Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:05):
Ripped of.
Speaker 2 (00:07):
News, so you don't have.
Speaker 1 (00:12):
Come running.
Speaker 3 (00:13):
Just as as as we can.
Speaker 4 (00:16):
Show Shooter's gonna help coming man.
Speaker 5 (00:20):
This is the Troubleshooter Show now, Tom Martinez, welcome.
Speaker 6 (00:26):
My friends to the only show of it's kind. We're
here to solve problems, answer questions, take complaints.
Speaker 7 (00:31):
My goodness, what a snowy day.
Speaker 6 (00:33):
I twenty five was kind of empty coming in, Thank goodness,
down from Castle Rocket at one point this morning on
the news, my goodness, right by the outlet malls look
like total total hell. But here's the deal. We are
the only show of its kind. We solve problems, answer questions,
take complaints. In fact, to the tune of almost four
hundred million dollars in cash merchant dice exchanges, refunds, And
I'm thinking about the times when we get the water
turned back on for somebody, or the times we go
after the scum lord, and those kind of things really
don't have a monetary value, but a lot of those
that kind of help a lot of times counts more
than getting some money back. But we have gotten a
lot of money back over the years. It's absolutely crazy
in studio with me, by the way, my beautiful wife Suzanne.
Speaker 7 (01:26):
Hello, Suzanne, who.
Speaker 6 (01:28):
Do we have back there? I can never see you
through the glass. I assume we have Kelly, of course.
And then we got Shannon back there, rocking and rolling.
In fact, if you join us on YouTube, Shannon is
known to tell a.
Speaker 7 (01:40):
Few jokes during the break.
Speaker 6 (01:44):
In fact, I've always wondered, Shannon has been in this
building well since the building.
Speaker 7 (01:51):
Opened, any pride all Mark, he's seen it all.
Speaker 6 (01:54):
But I have always said in Shannon, I'm gonna ask
you right on air, you are one of the funniest
people I have ever met. Now, granted, some of your
jokes you can't say on these airwaves, but you but
even even the few you couldn't. My god, how come
you've never just done like an hour show man? Do
you just have no interest in it?
Speaker 8 (02:15):
Speaker 6 (02:16):
I'm pretty sure that wants and warrants would be pulled up.
Speaker 7 (02:20):
Yeah, you know what, He's probably right. A small background check.
Speaker 9 (02:24):
Speaker 6 (02:24):
Three oh three seven, one, three, eight, two five five,
We have lines full. Right now, I'm gonna jump to
the phone's deputy doc. What's going on, man?
Speaker 10 (02:31):
Not much, just uh, dealing with the snow in the weather.
Speaker 6 (02:34):
Yeah, it's it's it's uh God, it's crazy out there
frank Town. We got at least six to eight inches.
It's absolutely nuts. The drive in was crazy. Bow Deputy
bow in studio.
Speaker 7 (02:44):
What's going on?
Speaker 6 (02:45):
Deputy bow Well had a really good.
Speaker 11 (02:47):
Drive coming in, not too much traffic.
Speaker 12 (02:50):
It was easy, and I'm ready to hopefully get a
few cases today to help our listeners out.
Speaker 9 (02:54):
Speaker 6 (02:55):
So I'm dealing on one right now and line four
when they come up. When you put it up, I
will take that first, Kelly, because they held yesterday. But
I need to tell you guys something about a rap
A ho Kia. They're driving me crazy. I'm going to
call down there and try to get through to the
service manager. But this poor guy's vehicle has been there.
I mean, we're going on I think three months and
they can't fix it. They threw a transmission at it
that didn't fix it. Now they say they're throwing another
rebuilt transmission that didn't fix it, or I assume it's
not going to fix it. They threw a computer at
it that didn't fix it. They did a wiring harness
of some sort that didn't fix it. If they try
to charge this guy for all that crap, that didn't
fix it. I am gonna make the rest of my
life talking about a rap a Hokia. I swear to God,
I hope. I love dealing Doug. In fact, I was
sitting next to him at a Rockies game not long ago,
and he's a great man, and I hope I hope
he gets word of this. If it gets to that
point and we get this, we just get it fixed, because,
honest to God, we need to get this guy fixed.
The service advisor I talked to in person, I went
down there with this guy probably about.
Speaker 7 (04:08):
Six weeks ago.
Speaker 6 (04:10):
He assured me if things that weren't needed were put in,
this guy's not going to get charged for him. But
if you look at the bill still, it doesn't look
that way whatsoever. So I'm hoping these guys do the
right thing. It's got good ownership deal, and Doug's been
around forever. We've had almost zero problems with him when
he owned Colorado Springs Dodge. I don't think we ever
had one issue whatsoever. We had direct contact to the
service manager, the general manager. I'm having a hard time
making relationships over at this Kia dealer. I'm going to
try again this week. I'm just going to show up
down there and try to find the GM or the
service manager and go from there. Now issue with the
motor home working with Chopper. I'm not sure what this
one is, but mil Milton, you you held yesterday for
a long time, so I appreciate it. One line opened
by the way, three L three seven one, three eight,
two five five or three oh three? Martino? Hey Milton,
what's going on? What was the original story?
Speaker 13 (05:09):
Speaker 1 (05:09):
The original story is I bought a brand new JCO
Class CRV from a dealer in Texas, Canada. Because this
was after the It was a twenty twenty three midel
brand new, but the twenty fours already out.
Speaker 13 (05:22):
No dealer in Colorado had one, uh, and I was
looking to save some money, in which I did. I
got a really good deal from him.
Speaker 6 (05:30):
What was the dealer's name? What was it?
Speaker 7 (05:31):
A nationwide dealer? Who was it?
Speaker 9 (05:34):
Speaker 13 (05:35):
It was a It was Greg R Marine and RB.
Speaker 7 (05:37):
And Texter count Keep going, man, Yeah, Well.
Speaker 1 (05:41):
The good deal turned out to be a rustbucket because
apparently this was delivered in the winter in a snowstorm
and picked up a lot of road salt to matt chloride.
Speaker 13 (05:53):
This is what I believe happened.
Speaker 6 (05:55):
So when it got delivered to you it was in
horrible shape. Why'd you take delivery or you had no choice?
Speaker 13 (06:01):
Well, I listen, I checked it out.
Speaker 1 (06:03):
Everything worked. The only thing I didn't do was look
underneath it. And I will never ever buy another vehicle,
new or used without looking underneath it first.
Speaker 6 (06:11):
Yeah, you know what I don't get. Listen, this is
the part. Help me understand this. If a trailer is
sitting on a lot somewhere, I mean, it's not going
to get mag chloride up under it unless if they're
moving it all the time. How do you think And
I don't doubt anything you're saying, but I'm trying to
figure out and then moving it and bringing it from
wherever to here, it's not going to be enough mag
chloride to do that. So wouldn't it Doesn't it make
more sense that it just wasn't treated properly, or they
missed something when they built it, or it was possibly
sitting in water or something.
Speaker 13 (06:46):
No, I did, Mark, I did a little research. I checked.
I checked with the Weather Bureau at the weather when
on the date this was delivered, and for three days.
Speaker 1 (06:56):
Prior it was snowing in Indiana up where a factory
at and it was light snow, so they apparently treated
the road and they didn't have enough moisture to you know,
to wash off all the salt and so.
Speaker 13 (07:10):
And again this is this is what I think I have.
Speaker 1 (07:12):
No, you know, no I'm not an eyewitness, but yeah, okay,
but so weaved picked up the salt and the mad
chloride and then.
Speaker 13 (07:19):
It's saddling the dealers a lot for about a year.
Speaker 7 (07:21):
I got it and it just eroded away.
Speaker 6 (07:24):
It just rusted and the roaded because the mad chloride
was on there forever and they didn't wash it off,
and it sat for a year and that basically ate
the metal exactly. So where are we at now when
you finally how long after you received it or took
delivery did you actually notice the rust problem?
Speaker 7 (07:45):
And why?
Speaker 13 (07:46):
All right? I drove it back home.
Speaker 1 (07:50):
I the first half, filled it up with gas and
parked it in my garage. And then because I had
a problem with the generator on the way home, about
one or two days later, I started checking.
Speaker 13 (08:01):
Out to see we're grown.
Speaker 1 (08:02):
The generator got it, and that's when I spotted the rush.
Speaker 6 (08:05):
And it's really bad. I'm assuming anybody that looked at
it would be like, oh my god.
Speaker 1 (08:10):
Yes I had Actually I had trans wes RB. I
had a technician out.
Speaker 6 (08:16):
I like those guys, and he wrote a.
Speaker 13 (08:18):
Really specific report on it.
Speaker 1 (08:20):
And his comment and I don't have it from me,
so I'm paraphrasing, but.
Speaker 13 (08:25):
He says, this did not look like a new vehicle.
Speaker 1 (08:27):
It looked like I used when it had over one
hundred thousand miles on it, and it should never have
been sold as new.
Speaker 7 (08:34):
Well, how many miles were on it?
Speaker 13 (08:37):
Well, when I picked it up, there was only nine
hundred miles on it.
Speaker 7 (08:40):
Front of the fact that can be sold that can
definitely be sold as new. What's that that can be
sold as new?
Speaker 6 (08:47):
I don't know why he said it shouldn't have been
you know.
Speaker 13 (08:50):
It was a new vehicle.
Speaker 1 (08:51):
Yeah, I mean, and I you know, I hit pretty
much faith behind it from the dealer in Texas because
it hit the you know, JCO factory.
Speaker 6 (09:00):
Yeah, I got you, so, so I got it. So
now now we're here, and I assume you reached out
to Jacob. Hold on, I got to take this break,
But I assume you reached out to Jaco, And Jacob
basically said we're gonna find out after this.
Speaker 14 (09:18):
Go with a sure thing Denver's Best roofer Excel Roofing
dot com. You don't pay a cent until you're content.
Time for an insurance checkup free, no obligation. In comparison,
call Compass Insurance paying too much your coverage at dozens
of insurance companies find out now three oh three seven
seven one help. You'll think you're his only customer when
you choose Frank durand the real estate Man dot com
to list your home with Remax Alliance three oh three
nine two zero sixteen twenty two.
Speaker 6 (09:49):
All right, three oh three seven one three eight two
five five. By the way, this hour brought to you
by Paul the Waterman. What I love about Paul is
his pricing. I mean, the service is impeccable. They installed
a softener at our house and Suzanne couldn't be more happy.
I mean, I love it too. But Suzanne, to be
quite honest, apparently a water softener is great for your hair,
and she loves it, and I taste no difference in
the water. And the system was half the price of
the other guys. And then on top of that, Now
what he's got is unbelievable. He's got a new water system,
a whole house system that removes the chlorine. It removes
the forever chemicals and we all know those are everywhere,
removes hard water, and it's on sale right now. This
is installed. This is incredible thirty six ninety five. You
got to go to waterpros dot net for details. But
it gets rid of the forever chemicals. That's my favorite
part about that waterpros dot net. Now this poor guy, Milton,
he bought I'm sorry, yeah, it is Milton. Milton bought
an RV from a dealer, a Jacob, and he got it.
He picked it up, I think it was in Texas.
He drove it back to Colorado. He had it for
a while. He had a problem with the generator, so
he ends up kind of getting under it and he
sees all this rust at the bottom. So now that
we know this brand new unit is all rusted at
the bottom. Milton, I'm sure you called Jaco. It is Jaco, right, yes,
And what did Jacob initially say. Did they say, bring
it up and look at it. Is that why you
ended up at trans West?
Speaker 1 (11:28):
Well, no, I first called the dealer, and of course
the dealer says, no, we're not taking it back because
at that point in time I didn't want it. It
was so bad. And give you an idea. When I
went to pick it up. Yeah, they had a problem
with the power of converted, which wasn't charging the batteries,
and they had already put a new one in and
that one wasn't working while I was there. Okay, he's
got the technicians working on it. And the technician gets
out from underneath it. He says, I've got to fix
I said, what was wrong? He said it was just
a bad ground.
Speaker 6 (12:00):
Oh, it was a bad ground because of the rust.
Speaker 13 (12:03):
Yeah, the RUSS was so bad.
Speaker 1 (12:05):
Oh my god, rusted the ground wire off of the frame.
Speaker 6 (12:08):
So what So what happened at that point? So where
are we at right now?
Speaker 1 (12:12):
Okay, so the dealer, the dealer tells me, look, Jacob
covers a warranty. Uh, Texas has the law once you
drive off the lot, there's the dealer is not required
to unwand the deal for any reason.
Speaker 13 (12:25):
So I'm stuck with it. As far as the dealer's concerned.
Speaker 1 (12:28):
He's telling me called Jaco that they have a two
year warranty on so called Jacob First. The first thing
they said, Russ Boyd's our warranty. It's in writing. There's
nothing I can do about Jacob.
Speaker 13 (12:41):
My god, Ford Motor Company.
Speaker 1 (12:44):
They warranty excludes Russ and they even mentioned road Salt.
So I've got no recourse other than the fight Jaco
and the dealer and for oh guys, for six months
I went to the.
Speaker 6 (12:58):
So so you called us a while back, and I
think Chopper was assigned. Suzanne, you look like you knew
something about it.
Speaker 3 (13:04):
Well, I missed a little bit because I stepped.
Speaker 15 (13:06):
Out, but I do know his it's a newer issue,
like things are fine now, but he's looking for one
hundred dollars refund from the DMV or something.
Speaker 13 (13:14):
What actually more than that?
Speaker 7 (13:16):
Oh okay, well hold on a second, Milton.
Speaker 6 (13:18):
So what happened? How did it finally get fixed? Did
Jacob step up?
Speaker 13 (13:22):
I'll try and make.
Speaker 1 (13:23):
My long stories, yeah, my god, please, Okay, Well, you
know I thought between the two of them, I used
that did everything behind an attorney, and the attorney because
of my age and how much money they wanted up front.
Speaker 6 (13:36):
Yeah, that's fine. So the dealer and Jaco, you're going
after them? What did they end up doing.
Speaker 1 (13:41):
Okay, I went on the dealer owner's forum, and not
the dealer, but did Jacob owners forum.
Speaker 13 (13:46):
Yep, And I told my story. I put pictures, I.
Speaker 1 (13:50):
Put a copy of the trans West their examination on
are and and then I contacted the dealer again and
I found out they had a.
Speaker 6 (14:01):
New Yeah, So what happened?
Speaker 1 (14:05):
This general manager decided, Okay, he says, I'm gonna help
you out. He says, I'm gonna see if I can't
get Jacob to take it back, come pick it up
and take it back to the factory and we'll split
the costs.
Speaker 6 (14:17):
Speaker 1 (14:17):
Well, it turned out that I had to bring it
back to the factory. They wouldn't they wouldn't send somebody
to pick it up. So I drove it back to
the factory. They told me it was going to be
three days. But it's a good thing.
Speaker 13 (14:27):
I towed my car behind it.
Speaker 6 (14:28):
So what did they do though, My god, Milton, what happened?
What did they do?
Speaker 13 (14:32):
Well, they put it in their chassis shop.
Speaker 1 (14:35):
You know, they buy the chassis from Ford and then
they prepared the chassis. Well, they put it in the
chassis shop. They got rid of the rust, they replaced
all the ground wires, even the ones that wasn't rusted.
They put all new ground.
Speaker 13 (14:47):
Wires on it.
Speaker 1 (14:49):
They looked like they fix pulled the drive chef and
rebalanced the drive chef.
Speaker 13 (14:54):
Anyway, they took.
Speaker 6 (14:55):
Care of it excellent. So they took care of it,
and ten minutes later, now you know everything was fixed
by him. So let's go on to the DMV problem.
And good work, by the way, good work standing up
for yourself putting that stuff on that.
Speaker 7 (15:08):
Owner's for him because people look at those all the time.
Speaker 6 (15:11):
I have a unit, I have a new mar unit,
and I go to the owner's stuff all the time
to read about complaints or to read about different things.
That was a great job, and I'm glad they finally
did something.
Speaker 7 (15:22):
So now where are we at?
Speaker 13 (15:24):
Speaker 1 (15:24):
So I before I went to the factory, the dealer
told me, he says, find somebody local that'll do it
and I'll pay part. And I've had like at least
six people turned me down. I finally found a guy
in Commerce City has done some work from before.
Speaker 13 (15:45):
Empire Truck does fabulous.
Speaker 6 (15:47):
Milton, Milton, I got to just make you focus a
little more, man, So just tell me what the problem
is right now, like DMV stole one hundred dollars out
of my pocket. I mean, what is it?
Speaker 1 (15:59):
Okay, Well, I went to the DMV in September because
obviously I hadn't licensed this vehicle yet.
Speaker 7 (16:05):
Because understood, understood, And.
Speaker 1 (16:08):
In September I just needed a temp tag to get
it to Commerce City.
Speaker 13 (16:12):
Okay, yeah, well they give me a temp tag.
Speaker 1 (16:14):
They charged me one hundred dollars late. Fat I said,
we've got to charge you for that. Yeah, okay, but
she says, you know what, can't the bill of sale
and your old registration from the one that you sold
in January is still good to the end of October,
and we will give you a refund from the day
you sold it toward the license on a new And
I said, that's great. So anyway, this thing's up at
the factory.
