All Episodes

December 6, 2024 139 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Yeah, rit.

Speaker 2 (00:07):
Needs you don't have.

Speaker 3 (00:13):
Just as fast as we can.

Speaker 4 (00:16):
Shooter's gonna help coming.

Speaker 5 (00:20):
Dix is the Troubleshooter show now, Tom Martino.

Speaker 6 (00:25):
Okay, I'm Tom Martino. Welcome to the show. I hope
everything is going well, and it'll be interesting to uh
check this out because I am doing a little something
different today. I got ticked off at some Dix.

Speaker 5 (00:41):
Is the Troubleshooter doing wrong here now, Tom Martino.

Speaker 6 (00:45):
Okay, Tom Marchino, welcome to the show. I know my YouTube.
I'm sorry. Let me get my YouTube out of here.
It'll be interesting to going on check this out because
I wired my being fit back here. I got ticked
off at some other. This is the trouble is doing
wrong here. Okay, Oh god, okay, what happened? Okay, so

it wasn't me, Thank god. I thought I was going
crazy and I was waiting for you to say, Joe Biden. Anyway,
Welcome to the show on Tom Martino. Three all three
seven one three talks seven one three eight two five five.
All right, now, let's do what we can do to
help you. All you have to do is call three
oh three seven one three talk three oh three seven
one three eight two five five, And I want to

tell you that, uh, I am here uh with something new.
Like I said, I wanted to check out my sound
quality because I believe it's going to be better at
this time. So what we're gonna do is start taking
your calls and you let me know. I just got
so tired of that other unit I was using in
people saying it sounded robotic. So I want you, I

want you to weigh and especially my YouTube morons, they
love love weighing in on how I sound. So please
do it. Let me know what you think, and then
I will uh, I will just take your lead. Three
all three seven one three a two five five Shannon
at the controls. I want to say something about health insurance. Now.

I know it's been in the news lately and we
have been talking a lot about let me just ex
that out. Okay, we've been talking a lot about health insurance.
And because this guy was killed and people said, you know,
there there might be a reason for this, and they

they they're all speculating that maybe this guy that did
the killing was turned down on an important insurance claimer
one of his people and someone died. I don't think
anyone knows at this point, and obviously, my God in Heaven,
no one wants to see anyone take violence into their
own hands. No one wants to see that. No one

wants to see that someone killed someone and we revel
over it. Okay, Now, I will say I have been
guilty in the past of talking about health insurance and
I've actually said they are evil? Have I said they're
the most evil bastards? And it's a complete industry founded

on evil. Now, now, obviously I feel that way about
the industry, and I know that people have never put
that together with me or I'm not thinking I had
to reach in New York to this guy heard me
on' But what I'm saying is this, I hate health insurance.
I hate the people in health insurance, not them personally,

but what they do. And there's a reason for it.
Now again, I'm not advocating violence, but health insurance has
to change. And so many times we talk about health insurance,
and let me explain this to you, because I don't
think people understand how health insurance was started, and in

the beginning, it was one of the best things we
could have because someone got the idea if we pulled
our resources not everyone is going to get sick at
the same time, so we pull our resources and it's
available to those who get sick. And because you've pulled

your money with everyone else's, you also have the privilege
of being helped when you get sick. The original plans
had no profit built in. None none, no profit built in,
so it was called a sickness fund or an accident fund.

This was when do you think it happened in the
nineteen hundreds, So workers put all their money in a pool,
and when someone got sick, they used it to help someone.
And because in those days, I guess people didn't cheat,
so they didn't say I had surgery when they didn't,
and people were their bills were paid. In the early

twentieth century, listen to this, then hospitals started doing that
saying you know what. Baylor was the first one. Baylor
University in nineteen twenty nine started collecting funds from people
from the community, and when they pulled money, they got
in exchange a certain number of days in the hospital
depending on what they paid in, and that became Blue Cross. Again,

this was wonderful. You're gonna learn something here, because this
is where it becomes evil. I'm going to tell you
as we go on, physicians started doing the same thing.
And that's where the hospitals and physicians got together and
became Blue Shield, Blue Cross and Blue Shield. That's when

hospitals and doctors got together. Blue Cross with hospitals, blue
Shield doctors. Did you know that? Now here's the next thing.
Kaiser was a shipbuilder and he wanted to provide for
his employees and he didn't want them paying other people.

He says, you know, I can do it more efficiently
because what I'm going to do is I'm going to
start my own hospital and I'm going to hire my
own doctors, and then I'm going to have my workers
pay in to a nonprofit system from well actually he
paid for them, but it was a benefit. Okay, they
were really paying because was part of their compensation. So
he said, I'm going to pay into this fund for them,

or they're paying into it from their own money. However
you want to look at that, and they have the
privilege to go to our doctors and our facilities, and
its nonprofit. That was Kaiser. Remember in the beginning, no profits.
So when you had aggregated funds like the what they
called the the sickness fund and somebody got sick. Everyone thought,

who administered the fund, Okay, that man needs some money
or that woman needs some money. They're sick. But there
was no one a CEO or a CFO or a
COOO saying, wait a minute, how do we know we're

not paying too much? And if we pay this, what's
that going to do to our bonus or our profit
or worse, our stockholders. There was no one there doing
that because it was nonprofit. All they cared about aggregation
of funds. They wanted those funds to last, and they

wanted it to take care of people. There were no stockholders,
there were no greedy CEOs and CFOs looking for multimillion
dollar bonuses. That's the system. That's the way it was
supposed to work. Then Kaiser started the idea of group.

He was the first PPO, so to speak, you went
to his preferred provider organization. He started that. Then what
happened was the IRS started giving tax incentives to employers
who have plans. But then something happened in the fifties

and into the early sixties, and then it went into
seventies something where it started being evil. They said, let's
start a company and make a buffet. Now, profit's not evil,
except I swear to God, it's contrary to the concept

of insurance. I've always said that I believe in capitalism
profit incentive. Now, remember in nonprofit insurance models, everyone that
worked there got paid. I'm not talking about that. I'm
talking about after getting paid for administering that bundle of
money left for stockholders you didn't have to worry about,

but then managed to care. Came in profit incentive. So
then you had companies where they wanted to make a profit.
So now they had everyone pulling their money. Okay, but
instead of just paying the bills for people, you had

fat cats wondering how much am I going to have
left at the end of the year for me and
my stockholders and for my bonuses. So now the picture
changed a little. It wasn't one hundred percent focused on wellness.
It had a split focus. Yeah, we'll do wellness, but

only to a certain extent. The rest will go to
profits and stockholders. You see, that's when deny defend. All
of that came in. Okay, delay, deny defend. Delaying just

a few days you make more money on the money denying,
you don't pay it at all defending it's sometimes cheaper
to go to court than to pay it. That's where
that came from. And then this managed care concept is
deputy doc. There, I'm here, Tom, deputy doc. So managed

care came in and people like you had to hire
full time people just to administer the health insurance. It
was so complicated.

Speaker 7 (11:32):
Yeah, so I had one one woman in my office
who did nothing all week except insurance claims.

Speaker 6 (11:40):
Now here's the thing. Managed care said to deputy doc.
You know, deputy doc, you're making this much for a
C section. We're not paying that anymore. That's too much.
We're only going to pay you this much, but we'll
send you a lot of customers, clients, patients. But this
is all we're gonna pay. So people were upset with

rising health care costs. Now doc had to raise his money,
had to raise his fees to take care of his
full time insurance people, and then he had to pay
his bills. But the cesarean didn't pay us as much
as it used to. And then as you went on,

doc and other doctors, they couldn't just say here's what
we're going to charge. Well, they could, but insurance companies
would come in and say, well, that's maybe what you're
gonna charge if someone walks off the street. But no,
your we're paying less than that, way less than that.
So doctors and providers started playing games. They started raising

prices so they can get more money, and prices started
going up. But it wasn't People thought greedy doctors, you know,
because doctors are educated, high falutin greedy doctors. But I
saw a study one time where a doctor who was
doing deliveries of babies got paid no more under managed

care than he did twenty years before that. I mean,
it was incredibly stupid. Now, so here's what happened. I'm
gonna liken it really quickly to organize crime in New
York City. When immigrants came to New York and couldn't
make a living, some of them took matters into their

own hands and they said, hey, mister restauranteur or mister
clothing store or mister car dealer, you need to start
paying for protection or for this, or you need to
start using our laundry service, or you need to start
doing this. And the businesses would say, what am I

paying for protection for? Well, who are you protecting me from?
From us? They became. They inserted themselves in businesses that
were getting along fine without them. So organized crime came,
and so you had the business and you had their
expense structure. Organized crime added that just just because they

wanted to make money and did nothing at all, nothing.
And now these restaurants and these businesses had to raise
their prices because of organized crime. Well, insurance has become.
That insurance inserted themselves. And they didn't just insert themselves

to make it more efficient and to make the premiums
go farther. They inserted themselves to take that money as
a profit and for their stockholders and themselves and do
some of the other money for healthcare. That's what they
did that It served no purpose whatsoever what they did.

It was being aggregated and paid for before them. The
sickness funds, Kaiser, all the rest were working fine without
the greedy a holes who inserted themselves and said now
you're gonna pay more. It would be different if you
were paying more for more service and better care, but

you're not. It's just the opposite. The reason you pay
more now for healthcare is for one reason for health
insurance companies. I know you don't believe this but I
swear to God, the actual cost of stuff did not
go up because the stuff they were greedy. It was

to fight insurance. That's what it was for. So insurance,
in my opinion, No, people don't deserve to die and
be shot, but it is organized criminal activity that we
don't call criminal activity. We call it profit. But it's
at the expense of healthcare. They call things experimental that

are not experimental. They said for years to women, oh,
if you got your breast lopped off, you don't need
to have any new breast put on that. That's just cosmetic,
you know. And fighting has changed some of this, but
it's still an immoral, disgusting business, and health insurance specifically

is predicated on making profit at the expense of providing healthcare.
I'm Tom Martinez. We have more coming up. Go with
a sure thing Denver's Best roofer Excel Roofing dot com.

