All Episodes

December 11, 2024 135 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Yea ripped up, so you don't have.

Speaker 2 (00:12):
Come running.

Speaker 3 (00:13):
Just as fast as we can show Shooter's gonna help coming.

Speaker 4 (00:19):

Speaker 5 (00:20):
This is the Troubleshooter Show. No Tom Martinez, Welcome.

Speaker 6 (00:25):
Welcome my friends to the only show if it's kind
of here to solve problems, answer questions, take complaints. Our
golden life is to make your life, and I mean that,
make your life just a little bit better. It's a
very simple show. And when I say that, I mean this.
If you've been ripped off, if some contractors showed up,
took your money, decided not to show up, or did
at lousy job, this show's for you. Maybe some landlord

out there is trying to put the screws to you,
and the furnace isn't working. Maybe a dentist is doing
the wrong thing in your mouth. You get the idea.
If there's a problem, you call the show. The phone
is so simple. Three zero three Martino. We have lines
open right now, three oh three Martino or three oh
three seven one three eight, two five five, And don't
forget help. At troubleshooter dot com. You can reach out anytime.

We're gonna get back to here. We're gonna fight for you.
In fact, to the tune of over three hundred million dollars.
Do you just care what I said? Three hundred million
dollars in cash, merchandise, exchanges, refunds, services directly due to
the show, the longest running show in the country with
the same host over forty five years. We are here

to help. Now I have to open up with these
crazy drones flying around New Jersey. I would love to
know if anybody knows what there are. I'm down to
two different things. One I ran, but I doubt that.
That seems a little hard. Do you realize you're the
size of volkswagons and SUVs. That's a big ass drone,

big ass drone. I don't even know what they fly on.
I heard one report saying they could be as large
as buses. That seems a little crazy, I think, though.
I think it's our own government. No, I don't think
like they're trying to kill Trump again or anything like that. Yeah,
I said again, I don't think that's the case. Hold on, doctor,

I think the case is their new weapons, their new
weapons were testing. Because they're claiming the FBI, the CIA,
no one knows nothing. I know nothing. I find that
almost impossible to believe that there's things flying around the
size of a Hondai Santa Fe and no one knows
what they are. Doco, Please, no, I'm.

Speaker 7 (02:38):
Agreeing with you, because if it wasn't the government, they
would send up a helicopter or some two or something.

Speaker 6 (02:44):
Or a rocket.

Speaker 8 (02:45):
Well no, A good no, I don't.

Speaker 7 (02:47):
Think they would shoot them down, but they would suddenly
send up how long of aircraft?

Speaker 6 (02:51):
How long ago? How long ago was it when China
had some air balloon flying over take pictures of military
bases over the entire country and we had no idea.
That is one reason that I do think it could
be a different country, because the people in charge right
now are morons. I mean, how that balloon flew from

one side of the country to the other and then
we finally shot it down. I have no idea, doc
I find it crazy.

Speaker 7 (03:19):
No, That's why I agree with you about the government,
because if it wasn't, they would send something up to
identify it.

Speaker 6 (03:25):
Now, the other thing I want to bring up, and
I want to pull everybody in here. In fact, Barry
Miller's with us that stir a turn key and we're
going to get into what they do and how you
can invest in property with little knowledge whatsoever and in
a safe way. But we're going to get into that
throughout the show. But this guy that shot the CEO man,

he is getting a lot of publicity that's pretty much amazing.
A lot of people are against the health insurance companies.
I talked about this yesterday. I am I think Obama
and our health insurance. I think the insurance company themselves
are pretty much evil to a degree. I'm not saying
all of them. I have Kaiser. Kaiser's okay. I mean

they're okay. But the publicity this guy's getting is crazy.
And his parents are super rich. He finally got an attorney.
He's fighting extradition. That means he's going to be in
Pennsylvania for at least thirty forty five days before he
goes back. And I wonder who's going to try this case.
Could be that moron who's the moron that you know? No,

the Alvin Alan Bragg isn't going to be Bragg because
we already know he sucks. I mean, really, he's a
horrible person. This guy allows police out there to get
kicked in the face, He allows cops to get beat up.
He allows immigrants to run wild. He allows more stuff
than I've ever seen. But then of course he goes
after Trump, which is absolutely insane, and he continues to

do so even though the country has chosen and now
Trump's the president elect. I wonder if he's going to
be the one on this case. I'd find it hard
to believe if he was, because honestly, I don't think
the guys very smart whatsoever. But what do you make
of the barry? Do you sit back and do you go?
You know what? I can kind of see where this

guy's coming from. Apparently he had a back surgery that
didn't go good. And this is all hearsay, but there's
definitely photos out there what appear to be him, and
he had some kind of back surgery and he's in pain.
He dropped off the radar six months ago. His parents,
I think his mother about a month ago, put out
a missing person on him. I mean, something went wrong.

I'd love to talk to a psychologist or a psychiatrist,
because my understanding is, you know, you have some trauma
like that and you're in your mid twenties. I think
that's when schizophrenia shows up. I think that's one of
the things that can happen in your twenties. You're fine
and then something happens and you go bonkers. I mean,
I think this guy, I really believe, and I don't

mean criminally insane to where he's not going to be tried.
But I do believe that this cat is very possibly
nuts nuts, not criminally nuts, but nuts.

Speaker 8 (06:14):
Medically nuts, bipolar, psycho schizophrenic.

Speaker 6 (06:18):
I think I think he believes his goal in life
now is to shed light on a horrible system that
screwed him over. I think he's probably almost like a
god syndrome.

Speaker 8 (06:29):
Now, it's very, very possible. And then you know, now
this is a little lighthearted, but his six pack went
away when his back problems came. If that caused him trauma, yeah,
then you gets schizo and bipolar kicks in, and then
they have beliefs that they are And I'm.

Speaker 6 (06:45):
Pretty sure it's that age range, that twenty to thirty
years old a lot where it can kick in.

Speaker 9 (06:50):
I just think someone radicalized him. And I don't know
if the back surgery. And his parents are felthy rich.
They own a string of nursing homes. They actually own
a couple of radio stations. I think of United Healthcare,
didn't kicking deductible whatever.

Speaker 10 (07:03):
I'm sure his parents wrote the check.

Speaker 6 (07:05):
So you think he got radicalized by whom? I don't know.

Speaker 9 (07:09):
I mean, I think he was perfectly fine up till
about six months ago. And I think, I don't know
if it's a mental thing. I think someone just kind
of got into his head.

Speaker 6 (07:17):
I don't know how that would happen. How do you
go from valedictorian in a private school, in fact, not
just a private school. It's Ivy League. Wasn't it Pennsylvania University,
but whatever, it's Ivy League. And he's the smartest kid
in the class, in everybody exactly in every of course,

this always happens. Every neighbor, every roommate, every other student
comes out and goes, it's not nicest guy.

Speaker 10 (07:46):
Yeah, they're shocked about it.

Speaker 6 (07:47):
Well, so that's why I think he went nuts. Two degrees.

Speaker 11 (07:50):
Remember that he's got a computer science degree and an
engineering degree.

Speaker 6 (07:55):
Think of how smart you are at that age to
be valedictorian and so your top of the class, and
on top of that two degrees, and then on top
of that filthy rich. Then to go out and ruin
a life that most people would probably kill for more.

Speaker 8 (08:13):
Things that will come out that have happened to him.
If it's a mental trauma, when that schizzo and or
bipolar kicks in, it's himself who radicalizes himself. But he
doesn't know.

Speaker 6 (08:23):
It's no, he doesn't know because he's nuts, because he's
medically nuts. Yeah, he had at one point he had
a life path chosen. He had the education to go
where he was attempting to go, and something completely changed it.
I don't think he was radicalized by anybody else. I
kind of like yours idea.

Speaker 8 (08:42):
Well, I'm very familiar with bipolar. It's in our family
and traumatic events cause boop disconnects.

Speaker 6 (08:49):
It's crazy, all right, folks. Three oh three seven one
three a two five five. Of course, we would always
love to hear from you. We got lines open right now.
Three zero three seven one three eight two five Five'll
be back right after this.

Speaker 12 (09:01):
He's go with a sure thing Denver's Best Roofer Excel
roofing dot com.

Speaker 1 (09:10):
You don't pay a.

Speaker 13 (09:10):
Cent until you're contenth.

Speaker 12 (09:15):
Time for an insurance check up, free no obligation comparison
call Compass insurance paying too much your coverage at dozens
of insurance companies find out now three oh three seven
seven to one.

Speaker 6 (09:25):

Speaker 12 (09:26):
You'll think you're his only customer when you choose Frank
durand the real estate Man dot com to list your
home with Remax Alliance three oh three nine two zero
sixteen twenty two.

Speaker 6 (09:36):
All right, folks, three oh three seven one three eight
two five five, you've been ripped off? You got any
questions we want to hear from you? Three oh three
seven one three eight two five five. By the way,
this hour brought to you by renew Home Innovations. Nick
and the gang are great people. Right now they have
a deal going on. It's crazy limited time. You know,
this is a slower time in a year for remodels,

but fifty percent off install labor, seventy two months, no
interest financing. You're not gonna believe that, I mean really
no interest right now. That is a brand new shower
or a brand new bathroom for one hundred dollars a month.
You got to check these guys out. Renew Home Innovations
dot com. That's renew Home Innovations dot com. I do

want to ask about a few things with Estera, So Barry,
I am very straightforward with questions. So I hope you
don't care. That's just how I think.

Speaker 8 (10:31):
The way it is. Straightforward answers sometimes work too.

Speaker 6 (10:34):
So my understanding is this, if someone well, it doesn't
really matter if you are a current landlord or if
you do own current property. Where your specialty comes in
is you guys go around the country and I say,
you guys, who is you?

Speaker 8 (10:48):
Guys? You and who research team? I just call them
a research sewing is your people.

Speaker 6 (10:53):
Okay, they go around and they look for undervalued homes.
Now do they look for under vent No?

Speaker 1 (11:00):

Speaker 6 (11:00):
No, okay, then what is it?

Speaker 8 (11:01):
No, we study the entire country. We have sixty we
call them points of calculus where we study local economies
of metro areas. They have to be larger than four
hundred thousand. This is about two hundred and fifty.

Speaker 6 (11:17):
So you're not looking for a particular property. You're looking
for an area.

Speaker 8 (11:22):
An economy to invest in the economy that's going to
be strong for three years. Then we dive down in microscopic.

Speaker 6 (11:30):
If we can't give me a base point, you're looking
at that like in other words, you're looking Okay, I'm
just totally making stuff up here. For example, Brooklyn, New York.
And the only reason I bring that up. At one
point Amazon was going to move a huge facility in there.
Of course, the Democrats screw that up for their own people,
but the bottom line was it was going to have
this huge change that could change the economy for a

foreseeable future. Or SpaceX just left California went to Texas,
that creates its own economy out there, you're looking for
something like that. No, no, my god man, what are
you looking for.

Speaker 8 (12:06):
That's too high a price and too high a risk. Okay,
we're looking for what's the median price of a single
family home in the United States that over half the
people in our country can afford four hundred thousand or less.

Speaker 6 (12:19):
So you're not looking in Denver. You just acknowledge that.

Speaker 8 (12:22):
We're not looking in front Range. Colorado here or Colorado
Springs was a hot spot at price itself out one
was hit a hotspot. It was a hot spot from
twenty eighteen until in our category. Yeah, our secret category
when it kicked out was twenty twenty two. And why
why was the prices went up too high? You could

not get positive cash flowing in year one and it.

Speaker 6 (12:45):
Has flattened out. I've got a realtor friend up there,
Stephanie Thomas. I mean the springs has flattened out. Yeah,
so you're right. It was at a bottom and then
it went up. It went way up. But when you're investing,
what do you want a little return, a return or
a high return. Well everybody wants a high rechiar have it.

Speaker 8 (13:04):
For everybody at all times. Because we're constantly researching, it
ends up.

Speaker 6 (13:09):
Okay, So you find a place like this, I promise Mark,
I'll get to your call in a second. We do
have a couple of lines open three oh three seven, one,
three eight, two five five. Any any questions to bury too,
please feel free. So you go out, you find these hotspots.
The economy, a good economy somewhere in the country could
be anywhere.

Speaker 8 (13:27):
Yeah, anywhere that has the right price and the right condition.

Speaker 6 (13:30):
For four hundred thousand people, you said, yep.

Speaker 8 (13:33):
And a strong economy and a strong real A strong
economy means people are moving their jobs. Yeah, okay, come
to mind. And the appreciation is the highest in the
country and the safest.

Speaker 6 (13:47):
So find you find this. So you find the area.
The next thing I assume you're looking for is the property.

Speaker 8 (13:54):
I mean, we find the right people to help us locally,
walk the streets, find the right neighbors.

Speaker 6 (14:01):
Who were the right people?

Speaker 1 (14:02):

Speaker 6 (14:02):
Who do you reach out to? Are they reeltors? For example?

Speaker 8 (14:05):
Buyer brokers? I started buyer broker in the whole country.
I have two large buyer broker networks. We go in
those networks and find the right ones that will find
the right properties and work for the buyers. We send them.

Speaker 6 (14:17):
Okay, hold on a second, here, Mark, what is going
on with your roof?

Speaker 2 (14:21):

Speaker 14 (14:24):
Oh hello, sir uh am, I live on the radio.

Speaker 6 (14:27):
You are live on the air, Mark, Mark with a k.
What's going on?

Speaker 14 (14:32):
Oh my gosh, I really didn't expect that.

Speaker 6 (14:35):
Well, you're definitely on the air. I mean, do you
want me to put you on holder? Do you want help?

Speaker 14 (14:44):
I'm dealing with a roofing contractor and had a problem
with my patio roof where Tara is dripping through it.

Speaker 15 (14:51):
Oh my god, they're going yeah, And I called them
because I thought i'd call the contractor that did it
the first time, and they.

Speaker 6 (15:06):
Came and Mark, when did they let me let me
kind of help you through some of the basics. When
did they do this? Project.

Speaker 16 (15:13):
Gosh, if I.

Speaker 14 (15:14):
Knew I was going to be on the radio, I
would have taken some notes.

Speaker 6 (15:17):
Yeah. Don't worry about it, man, Honest to God, don't
worry about it. When did this project go down? When
did they do the roof?

Speaker 14 (15:23):
About a year and a half ago, okay.

Speaker 6 (15:25):
And then when did the problem first show itself? When
did you start seeing things drip through or any issues
at all.

Speaker 14 (15:32):
It would have been around May or June.

Speaker 6 (15:37):
So you're talking what five six months? Then you start
seeing problems.

Speaker 14 (15:42):
Yeah, because over the winter the tar didn't drip, you
know what I mean? Yeah, because it was cold.

Speaker 6 (15:49):
Yeah, and then as it got hot. It's almost like
they they didn't use the proper material or the proper adhesion.
I mean, if you had to guess what's going on,
or if you know what's going on, what is going
on with the roof, there.

Speaker 14 (16:02):
Should have been something under the actual roof what they
put on. I'm sorry, I'm a little nervous.

Speaker 6 (16:10):
No, you're fine. So basically you're saying they didn't use
an underlayment and then put the tar down so down
when it heats up, it's dripping through.

Speaker 2 (16:19):

Speaker 14 (16:19):
And this is the second time they did it, and
I called them after the first problem because they did
my roof years ago, and I thought I'd call the
people that did it and give.

Speaker 6 (16:27):
Them an up er. Hey, Mark, what kind of warranty
when you had this work done? Did they give you
like a five year parts and labor? Do you know?

Speaker 14 (16:35):
I think they told me two years? And then of
course the manufacturer warranty. So they're pursuing a warranty through
the manufacturer of the product that was used.

Speaker 6 (16:46):
Okay, but it sounds like but.

Speaker 14 (16:48):
It's just been a long it's been a long process.

Speaker 6 (16:50):
Yeah, I got you, But hold on, Mark, from what
you described, it doesn't sound like a material problem. It
seems more like an installation issue. Would you agree with that?

Speaker 14 (17:01):
That's what it seems like.

Speaker 6 (17:02):
Okay, So where are they at right now? They're trying
what manufacturer is it? Is it Monarch? Who is it?
It's polyglass, so and so they're working with this manufacturer
to try to get reimbursement to redo the whole project.
Right now, what are they if I talk to them?
What are they trying to do?

Speaker 14 (17:23):
They did get reimbursement for the project, but when they
went to redo it, the wood down under it was
all the tar had soaked. True of all, the wood
has to be replaced. So now we're waiting for the
manufacturer to actually pay for the wood replacement.

Speaker 6 (17:44):
How much is this going to be through?

Speaker 16 (17:46):
That will be okay?

