wasn't
liable was because of the language in the HUAA that
prevents subrogation, which is a very convenient loophole for them
to not be.
Speaker 2 (01:40:23):
You know, be just about the fact that I have
never heard of anything like that. Listen, we're gonna we're
going to continue to try to get them. But you
know who sells these policies left and right. I knew
we'd need them again today, Compass. Let's get Brian back up.
I want to see if he's personally run into this
on policies he's sold in condos or town homes or
virtually anything with an HOA. I just I don't understand.
I get the denial, but I don't think that's a
legitimate denial. I just don't understand it. I mean, we're
going to figure that out, and we're going to figure
it out quick. Hopefully we can get Brad O'Brian jen
as an issue with se septic tank, a crappy situation.
We'll figure that out, and then two lines open three
oh three Martino, another hour to go three oh three
seven one, three eight, two five five, and any questions
you have on the weight loss drug that I'm on
for Doctor Joel Cherdak He's Denver regi dot com. Please
call in.
Speaker 11 (01:41:24):
Go with a sure thing Denver's Best roofer Excel Roofing
dot com. You don't pay a cent until you're contenth
wait time for an insurance check up free, no obligation.
In comparison, call Compass Insurance paying too much your coverage
at dozens of insurance companies find out now three oh three,
seven seven to one help. You'll think you're his only
customer when you choose Frank durand the Real Estate Man
dot com to list your home with Remax Alliance three
oh three nine two zero sixteen twenty two.
Speaker 6 (01:42:04):
You don't help, run.
Speaker 11 (01:42:07):
As just as fast as we can.
Speaker 1 (01:42:10):
Shooter's gonna help.
Speaker 18 (01:42:12):
Come man, This is the Troubleshooter Show. No Tom Martino,
Welcome my.
Speaker 2 (01:42:19):
Friends to the only show that's kind. We're here to
solve problems, answer questions, take complaints. Our goals to make
your life a little little bit better, if not a
lot better, if possible. We have recooped over three hundred
million dollars in cash, merchandise exchanges refunds directly due to
this show. If you have a problem need help, three
oh three Martino. By the way, that number works on
and off the air. I try to get it out
there all the time because if you're you know, at
a dinner party or talking to a neighbor or a
brother or sister, even if they're not from around these parts,
you got to give them that number. Three oh three Martino.
We try to help out everybody, and we love getting
educated on the show as well, and we're gonna to
do that with an attorney. In a minute, we had
a caller call up Monica and her neighbor flooded her
in her condo and.
Speaker 3 (01:43:07):
Multiple times, it sounds like multiple times.
Speaker 2 (01:43:11):
And she ended up turning everything into her own insurance company,
and her own insurance company tried to subrogate against the neighbor.
The neighbor wouldn't give up any of her insurance info,
didn't want to turn it in, so she turned it
into her own. When the insurance company went to subrogate,
she received a denial letter, meaning the caller received a
denial letter from the lady's insurance company denying the subrogation.
Which all of this sounds it just doesn't sound right whatsoever,
But this is what Monica, the caller's telling us. So
she receives the letter saying we're rejecting the claim because
of this language in the HOA. So I still don't
understand how that could happen, but it brings up another question,
and we're gonna ask John Fuller about it, because he
deals with insurance companies all the time. And I'm also
going and asked Brian Burns with Compass Insurance if he
has seen condo policies that talk about subrogation in the HOA.
I don't even know that makes sense, but we're going
to find out or is this other insurance company and
this lady just giving Monica the run around, which is
what I think is going on, and she's going to
need to sue them. But we're going to talk about
that with an attorney and get some education on that. Meantime,
I want to talk to Jen. She's got a problem
with a septic tank. Jen, what's going on with you?
And welcome to the show.
Speaker 25 (01:44:32):
Hey, thanks for taking my call.
Speaker 21 (01:44:35):
Our septic started flooding and so we called Shirley Septic.
They came out and they pumped it out, and then
they said that it's actually an electrical problem going to
the septic pump. So I'm wondering if you have a
resferral for someone who would know about the septic pump
but also the electricity.