You don't pay a cent until you're content, Leave time
for an insurance check up free, no obligation. In comparison,
call compass insurance paying too much your coverage at dozens
of insurance companies find out now three oh three seven
seven to one help You'll think you're his only customer.
When you choose Frank durand the real estate man dot

Com to list your home with Remax Alliance. Three oh
three nine two zero sixteen twenty two. Hi Tom Martina
here three O three seven one three talks seven one
three eight two five five YouTubers, let me know if
it's worse now or not anyway? Three oh three seven
one three talks seven one three eight two five five.

I want to go to the phone, Stephen. What's going
on with you? Steven?

Speaker 3 (17:43):
Yes, this is mister Barnes here in Aurora.

Speaker 6 (17:46):
Uh, what can I do for you? Man? What's going on?

Speaker 3 (17:51):
I need? I need to go to the grocery store.
I don't have any transportation today.

Speaker 6 (17:58):
What happened to you? Oh?

Speaker 3 (18:01):
I can't. I'm visually impaired?

Speaker 6 (18:03):
Are you? And normally, I mean normally you have a ride?
What happened?

Speaker 3 (18:09):
I used it yesterday, accessor ride, but I got back
too late. I couldn't call for to go today.

Speaker 6 (18:18):
So okay, but normally you use the cessor ride. Is
that right?

Speaker 3 (18:24):
Yes? But today my son's girlfriend's car has been it's
gotten to an accident, so she can't drive or use it.
She did ride the bus yesterday. That's some tea or something.
But okay, okay, so that's about it.

Speaker 6 (18:45):
All right. Here's the deal. I need to ask you something, okay,
on the on the ride? Is it just today you
need it? This is not going to be a continuing problem, right, No,
so just today right now is when you need the ride?

Speaker 3 (19:07):
Right, or somebody to go for me, you know. Okay,
bring a laptop and order online? Okay, this little phone
doesn't do that, all right?

Speaker 6 (19:17):
And we okay? And uh have you ever ordered online
before through someone else? Do you have an account set up?
You don't have an account set up? What do you need?
What do you need today? Steven?

Speaker 3 (19:31):
Uh mil uh uh? Tea? I mean not tea bags
but you know uh Arnold Palmer too, the tea.

Speaker 6 (19:46):
Okay? Where do you live? And don't don't give me
your exact address, but where do you live? What part
of town? Alora? Aurora? And do you order from Kings?
Do you go to King Supers? Well?

Speaker 3 (19:59):
Yeah, all right, I haven't personally been for several years.
My son and his girlfriend have been going for me.
But my son passed away.

Speaker 6 (20:07):
Oh my god, when did your son pass away?

Speaker 3 (20:11):
September second of kidney and liver disease. He was only
forty three.

Speaker 6 (20:17):
So Steven, here's what I need to know. If if
we manage somehow to get you groceries today, what are
you going to do the next time you need them.
I'm just trying to figure out what's going.

Speaker 3 (20:31):
On, Like, oh, what's probably be able to call access
or I, you know, go go again? You know?

Speaker 6 (20:44):
Okay, so you think that, but but you can't do
a se But you didn't call assess right in time
for today?

Speaker 3 (20:50):
Right, Yes, that's right. I used it yesterday. I went
to my way over there on either side of town.
But h and I went to the UC House doctor's
appointment wednesday, so over here, and they took me over

there and took brought me back and you're right one
of those buses and it's okay, all right.

Speaker 6 (21:18):
So I want to arrange this for today for you.
So anybody have any suggestions, Guys in the studio. I
think I could go online and order stuff for you,
but see, I don't know what you need, so you
need someone to probably sit with you or something. I'm

trying to figure out. Anybody have any ideas how we
can get this done. Yeah, I have a perfect solution.
What's that. I'll do it after the show. Okay, sir,
you can pick him up and take him to Kings
or else.

Speaker 7 (21:54):
I'll talk to him and I'll pick up the stuff
of Kings and drop her over his house.

Speaker 6 (21:58):
He lock, Doc, thank you, thank you so much. I
promise you I will. I wanted to get this done.
I was trying to figure out how I could do that,
being on the air and stuff, and after the show
I have another appointment. But but but I was gonna.
I think it's one no, no doc. Thank you. Hey, listen, Steven,
We're gonna have Deputy Doc wants to help out. Okay,

so I'm gonna I'm gonna leave you in his hands. Uh,
Kachina is gonna get some information from you, okay. Three
oh three seven one three talks seven one three eight
two five five. By the way, waterpros dot net the
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durand the real estate Man dot com to list your
home with Remax Alliance three all three nine two zero
sixteen twenty two. Hi Tom Martino, your troubleshooter. Three oh
three seven one three talk three all three seven one
three eight two five five. Welcome to the show. So

here's the deal we have. Is Steven on okay? Steven
is going to get help from deputy Doc. We have
open lines at three all three seven one three talks
seven one three A two five five. Let me get
my my uh. I'll get my cam up from my
my peeps in the studio. We have Today is car Day, guys,
so we are going to talk cars and problems and

questions and complaints. So who do we have in the
studio for cars? You didn't put anything up there Kachina
to let me know. So what's what's going on with Kachino? Okay,
I have that. I'm gonna I'm going to activate.

Speaker 7 (24:23):
We have both our experts in tom. Just have Kevin
and Jack making as an appearance.

Speaker 6 (24:31):
All right, So guys, anything new with cars or anything
of the sort, anything you can shed light on for us?

Speaker 8 (24:42):
Not pretty much the same. You know, we're just pretty
steady and just just moving on.

Speaker 6 (24:46):
Yeah. But okay, parts, So here's a problem. You know
they never no. But when you say parts are a problem,
not a lot of not a lot of parts, right,
I mean, what are we talking about when we start
a challenge?

Speaker 8 (24:56):
Sometimes because inventory is spread out across town, so you
try to get we're spread out across the country. It's
the country. So if you need more than four or
five parts for one job, you may wait a day,
a week. You know, it's hard to tell.

Speaker 6 (25:09):
Okay. So basically you're saying that it depends on the part.
I mean that's really what we're saying. Okay, And I
have you up and I'm going to just move you
over so you don't get in my face. And there
are the pretty faces. And okay, Kevin, I often talk
about and this is important because I talk about you

guys servicing cars while they're under warranty. And so, in
other words, you have a car, a new car, and
you think for everything you have to go back to
the dealer until the warranty expires. But that's that's not
the case.

Speaker 8 (25:48):
No, not at all. Now, as long as you keep
everything documented, you don't avoid the warranties, you use the
proper filters, proper oils everything. Yeah, you're fine, Okay.

Speaker 6 (25:57):
So in essence, then if if you have a car,
it's a new car, somebody's under warranty and they are
taking it to you. Sure, how do you distinguish what
should be done by under the warranty and what you
can do for them?

Speaker 8 (26:13):
Well, anything that's covered by warranty, will refer them back
to the dealer, you know. Obviously the fluid changes are not.
But if there's any repair, we'll give them the option.
You know, it's a fifty dollars repair, you can go
to the dealer and get it done, or we'll take
care of it right now, So either way.

Speaker 6 (26:27):
Okay, And do you have a lot of people who
turn to you instead of dealers for that?

Speaker 8 (26:33):
Oh? Sure, yeah, We're just more convenient, especially for the
quick services. You don't have to leave your car for
a day or two, and you know, things of that sort.

Speaker 6 (26:40):
Yeah, all right, And Jeff, I have a text here
at speaking of warranties, let me find it. And what
they want to know is if the dealer tells them
there is no problem, and they're afraid there is with
the transmission it's still under warranty, and they're convinced. And
by the way, I don't believe this, and I'm not
convinced that people do this, that they I'm not convinced

that people dealers are incentivized by turning down warranty work.
So I don't believe it, don't right, guys, don't they
get paid from the factory. They don't care, right, you
have them?

Speaker 9 (27:15):

Speaker 6 (27:16):
Right, So they have no reason to want you to
delay until the warranty runs out, right, none whatsoever? Yeah, okay,
but let's just play with that, you know, since they
believe that, and they want to know I believe I
have a problem, they say, I don't, Jeff, have you
ever taken a look at a car that a dealer
says doesn't have a problem to help them verify there

is a problem.

Speaker 10 (27:37):
Oh yeah, most definitely. It's not the most common call
we get, but it does come across.

Speaker 6 (27:41):
Or obviously though they have to pay for that. It's
not like they can just you know, sure and to
take our okay. So when you get a diagnostic that
you're sure of or relatively sure and the dealer said
there was nothing wrong with it, do you call the
dealer directly or do you give that to the consumer, take.

Speaker 10 (27:57):
Documented on the repair order for the customer and then
they hand that off to the dealership. If they have
questions then obvious, so they can give me a call.

Speaker 6 (28:05):
Have you had this is what I want to know.
Have you had dealers call you about it and say
we can't find what you're talking about? Yes? I have? Okay,
So you you can work with dealers on problems that
you see, and Kevin, I imagine the same thing you
can too.

Speaker 8 (28:22):
Yeah, absolutely, especially with the electrical sum it could be
intermittent and they can't see it, and you know, we
just get lucky and find it, and you know, they'll
take it back. Most of them pretty easy to work
with once they get the issue figured out.

Speaker 6 (28:33):
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seven one three eight two five five We have more
coming up. If you have any problems, question or some complaints,
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pay a cent until you're content. Wait time for an
insurance checkup, free, no obligation comparison call Compass insurance paying
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out now three oh three seven seven to one help.
You'll think you're his only customer when you choose Frank

durand the real estate man dot com to list your
home with Remax Alliance three oh three nine two zero
sixteen twenty two. Hi Tom Martino here three all three
seven one three talks seven one three eight two five five.
Troy wants to talk about gun buying. Now. I'm not sure, Troy.

Did you call in before? So I know we've had
a few calls from time to time about gun buying.
Did you call earlier?

Speaker 11 (30:09):
Yeah? Uh so on gun buying, there's really three parts
to the uh but let.

Speaker 6 (30:17):
Me ask did you call about this before? Was it
your gun buying experience or or are you a dealer?
I'm an ffl okay, talk about it. Then we had
here's what we had, and then you can call in
with whatever you want. But originally we had this dilemma
where people would go in and and do the background check.

