Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:05):
Ripped off, so you don't help, come run just as
as we can. Shooter's gonna help coming.
Speaker 2 (00:19):
Speaker 3 (00:20):
This is the Troubleshooter Show. No Tom Martinez, Welcome, Welcome
to the only show off it's kind. We're here to
solve problems, answer questions, take complaints.
Speaker 4 (00:30):
Our goal in life is to make your life a
little bit better.
Speaker 3 (00:33):
If you've been ripped off or taking advantage of, I
promise you this is a show for you.
Speaker 4 (00:37):
In fact, it's the only show of its kind.
Speaker 5 (00:40):
We use the.
Speaker 3 (00:41):
Power of the media, well I'll put it frankly, to
go after the scumbags out there. Maybe you got a
contractor that took money and ran. Maybe you've got a
dentist that took your money. I mean, it could be anything,
it doesn't matter. We also have a list of experts
that are on referral lists dot com that help us
out all the time. These are really good people everywhere,
from contractors to Dennis, like I said before, to virtually
anybody in fact in studio with me today as one.
Speaker 4 (01:09):
Of our referral list members.
Speaker 3 (01:10):
Doctor Joel, doctor Joe. Get on that Mike. How are
you doing man.
Speaker 6 (01:14):
I'm doing great? Mark, how are you this morning.
Speaker 3 (01:16):
I am doing awesome. I'm a little beat up. We
came back from Vegas on Monday. We went out, Suzanne
and I went out and saw Chris Stapleton and George
Strait and all these great legends, and we had a
great time at the show. But I probably indulged a
little too much for four days. And then when we
got back, I did an exercise On Tuesday, I was
doing the show. That's my excuse. I do the show.
And of course my lovely wife sitting next to me,
jumped in and she started exercising as soon as we
got back. So I exercised this morning, and to be
quite honest, and beat the hell out of me.
Speaker 4 (01:52):
Doc, that's kind of just how it goes, right.
Speaker 6 (01:54):
Well, that's what happens when you take when when you're
your when you're our age, and you take several days
is off exercising.
Speaker 3 (02:01):
It's hard.
Speaker 6 (02:02):
You know you're gonna pay.
Speaker 3 (02:03):
And I do that all the time. Is that pretty
typical for anybody, right?
Speaker 4 (02:06):
I mean you really?
Speaker 3 (02:07):
Usually I exercise three or four times a week, and
you know, I do pretty good. But when I go
a week, especially if we're on a long road trip,
and I go two or three weeks, she'll run. So,
I mean she runs every morning regardless, pretty much, either
on the treadmill or outside. And you know, it just
meets the hell out of me. I don't know how
to put it. That first day back, it doesn't seem
to mess with her, But then I forget. While we're
in Vegas, you know, she'll actually go to the weight
room and get on the treadmill and do her thing
before I even wake up.
Speaker 6 (02:42):
Yep. The older we get, the harder it is for
our bodies to recover and to start back up again.
Speaker 3 (02:48):
You know I ask you this before. I promise folks,
I'll get to the phone. We have one of our experts.
Speaker 7 (02:52):
Speaker 3 (02:52):
By the way, if you've been ripped off or taking
advantage of three ozho three seven one three eight two
five five. And I'm kind of slow walking the beginning
because honestly, I'm having trouble pulling up some stuff on
the PC. So but I'll get that figured out in
a minute one way or the other. I think I've
asked you this before. Actually I don't think it was you.
I think it was another doctor we've had on and
I want a real answer to this. I have gotten
to the point in my life. For generally, once a year,
including last year, including this next year, I will go
thirty plus days with no alcohol in almost zero carbs.
Speaker 4 (03:31):
I'm talking less than one or two a day.
Speaker 3 (03:33):
I mean, like nothing, and that might be a little
cream in my coffee, and generally I won't even do
half and half. I'll go with the heavy cream. I
mean I'll go down to literally zero. And you know,
by the end of thirty days, Oh my god, a
piece of broccoli looks like.
Speaker 4 (03:48):
A Snickers bar to me. I mean, really, it's that crazy.
Speaker 3 (03:51):
But then I'll go in and actually get my physical done.
I'll pull you know, my yearly, They'll pull the what
is it, A one C. They'll pull everything, and it's
always great. I'll even have them pull my liver. Liver
enzymes look great, the A one C looks great, cholesterol
looks great. Everything looks great. But I kind of cheated
the system in a way because I had a certain
lifestyle for those thirty plus days, where the rest of
the year my lifestyle is different.
Speaker 4 (04:22):
But I don't know, does it.
Speaker 3 (04:24):
Matter if you exercise and do everything for a period
of time and get into good shape and you can
do that once a year.
Speaker 4 (04:32):
I mean, is that a bad thing? I mean, like, really,
if those.
Speaker 3 (04:35):
Are my numbers, they're still my numbers, even if those
numbers might only show that for once a year.
Speaker 4 (04:41):
Am I making sense to you?
Speaker 6 (04:43):
Yeah, it would be interesting to see what your numbers
would be if you didn't.
Speaker 3 (04:47):
But what would the difference be. Let's say, come December,
because coming off of October, November, December, I'm at my
heaviest every year, There's no doubt about it.
Speaker 4 (04:57):
I just know myself. So right now I'm probably at
my head.
Speaker 3 (05:00):
So right now, if I went out and let's say
I don't know about A and C, say my A
one C is fine? Say all, that's fine, but not
as good as after I do my diet for thirty
plus days and no carbs, no alcohol, stuff like that.
But even if the numbers are elevated right now, let's
say they are elevated, it would be hard to believe
they're not elevated. But even if they're not, if it
only takes me thirty days or any human to actually
get back to where you should be, is that a
bad thing.
Speaker 6 (05:32):
Well, it's never a bad thing to do something that
makes you healthier, even if it's for a short period
of time. Obviously, you're in better health when you do
do your diet and you're not in as good health
when you're off of it.
Speaker 3 (05:44):
Yeah, so you know the but if you can get
back to that, let's just call it the baseline of
good health. If you can get back to that within
thirty days, does it really matter for the period of
time previous to that that your baseline was high? I mean,
does that matter if you can get back to your
baseline or are you still taking And Doc, you can
chime in too. My god, you're a doctor, both of
your doctors. I mean, well, here, maybe I'm trying to
argue something I want to hear.
Speaker 6 (06:13):
Here's I here's what I would say, and I'd be
interested to hear what you whether you agree or not.
Speaker 7 (06:17):
Speaker 6 (06:17):
You know, when you allow spikes in your blood sugar
during those times that you're not on your diet, every
increase in every high level period of blood sugar is
going to do some damage to your body. And whether
or not that damage is reversible is going to be,
you know, questionable, particularly as you get older.
Speaker 3 (06:35):
So after a period of time that thirty day diet
might not change those numbers back as way.
Speaker 6 (06:40):
It might not reverse the damage that's being at your body.
Speaker 8 (06:44):
C is important because that's a long term measure, and
thirty days really isn't going to factor the A one
C as much as it would let's say, have fasting
blood sugar right.
Speaker 3 (06:53):
I don't know, guys, I mean, what is it a
three month outlook or a three month picture? A one
C really how long?
Speaker 8 (07:00):
I'm not sure how long what it measures, but it's
certainly long term. And fasting for thirty days, I don't
think it's going to affect your A one and C
in the long run.
Speaker 4 (07:10):
And I don't know the answer to that attact. But
I'll tell you this.
Speaker 3 (07:14):
I'll do those little strips you pee on and it'll
give you that sugar number. I mean I or not
sugar number, It'll give you the keytosis numbers.
Speaker 8 (07:22):
I mean.
Speaker 3 (07:23):
I'll be so I'm almost black on the chart. I mean,
in other words, my body is literally burning fat in
fat only because that's the only thing in my body.
Speaker 6 (07:32):
Right during the times you're on that diet, during the.
Speaker 3 (07:34):
Times I'm on that biot, you know, I'm that diet.
And it's remarkable. And we're going to talk about other
weight loss things. But you know, I was thinking yesterday
about ozempic and the different things that you guys sell.
I mean, really really it's cheating. And I hate to
say that, but to me it seems like cheating. But
then you mentioned something yesterday when I had you on
for a caller, the other health benefits of these new
wave of drugs, which is crazy. It's good for your heart,
isn't it.
Speaker 6 (08:03):
It's good for your heart, is what they're finding. It's
good for your mental capacity.
Speaker 4 (08:08):
Yes, Well, is this true?
Speaker 3 (08:09):
Let's say someone drinks a lot, or someone indulges in
other activities. I don't know, maybe too much sex, I
mean that sounds crazy, but too much of anything, maybe
too much marijuana, too much anything. My understanding is they
can even ease that. Is that true?
Speaker 6 (08:26):
Well, there hasn't been a lot of research into that.
You know, a lot of that is anecdotal, people reporting
that they're cravings for other not just food, other things
or other things goes down as well. There's probably some
crossover in your brain feeling satiated from food and your
brain feeling satiated from any other compulsive desire.
Speaker 3 (08:46):
That you might have got it all right, let's do this.
We're going to get back into that. I got my
screen up, which is good. So yesterday we had a
call from Tom with an issue with social Security and Tom, basically,
you're on social Security disability? Correct or your daughter?
Speaker 9 (09:01):
My sister?
Speaker 3 (09:02):
Oh, your sister. I'm sorry, So your sister. And I'm
recapping for our audience. Plus Pete McGuire with Sullivan Sullivan
and McGuire's on. And she got a job, and tell
us what her disability is, please, Tom for Pete more
than anybody.
Speaker 7 (09:18):
You mean the amount per month?
Speaker 3 (09:19):
No, not the amount per month. What is her disability?
Why does she why is she on Social Security disability?
Speaker 10 (09:25):
Intellectual disability?
Speaker 3 (09:26):
Okay, but she has a job and she was working
and the job gave her more hours, Pete. And I'm
going to lock you in and pull Pete up. Hey, Pete,
I appreciate you coming on. How are you doing?
Speaker 7 (09:37):
Man? Oh I'm doing well.
Speaker 2 (09:39):
Mark, thank you for having me.
Speaker 5 (09:40):
Yeah, you got it.
Speaker 3 (09:41):
So this is a curious one and it happens a
lot and people don't realize it. So she has some
disabilities and she works. They ended up giving her more
hours because she likes working. So what happened is Social
Security said, uh, you make too much money and yanked it. Tom,
when did they yank it? And they yanked the in
entire amount.
Speaker 10 (10:00):
Correct, they did, and this was it was actually April
of this year.
Speaker 3 (10:07):
So in April is when they discovered that she was
making more than the threshold in order to receive the benefit,
so they yanked it. You went to the employer and
helped her out and said, hey, we need to bring
her down to what under twenty hours or something?
Speaker 10 (10:22):
Right, this was the last time, but the time before
I have gone in there years prior and said, you know,
she can't be working thirty five forty hours a week.
Speaker 7 (10:32):
We got better.
Speaker 10 (10:32):
Down but because of the lack of help and stuff
like that, they were always having her come in and
also the increase in wage.
Speaker 4 (10:41):
See, I look at this in so many different ways.
It was kind of funny.
Speaker 3 (10:44):
Tom said yesterday, Pete, our minimum wage is so high
in Colorado now, like it's hard to qualify for these
kind of benefits, which in a way to me is good.
But I don't know Tom's circumstance in or do I
know his sister. But Pete, here's the bottom line, thinks
he has it solved as far as her going to
be under the threshold to get the benefits, but he's
having trouble getting in touch or figuring out how to
move forward and get the benefits back. So what do
you what questions do you have for him?
Speaker 2 (11:15):
Well, thank you the lesson? Oh sorry, go ahead, go ahead, Tom, okay.
Speaker 11 (11:20):
Well the last letter I received it says we received.
Speaker 10 (11:22):
Your request that we not collect the overpayment. We will
contact you later concerning this request.
Speaker 3 (11:31):
And how much is the overpayment?
Speaker 10 (11:35):
They're saying, like the overpayments like thirty thousand.
Speaker 3 (11:38):
So not only oh my goodness, I mean, Pete, you
must have come into this before, but not only did
the benefit stop. Well, she was making a lot of
money though, so I mean, arguably that's that's why she
wasn't on it, but they continue to pay. We understand
why she didn't report it. She didn't have the mental
capacity to do it. But now they're saying she owes
thirty grand right right.
Speaker 2 (12:00):
It's it's really difficult to Mark and Tom I I.
Speaker 7 (12:04):
You know.
Speaker 2 (12:04):
The thing is is the government's not under any kind
of a time deadline to catch this, and oftentimes a
lot of time passes in months, years, before they get
back to it. To get it waved, though, you have
to have a two part test. So it's it's not
just that it wasn't her fault because she didn't have
the mental capacity to get it done. It's got to
be that. And and the end is where the problem
comes in that she cannot repay it, even over a
period of five to ten years, taking a small amount
out of her you know, continuing paychecks, and so it's smarter.
Speaker 4 (12:39):
Years, hold on, let it, let them finish, man, let
it keep going.
Speaker 2 (12:44):
Oh, that's okay, that's you know, it's two parts, and
it's really really difficult to meet both parts. You can
usually meet one, but meeting them both as unusual.
Speaker 3 (12:51):
It is, so, and how aggressive do they get Pete
coming after the money if she owes thirty but now, well,
a couple questions. One, if she'd go down under the
amount of money that puts her over, can she requalify
while she owes thirty thousand dollars? And if so? And
then how aggressive do they get in coming after the money?
I mean, like, really, if she has any assets, do
they go after it? And I doubt she does so,
Really the more important question, at least for me is
if she's under the threshold now where she would qualify
for the Social Security disability, will they give it to
her again while she owes the money.
Speaker 2 (13:33):
Well, it's theoretically possible, market it would be ideal if
that were the situation. Normally at this point, when there's
been this much water under the bridge, they're going to
make the argument that even if she drops below the
allowable limits, now that she's evidenced over a significant period
of she can do it, capable of doing more, and
so they're probably not going to just put her back
on based on the fact that she's lower, or go
through reapply and go through the process and show a
judge eventually that now I got it, just a temporary improvement.
Speaker 3 (14:08):
I want to ask you this, Tom. I've got to
take a break here in a minute. Pete.
Speaker 4 (14:12):
I appreciate you coming on, and I.
Speaker 3 (14:13):
Hope you can actually stay because I got a couple
more questions for you in general, and if Tom does.
But Tom, I want you to think about this during
the break because I want to really hear your answer back.
I understand her disability, but I also understand from your
own statements that she can actually work and make a
living and I would guess that's better for her mentally, physically,
everything than sitting at home being a vegetable. So why
are we taking this route on it compared to the
route where she would actually go out and work and
be a productive part of society. I'd love to know
the answer to that. When we come back. By the way,
we have an RV storage question by Daniel, and then
Denise has a issue with a painting company. Everybody hold tight, go.
Speaker 12 (15:04):
With a sure thing Denver's Best roofer Excel Roofing dot com.
You don't pay a cent until you're content than time
for an insurance check up free, no obligation. In comparison,
call Compass Insurance. Pay too much your coverage at dozens
of insurance companies find out now three oh three seven
to seven to one help. You'll think you're his only
customer when you choose Frank durand the real estate Man
dot com to list your home with Remax Alliance three
oh three nine two zero sixteen twenty two.
Speaker 3 (15:35):
All right, I'll always tell you when a line's open.
We are going to have one line open three oh
three seven one three A two five five. Any questions
you have and don't forget Doctor Joel's in with us today.
We're talking the new weight loss drugs and other stuff
kind of health related.
Speaker 4 (15:48):
It's that time of the year.
Speaker 3 (15:49):
Everybody, including myself, we're starting to think, oh man, okay,
this you know in November December. I think we just
purely eat too much. I don't know how else to
put it, but I want to bring back up our guest,
Pe McGuire, Sullivan Sullivan McGuire. So, Pete, you've heard everything
from Tom. I'm going to see if he has any
follow up questions or any suggestions. But Tom, I would
like an answer. Why not just have her work if
she likes, you know, working.
Speaker 7 (16:14):
I wanted to work part time, not full time one
because of.
Speaker 3 (16:17):
Her age, okay, and it's hard work.
Speaker 10 (16:20):
She's out there doing buggies.
Speaker 2 (16:22):
Could be winner, like in.
Speaker 4 (16:24):
A grocery store or something.
Speaker 3 (16:25):
Yeah, correct, correctll right, So Pete, what's the deal there?
What what is your suggestion for Tom? And let me
ask you this. How would Sullivan, Sullivan and McGuire help
in a case like this if they did want to
hire you guys or you know, enter into an engagement letter.
How does that work?
Speaker 7 (16:43):
Well? Thank you?
Speaker 2 (16:44):
I think you know, Tom, understanding your point about your sister.
How old is she sixty sixty? Okay, yeah, so understood
about the physicality of the work. I don't think the
government would look at it that way. They'd say what
is she capable of doing? Not what would be better
for her overall. So if there's a doctor suggesting that
she shouldn't be doing the kind of work she's doing,
you might have something to work with there. And Mark,
we work on a contingent fee agreement, so we take
on all types of different cases, although this particular case
would be one that would be difficult for us or
any law firm to take on.
Speaker 3 (17:22):
Because you don't know where to go with it, right.
Speaker 13 (17:25):
Speaker 2 (17:27):
More than likely what ends up happening is the payment
plan is arranged to pay back and the person continues
to work and pay back a little bit each month
and try to extend that out as far as you can.
Paying a lawyer then on top of that is difficult
for people. Yeah, and they can work out a payment
plan pretty easily, And that is probably where this is going.