Speaker 2 (01:45:01):
Boy, that's that's interesting. I would I would say, off
the top of my head, probably Master Router. I would
say Master Router Plumbing. I'm trying to think, does anybody
remember if plumbline? Maybe we should ask Bob about that
because I'm thinking more on the pump side. I would like,
let's see if we can't get Bob on Bob logan,
hold on a second. I want to get you the
right company than you what the company that is looking
at it now. They came out and thought there was
a clog, but it's actually the pump not working and
pumping properly.
Speaker 21 (01:45:48):
We don't know if the pump is working or not
because they said it's the electrical going to it.
Speaker 2 (01:45:54):
So they're saying when they test that feed of power,
they're getting zero right there, right or not?
Speaker 14 (01:46:01):
The fool or not the folk?
Speaker 2 (01:46:03):
Maybe it's just a simple electrician needed.
Speaker 3 (01:46:06):
Then I'm texting Bob Logan right now.
Speaker 2 (01:46:09):
Yeah, I'm curious about this. And the main thing with
Bob is do they work on septic systems? I know
for a fact when we bought our house, they came
out and inspected mine from top to bottom as part
of my due diligence to basically check out the house
I was buying. But whether or not, we're gonna find out.
Just just hold on Jack.
Speaker 8 (01:46:30):
You know.
Speaker 21 (01:46:31):
One other thing is we are in Conifer.
Speaker 14 (01:46:35):
Speaker 2 (01:46:36):
I think they go to Conifer, don't they. We'll ask
them that too. I think they do Conifers. Not how
far are you from Denver?
Speaker 3 (01:46:43):
It's like by isn't that by Evergreen?
Speaker 5 (01:46:45):
Speaker 2 (01:46:49):
Yeah, I'm pretty sure they go up there. Well, just
just hold on.
Speaker 3 (01:46:51):
We're gonna here's the thing.
Speaker 13 (01:46:52):
Speaker 4 (01:46:52):
Even if Plumbline doesn't do it, one of our listeners
is going to have a referral for Well.
Speaker 2 (01:46:56):
Yeah, there's no doubt about it. But it's interesting. The
company she called when they had a problem with su
septic system, Well, they probably don't have an electrician working
for him, is all. I can think. Different sectors possibly.
Speaker 16 (01:47:08):
The Elwier with the Shirley company. They they they come
out and they suck out the septic systems.
Speaker 2 (01:47:14):
They just a pumper base.
Speaker 6 (01:47:15):
Yeah, that's what they do.
Speaker 2 (01:47:16):
Oh, I got cha.
Speaker 6 (01:47:18):
I heard their number one in the number two business.
Speaker 2 (01:47:20):
Oh that's that's something. They're number one in the number
two business.
Speaker 6 (01:47:24):
To meet you.
Speaker 2 (01:47:24):
That's pretty good. Actually, thank you, that's pretty good.
Speaker 6 (01:47:27):
I'm going to license it to Shirley.
Speaker 2 (01:47:29):
Yeah that's crazy. Heyte you guys. While we're waiting, we're
waiting for a couple experts for gen and Monica. We
do have a couple of lines hoping three oh three seven,
one three eight two five five Denver, the mayor, Mayor, Mike,
let's just call the mayor Mike.
Speaker 6 (01:47:50):
I saw.
Speaker 2 (01:47:53):
An excerpt from him talking about he met his goal
for twenty four and got two thousand people homeless people housed.
Did you guys see this yesterday or two days ago?
He met his goal. His goal was to do that.
In fact, he did better than that. He exceeded his goal.
He got like two two hundred people. Let's take that
as gospel. Okay, that happened. Let's say it did happen. Now,
if there's more homeless people this year in twenty twenty four,
Let's just say there's six thousand homeless people in Denver
and two thousand of them you got into a shelter
of some sort. And by the way, they're not including
immigrants in these numbers. So these numbers are just so flawed.
I can't even I guess it depends where you're from
if you're actually homeless when you're homeless, But that's a
different story. That's just crap. That's what that is. So
think about this. Let's say the number was six thousand,
and he gets two thousand by the end of the year.