They put a deposit down on a gun, do a
background check. If they failed the background check, they didn't
get their deposit back. And and I thought, well that's
not right. Go ahead.

Speaker 11 (30:54):
Yeah. So when you when you purchased firearm, the you know,
the customer walks in the store, the look at the firearms,
the artypical on display and they select a firearm. So
the next step is the dealer fills it starts the form.
It's the ATF forty four seventy three, So on that

forty four seventy three, the dealer puts down the serial
number of the firearm that's being purchased, so you've committed
to that firearm. And then you answer all the questions
on the forty four seventy three. Some of them are
are you a fellon? Are you any illegal drug user?

So you have to answer these questions honestly, and if
you fail to answer these questions honestly, you've committed a felony.
That's exactly what happened to Hunter Biden. So after you've
done your part of the forty four seventy three, then
the dealer takes your information and then they initiate the
background check. So if the background check comes back denied, uh,

then they cannot proceed with the sale. So uh, yeah,
it's not a deposit. You've initiated the purchase. You know,
you paid the money. Now the challenges the dealer can't
uh transfer the farm to you because you failed the
background check?

Speaker 6 (32:24):
Okay, but can you get your money back.

Speaker 11 (32:28):
It's going to be up to the dealers.

Speaker 6 (32:32):
Uh. To me, it seems like you should be able
to get you you should be able to get your
money back.

Speaker 11 (32:39):
Yeah. So if the dealer says, no, you can't have
any of your money back, and uh, you know we're
going to sell a gun for you, well it's not
your gun. You weren't able to receive that gun. So
to me, it would be you know some of these
uh you know big box stores. You know you're taking
up half an hour to forty five minutes that salesperson's time,

so you know some of them, Yeah, it seems fair
that they charge you know, maybe the ten to fifteen
percent that they would get on the sale anyway, you know,
just as an inconveniency because when you fell out that form,
you're answering the questions and the reason that you most
likely failed the background check is you lie one of

the answers. Yeah, you lied on the forum, and that's
a pelony. So the dealer is also obligated to notify
the police department.

Speaker 6 (33:32):
Do they?

Speaker 11 (33:36):
I think you know, the most honest ones will.

Speaker 6 (33:40):
Here's what I want to know. Why do people usually fail?

Speaker 11 (33:47):
Sometimes they've got a domestic violence case is one that
will catch them, Okay.

Speaker 6 (34:02):
In other words, if they were arrested for domestic violence,
and and does the adjudication of that matter if it
was not guilty guilty or dismissed or discharged.

Speaker 11 (34:17):
Yeah, it's a matter of whether the do.

Speaker 6 (34:19):
They ask have you been convicted? Or do they ask
have you've been arrested? Conviction? Okay, So if.

Speaker 11 (34:30):
There's a denial, then the buyer has the right to
call the CBI, and so they can protest the denial.

Speaker 6 (34:41):
Okay. What percentage do you have of people that.

Speaker 11 (34:47):
Yeah, tail, Yeah, my volume is really low.

Speaker 6 (34:51):

Speaker 11 (34:51):
So I'm a I'm a stall dealer, all right, and
I am very collected with who I deal with.

Speaker 6 (34:58):
All right, Thank you very much for the all. We
got more coming up on the Troubleshooter Show. I'm Tom
Martino three O three seven one three eight two five
five Go with a sure thing Denver's Best roofer Excel
roofing dot com. You don't pay a cent until you're content.

Time for an insurance check up free, no obligation. In comparison,
call compass insurance paying too much your coverage at dozens
of insurance companies find out now three oh three seven
seven to one help. You'll think you're his only customer
when you choose Frank durand the real Estate Man dot
Com to list your home with Remax Alliance three oh
three nine two zero sixteen twenty two.

Speaker 2 (35:52):
Lead Advice. Who you don't have.

Speaker 4 (35:56):
Runious as can shoots gonna help come Man.

Speaker 5 (36:02):
Dix is the Troubleshooter Show Now Tom Martinez.

Speaker 6 (36:11):
One three talk three all three seven one three eight
two five five. Hey, what's on your mind today? How
can we help you? I ask it every single day.
Frank durand the real Estate Man can help you by
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They're not going to do all that. Frank will just
call him. He's a great guy. Frank Durand the real
Estate Man dot Com three all three nine two zero
sixteen twenty two. Welcome to the show. Now let's talk
to Deputy D. Deputy D. I can't move the camera
because I did away with that crappy, that cappy, crappy

video thing. I got a new one coming, and uh,
I want to know what are you working on?

Speaker 9 (37:00):
Because she had Yeah, you know, I just got off
the phone a couple of minutes ago with Joan. You
may recall she called us a couple of maybe two
or three weeks ago. She's kind of an elderly lady
who's our V caught on fire. Oh yes, and damaged
her house. Not to mention the RV getting burnt down
to the ground.

Speaker 6 (37:16):
Oh it was terrible, didn't you have No, No, she
did insurance.

Speaker 9 (37:22):
Right, she had insurance, and there was a really weird
thing that was happening. You know, she got as you remember,
it's not very easy to understand where she's going with
all these stories. But my understanding is she got about
forty to fifty thousand dollars in insurance payments, and at
some point somebody from the insurance company demanded a refund

of twenty four thousand dollars and threatened her with jail
if she doesn't send that money back.

Speaker 6 (37:48):
Oh, we thought maybe that was a scam. That's right.
He said she was overpaid and somewhat at the insurance
said you have to send it back to us.

Speaker 9 (37:58):
Yeah, now that guy is no longer the insurance company.

Speaker 6 (38:01):
Did he actually cheat her in Well, we don't know.
We don't know. Well, did the insurance company acknowledge any
of them that they that they did ask for money back?

Speaker 9 (38:10):
Well, I took a slightly different approach I did. Whereas
I did track down the guy that she claims demand
of the twenty four thousand. I haven't contacted yet that
guy yet. Okay, because, okay, go ahead, Because I've been
dealing with Matt from Paragon, a public adjuster. You know,
he's on our Great of list, right, So I asked

him if this is the kind of case he'd like
to take on.

Speaker 6 (38:34):
He immediately agreed.

Speaker 9 (38:36):
He's been in touch with this lady and he offered
her a contract which she's waiting for her to sign,
and then he's going to dig into this.

Speaker 6 (38:43):
Okay, here's what I want to say. She had a
fifth wheel trailer. It caught fire on March first of
twenty three. All State paid seventy five thousand, three hundred
for damages to both her house and via so that
was a That was a settlement that I think she

should have gotten because she paid off the RV thirty
one grand right, and then paid green Gables Restoration for
her house damage.

Speaker 9 (39:17):
Well, they didn't fix anything. According to the caller, green
Gables washed her walls. But why she paid them fort Well,
that's a really good question, and I'm waiting for Matt
was okay for the assaults of May.

Speaker 6 (39:33):
Now if you add that up, that's the amount she
was paid. So she paid out what they paid her.
So in other words, she wasn't trying to keep a
lot of money. But then she said all State called
back and said you better give us twenty three grand
back or we're taking it to court. Yeah, here's what
I think happened. I swear to God, I think someone

at all State, Yes, this guy, knew she was getting money,
knew she was uninformed, and threatened her. It's almost suspicious.
Did she make the money? How did she pay back?
She sent a check somewhere.

Speaker 9 (40:09):
Well, unfortunately I haven't been able to get a copy
of this check from her.

Speaker 6 (40:14):
But okay, this is crazy. So right, we know she's
sent twenty four grand somewhere. Did she make it out?
To somebody.

Speaker 9 (40:21):
Well, it's not easy to really figure out what she's
talking about, but.

Speaker 6 (40:25):
I did ask for a copy, kind of challenged. I
think she's extremely confused.

Speaker 9 (40:30):
I think she's elderly, and she's got too much going on,
all right, And she does have a job somewhere too,
so I think it's just difficult for her to keep
everything and you know, in.

Speaker 6 (40:37):
The same place.

Speaker 9 (40:39):
For example, when I spoke with her a few minutes ago,
she actually didn't even realize that Matt from Paragon is
the insurance adgester that we referred to her.

Speaker 6 (40:50):
So it's gonna take a little bit of handholding.

Speaker 9 (40:52):
And that's why I put so much stock into Matt's
forthcoming report on what actually happened.

Speaker 6 (40:58):
All right. So anyway, three zero three seven one three
talks seven one three eight two five five is our number.
And uh, okay, let me go back to the phones now,
and uh, who's Oh Danny, Danny, what's happening?

Speaker 3 (41:17):
Hey, Tom?

Speaker 12 (41:18):
How are you doing?

Speaker 6 (41:19):
Good man? What's going on with you?

Speaker 3 (41:21):

Speaker 12 (41:22):
Good? Hey, I've got a twenty fifteen hond odyssey.

Speaker 3 (41:25):

Speaker 12 (41:25):
For a long time now that the automatic flighting doors
have sort of been sticking just a little bit. You
got to try to open it a few times before
it gets past that blockage or something. Yeah, well, if
you date back, the poll cable actually just snapped and
it's hanging out. You can see it's frayed. So it's
not disconnected, it's it's completely snapped off. I'm calling body, how.

Speaker 6 (41:49):
It's a it's a fifteen How many miles on it?
I'm just curious, not that this is a mileage thing,
but how many miles?

Speaker 12 (41:56):
Dan, it's my wife's car. There's quite a bit. It's
probably maybe one hundred and four and thirty something like that.

Speaker 6 (42:01):
Did you did you own it from New.

Speaker 12 (42:04):
No, we bought it used six years ago or so.

Speaker 6 (42:08):
Okay, So the door just guys, have you ever heard
of these doors acting up?

Speaker 8 (42:14):
Yeah, they're just like the regular windows, just in a door.
It's got a mumble, motor, cables, everything, just like a
window regulator would.

Speaker 6 (42:23):
So yeah, they do, bro, what do you do not forever? Yeah?
What do you do?

