All Episodes

December 19, 2024 131 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:05):
Ripped of.

Speaker 2 (00:07):
News, so you don't have.

Speaker 3 (00:12):
Come running.

Speaker 4 (00:13):
Just as fast as we can, Shooter's gonna help come, man.

Speaker 5 (00:20):
This is the Troubleshooter Show now, Tom Martinelcome, Welcome to the.

Speaker 6 (00:25):
Only show of it's kinder. Here to solve problems, answer questions,
take complaints. Our goal in life, as you know, is
to make your life just a little bit better. We
got some great updates coming throughout the day to day
people that we help to the tune of over three
hundred million dollars cash, merchandise exchanges refunds, all due to
this show over forty five years in the Denver metro area.

Tom Martine's been doing this longer than anybody else in
the entire nation on radio. Nobody else's longest running show
in the country with the same host, and we are
very proud of that. Now here's the bottom line. You
need help. Three zero three seven one three a two
five five three oh three Martino. That number of works,

of course, on or off the air. I believe we're
getting our YouTube feed up. We're working on that as
we speak. But three O three seven one three a
two five five. My guest today Henry Brents. He's with
of course excel roofing Henry. How are you doing today, man.

Speaker 7 (01:28):
Great Mark, thanks for having me.

Speaker 6 (01:29):
You got it. You got a lot cooking this time
of a year. Or no, I mean the roofing business.
What do you guys do in the roofing business in December?
I mean there's not much to do, right Or do
you have roofs that collapse from the heavy snow we
had in November?

Speaker 8 (01:43):
You know, we don't see a lot of collapse roofs,
but we do see a lot of leaks, and so
we always want to make sure that if we have
done any roofs, we make sure that everything's taken care of.
And then also a lot of people will call into
us and say, hey, my loot, my roof is leaking
due to the ice dam or just ponding water.

Speaker 6 (01:59):
And what do you generally do to fix thos? Do
you got to remove the shingles and work your way
down to the last layer or do you just what
do you do? It's different every time. Yeah, it's really.

Speaker 7 (02:07):
Different every time, depending on where the leak is.

Speaker 8 (02:09):
If the leak is on the face shingles, then we
would need to rip it down to the deck and
start doing surgery. But if it's around like a flashing
or something like that, we can usually go and do
some minor up down pretty quickly.

Speaker 6 (02:20):
In that worst scenario, you can at least stop the
leak and by putting a tarpaup or something.

Speaker 2 (02:24):

Speaker 8 (02:25):
Absolutely, And that's what we recommend to customers. If you
guys are having a leak at your house, put a
tarp over it if possible, and then also create a
drain inside a bucket in the house to try to
mitigate as much interior damage as possible.

Speaker 6 (02:37):
All Right, if you have any roof questions or any
questions for Henry, he's going to be joining in the
whole show. I wanted to start off talking about something
that I heard from all people the New York mayor. Yeah,
New York City mayor pipeline of criminality. I love that phrase.
And that's coming from a liberal. That mayor is more

liberal than most, and he said this about the migrant crisis.
What they are starting is criminals. They're creating criminals in
a pipeline of them. These people come into the country.
Do you realize migrants can't legally work in the US
when they first arrive and under current federal law, they
have to wait over one hundred and fifty days from

their asylum application in order just to apply for a
work permit. So by being this liberal city we are
and inviting all these people and then we act surprised.
This part's crazy. We act surprised when the gangs come in.
They can't get jobs anywhere. What are they supposed to do?
They're gonna steal, They're gonna become criminals. They can't do

anything else. They can't work. And that's thanks to you know,
mayor Mike Johnston. And I believe he was the one
that said he will get all the people in Denver
and we'll stand up at the border the Ice. What
are your nuts? We got people in Aurora. Yeah, I'm
gonna say it again, we've got criminal gangs in Aurora
that are torturing people. For God's sake. What kind of

mayor said something like that instead of going after the criminals,
this guy saying, oh, we're not gonna let ice in.
You're a nutjob, Mike. You're a nutjob, buddy. I don't
even understand where you're coming from. Then that rhino, Mike
Kaufman is about as liberal as they get. What's his problem.
I remember it to Trump rally the night of it.

Because Trump talked about the Venezuelan gang. What does he say, Oh, no,
there's nothing going on in those apartments. He denied it.

Speaker 9 (04:39):
And I used to be a build an apartment building
in Aurora. I would be a paully.

Speaker 6 (04:44):
It was crazy. He came out and saying, oh, they're
talking about one or two people. They're overblowing it. Don't
believe you're lying eyes. When they showed video all over
the country of people with machine guns basically walking around
or assault rifles walking around this apartment a complex giving
people to shake down.

Speaker 9 (05:02):
Up and pulling their fingernails.

Speaker 6 (05:04):
Off of that's unbelievable bo when I read that. When
I read that the other day, they stabbed somebody, then
they pulled people's fingernails off, torture in them. It's absolutely
pathetic what this state has become under Polis. And I'm
sorry to bitch every morning about it, but I'm about
sick and tired of it. I love Colorado and I

wanted to see it do better. And if you threw
Denver and Aurora out of the situation, the damn state's
pretty cool. Douglas County rocks. You get out into Weld County,
you know what, there might be some, you know, some
pretty shisty businesses down there, but you know, in general
the people are good. But I digress. The other thing
I got to throw in that I promise I'll get

to the phones. This show's about helping you. But if
I don't vent, I build up too much animosity. Maybe
that's a good word. Three three seven one three five
five Georgia Court of Appeals disqualified Fulton County District Attorney
Fanny Willis. She's the one that was banging, Yeah, I
said it, banging the guy she was paying left and

right to go after Trump. Another one of those. Another
one of those, and it's thrown out once again. Another
election interference case. Finally got to the Supreme Court, or
not the Supreme Court, but got to a district got
to the district Court of Appeals there and they tossed it.
It'll probably go to the state Supreme Court if she
wants to fight it. But you know that's it. It's

not literally tossed. But the bottom line is she can't
do anything. And you know, it's a travesty what people
have done. And I think when Trump gets in office,
We're gonna find out a lot more and I mean
a lot more of what was going on in the
last four years. And I hate to say it. I
think it's worse than we ever thought. I think it
is so bad. We're just gonna have no idea when

we hear the truth, and it's just gonna be that way.
Now we've got this update, Explain this one to me.
I've got Gary on. Hey, Gary, you called in. You
had a problem with one Source heating. Is that correct?

Speaker 10 (07:09):
Yes, it's one It's actually called one Source Home Service.

Speaker 6 (07:14):
One Source Home Service. What was the problem? Recap it
real quick for us?

Speaker 10 (07:17):
Well, they told me. They told me a motor that
didn't need to be done.

Speaker 6 (07:21):
For your furnace, so a blower motor the boat for
the furnace.

Speaker 11 (07:26):
Actually the it's a Goodman furnace eight and they installed
an inducer blower and the cost of the job, including
the motor, was thirty two.

Speaker 9 (07:39):
Now the crux of this, it's a very I thought
it was really high price. But the problem.

Speaker 11 (07:46):
Is is that Gary did not need the inducer blower.

Speaker 6 (07:50):
What do you mean he didn't need it? What was
actually how do we know we didn't need it.

Speaker 11 (07:54):
Because Gary was able to get the old part back.
He went to an authorized motor shop, which I've dealt
with over the years. They tested, They did a CFM
and AMP test on the motor and there was absolutely
nothing wrong.

Speaker 6 (08:10):
Well, hold on, I'm a little lost here, Gary. When
you first called up, what was the problem? Why did
you call these people?

Speaker 10 (08:18):
Why did they call the one source?

Speaker 6 (08:20):
Yeah, why did you call him? To begin with?

Speaker 10 (08:22):
It stopped working? Okay, and it turned out to be
It turned out to be a little It was a
pressure part.

Speaker 6 (08:29):
So so let me understand this though. So they came out,
they said it was the motor. They charged him for
the motor. Then it still didn't work. Then they went
back to him on the same visit and sold them
the pressure switch that did fix it.

Speaker 11 (08:43):
I believe it's on the same birth visit, right Gary.
They installed the inducer more.

Speaker 9 (08:47):
And an expensive pressure switch.

Speaker 10 (08:51):
They put the pressure in switched. First, they told me
the motor was perfect, and then they came back upstairs
and said, well, your motor was on. Your motor's blowing.
You need a new motor. So that's how I got
suck it into it.

Speaker 6 (09:04):
And how much was that add on? Are they saying
it was leaking? Did it have a little bit of uh,
you know, oil around it?

Speaker 2 (09:11):

Speaker 9 (09:11):
They just said that motor was the inducer.

Speaker 6 (09:13):
You're effective, So, Gary, you're just outright saying they totally
lied to you. You didn't need the motor. And how
we know this is when they put the switch in
the furnace started working.

Speaker 10 (09:24):
He never turned it on when he put that first
little dew hickey on, he never turned it on. He
just came up there to say, you need a new motor.
He goes, I'm sorry, I.

Speaker 6 (09:33):
Cut But then you took the old motor. Did you
have it the whole time or did you go get
it or what?

Speaker 12 (09:38):

Speaker 10 (09:39):
I had to pull tooth and nail to get it.

Speaker 6 (09:41):
So you went and got the motor, and then you
had it checked at someplace that bow said an author.
And what did they say. They said, there's no problem
with it.

Speaker 10 (09:50):
They told me it absolutely nothing wrong with this motor.

Speaker 9 (09:53):
They did, they had a complete test on it.

Speaker 6 (09:55):
But the furnace never ran with that motor in it
after that switch went out. Is that correct?

Speaker 10 (10:01):
Well, we never turned the heater on. The heater stopped
working when they came out put that first little party,
and all this happened within the first twenty minutes. When
they put that piece on there, he tipped, dispatched everything, said,
everything's fine, motors flying everything. When he put that one
piece in, he never turned the heater on. So he
just came up there and said the motive won.

Speaker 6 (10:21):
I got you, and then bo when you called over
to One Source and what is it called again? One Source?
Like you got to make sure we have it right, Yeah,
because I've heard of a couple of those.

Speaker 11 (10:32):
Yeah, there's several companies in the Springs that use this name,
the same name, but this one is One Source Home Services.

Speaker 9 (10:41):
On thirty seven forty Enter Park Drive.

Speaker 6 (10:45):
In Colorado Springs. One Source Home Services. Okay, I'm looking
at him right here.

Speaker 9 (10:51):
Okay, so what does I called four times? They've never
called me back. I was read.

Speaker 11 (11:00):
I told them the whole story each time that they
installed this inducer blower.

Speaker 9 (11:05):
There was absolutely nothing wrong.

Speaker 6 (11:07):
With it, and you still haven't heard from them.

Speaker 11 (11:09):
No, And what I'm we're not looking for a refund.
I mean Gary had no heat. They did provide a service, Yeah,
of course, replace a switch.

Speaker 6 (11:18):
They just want to return this. This part all we're
looking for.

Speaker 11 (11:22):
I asked diplomatically if they could just take one thousand
dollars off the bill.

Speaker 6 (11:27):
How much did they charge them?

Speaker 9 (11:28):
They charged them approximately thirty two hundred.

Speaker 6 (11:30):
Dollars for the whole job. So for the how much
is that one switch?

Speaker 11 (11:35):
Well, it was all included, but the switch cost is
approximately thirty dollars.

Speaker 6 (11:40):
So the switch costs thirty Yeah, but I don't want
to get into the labor aspect. People got to make money.
But if they charged them thirty two hundred, they didn't
even need the motor. That's crazy. And we're sure of that. You're,
you know, guaranteed, not just from this caller, you know it.

Speaker 11 (11:53):
I would quit over this one. That inducer motor is
perfectly fine.

Speaker 6 (11:57):
And they just sold him one.

Speaker 9 (11:59):
They just sold him.

Speaker 6 (12:00):
And then they've never returned your call.

Speaker 9 (12:02):
That four times they never returned And as far as
they took.

Speaker 6 (12:05):
Up, have they reached out to you at all? Gary? No,
you know this is BS man, this is total BS.
What phone number do you have for these guys? Here's
what I would like? No, actually, I want to do
this two ways. One, Kelly, I want you to try
to reach out. We'll get you the phone number as
soon as we go to break. If they don't want

to come on the air and talk about it, I'm
going to ask the listeners to do something because I'm
getting sick and tired of stuff like this. I believe Bo,
he was in that business forever. He sent that motor
and they're the ones that provided at one source. Right,
So they said, here's your motor.

Speaker 11 (12:41):
Gary went to the shop. I was surprised they gave
it back to him. He went to the truck and
the technician gave him the old motor, just.

Speaker 6 (12:47):
Gave it to him. And Gary, you haven't told you
did you talk to him at that point? And say,
you know, have you talked to him at all? They
won't call you back either.

Speaker 10 (12:58):
I talked to him one time, me son and after
the fact.

Speaker 6 (13:02):
And what did they say, sir?

Speaker 10 (13:05):
He offered me one thousand dollars worth of services to
come up for the.

Speaker 6 (13:10):
Next Yeah, but what did he say? That's something? But
hold on, what did he say about the motor being
in great condition? When you told him that?

Speaker 10 (13:19):
He just put his head down and shook his head
and he told me and my son, I'm sorry. He goes,
I know there's something wrong there. I'll get back with you.
I turned down the offer with and.

Speaker 6 (13:29):
The offer was one thousand dollars credit towards future work, right,
But why would y yeah, of course, why would you
call them back out?

Speaker 2 (13:36):
It's ridiculous.

Speaker 11 (13:37):
He never wants to call them, and neither I should.
I think the people in Carra Springs cost so.

Speaker 6 (13:41):
We generally don't get involved in pricing. But my god,
thirty two hundred dollars. Think about this, thirty two hundred
dollars for a wholesale price of a switch, that's thirty bucks.
How hard is that to swap out on that goodman?
Just roughly an hour and a half hour.

Speaker 9 (13:55):
What are we talking maybe fifteen to twenty minutes.

Speaker 6 (13:57):
Fifteen to twenty minutes. Thirty two hundred dollars and they
had to, of course get extra if they even charged
him eight hundred or one thousand for that, I wouldn't
even be mad. I honestly, God wouldn't. And people listening
are like, well that would be a ripoff. Well, I'll
tell you what. People have insurance, have employees have healthcare,
They have all this stuff. I get it, But thirty
two hundred and sell him something he doesn't need and

then offer him one thousand dollars credit towards future work
is insane, Kelly, See if we can get these clowns
on the phone. I'd love to hear from them.

Speaker 13 (14:29):
No, go with a sure thing Denver's best roofer Excel
Roofing dot com.

Speaker 6 (14:38):
You don't pay a cent until you're content.

Speaker 13 (14:43):
Time for an insurance checkup free, no obligation comparison call
Compass Insurance paying too much your coverage at dozens of
insurance companies find out now three O three seven seven
to one.

Speaker 6 (14:53):

Speaker 13 (14:54):
You'll think you're his only customer when you choose Frank
durand the real estate Man dot com to list your
home with Remax Alliance three oh three nine two zero
sixteen twenty two.

Speaker 6 (15:05):
All right, three oh three seven one three A two
five five. I know Kelly talked to somebody over at
One Source, and I want to make sure I get
that phone number right, bo, What is the phone number
at one Source? The correct one source in Colorado Springs.
And by the way, it was called one Source. Let's

give the exact name out people. They're they're in my
opinion there jerk's total jerks.

Speaker 9 (15:33):
Get the name exactly right. It's one Source.

Speaker 2 (15:35):

Speaker 6 (15:36):
Home Services one source Home Services yup.

Speaker 11 (15:40):
And their phone number is seven one nine YEP five
three two nine thousand.

Speaker 1 (15:47):
So, Kelly, when you called over the main number, but
I found a different number, which I thought I would
have had a little.

Speaker 14 (15:54):
Bit more.

Speaker 1 (15:57):
Success with YEP, But it went directly to a appointment making.

Speaker 6 (16:04):
Did you try the did you try the five three
two nine thousand?

Speaker 9 (16:08):
I did?

Speaker 1 (16:09):
It went to nowhere.

Speaker 6 (16:10):
It's just nowhere.

Speaker 1 (16:11):
Yeah, So I found this one, and I actually I
was able to talk to somebody. Yeah, However, because I
wasn't making an appointment for service, they hung up on me.

