Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Yea RiPP you need advice so you don't have.
Speaker 2 (00:13):
Come running just as fast as we can.
Speaker 3 (00:16):
Shooter's gonna help come Ma Dix's The Troubleshooter Show.
Speaker 4 (00:23):
No Tom Martino, Hey Tom Martino here, Welcome to the show.
Three oh three seven one three talk three oh three
seven one three eight two five five. We got a
lot to talk about today. As usual. That's what we do.
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two five five five four. Let's go to the phones.
I'm going to go to people who've been waiting the longest.
Right away, Katie. Let's just take Katie right now. Katie.
What and by the way, I do have a guest
with me. We'll talk about that. We also have some
follow ups that Mark started yesterday. And let's take Katie
right now, Katie, go ahead, what's happening?
Speaker 5 (01:37):
Okay, Yes, I've listened to you since I was like
five years old, and oh I hated.
Speaker 4 (01:44):
Now that puts a lot of pressure on me, Katie,
that puts a lot of pressure on it.
Speaker 1 (01:47):
Let's do it.
Speaker 5 (01:48):
I always wanted to play music, but I love you
and I trust you, and my friend wanted.
Speaker 4 (01:55):
Me to call you. Huh, what's going on?
Speaker 5 (01:58):
Actually he said, who's the person in charge of the
radio station? I said, what are you talking about? He said,
the guy? The guy he talked about, And I said,
Tom Martine. Anyway, my friend, he's on hospice. He's not
doing too well and he wants to do the death
with dignity and he's at Denver Health right now and
nobody what is his condition, Katie, Well, he's on hospice.
He's in stage heart failure. And he was on a
morphine drip and everything like that. But he's gone real
downhill in the last two weeks. And yeah, he wants
to do death with dignity. And so he came to
Denver General and they seem to not really know what
he's talking about, and they want.
Speaker 4 (02:55):
To try to put on is he on medicaid.
Speaker 5 (03:01):
In Denver Health Medicaid? He thought he was on regular Medicaid,
but apparently it's Denver Health. I don't know what that means.
Speaker 4 (03:08):
It means it's great coverage. Denver Health does a great
joke anyway.
Speaker 6 (03:16):
So are you saying he wants to die pretty much?
I mean, are they not listening to him?
Speaker 5 (03:29):
There's no place for him. I have no place to
take him, and I have no medication for him, and
I'm this caretaker, but.
Speaker 4 (03:37):
I just right now though he's at Denver General right now, yes, sir,
And he is in hospice care within Denver General.
Speaker 5 (03:50):
He was Denver Hospice, Yeah he was, but then he
had a stroke and a seizure.
Speaker 4 (03:55):
And okay, God, now he's okay. So he was in
Denver Hospice then got transferred to General Denver General. Okay, Yes,
and you know where is he gonna go? Where's he
gonna go? Now?
Speaker 5 (04:12):
I have a good question.
Speaker 4 (04:14):
Wait, wait, wait, who's talking? Is he is somebody on
the phone with you?
Speaker 7 (04:18):
I'm on the phone with you, guys.
Speaker 5 (04:20):
Oh sorry, that's my patient. Yeah, that's Clinton. He's the
one that needs to care.
Speaker 4 (04:26):
That's Clinton. Clinton. You're on the phone right now? Clinton?
Are you You're at Denver General right now?
Speaker 8 (04:36):
Speaker 9 (04:36):
They don't want to pick up put me anywhere?
Speaker 5 (04:41):
Yeah, nobody can help him. No, I would sink he
wants by dignity, which.
Speaker 4 (04:48):
Wait a minute, knew nothing about. Can he go back
to Denver Hospice?
Speaker 5 (04:54):
No, No, won't take him back.
Speaker 4 (04:57):
Why won't they take him back?
Speaker 5 (05:00):
He called his arm Lietnam, and he called and they said, okay,
go to the emergency room be seen. He had a
stroke and a seizure in the emergency room. And now
they won't take him back and nobody will take him.
Was he actually anywhere?
Speaker 10 (05:17):
Was he.
Speaker 4 (05:19):
Was he actually in the place? Was he actually hostice?
Speaker 9 (05:27):
I was on actual hospice.
Speaker 5 (05:30):
He was on hospice. But yeah, he wasn't impatient just yet.
They gave him his medication and stuff like that. But yeah,
he wasn't impatient, but now nobody will take him. He
has no bed anywhere, he has no medications, and everybody says, well,
help will help, will help, and nobody will help. There's
nothing he wants to do. Death with dignity. Uh huh.
Denver General participates in and you got to have two
doctors sign off. And but yet even though he's here
and he's being seen, nobody seems to I see.
Speaker 4 (06:12):
So what is the plan for him right now?
Speaker 5 (06:15):
I have no plans. That's why I'm calling you.
Speaker 4 (06:19):
And you're are you actually a healthcare worker, Katie?
Speaker 5 (06:23):
No? No, I just I met him three months ago.
He has no friends or family or anything. And I
met him a couple of months ago, and I'm his caretaker,
but I'm not.
Speaker 4 (06:33):
And how'd you how'd you meet him?
Speaker 9 (06:39):
Speaker 4 (06:40):
Speaker 5 (06:40):
Uh at a respect care. I was just seen at
a hospital. I had some medical conditions and uh so
I was in a respect care and he was in
a respect care and that's how we met. But he
was much better two months ago. And now he's gone
real downhill, real fast, and he's kind of bluffed all hope,
and I don't know what to do.
Speaker 4 (07:06):
I mean, there's a patient advocate. There's a patient advocate
at Denver General. Did you talk to the patient? Did
you talk to the patient advocate?
Speaker 5 (07:18):
No? I guess I can call I thought a social
worker and a case manager?
Speaker 4 (07:22):
And does he have a does he have a case manager?
Speaker 5 (07:28):
Not particularly? No?
Speaker 4 (07:31):
And when you said a case manager, who would you
talk to.
Speaker 5 (07:35):
The earlier today a social worker called and said, you know,
there's a couple of barriers he can't get in. He
can't get in, and.
Speaker 4 (07:44):
A couple barriers where he can't get in where.
Speaker 5 (07:48):
Anywhere? Any hospice, any bed, any anywhere? And I have
no place?
Speaker 11 (07:54):
Do you have a medication?
Speaker 4 (07:57):
And do you have you have the right to talk?
I mean, excuse me you they talk to you about
it with hippa, right, they have no problem talking to you, right?
Speaker 5 (08:08):
Yeah, No, I'm his power of attorney and caretaker. Yeah.
Speaker 4 (08:12):
Can I give you the number for the advocate? I
think wait a minute, never mind, wait wait, wait, hold on,
what's that? Hold on one second, I'm trying to find
the advocate themselves. I had it, but you need we
need to help. Have someone help you? Is Deputy doc
on today?
Speaker 12 (08:40):
I'm sorry, I want to see if Tom and studio
I think your note doc, if.
Speaker 4 (08:46):
She's got what I don't understand, they don't know. Yeah, hey, Doc,
do they have do they allow people to die? I
know this sounds weird. Do they allow people to take
a more fiend drip and die?
Speaker 12 (09:01):
I'm not I'm not sure that euthanasia is still is
legitimate in Colorado?
Speaker 4 (09:08):
But right now the other.
Speaker 5 (09:10):
Day because he was so frustrated, But yes.
Speaker 12 (09:13):
I think you're right on the first step is let's
talk to the You gotta call and talk specifically.
Speaker 13 (09:21):
Yeah, let's have you called.
Speaker 4 (09:22):
You have to call Denver Health and ask for the
patient advocate. Now Deputy doc will oversee this and get
Deputy Doc will give you steps to do and then
oh good, okay, Now Clinton, Clinton, are you still there?
Speaker 9 (09:42):
Speaker 4 (09:44):
Clinton, what do you want? What do you want to do?
I want to die, So you would like right now
to just pass away? And is that where you were
heading with Denver Hospice before this stroke?
Speaker 7 (10:05):
Speaker 9 (10:08):
I already knew.
Speaker 14 (10:09):
That I was a goner.
Speaker 4 (10:10):
Where were you getting hospice at home or were you
actually at Denver Hospice?
Speaker 14 (10:16):
I was at the respite home when I was on
when I was.
Speaker 4 (10:23):
On hospice, Okay, that was. That's over you. You were
right in their facility.
Speaker 9 (10:31):
No, I was not in the facility yet, I was.
Speaker 4 (10:35):
You were at home. Helped me out? What home, Katie?
Speaker 5 (10:41):
Where was he was at? It's what is it California
or South Street or something?
Speaker 4 (10:50):
Okay, in respite care? Okay? Where was he before that?
Speaker 11 (10:55):
Speaker 5 (10:55):
He's from Nebraska. He came out here for a heart
surgery and then they told him his heart was too
weak and it's at five percent and he was too
weak to help the heart surgery, so they canceled that
and they put him in a resk at home, and
that's where he was, and Denver Hostas was bringing him
nice for glycerine and more.
Speaker 4 (11:17):
I get it, I get it. So they were keeping
him comfortable. But then he had the stroke and was
transferred to Denver. Yes, yes, and Denver Health they won't
take now, Denver Health says. Denver Health says, the immediate
danger is gone and now he needs to leave, but
there's nowhere to put him.
Speaker 5 (11:36):
Pretty much.
Speaker 4 (11:37):
Yeah, okay, hold on, hey, deputy doc. Yeah, let's make
some real let let's let's do some calls here. This
is a terrible situation, all right. You know what?
Speaker 12 (11:47):
Text me the number for the patient advocate, and we'll
love it through a conversation with me, Katie and the advocate.
Speaker 4 (11:54):
Yeah, it's the general number. Doc. Okay, they say they'll
transfer you. They don't, They don't. It's six. It's three
oh three six zero two twenty nine point fifteen six
zero two twenty nine fifteen. Listen, we have a lot
to talk about. Hang in. Uh, we'll see what we
can do, Katie. Three o three seven to one three
eight two five five. Go with a sure thing Denver's
best roofer Excel Roofing dot com. You don't pay a
cent until you're contenth time for an insurance check up free,
no obligation. In comparison, call Compass Insurance. Paying too much
your coverage at dozens of insurance companies find out now
three oh three seven seven to one help. You'll think
you're his only customer when you choose Frank Durand the
real estate Man dot com to list your home with
Remax Alliance three oh three nine two zero sixteen twenty two. Hi,
Tom Martino, your troubleshooter three oh three seven one three
talks seven one three eight two five five. So I
want to go to Hannah who was on yesterday? And
the way I understand it, Hannah, you deposited some money
or your or your stepfather did and it never showed
up in the account and you used a machine to
do it, right? Is that right? Or he did? Yeah,
your sixty eight year old stepfather.
Speaker 15 (13:33):
Yeah, I went to a bitcoin ATM.
Speaker 4 (13:35):
He went, oh a bitco hold on. It was a
bitcoin ATM.
Speaker 15 (13:39):
It was a bit a Beena bitcoin ATM. It was
located inside of a wine and spirit store.
Speaker 4 (13:46):
Now what was the hold on? What was he deposited?
Was he buying forty two thousand dollars in bitcoin derivative?
Speaker 15 (13:53):
He was not on? On two separate occasions, who have
instructed by someone who to be an employee of Wills
Fargo to go and withdraw funds from his big accounts
to secure them. And he took he went into the
branch to withdraw the funds and was instructed to go
put them into the ATM because that's where they would
be sticking.
Speaker 4 (14:21):
So how did he get this phone call? Did he
contact someone?
Speaker 15 (14:25):
He contacted? Initially he contacted Microsoft because he got to
pop up on his computer saying that Donald it was contaminated.
Then they have his information, so then they caught.
Speaker 4 (14:39):
So then did they call him or did they email
them about going to a machine? It was over the phone,
and then he believed him, and so he took forty
two thousand in cash.
Speaker 15 (14:51):
He took twenty thousand on one day, twenty thousand on
a different day. The two thousand dollars was actually gift
cards that they asked him to purchase and provide.
Speaker 4 (15:01):
It be And he never talked to you about it
or anything. He just went ahead and did it.
Speaker 15 (15:05):
Did not, Yes, my mom is the one that actually
contacted me about it.
Speaker 4 (15:09):
So he went to a store and this machine is
where you normally buy bitcoins? Is that correct?
Speaker 15 (15:17):
Now? I have no idea what you do with the bitcoin.
Speaker 4 (15:21):
What's the name of the bitcoin machine?
Speaker 15 (15:24):
It's Athena Bitcoin Athena.
Speaker 4 (15:26):
It did.
Speaker 15 (15:29):
And you know, I actually found a similar article and
I emailed it to the.
Speaker 5 (15:34):
Email that you have.
Speaker 16 (15:35):
Yeah, an elderly woman that happened to in Ohio.
Speaker 4 (15:39):
Yeah, it's happening all over the country. What's happening is
do you know about it? Dimitri?
Speaker 14 (15:44):
Speaker 17 (15:44):
Yeah, it's a super common scam.
Speaker 10 (15:46):
People will implant to pop up on your computer claiming
that they're from Microsoft.
Speaker 17 (15:51):
It's almost always from Microsoft.
Speaker 10 (15:53):
And then they tell you that you have to deposit
money into some ATM machine and that's it.
Speaker 17 (15:58):
That's the last thing you'll see of that money.
Speaker 4 (16:00):
Yeah. And then when you deposited into that machine, it
went to that other person's account.
Speaker 15 (16:08):
Yes, I'm assuming so he said he was given a
QR code, a QR code to you. So my best
assumption is that it's deposited into whoever, whoever's account like
QR code least two.
Speaker 18 (16:23):
Hey, Tom, Yes, sir, so I was at the liquor
store yesterday where this ATM.
Speaker 4 (16:28):
Yeah, because Mark took the call and you went out
looked at it.
Speaker 18 (16:30):
I did, And what did you find? Well, it looks
like a normal ATM. There's it says bitcoin and Athena
is the company that manages it. There's a when you
walk up to the screen, there's a it looks like
it's a red stop sign, and it goes through all
these disclosures about this is bitcoin, these transactions are non refundable.