Speaker 14 (17:47):
You know, I didn't even look at the quote. I
guess this quote was sent in because I didn't want
to look at it because I felt like it shouldn't
be on me.

Speaker 16 (17:55):

Speaker 6 (17:55):
I don't think it should be on you either. Hey,
what's the name of the roofer?

Speaker 14 (18:01):
I'd rather not say it. That's okay?

Speaker 6 (18:03):
Well, I guess it's okay. I mean, if you really
want us to dig in and try to get this done,
I mean, what were you expecting when you called up?

Speaker 16 (18:14):
You know?

Speaker 14 (18:14):
I I don't know. I just I just thought, you
know what I'm going to call, and I didn't realize
if you're right on the radio, p Yeah, so apologize.

Speaker 6 (18:22):
Well, first of all, are you new to the show?
I appreciate that if you are.

Speaker 14 (18:28):
Yes, Actually I might have heard you before once or twice.

Speaker 16 (18:32):
But yeah, so.

Speaker 6 (18:34):
You know, and I say this because I'm talking to
of course more than you. How we help as we
use the power of the media, How we would generally
solve this, Mark, and I want you to understand this,
and I want everybody listening to understand it. What we
would typically do is I would say, hey, Kelly, I
want you to reach out to ABC Roofer or whomever
it is. She would reach out and say, hey, we

have someone on that's having an issue with you. You know,
we're nice. When we call up, we're gonna say, hey,
we have a problem going on here. We would like
your side of the story, and we'd like to figure out,
you know, are you guys going to do the right thing?
What's the time frame in this example with working with
the manufacturer to try to get it done. We're gonna
try to help in every way we can. A lot

of people that listen to the show think, oh my goodness,
I don't want them to call up that roofer because
Mark or Tom is gonna go, ah, you stupid scumbag.
I can't believe you rip Mark off, blah blah blah.
That's not what we do unless we have to do that.
If we get to that point, we'll definitely do that
if they're not gonna do anything. But that's how we
literally use the power of the media to try to

help you.

Speaker 1 (19:39):

Speaker 6 (19:39):
So I am happy to assign a deputy to it,
but I got to know who the hell they're gonna
call and try to figure out what's gonna happen. The
other thing I would like to do, I'm gonna put
you on hold, Mark. I want you to stay there.
This has nothing. This has everything to do with your problem.
But a different example of how we help Kelly. Let's
try to get Jay brettz on. Oh he's on. Geez Jay, Jay,

what do you do? Just sit around listening to me
all day?

Speaker 2 (20:07):
I'm one of those loyal listener guys that likes to
listen to you. To catred of.

Speaker 6 (20:11):
You, Well, I love it. I mean, my god, I
was just telling Kelly to call you. So you heard
the story. And I've still got Mark up if you
have any questions for him. But just a real quick recap.
The bottom line is this. They installed it. Apparently they
didn't put any underlayment, but then they put the tar.
Then as it heated up, the tar actually saturated the

wood in the wood needs to be replaced. I mean,
does that all make sense?

Speaker 1 (20:38):

Speaker 17 (20:41):
Let me clarify because I know exactly what we're talking about. Here,
go ahead, It's a back patio, and the polyglass is
a low slope material, almost like a flat roofing material,
so it's low slope. And what's happening. It sounds like
the product might be melting, so or maybe it's a

two part system if it's done.

Speaker 6 (21:04):
Correctly, He said, doubt Jay, Jay, real quick. What Mark
said is during the winter there was never any problems,
but then come summertime and all of a sudden, it
started dripping through. Is that correct, Mark?

Speaker 16 (21:18):

Speaker 6 (21:19):
We keep going, Jay, that makes sense.

Speaker 4 (21:23):
And to put this.

Speaker 17 (21:24):
Polyglass system down, you're supposed to put a base layer
down first, and then you put down the second layer,
and it has the granules attached to it. There's the
possibility that maybe this stuff started to melt, maybe it
got too hot. My guess it's probably a western exposure
or something like that. So during the winter time he
didn't see any dripping, but then during the summer when

it got really hot, it started to melt on him.
And so what happens is manufacturers will manifact, will warranty
their product and they'll say, Okay, if it's defective, we'll
replace it. Well, if they stay Mark, is it not
responsible for consequential damages for rating that would, in their mind,
would be a consequence.

Speaker 6 (22:06):
All right, hold on, hold on, Jay, I got to
take this break, but I got to dig a little
more into that. I understand what you're saying. But this,
this contractor that actually did the work is saying, hey,
we're trying to do it the manufacturer. The manufacturer is
not going to do anything at all. Uh, you know,
we've got to go after the roof for themselves. But

I want to know how to Excel Roofing would handle this.
And by the way, Kenny's got an issue with uh
chomp pond day. Jeez, I'm getting sick of calls on shomps.

Speaker 11 (22:35):
You want to take you want to take one four?
It's the roofing company.

Speaker 6 (22:39):
For who for for Mark? Yeah, well okay, that's fine.
I got to take this break though, So everybody hold tight.
We have Pyramid Roofing on that is the project manager
that Mark is dealing with. I'll tell you, this show
is everywhere. You never know who's going to be calling up. Everybody,
hang tight. We got a big update and we got
more information right after this.

Speaker 12 (23:05):
Go with a sure thing Denver's Best roofer Excel Roofing
Dot com. You don't pay a cent until you're content.
Time for an insurance check up free, no obligation. In comparison,
call Compass Insurance. Pay too much your coverage at dozens
of insurance companies find out now three O three seven
to seven to one.

Speaker 6 (23:25):

Speaker 12 (23:26):
You'll think you're his only customer when you choose Frank
durand the real estate man dot com to list your
home with Remax Alliance three oh three nine two zero
sixteen twenty two.

Speaker 6 (23:38):
All right, folks, three O three seven one three A
two five five quick recap. So Mark called up said, Hey,
I've got a problem with roofer, possibly a manufacturer of
a product. And then, uh, the bottom line is when
he gets hot, this stuff heats up. This tar like
substance has dripped into the wood of the structure and
the wood is now ruined. I think everybody can agree

on that. And the roofer is trying to get the
manufacturer I assumed to actually pay for the issue. But
we're gonna find out, Doc. If you don't turn that down,
I'm gonna go bananas, thank you, sir. Okay, Now, while
we were talking about that, guess what happened? This This
show is so vast. It's actually kind of crazy. But Anthony,

he's a project manager with Pyramid Roofing. I guess, Anthony,
I got to ask you this first, did you recognize
Mark's voice or the problem? How did you possibly know
that this was about you guys at Pyramid?

Speaker 18 (24:37):
You know, I heard Mark and then I'm like manufacturer hard.

Speaker 2 (24:41):
Dripping, than I knew it immediately.

Speaker 18 (24:43):
I'm like it had it had to be Then I.

Speaker 14 (24:45):
Recognize this voice.

Speaker 6 (24:46):
Well, very cool. First of all, I appreciate you calling in.
Talk about proactive. You know, we would generally have reached
out to you at this point, but he didn't even
want to give your name. But man, I can just
tell by your proactive is that you're a good company.
What's going on in this thing?

Speaker 18 (25:04):
Hey, you know we've been around a while. I try
really hard too. Yeah. I went, uh the person the
project manage that I did it before me, he had
passed away back in fourteen. Some aren't call our company
and talked about this dripping. So I went out and
took it over after it was already done for a
quite a few years. And I looked at it and
I saw the dripping, and then I saw this roof

and I said, you have pail damage. We should get
the terns out here. Oh, not thinking it was going
to drip again. I didn't think it was going to
drip again. So we did the whole roof and the
flat roof. I'm like, well, we tore it all off.
I'm hoping, all right, well, hopefully this product here uh
is going to take care of it.

Speaker 14 (25:42):
And uh, it didn't.

Speaker 18 (25:44):
It kept dripping. I'm like, oh my gosh, this is
happening again.

Speaker 6 (25:48):
So I do think, Anthony, when did you you guys
did that basically the end of last year when you
redid the entire roof and everything.

Speaker 18 (25:59):
Yeah, yeah, what was that last year or the year before? Gosh,
I'd have to look at it.

Speaker 6 (26:03):
But but you said, but you said something else. Hold on,
you said something else. I wanted to ask you about
you said in fourteen. Are you saying in twenty fourteen
you guys did a roof back then as well?

Speaker 18 (26:18):
It was before twenty fourteen over that range. Yeah, the
other project manager had did it the first.

Speaker 6 (26:24):
Time I got you, so he called the same company,
come look at it, you guys, come out there. You
see the problem. So where do we stand the manufacturer?

Speaker 18 (26:34):
I was hoping that we could just tear it off
and put plywood down on top of this tongue and
groove in Keith.

Speaker 16 (26:40):
It did it again.

Speaker 18 (26:41):
I wish I would have done that the first time.
I didn't realize really what I was dealing with. Fully,
if I would have put plywood down, we probably won't
be talking right now. But I did the proper layers.
I did the base layer and everything under the mod
mop I'd.

Speaker 16 (26:54):
Bit them in roof.

Speaker 18 (26:55):
I did the proper layers and it was leaking again.
So I'm like, all right, manufactur, Sure, here's the deal.
They said, take a sample. I had the rep out
there and everything, and he looked at it and we
had to take a got a big, poor sample out
to send to them. They wanted to make sure we
did it right, and they said, yep, the installation's correct.

We've got faulty asphalt. I'm like, okay, well, let's fix it.
Then we went out to replace it all, and we
were gonna put plywood.

Speaker 16 (27:23):
Down this time too.

Speaker 18 (27:24):
We went out to replace it all.

Speaker 2 (27:26):
All this tar is just soaked in this wood.

Speaker 6 (27:28):
Yeah, I got it.

Speaker 2 (27:29):
I'm thinking.

Speaker 18 (27:30):
We're both thinking, me and Mark, well, we got to
do this.

Speaker 16 (27:32):
We got to.

Speaker 18 (27:33):
Replace this wood. So then I took pictures of it
and I sent it into the manufacturer, hoping they will
pay for this tongue gru would if they say no,
which Mark has already talked to the owner of our company.
We said, we're going to take care of that.

Speaker 14 (27:46):
We're gonna we're gonna replace that.

Speaker 6 (27:48):
So regardless, wait a minute, Anthony, you just said something remarkable.
So even if the manufacturer doesn't step up and pay
for it, you guys appear in mid roofing, are going
to cover the cost of repairing it correctly, You're going
to replace everything that was ruined.

Speaker 14 (28:04):
Yes, we are.

Speaker 1 (28:05):
That's it.

Speaker 6 (28:05):
That's by Anthony. Anthony. You don't have to say much
more than that. Hold on, Mark, did you hear that?
That's great news?

Speaker 14 (28:15):
That is great. That is great news.

Speaker 6 (28:17):
These are stand up guys.

Speaker 16 (28:18):

Speaker 6 (28:19):
I can't imagine a million years Anthony would call up
out of the blue and blow smoke up my ass
about this, knowing that I would blow them up if
it doesn't come true. So I'm telling you this is good.
This is a good company.

Speaker 14 (28:34):
Yep, this is this is good.

Speaker 16 (28:36):
I'm glad.

Speaker 6 (28:37):
I Hold on, Anthony, go ahead, you just said problem.
I don't like that.

Speaker 2 (28:46):
I waited too long to send that estimate, and it
was too much time.

Speaker 6 (28:51):
It doesn't matter. You're going to get this guy. You're
going to get Mark Candell. You're gonna get Mark Handle.
Yes we are Mark Mark. I want you to hold
on a second, Anthony, Pyramid Roofing. You guys are in
Colorado Springs right. I want you, Kelly, give him my
give him my email. I want you to email me

Anthony about getting on our referral list down there. I
like companies. This is the most proactive thing I've seen.
We've got great companies like Excel Roofing on our referral
list down there and other ones. And I'm just telling you, man,
I think you guys, that's that's good man, that's really good.
And I appreciate that. Yeah, no, I can't ask anything more.

I appreciate that. Hey, Jay Brats, you called in. What
do you think of that? Man? You're in the roofing business.
You've done my roof You heard Marks call you called in?
You just here the project manager Anthony for Pyramid. What
do you think of all that?

Speaker 10 (29:48):

Speaker 2 (29:50):
I think Anthony and and Pyramid are a great company.
And that's exactly the way Excel would have handled it.

Speaker 19 (29:55):

Speaker 2 (29:56):
And Mark is lucky that he chose a good company.

Speaker 6 (29:59):
Like it's unbelievable, and I appreciate you coming on Jay Brett's.
In fact, if we don't have another roofing problem in
the next three hours, I would be amazed. But Jay
Bretts Excel Roofing. And if you need a roof done Denver, Metro,
Colorado Springs, everywhere, Excel roofing. They've done mine, help proof
roof numerous times on my house. Not the helproof one

that's the last roof they put on there, but roofs
before they've done a lot of times. Three oh three, seven, six,
one sixty four hundred and Mark, do you like how
the show works? First time you called, you said you've
listened a few times. Do you like the result you
just got?

Speaker 14 (30:35):
Sir, I think that was fantastic. Thank you so much.

Speaker 6 (30:40):
You're welcome, Mark, and listen to you think so quickly
you have our number. I can't imagine in a million
years Anthony's not going to follow up his promise. Give
them a little time to try to get it paid for,
and I'm sure they're going to dig in and get
it done. I appreciate the call mark. We've got an
issue with champon day coming up. We've got one line
open three oh three seven one three eight two five five.

You've been ripped off. You need help, you want results.
This is a show for you.

Speaker 12 (31:12):
Go with a sure thing Denver's best roofer Excel Roofing
dot com.

Speaker 13 (31:16):
You don't pay a cent until you're contenth.

Speaker 12 (31:21):
Time for an insurance check up free, no obligation. In comparison,
call Compass Insurance. Pay too much your coverage at dozens
of insurance companies. Find out now three oh three, seven
to seven to one help. You'll think you're his only
customer when you choose Frank durand the real estate Man
dot com to list your home with Remax Alliance three
oh three nine two zero sixteen twenty two.

Speaker 6 (31:46):
All right, folks, two lines open three oh three seven
one three eight two five five. I love the way
that unfolded.

Speaker 2 (31:52):

Speaker 6 (31:52):
That'll tell you how good this show is. And you
know once again. Props to Pyramid roof in Colorado Spring
say step right up. We didn't even have to call.
The caller didn't even give us their phone number. But
you want results. Three zero three, Martino, you call right now,
got two lines open. Maybe you've tried a couple times
to deal with a contractor or a landlord, or a

dentist or a doctor or somebody, and you can't get
them to do the right thing. Give me a shot
at it. Do it right now, Give me a shot, Kenny.
What is going on my friend with champ Honde.

Speaker 2 (32:26):
Yeah, so I have a twenty twelve Hundai Sonata Hybrid
and I brought it in because the EV battery is
not charging and it has a lifetime warranty on that
EV battery, and champ Hundai seems to want to find
everything except the EV battery to work on and they

won't address the EV battery.

Speaker 6 (32:52):
What are they saying is well, hold on, I need
a little more information than that. So when you brought
it in? Are you bringing it in because it's only
going on hundred miles? Why did you actually bring it in?

Speaker 2 (33:03):
Exactly? So, the range on the on the battery, the
EED battery itself was going down to under ten miles
of range, so I, oh.

Speaker 6 (33:14):
My god, wait a minute, wait a minute, under ten miles. Yeah,
holy crap. That sucks. So you brought it in. I mean,
this is easy to duplicate. They have it there, they
drive it, you know, five minutes and basically the battery's dead.

Speaker 2 (33:30):
Yep, exactly.

Speaker 6 (33:31):
Okay, So what is the first thing they said other
than the battery?

Speaker 2 (33:35):
Well, the first thing that they said other than the
battery is that I had a broken wiring connector okay, okay.

Speaker 6 (33:42):
Well what's odd about that is why would it charge?
Would it charge to one hundred percent and then just
drain that fast?

Speaker 2 (33:51):
It would charge, but then it would rain almost immediately.

Speaker 6 (33:54):
That's crazy. So if there was a bad wire, what
was that? What did that have to do with to
charging system? Why would it charge and why would it
go down that quick? And then if it was the wire,
did you authorize them to fix the wire? And I
assume that didn't fix the.

Speaker 2 (34:09):
Problem exactly, So I did authorize them to fix the wire?

Speaker 6 (34:13):
Did they charge you for that? Did they charge you
to fix that wire?

Speaker 2 (34:17):
They did?

Speaker 6 (34:18):
And it does the same thing.

Speaker 2 (34:20):
And it does the same thing, bastard.

Speaker 6 (34:22):
So then what was the next thing they went after?