Speaker 14 (17:50):
Speaker 3 (17:50):
It sounds to me is if she's most likely judgment
proof anyhow, But the problem going forward is she's not
going to be able to get those benefits again, or
it's going to be very hard while she owes the money. So,
I mean it is kind of a catch twenty two
that your sister's in Tom. Yeah, yeah, So what were
you hoping I would say, Or an attorney like Pete
McGuire would say, what were you hoping you would hear
out of this?
Speaker 7 (18:19):
Tell me where to go next?
Speaker 13 (18:21):
What to do with this?
Speaker 3 (18:22):
Well? Okay, fair enough questions, So Pete, and I'm not
going to be labored this much longer because you're basically
saying if she's capable of working, and she's already proved
that to the government over X amount of times, it's
going to be an uphill fight. They're probably going to
come after the money. But tell me if I'm wrong here,
If if she stops working all together or is under
the threshold for collecting disability, it's going to be.
Speaker 4 (18:44):
Hard to get back on it.
Speaker 3 (18:46):
Like you said, that's going to be an uphill fight
because she's already proved she could work. So so what
do you what's real world advice for Tom and his sister,
not sugarcoated?
Speaker 4 (18:56):
What should they be doing at this point?
Speaker 2 (18:58):
Well, there's a contact per at the local Social Security
office where Tom and his sister or his sister lives,
And if there's any question of who that might be
or what that phone number is, please call me and
I'll get it to them. But the contact person once
you reach them, is the person they want to contact.
And it's not really a negotiation, although it is, but
to say, Okay, look, I can't pay this back. I
don't make that much money, but I am going to
continue to work and I could probably afford X amount
per month and and go ahead and set up a
payment plan and make those payments and eventually the the
you know, the overpayment will be will be paid off.
So there, the idea that it's going to be waived
is probably pie in the sky.
Speaker 3 (19:42):
It's probably not going to happen. But once again, though,
I mean, she is pretty much a judgment proof. I mean,
what do they possibly have they could take away from.
Speaker 2 (19:51):
Her just tax, just from her taxes, so you're right, yeah,
they're not going to get anything other than you know,
if she has any money coming back to her, you know,
that's that they would be able to take that out
of tax.
Speaker 3 (20:04):
So Tom, you can feel free to call if you
want to get the right numbers. I want to ask
you something though, real quick, not Tom, but Pete, is
that when we talk about judgment proof, let's throw bankruptcy in.
There are those kind of like those trust fund dollars.
In other words, even if she went bankrupt at this point,
she would still owe that thirty grand. They're not discharged.
Speaker 2 (20:27):
That's my Yeah, I don't yeah, I don't do any
bankruptcy type work. But yes, that's my understanding. Okay, So
she's going to have that following her around now. It
may not matter, as you pointed out, too much. The
government's probably not going to do anything further other than
not pair again.
Speaker 4 (20:42):
And that's the problem.
Speaker 2 (20:43):
That's the problem, right, And then she gets to the
overpayment would still exists when she gets to her retirement age.
If she has work history that would allow for retirement benefits,
they could probably try to pull them there. So it's
tax returns and a future benefits that she just won't
be eligible for.
Speaker 3 (21:01):
Yeah, that's yeah, And that's I don't know, man, I
feel multiple ways about this. If she can work, maybe
I get it. You don't want to be outside pushing
grocery carts in the middle of the winter. I get
that one hundred percent. Maybe go to the union or
go to somebody over at Kroger or whatever, wherever she's at.
I don't even know where she's at, and say why
don't we put her inside?
Speaker 4 (21:20):
Why don't we do this?
Speaker 3 (21:21):
I don't know there's other options here, but Pete, last
question for you guys, besides social security disability, what else
do you guys do at Sullivan, Sullivan and McGuire.
Speaker 2 (21:31):
We do, you know, obviously the social security and also
workers compensations.
Speaker 3 (21:35):
So those are the two main things. Yes, all right,
I love it. Hey, I really appreciate you coming on
at short notice.
Speaker 7 (21:42):
Speaker 3 (21:42):
That's Pete McGuire. You guys can check them out at
Sullivansullivan and McGuire dot com or call them. Like you said,
they work on contingency. If there's something they can do
for you, they're going to talk to you for free,
free consultation. They're going to tell you if they can
help you. Three oh three six nine, one ninety eight sixty.
And I bet there's a lot of people out there,
And listen to what I'm saying. There's a lot of
people out there that may qualify or know someone in
their family or a neighbor that may qualify for all
kinds of Social Security disability and have never looked into it.
Call these guys three oh three six nine ninety eight
sixty eight. Now here's what we're gonna do. I gotta
take a break. Catch up. We have Daniel, he's got
an issue with an RV storage and something with the police.
My god, I don't know where that's gonna go. And
then Denise has an issue with a painting company. One
line open, Tom, I wish you and your sister the best.
We'll be right back.
Speaker 12 (22:45):
Go with a sure thing Denver's Best roofer Excel Roofing
dot com. You don't pay a cent until you're content.
Time for an insurance check up free, no obligation. In comparison,
call Compass Insurance. Pay too much your coverage at dozens
of insurance companies find out now three all three seven
to seven to one help. You'll think you're his only
customer when you choose Frank durand the real estate Man
dot com to list your home with Remax Alliance three
all three nine two zero sixteen twenty two.
Speaker 3 (23:22):
All right, three oh three seven one three eight two
five five. You've been ripped off for taking advantage of
I want to hear from you. By the way, behind
the scenes stirring the breaks, I've been talking to doctor
Joel lots of great health information. So you should go
to YouTube and then basically type in Troubleshooter Network. Watch
the live show. You can hear stirring breaks, the long breaks,
the short breaks, all the breaks, and let's do this.
We have two lines open three oh three, Martino, I
want to hear from you. You need some help recouping money.
We've gotten over three hundred million dollars in cash, merchandise, exchanges,
refund services really directly due to this show. So we
love helping out. Now, Daniel, what's going on with you? Hello, Well,
I'm getting a complex here, Kelly. I'll let you pick
up on that house that and then let's go here Denise,
what's going on with his painting company? Yeah?
Speaker 15 (24:17):
Hi, Tom, thanks for taking our call. So back at
the end of August, we hired a company Midas Home
Improvements to paint our twenty two year old home. We
gave them a deposit of almost twenty four hundred dollars
and they said it would be painted the middle of October.
But that's not even the issue we have. The issue
is that they assigned a foreman to paint our house.
He repeatedly called, said he'd be here with his crew.
We had lights taken down. They never came. They never
showed up, never called, and didn't come. When I called
the office about it, the employee in the office said
she would tell the owner and get right back to us.
That was two weeks ago, almost three weeks ago. The
owner himself came to our house the other day and
said that basically the entire deposit belonged to him, even
though they've never done any work. The only thing they
did was two months ago the foreman and his father
came out and power washed our house, and then they
were supposed to come back two days.
Speaker 3 (25:17):
Later to say, Denise, Denise, that was a lot. That's
that's a lot to unpack. Let me ask some questions here.
How long ago did you engage with them when you
gave him the twenty.
Speaker 16 (25:25):
Five hundred August twenty fourth of this year.
Speaker 3 (25:29):
And then what was the scope of work to be done.
We just learned that they powerwashed and prepped and stuff,
but how much was the total paint job going to
be on your house.
Speaker 15 (25:39):
Right, Well, actually they didn't have to do any prep
because we'd already had the prep done.
Speaker 3 (25:43):
Well, okay, then stop stop, stop stop stop.
Speaker 4 (25:46):
Let's hold on. How much was the entire job going
to be?
Speaker 16 (25:50):
The whole the.
Speaker 15 (25:51):
Entire job was going to come do five thousand, nine
hundred seventy four dollars.
Speaker 4 (25:57):
Okay, so for nine and seventy four, what was the
scope of work.
Speaker 15 (26:01):
I'm painting the exture of our house.
Speaker 16 (26:04):
We already had the paint and.
Speaker 3 (26:06):
You already had the paint. Okay, Well, and that was
the deal. And this is in writing. We have some
kind of contractor and agreement that says.
Speaker 16 (26:14):
That I have the contract right in front of me.
Speaker 3 (26:18):
Now, when they came out to powerwash, and you know,
we probably different opinion there. I mean, if I was
going to paint your house, I'd want to make sure
it was cleaned, because if I paint it, even if
I'm using your paint and it wasn't powerwashed correctly, I mean,
that could cause an issue where I'd feel responsible. But
when they came out and powerwashed, are they claiming now
that twenty five hundred dollars was for the power washing
that and.
Speaker 15 (26:44):
Office expenses according to the owner.
Speaker 3 (26:46):
Okay, so they did do that work, they powerwashed the house,
and whatever office expense is. Now, why didn't they finish
the job? Or do you did? You can them?
Speaker 4 (26:57):
At this point?
Speaker 3 (26:58):
In other words, it looked it's like for another whatever
it is, twenty five hundred dollars or thirty five hundred dollars,
they're going to paint the house.
Speaker 15 (27:06):
Right, Well, that's the problem, they kept they so they
assign a foreman, and then you're supposed to only deal.
Speaker 16 (27:14):
With the foreman.
Speaker 15 (27:15):
And the foreman repeatedly called us or texted, said he
was bringing a crew out. We live in Monument, so
the weather's a little cooler here. Sure he wouldn't he
wouldn't show up, he wouldn't call, And so we've been
waiting for months now, Well.
Speaker 3 (27:31):
You said you, when did they powerwash? A couple of
weeks ago, a week ago.
Speaker 7 (27:35):
One, a few months ago, oh, a few.
Speaker 3 (27:37):
More months ago. Oh my god, it probably needs to
be cleaned again. At this point, let's try to get Hey, Kelly,
what phone number do you have for these folks? Because
I'm looking at a website here, but I'm not certain
this is them.
Speaker 4 (27:52):
What what phone number?
Speaker 16 (27:54):
A phone number? Tom, I have a phone number?
Speaker 4 (27:56):
What is it? What is a phone number? And I'm
I'm gonna correct you.
Speaker 3 (28:01):
I generally never correct people honestly on this because I've
learned it's stupid.
Speaker 4 (28:06):
I'm Mark, I'm not Tom.
Speaker 15 (28:08):
Oh that's okay, thank you, Mark.
Speaker 4 (28:10):
No, no problem.
Speaker 3 (28:11):
I generally don't even go down that road because I
would spend four hours going down that road.
Speaker 16 (28:18):
But so so here's the numbers.
Speaker 4 (28:20):
Go ahead, zero, I'm sorry, seven to zero.
Speaker 16 (28:24):
I'll go two six zero, four six nine eight.
Speaker 3 (28:28):
And listeners, please don't call that right now. What we're
gonna do is hold on. I'm gonna put you on break,
Denise Kelly, try to get them on.
Speaker 4 (28:35):
Ask her who her contact is.
Speaker 3 (28:37):
But honestly, if we can't get the contact, call the
direct number. But this is crazy. If it's going on
this long, generally you powerwash and you would want to
paint within a few days. I mean to wait, they've
got to do everything over again. To me, it sounds
like they're trying to pull a fast one. Maybe it
is weather related. Let's get the company side of the story,
hopefully right after.
Speaker 12 (28:59):
The go with a sure thing. Denver's best roofer Excel
roofing dot com. You don't pay a cent until you're content.
Time for an insurance check up free no obligation. Comparison
call Compass Insurance paying too much your coverage at dozens
of insurance companies find out now three all three seven
to seven to one help. You'll think you're his only
customer when you choose Frank durand the real estate Man
dot com to list your home with Remax Alliance three
oh three nine two zero sixteen twenty two.
Speaker 14 (29:38):
All right, three oh three seven one three eighty two
five five.
Speaker 3 (29:42):
You've been ripped off for taking advantage of I want
to hear from you, Kelly Well real quick. I need
to tell everybody this Paul Paul Downing. He is the
owner of Waterpros dot net. They are extending that special
right now. Not only is it a half the price
for a full blown softener system for your entire house,
but not only is it half the price leading up
through the end of December, it's going to be like
sixty percent off. We have used Paul. They came out,
Suzanne Well, tell people why you love. Okay, women out there,
you'll understand it. Here's why, Suzanne loves and I'm not
saying anything. People in studio were watching us. I just
I'm cold calling here. Why do you like our water
softener by water Pros?
Speaker 5 (30:26):
It's been great, hairy?
Speaker 3 (30:27):
How do you argue that?
Speaker 8 (30:29):
Speaker 3 (30:29):
Speaker 4 (30:29):
I mean everybody out there listening.
Speaker 11 (30:31):
And also Mark, I noticed like it is keeping our
shower cleaner and whatnot about the water spots and stuff
like that on and.
Speaker 3 (30:37):
The piping in your house gets better over time with it. It's
incredible though, But we're talking three thousand dollars for an
entire system. Other people out there could be six seven eight.
Just check them out there, great guys or plumberswaterpros dot net.
Speaker 4 (30:51):
That's waterpros dot net.
Speaker 3 (30:52):
Now, Kelly, did we reach out to this painting company?
Speaker 4 (30:57):
We did? And who did you talk to over there?
Speaker 6 (31:00):
I loved a message?
Speaker 3 (31:01):
Oh that was it?
Speaker 6 (31:02):
Huh exactly?
Speaker 4 (31:04):
Okay, let's figure out what number.
Speaker 6 (31:07):
We could assigned this.
Speaker 3 (31:09):
Yeah, we are going to sign it. In fact, I'm
gonna have Doc make a call. But Denise, let me
ask you something. That number you gave us that we called,
is that the main number or is that for the
project manager that keeps blowing you off?
Speaker 15 (31:23):
No, that's the main number on the contract. And I
could have told you they never ever pick up their phone.
Speaker 4 (31:31):
Well, then what happens. You just eventually get a call back.
Speaker 16 (31:36):
Sometimes, yes, sometimes.
Speaker 3 (31:38):
Here's what I would like our listeners to do. This
is how we get involved. I don't like any part
of the story. I would love to hear their side
of it, but I can't imagine what their side is
as long as Denise is not a fabricating anything here.
So if you guys listening right now, would do me
a favor, reach out to these guys. I'll give the
number out in a second and just say, hey, why
aren't you painting Denise's house? Why why can't you get
it done? And be nice, don't be angry, but maybe
that will get their attention, and then tell them you
heard about it on the Troubleshooter Show. You get that,
that's what you want to do. Here's the phone number.
Seven to zero two six zero forty six ninety eight.
Seven to zero two six zero forty six ninety eight.
Be nice when you call up, but I do want
you to leave a message and say, hey, we just
heard about you on the radio. You have had this
lady's money since when was it August her twenty five
hundred dollars? You came out and powerwashed a couple what
was it a couple months ago?
Speaker 4 (32:46):
Speaker 16 (32:47):
Yes, but Mark, I have to give you another detail.
Speaker 3 (32:49):
Go ahead.
Speaker 15 (32:50):
We actually got the house painted last week by a
different company.
Speaker 3 (32:53):
Well detail, my god, why don't you hit me in
the head with a brick?
Speaker 4 (32:58):
I mean, Denise, O, my.
Speaker 3 (33:00):
God, that's a hill of a detail to leave out.
Speaker 16 (33:06):
We're just trying to get our deposit back, well.
Speaker 3 (33:08):
The deposit back. They came out and they powerwashed. They're
gonna claim. You know what, let's do this. The one
thing I will do is I want to do this.
Get Mark Schamansky on. Get Mark Schamansky on for me, Kelly.
I want to see how much to powerwash and prepa
house is for painting. I want a real number on
the value of that. But my god, she should have
led with that. Now, Oh my god, Denise, let's figure
out the value of that. But jeez, Luise, I mean dragon, dragon,
Am I crazy?
Speaker 14 (33:37):
Don't you lead with that?
Speaker 17 (33:38):
Every single one of us threw our hands up, went,
well that's a little tiny detail, and.
Speaker 3 (33:42):
Why are you calling? I want to know what kind
of cat food to buy. I mean, who knows where
that thing's going? All right, In the meantime, I'm gonna
go ahead and do this one real quick. So Dwayne
get started really quick on this and we got a break.
But it says you got a problem with the cops
and the storage unit. Yeah, well, what's the problem.
Speaker 7 (34:03):
Well I got pulled.
Speaker 18 (34:04):
I didn't even get pulled over.
Speaker 7 (34:05):
I was parked where I always parked the RV. Now,
mind you, I lived in that RV. I'm getting ready
to start a it's a it's a mobile mechanic service.
With the RV. I had all my tools in it.
I had a warrant. I guess they took me in
and arrested me. Instead of leaving my RV where it
was legally parked, they towed it. Now I gotten out
of the pokey and they I went to.
Speaker 3 (34:28):
Go get my Oh, hold on, hold on, I got
to take this break. I'm going to come back to you.
But man, talk about a lot to unpacked. He went
to jail, his vehicle was towed. There's some kind of
storage place in the Holga. Chris toad Mark, that's true.
Speaker 8 (34:41):
Speaker 3 (34:41):
So that's not good. I wonder if he got the
RV back, and let's just dig into that after the break.
And then Dwayne's got a problem. We have one line open.
Guess who dropped off by the way, Denise, Well, come on, Denise,
you could have led with that.
Speaker 4 (34:57):
I'm just looking for.
Speaker 3 (34:58):
The refund we had to go down memory. You told
me everything, but what color shoes you were wearing.
Speaker 12 (35:04):
Mordica, go with a sure thing Denver's Best roofer Excel
Roofing dot com.
Speaker 14 (35:11):
You don't pay a cent until you're content.