Speaker 4 (16:56):
And what does it talk about? Like what do you mean, like,
so is the machine for buying bitpoint? Yes it is,
that's the only So was he did he have to
put Like if you want to put money into their
doc I mean, excuse me a dollar. If you want
to put money into there, do you have to buy
something or does it just like if you just want
to deposit money, Hanna, was he given instructions on where
to deposit it? Like what to put in the How
does that work? Dollar? You just walk up? If you
just walked up with twenty grand one day and you
want to feed it into the machine, it must ask
where you want it to go?
Speaker 18 (17:35):
Well, yeah, actually, I mean right, I mean it must
I'm like fifty bucks, but yeah, there's a slot.
Speaker 17 (17:42):
Did you put your cash in?
Speaker 4 (17:44):
But for what I mean when you shop at the store,
you don't wait a minute. When you shop at the store,
you don't pan that machine. What is the purpose of
that machine?
Speaker 18 (17:52):
It's the purpose of the machine is for business owners
to track customers into their shop and looking at their website.
Speaker 17 (18:02):
It sounds like.
Speaker 4 (18:03):
Okay, but to attract him into their shop for the
purpose of what bitcoin?
Speaker 10 (18:09):
Yeah, the consumer buys bitcoins, yes, through this athena service. Yes,
and then the consumer transfers that bitcoin to whoever has
scammed him out of that bitcoin.
Speaker 4 (18:20):
But he did all of that how did he do that?
He doesn't know what the hell he's doing. Do you know, Hannah,
what do you know what steps he took? Did they
give him instructions on what to do? You don't just
walk up to a machine, even if it's a scam
and start pumping twenty grand into it, you know, I'm
sure you have to enter a pin or you have
to enter an account number. What's that?
Speaker 15 (18:41):
Yeah, he told me he had a QR code. He
may have had maybe a different number into imputation.
Speaker 4 (18:50):
Then he did okay, then he had information and they
said go to this machine. They must have said go
to this machine and do this, this, and this.
Speaker 15 (19:02):
That would be my guess. Yes, I Hannah, the.
Speaker 4 (19:05):
Bad news is here. These are unregulated. I mean, I
know we should all be outrageding we are, but he,
in essence gave his money away. I know it's terrible,
but he gave his money away. I don't even know
who you go after.
Speaker 10 (19:28):
And Tom, you know, at some point national law enforcement
has to look at Athena and services like that because
they're used on a regular basis to facilitate criminal transactions.
Speaker 4 (19:41):
Speaker 17 (19:41):
I looked at their website.
Speaker 18 (19:42):
There's probably one hundred and fifty of these Athena Bitcoin
ATMs around Denver, just Denver.
Speaker 10 (19:52):
Yeah, they're a real company, but they're used by a
vast international criminal network.
Speaker 4 (19:57):
Well, of course they are. We've heard of doutless cases
where people deposit money and they're screwed.
Speaker 17 (20:04):
And they must know it.
Speaker 10 (20:06):
They must consciously, in my opinion, operate this network in
part to support the criminal enterprises.
Speaker 18 (20:14):
So what Even the business owner mentioned something about scam.
He was his foreign It was a little difficult to
understand his English. But I did catch scam and he
claims he didn't know much about the machine other than
oh he.
Speaker 10 (20:32):
Knows they pay a rental to him for placing the
machine rental store.
Speaker 4 (20:35):
Yeah, but it's not that guy's fault with the machine.
The machine is probably legit.
Speaker 17 (20:41):
The machine is legit.
Speaker 4 (20:43):
But why would people buy bitcoin there and not online
and transfer money by ach?
Speaker 10 (20:49):
Well that you're talking about a relatively unsophisticated consumer who
sent forty grand to someone purporting to be for Microsoft.
Speaker 4 (21:01):
Man, you don't want to hear this, Hannah, But honest
to god, I mean, who have you contacted so far?
And doc? Do you think the consumer finance protection bro?
I don't think they'll do anything unless you unless they
can trace down these account numbers that he has. But
we need absolutely everything he entered into that machine. Can
you get it to us?
Speaker 12 (21:22):
But Tom, the good and the bad of bitcoin is
that it's untraceable. So that's one of the big selling
points of bitcoin is that the government or anyone else
has no way to get into your bitcoin account.
Speaker 13 (21:37):
And it's totally confidential. But if you lose the.
Speaker 12 (21:41):
Address of your wallet or whoever else you identify your deposit,
it's anonymous, and that's the good and a band of it.
Speaker 4 (21:50):
So he transferred it, but he must have been given
instructions how to transfer it. Therefore we will have that
track that trace right, Yeah, we'll have that part of it.
Speaker 18 (22:05):
Does he have a receipt? Does your stepfather have a
receipt of the transaction?
Speaker 15 (22:11):
Yes, he has a receipt, he has I believe, text messages,
there's things that he has.
Speaker 4 (22:18):
Well, can you gather, Hannah? Can we can't gather that?
Can you gather all of it? The QR code, the
text messages, do screenshots, the receipt? Can you get us
at least that stuff?
Speaker 9 (22:31):
Speaker 15 (22:32):
I can try, I Yes, I can try.
Speaker 4 (22:34):
Well, Okay, I mean try and let us know, because
if you can, there's nothing we can do. That's certainly
we can't do anything. But if we get that information,
at least maybe we go to the FBI or somebody
or start somewhere. I mean, it's wire fraud technically, Oh yeah, you.
Speaker 10 (22:51):
Have to find out whom the law enforcement could even
charge with wire fraud?
Speaker 16 (22:54):
Isn't it secret service whoever?
Speaker 13 (22:57):
They're not gonna find West Camber being fraud and wirefraud.
Speaker 4 (23:01):
Yeah, but they're not going to be. But the whole
bunch of doesn't matter what it is. If we can't
trace it, it's Hannah Germ is the only one that
can trace it. You said he had a QR code.
Speaker 15 (23:13):
Yes, that's what he told me. I mean we have
the Can I talk to him?
Speaker 4 (23:17):
Can I speak to him?
Speaker 15 (23:21):
There's a language barrier, so it'll be kind of difficult
for you to get their information out of him. So
I'm so.
Speaker 4 (23:27):
How did they how did they convey to him? Did
they speak to him in his language his language?
Speaker 15 (23:34):
No, they were speaking to him in English. But I
think he has grown to be self flustered by the
situation that he's he's not necessarily able to just communicate
clearly exactly what happened. So it's it's I can get
that information from him and see what else I can gather.
As far as evidence goes, I know he has he
has receiveds, he has text messages, he has paperwork that
seems to show deposits to the Federal Reserve. There's random
things that they have sent him to make him feel
like this was legit.
Speaker 4 (24:09):
All right, let's just see what we can find out.
This is this sucks, This is terrible. This really is terrible.
So uh just hold on and dollar. You went to
the you went to the place, you saw the machine.
Speaker 17 (24:27):
Can you grab a couple of pictures of it as well?
Speaker 4 (24:30):
Can you grab can you grab this stuff from her,
all of this information. Let's just see if we can
make a trail here. Of course, I mean, I don't
know what we can do. Was this is like how
much of the money did he take out?
Speaker 15 (24:44):
What was that?
Speaker 4 (24:45):
How much money did he take out?
Speaker 15 (24:48):
He took twenty thousand from one bank and twenty.
Speaker 4 (24:50):
Thousand I mean what I mean is what percentage of
his life?
Speaker 16 (24:55):
That was their entire savings?
Speaker 4 (24:57):
Oh God, does he understand that? I mean that he
might have lost it? Forever he does.
Speaker 13 (25:05):
And have you have you contacted the FBI?
Speaker 15 (25:09):
No, I I've contacted. I submitted police report with a
Royal TV. I submitted or report with the Federal Trade Commission.
I haven't contacted the FBI. I'm willing to.
Speaker 13 (25:25):
Well if that.
Speaker 12 (25:25):
Could be the only people that have jurisdiction, the police
department and the Federal Trade Commission are are not the
ones you should be contacting. And the FBI is the
one that that you need to get in touch with
and give them all the information.
Speaker 13 (25:41):
Okay, Wow, Well.
Speaker 4 (25:48):
That that machine that Deputy Dollar went to see, that's
amazing to me. It's just amazing because there are so
many disclaimers on it.
Speaker 2 (26:06):
Speaker 4 (26:07):
Three o three seven to one three eight two five five.
We listen, we have to take a break, get that
information gathered. Let's see what we can find. This certainly
is sad. By the way, Frank durandrealestate Man dot com
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Remax Alliance three all three nine two zero sixteen twenty two. Hi,
Tom Martino, your troubleshooter three all three seven one three
talk seven one three eight two five five. Welcome to
the show and let's uh continue here three all three
seven one three eight two five five. Now Bernadette has
a problem with a flood in an apartment. Bernadette, what's
going on with you?
Speaker 11 (27:48):
Speaker 7 (27:50):
We list at the Ironwood Apartment on Palm and Palma Park.
That's the name of the.
Speaker 4 (27:57):
Apartment, Ironwood, Yes, Ironwood, at what part?
Speaker 7 (28:04):
It's Ironwood Apartments A Parma Park.
Speaker 9 (28:07):
That's the name of the complex.
Speaker 4 (28:09):
Okay, got it? Go ahead? What's going on?
Speaker 9 (28:13):
Speaker 7 (28:13):
Two saturdays back, about five thirty, I'm sitting there reading
my Bible, just being quite, and I can hear some
noise going on in the hallway and I thought my
daughter was up, but it wasn't. And I got up
a loaf and I looked. I didn't see anything out
of the ordinary.
Speaker 4 (28:32):
Are you is this in Colorado spring? Is this in
Colorado springs? Okay?
Speaker 16 (28:36):
Go ahead, Colorado Springs.
Speaker 7 (28:39):
So I looked at the toilet and I noticed the
level of the water was down, but nothing unusual. There
was still regular water, and you know. So I went
back and sit down in the living room again and
continue what I was doing, and I keep came blue
block every few years, and I'm thinking, yeah.
Speaker 9 (28:57):
What is that?
Speaker 2 (28:58):
Speaker 11 (29:00):
Got it?
Speaker 17 (29:00):
Speaker 9 (29:00):
Got up to use the bathroom. I tell her.
Speaker 7 (29:03):
I explained to her what's going on, and she used
the bathroom and flushed it and nothing happened. We noticed
water was coming up in the tub and I'm thinking.
Speaker 9 (29:15):
Well, why water be coming up.
Speaker 7 (29:16):
I tried to plunge it and it started coming up higher.
The water was coming around the toilet space the water
was coming.
Speaker 9 (29:25):
That's where the water was coming from.
Speaker 4 (29:28):
And also the and also the tub. Right, Yes, it
came okay, so let's let's Bernadette, I it was a
sewer backup. So let's speed forward. Now you don't have
to give every detail. How bad did it get in
your apartment?
Speaker 11 (29:46):
Speaker 7 (29:47):
We've not been there since Saturday. Everything got wet. Everything
that was on the floor, the bedroom's carpet need to
be ripped out, my son.
Speaker 4 (29:56):
Yeah, that's dangerous. By the way, now this is a rent, right, yes, okay?
And did they come in the landlord come in or
the management company and clean it all up?
Speaker 7 (30:09):
No, we had the water people that does like suck
up water, right, I don't know what you call them.
Speaker 9 (30:16):
They came.
Speaker 7 (30:18):
They were there about after ten then we left the
Golden fine.
Speaker 4 (30:21):
Yeah, but who hired them? Who hired them.
Speaker 7 (30:23):
Bernadette, I guess management.
Speaker 4 (30:27):
So when I asked if management did anything, you said no,
So they actually hired people to suck up the water.
Speaker 9 (30:33):
Yes, that's what they did.
Speaker 7 (30:36):
But they never spoke to us. They never called and
said this is what's going to end. I just want
to let you know it wasn't.
Speaker 9 (30:44):
Just our apartment.
Speaker 7 (30:45):
There were eleven units that were affected with this, okay,
and this management had just taken over in September, and
they did not communicate that.
Speaker 9 (30:56):
I haven't heard.
Speaker 4 (30:57):
Okay, so you know in addition to sucking all that up,
they have to sanitize that. Now, did you have any
personal property ruined? Yes, shoes, pillows, I mean okay, Okay,
so what does this? By the way, Ironwood apartments no
matter where, they have terrible ratings, they have terrible ratings. Okay,
here's what I need to know. Who have you been
talking to at Ironwood?
Speaker 7 (31:27):
Nobody other than the assistant manager kind of he don't
even know what's happening. Rickie's asking him with somebody called
and say are higher up in the.
Speaker 9 (31:37):
Man and say, look, we're sorry.
Speaker 4 (31:40):
Are they paying for are are you? Are you in
a hotel?
Speaker 9 (31:44):
We're We're at.
Speaker 7 (31:45):
The Smith's Hotel.
Speaker 4 (31:46):
On Betty And is Ironwood? Is Ironwood paying for it?
Speaker 9 (31:52):
Speaker 7 (31:53):
No, we are the ones that my son and I.
Between my son and I, we're paying the hotel and
we keep extending it.
Speaker 9 (32:01):
Is because every time we go back to.
Speaker 7 (32:03):
The apartment to see if there's any progress, those machines
that are sucking up the water has been running since Saturday,
two saturdays back.
Speaker 9 (32:13):
It's been running.
Speaker 7 (32:14):
I don't know what's going to happen today. My son
and I were supposed to go over there and see
who we can talk to the finals, who's paying the
hotel there, who's paying the electric bill? And I had
said to my kids, do not pay the rent, but
they already paid it because it was no no hold on.
Speaker 4 (32:31):
Hold on stday. Okay, before you tell them to first
of all, you said your kids, your kids pay the
rent for you.
Speaker 9 (32:40):
Speaker 7 (32:41):
My son has a kid and he had a stroke.
In twenty two, I was in Florida.
Speaker 9 (32:46):
I got a call and I had.
Speaker 4 (32:47):
To come back to whose apartment is it? Bernadette? Whose
apartment is it?
Speaker 7 (32:52):
Sheldon and Hannah?
Speaker 4 (32:54):
Okay, so it's their apartment, it's not yours. Got it? Okay,
So they're the ones that live there.
Speaker 11 (32:59):
Not you.
Speaker 9 (32:59):
Right right now, I'm on the leaf.
Speaker 4 (33:03):
I got it.
Speaker 9 (33:04):
Put me on the leaf because I'm with them.