There's six thousand homeless in Denver at the beginning of
the year, he gets two thousand into homes by the
end of the year. You would think logically that means
now there's only four thousand homeless that aren't at least
living outside there in shelters or something, right. I mean,
if you do the math like that. The problem with
this math is there's a lot more homeless people in
Denver now at the end of the year. So if
they started at six thousand, now, let's say they have
nine thousand. They put two thousand into shelter, but they
still have more people homeless than they did at the
beginning of the year. It's the craziest argument I've ever
heard from this guy. But yet somehow he reached and
exceeded his goal. Am I making sense to people? There's
more homeless people right now in Denver than there was
at the beginning of the year. And I'm not talking
about people in shelters. I'm talking about people in Denver
walking around without shelter, without a home or anything. Okay,
now there's more people, more people. Even if he got
two homes for two thousand, there's more people. Did he
do anything. I don't think he did a damn thing.
Speaker 3 (01:50:13):
Mark to play Devil's advocate.
Speaker 4 (01:50:14):
I think like he's not saying he reduced homelessness, he
just housed more homeless than he thought he would be
able to take.
Speaker 2 (01:50:19):
It's worse than that. He increased homelessness.
Speaker 3 (01:50:21):
Word trickery or something.
Speaker 2 (01:50:23):
It is that that's exactly what he's trying to do.
Oh hey, I pulled off what I wanted to do.
Speaker 4 (01:50:28):
Speaker 2 (01:50:29):
It's going back to like saving money. But you bought something,
something's on sale, so you buy it instead of spending
the two hundred, you saved the two hundred.
Speaker 16 (01:50:37):
Well Mark Mayor, the Devi mayor is clearly a glasses
half full kind of a person.
Speaker 2 (01:50:42):
Yeah, he's a brain half full in my opinion. How
about now he's also arguing, So the Aurora mayor, what's
that or not Roffman. Everybody says he's a Republican.
Speaker 6 (01:50:51):
He's not. No, he's not.
Speaker 2 (01:50:53):
You know what he was arguing Finally with the mayor.
He's saying, you've been dumping The only reason we got
problems in our buildings out here with gang members is
because Denver. Now he's blaming the Denver mayor, Mike. They're
literally in an argument. This is all in the last
couple of days. So basically he's saying, the only reason
we have this big crime wave in Aurora is because
you're secretly sending all these homeless people and drug members
and gang members over to Aurora. And I think it's true.
Speaker 6 (01:51:26):
Oh, there's no question.
Speaker 2 (01:51:27):
But here's what I could care less about him, Kaufman.
You know why when Trump was in town, he sat
there and denied that there was any gang members. He
denied it. He wouldn't go. If he was a Republican,
he would have been at that rally. He didn't want
to go. I mean, to me, both these guys are crazy.
Both of them are crazy. But who's their boss. Let's
think about it, who's their boss?
Speaker 16 (01:51:46):
Both of them are the people who are suffering us
regular citizens and even non citizens of Denver and Aurora.
Speaker 2 (01:51:52):
Yeah, but our governor should be just ashamed of himself
accepting any of these buses coming in and this homeless crisis.
He should be ashamed. We passed some of the laws
we did, like legalizing drugs. Now that you can go
do mushrooms, I can't even imagine what's going on.
Speaker 16 (01:52:08):
Worse, We're going to get even more drug addicts to
moving here from all over the country.
Speaker 2 (01:52:13):
From everywhere. It's just crazy. But for him to come
out and say I met all my goals or not
all my goals. I'm not going to paraphrase it, but
he basically said, Hey, my goal was to house two
thousand people, and I did better than that. I exceeded
it with twenty two hundred, and that's a rough number.
But what he's neglecting to say in that same sentence,
there's more homeless now than there was. I mean, big deal,
Absolutely big deal, Mike. I mean, my god, do you
realize what you're saying. What a strange thing to say,
What a strange thing to brag about. It just drives
me nuts. Dmitri. You know, I don't like getting into
politics that often, but when people look you in the
face and say something so crazy like that, it's like
twisting real stats. Yeah, big deal, you got two There
was six thousand homeless, you got two thousand in but
now there's ten thousand homeless. You did nothing to solve
the homeless problem. The homeless problem is worse now than
it was last year. I don't care if you housed
half of them. I don't care if you house ten
thousand of them, if forty thousand came in. It's just
remarkable how he looks people in the face and the
camera and says that he has no shame. God, he
has no shame. And I don't think the guys like
I don't know. He looks like a nice guy, but
my god, what the hell? Anyhow, I got to take
a break, and I promise we're gonna have the experts on.