Speaker 8 (42:27):
You pull it apart and replaced the whole mechanism. It's
a motor with cables and pulleys and make sure the
door pulleys are correct and everything else. It's you know,
it's just not a cheap date. It's it's a it's
a big job.

Speaker 6 (42:38):
So what is your question about caller or Danny?

Speaker 12 (42:41):
Yeah, so my question, Yeah, my question is I've called
a couple of body shops because I figure it's kind
of a not it's not a mechanical issue, and they
point their fingers at at mechanics.

Speaker 13 (42:51):
And say, no, we don't do that.

Speaker 12 (42:53):
Call mechanic. I called the mechanic and you're like, nah,
I don't really do that. That's more body shop thing.

Speaker 6 (42:58):
So my real question, Oh, I get you can't.

Speaker 12 (43:00):
I'm up in Broomfield.

Speaker 3 (43:02):
I don't know who to go.

Speaker 6 (43:03):
Well, first of all, let me ask Kevin. I mean
when you say where you are, here's what I've always said.
If it's a one time kind of thing, or you
know what I'm saying, or or not a routine thing,
there's nothing wrong with traveling for a repair, not and
go across country. But I mean, for goodness sakes, if
you're in Broomfield, you can go down to to share
it an auto tech. If he does that, oh yeah,

we do it. Okay, there you go, Danny. Okay, shared
in auto tech on Wadsworth excuse me on Colfax west
of Wadsworth Yep, just west.

Speaker 12 (43:36):
Okay, And this is a pretty big inconvenience. My wife's
taking kids to school and the realm is going off
all the time because yeh thinks it's open or something. Yeah,
how long do we have to wait for an appointment
for that?

Speaker 6 (43:49):
Well? Six months, I'm just kidding.

Speaker 8 (43:52):
We would have chech availability on parts, but it's a
it's a job that would require about two or three
days being down. Yeah, once the parts and everything are there, yep, I.

Speaker 6 (44:02):
Mean, man, you know, but if you wanted to pay
for parts, do you do that? Do you order parts
that they want to pay for him? And then do
you call?

Speaker 14 (44:09):

Speaker 8 (44:09):
We just we just will have everything ready before he
comes in. Absolutely, But we still ask for a couple
of two three days for those because they're tricky and
they could be a pain.

Speaker 12 (44:17):
So well, don't you need to look at a verse
and know which parts?

Speaker 8 (44:20):
Well, if you said, yeah, cars are hanging out, it's
pretty obvious.

Speaker 6 (44:25):
But but you wouldn't order parts without you wouldn't.

Speaker 8 (44:28):
We'll get you in on a swing, bye, we call
it's just get it in and we'll take a look and
then we'll order parts. And make make arrangements.

Speaker 6 (44:34):

Speaker 12 (44:36):
But I think that this is a symptom of a
of a maybe more underlying problem where they were sort
of snagging.

Speaker 6 (44:42):

Speaker 12 (44:43):
I think it finally just gave up. Whether it was
you know, constant abuse that just gave up, or one
time it just got real bad. But we'd have to
pull the handle a few times and it would it
would try to open and then it would be beep, beep,
and then it would close itself. You do that three
or four times and then it worked, which is weird,
But we just kind of put up with that for years,
and now it's finally gets limits and everything else, everything

sort of needs to be aligned.

Speaker 8 (45:07):
No, you're right, and that's something I said in the beginning.
We would definitely check the rollinners and police and everything
on the door itself.

Speaker 6 (45:13):
Yes, absolutely, Yeah, Yeah, Okay, well that's wonderful.

Speaker 12 (45:17):
I really appreciate that advice. I'll give them a call
here in a few minutes.

Speaker 6 (45:21):
They I mean, he's really good people, you'll love it.
And uh four five five seventy two forty two three
oh three four five five seventy two forty two that
shared an auto tech dot Com thank you. Now, let's
talk to uh Joe. Yeah, we're gonna We're gonna take
a quick break and talk to Joe Kanno about uh
guaranteed investments. You don't hear that often, do you? You

really don't. And I also want to say about Compass
Insurance Group. Something is guaranteed an insurance check up that
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until you're content time for an insurance check up free,
no obligation comparison call Compass Insurance paying too much your
coverage at dozens of insurance companies find out now three
all three seven seven to one help. You'll think you're
his only customer when you choose Frank Durand the real

estate Man dot com to list your home with Remax
Alliance three oh three nine two zero sixteen twenty two.
Hi Tom Martino here three all three seven one three
talk three all three seven one three eight two five
five here to help you solve problems, answer questions, take place,

make your life a little easier, I hope, Steven. Let's
talk about your neighborhood street lights. What's happening?

Speaker 3 (46:54):

Speaker 1 (46:54):
Good money?

Speaker 15 (46:55):
Com uh generalia? Keep your dever said here, Yeah, I
didn't gut too much around in the evening, but a
couple of times, yes, they just too many of the
seat lights is not working. I came back from a
rada about months ago, pulled up on Ice seventy easton

it's shallow, it to twenty five and sixteen twenty of
those flights on the higher it didn't work.

Speaker 3 (47:29):
So I called it really excel and they.

Speaker 15 (47:34):
Said, can you give me a number of a pold?
I said, well, what are you talking about?

Speaker 6 (47:38):
I said that, Yeah, they do have numbers on them.
They really do. Yep.

Speaker 15 (47:43):
Well I know, but who's going to ride it up
from what driving sixty mile an hour?

Speaker 6 (47:49):
No? I understand that. So, but I mean when you
talk about this, Steven, you talk about like it's like
the walking dead, like that they're they're going out all
over right, I mean, is that what you're talking about
or is just a few of them? No?

Speaker 15 (48:02):
No, just because I think it's in the enough sections,
you know, like pen is on that breaker or another
pain on another breaker. I don't exactly know how it's
set up, but.

Speaker 6 (48:16):
Now I do know that a lot of street lights
blink now and then do you know what a lot
of people don't know what that is. So I'm going
to ask my savvy audience, especially my YouTube morons, I
want you to weigh in. Why do did you ever
walk around and you look up in the street light
will go off and then it comes on in about
a minute or thirty seconds. Did you know that, Stephen?

Speaker 15 (48:38):
Not exactly, but I've been talking to people a long
time ago about that, and they said that the summertime
is I issue if it's too hot.

Speaker 6 (48:46):
That's exactly what it is. You're right, it's a it's
a thermal sensor, and if they get too hot, they
turn off momentarily. And I also, I don't want to
get into this because people think I'm weird. But I
can make them go off. But I don't want to
get into that, and I've I've proven it to people.
I can. I can. I can walk near them and

make them go off, just like I can make my
electric watches stop working. And here's the thing, Stephen, I
don't know what to do about this if you have
I really they do need to know the locations of
those lights, and they do address them, by the way.

Speaker 15 (49:22):
Yeah, I did exactly. I oh, we're here on the
south color out of the boulevard, three in a row,
and I give them a phone numberger blocks, you know,
twenty seven.

Speaker 6 (49:33):
Are they still out?

Speaker 3 (49:35):

Speaker 15 (49:35):
Well actually in the middle of a summer. And I
originally called it about two and a half months ago.
One pole was broke off about Yeah.

Speaker 6 (49:46):
I was like, here, No, I want to ask you
some Stephen, why do you care about I mean, I
don't mean to be a smart pot, but why do
you care?

Speaker 15 (49:57):
Well, if they don't need it, shut it down, take
it out of there. We don't be paid for it.

Speaker 6 (50:03):
You know, who does you and me for street lights?
I guess, I guess. I mean some neighborhoods pay for
their own.

Speaker 15 (50:12):
Well a few know, it's all paid by the city.
Oh so I thank you, especially now it's five o'clock.
It's dark in a you know, fall in the winter,
and that's pretty good.

Speaker 6 (50:26):
Anyway, After after you reported the blocks and the address,
did did they finally start working?

Speaker 3 (50:33):

Speaker 15 (50:34):
No, no, but U, man.

Speaker 6 (50:36):
Who exactly, who exactly did you call? Steven?

Speaker 15 (50:41):
Well, that's what I'm looking for. They gave me a
local number, but you just call a regular Excel number.

Speaker 6 (50:48):
I don't think Excel is no. I don't think Okay,
maybe Excel.

Speaker 15 (50:52):
I think if that's my number, if that's the locate.

Speaker 6 (50:57):
But our municipalities, I'm maybe I'm wrong. I thought municipalities
are in charge of their own street lights. But maybe
I'm wrong. I just is Excel the one you call?
But they took your call and they were willing to
look into it if you had a number. Is that
what they said?

Speaker 15 (51:15):

Speaker 6 (51:16):
Okay, well you know what. I don't know what to
tell you. I hope that I don't know. I mean,
this is not something we can call on without numbers either,
So more power to you, I hope. I wish you
well in getting street lights working people. I'll tell you what.
I'm guessing he doesn't have a lot of going on

in his life as far as things to worry about,
because I don't think I've ever says Excel is responsible. Okay, good, No,
that's good, but they still need to know where specifically,
I think a number. I want to say something else though,
Speaking of lights, am I the only one? And it
is car day car guys. I need to know where

to God, I need to know this. Am I the
only one who has noticed that? In Colorado, especially Colorado
and the Denver metro area, there is a large there.
There are people who drive around without lights on at night.
What the hell? I've come up on people and they

were like a black car with no lights or dark
blue and I come up on them and all of
a sudden they tap their break lights. I can see,
and all of a sudden I see them. But break
lights are the only things working. Or they might have
little tiny day runners in the front, but they what
is it? They don't know how to turn on headlights.

Speaker 10 (52:39):
Yeah, that's just the thing is they've got their day
runners on and they think they're seeing They don't realize
people aren't seeing them.

Speaker 6 (52:44):
They go, but you know, I have day runners, I
have day runners, and I have something called auto and
when it gets dark, it turns on the regular headlights. Right.
A lot of cars must do that, right.

Speaker 10 (52:57):
Most of them setting where you can turn that peak're off.
So if they've just got it on the d r T,
then that's all they're going to get.

Speaker 6 (53:05):
D r O. Okay, so there's a setting for just
day running lights. Correct.