Speaker 13 (16:38):
They were supposed to have it for three days.
Speaker 6 (16:40):
They kept it for over But none of this is
DMV's fault. As much as DMV's a pain in the
ass to all of us. I don't understand why this
is a DMV issue.
Speaker 13 (16:49):
Speaker 1 (16:49):
Well, I go back there on October eighteenth, the vehicles
still at the factory. Okay, when I first went there,
I had both certificates of one from Jacob one from Ford.
And I asked the lady, I said, am I going
to need a VN verification because I had the certificates origin.
She says, oh no, they got everything on here.
Speaker 13 (17:10):
They got to wait on it. You don't you don't
need to do anything with that.
Speaker 6 (17:13):
He and she had my God, Milton, I swear to God, man,
how can we help you? What? Why do you think
dmv owes you one hundred bucks.
Speaker 1 (17:23):
I could get When I went back to get it license,
they told me I needed the ven verification. Okay, I
can't get it because it's fifteen hundred miles away, okay,
and so so okay, So when I get it back,
I get the ven verification, I'll go back. Then they
look at my paperwork again for the third time, and
they say, oh, you don't have the odometer statement. Okay,
all right, So I get the deal of the semi
THEO dometer statement. They gave me a letter for that,
and and and you know.
Speaker 6 (17:54):
I could probably just leave the studio right now and
come back in an hour, Milton, you would still be talking.
I swear to God, listen, I love you. Man, and
I want to help you, but I have to at
one point. I understand what you're saying. But everything you
have said so far, and if anybody in this room
or anybody listening thinks different, please let me know. But
this isn't a DMV issue because you don't have certain things.
Speaker 1 (18:19):
I had to go six times because every time I
went there, they told me I needed something else.
Speaker 13 (18:24):
Okay, even though they looked at all the payer work.
Speaker 1 (18:26):
Then they told me, okay, I didn't get it registered
in time, so I don't get any refine.
Speaker 9 (18:31):
Speaker 13 (18:32):
They charged me late.
Speaker 1 (18:33):
Then they charged me the taxes on it from the
whole time I had it, from February to.
Speaker 7 (18:38):
The Well, of course they did, because that's when you.
Speaker 6 (18:40):
Bought it, I know, but.
Speaker 13 (18:44):
It was under That's.
Speaker 6 (18:45):
Okay, Milton, listen, listen, man, I'm being so serious here.
That's not a DMV issue. The fact that you had
to go back and forth is a pain in the ass.
I get that. That would drive me nuts too. You
had to make six visits. It's absolutely crazy. I agree,
one hundred percent. But they're not going to give you
a refund for any of that. And when you purchase
a vehicle, from the date. That's when you pay the
sales tax on it. That's when you pay the registration,
when you get your plates. That's just how it works.
They're not going to modify that.
Speaker 13 (19:15):
Okay, now I've got that.
Speaker 1 (19:16):
But it was their fault because they told me I
didn't need the VIN verification.
Speaker 6 (19:21):
I understand that it was their fault because they weren't
very productive every time you came in, or else you
wouldn't have to go in six times. But trying to
get how much you looking for? Let me ask you that.
Speaker 1 (19:33):
I'd like to get my one hundred dollars leaf feed back,
my god, or at least at least whatever I'm owed
from Susan.
Speaker 6 (19:40):
Do we still have an insider a DMV or did
they retire. I haven't reached.
Speaker 7 (19:45):
Out to him in a long time.
Speaker 15 (19:46):
I'm a little uncomfortable asking for it.
Speaker 7 (19:49):
It's not their fault.
Speaker 6 (19:50):
But if you want me to, I.
Speaker 7 (19:51):
Will just email them and let's see what they say.
For the hell of it.
Speaker 6 (19:54):
But I mean, here's the bottom line, you know what
I tell them, if they can just look at the fire,
if it makes sense. But there's no he wants one
hundred dollars late feedback. I just don't see it happening
now either.
Speaker 11 (20:07):
I think you're just lucky this deals.
Speaker 13 (20:09):
You give me a refund because I did, Truyn.
Speaker 7 (20:12):
Let me ask you, this man, how much did you
drop on this thing?
Speaker 13 (20:17):
I don't know what the purchase price?
Speaker 7 (20:19):
Yeah, the unit?
Speaker 6 (20:20):
How much?
Speaker 13 (20:20):
Oh it was ninety thousand dollars.
Speaker 6 (20:22):
So it's ninety thousand dollars and we're talking about one
hundred dollars late fee right now.
Speaker 7 (20:26):
Why don't you get in that thing?
Speaker 6 (20:28):
Not necessarily, not necessarily today, but why don't you get
in it and go enjoy it and drive it around
the country and forget about the one hundred bucks?
Speaker 7 (20:37):
For goodness sakes, milk, we.
Speaker 13 (20:39):
Get some nice weather playing on it.
Speaker 6 (20:40):
Well cool, Maybe Susanne and I'll meet up with you
somewhere in ours. But I'm honest, I'm gonna have Suzanne
email just to get thoughts from it. But I can't
imagine this is gonna work out. I am so happy, though,
to hear we can free that lineup now. I am
so happy to hear he got it fixed, right, guys.
Does anybody just agree with me? I think that's wonderful.
Speaker 12 (21:01):
He got the rest and the issue taking care of
these because he's camping companies that really have been in
a butt.
Speaker 11 (21:07):
Milton's very lucky.
Speaker 12 (21:08):
He's got a ninety thousand dollars vehicle and he's arguing
over one hundred bucks. Pay the one hundred bucks whatever.
Let him keep it and drive around the country and
enjoy your retirement in life.
Speaker 7 (21:17):
It's absolutely that was very long. Three oh three seven,
three eight two five five.
Speaker 6 (21:22):
Carry's got a problem with the mechanic and Kyle has
an issue with bitcoin.
Speaker 7 (21:26):
We have two lines open three zero three.
Speaker 14 (21:29):
Martino, go with a sure thing Denver's best roofer Excel
Roofing dot com. You don't pay a cent until you're content.
Time for an insurance check up free, no obligation. In comparison,
call Compass Insurance paying too much your coverage at dozens
of insurance companies find out now three oh three, seven
to seven to one help. You'll think you're his only
customer when you choose Frank durand the real estate Man
dot com to list your home with Remax Alliance three
all three nine two zero sixteen twenty two.
Speaker 6 (22:08):
All right, three oh three seven one three eight two
five five. We have two lines open three oh three, Martino,
You've been ripped off taking advantage of We want to
hear from you. These fires are so devastating. These flyovers
this morning, I mean it looks it looks like a
jungle that had been burned down in Los Angeles.
Speaker 7 (22:27):
It's absolutely insane.
Speaker 6 (22:28):
And you realize the leaders out there cut the kelly
you just said, was it seventeen million or.
Speaker 16 (22:35):
Seven seventeen and a half million dollars out of the
La County Fire LA Fire Department budget.
Speaker 7 (22:43):
That's just insane, And that happened somewhat recently.
Speaker 17 (22:46):
Right, Well, that was a few months ago.
Speaker 16 (22:49):
And even more so devastating is in twenty fourteen they
allocated seven point five billion for water mitigation, meaning that
every hydrant was supposed to be filled in southern California,
and at this point there's only about twenty five per second.
Speaker 7 (23:07):
Is this around where you lived out there or a family?
Speaker 17 (23:10):
This is near the coast, So I lived further east.
Speaker 6 (23:14):
Okay, gotcha? So your your people aren't affected, that's the
bottom line.
Speaker 16 (23:18):
Well, now my family lives up north in the Santa
Clarida Valley, and now they are because the Silmar fire
is actually blowing toward them.
Speaker 17 (23:25):
Everything is now in danger.
Speaker 6 (23:27):
That's crazy.
Speaker 10 (23:28):
And also they didn't feel because they were trying to
protect some fish.
Speaker 6 (23:32):
Yeah I heard that, some little delta. Why what was
the importance of the fish. I'm sure they didn't decide
just one day to protect it. I mean, does it
make medication for cancer or something that.
Speaker 17 (23:47):
Delton want to the delta smelt No, so that.
Speaker 7 (23:50):
Well, you throw a few in an aquarium somewhere and.
Speaker 6 (23:52):
Call it good.
Speaker 16 (23:53):
Well, the whole thing is that it's supposedly endangered. So
the environmentalist got involved.
Speaker 6 (23:59):
And I'm sure all the ashes will help the fish
at this point.
Speaker 16 (24:02):
And at this point, what they're doing and this is
really really heinous, and this is what's making a lot
of la people very bitter, is that instead of using
the reservoirs as they were intended to be as a
way to scoop up water to.
Speaker 7 (24:17):
Their bathtubs for the homeless, well.
Speaker 16 (24:20):
No, but they're now basically aqueducting them out to the
Pacific Ocean.
Speaker 7 (24:25):
That's unbelievable.
Speaker 6 (24:26):
We don't need water.
Speaker 10 (24:27):
Get rid of it.
Speaker 7 (24:27):
By the way, I don't water grass A serious question.
Speaker 10 (24:30):
Yeah, Kelly Mark, do you think that this catastrophe, this
disaster is going to change any of the politics in
California and Los Angeles.
Speaker 6 (24:41):
They're changing already. Just look at the difference in votes
last time dot. But I think what it's going to
do more than anything is drive people out of California.
I mean, look at that picture right there. I mean,
when you think of rebuilding, you go, oh my god.
I mean, it makes the Boulder fire look small.
Speaker 17 (24:58):
Well, and the other thing that you guys have to take.
Speaker 6 (25:00):
It and there's a ton of people, do you guys
realize there is a ton of people not insured there.
Speaker 7 (25:05):
Most of them are going to be underinsured.
Speaker 6 (25:07):
Like Boulder, ninety five percent of the Boulder Rights were
under insured. Listen to this, though, there's a lot of
people there because they bought these homes years ago for
one hundred hundred and fifty thousand bucks. Now they're valued
at three million dollars, they simply can't afford the insurance.
Speaker 7 (25:23):
So a lot of people have zero insurance.
Speaker 16 (25:25):
Well, and also you have to remember that in California,
you're obligated to carry earthquake insurance, which is very pricey,
and so some people opt to drop fire insurance because
they have to carry earthquake.
Speaker 6 (25:38):
It's going to be very sad for people.
Speaker 16 (25:39):
No, just wait Mark because in April and may just
wait for the mudslides.
Speaker 7 (25:45):
Oh exactly. Oh, it's going to be unbelievable.
Speaker 6 (25:48):
That same thing happened up around our mountain house up
in Deckers after the huge fire. What was at the
Hayman After the Hayman fire, every house basically around us
burned down. Our house is left standing. The value of
it plummeted to next to nothing. And if you drive
up there right now to West Creek still till this day,
it's just burnout. I mean it's not burnout anymore, but
there's no trees, there's nothing. And when the water started coming,
the flooding started happening.
Speaker 10 (26:17):
I would love to see what Compass says about whether
or not insurance company is going to go bankrupt and
if the government's going to step in and beil them out.
Speaker 6 (26:26):
You know what, that's not a bad idea, doc, because
I think most of these companies. Let's take Safec plus,
I heard a ton pulled out of California. I don't
even know how an insurance company would even operate in
California anymore. The loss is crazy. And what happens is
us we end up paying for that and the rest
of the country. Now we have our own issues with
hal and fires, but really the entire country. Think of
a place like Oklahoma that really doesn't have fires, or
think of a place I don't know what.
Speaker 10 (26:56):
State does in Oklahoma's a lot of tornadoes.
Speaker 6 (26:58):
They have tornadoes, But make up a state. Take Ohio, Ohio,
that's a great one. They basically end up paying for
all these other states because they tried to spread out
the cost. But I think a lot of people like
Safeco State Farm all State are reinsured with someone like
what is it Lloyd's of London. So, but that is
a great question. We'll do that later.
Speaker 7 (27:19):
On in the show. Kyle, what's going on with you?
Speaker 6 (27:22):
And then Carrie, I promise you're up next.
Speaker 7 (27:27):
Hey Kyle, Yes, what's going on?
Speaker 9 (27:30):
Speaker 18 (27:31):
Well? I uh, some time back in the nineties, I
invested in a bitcoin deal, okay, And you know, I
thought for sure it was a scam to start with,
and I didn't really think much of it wasn't a
lot of money. But I get started getting emails about
six months ago.
Speaker 6 (27:53):
You know, I just want to stop you for one second.
I'm going to take this break, but I want you
to think about something erring the break and I'll come
right back to you.
Speaker 19 (28:01):
All right, okay, sure, all right.
Speaker 6 (28:04):
So here's what I want you to think about. Though
bitcoin was founded in two thousand and nine, so I'm
not quite sure what we're talking about in the nineties.
Maybe you got the dates wrong, but let's figure that
out first.
Speaker 14 (28:21):
Go with a sure thing Denver's Best roofer Excel Roofing
dot com. You don't pay a cent until you're content.
Time for an insurance check up free, no obligation. In comparison,
call Compass Insurance paying too much your coverage at dozens
of insurance companies find out now three oh three, seven
to seven to one help. You'll think you're his only
customer when you choose Frank Durand the real estate Man
dot com to list your home with Remax Alliance three
oh three nine two zero sixteen twenty two.
Speaker 6 (28:53):
All right, three oh three seven one three eight two
five five three oh three Martino. By the way, Frank
Duran the real estate Man. You want the best realtor
out there in Denver, Metro or the front Range. You
got to check him out. He sells more homes you
can find this it's an easy statu it's on MLS.
He sells more homes listen to this in one month
than most realtors sell in over a year. And he
does it for more money. He's going to make you
more money on the house. And then if you're buying
a house, man, can this guy negotiate? He negotiated with
the guy we were buying our Frank townhouse from, and
we got it down almost one hundred thousand dollars. Now
this is years ago, but man, it was amazing. It
was absolutely amazing. He's a great guy. Frank durand Homes
dot com, Frank Duran Holmes dot com. Now we're going
to go back to this gentleman that just called and
he got some kind of scammed with bitcoin or maybe
just crypto or something. But he said it was in
the nineties, but bitcoin and stuff really came about.
Speaker 10 (29:57):
I just checked.
Speaker 6 (29:57):
Yeah, bitcoin didn't come out until you know, well into
the two thousands.
Speaker 18 (30:02):
So what happened, Well, actually it come out around ninety
seven was when it turned into bitcoin, but there was
digital currencies well before that.
Speaker 6 (30:16):
Okay, Kyle, so what's the problem. Now, what happened? You
got scammed? Twenty thirty years ago.
Speaker 18 (30:22):
Here's my biggest problem, Yeah, is that I keep I
get email after email after email about how they're converting
my bitcoins into US scholars and putting them in wallets somewhere,
and I can't figure out and nobody can figure out
how to access it. Access All I want to do
is get my funds and get them pulled out of there.
Speaker 6 (30:51):
Well, where are your funds held? What kind of wallet
do you have? Where are your funds?
Speaker 18 (30:56):
Well, I'm in bitcoin, and I don't even know what
that means.
Speaker 7 (31:01):
You're in bitcoin, but where's the bitcoin sitting?
Speaker 13 (31:06):
Speaker 18 (31:07):
And it's a company called Buyinance.
Speaker 7 (31:10):
Okay, And when you call them up, what do they say?
Speaker 18 (31:13):
There's a blockchain that.
Speaker 6 (31:17):
I want you to send. Can you send me some
of these emails that you're getting?
Speaker 2 (31:22):
I can't.
Speaker 6 (31:23):
Yeah, I'd like to see one so I can get
at least a little bit of understanding.
Speaker 10 (31:28):
Finance that company that that kid got arrested for. Is
finance still a viable company?
Speaker 7 (31:34):
I have no clue. I have no clue.
Speaker 6 (31:36):
I mean, Kyle, basically, you're saying you can't get to
your currency, your crypto, right right? Okay? But when you
first got it, this is so important. When you first
got it, how did you get it? Did you get
it through?
Speaker 7 (31:51):
What wallet? Where did you get it?
Speaker 6 (31:53):
And if we're going back to the nineteen nineties, I'm
still going to say I have no idea how that's possible.
Speaker 18 (32:00):
Well, I somehow and it was a coworker, Yeah, mother was.
Speaker 6 (32:09):
His mother was selling you bitcoin in nineteen ninety something.
Speaker 7 (32:13):
I want to see the emails.
Speaker 6 (32:15):
I can't. I can't go any further till I see
the emails. So Kelly, pickup where pick up line two
with Kyle real quick, give me a favor and get
that information while I'm looking right now, I'm waiting for
you to pick up.
Speaker 7 (32:27):
Please pick up right now, and there's there, Thank you.
Speaker 1 (32:29):
Speaker 6 (32:30):
He can't hear me. My god, do you guys think
he's drunk? Holy crap, I've never heard anybody's slurts so
bad in Bitcoin didn't come around till oh nine or
twenty ten.
Speaker 7 (32:40):
I don't even know what he's talking about.