Speaker 2 (34:26):
So the next thing they went after is that they
they said that the beltons were slipping.

Speaker 6 (34:36):
All right, Kenny, hold on, I want to know this though.
I'm going to come back to you first after the break.
But did they fix something else and it still didn't
fix the problem?

Speaker 2 (34:45):

Speaker 6 (34:46):
You know what? In my opinion shop has gone to hell.
We've had more complaints on them in one year than
we did for fifteen years. How is that possible? Everybody
hanged tight, including you, Bob one line open three h
three Martino.

Speaker 12 (35:03):
Go with a sure thing Denver's best roofer Excel Roofing
dot com.

Speaker 13 (35:07):
You don't pay a cent until you're content.

Speaker 12 (35:13):
Time for an insurance check up free, no obligation comparison
call Compass Insurance paying too much your coverage at dozens
of insurance companies find out now three oh three seven
to seven to one help. You'll think you're his only
customer when you choose Frank durand the real estate Man
dot com to list your home with Remax Alliance three
oh three nine two zero sixteen twenty two.

Speaker 1 (35:39):
Ript news. You needed that so you don't have to
run in as fast as we can.

Speaker 3 (35:49):
Shooter's gonna help.

Speaker 5 (35:51):
Come man, this is the Troubleshooter Show. No Tom Martino, Welcome, Welcome.

Speaker 6 (36:00):
The only show of this kind. We're here to solve problems,
answer questions. We're here to recoup money, We're here to
go after the bad guys. We're here to expose the
scumbags out there that make your life miserable. That is
my job, man. I actually have a great job. I
get to tell people who the bad people are, and
I also get to direct people to the good people
to referral this dot com. I get the boat, I

get the best different things to do. I love exposing
bad guys one hundred percent. By the way, in studio
with me, we got a full house. Of course, we
got Kelly answering the phone calls, Shannon running the board,
Deputy doc in studio causing trouble as usual. Dmitri just
walked in, Deputy d Deputy bows over there cause and trouble.

And then of course our guest Barry and any questions
you have to Barry Miller about Vestera, turnkey and investing
we're going to talk about throughout the show. I kind
of weave that topic in as we always do with guests.
By the way, I do want to tell you Genesis
Total Exteriors, Mark Scham has done a bang up job
at our house. He's done multiple things at our house. Recently,

he's helped me with some flooring issues when I had
a hail claim. That's going back aways. This guy does
the best work. If you need new stucco, if you
want new rails for your staircase, that beautiful iron rails
instead of those old wood ones, those guys can do that.
They can paint your house, they can do new siding
on your house. They could do doors, windows. They've been

around forever. Mark his gold the company's gold genesis, Tootalexteriors
dot Com. Now I want to operate to the phones
we left off with Kenny, and this one bothers me.
I say this, and I don't say it with a smile.
I say it because it's unbelievable. Shop HONDI basically got

this car in. Kenny was getting ten miles on his hybrid.
The battery would only go ten miles. That's a problem
with the battery, no matter what. So he drops it off.
They say, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, it's not the battery.
What it is is a wiring issue. So they sold
them a wiring issue repair. By the way, Kenny, how
much was that first repair you authorized with the wiring

harness or whatever that was.

Speaker 2 (38:16):
The wiring harness and labor was around.

Speaker 6 (38:18):
Nine fifty oh nice. So basically a thousand bucks and
that didn't do anything. Is that correct in your opinion?

Speaker 2 (38:25):
That's correct, it didn't do anything.

Speaker 6 (38:26):
Now, I just want to ask you this as I
lead you down the road. That not doing anything? Do
they still expect you to pay for that?

Speaker 2 (38:35):

Speaker 6 (38:37):
Yeah, fair enough. So they did it, they sold it.
You didn't need it. They want their money. Yeah, it
makes sense to me. It makes sense to me if
they're crooks. But we'll get into that in a second.
So then they call you back and say what what
do they tell you? Oops, that didn't work?

Speaker 2 (38:52):
Yep, exactly. It's like, oops, there's other things that we
need to troubleshoot in fix before we look at the
EV battery.

Speaker 6 (39:00):
Okay, So what was the next thing they did?

Speaker 2 (39:03):
The next thing was the belt tensioner and police.

Speaker 6 (39:07):
So they're basically saying the alternator or the tensioner was out,
so therefore it wasn't charging the system.

Speaker 2 (39:15):
It wasn't charging it properly or efficiently.

Speaker 6 (39:18):
Okaypage, So they basically had a little slippage. How much
did they want for the belt tensioner, So.

Speaker 2 (39:25):
That's another eleven hundred.

Speaker 6 (39:27):
Yeah, it's funny, you know dealerships, everything's either one thousand
or five thousand apparently. So now you've had both of
these things done, and I assume they test drove it
and you have the same problem. Don't tell me that
so correct? Oh tell me it's not so, Joe. So
then what happens Kenny?

Speaker 1 (39:45):

Speaker 2 (39:45):
Next they say, oh, your crank chef position sensors out
and also your transmission is out.

Speaker 6 (39:51):
Are they saying, though, Kenny, I've got to ask you this.
Are they saying that's related to the battery issue? Or
are they selling you at this point others stuff they
believe you need.

Speaker 2 (40:02):
They're selling me other stuff that they think I need
and not even addressing the battery issue.

Speaker 6 (40:07):
Okay, so you agreed to this other stuff, I assume.

Speaker 2 (40:11):
So I stopped it at the tensionary. It's like, that's it.
You guys are absolutely not addressing the issue. Yeah, because
the technician took it for a drive and he only
got a mile away until the battery totally drained and
he can't get it to charge past forty eight percent.

Speaker 6 (40:32):
Okay, So now what are they saying it is. I mean,
they're still I'm starting to find it hard to believe
they're this and that. So are you telling me? I'm
getting to the point, Kenny, to be honest, I'm starting
to wonder if you're not telling me something. So if
there's something, if there's something else going on, would you
please share that with me now?

Speaker 2 (40:51):
Absolutely so. The technician drove it, then they said he
couldn't get past forty eight percent, And next they tell
me that, oh, there's a there's a noise coming from
the transmission, which you know, he drove it for a
mile and it was. It was fine except for the
EV battery. And I had it just fine as well

prior to me taking it in there for the EV
battery issue, no problems with the transmission, no other issues
except for the EV battery. So I don't know what
else to do at this point.

Speaker 6 (41:27):
So when you go back to him and say, you know,
the battery is only charging to forty eight percent, I
assume you've done this. Are you going to fix that?
I mean, and they just say no, we're not going
to fix it.

Speaker 2 (41:38):
They keep saying that we have to address these other
issues before we can look at the you got to
bring it.

Speaker 6 (41:44):
You know what I do. I pick it up and
get it towed. Can you drive it because it's a hybrid,
I mean you can still drive it with the battery
dead right?

Speaker 2 (41:52):
No you can't because unfortunately them.

Speaker 6 (41:54):
They're just tied together. I get it, No big deal.
I get it.

Speaker 2 (41:57):
Only we're charging the battery.

Speaker 6 (42:00):
I want to do a couple things. One, I had
to look and for everybody out there wondering it is
under warranty. Even though it's a twenty twelve or thirteen
and it's past ten years, that particular year on the
EV battery actually had a lifetime. You are the first owner,
right I am. Yeah, So this guy should be getting
a battery if it needs one. Kelly get Kevin Calkin

shared an Auto Tech on. I want to ask Kevin
a few questions shared and Auto Tech actually bought Lakewood
Electric years ago. They've got some of the best electrical
people out there period under story. So hold on, Kenny,
I want to get them on. Meantime, let me see
who's next year? Tom? What is or I'm sorry, Bob,

what is going on with off road Unlimited? What is
off road Unlimited?

Speaker 16 (42:48):
Sir man?

Speaker 2 (42:50):
How are you doing, I'll unlimited excuse me one seconded
car dealership put across from okay?

Speaker 6 (43:00):
And where is it? Okay? So what kind of truck
did you purchase? What is it?

Speaker 20 (43:07):
Twenty nineteen fifty on letters?

Speaker 6 (43:10):
When did you buy it? It's been about two months,
so two months ago you walked in and you bought
a twenty nineteen f two fifty. And why are you
calling today?

Speaker 16 (43:23):
Well, because it turns out that.

Speaker 20 (43:25):
The cadilect and verders are no good on it. And
I'm just wondering.

Speaker 16 (43:31):
That was illegal.

Speaker 17 (43:33):
If he was able to tell me like that, that's
legal to do?

Speaker 6 (43:36):
Well? Is it legal? That's that's interesting. Really, here's the deal.
You have three days to get a mission.

Speaker 16 (43:44):

Speaker 6 (43:44):
Well, I'm going to put you on hold and take
a break. Do what you need to do. I'm going
to come back to you. We're going to try to
help you out. But I've got multiple things to ask
you about this vehicle. I'm pretty sure at twenty nineteen
f two fifty, God, maybe it's only five years. I
don't know. I got to figure out what the cat
warranty is. But hold tight. This is an interesting one.
And by the way, we've got a question for Barry Miller.

We'll take a problem with Social Security and we're going
to get back when Kevin Calkin's on with that problem
with Champande.

Speaker 12 (44:17):
Go with a sure thing Denver's Best roofer Excel Roofing
dot com. You don't pay a cent until you're content.
Time for an insurance check up free, no obligation. In comparison,
call Compass Insurance paying too much your coverage at dozens
of insurance companies find out now three all three seven
to seven to one.

Speaker 6 (44:37):

Speaker 12 (44:37):
You'll think you're his only customer when you choose Frank
durand the real estate man dot com to list your
home with Remax Alliance three all three nine two zero
sixteen twenty two.

Speaker 6 (44:51):
All right, folks, I want you to listen to how
this goes down. Kenny called in he had a problem
with a twenty twelve. I think it's a twelve. Let
me look at my nose twelve, so not a hybrid.
He brought it over to Champonde, who, by the way,
we have had a lot of complaints about in the
last year. In fact, I want to ask my deputies here, doc,
have you dealt with shomp in the last year.

Speaker 7 (45:14):
I have not personally dealt with them as a consumer advocate.
I've dealt with them as a customer deputy.

Speaker 8 (45:19):

Speaker 6 (45:20):
If you called up with problems for a shop recently, I.

Speaker 9 (45:22):
Did about six months ago, and I gave up. I
could not get them to return my call in.

Speaker 6 (45:28):
They wouldn't even call you back.

Speaker 10 (45:30):
After three times calls.

Speaker 1 (45:31):
Now, so you.

Speaker 6 (45:32):
Left three messages they probably someone probably said they'd call it.

Speaker 10 (45:35):
Just blew me off.

Speaker 6 (45:36):
Totally blew you off, Dmitri. Have you dealt with shop
at all? He is not. It's crazy. You know, that's
only one that we heard. But I hear the name
Shomp constantly on this show.

Speaker 19 (45:47):

Speaker 6 (45:48):
So Kevin Coukin, he's our expert, shared in auto tech
dot com as I was saying they bought Lakewood Electric. Kevin,
what's happening?

Speaker 16 (45:55):
Man, what's up? What's going on?

Speaker 6 (45:57):
Kevin also smokes rib We will sit around on Sundays.
I got to bring this up because my ribs are better,
but he'll sit around and send me pictures. No, No,
that's because I was cooking baby backs and you brought
in spare ribs, which was totally unfair. We're not going
to go down that cheating way you did. But we

will be sending each other pictures. This sounds horrible, pictures
of our meat coming off to Grell. So you know,
I'll leave that to your imagination. Kevin, did you hear
this call? By any chance? I know you listen a lot.

Speaker 16 (46:32):
I got pieces of it.

Speaker 6 (46:33):
So here's the deal. Kenny brings it into Champonde twenty
twelve hybrid Sonata. This thing will only charge the forty
eight percent. At this point, he's got a lifetime warranty
on the battery, which is crazy. They get it in there, yeah,
they So they get it in there and they say, no,
it's not a problem with the battery, it's his harness.

So they charge him nine hundred and fifty bucks. That
doesn't fix it. So he's nine hundred and fIF fifty end.
They expect him, of course, to pay it. So then
they go back to work on it, and then they say, well,
we found this other problem. What was that second problem again, Kenny,
after the wiring harness the bel and belt. Oh yeah,
they're saying because the alternator belt or whatever, the charging belt,

the tensioner is loose, it's not properly charging. There's a
little slack in it sometimes whatever, So they do that, right, Kenny. Yep,
that was eleven hundred bucks, Kevin. So after that, you know,
this guy's twenty one hundred deep roughly at this point,
and it's still not charging. So in other words, the
battery still has a problem. Where it stands now is

they want to do all these other things before they'll
do the battery. So I'm going to let him tell
you real quick what else they want to do before.
And this is all according to Kenny. I find it
a little hard to believe. But before they'll address his
actual problem the battery, they want you to do what now?

Speaker 2 (47:58):
So now they're saying it's crank chaff position censor, which
definitely is not because I replaced that. And now they're
saying that the transmission has a noise coming from it,
so we have to address that before the EV battery.
They can look at the EV battery as well. But
the technicians rode for a drive for a mile and

they totally discharged the battery, and so there's definitely not
a problem with.

Speaker 6 (48:23):
Okay, perfect, So Kevin, my question to you is two
part one. The things he just mentioned, we already know
what they've already completed. Didn't fix it, according to him.
But now moving on to the other stuff they want
to do, would that even create an issue charging the battery?
Would a noise in the transmission? Have any damn thing
to do with a hybrid battery not charging past?

Speaker 21 (48:48):
I can't.

Speaker 16 (48:49):
No, They're not even related. That's insane.

Speaker 6 (48:51):
How about an dr.

Speaker 16 (48:53):
Well, I mean, all those components have issues, but not
to the life of the battery though.

Speaker 6 (49:00):
You know, you guys couldn't keep it.

Speaker 16 (49:01):
From not charging. But I'm not partially charging.

Speaker 6 (49:04):
That's what I kept saying to him. I was like,
that's nuts. It only goes to forty eight percent and
then it drains. How fast does a drain ken? He
like ten miles?

Speaker 2 (49:13):
It drains less than ten miles.

Speaker 6 (49:15):
Now, God, that's bonkers.

Speaker 16 (49:18):
Yeah, why why are they calling? You know, try somebody else,
Try a different dealer.

Speaker 6 (49:23):
Well, I would definitely try a different dealer. Is that something?
Can you guys actually diagnose that battery? I mean, I
know you got to charge him to do it, but
I mean, if he has something really.

Speaker 16 (49:33):
Set up, we don't do a lot with him yet, Mark,
We're still playing with those.

Speaker 6 (49:36):
Okay, So it's just simply not gonna go there, especially.

Speaker 16 (49:39):
Since it's under warranty. I would get a different dealer involved.

Speaker 6 (49:43):
That's exactly what I do, man.

Speaker 16 (49:45):
I mean, it's straight up lifetime, specifically for the twenty
twelve Sonata was the first car they did that.

Speaker 6 (49:52):
That's I looked it up to. Warranty is unbelievable, Kenny,
I agree one percent with my expert, Kevin. I'd get
it over, honestly, I'll tell you where bring it. I'd
bring it over to McDonald Hondai. Yeah, why don't you?
I mean they want you to pay the two grand
when they pick it up, right, exactly? You know what
I do want to do? Who wants a shot at this?

You know what I would like to have?

Speaker 9 (50:13):
You know what, Bow, because it's he paid this money
and he's not getting any satisfaction.

Speaker 6 (50:19):
Apparently didn't get anything.

Speaker 9 (50:20):
The transmission has nothing to do with the battery. Neither
does the belt tension er. I mean you charge the
battery by plugging it into the wall.

Speaker 6 (50:29):
Let's do this, guys. No, it's probably not a plug
in hybrid. It's not, isn't No, no so that, but
it's still it doesn't matter. The engine itself is charging
it the fact that it's only charging it to forty
eight percent is where it probably is. The battery.

Speaker 10 (50:44):
He's got to be the battery, and he's got to
like it.

Speaker 16 (50:48):
Should last more than ten miles.

Speaker 10 (50:50):
Yeah, absolutely, just a couple of hundred.

Speaker 2 (50:52):

Speaker 6 (50:52):
So Kenny, here's the deal I got you on. Hold Kelly,
get everything over to Deputy Bow. He's going to call
over to shop. He didn't have any luck, Lass, But
I promise everybody listening, anytime we call to a company
and they don't want to respond at all, and they
don't have to respond directly to us, make sure they
know that pity both. They can respond to Kenny and
explain why it appears as if they're ripping them off.