Speaker 6 (16:24):
Was it a another one source or we're sure it's
the right one, No, it's the right one, yeah, what
I show on their website. Let's try this one real quick.
Three seven one nine eight eight one eight zero zero
nine seven nine eight eight one eight zero zero nine.

Let's try that. But this is just nuts. I mean,
here we go again. How many times does this happen?
They over sell them something they don't need it. They
actually give him the part back, they go and get
the part two, and sure enough, the part's no good.
So I mean, I just don't quite I don't understand.

And then why would he want one thousand dollars back? Gary.
I'm glad you turned that offer down. And here's what
we're gonna do. We're just gonna work on this man.
And if I got to give their phone number out
all day long and have people call them all day
long and try to get a comment from these people,
that's what I'll do. I mean, I'm sick and tired
of it. They can at least talk to at least

talk to you want it. I understand if they don't
want to talk to me, but for God's sake, they
can at least talk to you. And you're saying they
haven't talked to you since when.

Speaker 10 (17:37):
Since the three days after this happens. Now there is
one more phone number.

Speaker 6 (17:41):
What is the other phone number?

Speaker 10 (17:44):
Okay? This day's names Levi and who was he? He
was a technician that came out.

Speaker 11 (17:49):
Yeah, I don't want to give his tis personal sell phone.

Speaker 6 (17:53):
Yeah, I don't want to give that out, man, I
don't did you try that number?

Speaker 9 (17:56):
Bo I did not call the technician?

Speaker 6 (17:59):
Maybe you should all the technician off air. I don't
want to give that guy's cell phone out, but I'm
definitely gonna give out one source again. So, Kelly, here's
the last here's one more ditch effort before I ask
our listeners to help out. Try the seven to one
nine five, three to two nine thousand on this break.

Try that, and then we're going to figure out if
they're gonna come on or not. But I mean, that's crazy. Meantime,
it looks like, Dennis, you got a problem with the landlord.
What's going on?

Speaker 2 (18:30):

Speaker 15 (18:31):
I've been without heat for five days and as cold
as it is, you know, I have a grandson, he's
eleven years old, and I'm handicapped, you know what I mean,
And it's just hard for me. You know, it's just hard.
I can There is none I could really do.

Speaker 3 (18:43):
And the thing about it is, I've been living here
seven years, and she's on this place for two years
of the seven years i've been living and ever since
she's been here, I mean, I'm without water for three
or four days. I'm without heat four or five days.
Last years, without heat again for like three or four days.

Speaker 15 (18:59):
They sometimes they do and then they don't even warn you.
They'll just turn the water off.

Speaker 6 (19:03):
Hey, Dennis, where is this? Where is this? Apartment?

Speaker 15 (19:07):
Twenty nine?

Speaker 6 (19:08):
Hold on, hold on, you don't want to give out
your address? Is it in Denver, Aurora? Where is it?

Speaker 15 (19:14):

Speaker 6 (19:15):

Speaker 2 (19:15):
All right?

Speaker 6 (19:15):
Hold tight, man, let me digest that that was an awful,
big buffet of issues.

Speaker 13 (19:20):
Hold tight, Go with a sure thing Denver's best roofer
Excel Roofing dot com.

Speaker 6 (19:31):
You don't pay a cent until you're content.

Speaker 13 (19:36):
Time for an insurance check up free, no obligation comparison
call Compass Insurance. Pay too much your coverage at dozens
of insurance companies find out now three oh three seven
to seven to one help. You'll think you're his only
customer when you choose Frank durand the real estate Man
dot com to list your home with Remax Alliance three
oh three nine two zero sixteen twenty two.

Speaker 6 (19:58):
All right, three oh three seven one three two five
five Dennis, I'm gonna come back to you and we're
gonna try to help you out there. But Kelly has
called over to this one source so many times now.
It's one source. God, their logo sucks, the company sucks,
their logo sucks, the whole damn thing sucks. It's uh

one source Home Services. Let me see that damn thing again.
You've got I mean this is crazy. Thirty two hundred bucks.
They didn't even need the damn thing. They didn't even
need the motor. We sent it out to be inspected.
The company said it was fine. We talked to somebody
we know that runs a good and I mean a

great HVAC company in the Springs and they can't understand
how this company's still in business. He's been cleaning up
after him for years? Is that correct, Kelly? Years? Is
what he said? Correct. I am sick and tired of
one Source Home Services. Please give them a call. Apparently
there's no place to comp if you're not calling to

schedule an appointment, too bad. You know, maybe people should
schedule an appointment and have them waste their time and
come out. I'm just saying, then you can talk to
them face to face. Maybe that's the way to do it,
you know what. I just a little when I say that.
But at the same time, thirty two hundred dollars and
all he needed was the switch, and we verified it.

We verified it through a third party.

Speaker 9 (21:25):
Correct, totally independent third party.

Speaker 6 (21:28):
Totally independent third party. Did Mike look at this personally
as well? Kelly? I don't want to say what company.
I don't want to throw him exactly.

Speaker 1 (21:36):
So basically what happened is we reach out to Mike
and he called back leader. He did not immediately address
the case. He's very, very familiar with the.

Speaker 6 (21:48):
Companies he's used to him ripping people off correct that's
I mean, let's just put it for what it is. So, folks,
if you're listening now, this is how you can help.
We need your help. When there's companies like this running
around Kyler Rotdo Springs or Denver, wherever, and they're simply
screwing people, they need to know the owner needs to
find out. Basically, you're doing a public service. You call up,

can I talk to the owner? If you can get
through to the GM or the owner, just make sure
they know that they have rogue employees that are possibly
not diagnosing stuff correctly, or worse scenario, just outright ripping
people off. Outright ripping people off, that's possible, go ahead
by art.

Speaker 11 (22:27):
That was my goal is to get a hold of
the owner of this company.

Speaker 6 (22:31):
Yeah, we don't know if it's a rogue employee.

Speaker 16 (22:34):

Speaker 11 (22:34):
I wanted to get a hold of the owner and
maybe edge I was in the business for forty years.
I want to educate him on what's going on with
this company.

Speaker 6 (22:41):
Well, apparently he knew he did something wrong because he
offered him a thousand dollars credit towards future services.

Speaker 9 (22:47):
I don't know if that was the owner, may have
been the manager. I don't know if this is somebody.

Speaker 6 (22:51):
Yeah, I can't believe it.

Speaker 17 (22:53):
The others I.

Speaker 6 (22:54):
Can't believe about these are Kelly, go ahead.

Speaker 1 (22:56):
The other thing is the hut when you call. I've
found three phone.

Speaker 6 (23:00):
Yeah, and they all go to the same place. They
all go to schedule. I wonder if you're just lead
generation and they're calling other companies. I know nothing about them.
I go to their website.

Speaker 1 (23:10):
It's not even the company that it's going to.

Speaker 6 (23:13):
It is a third party service. The third party service
that people call. Right now, that third party service or
answering service can pass on that A bunch of people
are calling wanting to know why they screwed Gary over.
I mean, really, that's what they can do now, that's
my opinion, and listen for them listening out there. Hold on, Kelly.

I just want someone to know they're at one source
right now. I want to say something one source Home Services.
I'm allowed to have my opinion. So if you want
to start threatening, oh we're going to see you, please
bring it on. I want you to bring it on.
Put my name at the top mark major. Just put
it right there, because I'll tell you something. Still, in
this country, you can have an opinion on anything, and

I'll tell you what. It's your client that hauled up
and told us about your shenanigans. You even offered him
a thousand dollars credit. He doesn't want it. You won't
call him back, you won't discuss it with him. Now
it's on the public airways. You are dumbasses, that's what
you are. You operate a business horribly. You shouldn't even

be in business in my opinion. Seven nine five three
two nine thousand one Source Home Services. Please let me
know what they say and tell them I'm sick and
tired of them. We've talked to other people down there
that do the job right and they've been cleaning up
after you. We've got more ammunition against you than you
could ever imagine. Jerks, I don't even get it. Give

them a damn refund of one thousand bucks. He doesn't
want you for future credit. Now you've got my damn
holiday off to a bad start, Dennis, I apologize for
putting you back on hold this landlord right now. You
haven't had heat for five days, yes, sir, And when
is it supposed to be back on what?

Speaker 15 (25:04):
I don't know. She don't answer my text She don't
nothing nothing.

Speaker 3 (25:07):
I don't get no phone calls, no nothing, nothing nothing.

Speaker 15 (25:10):
I don't know. It's up in the air. I've been
trying to call you, call the housing authority. They don't
can't give me no help. I've called the police. I've
called the fire department. Somebody.

Speaker 6 (25:18):
Well, that's getting win, Dennis. That's going a little overboard.
The police and fire department aren't going to do anything.
So when is the Let's get I swear to guy.
Let's get the reality real quick. When's the last time
you spoke to her and let her know that the
furnace is not working or the heat is not working?

Speaker 15 (25:37):
Five days ago?

Speaker 6 (25:38):
Okay? And what did she say? Has anybody been out
to look at it?

Speaker 15 (25:43):
She never answered me. She never answered text back, no phone.

Speaker 6 (25:47):
So you said it's not working and you haven't heard
back from her at all?

Speaker 15 (25:51):
Nothing. She knows too. It's I've texted her about it
five days ago, called her no answer. No, text replied
nothing nothing. And this is the usual thing.

Speaker 6 (25:59):
That's a is it one?

Speaker 15 (26:01):
When my rent is doll my rent is do oh?
After midnight? She's on it.

Speaker 3 (26:06):
What's your rent?

Speaker 15 (26:07):
Regient? Resient? I'm not going to be mister angel over here.
I've been laid on.

Speaker 6 (26:11):
Dennis. Dennis.

Speaker 3 (26:12):
I've always Dennis in three or four days.

Speaker 6 (26:14):
Dennis, calm down for a minute, man, I get it.
Chill out for a sec.

Speaker 18 (26:19):
That's all right.

Speaker 6 (26:19):
Let me ask some questions. See I don't get loud
and talk over you or anybody.

Speaker 2 (26:25):

Speaker 6 (26:25):
Frustrated Dennis, I get it. Listen, man, One is it
one unit? Multiple units? What are we talking about?

Speaker 15 (26:32):
It's a house and there's two units that she just
added on another one downstairs, which is like a little box.
I don't know it's even gonna rent out. But it's
a one house.

Speaker 6 (26:42):
And when I first see Dennis, Dennis, we're going to
play a game, say answer the question only. So it's
just a house with three units. Are all three units
in the same boat? Do you guys share the same
heating system?

Speaker 10 (26:57):

Speaker 6 (26:58):
Okay, so the other neighbors have as far as you know, yes, okay.
And when you left a message, you left it on
a voicemail with her, and you haven't heard anything back
in five days. Does she have other units outside of
that house that you know of?

Speaker 3 (27:15):
I couldn't tell you.

Speaker 15 (27:16):
I don't know. She bought this a couple of years ago.

Speaker 6 (27:19):
Okay, hold on a second. The fact he can't get
a call back in five days is crazy. But I
want to have a real conversation with Dennis after this break. Dennis,
I'm going to ask you some very straightforward questions. One
is going to be are you on section eight? And
the only reason I asked that is I don't want
to get someone so mad at you for coming on

the air and talking about it they pull your voucher
or try to kick you out. And I'm not saying
they can even legally do that. But what I'm saying
is I have been in situations before where I have
personally showed up and I have threatened to have the
entire village and I'll call it a village shut down,
because it was about is illegal and the worst living

conditions I have ever seen in my life. Do you
remember that, Suzanne when we went out there?

Speaker 13 (28:09):

Speaker 6 (28:09):
Yeah, have you ever in your life seen anything like that.

Speaker 17 (28:13):
It's crazy.

Speaker 6 (28:13):
People living in campers, absolutely no plumbing, dead bodies in
different places, different places on the same property. For weeks.
Denver was going to come in and shut the whole
thing down. But then what we found out is most
of them had no other place to go, and it
was in winter, so they had a decision to make.

And I didn't like either part of the decision. But
there was no good outcome period. Either they lived nowhere
at all, or they're thrown out, or they live in
just the worst conditions. It was nuts. I've never seen
anything like it. So Dennis, I want you to think
of what I just said there and we'll discuss it
after this. Carl's got another problem, unauthorized tenant. Welcome to Denver.

And by the way, for you landlords out there, I'm
sure you know this by now, but when the lease
is up with that tenant you don't like, you probably
can't get rid of them.

Speaker 13 (29:17):
Go with a sure thing Denver's Best roofer Excel roofing
dot com.

Speaker 6 (29:20):
You don't pay a cent until you're contenth.

Speaker 13 (29:26):
Time for an insurance check up free, no obligation. In comparison,
call Compass insurance paying too much your coverage at dozens
of insurance companies. Find out now three oh three seven
seven to one.

Speaker 2 (29:36):

Speaker 13 (29:37):
You'll think you're his only customer when you choose Frank
durand the real estate man dot com to list your
home with Remax Alliance. Three oh three nine two zero
sixteen twenty two.

Speaker 6 (29:47):
All right, three oh three seven one three A two
five five three zero three Martino. You got a problem
with a contractor or landlord, anything out there? We want
to recoup some money for you today, three zero three Martino,
simple as that, dial it up or here another three hours.
I'm gonna go back to Dennis. We were talking about
an issue with his landlord. He's had issues there for
two years since the person has owned it, and that's

one hundred percent according to him. He hasn't had heat
for five days. He left a message somewhere, but they
have never returned. They haven't sent anybody out to look
at it. Is that all correct, Dennis?

Speaker 15 (30:21):

Speaker 6 (30:23):
Now, Now a couple questions. One, are you on section eight? No,
I'm not okay. How are you one hundred percent paid
up on your rent? You owe nothing? Okay? I don't
like any part of this. Here's what we're gonna do.
I'm gonna put you on hold. You're gonna give Kelly

your landlord's phone number. Okay, I'm going to try to
reach out to her. Give Kelly all the information you have.
Kelly's going to try to reach out, and we're gonna
see if we can't get someone over there and figure
out what's going on with the heat and when you
can get it work and again. Okay, yes, sir, okay,
hold on a second, Kelly, you got that. Let's do that.

One line open three oho three seven one three eight
two five five one Source Home Services. These are the guys, yep,
these are the guys. In fact, give me a favor, dragon,
let's tag this. I want to make them a nice
radio spot for future use. That way, I don't have
to remember their phone number and bring it up all
the time. Uh, you're ready. I'm gonna count down. You're ready,
three two one one Source Home Services. Oh man, these

guys are great. They're gonna come out and sell you
stuff you don't need and charge you a hell of
a lot of money. Then you're gonna call up this
show because they won't answer the phone and they will
not take care of the problem. That is One Source
Home Services. In my opinion, yep, One Source Home Services
in Colorado Springs, in my opinion, sucks. They really suck.

In fact, I would never personally use them ever in
a million years. If I saw them, I'd run across
the street. Seven nine five two nine thousand. I would
personally never use them ever. According to the complaints and
based upon Gary who called in today and had a big,
big issue with him paid thirty two hundred dollars for

something he didn't even need. Now, yes, they did fix
the furnace, but we sent that motor out. The motor
was looked at. There was absolutely no problem with that
blower motor whatsoever, according to a third party source. And
then according to other people we know down this is
a long commercial, isn't it? This one? I'm gonna have
to pay a lot of money to run this one.
But then we also talked to other people we trust

in the Springs, and they know the reputation is very
bad of One Source Home Services at seven one nine
five three two nine thousand.

Speaker 9 (32:44):
Can we give out the address mark?

Speaker 6 (32:46):
I don't even think it matters. I mean no, I
don't want anybody. No, there's no reason. But I know
this though, that was that was way too long for
a spot, So I'm gonna have to shave that down dragon.

Speaker 2 (32:56):
You're ninety.

Speaker 6 (32:57):
Yeah, that's a ninety. That costs me a lot of
money to run. So if let me think how I
would do, Let's say a fifteen for one Source Home
Services mark major for one Source Home Services. In my opinion,
they suck. I would never do business with them. They
absolutely suck. According to different callers seven one nine five
three two nine thousand, and also according to other people

that we know in Colorado Springs, one Source Home Services
is not very customer oriented, not very friendly, And of
course that's my opinion. Seven one nine five three two
nine thousand. Where's that end is up at? There?

