Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:05):
Ripped off that news who you don't have.
Speaker 2 (00:12):
Come Running's just as fast as we can show Shooter's
gonna help coming man.
Speaker 3 (00:20):
This is the Troubleshooter Show. No Tom Martinez.
Speaker 4 (00:25):
Welcome my friends to the only show if it's kind.
We're here to solve problems, answer questions, take complaints. Our
goal in life is to make your life just a
little bit better. You've been ripped off. Maybe a contractor
took four or five grand, said he was going to
show up and get that basement looking brand new and beautiful.
Never shows up, takes your money. This is the show
for you. Maybe you've got a landlord trying to raise
your rent for the second time in one year. By
the way, did you know you can't do that anymore
in the state of Colorado?
Speaker 5 (00:54):
This is the show for you.
Speaker 4 (00:56):
The bottom line is over three hundred dollars cash, merchandise
exchanges refunds directly due to this show. You got any
issues I want to hear from you right now? Three
zero three Martino, It's that simple. Three zero three Martino
or three oh three seven one three eight two five five.
You can always email us at help at troubleshooter dot com.
By the way in studio with me as we sit
right now, Brian Burns, Compass Insurance.
Speaker 5 (01:25):
How are you, sir. I've got a lot.
Speaker 4 (01:27):
I've got some questions for you coming up real soon
because I dealt with something yesterday with my insurance company, Safego.
It was the appraisal process, and I'm going to tell
you how it went.
Speaker 5 (01:38):
And I'll bring that up. And then we have Deputy
Bow to my right. I know Dmitri's on the way in.
What's going on with you? Bo all?
Speaker 6 (01:45):
Just working four or five cases?
Speaker 5 (01:47):
You got some good stuff going. We got some good updates.
I don't want them right now, but you have some.
Speaker 6 (01:52):
I got a couple I learned the show.
Speaker 5 (01:54):
Now listen, I have a prediction. You ready for this.
Speaker 4 (01:59):
I'm pretty good with my predictions. I really am. United
Healthcare CEO was killed this morning in front of a
hotel in New York City. If you heard this, Brian,
United Healthcare ceo. They know nothing. They haven't come out.
Apparently the guy was across the street. He had a
mask on, a hat on. It looked like he was
waiting for this guy to come out. The second this
guy came out, the guy runs over shoots him. Twice.
The guy's dead. He actually I think lived to the hospital.
So whether or not the CEO had any idea was conscious,
I have no idea. He might have told cop something,
but he died very quickly, so he's not with us anymore.
Speaker 5 (02:42):
I am so sure that what happened. Now, listen to
this man.
Speaker 4 (02:47):
I think someone's wife or kid was denied something, some
kind of I don't know, medical procedure, maybe medication they
couldn't afford, and they blamed this guy directly, and they
were getting their pound of flesh. I'm almost sure of it.
This looks so targeted it's crazy. Now, what else could
it be. He might have been having an affair, possibly
an affair with somebody's wife, and then that husband did it,
but I don't think so. I think this was the
insurance United Healthcare didn't pay for something or didn't authorize something,
and some of these things we all know can be
hundreds of thousands of dollars, or they just simply won't
authorize some period.
Speaker 5 (03:35):
End of story. I think something like that happened, and
I think we're gonna find out pretty quick.
Speaker 6 (03:41):
It'll be interesting. I have United Healthcare.
Speaker 7 (03:44):
Do you really for the last twenty years, I've been
very pleased with their service.
Speaker 4 (03:48):
We've had Kaiser and I've been pretty happy with Kaiser. Yeah,
I really have the people over it in Tiger or
my insurance people. They have shopped Kaiser for me. They
have shopped every every company out there. I always end
up just staying with Kaiser. I find it very simple,
very easy. But now I want to talk to Brian
real quick. Then promise Judy, I'll get to you. She's
got a possible scam she wants to talk about. But
I went through this appraisal process. So here's how it
went down. We had a bunch of hal okay, a
ton of hal it piled up on her deck.
Speaker 5 (04:22):
It was an eighty degree day.
Speaker 4 (04:24):
After the hail was done, it melted really quick, came
in through the glass door. And when I say a
lot of hell, we added about three feet of hal.
Speaker 5 (04:32):
I think I sent you the video. Yep, I saw
the video.
Speaker 4 (04:34):
It's incredible. It's like three feet a hale pushed up
against the door. It melts, comes in, ruins our hardwood floors.
They deny it, outright deny it. When I first turn
in the claim, I hire Matt from Paragon Matt gets
it covered. So they sent me a check for twenty thousand.
I'm like, wait a second, twenty thousand, what are you
guys kidding. We've got to redo the baseboard, we've got
to redo paint, so I want fifty thousand. It's been
about a year now, even more than a year. So
what we entered into was the appraisal process. It's pretty
crazy how it works, so united or not united. I'm
thinking of these guys up here. Safeco hires an independent guy.
My guy, Matt at Paragon Services turned me onto an
independent guy.
Speaker 5 (05:25):
Both of them come.
Speaker 4 (05:26):
Out and they walk the house, they look at everything,
and they take notes and they share notes, and then
basically they go back yesterday and they discuss everything what
needs to be covered, and then whatever both of them
come up with is what we agree to do. And
I'm almost positive what they're both going to come up
with after talking to them afterwards is way closer to
what I'm looking at. I mean way closer. So I
think it's a very fair process.
Speaker 8 (05:55):
Yeah, I know, I send people to appraisal anytime there's
a standstill. The problem with appraisal is and you guys
did it exactly right? There has to be coverage first. Yes,
in other words, appraisal. You can't go to it to
determine whether there is a loss. You have to go
to it if there's a difference of a difference of dollars,
exactly right.
Speaker 4 (06:15):
And that goes for anything, even like a roof, I
mean anything. So if they say, yes, you had hail damage,
but we're only going to replace one section of the roof,
that's where you could go out of the appraisal.
Speaker 8 (06:25):
And you're exactly right. You get a And the only
thing is there's an expense or there can be for
you hiring that in a person on your.
Speaker 4 (06:32):
Side under the policy you sold me. You guys are
my insurance guys. The guy that was hired says he
gets paid by Safego.
Speaker 8 (06:39):
Right, and there's some that it's on your own dime.
I so whenever you read the policy you have to see.
But it's not that much money. But ultimately you hire someone,
they hire someone, and then they agree on an umpire
who when they come together, is the one that makes
the decision.
Speaker 5 (06:53):
Think how crazy that went down? In my case?
Speaker 4 (06:56):
Here you go, you have a complete denial it first
and hire Then I get yeah, Okay, we do owe
you some money, but we're only going to give you
this amount, So then I got to hire somebody up right.
Speaker 5 (07:06):
How many people go through that?
Speaker 8 (07:08):
Not a lot, No, it's a small percent substantial, I
get it. Yeah, it's a small percentage, but I do
go through it on occasion if I'm just cutting it
to a standstill with an adjuster. But they've already agreed
that there's damage. That's my for I have someone right
now that I just give them the advice. The other day,
I said, you know what this is when you want
to go to appraisals. So how much is that dollar difference?
Speaker 5 (07:29):
Speaker 8 (07:30):
Well, they're offering about twenty five thousand, and I think
it's closer to one hundred thousand. Got it, So I
can guarantee you it's going to go up. No, I'm
not saying it's gonna be a hundred, but it's going
to be way closer to that. And it almost always is.
When you see the appraisal, it's not even split in
the middle. Most of the time. I'm not saying all
the time. Most of the time, I got it. Ever
goes down, no, it's not going to go down. But
sometimes they just side with the insurance company and say, yeah, no,
they paid you the fair amount. But I would never
tell someone to go to appraisal unless I really thought
they had well.
Speaker 5 (08:00):
And I'll tell you what.
Speaker 4 (08:01):
They both pointed out something my contractor didn't see, nor
did Matt.
Speaker 5 (08:06):
It wasn't a big deal.
Speaker 4 (08:07):
But so there's damage on that top floor, our main floor,
at the door where the water came in right under there.
In our basement that's fully finished. We have another sliding
door that goes out to the hot tub and you
can see in the ceiling the water stains. So they
had the dry wall for the ceiling in there. But
then if you look going down the wall, both of
these guys it wasn't on the contractors thing, so they're
going to add it in. So they actually found stuff
to contractional damage. Yeah, which was cool, man. I don't
think you can beat it. Insurance is crazy. I know,
you know you guys you work with insurance companies every
day and you guys do great. But I'll tell you,
as from the consumer standpoint, thank god for Compass Insurance
because you guys help us out with this stuff too.
I mean, these guys sometimes want to put a.
Speaker 5 (08:55):
Wall up, and I get it.
Speaker 4 (08:56):
They probably had a million claims in Colorado this year.
They try to put the brakes on, they try to
handle the stuff that they do. But you know, outright
denying me at first was like crazy.
Speaker 8 (09:07):
Yeah, you and I talked. I mean, we fought that
tooth and nail to achieve and get the cover. So
I'm just glad it worked out how it did.
Speaker 4 (09:12):
It did it worked well? We'll find out ultimately how much.
But I really like the appraisal part.
Speaker 5 (09:17):
Hey Judy, what's going on with you?
Speaker 9 (09:19):
Okay, so this has been going on for three years.
I keep writing letters three years. What happened was I
got a supplement after I got Medicare, but a year
later because I couldn't afford it. So when I called
up Medicare, they said, well, we can hook you up
with Tetna and we have a live insurance person that
you can talk to. We'll switch over right now.
Speaker 5 (09:48):
Yeah, wait a minute, how do you know?
Speaker 4 (09:49):
The first question I have is when you say you
called up Medicare, I mean who did you call?
Speaker 9 (09:57):
The Medicare number on my card?
Speaker 4 (09:59):
I think number on your card would be more of
your provider. Are you sure you didn't just call up
like a provider, or you're saying right on your Medicare card,
there is a number four Medicare that okay.
Speaker 5 (10:12):
And they told you to call EDNA.
Speaker 9 (10:15):
Well, they said, well, you know, we've got an insurance
guy will hook you up. So they hooked me up
with a guy three years ago. And he says, EDNA
is one of the better ones out.
Speaker 5 (10:24):
There, okay.
Speaker 9 (10:26):
And then he said, you can't get EDNA or any
supplement without getting silver scripts.
Speaker 4 (10:35):
All right, hold on, I got I gotta take this break.
I promise I will come to you the second.
Speaker 5 (10:40):
We're off of it.
Speaker 4 (10:41):
But Kelly, I want to get John Jones on with
Integra as an expert because he knows more about Medicare
and insurance than any person I've ever met in my life.
Hold on, Judy, I promise we're going to help you out.
You just hang on real tight, Okay.
Speaker 10 (11:00):
Go with a sure thing Denver's best roofer Excel roofing
dot com.
Speaker 11 (11:04):
You don't pay a cent until you're content.
Speaker 10 (11:10):
Time for an insurance check up, free no obligation comparison
call Compass insurance paying too much your coverage at dozens
of insurance companies find out now three all three seven
to seven to one.
Speaker 5 (11:20):
Speaker 10 (11:20):
You'll think you're his only customer when you choose Frank
durand the real estate man dot com to list your
home with Remax Alliance three oh three nine two zero
sixteen twenty two.
Speaker 4 (11:30):
All right, three O three seven one three h QUO
five five.
Speaker 5 (11:39):
We've got a couple lines open. I'd love to hear
from you. Been ripped off taking advantage of just need
some advice on anything. That's what we do. We love
helping out, especially this time of year. I ended up.
I took a call. It was around this time of year,
four or five years ago. I'm gonna go right back
to Judy. I think we're getting John Jones on right now.
I see the line lit up. But we had a
lady call in. Brian Bryan Burns, Compass Insurance deputy bow
over there. We had this lady call in.
Speaker 4 (12:08):
I said, I was talking about I wanted to help
somebody out and maybe it would be a kid I'd
buy a toy for or whatever it happened to be.
Speaker 5 (12:17):
And I'm talking about it on the air with Suzanne.
She was in with me that day.
Speaker 4 (12:22):
This lady calls up and she's homeless, lives in Colorado Springs,
and you know what she wanted. She didn't want money,
didn't want cigarettes, didn't want booze, didn't want.
Speaker 5 (12:33):
Drugs like I do that anyhow. But what do you
think she wanted?
Speaker 4 (12:37):
What do you think a woman that lives down by
the water in Colorado Springs. I think it's second or
third eggs it going south and she literally lives down
by this creak or water in a tent.
Speaker 5 (12:51):
A sleeping bag. Nope, she had a sleeping bag. Socks
and it's winter, it's December. Socks.
Speaker 4 (12:57):
We did want some socks. Bow very good. What else
do homeless people or whatever? Home challenge people? What need
a new laptop?
Speaker 5 (13:08):
No, not any laptop, sir, check this out. You're ready
for this. Batteries.
Speaker 4 (13:14):
And on top of that, the number one thing she
wanted and we bought her probably a hundred of them.
Speaker 5 (13:18):
I never knew this. Candles, little cheap Walmart candles that
are bigger than this. You inside of a tent, long
as the wind isn't getting in, you can light one
of those candles and that will actually keep that tent
warm enough to where you don't freeze. Plus you had
a sleeping bag. Isn't that amazing? It's interesting.
Speaker 4 (13:40):
So I wanted to show, you know, I wanted my daughter,
who has grown up lucky. I wanted her, and she
was probably fourteen at a time, to drive down with me.
We are going to deliver this stuff. We get down there,
it's like a whole community. It's like a tent community
of people down there. It was a little it was
a little freaky. There was some shady looking characters, for sure.
So we met this lady, checked out her tent, gave
her the stuff, and as we're leaving, she goes, oh,
too bad, you can't meet the little girl. And I'm like,
remember we're down in this homeless encampment in Colorado Springs.
Speaker 5 (14:18):
I'm like, what are you talking about.
Speaker 4 (14:21):
She goes, oh, usually, and she points to the tent
over there, that guy. And there was a guy out
there right now, gruff looking dude. Usually he's got a
little girl with him. And I'm thinking, well, that's the
oddest damn thing I ever heard. I guess that's I
guess that's I'm not saying it's impossible, but it's pretty
strange to have a three or four year old, right,
I mean, this seems weird to me. Yeah, So I
call up the Colorado Springs Police and I just say, hey,
this happened.
Speaker 5 (14:49):
Maybe you guys should come down check it out.
Speaker 4 (14:52):
Oh and the woman didn't think it was his daughter,
thought it was maybe something else, not nothing ne farious
at the time. Thought it was something else, like something
happened to her mother and he's watching her for a
couple of weeks or whatever, something like that.
Speaker 5 (15:07):
So the police don't want to come down to doing anything.
I'm like, Wow, that's weird. Maybe I maybe I just
don't know enough about homeless. Maybe this is normal, you
know what I'm saying. But I still had an instinct
on it.
Speaker 4 (15:19):
So I call up KRDO, who's our affiliate down in
the Springs, and I said, hey, you guys got a
news crew. They have TV and radio. And I said,
there's something going on down here. I said, would you
guys check that out. I'm going to call the cops
one more time, but I'm going to threaten the cops that,
you know, I'll meet you down there. You guys, bring
a news crew down there and let's see what's going on.
Because this is weird.
Speaker 5 (15:43):
It might be nothing.
Speaker 4 (15:44):
So the cops after I kind of threatened him with that,
decide to go ahead and check it out. Okay, well
the girl was reported missing. Oh wow, I ended up
finding her. That guy shouldn't have had her. Once again,
I don't think there was anything, you know, sexually related.
I think it was like maybe a father that was
an alcoholic that had been kicked out of the house
had snagged the kid. But the kid was down there,
probably was down there two to four weeks reported.
Speaker 5 (16:13):
Missing the whole thing. Man, And so they got the
girl back. Yep, they found a girl.
Speaker 4 (16:18):
He actually brought that girl to somewhere to like I
don't remember, it's like four or five years ago, but
the bottom line was she was kidnapped. I don't think
it was like a sexual predator type thing, but it
was a bum that shouldn't have had the kid.
Speaker 5 (16:34):
No matter how you look at it. Yeah, I'm the same.
Speaker 4 (16:36):
I'm gonna tell one more than I promise I'll get
back to Judy. I really am trying to get John
Jones up. Is why I'm filling time. But I'll tell
you another one. Colorado Springs Police. Second time, I had
to threaten him with TV cameras. We had a caller,
come in. Tom and I I was sit in there.
Speaker 5 (16:51):
Tom's here says my son, My son will not leave
my house. The son's like forty years years old. We're like,
what are you talking about?
Speaker 4 (17:02):
And he just spit in my face and is threatening
me to throw me down the stairs. Tom and I
are sitting here like, oh my god, you gotta be
kidding me. You've got to be kidding me. I literally
got up and hauled ass down to Colorado Springs. I
go down to Colorado Springs to this lady's house. Sure enough,
there's a thirty five between thirty five and forty five
year old guy living upstairs in the house. That turns
out was his son. He absolutely wouldn't come out of
the room when I was there, and he was growing
dope everywhere in the house.
Speaker 5 (17:34):
He had more plants. What are you allowed even back then,
I don't know what you were allowed?
Speaker 4 (17:38):
Three six The entire top floor was basically dope. He
threatened his mother in so many different ways, it's crazy.
I called the cops up. I said, this is elder abuse.
This lady's like seventy five years old. I don't care
if it's her son or not.