I got lines full now and just hang tight, you
know what I wish? Can we try to get somewhat dragon?
Does he ever come on with Brown or anybody? Does this?
May or Mike ever come on with anybody? Of course
not he doesn't, He won't come on. But you guys
have reached out.
Speaker 9 (01:54:03):
Brown doesn't typically take many guests, but I know Ross hasn't,
I know Mandy have, and they just especially with Polist,
he ain't talking to anybody.
Speaker 2 (01:54:10):
You know what it it's a shame. These guys sucks
so bad. It's a shame for you voters out there.
Shame on you. They've voted for him.
Speaker 11 (01:54:22):
Go with a sure thing Denver's best roofer Excel roofing
dot com. You don't pay a cent until you're content.
Time for an insurance check up free, no obligation. In comparison,
call Compass insurance paying too much your coverage at dozens
of insurance companies find out now three O three seven
to seven to one help. You'll think you're his only
customer when you choose Frank durand the real estate man
dot com to list your home with Remax Alliance three
oh three nine two zero sixteen twenty two.
Speaker 2 (01:54:59):
You know, I was talking to Dimitri over the break
and he actually emailed Mike's office. We're talking about the
mayor of Denver, and it was kind of funny what
you said. But tell everybody why you emailed him. First
of all, here's a guy that wants to help the homeless,
right he ran on the platform of what I think.
Speaker 16 (01:55:16):
That that was as exclusively his platform was to to
help all the homeless.
Speaker 2 (01:55:20):
That was That's what he ran on.
Speaker 6 (01:55:22):
I can't think of anything else he promised to do.
Speaker 16 (01:55:24):
And we had a caller that what yeah about You
remember about three four weeks ago, a homeless guy who
was living in a deliarated RV got arrested by an
authority he didn't know for reasons.
Speaker 2 (01:55:34):
All the charges were dropped, everything was dropped.
Speaker 16 (01:55:37):
He had he had the rvmpounded, He had the rvmpound,
and he gave up on ever getting it back. He
couldn't afford it, but he had his tools in there.
He had the several thousand dollars worth of tools that
he uses to eke out a very modest living. And
all we were trying to do is get access to
the RV's just so he can retrieve his tools. I
emailed Mike's office three times with that request, and you know,
I was willing to go do it myself. I'll put
on a haz math suit, I'll go into the serv
I'll get the tools and say get I'm the almost guy.
Speaker 6 (01:56:10):
Yeah, and I did not hear a peep from Mayor
Johnson's office.
Speaker 16 (01:56:15):
Jo no good in my opinion, not even saying, oh,
you know it's against policy, or you know, we don't
have time, no nothing, just totally ignored it.
Speaker 6 (01:56:23):
And I made it clear that's a homeless guy.
Speaker 2 (01:56:25):
Yeah, that's the platform too, and he ran on so
and I think he's doing a good job on the
platform because it's not even arguable. We have more homeless
now than we ever had before. So even under the
old mayor, we have more homeless now than we've ever
had before. I'm gonna say it again, Mike, who just
patted his own back because he puts them in shelters
or whatever he did.
Speaker 6 (01:56:49):
He sent them to Aurora.
Speaker 2 (01:56:51):
According to Kaufman, damn good point. The reason we have
less is because now Aurora has them, and Kaufman, you
know what, you should get on your own parties train. Brother,
You're on the wrong train. You're on such the wrong train. God,
it's incredible. People. Just I just don't. I couldn't get
into politics. Here's the problem. I say what I'm thinking,
and you just can't do that in politics. You just
you got to be able to look at people and
lie go. I'm helping the homeless situation, even though there's
more homeless now than ever before. I'm helping because I
did this. What how do you do that with a
straight face? As again, I was listening to Kyle Clark
last night, talked about it. You know what, I couldn't
believe it. Kyle's Kyle didn't go into that part. I
like his show. I don't agree with the damn thing
he says. For the most part.
Speaker 3 (01:57:45):
I hate him Mark.