Speaker 2 (33:32):
Oh, that's a good thirty.

Speaker 6 (33:33):
That's a good thirty, and then I could run maybe
a ten. Gary says one was a Gary. That's right, right, bo.
Gary says one Source Home Services sucks. You can call
them if you want, but I highly suggest you don't.
Seven one nine five three two nine thousand. Is that
a fifteen?

Speaker 19 (33:51):
I missed the timing on that one, but yeah, we're
close enough right around fifteen?

Speaker 6 (33:54):
Okay, we can we can lock that one in and
for people out there listening, Once again, I don't do
this a lot, I really don't. But when they will
not contact the caller, they will not talk to us.
In fact, how many times did they hang up on you, Kelly?

Speaker 10 (34:10):
Uh? Once?

Speaker 6 (34:11):

Speaker 1 (34:12):
But the other two times they just would not pass
me through to anyone unless I was going to make
an appointment.

Speaker 6 (34:19):
Well, could we make an appointment with the general manager
discuss gary situation?

Speaker 1 (34:24):
That was not what they were You know what, I'm
going to try the numbers personally.

Speaker 6 (34:28):
By the way I break, I'm gonna.

Speaker 1 (34:30):
Call them Dennis. I just called Liz the landlord. Yep, don't, don't, don't.
This is what we call a tease. Everybody, hang tight.

Speaker 6 (34:40):
We're going to see what this landlord had to say
about Dennis's situation and a lot more after this.

Speaker 13 (34:56):
Go with a sure thing Denver's Best roofer Excel roofing
dot com. You don't pay a cent until you're content.
Time for an insurance check up free, no obligation. In comparison,
call Compass insurance paying too much your coverage at dozens
of insurance companies find out now three oh three, seven
to seven to one help. You'll think you're his only

customer when you choose Frank durand the real estate Man
dot com to list your home with Remax Alliance three
oh three nine two zero sixteen twenty two.

Speaker 12 (35:31):
Ripped of.

Speaker 16 (35:33):
News you need.

Speaker 12 (35:35):
So you don't have.

Speaker 4 (35:38):
Come run anxiousness as a can show Shooter's gonna help.

Speaker 6 (35:44):
Come man, This is the Troubleshooter Show. No Tom Martinez,
Welcome my friends to the only show of its kind.
We sow problems, answer questions, take complaints. Our goal is
to recoup money for you, make life a little more
just for you if you've been ripped off, and really

just try to help you, as simple as that. We're
here all the time at three three Martino. It doesn't
matter if we're on the air off. You can always
email us at help at troubleshooter dot com. We'll reach
out to you. We'll try to help you in that
aspect as well. We're dealing with a lot. We've got
a couple of landlord things going on today. But during
the break, if you know, last hour, we were talking

about one source in Colorado Springs and I'm a little
curious on how this business operates. I'm trying to think
who can do this research for me? But One Source
Home Services on Yelp one hundred and forty one reviews
and by far, ah, by far far the majority or

one bo I want you to do a little peeking
under the skirt of these guys. And here's why I
say this. Listen to this first review and this first
to review. Hold on, I don't like how Yelp reviews work.
They jump around, but let me hit this. So the
very first one is Gary G. Colorado Springs, Colorado, word

of caution, call for action. I wish this guy would
call in or heater went out during the last snowstorm.
We called one source. They overcharged for parts and labors significantly.
Blah blah blah blah blah. But here's the next one.
You ready, Yes, Michael R. North Carolina. The next one

Eagle S San Francisco. Does this company operate just a
call center? And if so, who were these technicians coming out?
I want to know who people are dealing with when
they call one source in Colorado Springs. I'm starting to

think it's possible, opinion a little hyperboly, but maybe they
have a contract with the homeless down there, So they
take in the call and then they simply reach out
to someone homeless it's got a wrench and send them
to your house. Now, I'm not sure if that's what's

going on. And this is my attempt at being funny,
but something really stinks here. Why is there reviews from
all across the country on this place.

Speaker 9 (38:28):
That's very odd?

Speaker 11 (38:30):
And what I could do is call uh the caller
back and get the name of Levi, who's the technician.

Speaker 6 (38:36):
I wonder if Levi might.

Speaker 9 (38:38):
Shed some light on this. Now I didn't know that
Gary had his phone number.

Speaker 6 (38:42):
I wonder if Levi is an independent contractor that is
outsourced by these guys, because if that's true, I've got
multiple problems. Now I've got a problem with one source
because they have no control over what's going on, but

yet people are calling them and talking to them. And
then I also have a big problem with Levi because
Levi would be the one that upsold in that scenario,
not one source, so they both suck. If that's the case.

Speaker 11 (39:16):
It's true, he very well could be a subcontractor just
freelancing for this company.

Speaker 6 (39:21):
Go ahead, Suzanne, not.

Speaker 12 (39:22):
To switch tracts, But I'm dying to know what the
landlord said to Kelly.

Speaker 6 (39:26):
Oh my goodness, we're going to go to that. We're
gonna go I'm gonna recap that in just a second.
I also want you to reach out to Mike down there.
Do you know who that is? I'm going to give
you a cell phone number to reach out and pick
his brain on how one source operates down there. He
might actually know the answer to that makes sense. No,

I don't even want to go into who he is
because a lot of people they don't want to poopoo
their competition. I'm not going to put someone in that spot,
all right. So now what Suzanne was talking about, update
everybody on that.

Speaker 17 (39:58):
Okay, So Dennis is called in.

Speaker 12 (40:00):
He hasn't had heat for five days, no communication from
his landlord for five days. He's been there seven years,
she's owned it for the last two years, and since
she's owned it, they've had problems with water issues, eating issues,
a see issues, whatnot. It's really frustrated right now.

Speaker 6 (40:16):
But the most important part is in the last five days.

Speaker 12 (40:18):
For five days, Mark, I mean, it's not exactly warm
out atn'tight. Yeah, I'd be fished, I'd be pissed.

Speaker 6 (40:24):
Kelly, what says landlord lady.

Speaker 1 (40:28):
Well, you guys are going to be a little disappointed
on that tease.

Speaker 6 (40:32):
She didn't answer.

Speaker 1 (40:33):
Her dealbox is not set up to take messages here.

Speaker 6 (40:37):
Wait a minute, Is that the only number, Carl, we have?
I'm sorry I picked up the wrong landlord problem. Yes,
I understand, Dennis. Is that the only phone number you
have for well?

Speaker 15 (40:49):
She had another number, but she sent me that number
to get a hold of her. Uh it's a corporation.
It's called see it's called uh Uh.

Speaker 6 (41:03):
Is it the management company? Is that what you're referring to.

Speaker 15 (41:06):
No, it's a private owner. But she says she has
a management company and this is supposed to be her.

Speaker 6 (41:12):
Uh, well, what's the management company's name? What do you know?

Speaker 3 (41:18):
Hold on a second, I'm trying to find it right now.

Speaker 6 (41:20):
All right, hold on, get your ducks in a row,
and I'll come back to you. I promise, find me
the management company. Give me a number where it just
doesn't go to nothingness. I mean we've got to have
something to leave a message or to talk to or something.
I mean, something, my goodness, something, Now, talk about problems

this landlord, Carl. You've got a problem with a tenant.
An unauthorized tenant shed some light on that situation for me.

Speaker 14 (41:51):
Okay, I've had a tenant that's been there for about
fifteen years. She's been very faithful. I have no problem
with her.

Speaker 16 (42:03):
She has, but she's going to be moving out. And
about six months ago she fell on hard times and
so she had without letting letting me know, she had
this guy move in and he's going to pay half

the rent. Well, he has never paid her a penny,
And now that she's moving out, she tells me that
he's finally there. So I know that he's there, and
I give him a thirty day notice that he needed

to be out because I told him I was gonna
in the notice that I'm going to sell the house
and he needs to lean so he's.

Speaker 6 (42:53):
Not I wanted. So the lady is on the lease.
Is she on a month to month at this point
because it's been so long as she under a one
year lease? And then this guy moved in and pretty
much unauthorized.

Speaker 16 (43:07):
Absolutely unauthorized. I didn't even know what he was there.

Speaker 6 (43:10):
When did you find out he was there, Tennis?

Speaker 16 (43:14):
I found out on the eighth of last.

Speaker 6 (43:19):
Month, So you found out on the eighth last month.
And how long do you think he was there.

Speaker 16 (43:24):
Four I'm guessing I don't know for sure, probably less
than six months.

Speaker 6 (43:32):
Wow, that's still quite a way. And you want to
sell the property now? Is that correct?

Speaker 16 (43:38):

Speaker 6 (43:38):
But and I'm sorry I missed this part when I
was deciphering some of the other stuff you said. So
you actually have a month to month lease with her
at this point?

Speaker 16 (43:49):
Uh, it's just a month to month sprint alone.

Speaker 6 (43:53):
Yeah, okay, so there is no lease. There actually is
a lease, but it's month to month right right, Okay,
Here's what I'd like to do on this. I'd like
to get Brad O'Brien on Kelly. I want to ask
him a couple things on a month to month and
are they caught up? Are they caught up on payments
or no?

Speaker 16 (44:12):
Absolutely, she's being very faithful.

Speaker 6 (44:17):
So but she doesn't owe you any money. She does
not owe you any money. That's all I'm asking, No, okay,
And basically what we want to figure out for you
is how do you get them out of there the
proper way so you can sell the property?

Speaker 5 (44:34):

Speaker 2 (44:34):
All right?

Speaker 6 (44:35):
That's an easy enough question. And even though it's a
month to month lease, and a lot of people, especially
landlords in colorado't know this. The problem is we change
some of our laws a couple of years ago where
you can't just get rid of the lease. In general,
you simply can't do it. Even if I had a
one year lease with like Henry Brett's, and he was
renting an apartment or a house from me, and he

was paying on time, so he doesn't owe me money,
and his lease comes up, I'm not going to sell
the property, but I rather get somebody else in there,
because maybe a neighbor's complained about him or anything. It
doesn't matter, but he is paid up. I can't simply
not renew a lease. You have to, which sounds amazing,
but you have to accept in some cases. And we'll

go over that with Brad O'Brien.

Speaker 13 (45:21):
After this, go with a sure thing Denver's Best Roofer
Excel Roofing dot com. You don't pay a cent until
you're content. Time for an insurance checkup, free, no obligation.
In comparison, call Compass Insurance paying too much your coverage

at dozens of insurance companies find out now three O
three seven to seven to one help.

Speaker 6 (45:48):
You'll think you're his only customer.

Speaker 13 (45:49):
When you choose Frank durand the real estate man dot
com to list your home with Remax Alliance three oh
three nine two zero sixteen twenty two.

Speaker 6 (46:02):
All right, three oh three seven one three eight two
five five, don't forget. You can always check us out
on YouTube. You go to YouTube and you can hear us. Well,
you can hear a show within this show. To put
it mildly, we have a lot of chats going. In fact,
I just had a hater online, a hoey. Jorge was
not happy with me. He says, Oh, the show is

so much better when Tom does it. It amazes me
how people come on just a bit about you. I mean,
it doesn't matter who you are what you do. Pretty much.
I could probably cure cancer and hor Hay fifty two
to eighty would still be upset with me, because you
know I didn't care it quick enough. So Jorge, I
made it very simple for you. Stay away, you jerk.

Speaker 10 (46:44):
You like that.

Speaker 6 (46:45):
You know I don't mind fighting with people, I really don't.
I mean, you want to come on and be a
jerk with me, do it. I'm going to do the
same thing back to you. Fire with fire Baby, three
oh three seven, one, three, eight, two five five. Now
we have got Brad O'Brien. Oh well, less law on
when it comes to property management, when it comes to
purchasing property, when it comes to writing up a lease,

when it comes to modifying a lease, looking at it,
when it comes to eminent domain, when it comes to
virtually anything out there that has to do with property, commercial, residential.
Brad O'Brien is our go to. This guy lives and
breathes it. He's one of the best attorneys around. Brad.
First of all, Merry Christmas, sir. How are you doing? Brad?

Speaker 15 (47:29):

Speaker 2 (47:29):
My Christmas as.

Speaker 6 (47:29):
Well, Thank you sir. Now listen, Carl called up. He's
a landlord. He's had the same lady in his unit
for fifteen years. She doesn't owe any money. She's on
basically a verbal, if you will, month to month lease
at this point, okay, and what's happening is in the
last six months, and I'm not actually sure I want

to ask her, I want to ask I'm sorry him something. Hey, Carl,
I did have a question for you. The was the
relevance of telling me that guy moved in? What was
the relevance of that? Is that what made you want
to sell the property or is there some other relevance
to that.

Speaker 16 (48:13):
No, I'm just ready to sell.

Speaker 6 (48:16):
Okay, period, So he's ready to sell, Brad, he did
have she did move somebody in that was not on
the lease and he just found out about it. But
apparently that has nothing to do with it. But he
wants to sell the property. Now, what does he have
to do? I know you can only not renew under
certain circumstances now, but I think one of them is

if you're going to sell the property, you can do it.
Is that correct?

Speaker 2 (48:41):
That's right?

Speaker 20 (48:42):
If someone has been a tenant for a year or longer,
then you have the landlord has to have a reason
to not renew their lease, so for a month, month,
for fifteen years like in this case. Yeah, there has
to be a valid reason. I'm the statute and the
landward wanting to sell is one of those reasons.

Speaker 6 (49:00):
So so Carl, you can sell. What does he technically
have to go through? Does he just got to tell her? Hey,
I'm I mean, does he actually if she doesn't want
to leave to I guess he's got to go through
an eviction?

Speaker 12 (49:10):

Speaker 21 (49:12):

Speaker 6 (49:13):
Hold on, hold on, Carl, go ahead, Brad.

Speaker 20 (49:16):
Yeah, there's a form, Carl.

Speaker 6 (49:19):
Carl, Carl, hold on, he's telling you what you got
to go through.

Speaker 20 (49:23):
Yeah, there's a notice of no fault.

Speaker 6 (49:26):
All right, Carl, you know what you're going to go first,
Go ahead.

Speaker 16 (49:29):
Okay, thank you. I fail to tell you that she
is moving out on the twenty third. She after that
she won't be there.

Speaker 6 (49:38):
Okay, But you're saying then that guy is still going
to be there. What's the relevance of what you're telling us?

Speaker 16 (49:44):
He wants to say okay and live there free.

Speaker 6 (49:48):
Well nice, okay, So Brad, there was relevance to this
guy moving in, even though Carl whatever. So, so he's
going to be faced with this guy not moving out,
so he's going to have to go through an actual
eviction process if this guy doesn't want to move out,
would that be correct, Brad?

Speaker 20 (50:07):
Yes, there's the lady tenant doesn't doesn't deserve any notice
because she's going to voluntarily move out. So that's that
issue is done. But this new guy who just showed up,
not on the lease, not approved of the landlord, he
can be evicted at any time that start with the
three day notice to quit.

Speaker 6 (50:23):
Carl, do you have any questions on that you want help.
Do you want Brad to help you and actually do
the eviction properly?

Speaker 16 (50:32):

Speaker 6 (50:33):
Yeah, I think you spend a few bucks and have
it done properly, quite frankly if you've never done it,
because this guy could be a complete nightmare. Hey, Brad,
you know common sense says, if he's not on the lease,
he's not paying any money. And you know this, the lady,
the actual tenant, moves out. If he called the cops,
I mean, here's the problem. These squatters generally know what's

going on. But if the cops come out, most likely,
what would happen if Carl called up and said, Hey,
this guy that's not supposed to be living there is
living there, and then the cops show up, and you
know he's going to say, well, I've been there the
last six months. What typically happens, Well, they're.

Speaker 20 (51:10):
Not going to put the person out without a without
the court order, yeah French possession of some landlord and
a red restitution being issued, and then you got to
take that red restitution to the sheriff's office, and the
sheriff actually is the one who physically removes the person.

Speaker 6 (51:26):
Yeah, Carl, you got any questions. I'm going to give
you Brad's number. You can call him up after this,
but I highly suggest you engage with Brad and get
this handled honestly. I mean you trying to do this yourself.
You want to get this property sold. You're going to
have a few bucks out of pocket now doing this properly.
But he's going to get the order. If the guy doesn't,
you know, get out of there. And Brad, when you

enter into something like this, you start with the actual
notice and there's a chance that this guy might move out.
When that's posted, then he can move forward. In other words,
you might not have to go all the way through
the eviction hearing. A lot of times, right right.