Speaker 5 (17:53):
Speaker 4 (17:54):
She's calling a radio station for help because she said
she called.
Speaker 5 (17:58):
You guys, and you wouldn't do anything.
Speaker 4 (18:00):
He's spitting her face, he's threatening the thrower down the stairs.
Speaker 5 (18:03):
They didn't want to get involved.
Speaker 4 (18:05):
I call up krd O once again, said hey, get
your cameras out here, right now, to this lady's house.
This will be the best story you've had on two fashions.
One how your cops do nothing for a seventy five
year old lady getting abused, and two when you see
all this dope and stuff, it's incredible. Called the cops back,
told them, hey, come on down, we're gonna have KRDO
down there. Guess who showed up. In about five minutes,
Colorado Springs Police hooked them, cuffed them, tucked them into
the car, took the kid away, never to be seen again.
Speaker 8 (18:38):
It's just it's annoying you have to get to that
point where you're having to bring a TV camera for
them to respond though.
Speaker 4 (18:44):
Day you know, I hope they're better now. Right right
back then, and we're only going back. I say back
then it's pre COVID, so I mean it is five six,
seven years but it was crazy. John Jones, Hey John,
John Jones Junior in his file and mother run in
Tiger Insurance. I've used these guys for every when it
comes to health insurance. Hey, John, I've got to ask
you something, man. I want you to listen in with Judy,
who I'm bringing up right now. So Judy basically called
up what I'm assuming is a one eight hundred Medicare
number on the back of her card.
Speaker 5 (19:17):
They she was talking.
Speaker 4 (19:19):
To him, and then Judy, they said, Hey, we're going
to put you with someone with ETNA.
Speaker 5 (19:23):
Is that correct? So far?
Speaker 9 (19:26):
Well, they said a licensed insured guy.
Speaker 5 (19:28):
I can't hear you, Judy, you got to speak up
or licensed insured Shannon. That's not me, right, you just
simply can't hear her either.
Speaker 12 (19:38):
I can hear okay, license insured agent, yes, a license
insurance age, license insurance agent.
Speaker 13 (19:43):
Speaker 5 (19:44):
I got no caller, guys. Can you guys hear me?
I have no caller.
Speaker 9 (19:50):
I can hear him.
Speaker 2 (19:52):
I can hear.
Speaker 8 (19:53):
Let's do this.
Speaker 5 (19:53):
Let's break literally, I can't hear a damn thing.
Speaker 9 (19:56):
Speaker 10 (19:56):
I'll go with a sure thing Denver's best roofer Excel
roofing dot com.
Speaker 11 (20:04):
You don't pay a cent until you're contenth.
Speaker 10 (20:10):
Time for an insurance checkup free, no obligation. In comparison,
call Compass Insurance paying too much your coverage at dozens
of insurance companies find out now three all three seven
to seven to one help. You'll think you're his only
customer when you choose Frank durand the real estate man
dot com to list your home with Remax Alliance three
all three nine two zero sixteen twenty two.
Speaker 5 (20:32):
All right, folks, I got everything fixed here.
Speaker 4 (20:34):
It turns out Deputy Bow reached around, turned my headphone
volume down and really put the screws to me. But
being the professional talk show host I am, I have
recovered and we are back on track. I do want
to go to johns Jones. Hey, John, Unfortunately she had
the run. We're gonna get her back on. We'll probably
call you back around the one o'clock hour. But a
couple questions. I didn't realize this. If you call up
to one eight hundred medicare well, they actually tell you,
they'll ask you what state and then suggest a provider.
Speaker 5 (21:05):
Is that correct?
Speaker 13 (21:07):
They can?
Speaker 5 (21:08):
I didn't know they did that. I thought they were
like a total third party.
Speaker 13 (21:11):
And they can.
Speaker 12 (21:12):
They can they can connect you with a licensed agent.
Speaker 13 (21:16):
Okay, so here's what we.
Speaker 4 (21:18):
Know about her call. So I'll just run this by
you real quick. She called up. They put her through
to a license provider. It was ATNA. ETNA sells her whatever,
puts her in whatever plan. And now she's claiming that
they've been overcharging her for three years. I don't know
what that means. What what is your guess on what.
Speaker 5 (21:41):
Is she saying O her?
Speaker 4 (21:44):
That's why I saw, Yeah, we're just gonna have to
We're gonna have to find more about that.
Speaker 13 (21:50):
It could be Medicare.
Speaker 12 (21:51):
I mean she could be being IRMA the income related
Medicare monthly adjustment or monthly adjustment amount, and so that's
on top of it.
Speaker 13 (21:57):
I mean, that could be what the issue is. I
don't know.
Speaker 5 (22:00):
All right, We're going to.
Speaker 4 (22:01):
Find out later in the show with her. Let me
ask you this though, man. People, Right now we're sitting
at early December, we have the exchanges open, Medicare closes.
When the seventh, When when does Medicare open enrollment stop for.
Speaker 12 (22:14):
Medicare advantage plans and Medicare prescription drug plans. It's this Saturday,
December seventh.
Speaker 5 (22:20):
Oh my God, that's quick. People need to call like today.
Speaker 12 (22:24):
Well, right now, there's the there's still the opening. So
for people who are on Medicare advantage plans yep, from
from January first to March thirty first, they are still
allowed to change their plan. So if they end up
getting into a plan they're not happy with, or they
were sold something their doctors aren't covered by, you know,
things like that, they still have that three month window
January one to March thirty first to change their Medicare
advantage plan.
Speaker 4 (22:51):
Hey, when you call these eight hundred numbers this time
of year, they're everywhere on TV, especially on the news
stations like you know, Fox News, CNN.
Speaker 5 (23:00):
They're just everywhere. Call now, blah blah blah.
Speaker 4 (23:02):
The incentive there is really those guys want to sell
the products, and do you know it's your industry. Tell
me how it works. I'm trying to have you pull
your dress up. I mean, really, some products make people
more money. Now, guys like you probably pay the same
amount to everybody. It doesn't matter what you sell. You
guys always look for the best for the customer. But
some of these people you see on TV, would you
agree they only have one thing they're trying to do
get the biggest commission possible.
Speaker 12 (23:31):
Well, no, I mean the commissions are the commissions. But yeah,
you might get and you might get in contact with
someone who represents one product.
Speaker 5 (23:38):
Yeah what instead of all the products.
Speaker 12 (23:40):
One carrier and versus multiple medicare advantage playing companies and
carriers like we do as an independent.
Speaker 5 (23:49):
Agency, and you know the inside and out of all
of them.
Speaker 4 (23:51):
Then you question the people what they need, what are
they doing? Some people might want the silver sneakers, some
might not, and you come up with the right plan
for them.
Speaker 12 (24:02):
Sure that the needs analysis, and we certainly do that
with every single every single client we connect.
Speaker 13 (24:08):
With and speak to.
Speaker 4 (24:08):
Now, what has changed real quick? Then I got to
hop back to these other calls. But what has changed
and say the last year that is substantial? For example,
I heard one commercial saying there's some plans out there
now that give you cash each month on a debit
card that you can spend on groceries. Is that new
or that's something that's been around for a while. I
just never heard of.
Speaker 12 (24:32):
No, you have to qualify that that is based on income.
You have to qualify if your low income may be
dual eligible.
Speaker 13 (24:38):
On Medicaid and Medicare.
Speaker 5 (24:40):
But you dig into all that stuff.
Speaker 4 (24:41):
I mean, there might be people out there that didn't
qualify years ago, but now they would qualify for.
Speaker 13 (24:46):
That sure potentially.
Speaker 5 (24:49):
Okay, all right man, Well one of the.
Speaker 12 (24:52):
Big changes, one of the big changes of the prescription.
Speaker 5 (24:55):
Drug what is what's the change?
Speaker 12 (24:57):
Well, the catastrophic coverage limit was eight dollars. Now it's
down to two thousand dollars for twenty twenty five. So
you know, if you're on really expensive prescription drugs, you're
you're out of pocket significantly lower.
Speaker 13 (25:10):
Now potentially deductibles are going up.
Speaker 12 (25:14):
When a lot of these prescription drug plans, the coverage
gap or donut hole has been eliminated for twenty twenty
five or moving forward. So there's some there's certainly some changes.
And recommend if you, if you're on a Medicare supplement
with a prescription drug plan, that you review your prescription
drug plan through Medicare dot Go and just make sure
they have a handy tool, a great tool that you
can just check your drugs online. Good, make sure you're
on the right prescription drug plan.
Speaker 4 (25:38):
And listen, anybody out there, I don't care if you're
on the open Exchange Obamacare. I don't care if you
own a company and you've got fifty plus employees.
Speaker 5 (25:46):
I don't care if you're on Medicare. In fact, I'll
even throw this out.
Speaker 4 (25:49):
I'm not sure I know John Jones Senior knows more
about Medicaid than anybody I ever met.
Speaker 5 (25:55):
I mean, these guys just know insurance. I promise you.
I promise you.
Speaker 4 (26:00):
If you have not checked your coverage in a while,
things have changed, not just the Medicare and the supplements
and the advantage plans, but outside of that, everything is changed.
On connect for Colorado, you might be able to get
way better coverage now for less money. But you're not
going to know unless you call these guys. Please give
these guys a call. Integrainsurance dot com. I've personally been
using them for I don't know, ten or fifteen years.
I don't just talk about them like this. There are
experts on the show, Suzanne and I personally use them
three oh three four six six fifty five hundred for
the sake of your wallet, for the sake of your family,
and coverage for the sake of you and your spouse.
Give them a call. They're not going to sell you anything.
They're not going to put you into a plan that's
not perfect for you. I promise three oh three four six,
six fifty five hundred. Now this one, Aaron, What is
going on with your support animal?
Speaker 5 (26:58):
Aaron? Yes, sir, what is going on?
Speaker 14 (27:05):
Sir? Thanks for having me on today. I just graduated
Adam Niversity, moved to Gilpin County and.
Speaker 4 (27:12):
Hey, your phone's cutting in and out, and this time
I know it's not me. Can you get just quit
moving or get off Bluetooth?
Speaker 15 (27:19):
How was that, sir?
Speaker 13 (27:20):
Speaker 5 (27:21):
Better? Go ahead?
Speaker 14 (27:22):
Well, and I moved up to Gilben County and been
living on a little one acre I bought and we
were dealing with bears all fall. And my dog was
last seeing chase. He's the ESA. I'm a veteran and
my dog was lasting chasing a four hundred pounds bear.
Your dog can come back.
Speaker 5 (27:44):
It was Wait a second, Wait a second.
Speaker 4 (27:46):
The last time you saw your dog was when it
was chasing a four hundred pound plus bear. Yes, sir,
Oh my god, hold on, when did this happen? And
this is up by what? Up by the casinos? I mean,
I don't even know. I' Gilpen is but in.
Speaker 5 (28:01):
That area, Yes, sir, Central City. Oh my god, that's crazy.
Speaker 10 (28:07):
Hold on, go with a sure thing Denver's best roofer
Excel Roofing dot com. You don't pay a cent until
you're content. Time for an insurance check up free, no obligation.
In comparison, call Compass Insurance paying too much your coverage
at dozens of insurance companies find out now three oh three,
seven to seven to one.
Speaker 5 (28:32):
Speaker 10 (28:33):
You'll think you're his only customer when you choose Frank
durand the real estate Man dot com to list your
home with Remax Alliance three oh three nine two zero
sixteen twenty two.
Speaker 4 (28:44):
All right, three oh three seven one three eight two
five five three oh three Martino, we got one line open.
By the way, Mike's got a problem. Uh, he wants
to sue Google. Daisy has got a big issue. In fact,
we'll get one of our personal injury attorneys up. But
it's a slip and fall at an this time of year.
That stuff happens all the time. But right now we're
dealing with Aaron. This poor guy, his dog up in
Gilpen County took off after a four hundred pound bear,
and I assume Aaron, you haven't seen your dog since.
Speaker 15 (29:17):
All sure, I haven't.
Speaker 4 (29:19):
How can we help you, I mean, honestly, we can
put the word out if you're up around Blackhawk.
Speaker 5 (29:24):
What kind of dog is it? Man?
Speaker 14 (29:27):
Oh, he's a twelve year old white and black stab
at the terrier like a minipib.
Speaker 1 (29:32):
Speaker 5 (29:33):
If you send us this is a crazy.
Speaker 16 (29:35):
Part, Go ahead, I can give you the crazy part now.
Speaker 5 (29:37):
Speaker 14 (29:37):
Hey, I hadn't he was He was missing on the
seventeenth of October. I wasn't informed until election day that
he had been recovered.
Speaker 5 (29:47):
I was ecstatic.
Speaker 14 (29:49):
He's my esa emotional support. And to be charged with
animal cruelty and dog at large, Oh my god.
Speaker 4 (29:56):
You you just threw You just threw down an entire
Thanksgiving dinner to sort through. I thought you were looking
for a dog. So here's where we're at at this point.
So they found your dog and then they come after
you for animal abuse? Is that correct? And what was
the animal abuse?
Speaker 14 (30:17):
They haven't told me and I haven't seen it.
Speaker 1 (30:20):
You got it.
Speaker 4 (30:20):
You gotta shed some light, Aron Aaron, I swear to God. Look, man,
I understand it's an allegation. I'm not saying you did it.
What I'm looking for is what are they saying you did?
What is their side of the story right now?
Speaker 14 (30:36):
He said he was emaciated and he was bleeding, but
no visible injury. So pause, lot of confusion. And then
I reached out to the animal shelters and they clacked,
and they said that they were instructed by deputy not
to call me back and it would be sixty days
before I go before an arrangement.
Speaker 5 (30:52):
Where did they pick up the dog.
Speaker 14 (30:55):
At the Red Dolly Casino parking lot? He was by
the trash cans.
Speaker 4 (30:59):
Are they basically are they asserting that you basically beat
the crap out of the dog and then the dog
kind of ran away from home and the bear story
is just a cover?
Speaker 5 (31:10):
Are they kind of assuming that.
Speaker 14 (31:15):
That or I sicked them on the bear or you told.
Speaker 5 (31:19):
Him to attack a bear? How long have you had
this dog?
Speaker 14 (31:24):
Since he was two weeks old and his eyes were
still closed and I found him. I went to school
him every day for four years at Adam State.
Speaker 4 (31:33):
Hey, Kelly is Chopper? Do you guys know if Chopper's
on YouTube today?
Speaker 5 (31:37):
I can't. I haven't been on Does anybody's on YouTube? Hey? Chopper?
Speaker 4 (31:42):
Chopper is a he was a deputy, he was a
helicopter pilot for I think Denver County. But anyhow, I
would love for Chopper to see if he can't use
some of the resources he has made over the years
and get the other side to this story.
Speaker 5 (31:56):
Aaron. The best I can tell you right now.
Speaker 4 (31:59):
Is we can try to reach out, get a little
more information, try to understand a little more about the
charges you face. But I'll tell you this, you probably
should get an attorney.
Speaker 14 (32:10):
I've been working on that, trying to get some pro
bono maybe the defenders. Like I said, I haven't seen
the judge. It'd be sixty days before I even see
anybody regarding news.
Speaker 4 (32:20):
And what are the charges? What are the exact charges?
Speaker 14 (32:25):
A year in jail for the animal.
Speaker 4 (32:27):
Now that that's not what the that's not what the
charge would be. What is the actual charge?
Speaker 15 (32:33):
Animal cruelty and dog at large?
Speaker 4 (32:35):
Okay, I get the dog at large if it was
at large, but that doesn't carry jail time unless the
dog like has done it ten times before.
Speaker 5 (32:42):
Has the dog been in trouble before? Have you been
in trouble with the law up there?
Speaker 14 (32:48):
I have not not up here, haven't been I stay
out of the casinos.
Speaker 5 (32:51):
Well you said not up there? How about in Colorado
in general?
Speaker 14 (32:55):
When I got out of the army at three, I
did get in some trouble.
Speaker 13 (32:59):
Okay some time.
Speaker 5 (33:00):
Did they have anything to do with animal abuse?
Speaker 15 (33:04):
Speaker 13 (33:04):
Speaker 4 (33:05):
All right, Hey, Chopper out there. I'd love to turn
this over to Chopper. Let's just see if he can
reach out get the other side. I mean, if you
don't have money to hire an attorney and you don't
make any money, I don't think I think one will
be appointed to you.
Speaker 5 (33:19):
Do you do you think.
Speaker 4 (33:20):
That's not going to happen if you're facing jail time.
I'm pretty sure that's the case.
Speaker 14 (33:27):
Yes, sir, I've applied. Okay, they haven't got back to yet.
I'm gonna been today.
Speaker 5 (33:31):
Well yeah, if you don't make any money, what do
you do for a living? If anything? Or you don't work?
Speaker 14 (33:36):
Hey, recent graduate, I've been hunting by fly commercial drone
and been a couple of television.
Speaker 4 (33:43):
Where do you live up there? Do you live in
an apartment? I mean there's not many places up in
Gilpen to live. Where do you live?
Speaker 15 (33:50):
I live on a one acre lot above the Hunter Baits.
Speaker 5 (33:55):
I guess what I'm asking, is here are you in
a tent, a trailer, a house?
Speaker 14 (34:01):
Rb R.