Speaker 2 (01:57:46):
I love to hate him, but I don't really hate
him as a human. I just he's on a different
side of philosophy as I am. But what it drives
me crazy sometimes, like when it came to the lady
that counts the votes, I forget her name. She gave
out the passwords online to our voting machines. He sent
off ballots to people that are here illegally. She did
so many things wrong. When he talked about that, he
called her out on it. But when he was talking
about Kaufman last night, when he was talking about Kaufman,
I don't think he said, and I could be wrong.
Maybe sitting in the pass and Kyle feel free to
say it tonight. But my god, there's more homeless walking
the streets in Denver than ever before. So when we
talk about Mike and letting them pack them, pat himself
on the back, let's talk about the reality of it.
There's more homeless walking around the streets in Denver than
ever ever before. That's what Mike has done. Mike Johnston,
mayor of Denver, that's what he's done. And let's tell
it like it is. Let's not sugarcoat it. Hey Mark
with Gaddy Electric, Hey Mark used to be gad you
or I'm sorry.
Speaker 5 (01:59:00):
Used to be no.
Speaker 2 (01:59:00):
It's still Gaddy Electric, right.
Speaker 3 (01:59:02):
Sol though he doesn't own it.
Speaker 19 (01:59:03):
Speaker 2 (01:59:04):
Hey, Mark, you don't own Gaddy anymore, do you?
Speaker 5 (01:59:08):
That's correct?
Speaker 2 (01:59:08):
And I got to say something, Mark, I loved it
when you owned him. I don't like him now, no offense.
I know it's your name and that's what sucks. You
sold your name, But honestly, I don't like him. But
when you own the company, you were my favorite electrician.
You've done a ton of work in my house. You
guys wired my barn anyhow. But you're you retired. God,
I wish people. I wish good people would never retire.
I mean, really, that's what I'm thinking. But Mark, you
heard that call about Jen who's got a problem with
the septic. She just had her pumper company come out to,
you know, get rid of the pooh and get rid
of everything. And bottom line is apparently there's a problem
with the power going to the pump. And you called
in and we called you back. What's going on.
Speaker 22 (01:59:53):
Probably they need to really have an electrician out there
because a lot of that gas is he's electrical up
in those cords right in the tank, and they probably
need to replace the cord or that outlet that's in there.
So they actually need electrician more than they need anybody
that pumps or a handyman or anything.
Speaker 2 (02:00:09):
Mark. Hey, Mark, I guess I'm trying to think of
like I don't understand how my system works. I mean,
as far as the electric and the pump on ours?
Where where is that pump generally located? Is it in
the house?
Speaker 16 (02:00:22):
Is it?
Speaker 2 (02:00:22):
Where is it generally located? No?
Speaker 20 (02:00:24):
That pump is it?
Speaker 10 (02:00:25):
Speaker 22 (02:00:25):
That pump's in the bottom of the septic tank.
Speaker 2 (02:00:27):
Oh god. So not only do you have to find
an electrician, you've got to find an electrician that's going
to hop down into your septic tank.
Speaker 22 (02:00:37):
So you can usually pull those out by you know,
you don't have to actually get in a lot of
times there's a pipe in or that you can break
free and bring it out and got it, prsh it
down and replace the electrical and sometimes.
Speaker 2 (02:00:50):
Back in the nineties, did you guys do when you
own the company, did you guys end up doing stuff
like that? Probably quite a bit.
Speaker 8 (02:00:56):
Huh, Yeah, we did.
Speaker 22 (02:00:58):
The guy didn't care for it much, but just one
of those that it was a service call and we
would go out and take care of if somebody had.
Speaker 5 (02:01:04):
To do it.
Speaker 2 (02:01:05):
Excellent. Who would you who would you suggest Denver Metro area.
Hold on a second, hold on, hold on, hold on,
Hey Jen, I'm assuming you're Denver Metro. Where are Oh? No,
she's Connifer. She's in Connifer, Mark in the Denver area. Mark, Yeah,
who would you think?
Speaker 22 (02:01:25):
I don't know anybody up in that Denver area. Oh,
but I just thought to just give you a heads up. Yeah,
because that too be a problem if that starts to
fill back up before they get electrician out there.