Speaker 20 (52:03):
If the prison voluntarily moves out at any point in
the eviction process, you could stop the eviction process at
that time, as they've clearly abandoned the property.

Speaker 6 (52:11):
Yeah, so, I mean Carl literally, I would call him.
If you don't want to call Brad, call a different attorney.
But that's really all Brad does. He's so good at it.
Do you have any other questions for him while we
have him?

Speaker 16 (52:22):
Yeah, I have one of the questions. He's an unauthorized person, Yep,
and I understand that an unauthorized person really doesn't have
any rights.

Speaker 20 (52:37):
Well, that's mostly correct. They do have the right to
be evicted through the correct civil procedures, the court procedures.
They for example, a landlord is not allowed to use
self help in changing the locks or turning off the utilities,
or using other forceful or threatening means to get the

tenant out of there.

Speaker 6 (52:58):
Yeah, he can actually And go a little deep dive
into that for a second, Brad. I mean, like, if
someone in Carl's circumstance, I can imagine how he feels.
He feels like he's getting ripped off, taken advantage of.
I mean, really, this entire show is built around his circumstance.
But if you decided, hey, I'm just going to cut
the electricity off, I mean he could actually be fined.

Speaker 2 (53:19):
Correct, Yes, that would be an illegal eviction.

Speaker 20 (53:23):
So this person's in there. It doesn't have many rights,
but one right right he does have is the right
to do process, which is you have to go to
the landoard has to go to court and run through
the eviction process and then eventually get the sheriff out
there who performs the actual physical eviction and removal of
the person.

Speaker 6 (53:40):
It's a pretty wild thought, but in today's society, that's
how it works. I mean, that's just how it works.
You know. Back in the day, if you didn't have
a lease, I mean, you would just probably walk in
there and drag him out, quite frankly, and not many
people would do it in the nineteen thirties or whatever.
But we're just not there. So Carl, I know it's

not fair, and I'm not here trying to argue against
the fairness. I think it sucks. But if you don't
do it the right way, ultimately you're just wasting time
getting this house to market.

Speaker 16 (54:12):
Okay, I would like to speak with it. Brad.

Speaker 6 (54:19):
It's Brad. Yeah, he's at Let me give you this.
I'll give you his phone number now and then when
we put you on hold because I got to go
to break in a minute. Anyhow, if you don't write
it down right now, Kelly, O'll pick up and give
it you again. But seven two zero three seven zero
seventy three eighty eight seven two zero three seven zero
seventy three eighty eight. That's olslaw dot com. Brad. One

more quick question, because everybody, it's amazing how many people
don't know that are actually landlords in Colorado that you
simply can't decide not to renew a lease. So the
reasons that I can think of is, one, if you're
selling the house and they've lived there over a year,

you give them how many days notice in order to
sell the house or not for the renewal.

Speaker 20 (55:08):
Well, it's a ninety day notice, got it? The ninetieth
day has to be after their tendency expires.

Speaker 9 (55:13):
So, got it?

Speaker 10 (55:14):
So you at least as yeah.

Speaker 18 (55:15):
Yeah, So the.

Speaker 20 (55:16):
Reasons for not renewing some a tenant would be the
landlord wants to sell or convert it to something different,
like a short term rental, got it, long term mental
landlord wants to perform substantial repairs to the home that
are so substantial that the tenant would have to move out.

Speaker 6 (55:34):
In other words, they want to rehabit. Yep.

Speaker 20 (55:37):
Another one is the landlord wants to move their own
family member or themselves back in there.

Speaker 6 (55:42):
Got it?

Speaker 20 (55:43):
That sometimes happens, they want to sell it. That's one reason.

Speaker 6 (55:46):
Hey, if they use well, hold on, I want to
see if there's a loophole here. So if Carl and
I'm not using him, I'm just using him.

Speaker 2 (55:53):
Because he called.

Speaker 6 (55:54):
But if Carl said, hey, my son is going to
move in there, so therefore I'm going to kick you
out and his son moves in for one week and
then they rent it to somebody else, I mean, could
they cry foul at that part or how does that work?

Speaker 20 (56:08):
Yeah, the landlord does have to follow through by not
marketing it for rent for a period of ninety days
after that ninety date most period.

Speaker 6 (56:18):
God, it's got to be hard to be a landlord
in Colorado. Go. Henry Brett's is our guest today with
Excel Roofing. He's got a question.

Speaker 8 (56:24):
Yeah, so that's got a question for you, Mike button Man,
Dad's on through the eviction process. Does the state just
expect the landlord to pay the utilities through that and
eat the cost.

Speaker 20 (56:40):
Well, if there's a lease, the lease is the first
place to look on who's responsible for utilities. Typically it
makes a peutenant's responsibility. And if the landlord takes a
well an eviction case all the way through trial, they
can do two things through that process. One is to
get possession and second is to get a money judgment

award against the tenant in the favor of the landlord.
That's where the landlord would recover utilities that were encouraged
in the meantime.

Speaker 6 (57:11):
Yeah, Henry, it's a whole different thing. I know you
were talking about investing in property. One of the things
we learned from Barry at vest Era is they do
almost nothing in Colorado. Now. Things that he does are
generally out of state. They find the right economy, they
find the right properties. But one of the reasons they're
kind of staying away from Colorado is exactly that, man.

I mean, it's kind of a crazy situation where you
have a one year lease. Brad, What was the theory
behind it that you can come up with? Why did
the legislature actually say and come up with this? What
do you think it was.

Speaker 20 (57:49):
Well to give people some long term certainty in their
housing so that if they're renting year to year that
they couldn't be the are landlard couldn't simply not not
renew them and then they'd be forced to move it.

Speaker 6 (58:03):
But that's the whole deal they made it to beginning
with the lease. It's a one year lease. Now, some leases,
as you know, have options. If the lease has an option,
then they have an option to rent again. But I
mean I could understand circumstances. I want to buy a property.
It appreciates very quick in Colorado, and I might want
to sell it, or I might want to find, for

lack of a better word, I might want to find
better tenants, tenants that might mow the lawn, better tenants
that don't you know, have complaints from the neighbors that
I have to hear about. But I mean, I get it,
you have nothing.

Speaker 2 (58:37):
To do with it.

Speaker 6 (58:38):
But I appreciate every time you come on, Brad. I
mean you are a wealth of information landlords out there
if you need someone on your side to whether it's
to do the eviction right, no matter what it is,
Brad O'Brien, I mean, it's simple as that the guy
knows what he's doing. He lives and breathes property in
Law seven two zero three seventy seventy three eighty eight.

Terrence has an issue with the reverse mortgage. I'm not
sure who's on three yet. One line open three oh three, Martino.

Speaker 13 (59:12):
Go with a sure thing Denver's Best roofer excel roofing
dot com.

Speaker 6 (59:16):
You don't pay a cent until you're content.

Speaker 13 (59:21):
Time for an insurance check up free no obligation comparison
call Compass Insurance paying too much your coverage at dozens
of insurance companies find out now three oh three seven
to seven to one help. You'll think you're his only
customer when you choose Frank durand the real estate Man
dot com to list your home with Remax Alliance three
oh three nine two zero sixteen twenty two.

Speaker 6 (59:42):
All right, folks, three O three seven one three A
two five five. By the way, you can always check
us out always always, always on our Troubleshooter network on
YouTube dot com. It's like a show in a show,
in fact, we interact with people. It's a really good

way to watch us. And of course we're here in
the car. You want to listen to us on six
thirty kh O W. A lot of people didn't know this,
but hey, Dragon, what's our uh? What's our HD channel
ninety three point five HD two ninety three point five
HD two. You can listen to us on FM if
you have a tesla like I do with no AM.

And then of course in Colorado Springs KRDO and Pueblo KRDO,
as another boy, I think they have an FM and
an AM there we're on. But anyhow, we're everywhere. And then,
of course our podcast more than fifty thousand people a month.
Our podcast is just the bomb Man, but that's how
it works. I got two lines open three oh three

seven one three eight two five five if you've got
a question. We're going to have an update coming up
on a Mercedes soon. When Scott get in, who knows
the answer for being here about one, he's okay, we're
going to have an update on that Mercedes and I'll recap.
But it's a crazy update. The guy basically said he
was the guy set a shop, broke his steering column

and his car wouldn't start. There was all kinds of
problems and the shop said, no, we didn't do anything wrong.
It ended up over at Mercedes of Denver and got repaired.
The repair was over three thousand dollars, and we're going
to find out what Mercedes of Denver thought and what
Scott figured out. Was it the original shop's fault. Was

it because the vehicle was old and it was a coincidence,
But you get the idea. We're going to dig into that,
and honest to god, I have no idea. I personally
have no idea what the update is I'm going to
hear along with you guys. Now it looks like Terrence
was next. Oh he just dropped off, So it looks
like Janet is up. She's got a comment on the

landlord issue. What's your comment, Janet?

Speaker 16 (01:01:53):
Yeah, Mark, I just.

Speaker 22 (01:01:54):
Was wondering if the lady that is actually on the
lease has a responsibility for the tenant that she brought
in that the landlord is going to have to now remove.

Speaker 6 (01:02:06):
Well, I think she would. Honestly, he could probably go
after that. In fact, i'm pretty sure Brad O'Brien would
agree with this, and I'm doing this just for a
memory off of calls that were similar. He could go
after her maybe for any damages, like if he kicked
the wall or did anything like that, or he could
go after her for breaking the lease and go after

in eviction. But she's moving out. But if there was
damages directly due to him and she's the one that
led him in, I'm sure he could. But I'm not
so sure there's any damages. I mean, can you imagine, Janet,
the audacity of someone just saying, Hey, I'm just going
to stay here and not pay you anything. It's really crazy.
But in this day, we hear these stories all over

the country all the time. The more liberal the city,
the more we hear them as well.

Speaker 22 (01:02:57):
Well, it's an entitled it's an entitled country anymore, so
I guess we shouldn't be shocked.

Speaker 6 (01:03:03):
No, it's really crazy, though, to think that we have
one listener on YouTube that had a guy move into
I forget the guy's name. I might be Dave H.
But honestly I don't remember who it is. But listen
to this. He had like a detached garage from his house,
and the detached garage is kind of in an alley
in Denver. I would assume like the trash truck goes

through the alley, stuff like that. But some dude moved
into his detached garage and locked the doors and simply
wouldn't leave. Do you remember that?

Speaker 13 (01:03:34):
I do.

Speaker 6 (01:03:35):
It was crazy, and I'm like, well, go down there,
and I think I jokingly said I'd bring my German
shepherd down there and throw him in there and see
who comes out first.

Speaker 7 (01:03:44):
So what are his solutions in that situation?

Speaker 6 (01:03:46):
Well, he called the cops, and the cops said, we
can't do anything. We're not going to forcibly remove him,
so he had to go through an eviction process. He
had to evict a homeless guy that moved into his
garage without him knowing.

Speaker 7 (01:04:00):
So what's the timeframe to call it breaking and entering that?

Speaker 6 (01:04:03):
I can't tell you. Tom and I have argued about that.
I have always said, and here's the deal. We go
on vacation, we come home two weeks later and there's
someone in my house getting mail. Yeah, there's someone in
my house. I've always said this. I'm shooting first and
asking questions later. That's it. That's what I'm doing. I'm
not going to ask him how long you been there?

What's going on? He's in my house, make my day.
It's just the way it goes. Right now. I would
assume it's still legal. That's not legal advice to you.
But I'm shooting first and asking questions later because they
should not be in my house. I don't know the
answer to that. It's one thing if someone has a
lease and they stop paying rent, or the landlord claims

they stop paying rent, Maybe they didn't. Maybe the landlord
just wants them out. I'm sure that's happened before, but
it's one thing to do something like that, where they
were allowed to be there at one time. But the
case Henry of this guy in the it's just nuts.
It's a homeless guy that literally moved into his garage
and he couldn't get rid of them. The cops wouldn't

get rid of them, nobody.

Speaker 9 (01:05:09):
I have a comment on that.

Speaker 11 (01:05:10):
On our properties, we had homeless coming in and we could.

Speaker 9 (01:05:15):
Police advised us to put up no trust passing signs.

Speaker 11 (01:05:19):
So with the no trust passing signs, my sister and
I were able to call the police, and with the
no trust passing sign the.

Speaker 9 (01:05:26):
Police will act.

Speaker 11 (01:05:27):
But without a no trust passing sign posted on the property,
they won't.

Speaker 9 (01:05:32):
They won't do anything.

Speaker 2 (01:05:33):
Think of how crazy that. That's incredible.

Speaker 6 (01:05:35):
And that was going into your house, not just your garage.

Speaker 11 (01:05:38):
It was going into the common area of the apartment.

Speaker 6 (01:05:42):
Okay, I got it wasn't actually a dwell so it
wasn't a dwelling. It was basically the hallway, the.

Speaker 9 (01:05:47):
Hallway or storage shed next to the building.

Speaker 6 (01:05:51):
How many properties do you have around if you don't
mind sharing? In Colorado's all I care about. I have
several six six rentals and three apartment pack and you're
literally thinking, how long have you had him, got him
forty years. Okay, I'm going to tell people after this break, Janet,
I appreciate your call. Hey, we do have lines open.
First time today. You need some help. I want to

hear from you. Three oh three seven one three eight
two five five three oh three Martino, which you here
with bo is most likely doing forty years, forty years
he's had property hold tight.

Speaker 13 (01:06:29):
Go with a sure thing Denver's best roofer Excel Roofing
dot com. You don't pay a cent until you're content
than time for an insurance check up free, no obligation.
In comparison, call Compass Insurance paying too much your coverage
at dozens of insurance companies find out now three oh three,
seven to seven to one help. You'll think you're his

only customer when you choose Frank durand the real estate
Man dot com to list your home with Remax Alliance
three oh three nine two zero sixteen twenty two.

Speaker 6 (01:07:00):
All right, listen, we have got a lot cooking. Next hour,
we're gonna have some updates. I got some open lines
three oh three Martino three zero three seven one three
eight two five five. Also, I put a poll up
on our YouTube channel and the majority of people think
the government's gonna shut down tomorrow. But it was a
lot closer than I thought. I think it was like
fifty six forty four. I'm pretty sure we're going to

have a government shut down tomorrow. And this all happened
pretty quickly when you know, basically the administration coming in
decided they didn't want to have all the pork in it.
I mean, simple as that. There's all kinds of reasons
that that bill got wiped, and I hoped the Republicans
stick together and you know, just get it done, get

a new bill. But that's it. We've got a lot
more coming up. In fact, we just had to have
their deputy walk in. It's a good time to call
with any problems. Three to zho three Martino. We'll see
you guys in a few minutes.

Speaker 13 (01:08:12):
Go with a sure thing Denver's best roofer Excel Roofing
dot com. You don't pay a cent until you're content.
Time for an insurance check up free, no obligation. In comparison,
call Compass insurance paying too much your coverage at dozens
of insurance companies find out now three oh three seven
seven one help.

Speaker 6 (01:08:32):
You'll think you're his only customer.

Speaker 13 (01:08:34):
When you choose Frank durand the real estate man dot
Com to list your home with Remax Alliance three oh
three nine two zero sixteen twenty two.

Speaker 17 (01:08:50):
New needed that who you don't have?

Speaker 4 (01:08:55):
Run anxious as fast as you can. No shoots gonna come.

Speaker 5 (01:09:01):
Man, this is the Troubleshooter Show. No Tom Martine, Welcome.

Speaker 6 (01:09:07):
My friends to the only show of his kind. We're
here to solve problems, answer questions, take complaints, try to
make your life a little bit better. Maybe you got
a banned landlord. Got We had a lot of landlord
calls the first two hours. Maybe a contractor ripped you off.
Maybe you got a problem with an auto mechanic, any
kind of malicious merchant. You get it, You get it.