Speaker 4 (34:03):
Okay, this this picture's come together. You should be able
to get a free attorney. I mean, I don't see
that not happening. We're gonna put Deputy Chopper. I'm gonna
put you on a whole brother. Let's just make sure
we get his info. Get it over to Chopper. Chopper,
see if you can get with Gilpen County. Use your
detective work, figure out what's going on. And no offense
to Aaron. But I think there's a whole other side
of this story. We're not here, and I mean something.
I mean maybe someone saw him literally tell the dog
to go attack the bear, which would be in human
quite frankly. And then the other thing, well, I don't
even want to make assumptions.
Speaker 5 (34:41):
I just don't.
Speaker 4 (34:42):
Right now, here's what we're gonna do. We got a
ton coming up next hour. We have a slip and
fall to Conda. We have an issue with pannasy A.
Life Science is a company that pre COVID. We actually
used to talk about advice on sueing Google.
Speaker 5 (34:58):
Speaker 4 (34:58):
We've got a lot going on in the Trump Shooter
Show today. Three oh three Martino, don't forget that number
works on and off the air and help at Troubleshooter
dot com.
Speaker 10 (35:15):
Go with a sure thing Denver's best roofer Excel Roofing
dot com.
Speaker 11 (35:19):
You don't pay a cent until you're content.
Speaker 10 (35:23):
Please time for an insurance check up free, no obligation
comparison call Compass Insurance paying too much your coverage at
dozens of insurance companies find out now three oh three,
seven to seven to one help. You'll think you're his
only customer when you choose Frank durand the real estate
Man dot com to list your home with Remax Alliance
three oh three nine two zero sixteen twenty.
Speaker 1 (35:45):
Two ript So you don't have.
Speaker 11 (36:00):
This is good.
Speaker 1 (36:02):
The Shoot's gonna help.
Speaker 17 (36:03):
Come man, this.
Speaker 3 (36:06):
Is the Troubleshooter Show Now, Tom Martino, welcome, my.
Speaker 5 (36:11):
Friend's welcome to the Only Show.
Speaker 4 (36:12):
If it's kind, you're here to solve problems, answer questions,
try to make your life just a little bit better.
But I'll tell you this. If we don't agree with you,
we'll be the first to tell you. But if you
have been ripped off, you got a problem with a
contractor maybe a problem with a landlord, a problem with
anybody in your life, we get directly involved. The phone
number is easy. I'll always let you know when a
line is open. But three to zero three Martino, simple
as that, three zero three Martino. We're gonna try to
dig into that dog story off air. Deputy Chopper was listening.
He's on it. If we get an update on that
in the next couple hours, we're gonna try to figure
out what charges this guy's going to be facing when
he's in front of the judge, and what the police
think happened. It's very interesting. They think he either sicked
his route or I'm sorry, it was a pitbull after
a bear, you know, just being a jerk, or beat
the hell out of the dog and the dog ran away.
But either way, he's up against the animal abuse and
other things up in Gilpen County. Now, let's see who
was next year. Mike has been waiting the longest. Mike,
what is going on with you and Google? Why do
you want to sue Google?
Speaker 18 (37:25):
Good morning, Good morning, Mark. So I have I have
two issues. The first one is the use of Google
Boys and all these solicitors able to acquire a number
that I can't. I mean, I have a thousand deleted
numbers in my phone, and it just is getting worse
by the day.
Speaker 19 (37:46):
It's the same.
Speaker 18 (37:47):
It's not everybody's the same, but what I'm saying is
a lot of them are the same, and they just
change their Google number and it's just over and over.
Speaker 13 (37:56):
It's it's texts and calls and.
Speaker 18 (38:00):
If somebody doesn't do something about it before you know,
I mean, my phone is gonna be all consuming by solicitation.
And that's not what I'm paying my phone service for.
The Other issue I have is I'm a business here
locally in Denver, and I've been to I've had a
it's not a PO box, it's a UPS store box
for my business address, because I'm a service based industry
and I don't want to use my home address and
where I keep my equipment, I don't want to use
that storage yard address. So long story short, Since twenty.
Speaker 15 (38:32):
Ten, I've had the same.
Speaker 5 (38:35):
Nail box.
Speaker 18 (38:36):
Yeah yeah, and I've verified it with Google over the years,
and they keep tearing it down my Google my business
page keeps getting pulled by Google. But yet I continue
using Google AdWords and it's okay.
Speaker 2 (38:54):
Does that make sense to what I'm saying?
Speaker 4 (38:56):
Like like, I mean, I'm not sure what to tell you.
First of all, Google's pretty much of free service. I
realize AdWords, of course isn't. So I'm not even sure
what you would sue them for. As far as all
the fake phone calls and the Google numbers that come through,
that's not Google, they provide that service. You might be
able to make this stretch that because they provide free
Google numbers to people with very little authentication, that you
could go after them. But my god, man, I mean
you're talking you're going up against what like a one.
Speaker 5 (39:28):
Hundred billion dollar company. I mean, you better have some
deep pockets. Bro.
Speaker 4 (39:32):
You're not going to find an attorney to touch it
without doing that. If anything, this is more like Congress
in the Justice Department style stuff in order to change
stuff like that. I don't think you're going to hire
an attorney to do any of that.
Speaker 18 (39:45):
Man, Why would it fall under a class action? I mean,
I'm not the only victim here.
Speaker 4 (39:52):
Well, I think, first of all, I think when you
sign up for the Google stuff or claim your business
on Google, I mean you're basically saying I agree this
is all free, and I'm not going to assume you
I mean, read the four hundred and seventy five thousand
page doctrine that you agree to. I'm sure they covered
their ass against what you're saying, that's my point.
Speaker 18 (40:15):
Yeah, but they they verify it, so that means that
they make a valid right. Yeah, and I have verified
it many times. Yeah, I'm not getting notice of them
taking it down.
Speaker 13 (40:28):
Is one of the biggest problems.
Speaker 5 (40:29):
Well, I get what you're saying, Mike. I get what
you're saying.
Speaker 4 (40:33):
But what I don't get here, I'm gonna ask Brian Burns,
how long have you owned Compass Insurance?
Speaker 5 (40:37):
Brian twenty two years?
Speaker 4 (40:39):
Has anybody ever stolen your Google page? In other words,
you type in Compass, it comes up with your reviews,
your address, your phone number. Has anybody ever taken that over?
Speaker 13 (40:49):
Speaker 4 (40:50):
I just don't know, Mike, of anybody that has been
taken over multiple times, like you're saying.
Speaker 18 (40:55):
I didn't, Mark, I didn't say that it was taken over.
Speaker 5 (40:58):
I'm telling you.
Speaker 18 (40:59):
That Google Business, Google itself is taking down my business listing.
Speaker 4 (41:06):
I've never That's what I'm telling you, though, Mike, I've
never heard of that.
Speaker 5 (41:09):
I don't know why they would do that.
Speaker 4 (41:11):
A lot of people use ad words and then don't
use them for a year or two, and they're they're
listing never goes down.
Speaker 15 (41:20):
I understand that.
Speaker 1 (41:21):
Boy, Why do.
Speaker 5 (41:21):
You think it's yours? Why do you think Google?
Speaker 18 (41:23):
The reason our calling is?
Speaker 5 (41:25):
Can you point me in.
Speaker 18 (41:26):
The direction of a referral for an attorney? Yes, I
can look at my legal options.
Speaker 4 (41:30):
Well, yes we can. We absolutely can. I will get
you that number. In fact, I might even be able
to get him on the air. Hold on a second,
I might even be able to get him on the air.
And then he I bet he agrees with me that
you're insane. But you know what, I could be wrong,
But we're going to look into that. And when I
say you're insane, Mike, I don't mean you're literally insane.
I'm saying the dollars it would take to even go
by the time you got to Discovery with Google, you'd
be four million dollars. But I do want to see
if we can get an attorney, And I, honest to God,
do want to see it now. Daisy, you're up next.
She had a problem in a condo. Hey, Daisy, are
you the one that fell?
Speaker 11 (42:14):
Speaker 5 (42:14):
What happened? Kind of paint a picture of what happened
the day when you fell.
Speaker 20 (42:20):
Okay, So I was just you know, walking down my
staircase to you know, take the trash out, and as
soon as I kind of stepped down the stairs, I
slipped on ice and I kind of fell all the
way down down the stairs, and so then I walked weekend.
It was a holiday weekend, so I kind of just
laid down all weekend.
Speaker 4 (42:47):
How are you doing now? I mean, is there any
permanent damage, any broken bones? Did you lose any time
at work?
Speaker 3 (42:54):
Speaker 20 (42:55):
Luckily I didn't have any broken bones, which I'm thankful for.
Speaker 5 (42:58):
Okay, how did not been a.
Speaker 20 (43:00):
Long weekend on a holiday weekend? Yes, I would have
lost out on work because I was not feeling well.
Speaker 4 (43:06):
You would have lost it a lot, but you didn't
lose it. Correct, You didn't lose any time at work?
Is that correct, Daisy? I think maybe she knew where
I was going.
Speaker 5 (43:25):
I don't think she liked that. Did you hear what
she said?
Speaker 15 (43:27):
Speaker 4 (43:28):
People say this all the time, Brian Bo, You hear
it all the time. I would have lost work, or
my favorite, I could have died. Well, yeah, you could
have died, but you're talking to me. You didn't die.
You can't basically get damages for something that might have happened.
So in your case, and I wouldn't mind getting John
Fuller in to talk about it, that could be her
back up. Tell me if that's her real quick, Kelly,
and I'll bring her back up. It sounded almost like
she was switching over to bluetooth. But a lot of
people think you can get damages based on something that
might have happened.
Speaker 5 (44:02):
There could be trauma there.
Speaker 4 (44:03):
I mean, really, if you think you're gonna die, that
can change your mental outlook for a long time. You
might actually have some kind of damages based on anguish
for that matter.
Speaker 5 (44:13):
But is that her? I can't quite tell that is her. Hey, hey,
so keep going, keep going?
Speaker 20 (44:22):
So yeah, so I and the reason why so?
Speaker 5 (44:25):
Speaker 20 (44:26):
So I was just you know, I went to throw
my truck out and then I came back up and
I just you know, I was just pretty much couldn't
do anything. And then I just laid down On weekend.
I didn't feel like I broke anything because I was
asking people. I told me, you know, to call my
mom and call everyone, and they like, well, if you
broke something, you would know, Well.
Speaker 4 (44:41):
What is what is your question for me? Let me
ask you that, and then I'm going to digest it
over or break and figure out where we're going to
go with your call.
Speaker 20 (44:49):
Yes, I guess my question was like, do I have
grounds to like do something or get like, you know,
like contact Well, because I contacted my HOA, Yeah, you know,
and you know they did send over an email in
writing that says that you know they are responsible for
the snow removal.
Speaker 5 (45:06):
Sure, but well I got it. I got it. That's
a good question.
Speaker 4 (45:10):
You want to know if you should get something, I
get you one hundred percent. Hold on, I promise I'll
come to you back after the break. Roger has got
a problem with Panacea, we got a problem with the
water bill, and then Mike was suing Google. We're going
to try to get an attorney on Kelly. Remind me
during the break to give you the guy's number. He's
not on a referral list. He's very specialized and this
is basically what he does. But I think he's going
to think. Mike is not going to do it. It's
just too much money. Everybody will type.
Speaker 10 (45:45):
Go with a sure thing. Denver's Best Roofer Excel roofing
dot com. You don't pay a cent until you're content.
Time for an insurance check up free, no obligation. In comparison,
call Compass Insurance paying too much much your coverage at
dozens of insurance companies find out now three all three
seven to seven to one.
Speaker 5 (46:04):
Speaker 10 (46:05):
You'll think you're his only customer when you choose Frank
durand the real estate Man dot com to list your
home with Remax Alliance three all three nine two zero
sixteen twenty two.
Speaker 4 (46:16):
All right, three oh three seven one three eight two
five five. We're gonna have one line open in a second.
We're gonna line that attorney up for the guy that
wants to sue Google. But it's gonna take a little
bit to guys in court. Right now, we're gonna call
him back as well as the attorney and hopefully.
Speaker 5 (46:31):
Do that next hour.
Speaker 4 (46:32):
There's a lot of people that get upset with these
magnificently large companies. I mean, Google is basically its own thing.
I mean, really, it created a verb. How many how
many places do that? It's crazy Outside of them, it
would be like going after Tesla for something. I mean,
you better have the money, you better have the bucks
as simple as that. But maybe this guy has dealt
with something that's already happened. I used them for a
patent in federal court for a patent dispute years ago,
and he does.
Speaker 5 (47:01):
A lot of stuff like this.
Speaker 4 (47:02):
But I'm telling you right now, the money I spent
on that lawsuit going after someone that was using my
intellectual property before we even before before discovery, right up
to the point where we had probably ten depositions, ten depositions,
we were already a two hundred thousand dollars.
Speaker 5 (47:25):
Gosh, well a two hundred thousands.
Speaker 6 (47:28):
Were you successful?
Speaker 1 (47:29):
Speaker 6 (47:31):
Speaker 5 (47:32):
Well, and I don't even if I do it again,
would you do it again?
Speaker 4 (47:35):
Because once again, just like just like and we're trying
to get John Fuller on for Daisy. Just like Daisy,
you have to prove damages at some point just because
I use something of yours, you might get slapped with
some fines and stuff.
Speaker 5 (47:49):
That's a different story.
Speaker 4 (47:50):
But if I if I steal compasses logo, and let's
say you actually had a patent on a patent, a
trademark on it, and I used it on my website,
but I didn't sell insurance and I didn't benefit from
using it. I didn't make any money. There's nothing I
can go after. Then I would have to show that
how I was harmed by it. What you sue me,
That's exactly what I's That's where I got trapped.
Speaker 5 (48:17):
Yeah, and I could show it.
Speaker 4 (48:18):
But when we got to the point where the amount
I could show started exceeding the amount I was paying
the attorney for, that's where you go, holy crap, this
is just crazy.
Speaker 5 (48:30):
It's futile. There's nothing you could do.
Speaker 8 (48:32):
And I didn't fully even understand what the problem was
or what he was alleging, like what he was able
to show us.
Speaker 4 (48:39):
Well, he's saying, he's saying this. I know what Mike
was saying. He's saying, Hey, just like I was asking. Now,
you google right now, Compass Insurance. Anybody out there in
front of a computer on a phone google it. You'll
see his Google page. It allows his Google reviews, has
your phone number, has your business hours, has all that,
and it's you Compass Insurance. So he's saying that when
he stopped doings, they took it down.
Speaker 5 (49:02):
So when you google his business you never see that anymore.
Speaker 4 (49:05):
But then he'll complain and they might put it back up,
or if he buys.
Speaker 5 (49:08):
AdWords again, they might put it back up.
Speaker 4 (49:10):
Okay, but I've never heard of that before. I'm not
saying it never happened. I'm not calling the guy a
nut well a little bit. But and I say that
for spending the kind of money I think he's going
to have to spend. But we're going to get into
turn of market.
Speaker 7 (49:23):
Could it be as something as simple as that he's
not paying the fee like some advertising fud don't.
Speaker 4 (49:29):
Get No, it doesn't work like that on the Google part,
not what he's talking about. Okay, So if you just
start a business, you know once it's basically in the
Colorado Secretary of State, I'm not sure what triggers the
Google movement.
Speaker 5 (49:41):
I don't know. In fact, it's almost probably the opposite.
Speaker 4 (49:44):
It's probably the Google moment triggers everything else at this point.
Speaker 5 (49:49):
But no, it's got no few to do it cost.
It just pops up.
Speaker 4 (49:53):
In fact, a lot of times you'll search for say
a small plumber, you know, Fred's Fred and Dick's Plumbing.
Speaker 5 (50:00):
Search for it and it'll have that little Google.
Speaker 4 (50:02):
Thing because it's a real business, and there'll be a
little thing that says claim this business because they don't
even know who it is.
Speaker 5 (50:08):
They know it's a business, they know.
Speaker 4 (50:10):
It's out there, probably because it's registered with the state
or I'm not sure where they get their information.
Speaker 8 (50:16):
But you have to specifically type it in. If you're
just putting plumbing, you're never going to get to.
Speaker 5 (50:20):
Fred to right.
Speaker 4 (50:22):
That's where AdWords comes from. So how AdWords works. I
own a plumbing company, Fred Indick's Plumbing company, and when
people google cheap Plumber's Denver, I want my ad to show.
Speaker 11 (50:36):
Speaker 4 (50:36):
So but I say, okay, if someone puts in plumber
Denver or Denver cheap plumber, you pick the words whatever
the AdWords are. What happens is it's basically an auction.
I say I will pay up to ten dollars for
to be the number one or number two or number
three to come up when people google that, and you
pay for that. But if another company says I'll give
twenty dollars for that, they're always going to be first.
And then another company that gives one hundred dollars for that.
That's how AdWords work. But what AdWords are on Google
for people that it's probably over some people's hands. When
you first Google something like Denver Plumber. You're going to
see paid ads. Those are the AdWords we're talking about.
Then you'll see actual native results under that.
Speaker 8 (51:23):
Usually on the second third page is when you finally
get to those though.
Speaker 5 (51:27):
I mean it is, yeah, that's worthless on the third page, right, yeah,
but that's why you've bet a lot of money. I mean,
you were in the plumbing business.
Speaker 6 (51:35):
I mean, think about it's going to pay a fee
to be on it.
Speaker 4 (51:37):
What do you think what do you think your average
customer acquisition was back then? Think about it, I don't
care what. Let's say you're a new car dealer. Let's
say you are a BMW dealer.