Speaker 12 (35:15):
Please time for an insurance check up free, no obligation
comparison call Compass Insurance paying too much your coverage at
dozens of insurance companies find out now three O three
seven seven to one help. You'll think you're his only
customer when you choose Frank durand the real estate Man
dot com to list your home with Remax Alliance three
oh three nine two zero sixteen twenty two.
Speaker 17 (35:43):
Rip of.
Speaker 1 (35:46):
Speaker 16 (35:47):
You don't have to.
Speaker 1 (35:50):
Run as fast as we can. Shooter's gonna help. Come man,
this is.
Speaker 3 (35:58):
The Troubleshooter Show. No Tom Martinez, Welcome, Welcome.
Speaker 4 (36:03):
My friends to the only show of its kind.
Speaker 3 (36:05):
We are here to solve problems, answer questions, try to
recoup money from you. You've been ripped off or taking
advantage of Maybe a contractor didn't finish the job, maybe
you hired a painter. Maybe just maybe you hired a
painter and all they did was powerwashing.
Speaker 4 (36:20):
You gave them twenty five hundred dollars. The reason I
bring that.
Speaker 3 (36:22):
Up is we had a caller last hour and the
bottom line is this. I'm not going to beat her
up because she told me an important fact after the fact.
Speaker 4 (36:31):
But here's the deal.
Speaker 3 (36:32):
She actually paid twenty five hundred dollars to get the
exterior over house painted. The one question I didn't even
get to and she hung up. I don't think she
liked my response after she left some information out. But
she did spend twenty five hundred dollars with this painter,
and all they did they kept putting it off and
putting it off. Maybe it was weather related. I don't know,
nor do I care, because she gave them that twenty
five hundred in August and the house still and painted and.
Speaker 4 (37:01):
All they did was power wash.
Speaker 3 (37:03):
So I got one of our referral list members on
Mark Schamansky, and one of the reasons I got Mark
on he literally painted our house. His painter came out
and did the exterior of our house. I remember they
prepped it, they power washed it, and our house that
had to be four or five years ago, Mark, it
still looks brand new. One of the best paint jobs
I have ever seen. And you know we live out
in the woods. Man, we got pine needles, we get
feet of snow. We're out in the woods, brother, and
our house looks like you painted it yesterday. But here's
my question, Mark, how much is it generally the power
washing and prepping part, because all this company did was
power wash prep it. They were supposed to come paint
it the next day or so and never did. And
then my follow up question is if you power wash
and prep it, can you paint it in two weeks,
three weeks or you got to paint it pretty damn quick.
Speaker 19 (37:57):
Well, it just really depends, Mark. I mean, if we
had a lot of nasty weather which could get the
siding dirty again or the surface dirty again, then yeah,
you might need to repower wash it. But you know
when they say prepped, did that mean they actually covered
windows and things like that, Because if it's been months,
all the resident left from the tape is gonna be
stuck on the windows and everywhere else they know.
Speaker 3 (38:17):
I don't think, so I think, and I can't ask.
And she told us it the last minute. We actually
called during break to try to get these guys come
on the air, and we we wanted them to get
out there and get the work done and get this
thing painted and get at least a time frame and
when they're going to get it done, because they constantly
are telling her we're going to get it done, but
they never get it done. So then she goes, by
the way, we already had it painted, so she had
another painting company do it. So to answer your question,
what I think is they came out simply powerwashed it.
I don't think they had tape down. I don't think
they prepped it like around the trim of the windows
and stuff. I think they simply came out and power
washed her house. And I have no idea the size
of her house, but let's pretend it's your typical house.
Speaker 19 (39:07):
Yeah, just let's say an average you on three thousand
square foot house. I mean, you know, you're talking seventy
eight hundred bucks to powerwash it.
Speaker 3 (39:14):
So twenty five hundred because they gave twenty five hundred
down and.
Speaker 4 (39:18):
I agree with her.
Speaker 3 (39:20):
Now, if all they did was power wash it, they're saying, oh,
that's for office and the power washing is twenty five
hundred bucks.
Speaker 4 (39:28):
That's just absurd, isn't it.
Speaker 7 (39:30):
Yes, it is.
Speaker 3 (39:31):
So if she what was her name again? It was
it wasn't Yeah, it was Denise, Denise. If you're still listening,
I want you to call back in. We do have
a call into that company. When they call back, we're
we're just gonna switch it up. They probably, in my opinion,
they owe you about fifteen hundred bucks. They don't owe
you the twenty five hundred dollars because they did power
wash it. Although Mark arguably if they powerwashed it a
month ago they live in monument.
Speaker 4 (39:57):
I'll tell you, in the last.
Speaker 3 (39:58):
Month we had more snow and no ve then we've
ever had in November. I think record record amounts the snow.
They would have probably had the power wash again, right.
Speaker 19 (40:09):
Oh probably, yeah, because then you get you just get
dirt parwashed to get the dirt off the saite and
of your building.
Speaker 3 (40:15):
Speaker 7 (40:15):
Also whatever, yeah, right, so.
Speaker 19 (40:17):
You have good adhesion when you're painting it.
Speaker 3 (40:19):
Yeah, get her if we ever information. She can't be
afraid of me. And you know she told me something
at the last second. We're trying to get it done.
But anyhow, Mark, I appreciate you coming on man and
anybody out there. Really you want the best paint job.
And Mark doesn't do just paint by any means. They
deciding decks, he does stucco, he does windows, doors, These
guys do it all. In fact, they're coming out to
our house pretty shortly to get some other work done.
But the bottom line is, I mean, because we're talking paint,
I can't say enough. Mark has had the same paint
crew for how long? Mark, same guys.
Speaker 19 (40:55):
Well, we've been in business twenty five years now, and
Omar has been with me for twenty two of.
Speaker 4 (40:59):
Those twenty two years.
Speaker 3 (41:01):
The same guys, I tell you, they come out, they
put that tape everywhere. We have a kind of a
tricolored house. One main color. He helped us pick out,
helps Uzanne pick out the color, just the whole bit,
and it still looks brand new all these years later.
It's crazy, four or five years later, Mark, it looks
like you guys did it. You and Omar not long ago.
But you can call Mark up for any of the
exterior stuff on your house three oh three, six seven
nine eighty five oh nine.
Speaker 4 (41:27):
And I would love, and I mean.
Speaker 3 (41:29):
Love, love, love, love love for her to call back
in so we can try to get her that fifteen
hundred bucks.
Speaker 4 (41:36):
And Kelly, when.
Speaker 3 (41:37):
These guys call you, if they do and listeners they called,
we still got an issue here. They want to keep
her twenty five hundred bucks. They did seven hundred dollars
worth of work arguably, So no matter what, I still
don't like what's going on here. Okay, we have doctor Joeln.
Deputy Dimitri just joined us deputy doc in studio as
you heard, talking about health stuff with us. Now let's
go to back to to Mark. Are they there this time?
Oh that's right the RV storage hey man. So basically, yeah,
I got you. You had an RV and you had
it parked legally. Somehow the cops the cops toed it
and you got arrested.
Speaker 7 (42:17):
Right, Yes, sir?
Speaker 3 (42:19):
What did you get arrested for? Daniel?
Speaker 7 (42:22):
They said they tried to pull me over, which I
never saw no lights or heard no sirens or nothing
in Denver. I never seen no police try to pull
me over. They took me in jail for that.
Speaker 3 (42:33):
They didn't press say, Daniel, let's talk about that just
for a second. So if you didn't see them, how
did they eventually take you into custody today pulls in
front of you.
Speaker 9 (42:42):
Speaker 7 (42:43):
No, they said that they put a tracking dart into
my rv ID. I've never heard anything like that, but
need to say. I was parked in Aurora. I was
just kind of I was putting on a friend of
mine to pull up. They give me a jail start
at my battery had in bed. I was running my
radios and when I got out the start, they surrounded
me arrested me. Well, the bar was parked regally and
I'd asked them please don't tell it everything I owned
in there, but they I guess they towed it anyway.
Now I've gotten I've gotten out. I've been trying to
get ahold. I got a hold of police department. I
have my bill brought it from a storage loot that
went to court to get permission still because it was
an abandoned vehicle. I have all the paperwork there.
Speaker 18 (43:29):
I pulled them up. I emailed in.
Speaker 7 (43:32):
The copies of all that to the police department, and
they told me that that because I'm not the registered owner,
that registered owner, they won't give me on information.
Speaker 3 (43:44):
I hold on, man, God no, God bless her, you
would bind Jeez. I'm struggling to figure out where to
even start here.
Speaker 4 (43:54):
So what happened?
Speaker 3 (43:55):
You got arrested?
Speaker 4 (43:56):
How did you get out?
Speaker 20 (43:58):
Speaker 7 (43:59):
They dropped all the stargeant because there was no I
never got pulled over. I mean, there was no getting
pulled over. I don't know.
Speaker 3 (44:06):
At some point they put a tracking guard in and
that is a real thing, a fleeing vehicle.
Speaker 7 (44:11):
Yeah, I guess so, but I mean they should have.
I mean I figured you would see.
Speaker 4 (44:17):
Who owns this vehicle? Daniel, who owns it?
Speaker 16 (44:19):
Speaker 7 (44:19):
I bought, That's just it I do. I bought.
Speaker 4 (44:22):
Yeah, but you don't have the title? Who who owns it?
Who owns it?
Speaker 3 (44:26):
On paper?
Speaker 8 (44:27):
Speaker 7 (44:27):
I don't know.
Speaker 3 (44:28):
I was like, well, okay, who'd you buy it from?
Speaker 4 (44:30):
Let's go to real basics. Who'd you buy it from?
Speaker 7 (44:33):
I bought it from the storage lot that had its
stored that went the court because it was a band
that got the paperwork for the courts or permission to
sell it.
Speaker 3 (44:42):
Okay, So when you showed that paperwork to the ind
pound yard. What did they say?
Speaker 7 (44:47):
They said that's not good enough, that I'm not the
registered owner. They could give me no information on it.
Speaker 3 (44:52):
And that was it.
Speaker 4 (44:53):
And then what is it still sitting there right now?
Speaker 7 (44:56):
I don't know where it's at. I mean to get
all everything.
Speaker 3 (44:59):
I want to look at paperwork you have on that RV.
Can you get that to me? Can you take a
picture of it with your phone and text it or
email it?
Speaker 7 (45:07):
Yes? I sure can.
Speaker 3 (45:08):
I need to see what you have that says you
own it, because if you don't have the proper proof
that you own it, I'm not sure how the hell
you get it out.
Speaker 7 (45:17):
I don't need it.
Speaker 4 (45:18):
I mean, how do you know it was legit?
Speaker 3 (45:20):
How do you know it was legit when you bought it?
Speaker 7 (45:22):
I went ahead and they told me to contact with
miss Luise that I had on this on my bill
of sale. It's a legal bill of sell.
Speaker 4 (45:31):
Well, okay, find this. Somebody that sold it to you
said it's a legal bill of sale?
Speaker 3 (45:35):
Who cares?
Speaker 7 (45:36):
Speaker 3 (45:36):
So what happens when you call these people?
Speaker 4 (45:40):
I don't even know what that means a legal bill
of sale? I I don't know what that means.
Speaker 7 (45:45):
I have a pen. You don't have a pinckle ball.
Speaker 8 (45:48):
I have the pen, but a.
Speaker 17 (45:51):
Phone number down, Daniel, wouldn't he have bought it from
a storage company? If the storage company is the one
who it was an abandoned vehicle, then they would have
acquired it.
Speaker 21 (46:00):
They would have had to have had all the paperwork.
Speaker 3 (46:02):
Then you would have bought it from them, Daniel.
Speaker 7 (46:04):
I did buy from them, and I got the bill
of sell. They just didn't send in turned in for
the title work.
Speaker 3 (46:10):
I guess when you called it, how much did you
pay for it?
Speaker 7 (46:14):
I took twelve hundred dollars for the RV. But then
how long ago was I one?
Speaker 3 (46:18):
When you call them, when you call the people you
bought it from, what do they say?
Speaker 7 (46:22):
They said that they had went to court and got
to get actual abandonment paperwork, that I had permission to
sell it. They just did not register for the for
the title that they sold it as to me, which I.
Speaker 4 (46:33):
Understood, so they skipped it.
Speaker 3 (46:34):
I'll tell you what happened, guys. Here's what happened. They
sold it as a salvage. You you bought it as
a salvage. Here didn't even have to be a title
with it. Basically, basically, you can't register it, you can't
put it on the road. And you say it was
illegally hold on. You said it was illegally towed. Well,
I mean, if there's an abandoned vehicle that doesn't have
plate for a registration on a public road, they're allowed
to tow it.
Speaker 7 (46:59):
I can to stop me from my personal items out
of it.
Speaker 3 (47:01):
Well, I'm not saying any of that, man, I'm saying
it wasn't illegally towed. You said it was. If you
didn't have a registration, there's no owner for it. It
was sold as salvage.
Speaker 4 (47:11):
It's not even supposed to be.
Speaker 5 (47:13):
On the road.
Speaker 7 (47:14):
Nothing that says nothing about salvage as it sold to
me as it.
Speaker 3 (47:17):
You didn't even get a title though the title if
they Okay, listen, I don't want to argue that here.
Speaker 4 (47:23):
Here's all I want to do is try to help you.
Speaker 3 (47:25):
What is my goal today with you, for you to
get your items out of it?
Speaker 4 (47:29):
Is that what we're looking to do. Give me something
that's reasonable.
Speaker 7 (47:32):
All I want, that's all I really want, is the item.
And I don't even want to if I can't get
it but I'll take my eye. Got over fifteen thousand
dollars worth of tools in there, every own everything I
belong here?
Speaker 4 (47:45):
What storage locks it in?
Speaker 7 (47:47):
They won't tell me, Well.
Speaker 4 (47:50):
They won't tell you.
Speaker 7 (47:52):
They won't even get me the information worth.
Speaker 3 (47:53):
Daniel, I swear to god, am I nuts?
Speaker 7 (47:55):
Speaker 3 (47:56):
Did he not say that he went to try to
get it out? And if you went to try to
get it out, where the hell do you go if
you don't know where it is?
Speaker 7 (48:06):
To your police apartment? I went to.
Speaker 3 (48:10):
Are they saying it's stolen? Are you going to throw
in another curve.
Speaker 7 (48:13):
Ball at all? Not at all? No? And there's no curve.
Speaker 3 (48:16):
Balls here, Deputy d Do you even want to take
a stab at this.
Speaker 15 (48:24):
Speaker 22 (48:25):
If you can, please email us all the paperwork you
have when you purchased this RV and then the police
report that reflects the police report.
Speaker 7 (48:35):
But I do have the bill of sell that.
Speaker 3 (48:38):
Well, we definitely need the police report showing that it
was towed and impounded somewhere.
Speaker 5 (48:43):
Do you have a ticket or anything?
Speaker 7 (48:44):
Did they give you a ticket? They don't. I believe
it doesn't.
Speaker 4 (48:49):
Here's here's the problem.
Speaker 3 (48:50):
No matter what what we say, there's no answer.
Speaker 4 (48:54):
No, matter what I say, there's no answer with you.
Speaker 18 (48:57):
They I just want to know where it was tod too,
so I could get But apparently they.
Speaker 3 (49:01):
Don't even think it's yours. They're not going to tell
you where my car was towed either.
Speaker 7 (49:06):
Well, I have the bill of sell for it.
Speaker 3 (49:08):
Okay, I want to before we do anything, Dmitri, before
we do a damn thing. I want to see what
the bill of sale. I want to figure out who
he bought it from. Then you make a call to
who he bought it from and figure out what the
hell's going on.
Speaker 22 (49:20):
Yeah, it would also be nice to know which towing
company hold it away, because I can.
Speaker 3 (49:24):
Call this I get watch this, I guarantee it.
Speaker 21 (49:27):
Watch this.
Speaker 4 (49:27):
Who towed it? What towing company?
Speaker 7 (49:29):
I don't, It doesn't matter.
Speaker 4 (49:32):
Ask him when not watch this. I'm gonna play a
game here.
Speaker 22 (49:34):
Ask any questions. Give me, ask him any questions. Okay, here,
here's one. Give us the policeman's name that arrested you.
What cop arrested you?
Speaker 3 (49:42):
Who was it?
Speaker 7 (49:42):
I have?
Speaker 4 (49:43):
That's what I thought.
Speaker 3 (49:44):
See, it doesn't matter what I say. It doesn't matter
what this. Hey, what color shoes do you have on
right now?
Speaker 18 (49:50):
For shoes I have on white.
Speaker 3 (49:52):
Okay, I got somewhere. That's a plus. Everybody hold tight.
Speaker 12 (50:03):
Go with a sure thing Denver's Best roofer Excel Roofing
dot com. You don't pay a cent until you're contenth
time for an insurance check up free, no obligation comparison
call Compass Insurance paying too much your coverage at dozens
of insurance companies find out now three oh three, seven
to seven to one.
Speaker 21 (50:22):
Speaker 12 (50:23):
You'll think you're his only customer when you choose Frank
durand the real estate Man dot com to list your
home with Remax Alliance three oh three nine two zero
sixteen twenty two.
Speaker 3 (50:37):
All right, three oh three seven one three eight two
five five three zero three Martino. If you've been ripped
off or taken advantage of, I want to hear from you.
Check your email.
Speaker 4 (50:48):
Oh did we get it?
Speaker 3 (50:49):
So Daniel sent the let's look at the send it
over to Dmitri two because he's going to be.
Speaker 6 (50:57):
Making there both. Everybody has it.