Speaker 7 (33:06):
But he's upstairs sleeping right now because he works.
Speaker 9 (33:09):
Speaker 4 (33:09):
I get it.
Speaker 7 (33:11):
My daughter works days, so nobody else is here to community.
Speaker 4 (33:14):
I got it. I got it. Okay, listen, listen, we
need to have someone call them for you. This is ridiculous.
What are the other eleven people? So eleven apartments are
now abandoned?
Speaker 7 (33:27):
Yes, okay, ten families.
Speaker 9 (33:29):
One unit the units across.
Speaker 7 (33:31):
From me was empty, and we found us from the
guys that that one was badly damaged.
Speaker 4 (33:36):
All right, hold on, just hold on, Please hold on,
Deputy d you want to call over to Ironwood. We'll
be right back. Hey, Tom, go with a sure thing
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home with Remax Alliance three all three nine two zero
sixteen twenty two. Hi Tom Martine here three all three
seven one three talks seven one three eight two five five.
Does Bernadette have Renters insurance? Find that out. I'm gonna
give this to Deputy Doc to work on. But now
excuse me, Deputy d but I wanted to ask you
something real quick. Bernadette. Do you have Renter's insurance?
Speaker 7 (34:38):
Yes, my kids do have renters Assurance?
Speaker 4 (34:41):
And are is it covering the hotel?
Speaker 6 (34:44):
Speaker 7 (34:44):
That's the first thing my son did. Is called Saturday
when this was happening.
Speaker 4 (34:48):
What will will they cover this for your personal property?
Speaker 7 (34:53):
I am assuming that. I don't know.
Speaker 9 (34:56):
We haven't spoken to.
Speaker 4 (34:57):
Is the Is the management company paying for the hotel?
Speaker 7 (35:01):
I don't know.
Speaker 9 (35:02):
That's why I'm calling you.
Speaker 4 (35:04):
All right, We'll we'll find out. Put her on hold,
we'll find out. Just let let's move on. I'm Tom Martino. Donna,
what's your comment on that bits coin scam? Do you
have a quick comment?
Speaker 6 (35:15):
I do.
Speaker 16 (35:16):
I actually unfortunately had a friend of that once through
the exact same thing. It was a little over fifty
thousand dollars.
Speaker 4 (35:21):
Did he get his money back?
Speaker 5 (35:24):
Speaker 11 (35:25):
No, she did not.
Speaker 4 (35:26):
She did not.
Speaker 16 (35:27):
They kept her on the No, they kept her on
the phone the entire time, in a heightened state of alert,
like it was an emergency and she had to do it.
Speaker 4 (35:35):
Oh my god, hold on, hold on that go with
a sure thing. Denver's best roofer Excel roofing dot com.
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two zero sixteen twenty two.
Speaker 1 (36:08):
Yeah, Rita, you need advice so you don't have.
Speaker 2 (36:20):
Come running astas as we can.
Speaker 3 (36:23):
Shooter is gonna help.
Speaker 2 (36:25):
Come man, this is.
Speaker 4 (36:28):
The Troubleshooter Show. No Tom Martine, Hello Tom Martino here
three all three seven one three talk seven one three
eight two five five. I'm gonna go back to calls,
but first I need to uh talk to someone because
this has been killing me. This new documentary is online,
by the way, issues me on the streaming, and it
is about John Benet Ramsey, and it is about the
I guess The new documentary, apparently, the documentarian said, had
nothing to do with John Ramsey requesting it. He did
it on his own, and John Ramsey said, finally it's
probably going to be his vindication and or the family's vindication,
and that what's going to happen is they're going to
run that DNA probably that was found at the scene,
which matched no one in the household. And you know,
this thing has been going on. How many years is
it now? Is it thirty years yet? I mean so,
Peter Boyles, God did he cover this extensively when he
was doing when when it was going on and on
his show? And I wanted to bring Peter up because
this this is an every morning newscast there and and
John Ramsey has become the sweetheart of media and Peter
you know, you know they say time heals all wounds
and even people's.
Speaker 11 (37:55):
Past hens or wounds all.
Speaker 4 (38:01):
Now Peter is on the hotline and he's cutting in
and out. That's not me, Shannon. So just so you know, anyway, Peter,
here's what I want to know. Was there new new
DNA back when you were talking? Did anyone know about
this new DNA? When did it come to light?
Speaker 11 (38:19):
There is a substance that was found in this little
girl's underwear. The boner PD went was far back to
the factories inside of the people's Republic of China to
try and sense where any of this comes from. First
of all, let me say this, and I say it
every time I end up having to come by the
way I got here. I'm at emic today. I'm find
a new little pickup truck. And okay, got a guy,
guy Tom Martin, with a good guy.
Speaker 4 (38:48):
Okay, cool. Now, see Peter just worked himself into a discount.
I think, Okay, go ahead, I think I did.
Speaker 11 (38:55):
But I remember this and the jury in the end
of it. Alex Hunter was the district attorney, and Alex
Hunter chose not to We never knew one way or
the other what to do with the outcome of the
grand jury that they said no indictment. And I remember, well,
I'm standing in the Justice Department parking lot with Heeraldo Rivera,
and I was floored. And then we waited. A couple
of years go by, and Charlie Brennan, Rocky Mount News reporter,
Charlie Brennan, gets a leak and the leak is from
a grand juror, and the grand juror said to Charlie Brennan,
we wanted to indict them both for the murder of
that little girl. So anything else that's been flipping around
as anything else that's been manufactured by people like Paula
Woodward or any of the other people who have been
involved in this. I haven't seen it. Now, this is
where I'm critical of myself because we're talking about a
book I haven't read. But I know the people if
they're involved in this, and there's some really, really really
shaking people involved in this Ramsey's series. But remember this,
everybody in the audience, everybody, and I would doubt seriously,
and I haven't seen this series, so I can't. I
can't bet it that no one said in that series
the grand jury wanted to indict John and Patsy Ramsey
both for the murder of that little girl.
Speaker 4 (40:35):
Okay, Peter, here's what I don't understand. The new DNA.
John Ramsey says, if they run it through the directories,
the ancestries and all the stuff we have nowadays, they
might be able to find someone was their DNA they
could not identify. You said they went back to China.
What was their conclusion on that DNA.
Speaker 11 (40:56):
Let me tell you something. Anything that comes out of
John Ramsey's mouth. John Ramsey twice a year sheds his
skin Mommy, anything that comes out of that man's mouth, Okay,
dismiss it, just dismiss it a face value.
Speaker 4 (41:15):
Here's what I don't understand. They never address either those
those ransom notes that were found. I mean, even if
there was other DNA, why would the wife sit down
and practice some ransom notes.
Speaker 11 (41:28):
Of course she did, and of course the ransom note
is very clear if we so much and see, the
cops will kill her. First thing Passy does calls the cops.
First thing the cops do is pulling them in a
black and white. Now, I got to know a lot
of murder squads, and we got to la a lot
of FBI people. They have television repair trucks. They have
you know, backup saint trucks that look like legitimate. These
are what they drive to the house to go in.
These were two black and whites. And remember this too,
it's the holidays. So the young cops, the rookies, these
are the youngest guys down the ladder. They don't control
the trump the crime scene. They you know, the Ramsey
start calling their friends. They have a woman who used
to be a mall cop and she's in charge of
the in charge of the murder scene. I mean, Tom, please,
I mean I have spent years with this and you know,
people ask why is it back? I don't know why
it's back. I think I know one of the people
that is behind why they bring it back. But it's
a great sadness because they can talk people into it.
Speaker 4 (42:45):
Well, did you see the entire documentary? I haven't seen
it yet.
Speaker 11 (42:49):
No, I told you. I just I'm doing what I
get mad about. I am criticizing a book I haven't read.
I will not watch this. I received a phone call
from somebody who asked me to be in and I said, no,
this is not a who done it? This case is dissolved.
Speaker 4 (43:07):
Why are you so convinced of it because of the
grand jury leak that you heard through this guy?
Speaker 11 (43:12):
No, Temmy, I lived this thing. We lived it together.
You were. I was doing mornings. I mean, there was
nothing about this case. And one time someone said to me,
I think it was Roaldo. He said, Peter, what would
you like to know? And I said, I'd like to
know what Patsy Ramsey's dreams are about at night. I
think the devil comes and dances in her dreams. Other
than that, I don't know what game John Ramsey plays,
except he plays the well.
Speaker 4 (43:42):
He reserved about every year he comes out and resurfaces
the thing.
Speaker 11 (43:46):
I tell you what the grand jury member who spoke
with Charlie Brennan said, we we collectively the grand jury
wanted to indict them both for the murder of that
little girl. And I got a twenty dollars bet and
I haven't seen the series. That does not appear in
the series.
Speaker 4 (44:07):
Well, yeah, they're going to say, well, you don't know
that to be true. That could be a rumor. Charlie
Brennan could have Brennon.
Speaker 11 (44:13):
Charlie Brennan is irreputable. Remember the book Perfect Murdered, Perfect Town.
Charlie was a co author of that book. Charlie worked
at the Rocky. Charlie's a hell of a reporter.
Speaker 4 (44:23):
Okay, I'm gonna I'm going to ask you something. And
then if they did want to indict, why wasn't Why
why weren't they indicted?
Speaker 11 (44:29):
That's a question for Alex hunder is Uh.
Speaker 4 (44:33):
I thought, if there was a vote against or foreign
excuse me, a vote for indictment, does the DA have
the power not to do it? Of course you think so.
I didn't know that I thought when you wu paneled
the grand jury, I didn't know a DA had that choice.
Speaker 11 (44:50):
No, they had everybody, and they Tommy, they looked and
they looked at evidence and spoke with people that even
as close as I got to this case, I never
got to see. They saw everything everything.
Speaker 4 (45:06):
You know. It's just you don't call it a mystery.
I call it a mystery, But you don't.
Speaker 11 (45:12):
Call it a mystery, Tommy, don't call it a mystery.
Speaker 4 (45:15):
It's not. And you think they're covering. You think they
were covering for the sun. You think that one documentary
had it right.
Speaker 17 (45:24):
I know.
Speaker 11 (45:25):
I don't believe they were covering it for their son.
I believe that she's a rager. I believe that she
went downstairs. The striking weapon is the flashlights that they
found on the counter. That the batteries have been wiped off.
Somebody took that thing apart and wiped even the batteries
off that night. The whole barrel the flashlight's been wiped clean,
is sitting there next to a three and a half
page ransom note of practice notes. No Burt Ramsey's who
he is. He had to play second fiddle to his sister,
but no, No, he's you know that people want to
hang stuff on that kid. Yeah, I'm feel bad for
the kid.
Speaker 4 (46:12):
Well, Peter, like I said, no one was as close
to it as you were. But I'm just shocked that
you're not going to at least watch the documentary.
Speaker 11 (46:20):
No, I don't think so. I haven't watched the alan
Berg movie either.
Speaker 4 (46:25):
I wasn't even aware that that one had come out yet.
Speaker 11 (46:28):
It's called The Order, and it's it's not even close.
Speaker 4 (46:33):
So and Peter, Peter, speaking about alan Berg, you remember
our lunches together and our conversations. I mean, you're right,
most people have no clue what he was about.
Speaker 11 (46:46):
Far better yet what happened. I'm in this idea of
this semi retard FBI agent up an Idaho who really
gets on to Bob Matthews, Tommy. It never happened, Yeah,
it never happened.
Speaker 4 (47:04):
You know, the thing with the thing with Alan was
just an ordinary I mean, it was a hate crime.
They just wanted to it was, that's all it was.
Speaker 11 (47:15):
And I mean there's no marking in the city, there's
nothing for him. We finally got him into the Hall
of Fame, but I mean there's we have Omar Jah.
We have Dick Connor, we have Bruce Randolph, we have
all these different different places rightfully so named after these
significant significant people. There's nothing that Mark Sallenberg, you know.
Speaker 4 (47:36):
And the funny thing I found with Alan and this
is not a putdown, but a lot of the stuff
he did he didn't really care that much about. I mean,
he was an entertainer.
Speaker 2 (47:48):
It wasn't like the.
Speaker 11 (47:50):
Number two and number ten. That's exactly what he was.
Speaker 4 (47:53):
Yeah. In other words, he wasn't like the pundits of
today who are carrying the water for peace people or
he didn't care. He did what it took to get
a rise out of people. Did you get that right?
I mean he didn't. He didn't have an agenda.
Speaker 11 (48:12):
I watched him for six years, my best friend for
six years. He was a professional wrestler.
Speaker 4 (48:22):
That's exactly Okay. It couldn't have been put better.
Speaker 11 (48:26):
No, true, he was.
Speaker 4 (48:27):
But today but today I don't get the impression today
that the talk show hosts. I believe that they are
really sold out and are and have an agenda as
opposed to going on saying how can I stir this
crap up? Today?
Speaker 11 (48:44):
It's over?
Speaker 4 (48:46):
Yeah, now, well, some some would argue that having a
real agenda and a real passion is better than just
being a showman.
Speaker 11 (48:57):
You have to take that up with somebody else, because
I my view of what we do for a living
is quite different than that.
Speaker 4 (49:04):
I know. I remember Peter, Peter listen man, I mean
you and I talked about it. There is a blend
of entertainment and information, there is a blend, but you
what to do? What's that?
Speaker 11 (49:17):
He knew how to make people mad. He knew how
to get to the to the center of it. You know,
there's the reason, by the way that a lot of
people didn't take on the Ramsey case was intricate. It
took hard work, right there was I mean, Danny Kaplis,
did you know there's very few people that wanted to
go near it? And now suddenly with this I get
two calls a day about this ridiculous Ramsey trilogy that's
being shown on Netflix. Had to be a change in themselves.
They really should be well.
Speaker 4 (49:52):
Peter Boyles, thank you very much, a legend and my friend.
We have more coming up on the Troubleshooter show. Go
with a Sure Thing. Denver's Best Roofer Excel Roofing Dot com.
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to one. Help. You'll think you're his only customer when
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to list your home with Remax Alliance three all three
nine two zero sixteen twenty two. Hi, Tom Martino, your
troubleshooter three oh three seven to one three talk seven
one three eight two five five Donna, did you have
anything more to say on that bitcoins scam? You?