Speaker 6 (32:42):
If anybody listening couldn't make sense of that, I'd love
to hear from you. It's like, hey, man, in nineteen
eighty seven, you know, I was like buying my first
Dell computer, It's like, what, Lord have mercy, Kyle. I
think someone took you, man, I think someone robbed you
of money thirty years ago. I don't even know what
kind of wallet was there, even crypto wallets in the nineties.
Can anybody help me with that? Maybe there was there.
Speaker 10 (33:11):
Was no blockchain, because that's what bitcoin was based upon.
Speaker 6 (33:14):
If bitcoin came out basically in two thousand and nine
or ten.
Speaker 10 (33:18):
July twenty ten it was launched.
Speaker 6 (33:20):
And he's in the nineties. That's it's remarkable, Carrie. What's
going on with you? Let's get this started.
Speaker 2 (33:26):
Hi, how are you?
Speaker 7 (33:27):
I'm doing great? How are you?
Speaker 2 (33:29):
I'm doing wonderful?
Speaker 7 (33:31):
What's shaking?
Speaker 20 (33:33):
So this whole thing started back in April. I'm a
single mom and a single grandmother raising grand babies.
Speaker 6 (33:40):
Oh bless your heart, brought to my kids.
Speaker 20 (33:43):
Boss of my grandkids are disabled, so I rely on
my car for everything.
Speaker 6 (33:47):
And just out of curiosity to kind of understand a
little more, why did you end up with the grandkids?
Speaker 20 (33:55):
My daughter has entercranial hypertension and they are unable to
control it due to her Type one diabetes.
Speaker 6 (34:02):
Okay, I got you, she's.
Speaker 20 (34:04):
There, But I just I handle everything for them, because yeah,
she's just going through a lot right now.
Speaker 7 (34:11):
So what's the issue with the mechanic.
Speaker 20 (34:14):
So with that being said, like I'm on disability, I
was working at the time, and I relied on my car.
Speaker 6 (34:21):
I got you. I got a good picture of what's
going on in the family. So but what what did
the mechanic do? Because we got to go to break
like in just a second, I'll of course come back
to you. First, I took.
Speaker 20 (34:32):
My car to this guy who showed me a certification
and whatever. Took it to this guy. He was highly
recommended by people in the community.
Speaker 7 (34:40):
With some people, what did you take it to them for?
What was the car doing?
Speaker 2 (34:45):
Speaker 20 (34:45):
Said, there's need to changing.
Speaker 6 (34:47):
Okay, hold on a second, now, I've got somewhat of
an understanding. She brought it to this mechanic. He showed
her some kind of piece of paper. A lot more
coming up. Hold tight, everybody, three oh three seven, one
three A two five five April. You'll be up next.
He's got a problem with an auto repair shop as well.
Speaker 14 (35:06):
Go with a sure thing Denver's Best roofer Excel roofing
dot com.
Speaker 6 (35:10):
You don't pay a cent until you're content.
Speaker 14 (35:15):
Time for an insurance check up free, no obligation comparison
call Compass Insurance. Pay too much your coverage at dozens
of insurance companies. Find out now three oh three seven
seven to one help. You'll think you're his only customer
when you choose Frank durand the real estate Man dot
com to list your home with Remax Alliance three oh
three nine two zero sixteen twenty two.
Speaker 6 (35:41):
Ripped news you need so you don't have run anxious
as can.
Speaker 4 (35:52):
Shooter's gonna help.
Speaker 13 (35:54):
Come man, this is.
Speaker 5 (35:56):
The Troubleshooter Show. Now, Tom Martin, welcome.
Speaker 6 (36:00):
My friends to the only show of it's kind of.
We're here to solve problems, answer questions, take complaints, try
to make your life just a little bit better. If
you have any issues, we want to hear from you
right now. I got two lines open three zero three Martino,
three three Martino, and please tell your friends that number.
Anybody that you know that needs help, you're out there,
maybe shoveling today and you find out that your neighbor
has a problem with a roofer or something along that
three oh three Martino, or of course help at troubleshooter
dot com.
Speaker 10 (36:31):
Now we have a lot of tack walls, shoveling.
Speaker 6 (36:33):
Don't call us, don't called nine one one, Thank you,
Doc help it troubleshooter dot com. Now let's see who
we got here. We have an issue with a mechanic.
We're going to go back to Carry we started with
our last hour. I don't know how you found this mechanic,
but it doesn't sound like it was a shop carry.
Speaker 7 (36:51):
It sounds like it was a shade tree kind of thing.
Speaker 21 (36:55):
Speaker 20 (36:55):
I mean he has a nice garage and you know,
nice tools and everything.
Speaker 6 (36:58):
So it's in his house. Okay, So you went over
to him, and why did you go there? I know
you said to replace O two sensors, but how did
you even know that?
Speaker 20 (37:08):
He advertises on Facebook, He advertises on many platforms.
Speaker 6 (37:12):
Yeah, but why did you go over to see him?
Speaker 20 (37:15):
I went and dropped my truck off. He was going
to change the two sensors for me.
Speaker 6 (37:19):
Okay, Carry, you're not let me. I'm not saying it right,
so I'm gonna say it this way. Okay, Why or
how did you know or think you needed O two sensors?
Speaker 2 (37:29):
Speaker 20 (37:30):
At A code reader was used on my truck and
it was telling me that my driver's side two censor
was failing.
Speaker 6 (37:38):
Okay. Generally I'll get shared in auto tech on if needed.
But generally by looking at the code is not going
to tell you it's gonna it's gonna say, hey, the
O two sensor, hold on, okay, it's gonna say the
O two sensor is reading high or low or not
reading at all. But all right, go ahead, Kerry. I'm
sure you know what's going on. Go ahead.
Speaker 20 (38:03):
So I dropped my truck off so that you can
do a work on my truck.
Speaker 6 (38:07):
So you went over there and said, hey, I want
O two sensors.
Speaker 20 (38:10):
Right, oh yeah, no, I've BOUGHTOMED two sensors ahead of time.
Speaker 6 (38:14):
Okay, but you so you brought I get it. But
you went over there and said, here's the O two sensors.
I want you to install them. Correct, okay, So what
happened You dropped it off?
Speaker 2 (38:25):
Speaker 20 (38:26):
So he called me back that afternoon because I kept
bugging him. I was wonder why it was so late,
and it was like, you can come pick it up
now I'm done. And so when I pick it up,
I crank up my car and it sounds like an
eighteen wheeler. It sounds like a diesel truck running. It's loud,
it's obnoxious. It was skipping trying to get it out
of his driveway, and I was like, what is going on?
Speaker 6 (38:48):
And it wasn't doing anything like that prior, because you
did say it was acting up.
Speaker 20 (38:53):
Right, Well, it was just it was you could tell
it was something to do like a the O two sensor.
It was kind of skipping a little bit.
Speaker 2 (38:59):
Okay, I don't understand. This was not right.
Speaker 20 (39:02):
It sounded like my catalytic converter was gone. It was
blowing hard. So I got it to the end of
the road and like I called his best friend that
told me, oh, meet me somewhere. Let me see what
he did to your truck. He opens up the hood.
He has spliced into the wiring harness and tried to
bypass the O two sensors. And then he welded a
hole in my catalytic converter trying to get out a
c's O two sensor. And that's what was wrong with
my truck. The catalytic converter was not connected anymore from
where he did that damage. My wiring harness had been
had been cut into multiple times trying to bypass the
O two sensors and.
Speaker 6 (39:49):
Uh, Carrie, did you get it fixed after this?
Speaker 22 (39:52):
I did?
Speaker 2 (39:53):
I took it.
Speaker 20 (39:54):
Christian brothers found out what happened to me because I
plastered it all over Facebook and found that they were
like ten or twelve other victims that were elderly disabled or.
Speaker 6 (40:03):
What did I'm just I want to get back to
the car real quick though, and your your circumstance, not
all these other people. But what did they say exactly?
How did they fix it? Did they do anything? Replace
a wiring harness? I mean, what did they do?
Speaker 20 (40:18):
They did? They repaired the wiring harness. They had to
order me a new catalytic converter.
Speaker 6 (40:25):
Sorry, they had to order so you probably Is it
fair to say you needed a catalytic converter from the beginning.
Speaker 20 (40:33):
No, no, they said that it was my other one
is fine, I have two.
Speaker 2 (40:38):
So and there was something wrong with.
Speaker 20 (40:39):
The catalytic converter. It's where he broke the O two.
Speaker 6 (40:42):
Sensor trying to get it out.
Speaker 20 (40:45):
Yep, yep, and it damaged the catalytic converter.
Speaker 6 (40:49):
I got you. And then so they did a new
cat They did the new O two sensor, and then
they hooked it back up by, you know, putting the
wires back together for lack of a better word, right,
and now it were.
Speaker 3 (41:00):
It's fine, No, and now I'm having problems with the wiring,
like I'm about to put it back in the shop
because my front glower quit working and was traced to
be an electrical problem.
Speaker 6 (41:11):
So when you called this guy up, what's this guy's name,
by the way, this original technician, Oh.
Speaker 20 (41:19):
His name is Andrew James Spiper, and I'm doctor to
tell the business out there for him. But you can
just google that name and you'll find out there's a
lot going on, like he's an offender, a registered offender.
Speaker 7 (41:30):
Wait, wait, wait, hold on, give me his name again,
Andrew George?
Speaker 20 (41:34):
What Andrew James?
Speaker 7 (41:36):
Yeah, how do you spell that?
Speaker 20 (41:39):
P F E I F E R.
Speaker 6 (41:42):
And then what is his shop's name? What is it?
Speaker 20 (41:46):
I don't I don't know what he calls it, honestly,
Do you have a name phone number?
Speaker 23 (41:52):
Speaker 20 (41:52):
He only contacts me through Messenger because the phone number
I had for him he disconnected. He told me I
was ruining his daughter's life by putting all of his
business on Facebook. And I don't know what to tell him.
I had I had to spend my grandson's street.
Speaker 6 (42:08):
Old this guy? How old is he?
Speaker 8 (42:10):
Thirty two?
Speaker 10 (42:11):
How much did it?
Speaker 7 (42:12):
Is this his mug shot right here? I know you
can't see it.
Speaker 20 (42:16):
No, I'm telling you I already know what you're going
to see when you find it, because I wish I
would have googled.
Speaker 23 (42:20):
Him ahead of time.
Speaker 6 (42:21):
Is this his mugshot?
Speaker 2 (42:22):
Speaker 6 (42:22):
Is he kind of like, uh, he looks kind of young,
kind of skinny guy. Yep, let me see what it says.
This is from the Denver Police Department, Tay Carey.
Speaker 10 (42:33):
While walk is doing that. How much did it cost you?
A Christian brothers?
Speaker 20 (42:38):
It was almost four thousand dollars and they gave me
a discount out of their benevolence spine, So I ended
up paying twenty eight hundred dollars to get my truck back.
And since then I've had to come up to this
courthouse that I'm sitting at right now about five times
from long months to try to get all these papers
taking care of How.
Speaker 7 (43:00):
Much did you spend with this fiffer guy?
Speaker 2 (43:04):
I didn't get him a damn dumb oh.
Speaker 6 (43:06):
So he okay, so I get at least he didn't
really steal any of your money. I mean he screwed
up your car big time. Oh no, yeah, but I
would love to call him. Listen to this, everybody. This
is This is from twenty sixteen. He was twenty three
years old at the time. Friends, can you help us
locate Andrew Pfeiffer. Fifer is wanted for assault, criminal mischief,
driving under restraint. He's a twenty three year old white
male born on October eighth, nineteen ninety two, six feet tall,
one hundred and seventy five pounds, brown hair, brown eyes.
Is that this guy?
Speaker 2 (43:39):
Yep, that's him.
Speaker 7 (43:40):
Man, this is eight years ago and he's still up
to it.
Speaker 6 (43:44):
The problem is if we had a phone number for him,
I try to reach out to him and.
Speaker 7 (43:48):
You know, try to get his side of the story.
Speaker 6 (43:50):
But I mean, my goodness, I think us just warning
people to stay away. What area is he in?
Speaker 8 (43:57):
He is in Lomont And you you.
Speaker 6 (43:59):
Said something about like he's a predator or something.
Speaker 7 (44:03):
What did you say along those lines?
Speaker 22 (44:05):
You can look that.
Speaker 20 (44:06):
Up too on the Colorado six Registry or he's on there.
Speaker 2 (44:10):
Speaker 20 (44:11):
From twenty sixteen.
Speaker 6 (44:13):
God Bless taken.
Speaker 20 (44:14):
Advantage of a minor or someone who has incapacitated. He
did five years in prison, he told me this. Now
he did five and a half years in prison, and
now he wants to just leave it alone. And I'm
ruining his baby daughter's life. He just had a new baby.
Speaker 6 (44:30):
God, I wish we had a way to have people
just know more about this guy. He's advertising. That's the
problem using like next door or Facebook. I mean, you
never know who you're dealing with. Mark.
Speaker 10 (44:43):
This is a perfect thing for small claims because even
though you should well let me finished, you probably don't
have any money. Yeah, but she can go in and
take his tools, and.
Speaker 6 (44:53):
That would be I mean, this guy's gonna have vent
him from doing this. I wouldn't throw I wouldn't throw
the fifty five. The chances of this guy showing up
for court, you'd get the judgment.
Speaker 8 (45:03):
You get that.
Speaker 6 (45:04):
Yeah, I already did that and he didn't show Did
you get the judgment?
Speaker 20 (45:08):
Yep, I got the judgment.
Speaker 19 (45:09):
He didn't show up.
Speaker 10 (45:10):
What did you take go there with a cop and
take his tool?
Speaker 6 (45:13):
Doesn't you got to do a lot more doctor to
get Oh my god, you got to do so much
to get there. And honestly, if they're a trade tool,
I'm not even sure how that works. I just don't
know start bikes.
Speaker 20 (45:25):
I do know for a fact he's got six stirt
bikes that he owns.
Speaker 6 (45:28):
Hey, let's do this. I would like to know this,
so you have the judgment right now, right yep, Hey,
let's get I want to ask Frank Ball something. Hold on,
I want to ask an attorney literally about what Doc's saying.
I would like to know what hoops you got to
go through if you got a judgment and the guy
simply isn't paying, isn't doing anything. Did you serve interrogatories
at any point?
Speaker 20 (45:53):
That's what I'm doing today because I have found out
to tell me where he worked.
Speaker 7 (45:57):
Where does he work?
Speaker 20 (45:59):
He works at K Metal Metal Fabrication.
Speaker 6 (46:03):
I wonder if they know what a deadbeat day have
working for him, you know what, he's making people's lives
like yours miserable. I wonder if that place knows what
kind of place you're working. I mean, i'd hate to
they didn't do anything wrong. I mean, I have no
problem with them, you know, hiring them, but I'm curious
if we should warn them.
Speaker 7 (46:19):
What kind of scumbag?
Speaker 6 (46:20):
In my opinion, this guy, this guy is I mean, really,
this guy, this guy, this guy is ruined a lot
of people's lives.
Speaker 15 (46:30):
Regarding our caller, carry if he didn't take any money
from her, what is she looking?
Speaker 6 (46:34):
He's ruined the car? How much did you have to
spend for Christian Brothers? Hold on, let me I just
want to bring Kevin in this, and Kelly, let's try
to get Frank Ball. I'm gonna have to take a
break right after Kevin though, Hey, Kevin, just out of curiosity.
When you have a code reader and you read that
it needs an O two censor, am I correct in saying?
That means here's an issue with the two censor. In
other words, could be a high reading, a low reading,
no reading. But it doesn't necessarily mean the two sensor
itself is bad.
Speaker 9 (47:03):
No, it could be a ground.
Speaker 13 (47:05):
It could be the heater circuit.
Speaker 9 (47:06):
It'd be the cat right connector Oh yeah, absolutely.
Speaker 6 (47:09):
Okay that was really the main question I had. But
this this took a totally different turn after talking to her.
I mean, this guy sounds like a total deadbeat. Do
you see cars show up at Sheridan Auto Tech where
these shade Tree ripoffs have just messed them up?
Speaker 9 (47:25):
That's just it, And you know, they don't even rip
people off on purpose. Sometimes they just have no clue
what they're doing.
Speaker 6 (47:30):
Oh my god, this guy costs twenty six dollars in damage.
Speaker 9 (47:34):
Right, and if he couldn't get the auction sensor out,
she may have needed a cat anyway. Yeah, so that's
hard to say. Sometimes we get him, you just can't
get those OC sensors out. They can weld themselves in there. Yeah,
not often, but it does happen.
Speaker 6 (47:47):
All right, Hey, Kevin, that's Kevin. He's the owner of
shared in Auto Tech. I appreciate you coming on for
that real quick. We're going to try to get Frank
baull U's a collection attorney, on to see what kind
of hoops she'd have to jump through.
Speaker 7 (47:57):
This guy's not going to fill out interrogatories.
Speaker 6 (48:00):
I mean, and if he does, he has nothing, it's
gonna say, list the property you have. Well, he doesn't
have any, it's gonna say, you know, it will ask
for employment. So it's possible they might be able to garnish,
but I would assume this guy's gonna have another job
within three weeks, and then it's gonna say list bank accounts.