Speaker 5 (51:49):
What is your.
Speaker 4 (51:50):
Average cost to get a customer in the door? I
would guess in a case like a BMW, it could
be upwards of three to.
Speaker 5 (51:56):
Four hundred dollars. And I'm just just right off the
top of my head.
Speaker 4 (51:59):
So if you can go in and buy BMW a
Denver on Google for two hundred dollars and you might
acquire that customer, and then depending on what your profit
margin is on the whole thing, that's where you determine it.
So a plumber that or let's say a furnace guy
this time of year, their average ticket. I BET's what
I mean. I bet if it's a repair, it's a
couple thousand. I bet if it's a replacement, it's fifteen thousand.
I mean these numbers sound right. Yeah, So what are
you willing to pay?
Speaker 5 (52:28):
I mean, like, what do you pay? Fifty bucks? You
pay two hundred? Maybe you do. I mean it all
comes down.
Speaker 7 (52:34):
To it per customer, per customer, And we started doing
we were old school back when we had the Yellow Pages.
We figured it was four hundred and twenty seven dollars
to acquire a customer twenty years ago.
Speaker 4 (52:44):
Yeah, well you still hadn't it. Yeah, I know, I
know exactly what you're saying. Okay, spread it out, Okay, Marissa,
what is going on with this water bill? By the way,
one line open, three oh three seven one three eight
two five five, Marissa?
Speaker 5 (52:57):
What's up?
Speaker 16 (53:00):
Speaker 21 (53:00):
My name I'm Marissa, and so I'm not sure if
you were able to help me. But I have two houses,
one of them I rent and the other one is
is my owned house.
Speaker 5 (53:13):
And the water bill is currently I'm sorry, Marissa, I
missed that last part. The water bill is currently it's
off off.
Speaker 21 (53:26):
Yes, for the owned house. But I'm in a rental
and I pay water bill for there wait a second,
wait to say it.
Speaker 4 (53:31):
Wait, well, hold on, Mariss, I need to understand this
a little more. I thought you were a landlord. You're
not a landlord, are you.
Speaker 15 (53:37):
Speaker 5 (53:37):
So you own or owned a house where the water
got turned off for lack of payment? Is that correct?
Speaker 21 (53:45):
Speaker 5 (53:46):
Okay, I'll explained that one first.
Speaker 21 (53:49):
I pay my bill even though I don't think I
should have to. So, so my my own house is
really broken and I'm repairing it. Oh, and I have
a rental right now. So I have two water.
Speaker 18 (54:01):
Bills and.
Speaker 21 (54:04):
They're charging me like a ninety two dollars base fee
to have the water up.
Speaker 9 (54:09):
And I don't.
Speaker 21 (54:10):
I don't feel like that's that how it should be.
So I'm just calling you.
Speaker 4 (54:16):
For ye here's the problem. That's probably exactly how they charge,
and there's nothing you're going to do about it. I'm
going to have someone verify that. In fact, I'm going
to have Deputy Bow verify that information during the show.
Speaker 22 (54:31):
Speaker 5 (54:31):
If you keep listening, what is the water company?
Speaker 21 (54:35):
It's the town of Fowler.
Speaker 5 (54:37):
How do you spell that? I didn't even hear Fowler
f O U l e R.
Speaker 21 (54:43):
Or Falcon W Fowler s O W l e R.
Speaker 5 (54:49):
Okay, perfect.
Speaker 4 (54:50):
So basically just call up and see even if the
water's turned off, Bow, do you constantly pay that tab
because you know.
Speaker 5 (54:57):
You'll have access to their water.
Speaker 4 (54:58):
Basically, it's more of an ax as fee than to
charge Marissa, I'm gonna tell you when that drives me insane,
go ahead.
Speaker 21 (55:04):
I do not pay that though they will rack itt
up every month, and then they could they claim they
will take my property.
Speaker 4 (55:11):
Well wait, wait, wait, if it's a municipality on the
water bill, it can happen. I mean it can happen.
But we're gonna we're gonna dig into that a little.
But I'll tell you this. There's a lot of people
like Fort Collins now where you have to use their
trash company. If you use a different trash company or
don't have service, you have to pay a fee every
single month for not using their service. So this is
becoming more and more prevalent everywhere. But we're going to
dig into it, Marissa and figure it out both.
Speaker 7 (55:46):
So Marissa, I just they're charging you ninety two dollars
a month for not using the water yep, is that right?
Speaker 6 (55:54):
Yeah, I'll call get to it. That doesn't seem right
to me.
Speaker 5 (55:58):
I hope it's a mess.
Speaker 21 (55:59):
Up, like do it feeds like a plant fee like
there's a whole list of feeds, but it equals out
to a ninety two dollars base feat and that's if
your water is shut off, your water is on, it's
going to be one hundred and five dollars approximately.
Speaker 6 (56:17):
El Marissa, I'll call during the break, call the city
of our.
Speaker 5 (56:21):
Yeah, we'll figure that out for you. Marissa.
Speaker 4 (56:23):
Just basically keep listening, Kelly, get her information though, and
then you don't happen to have one of those bills.
You can take a picture of and test it over
to us right now, Marissa, Yeah, your name.
Speaker 21 (56:36):
I'm sorry that one.
Speaker 4 (56:38):
Well, I figured I figured hold tight though, hold on
three oh three seven one three A two five five.
We got a couple open lines three oh three seven
one three eight two five five. How about let's try
Marco Bendinelli Kelly for that slip and fall. I'd love
to talk to Marco and then issue with Pantasy of Life.
I left a message for someone I knew there. I
haven't heard back, but Roger. I promise you're up next
right here on the Troubleshooter Network.
Speaker 10 (57:11):
Go with a sure thing Denver's Best roofer Excel Roofing
dot com. You don't pay a cent until you're content.
Time for an insurance check up free, no obligation. In comparison,
call Compass Insurance paying too much your coverage at dozens
of insurance companies find out now three oh three seven
seven to one.
Speaker 5 (57:30):
Speaker 10 (57:31):
You'll think you're his only customer when you choose Frank
durand the real estate Man dot com to list your
home with Remax Alliance three oh three nine two zero
sixteen twenty two.
Speaker 4 (57:42):
All right, people, two lines open three oh three seven
one three A two five five.
Speaker 5 (57:46):
I want to hear from you.
Speaker 4 (57:47):
You've been ripped off, taken advantage of hey, by the way,
Compass Insurance.
Speaker 5 (57:53):
Brian's in with me, Daisy, Hang tight, Aaron Roger.
Speaker 4 (57:56):
I'm coming right to you, but we're still trying to
get an attorney, Daisy, so hold tight.
Speaker 5 (58:01):
You know attorneys. I was going to say it's Friday,
they're hard to get, but they're just hard to get.
I'm just gonna leave it at that.
Speaker 4 (58:08):
We have great attorneys but my god, during the day
this time, when our show's.
Speaker 5 (58:12):
Live, they're in court hard to get it. Yeah right, well,
I mean it's crazier they're doing whatever attorneys do, you know.
But here's the deal. Insurance. Now, how many times did
I call you bitching about renewals? Oh Man.
Speaker 4 (58:28):
Said, Insurance in Colorado has gone bat crap.
Speaker 5 (58:32):
It's absolutely insane, man.
Speaker 4 (58:35):
And it's is it all purely because it claims in Colorado,
whether it's all hail or wind or car insurance or
home insurance, wouldn't you say we have probably had one
of the largest rate increases this year than ever.
Speaker 8 (58:47):
Yeah, And it's it's more than just that. It's like
the companies have stopped writing business. You know, a lot
of them have had shut down new businesses.
Speaker 5 (58:54):
They just they won't take it. They don't want it.
Speaker 8 (58:56):
Yeah, they just And that just tells you, no matter
what that premium is, that they're not even to get
their policies because a lot of it is you have
to get through the insurance commissioner permission to increase deductible.
Speaker 5 (59:07):
And I want to dig into that.
Speaker 4 (59:08):
So if I'm the owner of Progressive and I have
homeowners and auto insurance, in Colorado, and I have to
go to them and get my pricing approved.
Speaker 5 (59:18):
Yes, okay.
Speaker 4 (59:19):
So let's say my pricing's approved at the beginning of
the year and a huge hailstorm comes through like we
always have and wipes out a ton and I literally
lose a billion.
Speaker 5 (59:33):
Dollars in Colorado. Yep, So I need to raise rates.
Speaker 4 (59:37):
You can only lose a billion dollars so often, right right, yep.
So I lose a bill We're not all Boeing who
somehow loses billions.
Speaker 5 (59:45):
Of dollars going, yeah, and keeps going.
Speaker 4 (59:47):
But so then I go to the commissioner and say,
I need to raise prices based upon this and you
can see the actual losses, and they say no, yep.
Then that company I'm progressive. I go, well, well that's simple.
I'm not going to sell insurance here anymore.
Speaker 8 (01:00:03):
Well, and they can't go quite that far because they
can't just stop, you know, renewing policies again. Then they
would have a problem with the Insurance commission if they
just said we're not renewing everything and pulling out, kind
of like what State Farm did in California.
Speaker 5 (01:00:16):
Well, how'd they do it?
Speaker 16 (01:00:17):
Speaker 8 (01:00:18):
Well, there was a big issue with that. I mean,
they did end up trying to pull out, but then
trying to get back in is when you start having
a problem. In other words, the Progressive made that drastic
of an action trying to get back in the state.
The Insurance Commission would say no.
Speaker 4 (01:00:31):
Well, and I'd say, in all honesty, I'd say that's
very fair, because what we would happen then is a
pick and choose. You would have a really bad hailstorm
and then look at the actuals and let's say the
actual areas say well they have a storm like that
every ten years, whatever it is. They can say, oh, okay,
well we just missed that one. Now we want to
get back in exactly.
Speaker 8 (01:00:50):
And so that part makes sense. But what they do
instead is they go to their agents say we're not
taking new business, or they make it so difficult so
you're only.
Speaker 4 (01:00:59):
Talking and existing policies. In the scenario we were talking about, yeah,
we're new a business. They can pull the trigger almost
instant yeah, and.
Speaker 8 (01:01:06):
They don't have to file it with the state. They
just say to tell the agents you're not you know,
we're shutting down here. We're only going to take you know.
It's a very pristine amount of business. So that's what
they did this past year. Now the insurance Commissioner has
had time to work with these companies to where I'm
seeing that they're coming back in in twenty twenty five.
They're going to start opening up again. But they have
also raised deductibles.
Speaker 4 (01:01:31):
You know, I'm going to put a challenge out there
for everybody listening. I'm going to show you how good
Brian and the Gang is a compass. I don't care
what insurance you have right now, what insurance? I want
you to call them up and I want you to
get what I call an insurance checkup. It's one hundred
percent free, and I want to hear back from you
after you call up. We have another two and a
half hours basically in the show, I want people to
do the insurance checkup. If you've done it before, I
want you to do it again. I don't care if
you have eight Farm, all State, Progressive. I don't care
what you have. I don't care. What I want you
to figure out is do you got the right coverage?
That's the most important thing. And then, second of all,
can these guys get you better insurance for less money?
Simple as that, maybe you are facing a new part
on your renewal to where the roof is no longer
covered for two or three thousand, but they want, you know,
to pay you either actual cash value, which could be
fifteen twenty thousand easily, or a percentage of your main dwelling,
which can even be higher than that. A lot of
times when you renew people get tricked. I mean they
just don't look.
Speaker 8 (01:02:40):
Well, yeah, and it's understandable they don't know or the
hardest one is.
Speaker 5 (01:02:43):
I don't even know what cash value.
Speaker 8 (01:02:44):
They don't know what that is actual cash value, and
they slip it in there and they put it. You know,
there is a statement on the policy, but unless you
know what you're talking about, you're not gonna even notice it.
But yeah, if they call, as you know, we're first
to tell you if what you got is better than
what we can find. And that happens in this market,
in this market right now. If someone's been with the
company for a long time and their policy actually doesn't
have some of those things, we'll tell them, hey, pu, yeah,
you don't want to go anywhere.
Speaker 5 (01:03:11):
I'll touch you.
Speaker 4 (01:03:12):
They're so honest, it's crazy, But I want you to
call them up right now, three oh three nine nine
six nine thousand. Call the gang up over there and
just do the free insurance checkup. There's zero obligation, there's
no hard sale. And my favorite part, just like Brian said,
honest to god, if it's not right for you, they're
going to say no, stay with State Farms, stay with
all State.
Speaker 5 (01:03:32):
Here's why. They'll explain why.
Speaker 4 (01:03:33):
If you've got better coverage, great, But I'll tell you what,
Nine out of ten times, this is what we hear
back in the show. Nine out of ten times I
call them up. I've got more coverage, better coverage, and
I'm saving a couple thousand dollars. Of course, depending on
the different coverages auto home, etc. So you got to
call them up three oh three nine nine to six
nine thousand, call them right now, and then we'll during
the next hour or two we'll get people's results. I mean,
how long does it generally take when they call O Brian.
Speaker 8 (01:04:05):
You know it depends on how big the account is,
but four or five different coveries longer. Yeah, if you've
got some rental homes and you know that takes longer.
But if it's something as long as they're not slammed,
with a bunch of people calling it once, we should
be able to get back to them within forty five
minutes or so.
Speaker 4 (01:04:20):
What are some of the biggest ones you see coming
from the biggest savings bad insurance? Is there particular companies
like all State State Farm. I don't want to I
don't want to prep you with an answer, but yeah,
I mean where do you see the biggest movement or
it just all depends.
Speaker 8 (01:04:34):
Well, I'll tell you the biggest when people call and
will usually find a better option for them is whenever
they get a teenage driver added to their policy. Because
if they're with one of these carriers, and you know,
it's pretty universal, you get them and you see its
skyrocketing price, and there's companies that can just that really
don't surcharge for the same yeah, for that same risk,
and so we're able to look around and find a
better deal because you're talking talking about and it's thousands
and thousands of dollars, oh big time.
Speaker 4 (01:05:03):
And then some of the commercial stuff you do, yeah,
like garage keepers for shops out there are contractors, general
liability or even uh, what's the workman's com Yeah, right,
I mean all these things people can save a massive
amount of money. Three oh three nine nine six nine thousand, Roger,
you're up next, go.
Speaker 10 (01:05:27):
With a sure thing Denver's best roofer Excel Roofing dot com.
Speaker 11 (01:05:30):
You don't pay a cent until you're contents.
Speaker 10 (01:05:36):
Time for an insurance checkup free, no obligation comparison call
Compass Insurance paying too much your coverage at dozens of
insurance companies find out now three oh three seven to
seven to one.
Speaker 5 (01:05:46):
Speaker 10 (01:05:47):
You'll think you're his only customer when you choose Frank
durand the real estate Man dot com to list your
home with Remax Alliance. Three oh three nine two zero
sixteen twenty two.
Speaker 4 (01:05:57):
All right, three oh three seven one three eighty five
to five. We got a couple lines open. You've been
ripped off taking advantage of I do want to hear
from you. I don't think we've heard anything more about this.
Speaker 5 (01:06:07):
Shoot, or have we? This guy pops out. He was
in New York City. What was the insurance company, Brian, Yeah,
United Healthcare, the CEO.
Speaker 4 (01:06:17):
Apparently the guy was targeted. Guy was across the street.
Looks like a hit man, right, I mean.
Speaker 8 (01:06:22):
It looks like, yeah, they had he had a silencer
on the gun and then shot and then got on
an e bike and took off.
Speaker 5 (01:06:29):
Just walks up bam, bam, kills the guy. I think
the guy was killed.
Speaker 4 (01:06:34):
I mean, it sounds like it's a hit man though,
But I mean, I don't know who hired him, but
I really think it's gonna come out someone that felt
very jilted by the insurance company. I mean, maybe like
your spouse has cancer and they won't improve something. I mean,
what do you think, Brian, Honest to God.
Speaker 8 (01:06:51):
Yeah, I mean I guess it could. I mean, I
guess they could go there. I mean, you wonder if
it's even something bigger than that they're trying to get
rid of the CEO.
Speaker 5 (01:06:59):
Well, now that there's and it's a hit man with
a silencer. The guy's got a man.
Speaker 8 (01:07:03):
He looks like a professional. You wonder if it's something
bigger than that, bigger.
Speaker 4 (01:07:07):
Than that, I bet god it could be one of
those deals we never find out. Roger, you got a
problem with Panacea Life Sciences back in the day, going
back whatever amount of years we used to advertise for them.
Speaker 5 (01:07:20):
They sold a CBD product.
Speaker 4 (01:07:22):
And I assume you're talking about their CBD product because
I know they do other stuff. Now, Roger, well, I
know this can't be me. I mean, I'm did boat
did you can't hear him this time? No, I'll put
him back on hold because I want to bring him
back up. There's no doubt about it. So soon as
we get him, Kelly, let me know we do get
we're gonna have lines open coming into next hour. So
if you have been ripped off taking advantage of I
want to hear from you. Brian was telling me something
interesting during the last break. We're going to talk about too.
People that cannot get insure. Give me an idea. Who
couldn't get insured? People that live in the woods.
Speaker 8 (01:08:03):
Yeah, exactly, high wildfire, multiple claims. It's there's going to
be an option for those people.
Speaker 5 (01:08:09):
And there isn't right now.
Speaker 4 (01:08:11):
So there's people in Colorado right now that could be
in million dollar properties that just simply can't get insurance.