Speaker 1 (50:50):
Speaker 17 (50:50):
Speaker 4 (50:51):
You mentioned that you had a friend that lost fifty
grand the same way.
Speaker 13 (50:55):
Basically, that's correct.
Speaker 16 (50:57):
The the caller basically kept her not basically kept her
on the phone the entire time, told her she was
not allowed to disclose what was going on because it
might thwart the plan of the irs freezing all of
her assets. Hatter liquidate a little over fifty thousand dollars
in cash, she had to go to multiple different branches
of her bank to do so, and then proceeded to
send her to downtown Denver somewhere to a bitcoin machine
and see that machine the fund So.
Speaker 5 (51:32):
It just was.
Speaker 4 (51:35):
Speaker 16 (51:35):
Once it happened, she realized what had taken place and
that she was scammed.
Speaker 4 (51:40):
Did any authorities make any attempt to do anything for her?
Speaker 16 (51:45):
No, you can report it with the FBI, but it's
the chances of the funds being recovered are so slimmed
because it is bitcoin, and the the enmity behind it
is so so large that they they couldn't track it down.
Speaker 4 (52:04):
God, that is so sad. Oh my god. Fifty thousand,
fifty thousand.
Speaker 16 (52:09):
And then they called back a few days later and said, well,
we've got your savings account safe, so now we need
to work on getting your checking account safe.
Speaker 4 (52:17):
Well and during that time, but now when they called back,
that was before they realized it was a scam, right.
Speaker 16 (52:28):
No, it was after So at that point she had
she she she.
Speaker 4 (52:32):
They should have used they should have used the second
call to find these people and lure them in. They
should have worked with authorities, right.
Speaker 16 (52:41):
Yeah, it's always twenty twenty.
Speaker 4 (52:43):
But so what did they just hang up on them
the second time?
Speaker 5 (52:47):
Speaker 16 (52:48):
Well, when she started telling them that, how how basically
much of a stumbad day were for depleting her savings account.
The guy hung up, But you know, a very educated woman.
They just I've in the financial industry and I've been
to multiple seminars on fraud and detection, and it is
one of the things that these scammers do is they
get you in a heightened sense of emergency and that
you have to act now and if you don't, you're
going to lose everything. And they don't give you time
to think. And that's the biggest thing. And so we
always tell all of our clients hang up the phone
and call a loved one and one at pass them
first before anything, because that's just they just get you
in a heightened sense and you are just following you
you blindly follow their instructions and you don't have time
to think about it. And that's that's where it gets
a lot of people.
Speaker 4 (53:43):
Well, you're right, they get them scared, panicked. Thank you,
don I appreciate the information. This is terrible. I don't
think she's going to be able to do anything either. Anyway.
I want to bring up a divorce attorney. I think
he's retired now. He's a friend of Deputy d and
I appreciate him coming up because we had a very
complicated case the other day. We've been trying to get
a hold of her because we wanted to give her
this information. But I can relate it to her, but
I wanted to recap her case. I wanted to even
ask if you've ever heard of such a thing, Paul Figlia, Paul,
thank you very much. Paul. How many years did you practice?
Speaker 11 (54:25):
Twenty in mostly Jefferson, in Park County and also in Denver.
Speaker 4 (54:30):
So you don't do divorce anymore?
Speaker 11 (54:32):
I don't. I am happily married because I'm happily retired.
Speaker 4 (54:38):
Okay, Now, I've never heard of a default judgment in
a divorce where if you don't show up, the other
party wins, no matter how ridiculous they might ask for things.
I mean, this woman, Jessica claimed. She's in Illinois. She
says she was an alcoholic kicked out of her house
by her husband, and then he filed for divorce, but
then he got a default judgment. Have you heard of
a default judgment? She said she didn't show up because
he threatened her. But I don't want to go back
there because it was so long ago. There's nothing she
can do about it in twenty fifteen. But have you
heard first? That was my first question. Have you heard
of a default judgment?
Speaker 11 (55:21):
No, Tom, and your instincts are right on. There really
is no such thing as a default judgment in a
family law matter. What generally happens if a client, or
should say, okay, litigant does not show up is that
the court will in her orders without regard to what
evidence she may or may not have been able to
put on, so on and so forth. But I would
stop short. Tom was saying that the court will basically
grant anything, even to the ridiculous extreme, simply because the
other party who did show up asked for it. In
a situation where a litigan does not show up, the
court acts as a gatekeeper for what it thinks is
going to be a reasonable outcome. That's not to say
that these non appearing party is not at a disadvantage.
They in fact are a very distinct disadvantage. But the
court is not going to allow it. Just really nearly orders.
Speaker 4 (56:21):
Okay, if you have a standing child visitation that she has.
She had problems, obviously, but the courts gave her visitation,
not custody, and the husband is withholding visitation, and he
claims and the guardian at Leidam says it's in the
best interest of the children. Can they just do that
without modifying the order?
Speaker 11 (56:49):
Typically no, No. Let me just say this. If your
given orders, as Dad was here, you don't have to
follow them to the t. The courts understand parties generally
in most cases will modify that by their own behavior
and not necessarily formally. However, if there's a dispute, the
bottom line is the orders have to be followed, but
you can't, as Jessica seems to have done, just sit
on those rights without asking them to be enforced. So
here's the usual situation. One party denies the other party
parenting time, which is what we have alleged here, and
the party who is aggrieved does nothing to enforce the
current order and just sort of sits on it. The
court calls it sitting on your rights, and in doing
so it becomes the I won't say the legal order
of the day, because what's written on paper is the
only thing that's enforceable, but it sort of becomes the
status quo, and the court is very happy to let
you do whatever you want to do because Honestly, judges
don't want to hear these cases. They grab to clear
their doctors on Okay, okay, that sounds like what's happened
here here.
Speaker 4 (58:11):
It's yeah, I'm sure there's way more to it than
we're hearing. But if in fact they was not modified
and the ex husband is refusing visitation, what does she
do if she wants to enforce it?
Speaker 11 (58:27):
Yeah, and that's an excellent question that goes right to
the heart of it. First of all, let me let
me talk about dad for a moment. If Dad wanted
to change the parenting time schedule or any allocation of
rental responsibilities here, whether it's parenting time or decision making,
it was incumbent upon him to seek that relief from
the court. The courts do not like people to self
help themselves in these situations, especially if there's a substantial
deviation from the court orders and what ex husband now wants.
So husband sort of not. He doesn't come into this
with clean hands either. Now to your question about what
she should be doing, I think what I would advise
my client in Colorado to do. And I'll let me
just give you the usual lawyer caveat.
Speaker 4 (59:19):
It's not Illinois, got it, that's right.
Speaker 11 (59:23):
I would be shocked if Illinois didn't follow most of
the general principles that we follow here in Colorado. But
there may be some procedural differences that Jessica needs to
be aware of, and I'm sure she'll figure that out.
But what I would recommend to my clients sitting across
my desk to do in this situation is file a
motion to enforce parenting time or decision making or whatever
they call it in Illinois. Here in Colorado, we have
an umbrella term we call allocation of parental responsibilities, and
under that umbrella are two main things. One is parenting
time and the other one is decision making. We no
longer use the word custody. That is an ancient word.
That's an ancient word from back in our day. Now,
the term of the term of art is allocation of
permal responsibilities or APR for short. So she should file
emotion to enforce the orders as they currently are.
Speaker 4 (01:00:23):
Speaker 11 (01:00:24):
The likely outcome of that, and if I'm going if
I'm skipping ahead too fast.
Speaker 4 (01:00:29):
On to now that's what I want. I want you
to go ahead.
Speaker 11 (01:00:32):
Yeah, The likely outcome of that is the court's going
to review her motion, which is going to be very simple. Hey,
he hasn't followed it. These are the orders, they've never
been changed. He hasn't followed it. I want them followed. Uh,
that's it, very very bare bombs. What that does is
it requires him now to respond, and that's where you're
going to see all of his arguments why that modification
or I should say, why that enforcement is not in
the best interests of the children. He might say, well,
she's drinking. Well she's not holding a job, Well she's
running in the house support. There'll be a litany of
things in there, and procedurally here in Colorado, if you
don't make all those objections on that response, you don't
get to argue them in court. So this is an
excellent way of fleshing out what is going on in
the case and what you can expect to have to
deal with in the litigation scenario. So the likely outcome
of filing that motion is the judge is going to
look at what is the current situation of the parties,
what has changed since it made the orders, and is
enforcing the orders going to be in the best interest
of the kids, And that is the paramount, hallmark centerpiece
of the entire dilemma here, what is in the best
interest of the kids?
Speaker 4 (01:01:55):
All right, but you don't get to decide that on
your own. That's the bottom line.
Speaker 11 (01:02:00):
That's right, Yeah, that is the bottom line. However, the
acquiescence of the party to something different really does serve
as a sort of de facto new paradigm.
Speaker 4 (01:02:13):
In other words, right, it's right if she sits on
her rights or if she doesn't do anything to enforce.
Speaker 11 (01:02:19):
Them exactly exactly. Let me give you a quick example.
Parents are ordered fifty to fifty parenting time, fifty to
fifty decision making. They have to make the major decisions
about the children jointly. Ten years go by. Ten years
go by, and it's completely changed. Mom hasn't seen the
kids maybe once or twice a week, has taken no
part in decision making. And now as asking the court
to go back ten years and enforce the old orders
which are now stale, the court is not going to
do that. It's going to reassess the situation and order
a new set of orders that are more in line
with what's going on today.
Speaker 4 (01:03:03):
Okay, I, that's that's the.
Speaker 11 (01:03:06):
Way it is.
Speaker 4 (01:03:07):
Well, I gotta take this break. Here's here when I
give her the message though, basically she needs to make
a motion to have this enforced, is what you're saying,
and then he has to fight it.
Speaker 11 (01:03:19):
That's right, right, And Tom, I can't rush you. I've
got a course hearing here on a on another matter
that I need to just sort of look in on.
Speaker 9 (01:03:28):
Speaker 11 (01:03:28):
Can we can sing in this conversation?
Speaker 4 (01:03:30):
Absolutely right? All right? Thank you for weighing in on this,
and we'll talk to her and I'll get back to you.
I need to take this break, and I'm Tom Martine
more coming right up. Go with a sure thing Denver's
best roofer Excel Roofing dot com. You don't pay a
cent until you're content. Time for an insurance check up free,
no obligation. In comparison, call Compass Insurance paying too much
your coverage? Does of insurance companies? Find out now three
oh three seven to seven to one help. You'll think
you're his only customer when you choose Frank durand the
real estate Man dot com to list your home with
Remax Alliance three oh three nine two zero sixteen twenty two. Hi,
Tom Martino, you're a Troubleshooter three oh three seven one
three Talk three oh three seven one three eight two
five five. All right now, Tom, welcome to the show.
What's going on with you? Tom?
Speaker 11 (01:04:36):
Speaker 8 (01:04:36):
Tom? I got a throb with Pantasa Life Science as
a first discovered them back when you had them on
and I've been a faithful customer with them ever since,
I mean for a very long time.
Speaker 4 (01:04:48):
Yeah, they were a good company. I mean they they
came off the referral list and stopped advertising years ago
because they started making this product. As I rememb they
started making the product. Well the reason was we didn't
have a problem with them, but they started manufacturing under
other people's labels. I don't but I didn't realize did
they still keep them doing their own products? Yeah? I
see on the website they do Panasalife dot com.
Speaker 8 (01:05:19):
Yeah, and that's where I've just ordered it from. And
again loyal customer.
Speaker 4 (01:05:23):
So I play on about.
Speaker 8 (01:05:25):
November tenth, eleventh, so I get an email back from them.
Speaker 11 (01:05:29):
That it's uh, this particular one.
Speaker 8 (01:05:31):
Was out of stock till the end of the month
a pea. So I tried to call last Friday. Is
their main number? The customer service you know how to contact.
Speaker 11 (01:05:41):
You see on the website contact us there's a number, so.
Speaker 8 (01:05:44):
I called the number number. It goes into an endless
You can't leave a message. It's just an endless loop.
No matter what option, option one, option two, you can't
leave a message. Message So you can also, it says
on their contact us you can like send up a
uh an email. You know, you put your name email
and then what your problem is? Put put my question
in there. Never heard back, so I got an email
again back like I said that it was out of stock.
So the sales lady or customer service lady that sent
me the email, I tried to call her office number.
Same thing just goes into an endless loop loop. Sent
her an email, she never responded, and I just I
don't know even on her email address she showed a
mobile cell. You could call her mobile or call the office.
Speaker 4 (01:06:38):
All right, So the bottom line, I don't need to
know all the misery. You're just not getting the product
you paid for. No, and I and oh, hold on,
hold on, and I was it? Did you contest the
charge on your credit card? No?
Speaker 8 (01:06:53):
Not yet, because again I've not hurt anything, and it's.
Speaker 4 (01:06:56):
Relative Well, I'll put in some calls. I don't know.
I got to find my this. They've been so long off.
I don't know if I saw their contact. But what
I can do is try to try it. I can
try to get a hold of some of my contacts.
According to the website, they're still there. I don't know.
I mean, I've not heard of anything going on with them.
They have really good products. I mean I would definitely
stop payment though, for sure, get your money back and
then wait to hear from me. I got to figure
out what's going on with them.
Speaker 11 (01:07:28):
Okay, yeah, I'll do that.
Speaker 4 (01:07:29):
I mean, I wouldn't listen. How much have you? How
much did you pay?
Speaker 11 (01:07:34):
Speaker 8 (01:07:34):
I think it was, uh maybe forty.
Speaker 2 (01:07:38):
Okay, normal much?
Speaker 4 (01:07:40):
Okay? Is it a standard? Do you have a standing
account where you have a subscriptione like stuff coming to
you automatically?
Speaker 2 (01:07:50):
Speaker 11 (01:07:50):
I never did.
Speaker 8 (01:07:51):
In fact, good this order is what I just changed
to that reoccurring subscription.
Speaker 4 (01:07:56):
Yeah, well stop it. Go online and stop that reoccurring
and then can't and then get your money back on
your credit card and then wait to hear from me again.
I have heard no signs of trouble whatsoever, But who knows.
I mean, I have no idea what's going on with them?