You know, that's my opinion. But if everything Kenny said
is correct, this is crazy. You can get You can't
say it's a wiring harness. You charge them nine hundred
and fifty bucks and it doesn't fix anything. I'm gonna
ask him real quick, Kelly. Let me talk to him
one more time though, one more time, real quick, and
then you can grab his info. Hold on, hey, Kenny,

I need to be very straight with you. If I
find out there is some boloney going on in this
that you're not telling me, Like the wiring harness was
melted or something when it came in and they needed
to start with that. That is going to be a
completely different story. Brother. So I'm giving you the opportunity

right now to tell me if anything's missing.

Speaker 2 (51:59):
Nope, there's nothing missing.

Speaker 6 (52:01):
I take him at his word. Get his information, Kevin Calkin,
Shardan Auto Tech, and I'll tell everybody out there, go
to Sheridan Auto Tech dot com. They can do your maintenance.
On top of the maintenance, Kevin, you guys will do
an engine, a transmission, a used engine, an alternator alignments.
I mean really, you guys do everything everything. And then

here's the other coolest part. Ready, I'm gonna brag about them.
You can go to any of these dealerships and you
get say an alternator done outside of warranty. You know,
an older vehicle. Guess what your warranty is most likely
at that location. Shardan Auto Tech. Shardan Auto Tech thirty
six months, thirty six thousand miles nationwide warranty. You can't

beat it, Kevin. Thanks man. And by the way, hold on,
I'm gonna put you on hold. So you can't talk now.
I got Kevin on hold. My ribs were better.

Speaker 12 (53:00):
Go with a sure thing Denver's best roofer Excel Roofing
dot com. You don't pay a cent until you're content.
Time for an insurance check up free, no obligation. In comparison,
call Compass Insurance paying too much your coverage at dozens
of insurance companies find out now three oh three seven
to seven to one help. You'll think you're his only

customer when you choose Frank durand the real estate Man
dot com to list your home with Remax Alliance three
oh three nine two zero sixteen twenty two.

Speaker 6 (53:33):
All right, both one line open. A lot going on
here three oh three seven one three A two five five.
We're gonna reach out, hopefully Deputy Bow can get a
hold of those guys down there and figure out what's
going on with that Hybridge shop and just figure out,
if anything, Bow, why the hell he's paying for something
that didn't fix it?

Speaker 10 (53:53):
You know the drell man I called during the break.

Speaker 6 (53:56):
And then we're gonna go back to Bobby's got a
problem with his two thy nineteen f two fifty and
you bought it a couple months ago, correct, Bob, Yes, sir,
and you bought it from off Road Unlimited in Fort Lupton.
So three months later you find out you need a cat.
You had a question about what was your first question

you asked? I think it was about passing emissions?

Speaker 16 (54:22):
Right, right right?

Speaker 20 (54:24):
And you know, apparently it doesn't need emissions according to
the dealership. And he claims that since it doesn't need emissions,
that's that's not an issue to him.

Speaker 6 (54:36):
Well, first of all, I don't understand why he would
say that's not an issue if he's selling that vehicle
from a dealership, and I believe Fort Lupton, I'm not positive,
but I think that's an emissions area. But even if
it's not, if where do you live? Where you live,
do you have to get an emissions Yes?

Speaker 7 (54:53):
I do.

Speaker 6 (54:53):
Okay, So has it passed emissions? Have you actually brought
it somewhere to see if it would pass?

Speaker 2 (55:00):

Speaker 19 (55:00):
I brought it.

Speaker 20 (55:01):
There was a check engine light on, you know, pretty
much right after I bought it. So I went to
OZ when they told me to put some of that
cleaner in there and it would it was just eed
the injective what we cleaned out. Well, that didn't work
for I took it to the dealership and the dealerships
of the Catsinogate.

Speaker 6 (55:14):
You know what, never, and I mean never, ever, ever
trust an AutoZone to diagnose your car. Those guys, I
mean they can sell parts, they can look them up,
but I mean to go there to get a diagnosis.
I mean a free engine scans, fine, but don't let
them talk you into snake oil. You'll pour in there
to fix every problem in the world, like a mechanic
in a can Mark. Yeah, go ahead to the meeting.

Speaker 22 (55:35):
A twenty nineteen four and a half to fifty has
an emissions defect warrants you for eight years or eighty
thousand miles?

Speaker 6 (55:41):
How many miles are on it? Bro one hundred and
forty four, Holy COROLLI that's a lot of miles, man.
So when you bought the vehicle, did you get an
emissions voucher?

Speaker 18 (55:54):

Speaker 6 (55:54):
This is very important. This next question I have. Do
you have your paperwork packet from the dealership. I assume
you do somewhere. Can you look through there and see
if you acknowledged receiving a voucher for an emissions test?
And by the way, is this diesel or is it gasoline?
It could be either can you look through there and

let me know if you sign something saying you receive
the voucher even though you're claiming you didn't. But I
need to know if they gave you a voucher in
their opinion.

Speaker 20 (56:29):
Okay, I don't have whitney.

Speaker 6 (56:33):
Okay now now meantime, the other thing I want to
do when you do talk to him, do they acknowledge
did you ever bring it back to him? And it
definitely does need the cats.

Speaker 20 (56:44):
He claims that that he doesn't want to have anything
to do with it because it doesn't concern him because
you know obviously about the vehicle as is.

Speaker 6 (56:52):
And is that really a whold on a second?

Speaker 1 (56:54):

Speaker 6 (56:54):
Is that? I'm sorry, Bob? Is that really the attitude
he had when you just called to try to figure
out if they do any thing? Was he that big
of a jerk? Or you pull in my chain?

Speaker 2 (57:03):

Speaker 20 (57:04):
No, No, the guy's really a pompous individual.

Speaker 6 (57:06):
What's his name?

Speaker 21 (57:07):
He was very disrespectful.

Speaker 20 (57:08):
He's a sales manager. I can't remember his name.

Speaker 6 (57:10):
Okay, let's do this. I want you to hold on
a second, Kelly. I want you to reach out to
these guys and see if they'll come on the air
and talk about this. I'd like to hear their side
of the story. The place is called Off Road Unlimited.
I don't care who we talk to there and get
them see if they'll come on the air. They should
have an opportunity to come on and explain their side
of this, no matter what. I'd like to know. If

they're saying we did give them a voucher, that is
a big deal right there. That's all I want to know.
Do they have paperwork saying that he did get that
voucher to get admissions test? Because bottom line is Bob
had three days to get it. If he did sign
something saying he received it, if there's nothing, if they
did not give it to him, they have no proof
that they offered it to them, and it does need cats.

I got a big problem with this, a huge problem
with it. The other thing I'm going to say, and
it's not very popular, I'm going to ask him a question, Hey, Bob,
how much did you get quoted for those cats? A book?
Six grand? So I want who wants to do a
quick little check for me? Dmitri.

Speaker 22 (58:12):
I'm sending in the meme an email asking him to
come on the air and provide a comment in this matter.

Speaker 6 (58:17):
That'd be great. And I'm gonna have Kelly reach out,
but would one of you look up Just do me
a favor. Just google Laramie, Wyoming or Cheyenne, Wyoming. Okay,
muffler muffler shops, and I want you to call them
up and say, how much are the cats for a
twenty nineteen f two fifty. I'm going to prove to

everybody just call up and get a price. Yeah, it's
probably gonna be that'd be great to do it. It's
probably gonna be two or three grand. It's probably gonna
be two or three grand, maybe even less, which is
going to be half maybe even less. Doc, I don't
want you to call up a dealership. I want you
to call up like Midas or whatever the hell's out there.
I'm going to prove to everybody listening in Denver right

now that our governor's so in my opinion, absolutely sucks
with these California missions. Now. I know he's not the
one that implemented it, but my god, he could change it.
People go to Wyoming in this city just to afford
to fix their cars, and yes, you can do it.
It's not illegal. It's not illegal to go get non
California cats on your car, because if it was. And

think about this, everybody that moved from any other state
at California to Colorado. You move from Oklahoma, you move
from Texas, you move from Wyoming, you move from anywhere,
you would have to go get brand new cats, wouldn't you?
You would? So if you do live here, yes, you
can cross the state line and save a boat ton

of money. So I want to come back. Hopefully we
get the dealer to come on, and if anything, I
want to know why he's a pompous ass according to
the caller. And then the other thing I would like
to do is show everybody how much cheaper you can
get cats for and then at least we can help
Bob by saving them some money. And he still needs
to figure out, honestly, Docu doc's calling up. We still

need to figure out if he actually needs the cats,
and I'll talk to him about that now. In the meantime,
Bill's got a question on annuities. What is your question?

Speaker 1 (01:00:15):

Speaker 23 (01:00:19):
I was curious on how the commissions and the fees
work on some of these annuities, I.

Speaker 6 (01:00:27):
Mean, period, like how much of the fees and how
much are the commissions? Well, yeah, I mean, do you
have a particular My understanding is they're different for all
the products, So I mean, I'm not quite sure what
product are you referring to.

Speaker 23 (01:00:42):
Well, it would be a variable type annuity that's kind
of blended in with it's a six year where you
have to lock in to this varia.

Speaker 6 (01:00:57):
Well, let's do this, let me, let's let's do this. Man,
let me put you on hold. Let's get Joe Keano up.
Let's get him back up, Kelly, and let's ask him
the question. I mean, we talk about him. He sells annuities.
He should know these answers. It's a pretty straightforward question.
So you hold type bill. Tom's got an issue with
Social Security that we're gonna take up right after this break.

By the way, one line open three oh three seven
one three eight two five five. When we come back,
we're gonna go to some updates. Dmetri, you got some
good updates. Plus, we're gonna get the concrete guy on
our expert and the caller from yesterday figure out if
that concrete dealer was, you know, doing the wrong thing,
what's going on there? And then Bo you have an
update the yeah whop that certificate gets from UTAH, the

death certificate. You're gonna have to update me on that one.
And then, Deputy Doc, we've got a lot of things
going for the twenty nineteen gasoline f two fifty approximately
how much to replace the cat Simple as that doc,
everybody hold tight.

Speaker 12 (01:02:02):
Go with a sure thing Denver's Best roofer Excel Roofing
dot com.

Speaker 13 (01:02:06):
You don't pay a cent until you're content.

Speaker 12 (01:02:12):
Time for an insurance check up free, no obligation comparison
call Compass Insurance paying too much your coverage at dozens
of insurance companies find out now three all three seven
to seven to one help. You'll think you're his only
customer when you choose Frank durand the real estate Man
dot com to list your home with Remax Alliance three
all three nine two zero sixteen twenty two all.

Speaker 6 (01:02:33):
Right three three seven one three A two five five
one line open. We've got a ton going on. Bill
had a question on annuities. We're gonna get uh somebody
on to answer that question. And then Jordan, this is
really good. I love this. I love when businesses come on.
So I'm going to recap. So the owner or the

finance manager of off Road Unlimited in Fort Lopton. Uh,
he on with us, but for his sake, here's kind
of what happened, Jordan. I'm going to bring you up,
but we just got a call from Bob. Bob said,
about three months ago, we bought a twenty nineteen f
two fifty. He said he did not get in the
missions certificate from you that he knows of. I asked

him to check the paperwork and see if he actually
signed it. He got one, so he's going to do that.
But he found out according to a dealership or according
to an automotive shop, he needs cats on it. And
he said he called you guys, and you guys basically
were uncaring it, could care less and said, it's not
our problem, not our rodeo, not our circus, not our clowns.

So what do you have to say, Jordan.

Speaker 24 (01:03:44):
So basically, he purchased a two thousand and four from
us back ten days before you about the twenty nineteen. Oh,
it turns out he couldn't park it out his apartment complex.

Speaker 6 (01:03:56):
Oh it was too big.

Speaker 18 (01:03:58):
Yeah, out of arga.

Speaker 24 (01:03:59):
Grace's WoT them out of the vehicle, bought it back
from him, put him in this twenty nineteen they could
park it as apartment complex.

Speaker 2 (01:04:06):
Cool and Darnold's.

Speaker 24 (01:04:08):
That was the end of the story. But we got
a couple of phone calls to day from him and
he was complaining about the emissions and everything. And it's
a twenty nineteen Colorado state law says you don't need
emissions till like twenty twenty five or twenty twenty six, whatever.

Speaker 6 (01:04:24):
The exemption. You know what, that's a good point, Jordan.
I didn't even think of that. That vehicle's exempt for
what ten years? Nine years?

Speaker 1 (01:04:31):
What is it?

Speaker 14 (01:04:32):
It's seven?

Speaker 24 (01:04:33):
So seven years, twenty twenty six.

Speaker 6 (01:04:36):
So you didn't have to provide because it has an
exemption sticker or falls under that, you didn't even have
to provide that that voucher for an emissions.

Speaker 24 (01:04:46):
Correct, Yeah, because it's an exempt.

Speaker 6 (01:04:48):
Where do you stand on the fact, First of all,
I don't know if it actually needs cats put one
hundred and forty four thousand miles. I would assume it's
probably a good chance it does. Would you agree with that?

Speaker 24 (01:05:00):
I'm not too for sure. I'm definitely not a mechanic.

Speaker 6 (01:05:02):
Okay, Well, where do you guys stand, would you guys
help him out on that? Where do you guys stand
on that? Now? Saying that? I realize you sold it
as is, but the guy bought it three months ago.
So if anything, I'm asking you, are you guys willing
to do anything for.

Speaker 24 (01:05:15):
Him in regards to fixing the cats or yes?

Speaker 6 (01:05:21):
Well I assume that's what he wants done. When he
called you today, what was he asking for?

Speaker 24 (01:05:28):
He was asking about the cats?

Speaker 6 (01:05:29):
Yeah, okay, so what do you guys tell him? Just
too bad?

Speaker 16 (01:05:33):

Speaker 24 (01:05:34):
I mean, it's not really required to do as a
safety issue or anything.

Speaker 6 (01:05:38):
I get that. Listen, man, I get that. Look, guys,
I get it one percent. And I'll tell you something.
The fact you came on the air to talk about
it is remarkable. A lot of dealers would never do that,
and I appreciate that more than anything. And I'll be
the first to say, you literally don't owe him anything,
but is a good will gesture. What I'm asking you,
is you guys willing to do it? Do anything. Let's

say he can go up to Wyoming and get these installed.
I'm totally making numbers up here, guys, but he can
get this resolved for a couple thousand bucks. Are you
guys willing to chip in or are you guys willing
to possibly fix it there? I don't know if your
dealership does any work like that, but are you guys
willing to do anything? Is my question.

Speaker 24 (01:06:20):
We'll give them five hundred bucks, all right?

Speaker 6 (01:06:23):
Hold on? Actually I like that. Let me go back
to him real quick. Hey, Bob, I don't think that's
a bad deal. They're willing to give you five hundred bucks.
They did swap out that first one, which they didn't
have to do. What do you think.

Speaker 20 (01:06:37):
I mean, I think that's a good gesture.

Speaker 2 (01:06:39):
I mean, it's probably better than nothing.

Speaker 6 (01:06:40):
It's a hell of a good gesture, Bob, I really
do think it is. So I'm going to put you
on hold. They have your information, and I do want
to say this to these guys, you know, Bravo guys,
Bravo to you guys at off Road Unlimited and Fort Lupton.
That's a hell of a deal. Like I said three
times in this conversation, these guys didn't have to do
a damn thing for him. He of course, the caller

didn't bring up the fact they already swapped them out
of something and let's face it, these guys came on
the air and explain their side, and I did not
think about the exemption status. So I appreciate you correcting
me on that, guys. So once again, you know we're
talking to Jordan. He's a finance manager. But I would
have no issue. Would all use an off road unlimited.

Do you guys sound like stand up guys and I
appreciate you coming on of course.

Speaker 24 (01:07:27):
Yeah, we're pretty easy to work with.

Speaker 6 (01:07:29):
You sound easy to work with. That's a you know,
Roly Purofoy was up there for years and he was
on the show with us all the time. Kelly, do
me a favor. I'm gonna put him on hold. I
would like to talk to them, or have Daphane talk
to them, maybe getting on referral list dot com. We
need used car dealers like this that come on. They
do the right thing. We just do we, honest to

God do all right, we've got a ton coming up here.
Curtis with pro Form Concrete. He looked at a problem
yesterday with Dmitri. Dmitri, I'm gonna recap real quick because
we're up. But basically he sent his pictures the caller.
He said the gate after they poured the patio wouldn't
even open, right. Did you see the pictures?

Speaker 22 (01:08:09):
I saw the pictures and I sent them to Curtis
because he's got the expertise in this area.