Speaker 7 (53:10):
But you know what though, Tom and people for the
most part leave it on on.

Speaker 6 (53:15):
Oh but not Okay, then I've seen a lot of morons.
Oh sorry, I don't mean that against you guys on
on the YouTube there, but I've seen a lot of
idiots driving around in the dark, and I got it
under I have to think can they see? I mean,
and and you know, I try to flash my lights
to let them know they're a danger. They truly are

a danger. I mean day day runners. I you know,
a lot of people do think day runners are exactly
the same as night lights, but they're not. I guess
do some cars do some cars have the same intensity
on the day runners as they do the night ones. Guys,
do you know?

Speaker 7 (53:58):
Okay, yes, next time we have John Fuller on, we
should ask him if you're in an accident with a
car that doesn't have its headlights on, can you prove excuse.

Speaker 6 (54:09):
Me, somebody give him CPR. Please, let somebody give him
jump on his chest. Come on.

Speaker 7 (54:18):
Other than a dash cam, is there a way to
prove that the lights are off during the at the
time of the accident, Kevin.

Speaker 8 (54:27):
No, unless you've got a video like a cam or
something from a business. There's no way to go back
and see.

Speaker 6 (54:33):
No, unless you unless the guy is keeled over in
the in the cockpit and you go over there and
the lights are off. Sure, I mean, I don't know.
And does it matter. I think it would. That would
be some liability there if you ran into someone, if
you ran up on somebody. I'm serious. Have you guys
ever experienced that yourself? Where you come up and there

they're damn near. They're so hard to see. I see day.
So here's what you see in Denver more than anywhere
in the country. Expired plates, no plates, and no headlights,
no lights on at night. Sure, I mean, but they're
cracking down in Aurora now on headlights, I mean on expired.

Speaker 12 (55:22):

Speaker 6 (55:24):
Well, there were people that literally never got registered. They
just drove around without insurance and registration and everything. They
didn't care. Nobody was doing anything. Colorado for a while
was truly becoming the wild West, you know. And with shoplifting.
You know, I don't see shoplifting like I used to,
but I do see it still now and then, and
still nobody's doing anything about it. I mean, it's definitely

not as rampant as it was. And I think a
lot of that has to do with public pressure. I
really do, because certainly it wasn't the police, and it
wasn't our governor, it wasn't our law enforcementar DA is
I mean none of that. California, of course, they recriminalize
shoplifting now, not the first time. They still have the

first time nine hundred fifty or whatever, one thousand, but
second ones and third ones are crimes now and then
they got rid of that. Do nothing La DA District Attorney.
I think, I think the pendulum is swinging back to
law and order. And I don't mean law and order
in a bad way. I just mean, you know, not
being not taking advantage of people. We have more coming up.

I'm Tom Martinez. Three oh three seven one three talk
three oh three seven one three eight two five five
Go with a sure thing Denver's Best roofer Excel roofing
dot com. You don't pay a cent until you're content.

Time for an insurance check up free, no obligation. In comparison,
call Compass Insurance paying much your coverage at dozens of
insurance companies. Find out now three all three seven seven
to one. Help you'll think you're his only customer when
you choose Frank durand the real estate man dot Com
to list your home with Remax Alliance three oh three
nine two zero sixteen twenty two. Hello Tom Martino, your

troubleshooter three O three seven one three talk seven one
three eight two five five. All right, let's uh talk
to Danny. Danny. What's happening?

Speaker 3 (57:36):

Speaker 16 (57:37):
Hey, how are you guys?

Speaker 6 (57:38):
Good? What's going on? Man?

Speaker 16 (57:40):
Late August? Yeah, so late August I worked for a
U A property management contracted me to do about eighty cents.

Speaker 3 (57:48):
Of a wooden fence, right, eighty c.

Speaker 16 (57:51):
He told me she was gonna yeah, eighty c got it.
He told me that she was going to pay half
of it and the neighbor was going to pay the
other half.

Speaker 6 (58:02):
And this was for the management company, or was it
for two houses?

Speaker 16 (58:08):
It was one of them was a management company and
the other one was a regular homeowner.

Speaker 6 (58:14):
Okay, And and you said, okay, so keep going. What
happened then?

Speaker 16 (58:20):
So then you know she came out and she liked
the fence. She goes, oh, by the way, can you
make a gate for me just like you did for
the property management. And I told her, okay, find no problem.
I got the fence done. You know, I took a
little long to build her.

Speaker 12 (58:39):
But when I went to.

Speaker 6 (58:39):
Build her, how long did you take to bill her?

Speaker 16 (58:44):
I would say about twenty days, okay, off the top
of my head.

Speaker 6 (58:50):

Speaker 16 (58:51):
So then you know I gave her the invoice. I
left her the invoice on her door, waited about ten days.

Speaker 17 (58:57):
She didn't reply.

Speaker 16 (58:59):
I went I had another invoice, and I caught her
outside right she was walking out the same time as
I was going to give her the paperwork, and she goes, no,
I'm going to pay you at the end of August.

Speaker 18 (59:11):
I mean at the end of October.

Speaker 6 (59:14):
Listen, let me, let me, let me do this. Let
me cut right through too. I just need to know
did you get paid or not?

Speaker 16 (59:21):
No, I haven't gotten paid by her.

Speaker 6 (59:25):
Okay. Now what I need to know is your your
contract is with who?

Speaker 3 (59:32):
That's the problem.

Speaker 16 (59:33):
I didn't get nothing in writing.

Speaker 6 (59:35):
Okay. Now did the management company pay? Did the management
company pay you for their half? Yes?

Speaker 19 (59:43):
They did.

Speaker 6 (59:44):
Okay. Now did you tell the management company that this
homeowner is not paying because they can assess her, well,
I left, I.

Speaker 16 (59:56):
Left another bill, and she actually called the bandage company
and complaints.

Speaker 6 (01:00:03):
You know that I would I would put a lien
on her house. I would put a lien on her house.
That's all I would do. And then if she says
she doesn't owe it, I'd put a lien on her house,
and she'd have to prove she doesn't owe it, literally
prove that. And then you're going to use the ho
not the HOI, but the management company as your evidence.

Speaker 16 (01:00:25):
Right, So don't take her small claims court.

Speaker 6 (01:00:28):
Yeah, well you could do that, but first put a
lien on there. If you why not put a lien
on there, and then small claims court would perfect the lean.
I would do a lean first. First, you do a
notice of a lien. Wait a minute, Wait a minute,
When was this job completed? You only have a certain
when was the job completed?

Speaker 16 (01:00:49):
Uh, you know, it took me two days. So at
the end of you know, let's say the beginning of September.

Speaker 6 (01:00:54):
Oh, September October. Oh oh man, you're you're done. You're
I don't think you can. I don't think you can
put a lien on it anymore. I don't think so.
I think you only have four months from the last
time you were on the job. So wait, so September,
when did you finish the job? You might have time? Wait, wait,

you might have You only have a certain amount of time,
and I'm looking it up on the law, but how
long does Okay? So if you have enough time, put
a lien on it or go to small claims court.
Either one. Because if you go to small claims court
and get a judgment, that judgment can be a lien
on the property. So that's a way around it.

Speaker 16 (01:01:39):
Okay, So I still have time minimum to take her
to small claims court, right?

Speaker 6 (01:01:44):
Oh? For sure? On that you have a few years. Yeah,
you can do that.

Speaker 16 (01:01:48):
Okay, okay, God my heart stopped there for a minute.

Speaker 6 (01:01:51):
No, no, no, you have time for a small claim.
I was just trying. Usually a lien does the job.
But let me find out here in Colorado it says
here four months I was right after the last job.
So if you stopped working there in September, do you
remember when in September?

Speaker 16 (01:02:12):
I mean I'm driving in the car, but just.

Speaker 6 (01:02:15):
Roughly, bro just roughly roughly?

Speaker 20 (01:02:19):
Was it the beginning like the end of August?

Speaker 6 (01:02:22):
All right, let's say the end of August, so you
had September, October, November, you have a court. If it
was the end of August and really the end of August,
and let's say the last day of August, then you
have September, October, November, and all of December to file
a LEEN. But you have to do a ten day

notice first. I would file a LEEN immediately. Let her
contest it. I wouldn't worry about it. I would file
a LEEN immediately. You can follow it up with small
claims court. But before you do a LEEN, you have
to do a ten day notice. Look at if you
don't know how to do it yourself, it's going to
be a little difficult. Do you know how to file
a lean? No?

Speaker 16 (01:03:05):
I don't, but I you know, I'm pretty savvy on
the computer.

Speaker 18 (01:03:07):
I can figure it out.

Speaker 6 (01:03:08):
Good. That's okay, cool, because here's here's what you do.
You look it up because far serve a notice of
intent to lean ten days prior to filing. After you
do that, then you can file okay A and the
notice must include a copy of the completed and notarized

lean statement. So you got to get a lean statement,
So look it up online and then then once you
do that Colorado, it says here you need to do it,
and you need to do it within four months of
the completion of the job.

Speaker 16 (01:03:47):
All right, okay, perfect, thank you guys.

Speaker 6 (01:03:50):
Let me know what happens. I think it's terrible when
people don't get paid. Did she give you an excuse
for not paying at all? Did she do anything like that?

Speaker 16 (01:04:00):
Nothing, She's just uh, she's pretty much ghosted me.

Speaker 6 (01:04:04):
Okay. Well, oh man, I'm telling you that that is uh,
that is a pain in the butt. There's nothing you
can do about it except put a lien on it.
Take her to small Claim Scourt three oh three seven
one three talks seven one three A two five five.
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one help. You'll think you're his only customer when you
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list your home with Remax Alliance three oh three nine
two zero sixteen twenty two. Tom Martine here three three
seven one three talk seven one three eight two five five.

Welcome to the show. Let's talk. Let's find out what's new,
what we can do for you. Bob, he has a
question about a motor two thousand and nine Silver Row.
This is a Silverado truck twenty five hundred, Bob, what's
going on? Man?