Right now? You've called the eight hundred number. You've called
the eight hundred number, right, Oh yeah, you guys to
try it too.
Speaker 8 (01:08:17):
It just goes into an analystloop. You press one to
leave a message.
Speaker 4 (01:08:20):
No, I get it. But but I mean, this is
the first trouble you've had, so who knows? I mean
I don't know what's going on. I mean I'll find out.
Oh wait, I do have I do have the owner's
mobile phone so I can call during a break. All right,
why don't you hang on? I'm Tom Martinez. I got
to take a break right now. Three O three seven
one three A two five five. Go with a sure
thing Denver's best roofer Excel Roofing dot com. You don't
pay a cent until you're content. Wait time for an
insurance check up free, no obligation. In comparison, call Compass
Insurance too much your coverage at dozens of insurance companies
find out now three all three seven seven to one help.
You'll think you're his only customer when you choose Frank
durand the real estate Man dot com to list your
home with Remax Alliance three all three nine two zero
sixteen twenty two. Hi Tom Martino, your troubleshooter three all
three seven one three talk seven one three eight two
five five. So I'm going to be investigating the pantasy
of life. But from what I can tell, from all indications,
there's a glitch. But it's not You're the only complaint
we got. They're still in business, they're still manufacturing. Somebody
on my YouTube feed. One of my morons one to
know why they're not on the refer list anymore. They
really have they they did not they they decided to
go more of the commercial route of white labeling for
other people. Now they kept their way site up and stuff,
but they're not promoting the hell out of it. Then
we had someone else who said they've kept They've been
ordering for the past four months from Panacea and they've
had no troubles. I've had some text messages saying the same.
So we've never had a problem with the company at all,
nothing at all. It's just that they have You're you're
the only problem we heard. So Tom, I would like,
I said, can test the charge? We will, we will. Uh,
I'll talk to who I thought was the owner. I
think she still is and I'll see what she says.
Leslie is her name.
Speaker 11 (01:10:35):
Speaker 4 (01:10:36):
I have doctor Joel cheerdact with me, and by the way,
I haven't gotten to him yet. I just wanted to
say he's coming up next hour and he wants to
talk about hair restoration because they have a complete hair
restoration department with transplants with stem cells. And I had
it done, not the transplant part, but I had it
enhanced and it worked out really really well. We'll talk
about that coming up and more, as well as weight
loss compounded weight loss drugs for you at pennies on
the dollar. I'm Tom Martinez. Stick around for more on
the Troubleshooter Network. Go with a sure Thing Denver's Best
roofer Excel Roofing dot com. You don't pay a cent
until you're content, wait time for an insurance checkup free,
no obligation. In comparison, call Compass insurance paying too much
your coverage at dozens of insurance companies find out now
three all three, seven to seven to one help. You'll
think you're his only customer when you choose Frank durand
the real estate Man dot com to list your home
with Remax Alliance three oh three, nine, two zero, sixteen
twenty two.
Speaker 1 (01:11:49):
Rift News. You need advice who you don't have?
Speaker 2 (01:11:56):
Run anxiousness as care.
Speaker 3 (01:12:00):
The Shoot is gonna help.
Speaker 4 (01:12:01):
Come Dix is the Troubleshooter Show. No Tom Martine, Okay,
Tom Martino here, Welcome to the show. Three all three
seven one three talks seven one three, eight two five five.
Here to help you solve problems, to answer questions, to
take complaints, make your life a little easier. I have
doctor Joel Schirdac with me. He is with Denver Regen
dot com. A number of products we talk about from
time to time and things that I think you need
to know about. Now. I know that some people. First
of all, I want to talk about the weight loss aspect.
Some people have texted me saying, Tom, you know, I
think I might try this, but I want to do
it after the holidays. And I understand what people mean,
because traditionally people have waited till after the holidays to
diet or exercise or well, not necessary to exercise, but
sometimes to say, hey, I'm going to make the first
a new new beginning and all of that. And I
wanted to explain something about the urzepetide in the Semiglue Tide,
and I wanted doctor Joels to chime in and just
keep in mind Denver Reagen dot com if you want
to order this stuff. But here's something that I think
people need to know. And I've talked to numerous people
who have done this, and as you know, Joel, I
tried it and you guys were stellar, and I bought it.
I'm a real customer. I was a real customer. Whatever
what I found was, there is absolutely no feeling of
deprivation whatsoever. You absolutely enjoy food exactly the.
Speaker 1 (01:13:32):
Way you did.
Speaker 4 (01:13:33):
You can eat what you want. You just simply take
way less to feel satisfied. That is the most amazing thing.
It is not as if you are thinking, oh man,
I wish I could eat, or it makes you sick,
or you don't want or it's artificial in any way.
To me, many times dieting is artificial. Let me explain
what I mean by that. You eat less, but you
crave more. With this, you eat less and crave less.
That's correct. It's so it's not artificial. It's in line
with what you want.
Speaker 19 (01:14:08):
So you agree with that, Yeah, Well, what it is
is it's the the U. It's a peptide compound. So
the drug itself is naturally occurring. And what it does
is it mimics your body's own chemical that tells your
brain that you're full.
Speaker 4 (01:14:22):
Both semaglutide enters appetite.
Speaker 19 (01:14:24):
Both of them work the same way, okay, And so
you feel.
Speaker 4 (01:14:28):
Like you would if you ate and you were you
feel great. Okay. So when people say they want to wait,
they don't have to. In other words, you can go
through the holidays and have a wonderful time and partake
of food and and you know balanced and and and
and you're still gonna lose weight. You're without even thinking
about it. And then you to wait to put on
extra weight and then wait and then do it all
at once and then try to do some crash dieting
after the first to me, is stupid. This is the
kind I really I mean this. I've never felt stronger
about it. It helps, it helps level out blood sugars,
your a one c your appetite. It's actually healthy for you.
It is not a diet drug. It is a diabetes drug,
a blood sugar drug, and a digestive drug. So what
I mean by that is you've heard nightmares of idiots
who have not done it properly. You have done people
who have not done it through a doctor, have not
talked to people who have not eaten a balanced diet,
or have drink too much a liquor or no. I'm
serious when I hear all these nightmares. Now, the biggest
nightmare you hear about, the biggest nightmare is constipation. That's
the biggest nightmare that anyone talks about it. They say, well,
you know, I got backed up. Now, if you're an
idiot and you do not drink water and you do
not monitor yourself, there is a possibility you can become dehydrated,
like you could at any time, and then constipation becomes
a more a bigger problem. It could be a blockage.
And I'm not talking about a surgical blockage where you
have to go to a doctor. But what I'm saying
is this a light herbal cleanse I've noticed on the
forums along the drinking water will overcome all of those problems.
Overcome them. They're not even an issue. And we're not
talking about a laxata. We're talking about just an herbal
cleanse every couple of days. And I don't mean like
a cleanse that you take for a colon Oskary. I'm
just talking about one of these little you know, grass
tablets or whatever they call them. They're herbal cleanses. You
take one that night and it's just normal stuff, and
I'm just saying that the stuff really works. It absolutely works.
Speaker 19 (01:16:48):
Yes, absolutely, And now you know, heading into the holidays
would be the best time to start for those thinking
about it, because what it's going to allow you to
do is to enjoy yourself during the holiday exactly normally
without putting on the weight.
Speaker 4 (01:17:01):
That's not going to overeat. You're not going to. But
here's the important thing. A lot of people enjoy food,
and they almost think of this as they're not going
to be able to enjoy food, and that is the
biggest misconception. You still enjoy everything exactly the same, you
just don't need as much. And I think what it
did for me and what it did for many people
I know, is it tell It shows you visually what
you truly do need and what you don't need, because
most people eat too much.
Speaker 11 (01:17:35):
Speaker 19 (01:17:35):
One of the biggest things that patients tell me when
they're reporting about the improvements that they made is they
tell me that they don't binge eat.
Speaker 4 (01:17:42):
Anymore, that's right. And they're comfort eat.
Speaker 19 (01:17:44):
Or you know, eat midnight snacks just out of habit,
that's right. So I don't hear anybody complaining. You know,
I used to enjoy food. Now I don't enjoy food anymore.
It's I don't you never hear that I don't mindlessly eat,
and I don't mind.
Speaker 4 (01:17:56):
This ringe food we use many times as a comfort drug. Okay,
And I don't mean you know what I mean. Now
here's what I also mean. You truly can eat faster
than your body can register it, so you're you're over
full and eat too much when really you haven't had
a chance to absorb the nutrients or the sugars. And
if and if we could all eat slower and wait
for our bodies to register what we eat, we would
eat less. But we don't. We don't. We're all in
a hurry. No one does it, No one does it.
I mean I can tell you to do it, you're
not going to do it. What I think the semiglutide
and tranzepetide do is they they take the absorption, they
they they register quickly. I don't know how they register
quickly that you don't need more food quickly and then
keep you satisfied longer. That's what it does.
Speaker 19 (01:19:00):
If I had to sum it up that, I think
that's accurate. That's what people report that they experience now
that they just feel full faster now.
Speaker 4 (01:19:09):
And I've also said this, the drug industries, the pharmaceutical
companies do not like that compounding pharmacies figure out in
a hurry that you don't need their brand name. This
is I don't know how that happened, by the way,
usually there's patents and stuff. I don't know how this
happened that the compounding industry found out, Wait a minute,
forget you, forget you, and forget you. I'm just going
to go right to the semaglutide or the truzeppetide and
I'm going to compound it, and then clinics like Denver
Regen are going to sell it. I mean, why did
that happen?
Speaker 19 (01:19:45):
Well, I'll get into it and I'll try to make
it brief.
Speaker 4 (01:19:47):
Yeah, yeah, why did that happen? Normally you can't do
that with drugs.
Speaker 19 (01:19:50):
Originally, that happened because there was a shortage of these drugs.
Originally that happens there was a shortage of these drugs,
and so what happens is that when there's a shortage
of a necessary drug, the FDA suspends the patents on
those drugs.
Speaker 4 (01:20:03):
So that's what.
Speaker 19 (01:20:03):
Initially happened is sir zeppatite and some agleetide, you know,
ozempic and mogovi and those drugs were just in such
short supply because of demand the compounding pharmacies needed to
make up that. Okay, Now what's happened since is they're
starting to catch up with the demand.
Speaker 4 (01:20:19):
But what they're not able to do.
Speaker 19 (01:20:21):
Is provide these drugs in specific, personalized tailored dosages. They
only have standard dosages of certain amounts. So you know,
if you're somebody and we recommend for you that you
take a dosage that's not what their standard dosage is
for what govi or zempic, then you're allowed under FDA
rules to supply that medication under medical necessity another sem.
Speaker 4 (01:20:45):
Are you still allowed to though, because they're no longer
in short supply right or are they we're still allowed
to We just have to Well, right now, they're still
in short supply.
Speaker 19 (01:20:54):
Shortly, I believe they'll be coming off of this short supply.
Speaker 4 (01:20:56):
When they come off the short supply, Will people still
be able to get your reduced price a compounded substances.
Speaker 19 (01:21:03):
Yes, as long as there's a medical necessity and we
have to document that.
Speaker 4 (01:21:07):
Oh that's okay, your doctor did that anyway, and we
do that for all of our payer. Your doctor used
to call me when I was on this stuff once
a week to see exactly what I was doing and
if I needed it right, you know.
Speaker 19 (01:21:18):
And a simple example of a medical necessity can be
something like those branded names have preservatives in them in
order to make their shelf life like a year. If
you are somebody who does not want to take a
drug that has preservatives in it, that's a medical necessity
to have a company.
Speaker 4 (01:21:34):
Or what if your borderline diabetic can can't afford.
Speaker 19 (01:21:38):
The other No, not being able to afford it is
not a medical necessity, okay, But most people would prefer
their drug not to have preservatives in it. That is
a medical necessity for a compounding without preserves.
Speaker 4 (01:21:49):
That's just one example. But the fact that you need
it for blood sugar or for losing weight is not
a medical necessity. Or would they say, now you've got
to go to the brand and they would say, now
you need to go to the Oh, so it has
to be more than just your desire to lose weight.
We have to document a reason why. In other words,
you have to document why are you using the compounded
formula versus the brand name.
Speaker 19 (01:22:12):
And one of those reasons can be as simple as
I don't want preservatives, right, I get it. Another one
can be that the standard dosage is supplied and the
branded names don't meet our doctor's recommendation for what how
many units I should be taking per week, which happens
all the time because we don't do a cookie cutter
treatment of every single patient. We give every patient direction
on how many units there's going to get you them.
Speaker 4 (01:22:34):
I get that right then.
Speaker 19 (01:22:35):
And there is a medical necessity because the branded drugs
don't come in those increments.
Speaker 4 (01:22:39):
All right, I got to take a break, three of three,
seven to one to three talk people. We're taking calls
on any and all problems, questions, complains, whatever it is.
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In comparison, call Compass insurance paying too much your coverage
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three seven seven to one. Help. You'll think you're his
only customer when you choose Frank durand the real estate
man dot com to list your home with Remax Alliance
three oh three nine two zero sixteen twenty two. Hi,
Tom Martino, you're troubleshooter three oh three seven one three
talk three oh three seven one three two five five
or three h three Martino three oh three six two
seven eight four sixty six. All right, now, Deputy BO,
tell me what's happening. This goes way back, Sir, you
have a follow up BO, let's talk.
Speaker 13 (01:24:54):
About Okay this if you'll recall that call.
Speaker 11 (01:24:58):
Speaker 20 (01:24:58):
Hannah called in on October twenty ninth. She has the
person that put in red Diesel diesel fuel into her car. Yes,
so when she incurred about almost three thousand dollars damage
to the engine, made several calls up to this Sinclair
dealership up there on six forty US Highway two eighty five.
The general manager, Jessica, wanted to make things right with her,
even though I think Hannah should have realized she was
putting the wrong fuel in because this the pump was
clearly separated from the other unleaded pumps and was clearly
marked diesel fuel and it's red diesel.
Speaker 4 (01:25:43):
But how did the nozzle did we ever reconcile?
Speaker 11 (01:25:47):
Speaker 4 (01:25:48):
Yeah, there were photos of it.
Speaker 21 (01:25:49):
There were like two or three red handles and then
then a green handle on the same pump and everything
said diesel on it.