Speaker 6 (01:08:14):
Heay, So we're gonna find out afterwards, and we're going
to get that caller up. And then we have an
issue with Social Security and I'm still trying to get
Joe up for Bill. Here's what I want to do
on Bill Kelly. Let's go ahead and get his information.
When we can get up Keano, we'll go ahead and
bring him back on. I rather free that lineup. We'll
have one line open really soon. Guys three three seven, one,

three eight two five five. Any questions for Vestera turnkey.
I'm going to dive into that too next hour. How
to make money on property even if you don't know
what you're doing. Some of the returns he has created
for people are absolutely amazing. We have known these guys.
How long have you known Tom Man? I mean at
least thirty oh. And then you guys have a show

right here on k HOW Morning Saturday's Morning Class. And
it's a true live show. It's not like a pre
recorded it's a live show. Everybody Hang tight a ton
coming up three zero three Martino help at Troubleshooter dot com.
You're on the Troubleshooter Network.

Speaker 12 (01:09:23):
Go with a sure thing Denver's best roofer Excel Roofing
dot com.

Speaker 6 (01:09:26):
You don't pay a.

Speaker 13 (01:09:27):
Cent until you're contenth.

Speaker 12 (01:09:32):
Time for an insurance checkup free, no obligation comparison call
Compass Insurance paying too much your coverage at dozens of
insurance companies. Find out now three oh three, seven to
seven to one help. You'll think you're his only customer
when you choose Frank durand the real estate Man dot
com to list your home with Remax Alliance three oh
three nine two zero sixteen twenty two.

Speaker 3 (01:10:00):
News comes as we can. Shooter's gonna help.

Speaker 1 (01:10:11):

Speaker 5 (01:10:12):
This is the Troubleshooter Show. No Tom Martinez, all right
three ozho three.

Speaker 6 (01:10:20):
Seven one three eight two five five. That's the only
phone number you need, by the way, Welcome to the
Troubleshooter Show, where we solve problems, answer questions, and we
kick ass. That's it so far. Today we've uh well,
we helped a guy get a five hundred dollars credit
from a dealership on top of that, some of the
updates coming up are remarkable. To be quite honest, Dmitri's

got an update from Walmart. This poor lady yesterday, Well
it didn't happen yesterday, but her friend called yesterday. She
was walking around to Walmart. Wasn't in Greeley, Dimitri.

Speaker 22 (01:10:50):
I wasn't Greeley on forty seventh.

Speaker 6 (01:10:52):
So check this out. Imagine a seventy year old woman
possible dementia walking around grocery shopping, who's on a fixed
income of roughly eleven twelve hundred dollars a month. Yeah,
she's on disability, so that's all she gets. I mean,
talk about living in Colorado and cutting a thin that's unbelievable.
So we already know the whole situation's bad. These gypsies

walk up to her and make her feel bad, say, hey,
I know we got babies. I can't afford to buy
this formula, So they talk her into buying three cans
of formula. So that happens. And what they have on
video with the Walmart's amazing. They have these people who
are already oki doki in this lady. Every time they

point one direction, they're dumping other stuff in her cart
stuff like medication, right, Yeah.

Speaker 22 (01:11:41):
I can't remember what else they put in there. Clarendon, Yeah,
they rang up a bill for her that was five
hundred and eighty dollars.

Speaker 6 (01:11:48):
Five hundred and eighty dollars, and they kind of okie
doked her again at the register. She gave the credit
card to pay or the debit card whatever she's using,
and didn't realize that it was over eight hundred dollars
her own groceries plus all the stuff they stuffed in
her cart walking through the story. Remember, this is an
older woman with memory problems. So Dimitri reached out the

Walmart yesterday, talked to the store manager there. I made
some suggestions on other people to talk to, and we've
got another update now what happens, sir?

Speaker 8 (01:12:20):
Yeah, I had a.

Speaker 22 (01:12:21):
Pretty impressive response from the gentleman who's the store manager
at that Greeley Walmart. It was his day off, and
yet he called me twice, including the second call yesterday
evening in which he said that he familiarized himself with
the situation. So the videos contacted our caller, and our caller,
he may recall, was calling on behalf of the elderly
lady here has no position to call.

Speaker 6 (01:12:40):
That's right, and he.

Speaker 22 (01:12:41):
Made an appointment with them for them to come in
on Thursday.

Speaker 6 (01:12:45):

Speaker 22 (01:12:46):
Now, he cited some kind of a company policy against
talking to the press in great detail without company authorization,
but it made it clear to me he kind of
I got the sense that the makings are going to
be very pleased with tomorrow's visit to Walmart. So I
do have a message into the caller. I asked her
to call me as soon as that meeting is over
to tell me how it was resolved. But I'm extremely optimistic.

The gentleman I spoke with it's taking it extremely seriously.
He's very sympathetic to this.

Speaker 6 (01:13:14):
They're going to give her the money. Yeah, I don't
think they will follow up with them tomorrow, but I
have zero doubt Tomeitri.

Speaker 22 (01:13:20):
Really, I've never dealt with Walmart, so I'm very pleasantly surprised.
And it was such a nice, nice contrast to the
scumbags that ripped her off. In fact, I'm going to
go to that Walmart Greely and see if I can
get a video of the gypsies. No, no, I'm going
to make my make one myself. If you want to
get a video of gypsies praying on good normal, hard

working Americans and the cops.

Speaker 6 (01:13:46):
Of course.

Speaker 22 (01:13:48):
Oh, I'm going to put it here on YouTube, on Rumble,
on Brightbart, I'll put it everywhere.

Speaker 6 (01:13:53):
You know what kills me? Well, First of all, I
want to say this about Walmart class act. You know,
people used to go, ah, they don't pay their employees.

Speaker 8 (01:14:00):

Speaker 6 (01:14:01):
Anybody that thinks that you're absolutely full of crap, you're
full of crap. You go to Walmart, you work hard.
Some of their store managers make over a half a
million dollars a year. So just remember that they pay
their people right. Their benefits are great, their stock options
are great, they have a matching four A one K.
On the employee side, they're great people. Okay, I'm not

going to say they're perfect, but nobody's perfect on the
consumer side. My god, Sam Walton. Sam Walton's a man. Listen,
when I didn't have any money, you guys, can you
can think this is a funny story or not. I'm
fifty two. When I was nineteen years old and Suzanne
moved in with me, she was sixteen or seventeen. Yeah,

back then in Oklahoma, all that stuff flew no problems there.
I got to say this. So I had a pair
of shoes. Man, I worked my butt off. I worked
in a grocery store, non Walmart, I was. I worked
my way up to stock manager, and I worked probably
seventy hours a week. And you know, back then you're
talking seven bucks an hour. Maybe the only time we

really made money to pay our bills is when I
had overtime. My entire world was overtime. So I was
seventy hours a week. She was working. We had no money.
I remember at one point the electric bills, do the
rents do? We gotta go buy some groceries, gotta eat something.
I had a pair of shoes, literally horrible pair of shoes. Okay,

bought them at Walmart. I wore them probably six months,
where the hell out of them. I brought him back
to a Walmart in Kuita, Oklahoma. They gave me a
new pair of shoes. Okay, I'm actually like almost tearing
up over this. I use that as a funny story sometimes.

Speaker 7 (01:15:43):
Walk Did you ask them where you got the shoes?

Speaker 6 (01:15:45):
No, I didn't talk. I use that as a funny
story sometimes. But in all honesty, that Walmart I met
Sam Walton in prior to that, he was sacking groceries
in Kuwita, Oklahoma at one of his stores. This is
before super Walmarts and their grocery tree stores, and honestly,
I think are failures. But I don't mean the super
Walmarts with the grocery store. I mean the green ones,

and I think they're getting rid of them. It's a
great company. It was started by a great man.

Speaker 22 (01:16:11):
I have a first hand Sam Walton story. Whenever you
want me to tell you it's perfect, it takes I
had a and this took place in the mid nineties.
I had a business meeting over at a company in
Longmont called McLean Western Distribution, And as I pulled up,
I saw a small airplane parked in the grass. McLean
Western is kind of in the middle of nowhere over there,

right where the real estate is cheap, and there's a
tiny private plane parked in the grass. And I happened
to ask my contact, who's the GM of that facility? So,
what's you know, who's got a landing strip over there?
He said, Sam Walton is here.

Speaker 6 (01:16:44):

Speaker 22 (01:16:45):
He showed up unannounced flew landed behind the warehouse in
somebody's field, walked up to the dock, told the guy, Hey,
I'm here to see the manager.

Speaker 6 (01:16:56):
That's great. The other thing, and I'll end this on Walmart.
I just really appreciate what they're doing for this lady.
But their stock when it's split a while back. I've
owned their stock forever. But when I say I bought
a lot, I'm not going to share, but it's a lot,
and that stock has doubled for me. It's got a
very small dividend. It's like maybe seventy cents a share
or something, but it's literally doubled for me. I have

made a small fortune off of Walmart. We shop at Walmart.
My son has things to do with Walmart. So I'll
say that. And it's just a great company. And honest
to God, is they're huge. I mean, let's face it,
largest retailer in the world. I think you're giving Amazon
a good run when it comes to home delivery and
a lot of other stuff now, but thank you to Walmart.

Who was the what was the store manager's name.

Speaker 22 (01:17:44):
I'd have to look it up in my notes, and frankly,
I'm afraid to give you his name because he's unauthorized
to talk to the media.

Speaker 6 (01:17:50):
Sara, let's not do it. I love it. Now we've
got an update. This is Curtis pro Form Concrete. Curtis,
how are you doing? He's one of our experts to
referral Lis dot com.

Speaker 14 (01:18:00):
Great Mark, how are you?

Speaker 6 (01:18:01):
I'm doing? Great man. So a couple things here. One,
we sent you pictures. Matthew called yesterday and Matthew, you
sent us a bunch of pictures. You had a concrete
company come out and they poured a patio. They poured
over by your fence. You send us pictures that gate
doesn't even open after they poured by the fence, right,
that's right.

Speaker 14 (01:18:22):
Yeah, it's atrocious.

Speaker 6 (01:18:24):
It's atrocious. So we sent the pictures over to Curtis.
Dmitri got involved, Deputy d got involved. And here's what's amazing,
referral Lis dot com. I love having great people. We
can go to Curtis. You looked at the pictures. I'm
not going to paint a bad or good picture. What
is your opinion of the whole job. Matthew's basically saying
the gate won't open. And then the other issues were,

what didn't you say it starting to spall or what
were the other issues, Matthew.

Speaker 2 (01:18:51):
And it was on.

Speaker 25 (01:18:54):
One, say, of the gated falling apart from the buildings,
but it looks like it's sagging down so you can
see where the cocking ist bit off the wall.

Speaker 6 (01:19:01):
You said, it almost looks like it needs to be
kind of mud jacked. It's actually started sloping where the
calking was, Curtis, it's dropped down. I mean, what are
the different fixes here looking at the pictures, Curtis.

Speaker 26 (01:19:15):
Well, a couple things there. They've got some hairline cracks
which are somewhat negligible just because they didn't put enough
control joints in got it. But the way they sloped
from the back patio through to the front, they kind
they literally cemented his fence and his gait in and

then they kinda did a swale turned down by where
the gate was supposed to open. And then on the
backside they didn't even put a form board to create
a step or anything. They literally look like they cut
it out or beveled it at fifteen.

Speaker 6 (01:19:48):
I mean, so it's just a horrible genner to do
a better.

Speaker 26 (01:19:52):
Job than what I'm seeing in this one.

Speaker 6 (01:19:54):
Well, is there any way.

Speaker 18 (01:19:55):
Is there anyway to fix it?

Speaker 4 (01:20:00):
Not sort of tearing it out.

Speaker 6 (01:20:01):
Yeah, that's that's what I was afraid you're gonna say.
And you know, we called this guy. What was the
name of the company again, Matthew.

Speaker 2 (01:20:09):
It was mister my It was just Professional Concrete Company.

Speaker 6 (01:20:14):
Yeah, so we called mister may And let's remind everybody, Kelly,
what mister my said. I love this. Do you remember.

Speaker 11 (01:20:21):
Yeah, he was actually at a job and he said
that he would basically be willing to come on Friday.

Speaker 6 (01:20:27):
Yea, he said he was going to come on Friday.
Here's the issue, though, I don't think he's going to
come on Friday. But you know what, maybe he will.
Maybe mister Myye will do the right thing. So I'm
going to do this, Matthew. I've got to give him
the opportunity to come on Friday. But I'm going to

promise everybody out there, if mister Miye doesn't come on Friday,
I'm going to do some free commercials for him, because
after hearing from our expert how bad this job is.
Think about this. You have a guy come out and
pour cement and he literally makes it to where your
gate can't open. He cements the fence and the gate.

I mean he is he a complete moron? I mean,
am I crazy? Matthew? That's basically what he did? Right?
You can't open your gate? It is how could you
even leave the job at that point?

Speaker 25 (01:21:20):
What happened? When I got there, the concrete was freshly poored,
and then I went to the back, and then Kate
was up. So I called them to have the concrete
company put the gate back on, and Kate went open.
So I called him that he needed to fix this.
They came by the next day and he just hit
the area with a hammer and busted out and called
it good.

Speaker 6 (01:21:37):
Oh my god, this is mister Leogo or whatever?

Speaker 8 (01:21:42):

Speaker 6 (01:21:42):
Did he have a Bond's eye tree hold on, Curtis.
Here's the deal, Matthew, here's what I want. We're going
to give him every opportunity Friday, every opportunity. If he
doesn't come on Friday, it's going to be a wonderful
show Monday. If you like a lot of fireworks, it's
going to be a wonderful, wonderful show Monday. I'm sick

and tired of contractors not doing the right thing. This
isn't something that's you know, this isn't blue or gray.
This damn thing is bad. They poured a job and
the guy can't open his gate everywhere where they caalked it.
It has dropped down and there's issues everywhere. It's just
a horrible job. And mister Miogi there said he was

going to come on Friday. So we're going to give
him the opportunity to do that. Now, Curtis, with pro
form concrete, what are you going to get my driveway done? Brother?

Speaker 14 (01:22:36):
Give me some good weather?

Speaker 6 (01:22:38):
Yeah, I know he I signed a deal with him.
He's been on How long you've been on the refral list, Curtis,
I mean.

Speaker 26 (01:22:43):
Forever since like twenty twelve, I.

Speaker 6 (01:22:47):
Think, yeah, so we're talking way over ten years. I
called you up, I got three bids and I went
with you. You came out. I mean it's been what
three weeks or something, and I told him, I said, listen,
you can't do it before Thanksgiving. We've got twenty people
coming over the house. We're gonna have cars everywhere. But
he's going to come out and actually expand my driveway

and he's going to replace like three four huge chunks
of it that have cracked over the years. So I'm
looking forward to getting that done. But I told him,
get it done. Anytime we can get out of your way.
Just make sure the weather's right. But if you want
the right guy to do the concrete, call Curtis up.
He's the guy I got three estimates on mine and not.

He came in right about the lowest. He was a
little over, not much, a couple hundred bucks. But he's
been on the referral list forever and I've had zero complaints.
That's my favorite part, so I know the job's going
to be done. Curtis. I appreciate you coming on looking
at those pictures, helping Matthew out. And if this other
guy doesn't do the right thing, Matthew, I want you

to call Curtis because you're going to have to get
it fixed eventually. You might as well get Curtis out
there to put eyeballs on it. But Curtis pro formed concrete.
Three oh three eight eight eight seven seven three oh
three eight eight eight seventy seven fifty five. I gotta
take a break, listen, I got some lines open. We're
gonna clear these up. You've been ripped off taking advantage

of having any questions. I want you to call now.
Three oh three seven one three eight two five five.
I haven't heard a good landlord story in a while.
I like hearing about scumbag landlords.

Speaker 12 (01:24:25):
Go with a sure thing Denver's best roofer Excel Roofing
dot com.

Speaker 13 (01:24:29):
You don't pay a cent until you're content.

Speaker 12 (01:24:34):
Time for an insurance check up free, no obligation comparison
call Compass Insurance paying too much your coverage at dozens
of insurance companies find out now three oh three seven
seven to one help. You'll think you're his only customer
when you choose Frank durand the real estate Man dot
com to list your home with Remax Alliance three oh
three nine two zero sixteen twenty two.

Speaker 6 (01:24:57):
All right, Boks three oh three seven one three eight
two five five, we have a line open. You've been
ripped off, need some help. We've recouped a ton of
money today. We're going to do some updates that are
going to blow people away here in one second. But
Tom has been holding for a long time. First of all, Tom,
he should I go to Tom first? Or should I
go to Don Kelly?

Speaker 11 (01:25:16):
I swear I'm going to get in there and kick
your butt.

Speaker 6 (01:25:19):
Uh oh, Tom, what's going on with you?