Speaker 2 (02:01:35):
Yeah, I could get worse. Hey, Mark, I really do
appreciate that, and I agree she needs an electrician like
no doubt. And by the way, hey Mark, really, how's
retirement real quick?
Speaker 4 (02:01:45):
Speaker 19 (02:01:46):
Well, I'm doing real well.
Speaker 22 (02:01:48):
Got some medical problems that's come along real well with me.
But at the same time, I'm trying to find my
new normal. I was so busy at work and everything.
It's been kind of hard to find in my new
normal here.
Speaker 6 (02:01:59):
Yeah, I know.
Speaker 2 (02:02:00):
And my dad basically hung it up. He uh, you know,
he was going to go fishing every day, and he
had all these plans, and you know, after three or
three months he was bored off his ass and started, uh,
he got into real estate. I mean, isn't that crazy?
He's selling in his community. He was so bored. But anyhow, Mark,
I really appreciate it, and stay in touch. I still
got your cell phone. You got mine, Man, If you
ever need anything personally, let me know. Three l three
seven one three eight two five five. Jen, here's the
bottom line. Plumb Line can definitely do that if it's
the electrical problem. And I agree with what Mark saying.
It probably is, so plumb Line services they do go
to your area.
Speaker 3 (02:02:41):
Speaker 21 (02:02:41):
I'll give him a call.
Speaker 2 (02:02:42):
Yeah, let me know how that turns out. I didn't realize,
like what I don't get. I'm hoping they don't have
to go to the pump itself.
Speaker 1 (02:02:49):
I don't know.
Speaker 2 (02:02:49):
There's no way a pump like that, guys would be
a two twenty. That would be nuts, right. I was
thinking if one leg went out, but I don't think
that would be the case. But give give Plumbline a
call straight up. Okay, thank you, Hey, thanks for holding
so long too, Jen. Three oh three seven one three
a two five five. Normous got a problem with her
daughter's eviction and then Monica I got John Fuller up.
She's got a problem with her neighbor. John. Please hold
I've got to ask you these questions, and it's just
the craziest thing. But if anybody has heard about an
insurance company not being able to subrogate because of an
HOA document, I want to know from you.
Speaker 11 (02:03:28):
John hold On, go with a sure thing Denver's best
rufer Excel Roofing dot com. You don't pay a cent
until you're content. Time for an insurance check up free,
no obligation. In comparison, call Compass Insurance paying too much
your coverage at dozens of insurance companies find out now
three oh three, seven to seven to one help. You'll
think you're his only customer when you choose Frank durand
the real estate Man dot com to list your home
with Remax Alliance three all three nine two zero sixteen
twenty two.
Speaker 2 (02:04:05):
All right, three oh three seven one three eight two
five five. Someone had to correct me on this. Listen
to this mark. You said in the K and H
commercial that they were sixty five years old. Well I
did some research and you're absolutely right. Emailer Sam, they're
sixty eight.
Speaker 5 (02:04:24):
Speaker 2 (02:04:25):
K H Windows Indoors has been in business for sixty
eight years. They opened in nineteen fifty six. That's pretty amazing.
In fact, I want to says Henry, I can't think
of his last name. Henry started in nineteen fifty six.
And then of course Ted Rowland, who Susanna and I.
I love Ted. He's got like five hundred jumps toe.
He's a skydiver, just a very interesting guy. But he
retired and then Lee Diamond took over and they just
do a bang up job. Think about that A com
and he've been around that long. And the windows are
auping Alpeen and those are the windows made right here
in Colorado, mister emailer, So simple as that. Check them
out khwindows dot com. That's the easiest way. I think
that's exactly where I found out how long khwindows dot com.
Now I've got two attorneys up, and I'm trying to
think who I want to go to first. So John,
do me a favor and just hang real tight, because
I want to go to Brad O'Brien just on a
quick HOA issue. Then I want to talk about liability
with John. Two different things because I know Brad won't
get into the liability. Hey Brad, this one's pretty simple,
or I'm going to make it simple. So Monica is
in inn hoa, She's in a condo, okay, And what
happened is she was remodeling her house. The lady on
top of her and I have no idea what happened,
nor does she, but she had flood damage and she
had ended up doing two different claims over a period
of time. And the woman who lived above her would
not share insurance information, basically told her to pound sand,
wouldn't do anything. So she turns it into her own
insurance company. Her own insurance company, according to Monica, who
I'm going to bring up if you have any questions
for Brad, her own insurance company basically says this and
sends her a letter. And what did the letter say? Monica?