Speaker 20 (01:25:58):
Yeah, in the handle are actually smaller and it's designed
for farmers or agriculture.
Speaker 4 (01:26:04):
So wait a minute, So you are telling me that
it wasn't a bigger nozzle like everyone said.
Speaker 20 (01:26:10):
No, this nozzle, which this no, this small red nozzle,
but it's clearly mark we're deaf might know it would.
Speaker 4 (01:26:17):
What you're saying is it absolutely would fit into a
regular car.
Speaker 13 (01:26:22):
Yes, they admitted it.
Speaker 20 (01:26:24):
Okay, Now, since then the Sinclair Station on up there
and fair Play did upgrade the signage on the pump,
and I think they did do something to the nozzles.
They're in the future because they think they've had they've
had other people do this, put this red diesel in
their car. But they stepped up and the Sinclair Station
paid for Hannah to get a new engine a twenty
nine dollars.
Speaker 4 (01:26:51):
No, no, no.
Speaker 20 (01:26:52):
Problems, no argument, They just said they we want to
take care of it.
Speaker 4 (01:26:58):
That was a good thing. That is very good. Okay,
So tell me what does that mean, Like, what are
they going to actually pay for?
Speaker 13 (01:27:10):
Speaker 20 (01:27:11):
Well, Hannah, by putting this red diesel in her fuel,
ruined her engine or caused at least three thousand dollars
damaged to it. So Hannah got the engine repaired.
Speaker 4 (01:27:21):
They're not They're not paying for that art.
Speaker 17 (01:27:23):
Yes they are.
Speaker 4 (01:27:24):
You kidding me.
Speaker 20 (01:27:25):
They are paying for her to get a new engine.
Speaker 4 (01:27:29):
I needed. I needed to get that dinger out, Okay,
go ahead.
Speaker 20 (01:27:33):
And I don't think they really needed to. It was
clearly marked. It was a different I mean, I mean,
I don't know. I don't know why. Maybe it was
late at night. Maybe she had a few beers. I
don't know. I mean, I just don't know how she
could have done it. But the nozzles did fit into
her into her tank. But they stepped up and paid
for her repair bill, no questions asked. Wow, I thought
that was very good and people should patronize the DNS
Sinclair station and fair play.
Speaker 12 (01:28:04):
I went.
Speaker 20 (01:28:04):
I thought they went above and beyond the call of
duty to help Pan out with the engine repair.
Speaker 4 (01:28:11):
That's that is super duper pooper. Scoopa. Thank you so much, Nan,
Do you have anything else?
Speaker 20 (01:28:17):
I'm working on the the chat that called in the
other day and the desertif gets out in Utah, he's
having problems again.
Speaker 4 (01:28:26):
That was that was a crazy one.
Speaker 13 (01:28:28):
That is interesting.
Speaker 4 (01:28:29):
I called the mortuary and that's all he wants, is it, deseraday.
But I told him to go to the county corner.
Speaker 13 (01:28:34):
Speaker 4 (01:28:35):
I did call the county corner.
Speaker 21 (01:28:37):
And if I recall, his problem is that he paid
it for it from the the the people, so that
he wanted it from It doesn't matter if you can
get it from the corner and it be it a
lot easier that way, but he paid for it from them,
so he wants it from them.
Speaker 13 (01:28:51):
Well, this is interesting. In Utah.
Speaker 20 (01:28:54):
I called the martuary, and I called the medical examiner.
Apparently in Utah you have to have a valid Sourcis
Security number on a desertific certificate. That's why it's being delayed.
So I'm following up with the medical examiner as to
why they need a Social Security number on a death certificate, Okay,
because I think that's ridiculous. All right, so you're dead,
you're not paying taxes anymore.
Speaker 13 (01:29:16):
Of course receiving social Security. I'm working on that, all right.
Speaker 4 (01:29:21):
I appreciate it.
Speaker 2 (01:29:22):
Speaker 4 (01:29:23):
So here's the deal we got. We got a lot
of people doing a lot of things for you. And
if you need help or you want to know what's
going on with the case and how we're following it up,
let us know.
Speaker 2 (01:29:36):
Speaker 4 (01:29:37):
Let me ask Deputy D you working on anything, brother?
Speaker 17 (01:29:40):
Speaker 10 (01:29:41):
So the most recent case is the one of Bernadette
who's apartment got flooded out in a really gross way
a couple of weeks ago.
Speaker 17 (01:29:48):
So I spoke with her and she is on her.
Speaker 10 (01:29:51):
Way over to meet with the apartment management right now,
and with with a list of demands such as an
alternative apart.
Speaker 4 (01:30:00):
Well, first of all, they got to sanitize and clean it,
and they they oweer for her personal belongings to they
did management at least respond though they sounded reasonable or what?
Speaker 10 (01:30:10):
No, she well, when she and I got off the phone,
she was about to head over there because she hasn't
had this conversation. So she's going to call me back
and tell me how that went. Because there are three
issues and she may need help on one between zero
and three of them. So we'll have an update on
that a little bit later this afternoon.
Speaker 17 (01:30:29):
But the one that's really weird is that electric bicycle.
Speaker 10 (01:30:32):
Remember a couple of days ago, this lady called because
somebody made a fraudulent charge to her card bought a
seven thousand yeah so, and they said it wasn't fraud
Well her bank, Wells Fargo, said that I saw the
letter that they sent her, and it was a very brief,
curt letter, says our investor. I'm paraphrasing, but Wells Fargo
determined through their so called investigation that this was not
an unauthorized to charge. So now I'm following up with
a Boulder police who has an open case on this matter.
Not that I expect them to do anything useful, but
I'm following up with a bicycle shopping Boulder itself, because
it looks to me like they they should have been
a little bit more careful. You know, when I buy
stuff online to pick up at the store, I have
to present an ID and the original.
Speaker 17 (01:31:22):
Card that I charged in too.
Speaker 10 (01:31:23):
And these people just handed over a seven thousand dollars
product to a complete stranger.
Speaker 4 (01:31:28):
All Right, We got more coming up on the Troubleshooter Show.
Three o three seven one three A two five five
Go with a sure thing Denver's Best roofer Excel Roofing
dot com. You don't pay a cent until you're content.
Time for an insurance checkup free, no obligation comparison call
Compass Insurance Paying too much your coverage at dozens of
insurance companies find out now three O three seven to
seven to one. Help. You'll think you're his only customer
when you choose Frank durand the real estate Man dot
com to list your home with Remax Alliance. Three oh
three nine two zero sixteen twenty two. Hi, Tom Martino,
Welcome to the show. Three oh three seven one three
talk seven one three eight two five five Phil wants
to talk? Okay, Phil, what's happening with you? Phil? Hi?
Speaker 14 (01:32:27):
Tom? Uh So, I got heard at work back at
the beginning of August, reported it and a workman's com
claim the uh workman's com my company's workmen's comp insurance.
They denied the claim.
Speaker 4 (01:32:50):
Way way way, way way Wait wait wait wait, how'd
you get hurt? Let's go back?
Speaker 14 (01:32:54):
Oh, I work in a warehouse.
Speaker 4 (01:32:57):
Yeah, and I you know, we're.
Speaker 14 (01:32:59):
Really busy and filling boxes in that and I felt
a little pain. It continued to get worse over the night.
Speaker 4 (01:33:08):
So this was lifting something.
Speaker 14 (01:33:12):
Lifting and moving fast and like there was no big
there's no big owl moments where I could, you know,
say okay, this is when it happened. It just you know,
started off uncomfortable and then just got worse and worse
till it was unbearable.
Speaker 4 (01:33:27):
Got it now? So you reported it open to workers'
comp claim? Did they send you to an ime an
independent medical example? Did you go to a doctor?
Speaker 14 (01:33:40):
Yes, they sent me to Concentra. Okay, that was the
company that they work with.
Speaker 4 (01:33:46):
I guess, okay, and what did they did?
Speaker 14 (01:33:50):
So saw the doctor and then they sent me to
an imaging place and they found that it was an
inguinal aren't you.
Speaker 4 (01:34:02):
Okay? Now? Did they say you had it before this?
Speaker 14 (01:34:07):
That's what that's what the insurance is trying to argue. Well,
but no, the doctor, the doctor said that it yeah,
that it looks like it was a work related.
Speaker 4 (01:34:19):
Wait the actual doctor said there the doctor they sent
you to.
Speaker 2 (01:34:24):
Speaker 4 (01:34:25):
Really and usually the okay, And so the insurance says,
we don't care what our own doc says. We're denying it.
Speaker 11 (01:34:35):
Speaker 4 (01:34:35):
Yeah, when did they deny it.
Speaker 14 (01:34:38):
Uh, it was about two weeks after the incident.
Speaker 4 (01:34:45):
So the and they're claiming it was they're claiming it
was pre existing.
Speaker 14 (01:34:50):
Well, they're saying that video that they got from my
company doesn't show the injury happening, so.
Speaker 4 (01:34:59):
They don't say hold on, so they don't they claim
it was pre existing. But even if it was pre existing,
you you are covered if it hurts it more. But
they're saying you had no injury. That's what they're creaming. Sure,
I mean, I'm not putting I know. I want you
to tell me. The insurance says after reviewing the video,
we don't think it happened.
Speaker 14 (01:35:28):
Yeah, they're saying they can't see an injury and that
it's not Yeah, that it's not their responsibility. Okay, So
they so they denied the claim. Then I went around
and found an attorney who's working on.
Speaker 4 (01:35:46):
It, okay, and to get it okay, is it is
it a Worker's comp attorney?
Speaker 13 (01:35:52):
Speaker 4 (01:35:52):
And what where is that right now?
Speaker 14 (01:35:56):
So that right now is there? He put in a
motion with the director of Workman's Comp to try and
get a determination and we're still waiting from there.
Speaker 11 (01:36:13):
Things right.
Speaker 14 (01:36:15):
So then for a few months my company was working
with my restrictions. I have a lifting restriction and movement restriction.
And then about them months ago, they had me fill
out some accommodations paperwork and get stuff filled out from
the doctor. I turned that in.
Speaker 11 (01:36:42):
And then.
Speaker 14 (01:36:44):
They told me that they would, you know, talk to
me about it and see if they could work with stuff.
But then two days after turning in the paperwork, I
got a letter and had a meeting with my managers
and they told me, well, we can't. We're not going
to work with your accommodations anymore. And okay, they put
me on an unpaid in volunteer.
Speaker 4 (01:37:07):
What is your attorney telling you about this?
Speaker 14 (01:37:13):
They're just they've told me to well, my company gave
me the number for their medical leaves company.
Speaker 4 (01:37:22):
No I'm not asking that, No, no, no, no, no, I
I do I want to know about like your attorney
telling you about all of this?
Speaker 8 (01:37:36):
Uh, there's.
Speaker 14 (01:37:38):
They're saying. You're saying, you know that it's a it's
a difficult case because there is no obvious points of
injury like Hernie is. I guess are difficult. But he's
hoping that the that this motion will get things started,
you know, So what.
Speaker 4 (01:38:00):
Are you calling us about what can we do for you? Phil?
I think you're doing everything correctly. I think you're going
to have an uphill battle, you know if the video
shows nothing. But were you covered by video the whole time?
Speaker 14 (01:38:13):
I don't know. I've never I've never seen the video.
I requested the video several times and my company said
we won't give it to you because we don't want
it to go out on YouTube. And they said, well,
the only way that we'll provide it is if you
give us a court order, and we haven't gotten to that.
Speaker 4 (01:38:36):
But you even said you didn't have aha moment. See,
whenever I was injured in the past, I had a
oh god moment, but you didn't have one.
Speaker 14 (01:38:49):
Yeah, there was no like, yeah I couldn't. It wasn't
when I was like lifting something I really felt. It
was just like it was really uncomfortable for a bit,
and then it just continued to get worse. And then yeah,
toward the end of my shift was like unbearable. Then
so then I reported it started the process.
Speaker 4 (01:39:09):
So and then so what do you want do you
want a second? Do you want us to call one
of our people, tell me what you want me to do?
Because I mean really Okay.
Speaker 14 (01:39:18):
So so at this point, I'm I've been working with
the leaves people trying to get a medical leave, and
the doctor says that I need, you know, need a
surgery in order to get the hernia fixed. But waiting
to schedule a surgery until we can get the workman's
comp insurance to change.
Speaker 4 (01:39:45):
Speaker 14 (01:39:45):
And the the the leave company wants a specific date
of when you know when the leave would be over.
Speaker 4 (01:40:00):
Well you don't know that, see, because you're not taking
it for leave, you're taking it for for an injury.
That's weird. You're in a strange situation at this point.
If I were you, now this motion was filed when?
Speaker 14 (01:40:15):
So this motion was filed, get nowhere beginning of November
and the well, it's also weird because the the deadline
for the insurance.
Speaker 4 (01:40:33):
Just tell me, just tell me when was it? When
was it filed? And then because you're gonna have to
wait at least thirty days? When was it filed?
Speaker 5 (01:40:40):
Speaker 11 (01:40:41):
Oh, I got to look at that here.
Speaker 14 (01:40:48):
I believe it was like November fourth or something.
Speaker 4 (01:41:03):
Yeah, okay, you have a while to wait, Okay. In
other words, it's too soon to do anything. If you
want a second opinion, I would call Cliff Enton Enton
Law three. Let me give you that number. Seriously, you
tell them you were on my show. You want a
second opinion, He'll do it free, okay. Three oh three
three three three two two to two. Okay, yeah, for sure. Okay. Now,
in any case, let's see, Mark was texting me a
law about something and I'm just looking at it now
and I'm wondering if he can call in. Let's see
what is this law you talk about? Injunction suspends enforcement
of Corporate Transparency Act the US. Just okay, I gotta
take this break. I'll come back and talk about this.
There might be something going on we need to know about.
So hang on. I'm Tom Martino. We got more coming
right up. Go with a sure thing Denver's Best Roofer
Excel Roofing dot com. You don't pay a cent until
you're content. Time for an insurance checkup free, no obligation
comparison call Compass Insurance paying too much your coverage at
dozens of insurance companies find out now three all three
seven to seven to one. Help. You'll think you're his
only customer when you choose Frank durand the real estate
man dot com to list your home with Remax Alliance
three all three nine two zero sixteen twenty two. Hi
Tom Martino, you're a troubleshooter. Hey, people, can someone tell
me if this text is true that Governor Polis and
the Department of Agriculture are working on a regulation to
ban puppies from entering Colorado. All dogs under sixteen weeks
will be prohibited from entering the state. What if you
have puppies in the state, I imagine? Or is that
just transporting? Is this all crap? Is this true? I
don't know, I don't know anyway, I got that text.