That's what the show's about. Over three hundred million dollars.
Think of that number, and it's actually a lot more
than that, but that's the number we put on it
right now, three hundred million dollars over a forty five
year period in cash, merchandise, exchanges, refunds, services directly due
to this show. You got a problem, pick up that
phone right now. Three oh three seven one three eight

two five five three Ozho three Martino. I do want
to tell you about Paul the water man. Susanna and
I had him out. It's been probably five or six
months now, had a water softener put in. Suzanna absolutely
loves it. I love it. It's actually a lot lower
maintenance that I ever thought. All you really do is
add salt maybe every four or five months. I mean,

we've never let it get down to like empty. But
there's really no maintenance to it. The water quality is
so much better. It's remarkable, and it's good for the
pipes everything else. It really is. But water Pros has
these systems half the cost of the other guys. In fact,
if you've been looking at a system and had a quote,

call these guys and I bet you anything, they're half
the price, if not more, waterpros dot net. You can
also get point of use systems that are right there,
but you get the idea waterpros dot net. Paul's the owner,
is a great guy.

Speaker 12 (01:10:46):
I was just going to ask you, Mark, I know
when we first got it, you were concerned about like
the changing the taste of the water and whatnot.

Speaker 17 (01:10:51):
You haven't noticed anything, have you.

Speaker 6 (01:10:53):
I don't notice any change. It's so weird when you
add salt to something but the water doesn't go through there,
It's just crazy. I kind of always thought that. But no,
there's absolutely no change in the water. What so ever,
Deputy Dmitri joins us. What's up?

Speaker 18 (01:11:12):
Deputy d hey Mark got an update on that weird
RV case. Remember the guy who's homeless lived in his RV.
The police came tracked him down one night, he took
his tools.

Speaker 6 (01:11:23):
They shot a tracking dart into Denver, was chasing him down. Yeah,
he claimed that no one, he didn't see him and
apparently they put a tracking dart in the RV.

Speaker 18 (01:11:34):
Yeah, and then they eventually made use of that tracking
dart came and got him hauled away to the slammer,
hauled away his RV impounded it. When he got out
of the slammer in Denver, he said that he was
extra dited out to I want to say Missouri.

Speaker 6 (01:11:50):
I think it was Missouri, he.

Speaker 18 (01:11:51):
Claims for a traffic ticket. But date on extra date
on a traffic ticket. No, that was that was Deputy
Choppers observation. In an email that he sent me, he
also mentioned that DPD is not going to shoot a
tracking dart into a vehicle for moving violation, for a
traffic ticket.

Speaker 6 (01:12:07):
So that something was sketchy about this guy in every place.

Speaker 18 (01:12:11):
Oh, he didn't even know. Remember, he said he didn't
even know what jail he went to.

Speaker 6 (01:12:15):
He didn't even know what police arrested him.

Speaker 18 (01:12:17):
No, he didn't know which city impounded as RV.

Speaker 6 (01:12:19):
So he did know, ye, the color of his shoes,
because I asked him that, because he knew nothing else.

Speaker 18 (01:12:25):
Yeah, we don't know that for a fact, we haven't
seen his shoes yet, that's true. But so I called.
I started with Aurora Police.

Speaker 6 (01:12:31):
But the whole reason he was calling was because he
had a bunch of tools.

Speaker 18 (01:12:36):
Yeah, apparently he ekes out a meager living using these tools.
And he said either two or four thousand dollars worth
of power tools something. Either way, it's a lot of
tools and they were important to him, so I wanted
to help him find them. He gave up on getting
the RV back, and that's probably a good thing, because
I doubt he has insurance. I mean, he doesn't sound
like a really responsible guy.

Speaker 6 (01:12:55):
I don't even think the RV ran at this point.
And he also said he didn't care about the RV.

Speaker 2 (01:13:01):
Wasn't really his.

Speaker 19 (01:13:02):
Yeah, he didn't that from salvage or bought it from
the storage unit dragons.

Speaker 18 (01:13:07):
Absolutely right, he has He has a bill of sale,
which is enough to prove ownership. But unfortunately for him,
he never registered it, nor.

Speaker 6 (01:13:15):
Did the people that sold it to him.

Speaker 18 (01:13:17):
Yeah, because they it was abandoned in their storage yards,
so they didn't register it either.

Speaker 6 (01:13:22):
No, but they should have win through and did it properly.
Then they would have had a title to transfer to him,
or at least to give to him.

Speaker 18 (01:13:29):
Yeah. He says that they did go to court get
some He describes it as some kind of paperwork, but
he doesn't have the title. But that's not going to
make any difference anyway, because he has neither a title
nor a registration in his name. And that's going to
become really important here in a minute. Aurora police told
me that they don't have the RV. Where is it?
It's in Denver. So I use this website. I forgot

what it's called, but you can plug in a ven
number or a license plate and it will tell you
which impound yard has your RV or your vehicle. I
so I tracked it down to Denver and you know,
I contacted the Sheriff's office who operates at in pound Yard,
and they told me they really took my request very seriously,
and they told me that they're not going to let

the guy in because their policy is you have to
be the registered owner of a vehicle for them to
let you go in and remove personal property from this view.

Speaker 6 (01:14:23):
And if you recall, I kind of had this conversation
with you on air because I was like, man, all
he's got is his bill, this receipt, and I could
make that on any computer in ten seconds.

Speaker 18 (01:14:36):
That's what they told me. Yeah, they said that they do,
you know, in curse some kind of liability and they're
really concerned about that.

Speaker 6 (01:14:43):

Speaker 18 (01:14:43):
In by contrast, however, I spoke with Aurora to see
what their policy is, and they told me they would
have accepted just that bill of sale.

Speaker 6 (01:14:50):
Well, yeah, but there's no gang members running around in Aurora.

Speaker 18 (01:14:54):
Well not anymore. I think they nabbed them all over
there from the pick him up in a couple of
days ago.

Speaker 6 (01:14:58):
Yeah, nineteen of them, you know, grabbing people's fingernails, the
whole bit, right.

Speaker 18 (01:15:03):
Yeah, But according to the mayor of Aurora, there's no
gang problem and According to him, the problem lies with
the so called slumlord that operates the edge of lowry apartments.

Speaker 6 (01:15:12):
Yeah, he's running around trying to collect ramp by ripping
off people's fingernails. Is that what he's trying to say there?

Speaker 18 (01:15:18):
I you know, I'm not sure, but it's a mess.
But anyway to get back to this guy's RV. So
my contact at the Denver Sheriff's office went. She's a
very nice lady. She's very sympathetic to this guy's cause.
And she actually spoke with the sheriff himself, and the
sheriff said that he has no authority to waive this policy.

The RV is going to be scrapped. It's not suitable
for resale.

Speaker 6 (01:15:43):
Not at all. What do they do with the contents?

Speaker 18 (01:15:46):
Well, it's going to get hauled away to the scrapyard.

Speaker 6 (01:15:48):
Oh yeah, so whatever's in it's in it. Yeah, whatever's
in it is in it.

Speaker 18 (01:15:52):
Now she is going to find out what scrapyard is
going to go to because I have some content. You know,
I'm in the recycling industry and so I know I'm
personal friends with a bunch of guys at various scrap yards.
So if I find out where it's going. If it's
one of the yards where I have my personal contacts,
I'll call and say, hey, Joe, can you let me
into this thing?

Speaker 6 (01:16:13):
How does that work? When something like an RV goes
over even a car, I mean, at some point someone's
got to go through it looking for stuff. I mean,
why wouldn't they?

Speaker 18 (01:16:22):
Oh they do, because they do find I've seen the
process they calmbed through the vehicle. Would because they get money,
they get tools, they get guns, they get all kinds
of stuff that's that's.

Speaker 6 (01:16:33):
Valuable, especially in an RV. Who knows what's.

Speaker 18 (01:16:35):
Especially in RV. Now, I would be afraid to go
into an RV without a hazmat suit because of the math.
Especially yeah, I mean you know, because you can touch
something or you can stir up dust and die.

Speaker 2 (01:16:45):
Even in Colorado.

Speaker 18 (01:16:47):
No, he's still, he is still he can't get a
bus ticket. He's I believe he's in Kansas City, so
he hasn't been able to even get a bus ticket.
But he has a brother and an aunt out here,
and they were willing to go out and pick up
the tools. The poor guy, I mean, Daniel, I don't
know what his background is. It's probably not really bright.
But uh, he's not. The long story is he's not

He's not getting there. He he's not getting his tools.

Speaker 11 (01:17:11):
I've got a question about this cemetri So you were
able to find this website where you could punch us cool,
then number, is it possible we can find out who
the original owner of the r V is and we
can contact him to get up.

Speaker 18 (01:17:26):
Not through that website.

Speaker 6 (01:17:27):
But I'm not gonna have a nickel though. He can't
afford a bus ticket, let alone to register something.

Speaker 10 (01:17:33):

Speaker 18 (01:17:33):
Also, we're probably even if we track down the titled
owner of this vehicle, that's the owner who abandoned it
in the first place. That person is either dead or
in jail or something move you know, So I don't
think it's a good idea of both. It's not going
to do us any goods.

Speaker 6 (01:17:47):
That's insane.

Speaker 18 (01:17:48):
So unfortunately, cases closed just a couple of days before Christmas.
The guy's not going to get his tools.

Speaker 6 (01:17:53):
Yeah, but he's not even here to get him if
you did get it figured out, that's the other part.
I guess we could have put his tool somewhere.

Speaker 18 (01:17:58):
Well, I would have given it. He he has this
aunt and brother living here in the Metro area. I
would have given the tools to them. That sucks, it does.

Speaker 6 (01:18:06):
I don't know what else you would do, though, honestly,
without proof of ownership, there'd be so many things going
on all right, three oh three seven, one, three eight,
two five five. I'm going to ask you guys, so
I don't need to answer right now. But it's that
time of year you start thinking how much am I
going to give to the trash guy? How much am
I going to give to the maids? How much am
I going to give to whomever?

Speaker 18 (01:18:24):
To the deputies, to the deputies.

Speaker 6 (01:18:27):
Oh lord, oh did I ask for it here? But really,
the one I was thinking about is our trash. How
much do you give to the trash guys? And what
do you do if the trash guys literally have been
changed out four five six times over the last year,
two or three different companies, different people all the time.
I might be tipping someone that's never been there before,

and then it's not like I'm going to give it
to them and they're going to track down the person
that usually is. But I'd like your thoughts on that.

Speaker 13 (01:18:57):
After this, go with a sure thing Denver's best roofer
Excel roofing dot com.

Speaker 6 (01:19:06):
You don't pay a cent until you're.

Speaker 13 (01:19:08):
Contenth time for an insurance check up free, no obligation.
In comparison, call Compass Insurance paying too much your coverage
at dozens of insurance companies find out now three oh
three seven seven to one help. You'll think you're his
only customer when you choose Frank durand the real estate
Man dot com to list your home with Remax Alliance

three oh three nine two zero sixteen twenty two.

Speaker 6 (01:19:34):
All right, three oh three seven one three A two
five five. I asked about tipping and what do you
give your garbage guy? I just want to ask these guys.
First of all, I think I can tell if people
are good tippers or not. I honestly can just by
kind of looking at them. It's not fair with Suzanne,
because you know, we've been together for thirty one years,

so you know, but I can look at Dmitri. If
I ever asked you about tipping every no zero, that's
the first time I heard of it, and then yeah,
that's it. Never have bo if I asked you.

Speaker 9 (01:20:06):
This is mark major first for me.

Speaker 6 (01:20:08):
Yeah, and you know that's pretty much it. Henry, have
we ever talked about tipping Henry Brats excel roofing. So
I'm so I'm going to say a good tip, let's
all agree on good, better, best or no, let's agree
on Let's do it like chili. It's gonna be mild, medium,

or hot. That's how we're going to do it. So
I would say a mild tip would be under ten percent, Okay,
A medium tip, I'm going to say, is going to
be eighteen percent. And a good tip I'm going to say,
is that what do you guys think? Twenty five? Thirty five? Dragon?
I see you in there. What's what's your idea.

Speaker 2 (01:20:49):
Of a good tip? Well, I'm a medium at best, Yeah, but.

Speaker 6 (01:20:52):
What's an idea of what will you consider a good tip?

Speaker 2 (01:20:56):
Fifteen to eighteen?

Speaker 16 (01:20:57):
You know?

Speaker 2 (01:20:57):

Speaker 6 (01:20:58):
No, but that's not what I'm saying.

Speaker 17 (01:20:59):
Hot tip, mild, medium, and hot mark.

Speaker 6 (01:21:02):
A hot tip would be what thirty percent or twenty
or above? Thirty percent or above? That's good. So I'm
going to say, Dmitri is a mild tip?

Speaker 15 (01:21:11):
Ro am?

Speaker 18 (01:21:12):
I right, No, Well wait a minute, it's twenty percent
for a server? Is that mild?

Speaker 6 (01:21:16):
I say that's medium?

Speaker 2 (01:21:18):

Speaker 18 (01:21:18):
Is that what you always give I automatically just I mean,
I'm less service route.

Speaker 6 (01:21:22):
You hit the button twenty percent.

Speaker 18 (01:21:24):
I usually just do it in my head now because
normally I get a check, a paper check, and then
I pay with a card and then sign the receiver.

Speaker 6 (01:21:31):
What do you do for a trash guy.

Speaker 18 (01:21:33):
I don't have my own trash guy because I live
in a common area and there's dumpster.

Speaker 6 (01:21:37):
So you don't pay a trash gug. How about a
mail person the USPS.

Speaker 18 (01:21:40):
There, Well, I use a po box.

Speaker 6 (01:21:42):
What about a maid? I think he's living his life
to get out of tips.

Speaker 18 (01:21:46):
Think of all the money I saved my country.

Speaker 11 (01:21:49):
And he's a recycler, so he doesn't need to assume
you don't have a maid.

Speaker 18 (01:21:53):
I don't have a maid.

Speaker 6 (01:21:54):
Who else, Woody tip? Your hair person?

Speaker 18 (01:21:58):
Oh well she oh that's a huge So she just
so the barbershopper. I go. She charges twenty four dollars,
but I always give her a check for forty five.

Speaker 2 (01:22:07):
That is a huge test.

Speaker 6 (01:22:08):
That's a hot tip.

Speaker 18 (01:22:09):
That's because because I think she really underprices her service.

Speaker 6 (01:22:14):
Yeah, I mean a cheap haircut now at you know,
sports clips or wherever is like forty bucks.

Speaker 18 (01:22:19):
Yeah, so I just always. I just always pay forty five.

Speaker 6 (01:22:22):
And dragon, you said fifteen to eighteen. That's it.

Speaker 2 (01:22:24):
Yeah, that's pretty much. I'm pretty cheap.

Speaker 19 (01:22:26):
How about a trash guy pay the trash company. The
trash company pays the trash guy.

Speaker 6 (01:22:31):
Okay, how about the mailman mail woman person?

Speaker 19 (01:22:34):
I haven't mailed anything with USPS and I don't know
how long, so zero nothing, all right, Henry Brats, you're
in your twenties.

Speaker 6 (01:22:43):
Yeah, so I think personally people in their twenties grew
up a little different than we did. Everything was like
fifteen percent up until basically COVID in my life, and
everything changed after that. But you kind of grew up
through this entire deal. So what's a good tip to
you if you if you go to I don't know

any given restaurant, nothing fancy, not McDonald's, a normal, you know,
Applebee's kind of thing. What do you tip?

Speaker 8 (01:23:13):
My go to is usually twenty and my rule of
thumb is I have to sit down and they have
to do something. But it feels like there's a lot
of pressure to tip on nothing.

Speaker 6 (01:23:23):
Okay, Starbucks, do you tip the barista?

Speaker 8 (01:23:25):
So that's a funny one you bring up because I
went to a coffee shop and I got a coke
and I got went and got it out of the
refrigerator and went and paid for it.

Speaker 6 (01:23:33):
And they want to tip.

Speaker 7 (01:23:35):
I got a lot of heat for not tipping on that.

Speaker 18 (01:23:37):
Well, what's a.

Speaker 6 (01:23:38):
Lot of heat? How they call you out? I'm curious.

Speaker 8 (01:23:40):
I just heard about it later because of course the
you know, cashier is a friend of a friend, and
then I was called a cheap tipper for not giving
him a tip on like an yeah, I mean.

Speaker 18 (01:23:51):
Yeah, there's a line between a tip and a handout.