Speaker 3 (50:59):
Everybody but he has a bill of sale sure enough
National r V. My god, this is a little hard
to read. Let me zoom in on this dated six
of October twenty twenty four. I, the seller, do sell
the above describe vehicle to the buyer in the amount shown,
certified all the information It's true, accurate to the best
of my knowledge, I understand there is no guarantee warranty
express implied respect to the above describe property. The stated
equipment is sold as is. It's definitely nothing on here.
It doesn't look like an auction sale mark. It looks
like a private sale.
Speaker 4 (51:37):
It is from this company, Elos Phillips.
Speaker 3 (51:41):
Who is Adlam Elouise? Who is this Eloise? Who is this?
Speaker 5 (51:46):
She probably is the representative of the storage yard.
Speaker 6 (51:49):
I don't know.
Speaker 4 (51:49):
I'm asking him who is it?
Speaker 7 (51:51):
Yeah? She she is right next to the sworderry. I
think she owns it. Who'sh a lady?
Speaker 3 (51:56):
Wait a minute, Wait a second. Here she lives next
door to the storage yard.
Speaker 7 (52:02):
Yeah, she owns the I think she owns all of
it there.
Speaker 3 (52:05):
I'm not really so she she owns the storageyard and
lives next to it. Yes, Okay, And have you talked
to her?
Speaker 7 (52:14):
I've been trying to call her by just good voicemail.
Speaker 3 (52:17):
I wonder, but I have.
Speaker 7 (52:19):
Talked to but the people that she had to handle
in it, I talked to the gentleman, and he's like, well,
I mean, and he's the one who gave me your number.
Speaker 5 (52:29):
His name appears on the receipt or in the bill
of sale.
Speaker 7 (52:32):
But I don't know my partner that was with me
we bought it. That was a partner of mine that
we bought it together.
Speaker 3 (52:37):
Yeah, it's what a what a crazy story? Is that
the phone number for her at the bottom, that's the
number you call, Hey, Kelly, try to try to reach
out to that number. And you you already have this,
right Tometri. I mean, we we've got something to go
on here, at least, you.
Speaker 7 (52:58):
Know, sir, I understand, you know I probably should have No.
Speaker 3 (53:02):
I know you want your tools out of it. What
kind of tools are they? By the way, what are
we talking about.
Speaker 7 (53:06):
I've got probably four thousand dollars in Milwaukee carpenter tools.
I hope they didn't fifteen thousand dollars and mechanic tools.
Speaker 4 (53:13):
I hope they didn't take that stuff.
Speaker 5 (53:15):
Dude, the yard stole it.
Speaker 3 (53:17):
How long?
Speaker 4 (53:17):
How long has it been sitting at that yard.
Speaker 7 (53:20):
Since November twelfth or wherever it's at November twelve, so
thirty days?
Speaker 5 (53:25):
Do you have any paperwork from the police department.
Speaker 7 (53:28):
I had nothing, survey. I actually I don't have nothing.
I just now recently have gotten out of the poke.
I didn't even get no tickets for that.
Speaker 4 (53:36):
How long were you in for?
Speaker 7 (53:38):
Just for twenty two days?
Speaker 4 (53:39):
Well you said they dropped everything.
Speaker 7 (53:42):
Right, they did over there, but I had to come
to Missouri and handle I missed the court ate here.
I had some tickets and they brought me back here.
Speaker 4 (53:48):
So where are you at now?
Speaker 7 (53:50):
As the city out on the streets trying to get
home and I've been trying to get a hold. I
have a friend of mine in Denver that's got the
money to get the rv OL and I'm heading back there.
I'm getting on a bus tomorrow to come back.
Speaker 5 (54:01):
It's just horrible.
Speaker 3 (54:02):
I mean, this guy talk about down and out. He's
like he's like a dog running around getting kicked everywhere.
Speaker 22 (54:08):
Hey, man, here's something that's important that you can actually get.
If you call the police department, tell them when you
got arrested. Just get us a case number. They will
give you a case.
Speaker 4 (54:17):
Was it Denver, Aurora?
Speaker 7 (54:19):
Yeah, you're right, Denver arrested me. But Aurora that had
it where I've got actually it.
Speaker 3 (54:26):
Got okay, Well there's two things. Well, we just got
to have a police report. We don't know who even
a case number.
Speaker 22 (54:31):
Hey, either of those police departments will give you a
case number if you call, tell them you got arrested
on what date, and they'll give you a case number.
Speaker 3 (54:39):
You know, just because this guy did like every everything
possibly wrong, you know, really, I mean, apparently he's running
from the cops. They put the dart in there, they
tracked him to Aurora. He was illegally parked. No matter
what he says, he was illegally parked. He has no ownership,
never registered it. But it doesn't mean they should keep
his tools.
Speaker 22 (55:00):
Oh, I agree, And Daniel, get us the case number
from one of those police departments, because somebody a starting point.
Speaker 5 (55:06):
I'll call the cops.
Speaker 22 (55:08):
I'll find out who took the RV where they took it,
and then I'll call that place and find out where
it is right now and if the tools are still
in it, and.
Speaker 3 (55:14):
Then we'll try to figure out how to get him back.
I mean, simple as that put. That's that's where we're
going to be at that three zero three seven one
three eight two five five.
Speaker 4 (55:23):
By the way, Frank Duran, the real estate man.
Speaker 3 (55:25):
How I love thee. This hour is brought to you
by Frank Duran. If you want to sell your house,
you want to use Frank Duran. If you're looking to
buy a house, you want to use Frank Duran. He's
the best negotiator I've seen. He made us more on
our house in Castle Rock than I think any other
realtor could have done. He's got that secret sauce. He
got a bidding friendzy going and we did wonderful on it,
and he helped us buy our house. And Frank town
saved us almost one hundred thousand dollars ten years ago
on that house. He's a great man, nicest guy you'll
ever meet. Frank Duran Holmes dot com.
Speaker 12 (56:03):
Go with a sure thing Denver's best roofer Excel Roofing
dot com. You don't pay a cent until you're content.
Time for an insurance check up free, no obligation. In comparison,
call Compass Insurance paying too much your coverage at dozens
of insurance companies. Find out now three O three seven
to seven to one help. You'll think you're his only
customer When you choose Frank durand the real estate man
dot com to list your home with Remax Alliance three
O three nine two zero sixteen twenty two.
Speaker 16 (56:35):
All right, both three on.
Speaker 3 (56:36):
Three seven one three A two five five. Boy that
Daniel what to buying? That's guy in man. He talked
about Missouri. He was in jail. He was in jail
either in Denver or Aurora. Doesn't know who arrested him.
Is RV is RV got toad? He doesn't care about
the RV. Dmitri's on it. We were talking during the break.
If you go to a YouTube and type in Troubleshooter
Network you can actually watch us during the breaks. But Dmitrie,
I do want to have this conversation on air, so
I agree. Having that bill of sale is something you
saw the bill of sale people on YouTube. We just
weren't able to put it up today a picture of it.
But basically it's a piece of paper, probably printed out
from a home computer. It's got the handwritten VIN number,
it's got the names of the seller and the buyers
to buyers, and I guess signature is at the bottom.
Speaker 4 (57:24):
That's pretty much it.
Speaker 3 (57:25):
And of course the description of the RV is little
of a description. It is my only point is, if
you own a salvage yard or a impound lot and
someone comes to you with a piece of paper like
that and that's the only thing they have showing any
kind of ownership, there's no way they're going to let
him into that vehicle to take stuff. I could write
that bill of sale up in ten seconds saying I
bought doctor Joel's vehicle, and if it ever got towed,
that means I could show up and grab his radar
detector and whatever he had in there. They simply don't
allow people to do it. I agree, though it's a
starting point. But I'm telling you, when your vehicle is
towed by the cops, I think you got to have
a registration. I'm sure there's ways around it, because people
definitely get vehicles toad that aren't registered to the proper
owner that had been sold. I don't know what that
is though, to get around that.
Speaker 22 (58:18):
Yeah, I don't either, And I'm interested in seeing what
the police or the impound yard say when he presents
them with his bill of sale solely for the purpose
of accessing his personal property. But I think there's another
issue which is probably less important to our caller. He's
not trying to take possession of the of the rv A.
It doesn't run, there's nothing he can do with it, right,
But the point is that the yard that sold it
to him should also have provided him with a title.
Speaker 5 (58:41):
There's a thing called warranty of title.
Speaker 22 (58:43):
Oh, you're talking about a single thing you buy and sell,
not just our v the storage lot. Yeah, the storage lot.
And it looks like the storage lot didn't do.
Speaker 4 (58:51):
It well arguably.
Speaker 3 (58:52):
I don't know looking at that bill of sale, if
it's necessarily an automotive bill of sale, meaning it's almost
like buying a crush call. I don't know if they
actually I don't know if they sold them a vehicle
or a description of a vehicle.
Speaker 4 (59:07):
Does that makes sense?
Speaker 22 (59:08):
It is my understanding that you cannot buy a vehicle
unless somebody also provides you with a certificate of title.
Speaker 3 (59:15):
Well not if they can't do it. I mean you
can buy. You can buy a vehicle without getting a
title all day long.
Speaker 22 (59:23):
You know, whether or not you cant yours, you're not
gonna be able to retire. Yeah, whether or not you
can register and use it?
Speaker 8 (59:29):
Is there a fin number on the there is? That's
a pretty so.
Speaker 5 (59:34):
I tried to buy.
Speaker 3 (59:35):
Well, here's the thing with the ven number being an RV,
I don't even know if that's a chassis vin or
if that's the house then, honest to god, I have
no idea what it is.
Speaker 5 (59:43):
Might be the body ID number here, we'll just look at.
Speaker 8 (59:47):
Eves so we can get his tools.
Speaker 3 (59:49):
Yeah, I know, and that's the main goal. What I'm
afraid of. What I'm afraid of guys, is that they're
going to say, Okay, here's the steps you have to do.
Speaker 4 (59:58):
In order to prove ownership.
Speaker 3 (01:00:00):
And I don't know what those steps are, but my
assumption is this guy's got three dollars and forty eight cents,
so that might be a problem, and maybe we can
get involved and help them with them.
Speaker 22 (01:00:10):
I'm not optimistic, but I'm really looking forward to seeing
what this price is going to be.
Speaker 3 (01:00:14):
This won't be the first one you have like this,
I guarantee it. This call is not every day, but
it happens quite a bit. And then here's the thing
about Denver. Denver, Well, they're not going to sell this thing.
But I'm telling you, Denver, if they hold that vehicle
long enough and no one picks it up, they'll sell it.
They'll auction it off and you'll never see your vehicle again. Yeah,
and they do that all the time.
Speaker 8 (01:00:36):
Speaker 22 (01:00:37):
They will get a title, right, well, they'll get it
in from the state.
Speaker 5 (01:00:41):
Yeah, and then they'll sell it.
Speaker 3 (01:00:42):
They make one phone call, they get the title, they'll
sell the tools, they'll sell anything of value out of there.
I mean, it's kind of insane for such a liberal city.
They sure like grabbing poor people's cars and selling them.
And that's just a fact.
Speaker 7 (01:00:56):
Speaker 3 (01:00:56):
Hey, Ursula, what's going on. You've got kudo for Deputy
Doc sitting next to me.
Speaker 23 (01:01:03):
Oh, yes, he recommended the move Masters for who use that.
Speaker 8 (01:01:08):
I've been recommending them for ten years. They are the best.
Speaker 23 (01:01:12):
Yes, and they are absolutely awesome. And please kudos to
the four gentlemen who came. They worked hard. They saved
us even money because they finished ahead of time, and
Damien just called to check and make sure everything was well.
Speaker 3 (01:01:28):
A mover, A mover that charged you less because they
worked faster. I'd almost call BS, but I believe Doc,
and I believe you that's unheard of.
Speaker 14 (01:01:37):
Docs were he was, yeah, he was.
Speaker 23 (01:01:41):
He was recommending like six hours and they did it
in less than five or five something because you know
of traffic coming.
Speaker 8 (01:01:49):
In interstate movie.
Speaker 23 (01:01:52):
Oh no, please, you can, Deputy Doc keep recommending them.
Speaker 3 (01:01:56):
Where did you know verst curiosity? Where'd you move from?
Speaker 23 (01:01:59):
In two we moved from Boulder to Littleton?
Speaker 3 (01:02:03):
Oh okay, okay, anything anything in state.
Speaker 8 (01:02:06):
I refuse them at least maybe five times.
Speaker 5 (01:02:09):
Speaker 23 (01:02:09):
Only them again when we moved the rest of our
stuff in in February, and they kept on, you know,
calling me when they're on the way and when they're finished.
And I mean they were those four gentlemen's were They
were courteous, they were fast.
Speaker 3 (01:02:26):
They were I love it. They put us arsenly. You
just did the best commercial for him ever, YouTube doc.
Speaker 8 (01:02:32):
I'm telling five moves.
Speaker 21 (01:02:34):
Speaker 8 (01:02:34):
The only thing that broke was a twenty year old
Gooseneck lamp.
Speaker 7 (01:02:38):
That was it.
Speaker 3 (01:02:39):
That's it, with the value of probably eight bucks.
Speaker 8 (01:02:41):
It had no value.
Speaker 3 (01:02:42):
Yeah, well that's cool as hell.
Speaker 23 (01:02:45):
Speaker 8 (01:02:45):
All right, anybody who needs an interstate mover move masses,
all right?
Speaker 3 (01:02:49):
Three oh three seven, one three eight two five five.
We got an issue with done plumbing coming up. We
have an issue with Panasea Life Sciences non delivery. They
used to be on the referral list years ago. I
can't wait to dig into that one I called. We
had another phone call on them, like, yeah, two weeks ago,
and I was I don't think I was in town,
but I heard it.
Speaker 4 (01:03:12):
Oh maybe I was actually doing the show.
Speaker 3 (01:03:13):
I don't remember, but I texted a guy that I
know very well that worked there. In fact, doctor Jamie,
and I talked to doctor Jamie. He's not there anymore.
I don't know what's going on, but we're going to
get to the bottom of it.
Speaker 12 (01:03:32):
Go with a sure thing Denver's Best roofer Excel Roofing
dot com. You don't pay a cent until you're content.
Time for an insurance check up free, no obligation. In comparison,
call Compass Insurance paying too much your coverage at dozens
of insurance companies find out now three all three seven
to seven to one help. You'll think you're his only
customer when you choose Frank durand the real estate Man
dot com to list your home with Remax Alliance three
nine two zero sixteen twenty two.
Speaker 3 (01:04:03):
All right, three oh three seven one three eight two
five five, We've got a line open. You've been ripped
off taking advantage of I want to hear from you
three zero three seven one, three ah two five five
or three oh three Martino By the way, eight eight
eight Heating dot Com. I had someone text me, Yes,
forty five bucks. They come out. They're not trying to
just sell you something. They literally want to show you
what a great job they do cleaning that furnace. They're
gonna put that sticker on there. And then if you
do have a problem in the future with your water
heater or your furnace or ac, you're gonna know who
to call because you're gonna love the service they give
you for that forty five bucks. They're gonna clean it.
They're gonna spend one two hours to do it. Get
it booked now, though as the weather gets worse, the
deal goes bye bye.
Speaker 4 (01:04:51):
You need to do it now. Eight eight eight Heating
dot Com.
Speaker 3 (01:04:55):
You can do it right there. Now, let's go directly
to Barbara. Barbara, what is going on with Panacea Life?
And for full disclosure, we used to talk about Panacea
Life for years now. Granted, when's the last time they
run Susanne? I mean it had to be two three years.
In a few years, Mark and their product, we never
heard anything negative about their product, not any complaints, nothing.
Suzanne and I went out there numerous times to meet
up with Jamie what was it, Bob Garden. What was
his name, Jimmie Baumgardner, Bamgardner? Who was there?
Speaker 4 (01:05:28):
The PhD? He was PhD, wasn't he?
Speaker 8 (01:05:31):
He was one of the smartest guys you could ever meet.
Speaker 3 (01:05:34):
Yeah, he was incredible and he actually worked for him.
I got a call Barbara about two weeks ago saying
they weren't getting deliveries or something along those lines. So
I texted Jamie, you know, just to catch up. Hey,
what's going on. He's like, Man, I'm not with them anymore.
There's a lot of stuff, you know, we can catch
up on. Give me a call. I have not called them,
But what is the issue you have with Panacea?
Speaker 7 (01:06:01):
Speaker 20 (01:06:01):
Thank you Mark so much for taking my car. Of course,
I started with Panasa when I first start heard you
on the Tom Martino Show because I've been following him
since it came to Denver. Wow, everything went great. I
did the capsules, took the cranks out of my neck.
Speaker 2 (01:06:20):
Speaker 5 (01:06:21):
Speaker 20 (01:06:21):
I broke my back a year and a half ago,
and I started getting their save and it works awesome.
I mean, I can walk now bitter, but and I say,
I'm eighty two.
Speaker 3 (01:06:36):
Barbara, You're a walking billboard for these guys.
Speaker 16 (01:06:41):
I know it.
Speaker 24 (01:06:42):
It's wonderful.
Speaker 3 (01:06:43):
So what's the problem. You loved the product.
Speaker 20 (01:06:49):
And I beginning it regularly this PAF month and it's
one hundred dollars a month. This month I got my subscription.
They took the money out.
Speaker 16 (01:06:57):
I never got any product.
Speaker 3 (01:06:59):
What did they use? Well, hold on a second, I
want to know how that kind of worked. You paid
them one hundred bucks a month, and you would receive
one shipment a month, generally on what like the first
week of the month.
Speaker 20 (01:07:11):
What they take it out on the second of the month,
and by the sixth of the month.
Speaker 3 (01:07:17):
I have the product, okay, and that product is good
for a month? Basically, yes? And is it Barbara, just
focus on me. Is it one product or multiple products?