I get all kinds of text from people and all
kinds of information. Three all three seven one three talk
three all three seven one three eight two five five.
All right, let's keep talking. I got doctor or Joel
Chertack with me, and uh, I'm going to ask about
We talked about the semiglue tide and the truzeppatide and
weight loss compounding drugs that you guys offer at extreme
discounts compared to the market and brand names. I want
to talk about now the hair restoration. So hair restoration
I had done, I wasn't sure if I was expecting
being results. I want to say, as with all things,
I'm a real patient. And so I went through the process,
paid for it, and I was given three treatments for
that price, which is really pretty cool. And everyone tells
me they notice. Everyone tells me they notice the difference. Okay,
So yeah, now I want to know this. I didn't
have a total bald spot ahead thinning hair. It worked,
it worked perfectly. But you do have regular hair restoration
transplants for those right for others.
Speaker 19 (01:44:50):
So just to put it simply, we can do anything
that any hair restoration, all right, and.
Speaker 4 (01:44:54):
We're going to talk about that coming up, as well
as anything else on your mind. Folks, oh three seven
one three talks seven one three A two five five
go with a sure thing Denver's best roofer Excel roofing
dot com. You don't pay a cent until you're content.
Time for an insurance check up free no obligation comparison
call Compass Insurance paying too much your coverage at dozens
of insurance companies find out now three oh three seven
seven one help. You'll think you're his only customer when
you choose Frank durand the real Estate man dot com
to list your home with Remax Alliance three oh three
nine two zero sixteen twenty two.
Speaker 1 (01:45:45):
Rip of.
Speaker 2 (01:45:47):
Speaker 1 (01:45:48):
You need advice so you don't have.
Speaker 2 (01:45:52):
Come run incosas can.
Speaker 3 (01:45:56):
Shoot's gonna help come Man.
Speaker 4 (01:46:00):
Is the trouble Shooter show now Tom Martino? Hi, Tom Martino,
your trouble Shooter three zero three seven one three talk
three oh three seven one three eight two five five.
Here to help you anyway we can, if we can,
when we can, how we can. All you have to
do is call us now again. I uh have with
us in the studio a guest, but I welcome your
calls for anything or any follow ups. And there's some
things I want to talk about that just blow my mind.
And maybe you can help me. Maybe you can help me.
Now here's what blows my mind. I had an issue.
I have a little sport aircraft and I had an
issue with a row tax engine road tax. By the way,
they have snowmobile engines, so they put them in little
light sport airplanes. They're high powered, low weight. They're amazing.
They're amazing engines. But I had a little issue. It
was the weirdest issue in the world I can find
in the documentation nowhere anything about how to solve the problem.
As it turned out, what the problem was was the
needle valve stuck in a carburetor, and then when the
plane sat there because the needle valve, because fuel is
gravity fed into the engine, there's a fuel pump as well,
but it's gravity fed to the fuel pump, and the
fuel pump then pumps it through the engine. But because
just picture this, there's a high wing and the fuel
drips into the carburetor when the fuel's on, and I
guess I left I use I leave the fuel valve
on when I store a plane. Some people say don't.
And so because the needle valve was stuck open in
the carburetor due to some crap gas another story, it
dripped into the intake manifold and into the engine literally
then seep down into the oil. I don't, No, there's
nothing wrong with the engine, nothing wrong with the rings.
We verified all this, but there was nothing in the
documentation as to why I would have guessed in the oil.
It's not like a conventional engine, you know where you think.
Never mind, I but let me get to this. The
point is not about this engine. So I went to
my boyfriend. I call my boyfriend because I can't get
a female voice anymore. I used to have one, but
chat GPT four to zho I subscribe to it. It's
a female, it's a male voice. So I went to
my boyfriend and said, I have my wrote my rotax engine.
And when when I you have to prime the oil,
it burnt the oil. It's called because it's a long story.
But you turn the prop and when you hear the
oil gurgle, you know it's through the engine before you
start it. But and then that's how you check the
oil level. But I digress. When I did that fuel
rushed into that oil tank and then out the overflow
because it's lighter than oil, so it was on top
of it and it flew and I said, oh my god,
what the hell is oil fuel coming out of my
oil tank? And then of course it contaminated my oil.
So I had to change all that. But I couldn't
figure out what's going on immediately in all the literature,
not one thing, but chat GPD this is AI says, oh,
you have a stuck needle valve and the carburetor. To
find out which carburetor, do this, this and this and
honest to god, it was amazing. It pinpointed everything. Now,
Now this is AI, right, who programs that crap?
Speaker 1 (01:49:21):
Speaker 4 (01:49:22):
I've always said that AI is a search machine that
takes the results and organizes them and regurgitates them to
you in a way you can understand it, right, But
how does it do that? Think about that? I mean,
does that amaze anyone? Does that amaze anyone? Because it
certainly amazes me. So, okay, I got a lot of
technical friends on uh you know, I mean, I got
a lot of friends on YouTube that the tech tech
guys are on there.
Speaker 11 (01:49:55):
I know they are.
Speaker 4 (01:49:56):
They're they're nerds and on on my downloads. And please
tell me how does AI know that? I couldn't find
it anywhere in the literature, I couldn't find it online.
I couldn't find it anywhere where does AI search? Does
anyone really know AI? I mean, I know that we
all think we do. Just like we think we understand bitcoins,
we don't most of us don't. We just understand what
in general it is, but we don't really understand blockchains,
not really. I mean I know that an accumulation of
wisdom we all do you know what I mean? Like
when we all get together and the people who do it.
But in any case, then I realized I do not
use owner's manuals anymore. I use AI. In other words,
when I'm sitting here with anything I have, and I say,
for example, I had this model of so and so
and I need to adjust this, I don't go to
the owner's manual anymore. I ask CHAT and they tell
me exactly what to do to Fike said faster than
the owner's manual.
Speaker 21 (01:51:02):
I don't think many companies are sending out owners manuals
with their equipment anymore anyway, So you just got to
go online to their PDF and do that anywhere.
Speaker 4 (01:51:09):
That's what I meant when I say owners manuell, that's
what I met. I mean, I mean online, Pete. I
don't have a paper book anywhere except on the shelves
to look good. I actually never have cracked a book
in years. I have what do I use this books app,
and I have everything on there. But in any case,
you're right. You go on, you get the PDF, you
look at it, or the QR code. You go to
the PDF and you can search the PDF. You know,
PDFs are very cool. So I have a video camera.
For example, we were going out on a shoot the
other day, my wife and I and I needed to
do something for her with the camera hadn't done before,
a more cinematic thing. And I didn't mean bother looking
in the owner's manual or searching in the owner's man
I simply asked, chat, how do I get this? And
they tell me go to the man you do this, this,
and this. Now they know about every product. I don't know,
do they? So I'm in my Beamer and the Beam
has this thing called uh, well, you give it a name.
You name your Beamer. So let's say you name it Beamer. Hey, Beamer,
take me too? And then the and it programs your
GPS or Beamer. But if you said to Beamer, Beamer,
how do I turn off the retract mirrors feature? It
doesn't tell you. It doesn't know. But don't you believe
that every single device will be a smart device with
AI built in? I mean, why would anyone look at
an index or a search or a PDF or why
why if you can sit in your car and it's
just like Star Trek. I swear to God, you can
sit in your car. I mean, you can sit in
your car and say, hey, Beamer, set cruise speed to
sixty seven boom, or Beamer, adjust my headlights so they
do bright and dim automatically or whatever, you know whatever.
I'm trying to come up with something.
Speaker 12 (01:52:58):
So I'll just be impressed on I can sit back
and say, uh, Beamer, give me an earld gray tea
like captain, Uh.
Speaker 13 (01:53:07):
What's the name? Because you're doing thought track.
Speaker 4 (01:53:09):
Well, you're thinking star Treking Bones was the one that
talked to the computer mostly, didn't he or who no, no,
not Bones. He was the doc who talked to the
computer and would yell at it, you know, and it
was it was a captain now he would say, get me.
It was anyway, it was one of these idiots. Here's
what I want to say, the owner's manuals nowadays you
don't need you need something that talks like for example,
why wouldn't you be able to have that built into
your refrigerator with an app? Right, So you go on
the app and you say, refrigerator, I want to set
the freezer of so many degrees or I want to
set the refrigerator to me. I am I must use
AI one hundred times a day. I swear to God,
I do. If I look at my past chats here,
you would laugh at me. And I'm telling you, folks,
I'm the reason I'm talking about this. It's the best
consumer product, in my opinion, in the last ten years. Okay,
so I'm looking at my history here. Let me see
where do I find it?
Speaker 13 (01:54:15):
Speaker 4 (01:54:16):
I have my history here, and okay, my garment in
my helicopter. I needed to upgrade the database, update the
database and the firmware. Now I didn't look at garment.
I could, but it takes forever to find what you need.
So I just said, I just literally asked a question
and it told me exactly. Okay. I even asked this,
why does my MacBook pro disutilities default to blah blah blah,
and and it tells you does the lock button on
the SD card prevent it? Whatever? I ask it? Stuff Pepe.
My wife jokes at me and she says, my god,
you know you have a relationship with this thing. So
what I'm asking you is have you taken advantage of it?
Have you taken advantage of chat yet? Because if you do,
you'll be amazed. It's almost like it is not worth
looking stuff up anymore. You just ask it now, and
not all AI is created equally. I've noticed that the
worst one I had was Microsoft's the one I used
to have at Microsoft. It was so forgettable I forgot it. Copilot, Yeah,
the Copilot, and then Chat. I like, there's another one
called City. They're not all the same. I seem to
think Chat GPT is to me is the major one.
But in any case, I have been studying how they
program it, and I told you, like, they hire people
who don't don't have jobs in Africa, hundreds and hundreds
and hundreds of people in a village to look at
images and classify them. But how do they know about
owners manuals and stuff. Does it just go out to
the internet and search. Does anyone know anyway? So I
believe that you know. And it's not like I'm a
big genius of predicting the future. There's not that. Every
single interaction we have with the device, whether it's setting
our clocks or and you don't even have to set
clocks anymore with the satellite features, but it's changing our
lives completely, and to me, it's one of the greatest
products ever. Now. I even asked about drugs and about
dosages and about everything everything, And I hear now that
it's going to start actually predicting the weather. Now, think
about that, it will be predicting the weather. And if
I was a weathercaster, I mean hell, I would be
a I would What can it not do? It can
take It can find out what the weather's going to
be based on atmospheric conditions. All the data is out
there right now. They can predict and and the people
are working on the weather prediction models right now say
that they've been ninety eight percent. And when they're not one,
it's because of something they put in wrong or told
it to look elsewhere. So what do you think? Is
it something do you use?
Speaker 13 (01:57:37):
Do you use it?
Speaker 4 (01:57:39):
Joel? Do you use AI at all? You don't?
Speaker 11 (01:57:41):
Speaker 4 (01:57:42):
You seem like a technical guy. I don't know why
you would do you do you?
Speaker 17 (01:57:45):
I use search engines a lot, but I've never used it.
Speaker 13 (01:57:47):
Okay, I'll come. I just asked my ex wife. She
knows everything.
Speaker 4 (01:57:51):
Yeah, that's true. Well she left you that she knew
enough to do that. Here's the thing I want to
tell you, though. Search engines are fine, but they're not
even close, not even close to what AI can do.
So you know, I know that a lot of a
lot of issues. A lot of people have, you know,
the moral issues with AI. I have none right now,
because it's how you use it that makes it moral
or immoral. And I've asked it questions that I didn't
think it would answer me. I asked about cheating on something,
and it answered me, okay. There is an illusion in
some of the software that when you do updates. Let's
just say you had three or four different aircraft with
the same kind of radios and for years you've been
paying for updates for each one. And it told me,
and by the way, there's nothing in the world that
says this is against the law or anything, but it
told me how to short circuit that, so you use
the same update for all the radios because they're all
the same. AI told me that. AI didn't preach to
me saying, now you know this is wrong. You should
be buying three different subscriptions. It didn't even say that. Now,
I want to know if anyone has asked AI something
that it would not answer. I think it doesn't answer
some political things if you ask who's the best candidate
or something like that. But I think you're cheating yourself
if you haven't used it. Three oh three seven one
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Speaker 11 (02:00:43):
Speaker 4 (02:00:43):
Tom Martino, you're troubleshooter three oh three seven one three
talks seven one three eight two five five. So what
I'd like to know is how far do you think
AI will go did you know okay? One used as
uh Ai? So which one? If so?
Speaker 17 (02:01:01):
Speaker 4 (02:01:02):
Yeah? The AI app? Somebody asks the one I look,
and I've tried them all okay, and the Google isn't bad.
The Gemini right now that I'm gonna trial with, but
it bugs you. Gemini bugs you, meaning it's all over
your computer. So when you start writing something, it says,
can I clean this up for you?
Speaker 2 (02:01:19):
And all that.
Speaker 4 (02:01:21):
I like chat GPT four, Oh that's the one I'm
subscribe to. Now you can get it on your phone
and talk to it, or you get it on your
computer and you type into it. But that's what I use.
Now they're coming out with AI, well, not coming out there,
it's out AI people who answer your phones. They're chatbots,
not typed chatbots, but verbal chapa and and I think
or I had some examples of them. But they're so incredible,
incredible they blow your mind. They can actually make outbound
calls and set appointments for you. And I talked to
someone one time who wanted to get into this, and
I listened to them, and I received a call from
one upon my request as a demo, and I threw
curveballs at it, so it would say, you know, i'm
calling about alternative forms of energy, are you interested? Or
something like that. It didn't actually use a yes or
no answer. It kind of kind of hooks you have
you heard about this? And I said, oh, yeah, yeah,
and I've heard about this solo and whatever. And then
it would ask me leading questions. They didn't leave it
for a yes or no. I guess you could just
hang up, but it was very intuitive. And then I said, well,
I'm too busy. Well, we're all busy. I'm so sorry.