Just just say say what it said again?
Speaker 19 (02:06:24):
Sure, it basically said that we are denying liability of
our client. And the reasoning is and I can read
it to you. Could I have it right here? Yeah,
read this during our investigations. During our investigation, we found
that the governing documents contain a waiver of subrogation precluding
recovery against our insured and so that's why they denied
the claim.
Speaker 2 (02:06:45):
So Brad, first of all, have you ever heard this before?
I don't understand how one insurance company going after another
insurance company for subrogation would be affected by an HOA document,
But it sounds like it could very well happen.
Speaker 14 (02:07:00):
Wait, this is a response from the insurance company of
the upstairs neighbor who caused the water damage. Yes, okay,
so not her own insurance company, yeah.
Speaker 2 (02:07:08):
The one upstairs. So in other words, her insurance company
paid for everything, and then they apparently tried to subrogate
the claim, went after the other one. And then here's
another part I don't understand. Monica receives that letter from
that insurance company. At that point, I would assume during
subrogation it's two insurance companies dealing with each other, right, Yeah.
Speaker 14 (02:07:36):
Without getting into the sebregation stuff just yet, I would
have to say that primarily this is a dispute between
the two unit owners. The upstairs unit owner is going
to be liable for the property damage caused by flooding
to the downstairs unit owner, and those are the parties
to a lawsuit. If there's going to be a lawsuit,
well I think there is going to be but parties.
Speaker 2 (02:07:57):
But if you ever heard of an HOA document, it's
going to have any any say in the matter. When
it comes to subrogation, off top of.
Speaker 14 (02:08:07):
Head, I can't recall that subrogation is in typically in
a declaration of an H two A. They could be
there's nothing. I don't think there's anything prohibiting it.
Speaker 2 (02:08:16):
Well, okay, then then then why wouldn't we all just
have a subrogation clause in everything?
Speaker 14 (02:08:23):
Well, subrogation cause clauses are in a lot of contracts,
and they basically say that if something is covered by insurance,
then you can't go after the plum. Yeah, you can't
go after the individual. You can't go after the other
parties insurance company.
Speaker 2 (02:08:47):
So okay, it's just so different in an auto accident.
And I'm going to talk to John Fuller afterwards, but
I can't imagine in an auto accident having a policy
where you agree not to subrogate. So you pay a
two one thousand dollars deductible or a five thousand dollars deductible,
whatever it is, you get the money for your Mercedes
or whatever you're driving, and all of a sudden, your
insurance company can't go after the other person's insurance company
and you're the one left holding the bag on everything.
Speaker 14 (02:09:16):
Yeah, well, keep in mind, this is not the caller's
own insurance company. This is the other party's insurance company,
who is not a party to the property damage.
Speaker 2 (02:09:25):
No, but I guess what I'm saying is, if she
hired an attorney, Let's say she hired you, and she
goes after this lady personally above. If now this lady's
got to defend a lawsuit, I would assume that the
insurance company would have to step up and try to
defend her. Now, they might use that, they might use
that hoa document as some kind of defense, but they're
still going to probably have to get up there in defender.
Speaker 14 (02:09:52):
Right, Well, that's kind of irrelevant to the color because
insurance companies and property damage claims are in the back.
They're not the principal parties. Right, You don't sue the
other party's insurance company, you don't typically know.
Speaker 2 (02:10:07):
What I'm saying is, if Monica actually sued, I'm going
to call her. I'm going to call her bitch. If
she actually sued, bitch, and then and then bitch got
served and had to go to court. And I'm not
kidding around. I mean, this lady wouldn't give her any
information or whatever. So now she's got a notice to appear,
and she's got to appear. If she does have insurance,
I would assume she would call her insurance company and say, hey,
you guys got to kick in my liability coverage because
Monica is suing me and I just got served.