Speaker 16 (01:07:32):
It's six products?
Speaker 3 (01:07:34):
Now those six products, this part's really important. None of
them showed up this month, or just a couple of
them like they were out of.
Speaker 20 (01:07:43):
Some No, none of them.
Speaker 3 (01:07:47):
When you call them, Barbara, what do they say or
if you email them, however you have contacted them, what
did they say.
Speaker 20 (01:07:57):
Okay, they don't answer emails when you call. It's either
automatically disconnected or they say the mailboxes are full.
Speaker 3 (01:08:06):
Oh my god, you Oh this sounds horrible. This sounds
like they're out. First thing I want you to do, Barbara,
almost instantly, is call up your credit card company and
tell them these guys I would call it. Listen, this
is very important. You call them up and tell them
these guys went out of business. That these guys went
out of business. Their phone goes right to a business signal.
No emails anymore, there's no way to get in touch
with them. They haven't shipped any product whatsoever. To me,
don't That's about as far down that rabbit hole as
I want you to go. I want you to be
actually more clear than that. I want you to say
they're out of business. I need you to give me
that one hundred dollars back. But hold on, there's more
I want to talk about with you and Kelly. I
want to make a call over to Panasee and verify
their phone numbers not working in whatever she's saying, because
this is not a good deal whatsoever. We're going to
get to the bottom of that, and also to the
bottom with a plumbing issue and the rest of you
hold on is well.
Speaker 4 (01:09:04):
One line open three oh three Martino.
Speaker 12 (01:09:07):
Go with a sure thing Denver's best roofer Excel Roofing
dot com.
Speaker 14 (01:09:11):
You don't pay a cent until you're content.
Speaker 12 (01:09:17):
Time for an insurance checkup free, no obligation comparison call
Compass Insurance paying too much your coverage at dozens of
insurance companies find out now three oh three seven seven
to one help. You'll think you're his only customer when
you choose Frank durand the real estate Man dot com
to list your home with Remax Alliance three oh three
nine two zero sixteen twenty two.
Speaker 7 (01:09:43):
Ripped so you don't have.
Speaker 1 (01:09:51):
Runs care, Shooter's gonna help.
Speaker 9 (01:09:55):
Come man, this is.
Speaker 3 (01:09:58):
The Troubleshooter Show. No Tom Martino, Welcome to the show,
the only show of it's kind. We're here to solve problems,
answer questions, and take complaints. That's what we do here.
In fact, to the tune of over three hundred million dollars.
Think about that, three hundred million dollars in cash and
merchandise exchanges, refund services directly due to this show. In fact,
the longest running show in the country with the same
host that's Tom Martino, and we like helping. That's it, simple, simple, simple.
If you need help, you pick up that phone. We
got one line open three oh three Martino. And if
you're listening to this on a podcast or on a
YouTube episode later on and it's past the time when
we're live, you still call three oho three Martino. You
call us, will either answer or you can leave a message.
And I promise you we will get back to you,
and we will fight for you, and we will try
to help you. Sometimes you might be falling off the
cliff a little. And I guess what I mean by
that is there's not much we're gonna do. But you know, Dmitri,
Deputy Dmitri's actually diving into an RV that got Toad
and the guy. It's it's if if he owns it
or not. I assume he owns it, but he has
no proof that he owns it. But all of his
tools are in there. The guy's homeless, The guy has nothing,
He just got out of jail in Missouri.
Speaker 4 (01:11:22):
I mean, the whole story is crazy.
Speaker 3 (01:11:24):
It's like it's a horrible story. But if they truly
do have his tools and that's what he needs to
work and try to make a little scratch.
Speaker 4 (01:11:32):
Well, let's try to get his tools back. I mean,
that's what we do.
Speaker 3 (01:11:35):
Or if you got a problem, let's say with the contractor,
you paid him four or five grand to remodel your
basement and the guy never shows up, just never shows up.
We like exposing them, We like giving his phone number out,
we like putting pictures of them up. And if they're
bad enough, you can go to Sleasbrigade dot com. Check
out the people at Slesbrigade dot com. And by the way,
if you've never watched the show on YouTube, I highly
suggest you check it out. Go to YouTube dot com,
type in Troubleshooter Network. You'll see us live between ten
am and two pm Mountain time. And if you listen
to the podcast, if you're one of the fifty thousand
people a month that listen to the podcast, check out
YouTube as well. You'll hear us during the breaks. It's
a little different scenario.
Speaker 8 (01:12:20):
Yes, to go to YouTube, it's Troubleshooter Network live stream.
You have to get live stream after it.
Speaker 3 (01:12:28):
If you just type in Troubleshooter Network, it'll pop right up.
Doc all right, Yeah, you'll see it. That's our channel.
Then you go to the channel, you'll see the live stream.
Now we've got a guest in studio. Then I promise
I'm going to jump back to the phones. I did
talk to Panacea over the break. Panacea is a company
we used to represent. They actually sell gummies, you know,
not necessarily THC. Actually, I'm not sure all their products
right now. To be honest, I don't know what they
sell because we have an advertised for them. When we
did it was mostly CBD. And I'll tell you, we
have never got so many great things said about a product.
And I talked to Jamie, who was a doctor they
employed back then. He never works for the company, but
he gave me some great information that I'm going to
share with Barbara in a second. But speaking of doctors,
doctor Joel with Denver Region is in studio and I
do want to talk to him. This is very important stuff. Listen,
you know, people that listen to the show, you know,
we weave in and out of topics and we have guests,
and I love when doctor Joels and they do numerous
things at Denver Region, but the one I'm fascinated with
is this new diet drug. You see it advertised on
TV everywhere, and it's so remarkable that it's hard to
believe it actually has very little side effects, as that correct, doc. Yeah,
I mean it's hard to believe, like, out of one
hundred patients, how many people have side effects to the
point where they're not gonna they simply won't take it anymore.
Speaker 4 (01:13:57):
Do you have a number like that few?
Speaker 6 (01:14:00):
Maybe one in twenty or thirty that's it?
Speaker 3 (01:14:02):
Yeah, I mean you're talking two three percent tops, And
what are those side effects? If someone the main side
effects you see where someone would want to get off
of the.
Speaker 6 (01:14:11):
Drug, Constipation and diarrhea seem to be the primary ones,
but those are typically managed with over the countermedications or
they'll go away after a week or two.
Speaker 3 (01:14:21):
And then when we talk about this drug, we know
there's other health benefits to it. What are the two
I know the brand names ozempic and what a zempic.
Speaker 6 (01:14:28):
And will go here what some megleotide is and then
there zepetide branded terzeppetide is manduro mondurro.
Speaker 3 (01:14:35):
Yeah, And when we talk about how they work in
a very layman way, my understanding is they slow down
the digestive system. So therefore, when you do eat, you
pretty much feel full, a lot quicker, and for a
lot longer.
Speaker 6 (01:14:49):
Well, what it is, what a glp one is, and
that's the class that these drugs are both in. It's
a peptide and it's a It's a protein peptide that
mimics your body's own protein peptide that tells your body
that you're full and you don't need to eat anymore.
Speaker 3 (01:15:03):
So when I eat right now, because I'm not on
any drugs, and I sit down for Thanksgiving or something,
and you start feeling full, that's my body releasing these peptides.
Speaker 6 (01:15:12):
Yes, it's a glucagon like protein, and that's basically a
message going to my brain saying you're full. Correct.
Speaker 3 (01:15:18):
So if you didn't release those literally, you would eat
to your stomach could burst. Theoretically, yeh, theoretically, yeah. So
what these drugs do is mimic that. So even when
you're not eating, you're not full, they're constantly sending that
signal to your brain that you're not hungry.
Speaker 6 (01:15:34):
Yes, what I hear patients report is that when they
do eat, they do get hungry, and when they eat,
they just feel full. A lot faster, So the portion
sizes are a lot smaller because they're done, they're finished eating.
The signal that their brain receives that they've eaten enough
food happens a lot quicker than it would otherwise happen.
Speaker 3 (01:15:51):
So it's so odd because I usually do a crash
diet come January February, as we talked about the first
where I'll have, you know, pretty much zerocar, no alcohol,
and I'll just go into I'll just go into this zone.
I mean, simple as that. What's curious, though, is when
you do either intermittent fast eat once a day, which
Susanna and I have done for you know, quite a
long time, not religiously lately, but there was a couple
of years we only ate once a day, you do
get hungry. Eventually you don't eventually you get used to it,
but you do get those hunger pains sometimes. And if
you do a three or four day fast, oh my god,
you know, day two or three you're starving. But then
typically even that goes away. But it's weird thinking that
if you're on this drug that simply really won't happen.
Speaker 6 (01:16:40):
A lot of patients report that, you know, they have
cravings for meals three times a day, and once they're
on the drug, they only have cravings for a meal
once a day, once a day, and they're perfectly satiated,
they're full.
Speaker 3 (01:16:49):
So really, how the diet works more than anything when
you're on the medication. Forget the other benefits, we'll talk
about that, but the diet works because you're simply not
as hungry.
Speaker 4 (01:16:58):
You don't have the need to stuff your pile.
Speaker 6 (01:17:01):
That's correct.
Speaker 4 (01:17:02):
It's pretty remarkable. I mean, it really is.
Speaker 3 (01:17:05):
And what's really great about Denver REGI and I want
everybody listening to think about this. We see it advertised.
Maybe you've gone out, maybe your spouse, maybe your son
or daughter, somebody you know has gone out and talked
to their primary care provider, their insurance company. And typically
the only way you can get on this stuff through
health insurance, at least as of this second. I think
some things might be changing. But is if you're diabetic,
is that correct? I'm talking in general.
Speaker 6 (01:17:34):
Yes, in general, these are originally approved as diabetes drugs.
Speaker 3 (01:17:38):
So if you go in and you're overweight and don't
have diabetes, you're just not going to get coverage.
Speaker 6 (01:17:43):
Well, that's not necessarily true if you are, if you
are morbidly obese.
Speaker 3 (01:17:47):
Well okay, but i'm talking someone that's wanting to lose
forty pounds.
Speaker 6 (01:17:50):
You're not going to qualify.
Speaker 3 (01:17:51):
You're simply not and that could sit and that could
cost you out of pocket thousands of dollars a month.
Speaker 6 (01:17:58):
Yeah, well, even when it is, you're still talking upwards
of about one thousand dollars a month to op.
Speaker 8 (01:18:03):
Oh my god.
Speaker 3 (01:18:03):
So even if you do have coverage, you're still going
to be You're out of pocket. Could be a thousand bucks,
it could be. Yes, well that's ridiculous. So what these
guys did, and this is the part where the businessman
and doctor Joel comes out. You know, we always kid doctors.
In fact, Deputy Doc can probably attest to this. You
had a business manager when you ran your practice, right, absolutely, yeah.
I mean people say, you know, doctors, mechanics, lawyers, they're
not the business managers. They're the physicians. They're the people
you go to.
Speaker 8 (01:18:33):
I just listened to my staff. They told me where
to go and what to do, and I just follow
their advice.
Speaker 3 (01:18:39):
So were Doctor Joel's very interesting to me, and I've
known him for a long time. In different endeavors and stuff.
But what's really cool about him, he's got a business sense.
Not only is he a doctor, but he's got this
business sense. He went out and correct me if I
say something wrong, Doc, But you went out and you
created a relationship before about anybody with what's re referred
to as a compounding pharmacy. This compounding pharmacy takes the
active ingredients in these name brand medications and make them
to your specifications. They literally make the medication with the
same ingredients, well you might have other ingredients in there,
but with the same active or main ingredient as these drugs.
Speaker 6 (01:19:22):
Right right. It's several compounding pharmacies that we work with,
and that's because we can get different dosages from different pharmacies.
We can get different types of combinations of drugs with
different pharmacies. So for example, some of the pharmacies will
add vitamin B twelve to their compound, which just adds
to the weight loss effect of the compound. It actually
makes it better than the branded name.
Speaker 3 (01:19:45):
But that's one of the ways too, And I want
you to pull your skirt up a little bit. That's
one of the ways of getting around spending all that
money on the name brand because literally, you're creating a
new drug.
Speaker 6 (01:19:56):
Right, Well, there's two factors not you, but to the
pharmacy allow us to get around the brand naming. One
is that they'll compound it with vitamin B twelve, so
it actually counts as a different drug. And another is
that we custom tailor the dosing instructions. So if what
we're asking the dosing to be is different than what
the standard dosing is on the branded medications and the compounding,
pharmacies allowed to make that specifically for each patient.
Speaker 3 (01:20:21):
Got it, So, and then that's it. But here's the
part we talked about pricing, even through insurance being up
to one thousand. These guys do it. There's no joke here.
I think you do the first two months or first three?
What do you do?
Speaker 6 (01:20:33):
We charge the first two months. But it's two ninety
five a month.
Speaker 3 (01:20:35):
Yeah, it's two hundred and ninety five bucks a month.
I mean there's no one doing it. You can call
the commercials on TV, you can call anybody else. Two
hundred and ninety five bucks a month. That includes everything,
the initial consultation, the actual prescription, the medication, the the
how to. This is everything, right, and you can even
do it by zoom. We do most of our almost everything,
guy zoom. Can you do out of Colorado? For other people,
people that are listening around the country on the podcast?
Speaker 6 (01:21:03):
For most states, yes, uh, there's a few states that
the compound your farm Russ, You're right, but like California
is one that we so.
Speaker 3 (01:21:11):
Put someone listening in Wyoming. No problem, no problem at all.
See and I love that. But folks, listen, this isn't
like an introductory offer. It's to undred ninety five bucks
a month. They get two months up front when you start.
That's you know, you have the consultation, they have out
of pocket, they have all this stuff. Then they ship
the medication to you and that's it. They charge you, guys,
to a hundred and ninety five bucks a month for
as long as you want to be on it. And
most people then I gotta go to break. I gotta
go to these calls. But honestly, most people are seeing
what up to a thirty percent reduction and wait over
three months.
Speaker 6 (01:21:43):
Over three months, up to a thirty percent that's crazy.
Speaker 3 (01:21:46):
Yeah, I mean the results are phenomenal. There really is
nothing like this stuff, No, not that I know of.
And what are the other benefits? Real quick? You told
me it's good for your heart. What does that mean?
Speaker 6 (01:21:57):
Well, I mean you know lowering your blood sugar is
good for your heart, for your art.
Speaker 3 (01:22:01):
I got you. And then that goes back to where
these were created for diabetes or diabetics. I get it.
This stuff is just it's unbelievable to me. There's a
lot of people out there. I'm going to bring Dragon
in real quick. Dragon, you were very much overweight at
one point. I hope I'm not.
Speaker 21 (01:22:16):
Nope, that's no secret.
Speaker 4 (01:22:17):
It's no secret.
Speaker 3 (01:22:18):
What were you? How much did you weigh? Over three
hundred and fifty pounds? He weighed three hundred and fifty pounds.
What do you weigh now?
Speaker 21 (01:22:25):
Just under two hundred?
Speaker 3 (01:22:27):
How long did it take you to lose one hundred
and fifty pounds the first time? If you will, about
a year? Do you think a year? And listen to
how he did it? And I got to say something
about Dragon. He's a beast. It is the hardest thing
I ever heard. Every single day of his life, he
does a half hour at least half hour. You can
watch him. I want everybody to see what I'm talking about.
Speaker 7 (01:22:50):
Where is it.
Speaker 3 (01:22:50):
Where is it? Dragon?
Speaker 21 (01:22:51):
Instagram? YouTube, Facebook, just at Dragon red Beard.
Speaker 4 (01:22:54):
At Dragon red Beard. Gee, I wonder where.
Speaker 5 (01:22:56):
He got you?
Speaker 3 (01:22:57):
Ba Mark? I think him every single day he will
post a video of him working out for a half hour.
That's how he lost the weight along with Dye. He
hasn't missed a day in how many years?
Speaker 21 (01:23:09):
Four and a half?
Speaker 3 (01:23:10):
Yeah, not one day and it took him a year
and a half. Here's my thing. Most of us aren't Dragon. Seriously, Dragon,
I'm not kidding. I don't know anybody else for four
and a half years. That is literally not only said
they worked out, but have the freaking video to prove it.
Speaker 21 (01:23:25):
I've got the receipts.
Speaker 3 (01:23:26):
How do you feel, and this is where I'm going
into this, how do you feel about this medication that
all of a sudden, somebody like me that wants to
drop forty pounds I can go out and in three
months I probably dropped.
Speaker 4 (01:23:38):
The forty pounds.
Speaker 21 (01:23:39):
If it'll work for you, go for it. Okay, That's
what I got to say. As simple as that, I
like it.
Speaker 3 (01:23:45):
I mean to me, it sounds like I said, Doc.
I don't want to say cheating because there's other he
there's health benefits to it. I mean, it's not like
it's a bad thing, but it's like nothing like this
worked before. She remember people used to take those pills
and they'd end up blowing their heart out and they
pulled them off the market, those old diefense Right. Yeah,
I mean, but this stuff's been around forever. There's really
no negatives to it.
Speaker 6 (01:24:10):
Well, it's a part of a class of drugs referred
to as peptides, which mimic your body's own chemical signals.
So you're not putting something in your body that's it's
not already there, that that's artificial.
Speaker 3 (01:24:20):
What are those pellets we take sues hand? Oh the
uh oh, it just escapes me. The hormoneosoneet it's a testosterone.
Speaker 4 (01:24:28):
It's a natural thing your body does.
Speaker 3 (01:24:30):
I mean, it's really the testosterone we take is the
same thing our bodies produce.
Speaker 6 (01:24:35):
It's bioidentical. It's a bioidentical drug, and that's what these
peptides are.