Speaker 8 (01:25:21):

Speaker 14 (01:25:24):

Speaker 6 (01:25:24):
Yes, No, I'm mark your Tom.

Speaker 21 (01:25:26):
Yes, sir Mark, I appreciate you taking the call.

Speaker 6 (01:25:30):
What's going on? It says you got an issue with
Social Security?

Speaker 21 (01:25:34):
This is for my sister.

Speaker 14 (01:25:35):
Okay, So she is receiving.

Speaker 21 (01:25:40):
Social Security disability, got it?

Speaker 18 (01:25:42):
They took it away.

Speaker 14 (01:25:44):
From her a couple of months ago.

Speaker 21 (01:25:45):
Why that she was making too much money? Oh, my
sister is a senior citizen. She works for one of
the local grocery chains as a bagger.

Speaker 6 (01:25:55):
Well, this is pretty cut and dry. Man, Hold on
a second, this is pretty cut and dry. She either
crosses to the threshold or doesn't. I mean, does she
make too much money?

Speaker 21 (01:26:09):
You know, she was giving the letters. My sister has
an intellectual disability, and I guess she was getting letters
from Social Security about hours. And I had been speaking
to the grocery chain about that, about quick giving her
so many hours. She can't work, you.

Speaker 18 (01:26:24):
Know, thirty plus hours.

Speaker 21 (01:26:26):
She's got to be you know, twenty right around there.

Speaker 6 (01:26:30):
How much is she making? It looks like in twenty
twenty four, the SGA is fifteen and fifty dollars a month.
Is she making more than that?

Speaker 21 (01:26:43):
At some point in time she was with the increase
in hours and also the increase in pay for in Denver,
I mean, minimum wage has gone up so much and
I just recently had them reduce her hours less than twenty.
They were telling me, well, she has to worry twenty
hours a week, and it's like, no, I'm going to
get ahold of the union Local seven and they got

involved and I said, she doesn't need any insurance or anything.

Speaker 6 (01:27:09):
So you guys have that or you have that part
figured out. If she continues to work, it's going to
be under the threshold, right, So what does social Security say?

Speaker 16 (01:27:21):

Speaker 6 (01:27:21):
What does disability say? Now that she's going to have
less hours?

Speaker 21 (01:27:26):
We're on a holding pattern. We're waiting for them to
get an appointment, and it's been a couple of months.
Is there anybody I can talk to maybe try to
expedite this because she has nothing coming in now.

Speaker 6 (01:27:37):
Well, God, she's in that weird trap. She really is.
McGuire six years old. Yeah, hold on a second, see
if we can get Sullivan and McGuire. Kelly, do you
have their number. I'd like to see if we can
get them on. Suzanne might have that number. She's probably listening.
Hold on, man, I hate to do this.

Speaker 2 (01:27:59):

Speaker 6 (01:27:59):
I'm going to put you on hold. I want to
see if I can't get someone on that specializes in this. Okay, Okay, Well,
it's not every day you get a call going someone
makes too much money or or you know, the minimum
wage is too high, But in his particular circumstance, it is.
I mean, it truly is. And they put you in

the position that guaranteed money coming in, they take it
away because you go over that threshold. I mean, you
can look at it any way you want to me.
I'm actually buying what the guy is selling or laying
down that his sisters disabled and has you know, some problems. Okay,
let's just put it like that. And I think she

is kind of stuck in the system, so, you know,
to pull all of her benefits seems a little crazy.
But let's see if we can't get an expert on.
So Sullivan, Sullivan and maguire Kelly. Now let's talk updates. Guys,
Doc you're up first. This one's great. So Doc called over.
I want to do this one first. The cat. We
had a guy called in. He had a problem with

the dealership. It turns out the dealership was a stand
up dealership and they're going to actually give him five
hundred bucks. He had a quote. He bought the vehicle
about three months ago. He had a quote for six
thousand dollars, right, that's correct, six thousand dollars to replace
the cats on A twenty nineteen f two fifty, six
thousand dollars. And he's like, I just bought this, I'm unhappy,

blah blah blah. We got the dealer to kick in
five hundred. They actually came on the arrow is a
great deal, now, Doc, I wanted him to call right
across the border. Who did you call? Or what town
were they in?

Speaker 7 (01:29:40):
I called two separate muffle shops in Wyoming.

Speaker 10 (01:29:43):
I didn't look at the town.

Speaker 6 (01:29:44):
So in Wyoming. In Wyoming and you asked him how
much for new cats on a twenty nineteen f two fifty.
Remember here in Colorado, California missions. I know there's people
out there going to say, oh, you can't tell people
that app bs. I can tell them what I want.
Here's the bottom line. Because of our governor in the
lefty ways, all you lefties out there that vote for

these lefties and complain about grocery prices and complain about
the cost of living and housing. I want you to
listen to something. I want you to listen to what
these great lefties have done to the state of Colorado.
So when you called there and asked how much to
replace them, Doc, what did you find out?

Speaker 7 (01:30:24):
One was two thousand to four he said, probably on
a low end, and the other one said sixteen hundred
plus one hundred.

Speaker 10 (01:30:31):
For labor, seventeen hundred dollars seventeen hundred, So.

Speaker 6 (01:30:34):
Seventeen hundred dollars compared to six thousand dollars where you
don't have to get California missions now, correct? I can
already hear the buzzing out there. Well, we're California missions.
You have to have it. No, if you own a shop,
you have to sell it. You can't go buy one
and have a shop install it. They'll get fined so
much you'll run them out of business. Most mod Boss,

you can't do that. Shops aren't going to do that.
But yes, believe it or not, we still live in
a free country where I can take my truck my
car to Wyoming and buy cats there. And guess what,
here's a secret. You ready, This secret's so good it'll
pass the missions here right that cat I buy in Wyoming,
We'll pass some missions right here in Colorado. I'll be

damned everybody out there. So you left these out there
that decided that you're always going to vote that way.
Think of the homeless and think of cats. I want
you to think of cats every time. I'll bet the
not the ones you eat, No, the cat's on your car,
will bet the sales tax is much less too. Most
likely it is less time.

Speaker 10 (01:31:36):
Speaking of homeless, have a quick follow up, please.

Speaker 7 (01:31:38):
We had a guy who was in hospice, got sent
to the hospital and didn't.

Speaker 10 (01:31:43):
Have a place to go. Oh my god, he was
going to be discharged.

Speaker 6 (01:31:46):
Wait a minute, Wait a minute, So homeless guy, what
did you go into the hospital for. I forget what
the reason was, but in an emergency situation.

Speaker 7 (01:31:52):
So he was in there. They were going to discharge
him and he had no place to go. So I
told the woman who call on his behalf to get
in touch with the patient advocate. The patient advocate found
him a place and he was sent to hospice.

Speaker 6 (01:32:07):
Oh my god, you found him a place.

Speaker 10 (01:32:09):
Well, the patient advocate did, but we found.

Speaker 6 (01:32:12):
That's fine, but you got involved in with me. You
found him the place he now is in hospice. You know, guys, Doc,
that's incredible. Those are the kind of stories. I mean,
just today, we have recouped a ton of money for
people and helped with a ton of problems. But to
find a guy a place to die with dignity is incredible.

Speaker 7 (01:32:29):
Man, give you another quick one. We had a guy
call up who was out of groceries. This was on
last week, I think on Friday. Homeless guy or just
he had no way of going to get groceries. Oh,
and he called up and he wanted to find out
how can get groceries.

Speaker 6 (01:32:46):
Did he need money or he literally needed a ride
or both needed.

Speaker 7 (01:32:50):
I don't know about the money, but he needed a ride,
okay to go to the grocery store. I drove, I
got a list of what he wanted and dropped it
off at his house. That gross is the weekend, My god, man,
and you paid the grocery bell. Well, that's beside the point.

Speaker 6 (01:33:06):
That is unbelievable, Doc, what a nice thing. Well, we
do help people. Oh, my god, we help that. No,
I mean, my god, If you just listened to the
day's show, we've helped a ton of people. You got
any more there, No.

Speaker 10 (01:33:18):
That's that's it's all right.

Speaker 7 (01:33:20):
Listen, I'm working with a contractor who took sixty thousand dollars.

Speaker 6 (01:33:24):
I'm from someone. Well, I probably got to mention his
name a few times. And if it's sixty grand and
we're not getting anywhere, we probably need to light a
little more fire under Listen, we're gonna come back. What
do you have, Dmitri? Update wise?

Speaker 22 (01:33:37):
Hey, I just did my Walmart update and I'm working
a couple more complicated cases that aren't ready for an
update yet.

Speaker 8 (01:33:43):
Got it going to sound like a total bow?

Speaker 6 (01:33:45):
You got some after the break? I hope, Yes, I
have a couple good.

Speaker 10 (01:33:48):
Ones ones, a death certificate issue, and then I.

Speaker 6 (01:33:52):
Got a certificate issue.

Speaker 9 (01:33:55):
And then regarding Hannah, it was dollars case. Regarding that
forty two thousand dollars that her stepdad jammed into.

Speaker 6 (01:34:02):
That ATM unbelievable. We're going to talk about that, Tom
and Don. You guys are going to be up Barry
Miller with the Steri turnkey. We're going to talk some
real estate that and a lot more after this.

Speaker 12 (01:34:19):
Go with a sure thing Denver's best roofer excel roofing
dot com. You don't pay a cent until you're content.
Time for an insurance checkup free, no obligation. Comparison call
Compass Insurance paying too much your coverage at dozens of
insurance companies find out now three all three seven to
seven to one.

Speaker 6 (01:34:39):

Speaker 12 (01:34:39):
You'll think you're his only customer when you choose Frank
durand the real estate man dot com to list your
home with Remax Alliance three oh three nine two zero
sixteen twenty two.

Speaker 6 (01:35:13):
Who else would call on that? It is so I
don't even know how people make money in that business.

Speaker 8 (01:35:21):
Nothing so our basketball team was.

Speaker 6 (01:35:25):
I just don't know who to call on it. Kelly,
I just, honest to god, don't.

Speaker 11 (01:35:29):
I can get his number and see if Pete is
available at a different time.

Speaker 6 (01:35:33):
Yeah, hold on here, I Mark, you're on the air,
all right, Sorry about that. Three oh three seven one

three eight two five five. Hey Dragon, you act like
if my buttons on, like I'm gonna cuss or something.
That's crazy. That's crazy, thinking dragon, How the bumper music happened?

Speaker 19 (01:36:07):
You came back?

Speaker 6 (01:36:08):
You were talking? Why was on offline? Here's the problem, good,
here's the problem. First of all, I learned a long
time ago. You just don't cuss when you're in this studio.
You simply don't do it. I mean, that's the way
I live my life, and that's what what what what?
You just don't do it. So you look surprised. You
look surprised, and I don't know why you look surprised.

And people out there, you can always tune into our
YouTube where it's a show within a show. When we're
not on air. During the breaks, we're all talking about
virtually everything, and of course we're behaving and we have
a great chat room. It's all g rated. Yup, Disney, Disney, Disney,
you know what I'm saying. It's like that. But Dragon said, hey,

you're on the air, and I didn't realize I was
back on the air, and he's acting like, well, you
got to watch that. I mean, that's what you're saying, right,
come on, you knew that's all all right? Three O
three seven one three h Q five five. By the way,
you've been ripped off taking advantage of we have a
couple lines open. I want to get back to work
with hold On real quick. Over three hundred million dollars. Guys,

you're new to the show, Tell your friends, Tell everybody
out there. You've been ripped off. You just need help.
You need to find the right people, You need a handout.
I mean, you heard what, Doc, did I mean anything
like that. And I'm not inviting every homeless guy to
call because he ain't gonna happen. But if you have
a legitimate b for a problem, we want to help.
Three zero three Martino, call right now, go ahead, Doc.

Speaker 7 (01:37:35):
I just want to ask Tom if he went down
to the local Social Security office in person.

Speaker 6 (01:37:40):
He said he was waiting. In fact, I'll go back.
She's back on with him. I was trying to get Sullivan,
Sullivan and maguire on somebody with so security disability. But
he did say this, I remember this, Doc. He said
they're waiting to hear from him to have an appointment,
so hopefully he can take care of that. But let's
get Let's get Tom's number, Kelly, and then when we
can get somebody on that can talk directly to disability benefits,

will do that. Now. I want to go over to
Deputy Bow. You had some follow ups? Ye, give me one.
What's first round?

Speaker 9 (01:38:11):
This call came in on December second. Tom was a host.
His name is Jent. His sister passed away in Utah
and he was having a heck of a time trying
to get the death certific It's from a Linquist mortuary.

Speaker 10 (01:38:25):
And late in Utah.

Speaker 6 (01:38:27):
Why was it so hard?

Speaker 9 (01:38:29):
Well, there was just some confusion with the mortuary. I
think they were busy, and I think it kind of
fell through the cracks. But the main issue is I
did call the mortuary in Utah. You need to have
a valid security number on a death certificated.

Speaker 10 (01:38:45):
Oh, that's what the mortuary told me.

Speaker 9 (01:38:48):
And it was a little hard for me to swallow,
because when you're dead, why do you need a Social
Security number?

Speaker 6 (01:38:55):
Did you find out that's correct?

Speaker 9 (01:38:56):
I went ahead and called the state Medical Examiner in Utah,
talked to the public information officer and it is true.

Speaker 6 (01:39:04):
Well, then I called.

Speaker 10 (01:39:05):
Back to the mortuary and I said.

Speaker 9 (01:39:07):
Look, this guy Gent from Colorado. He's been waiting. He
needs to get these death certificates so he can handle
the estate. So they were able to expedite the four
death certificates and Jent did receive them last week.

Speaker 8 (01:39:24):

Speaker 10 (01:39:24):
So it was just an issue, a snafoo with the
getting this.

Speaker 6 (01:39:27):
So sweating, I'm fake. Did they shed any light on
why they need the social Security number? Is it just
basically to prove who it is?

Speaker 9 (01:39:37):
I asked, and the public information officer did not know,
and I said, why do you need? And I went
and looked at my wife's death certificate because I thought,
what in Colorado it's just not required, But in Utah
it is and they do have the verify. So so it
takes a lot longer to get a death certificate in
Utah as compared to Colorado.

Speaker 6 (01:39:56):
I am curious, like how many states actually require that.
It's it's very odd. What's the next one, sir? And
good job? By the way, the guy got what do
you want?

Speaker 8 (01:40:07):

Speaker 10 (01:40:07):
What he wanted?

Speaker 6 (01:40:07):
You know, it's funny. We have a lot of updates
that aren't monetary. We actually got a guy I think
it's before you bo, but Doc was around for sure.
Remember when we got the guy a liver? A liver?
We got a guy a liver? What's that with onions?
I'm with onions? Listen to this guy, but boom boom,

go ahead, go ahead bo next.

Speaker 10 (01:40:31):
So I'd like to reach out.

Speaker 9 (01:40:33):
Dollar was working on the case last week, and I
believe he went out to this lady that called in
her name is Hannah, her stepfather pushed forty thousand dollars into.

Speaker 10 (01:40:45):
An ATM machine you, oh my.

Speaker 9 (01:40:48):
God, and got totally ripped off. I've called her twice.
I have an FBI agent friend of mine that would
like to discuss the case with I need.

Speaker 6 (01:41:00):
To I need to recap this real quick, and we're
going to get back to the update. And I apologized.
I went after I took that call, and I was
out of town right after that. Up till a couple
of days ago, this guy got so hoodwinked. Oh my god.
He took forty thousand dollars out of as well as
Fargo account. Isn't that correct?

Speaker 19 (01:41:21):
Bo? Uh?

Speaker 6 (01:41:22):
Yes, forty thousand in bash and two different locations. Then
he walked to a particular place and deposited it through
an ATM. A bitcoin ATM stuck forty thousand dollars in it.
And I'm not kidding. We verified this story. In fact, Bo,
no dons dollar.

Speaker 9 (01:41:42):
This dollar went out and he gazes on location and
photographed the ATM and talked to the liquor store.

Speaker 6 (01:41:49):
Talked to the liquor store. I was thinking possibly the
liquor store was in code. And here's how this whole
thing unfolded. The guy basically got a call. Wasn't it
over taxes? They said, he owed taxes.

Speaker 10 (01:42:02):
There have us something about some urgency with the bank,
that something was going.

Speaker 6 (01:42:05):
That's you're absolutely right. They called up and said someone
hacked into your accounty. Then you got to withdraw your
money right away. Yes, and he fell for it. He
deposited forty thousand dollars. You have an FBI agent involved.
Hold on, I want this update right after this.