Speaker 14 (02:10:40):
Yeah, and then that starts an insurance coverage review from
the other party's insurance company to see if this leak
or flood is covered under the insurance.
Speaker 2 (02:10:50):
But you're saying part of the defense might be, and
I know you haven't read any of these, but part
of the defense if we go down that road and
there is a lawsuit and there is a day in
court and everybody shows up and attorneys are talking and
all that good stuff you're saying, you think it would
be possible that in that HOA document there would be
a reason why, because Monica got paid by her own
insurance company, that they could not subrogate. In other words,
the HOA doctrine could actually spell out, no, you can't
your insurance company can't go after the other one.
Speaker 14 (02:11:26):
Yeah. I can't speak to that because typically a SEB
waiver of sebregation is in a contract between two parties.
Speaker 2 (02:11:32):
And not two insurance companies.
Speaker 8 (02:11:35):
Speaker 2 (02:11:36):
Yeah, That's where I keep going back to. I don't
know how this outside document, this, this outside HOA document stops,
for example, only all state subrogating against Safeco. I just
don't understand how that would work.
Speaker 14 (02:11:52):
That's what I'm getting to. Declaration is between the HOA
and its members, and sort of sometimes tangentially has had
an effect between co members. But I'm just not familiar
with any kind of having ever seen a waiver of
sebrogation in a declaration that would apply between two different
unit owners.
Speaker 24 (02:12:13):
Speaker 14 (02:12:13):
I think I can see how it applied between an
HUA and each individual member that relationship.
Speaker 2 (02:12:18):
Yeah, of course. In other words, if there was damage,
you know, somehow because of the roof or a common
area or something, you can't subrogate against the HOA and
you agree to that living in that HOA.
Speaker 14 (02:12:31):
Yeah, so up there neighbor and downstairs neighbor. I just can't.
I think it does sound weird that a declaration would
have a sebrogation waiver between those two different things.
Speaker 2 (02:12:41):
I think they wrote it to her simply an out
saying hey, we're not going to pay. I don't even
know if they dealt with the other company she might, well, no,
they're they're pointing out the hoa stuff. It's crazy, but it's.
Speaker 14 (02:12:53):
Quite common for another the other party's insurance company to
say no and deny it because that's their Sander practice.
Speaker 2 (02:13:01):
Well because ultimately, and I got to put you on
the hold by the way, Brad O'Brien. Anything to do
with property, and that's why we have him on right now.
Anything to do with property, to look over a lease,
to create a lease, you name it, this guy does it.
He's our expert. I'm just running out of time, Brad.
But seven two zero three seven zero seven three eight eight,
that's Brad O'Brien and John Fuller really quick. I don't
know if you've ever you've been listening to this, but John,
here's the other question I have for you. She got canceled,
and Brad, keep listening for a second. Her insurance canceled
her because she had multiple claims, and all the multiple
claims were due to the lady upstairs not giving the
insurance information. So she got canceled on her homeowner's policy
or her condo policy. Could she possibly go after that
woman for that kind of damage, meaning the reason she
can't get insured? Right, now is because of her Forget
about the dollar amount. Let's pretend the new one is
five thousand dollars more. Could she go after that lady
for five grand in your opinion?
Speaker 8 (02:14:07):
Well, probably not. But here's the thing, Mark, I mean, listen,
you're asking Brad to just, you know, guess on what
these documents say. Yeah, the answer to your question is
in these documents. Okay. I don't know if the mistake
that this lady may was using her own insurance company,
and perhaps the HOA documents keep. You know, we don't
want to end up having a leak that ends up
in seven different lawsuits being filed between the super upstairs
person to the one below them, to the one below
them to the one below them. I mean, I could
see why they would say to each his own you know,
let's not allow these insurance companies to go declare war
on each other because it's.
Speaker 14 (02:14:46):
Just going to be a mess.
Speaker 2 (02:14:47):
But so that John, listen, John, you fill in for us,
so you know why I'm doing this. I am up
against it. If I can get you on in the morning,
and same with you, Monica. In the meantime, I got
to take this break. Brad O'Brien I thank you, and
then Kelly, please get Monica's information. I wanted to send
over the denial letter, the HOA stuff. Please