Speaker 4 (01:24:39):
Correct, that's incredible.
Speaker 3 (01:24:40):
Listen, anybody out there you want more info or any
questions for doc, please give them a call. But it's
Denver Region dot com, Denverregen dot com. Two ninety five
you're not going to get a better deal. I have
to take a break and I apologize Wes Barber Ken Dwane,
We got full lines. I really want to get that
information out and I mean that. I mean that guys.
I mean he's an endorsement client and doctor Joel's a
great guy, and we do advertising. But this time of
year there are so many people that start thinking about
weight loss, and you really want to make that difference.
Coming in January, maybe you say you're gonna do it
every year. Just give these guys a call, get the
free consultation, talk to them and let me know first hand.
I want to hear from you. At Denver Region dot.
Speaker 12 (01:25:22):
Com, go with a sure thing Denver's best roofer Excel
Roofing dot com. You don't pay a cent until you're content.
Time for an insurance check up free, no obligation. In comparison,
call Compass Insurance paying too much your coverage at dozens
of insurance companies find out now three all three seven
to seven to one help. You'll think you're his only
customer when you choose Frank durand the real estate Man
dot com to list your home with Remax Alliance three
A three nine two zero sixteen twenty two.
Speaker 4 (01:26:08):
Three oh three seven one three eight two five.
Speaker 3 (01:26:11):
Five three oh three, Martino, you've been ripped off taking
advantage of This is a show, and I mean it
for you. I do want to tell you about somebody
real quick, and I promise we're going to hop right
to the phones. I can hear people cussing my name.
Get to those calls, Mark, But I got to tell you.
I do need to tell you, for shore one hundred
percent that waterpros dot net has the best water system softeners.
They even have stuff they can get rid of those
forever chemicals. They have point of use systems, whole house systems.
But more importantly, the service is impeccable, and they have
them for a better price than anybody out there. I
dare you to call them, and then call anybody else.
Call again, call all the other people. I don't care.
These guys are going to be half the price, and
the products better, The people are better, the companies better.
Pull the waterman's the man. Check them out at waterpros
dot net. Waterpros dot net. Now, who should I go
to here? Kelly help me out here. I'll go to
whoever's been holding them. Oh, I got to finish up
with Barbara. Hey, Barbara, good news. Okay, Barbara called in.
You've been ordering from Pantasa Life for years and years.
You love the product. They take one hundred bucks out
of your account every month. They send you six different
products that are good for a month. Last month or
this month. I should say they took the money out,
but sure enough, you haven't got any of the products.
You try to call over there and you don't get anybody,
and you try to email, you don't get any response.
I talked to Jamie, who worked there forever, and I
know Jamie and I trust Jamie. He gave me a
phone number to somebody, and we're going to get your
product coming out asap. Got it, and they're gonna correct it. Yep,
and listen, they're doing good. They are so understaffed. Jamie
left not long ago, so I mean, I know that
he basically ran the place. So they're trying. They're trying
to staff up and get back there. I'm sure sure
they're going to do right by it. And because you
love the product so much and other people out there
that have had this problem with them, we are gonna
make the call. In fact, I'm gonna give Suzanne the
information as we speak, and she's gonna call this gal
and she's gonna talk to you off air, Suzanne, or
I'm sorry, Kelly's gonna get your information off air and
give it to Suzanne. We're gonna make sure that product
gets out to you. And on top of that, I'm
going to tell them to throw in something. You want
some of those gummies to get you high as hell.
Speaker 8 (01:28:29):
Or what I do.
Speaker 18 (01:28:31):
Get the gummies. They're awesome.
Speaker 3 (01:28:34):
I was not looking. I was not expecting that.
Speaker 4 (01:28:38):
I was not expecting.
Speaker 3 (01:28:39):
That at all. Okay, Barbara, I like you. Barbara's you
got a tied diye T shirt you wear. What's going
on here, Barbara, Well, I'll.
Speaker 20 (01:28:48):
Say I'm eighty two, but I'm a classy, asty grandma.
Speaker 4 (01:28:53):
You sound very active. That's very cool, brother.
Speaker 3 (01:28:55):
I'm glad you liked that, and I'm glad you called
and you follow up with me directly. You don't see
that product. I don't know what in a few business days.
Maybe they'll overnight it. That'd be pretty cool for it.
But we're going to get to the bottom of this.
But I want to hear from you when you get it. Okay,
and hopefully, hopefully it's going to be really quick.
Speaker 20 (01:29:15):
Oh God, bless you dear, and marry Christmas to you
and your staff.
Speaker 16 (01:29:19):
I just love your show. I watch it on YouTube.
Speaker 3 (01:29:21):
Oh very cool, Barbara. And you know we don't cuss
behind the scenes, right, we're waving the lot. I love it,
you know, I have some people. Thank you, Barbara. It's
kind of funny, Doctor Joel. Have you ever watched this
on YouTube when you're at home? Have you ever?
Speaker 6 (01:29:37):
I have once or twice.
Speaker 3 (01:29:38):
So it's a little I don't want to say X ray.
It's not X ray, but it's a little R rated
during the breaks.
Speaker 6 (01:29:43):
Yeah, and what.
Speaker 3 (01:29:44):
Do you think of that? I'll usually have. I did
a poll one time on YouTube. I said, should market
time quick cussing? And it was ninety five percent. No,
what are you crazy? We tune in to kind of
hear the things you can talk about that you can't
talk about over the airwaves and stuff. Would you agree
with that?
Speaker 6 (01:30:03):
I would agree with that.
Speaker 3 (01:30:04):
Yeah, And I think a lot of people do tune
in on YouTube just for that. For the life of me,
I do not understand, though, Dragon, You've got to go
through that FCC stuff all the time. Why. I know
it's government. I know it's over the air. I took
the same course as I had to take years and
years ago that you have taken. What what I still
don't get is why the government doesn't change Why on
virtually any cable company, any podcast, anything, you can say
whatever the hell you want for the most part, but
they still haven't changed it over the air.
Speaker 4 (01:30:40):
Doesn't it seem a little silly?
Speaker 17 (01:30:42):
I agree, But the Internet has different rules and cable TV.
Speaker 21 (01:30:46):
You pay for it, so those have different rules.
Speaker 3 (01:30:48):
I get it, I know, but it's like so outdated.
I feel like it's still a puritan society here.
Speaker 17 (01:30:54):
But it is fun to just, you know, walk up
the line and not say something and you know, imply everything.
So that's part what the fun that we have in
the morning with Michael Brown. But yeah, you know it
is it is kind of how many times have you
had to bleep out Brown? I don't think that I have.
Speaker 7 (01:31:09):
Speaker 3 (01:31:10):
I'd ask you how many times you had to bleep
out me, but I don't want to hear the answer.
Speaker 8 (01:31:14):
And then you get around it by having a program.
Nam Shi stret.
Speaker 12 (01:31:20):
Go with a sure thing Denver's Best Roofer Excel roofing
dot com. You don't pay a cent until you're content.
Time for an insurance check up free, no obligation. In comparison,
call Compass Insurance paying too much your coverage at dozens
of insurance companies find out now three all three seven
to seven to one help. You'll think you're his only
customer when you choose Frank durand the real estate Man
dot com to list your home with Remax Alliance three
all three nine two zero sixteen twenty two.
Speaker 3 (01:31:51):
All right, three oh three seven one three eight two
five five. Man, if you hadn't seen the pictures of Dragon,
he put them up on her YouTube channel, go to
YouTube dot com type and Troubleshooter Network.
Speaker 4 (01:32:01):
You can do it later on.
Speaker 3 (01:32:02):
You can see every show we've ever done, unless if unless,
if the video's not working, which happens occasionally, but honestly,
it's almost always there. But if you go there and
you go to about the two hour and forty minute mark,
two hour and forty minute mark, you're gonna see pictures
of Dragon before and after.
Speaker 4 (01:32:25):
And man, did you get people talking on there?
Speaker 7 (01:32:28):
Speaker 4 (01:32:28):
And it's really remarkable dragging.
Speaker 17 (01:32:30):
I hid it well on both sides when I was
three hundred and fifty. I really didn't even Deputty was like, hey,
you bore it well ish and even not with.
Speaker 3 (01:32:38):
That Where's Dave shirt? You look huge?
Speaker 7 (01:32:40):
Speaker 21 (01:32:41):
That was it as a five X shirt and it
was slight, slightly snugg.
Speaker 3 (01:32:46):
Was You're like, you're cholesterol and all that stuff just
out of control.
Speaker 21 (01:32:50):
I honestly, I have no idea.
Speaker 3 (01:32:51):
I never you were so young you didn't care.
Speaker 9 (01:32:53):
I didn't.
Speaker 17 (01:32:53):
I didn't care. And if I didn't know, then it
wasn't a problem.
Speaker 4 (01:32:56):
Well, of course not.
Speaker 3 (01:32:57):
I mean, there's no such thing as a problem if
you don't know about it problem.
Speaker 7 (01:33:00):
You know.
Speaker 4 (01:33:01):
We've been talking to.
Speaker 3 (01:33:02):
Doctor Joel Tcherdak today and it's kind of funny why
I brought Dragon into it. Is Dragon a year and
a half of hard work, exercising every single day, not eating,
eating perfectly, and that's one way to do it. And
I hate to say this, Dragon, there's a new way
to do it, but I want to I want to
throw this.
Speaker 4 (01:33:19):
At the doc.
Speaker 3 (01:33:21):
Not a lot of people lose the kind of weight
Dragon did and keep it off for what five years? Yeah,
that's the hard part. When people get off this. Let's
say you hit your weight loss goal. Let's say you're
three point fifty. Now let's take something more. Let's take
something reasonable. Let's say you're a male and you're two
forty to two fifty and you want to get down
to that two hundred range, and you're on this medication
for let's say six months and you get to your goal,
or three months and you get to your goal. How
many people are keeping it off without the medication at
that time? I would assume it's keeping up the same habits.
It's eating well, exercising, and not going back to the
bad habits of stuff in your pie hole.
Speaker 6 (01:34:03):
Well, that's exactly correct. You know, people learn new habits
of eating by force basically because of the drug, the medication,
and then their bodies kind of get used to that,
the eating habit, that eating habit.
Speaker 4 (01:34:14):
That's really where I was going.
Speaker 3 (01:34:15):
So when you get used to not being hungry hungry
because of the way these medications work, and you're used
to eating maybe once a day, or used to eating
half the portions you used to, and you know you
don't feel hungry. When you get off the medication, it's
no longer going to be sending that signal to your brain.
But isn't there just body memory or muscle memory that's
going to kind of remember, you know, for the last
six months, I've been only eating this much.
Speaker 6 (01:34:41):
We have a lot of patients that go off of
it and stay off of it and stay off. We
do have those patients that go on in and off
of it intermittently like you would a diet.
Speaker 3 (01:34:49):
Is there any problem with that? I mean, and I'm
talking health wise now, no, not at all. I mean
it's not good when they get big again, but other
than that, no.
Speaker 6 (01:34:56):
And then we have patients also who stay on a
maintenance dose just to maintain where they are. And we
can work with any type of they with any scenario.
And let me just say, to Dragon, what he did
was remarkable, I said, And I wouldn't. I wouldn't discourage
anybody from attempting to lose weight in that manner. It's
just that most people can't do with eactly.
Speaker 4 (01:35:16):
But what would be nice is you have that kickstart.
Speaker 3 (01:35:20):
Come January from Denver region and you get to that goal.
Then it's much easier to maintain because you're not fighting.
You're you're fighting keeping the weight off, not losing the weight, right, right,
I mean, for real, that's the way. It's half the battle.
In fact, it's probably more than half the battle. What
was the hardest part for you, dragon, losing the weight
or maintaining the weight?
Speaker 17 (01:35:43):
Waiting it was because I've been on the roller coaster
diet's my entire life, So losing it, but I'd always
gain it right back, so maintaining is very difficult. Now
here's a question that might sound kind of silly for
the doc. Here is that being that fat ass that
I was for so long, you know, thirty plus years.
I still daydream about food and eating constantly. But I
know I'm on this regimen right now where you know,
I eat a certain time, and I eat so much
at a certain time, and I as soon as I'm
done eating, I am still thinking about more food. Now
with these with these shots and everything that rewires your brain,
so you're not.
Speaker 21 (01:36:18):
Thinking about food.
Speaker 5 (01:36:19):
Well, that's a good question.
Speaker 17 (01:36:20):
That'd be something that that's been somebody where I am
can still use.
Speaker 6 (01:36:24):
That's what our patients are reporting to us, that they
just don't feel those hunger cravings. They don't get with love,
they don't get angry. Uh, they don't you know, feel
those hunger pains like they did before. And so that's
really the huge benefit.
Speaker 3 (01:36:37):
And you call them peptides.
Speaker 6 (01:36:39):
Peptides that they're they're in a class of drugs called peptides.
Speaker 3 (01:36:42):
God, I would be so curious, Dragon, if how often
do you have dreams like that? Is it's just a constant.
Speaker 17 (01:36:48):
I just finished my lunch not long ago with the
chicken and mushrooms, and I'm already thinking, all right, let's
get to the next meal. The next feel is going
to be some you know, chicken and rice.
Speaker 3 (01:36:56):
Like his perspective. Now here's a question, though, is that
something let's say he wanted to do it? Is that
something you guys would even do? Because he doesn't need
a weight loss drug? I mean, how does that aspect work?
Can you treat him for the mental?
Speaker 8 (01:37:13):
Speaker 6 (01:37:13):
Well, I mean he has a history of obesity. Yeah,
so that would be enough.
Speaker 3 (01:37:16):
That's okay, I got you. And once again, there's no
there's no downside. If anything, if anything, he'd feel better,
you feel better, God, Dragon, I would love that As
a god.
Speaker 4 (01:37:28):
That would be amazing.
Speaker 3 (01:37:29):
I mean, I didn't realize you struggled with that.
Speaker 4 (01:37:32):
I honestly didn't.
Speaker 17 (01:37:33):
Moved to broad I can work out for the hour
that's an hour out of the day, but the other
seventeen eighteen hours a day that I'm awake, oh, give
me some freaking food.
Speaker 3 (01:37:40):
It almost sounds like an alcoholic. They're just thinking, Okay,
when's that next drink going to come? God, dang. I
never would have thought after that many years of being
the weight you are and keeping it off, that would
still be.
Speaker 21 (01:37:53):
Love for that to go away.
Speaker 17 (01:37:54):
And if these shots are something that can help with that,
then that's amazing.
Speaker 3 (01:37:58):
Forctor Joel, I would be so if that worked, it
would be amazing.
Speaker 6 (01:38:02):
Well, that is how the drug works, so it should.
Speaker 4 (01:38:05):
There's no reason it wouldn't work.
Speaker 6 (01:38:07):
There's no reason I can think of that it wouldn't work.
Speaker 7 (01:38:09):
Oh my god.
Speaker 6 (01:38:10):
You know that's what our patients reports to us, that
they don't have those cravings, that they don't feel the
hunger pains.
Speaker 3 (01:38:15):
Two hundred and ninety five a month. How long does
it take for them to start work and say someone
calls you now, I mean and they do their first shot,
let's say on a Saturday. When when do they actually
start going, Wow, I'm not as hungry as I used
to be.
Speaker 6 (01:38:27):
I would say, you know, seven to ten days. So
a week, Yeah, and you do you really start noticing
that you're hungry less, and then you're going to lose
weight as a result of that. In the ensuing days,
we might.
Speaker 4 (01:38:38):
Work something out.
Speaker 3 (01:38:39):
Dragon, If you're willing to be a little guinea pig there,
we might figure something out. I'll twist some arms, sing
some songs, do a little dance and stuff. Three oh
three seven one three eight two five five. But seriously,
if you've been thinking of losing that way, Denver region
dot com go there. Two hundred and ninety five bucks
a month. That includes everything, free consultation, no long term tracks.
When you want out, you're out. I mean there's no
bs here. You're either going to love the product and
lose a ton of weight or you're gonna love the
product and lose a ton of weight. Now let's go
to Dwayne. Dwayne, what's going on? Actually, Dwayne, I am
so sorry. Wes has been holding forever. I promise your next, Dwayne,
and then Ernie hold tight, Hey, Wes, what's going on?
Speaker 16 (01:39:21):
Speaker 7 (01:39:22):
Love the show?
Speaker 4 (01:39:22):
Mark, thank you, sir My call Yeah, make a.
Speaker 7 (01:39:26):
Long story shorts.
Speaker 24 (01:39:27):
I had a puny problem in my other bathroom. Okay,
they come out and said, oh, you need your sewer replaced.
And the whole line was like forty feet of the
street or something. Yeah, and they said, I go ahead
and run the water and I backfloa again.
Speaker 3 (01:39:43):
So wait a minute, did you.
Speaker 4 (01:39:44):
Hold on?
Speaker 3 (01:39:44):
Did you replace the entire sewer line? They did, and
then it backflowed again after.
Speaker 24 (01:39:50):
That, it didn't fix the problem.
Speaker 3 (01:39:53):
All right, hold on, that's kind of hard to believe.
I mean, I don't know. I mean, okay, well, we're
just gonna have to dive into that.
Speaker 12 (01:39:59):
After the hold on, go with a sure thing Denver's
best roofer Excel Roofing dot com.
Speaker 14 (01:40:10):
You don't pay a cent until you're content.
Speaker 12 (01:40:13):
Three time for an insurance check up free, no obligation
comparison call Compass Insurance. Pay too much your coverage at
dozens of insurance companies find out now three oh three
seven seven to one help. You'll think you're his only
customer when you choose Frank durand the real estate Man
dot com to list your home with Remax Alliance three
oh three nine two zero sixteen twenty two.