Speaker 18 (01:05:48):
Hey, Tom, thanks for taking my call. So I'll start
off by saying I'm already made an appointment with shared
an auto tech. I talked to Isaiah this morning and
I'm gonna bring it in on Tuesday morning. But I
think I've run this by you by Kevin, maybe ahead
of time, so I have sure I have it started
making a noise on the motor so you know, I'm.

Speaker 6 (01:06:09):
Fairly how many miles how many miles.

Speaker 18 (01:06:12):
Ninety six thousand, Okay, that's not a lot on that, Okay, okay,
so I'm fairly handy. So I thought, well, maybe it's
the tension poli or the Isler POLICEO.

Speaker 6 (01:06:22):
I want to hit what kind of what kind of
a noise? There's all kinds of noises. You got squeaks,
You've got squeals, you got creaks, and you have taps
and you have knocks.

Speaker 18 (01:06:32):
It's not a tap. It doesn't sound like like it
doesn't sound like valves. It doesn't sound like a rod
going out. It's like a man I don't know how
to explain.

Speaker 8 (01:06:43):
More like a whirling noise.

Speaker 6 (01:06:44):
Is it a screen?

Speaker 18 (01:06:45):
And well sort of it picks up with RPM if
you give you give it a little bit more RPMs
just you know which I didn't give it much, but
that noise will pick up with the RPMs.

Speaker 6 (01:06:57):
It's you've heard of a whining You've heard of a
whining belt, right, yeah, oh.

Speaker 3 (01:07:02):
Yeah, it's it's not that so whatever.

Speaker 14 (01:07:06):
He let me just finish.

Speaker 18 (01:07:07):
I have a mechanic I've been going to for a
long time. I took it over there when the tension
or pulley and the isler pulley didn't work, and he says,
that sounds like the water pump. He replaced the water pump.
That wasn't it. He called you, and he says, hey,
I replaced it, but there's no charge. I misdiagnosed it,
he says, I'm not going to charge you for it.
He says, I'll be honest, I don't know what it is.

So yeah, so it's it's and he's pretty good. But
I know Kevin has a bigger shop, and you know,
I've been wanting to go there and take it in,
you know, for oil change and stuff like that. Oh,
he went ahead and done an oil change. We put
in synthetic along with a can of MLA. So he

said he thought maybe that might help. But it was
due for an oil change anyway. You know, I had
my light come on that said, you know, oil change,
oil soon. So anyway, I'm bringing it in Tuesday.

Speaker 3 (01:08:01):

Speaker 6 (01:08:02):
No, we'll figure it out. I'm not worried.

Speaker 15 (01:08:04):
Yeah, you have what do you think?

Speaker 6 (01:08:06):
What do you think is?

Speaker 8 (01:08:07):
I mean the drivability, Well, it seems like it's running. Okay,
just make a noise so yeah, we just get in.
We got a statscope, we've got different hearing aids we
can use to get in there.

Speaker 6 (01:08:17):
We'll figure it out.

Speaker 18 (01:08:19):
I'm sure you will. I just thought i'd give you
a little food for thought.

Speaker 6 (01:08:22):
So the mechanics man, you know, that's really I mean fixing.
You got to have skill to fix things, but really
to troubleshoot and find things, that's the hard. Would something
like that throw a code? I mean, is that crazy
to even ask unless.

Speaker 8 (01:08:35):
You had an alternator or something going out that may
throw a code and cause a noise. But yeah, it's
going to be a bolterer, police alignments.

Speaker 6 (01:08:42):
Something got to be if it if it's going with
the RPM, it's got to be something like that. And
it's not a knock or a tick.

Speaker 8 (01:08:49):
Now, the first thing we'll do is pull a belt
off and start it and see if the noise is
still there? Oh really yeah yeah yeah, and go from there.

Speaker 18 (01:08:58):
Yeah. I replaced the tension pully and is there only
one belt on that thing?

Speaker 21 (01:09:03):
One big one, big serpentine yep, yep, yep, okay, And
I looked at it, you know when I of course,
when I replaced at tension or pulling the island pulley.

Speaker 18 (01:09:13):
You have to take that all apart. And I looked
at it when I had to part, and it's got
a couple of little cracks, but it didn't look laz
It didn't look like there was anything really shilly there
or something.

Speaker 8 (01:09:23):
Sometimes you need to get a belt just doesn't want
to sit on a new pulley, you know. So you
got new pulleys and the water pump intents, you should
have replaced the belt probably at that time as well.
They just break in together. Well really yeah, like I said,
we'll figure it out. First thing we'll do is yea
and go from there.

Speaker 14 (01:09:41):
That was good, all right, thank you very much?

Speaker 6 (01:09:43):
Sel okay man, I appreciate it. Three oh three seven
one three talk seven one three eight two five five.
I have time for a text or two. Let me
find it here, don connor, I should bring it up, okay.
So on my uh, this guy has a truck as well,
and he heard that luvered what do you call those

things in the back and the I don't have the
text in front of me, he said, the louvered lift gate,
the tailgate or putting the tailgate down saves on gasoline?
Is that true?

Speaker 10 (01:10:17):
Guys, No, not really, I'm alexuality. The Mythboosters actually did
an entire show on that and found it. Actually, with
the tailgate up, driving down a road, you gets your
best feel economy.

Speaker 6 (01:10:29):
Okay, well that's good to know. I didn't know that. Okay,
we got more coming up. Bob's got a question about
a motor keep it up three oh three seven one
three talks seven one three eight two five five. Oh no,
well I guess Bob, we answered. So get some new
calls in. You're listening to the troubleshooter. Go with a

sure thing Denver's best roofer Excel Roofing dot com. You
don't pay a cent until you're content. Time for an
insurance check up free, no obligation comparison call Compass Insurance.
Pay too much your coverage at dozens of insurance companies
find out now three oh three seven seven to one help.
You'll think you're his only customer when you choose Frank

durand the real estate Man dot com to list your
home with Remax Alliance three oh three nine two zero
sixteen twenty two.

Speaker 12 (01:11:24):
Ripped of.

Speaker 2 (01:11:26):
New needs who you don't have?

Speaker 4 (01:11:31):
Come runnxious as snass as we can show Shooter's gonna
help come.

Speaker 5 (01:11:39):
Six is the Troubleshooter Show. No Tom Martino, Hi.

Speaker 6 (01:11:45):
Tom Martino here, Welcome to the show. Three oh three
seven one three talk three oh three seven one three
A two five five Welcome. What can we do for you?
Just give me a call and we can help you
solve problems, answer questions and take complaints. Jerry is a

caller who wants to talk about seven Ford f one fifty.
Today is car Day. We have Kevin coalkin with us
from Shardan Auto Tech. We also have Jeff Vic from
Kimmera Transmission. This hour brought to you by Wave eight
Wealth Management, my financial advisory company, and I feel free

to call us, to text us, or to email us.
You can email us through the website invest with Martino
dot com. Dozens and dozens of people I thank for
taking the leap of faith and having reviews. They love
what they found. Some people didn't need us, some people
shouldn't be investing, and you know, it all depends on

your situation. One thing I did was I did what
I always wanted done for me. Direct, honest to God,
transparent information. And some who had their money where their
mouth was and wasn't just talking or wasn't just taking
my money and placing it elsewhere? If you want that
kind of attention three oh three seven seven to one help,

you can also text that three O three seven seven
to one four three five seven. You can also go
to invest with Martino dot com. The name of the
company is Wave eight Financial or Wave eight Wealth Management.
And by the way, thank you for everyone who's responded.
I really appreciate it. I also want to talk about

a cars today, like a heater core. You know, heater
cores are very troublesome. How long do they last? Guys, Kevin, Jeff,
We've talked about heater cores for a long time over
the years. When do they actually go out? Or do
they never go out? I mean, is it luck of
the draw?

Speaker 12 (01:13:57):

Speaker 6 (01:13:57):
What tell me about heater cores?

Speaker 8 (01:14:00):
They will start leaking. You know, the older cars used
to have solid brass heater course though they'd last forever,
and now the newer ones are kind of an aluminum
with plastic and they don't. They're about ten, ten to
fifteen years on the most.

Speaker 6 (01:14:14):
Okay, so sir, let's hear about your issue with Jerry
with the heater core. Or a question about your heater
cores two thousand and seven f one fifty.

Speaker 19 (01:14:27):
Hey, thanks Tom for taking my call. Yeah, Jerry, Hey,
my daughter has a two thousand and seven f one
fifty four by four and she's in Louisville, Kentucky, and
she had the it's got about one hundred and seventy
thousand miles on the truck and she's got she just
changed the thermostat or had someone do that, and that

didn't help. She's not getting any heat coming out. And
I just wondered where should if they if Kevin or
you know where I could have it take?

Speaker 6 (01:15:00):
Is she where is she located?

Speaker 19 (01:15:01):
Did you say Louisville, Kentucky?

Speaker 6 (01:15:05):
Yeah, she should drive over to Kevin. Yeah, he'll pull
a he'll pull a code. He'll he'll pull a code.
Hey listen, man, what are the symptoms?

Speaker 12 (01:15:17):
Well, just no heat.

Speaker 6 (01:15:19):
And when you say no heat, is there air?

Speaker 3 (01:15:24):

Speaker 6 (01:15:25):
Is the temperature gate showing that the car's warming up?

Speaker 11 (01:15:29):

Speaker 6 (01:15:29):
It does show that.

Speaker 8 (01:15:31):
The Next thing you want to do is check there's
two heater hoses, one inlet one outlet, check and see
if they're the same temperature. Where do you find those
heaters underneath? The hood going into the firewall. Probably on
the passenger side.

Speaker 6 (01:15:43):
There's always Are they hoses or are they like ducks?

Speaker 8 (01:15:46):
They're hoses, two heater hoses about oh an inch and
a half two inch hoses. They got to be the
same temperature. That well, you know, the heat's getting in there.
And if that's the case, then it's probably an actuator,
a dooor in the ash. That's not closing problem.

Speaker 6 (01:16:01):
But would the but would he feel air? That's why
I asked about air. You have ice cold air because
the blend door's not opening properly. Okay, okay, but you
got it.

Speaker 8 (01:16:10):
To simple check. Just put your hand on the hoses.
They should both be the same temperature once a.