I doubt he's got a bank account. I mean, this guy.
People got to watch out for this guy. I'm gonna
take this break, but I want I want someone's opinion
on something. I want a callers. I have one line open. Please,
someone out there listening to this situation that hurt it.
What do you think if I had one of our
deputies call up where he's working, just to make sure,
just to make sure they're No, they're dealing with a
apparently ill We'll make sure about this. They're dealing with
a sex somebody on the sex registry. They're dealing with
someone that apparently ripped his lady off for twenty six
hundred bucks. They're dealing with someone that back in two
thy sixteen had an assault charge, a criminal charge. I'd
like you know what, I got his birthday and everything
right here, Suzanne, Let's pull this guy's stats. I'd love
to pull this guy's stats. I'll give you the birthday
over break. Let's see what he's really been up to.
Speaker 11 (49:09):
I would like to call KMG and see if he's
employed there.
Speaker 7 (49:12):
That's the other thing. Is he lion?
Speaker 6 (49:14):
I don't know, but she thinks he's employed there. But
hold on, I want to pull over break or very
shortly during this show. I want to see what this
cat's been up to.
Speaker 14 (49:26):
Go with a sure thing Denver's Best roofer Excel Roofing
dot com. You don't pay a cent until you're content.
Time for an insurance checkup free, no obligation. In comparison,
call Compass Insurance paying too much your coverage at dozens
of insurance companies find out now three all three seven
to seven to one.
Speaker 6 (49:46):
Speaker 14 (49:46):
You'll think you're his only customer when you choose Frank
durand the real estate Man dot com to list your
home with Remax Alliance three oh three nine two zero
sixteen twenty two.
Speaker 6 (50:10):
Carrie, you got ripped off by a pretty bad dude.
I mean this guy, this rap sheet is unbelievable. You're right,
he is a sex offender. In fact, he got in
trouble for not registering. Right, Susanne Suzanne run down a
few things on.
Speaker 15 (50:24):
This guy, uh, domestic violence plug down. It looked like Mark.
I have a hard time with some of those forms
I'm reading. But yeah, he pled guilty to.
Speaker 6 (50:33):
Yeah what what was? What are sexual assault guilty?
Speaker 15 (50:37):
Failure to register as a sex offender guilty guilty?
Speaker 8 (50:41):
Speaker 15 (50:41):
So he's not.
Speaker 7 (50:42):
And then the latest one was what it was, it
was five thousand dollars.
Speaker 6 (50:47):
You plead on that.
Speaker 15 (50:49):
It looked like he pled guilty to that man. Again,
those forms are hard for me to read, but that's what.
Speaker 6 (50:54):
I was seeing. This is this guy's no good and
this guy's been doing this for a long time. Care right,
I get well. I hope everybody out there is listening.
When they go to Facebook and see a deal on
a mechanic or a roofer or something that that is
just crazy, just don't do it. First of all, go
to referral list dot com. That's the safest way. You
got a problem with one of our sponsors. At referral
list dot com, they've been background checked, they've signed her
code of ethics. And then on top of that, you
can call us right on the air and we'll go
after them. But we don't need to do that because
that doesn't happen. Well, I can't say it's never happened,
but that's how it works. So Carrie, I do want
to lock you in though, and I want you to.
I'm going to bring up Frank Ball. Hey, Frank Man,
how are you ben? Happy New Year, sir?
Speaker 13 (51:40):
Speaker 23 (51:40):
New Year to you.
Speaker 6 (51:41):
You know, I'm good. Well, I'm glad to hear that. Man,
this one is, this one's crazy. So basically, this mechanics.
Speaker 7 (51:48):
Screwed her over.
Speaker 6 (51:49):
But the question I have for you is, she's got
a judgment. She went to small claims and you have
a judgment for what, Carrie, twenty six hundred.
Speaker 23 (51:57):
I have a judgement for twenty eight hundred.
Speaker 6 (52:00):
He never showed up. It was a default judgment. How
long ago was that She's going to try to serve
him interrogatories? I think she said today, right, yes, but
I can already tell because of this guy's background. We
pulled a criminal record on him. I mean, I highly
doubt he's got a bank account. I highly doubt he's
got a house. In fact, I'll go out in the
Lemons says there's no way he owns property. And then
I just think he's I don't want to say judgment proof.
He does have tools of the trade for being a mechanic.
He's got some dirt bikes. You said, carry motorcycles. So, Frank,
my question for you, if someone has a judgment and
they they either in the interrogatories basically just have nothing.
Let's say he doesn't list stuff or doesn't fill him out.
How do you take that judgment and get a sheriff
to be able to go to wherever he's staying and
start taking his tools, taking his motorcycles.
Speaker 7 (53:03):
How do you get to that point?
Speaker 23 (53:07):
Well, I think it's one step at a time. First off,
in terms of serving the interrogatories. The pattern interrogatories, obviously
it has to be someone over the age of eighteen,
not a party to the action. So once those interrogatories
are served, that person has fourteen.
Speaker 6 (53:26):
Days to answer.
Speaker 23 (53:28):
You really want to go that route first, And let's
say they never answer, then what the next step is
to do a contempt citation and hand them at the court.
Speaker 6 (53:37):
Yeah, you ask the judge, You say, hey, he had
thirty days or whatever the timeframe is to fill these out.
Speaker 7 (53:42):
He didn't do it, Please hold them in contempt.
Speaker 6 (53:44):
And in the perfect world, what they'll do is put
a bench warrant out and then if they pull them
over or do something else, or they have a really
slow day, they can go hook them right.
Speaker 23 (53:54):
Well, yes and no. The yes part is he has
fourteen days to answer the questions. Let's say he doesn't
answer them at all. If he doesn't answer them at all.
You say these were not answered, you do a contempt citation.
There's forms that you can get, and then there's a
date certain I think it's sixty dollars that you have
to pay the click of the court, and then there's
a date certain that he has to come, and then
you have to serve him again with the contempt citation.
Let's say he just answers part of him. He answers no, no, no,
no no. After thirty seven and a half years of
practicing law, really, I think I saw one set of
interrogatories that are answered correctly.
Speaker 8 (54:34):
They're never answered correctly.
Speaker 23 (54:36):
They're answered correctly if you have a lawyer who knows
what they're doing and actually.
Speaker 6 (54:41):
Does it correctly.
Speaker 23 (54:42):
So then what you say is this number one isn't answered,
Number two isn't answered, Number three is incomplete. And typically
what happens is they never provide the documents. In the
pattern interrogatories, you have to provide four years of tax returns,
you have to provide bank statements.
Speaker 5 (54:58):
And they don't do it.
Speaker 23 (55:00):
And they don't do it, so you bring them in
on a contempt citation.
Speaker 6 (55:03):
So well, hold on, Frank, I want to clarify something
So if someone puts no, no, no, no no, or
if they put I've got a bank account with seven
dollars in it, but they don't give the tax returns,
they don't give the bank statements, and it's not complete.
Speaker 7 (55:16):
Like what you're saying, is that contemptible?
Speaker 23 (55:19):
Speaker 6 (55:20):
Okay, perfect, Yes.
Speaker 23 (55:21):
That's when you say I doubt the veracity of the
answer to this question.
Speaker 6 (55:27):
Yeah, I got it. So let's go from there. So,
now the judge does the contempt to order, then what.
Speaker 23 (55:34):
Then you serve the contempt and then and then they
either appear they don't appear, just like you were saying
a minute ago. If they don't appear, the court is
going to issue a warrant for his arrest, and you're
going to ask for a cash only bond, not a
PR bond, so that there's some skin in the game
by this person. Yeah, and then you send that to
the shriff, and god willing, they'll pick them up. It
really depends on, well, what jurisdiction it is.
Speaker 6 (56:02):
Let me tell you what I dealt with and tell
me why it worked this way, and if it's possible
it would work this way. I went after a guy,
Jay Lopez, and we helped the woman.
Speaker 7 (56:13):
I served the guy. I did everything you just said.
Speaker 6 (56:16):
I served him the initial thing, then I served them interrogatories,
he didn't answer. Then I served them the contempt order.
And he did have a bench warrant put out for him.
He was doing some criminal mischief in Douglas County, and
I found out he had to be there in front
of the judge. So I went down there in front
of the judge and told the sheriff down there, they're
in the same building. I said, look, this guy right
here as a bench warrant in Denver. Why don't you
guys pick them up? And they weren't going to pick
them up. They were extra item or whatever you want
to call it. They weren't going to do it till
I got on the air and started telling everybody, Douglas
County's not doing anything. But long, long story short, they
did do something. He got brought down to Denver. The
bond was like thirty five hundred bucks or whatever the
judgment was for, but after fifteen days in the pokey,
the judge led them out. So he never ended up
paying this person. So does that happen a lot of
times as well?
Speaker 23 (57:13):
Okay, two things first off, like I just said, depends
on the jurisdiction. Denver's backed up. I recently talked to
the sergeant in Denver and they're not picking anybody up.
They have too many felony the felonies that are violent
that they're going to do, and they're not going to
do anything. However, if you have a situation at Adams,
they will. Outlying counties they will. But so it really
depends where you are, I guess, and it's a matter
of what happens next. So the other thing is, so,
for example, let's say you have the five thousand dollars
cash only bond. That's what the judge said. The sheriffs
don't really give it.
Speaker 13 (57:54):
Damn yeah, take it back.
Speaker 18 (57:56):
Take it back.
Speaker 23 (57:57):
I don't want to say anything negative, but sheriffs they're
too busy I guess violent criminals.
Speaker 6 (58:02):
Yeah, I got you.
Speaker 23 (58:02):
They're going to reduce it to a PR bond and
give them a date and let them out.
Speaker 6 (58:09):
And then of course a guy like this probably won't
show again. I mean, he's a registered sex offender. They've
already got him for not registering. I mean, this guy,
to me just looks like the scum of the earth.
Speaker 23 (58:20):
It's persistence. It's persistent. I bet built my career on persistence.
I bet you have a guy who chased somebody once
for when he was thirty seven to when he was
fifty eight and finally got him thousand dollars and I
got fifteen thousand dollars. Obviously, my client was very happy.
Speaker 6 (58:35):
Think of that as a business owner forever, including now,
what's crazy about that? I'm thinking the economical side of
your business. I know, like personal injury attorneys. You know
generally they're collecting two years after the case. In your case,
your cash flow, Oh my god, there's times you have
to be like you just said, you're waiting twenty years
to get paid. Man, that's crazy.
Speaker 10 (58:59):
Hey, friend.
Speaker 23 (59:00):
Other thing that I want to make sure I explain
sure if they show up at the contempt citation, that's
where you work the deal. That's where you want to
do a stipulation that he's going to they he O
twenty eight hundred bucks, he's going to pay two hundred
dollars a month starting on.
Speaker 6 (59:15):
This day whatever it is, full plus the interest.
Speaker 23 (59:17):
But because that way, that way you can bring him
in at a later point in time for violating the
order of the court.
Speaker 13 (59:23):
But this way, at.
Speaker 23 (59:24):
Least if there's an agreement between the parties, sometimes that
makes a difference. He's committed to it, and he'll he'll
call and say, hey, I can't pay you two hundred dollars.
I can only pay you this much money, one hundred dollars,
and I'll pay you one hundred dollars in two weeks.
I mean, that way, you've got to fight and chance
to continue that opening that communication, whether the guy's that
scumback or not.
Speaker 6 (59:47):
I mean, I've seen it, and you might get something.
Speaker 23 (59:49):
You bet something is better than nothing.
Speaker 6 (59:51):
Let me circle. I want to circle back to my question.
Speaker 10 (59:54):
Go ahead, how do you go about if he has
no money taking his tools?
Speaker 6 (59:59):
Because exactly what I want to do is circle back
to that, Frank. So let's say this guy follows the
same pattern. He generally doesn't doesn't show up for anything.
How do you finally get to the point or is
that just a fallacy? In other words, it's like a myth.
How do you get to the point where you can
go grab his toolbox, go grab his motorcycles?
Speaker 23 (01:00:19):
Okay, it really depends. Again. After thirty seven and a
half years, I've never done one attachment action. And the
reason is is because I don't deal with people who
have paid up Mercedes bands. Got it, Okay, if I
and that way, I got it, there's a problem. You
have to store it, you have to auctionate, you have
to jump through a million hoops right away, and sometimes
the costs involved are more than the money.
Speaker 7 (01:00:46):
So it really is there's a way to do it.
Speaker 6 (01:00:49):
But to go through all those hoops to show up
and grab a guy's you know, use toolbox and whatever's
in there, it probably just doesn't even make sense that can.
Speaker 23 (01:01:01):
Tools are different than motorcycles are cars. Tools. There's an exemption.
I knew it's amount of dollars for his his work living.
Speaker 7 (01:01:11):
I said that to her too.
Speaker 23 (01:01:12):
And also cars there's also exemption. But you know, if
he's got a two thousand and twenty two Dodds that's
paid for a pickup truck, that's a twenty five hundred that's.
Speaker 6 (01:01:24):
Worth forty dollars, he doesn't.
Speaker 23 (01:01:27):
But it's just there you go. The problem is is
that's really not You have to deal in reality. And
so the answer to the question is persistent. I understand
is you keep them, you keep them on the leash.
You keep them, you reset the data of the contempt citation.
When I was a divorce lawyer, I did a trial
a week for fifteen years and I did one hundred
guardian lit them cases where I made recommendations on customer
and pairing time. And when people didn't want to pay
the child support, I didn't want to put them in
jail because if I put him in jail, they never pay.
Of course, But what I do is I'd say, hey,
let's continue it out. You're going to pay your four
hundred dollars a month. We're going to kick it down
the road for six months, and as long as you pay,
we're going to kick it in road.
Speaker 6 (01:02:07):
And you're holding to jail. Yeah, you're motivating him. I
got to go to breakdough, Frank. But you're motivating them
as well by hanging that carrative jail over his head.
By the way, if you're you know you're in business
out there and you've got valid collections or need help
with them. Frank Paul is not only a collection guy,
but he's an attorney. He's great at what he does.
Three oh three six two nine seven thousand carry. I
do want to have some thoughts with you after this Breakdough,
because I agree with what Frank said, but I want
to talk to you about it right after this than
Paul Gabriel, Gary, you guys hang tight.
Speaker 14 (01:02:44):
Go with a sure thing Denver's best roofer Excel Roofing
dot com. You don't pay a cent until you're content.
Time for an insurance check up free, no obligation. In comparison,
call Compass insurance paying too much your coverage? Dozens of
insurance companies find out now three all three seven to
seven to one.
Speaker 6 (01:03:03):
Speaker 14 (01:03:04):
You'll think you're his only customer when you choose Frank
durand the real estate man dot com to list your
home with Remax Alliance three all three nine two zero
sixteen twenty two all.
Speaker 6 (01:03:18):
Right, three oh three seven one three eight two five
five three oh three Martino, you've been ripped off, taken
advantage of. We want to hear from you. We've got
a lot cooking today. I want to finish up with
Kerrie real quick. Carrie. Here's the bottom line. I love
what you're doing. Stay persistent in it, Go serve them.
The interrogatory's there at work, and stay on it. Then
you understand what Frank said. If he doesn't answer him
in fifteen days, or he doesn't complete them properly. When
you bring him back to the judge, you're gonna basically
say I would like a contempt order because he hasn't
answered him, or he hasn't provided his tax returns or
whatever the interrogatories are asking for, and then get the
bench warrn out and hopefully this this this guy gets
picked up at some point.
Speaker 10 (01:04:01):
And I would say, you know what Frank was saying
about tools. If it's his job, it's one thing. But
either he admits it his job and he's not paying taxes,
or it's not his job.
Speaker 6 (01:04:11):
I don't think you're going to go down that route
of grabbing his stuff. Doc Frank made that sound almost.
Speaker 7 (01:04:15):
Impossible because it was his job.
Speaker 6 (01:04:17):
Well, no, I mean in general, he said, in thirty
eight years, he's never gone after property. Okay, I mean
it just sounds it sounds like there's a ton of
hoops to do, and a lot more court filings and
a lot more.
Speaker 7 (01:04:30):
But I would just get that bench warrant.
Speaker 6 (01:04:32):
Than if he gets picked up, which he will, he's
gonna get picked up for something, they're gonna see the
bench warrant. And then whatever that judgment is there going
to have a cash bond for you?
Speaker 12 (01:04:40):
Get it right, Mark, I have a suggestion for Kerry
go ahead. Since this guy doesn't have anything and you
can't really get it, you can't get his tools, and
you have to go through all of this brain damage
of the interrogatories and the contempt citation. What I would
consider doing is this turn since you have a valid judgment,
is I know a couple of very good collection agencies.
You could just turn the judgment over to a collection agency.
Speaker 7 (01:05:07):
I mean, Frank, that's what he does. Whould we just
talked to.
Speaker 11 (01:05:09):
Would he do for the twenty eight dollars fee?
Speaker 7 (01:05:12):
No, not for a twenty eight dollars fee.
Speaker 6 (01:05:14):
But I like what she's doing because I think the
only justice she's going to get, to be quite Frank,
is to see his ass in jail on a bond.