Speaker 12 (01:42:26):
No, go with a sure thing Denver's Best roofer Excel
Roofing dot com. You don't pay a cent until you're content.
Time for an insurance checkup free, no obligation. In comparison,
call Compass Insurance paying too much your coverage at dozens
of insurance companies find out now three oh three seven
to seven to one help. You'll think you're his only

customer when you choose Frank durand the real estate Man
dot com to list your home with Remax Alliance three
oh three nine two zero sixteen twenty two three oh.

Speaker 6 (01:42:58):
Three seven one three two five. By the way, by
the way, waterpros dot net, you want to talk about
the best water systems out there, Paul came out with
water Pros and installed the whole house softener and some
other stuff for us. First of all, it was half
the price of any of the competition, and they do
everything right. Paul himself is a licensed plumber. They have

water systems that are better than the other guys and
they're half the price. I mean, what else can you
ask for when it comes to a water system. They'll
come out and do free water samples for you. They'll
do whatever you want. They're great people. Check them out
waterpros dot net. That's waterpros dot net. Now real quick,
what is the name of this company you're asking about? Don?

Is it streamline financing? Is it where you borrow money
for a short period of time? Don? All right, we'll
come back to him right after this. We've got a
lot of cooking. Next hour three oh three seven, one, three, eight,
two five five. We've got some more updates from Bo
coming up, and we're going to be talking all kinds
of stuff.

Speaker 12 (01:44:02):
Go with a sure thing Denver's Best roofer Excel roofing
dot com.

Speaker 13 (01:44:06):
You don't pay a cent until you're content.

Speaker 12 (01:44:11):
Time for an insurance check up free, no obligation in
comparison call Compass Insurance. Pay too much your coverage at
dozens of insurance companies. Find out now three oh three
seven seven to one help. You'll think you're his only
customer when you choose Frank durand the real estate man
dot com to list your home with Remax Alliance three
oh three nine two zero sixteen twenty two.

Speaker 1 (01:44:37):
Ripped You need that so you don't have.

Speaker 8 (01:44:45):
Run anxious.

Speaker 3 (01:44:45):
As as we can, Shooter's gonna help.

Speaker 1 (01:44:50):

Speaker 5 (01:44:51):
This is the Troubleshooter Show. No Tom Martinez.

Speaker 6 (01:44:56):
Welcome my friends to the only show of his came.
We're here to sound problems, answer question and stay complaints.
We're here to make your life a little bit better.
You've been ripped off, Maybe you just got a question.
Maybe you think you're getting ripped off and want an
expert's opinion. This is what you do. You pick up
the phone, you down three oh three seven one three
A two five five or three oh three Martino. That
number works on and off the air forty five years

in Denver. This show is the longest running show with
the same host in the United States. People used to
argue the Grand Old Opry that show's been around forever.
In fact, I think Deputy Doc was born when that
show started. But here's the deal with that show, multiple
hosts over the years, so that's kind of the deal here.

Three oh three seven three A two five five. Really
you need help. I want to hear from you. I
do want to talk to my guest real quick. We
do have a couple lines open. Three oh three Martino,
let me see if this is the same caller. Don
You've been on and off the line for about three hours,
so I got you. I'm gonna take you real quick.
What is your question?

Speaker 14 (01:45:58):
Yeah, I kept gop.

Speaker 27 (01:46:00):
We have a loan with Bank of America and we're
looking into refinancing at with a streamline refinance.

Speaker 2 (01:46:07):
Is that still a thing?

Speaker 27 (01:46:08):
And who would be best to go with.

Speaker 6 (01:46:10):
The What do you I don't understand when you say
streamline refinance? I mean you could be talking about an
action and not a particular bank or a particular lender.
What are you talking about, Well, it.

Speaker 27 (01:46:24):
Would be through a lender, but it's a simplified process.
You know that you don't have to have an appraisal
on everything. They just you know, take the information.

Speaker 6 (01:46:35):
How much equity do you have?

Speaker 16 (01:46:38):
All about four hundred thousands.

Speaker 6 (01:46:40):
So you've got four hunder grand inequity. What's your credit
score or what are the credit scores of anybody on
that deed or anybody on the mortgage. More importantly, two.

Speaker 27 (01:46:48):
Of us are about eight hundred each.

Speaker 6 (01:46:51):
Oh, so you got good credit. Let's do this. Let's
get Brent Ivanson on. I'd like to do that with
Ideal home loans. Hold on a second, man, I'm going
to put you back on if you drop off for
the fiftieth time. Callback. But I know what to ask
the expert, But I would like to get him on
and then he might have questions for you. Now. Meantime,
we're going to go back. Hold on one second, Barry,

I want to go back to Deputy Bow. Deputy Bow,
where did we leave off on updates? I want everybody
out there to listen to these updates. We have over
three hundred million dollars in cash, merchandise, exchange, his refund services, goodwill.
Just today we found out from Doc. You know, he
went out got some guys, some groceries. He also got
a guy that was getting kicked out of a hospital

a place to go die with dignity through hospice. And
this is the kind of stuff we do, and we're
so proud of it. We all saved the guy five
hundred bucks today. We had a dealership give the guy
five hundred dollars and that same guy we told him
where to go to save four thousand dollars on the
catalytic converters for his car.

Speaker 8 (01:47:51):
What else you gave?

Speaker 16 (01:47:52):

Speaker 9 (01:47:53):
So Hannah called in last week and Hannah, if your list,
we would like for you to call back into.

Speaker 10 (01:48:03):
Dollar or I.

Speaker 6 (01:48:04):
Oh wait a minute, I'm sorry, Bo, I'm gonna let you.
I'm gonna give you a I'm going to give you
an opportunity to recap. Tell quick as you can for
everybody listening what we're talking about.

Speaker 9 (01:48:16):
Okay, Hannah called last week her stepfather's got scammed out
of forty thousand dollars. Her dad put this money into
some sort of a bitcoin ATM machine out in Aurora
and basically he lost the money. He got scammed out
of all of this cash.

Speaker 6 (01:48:35):
And we know a couple things about this. Number one,
we know what actually happened. We have sent Deputy.

Speaker 10 (01:48:41):
Dollar went out and photographed the atm.

Speaker 6 (01:48:44):
Talk to the people that.

Speaker 10 (01:48:45):
Talk to the people to own the liquor store.

Speaker 9 (01:48:47):
Now, the people that own the liquor store, we believe
don't have anything to do with it.

Speaker 6 (01:48:50):
But who knows.

Speaker 10 (01:48:51):
But who knows?

Speaker 6 (01:48:52):
Now here's the interesting part. You're saying you can't get
in contact with him.

Speaker 9 (01:48:57):
Now, I cannot get in contact with and I believe
Dollars tried to call her too. I have an FBI
agent friend that reached out to me that would like
to talk to her about this case and pursue it.

Speaker 6 (01:49:09):
Here's what I'm afraid of.

Speaker 10 (01:49:11):
What is that.

Speaker 6 (01:49:12):
I'm afraid that maybe the scammer got win, that we
got involved, and they're threatening these people, and that's why
they're not answering the phone.

Speaker 10 (01:49:22):
Mark. I never thought of that guy.

Speaker 6 (01:49:23):
How the hell would they why would they call in?
And we verified the story, like absolutely, we went out there.
This happened. He went to two different Wells Fargo withdrew
forty thousand in cash within the last couple of weeks,
went to this liquor store on video and deposited it
through the ATM. And there's people listening right now. I
guarantee you going, how the hell can you deposit that

much cash? We verified it, We verified it.

Speaker 9 (01:49:47):
She was teary eyed when she called, and I don't
understand why she will not reach back out to us
so we can give her help. But Mark, you have
a valid point about maybe maybe the scammers are doing
something to her.

Speaker 6 (01:49:59):
Maybe someone got to him. We've got a we keep
trying to get to him.

Speaker 10 (01:50:03):
I will I'm gonna call again after the show.

Speaker 6 (01:50:05):
What else you got cooking? What else is in the hopper?

Speaker 9 (01:50:09):
Joe from as Alison Plumbing, he lent allowed his fellow
contractor to go to a supply a house and buy
fifty dollars worth of product and he's not paying him.
So we Joe, with the help of Brad O'Brien, is
working on filing the mechanics leaning against the property so

he can attempt to get his money back.

Speaker 6 (01:50:33):
Who owns the property?

Speaker 10 (01:50:35):
And for if some.

Speaker 9 (01:50:36):
Lady out in Centennial. It's a very expensive house. He
did a lot of heating work there.

Speaker 6 (01:50:40):
You know what, folks, I mean a lot of people
don't realize this. If you're new to the show, you
probably don't. But if you do work on someone's house,
even if they're not the ones paying you. Let's say
you're a subcontractor or a supplier, I mean back in
your first lifetime BO, you guys you sold plumbing supplies, right, yes,
you would deliver stuff to homes. You might deliver a

whole hvac or something, right, yes. And if you guys
didn't get paid, even if it was the contractor that
basically ordered it, if you delivered it to the homeowners.
One of the ways you can get paid if you're
not is to lean the property.

Speaker 10 (01:51:16):
And we've had to do that several times in this
really and it makes tough.

Speaker 6 (01:51:19):
It is tough, but it makes the contractor stand up.
And the reason that's out there in the law, and
I want everybody to understand this, it's betterment. So even
if it's betterment, the furnace is there, it gets installed,
BO doesn't get paid. And I'm using this as an example.
Bo Bo's furnace made them better off. I mean, they

do need to pay for that improve the property. It
improved the property. And it doesn't matter if you're mowing
a guy's lawn and he doesn't pay you. You can
put a lien on property and generally that wakes people
up pretty quick. You either end up getting paid by
the homeowner because they can't even sell their house at
this point, or they got to bond around it or
it wakes up the contractor, especially if it's a commercial job,

because you'll never work for that company again.

Speaker 9 (01:52:09):
Right, And we found out that the contractor that did
this job for thirty nine thousand dollars didn't even pull
a permit.

Speaker 10 (01:52:16):
So we're complaining.

Speaker 9 (01:52:17):
We put a complaint into to the mechanical department.

Speaker 6 (01:52:20):
You gotta folks, you got to go to referral list
dot com. What else you got, sir, h that's it?

Speaker 10 (01:52:26):
Just got a few other cases, but there's he I
want you to be resolution.

Speaker 6 (01:52:30):
I want you to stick on that one. When that
lien gets done, I would like to follow the timeline
of how fast they get paid. I mean, let's face it,
it could be a year, it could be when they
sell the house, or it could be pretty damn quick.
Did you ever talk to that contractor?

Speaker 9 (01:52:45):
By the way, yes, late when he filed the lane
with the help of Brad O'Brien of Brian Legal Services,
Lean was filed property in the homeowner when he came
back from Spain, was extremely pissed off.

Speaker 10 (01:52:58):
All right, bet you found a lean.

Speaker 9 (01:53:00):
For fifty four hundred dollars on the property when you
paid thirty nine.

Speaker 10 (01:53:03):
Thousand dollars for the job.

Speaker 6 (01:53:05):
I'd be pissed.

Speaker 10 (01:53:05):
So I don't know when he's going to get paid.
But the lien was done properly.

Speaker 9 (01:53:09):
So hopefully he'll get paid in a couple of weeks,
or it could be a few years.

Speaker 10 (01:53:13):
When she sells a property, like you said.

Speaker 6 (01:53:15):
They could actually foreclothes on it and force to put
that costs to a tunnel.

Speaker 9 (01:53:18):
That costantly and he doesn't want to do it. He
feels bad about it, but he has to protect his interest.

Speaker 6 (01:53:23):
Oh, of course you do, or you'd go broke as
a contractor. That's why I always argue, always don't pay
money upfront to contractors. Don't do it. I don't care
what you gotta do. Try everything in the world. If
it's custom stuff that there's different things I agree with,
but in general, don't do it.

Speaker 9 (01:53:38):
And ask to get a lean waiver from the contractor
when you're doing these jobs.

Speaker 6 (01:53:43):
When you're done and paid, that's a very very good
thing to throw in their deputy, Doc, you had a question.
I'm sorry, bo Is.

Speaker 10 (01:53:49):
At every update, that's it for now.

Speaker 26 (01:53:52):

Speaker 6 (01:53:52):
You were working on one where it was a sixty
thousand dollars deal the job wasn't done to the call.

Speaker 7 (01:53:59):
It was eighty one thousand dollars a job, but she
paid sixty thousand up front, got it.

Speaker 10 (01:54:04):
She's very unhappy with the work that was done.

Speaker 7 (01:54:07):
It's substandard.

Speaker 6 (01:54:08):
How much have the jobs been done?

Speaker 8 (01:54:10):
Very very little?

Speaker 6 (01:54:11):
Oh well, and she.

Speaker 7 (01:54:12):
Just got an email from him yesterday saying he wants
to come out and finish the job. My question is,
is she legally obligated to let him finish the job
or can she terminate it because of substandard work and
get her money back.

Speaker 6 (01:54:28):
Well, if the job's not finished, I don't know how
you would call it substandard if he's willing to come
out and fix it. And this isn't a legal answer,
this is just doing the show, so long answer, And
the answer would be let him try to fix it. Now,
the next question becomes, how many opportunities do you give somebody? Well,
I don't know the answer to that. Maybe two, maybe three.

But the easiest thing is to tell her let him
come out, finish the job and then at least she
gets something done, because her other alternative is what hiring
an attorney going after this guy, and he could have
very well already spent the money.

Speaker 7 (01:55:03):
Well, yeah, I told I also told him on a
conference call yesterday about the construction.

Speaker 6 (01:55:10):
Yeah, he's supposed to Yeah, he's supposed to hold that
money in trust.

Speaker 7 (01:55:13):
Let's go.

Speaker 8 (01:55:14):

Speaker 6 (01:55:14):
So, in the state of Colorado, the Contractor's Trust Act
basically says, if I give you money for my project,
you don't have to actually open up a bank account
or a trust account, but in general, you have to
earmark that money from my project. You're not allowed to
spend it on general expenses like rent for your building
or your trucks or anything. It is for my project

and my project only. And if you break that law,
there is a little bit of criminal to it, but
you can actually go after him civilly. But a lot
of the times, the issue is the absolute issue is
these contractors have nothing to go after. You know, when Florida,
they'll throw your ass in jail. You know what, I'm
going to go back to my lefty rant. You know, Colorado,

I hope the governor was proud a couple of years
ago when we had more carthfs than any other state.
I mean, think about that. That's how bad we got here.
Homeless people just everywhere throwing money at the homeless. I
think they calculated you could have gave every homeless guy
like one hundred thousand bucks and still save money. I mean,
think about that. They spent like one hundred thousand dollars

per homeless or something absolutely crazy. But if a contractor
comes takes eighty grand from you, it does nothing or
does a horrible job, they won't do a damn thing.
Oh that's a civil matter. That's where we live right now,
and I love this state, but I can't stand the
people that run it.

Speaker 12 (01:56:43):
Go with a sure thing Denver's Best roofer Excel Roofing
dot com. You don't pay a cent until you're content.
Time for an insurance check up free, no obligation. In comparison,
call Compass Insurance paying too much your coverage at dozens
of it insurance companies find out Now three all three
seven seven to one help. You'll think you're his only

customer when you choose Frank durand the real estate Man
dot com to list your home with Remax Alliance three
all three nine two zero sixteen twenty two.

Speaker 6 (01:57:14):
Sorry, folks, three oh three seven one three eight two
five five. We're trying to get one of our experts
on for Don Kelly's working on that in the background.
I want to go to Barry Miller with festera turnkey
and we're going to put you on the spot. Barry,
let's do it. So Deputy Bow's got some questions and
I want to I want to pepper this with a
little bit of information. One, Deputy Bow, you've got a

bunch of rentals already, right, yes.

Speaker 9 (01:57:39):
And I have an important question I want to ask
on the air because this would be a benefit to
the listeners.

Speaker 6 (01:57:44):
And what hold on. But what Barry Miller does in general,
and I'll let him correct me, But so everybody understands
if you don't have any knowledge of being a landlord
or don't know how to find undervalued property, what the
Vestera group does. They go out and they find a
coomies across the country that are thriving, and then once
they find that correct area, then they do a deep

dive and find properties that are undervalued but yet ready
and I mean ready to rent out. So you purchase
the property, you get the deed of the property. They
find a management company somewhere local that knows the local
stuff and can take care of it, and you start
making money instantly. Or cash flowing instantly on renting the

property out. Then as the property appreciates and is worth
more money, you can sell it. In fact, you can
sell it any time you want. They can help you
sell it, you can hire your own realtor. But then
you sell it. They do all the management, they find
the property, and some of the things they have done
for people in Colorado are unbelievable. I mean we're talking

people that have invested three four hundred thousand dollars have
turned it into what very millions. I mean, straight up,
he's been doing this forever. You and Tom have known
each other. In fact, you guys years almost forty years.
In fact, i'd be ten years old when you guys
met Cheese Wheeze now bo and the reason I wanted

to bring Bow into this. Both's got a ton of
different rentolds. I mean, you're actually a landlord, and what
is your question?