Speaker 25 (01:40:36):
Yeah, ris need advis you don't have them.
Speaker 1 (01:40:49):
Run anxious as fast as we can show Shooter's gonna
help Come.
Speaker 3 (01:40:56):
Six is the Troubleshooter Show. Noo.
Speaker 4 (01:41:00):
Welcome my friends to the Only Shovins Kime.
Speaker 3 (01:41:02):
We're here to solve problems, answer questions, take complaints. For
forty five years, over three hundred million dollars, and I
hate to say this, it's a lot more than that.
That's the amount we have actually tracked. I think this
week alone we have probably got I don't even know
how much, guys, I really don't a lot of freaking money.
That's what we do. We get results. Hopefully we're going
to get an affirmative on a Walmart result tomorrow. But
I can already promise, and I'll take any bets on it,
that Walmart gave that lady a five hundred and sixty
dollars gift card. This poor woman, Doctor Joel. I don't
know if you heard this, but God, this call came in.
I think it was Tuesday. It was so sad. Seventy
plus year old woman possibly some kind of mental issues. Yeah,
dementia of some sort is in a Walmart. She's on
a fixed budget social Security disability eleven twelve hundred bucks
a month. My god, I don't even know how she
lives off that. Hopefully the familys in and does other
stuff for they must. I don't think you could live
in Colorado for twelve in a month, But anyhow, she
goes in to buy her groceries for the month. This
woman walks up to her and says, you know, in tears,
can you please help me? I can't feed my babies.
I just need this formula and had some formula, And
this poor old woman says, yes, I will help you
remember fixed budget all this.
Speaker 4 (01:42:23):
But how do you say no?
Speaker 7 (01:42:24):
Speaker 3 (01:42:24):
I mean, we're Americans, we don't say no to that
kind of stuff. So it turns out the woman was
a complete scam. She was putting other stuff into the
woman's grocery cart in Walmart while they were going. So
she was finishing her grocery shopping. She was going to
pay for the formula. They get up there and she
kind of keeps it's all on video. Walmart's seen the video.
She keeps the woman occupied while the checker is checking
out all this stuff, and she put in stuff like
expensive medication the formula. Really, what they were doing was
putting stuff in there that is ex defensive and small.
And then I'm sure they would go to another Walmart
with the receipt and return it for cash. They took
her for five hundred and sixty dollars five hundred and
sixty bucks. Originally, Walmart looked at it and said, yeah,
they looked at the video and they actually told us
when we reached out that or they told the woman
that called the woman that got robbed, you know, basically
that's what happened. She got robbed. She actually had a
friend call or a friend heard the story and called.
She went to the Walmart as well, and they pulled
the video and said yes. Unfortunately, these gypsies are running
around doing this at a lot of different Walmarts. That's
the whole scam. It's not like just this one person.
It's like it's like these gypsies are doing this now.
It's nuts, and they're going after that age bracket, older people,
and they just know where to pull those hearts strings.
But Walmart's going to give them. They're going to that
Walmart today. The store manager wanted to meet the woman
and talk to the two in person, and I'm sure
they're going to give her a gift card.
Speaker 5 (01:44:02):
Dmitri, Yeah, I can't imagine.
Speaker 22 (01:44:04):
The store manager would invite the victim and her friend
over just to say, oh, so sorry, too bad, be
more careful next time.
Speaker 3 (01:44:10):
There'd be no purpose in it. What are you gonna
rub salt into that wound? Exactly, Bob, We're so sorry
you lost five hundred and sixty.
Speaker 4 (01:44:16):
I want to see the video again.
Speaker 3 (01:44:17):
Okay, now those are they're good people there, Ernie, I'm
gonna go to Oh no, Wes with Done Plumbing, and
then Ernie, I'll come to you. Oh did West drop off?
Oh dang it? If we can get them back Done Plumbing. Hey, Wes, listen.
Done Plumbing is on our referral list. We have a
direct connection to these guys. So if you want to
send us some information offline or call back again, I'll
be happy to talk to you. Whether people are on
our referral list or not, we handle it the same way.
Speaker 4 (01:44:49):
Adam. You've got a question for the doctor, Joel.
Speaker 18 (01:44:54):
Yeah, Hey, guys, my wife earlier this year she tried
through a different clinic the semiglue tide and they said
that they ramped her up really slow to the full dosage,
but she was having crazy nausea and it didn't work
very well. Not a lot of progress on it after
the four or five months, so we decided to stop,
but she wants to try again somewhere else and maybe
with the her zeppatide. But I guess my question for
your doctors how often how often do people have like,
like pretty bad side effects? Like she was crazy nauseous
almost every day. It was more pain in the butt
than it Wasn't really worth it that.
Speaker 3 (01:45:38):
Right, doctor Joel. I'll let you talk in a second,
but I got a follow up question from everything Adam said.
The two different medications, does the one that she was
on have worse side effects than the other?
Speaker 6 (01:45:50):
Go ahead, doc, Yeah, and you're you're right to ask
that question, Marcella.
Speaker 8 (01:45:54):
Speaker 6 (01:45:54):
You know, we have patients that occasionally have those types
of symptoms to where it's just unbearable, and a lot
of those cases we do one of two things. We
either keep the dosage just to the effective level that
it'll produce the weight loss effects without having those side effects.
And if that doesn't work, that's when we start talking
about switching patients over to hers appetite, which is slightly
more expensive, but it's it has a lot less side
effects for that small population of patients that just can't
tolerate some meglotide.
Speaker 18 (01:46:22):
That's what I was. That's what she wants to try.
And I've been hearing you guys for months, and I
tried to tell her to go to this place. She
went another place, and we're going to try and maybe
go back to your place too.
Speaker 21 (01:46:32):
Well, I mean, think about it, I'm online.
Speaker 4 (01:46:35):
How much did the other place charge? I'm just curious.
Speaker 18 (01:46:39):
I don't remember exactly. It was like a package. I
think it was like three point fifty and she got
three months and then we bought another like months monthly
on that and it was like one hundred and fifty
a month. But I don't think she was ever going
to full shee.
Speaker 4 (01:46:54):
You might have been getting good medication quite frankly.
Speaker 7 (01:46:58):
Yeah. Yeah.
Speaker 6 (01:46:59):
Well, to answer your question about how to get in
touch with us, Adam, the quickest way to do that
is to go to Denver Region dot com and right
on the front, just fill out patient information and our
patient coordinator will get back to you the same day.
Speaker 3 (01:47:11):
And Adam follow up with us on air. I mean,
I'd love to hear if the different medication got rid
of those side effects or maybe, like I said, you
were getting some kind of a Hong Kong Fouie.
Speaker 4 (01:47:22):
I mean, I don't know.
Speaker 18 (01:47:23):
Well, that's what I was worried about, because I don't
I don't know that place from any any other place,
and I don't know if their compounding pharmacy that they
got it from was up to snuff or whatever.
Speaker 4 (01:47:33):
Yeah, who knows.
Speaker 18 (01:47:34):
It was just her body just didn't take it.
Speaker 12 (01:47:35):
Speaker 18 (01:47:36):
Yeah, and they're going to do it in the new year.
Speaker 3 (01:47:38):
Well check it out. I mean, seriously, Adam, I mean,
what do you have to lose Denverregen dot com. It's
pretty straightforward, I mean, doc, I mean, there's so many
people on it.
Speaker 4 (01:47:48):
I guess there's always going to be a few people.
Speaker 3 (01:47:51):
That's why when we hear these commercials on TV, the
last ten seconds are it might cause death, it might
cause this, it might cause that.
Speaker 4 (01:47:58):
I mean, they're crazy. I don't care what medication it is.
Speaker 3 (01:48:02):
You hear the disclaimers, but I mean, in these particular medications,
they're very few and far right.
Speaker 6 (01:48:09):
Yeah, And unfortunately, you know, there are a lot of
fly by night clinics that have popped up that are
giving you unbelievable deals and not providing in the actual product. Yeah,
of course, or providing it at such a low concentration
that it's having no effect, or providing it from a
compounding pharmacy that doesn't go through the stringent sterility testing
that are compounding pharmacies do.
Speaker 3 (01:48:30):
Hey, you can't do this. They have to be in
that shot form. There's no way to do it in
a pill, is there.
Speaker 6 (01:48:35):
It's offered in a pill. I never recommend taking any
of the peptides in a pill form because your digestive
acids in your stomach eat it, eat it, and then
it also has to pass through your liver. It gets
broken down into different metabolites. It's just not effective.
Speaker 3 (01:48:49):
I gotcha, that makes sense. The dosage would be so high.
It's kind of like a testosterone. I mean, I don't
know of any testosterone in a pill form that works.
I mean, I know they have tried different things, but
compared to a shot or like the insert Suzanne and
I get that, you know, slowly melt away the pellets,
they work, But I don't think there's any pills for
that either, for the exact same reasons.
Speaker 6 (01:49:12):
Yeah, it's just it's it's advertised, but it's not very effective.
Speaker 3 (01:49:16):
Ernie, my man, Ernie, I have not talked to you
for a while. By the way, we've got some lines
open three oh three seven one three A two five
five three oh three Martino, Ernie, what are you up to, sir?
I hope your health is good. I talked to your
daughter for a little bit a while back. How are you.
Speaker 9 (01:49:31):
Yeah, she told me you did. Yeah, I'm doing pretty good.
You know I never said this on right on radio.
But you know I got a problem with my eyesight.
I got immaculate degeneration.
Speaker 4 (01:49:42):
I know that, Ernie, I know that.
Speaker 7 (01:49:44):
Yeah, I know you and you.
Speaker 9 (01:49:47):
And Sudan have been so grateful me. I just wanted to.
I feel it embarrassed to say it, but I wanted
to just wish you got a happy anniversary. I know
it's been a while. Well, thank you, but I can't.
I can't tell you how much I appreciate you. Guys.
That comes turned and I left you showing.
Speaker 3 (01:50:05):
Me well, Ernie, you're making me a You're making.
Speaker 2 (01:50:09):
Me so sweet.
Speaker 24 (01:50:10):
Speaker 3 (01:50:11):
It's good to hear your voice, for sure. We haven't
heard you in a while.
Speaker 9 (01:50:15):
Yeah, I know it's it's been I have a lot
of things going, but when was the.
Speaker 4 (01:50:19):
Last time you had that? I think it was fish.
Speaker 9 (01:50:23):
Her birthday party. My daughter gave me a birthday party.
We had about thirty people.
Speaker 6 (01:50:28):
There and nice.
Speaker 9 (01:50:29):
I don't know if you guys just seen this entertainer.
Her name was Linda.
Speaker 3 (01:50:34):
Was she good?
Speaker 21 (01:50:36):
Speaker 9 (01:50:36):
She is beautiful. If you have a good chance to
go see her, h make make sure you do it.
She came in the same for me at my daughter's
house at.
Speaker 5 (01:50:45):
A birth That is so cool.
Speaker 3 (01:50:47):
Ernie, Hey, we're gonna send you over. You want that
same lunch we sent you last time. Sure, you got
to remind Kelly what it is. I thought it was
fish sticks. What was it?
Speaker 7 (01:50:58):
Speaker 9 (01:50:59):
It was a catfish Internet, but it's.
Speaker 3 (01:51:01):
A certain place, right, Yeah, hold on, make sure Susanna
or Kelly's going to pick up. You can't ever have
your phone number?
Speaker 14 (01:51:09):
Can I text you at that phone number?
Speaker 4 (01:51:11):
Or call you probably call?
Speaker 3 (01:51:12):
Can't see Oh okay, we'll get it set up.
Speaker 4 (01:51:16):
All right, Ernie, you want it today or tomorrow?
Speaker 3 (01:51:18):
What day?
Speaker 4 (01:51:19):
I'll let you guys figure that off off air. Ornie.
Speaker 3 (01:51:22):
I appreciate it was very nice things, she said, Susanna,
and I think of you often. Hold tight, go with
a sure thing.
Speaker 12 (01:51:33):
Denver's best roofer Excel roofing dot com. You don't pay
a cent until you're content. Time for an insurance check
up free, no obligation. In comparison, call Compass Insurance paying
too much your coverage at dozens of insurance companies find
out now three oh three seven seven one help. You'll
think you're his only customer when you choose Frank durand
the real estate Man dot com to list your home
with Remax Alliance oh three nine two zero sixteen twenty two.
Speaker 3 (01:52:03):
All right three three seven one three eight two five
five for the first time, We've got some open lines.
You've been ripped off, taken advantage of, or just have questions,
maybe questions for the doc on weight loss. We want
to hear from you. I do want to bring something
up to everybody in here. These drones. Man, Holy moley,
the size of SUVs flying over New Jersey. I've seen
reports that one or multiple are the size of a bus.
Speaker 4 (01:52:30):
I mean, this is crazy. Is it possible that our.
Speaker 3 (01:52:34):
Government has no idea what these are, because that's what
we keep hearing from the FBI. But yet they say
they're not it's not from another country. If they don't
know who the hell they are, how would they know
they're not from another country? I mean, Dimitri, what do
you make of these things? Honestly, if you if you
use use your best intuition, who do you think owns
these drones?
Speaker 22 (01:52:58):
I would say, I my guess is the US go
I agree, And then they claim to have no knowledge
of it?
Speaker 3 (01:53:03):
But why why would they claim But the same time
they're claiming no knowledge once again, they're saying they're not
an adversary?
Speaker 4 (01:53:10):
How can how can both things that?
Speaker 8 (01:53:14):
How can they not send up a helicopter or a
plane something to get to take a picture of these things?
Speaker 22 (01:53:19):
Well, how about your satellites and radar you know what,
They can track an airplane anywhere they want to.
Speaker 3 (01:53:25):
How about a scud missile? Yeah, think about it. They've
got all these things flying every single night. You've got
the governor, You've got mayors, You've got congress people, everybody
going what the hell are they? The FBI says, we
don't know, and the government says, well they're no, they're
they're not in other countries or not an adversary.
Speaker 4 (01:53:43):
Well, like I said, we don't know what they are.
Speaker 8 (01:53:45):
Why doesn't they governor of New Jersey send up a
state trooper helicopter.
Speaker 3 (01:53:48):
I don't know.
Speaker 8 (01:53:49):
That would be the simplest thing to do.
Speaker 17 (01:53:51):
I think of it like this. We know it's not
a reputable company, say like Google doing Google Maps or
Google Earth or whatever. That's not them, Because if it
were a reputable company, they would come out and be like, hey,
that's us. Sorry, my bad, we'll do it at a
different time. But it's nobody's come out to say yeah,
that's us, So it feels very nefarious.
Speaker 3 (01:54:10):
Well, okay, the weather blow we all remember that they
are our own government. Biden, you know, sleeping at the wheel,
Sleepy Joe apparently didn't know. I find it hard to
believe he didn't know that China had a weather balloon
going over our military basis and across the heartland for
actent amount of time. I find that almost impossible. And
then they finally blow it out of the sky.
Speaker 22 (01:54:33):
Well, do you remember the drone swarms in northeastern Colorado
about three four years ago? Now there were a dozens.
Speaker 4 (01:54:41):
Was it the pipeline stuff?
Speaker 3 (01:54:43):
No, there were there were.
Speaker 22 (01:54:44):
Well the government never told us who those drons belonged to,
but there were dozens of them observed kind of over
there where the pat the the minute Men missile silos
are near near the grasslands, but.
Speaker 4 (01:54:55):
They acknowledged they were ours.
Speaker 22 (01:54:57):
No, the government says they never track them down. They're
not the governments. They don't know whom they belong to.
But the sheriffs over there were chasing these drones for
weeks and this is this sounds very similar.
Speaker 5 (01:55:10):
So we still don't know who those drones belore.
Speaker 22 (01:55:12):
Were they big like this like suv so full size,
like military sized drones, and there were dozens of them.
Speaker 3 (01:55:17):
See when I first heard the stories, I'm thinking of
my little drone at home. You know, it's like no
bigger than an old school dictionary.
Speaker 5 (01:55:24):
These were These were for real. These are like the
military like airplanes. Basically, Yeah, they're small airplanes.
Speaker 4 (01:55:29):
God, it's amazing.
Speaker 3 (01:55:30):
I wonder when we'll get to the point where if
I want to get a taxi somewhere, I don't have
to worry about I twenty five. I can hop in
a little a little drone. Seriously, I heard in Dubai
they have them and they go from rooftop to rooftop
and you just hop in and you put it in
the app and it'll bring you to whatever rooftop you're
going to I mean, would that bother you?
Speaker 7 (01:55:50):
Speaker 5 (01:55:50):
I would never get in one of those unless I'm
in command.
Speaker 3 (01:55:53):
Doctor Joel.
Speaker 4 (01:55:53):
Would you get in one?
Speaker 7 (01:55:55):
Speaker 3 (01:55:56):
God, you guys, what's wrong? Sho's an I'd get in one.
I do, hell, I'd take one home today.
Speaker 21 (01:56:02):
Where's your sense of adventure?
Speaker 3 (01:56:04):
I mean, come on, I mean, it's got to be
safer than most. It's got to be safer than hopping
in with a beab in New York City. I'm being serious.
I mean, you've been in tax He's in New York
that they're crazy. They run in and out and you
sit forever. I mean, I think it's a good deal.
I don't know.
Speaker 15 (01:56:22):
Well, this is spoken by the gentleman who has a
driverless car.
Speaker 3 (01:56:25):
That's true. I don't drive, Suzanne. How often do I
drive the Tesla? Not very much anymore so the newest update, Kelly,
I don't even got to touch the steering wheel. Don't
even have to touch it.