Speaker 8 (01:08:16):
Yeah. And even this solution is which we'll explain, but
there's some real limitations on it.
Speaker 5 (01:08:23):
Yeah, So it's not I gotch you. So it's not
the best solution, but it's something something man that sounds
like Florida. Really what it reminds me of this Louisiana
when we're looking for a place out in slie Dell.
I mean, really, flood insurance comes from the state. Does
this come from the state. It's kind of kind of
it's monitored by the state.
Speaker 4 (01:08:45):
Listen, don't forget the insurance help Center. Give them a
call now, see how much money you can say Brian
Burns three three nine ninety six nine thousand, three zero
three nine nine six nine thousand.
Speaker 5 (01:08:55):
We got a lot coming up.
Speaker 10 (01:09:09):
Go with a sure thing Denver's Best roofer Excel Roofing
dot com.
Speaker 11 (01:09:13):
You don't pay a cent until you're content.
Speaker 10 (01:09:16):
Leave time for an insurance check up free, no obligation
comparison call Compass Insurance paying too much your coverage at
dozens of insurance companies find out now three oh three
seven seven one help. You'll think you're his only customer
when you choose Frank durand the real estate Man dot
com to list your home with Remax Alliance three oh
three nine two zero sixteen twenty two.
Speaker 13 (01:09:39):
Yeah, ri.
Speaker 1 (01:09:46):
Nest need advice? Who you don't have? Come? Runnxious as
a can. No shoot is gonna help come.
Speaker 3 (01:09:59):
This is the Troubleshooter Show. No Tom Martino all.
Speaker 4 (01:10:06):
Right, three oh three seven one three eight two five
five three oh three Martino, that's the phone number. You
know what the show is though, This is the show
that helps you. You've been ripped off, You've been taken
advantage of, maybe a contractor, maybe a dentist, maybe anything.
If you need help, we have a list of people
at referral list dot com. That's right, referral list dot com.
Like Brian Burns, who's in studio with me. Any insurance
questions you have, Brian can answer any help you need
with an insurance company. Brian is such a great resource.
It's crazy Compass Insurance. We're going to be talking to them.
But the bottom line is over three hundred million dollars
three hundred million dollars in cash, merchandise exchanges, refund services
directly due to this show. The show's been on in
Denver almost forty five years. If you need help, we
use the power of the media to go after the scumbags.
Speaker 5 (01:11:00):
I'll put it like that.
Speaker 4 (01:11:01):
You know a lot of people go I don't like
when you call people scumbags. Well, you let me say,
there's a lot of contractors and dirt bags at our scumbags.
You know, once you cross the line of dirt bag
to scumbag, I mean, really, that's something to be said
for you. Right once you rip off an old lady
for five or six grand I mean you cross that line,
you go from just being a dirt bag or just
being a scumbag, to being a dirt bag scumbag.
Speaker 5 (01:11:26):
You know what I'm saying.
Speaker 4 (01:11:27):
And on the Sleeves Brigade, and on the Sleeves Brigade,
by the way, you want to see the worst of
the worst, go to Sleeves Brigade dot com. We're gonna
have John Fuller. Let me go to Daisy real quick. Hey, Daisy,
we finally have John Fuller lined up. I so appreciate
you waiting. We're gonna get answers to all your questions.
She slipped and fell at her condo. The HOA is
responsible for getting rid of the snow and ice. She
took a bad spill. She was down for two or
three days, laying in bed and stuff like that. We're
gonna have John Fuller on of that. But right now
we're going to go to Hannah. I do have two
lines open three zero three seven, one three A two
five five or three oh three Martino, Hannah, what's going on?
Speaker 5 (01:12:10):
This sounds horrible?
Speaker 23 (01:12:13):
Yeah, Hi, thanks for taking my call. My my mom
called me yesterday and told me that her husband, my stepdad,
was just behaving very suspiciously the past couple of days,
and long story short, he believed that he was speaking
with an employee from mos Fargo, which is who he
banks with. Oh my god, and they were telling Kim
that his account was compromised and the only way to
secure the funds in his account would be to deposit
them somewhere safe, and they instructed him to withdraw a
significant amount of money from his account.
Speaker 5 (01:12:51):
Anna, how did he I want to ask some questions
before we dive deeper into this. So the scammer called
them over the telephone, right.
Speaker 23 (01:13:01):
Yes, Well, what he said is that he logged onto
his computer the morning of Thanksgiving and he received an
alert from Microsoft. Is what he thought it was. He
called the number that popped up on the alert, and
they encouraged him. They told him to call.
Speaker 14 (01:13:18):
The bank.
Speaker 23 (01:13:19):
Now he's telling me he called the number on the
back of his card. I'm not necessarily.
Speaker 5 (01:13:23):
Sure, but it doesn't it doesn't matter. So basically, he
thought he was calling Wells Fargo, and of course he was.
Now the next question I have is how did he
pull the funds out?
Speaker 23 (01:13:37):
He went into the brand Well. Initially they told him
to go purchase gift cards because it was Thanksgiving, so
banks were closed, and he went and purchased gift cards
and provided them the phone number for two thousand dollars
worth of gift cards. The day after Thanksgiving, they told
him that he had to go and do out his
account to ensure the money was safe. So he went
into a branch withdrew it and went to Grady told
him to deposit it.
Speaker 5 (01:14:06):
Where did he deposit it was at another bank.
Speaker 23 (01:14:10):
It was an ATM inside of a wine store in Colorado.
Speaker 5 (01:14:16):
Oh my god, And this happened? When did he find out?
Here's where we get into the emotional side of this.
I mean, your dad must feel where your stepdad must feel.
So stupid, It's crazy. What a lot of people don't realize.
Not only do they rip you off monetarily, they take
part of your dignity and everything away. Once you realize
what happened, how is he mentally right? Now?
Speaker 23 (01:14:44):
He's struggling. He is really you know, he was very
fearful for the three days he was speaking with this person.
Because they were telling him that it was a federal investigation,
he couldn't speak about this with anyone. So, you know,
my mom called me and told me he was behaving suspiciously,
and she knew that there was something wrong, but he
was too afraid to tell her what was going on
because they just kept pushing confidentiality security, a federal investigation.
So he is, he's having a really hard time, and.
Speaker 5 (01:15:11):
We're talking forty thousand dollars.
Speaker 23 (01:15:15):
Forty thousand dollars cash, two thousand dollars worth of the
gift cards.
Speaker 5 (01:15:19):
Now, who have they contacted in Colorado? The fact that
he knows where the ATM is and what the liquor
store is says something I would think.
Speaker 23 (01:15:28):
CBI they sent him that information.
Speaker 5 (01:15:32):
I understand that. What I'm saying, though, is I think
CBI and the FBI might be interested in this one.
Have you guys have they even called the police?
Speaker 23 (01:15:43):
Well, we tried to call the non emergent I found
out about this last night. We called the non emergency
line last night and they told us all we could
do was file an online report. So we did file
an online report last night.
Speaker 5 (01:15:55):
Who do file it?
Speaker 23 (01:15:56):
Was and I filed.
Speaker 5 (01:15:59):
Or oh well, that's just great. I mean you might
as well follow it or file it with I mean, nobody,
you know, this is the same place it says, you know,
there's no gangs, there's no problem down here. They're horrible, yeah,
And I don't mean the poor guys working the beat,
because those guys are those those people down there, I'd
freaking leave. They can't even they haven't had the same
police chief for I don't think they I don't know.
Speaker 4 (01:16:26):
They're just in shambles down there. They're absolutely horrible. I'm
wondering if CBI is the call here. I mean just
because of the amount forty thousand dollars and we know
where it was deposited, and what we know, will see
your dad go in, by the way, how the hell
do you deposit?
Speaker 5 (01:16:44):
Was it cash? How did he deposit it?
Speaker 23 (01:16:47):
He did, he had cash and they gave him a
QR code to scan.
Speaker 4 (01:16:53):
I think the liquor stores in cahoots. I mean, I
hate to even see that. You know, that is just
a gut feeling. But I mean, somebody walks into my
convenience store, liquor store anywhere, uses my ATM and they're
sitting there putting forty fat How long does it take
to put forty thousand into an ATM?
Speaker 14 (01:17:17):
Speaker 24 (01:17:18):
Speaker 5 (01:17:18):
What's the name of the liquor store?
Speaker 23 (01:17:22):
Foxfield Wine and Spirit.
Speaker 5 (01:17:25):
Foxfield, Foxfield. And you know, this is just a gut
feeling of mine my opinion. I find this crazy that
something that this can happen. And why would the scammer
pick Foxfield Wine out of anywhere else in the world.
How far away is that from where the bank location was?
Speaker 23 (01:17:45):
You know, I'm not I'm not sure what branch she
went into to make the withdraw, but we live in
the Denver metro area, so I imagine it couldn't be too
far now the HTM once I it's a bitcoin ATM,
is what it is? Oh my god, wine in the
for store.
Speaker 5 (01:18:08):
This is insane.
Speaker 4 (01:18:10):
Hey, Chopper, if you're still listening, I'm gonna put you
on hold. Chopper, if you're still listening, call in, call
into the back line. I want to put you on
air just because of your law enforcement background. We're talking
forty thousand dollars in cash inserted into a bitcoin for
a person at risk. I just want to know, is
this CBI, is this FBI? Who do I put on this.
Who can we call? I mean, and one more question
for her, at least for now. What I'd also like
to know is, Daisy, what day did this happen? Did
you say the day after Thanksgiving?
Speaker 21 (01:18:46):
Speaker 4 (01:18:48):
No, I'm sorry, hold on, I'm sorry. I went to
the wrong line. My bad, My bad, Hannah. Did you
say the day after Thanksgiving?
Speaker 2 (01:18:57):
Speaker 23 (01:18:57):
But it was two days. He went in on Friday
the twenty ninth and did made a deposit. They called
him again the next day and asked him about any
other accounts that he may have to figure it.
Speaker 5 (01:19:09):
He had an.
Speaker 23 (01:19:09):
Account with the credit union and went and did the
same thing, and that's how we ended up at the
forty thousand dollars.
Speaker 5 (01:19:15):
Oh god, I am sick to my stomach. Hold On,
we have got to try to help these people out.
This just happened. I mean, someone needs to go over
to that liquor store and look into this. We got
to figure something out. This is I'm open to anybody
out there that's open to any ideas.
Speaker 4 (01:19:33):
I want to help these poor people. I am so
sick of these scammers. Forty thousand dollars. Forty thousand dollars.
Speaker 10 (01:19:48):
Go with a sure thing Denver's best roofer Excel Roofing
dot com.
Speaker 11 (01:19:52):
You don't pay a cent until you're content.
Speaker 10 (01:19:57):
Time for an insurance check up, freeation comparison call Compass
Insurance paying too much your coverage at dozens of insurance
companies find out now three all three seven to seven
to one help. You'll think you're his only customer when
you choose Frank durand the real estate Man dot com
to list your home with Remax Alliance three all three
nine two zero sixteen twenty two.
Speaker 5 (01:20:19):
All Right, we have so much going on right now.
I'll be honest.
Speaker 4 (01:20:22):
We have a We're going to be doing a little
undercover operation here in the next half hour forty minutes
and I'm not going to talk much more about it
at this point, but we're going to dive into this.
The other thing we've got cooking is, uh, Brian Burns
has an example of savings that's incredible. But right now,
I've got John Fuller Fuller Law. He's actually my personal
injury attorney that I've used multiple times. John, I already
know the answer to this, but I think when it
comes from you, and by the way, John fills in
for Tom and I, if we both happen to be
out of town. So, I mean, John knows the show
inside and out. But on we get this call a lot.
I'm going to kind of sum it up for you.
Then you can ask Daisy any questions. But basically, she
has a condo. A little after Thanksgiving, the day after
she goes to get her mail or goes to do
something big slip and fall, she hits ice, hits snow.
You know, she's hurt, she's injured, and she basically reaches
out to the HOA and they admit they're supposed to,
you know, they're responsible for doing the shoveling and getting.
Speaker 5 (01:21:30):
Rid of the ice. Daisy is a correct so far.
Speaker 4 (01:21:35):
Yeah, okay, So her question is John, Okay, she didn't
miss any work because she happened to have the weekend off.
Speaker 5 (01:21:43):
You didn't end up in the hospital, did you, Daisy?
Speaker 13 (01:21:47):
Speaker 20 (01:21:48):
I was told that if I, like, if nothing seems broken,
you know, like if I wasn't completely dying, I can
wait to see my primary care doctor. Yep, I should
wait to see my primary care doctor, which.
Speaker 19 (01:21:57):
I did, yep.
Speaker 20 (01:21:58):
And I get an appointment the primary care doctor, and
you know, she said the same thing, like nothing is broken.
Speaker 4 (01:22:06):
I got you. So let's just get John involved at
this point. So, John, this is the same conversation we
have all the time. It doesn't matter if it's a
car accident, a slip and fall, anything. I want you
to kind of tell Daisy how damages work.
Speaker 2 (01:22:22):
Yeah, that's a great question.
Speaker 16 (01:22:24):
Mark, And.
Speaker 5 (01:22:28):
Uh uh did I just lose you? John?
Speaker 2 (01:22:30):
I have to make sure that you have the damages
that are you know, that are sufficient enough to justify
the time and the expense and the uncertainty of a
potential litigation matter.
Speaker 5 (01:22:41):
And really what it.
Speaker 2 (01:22:42):
Comes down to is these kind of cases are very difficulty.
They you know, they frequently.
Speaker 16 (01:22:48):
Don't result in a plane in victory.
Speaker 18 (01:22:49):
And so the only way that we will even.
Speaker 2 (01:22:52):
Consider taking a slip and fall case is when we
have serious injuries involving broken bones or surgery of some variety.
Speaker 16 (01:23:00):
I mean, it has to be something.
Speaker 2 (01:23:01):
That's substantial, because otherwise they just don't take you seriously.
And it just doesn't make sense to go into litigation
for say fifteen hundred or two thousand dollars worth of
medical bills.
Speaker 5 (01:23:14):
Yeah, and that's it.
Speaker 20 (01:23:15):
And I understand that, and I don't want to like
and there's some thing like I like, thankfully, you know,
I'm happy that I didn't break anything. At the same time,
it's kind of like, well, they were negligent, you know,
as the fact, like it is their responsibility. I pay
my hoacs Like if I had, if I lived in
a home and it's snowed and I'm so responsible for
shoving the shoveling the snow, I pay them. So like
so like, can I at least tell them, like, hey,
like I don't have to pay hoaps for the next
two months or something.
Speaker 4 (01:23:44):
You can listen, Daisy, you can tell them anything you want.
But I don't know why they would agree to it.
Speaker 2 (01:23:50):
Yeah, and here's the really crazy thing about it, Mark,
that you haven't touched on, But it's worthy of discussion.
When you're basically showing an HOA for a property that
you live in, suing yourself.
Speaker 5 (01:24:02):
Yeah, your dollars go to pay them.
Speaker 2 (01:24:05):
Really, Yeah, the same rules don't really apply that would
come into play for a typical premises liability case. In fact,
that's the only circumstance where we don't use the premises's
liability statute and instead use the traditional negligent in statutes.
But I mean, you raise a good point, Yes, being
responsible for something is you know you're you're correct, they're
they're on the hook. However, getting them to admit my
ability and actually get the.
Speaker 17 (01:24:31):
Checkbook out as a whole entirely different prophesy.
Speaker 4 (01:24:34):
You know you just John, you just made me. You
made me think of another aspect to this. Anytime I've
had a call like this on the on.
Speaker 5 (01:24:43):
An ho aa, a lot of times when they are
part of that h away they agree to arbitration, they don't.
Speaker 4 (01:24:51):
I'm not even sure she could bring a lawsuit. What
what do you know about that that.
Speaker 16 (01:24:55):
Could be, that could be a factor.
Speaker 2 (01:24:57):
That's absolutely.
Speaker 20 (01:25:00):
Own the condo.
Speaker 4 (01:25:01):
No, we know you ownt it. That's John's whole thing.
You're fighting with your own money on both sides. You
would have an attorney on one side that is fighting
some of your money on the other side paying for
their attorney. And I'll tell you something else, John, you
just made me think of this man.
Speaker 5 (01:25:19):
It's the same thing I just said. There's a hell
of a shot.
Speaker 4 (01:25:23):
There's an arbitration clause you agree to, meaning you can't
even sue them. But if you do get to court
and you do end up suing and you do lose
I guarantee somewhere in that HOA and you agreed to it,
you're going to pick up their attorney's fees. You could
end up losing your ass.
Speaker 2 (01:25:44):
Yea, all that's possible.
Speaker 21 (01:25:45):
I don't know that an.
Speaker 2 (01:25:46):
Arbitration provision would be in an HOA document because it's
kind of a contract of adhesion, and generally when people
enter into a bring them to contain an arbitration provision.
It's at least in.
Speaker 16 (01:25:58):
Theory and arms lie transact from where you have some.
Speaker 2 (01:26:01):
Negotiability on both sides, got it, But still it's you know,
you're seeing yourself and so you know, you.
Speaker 16 (01:26:07):
Definitely want to look at those HOA documents.
Speaker 2 (01:26:09):
And see what that entails and what rights you have.
You know, if you get lucky and they want.
Speaker 17 (01:26:14):
To help you out with some of your out of
budget expenses, that would be fantastic.
Speaker 24 (01:26:18):
But generally speaking.