Speaker 7 (01:05:22):
I think that's going to be it.
Speaker 12 (01:05:24):
Yeah, jail versus getting paid.
Speaker 6 (01:05:28):
You know, if she would, But if he's in there
on the bond and wants to get out, he's gonna
have to pay.
Speaker 11 (01:05:33):
He's got to pay the twenty eight.
Speaker 6 (01:05:34):
He's got to pay the twenty eight hundred bucks.
Speaker 11 (01:05:36):
Doesn't that go to the court though, No, that goes.
Speaker 6 (01:05:38):
Right to her.
Speaker 7 (01:05:39):
Okay, yeah, that goes right to her.
Speaker 19 (01:05:41):
Speaker 6 (01:05:42):
Now, there's nothing wrong with doing it on two parts.
You knocked this part out, get it, get it to
the point carry where he's got a warrant out for him,
a bench warrant for the twenty eight hundred bucks, so
that's sitting there. Then go to a collection agency as well.
But I just love what she's doing as far as sticking.
Speaker 11 (01:06:00):
To them, she has been doing very good.
Speaker 6 (01:06:02):
You're our kind of You're our kind of person, Carrie.
You're you're just doing the right thing. You're going after
this scumbag, this convicted sex offender, this convicted thief, this
convicted everything.
Speaker 7 (01:06:15):
You're going after them, and that's it, Carrie.
Speaker 6 (01:06:18):
I do appreciate all that information, and I hope a
lot of people are out there are listening to the
very first part of this where she got this guy
from uh Facebook marketplace. And I'm not saying there's all
bad companies out there, but my god, do some research.
Speaker 14 (01:06:37):
Go with a sure thing Denver's Best roofer Excel roofing
dot com. You don't pay a cent until you're content.
Time for an insurance checkup free no obligation. Comparison call
Compass Insurance paying too much your coverage at dozens of
insurance companies find out now three oh three seven seven
to one help. You'll think you're his only customer when
you choose Frank durand the real estate Man dot com
to list your home with Remax Alliance three oh three
nine two zero sixteen twenty two.
Speaker 6 (01:07:09):
I was trying to get a pull up over break
on our YouTube channel. I'll get it up over the
big break coming up, but I really did want people's
opinion on something. So if you go to YouTube dot
com type in Troubleshooter network, you can see the show
behind the show. Uh three oh three seven one three.
Speaker 10 (01:07:25):
Real quick mark Yeah, I Kerry Kerry. If you're still listening,
If you need help with any of the court fees,
I know you're struggling, just call the show and I'll
I'll give you the money for the filing fees and
whatever you need.
Speaker 6 (01:07:38):
That's really nice to you, Doc, I mean very nice.
So a lot of people don't realize this, but Doc
does a lot of that beyond the scenes. Three O
three seven one three A two five five three zero
three Martino, Who's been waiting the longest. Gabriel, Gabriel, Gabriel,
What is going on? Nichols Audio Repair? What is that?
Speaker 24 (01:07:57):
Oh, miss Martino?
Speaker 19 (01:07:58):
Actually Nichols Auto Repair.
Speaker 7 (01:08:00):
Auto repair? Okay, keep going.
Speaker 6 (01:08:03):
What happened?
Speaker 3 (01:08:04):
Speaker 24 (01:08:05):
So their mechanics shop, it's natural shop, been around for
a while. I think I don't think the original owner
still owns it. I think some person who got it.
His name is James, and I'm not fully sure about this.
Speaker 19 (01:08:18):
One of the guys.
Speaker 24 (01:08:18):
Working there is probably to say he purchased it the
previous person.
Speaker 7 (01:08:22):
How long ago do you believe they purchased it? Do
you have any idea?
Speaker 8 (01:08:26):
I have no clue.
Speaker 7 (01:08:27):
All right, So what happened?
Speaker 6 (01:08:28):
You brought your car there?
Speaker 24 (01:08:31):
Yeah, I'm a Silverado So I started a small electrical
contracting company's plenty three March. So it's a it's a grinds, right,
So that the vehicle that I bought to his shop
was my workforse my only one sure, and so I
took it in there because I had a service for
a little drive message pop upon the control center and
that message when I took it to the dealership, they
said I needed a bunch of stuff. Cost a bunch
of money.
Speaker 6 (01:08:59):
How much did the dealer ship quote you for everything?
Out of curiosity?
Speaker 24 (01:09:03):
I think it was over five k okay. Oh, and
Nichols was our neighborhood shop for where I was living.
Speaker 6 (01:09:10):
I get it, so you brought it over there. They
they looked at it, and I assume they did some work.
Is that part correct?
Speaker 8 (01:09:17):
Speaker 6 (01:09:17):
All right, I got you. I gotta take this break.
I promise you're the next button I hit coming back
from this three zero three seven one three eight two
five five one line open three oh three Martino.
Speaker 14 (01:09:36):
Go with a sure thing Denver's best roofer Excel Roofing
dot com. You don't pay a cent until you're content.
Time for an insurance check up free, no obligation. In comparison,
call Compass Insurance paying too much your coverage at dozens
of insurance companies find out now three oh three seven
to seven to one help. You'll think you're his only
customer when you choose Frank durand the Really state Man
dot com to list your home with Remax Alliance three
oh three nine two zero sixteen twenty two.
Speaker 1 (01:10:12):
Ripped News.
Speaker 23 (01:10:16):
You don't have come.
Speaker 4 (01:10:20):
In just as fast as we can show the shooter
is gonna help coming.
Speaker 5 (01:10:26):
This is the Troubleshooter Show now, Tom Martin, welcome, Welcome
to the only show.
Speaker 7 (01:10:32):
If it's kind, I hope you're staying warm today.
Speaker 6 (01:10:34):
We are here in studio, but we are here to
help you, whether you're war more cold, three oh three Martino,
you can join. And now I got one line open,
and I got a little update to say in a second.
But on top of that, you know, over three hundred
million dollars we've recovered in cash, merchandise exchanges, refunds directly
due to this show. You know, Tommy, you've boy's been
doing it forty five years, just here in Denver, longest host,
long host on the airways with the same show. That's
pretty remarkable. Here's the bottom line, though, If you need help,
one line open three zero three seven one three eight
two five five three oho three Martino, and please always
feel free just to email us at help at troubleshooter
dot com. We want to help you. Now, speaking of help,
we had a caller last hour that's going to serve
interrogatories to a bad guy.
Speaker 7 (01:11:25):
A guy's name is Andrew, and he is a bad guy.
Speaker 6 (01:11:28):
He basically did twenty six or twenty eight hundred dollars
worth of damage to her car, and she got a judgment.
Now she's got to serve interrogatories. And for people that
don't listen to the show all the time, basically what
that is. After you get a judgment, you got to
get paid, so you got to know where the money is,
so you serve them interrogatories. And it asked for all
kinds of financial information. Do you own property? What property
do you own? Different bank accounts, pretty much you name it,
it listed there. So she was literally going to serve
them today at what she thought was his employer and
what was it called?
Speaker 2 (01:12:00):
Speaker 6 (01:12:00):
Who was the employer?
Speaker 11 (01:12:01):
A KMG Metal Fabrication.
Speaker 6 (01:12:05):
So in long mind, yeah, we basically just called over
there to see if he still worked there. And what
do you find out when you when they called you
back over break there both the owner was.
Speaker 12 (01:12:15):
Very nice, called me back, said he just didn't work out,
wasn't doing a good job, and he fired him three
months ago. Got it, and he said he would try
to dig up his cell phone for us.
Speaker 6 (01:12:26):
You know, I just want to warn people out there
about this guy. This guy is not a good guy.
This is the kind of guy we just want out
of Colorado. Honestly, I mean, go to Kansas, go to
New Mexico, go to Now I got a daughter in Wyoming.
Don't go to Wyoming. Go go somewhere else, bro, I mean, really,
we don't need your type here, Andrew.
Speaker 7 (01:12:47):
I'm still looking at this mug shot of him.
Speaker 6 (01:12:49):
This is going back to twenty sixteen, assault, criminal mischief,
driving under restraint. He had a domestic violence issue. He
is a registered sex he's been in trouble for not registering.
I mean, this guy's bad news. And he's got a kid.
I guess I'm shocked at our system allows people to
have children that you know, basically break all these laws
and have to be a registered sex vender. Imagine that.
Imagine being his kid. I assume, like a lot of times,
you can't even have friends over. I mean, I don't
know how that works. It's just a bad deal. But
he advertises all the time on Facebook Messenger, is you know,
basically a shade tree mechanic. And he's just not a
good guy. Andrew Pfeiffer. Andrew Pfeiffer, he's probably about thirty
three now, yeah, about thirty maybe thirty one. This is
eight years ago. Six feet tall, one hundred and seventy
five pounds, brown hair, brown eyes, and Suzanne looked up
his criminal history and man, this is not a good guy.
Speaker 7 (01:13:51):
What were you saying, Susann, I know.
Speaker 11 (01:13:52):
He's just he's he's a bad dude for sure.
Speaker 9 (01:13:54):
Speaker 6 (01:13:55):
Yeah, just if you see, just don't do business with him,
I mean a minimal don't.
Speaker 12 (01:13:59):
Do business with our listeners need to go to the
referral list good mechanics, not Facebook, Marketplace or next door.
Speaker 6 (01:14:06):
Yeah, referral lists. They're all background checked, and you know,
basically we hold a lot of control over them. They're
good people. Now, Gabriel we were talking to last hour.
He brought his vehicle to Nichols Auto Repair and they
gave him an estimate. He first brought it to the dealer,
The dealer hit him with a pretty big dollar estimate.
He decided to go local, to a local shop. He
went over to Nichols Auto Repair and dropped it off
and basically that's where we left off. So Gabriel take
it from there. Gabriel, we might have to come back
to him. I don't know what's going on there. Oh
I'm here, Okay, go ahead, man, So let's take it
from there.
Speaker 24 (01:14:47):
Okay, So I dropped it off with the service quote.
Speaker 6 (01:14:51):
I lost you again. Man, you're doing something. You're going
back and forth from bluetooth. Ah, darn it, that's right,
get them back. It's not a big deal. Three oh
three seven, two, five to five. Paul, uh this is
a damn interesting question. What is it?
Speaker 8 (01:15:06):
Yeah, Mark, I have an idea for a new word
or when somebody's been scammed or something's all screwed up.
Speaker 7 (01:15:14):
Yeah so like uh so, for example, like bamboozled.
Speaker 8 (01:15:20):
Yeah, well, it would be after the mask guy fauci.
Instead of being screwed up, it would be it's all
foucied up, where you got founched.
Speaker 7 (01:15:30):
You've got fouched.
Speaker 10 (01:15:31):
I don't.
Speaker 6 (01:15:32):
I don't see that happening. You got fouched. I could
see that if they if they slammed a mask on you.
But you want to know how you can actually make
that happen.
Speaker 8 (01:15:43):
Paul, Well, I just thought maybe you could start you stuff.
People calling on your show is pretty foust up A
lot of times, you know a stuff.
Speaker 6 (01:15:53):
You know what I would do, though, and I'm being serious,
Doc tell him how, or tell the audience how someone
literally gets a wordy work you.
Speaker 10 (01:16:03):
Have to do is you have to send it for
the Merriam Webster's you send it to the editors for
the OED which is the Oxfit English Dictionary. They have
an online form which you can submit, but in both
cases that you submit it to the editors and they
check for certain criteria such as widespread use, whether it's
going to be continuous, in other words, do they think
it's going to be used in the future, how frequently
is it used, is it similar to other words? And
you have to have citations of when it was used,
how frequently it's used. So it's a very difficult process.
Speaker 25 (01:16:42):
But ultimately the editors editors are the ones that choose,
and it's very difficult to have a new word unless
it's been in use for quite some time to get
into the dictionary.
Speaker 6 (01:16:54):
I like that now, of course, I'm sure this guy
was calling in Jess, but I do like that it's
all fouched uff.
Speaker 15 (01:16:59):
Well, you don't even really believe in new dictionaries, do you, Mark.
I kind of learned that over playing scrabble with you recently.
Speaker 6 (01:17:06):
So what she's referring to is reacitating what year is
the dictionary.
Speaker 15 (01:17:10):
In nineteen ninety six, So we use.
Speaker 6 (01:17:12):
A nineteen ninety six grabble dictionary, and I think that's
the vacual. I don't like these new foubled words, like well, okay,
what's the new word? My kids use the word.
Speaker 19 (01:17:24):
Speaker 6 (01:17:25):
Speaker 7 (01:17:25):
Speaker 6 (01:17:26):
You think that's actually in the new Scrabble dictionary.
Speaker 7 (01:17:29):
Speaker 6 (01:17:30):
That's the stuff I mark.
Speaker 15 (01:17:32):
I just wanted to use the current, you know, latest
app dictionary, but you had to go and I used
the nineteen ninety six dictionary like nothing has changed.
Speaker 6 (01:17:44):
Learn scrabble on the nineteen ninety six dictionary to.
Speaker 10 (01:17:47):
Use this grabble dictionary. No question?
Speaker 6 (01:17:49):
Do you play?
Speaker 10 (01:17:50):
Oh yeah, I'm great.
Speaker 6 (01:17:51):
I love scrabble. We'll have to have a scrabble a week.
I bet you're pretty good at it. Actually, you know
what he starts? Okay, do you do any of you do?
Words with friends? I don't used to, but not anymore.
Are not words with friends? I'm sorry, that's not what
I meant. Wordle, wordle hold on? Have you ever played word?
Speaker 11 (01:18:11):
Played it?
Speaker 26 (01:18:12):
Speaker 6 (01:18:12):
Wordle? Basically you've got five tries or six six. You
get six tries to guess a five letter word. So
you start with a word, and generally you would want
to start with like a peer an S or an
E or an A vowels do a D I EU.
Speaker 7 (01:18:26):
That's what he starts with everything four vowels.
Speaker 6 (01:18:29):
I know why. It's just almost like cheating. I think
more people start with that than anything else. So do
you do connections doc I have in the past. Yes,
I like connections that really gets your mind going, all right,
I have like.
Speaker 10 (01:18:45):
A two hundred word uh continuous. You say I haven't
got word of wrong in ages.
Speaker 7 (01:18:52):
Oh that's pretty cool. Well, you know why.
Speaker 10 (01:18:54):
Because there are certain things that you know, you know,
there are certain things in English, but with.
Speaker 6 (01:19:00):
Six tries you almost should get it every time. I mean,
I'm not saying the only time it gets really weird.
First of all, I hate and I can't believe we're
talking about Whordle, but I hate when they have the
same letter twice.
Speaker 7 (01:19:10):
That kind of drives me crazy.
Speaker 10 (01:19:12):
Well, you have to know that about Wortle.
Speaker 6 (01:19:14):
Or you get down to the fourth and there's five
possibilities left, let's say, and you're like, jeez, which one.
Then you got to start thinking, like the editor or
are they going to use that? Probably not?
Speaker 10 (01:19:25):
Well, then you put a word and it has four
four letters that haven't been used.
Speaker 6 (01:19:30):
Yeah, all right, three oh three seven one three a
two five five. We got to take a break. We
got two lines open, actually three will drop Paul Craig.
I'll come to you after this. This this is the
wrapo key, his story. It's absolutely nuts. Three zero three Martino.
Speaker 14 (01:19:49):
Go with a sure thing Denver's best roofer Excel Roofing
dot com. You don't pay a cent until you're contenth
time for an insurance check up free, no obligation comparison
call Compass Insurance paying too much your coverage at dozens
of insurance companies find out now three oh three seven
to seven to one help. You'll think you're his only
customer when you choose Frank durand the real estate Man
dot com to list your.
Speaker 7 (01:20:15):
Home with Remax Alliance.
Speaker 14 (01:20:17):
Three oh three nine two zero sixteen twenty two.
Speaker 6 (01:20:24):
All right, three O three seven one three a two
five five three zero three Martino, And any questions you have.
I want to hear from you and to answer the
guy's question who just emailed me retirement uh, Retirement Planning
Center of the Rockies.
Speaker 7 (01:20:41):
That's who I was talking about.
Speaker 6 (01:20:43):
And basically, yes, the five pillars, that's the only company
I talk about with the five pillars income, investments, taxes, healthcare.
Basically what they do they help you retire. They go
every every aspect of it. They can help you with
the taxes, the Social Security so you get the optimal
Benmo benefit, but you might have benefit you don't even
know were there. They help you put those extra dollars
in your pocket each month. They can talk about Medicare
and the supplements. They can talk about insurance, long term care,
estate planning, and then of course different investment strategies. That's
who they are though Ourpeacecenter dot com joe Urpeacecenter dot com.
Now let's go to people. You're not gonna believe this one.
I like dealing Doug, I really do, and I hope
this works out. He really is a good guy. I
had the opportunity to sit next to him. He's one
of the biggest Rocky fans out there for an entire
baseball game.
Speaker 7 (01:21:40):
Not long ago.
Speaker 6 (01:21:40):
I think it was last year, might have been the
year before, but whatever. We had a great conversation. I
know one of his store managers or his former store manager's,
Jim Janacelli, that ran when he owned it, the Colorado
Springs Dodge and we just never had any issues with him.