Speaker 9 (01:59:17):
Yes, And I'm at the point now my sister and
I hate being a landlord because most of our stuff
is in Denver. You got to be licensed, and the
laws changed that landlord talent laws. You almost need to
be an attorney to be a manager.

Speaker 10 (01:59:30):
You're brutal, it is brutal.

Speaker 9 (01:59:32):
So my question, I have six rentals now, Barry, can
I sell these rentals and put them into a ten
to thirty one exchange with your company D percent?

Speaker 8 (01:59:45):
Yes, And not only that, Bull, I have approximately four
to five maybe six. I almost said half a dozen
customers right now that are doing that because of what's
going on in Denver.

Speaker 6 (01:59:59):
Well, explain exactly what you guys are talking about. There's
a lot of people that don't know what that is.

Speaker 10 (02:00:05):
It's a pain to be a landlord. The tenants have
all the rights.

Speaker 1 (02:00:09):
I can't.

Speaker 9 (02:00:10):
I have to change all I have to now have
a real estate license for each property is required by Denver,
and they check. They want to do your inspections. And
now they're doing bathroom prevents.

Speaker 6 (02:00:22):
And you can't kick people out. No, I got one
that No, no, no, I'm not kidding it. Literally when
the lease is up, unless if you're selling the property
you're moving.

Speaker 9 (02:00:32):
Into, technically I have to find them another place. It's
not my place. So I'm sick and tired of it.
And I think a lot of listeners are the landlords.
And this is very good news. I've been want waiting
to ask you this question. If it's a ten.

Speaker 10 (02:00:45):
Thirty one, I wouldn't have to pay tax. I could
roll it over.

Speaker 8 (02:00:48):
In ten thirty one. Is you sell the property, the
game that you make on it, so long as you
buy other real estry invest okay, proper or more value
equal or more value okay. But I'll say what our
customers are doing. They're selling one property in Denver and

buying two or three properties of greater value total and
other areas in other areas, making more cash flow, no
deferred maintenance. Their properties in Denver have deferred maintenance, but
no taxes have to be paid on the gains at
that time.

Speaker 6 (02:01:27):
And you can put all that together for someone like
him and just a turnkey solution.

Speaker 8 (02:01:32):
It's a turnkey solution. We're doing that literally a couple
of times every week.

Speaker 10 (02:01:39):
And no going out on Sunday to fix the toilet.

Speaker 8 (02:01:41):
No going out on Sunday. And when you when you
own the properties. Now this is where Tom Tom Tom
Tom Martinez says, Barry, how much are you charging to
oversee the property management? Three hundred and sixty dollars a year,
that's nothing. And then when we get that call at
two am, we get the call.

Speaker 10 (02:02:01):
You don't that's so reasonable.

Speaker 6 (02:02:02):
Yeah, but if it's him and you get the call,
you should call him just to tell him you got
the call.

Speaker 3 (02:02:07):
Yeah, well, after our.

Speaker 8 (02:02:08):
Meeting today, now you know this, the years may have
to go to seven twenty.

Speaker 10 (02:02:13):

Speaker 6 (02:02:13):
Hey, we're gonna we're going to come back to these guys.
But I've got doctor doctor Joel on. I wanted to
bring him up because an email I got, Hey, doctor Joel,
I need to ask you something, man. Two things. The
weight loss stuff you're advertising right now, the deal is crazy.

I've had two or three people literally email me asking me,
how can he do it for two hundred and fifty
and that's either of the medications. How does that work?
First of all, doctor Joel, oh Man, did I have
him on too long? I hate when I get an
expert and it's my fault. I'm going to put him
on hold. Kelly tell me when he's back on. Meantime,

I'm going to go to Ryan her big Hey are
you there? Yeah? Is this her bigger Joel?

Speaker 2 (02:03:04):
This is this is doctor Joel.

Speaker 6 (02:03:06):
Okay, doctor Joel. She has the lines cross. That's why
you just heard me talk but I couldn't hear you.
No big deal. So anyhow I've got to ask you
about that. Then, what is the deal? How can you
guys be two hundred and fifty three hundred bucks for what?
What are the two weight loss medications?

Speaker 19 (02:03:25):

Speaker 28 (02:03:25):
We're two ninety five that's where we're advertising right now,
two ninety five and that's for a standard dosing on
some magetide. And we're able to do that because we
have a high volume of patience and also we've got
good relationships with our compounding promise. We're not trying to
make a killing off of it. We're just trying to
support people who need the drug.

Speaker 6 (02:03:47):
And when when we talk about need the drug, what
is an idea of someone? I mean, at what point
wouldn't you give it to somebody? I mean, if you're
fifty pounds overweight, I would assume there's no problem getting
the drug through you guys.

Speaker 28 (02:04:01):
Right, you know, every patient's different. So what happens is
when a patient has their consultation, which is at no
cost with our medical doctor. Our medical doctor will take
their weight and their height and their BMI and make
a determination as to whether or not they're qualified to
be a patient. Now, it doesn't take a whole lot
to be qualified, but certainly, if somebody's underweight, if somebody

has a disease process that's causing them to lose weight,
or if they have a psychological issue like body dysmorphia,
obviously those are not good patients for us. But because
the drug is so safe and so effective and has
many other health benefits, if people are interested and they're not,
then there's no contray indications, there's no reason why they
can't take it, then we're happy to accept them as

a patient in our clinic.

Speaker 6 (02:04:47):
And then at that point, so that part's free. In
other words, you figure out if it's right for them,
and once you do that, then they literally pay two
hundred and ninety nine bucks a months, and that includes
the medicaid or the shots that they take weekly right
there at their own house, right right.

Speaker 28 (02:05:04):
Two ninety five mark, But yes, you are correct, that's
exactly right. The medications directly shift from the pharmacy to
their home so they don't have to go anywhere, and
includes the syringes, all the supplies that they needed, and
then they can have unlimited consultations with our patient coordinator
if they have any questions about how they.

Speaker 6 (02:05:22):
How much could someone that let's just say and I
know this is all per person, but under over one
hundred pounds overweight or between seventy five and fifty whatever
it is. How much weight have you been seeing on
this drug, say, over a six month period? Is there
an average?

Speaker 10 (02:05:40):

Speaker 28 (02:05:40):
Well the best way to because everybody's body shape is different,
to give a weight number doesn't really give you a
good indication. So a good rule of thumb is a
thirty percent reduction in body weight over a three month period.

Speaker 6 (02:05:54):
In a three month period, yes, that is just ridiculous.
Every time you turn around, you're hearing about what miracle
drug this stuff is, but everybody else docks selling it
for like two thousand bucks. I still don't understand it,
two ninety nine. How you can do it? Go ahead, Dmitri, Hey.

Speaker 1 (02:06:10):
Joel, it's Dmitri.

Speaker 22 (02:06:11):
So for somebody like me who's got and I don't
know anything about this drug, So forgive me if this
sounds really, you know, stupid.

Speaker 8 (02:06:18):
But you know I've been struggling question.

Speaker 22 (02:06:20):
Thanks, I've been struggling to lose like the last twenty
pounds around the belt line. And as you know, that's
the most difficult for man, stubborn fat, for man to lose.
So would I be a candidate for this or am
I just not overweight enough?

Speaker 28 (02:06:36):
No, you certainly would be a candidate. But we have
lots of patients that are in your same situation that
are just trying to lose that extra ten or fifteen
pounds or even less that. Like you said, we start
to gain that around our midsection as we get older
as men as women. You know, obviously it distributes into
different areas of the body. But the short answer is yes,
absolutely qualify for our program. You know, you work with

our patient coordinator tie on determining the length. So a
lot of people will do it for several months and
the tree stop using the drug and a lot of
times they can maintain that weight. You know, if they can't,
we do have patients that return for another couple of months.

Speaker 26 (02:07:13):
You know.

Speaker 28 (02:07:13):
We allow the people to go on and up. We
don't hold you to any kind of contract.

Speaker 6 (02:07:17):
It's a month to month. There's no Dmitri. There is
no better deal out there. These guys are doing it
all over the country.

Speaker 12 (02:07:24):
I go with a sure thing, Denver's Best roofer Excel
roofing dot com.

Speaker 13 (02:07:28):
You don't pay a cent until you're content.

Speaker 12 (02:07:32):
Wait, time for an insurance check up free no obligation
comparison call Compass Insurance paying too much your coverage at
dozens of insurance companies find out now three all three
seven to seven to one.

Speaker 6 (02:07:44):

Speaker 12 (02:07:44):
You'll think you're his only customer when you choose Frank
durand the real estate Man dot com to list your
home with Remax Alliance three all three nine two zero
sixteen twenty two.

Speaker 6 (02:07:56):
All right, folks, we have got so much going on.
I got to jump to Ryan herb Big. Ryan is
on a referral list or referral list dot com. He's
one of the owners of American Liberty Mortgage and by
the way, Small World Barry Miller in studio with me
knows Ryan Ryan. I got to jump to this because
I'm running out of time. But basically, Don's got a question,
and here's the question. He's got about four hundred thousand

dollars in equity. His wife and himself are both on
the loan. Their credit score is eight hundred. According to him,
he wants to know if you can do what he
is calling streamline financing, where they don't have to jump
through all the hoops. It happens quick and they take.
How much cash out do you actually are looking at
taken out?

Speaker 27 (02:08:35):
Don actually maybe even none?

Speaker 6 (02:08:40):
Okay, no cash out. You just want to get the
payment lower and REFI Ryan, is that a thing anymore
where you don't have to go through and you know,
do the appraisal, do all this other stuff with that
much equity and that kind of credit score. Give me
some quick feedback.

Speaker 4 (02:08:56):
Yes, so you can do a streamline. What kind of
loan do you have? Is it a conventional VA that's
with Thank of America?

Speaker 21 (02:09:08):

Speaker 4 (02:09:08):
Okay, do you know if it's Is it a conventional loan? Fhava?

Speaker 27 (02:09:14):
I believe it's faha.

Speaker 4 (02:09:16):
Faha, Okay, so faha and BA loans do allow you
to do a streamline refinance without an appraisal, so you
could look at the doing that. Those programs do not
allow you to get cash out, But if you want
to just lower your payment, you can do a streamline.

Speaker 6 (02:09:34):
If he has, like Ryan, in all honesty, I'm saying
this simply because I'm running out of time. If he
spends ten minutes with you on the phone, I mean,
is that something you can say, Yeah, we're going to
be able to do this, no problem kind of deal.

Speaker 4 (02:09:47):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, we can chat about I love him,
know exactly what I love it.

Speaker 19 (02:09:50):

Speaker 6 (02:09:50):
Here's what I want to do. And I appreciate you
Don hanging for so long. But Ryan's one of our
mortgage experts. This guy, he knows all the products inside
and out. He can do reverse loans. He can do anything,
it just doesn't matter. He can do it VA VHA
conventional seconds, reverses. You get the idea, call them up
and I want feedback from you, Don, how it went.

Is it gonna work out? Please give me a call tomorrow.
Seven to one nine. This is Ryan's number. Seven to
one nine two two eight sixty fifty five. They have
locations in Denver, Colorado, Springs all over seven one nine
two two eight, six to zero five to five American
Liberty Mortgage seven to one nine two two eight sixty
fifty five. Now listen, Troy's got a question we're gonna

take for Barry. But I gotta take this break. But
I got to tell you about eight eight eight heating
dot Com one more time. I've had two emails. Who
are the people at the forty five dollars special eight
eight eight heating dot Com? They're gonna come out. They're
gonna clean the furnace, tear it apart, get rid of
the dirt, give you a no breakdown guarantee. I have
personally used Garrett in the Gang for over ten years
at eight eight eight Heating dot com. You can schedule

that deal right now online at eight eight eight Heating.

Speaker 12 (02:11:00):
Go with a sure thing Denver's best roofer Excel Roofing
dot com.

Speaker 13 (02:11:04):
You don't pass cent until you're content.

Speaker 12 (02:11:10):
Time for an insurance checkup free no obligation comparison call
Compass Insurance paying too much your coverage at dozens of
insurance companies find out now three O three seven to
seven to one help. You'll think you're his only customer
when you choose Frank durand the real estate Man dot
com to list your home with Remax Alliance three three
nine two zero sixteen twenty two.

Speaker 6 (02:11:33):
Compass Insurance Real quick Man. Last week they were doing
the free insurance checkup, which they do all the time.
Go to Compass Insurance dot com call them. They saved
the guy. Listen. Brian was on with me last week.
No joke. They were paying about forty thousand a year
for all their coverages. They had all kinds of stuff.
They had a couple rentals, they had a home, they
had cars, they had kids. You get the idea. Listen

to this. They saved them twelve thousand dollars a year
and got them better coverage. They didn't even have an umbrella. Listen.
If you want great coverage or just check it up
and make sure you're getting good coverage. It'll help you out.
Go to Compass Insurance dot com. Troy, what's your question
for Barry Miller?

Speaker 19 (02:12:12):
Hey, Barry, do you handle the ten thirty one exchange
or do you work with somebody to do that?

Speaker 16 (02:12:19):

Speaker 8 (02:12:20):
Yeah, we are not the intermediary. We coordinate it, but
we work with a great intermediary on your behalf.

Speaker 6 (02:12:27):
To make sure you're compliant. I mean that you have
to be compliant.

Speaker 8 (02:12:30):
Yeah, and they're a great natural.

Speaker 6 (02:12:31):
You'll end up paying all the income.

Speaker 8 (02:12:32):
Oh yeah, you don't want to do that.

Speaker 6 (02:12:34):
Are you thinking about doing it? Troy?

Speaker 19 (02:12:38):
Yeah, I'm waiting on Tom to figure out how I
can use my IRA money to do it.

Speaker 6 (02:12:44):
Well, what's there to figure out there? I guess I
don't get that part. Perry. Do you have any idea?

Speaker 8 (02:12:48):
Well, yeah, well there's timing and there are there are
little things that occasionally we could get creative on and
help them with a little more money. And what the
word is boot in the technical what if somebody wants
to put some of the money in their pocket, we
have some ways to help them avoid taxes with some
creative legal thinking. Yeah, I didn't know if we could

get Troy's number, I could give him a call.

Speaker 6 (02:13:12):
Well, we definitely can, Troy hold on. Give give Kelly
your number for sure, I'm going to put you on hold.
So it is pretty interesting Barry though, for people that
have never invested in property, you really do offer one
of the few turnkey solutions. And I just want to
recap basically what you do for people tuning in, and
it is amazing. Some of your returns over the years

are crazy.

Speaker 8 (02:13:35):
We don't have lower than forty two percent is our
lowest return this year. That's crazy, and that's the normal
lowest we've had in five years.

Speaker 6 (02:13:44):
So basically, they find areas in the country or pockets
in the country where there's a good economy going on.
They figure that part out first and they have a
whole research team that does it. Then once they figure
out the area, they start drilling down and figuring out
what properties are ready to buy and ready to rent out.
In other words, you don't have to put any money

in them. You don't have to rehab. We're not talking
fix and flip stuff. When they find that property, you
invest with them, you actually own the property. You're one
hundred percent back by the deed. It's your property right.

Speaker 10 (02:14:16):
That it's their property period, end of story.

Speaker 6 (02:14:19):
You pay these guys four hundred dollars a year roughly
three three sixty three hundred and sixty a year. That's
what you guys get for your part, and they're going
to fully manage it. They're going to find a management
company there to work with that's local, knows everything going
on is close to the property. Those guys are going
to actually manage it for you. And you know you're

not going to have to go fix a toilet in
the middle of the night. You're going to make that
rental income then whenever you want to sell the property, right,
I mean anytime.

Speaker 8 (02:14:47):
No what we reduce the commissions, We negotiate commissions everything,
We get insurance brokers.

Speaker 6 (02:14:53):
Where do people make most of their money with you?
Is it is it to be just the equity, Well
not jos So when they sell, well.

Speaker 8 (02:15:00):
When they sell, we're able to negotiate commission.

Speaker 6 (02:15:03):
People that have rental properties now like this guy Troy,
they can call you and you can do the exchange
so they don't end up paying any of the capital.

Speaker 8 (02:15:11):
Games could sell their properties here in the Metro area
and take care of them with you know.

Speaker 10 (02:15:16):
I got you, I got it.

Speaker 6 (02:15:17):
So check out Vista Turnkey give just give Barry a call.
Directly asked questions three h three eight eight eight three
seven eight eight eight eight eight three seven eight eight

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