Speaker 16 (01:26:19):
That's just not the position that these hoas take.
Speaker 17 (01:26:22):
And and that's why you know, we're forced into almost
a litigation posture where the damages really do matter, and
they really become prohibitive in terms of what cases we
can take and justify person.
Speaker 4 (01:26:35):
Yeah, and Daisy, there's no there's no hurt in asking
them if you truly let's say you did lose a
day of work and just asking them. But last question
for you, John, in a scenario like that, once let's
say this, this, this hoa. Once they say, okay, you
missed the day of work. She only wants two hundred dollars,
and they give her two hundred dollars. Does that open
them up? Does that make you understand the question by
giving her a little would that open them up?
Speaker 16 (01:27:04):
You know?
Speaker 2 (01:27:04):
Probably not?
Speaker 5 (01:27:06):
Speaker 2 (01:27:06):
I mean, you know, negotiations and good thanks efforts and
stuff like that generally are protected under one of the
rules of evidence, as you know, as being confidential and stuff.
Speaker 14 (01:27:19):
Got it.
Speaker 2 (01:27:19):
But I mean, but they're but but convincing them of
that is a whole different deal. And most of them
are just going to say, look, it's all or nothing.
We're not going to pay a dome, We're not going
to admit anything. If you want to sue a sue us,
but we'll see you in court. And then, you know,
it just kind of polarizes the positions to where that
financial evaluation has to take place in a small injury
just rarely, you know, rarely carries the.
Speaker 4 (01:27:43):
Neys all right, listen, John, I appreciate it as always.
That's John Fuller Fuller Law. He's my personal injury attorney.
You know, I hope you never need him. That means
you were in an accident it was someone else's fault. Uh,
maybe you've already been in an accident in the last
week and you now you're thinking of hire an attorney.
Speaker 5 (01:28:00):
This is a guy. I mean, I don't know how
else to put it.
Speaker 4 (01:28:03):
I've used them multiple times, both times maximum policy limits.
I couldn't have got a better outcome. He's a great guy.
You deal directly with the attorney. Directly with John three
oh three five nine seven forty five hundred three zero
three five nine seven forty five hundred. Listen, put it
in your phone right now. Put in John Fuller f
U L L E R. Three oh three five nine
seven forty five hundred.
Speaker 13 (01:28:27):
Speaker 4 (01:28:27):
We've got all kinds of things going on. Troy has
a comment on the bitcoin thing. We have Deputy Scott
on a task right now that's going to be very
cool to hear about when he gets done. We got
a question on small Claims Court. We can free up
Daisy online three please, and then Hannah I want you
to hang tight for a little bit. In fact, here's
what I would like to do. Make sure we have
Hannah's info. I looked at her email. Tell her we're
going to be reaching back out to her after the show,
but maybe before the end this show.
Speaker 5 (01:29:00):
Hopefully hang dit.
Speaker 10 (01:29:06):
Go with a sure thing Denver's Best roofer Excel Roofing
dot com. You don't pay a cent until you're content.
Time for an insurance check up free, no obligation. In comparison,
call Compass Insurance paying too much your coverage at dozens
of insurance companies find out now three o three seven
to seven to one help. You'll think you're his only
customer when you choose Frank durand the real estate Man
dot com to list your home with Remax Alliance three
oh three nine two zero sixteen twenty two.
Speaker 5 (01:29:37):
Oh man, we have got so much cooking, folks.
Speaker 4 (01:29:39):
Listen, this is what we do. This is like you're helping.
We're helping. Everybody's out there trying to help each other.
On the Troubleshooter Show, Troy has a comment on the
bitcoin scam. We've got a lot going on behind the scenes.
We have thought at different things. You know Dragon was saying,
how do you put forty thousand dollars into an ATM?
That seems crazy? And Brian Burns with Compass Insurance looked
it up. What you found out? Forty thousand in Chris
brand New hundreds is what it's about an inch and
a half thick. There is no machine I know of
that you're going to put that much into, at least
at once.
Speaker 5 (01:30:14):
Maybe he had to constantly do it.
Speaker 4 (01:30:15):
Then a bitcoin, a bitcoin ATM that you can put
forty grand into, I.
Speaker 5 (01:30:20):
Would assume a machine like that is.
Speaker 4 (01:30:23):
Probably up to no good in general, right, I mean,
I find it very strange. I'm not gonna pretend to
understand everything about crypto, but there's something going on here.
But we've got a lot behind the scenes. But I
want to ask Brian Burns something. During the break you
said you're not gonna believe this. So Brian Burns, owner
of Compass Insurance, these guys have done my insurance for
I know Brian ten years, fifteen, whatever, it's done for
a long time time. He shops for me every year
make sure I can't get better insurance for a cheaper price.
They shop twenty to thirty different companies. They've even done
stuff for us for a workman's cop right here at
the Troubleshooter Network. They do all business stuff, they do everything.
But I put the challenge out there to call him
and I'll give the number out again and just give
them who you have now as an insurance and let's
see how much money they can save you. And someone
from your office just called with probably one of the
best examples ever.
Speaker 5 (01:31:19):
Yeah, this is a big one. This is not the norm.
Speaker 8 (01:31:22):
But so they hurt us because we mentioned when you
have young drivers, teenage drivers on there is a good
time to shop.
Speaker 4 (01:31:30):
And let me just say something about that real quick.
When our kids you are our insurance agent, it's time.
When Miles turned sixteen, I think we add Progressive. Progressive
at the time almost punishes you for having a child
that drives. Our insurance was going to go up so
much it was crazy. I reached out to Brian. He
shopped and he found another company at the time that
was way cheaper, same coverage, way cheaper with the younger driver.
But you taught me something, you said, well, believe it
or not, a year from now, Progressive might be cheaper
than this company on younger drivers. They're constantly changing that
algorithm or whatever they want to call it. So that's
why it's so important to shop. But what is this one?
Speaker 5 (01:32:12):
Speaker 8 (01:32:12):
So this one is they called there with Liberty Mutual.
They have two teenage kids, they have an auto, a couple,
rental properties, are really nice home. They're spending a fortune
on insurance. How much were they spending almost forty thousand dollars? Yeah,
I feel for them, they were spending that much money. Uh,
this's not everything. So that's on two rental properties, an auto,
they and they had they only had one hundred three
hundred liability, one hundred thousand liability.
Speaker 5 (01:32:39):
That's it. That's it.
Speaker 8 (01:32:40):
And they had, you know, a couple, and they had
three million dollar homes, so got some killer assets.
Speaker 5 (01:32:45):
So did they have an umbrella? No, they didn't, no umbrella.
Speaker 8 (01:32:48):
So we shopped, found them much better coverage on the home,
added an umbrella. Uh, put them with a company or
quoted them at least with a company called Travelers Insurance.
Speaker 5 (01:32:59):
So wait a minut.
Speaker 4 (01:33:00):
So the three hundred thousand what they had before is
three hundred thousand total liability, no umbrella.
Speaker 8 (01:33:05):
One hundred thousand per person. So aw hundred acts and
had one hundred thousand dollars.
Speaker 4 (01:33:09):
They owned that house outright and got too someone's taking
their house.
Speaker 8 (01:33:12):
That's it.
Speaker 5 (01:33:13):
Bottom less, they're way under it. Sorry to keep you, no, no,
that's why I'm just it's hard for me to believe
the coverage they had with the assets.
Speaker 8 (01:33:21):
It's every time it happens, incredible people will call us
in their they're multimillionaires and they've got, you know, one
hundred thousand dollars liability and you're just shocking.
Speaker 4 (01:33:30):
So they they're paying forty thousand through Liberty Mutual now roughly.
Speaker 8 (01:33:34):
And now we got them quitted with Travelers, outed an umbrella,
so an additional million dollars of liability and saved them
thirteen thousand.
Speaker 5 (01:33:43):
Oh my god, so we got it for twenty seven thousand.
Speaker 1 (01:33:46):
It's what.
Speaker 5 (01:33:47):
In fact, i'll tell you this too, just because I
know this.
Speaker 4 (01:33:50):
In order to put that umbrella on their actual homeowners
probably went to to fifty five hundred.
Speaker 8 (01:33:55):
Well they're auto insurance did yeah, they're auto insurance went
to two to fifty five hundred, that's right.
Speaker 4 (01:34:00):
So now they actually have two hundred and fifty per person,
ye plus a million and to your two million.
Speaker 8 (01:34:05):
Of uninsured motorists where they only had one hundred thousand
before so.
Speaker 5 (01:34:09):
And now they have that, Oh my god.
Speaker 4 (01:34:11):
And yeah, so total packt at thirteen grand yep, holy crap.
Keep those examples coming, people, I'm telling you, and I'll
tell you once again. You know, I know we have
a new audience every fifteen minutes. The bottom line is
if if they can't beat it or or save you money,
get you more insurance, Brian, I promise, and I know this,
you'll be the first to tell them, no, you got
to stay where you're at.
Speaker 8 (01:34:33):
We tell people, especially in this hard market, we tell
people that all the time. If they've got a good deal,
we'll be the first to say, hey, you're doing great,
call us back next year.
Speaker 5 (01:34:41):
We'll look again. But it's so important.
Speaker 4 (01:34:43):
They shot for me every year, every single year. They
shot for me to try to find me a better deal.
Now I just got to wait for ADI to be
off my insurance and I'm I got it made in
the shade.
Speaker 5 (01:34:54):
Speaker 13 (01:34:54):
Speaker 8 (01:34:55):
Well, now you have a car that drives you around,
so you're not having so many tickets.
Speaker 4 (01:34:59):
I have zero tickets. Seriously, now stop that. All right,
here's the insurance help center. Really call them up right now.
They got people right there. It takes a little bit
of time, but honestly, they just say that those people
say thirteen thousand dollars plus they got one million, two
hundred and fifty thousand dollars more in coverage.
Speaker 5 (01:35:18):
I mean, get out of here. That's crazy.
Speaker 4 (01:35:21):
Three oh three nine ninety six nine thousand, three zero
three nine nine.
Speaker 5 (01:35:25):
Six nine thousand.
Speaker 4 (01:35:26):
Put them to the test, seriously, put them to the
test right now. And if those people are listening, which
they must be because they called up, call in. I
want to hear how it went when you talk to
the guys over there.
Speaker 5 (01:35:37):
I want other.
Speaker 4 (01:35:38):
People to hear rear real world experiences. Now, Troy, what
is your comment on this poor guy that put forty
thousand into the bitcoin ATM at a liquor store.
Speaker 19 (01:35:50):
Hey, Mark, these ATMs are basically Nigerian scam machine.
Speaker 5 (01:35:56):
To what I thought.
Speaker 10 (01:35:57):
Speaker 19 (01:35:58):
Yeah, so there are some that mac the amount you
can posit to, like twenty five k, but this guy
missed a hit. They sent him to the right machine
where he put in forty k. Yeah, and there are
machines that will allow you to put up to fifty
k into the machine.
Speaker 5 (01:36:18):
That is unbelievable.
Speaker 4 (01:36:20):
Man, How long would it take to walk up to
How many bills can you put in at once?
Speaker 13 (01:36:25):
Speaker 5 (01:36:25):
Have you ever done it?
Speaker 16 (01:36:27):
Speaker 19 (01:36:27):
I haven't done it. If you remember, I called you
and Tom a couple of minutes back about my aunt
who has basically destroyed her life with bitcoin. That's really
how she did it. Yeah, her boyfriend you know, took
home equity loan and she deposited it all into these
bitcoin ATM machines.
Speaker 5 (01:36:53):
And that was I mean, basically lost your money.
Speaker 19 (01:36:56):
Oh yeah, it's crazy his money.
Speaker 4 (01:36:59):
Yeah, it's absolutely crazy, Troy, and I really appreciate that comment.
We're gonna have more information on what's going on with
that soon and really sorry to hear about that with
your family. That's crazy, Troy. I gotta take this break.
We're gonna come back. We got a question about small
claims court, an issue with Infinity G that never happens,
and hopefully, hopefully I have an update really soon on
this bitcoin thing. I can't tell you what's going on
there because I don't want to put your word out
on the street.
Speaker 10 (01:37:31):
Put hold tight, go with a sure thing. Denver's best
roofer Excel roofing dot com. You don't pay a cent
until you're content. Time for an insurance check up free,
no obligation. In comparison, call Compass Insurance paying too much
your coverage at dozens of insurance companies find out now
three all three seven to seven to one help.
Speaker 11 (01:37:58):
You'll think you're his only customer with you.
Speaker 10 (01:38:00):
Choose Frank durand the real estate Man dot com to
list your home with Remax Alliance three oh three nine
two zero sixteen twenty two.
Speaker 11 (01:38:25):
You know, Brian.
Speaker 4 (01:38:25):
Burns was asking me something during the break, and we're
gonna hop back on this. Scott, by the way, Deputy
A dollar is about five minutes out from somewhere. We're
gonna have an update here, hopefully at the beginning of
the next hour on that bitcoin stuff. I'm not saying
a final resolve by any stretch, but I'm saying we're
gonna We're gonna spend some time on this one.
Speaker 5 (01:38:48):
We really are.
Speaker 13 (01:38:50):
You know.
Speaker 5 (01:38:50):
I don't know if we can ever get the money back,
but maybe we can expose kind of what's going on
for for the bank, by the way, for Wells Fargo
to allow a guy, an older guy, to come in
and withdraw forty grand in cash without asking some questions.
If that's how it went down, and I'm just making
an assumption off the call's that's horrible.
Speaker 4 (01:39:11):
I think everybody we were talking about how Walmart and
King Supers in Safeway if someone if an older person
goes into buying multiple gift cards or even a younger person,
it doesn't matter.
Speaker 5 (01:39:21):
They'll question everything left and right. And I've seen it
happen my experience with Wells Fargo. If you take out
more than ten thousand or you know the last questions, Yeah,
it would be surprised me if they didn't.
Speaker 4 (01:39:34):
And dollar brought or not dollar. But Dragon brought up
a good point. You know, there's a lot of times
you go to grab forty grand, they're simply not gonna
have the cash on hand. This happened to be on Friday,
she said, payday, so it's very possible.
Speaker 5 (01:39:47):
Being a big bank, they did.
Speaker 4 (01:39:48):
But I mean, forty grand's a lot of inventory to have,
and that's all cash is to a bank. So we
were talking about stuff like this, and we're going to
go to the small claims and the other stuff. So
Curtis and Arnold, I promise you're next but during the
break I was talking about, Brian asked me, I went
down years ago. We had a call and I'll recap
real quick. The lady's son, she was seventy five eighty
years old. The son, she was a person at risk.
The son was spitting in her face I think he
was around forty years old and threatened to throw her
down the stairs. She wanted him out because this is
way pre COVID say, so, did you have to bleep it?
Speaker 5 (01:40:27):
Damn it?
Speaker 4 (01:40:27):
I thought maybe I could get away with that, but
he killed it. Hey, at least I said it to
the right. So anyhow, the kid's just a total jerk. Now,
you don't have to bleep that dragon. So but here's
what happens. I go down there and I get basically
right in the kid's face.
Speaker 5 (01:40:41):
He won't leave for me either. The cops won't go
down there, even though she called him. And finally I
convinced the cops through a threat to get TV cameras
down there. They finally do come out, and they really do.
So he's growing dope, spit in his face, and they
cuff them and stuff him and he's gone. So it
worked out. But Brian's ley like how did that go?
And I did.
Speaker 4 (01:41:03):
I literally drove down there, knocked on the door. I'm
live on the air. He's upstairs. He won't come out
of the room. It's a small little house, and I'm yelling.
I forget his name, but Mike, hey, Mike Mark Major
with the Tom Martine Show, why don't you come down here?
Speaker 5 (01:41:18):
You're spitting in your mom's face. Who spits in their
mom's face? Blah blah blah blah. And he wouldn't come out.
Speaker 4 (01:41:23):
You could hear him walking around and doing all this stuff,
but he just simply wouldn't come out.
Speaker 5 (01:41:28):
So you asked me.
Speaker 8 (01:41:29):
Yeah, I just figured through all these times that you've
you've been so confrontational.
Speaker 5 (01:41:34):
I popped down on a lot of that yeah.
Speaker 8 (01:41:36):
Which I just asked. Has he ever been so hunched?
Have you been assaulted?
Speaker 16 (01:41:40):
I have not.
Speaker 4 (01:41:41):
But the scariest one I ever did, full blown meth heads.
They they stole probably ten grand from this lady. They
came out, they said they were going to do her
driveway new cement ten thousand dollars. She gave him five
thousand dollars down.
Speaker 5 (01:41:59):
They were ever to be seen again. I still have
videos on our Facebook at this one, so we couldn't
get in touch with them. They wouldn't answer.
Speaker 4 (01:42:07):
So finally what I did is some listeners said, hey,
his name was Rudy. He said, hey, I think this
is Rudy's ad on Facebook, Marketplace or whatever it was.
So I set up a fake sting to where I
wanted an estimate on my driveway. I just picked a
random house. I show up, he shows up with his son,
and when I talk about scary, it was crazy.
Speaker 5 (01:42:35):
But I'll finish the story after this.
Speaker 10 (01:42:47):
Go with a sure thing Denver's best rufer excel Roofing
dot com.
Speaker 11 (01:42:51):
You don't pay a cent until you're content.