So this guy Craig, and I'm gonna have him tell
the story real quick. But we've got to do it quick, though, Craig.
So here's what I really here. Here's what I want
you to recap as quick as you can. When did
you drop your vehicle off at a rapp.
Speaker 2 (01:22:12):
A Hokia October sixteen?
Speaker 6 (01:22:15):
So think about that, folks, October sixteenth.
Speaker 7 (01:22:17):
You have an idea how far away it is, and you.
Speaker 6 (01:22:20):
Dropped it off because you thought you needed a transmission.
Speaker 2 (01:22:25):
Yeah yeah, but they troubleshooted it. They did a diagnosis
and they suggest it doesn't need a transmission.
Speaker 6 (01:22:31):
So basically, you dropped it off because it wasn't getting
out of if I recall originally it wasn't going out
of fourth gear no matter what. Correct, So they order
a transmission, They put it in, and all of a sudden,
the vehicle will not go out a second gear. Now,
as crazy as that sounds, so the transmission they put
in is basically doing the same thing, but in a
different gear than the one you had in there. Correct.
Speaker 2 (01:22:57):
Yeah, it was stuck in first gear, so worse.
Speaker 6 (01:23:00):
Yeah, Okay, at least in fourth gear, you could probably
move around a little.
Speaker 2 (01:23:05):
Yeah, I drove it all the way from the north
side of Denver.
Speaker 6 (01:23:08):
You know, Yeah, I got you. But it's basically doing
the same thing. It's stuck in the gear and it
won't exit. Then they say, hey, by the way, it
wasn't the transmission.
Speaker 7 (01:23:19):
You need a computer? Was that correct? Or was it
the wiring harness?
Speaker 2 (01:23:25):
Well, they said it could be the the PM or
the PC.
Speaker 7 (01:23:29):
Yeah, but what did they sell you next?
Speaker 2 (01:23:33):
They started throwing parts and I said, I can't afford that.
I don't have the money for that.
Speaker 7 (01:23:37):
I so wait a minute, are you telling me?
Speaker 6 (01:23:38):
And I think you've told me this before, but this
just hit me a little different. So they said it
could be the ECM, the PCM, or something else. And
but but they had no way of diagnosing which one.
Speaker 2 (01:23:53):
Well, they had their lead mechanic quit.
Speaker 6 (01:23:55):
So, hey, do me a favor. Get Jet thick on, Kelly.
I really want to get Jeff thick On. But Craig,
let me continue this while we're getting Jeff up. So
what happens is they sell you what What was the
next thing they put on your invoice?
Speaker 7 (01:24:10):
You have a transmission that didn't fix it? Now you
have what.
Speaker 2 (01:24:16):
They put in a used PCM that didn't work, They
put in a new PCM that didn't work, They did
a flight cast, blah blah blah, just a bunch of stuff.
I'd say, most time my car's been there, it's not
been in the shop, it's been sitting in the parking
lot because no one knows what.
Speaker 6 (01:24:30):
Okay, So they put a computer in that didn't fix it.
So what did they do next? They did a transmission,
They did a computer. It still isn't working. So what
happened next?
Speaker 2 (01:24:40):
So in the meantime, the belt went up another sixty
five hundred, including the fifteen hundred that I already paid
for the transmission.
Speaker 6 (01:24:48):
That was kind of money down, so they would order
the transmission.
Speaker 2 (01:24:53):
Yeah, I had to pay fifteen hundred for the part
or they wouldn't.
Speaker 6 (01:24:57):
Yeah, I got you. So I understand that I find
crazy to begin with anyhow. But so now we've got
sixty five hundred bucks and literally you're in the same
spot is when you dropped it off.
Speaker 2 (01:25:10):
Yeah, but let me let me jump to the punch here.
Speaker 6 (01:25:13):
No, I don't want you to jump. I just don't
want you to jump to the punch because there's people
that haven't heard how crazy this story is.
Speaker 7 (01:25:20):
So what was the next thing that happened.
Speaker 6 (01:25:24):
I thought there was a wiring harness or something involved,
but I could have that mixed up.
Speaker 2 (01:25:29):
Yeah, no, no, they checked at the wiring all that,
and they did a fight test and they said, well,
we're having our the thirteenth of December. They said, we're
having our engineer come in and then the next day
from Kia. Yeah yeah, they're top top dog engineer yep,
main office or whatever, and but he won't be able
to come till January second, like three weeks later.
Speaker 6 (01:25:56):
Okay, so fine, January second has come and gone. Did
he ever get out there?
Speaker 8 (01:26:02):
Speaker 2 (01:26:02):
No. Then they sent me a message and said, the
engineers told us that the rebuilt transmission we put in
must be bad, so we're going to put another one.
Speaker 7 (01:26:11):
And when did they tell you that? Round the second.
Speaker 2 (01:26:17):
They yeah they yeah, yeah, okay.
Speaker 6 (01:26:20):
So so now we're here on the ninth. Did they
get another transmission and put it in?
Speaker 13 (01:26:26):
Speaker 7 (01:26:27):
And what happened where we at today?
Speaker 2 (01:26:29):
They sent me a message today. Let me pull it
up on my phone here.
Speaker 7 (01:26:34):
Oh my god, I can't wait to hear what they
had to say.
Speaker 2 (01:26:38):
Well, I mean, I'm I'm dumbfounded. But they said, hey, Craig,
they said, the transmission is being installed today. That was Tuesday.
We'll keep you posted ring around the Rosie for almost
seven days. It'll be three months. They sent me a
message two days later, which was or no. They sent
me yeah, two days later today and they said, hey, Craig,
vehicle is fixed. Finally, the remaining total is three thousand
and six dollars.
Speaker 7 (01:27:10):
And how much have you paid him so far?
Speaker 6 (01:27:14):
Originally originally how much was it going to be for
the transmission. So what is the justification of the more money?
Speaker 2 (01:27:23):
I don't know. That's why instead, I wanted to talk
to you first before I called up.
Speaker 6 (01:27:29):
Yeah, you know what, and they've had the vehicle three months.
I'm going to make a call to the service manager.
In fact, I'm going to have Suzanne. I'm going to
give you the information. I really want to talk to
the service manager. I haven't dealt with him yet. Andy
knows him very well. Brella says he's a good, honest guy,
and we're going to get through to him that this
is absurd. It turned out to be they they sold
you a bum transmission. Then they chased it for three months.
Now they want more money because what a parent. It
seems like they were inapt.
Speaker 2 (01:28:02):
Now they're saying, we may have to put in another
new PCM. So that's why I think they knocked it
up in their fifteen hundreds.
Speaker 6 (01:28:10):
Well, I don't care about that, because I think your
original PCM was fine because when they changed out the PCM. Okay, listen,
I got Jeff thick up. I got to take this
break hold on man. I want you to stay there, Jeff.
I'm going to come back to you and ask you.
And basically, here's what I'm going to ask Jeff. I mean,
they're saying the service advisor basically told them, we don't
know if it's the ECM, the PCM and something else
some other m and they threw apart at it. And
my understanding back in my day when I had the
Goodyear stores, if I bought a PCM from a dealership
and it was programmed to the event, I own it.
I mean pretty much, I own it. I don't know
how the dealerships work. That could be different. I'm just
curious what I'm curious of this. You put a transmission in,
it doesn't work. You put a PCM in it still
does the same thing. So now why would this guy
have to pay for a PCM period. It doesn't make
sense because ultimately they're telling them it was a bad transmission.
I just don't get it. I want to talk to
Jeff Thick after this, and would a transmission itself make
itself stuck in a gear like fourth gear or first gear?
Remember his original problem stuck in gear? They put in
the rebuild transmission problems stuck in gear. It's crazy.
Speaker 14 (01:29:26):
Go with a sure thing Denver's best roofer Excel Roofing
dot com. You don't pay cent until you're content. Time
for an insurance checkup free, no obligation. In comparison, call
Compass Insurance paying too much your coverage at dozens of
insurance companies find out now three o three seven to
seven to one help. You'll think you're his only customer
when you choose Frank durand the real estate Man dot
com to list your home with Remax Alliance three oh
three nine two zero sixteen twenty two bad.
Speaker 6 (01:29:58):
I'm looking at h these fires. Listen. I do want
to get our insurance expert on Not right now, Kelly,
because we've got other stuff we're cooking, but I want
to get them on next hour for sure, So maybe
line Brian up for a first break. But I'm reading
stuff like they're trying to pass along California or they're
thinking about it now, they're going to force insurance carriers
to do something. I mean, I wonder two things. One
is it possible this is going to be another bailout?
And then the curious part is this would be under Trump?
Is Trump going to bail out California? I mean, I
just don't know the answer to that. I don't know
what a bailout looks like when we have so many
people either no insurance or the insurance companies simply don't
have enough money. So I want to find out if
most of these big companies are reinsured by Lloyd's of London,
how that works, and is there a cap generally.
Speaker 7 (01:30:49):
On those policies.
Speaker 6 (01:30:51):
But I think we're looking at the largest the largest
claims ever in history, in the history of not just
his country, in the history Mark You don't think.
Speaker 15 (01:31:00):
Biden will bail them out or bail the insurance companies
out before, well.
Speaker 7 (01:31:04):
Nothing, there's no time for this.
Speaker 6 (01:31:07):
Absolutely that the way California has killed its resources and
the water issues going in and I think that one
mayor which he killed seventeen million dollars off the budget.
Speaker 7 (01:31:18):
How many months ago was that, doc?
Speaker 10 (01:31:20):
I'm not sure, but I know it was seventeen million.
Speaker 6 (01:31:22):
Seventeen million off the fire department budget within the last what.
Speaker 16 (01:31:26):
Kealteen and a half when it was just let me verify,
I believe.
Speaker 17 (01:31:30):
It was a few months ago.
Speaker 6 (01:31:31):
Okay, now I want to go to Jeff vic. Jeff,
this is just crazy as hell. He drops his vehicle off,
and I know you have. I went down with him
to the dealership months ago. I figured this would be
so done and over, but now here's what ultimately happened.
He's finally ready to pick his vehicle up. They want
forty two hundred bucks or whatever it is. Originally it
was only going to be thirty two. But here's the deal.
He brings in his vehicle and basically they say it's transmission,
and they put a transmission in.
Speaker 7 (01:32:01):
It does not fix it.
Speaker 6 (01:32:03):
But here's here's the difference between his transmission and the
one they put in. His was stuck in fourth gear.
The one they put in was stuck in first gear.
So then they decide it's a computer problem. So they
sell them a PCM, but ultimately it doesn't look like
they did, but I don't know if they did or
not because of the pricing. So the PCM doesn't fix it.
So then they try everything else. It's been there three months,
and then finally, finally they say, oh, it must be
the transmission we put in was bad. So they go
back in and basically put in another transmission. Now they
say it's ready to go. Here's what I'm afraid of,
and tell me tell I want your thoughts, but I
want you here's my fear. One. If they're charging them
for the computer, I think that's absolute BS and I'm
going to try to fight with them there. But I
don't know how you. I don't know how you would
prove it's the old computer, the new computer whatever. But
more importantly, I'm starting to wonder if it was the
PCM only and they put in the transmission and that
was really never the problem, or it was a different
problem that they're not even mentioning. I'm starting to wonder
if he needed a PCM a transmission, I don't know
what the hell he needed. How would we possibly Is
it possible for you to look at it and see
what they actually did to fix it. I know that
sounds insane, but give me your thoughts on all this.
Speaker 26 (01:33:26):
If all those new parts are still hanging on the card,
then there's no way I can backtrack that. And I
can say that, yes, they put in a PCM. I
can say yes they put in a transmission. I can
say that yes they changed the vehicle speed septort, but
without the old parts to compare and to pass, there's
no way for me.
Speaker 19 (01:33:44):
To validate that.
Speaker 6 (01:33:46):
And why do you think it would take a reputable dealer.
I mean, we get very little complaints over deal in
dug Store, but a rap Okia, why do you think
it would take three months to figure this out? They
just the technician was inept, right, I mean, really, what
else could it be?
Speaker 26 (01:34:02):
It could be partially and it could also partially be
because I mean, those parts are not easy to get
your hands on.
Speaker 6 (01:34:08):
Right now, we just no, but they think about it.
They got the parts quick. Once he said okay, I
guess I'll get the PCMs.
Speaker 26 (01:34:14):
On him, then I've been a whole heartedly. No, it's
not taking three months. You know, if he had a
transmission put in there, and then once they put it in,
they had a new problem. Well, logic stands the reason
you go back to the last point of repair and
you know with either that transmission or something wrong with
the installation.
Speaker 6 (01:34:31):
Well, and then let me ask you this, just a
little detective work here. If you're stuck in fourth gear
on your original one, it just like boom happened. It
wouldn't shift, just just like that. And then they put
that in and they're stuck in first gear. To me,
that's the same problem, different gear. But could a computer
cause that? And if it could cause it, I mean why.
But then the other question is could a bad transmission
cause that?
Speaker 26 (01:34:58):
Well, bad transmission definitely could. If there's a problem inside
the transmission, you have the computer senses, it'll go into
limmode and I'd have to check up. Put be fourth gear?
I think it's third gear on the key Is that
at defaults? Basically it shuts off.
Speaker 6 (01:35:11):
All that You can move it.
Speaker 26 (01:35:13):
Yeah, so you can move it. You'll got diverse and
you'll get a single forward gear. You can get it
into a all a repair shop and get it take
a look at and get it taken care of. It
may or may not be a big problem. It could
be a censory, so.
Speaker 6 (01:35:23):
It literally could have been the computer or the transmission itself.
Speaker 26 (01:35:27):
Well, if everything transplanted the way you said it did,
and the final repair was that second transmitter, I gotta say.
Speaker 8 (01:35:34):
It was the transmit.
Speaker 26 (01:35:35):
You know, at very least the second transmission was no good.
Speaker 2 (01:35:38):
Well, so then it's just a problem.
Speaker 6 (01:35:41):
It's basically ironic, if you will, that both times it
was stuck into gear. So you're saying, why would a
brand new or rebuilt transmission be stuck in first gear.
Speaker 26 (01:35:52):
If you have something that's not getting good connections, so
it's not being given a command to shift. The computer
doesn't have enough information in order to schedule that.
Speaker 6 (01:36:00):
See, that's what scares me about this at this point,
because they've had it so long and they've thrown so
many parts at it, and you're telling me, yeah, there's
no way we're going to figure out what literally fixed
it because they're all new parts.
Speaker 26 (01:36:12):
Well, but what do they claim and fixed it?
Speaker 6 (01:36:14):
Well, Craig, what they're claiming fixed it was the last transmission.
Speaker 7 (01:36:18):
I just absolutely, Jeff, call right back, please. I hit
I went over to him and I hit that.
Speaker 6 (01:36:24):
But they're basically, Jeff, I'm sure he's listening on the
radio the last transmission, right, Craig, they're saying it's ready
to go right now.
Speaker 2 (01:36:33):
Yeah, yeah, they replaced transmission.
Speaker 6 (01:36:36):
And you have you looked at the invoice yet? Can
you send me a copy of what they want to pay.
That's what I want. Send me an invoice right now.
Call them up, say you want a copy of the invoice. Okay,
I want to see what they're charging you for. Hold on, Craig,
I'm serious. I don't want to I don't want to
go any further.
Speaker 7 (01:36:54):
With you right now. To you get me that invoice?
Speaker 6 (01:36:56):
Is that Jeff? Let me talk to him. Hey, Jeff,
I got to go to break. But it was the transmission,
so they said the transmission they put in was no good.
Speaker 26 (01:37:04):
Well then, quite frankly, then all he should be charged
for is the transmission of the installation.
Speaker 6 (01:37:09):
Yeah, I'm going to look at I told him to
get the invoice. I want to see what they're charging
him for. The problem is, originally they were going to
charge them thirty two hundred bucks for the rebuild transmission.
Does that sound like a normal price or what to
you on a transmission that total parts in labor?
Speaker 9 (01:37:28):
Speaker 7 (01:37:29):
For that one on a little Kia.
Speaker 6 (01:37:31):
All right, what'd you.
Speaker 12 (01:37:32):
Say, Jeff? I just have a quick question. Is it
possible it could be just the faulties shifting selenoid? I
think the transmits the first transmission is probably okay.
Speaker 26 (01:37:43):
Well that's well, we'll never know because you can't test
a way.
Speaker 6 (01:37:45):
That's my fear, though, Bo is like, we we have
no idea what was really wrong with it, and I
don't have faith in that mechanic at all.
Speaker 12 (01:37:53):
I think it could just be the selenoid just keeping
it in fourth gear. But you're right, it's too I mean.
Speaker 6 (01:37:58):
It's too late that his original transmission, I guarantee has
already been sent somewhere to get rebuilt. Wuldn't you say this?
Speaker 23 (01:38:05):
No matter?
Speaker 6 (01:38:05):
That was two transmissions ago. Tray plus that's two transmissions ago. Okay, yeah,
I mean it's crazy. I want to see that invoice. Greg. Hey, Jeff,
Jeff Vick Kimber transmission. Listen, you need a transmission. Not
only does he have like the best pricing around, but Jeff,
Jeff will give you different options.