Speaker 6 (01:16:16):
What if one is? What if they're not at the
same temperature, Well, then you have a circulation problem. You
could have a plugged up heater core. Could you have
a thermostat problem or not?

Speaker 3 (01:16:25):

Speaker 8 (01:16:25):
Typically no, but possibly said they just changed it though,
so that's probably not it.

Speaker 6 (01:16:31):
Oh okay, So on a blend door, they're they're literally little.

Speaker 8 (01:16:36):
Flapper doors, right yeah, yeah, little motor on top that
opens and closes.

Speaker 6 (01:16:43):
And they're actuated by what a computer?

Speaker 8 (01:16:46):
Yes, yeah, if you set your car on hot, it
opens all the way hot. If you set it unwarmed,
you got half cold half hot air coming through.

Speaker 6 (01:16:54):
It just blends. It blends the air. And so it
does it blend it with outside air? It can, Yes,
well normally that's how it works.

Speaker 3 (01:17:03):

Speaker 8 (01:17:03):
Yeah, it's just it's just a temperature control. You get
fifty to fifty hot and cold for warm and summertime.
You turn the hot off all the way, it knows
which way to go. But if it doesn't look the door,
you don't get the heat or the cold.

Speaker 6 (01:17:16):
Or the other. So, Kevin, is it using air conditioning
sometimes sometimes?

Speaker 15 (01:17:20):

Speaker 8 (01:17:20):
Yeah, I just changed the actuaighter in my TA.

Speaker 6 (01:17:22):
I mean, even if you don't have your air conditioner
on in order to reach the proper temperature, it blends them.

Speaker 8 (01:17:29):
It does.

Speaker 9 (01:17:30):
But also, Kevin, doesn't the air conditioner come on whenever
you use the defrostropheature? Yeah, it's like because it dries
the air right exactly, umidifier.

Speaker 6 (01:17:42):
Okay, So Jerry, she needs to She's not in town
here obviously, so you need to find someone out there
that you trust and and and have them check it.
I mean, does she go to a regular mechanic.

Speaker 19 (01:17:57):
You know, not really. Uh, she just moved there from
another part of Kentucky and she don't know one there.
But also, what would something like that cost if it
is the heater cor? Maybe Kevin could answer that.

Speaker 8 (01:18:13):
You got to pull the dash out to get to them.
So you're probably in the you know, twelve fifteen hundred
dollars range to do a heater cor in the truck.

Speaker 6 (01:18:20):
Okay, Yeah, it's a fad, big job.

Speaker 19 (01:18:22):
Okayl you wow going to a Ford dealership.

Speaker 6 (01:18:28):
Well maybe for the initial diag yeah, but the repair.

Speaker 8 (01:18:32):
I mean it's tough when you don't know anybody in
town though, That's that's the hard part, right yeah, yes, okay.

Speaker 19 (01:18:38):
Well that gives me an idea, and I appreciate your time, all.

Speaker 6 (01:18:42):
Right, thank you? Three oh three seven one three talk
seven one three eight two five five.

Speaker 11 (01:18:48):
So I got some.

Speaker 6 (01:18:49):
Distressing news here about uh Wash Park Grill. I don't
know if any of you've eaten there, but no, I
saw that that's what happened there, tax seizure by the Yeah,
they have they have great everything. I mean they have
spectacular food for a little neighborhood restaurant. Spectacular food. Some

of that food would fool you. You'd think you're at
a you're at a fancy restaurant. I swear to god,
I mean places pack They had some stay we go
there a lot. They had some steak and they had
these oh man, all these not just steak steaks, nothing,
but man they have Oh so you've been there, Kevin.

Speaker 8 (01:19:28):
Oh yeah, I love the place. Yeah, the French.

Speaker 6 (01:19:31):
That's out of your neck of the woods. Yeah, I
love the so. Man. So apparently they owe back taxes,
sales tax and I don't know about what other taxes,
but I was reading a little bit about it. It's
kind of sad. It's kind of sad, and so basically, uh,

they may not come out of it, and we're losing
a lot of neighborhood restaurants. You know, I agree, we
really are, And I think that's a sad thing. But
I mean, you know, what are you gonna do if
you don't pay taxes? And one thing, they don't tolerate
unpaid taxes. I think that's something they've never you noticed,

They've always they've they've relaxed in this state and other
states on car thieves, and they've relaxed on shoplifting and
they've relaxed on a lot of things, car registrations from
time to time, but never ever, ever, when it comes
to taxes, that's one thing they do not tolerate.

Speaker 8 (01:20:35):
Now, they don't play with that at all.

Speaker 6 (01:20:37):
No, and and that's that's no matter who you are. Yeah,
but you are correct before the state. It's not like
you're you know, No, that's true now, No, that's true
for sure. So uh, let's see, it's Tom wants to
talk about a paint job. Tom, go ahead, what's happening.

Speaker 17 (01:20:55):
Yeah, yeah, I have a bit of a problem with
the paint as the cuteness on my car. There's a
different code than the paint give us apply to my card.

Speaker 6 (01:21:06):
I had no wait wait, wait, wait, how wait what
I don't get what you just said that the code
that came with your car is different than the actual
paint on your car.

Speaker 17 (01:21:17):
Yes, but the paint on my car was supposed to
be at a stated that the red acknowledge it. It's
a stone blue metallic. I got into a little bit
of a sandstore and the code on my door is
a C eight is a bluet.

Speaker 6 (01:21:36):
I get it. So, So when you take when you
when when somebody mixed up the code on the door,
or looked at it and you saw a sample of it.
It's absolutely different than what is actually on your truck
or car. As your car, they.

Speaker 17 (01:21:54):
Painted the car according to the code c ATE distant code.

Speaker 15 (01:21:57):

Speaker 17 (01:21:57):
They painted my hood and my fenders and my roof
with the blue talent my car was manufactured was called
a stone right.

Speaker 6 (01:22:06):
Well, well, were they idiots or could they see the
difference or did you walk up and say, wait a minute,
I mean, how did that work?

Speaker 17 (01:22:14):
I was able to see it. It was in their
body shop.

Speaker 6 (01:22:17):
I understand that. But couldn't they see it? Couldn't they
see it wasn't matching?

Speaker 17 (01:22:22):
Apparently not because I took it back twice to him.

Speaker 6 (01:22:26):
No, No, wait a minute, hold on, Tom, hold on.
These body people work on cars all the time, and
they paint this damn thing. They didn't paint the whole thing, right,
just the damage part right, yes, okay, And then they
hand it over to you, and no one notices that
there's two different color paints on there.

Speaker 17 (01:22:47):
Until I pointed out to him and they say, that's
the coach saw the door.

Speaker 6 (01:22:51):
Okay, oh okay, what if black was on the door?
I mean come on, you know, that's such a super excuse.
But I want to know this. Are they really close
or are they not close at all?

Speaker 17 (01:23:06):
To me, They're not close at all of the other
people I've had to look at it. As a matter
of fact, the issues company and had the talk to
a third party that they recommended, told them that it
wasn't the same color, that there was a problem with it,
and they still want to head and repeat it the
same color. And there's a third time I took it
back because of blousy or did take it for a repair.

Speaker 6 (01:23:28):
Of my Well, apparently it must be close. It must
be close. I mean, I'm not saying you're wrong, but
I mean otherwise people would just say, why do you
have stripes? A striped car or a patched car? I mean,
if I walked up to your car, would I immediately say,
what the heck's going on?

Speaker 17 (01:23:47):
If you look at it and right in the right light,
in the right direction, yes, you just walked up to
the hood and look at.

Speaker 6 (01:23:53):
You But if you're okay, then that tells me. That
tells me it's pretty dang. How do you, by the way,
how do you know that it's not the right code?
I'm just curious. How do you know?

Speaker 17 (01:24:05):
Oh, I've called Ford and or different to bly. They
say that's the code, and that's it. The reason I
know it's not the code just because you look the
code up says metallic blue mecaalic. It doesn't say it
doesn't say stone livercal.

Speaker 6 (01:24:20):
I know that. But what I'm asking is, how do
you know that your car had from the factory stone
blue metallic? Was it on the Maroni sticker or something?

Speaker 3 (01:24:33):
Yes? Yes, okay?

Speaker 17 (01:24:35):
For motor company has Nuer has.

Speaker 6 (01:24:38):
Said okay, got it?

Speaker 3 (01:24:42):

Speaker 6 (01:24:42):
According to the vin and according to the Maroni sticker
it says stone blue metallic absolutely stif But according to
the code on the door, it's just some other blue metallic.

Speaker 17 (01:24:56):
Lie metallics, just strictly metality.

Speaker 6 (01:24:59):
I do apologize, I'm have missed this. Are you the
first owner of this car? Yes?

Speaker 14 (01:25:04):
Okay, because if you're the second owner, the first owner
may have painted it.

Speaker 8 (01:25:08):
But if you're yeah, but this.

Speaker 6 (01:25:09):
Is a yeah, yeah, this is a and And besides,
the Maroney sticker says something different than the door code.
That's really what I find strange.

Speaker 12 (01:25:20):
And and.

Speaker 17 (01:25:23):
He is supposed to be.

Speaker 6 (01:25:28):
Okay. Are they willing to do anything about. Is it
still under warranty?

Speaker 17 (01:25:33):
Oh yeah, I should. You got seventeen thousand miles on it?

Speaker 6 (01:25:36):
Okay, well, so what is that a three year war?
Is it a three year or a five year or
four year?

Speaker 14 (01:25:41):

Speaker 6 (01:25:41):
How many years?

Speaker 17 (01:25:42):
I don't know, but it was, it was, it was hailed.

Speaker 6 (01:25:46):
Okay, if it's under warranty, I'd make If it's under warranty,
I'd make him painted.

Speaker 17 (01:25:52):
How the world do I get past the people I've
talked to that says that's as far as we're going.
We're not We're not ob best of any responsibility.

Speaker 6 (01:26:00):
Okay, how much will it cost to paint the truck?
It's it's a Ford Explorer. I call them trucks.

Speaker 18 (01:26:10):
I get it.