Speaker 6 (01:23:55):
Would I never tipped?

Speaker 18 (01:23:57):
That's a handout, a tip the garbage person.

Speaker 6 (01:24:02):
And the problem is he gets tip shamed. That's exactly
what he's saying.

Speaker 8 (01:24:05):
That's the pressure I feel. But with a garbage person,
I mean our garbage person. He takes out like overflowing garbage.
He leaves us a Christmas card. We usually give him
a hundred bucks in a nice thank you at the
end of the year.

Speaker 6 (01:24:17):
Damn you look at this kid rolling in the dough.

Speaker 8 (01:24:20):
He's been the same guy for the past couple of
years and we know him by name, and he takes
care of all of our trash.

Speaker 6 (01:24:26):
Well, he take electronics, everything pretty much. Okay, if I
had him, I might. I tried to throw a TV
away one time and the damn thing ended up on
my curb four weeks in a row. They dig it
out of the trash and put it back.

Speaker 2 (01:24:39):

Speaker 8 (01:24:39):
I don't know a single time that we've left something
out there he hasn't taken.

Speaker 6 (01:24:43):
So you put it like an old college fridge out there,
he's going to take it. Yes, Okay, you know what
I would tip that guy one hundred bucks.

Speaker 19 (01:24:49):
I have heard for like a food surface. Though, if
you are standing, people are not going You're standing when
you order, people are not going to tip, So if
you're sitting then they will not.

Speaker 6 (01:24:58):
At Starbucks, people seem the tip all the time, tru
I don't. I'd never tip at a McDonald's ever.

Speaker 2 (01:25:05):
I feel like you drive through.

Speaker 6 (01:25:08):
Do I tip through the drive through?

Speaker 17 (01:25:09):
Yeah? Like Starbucks? Oh, it's Santiago's.

Speaker 6 (01:25:12):
That's our main That's the only drive through we'll go
through is maybe Santiago's for a breakfast burrito. I'll usually
leave a dollar. I don't care how much it was,
I'll give one dollar.

Speaker 1 (01:25:21):
Okay, We've tipped our trash people the same thing for
the last twenty something years and how much is that?
Usually I make pumpkin bread and then I give them
a six pack of IPA.

Speaker 2 (01:25:35):
She throws away a full case of beer.

Speaker 17 (01:25:37):
That's sweet.

Speaker 15 (01:25:38):
Wow. What about you?

Speaker 13 (01:25:39):

Speaker 18 (01:25:40):

Speaker 16 (01:25:40):

Speaker 6 (01:25:40):
What's your are you?

Speaker 14 (01:25:42):

Speaker 6 (01:25:42):
First of all, I'm gonna look at Bow and say
he's a good tipper. I'm gonna say he's in that
twenty five plus on a normal restaurant.

Speaker 9 (01:25:49):
I'm a medium tipper.

Speaker 6 (01:25:51):
Okay, good, good?

Speaker 9 (01:25:53):
You know your trash guy.

Speaker 11 (01:25:54):
I tip about twenty twenty five dollars because I have
an acre ground and I'm always setting up us put
out four trap line and leaf bags, but a lot
of times I put out eight to ten.

Speaker 9 (01:26:04):
But I'm always there to help them load it up.

Speaker 6 (01:26:06):
Our newest trash company we have in Franktown. And everybody's
got a different trash company. So when I say frank Town,
we just that's where we're at. Our new one has
been exceptional lately. I don't think they've missed one thing.
But three months ago, prior to them, it was the
worst damn trash ever. So I guess I'll probably I
don't know what are we going to tip to trash game?

Speaker 22 (01:26:26):
I don't know.

Speaker 17 (01:26:27):
You usually make that call and.

Speaker 6 (01:26:29):
Then what points the cutoff? Here's another one, so like
our trash comes on what Wednesdays? That's right, that's Christmas?

Speaker 17 (01:26:37):
Right, Yeah, but you can give a year end.

Speaker 6 (01:26:40):
Well yeah, but I'm saying, I mean, if you miss
the cutoff, I mean, are you free and clear?

Speaker 17 (01:26:45):
No, because they'll come Thursday.

Speaker 6 (01:26:47):
So they'll come day after.

Speaker 17 (01:26:50):
Where I find you keep where you're a cheap tipper.

Speaker 12 (01:26:52):
I don't mean this as any offense to you, but
I'm always a.

Speaker 6 (01:26:55):
Little surprised strip joints were true.

Speaker 17 (01:26:58):
When we go to hotels maids.

Speaker 12 (01:27:01):
Oh yeah, I'm like, I always think, oh gosh, we
at least to leave them like five to ten dollars
a day.

Speaker 17 (01:27:06):
I'm sure I'm over tipping.

Speaker 6 (01:27:08):
Oh sure, here's where I am with that, if it's
great service in the hotel. But how many times just
the last hotel we were at.

Speaker 17 (01:27:17):
Green Valley Ranch, I'm talking about the maid.

Speaker 6 (01:27:20):
I'm talking the last hotel we were at. It was
a few days ago. Yeah, Well they didn't come. Their
maid never showed up.

Speaker 17 (01:27:26):
Every other day and we were there two nights.

Speaker 2 (01:27:28):

Speaker 6 (01:27:28):
I don't like talking every other day.

Speaker 17 (01:27:31):
I talk about like when we go to Vegas.

Speaker 12 (01:27:33):
Yeah, and you know we're staying in a nice hotel.

Speaker 6 (01:27:35):
Yeah, some times I do.

Speaker 3 (01:27:37):

Speaker 2 (01:27:38):
Don't those maids get paid though? Of course they do. Well,
of course you got to be up to you.

Speaker 1 (01:27:43):
Well, so I worked in a hotel for seven and
a half years, and unfortunately, I'm going to give you
guys some bad news. They actually have to pull their tips, so.

Speaker 6 (01:27:53):
You're not even tipping if it's cash.

Speaker 8 (01:27:55):
I can't imagine that they'll pull them, right, yeah, if
it's cash, it.

Speaker 2 (01:27:58):
Goes in the pocket.

Speaker 1 (01:28:01):

Speaker 6 (01:28:02):
Yeah, So I don't know. I think that last one
at Green Valley, I might have left the equivalent of
ten bucks. Okay, I think I did. We left it
so bad, we left all the change we acquired over
the trip. I left some of those those betting tickets
that you don't want to walk to go cash in

because they're for like a dollar or whatever.

Speaker 1 (01:28:25):
They're form like in the casino or is it just
all tickets?

Speaker 6 (01:28:29):
Well, the table games are chips, yeah, tossam a ship
for poker. Yeah, so those are all chips. But everything else,
slot machines, video poker, everything like that is they print
these damn tickets out so you could end up with
you know, five of these tickets are like eighty six
cents each, so I left those. I left the actual

Look at Dmitri over there, shaking his head.

Speaker 18 (01:28:54):
Go ahead, No, I think that's a really good idea. God,
I mean, you know who pays out? What kind of
a game do you play that pays out eighty six cents?

Speaker 6 (01:29:02):
Buffalo? We were chasing the buffalo? No, all kinds of
slot machine machine? Yeah, all kinds of games. Okay, yeah,
it's just under it doesn't matter what they pay out.

Speaker 12 (01:29:12):
It's a it's a penny slot machine where it's ten
dollars a roll, but you get eighty cents back.

Speaker 2 (01:29:17):

Speaker 6 (01:29:18):
Yeah, so the penny slot machines. This as funny as hell.
The average penny slot machine is eight dollars a pull,
so you it's eight bucks a pull. So when you
get below you put one hundred in. You get below
eight dollars, then you bet seven six, five, and then
pretty soon you can't bet any less and you're down
to eighty cents.

Speaker 18 (01:29:38):
Wait, but I thought a penny slot machine means you
only need a penny to Oh.

Speaker 6 (01:29:41):
Hell, it's very I don't even penny slot machines. I,
for the life of me, I have no idea why
they're called penny slat machines. I've never played one.

Speaker 12 (01:29:52):
There eight dollars like you get the it's an eight
hundred cent pull.

Speaker 17 (01:29:57):
Yeah, are your max benefit?

Speaker 1 (01:30:00):
Okay, I haven't been. I haven't been to Vegas in
light ten years. Do they still have the video poker
at the bar?

Speaker 6 (01:30:08):
It's our favorite, it's our favorite thing that really they
still have those? Yeah?

Speaker 9 (01:30:11):
Oh and it's a quarter pole for the video.

Speaker 6 (01:30:14):
Oh hell no. I hit a five times when we
were out there. Uh, not even two weeks ago, three
weeks ago. So picture video poker. But instead of just
one one five card, okay, you get five and the
bottom one, whatever you keep, you get on the other four.

Speaker 2 (01:30:34):

Speaker 6 (01:30:35):
Now the stuff you're going to trade in and get
something else is different. On every hand, I got four
aces and like a jack, so I kept the four aces,
which keeps them on all five hands, and then on
two of them, I had a two and a four
that paid. I cashed out. It's seventeen or eighteen. Yeah,

that was the best hand I've ever had in video
pok But each hand, each hand I was playing was
not a quarter. Each hand was probably ten bucks, five
bucks somewhere?

Speaker 12 (01:31:07):

Speaker 11 (01:31:07):
Can you still just put a quarter in the machine?

Speaker 6 (01:31:12):
There's one?

Speaker 9 (01:31:13):
How long it's been since I've been.

Speaker 6 (01:31:14):
There's a casino downtown Vegas? Where where's there one? Where's
the one? I like playing a.

Speaker 12 (01:31:19):
Poker El Cortes or El Cortes at blackjack, not poker?

Speaker 20 (01:31:23):

Speaker 7 (01:31:23):
Do you task from a ship when you play poker?

Speaker 16 (01:31:26):

Speaker 6 (01:31:26):
If I told you my Vegas toss in a chip story?

Speaker 17 (01:31:29):
Yes, Henri, when you play poker, you got chips?

Speaker 6 (01:31:32):

Speaker 1 (01:31:33):
Do they have single deck block jock anymore?

Speaker 18 (01:31:36):

Speaker 6 (01:31:36):
They do well, double deck. There might be a single deck,
but hold on. Someone asked about the quarters. The El
Cortes has a few machines that you literally still put
change in three oh three seven one three A two
five five cliff. I promise I'll come to you after this.

Speaker 13 (01:31:56):
Go with a sure thing Denver's best roofer Excel roofing
dot com.

Speaker 6 (01:32:00):
You don't pay a cent until you're contenth.

Speaker 13 (01:32:05):
Time for an insurance check up free, no obligation. In comparison,
call compass insurance paying too much your coverage at dozens
of insurance companies. Find out now three all three seven
to seven to one. Help you'll think you're his only
customer when you choose Frank durand the real estate man
dot Com to list your home with Remax Alliance three
all three nine two zero sixteen twenty two.

Speaker 6 (01:32:29):
All right three three seven one three A two five five.
Just talk about tipping reminded me of something. I'm not
proud of this moment, but it didn't happen. So this
this dates me back thirty one years. It's the year
as Suzanna and I got married. We were in Colorado.
We lived in I think we actually lived in Littleton, Yeah,

we did. I remember our jack came over to our
Littleton apartment. Our priest came over and wanted to talk
to us where he'd marry his stuff like them. So
my bachelor party comes up right before the wedding. My
cousins fly out, and my cousins say, oh, we got
to bring you to a strip joint. So they look
up and they find the Diamond Cabaret, and back then

I don't even know if it's around anymore, but back
then it was next to a fancy steakhouse. So you
had like this fancy steakhouse and a strip bar, and
I don't think i'd ever. I don't think i'd been
to a strip bar prior to that. I don't think so.
So I had a bunch of ones. Remember we're going
way back and we're sitting around and the girl comes up,

and I didn't really know how it works, but they
basically do their dance. They got the poll, they're doing
the thing, and then they come over and they basically
pull their g string over and you put a dollar in.
So I run out of dollars. Okay, I got a five,
So I'm thinking, there's no way I'm going to give
the girl a five. I've been giving dollars. I mean,

that's insane. That's five times the amount I've been giving.
But I figured it was a new girl that came up.
They kind of rotate, so she comes over. I don't
have anything to give her. So now I feel bad.
I look in I only got a five. I'm not
going to give her five because it's ridiculous. So I
came up with an idea that I thought was great.
I tore the five into three pieces, but I gave

her all three pieces, so therefore she got actually more
than the other women got. The dollar, right, I mean,
it just makes sense right at the end, which I
didn't realize she did. She takes them out and she
kind of folded them and threw them down and saw
the ones that were tore, and she called me out

in front of the entire little stage area, like you
cheap bastard? How dare you give me a part of money?
And I'm trying to explain to her, but I gave
you all three parts. You just got to tape them together.
But live and letler Mark. I think you should have
just and I want to know what my wife had
to say there. Please if the gal.

Speaker 12 (01:34:56):
Is listening and remembers, and please call in seven with
three top seven one three talk call them a big jerk.

Speaker 18 (01:35:03):
I'm just glad you didn't say that you try to
get change out of her g string strap.

Speaker 8 (01:35:13):
I'm gonna come up next. Oh my goodness, I thought
you were gonna exchange it somewhere. I was just waiting
for where.

Speaker 6 (01:35:19):
Yeah, you know, how old are you? I just got
to ask you. Okay, so you have or haven't been
to the Strip bar. I know it's dad's country here
and there, so is that a big thing now for kids?

Speaker 2 (01:35:34):

Speaker 7 (01:35:35):
Not really I mean, no, it's expensive.

Speaker 17 (01:35:38):
Fans old or whatever they call it. I always get
it wrong. Is it fans only your only fan?

Speaker 2 (01:35:42):
It is free? Why go to a strip club?

Speaker 6 (01:35:44):
I don't know? So much worse and it's got It
costs so much money these days. I don't even know
what a typical like. It was a dollar back in
the day. What is it now? I'm sure you know
it on trans so I'm sure you know how much
to tip a stripper? How much?

Speaker 18 (01:35:59):
Oh you know? I haven't been to a strip joint
in a long time?

Speaker 6 (01:36:02):
Okay, Scott, I'm sure you know, Scott. Dollars? Okay, Bo,
come on, Bo.

Speaker 9 (01:36:11):
Last time and went.

Speaker 11 (01:36:12):
To a strip club it was my bachelor party thirty
five years ago.

Speaker 9 (01:36:15):
Yeah, I think it was fifty that's like me.

Speaker 2 (01:36:19):
Oh, where was that was?

Speaker 6 (01:36:22):
At Kennedy? Half dollar in Canada? Get fifty cents? Get
out of here. Three O three seven one three A
two five five. I love before the holidays we get
to talk about everything. But what's going on with this
mail order issue?

Speaker 2 (01:36:34):

Speaker 6 (01:36:37):
Yes, hello, yes, Cliff, go ahead, sir, Hey, I just.

Speaker 23 (01:36:42):
Wanted to bounce this offiense if you had any thoughts. Sure,
My wife and I recently, just before Thanksgiving, ordered to
custom made the doormat off of.

Speaker 6 (01:36:53):
Some pop up website.

Speaker 23 (01:36:55):
I think it was on Facebook, Marketplace or something.

Speaker 6 (01:36:58):
What did it say? I'm curious? What's the part?

Speaker 23 (01:37:02):
Oh, it just had pictures of our dogs and our
dogs names.

Speaker 6 (01:37:04):
Oh that's kind of cool. So you would upload the
pictures they basically printed out on some kind of matt
and ship it to you.

Speaker 23 (01:37:11):
Yeah, basically, at.

Speaker 6 (01:37:12):
Least that's how it's supposed to work. So what happened, Well, we.

Speaker 23 (01:37:15):
Got the matt, and I'm not complaining about that, But
what has happened is, all of a sudden, now our
address is being used for a fake company.

Speaker 6 (01:37:27):
Oh my god, Like what and why do you associate
it with that? Hold on, I've got a lot of
unpacking that whole.

Speaker 13 (01:37:32):
Tight go with a sure thing Denver's Best Roofer Excel
Roofing dot com. You don't pay a cent until you're content.
Time for an insurance check up, free no obligation comparison
call Compass Insurance paying too much your coverage at dozens

of insurance companies find out now three O three seven
to seven to one help. You'll think you're his only
customer when you choose Frank durand the real estate man
dot Com to list your home with Remax Alliance three
oh three nine two zero sixteen twenty two.