Speaker 7 (01:38:22):
He'll tell her to part, they'll tell you what it needs.
Speaker 6 (01:38:25):
He does a lot of work for different municipalities and
all he does is transmissions. I mean, if it's in
there and you need breaks or something, he'll tell you
he can do stuff like that, but really it's a
transmission shot. They rebuild them right there. They're extremely good
at what they do, and their pricing is great. Warranties,
great transmissions Denver dot com three oh three six nine
three fourteen hundred. Any transmission questions three oh three six
nine three fourteen hundred. Rob's got a question on Tabor
after this, and that's about it.
Speaker 14 (01:38:56):
Hold tight, go with a sure thing Denver's best roofer
Excel roofing dot com. You don't pay a cent until
you're content. Time for an insurance check up free, no obligation.
In comparison, call Compass Insurance paying too much your coverage
at dozens of insurance companies find out now three oh
three seven to seven to one.
Speaker 6 (01:39:21):
Speaker 14 (01:39:21):
You'll think you're his only customer when you choose Frank
durand the real estate Man dot com to list your
home with Remax Alliance three oh three nine two zero
sixteen twenty two.
Speaker 6 (01:39:36):
All right, three oh three seven one three A two
five five three zero.
Speaker 7 (01:39:40):
Three Martino, we've got another hour coming up.
Speaker 6 (01:39:44):
We're gonna get Brian Burns up for somebody from Compass insurance.
I've got a lot of questions about these fires and
how the insurance is going to work out. I mean,
I don't even know if the money's going to be
there to cover what happens if everybody pulls out of
the state. I just got so many questions, and I
I was asking people, and I'm being serious. We were
talking back. You know, Reagan was a governor there, Schwarzenegger
was a governor. Now they were Republican. But really I
don't find them. I don't find them like what people
would say far right by any means, when did California
Maybe people that have lived there, Kelly, you lived there,
But I will talk about this next hour with Brian.
But I'm curious why, First of all, why did it
go so far left? When all of a sudden you
had crime out there that they didn't do anything with.
You could steal up to a thousand bucks or something.
Speaker 16 (01:40:36):
Yeah, it went really downhill, very quick, but it was
a slow down.
Speaker 7 (01:40:41):
Hell God, but all.
Speaker 6 (01:40:42):
Of a sudden you wake up, like in the past
couple of years and over COVID, you can't believe what's
going on out there.
Speaker 16 (01:40:48):
Well, and it started really before that with all of
the Democratic rush.
Speaker 7 (01:40:53):
When did you move from there?
Speaker 15 (01:40:56):
Speaker 6 (01:40:57):
Yeah, that's I'm gonna quiz you on that. But hey, Rob,
what is going on? What's your question on Tabor?
Speaker 2 (01:41:04):
Speaker 13 (01:41:04):
Mark, is there going to be a favor refund this year?
Speaker 7 (01:41:07):
I would assume, so I don't remember them getting rid
of it.
Speaker 13 (01:41:12):
I heard some rumors earlier that are good.
Speaker 24 (01:41:17):
Asked governor diverted some of that money away and then
we possibly wouldn't be able to get it.
Speaker 6 (01:41:24):
And I don't know. I haven't heard anything.
Speaker 24 (01:41:26):
And I have one more question.
Speaker 7 (01:41:27):
Well, we can ask one of our accountants. They're going
to know. But I can't imagine we're not going to
get a table refund this.
Speaker 19 (01:41:33):
We're going to try and shuffle it around for the
property taxes.
Speaker 6 (01:41:35):
But I don't think that happened. It didn't pass right, Yeah,
I mean, I'm pretty sure we're going to get a
table refund, but go ahead. What was the other thing?
Speaker 1 (01:41:44):
The other thing is that lovely Lauren Bobert.
Speaker 24 (01:41:47):
This is her third term, so that bitch, just excuse me,
actually going to get a pension for.
Speaker 19 (01:41:52):
The rest of her life after she's out office.
Speaker 6 (01:41:55):
I would assume so just like all of them, just
like everybody in Congress, it voted for Obamacare. They're not
even on Obamacare, but they have health for the rest
of their lives. So yeah, Rob, she is.
Speaker 14 (01:42:20):
Go with a sure thing Denver's best roofer Excel Roofing
dot com.
Speaker 6 (01:42:24):
You don't pay a cent until you're.
Speaker 14 (01:42:26):
Contenth time for an insurance checkup free, no obligation. In comparison,
call Compass Insurance paying too much your coverage at dozens
of insurance companies find out now three O three seven
to seven to one help. You'll think you're his only
customer when you choose Frank durand the real estate Man
dot com to list your home with Remax Alliance three
oh three nine two zero sixteen twenty two.
Speaker 6 (01:42:58):
News need you don't have.
Speaker 7 (01:43:04):
As fast as we can.
Speaker 4 (01:43:07):
Shooter's gonna help coming man.
Speaker 7 (01:43:10):
This is the Troubleshooter Show.
Speaker 6 (01:43:13):
No Tom Martino, all right, welcome to the show, the
only show of It's kaid. We're here to solve problems,
answer questions, take complaints.
Speaker 7 (01:43:25):
We do have open lines.
Speaker 6 (01:43:26):
For the first time anything you've been ripped off taking
advantage of We want to hear from you. We were
talking about all kinds of stuff during the break. You
should always, and I mean really truly join us on YouTube.
It is a show within this show, I think kind
of like Seinfeld. It's kind of a I don't even
know how to put it. We just talk about certain
things that we simply can't talk about over our wonderful airways.
Speaker 7 (01:43:47):
We just can't. Deputy Doc, do you have any updates?
Speaker 6 (01:43:50):
By the way? Three oh three Martino three oh three
seven one three two five five no updates their Deputy Bow,
what do you got cooking anything in the hopper?
Speaker 12 (01:43:58):
I've got four cases, but no positive developments to bring
to air yet.
Speaker 6 (01:44:03):
No positive developments. What are you sitting on your tush?
Speaker 14 (01:44:06):
Speaker 12 (01:44:06):
I want them to turn into positives instead of negative,
So I got to keep working.
Speaker 6 (01:44:10):
At We're gonna have Brian Burns with Compass Insurance on
is a guest here in a little bit. I am
just I'm looking at the devastation of these fires, and
anybody that's looked at the news, I have a feeling
this is really really bad. And what I mean by
that is the largest damage ever period. It's absolutely crazy.
Now the flames are coming up towards like some kind
of communication thing or something. But the reason I want
to have Brian Burns on is I'm trying to figure out, well,
there's going to be a bunch of people that had
no insurance whatsoever. There's no doubt about it. What I
heard one of the people talking about that had no
insurance on the news is the fact of the matter
is their house was bought from their parents or their
grandparents for like one hundred thousand bucks. Now it's worth
you know, three million dollars. They simply couldn't afford insurance
for it. And because it's paid off, there's no mortgage
company you have to appease. So, I mean, there's a
lot of people that have very there's nothing left but
ashes and they have no insurance.
Speaker 10 (01:45:14):
Really sad we but think about the people who who
built houses, let's say ten and twenty years ago and
thirty years ago, didn't have the restrictions on building that
they have now. So if they rebuild, they have to
rebuild all the new crazy California restrictions.
Speaker 6 (01:45:29):
That's true, but a lot of a lot of insurance
if you have insurance basically has you know, code upgrades,
but some doesn't.
Speaker 16 (01:45:37):
Well remember also California also put a cap on insurance.
Speaker 17 (01:45:44):
Not Newsome signed that into law.
Speaker 16 (01:45:45):
What is a cap They basically California place a cap
on insurance.
Speaker 17 (01:45:50):
I'm going to mention that about underinsured Mark.
Speaker 7 (01:45:52):
That's sad too. These people that.
Speaker 15 (01:45:54):
Think they're fully covered and they're going to find out
they're under insured.
Speaker 7 (01:45:57):
A lot like those Boulder folks.
Speaker 6 (01:45:58):
Yeah, ninety five percent of the bolder people Brian Burns
Compass Insurance. Brian, I just want to this isn't our
typical call to you, but you know, after some of
the stuff our president has said, and Trump has said
and other things, actually he is the president as far
as I'm concerned right now, because I don't hear anything
from Biden, you know, just real quick, and I know
there's people cussing me right now, a politics blah blah blah.
I literally watched him fly out there and they were
talking about the devastation and the fires. You know what
Biden said. You can go look it up yourself. It's
right on YouTube. I'm sure CNN, Fox, Everybody's played it.
You know what he said. He said, Now for the
good news, I had a grandson yesterday, great grandson. Think
about that. I mean, what talk about timing. That's like
in a wedding, you know, yelling out, you know, you
know when they say, hey, does anybody in this room?
Speaker 7 (01:46:51):
Blah blah blah. You know you say I slept with
her or something.
Speaker 6 (01:46:54):
I mean, you couldn't. You couldn't come up with the
worst timing from this guy. I think he thought he
was somewhere else. But hey, Brian Burns, I didn't mean
to drag you into that. On the insurance game, I
want to understand some Let's take a company like all State, Safeco,
you know, Mutual, anybody, I don't care who it is.
Do they are they required by law to have reinsurance
or no? In other words, I know, like during nine
to eleven, isn't it true that some of the insured buildings,
the insurance companies simply couldn't come up with the money,
right right yep? So the government bail out.
Speaker 7 (01:47:31):
Yeah, literally, the government ended up bailing them out.
Speaker 6 (01:47:34):
So since then and we had that issue, how does
it work now? What do regulators say to an insurance company?
Do you know?
Speaker 19 (01:47:43):
Okay? So when you are admitted carrier, and you'll hear
those terms thrown around frequently whenever we're talking insurance, there's
admitted and then there's excess. Admitted carriers means they're governed
by the state. There's the insurance commissioner oversees it and
and so there's specific requirements if you're going to insure
in the state and you're admitted, So they have requirements
for reinsurance, but even carriers that are access also have them.
They just might be different amounts of reinsurance that is required.
Speaker 14 (01:48:15):
But the.
Speaker 6 (01:48:17):
Access ones aren't required to have it, but most of
them do.
Speaker 19 (01:48:21):
They are required, but they're not required for the same
regulations of the state because they're not admitted by the state.
They're not they're not covered in other words, as a
blanket over the state. The state does not guarantee anything
out of these out of these insurance companies.
Speaker 6 (01:48:34):
Give me an idea, Give me an idea of a
company that would be one or the other, like what
is all state.
Speaker 19 (01:48:40):
All states admitted, So you're talking Lloyd's of London would
be an excess.
Speaker 7 (01:48:44):
Carriage I basically a reinsure Well, they.
Speaker 19 (01:48:49):
Do have a reinsurance portion to them, but they also
have where they just flat out insure. And there's other
carriers that do the same thing where they're they're non admitted,
but they are they still have reinsurance. I don't know
a company doesn't have reinsurance to it.
Speaker 10 (01:49:04):
So none of these companies are going to go bankrupt
in California.
Speaker 6 (01:49:06):
Brian get Truck may know that.
Speaker 19 (01:49:08):
Well, you know, the one that's the most likely to
have problems is the Fair Plan, the one that's actually
you know, the insurance of last resort there in California,
because I think it's something like sixty percent of the
companies had non renewed or you know, removed themselves from
some of these areas where the fires affected, and so
those people had to go to the Fair Plan, which
is you know, Colorado is getting a version of this too,
by the way, Alcornia's version where it's the insurance of
last resort. So what happens is at least in Colorado,
I can speak to that because it's coming out here.
First part of this year is when it will actually
be available. But I cannot get insurance from anybody. You
have to have you know, declines from all the standard markets,
and then you even have to have to have a
decline from the access market. You can then go to
this Fair Plan and you can get insurance from there.
And what it is is where they get the money
is every admitted carrier in the state is assessed based
on the amount of premium they write. So if State
Farm is forty percent of the insurance in Colorado, they're
having to contribute forty percent of the insurance to this
to this fair plan.
Speaker 7 (01:50:24):
But they also get paid for it when someone uses it.
Speaker 6 (01:50:28):
Well, so.
Speaker 19 (01:50:30):
The amount that they're going to pay into it is
not going to be enough to actually cover what's going
on there. So it's it's basically the way they're getting
the money is the admitted carriers are being assessed based
on it, and then it's obviously the premium that is
generated from this program, and it's not going to be cheap.
But same thing in California where there's coverages only go
up to a certain amount. I know in Colorado the
most it will go up to is seven hundred and
fifty thousand, So, oh my god, go to cost two
million to replace the most they can get if you're
in Colorado. I can't speak to California. The most they
can get is seven hundred and fifty thousand, but I
know that it's similar there. There's a cap how much
the fare plan will offer so.
Speaker 6 (01:51:14):
And a lot of these people that had to go
to there, And I would assume one of the big
one is going to be fire risk, like where I live.
You know, there's certain carriers that won't touch it because
of the woods I live in.
Speaker 19 (01:51:26):
So it's going to mostly be that's kind of the
idea behind it. But it also could be someone that
has had multiple claims that they just can't get insurance elsewhere. Well,
how much more risk?
Speaker 7 (01:51:37):
How much more would that kind of plan be.
Speaker 6 (01:51:40):
I mean if it only caps at seven one hundred
and fifty thousand, I mean that's not much higher than
the median house in Colorado.
Speaker 7 (01:51:48):
Now, I mean it is higher, but not much.
Speaker 19 (01:51:51):
And I don't know because it hasn't come out, I
don't know what their premiums would be. They do make
it seem like the premiums are going to be higher
than what you could find. You know, if if an
insurance company was at one point writing it, it's going
to be higher than that, but worse than that, it's
going to be what's called a DP one, which means
everything is actual cash value, no other option. You cannot
get replacement costs on anything, and it's going to be perils.
There's no liability included, so you're gonna have to go
elsewhere to get liability.
Speaker 6 (01:52:20):
So if your couch burns up and all your furniture
burns up and it's five years old, they're going to
hand you a twenty dollars bill.
Speaker 7 (01:52:27):
Basically, you got it.
Speaker 19 (01:52:28):
No, they're not going to get anything. But it extends
further than just personal property. I'm talking your actual structure. No,
I get it, actual cash value. So yeah, it's it's
not good coverage. And I guarantee you that's what a
lot of these people you unfortunately have. But they're they
even they have reinsurance. But the article I was reading
here today is California's reinsurance was not nearly enough for
the exposure. That's that's you know, in front of them here.
Speaker 7 (01:52:54):
Well, of course Trump made a comment.
Speaker 6 (01:52:57):
Now remember there's a lot of politics in these comments
going back and forth. You know, he blamed everybody out there,
but he made a comment that the insurance companies aren't
gonna have enough money to pay this or he said possibly,
I mean, do you think that's that's very possible?
Speaker 19 (01:53:14):
Well, I mean, what are they estimating now fifty billion dollars.
Speaker 6 (01:53:17):
It was like sixty seventy Okay, yeah, so but that
was yesterday.
Speaker 10 (01:53:23):
Hey, I just looked up the fair plan. It's three
million for residential, twenty million for commercial.
Speaker 6 (01:53:29):
In California they.
Speaker 19 (01:53:31):
Have way more. Yeah, so they have three men. Colorado's
the seven to fifty.
Speaker 10 (01:53:35):
I know that, right, Well there's is three million and
twenty million.
Speaker 6 (01:53:38):
Well, I mean, kat, it's crazy. And then the other thing,
it's going to be like Boulder, right, no matter what
these areas when they start to rebuild, because everything's gone,
lumber's going to be crazy.
Speaker 7 (01:53:50):
Everything's going to be crazy.
Speaker 19 (01:53:52):
Yeah, the cost to rebuild is going to skyrocket. And
like you said, exactly what happened in Boulder, where you
could not get a contractor to build a house there
for under three hundred and twenty dollars a square foot.
And so we started calling all our customers with rem
holls that didn't have extended replacement costs or very little
and just you know, we're telling them, hey, we need
to increase this dwelling limit. And it is a shocking
number when you start looking at that, but you know,
you realize that when there's a lots like this, the
cost is just way way higher.
Speaker 6 (01:54:23):
Well, and then what do you think ultimately is going
to happen to all the people? There's a ton of
people that don't have insurance because either they can't afford
it and their mortgage company doesn't force them to do
it for whatever reason. One of the big ones I
heard I heard a lady on TV going, my great
grandparents bought this house for whatever, fifty thousand dollars or
my grandparents for one hundred, and now it's worth three million.
We simply can't afford insurance on it. So she had
no insurance, sure, And so what happens there? I mean,
do you see a government government assistance or loans coming in?
Speaker 7 (01:54:56):
And even if those loans.
Speaker 6 (01:54:57):
Do come in, I mean, what what exactly does that mean,
even if you don't have to qualify for it? I mean,
how much are they going to give somebody to rebuild
in Malibu?
Speaker 3 (01:55:09):
I know?
Speaker 19 (01:55:09):
Well, and you know it's on a much smaller scale.
Is the only I have, you know, my you know,
I'm drawing any kind of conclusions from his boulder. And
they they did put some requirements on the insurance companies
of you know, allowing longer time for loss of use.