Speaker 10 (01:42:56):
Time for an insurance check up free, no obligation in
comparison and call Compass Insurance paying too much your coverage
at dozens of insurance companies find out now three oh
three seven seven to one help. You'll think you're his
only customer when you choose Frank durand the real estate
Man dot com to list your home with Remax Alliance
three oh three nine two zero sixteen twenty two.
Speaker 1 (01:43:17):
Yeah, ripped news need advice? Who you don't have?
Speaker 9 (01:43:28):
Speaker 1 (01:43:30):
Come run in just as as we can.
Speaker 2 (01:43:33):
Shooter's gonna help coming man.
Speaker 5 (01:43:37):
This is the Troubleshooter Show.
Speaker 3 (01:43:40):
No, Tom Martinez, All right, coach, we have got a
ton going on on the Troubleshooter Show today.
Speaker 4 (01:43:47):
Three oh three seven one three A two five five
one open line. Like I said, we've got some stuff
going on. I'm not gonna bring it up right now.
We've got someone headed out to something on location to
do a little research. I'll tell you this much. The
guy put forty thousand dollars into an ATM. I want
to know more about this story's going out too. I
want some video of it. I want pictures of the ATM.
We might have some questions to ask the clerk. We're
going to have a lot going on when it comes
to this poor guy getting scammed out of forty thousand dollars.
The caller was Anna, and basically your stepfather got a
phone call saying your bank account was compromised. They talked
him into going to Wells Fargo with drawing forty thousand
dollars in cash and basically basically depositing it into a
bitcoin ATM at a liquor store. Forty thousand dollars deposited
into a bitcoin ATM, never to be seen again.
Speaker 5 (01:44:47):
I've got problems with Wells Fargo.
Speaker 11 (01:44:50):
I don't know.
Speaker 4 (01:44:51):
I just need to know more about the liquor store
before I say anything about the liquor store. They could
be one hundred percent innocent and everything. I have no
idea they might own the bitcoin machine. I don't know
how that works, but we have got a lot of
research to do on that one. Right now, though, I'm
going to go to who's been holding the longest, which
is Curtis Hannah, keep hanging in there, one line open,
three oh three seven one three talk Hey, Curtis, what
is going on with you?
Speaker 13 (01:45:19):
Sir Mark?
Speaker 15 (01:45:21):
I am walking into the Rappa Hoop courts for one
thirty small claims. Hearing nice, Yeah, I have a procedural
question that maybe you might have some knowledge.
Speaker 5 (01:45:30):
Well, I can't give you legal advice, but I might
have real world advice.
Speaker 13 (01:45:34):
Yeah, there you go.
Speaker 15 (01:45:36):
That's all I'm seeking.
Speaker 13 (01:45:37):
Speaker 15 (01:45:38):
So it stems from a car accident and I was
head on on July third, twenty two by a guy
that couldn't even he was so housed he couldn't even
walk or talk.
Speaker 5 (01:45:51):
No insurance, I assume no he.
Speaker 15 (01:45:54):
Had insurance, but I filed my claim or excuse me,
my insurance ubrigradd the claim to his insurance.
Speaker 5 (01:46:02):
So you're trying to get your deductible back.
Speaker 15 (01:46:05):
Deductible rent a car and I had a fractured tooth
that I had to have extracted.
Speaker 1 (01:46:09):
Oh my god.
Speaker 19 (01:46:11):
Speaker 15 (01:46:11):
So uh, anyway, did.
Speaker 5 (01:46:15):
The guys show up? Is he there waiting as well?
Or don't?
Speaker 15 (01:46:18):
I don't see him yet, but it's.
Speaker 5 (01:46:19):
Probably going to be a no show. He sounds like
a bomb, but who knows.
Speaker 15 (01:46:22):
And that's what and that's where this next question comes up,
is with a judgment, is there any way I can
compel him through the court to turn it into his
insurance so I don't have to do interrogatories and chase
him down for the dough.
Speaker 4 (01:46:37):
Well, it sounds like the insurance might not pay it.
I mean, I don't know what they what they're going
to pay or not, but I mean, you have here's
what you're going to have to do. Man, it sounds
like you're going to get a default judgment. Then you're
gonna have.
Speaker 15 (01:46:50):
To just oh I have no Yeah, I feel that
It's just everything's pretty substantiated. Even if he does show,
I'm going to end up with the judgment well, if.
Speaker 4 (01:46:58):
He does, okay, that's fine, but listen, if he does
show that's the best scenario right now, because you want
to ask the judge that you want to do interrogatories
right now and then before he leaves, and the judge
should make him fill it out.
Speaker 5 (01:47:11):
Then you're going to have his bank account information, all
of his assets.
Speaker 4 (01:47:14):
And if he lies on that and you can prove
he lied, I mean, that's a whole other conversation, they'll
hook him and book them.
Speaker 14 (01:47:21):
Speaker 4 (01:47:21):
So I mean, you got to you got to make
sure you do the interrogatories right then and there so
you don't have to go down and find this cat
again and reserve him and show up.
Speaker 13 (01:47:33):
My thought is that he.
Speaker 15 (01:47:36):
That his insurance company would represent him in this if
he had simply notified him. Well, trying to take it
on himself.
Speaker 4 (01:47:44):
Well, okay, you're you're you're you're thinking two things that
I don't know the answer to. One does he still
have insurance with these guys? And then the other is
did he notify him at all?
Speaker 15 (01:47:54):
He was insured at the time of the acts.
Speaker 8 (01:47:56):
Yeah, that's true. Well, and they're aware of it because
it's been subregated. So it's the claims already there.
Speaker 15 (01:48:01):
Yeah, and eye contact. I talked with them a couple
of times about this.
Speaker 5 (01:48:05):
You know what, Well, hold on, hold on, Brian.
Speaker 4 (01:48:08):
Maybe the answer is he gets the judgment, whether it's
default or not, then he goes to that insurance.
Speaker 8 (01:48:14):
You should have the insurance information because your insurance company
suprogated because I.
Speaker 15 (01:48:18):
Spoke with them and tried to prior to mediation try
to see if they would were interested in avoiding this.
Speaker 4 (01:48:28):
Wait a second, So you already had mediation with the
insurance company.
Speaker 15 (01:48:32):
No, the mediator gave me a compliance report because she
couldn't contact it.
Speaker 13 (01:48:39):
Or I got it.
Speaker 15 (01:48:40):
And so so it's probably going to go to a
continuance to where we can complete mediation if he does show.
But it's not in the wrong for me to tell him, hey, man,
turn this over to your insurance so I get paid
instead of having to chase you down.
Speaker 4 (01:48:55):
Well, it doesn't even make sense to me why he wouldn't. Yeah,
the claims already, that's the point. That's the point I
don't get.
Speaker 15 (01:49:04):
But one of Tom's favorites and fam will will not
discuss anything with me since he hasn't told.
Speaker 5 (01:49:10):
No, but you'll of course, But That's not what I'm saying.
Speaker 4 (01:49:13):
What I'm saying is I don't get why this drunk
didn't talk to the insurance company. Like Bryan said, there's
already a claim, there is no draw First of all,
there's zero drawback from him adding in some money for
a tooth exactly. I mean really, because this could have
been huge for them. How long ago did this happen?
Speaker 15 (01:49:33):
July third of twenty twenty two, and I filed I
filed the paper on this hearing a week before that,
two years expired.
Speaker 5 (01:49:42):
Why didn't you just call an attorney when this happened?
I mean, you have a broken tooth.
Speaker 4 (01:49:46):
Honest to god, Fuller would have stretched this to twenty
five to fifty grand well.
Speaker 15 (01:49:52):
To make me whole with an implant seventy five hundred
and my thirty five hundred in rental and deductible on
top of it. Isn't nobody's interested in that low of
an amount.
Speaker 5 (01:50:02):
Well, that's that's why you call up someone like Fuller.
But it doesn't matter. That's it's way past that. That
just doesn't matter. But in the future, Curtis, call an attorney.
Speaker 15 (01:50:11):
Yeah, all right, appreciate that.
Speaker 5 (01:50:13):
Mark, Hey, call us, call us when is this guy?
When is court man? Is it a two or what?
Speaker 15 (01:50:20):
I got to get off the horn?
Speaker 4 (01:50:21):
Call us after if you get out of there, call us, yes, sure,
I want to know how it goes.
Speaker 5 (01:50:26):
That's incredible, man, what a what a deal? Talking about that, Thobrien.
Speaker 4 (01:50:29):
When it comes to insurance, I can't think of any
reason the insurance company would fight what this guy was
asking for.
Speaker 8 (01:50:36):
Yeah, no, and it wouldn't make sense why he would
want to be sued directly in order to respond to this.
I mean, just turn it into your insurance. And I
am curious. Obviously he had to go, but his rental expense.
I'm wondering if he didn't have rental car coverage, which
is why it wouldn't be part of the subrogation, or
it was way over his limit.
Speaker 4 (01:50:54):
Maybe well I don't know, but once again, I don't
understand the dollar amount he's talking about it. It doesn't
even make sense to me why this guy whoever hit
him wouldn't just get it all handled.
Speaker 8 (01:51:06):
Well, I agree, but then also why did he not
have medical payments? But medical payments would have something and
given them at least if you had five ever five thousand,
But it was only seventy five hundred. At least it
would have getten them something.
Speaker 4 (01:51:17):
That's something people don't get in Colorado. You realize medpay well,
of course, you know this year the insurance expert put
people out there medpay you have to have in Colorado
unless if you decline it. And I don't even know
why they give you that option, because this you're cheap
for the most part, right.
Speaker 8 (01:51:33):
To the state, and it's pretty well the five thousand
dollars is the minimum unless you decline it. Yeah, it's
not an expensive coverage.
Speaker 5 (01:51:41):
No, not at all.
Speaker 4 (01:51:42):
But what happens is I mean John Fuller told me
he has never seen a Fred Loyer policy, not one
that actually has that coverage because when they print their
documents out that box has already checked.
Speaker 5 (01:51:53):
That seems kind of scumbagging to make.
Speaker 8 (01:51:55):
Yeah, yeah, and it's I would say any of those
high risk companies, they decline all that because they're trying
they know you well, and they're trying to keep the
rates as low as possible so that it's all. It's
all just the cheapest of cheap insurance you can get
the achievest. I'm dying to hear back from this guy,
and I went, hey, let's take this break. We're gonna
come back and talk about an infinity issue, and I
know Deputy Scott is on scene.
Speaker 5 (01:52:19):
Hold on. In fact, Scott, call.
Speaker 10 (01:52:21):
Me go with a sure thing Denver's best roofer Excel
Roofing dot com. You don't pay a cent until you're content.
Time for an insurance check up free, no obligation. In comparison,
call Compass Insurance paying too much your coverage at dozens
of insurance companies find out now three O three seven
to seven to one help. You'll think you're his only
customer when you choose Frank durand the real estate Man
dot com to list your home with Remax Alliance three
oh three nine two zero sixteen twenty two.
Speaker 4 (01:53:00):
All right, boks three IL three seven one three A
two five five listen. I sent one of our deputies
out to a liquor store. I don't want to go
into the name of the liquor store, Deputy Dollar, but
you heard the entire You heard the entire story and
went into that liquor store. You sent me some pictures,
which was great. I still would like you to get
some video, but we'll talk about that off the air.
What do you make of this place? I mean, does
it come off as a normal liquor store? And I
don't want you to say anything, Just just say what
you want to say. I guess, what do you make
of the place?
Speaker 16 (01:53:33):
Yeah, yeah, Mark, it's a normal liquor store. Actually I've
been there before. But like the owner is, he's foreign.
And I was asking. I said, so if I just
wanted to get like fifty bucks cash out of the machine,
I said, can I do that? And he said, yeah,
you can do that. But he thought it was like
a scam.
Speaker 5 (01:54:00):
So you asked him about it. You know, we chatted
a little bit, but you didn't bring up this Britanna's
dad or stepdad?
Speaker 3 (01:54:08):
Speaker 4 (01:54:08):
Oh no, no, no, no, So tell no, I want
to hear about to chat with him when he said
he thought it was a scam.
Speaker 5 (01:54:14):
I mean, really paint a picture.
Speaker 16 (01:54:17):
Well, so I said, hey, you know, I'm an older guy.
I've never seen one of these things before. I said,
you can buy bitcoin on these things and you said, yeah,
you know, people come in and do it. He said,
I don't do it. But I said, that's that's kind
of interesting. And that was kind of how the conversation went.
But definitely. It's you know, I sent to the pictures.
You can post them up.
Speaker 5 (01:54:46):
There's a phone number. It's Athena Athena.
Speaker 4 (01:54:49):
I think I'm calling that right, Athena Bitcoin And it
says there's a phone number below it, which I guess
is the operator of the machine.
Speaker 5 (01:55:00):
Yes, and then you know what, Scott, I need a
better picture. Listen, are you still there?
Speaker 16 (01:55:07):
Yeah, I'm just across the city.
Speaker 4 (01:55:08):
I want a better picture. I want a better picture
of this big stop sign. It looks like it's basically
it looks like it's like buy or beware on the screen.
Speaker 5 (01:55:18):
But even if I zoom in on it, I can't
read it at all. But it says stop.
Speaker 16 (01:55:25):
Yeah, because I you're all here, I mean, I can
go back and take more pictures. What is it?
Speaker 5 (01:55:31):
Can you read it? What does it say?
Speaker 4 (01:55:33):
It's like the entire eight look at this, Brian, The
entire at M screen is like a big LCD and
it says stop.
Speaker 5 (01:55:40):
But that's all I can read. What does the rest
of it say?
Speaker 16 (01:55:44):
Oh? Really, Well, I sent you another picture that just
showed you know, US patriot as the.
Speaker 4 (01:55:51):
US Patriot important information exchange a bitcoin the funding of terrorism?
What does this means for you, when you initiate a transition,
we will ask for your name, address, date of birth.
Speaker 5 (01:56:07):
And other information. Right, I don't understand how this old
guy put forty grand into this thing. For the life
of me, I don't get it, man, I absolutely don't
get it. What I really want more than I can
go ahead.
Speaker 16 (01:56:21):
It looks like one of those ATMs you stay at
a bar or restaurant. Yeah, and there is a place
to enter cash.
Speaker 5 (01:56:29):
And Scott, do you think you could go over there
and get me to You think that guy will talk
to me?
Speaker 16 (01:56:37):
I think so.
Speaker 5 (01:56:38):
Yeah, Okay, but make sure listen.
Speaker 16 (01:56:40):
He's hard to understand, but yeah, I think I'll talk.
Speaker 5 (01:56:43):
Yeah, but listen, listen.
Speaker 4 (01:56:44):
This is very important and I'll redo it. But when
you say, will you talk to him, he's got some
questions on it. You got to make sure he understands
he's going to be on the radio. But I'll reconfirm
that with him. But I need to at least hear it. Yeah,
I want to ask the guys some question. Head back
over there, get another picture of that, and then what
I really want you to do, though, is go up
to him. It sounds like you guys have a rapport.
You know, buy the most expensive bottle of Don perry
On or whatever he has. Make him feel good, and
then don't try to turn that receipt into me though.
That's that's your own thing there. But then really butter
him up and try to get him on the phone
with me. Okay, man, Yeah, call me back, call me back.
Speaker 5 (01:57:27):
When you get over there. Just tell him.
Speaker 4 (01:57:28):
Tell him your buddy on the radio has some questions
on the bitcoin. I'll then I'll steer the conversation. I
want to find out if he owns it, who owns it?
But don't don't get into that. Let me get into that,
all right, man, I'm gonna drop you. Now, call me
back when you're over there. Okay, thanks Scott Man. Who
our deputies get involved? It's crazy, Deputy Bow. You've been
out to numerous different places on location, numerous. I love
Brian you have done. Brian's one of our referral list members.
Compass Insurance. By the way, I got to give this
number out again three oh three nine nine six nine thousand.
You want to save money on insurance, you call these guys.
Do it today and then call us up tell us
about savings. We already had one, like Brian said, I
mean it's kind of crazy. The guy's got a three
million dollar house, couple rentals, a bunch of cars, and
then teenagers, which are really expensive.
Speaker 5 (01:58:17):
Right, exactly.
Speaker 4 (01:58:18):
But you saved the guy thirteen thousand dollars right yep.
Man got him over a million dollars in better coverage.
Speaker 5 (01:58:24):
Yep, exactly, yep. And he was with Liberty Mutual Us
with Liberty Mutual who did you quote from Travelers? This
is who we a company. Yeah, Travelers is great. Sure,
Travelers you were going to put me through, but they
won't do the woods.
Speaker 8 (01:58:37):
Yeah, I live in the woods. Yeah, they're very particular
about high fire risk. Though I would be out right away.
Speaker 4 (01:58:43):
I can't argue with an insurance company on that. Hey, Arnold,
what is going on with Infinity?
Speaker 14 (01:58:48):
Speaker 24 (01:58:51):
Well, after all of the exotic intrigue you've been involved,
and I hate to ask a mundane question, but I
will anyway, please. I have I've been unable to communicate
with any human being at Exfinity, and this is over
a period of a couple of months. I lack the.
Speaker 22 (01:59:10):
Physical mobility or digital dexterity to go to the computer
or to crawl behind my devices, and all I want
is to communicate with a human being to remediate a
couple of problems I'm having with one of the utilities
I purchased in Comcast.
Speaker 5 (01:59:28):
Give me an idea I'm wondering. Give me the idea
of an issue you're having right now with Comcasts you
want repaired.