Speaker 6 (01:38:09):
All right, three oh three seven one three eight two
five five three oh three Martino, feel free to chime
in on the conversation. This time of year is interesting.
It really is a lot of times this time of year.
We do have a lot of guests. Usually I have
to leave in this time of year. In fact, Susanne,

see if he wants to come in tomorrow, we'll have
a full house. But I'd love to see to leve
in here. In fact, for years and years, I would
always have to leave in this time of year. Three
oh three seven one three eight two five five. Now
we're going to see where this mail order issue goes.
But Cliff, he ordered a matt like a front door matt,
wipe your feet on a custom money paid for it.

But now he's getting someone's using your house as their
business address. Correct.

Speaker 23 (01:39:01):
Yeah, we've been getting mail from the I R. S
and Stay of Colorado. They literally set up a business
called chen Land Inc.

Speaker 6 (01:39:12):
Why do you think it has anything to do with
this this mat? You order this doormat.

Speaker 21 (01:39:20):

Speaker 23 (01:39:20):
Two reasons is ordering something like that is typically we
don't do that.

Speaker 21 (01:39:25):
Yeah, we buy things.

Speaker 23 (01:39:27):
We usually buy it off Amazon or some reportable website. Sure,
it was just a pop up and we thought, hey,
just as a lark, let's buy this. The other reason
is the package came direct from China.

Speaker 6 (01:39:39):

Speaker 23 (01:39:40):
I And then the name of the business is chen Land.
So you know, I'm just kind of connecting the dot.

Speaker 6 (01:39:45):
If you go to just out of curiosity, if you
go to Colorado's Secretary of State, which I'm doing right now,
how do you spell hold on? I'm almost there. How
do you actually spell that business? Spell it for me?

Speaker 23 (01:40:00):
E n la n chen Land?

Speaker 6 (01:40:03):
Two words are one word? I believe it's one word
chen Land. Let me see something. Yeah, wow, there is one.
And let me ask you this, This would be wacky.
Let me look at here are you on Oakland?

Speaker 15 (01:40:18):

Speaker 6 (01:40:19):
Yes, look at that. Not only not only did they
set it up, but they took the time to go
to the Colorado Secretary of State and do it. That
is so interesting. We have heard this, I mean, it
really is a scam. We've heard this before, but I
don't think I've dealt with this since COVID. During COVID,
this was popping up all the time. The other thing

that would pop up is these unemployment things. I mean,
it was crazy. Any company I have owned, and that's
a lot of companies pre COVID, I mean they were
all people claiming unemployment on companies that I shut down
ten years ago. I mean it was crazy, and they
were all coming to my house. And then we also

had a bunch coming like this. I don't know what
you can do besides reach out to the Secretary of State.
And I'm not a big Jenna Griswold fan.

Speaker 7 (01:41:13):
Let me chime in real quick, go ahead, is this
business listed on Google? Or where are you finding this?

Speaker 6 (01:41:20):
Well, he's just getting mail in his mailbox, so anything
directed to chen Lab you're getting right. I'm trying to
think of an attorney I could ask about this. It's
been so long, suits we tell you, Yeah, let's see
if we can get Brad O'Brien on, because I forget,
I honestly forget what the downside was, if there even

was one, besides getting all the mail and what.

Speaker 18 (01:41:43):
Is this mail? Bills or letters from the irs?

Speaker 6 (01:41:45):
What kind of man irs? For sure, we'll ask him
after this, everybody hold tight.

Speaker 13 (01:41:52):
Go with a sure thing Denver's Best roofer Excel Roofing
dot com.

Speaker 6 (01:41:56):
You don't pay a cent until you're content.

Speaker 13 (01:42:01):
Time for an insurance check up free, no obligation comparison
call Compass Insurance paying too much your coverage at dozens
of insurance companies find out now three all three seven
to seven to one help. You'll think you're his only
customer when you choose Frank durand the real estate Man
dot com to list your home with Remax Alliance three
all three nine two zero sixteen twenty two.

Speaker 4 (01:42:27):
D news You needed that who you don't have to.

Speaker 19 (01:42:35):

Speaker 4 (01:42:35):
Run anxious as fast as you can. Shooter's gonna help
coming man.

Speaker 5 (01:42:42):
This is the Troubleshooter Show Now, Tom Martinez.

Speaker 6 (01:42:46):
Welcome, Welcome to the only show off.

Speaker 2 (01:42:48):
It's Ken.

Speaker 6 (01:42:48):
We're here to solve problems, answer questions. Uh, you know what.
It's right before the holidays too. We're here to have
a good time. Hopefully everybody's gonna have nice holidays coming
up of Merry Christmas, all that good stuff. But if
you do have a problem, you can reach us three
L three seven one three eight two five five. We
had a pretty interesting call. We're going to dive back
into and we're going to get to the bottom of it.

But someone set up a corporation, or at least in LLC.
I didn't look at the exact thing at Cliff's house,
and it's on the Secretary of State. I looked it up.
Sure enough, it's there, and it's a pretty interesting call.
It's definitely no matter what, it's definitely identity theft for sure.
But I also want to talk to our guest. You know,

Henry's been chiming in all day, Henry Brett's excel roofing.
I mean, these guys, they're the best roof around. I mean,
I can't say much more than that. The family has
done so well for Suzanne and I. I mean, any
issue we've ever had, and the only issues we ever
had with the roof that we had put on is
we wanted more snowguards and they came out one year

and put on heat tape and stuff like that. But
they actually sold us a roof that's heilproof. All my
neighbors had claims in the last year or two, we
had none. Everything bounced off at Henry, I mean literally
bounced off of it. And what that allowed me to
do is, of course I saved some money on my
premiums for insurance, but I was also able to raise

my deductible because I don't worry about it. You guys
did that roof on my barn, and you did that
roof on our house, so and the hail bounces off.
Literally both my neighbors had to have roofs done where
I had no damage whatsoever. It's pretty incredible. But what
these guys are doing right now is your gutter cleaning.

Speaker 8 (01:44:36):
Yeah, so thank you, Tom Mark. I really appreciate all
that we have been in business for thirty years.

Speaker 6 (01:44:42):
That's incredible. And actually the roof the business that might
be a record.

Speaker 7 (01:44:47):
Yeah for sure.

Speaker 8 (01:44:48):
And when customers are looking for a contractor, they really
need someone who's going to stick around and stand behind
their work, because anyone will just come and install a
roof for you, but who's going to come back when
it leaks or if you haven't any issues down the road.
That's really what you need in a contractor. And just
touching on that gutter cleaning that you mentioned.

Speaker 6 (01:45:05):
So hold on in there. I want to touch base
on something there what he's saying, and a lot of
people don't realize this. They think these companies are in here.
There's companies out of Texas, Florida, Oklahoma. They literally go
where the storms are. They're called storm chasers, and that
is their entire business model. So they'll come through four
or five days after the storm and literally knock on

your door and say, hey, we're doing your neighbor's roof
or whatever whatever song and dance they have to do
in order to basically get you to sign a contract.
They might say, well, wave your deductible. They might say this,
they might say that, but their entire, the entire scope
of business they do is to follow the storms. So
let's say they actually do do a roof, and you know,

it's not a bad job. It's just a normal job,
and the roof's done, and maybe you saved your deductible.
When you do have a problem, the problem is they're
nowhere in the state there wherever the hell the next
storm is. They could be in Florida. You're not going
to see them for any warranty issues on the labor.
You're not going to see them at all, most likely
until there's another storm at your house. And we call

them door knockers. Or stormchasers, and that's literally what they do.
And I would say most of the large, large nationwide
roofing companies, that is literally their business model. They follow
the storm, that's it. They don't live here like you
and your family live here. They're not here to come
over and help someone if there is an issue a

couple months later or even three years later. They're not
here for any of that because they're not even in
the state. That's why it's important to you. Somebody. It's
like hiring a guy to remodel your bathroom that lives
in Florida. It makes no sense. What's he going to
fly out here do it. Two weeks later one of
the sinks is dripping. You think he's going to fly

out and fix it. It's not going to happen. But
I just wanted people to really understand how most roofing
company's work.

Speaker 8 (01:47:01):
Absolutely and then as far as our warranty goes, there's
a lot of companies out there, they'll get super nitty gritty,
tried to deny warranty claims, all that kind of stuff.
We really stand behind our work. We want to make
sure that our customers are happy and everyone's treated fairly.

Speaker 6 (01:47:14):
And one of the reasons you guys can do that
is because your relationships with the vendors, and I mean
the relationships where you buy shingles. I mean, my god,
you probably buy more shingles than any other company in Colorado.
So if there's an issue, these guys are like, hey,
you know, we just spent a couple million dollars with
you this year. You need to make this right for

our customer. If it's a material issue, you know, if
it's one of your laborers, you make it right. Period.
But yeah, absolutely, where a lot of people don't have that,
you hire you know, you hire Joe Blow And even
if he does live here in Colorado, he's got no
pull with these companies. He might order one thousand bucks
worth of stuff a year. You guys are spending millions.

Keep going, I keep cutting you off with some of this.

Speaker 8 (01:47:57):
It's all good stuff. So I'm I'm thankful for all
the kind of words. And while you're right, we do
do a higher volume. The reason that we're doing that
is because we take care of each and every customer
at such a high level.

Speaker 6 (01:48:08):
Oh you repeat, businesses remarkable.

Speaker 8 (01:48:10):
And the way we have everything structured in our company
is to make sure that every customer receives that quality,
and that's really where we focus. And so coming into
the winter here a lot of leaves have been falling.
We are offering a special just for Martino listeners, and
if you call up, you have to make sure you
let us know that this is the Tom Martino Special.
It's a one hundred and ninety nine dollars total leaning.

So the first story is one hundred and ninety nine
dollars and then the second story is so two hundred
and ninety nine.

Speaker 6 (01:48:39):
So I tell people this all the time when I'm
doing your commercials, I use you guys for gutter cleaning.
I bought a brand new I don't even remember what
it's called, gutter helmet, whatever it is when we first
moved in because we have pine needles everywhere. I got
one hundred foot trees around our house and the pine
needles were getting everywhere. It was horrible. So I spent

probably four or five grand with this company out of
the Springs to come and install these on my gutters.
Worst thing I ever did. We'd get a big rain
or a hailstorm, it would go right over the gutters
and we would have these puddles everywhere. It simply didn't
do what it was supposed to do. And then somehow
the pine needles still got into the damn gutters, so

it didn't solve that. Then when you guys did our
roof at that particular house, you guys said, let's get
three inch gutters. I got gutters now you can roll
a tennis ball down. And those have been the best
gutters I ever have. But I have you guys out
twice a year to clean them. In fact, you guys
were just out a couple months ago to clean them.
And it's way better, way better than any kind of

gutter helmet or any kind of screen or anything you
put on there, because it's done perfectly twice a year.
And I'm a math guy. Think of the math five
thousand dollars for that. Someone goes out spends five or
ten for a gutter helmet kind of thing. They can
have their gutters cleaned two or three times year if needed,
for the rest of their life and never spend that much.

And you guys come out, not only do you clean
the gutters out, every downspout, every single one. You guys
get up there make sure they're functioning. I see. I
see your guys put the hose in there and make
sure they flow all the way to wherever they're supposed
to be flowing. If there's anything a little better or anything,
you guys make that right. I mean, it's just everything.
There's no reason I would ever have a gutter helmet

or a leaf guard or any of that stuff when
you can have the gutters cleaned for one hundred and
ninety nine bucks for you guys.

Speaker 8 (01:50:31):
Yep, just make sure you mentioned the Martino Special and
we will come out there and get you taken care of.

Speaker 6 (01:50:37):
Three h three seven six ' one sixty four hundred.
Now you know this is such an easy answer. Why
would they do that? It cost you guys talk about
a lost leader. When you guys do my house, I
want to say, there's four guys up there, and it
probably takes every bit of I don't know, three four hours.
I mean, we've got a big roof, but it takes
a long time. And the reason they do it for

that price is they want your business. When there is
a halstorm. These guys can deal with your insurance company.
They just do everything right. And one of the best
things about Excel Roofing and what your dad set up
years ago. Is that motto You don't pay a cent
until you're content. You don't pay anything when the job's done.
Even if you're a cash payer, you don't pay anything

till that job's done. And you can't get a better
deal than that. As a homeowner, you're guaranteed, you're guaranteed
to be happy with the job when the job's done.
You pay simple as that. You don't pay a little upfront.
And if a roofer comes knocking at your door, please
never never sign a contract. Never pay upfront. And if
they did sign a contract with you guys, you never

get paid upfront before you guys start. If they want
it out in a week, I guarantee you'd let them out.
Oh I changed my mind. You guys don't care. I mean,
if you went out there and started the roof that's
another thing. But really, you guys set up a company,
a roofing company that is unlike most roofing companies I
have ever dealt with in my fifty two years. And
you're absolutely right, Henry. You guys want that customer. You're

going to go beyond this specials unbelievable, but you want
that future business and I would guess a huge majority
of your business is repeat customers.

Speaker 8 (01:52:15):
Absolutely, that's a massive referral base for us too, just
because we try to offer the highest quality service possible
and then interurn it turns into more business for us
down the road.

Speaker 6 (01:52:25):
And then of course free inspections. You know, if it's
been less than what is typical insurance two years, how
long do you have file acclaim on? Hell, maybe one year,
I totally.

Speaker 8 (01:52:33):
Forget it varies depending on the insurance company. Rule of
thumb is about a year or so.

Speaker 6 (01:52:38):
So one year. If you got hit last season and
you saw anybody in your neighborhood, I mean anybody around
your neighborhood getting a new roof and it's coming up
on that year from that hailstorm, give these guys a call.
They'll come out and inspect it. Don't call your insurance
company because Excel will be the first to say you
don't have any damage, and you don't want that on
your clue report with the insurance company. But what they

will absolutely positively do is come out and give you
an honest assessment if you did get hail damage, and
if so, they'll step in and deal with your insurance company.
And get you a new roof before that time expires.
Because if there's another hailstorm next year and there's more
damage and they come out and find the old damage
from a hailstorm over a year ago, that can cause

some problems. Cant it.

Speaker 8 (01:53:24):
Yeah, absolutely, And the main point of our honest inspections
is just we're not like these other companies that just
try to need to file you need to file a claim,
you need to file a claim.

Speaker 7 (01:53:34):
We're not like that.

Speaker 8 (01:53:35):
We will only encourage the customer to file an insurance
claim if we find damage and we believe that it
will get replaced.

Speaker 6 (01:53:42):
Oh my goodness. Yeah, all right, folks, So really, Excel
roof in three oh three seven six one sixty four hundred, Cliff,
We've got some answers for you. I'm sorry I got
off on that, but you know, Henry Bretz has been
here all show and honestly, people know we have guests
and we focus on our referraless guests when they're in.
You know why, because they're great people, They have better
value than anybody else, and they're just honest and we

like talking about them.

Speaker 13 (01:54:12):
Go with a sure thing, Denver's Best roofer Excel roofing
dot com. You don't pay a cent until you're content.
Time for an insurance check up free, no obligation. In comparison,
call Compass Insurance paying too much your coverage at dozens
of insurance companies find out now three oh three seven
seven to one help. You'll think you're his only customer

when you choose Frank durand the real estate Man dot
com to list your home with Remax Alliance three oh
three nine two zero sixteen twenty two.

Speaker 6 (01:54:43):
All right, three O three seven one three eight two
five five. By the way, help at troubleshooter dot com
three oh three Martino. That number works all the time.
But whether we're on vacation, whether we're before or after
the show, you can call that number. You can leave
a message. We might answer, we might not, but you
can definitely leave a message. I promise you we'll get

back to you. Same with help at troubleshooter dot com.
And it doesn't matter what the problem is. Cliff called
in with an interesting one. All of a sudden, somebody,
it appears to be somebody from China actually set up
a LLC in Colorado at his home address, and you're
receiving all kinds of mail for chen Lan, Inc. And

it looks like basically what's happening here is they're just
trying to get a presence here. And once they get
that presence here and that they can probably get a
credit card in your name, they can do all kinds
of things because they look legit. They look like they
actually are a Colorado corporation. But what I found is
you can go to the Secretary of State and there's

a phone number on there and you simply report them
and they're going to remove it all together. But you
better be on the lookout for other issues, you know
what I'm saying.