So while they were trying to rebuild or trying to
get people to rebuild, even if a policy only had
twelve months of loss of use, they were requiring twenty
four months. So I do know the government will will
put requirements on these insurance companies. But if they don't
have insurance at all, yeah, I have no idea.
Speaker 6 (01:55:45):
Now, wait a second, so I never understood what you
just said your last paragraphs there. So if if something
like these fires and my insurance policy says it's twelve
months to rebuild, we know there's no way two three
four thousand residents are going to be rebuilt in a year.
You're saying the government can force them, the state of
California or the FEDS can force them to pay for
another year, another two years.
Speaker 19 (01:56:15):
Colorado sure did. Colorado did, even though it wasn't in
the policy that they even have had a policy of
twelve months for loss of use, it would require twenty
four months.
Speaker 6 (01:56:25):
Yeah. But when they do something like that, I mean,
can the insurance companies fight that. I didn't realize the
state had the power. I mean, why don't they have
the power to say okay, instead of paying the insured
value of five hundred thousand, the rebuild price is nine
hundred thousand. Why not force them to do that too, right.
Speaker 19 (01:56:45):
Yeah, at what point are their hands tied? I don't know,
but I can tell you that they did do that.
And even the article I was reading earlier about the
fair Plan and you know about it, the possible exhaustion
of coverage there, one of the last things was and
that the California very well might uh you know, force
insurance companies to put to put in more money into this.
So they obviously have the ability or maybe it's hey,
if you want to insure in our state, you have
to do this. I don't know that part. I'm just skepping,
you know. I have no idea what exactly the power
is they have, but they do have power to get
insurance companies to do things.
Speaker 6 (01:57:22):
Man, that's crazy. But then what happens then they pull
out right.
Speaker 19 (01:57:27):
Or you see them, it's they're already talking about what
it's going to do to their rates there. So California
or and even Colorado, you have to whenever you're trying
to raise rates in the state of an insurance company
is trying to raise rates, they have to get approval
if they are admitted.
Speaker 6 (01:57:41):
Hold on, Brian, I'm getting yelled ATPI dragon. Let me
take a break. I'm hoping he can hold there. Three
zero three seven one three eight two five five. I'm
fascinated by this.
Speaker 14 (01:57:55):
Go with a sure thing Denver's Best roofer Excel Roofing
dot com.
Speaker 6 (01:57:59):
You don't pass until you're contenth.
Speaker 14 (01:58:04):
Time for an insurance check up free, no obligation comparison
call Compass Insurance paying too much your coverage at dozens
of insurance companies find out now three oh three seven
to seven to one help. You'll think you're his only
customer when you choose Frank durand the real estate Man
dot com to list your home with Remax Alliance three
oh three nine two zero sixteen twenty.
Speaker 21 (01:58:24):
Two three oh three seven one three eight two five
to five.
Speaker 7 (01:58:42):
Couple lines open. I'm fascinated.
Speaker 6 (01:58:44):
I want to continue, though, real quick, with Brian Burn's
Compass Insurance. We've been talking about insurance in these fires
and reinsurance. So Brian in Colorado, let's forget about California
for a second. In Colorado because of all the hail
disasters and was last year was twenty twenty four A
big one.
Speaker 19 (01:59:03):
Yes, or was a terrible year for all losses.
Speaker 6 (01:59:07):
How much did the insurance companies lose in Colorado? Do
you know that number or.
Speaker 19 (01:59:12):
RUL look up? Well, I just know the care that
I work with. I'm seeing you know, you know running
to twenty, which means for every dollar collected, you paid
out two dollars and twenty cents.
Speaker 6 (01:59:25):
Oh my god.
Speaker 7 (01:59:26):
So they're literally losing more than twice.
Speaker 19 (01:59:30):
Yes, there are some of the carriers that did. And
that's why you saw such a such an incredible, terrible
but incredible response cheers from insurance companies. Where we literally
had companies that just said no new business. They wouldn't
write anything new. And so you know, people are coming
and looking for quotes and because their rates are going up,
and you look around the market and it's hard. It
was hard to find insurance companies that were offering terms.
Speaker 6 (01:59:57):
And that's the reason Colorado is putting this this new
you know, desperate plan together for people that can't get coverage.
Speaker 10 (02:00:04):
Hey, Brian, what percentage of people who got that houses
burned down a bould to rebuild?
Speaker 19 (02:00:13):
Well, so we lost the customers that we write for.
We had about twelve people lose homes in the Boulder fire. Thankfully,
eight or nine of them, and I'm sorry, I don't
remember how many exactly, but it was eight or nine
of them were home insurance policies that either had uncapped
replacement cost or fifty percent or more of extended coverage,
and so they all rebuilt. We had, you know, a
handful of rental homes where the most you could get
is twenty five percent extended replacement cost, and I know
that a couple of those never rebuilt because it was
just not enough coverage.
Speaker 7 (02:00:52):
So in Colorado they had all these losses.
Speaker 6 (02:00:55):
I mean, if I'm running any business, if I'm running
like my Goodyear stores, I couldn't survive period if for
every dollar or every sale I had, I was paying
out two dollars and twenty cents. I mean, it would
be insane to run that business. So I assume some
of these carriers are pulling out. I mean, what are
the options a carrier has. They have to go to
the state you were saying, and basically they've got to
ask for a rate increase.
Speaker 19 (02:01:19):
Yes, or coverage changes. So that's why you saw. The
immediate response was, hey, we are just not writing business
because you have to get approval, you have to go
through the process which takes time to be able to
get things changed on the policy going forward. And so
their response was just no new business, We're not writing
anything new. And then they started working on trying to
get changes made to the policies.
Speaker 6 (02:01:43):
So people there so like, who in Colorado's not Who
in Colorado is not writing that that you don't deal
with anymore for new business.
Speaker 19 (02:01:52):
Well, everybody is coming back into the market now, but
there was a period of time where nationwide didn't write
any new business. Travelers limited greatly the amount of business.
So did Safego limited all of them limited, you know
the ones the only one that I can think of.
It continued on with a company called Auto Owners. They
just continued to write business. And you know, their policy
was already set to where they had a hire Windhill deductible,
so they felt they were in a good place to
be able to continue to write business.
Speaker 6 (02:02:27):
Yeah, it's really crazy. If you take a coverage in
this state, and a lot of people know what I'm
talking about, but you go back, you know, ten fifteen
years if you had a hell claim, I mean, you'd
pay your thousand bucks and you'd get a brand new roof. Now,
most policies like my own policy right now, I mean
I spent a lot of money on a good roof,
helproof roof with you know, one of our referral list members, Excel.
But you know, my my deductible now is like what
is it? Two percent? I mean you should know, but
it's like two percent of my It's huge.
Speaker 19 (02:03:01):
Yeah, it's And I went the routes of having a
really high deductible as well, just because and that's what
people are seeing when they're seeing the renewals. Now, yeah,
the rate should stabilize a bit. I really believe that
because the biggest problem in Colorado is not the fires.
Now that's you know that is an issue. Now it's hale,
but it's hal by a landslide. It's hale. By the way,
you have a one percent deductible just look.
Speaker 6 (02:03:26):
Yeah, it's crazy because it happens all the time. Now
it's not like total loss like fires, which are much
bigger claims. But man, I mean these hailstorms will hit
and you know, hit half of Aurora, half a Denver,
all of Douglas County. I mean, it's just crazy. I
remember when Colorado Springs had one of the biggest hailstorms
in the freaking country.
Speaker 13 (02:03:46):
Speaker 19 (02:03:47):
Yeah, and they're just it's so much money. It goes
out to fix all this hail and you're you're thinking
of just the just the homes, but there's not a
car is getting hit too. Oh this is but I'm
saying all the hail, damn much to cars? Is you know,
it's spikes as well through the summer.
Speaker 6 (02:04:03):
So so in California, let me circle back to this.
So in California with the fires, my assumption would be
a lot of these people I look at it two ways.
One because everything's burnt down in these areas and other
insurance companies had to handle it, or even if you
were one that is paying out to big dollars. I mean,
the risk of a fire here again is next to
nothing because everything's burned. So what do you think is
going to happen? Do you think you're going to pull out?
Do you think like State Farm, all State? What? What?
Speaker 7 (02:04:33):
What's your crystal ball?
Speaker 2 (02:04:35):
Speaker 19 (02:04:35):
State Farm did pull out. They were out of California.
If you remember it was last year or maybe even
a year and a half ago something like that, where
they were wanting out all together, out of California because
they were they have a you know, a specific company
writing company there in California that was near bankruptcy because
I lost so much money, so they started pulling out
of the state. So I was just reading here it
says that sixth that fair plan I was mentioning. Yeah,
from other insurance companies pulling out. It was up sixty
one percent as of September last year, that four hundred
and fifty eight billion from just a year earlier.
Speaker 7 (02:05:17):
So it's amazing.
Speaker 10 (02:05:18):
Can I ask another question, Brian, all these people that
abandoned their cars and the cars got bulldoze back in question,
if they have comprehensive would that be covered or because
they abandoned it, would that negate the policy.
Speaker 7 (02:05:34):
Or would anything along those lines negated?
Speaker 19 (02:05:37):
Yeah, no, there's nothing that would as far as from running,
you know, trying to save their lives, Yeah, of course
that would not That would not cause their policies not there.
Speaker 6 (02:05:46):
You know what's funny though, Doc, think of how many
of those people had no that they didn't have comprehensive
just liability.
Speaker 10 (02:05:53):
I think most of the people in that area in Malibu. Yeah, great, comprehensive.
Speaker 6 (02:05:57):
Did you see those videos? Know, the bulldozer going down
the streets so the fire trucks could get through.
Speaker 19 (02:06:03):
Yeah, I mean it looked like it would be a
collision claim. By the way, it wouldn't be a comprehensive
that would be collision. Yeah, the fire would be comprehensive,
but something bulldozing through it would be a collision.
Speaker 6 (02:06:13):
That's crazy. Hey, Brian, I really appreciate you coming on
and for everybody out there, you know, there's a reason
we do advertising.
Speaker 7 (02:06:23):
Oh, he knows his stuff.
Speaker 6 (02:06:24):
Not only that. If you use Compass insurance, they're going
to shop every year find the right cover. It's more
importantly make sure you have the proper coverage so your
dwelling's covered. Maybe you need garage keepers for a shop,
maybe even workman's comp If you're sick at paying Pinnacle,
these guys can look around. If there's a better option,
they're going to tell you a commercial residential. They're great
people and unlike most agents, honestly, they're going to help
you with the claim. If you do have a claim
and you're fighting with them, they're going to get involved
and make some calls. Three oh three nine ninety six
nine thousand three zero three nine nine six nine thousand.
Don I promise I'll come to you right after this.
You have two lines open three zero three Martino, three
oh three Martino.
Speaker 14 (02:07:09):
Go with a sure thing Denver's best roofer Excel Roofing
dot com.
Speaker 6 (02:07:13):
You don't pay a cent until you're content.
Speaker 14 (02:07:18):
Time for an insurance check up free, no obligation comparison
call Compass Insurance paying too much your coverage at dozens
of insurance companies find out now three oh three seven
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when you choose Frank durand the real estate Man dot
com to list your home with Remax Alliance three oh
three nine two zero sixteen twenty two. All right, three
oh three seven one three eight two five five.
Speaker 6 (02:07:48):
By the way, I want to tell you something that
Tom did. It's kind of remarkable. He created uh basically, well,
he created Wave eight.
Speaker 7 (02:07:58):
And what Wave eight douse more than anything.
Speaker 6 (02:08:02):
Is help you grow wealth. You know a lot of
these people out there, are these so called financial advisors.
Quite honestly, they're not financial advisors. And I'm not kidding.
You can even ask yours. What they generally do is
just place or buy the products through somewhere else, somebody
else and take a commission. I mean, that's exactly what
they do, and basically that's your money. You could have
went direct to the source and do it. So Tom
got sick and tired of that. He's a very wealthy man,
and he got sick and tired of dealing with people
that are basically passed throughs.
Speaker 7 (02:08:32):
So he created his own financial advisor firm, and he's
basically changing the way people deal with financial advisors. I mean,
now you're going direct. And he's assembled a team, He's
gone through, of course, all the classes and jump through
all the hoops. He's been building Wave eight for years
and years now and he's one hundred percent committed to
helping others grow their personal wealth, their retirement and everything.
You just can't go.
Speaker 6 (02:09:00):
You give them, You give them a call, you talk
to them. The phone number is easy, but it's Wave eighth,
Wave eight Wealth Management. The website, go check out right
now invest with Martino dot com and it's great, man,
their returns have been great. You can learn a lot
from the website. Or if you want to sit down
and really talk to someone that cares about you growing
your wealth, I want you to do it three oh
three seven seven to one. Help.
Speaker 7 (02:09:24):
It's pretty easy. Number three O three.
Speaker 6 (02:09:26):
Seven seven to one help. Now someone's got to comment
on these fires. Here man, am I running behind today?
Three O three seven one three eight two five five.
Don't forget tomorrow's car day. And also, don't forget help
at troubleshooter dot com. You got any issues, you email
us Sarah. We're gonna reach out and try to help you.
Help at troubleshooter dot com or don't forget referrals dot
com a list of some of the best. You want
to check out some of the biggest scumbags around, go
to Sleeze Brigade dot com. Now, don what's going on
with you? What's your comment?
Speaker 22 (02:10:00):
Well, I wanted to talk about the h the rebuilding
of LA and I grew up in San Diego. I
built a house before I left, and that was back
in ninety two and it took about a year to
get by everything through the building department. I can't even
imagine what it's gonna take these people, the thousands of homes.
I mean, we're talking what happened in the Marshall Partners.
We're talking like ten twenty four.
Speaker 6 (02:10:35):
Oh I know in this and and not only that, man,
the value, the value is so much higher too.
Speaker 22 (02:10:43):
Speaker 2 (02:10:44):
Yeah, but this is.
Speaker 22 (02:10:45):
I mean, this is like, this is like Boulder. All
of California is like Bulders. So with these what they're
gonna do to these people, They're gonna make them all
do one hundred percent renewable energy houses, gonna put all
these restrictions on all these houses to make it, you know, the.
Speaker 6 (02:11:06):
Climate, make a green baby.
Speaker 2 (02:11:09):
Speaker 22 (02:11:09):
And I'll tell you what, this might be the best
thing that could have happened to California because when these
people go through all this, they're going to realize how
bad this green new giald really is.
Speaker 2 (02:11:25):
Speaker 6 (02:11:26):
Now, you know what's funny about that?
Speaker 2 (02:11:27):
Speaker 6 (02:11:28):
Is Kelly right there? Kelly? Yes, he's saying what I
was alluding to. The reason I'm talking to Kelly don
is because you know, basically, she grew up there. That's
her that's her home, that's her home state, man, And
she says, no matter what, those people aren't going to change,
they're still going to vote for the Liberals. I mean,
that was what you were saying, right, Kelly, Even if
they're house burned down and they're all screwed. You think
they're gonna stay and they're still gonna be the same way.
Speaker 2 (02:11:54):
You know.
Speaker 16 (02:11:54):
I mean, I would love to say I have faith,
but just in seeing what I've seen over the last
thirty years, it doesn't look good because of the northern
part of the state and the southern part of the
state basically drive the politics.
Speaker 6 (02:12:15):
So don you but you really think these people that
were affected, and let's face it, everybody in la is
going to be affected because the price of insurance, if
you could even afford it, now you might not be
able to afford anymore. But you really think these people
are going to learn their lesson and get out of there.
Speaker 22 (02:12:32):
I think it's gonna take. I think it's gonna take
some time, right.
Speaker 7 (02:12:39):
You know what though the state hold on one second,
I do.
Speaker 6 (02:12:41):
You made me think of something I said forever, even
in sixteen then of course, uh in twenty four I said,
Trump's going to win this thing. This pendulum, this pendulum
of a country has swung so far left it has
to come back. I mean, we are a living, breathing
nation that moves on every breath. And I do agree
with you, now, don that I think about this. I
think California will eventually get back to the middle, if
not swing right.
Speaker 22 (02:13:11):
Well it did, it did swing a little right this relection.
Speaker 6 (02:13:17):
Yeah it did.
Speaker 22 (02:13:19):
You know, when when happens like this, I mean, the
amount of people that is affects directly, is it near
the amount of people that's going to affect.
Speaker 6 (02:13:33):
Yeah, of course. And the other thing is all the
leading going on right now there. It's it's crazy. And
up until recently you could basically steal under a thousand
bucks and they wouldn't even you know, they wouldn't even
blink in California. I mean, I don't even think they
smacked your wrist.
Speaker 22 (02:13:50):
I think this is gonna take It is so far
as what taking four years to get about seventy five
percent of the Marshall fire homes back.
Speaker 6 (02:14:00):
Yep, this is going to take oh years, it.
Speaker 22 (02:14:03):
Should say fifteen to twenty years.
Speaker 6 (02:14:06):
All right, man, don I do appreciate it. I'm up
against the clock. That was a good comment. Three O
three seven one three will be right back.