Speaker 22 (01:59:36):
Okay, this is a very simple issue.
Speaker 5 (01:59:38):
Go ahead.
Speaker 22 (01:59:38):
I have a television which it keeps giving me the
greeting from my native country. Everybody's been exposed to the
French greeting of welcome, and then it gets a message
that says the software for this unit has not been downloaded,
so that I'm not getting reception on one of my units,
and I get intermittent, sporadic good service.
Speaker 5 (02:00:04):
Hey, Arnold my Landlan Arnold. Let me let me ask you.
So the first part we're talking about is the TV.
Speaker 4 (02:00:11):
So you have Infinity or you have Comcast, I should say, right, yeah,
So could the problem be and I'm just asking, could
the problem be the actual TV or the smart TV
needs an update?
Speaker 5 (02:00:24):
How do you know it's Comcast related?
Speaker 22 (02:00:29):
Because it was working just fine and then I didn't.
I don't use it real often.
Speaker 5 (02:00:35):
Can you could you actually watch TV?
Speaker 13 (02:00:37):
On there.
Speaker 22 (02:00:40):
Oh yeah, I could. I can't watch TV right now. No,
I'm getting a I'm getting the greeting that they give
you when the box is not funking.
Speaker 5 (02:00:49):
Arnold, can you send me?
Speaker 4 (02:00:51):
Do you have a phone where you could take a
picture of that and text it to me, just so
I could look at what you're looking at?
Speaker 13 (02:00:58):
Speaker 4 (02:00:59):
Yeah, I can do that, right hold on, hold on,
I'm gonna come back to you after this, Kelly, Let's
get that text from him. I want to see what
this error is. But here's the good news. On and
I'll tell you the good news. We have got what
we call angels at Comcast. But I want to make
sure it's a Comcast issue, even though I know you're
convinced it is. But hold on, we're gonna dive back
into that. But get Kelly that picture over this break.
Speaker 5 (02:01:20):
Please, please, please, and thank you.
Speaker 10 (02:01:23):
Go with a sure thing Denver's best rufer excel roofing
dot com. You don't pay a cent until you're content.
Time for an insurance check up free, no obligation. In comparison,
call Compass insurance paying too much your coverage at dozens
of insurance companies find out now three all three seven
to seven to one help you'll think you're his only
customer when you choose Frank durand the real estate man
dot com to list your home with Remax Alliance three
all three nine two zero sixteen twenty two.
Speaker 5 (02:01:54):
We were talking about spam over the break. Spam kind
of gives me the HEBGVS. I don't know about you,
but if it's meat and it's in a can marks
out simple as that man. And when I start talking
third person like that, you know I'm upset.
Speaker 8 (02:02:07):
Well, you're trying to separate yourself from the thought of
these meats in a can, like tuna fish.
Speaker 5 (02:02:12):
So my beautiful wife Suzanne texted Brian ask Mark about spam.
She knows it's like I can't even like the problem
is I start picturing the can. I'm not even sure
I've ever seen what's in the can, but I think
it's like a paste, right. It's not like it's not
like a Vianna sausage where it's this hardcore thing.
Speaker 8 (02:02:32):
No, it's probably looked more like it's like a Oh
that's even more. It's like it's got a little gelatine
around it too.
Speaker 5 (02:02:41):
It's like catfood.
Speaker 4 (02:02:42):
Hey, have you noticed on a side note real quick,
this is kind of crazy. Dog food has become so
crazy expensive, some of this frozen or not frozen, refrigerated stuff.
I think Costco had one of these coolers in there
next to the dry dog fin they have dog food
in there. It's like five bucks a pound. I mean,
think about that.
Speaker 5 (02:03:04):
What the hell's in that?
Speaker 8 (02:03:06):
My wife makes our dog food? Oh god, and I'm
not kidding. She gets ground turkey and hamburger. It is
a it's a several hour job.
Speaker 5 (02:03:16):
What kind of dog is this? It's just a little longer.
Talk the dog better, the dog better worked for you
at Compassed Insurance?
Speaker 8 (02:03:24):
A great dog? But no it does not.
Speaker 5 (02:03:26):
But how long has she been Okay, did the dog
have a health problem that brought this up?
Speaker 13 (02:03:30):
Speaker 5 (02:03:31):
She just from day one?
Speaker 8 (02:03:33):
You got day one.
Speaker 5 (02:03:34):
It's been probably the conversion from I do.
Speaker 8 (02:03:38):
I don't know if she saw something on Instagram and
then it's like, you know what, I'm going to start
doing this. So she makes the dog food. But I'm
telling you it takes hours. Now it's good for about
a month. Like we we freeze all of it and
then she just like puts one in there. You got dogs,
we had she passed away a few years.
Speaker 5 (02:03:57):
Did you cook a dinner? No, you did not.
Speaker 8 (02:04:00):
Our dog is a Pekinese shiitsu.
Speaker 5 (02:04:04):
That's what we have. It's a pekaboo sheetsu.
Speaker 8 (02:04:07):
Yeah, yeah, you know we would you know, she would
get some pizza if we had pizza.
Speaker 5 (02:04:15):
We're talking.
Speaker 8 (02:04:17):
This is a full blown this is all she has.
Speaker 5 (02:04:19):
She loves it. Would as long as it was hot.
Does she serve it.
Speaker 8 (02:04:24):
Hot it has warmed up?
Speaker 1 (02:04:28):
Would eat it?
Speaker 15 (02:04:31):
Speaker 21 (02:04:31):
Speaker 5 (02:04:32):
Thing real quick? What the hell did Okay? So is
the dogs eating what is it? Turkey and potatoes, all
sorts of vegetable vegetables and what do you have it?
It's like, Brian, here's your hot guy, here's.
Speaker 8 (02:04:44):
Your look at the food. I think I'll take it.
Speaker 5 (02:04:47):
Here's your happy meal. Yeah see that I would Okay, Susan,
she wouldn't do it. She just wouldn't do it. I
don't think so. I don't think so. I don't think so.
Maybe for deem of the little dog, but I don't
think so. I really don't.
Speaker 13 (02:05:01):
Speaker 5 (02:05:01):
I hate to say it, but then I can get
you the recipe. Okay, okay, Brian, game on, oh, game on?
And if your wife ever wants to know about different
Hawaiian islands. And you know, I do know someone that
does that. Though. Guess who my mother. My mother cooks
for her little she makes dog food. She may well,
it's like what you're describing. It's not dog food. It's
human food. Yeah, it's one hundred percent human food. And
that dog but this dog only weighs like I mean,
it's like the size of this cup. I mean, it's
like the smallest dog in the world. And I don't
know much it eats. It probably eats like a pepperoni
and it's good. But it's human food, I assure you,
all right, Arnold, back with the Comcast issue. G's I
started thinking about spam and I forgot where I left
off with this poor guy and then Deputy Scott, I
was hoping, was going to call back in and have
that guy from the liquor store on. But Arnold, with Comcasts.
Did you send that picture over to Kelly? Kelly, did
we receive it?
Speaker 13 (02:06:12):
Speaker 5 (02:06:12):
We did get it. Send it over to me. Are
you sending it now, hey, Arnold? Yeah, I'm looking at this.
I'm looking at this picture. I want to see what
I think about. I'm waiting for Kelly to send it. Oh,
come on now, can we play some of that? Uh?
Speaker 24 (02:06:30):
Dude, dud dude, dude, dudeoo dude, Well you know the
new problem is.
Speaker 15 (02:06:38):
Oh there it is there.
Speaker 1 (02:06:40):
It is just like that.
Speaker 5 (02:06:43):
Wait, where is it, Kelly?
Speaker 16 (02:06:46):
Where is it?
Speaker 5 (02:06:47):
She's trying? She probably forgot my email. There it is
now I can look at it. Let's take a look
at this picture. So this poor guy calls in and
every time he goes to use this particular TV. Wow,
this is a weird thing to see. Oh my god, Hey,
Brian Burns, come over and look at this. Bo Look
at this. I've never seen. I don't think this is
a Comcast Air. Why do you think this is Comcast? Uh?
Does that look like a Comcast Air to you? Dragging
or you looking at it in there? Have Kelly pull
it up? Any of you guys here, You guys know
your way around all this stuff that does not look
like a Comcast Air. Yeah, even the corner that doesn't.
It doesn't look like what does that say in the
top right corner.
Speaker 22 (02:07:38):
The logo top right corner says that's Pace.
Speaker 5 (02:07:41):
But what is Pace?
Speaker 22 (02:07:44):
I don't have a clue, Mark.
Speaker 5 (02:07:46):
I don't know what pace where do you live?
Speaker 8 (02:07:49):
Is that a two TV?
Speaker 5 (02:07:51):
I think it is Mark Mark.
Speaker 15 (02:07:54):
Yes, sir Mike, you.
Speaker 22 (02:07:56):
Have delegated me by referring to me as that poor guy,
and now you're accusing me of having some anachronistic TV.
Speaker 5 (02:08:04):
That was Dragon. That was Dragon. I never even thought
it was a two TV.
Speaker 1 (02:08:08):
I thought it was.
Speaker 5 (02:08:11):
Where do you Where do you live?
Speaker 24 (02:08:12):
Speaker 22 (02:08:13):
I live in I live in the geographic center of Greeley.
Oh God, And I haven't had this for a heck
of a long time. The first the first message it
gave me was French and English, which said the English
was welcome. I know the French because I think I
figured it out.
Speaker 5 (02:08:35):
Guys, I think I I think I figured it out.
You're not actually looking at your TV, You're looking at
a cereal box.
Speaker 22 (02:08:48):
Well, I'm going to order the prize. Mark.
Speaker 8 (02:08:52):
Though, if it tells you to go to a bitcoin
at M, don't do it.
Speaker 20 (02:08:56):
Don't do it.
Speaker 5 (02:08:56):
Speaker 4 (02:08:57):
Hey, in all seriousness, I don't think that's Comcast. So
if I if I call up one of our angels,
I don't think we'll be able to do anything. But
what I would like to do is get someone to
come out and get you fixed up. I just when
you said Greeley. If you were in the tech center,
I would have headed out after the show. But I'm
not headed out to Greeley after the show under any circumstance.
Who do we know that lives in Greeley? Any deputies?
Speaker 5 (02:09:22):
I don't think we do.
Speaker 6 (02:09:23):
Are any contact best buy markup to get a geek
squad out there. Yeah, there's a best Buy it.
Speaker 5 (02:09:30):
The Greeley mall. Yeah, I don't like best Vibe. Okay,
I'm trying to think who we could put on this.
For the life of me, this is the weirdest message.
Speaker 22 (02:09:41):
Hold on, man Mark. The larger problem is that if
anybody attempts to communicate with Comcast or Exfinity.
Speaker 4 (02:09:51):
Yeah, but I can get I can get through to it.
Oh wait, wait, wait, you just solved my problem.
Speaker 11 (02:09:57):
Hold on.
Speaker 5 (02:09:58):
I'm going to take this error message and send it
to my service technician Angel right now at Comcast and
see if he's ever seen it before. So hold on,
we got to take this break. I'm gonna send it
to Tom.
Speaker 10 (02:10:10):
Go with a sure thing Denver's best roofer Excel roofing
dot com. You don't pay a cent until you're content.
Time for an insurance checkup free, no obligation comparison call
Compass Insurance paying too much your coverage at dozens of
insurance companies find out now three O three seven to
seven to one help. You'll think you're his only customer
when you choose Frank durand the real estate man dot
com to list your home with Remax Alliance three oh
three nine two zero sixteen twenty two.
Speaker 5 (02:10:42):
All right, so listen, Arnold.
Speaker 4 (02:10:44):
During the break, Brian with Compass Insurance started digging into
some stuff.
Speaker 5 (02:10:48):
Listen to this man. You were right. It is a
Comcast issue, Brian. Would you find and where was it?
Speaker 22 (02:10:54):
Speaker 8 (02:10:54):
It's all over their community pages. It sounds like this
is a problem that occurs whenever the box itself updates.
Speaker 13 (02:11:01):
Got it?
Speaker 8 (02:11:02):
This error can occur. But everything I'm reading is what
you have to do is get a new box.
Speaker 5 (02:11:07):
It bricks it.
Speaker 4 (02:11:07):
It probably does a update to the main memory which
operates the operating system, and at brick. Here's what we're
gonna do, Arnold. This is kind of good news because
now I know it's a Comcast issue, and I know
who to send it to.
Speaker 5 (02:11:21):
Tom. We're gonna send over. We need your address, your
account number whatever you can provide us, and I'll make
sure you guys you get a new box pretty quick.
Speaker 16 (02:11:30):
All right, man, fantastic, thank you, Yeah you got it.
Speaker 4 (02:11:33):
Hold on, though, make sure Kelly's got all your vitals.
Robert has a comment on that. Real quick, Robert, were
you going to say the same thing Brian did?
Speaker 16 (02:11:42):
No, Mark, Actually, what what I do with mine does
that is I just power cycle it. I unplug it
from in the back of the box and then it
goes through its reset mode.
Speaker 4 (02:11:50):
Let me hold on, let me ask hold on, let
me ask Kelly real quick. Has a guy recycled it?
She's talking to him getting the info. Has the guy
unplugged it and turned it back on. We're trying to
figure that out.
Speaker 8 (02:12:02):
That is the first thing it says. But I assumed
he had done that. But the on these ones I'm reading,
they're saying that they've done this and it didn't fix us,
so they had to get a new box. But yeah,
you're right, that would be the first thing to do.
Speaker 5 (02:12:13):
Oh, definitely. And maybe the new box is even easier
to use. I mean, who knows.
Speaker 4 (02:12:17):
But thanks for that, Robert. I really appreciate that. I
love when everybody chimes in and helps out, Hey, I
do want to finish up with something though, Compass. We're
gonna listen. We've got a lot to pick up on tomorrow,
a lot. We've got what's going on with this bitcoin
ATM The guy puts forty thousand dollars in gets scammed
on that, and then we have an update. In fact,
bo real quick, we had a call this morning where
the lady who had to pay ninety two dollars a
month with the water shut off. In other words, they basically,
if you didn't want water service the town of.
Speaker 7 (02:12:48):
What Fowler, Town of Fowler, the town of Fowler, miles
east of Pleblo. So I called the city manager. Yeah,
and uh, they were very nice.
Speaker 6 (02:12:58):
Their name was Cindy told me.
Speaker 7 (02:12:59):
The whole story bottom line. The bottom line is there's
they have to maintain the tap fee whether you use
the water or not.
Speaker 5 (02:13:08):
I knew it was gonna be that, but it's extraordinary
that it's ninety two dollars.
Speaker 7 (02:13:12):
It's ninety two dollars. But it's interesting they actually get
a separate tap in for gray water. Wow, and that's
only thirteen dollars a month, boy for unlimited use of water.
So this is interesting, I said, Cindy, do you guys
get a lot of complaints from your citizens on this?
And she says, our phone rings off the hook. She
gave some advice. She says, the people a Fowler need
to elect new city council members so they can get
the lawn change.
Speaker 4 (02:13:37):
They should, they very well should. Now listen Brian Burns
Compass Insurance. Everybody out there, I have been using Brian
at least ten years, if not fifteen. He shops our auto,
he shops our home. He shops our RV insurance, our
business insurance.
Speaker 5 (02:13:52):
What else do I have?
Speaker 4 (02:13:53):
Our motorcycle insurance, our trailer insurance. He shops all of
our different coverages every year. Always make sure we have
the proper coverages for who we are and what we do,
just like he will for you. And on top of that,
make sure we have the best pricing. All you have
to do is call up. Just call them up now,
give them the basic information they need, basically who you
have now, and they'll tell you exactly what information and
where to get it, and they're gonna see if they
can beat it. I promise you it'll be the best
few minutes you ever spent We've already had one guy
today that's saved.
Speaker 5 (02:14:26):
Thirteen thousand dollars. Yep. Did we have any other examples yet?
Speaker 8 (02:14:30):
I mean I'm looking at these, they're all, you know,
what you would assume normally, yeah, thousand, yeah, eight hundred two,
one thousand on the people that we actually have moved
from there. But to your point, what separates us as
once you're with us? We do this every year.
Speaker 5 (02:14:44):
Oh and not one else like that.
Speaker 8 (02:14:47):
I'm telling you companies don't do that, but we continue
to do it every year at renewal.
Speaker 4 (02:14:51):
I so wish I explained that better throughout this show.
He's absolutely right, that's not just what you get.
Speaker 9 (02:14:57):
Speaker 4 (02:14:58):
Every year they're gonna make sure maybe aggressive when you
have that sixteen year old kid that starts driving, your
insurance goes up twenty times, But Safeco might be a
lot cheaper. That's just an example, or after a hailstorm
or anything. Insurance companies change all the time. You can
save big money by shopping. But he's right, most agents
don't shop everybody every year. It's too much of a
pain in the ass.
Speaker 5 (02:15:22):
It's a lot of work to do it and then
automatically do it three oh three nine nine six nine thousand.
Speaker 4 (02:15:28):
Please call them up. There's no high pressure. They give
you nothing but the facts. If where you are is
where you should be, they'll tell you. And I want
to hear back from you. Please you can call right
on the air and give me your thoughts. Three oh
three nine nine six nine thousand. Dragon, Thank you, Kelly,
thank you, Deputy Bow, Deputy Scott out there. Love you, Chopper,
Brian Burns. We'll see you next time on The Troubleshooter Show.