Speaker 19 (01:56:00):
Yeah, I do.

Speaker 21 (01:56:00):
We've reported this to CBI and the State of Colorado
in RS.

Speaker 6 (01:56:07):
Yeah, but you need to go literally to the Colorado
Secretary of State's website and call that number on there
and tell them what's going on, and they can actually
remove it so it's not showing up. Because what happens
is when people search for that business, let's say they're
applying for a credit card or at lease or anything,
whatever the hell nefarious thing they're up to. When they

search it, people go right to Colorado Gov, just like
I did, and you look legit because all the PaperWorks
filed and someone paid the file it. But if you
call them up, they'll get rid of it. So when
people go to check them out, it's simply not there.

Speaker 21 (01:56:47):
Y'all have to check with my wife and see what
she's done. At this point, I know we have reported
it in the Secretary of State's office.

Speaker 6 (01:56:53):
Okay, good.

Speaker 21 (01:56:54):
Primarily my primarily was just wondering, you know, are there
any other steps to take? What's next? We both have
our credit frozen and have had for several months with
all three reporting agencies.

Speaker 6 (01:57:07):
Well, whatever credit cards you used for that, Matt, I
assume you quit using or replaced.

Speaker 21 (01:57:15):
Yeah, we're gonna cancel it today.

Speaker 6 (01:57:17):
Yeah. Well you don't have to cancel it, just tell
them it was lost or stolen and sent a new one,
just to you know, just to be careful or to
be safe and locking the credit's a good idea, but
I'm not sure how they would have got your social
I don't think they're intercepting your mail. I think they're
using this to establish basically a business residency in the

state of Colorado, and then they can sell other stuff,
whether they're the mats or whatever, and they just simply
look more legit. I mean, there could be a lot
more behind the scam, but I mean I can't find like,
I can't find much on it. I know it happened
a lot during COVID, but I have not seen this
in a while. But this was rampant for quite some time, honestly.

Speaker 21 (01:58:02):
Right, Yeah, I just wanted to run it by you
guys the stage words of Wisdom.

Speaker 6 (01:58:09):
Well, if they already called the Secretary of State, they
haven't done anything. In fact, Dmitri, would you mind getting
on it. He's saying his wife might have called the
Secretary of State, but it's still on there. As long
as it's on there, it looks legit.

Speaker 18 (01:58:23):
Yeah. I just left the message for Jack Todd. He
is the press relations guy at the Secretary of State's office. Excellent,
and I give him my phone number. I wanted to
talk to him about what is his inside, what is
the actual scam, because I'm sure he's heard this before.

Speaker 6 (01:58:36):
And check this out. Yeah, I'd love that, or what
are the different scams? Yeah, but Reeds, you still have
the information on the company in front of you. It's
kind of funny. So the guy that filed it, his
name is Lan Chen, which of course is you know,
chen Land is the name of the corporation and I
can't pronounce this. Can anybody pronounce where he lives? Ying

Yang Village, Bashushu town, he could pronounce it? Go ahead,
wd D hey, hang on trying.

Speaker 18 (01:59:04):
Oh you know, I already closed that page.

Speaker 6 (01:59:07):
Shoot, but it's crazy. And then it's from uh, you know,
I don't know it's from China. That's the best I
can tell you.

Speaker 2 (01:59:14):
You're from far far away.

Speaker 18 (01:59:15):
If I were the scamra, I think the next thing
I do is I would file a change of address
form with a post office for Cliff's address, and that
will keep Cliff from figuring out the rest of the
scam for quite a while.

Speaker 6 (01:59:26):
Actually, you just said something you should absolutely. Did you
go to the post office? Cliff?

Speaker 21 (01:59:31):

Speaker 6 (01:59:33):
Yeah, Well you tell the post office we are not
we are not.

Speaker 2 (01:59:36):
What is it?

Speaker 6 (01:59:37):
Ching Chang? What the hell's the name of it? I
already forget. And also that's not us. Any mail that
comes in that says that return to center, it's not us.

Speaker 18 (01:59:45):
I think that male will have valuable clues on Ching
Chang's current location and his intent. What I was worried
about is that mister Chang is going to file a
change of address form on behalf of Cliff.

Speaker 6 (01:59:57):
What if you got from them, besides you said I
R S stuff, was that like an EI N number
coming in? What was the I R S stuff?

Speaker 21 (02:00:06):
The I R S was from the e STPs, the
Federal Collection service for the I R S. And oh man,
hin number I N PIN number?

Speaker 18 (02:00:16):
Yeah, wow, that's fair ID number.

Speaker 6 (02:00:20):
Yeah, yep, it's definitely nefarious. But once again, I'm not
sure that there. I think they're simply using you for
a residence. I say, I think that's it. I mean,
I don't think they're literally going to be stealing from
you individually. But man, I wouldn't put it past anybody,
but I think they're literally making it look legit to
the I R S and everybody that they're a Colorado corporation.

I mean, it's it's crazy. So just to recap basically
make sure the Post Office, Colorado Secretary of State and
freeze your credit. I mean, that's the best I can
offer with this deal. And then Dimitri, when you get
a callback, we're going to follow up on what they
found out.

Speaker 18 (02:01:00):
Oh, I can't wait. I think it's going to be fascinating.

Speaker 6 (02:01:03):
Hey, Deputy Scott, I got to take this break, but
we got an update. Do you want to recap or
do you want me to do it? I'm the guy
with the Mercedes.

Speaker 18 (02:01:11):
You can do the recap.

Speaker 13 (02:01:12):
Go with a sure thing Denver's best roofer Excel Roofing
dot com.

Speaker 6 (02:01:16):
You don't pay a cent until you're content.

Speaker 13 (02:01:22):
Time for an insurance check up free, no obligation comparison
call Compass Insurance paying too much your coverage at dozens
of insurance companies find out now three o three seven
to seven to one help. You'll think you're his only
customer when you choose Frank durand the real estate Man
dot com to list your home with Remax Alliance three
oh three nine two zero sixteen twenty two.

Speaker 6 (02:01:42):
All right, three oh three seven one three eight two
five five. It looks like, Wow, the power of Trump
and Doge. It looks like there is a new bill
they came up with. Of course, these people in Congress
aren't telling us about it, but it is breaking news
on CNNN Fox, the Government Fund Agreement, if you don't know. Basically,
they had a bill all set up that was apparently

going to pass by partisan as they say, and then
at the last minute, Elon and Trump basically blew it up.
And I was looking through the original It's kind of funny.
Remember we're talking about Congress people now, so they'd get
a pay raise that's remarkable, an absolute pay raise. And
I didn't know this. Their salary hasn't increased since two

thousand and nine. But Congress created a program in twenty
twenty two. So a couple of years ago, you realize
they can expense while they're in DC. They can basically
expense all their food and lodging. That's amazing. So when
they fly into DC, they don't pay for food, they
don't pay for lodging. That all happened in twenty twenty two.

They make one hundred and seventy four thousand a year,
and they wanted a pay raise, where people in the
United States, you know, we're paying more for eggs than
we ever have in my lifetime. So I think that's crazy.
And the other thing Congress add in that bill, which
I think is absolutely the worst thing, exempting members of
Congress from Obamacare. You know, that drives me insane. I

have to go under Obamacare, or at least when he
was there, I did, or I'd actually get hit with
basically a penalty. I think Trump the first time got
rid of the penalty. But think about that. In Colorado especially,
the plan has to be on the exchange meaning Obamacare plan,
meaning a plan where I have to pay for an abortion,
even if I'm a man, I have to pay for

that coverage because they try to spread it out. But Congress,
these moronic people we vote for that are up there,
they exempt themselves from it. You know why, because they
can get a hell of a lot better coverage, a
hell of a lot better coverage. They exempt themselves from Obamacare,
and they have forever, and I guess the renewal to

do that is up. And then once again they would
not have to participate in the Affordable Care Act. It's crazy.
They would actually get the same, and they do get
the same if they want, and of course every single
one of them wants is what our presidents and other
people get. They get to go to the nice healthcare,

the kind of healthcare where you don't spend six thousand
out of pocket before anything's paid for, the kind of
healthcare where generally your employer, the government pays for every
bit of it. You know, they get that where we
get suckered into the worst stuff around. I mean, pretty
soon we're going to be Canada if it wasn't for
Trump coming in. But I digress on that stuff. It
looks like they reached a bill that shows you the

power of what's going on. I mean, anybody have any
ideas you think those two things are going to be
in the bill? Anybody? I don't know if they will
be or not. Did you talk about that stuff this morning? Dragon?
Did you talk about the government stop this morning with Brown?

Speaker 2 (02:04:54):
Not really? No, no, no.

Speaker 6 (02:04:55):
Did he think it was going to shut down? Or
you guys just didn't touch on it.

Speaker 19 (02:04:58):
We didn't touch on it. We talked a little bit
more about the medical stuff, Like you were just saying that, hey,
they don't have to be on Obamacare and all that crow.

Speaker 6 (02:05:05):
It's so crazy how they just wave themselves from it.
I just find it so unfair. I mean, I really do, Dmitri.
You look like you were saying some.

Speaker 18 (02:05:13):
Oh, you know, we're talking about these benefits that they
confirm themselves that aren't available to any of us. What
about their exemption from insider trading laws?

Speaker 6 (02:05:23):
I think a little of that change. But you're right,
Pelosi and her husband and all these people and Republicans
excuse me too, they all lived high on the hog.

Speaker 18 (02:05:32):
Look at the percentage of these people that leave office
as multi millionaires.

Speaker 6 (02:05:37):
Oh, they don't leave any poorer.

Speaker 18 (02:05:39):
Yeah, they don't.

Speaker 6 (02:05:39):
You can't if they leave, most of them just don't
leave like Biden.

Speaker 18 (02:05:44):
Now, if they don't, if they continue to exempt themselves
from insider trading laws, I want them to post their
trades in real time so I can duplicate them in
my own account. Yeah.

Speaker 8 (02:05:54):
I think that's becoming a big business right now. Is
just following politician trades.

Speaker 6 (02:05:58):
It is a big business. Okay, Deputy Scott, Deputy Dollar.
Let's go to this Mercedes thing. You talked to Mercedes
of Denver. First of all, do they think that the
other shop broke it?

Speaker 18 (02:06:12):
No, they don't.

Speaker 6 (02:06:13):
They don't.

Speaker 2 (02:06:14):
They do not.

Speaker 6 (02:06:15):
Now, that guy swore up and down to us the caller.
I asked him that what did they say? And he
said they said that the other shop did it.

Speaker 18 (02:06:24):

Speaker 24 (02:06:24):
I talked to Destiny, the service advisor over there. They
replaced this key lock and censor.

Speaker 6 (02:06:32):
Module and it's fine.

Speaker 24 (02:06:34):
And it's fine.

Speaker 6 (02:06:36):
So whatever broke wasn't due to a ton of stress.

Speaker 24 (02:06:39):
No, Destiny said, it's a it's a common problem.

Speaker 6 (02:06:43):
On that and it just happened to crap out it
to other shock yep.

Speaker 24 (02:06:47):
And then they ordered Rick extra key. There was some
programming charge.

Speaker 6 (02:06:53):
He should have kept it, I'll tell you, honest to God,
he should have kept it. It to first shop. They
were going to do that for sixteen hundred because they
felt bad. He ended up spending thirty two hundred exactly
because he thought they created the problem.

Speaker 18 (02:07:07):

Speaker 6 (02:07:08):
What did he say? After you talk to him?

Speaker 24 (02:07:11):
Rick still thinks that that the original shop Phioh has
videotape of the repair and he's he said, I don't
even know man, And I told him, I said, I.

Speaker 6 (02:07:24):
Owned five shops. I owned five good years around town
for a long period of time. We had some cameras around,
but I would never have a camera that I can
think of, that would catch someone in the vehicle, like
yanking on the wheel or whatever he's describing. It's not
I don't think he's It's not like a camera you
can go back and zoom in on. I mean we're

talking to camera that's outside the building over the parking lot.
I mean, what's he expect to see off this. Plus
the guy told him, we don't have it.

Speaker 24 (02:07:54):
Yeah, And I told Rick said, you asked him four
different times during the call, he said he did have
it and he doesn't have it.

Speaker 6 (02:08:02):
I thought the guy was honest. He came on air
with this yesterday. I mean, I didn't think there was
any issue. But even when you went back to the
caller and said blah blah blah, even the people fixing
it say it wasn't anybody's fault exactly, he still isn't biting.

Speaker 2 (02:08:17):

Speaker 6 (02:08:18):
God, how many times do we have calls like that? Guys,
d meet your you're the newest in the room. How
many times have you dealt and found out that it's
a caller it's just absolutely upside down wrong, or or
they're fabricating something.

Speaker 18 (02:08:31):
I'd say it's about a third of my cases.

Speaker 6 (02:08:34):
It's crazy.

Speaker 18 (02:08:34):
It's more it's less fabrication than what they actually leave out.
That's that's what I get.

Speaker 6 (02:08:40):
They just decide to leave something important out of the conversation.

Speaker 18 (02:08:44):
Like the woman who was allegedly breeding the illegal dogs.
The case that bulwork.

Speaker 6 (02:08:48):
That really got my my god, what was that? Give
me some breeding dogs? What happened? What was that, beau?

Speaker 9 (02:08:55):
She called into the show. She stated that her car
was stolen and.

Speaker 11 (02:09:02):
The Adams County Sheriff recovered the car and there were
six puppies.

Speaker 6 (02:09:08):
But when they stole it was her puppies.

Speaker 9 (02:09:12):
What's that?

Speaker 6 (02:09:13):
When they stole the vehicle were dogs in it.

Speaker 9 (02:09:15):
Dogs were in the back of the car.

Speaker 6 (02:09:17):
And then when they recovered it, there's more dogs.

Speaker 9 (02:09:19):
No, it's just the original six dogs.

Speaker 2 (02:09:21):
The car was never stolen.

Speaker 19 (02:09:23):
It was just there and somebody called and said, hey,
this car has been parked here for a while.

Speaker 9 (02:09:26):
So well, that's what she led me to believe.

Speaker 11 (02:09:29):
So I did call the the sheriff, and the sheriff
talked to me under to be anonymous about it. He
didn't want to give his name. Sure, she filed the
false report. It was never stolen. The car was parked
for at least two weeks.

Speaker 6 (02:09:44):
Why did she filed why? Why do you think she filed.

Speaker 11 (02:09:47):
The car because she wanted us to call the Riverdale
Animal Control and the sheriff to plead with him to
try to give her those dogs back.

Speaker 6 (02:09:57):
Oh okay, so basically these dogs were living in.

Speaker 9 (02:10:00):
The car for at least two weeks.

Speaker 6 (02:10:02):
Oh my god. Well, she shouldn't have these dogs. She
shouldn't have any dogs. No dog, She's crazy.

Speaker 18 (02:10:07):
During the original call, she also claimed that she has
no idea how her dog got pregnant. She also claimed
that the stolen car was involved in the high speed
police chase and it crashed at the end of the chase.

Speaker 6 (02:10:20):
And none of that's true. Lying and time, Dragon just
said she didn't even own the car.

Speaker 18 (02:10:29):
She admitted to that what day before yesterday, it's not
even her car that I found out.

Speaker 9 (02:10:34):
The chef left me another message yesterday about it. I
guess her brother owns the car.

Speaker 6 (02:10:38):
You know, years ago, years ago, around this time of year,
Martino went to help this lady out on the news.
It was either Channel four.

Speaker 19 (02:10:45):
I just say it was her brother that owned the car.
Yesterday she said it was a friend of a friend.

Speaker 9 (02:10:50):
Sheriff let me.

Speaker 6 (02:10:51):
I didn't bring it up, but she changed it again, Dragon,
her brother owned the car. Tom helped this lady out
live on TV Channel four maybe seven, I don't remember.
It might even been Fox thirty one. But she had
a pillow under she claimed to be pregnant and had
no place to go, so he buys her a hotel
room for a week. Remember this is live on the air.

It's around Christmas time. You know they're doing this kind
of story. So what happens is the next day she
gets a call from the manager of the hotel and
wait till you hear the end of it.

Speaker 13 (02:11:24):
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