Do you have a time when I can call back.
I'd love to schedule this to give you a free
trial period of something or other. It was so incredible.
Speaker 1 (02:02:57):
It really was.
Speaker 4 (02:02:58):
Because I wasn't talking to a per and it was
reacting in real time to what I was saying. Now again,
I hope I'm not sounding like some guy who just saw,
you know, there's a flying machine. I don't mean to
sound like that, but certainly a lot of people they
really can't not be mystified by this damn thing, you know.
They can't. They can't not be all right, I got
a text. They want to know about semiglutide or truepetite. Tom,
you talk about both, why do they harry both? Isn't
there one or the other? And Okay, so that that
really is a good question. So which one? Which one
should they use?
Speaker 19 (02:03:40):
Well, Tur's eppetite is more expensive. It's also a more
specific drug, so it has less side effects. Although both
drugs have very limited side effects, but truzeppetite seems to
be a little bit cleaner. People have less side effects,
people lose weight a little bit faster on it. Some
people prefer that drug. Also, patients that require higher dosages
of some meglotide, it's cheaper for them to switch over
to There's appetite because it's a stronger so.
Speaker 4 (02:04:05):
You can use less of that for the same effect
of the semaglutide. Right, some people only need a little
bit of some semiglutide. Other people need so much that
it just makes more sense for them to switch to
Tur's appetite, which is a more powerful drug. Okay. Now,
as far as length of time for weight, somebody asks
how long does it usually take? And I don't even
know what to say on that, because it depends on
how much you want to lose. But I mean, I
can tell you from personal experience, within one week, I
was eating less without realizing. See, it is so insidious. No,
that's not a good word. It's so I don't know
automatic that it's like you don't notice it working.
Speaker 19 (02:04:50):
Yeah, I would say, as a rule with I'm about
thirty percent of body weight in about three months god.
Speaker 4 (02:04:56):
And a week to feel it. Yeah, And then, like
I said, you feel no different. You just don't eat
as much and you're it's almost I don't even know
how it worked, honest to god. You know, years and
years and years ago. I was really fat years ago. Okay,
I was two twenty five actually, and my doctor had
me this was unhealthy back at the time. This was
in another time. You remember Fenn Finn.
Speaker 2 (02:05:24):
Speaker 19 (02:05:25):
Anyway, there are still some clinics that prescribeugh fetter me
that prescribe basically amphetamine.
Speaker 4 (02:05:32):
So unhealthy. But and jittery and artificial is what I mean.
This is so natural you don't even feel it working.
You don't even mix your body's own hormone exactly, so
you don't know you're even on anything at all. You
don't know anything. You just know that you're not eating
as much. Now someone else wants to know how oh,
how long do people usually go on it like? Or
hold on? Here's another one we both about time. One
is do you do you require a contract? So tell
me how that works. I don't even know how that works.
Speaker 8 (02:06:06):
Speaker 19 (02:06:07):
That's one of the unique things about my clinic that
you don't get with these online clinics that are national
or some of these other clinics is we don't have
people sign committing to multi month contracts with us. You
go on as you need to, and you go off
as you need to. We have patients that are on
maintenance dosages in perpetuity. We have patients that go on
for a couple months at a time and then go
off and then come back to us, you know a
few months later, and just use it as needed to
maintain what they need. Sometimes people reach their goal and
that's it.
Speaker 2 (02:06:37):
You know.
Speaker 19 (02:06:37):
One thing that I pride myself in in our clinic
in is that we treat each patient individually. So whatever
your goals are, we're able to tailor our treatment protocol
to fit what it is that you want. So we're
not locking you into a year's worth of care. We're
not locking you into a certain medication one or the
other or a certain dosage. We work with you to
get to where you need to go. You know, we
start with a small dosage and we ramp that up
to the effective dosage. And that can be different for everybody.
But unlike most clinics, we don't do it in a
cookie cutter manner. You'll be communicating with our patient coordinator
and our medical and your doctor.
Speaker 4 (02:07:13):
Your doctor's grace. I love it.
Speaker 19 (02:07:14):
Your doctor adjust down or adjust up, or stop or
begin or whatever it is.
Speaker 4 (02:07:19):
Your goal with Denver Regen dot com is the easiest way.
You still don't really like the phone calls as much.
It's Denverregion dot com.
Speaker 2 (02:07:27):
You go in.
Speaker 19 (02:07:27):
You the easiest thing to do is right on our
front page. You can you can put your demographic information. Yeah,
that's the right and we get back to you within
the same No, I know you do.
Speaker 4 (02:07:36):
Hey, Charlen, you want to talk about your twenty thirteen Hyundai.
What's happening with it?
Speaker 22 (02:07:43):
Well, what happened with it is in May, at the
beginning of May of this year, I drove my car
from my house to my bank, and on the way
from the bank, I was coming home, the check engine
night came on. Huh so I'm really close to THENDAI,
their foundation Hyundai, and I drove it in there and
they told me that I couldn't drive it any further
because of the check engine.
Speaker 4 (02:08:12):
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nine two zero sixteen twenty two. Hi Tom Martina here
three oh three seven one three talk three oh three
seven one three eight two five five. All right, let's
continue the festivities. And talked to Shirlene. So she pulls
into the dealer when her engine light's on. They say
you can't drive it, which could or could not be true. Normally,
that's not true. Normally you can drive with an engine light.
If there is any problem, it usually goes into a
limp mode. But anyway, they told you you couldn't drive? Then,
what Charline?
Speaker 23 (02:09:22):
Okay? So I left it there and then I think
it was like I think it was two weeks. They
called and said they had the diagnosis. Gun, I'm sorry
and they and of course I made you five years old.
Oh my daughter was there when they did that.
Speaker 4 (02:09:44):
And they said, so did you leave your car there, Shirlene?
Speaker 23 (02:09:49):
Yes, I did. It was there for two weeks.
Speaker 4 (02:09:52):
Speaker 23 (02:09:54):
They told us what was wrong with it and what
it was doing when I was driving it is that
it would be really stroll and then it would kind
of catch up and then I could, you know, to
go faster. Well, we got it. My daughter's son in
law is a mechanic. He worked for Mercedes, so we
figured that he could take care of what all that
stuff was.
Speaker 4 (02:10:17):
Okay, wait, Charlene, Charlene, you said they kept it for
two weeks. Yes, did they work on it? Did you
ask them to fix it? No? Then why was it Wait,
I'm I'm a little confused. Why did you have it
there for two weeks If they weren't working on it.
Speaker 23 (02:10:37):
They needed it therefore to do the diagnosis?
Speaker 4 (02:10:42):
Okay, that was just for the diagnosis. Yes, And what
did they say the diagnosis.
Speaker 23 (02:10:49):
Was, well, they said that there was You know, my
brain doesn't remember all this stuff. I do have paperwork
for all of it. But they said that there was
certain things that needed to be replaced, a coil of
some sort.
Speaker 4 (02:11:04):
Okay, how much was all this going to cost you?
Speaker 23 (02:11:08):
I think it was four thousand dollars.
Speaker 4 (02:11:10):
Four thousand dollars, yes, okay, and you decided I'm going
to let my son in law do it.
Speaker 23 (02:11:18):
Right, My daughter bought all the parks and he started
taking it apart and replacing things. And when as he's
doing this, he sees that the engine is blown. So
he put everything, He took every all the new stuff
out of it, put the old stuff back in, and
my son in law put it on a trader and
hauled it into Hyundai.
Speaker 4 (02:11:46):
Well it's not their fault necessarily, is it.
Speaker 23 (02:11:51):
Speaker 17 (02:11:52):
What happened after the car got hauled back into Hyundai?
Speaker 5 (02:11:56):
You know?
Speaker 4 (02:11:56):
Surelean, I want to back up. You were having problems
with this. The engine light came on and they had
it for two weeks. Okay, do you think they blew
your engine?
Speaker 18 (02:12:09):
Speaker 23 (02:12:09):
No, that was already done.
Speaker 4 (02:12:11):
Okay, but wow, okay, I get it. So he saw
that the engine was. He said, the engine was blown
and he said take it back to Hyundai? Is that right?
Speaker 11 (02:12:22):
Speaker 23 (02:12:23):
And that's what my son in law did.
Speaker 4 (02:12:24):
He how many miles on this car? And he how
many miles on this car?
Speaker 23 (02:12:31):
Shirleen, forty three thousand?
Speaker 11 (02:12:34):
And what?
Speaker 4 (02:12:36):
Yes, you shouldn't have a blown engine with forty three
thousand miles on it?
Speaker 23 (02:12:42):
Definitely not. So there was there was quite a lot
of you know, I would call him, I'd say is
the car done yet? And of course at that time
then they called it.
Speaker 4 (02:12:55):
You know, what did your son in law say was
wrong with the engine? What did he say? Did he say?
How he knew it was blown? And what he meant
by that?
Speaker 23 (02:13:04):
My son in law I got her husband knew it
because I guess I'm not I don't remember exactly what
it was, but he said you could see that it
was bold. So then he, like I said, they took
it back.
Speaker 4 (02:13:22):
All right? Are you trying to get the dealer to
fix it right now? Is that where we're at right now?
Speaker 23 (02:13:29):
It's been fixed. I finally got it back.
Speaker 1 (02:13:31):
Speaker 4 (02:13:32):
Well, let's get to the park that you're calling about then,
because we're going through a whole story. I'm not sure.
I need to know so right now they fixed it.
Speaker 23 (02:13:42):
Yes, they said the engine the new engine were sixteen
thousand dollars.
Speaker 4 (02:13:47):
That's about right.
Speaker 23 (02:13:49):
Okay. So I got with Sunday and they agreed that
I would only have to pay eighty percent.
Speaker 4 (02:13:57):
That's I'm sorry, that's what I would That's wonderful.
Speaker 23 (02:14:04):
But I didn't get the car rap and turn I remember,
and I didn't get allowed as September.
Speaker 4 (02:14:11):
But I don't like Shirlene on. Shirlene, forgive me, and
I respect your age. Trust me. I'm not that far away.
I need to ask you a question, dear. What are
you calling about?
Speaker 11 (02:14:25):
So far?
Speaker 4 (02:14:26):
It sounds like you're being treated pretty well. What are
you calling about?
Speaker 23 (02:14:31):
Just the fact that it took him so long?
Speaker 4 (02:14:34):
Oh my god. And they're paying for eighty percent of
an engine on a thirteen year old car.
Speaker 10 (02:14:40):
I think your call should have been to compliment Hundi
for paying eighty percent of after twelve years.
Speaker 17 (02:14:47):
Oh my god. What a phenomenal service on the part
of Hyundai.
Speaker 4 (02:14:51):
Yeah, okay, I mean, oh no, no, listen, Shirlene. I
don't want you to feel bad. I think I think
you did you really get a brand new engine.
Speaker 23 (02:15:03):
Yes, and apparently the engines and that all of the
car I was just one year out of that. You know, warranty.
Speaker 2 (02:15:14):
No, I know that.
Speaker 4 (02:15:15):
I know that they didn't have to pay anything. I'm
still curious. I'm still curious as to why the engine blew.
Speaker 23 (02:15:26):
You don't have no idea. Oh I talked to someone
there and they said, sometimes that just happens. And you know,
I guess that could be an answer.
Speaker 4 (02:15:38):
I'm telling you the truth, Okay, Shirlene. I have no
allegiance to Hyundai or I don't even know what dealer
we're talking about. What dealer is it?
Speaker 23 (02:15:46):
Foundation Founding?
Speaker 4 (02:15:48):
I have no allegiance to any of those. And I'm
telling you, Shirlene, if you if you got a brand
new engine and Hyundai paid eighty percent of it and
you only had forty three thousand miles on the body,
you have a new car.
Speaker 23 (02:16:05):
Oh, yes, yes, I have a new car because I
have a new engine.
Speaker 4 (02:16:09):
How much go Oh my goodness, listen, Shirlene, I don't
think I could. What were you hoping we would say
to you, Well.
Speaker 23 (02:16:22):
You're pretty much taken care of what I wanted to
find out. I just needed to find out if if
I was being if I were treated right, I.
Speaker 4 (02:16:34):
Think you were, Charlene. But it reminds me of a story.
It really reminds me a story. Whether this woman is
out in the ocean with her son and he's a
little boy, and he was swimming and the waves took
him away, the big giant tidal wave took them away,
and she looks up to God and says, God, how
can you do this to me? How could you do this?
You took my only son. And all of a sudden
God restores the boy. He comes, He comes, floating back,
gets up and says mom, Mom, I'm okay. And she
looks up in heaven and said he had a hat.
We have more coming up. Go with a sure thing
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home with Remax Alliance three oh three nine two zero
sixteen twenty two. Hi Tom Marshano, your troubleshooter three oh three,
seven to one three talks seven one three eight two
five five. We're running at a time, So hold on,
let's talk Joe, Let's get some Okay, So hair restoration,
we didn't get into that as much, but you do
the hair transplanting as well as the exosomes, which by
the way, are part of stem cells, plus their own
stem cells right right.
Speaker 19 (02:18:23):
So we have solutions for people with you know, big
bald areas, We have people solutions for people with thinning hair.
We can do anything that any other kind of can do,
So any transplant clinic we can do the same type
of transplant. What we do that's different, uh, is we
can use your own stem cells to help restore hair,
keep your hair from falling out. You know, the most
important thing that people don't think about with a hair
transplant is you want to maintain the hair that you
already have, so you don't just have a hair transplant
with hair falling out around it. And so one of
the ways that we do that and make sure that
that you maintain your hair is by using your own
stem cells. So a combination of your own stem cells
on the first treatment, followed up by two more treatments
at one month intervals. That includes stem cells like what
you said is a byproduct of exosomes, which is a
byproduct of stem cells, along with platelets from your blood.
We'll keep your hair growing and keep it restored and
keep it from falling out.
Speaker 4 (02:19:17):
All right. By the way, people, what we were talking
about when we talk about exosomes, they are as They
are a great part of the stem cell and they
do work. Okay, Back when I was saying don't ever
take stem cells that are shipped to a clinic, we
were talking about the old days. Exosomes are pretty cool.
We got more coming. I mean, we'll see you tomorrow.
Save all your problems for me.