Speaker 6 (01:56:35):
Well, you can do other things in the car.
Speaker 3 (01:56:38):
Susanne and I hop in the back sitting now.
Speaker 8 (01:56:40):
We don't know. I have a cousin who had a problem.
He had a Tia.
Speaker 3 (01:56:44):
What the hell's a Tia?
Speaker 8 (01:56:47):
Basically it's a Mini strokes wow, and he's afraid that
it will happen again while he's driving. So I told
him about your experience and to go buy a Tesla. Yeah,
and he doesn't have to worry about it.
Speaker 3 (01:56:59):
Well, here's to look into it eventually. That's true. Here's
the problem with you right now. If you're not paying attention,
it will turn autopilot off. And when I say that,
here's how it knows. I got a camera right here,
and it's basically upbuilt into the rear view mirror, and
the camera's always looking at you. If I pick up
a phone, it knows. If I'm looking out the window
long enough, it knows, and it'll warn you. And if
you don't refocus almost instantly, well within a couple seconds,
it will redline you and it'll kill autopilot. The problem
is if you kill autopilot three or four times in
a certain period of days, then you're punished with no
autopilot doc for thirty days, which is crazy.
Speaker 8 (01:57:49):
What happens when it kills autopilot? Does the car stop?
Speaker 3 (01:57:53):
No, it doesn't stop. You got to take over. It
doesn't matter if it's on the highway, it doesn't matter
where you are. But what sucked is Marco ben Denelli,
a good friend of ours, also a referral list member,
an attorney on referral list dot com. He was driving
my car. He never drove a Tesla, never been on autopilot,
and he's a personal injury attorney. He's got a ton
of questions about driverless stuff. He had no idea the
car was capable of what it is, and he kept
hitting the gas because he's got a lead foot. So
we were in a safe place on I twenty five
on autopilot, and he didn't realize, well he probably did realize.
He punched it and we went from like you know,
seventy five to about one hundred and forty in a
matter of like nothing, and it redlined him instantly. Then
he did it again. Then when I got in the
car to drive home, I realized my autopilot wasn't working.
Suzanne was with me. I said, I don't know what's
going on. Autopilot's not working. Just didn't work. He redlined
me and I lost the ability to use autopilot. He
got grounded mark for thirty days. Now, luckily we went
on a trip, literally left for a trip that like
a couple days after that. So by the time we
got back it was fine. But that's when we went
on our long trip.
Speaker 8 (01:59:07):
Well, what would it be good? My cousin lives in
a small town in Pennsylvania. Yeah, and he doesn't do
any highway driving doesn't matter. Just like good, library be
perfect for him. That's what I thought, be absolutely perfect
rather than giving up driving.
Speaker 3 (01:59:20):
Doctor Joel, you ever driven a driverless car like we're
talking about.
Speaker 6 (01:59:25):
I have not had the pleasure of doing that.
Speaker 4 (01:59:26):
You never have.
Speaker 3 (01:59:27):
No, So I can get in now, I can put
in your address, and right now I still got a swipe.
I gotta swipe one time and it'll bring me to
your house. I won't have to touch the steering wheel, nothing.
It will do everything for me. But I have to
pay attention. I can't jump in the backseat. The next
one that's coming, the next release, and people that are
beta testers have it right now. Is how we know
about it, and there's videos about it. You can be
parked anywhere. You can be parked in a parking garage,
your own garage. You could be parked in a parking spot.
You hop in, you put in the address and it
will back up and bring you there. It'll also park
when you get there, not just parallel park, but it'll.
Speaker 4 (02:00:09):
Find a space. It'll do everything.
Speaker 3 (02:00:11):
And then I have summons now too, So like we're well,
I don't have the Tesla today, but if we parked
out front in the circle here, I can summon it
and it will come out all by itself, drive around
and pick Suzanne and I up in the front. You
would use that for a restaurant or something like that.
But with the next release, it'll drop you off at
a restaurant and you can tell it to go find
a parking spot. It'll valet for you.
Speaker 6 (02:00:35):
Well, that's pretty cool.
Speaker 3 (02:00:36):
It is really cool. And when people first do it,
they I don't like it. I'll tell you what. You
get so used to it. It's crazy. It's so cool
for your car to drive yourself. Now here's the problem, though,
What do I do all the time, Suzanne, when we're
in the Genesis or when we're in the Santa Fe.
Speaker 6 (02:00:53):
Well, you forget to turn the car off.
Speaker 3 (02:00:55):
There's no key or anything for this. I walk up,
it knows I'm there and everything just goes. So, now
what happens, I guarantee it's happened in the last twenty
four hours because we're getting a windshield put in the Tesla.
Speaker 4 (02:01:08):
I'll be in the Santa Fe. We'll go up to Walmart.
Speaker 3 (02:01:11):
I'll get inside Walmart and the damn car still running
because I forget to turn it off, because I'm so
used to not having to turn a vehicle on or
off anymore, So I end up going back so many
times now to turn docs laugh.
Speaker 12 (02:01:25):
Go with a sure thing Denver's Best roofer Excel Roofing
dot com.
Speaker 14 (02:01:29):
You don't pay a cent until you're content.
Speaker 12 (02:01:34):
Time for an insurance checkup free no obligation comparison call
Compass Insurance paying too much your coverage at dozens of
insurance companies find out now three o three seven to
seven to one help. You'll think you're his only customer
when you choose Frank durand the real estate Man dot
com to list your home with Remax Alliance three oh
three nine two zero sixteen twenty two.
Speaker 3 (02:02:00):
Right three oh three seven one three eight two five five.
You got any questions we want to hear from you?
Three oh three seven one three eight two five five.
In fact, speaking of question, Sean's got a question for
doctor Joel Sean, what's going on, man?
Speaker 7 (02:02:14):
Speaker 11 (02:02:15):
I was just in the hospital for about four days.
I had went to my primary care doctor because I
was having problems of breathing and I thought maybe I
had like the walking pneumonia that type of thing. And
what it turned out is I actually had a heart
failure arrhythmia. They were kind of linked together.
Speaker 3 (02:02:34):
Oh my god.
Speaker 11 (02:02:35):
And I had gained When I checked into the hospital,
I weighed three hundred and seven pounds, which I don't
weigh that much and usually them around two hundred and
fifty five something like that. And I what they said
was that I was retaining water. So they put me
on Lay six and within four days I lost like
over forty five pounds and so, and they did do
a re start on my heart, so to speak.
Speaker 3 (02:03:07):
My god, man, you've had all kinds of ailments. What's
your question?
Speaker 11 (02:03:12):
Well, my question is when I was released, then they
gave me some lasik. It's it's just like lasick.
Speaker 4 (02:03:18):
Hey, doc, isn't that what they give racehorses?
Speaker 3 (02:03:21):
Speaker 8 (02:03:21):
Well, LA six is a diuretic, So if he's trying,
if it's retention, which is very common when you have
heart failure because the blood isn't pumping properly, and once
it stagnates in the blood vessels, what the fluid looks out.
Speaker 3 (02:03:35):
So they also give it the racehorse, right, but you.
Speaker 8 (02:03:38):
Use it that so lose weight. But using lay sis
is different than go on a diet to lose fat.
Speaker 6 (02:03:45):
Right, We're talking about losing water weight losing fat.
Speaker 8 (02:03:48):
It's a lot two different things.
Speaker 11 (02:03:49):
Yeah's see, it's it's water weight. And right now my
my feet are starting to get puffy again a little bit.
And I didn't know whether there's these little lasik phills
are cutting it or whether I could. I guess I
should ask my doctor about that.
Speaker 8 (02:04:04):
About Yeah, you need to you need to have the
uh the dosage of Lake of Lacy suggested. And then
if you're down to whatever weight you are without the
excess water weight, then you can talk to Joel about
whether or not you uh you need to lose uh
fat weight.
Speaker 3 (02:04:20):
Yeah, I would agree, So they're totally I mean, water weight,
of course is completely different. And he seems to be
he's got a medical problem why he's building up the
water weight exactly.
Speaker 8 (02:04:31):
Cardiac I mean, cardiomopathy, heart failure are definitely ideologies for
water retention.
Speaker 7 (02:04:37):
Go ahead, man, Well, and that was my problem.
Speaker 11 (02:04:40):
I was like, you know, I have a Peloton stationary bicycle.
I'm like, should I be getting on that and doing that?
Speaker 3 (02:04:45):
Or is I'm gonna you gotta talk to your doctor.
Speaker 8 (02:04:47):
Brother, Yeah, I think you're exp I think if you're
in heart failure, you definitely need to have your exercise
monitored by your cardiologists and not me or Joel.
Speaker 7 (02:04:57):
Speaker 11 (02:04:58):
Yeah, I mean, yeah, I appreciate it, guys, I do.
It was just a quest.
Speaker 3 (02:05:01):
Well, I hope you get better, man, I mean that's
kind of a that's that's that's a crazy story.
Speaker 2 (02:05:07):
How old are you fifty three?
Speaker 3 (02:05:09):
Yeah, that seems young for those issues.
Speaker 4 (02:05:11):
I mean, in my.
Speaker 3 (02:05:12):
Crazy is it the obesity part? You said you were
up around three hundred at one point, right, three hundred.
Speaker 11 (02:05:18):
And seven, and I've never my my I could barely
tell my toes. I mean they're that swollen.
Speaker 22 (02:05:24):
Speaker 3 (02:05:24):
How much of that's waterweight out of that three hundred?
As your doctor said.
Speaker 11 (02:05:29):
Well, that was the thing. I was shedding twenty pounds
a night after.
Speaker 9 (02:05:32):
I was doc.
Speaker 3 (02:05:33):
How does in general not for this guy? But I
mean you were You're a doctor for the life.
Speaker 4 (02:05:39):
Of me, Like.
Speaker 8 (02:05:42):
That's a lot of water.
Speaker 3 (02:05:43):
I think, how do you shed it? Are you urinating?
Are you sweating? Is it all the above?
Speaker 6 (02:05:51):
Speaker 3 (02:05:51):
Oh my god, you must have never left the bathroom.
Twenty pounds.
Speaker 5 (02:05:56):
You probably had it.
Speaker 8 (02:05:57):
Did you have a catheter?
Speaker 11 (02:05:59):
I would hope yeah, no, no, no, no, no no.
I had to get up and go.
Speaker 4 (02:06:04):
He was, Holy moly, well man, I mean, wow.
Speaker 11 (02:06:09):
Okay, well I will, I will get with my doctor.
I know that was the right thing to do. But
when you guys are talking about weight loss, and I
guess I confuse that with water gain, So yeah.
Speaker 3 (02:06:20):
You got to get the yeah, the underlying issue done.
And uh wow. So I mean question in a in
a real call here though, if he called up Denver
region and he starts talking like this, I mean, you
guys aren't going to be prescribing any weight loss drugs
from him. You're going to be like, hey, you gotta
go see a heart doctor or something.
Speaker 21 (02:06:42):
Speaker 6 (02:06:42):
I mean, if our patient coordinator doesn't catch it right
off the bat, our medical doctor that prescribes a medication,
which would absolutely not prescribe this medication.
Speaker 8 (02:06:51):
Question for you, is any kind of cardiac disease a
contraindication to the weight loss to the to the weight
loss drugs.
Speaker 6 (02:06:58):
It really depends on you know, what the disease is, however,
how severe it is in and of itself.
Speaker 8 (02:07:04):
It's not a no, it's not a gargle denial.
Speaker 6 (02:07:06):
No, it's not a contraindication in it of itself. But
in cases like that we would be consulting with their
medical doctor for sure that it's safe.
Speaker 3 (02:07:13):
This guy, Yes, all right, Gabe, hold tight, we're going
to come back. He's got a problem with the wireless service.
We got that and a lot more. Hank tight.
Speaker 12 (02:07:20):
Everybody go with a sure thing Denver's Best Roofer Excel
Roofing dot com.
Speaker 14 (02:07:25):
You don't pay a cent until you're content.
Speaker 12 (02:07:30):
Time for an insurance checkup free, no obligation comparison call
Compass Insurance paying too much your coverage at dozens of
insurance companies find out now three all three seven to
seven to one help. You'll think you're his only customer
when you choose Frank durand the Real estate Man dot
com to list your home with Remax Alliance three all
three nine two zero sixteen twenty two.
Speaker 3 (02:07:53):
All right, we got an update. I've been dying for
this one here's the deal. We had a caller call in.
He was actually just getting out of jail in Missouri
or Kansas, I forget, but his RV got hit with
the dart. And what I'm talking about is Denver PD
and other police departments, they have these little tracking darts.
If someone's trying to elude them, they can shoot it
into your vehicle and they can figure out where they
are because they don't want to do a high speed
pursuit and run over somebody or kill somebody. So I mean,
it's not a big thing. If you didn't know that existed,
it does. It's everywhere. So they darted him. He said
he didn't see them following him, and he crossed from
Denver into Aurora. Denver PD just basically dropped it, put
the dart in him. They figured out when he parked
and where he was. They went over there. The vehicle
didn't have a proper registration license plate. His vehicle got towed.
He got thrown in jail for a period of time
for e looting police. Apparently, according to him, those charges
were dropped, but then he got snagged by more police
in a different state and ended up in Kansas or
somewhere in jail. Don't know how that happened, don't know
if he was extradited from here, what, But the bottom
line was this, he had about four grand worth of tools,
according to him, into this RV, and he has no
proof of ownership. He bought this RV from someone. We
saw the receipt, Dmitri. You saw it, described the receipt.
Speaker 5 (02:09:22):
The receipt is.
Speaker 22 (02:09:23):
It's simply a bill of sale from what appears to
be a storage yard in our v storage yard, yep.
And I assume somebody abandoned this thing in the storage
yard instead of applying for a title.
Speaker 5 (02:09:34):
Just since sold.
Speaker 3 (02:09:35):
This guy for like twelve hundred bucks, one hundred bucks
and he had four grand in tools or whatever.
Speaker 4 (02:09:41):
And he knew nothing. I mean, we were talking to
the guy.
Speaker 3 (02:09:44):
He didn't know what officer arrested, any kind of police reports.
Speaker 4 (02:09:49):
I mean pretty much he knew nothing. He really knew nothing.
Speaker 22 (02:09:52):
Yeah, yeah, So I kind of gave up on getting
valuable information from him, and I called the police department,
and I just spoke with a lady over there a
few minutes ago. She said that the RV uh they
they're towing contract is with a place called M and
M Towing like Mary and Mary Towing, and they have
an M pound yard on way far East Callfax. So
she checked with somebody who is working in their homeless
outreach department at the APD, and they told her to
tell me that the Eminem Towing will accept his bill
of sale for that RV and they'll let him go
in there and retrieve his prime. No, I just got
that information. So my next call is going to be
to Eminem Towing. I want to see if they still
have the RV.
Speaker 4 (02:10:38):
Yeah, he said, it's only been like thirty days.
Speaker 5 (02:10:40):
Yeah, but I don't know how long they keep them.
Speaker 4 (02:10:42):
Well, they got to keep it over thirty days, and
I promise you.
Speaker 5 (02:10:44):
Well, I just want to make sure it's there.
Speaker 4 (02:10:46):
Well, this will definitely.
Speaker 5 (02:10:48):
I mean maybe somebody else has a bill of sale
for it.
Speaker 3 (02:10:50):
Well, that would be the that would be the shiz nick.
If you know what I'm saying.
Speaker 5 (02:10:53):
I know what you're saying.
Speaker 4 (02:10:54):
So that's crazy.
Speaker 3 (02:10:56):
Maybe what we do is get Kelly to get him
on the air tomorrow. And I don't even know if
he's back in state.
Speaker 22 (02:11:05):
No, but he has a cell phone. He was getting
on a bus when I spoke with him. Right after
his call got it, so it sounds like he's on
his way back here, and I'll once I talked to
Eminem and him, I'll email everything to Kelly so that
she can update the story to more.
Speaker 5 (02:11:20):
Detective here tomorrow.
Speaker 3 (02:11:21):
Good detective work.
Speaker 5 (02:11:22):
Thanks a lot.
Speaker 4 (02:11:23):
Hey, Gabe, what's going on.
Speaker 3 (02:11:24):
With this wireless deal?
Speaker 7 (02:11:28):
Hi? How are you doing?
Speaker 3 (02:11:28):
I'm doing good, Gabe? What's going on?
Speaker 21 (02:11:31):
I have a neighbor.
Speaker 13 (02:11:33):
He's about eighty forty five years old. His wife just
died a couple months ago. No, man, he was under
some program lifeline I guess, to the government for cell
phone for free service, okay, unlimited minutes and stuff.
Speaker 3 (02:11:46):
But it was through I assume it was through her.
Speaker 13 (02:11:51):
No, he actually had one through himself.
Speaker 4 (02:11:53):
Oh okay, so what's going on?
Speaker 13 (02:11:56):
But well, he was on this one program where it
was done limited minutes for him. He lives by himself.
Speaker 3 (02:12:04):
Are they charging him more now or something?
Speaker 13 (02:12:07):
Speaker 4 (02:12:08):
So the bottom line is here not charging him correctly?
Speaker 12 (02:12:12):
Speaker 7 (02:12:12):
All right?
Speaker 3 (02:12:12):
Hold on, hold on, here's what I want to do, Kelly.
Let's get him on first thing in the morning. We're
up against it, you know this, And then I want
to thank doctor Joel Cherdak, Denver Regen, you want all
the skinny on the weight loss.
Speaker 4 (02:12:25):
You like how I use the word skinny in there.
Speaker 6 (02:12:27):
I like it.
Speaker 3 (02:12:27):
Denverregen dot com, Denverregon dot com,