Speaker 6 (01:26:11):
It is a car. Or it's an suv. It's an suv.
You're right, So how much would it cost to paint that?
Do you know?

Speaker 17 (01:26:17):
I have no idea?

Speaker 6 (01:26:19):
How much of it was repainted? The the uh regular
blue metallity.

Speaker 17 (01:26:25):
The defenders, the grill, and for some reason painted the
whole top of the car.

Speaker 6 (01:26:34):
All right, here's what here's what we need to do.
We need you need one one step at a time. Tom.
You need to get a price and if it's seventy
five hundred or under, I taken the small claims court.
In fact, if it was more than that, I taken
the small claims court to get the seventy five hundred.
At least, I think you'll win. I don't see how
they win. If they did, they did your wrong. I

don't care if the codes on there, If it came
from the factory with one thing and this code on
the door says the other thing. You have two conflicting things.
It's not your fault, it's their fault. And I would
take literally, what's that?

Speaker 12 (01:27:13):
Who's fault? Is their fault?

Speaker 17 (01:27:14):
Body shot?

Speaker 6 (01:27:16):
No, okay, it's everybody's fault. First of all, it's it's
Ford's fault. It's Ford's fault. And you know what, we
should give this to somebody to work on. Who wants
to take this on? I'm serious, this is a good one.
Well we'll decide that during the break. I got to
take a break on Tom Martinez three O three seven
one three A two five to five. Go with a

sure thing Denver's Best roofer Excel roofing dot com. You
don't pay a cent until you're content. Time for an
insurance check, up free, no obligation. In comparison, call Compass
insurance paying too much your coverage at dozens of insurance
companies find out now three O three seven to seven
to one help. You'll think you're his only customer when

you choose Frank durand the real estate man dot com
to list your home with Remax Alliance. Three oh three
nine two zero sixteen twenty two. Hi Tom Martina here

three oh three seven one three talk seven one three
two five five. We got Kevin Colkins shared an auto tech.
We've got Jeff K. Kimmera transmission. We have Deputy Dollar
in the studio. Deputy Doc is Boe in the studio too.
No he's not, he's not in studio, but he is available, right,

and he's taking that other problem right. No, I'm going
to actually Doc took it over or Doc took it okay.
And then we have Deputy d here. Uh. We we
have man. We've never had a stronger, stronger crew ever,
I mean, just all expertise in all different areas. And
now Robert wants to talk about a problem with a

purchase at an auto auction or a possible I'm not, no, no,
not a problem about purchasing at an auction. Go ahead, Robert, Hi, Tom.

Speaker 21 (01:29:45):
I'm going to be going to the make a auto
auction in January in Florida, and I just want to
know if you or your car experts have had any
experience buying from the auction. I'm going in as a bitter.

Speaker 6 (01:29:55):
I've never heard of that particular auction. You know, I
heard of Barrett and all the others, But who is
this one? Do you guys know about it? Oh?

Speaker 8 (01:30:04):
Yeah, meek Them's up there with the rest of them.

Speaker 6 (01:30:05):
Yeah, okay, okay, So guys, do you have any thoughts
on the auto auctions? Well I do. You've never heard
a problem with Meekham or you know, any of the biggies. See, no,
they have these flawless transactions. That's not going to be
where your problem is. But they're not big on disclosure.
They don't have to be, and in fact, they don't

want to be. They don't want to be responsible at all.
So what do you do about checking out what you're
bidding on?

Speaker 11 (01:30:32):

Speaker 6 (01:30:32):
That's what I want to know.

Speaker 21 (01:30:34):
Well, I have it with you know, go and look
at them when they're on the display floor.

Speaker 6 (01:30:39):
That's right.

Speaker 21 (01:30:40):
That's about all you can maybe if you look on
car facts, if you could, you know, get on the
computer and check it out ahead of time.

Speaker 6 (01:30:50):
Now, cosmetically they're very honest, circle everything and try to
show you every flaw. The problem is they don't know
a lot necessarily about the are when it comes to mechanically. Now,
what year, what vintage, what make? What model? What are
you looking at?

Speaker 14 (01:31:07):

Speaker 21 (01:31:08):
I was looking at possibly a late model vehicle, nothing
Pacific sit in or maybe an SUV. I thought it
was going to be a good deal. I could take
a flyer on it. Finally, other concern was trying to
get it a smaller proof here in Colorado. I do
have a backup plan. My son lives out in Mantro,
so maybe I could get it registered through him through Montros.

Speaker 6 (01:31:33):
Well, I want to ask you something, what I mean,
do you do you know the make, model or whatever
you want or that you would prefer.

Speaker 21 (01:31:42):
I would prefer a Toyota because I like the reliability
of Toyota. Maybe an Accura, maybe.

Speaker 6 (01:31:53):
The Do you like Japanese Japanese cars?

Speaker 8 (01:31:57):
Yeah, it seems like you're taking a big gris for
not a lot of savings though, right right.

Speaker 6 (01:32:04):
Why do you think do you think you're going to
get a good deal. Most auctions don't sell for any
cheaper than, in fact, sometimes more than negotiating good deals
on the outside. But why do you feel this meatum
auction might present deals for you.

Speaker 21 (01:32:19):
Well, it's going to be over two thousand cars, so
you have a smartasboard of a bunch of vehicles over
almost a week.

Speaker 6 (01:32:27):
It was one of their largest That's right. You do
have a wonderful selection. It depends on who goes yeah,
go ahead.

Speaker 21 (01:32:35):
Well that was my main attraction to it. We'd have
such a variety and it may be something there that
catch most two would catch my eye. I maybe a
Corvette from the nineties or or two thousand.

Speaker 6 (01:32:48):
Okay, you want to go for you want to go
for fun, and then you might get a deal. But
you're not going to be stupid about it just because
just because I get it. That's that's cool. You know.
I did that one time for motor homes. I did
that one time for motor homes, and here's what I found.
If consumers are let in there at all, it sucks
if you go with a dealer, and dealers tend to

be more sensible when it comes to bidding. But when
they're public auctions, Guys, do you feel the same way
if the dealer auctions work a lot differently than public
most definitely. Yeah, you'll get much better deals at a
dealer auction because dealers don't get stupid. Now, what's really

bad and they don't like it is when a dealer
brings a friend who secretly wants it. And that's what
they did with me, because a dealer won't pay what
a consumer will, and the dealer I'm with wouldn't pay
it either, but they know that I want it, So
it's really cheating kinda Is this when you're going to
a dealer auction?

Speaker 21 (01:33:50):
No, it's open to the public. You just have to
sign up as a bidder. So although you could probably.

Speaker 6 (01:33:56):
Go in as a dealer, because they don't, Yeah, but
that dealers won't dealers won't go to usually they might,
but dealers usually don't want to mess with public auctions.
I mean they are public auctions, but what I mean
is they don't usually want to compete with consumers. Consumers
are stupid when they because I don't mean stupid in
a bad way, if they find something they like, like

I found a motor home that I was perfectly willing
to pay a certain amount of money on and it
was a giant savings, giant savings, but for a dealer
it wasn't because a dealer wanted to make the spread.
So an it's kind of unfair you go to a
dealer auction as a consumer in your mind, or if
you go as a dealer and you want it for yourself.

But they do it all the time. They do it
all the time, So good luck to you, man. I mean,
if you're asking what to do that meets them at
these guys say is a great name and they've been
around so that the transaction will be handled properly. I
think you just have to do your due diligence. And
if you get a good enough price, you know, remember

you have have a number of things to talk about,
the price versus the condition, and then the shipping to
ship a vehicle properly is gonna be up to three grand.

Speaker 21 (01:35:16):
See I was thinking they're driving it back.

Speaker 6 (01:35:18):
Oh well then you don't have it if that's what
you want to do, so I mean you can do that.
And and guys, when you talk about auctions, do they
ever let people check how much can you check a
car out. I've not been to one of these beer
you know, the ones east of town.

Speaker 8 (01:35:39):
You could drive them like in the parking lot, but
you can't take them out on the road and drive.
You can hook scanners to them, pull codes to Oh
you can, you can. Each one's different, Each one has
different rules, so you got to you gotta see what
they will allow. But some don't allow minor checkups. Yeah,
and I can't tell you how many small time dealers
I know that. You know, they picked up a card auction,
find out that need prepairs, look to take it back.

Speaker 10 (01:36:02):
I've even had some of them. Hey, just put a
band aid on this thing. It's just got to roll
the twenty five feet through the auction house.

Speaker 8 (01:36:07):
I can get rid of it.

Speaker 6 (01:36:08):
So you gotta be careful. Yeah, that's right, that's right.
Auctions are where a lot of junk goes too, Because listen,
most cars, if they can be sold retail, they're going
to be sold retail. But listen, Robert, I, like I said,
the question is that that auction doesn't bring up any
red flags. That's the good news. Would you do us

a favor and let us know what you get? I will, No, No,
we would love to. I would love to follow up
on stuff like this. Patrick, you want to talk about
purchasing a pickup truck?

Speaker 14 (01:36:40):
Go ahead, Patrick, Hey, Tom, thanks to taking my call. Yes, sir,
I'm just wondering if guys might be able to give
me some general advice if I give him some parameters
on a vehicle.

Speaker 6 (01:36:52):
Go ahead.

Speaker 14 (01:36:52):
I'm in the market. I'm in the market for a
new work truck and excuse me, looking for a three
quarter ton gas maybe twenty twenty or newer partial to
GM would buy the right forward, refuse to buy a Dodge.
So with those parameters, anything you would guide me towards

or warn me against.

Speaker 6 (01:37:14):
Well, you know, the F one fifty is like the standard.
I don't mean it's the best looking or the best
I mean people, just guys, am I wrong on that?
Kevin and Jevart. Isn't that still the number one vehicle
in the world?

Speaker 10 (01:37:25):
Well, yeah, they have some great fleet deals for one
of the reasons why they sell them the way they do.
As far as the Ford is concerned, you know, if
you're dealing with the ten speed, if it hasn't already
had a transmission, then plan on putting one in.

Speaker 6 (01:37:36):
Oh really? Oh? Really.

Speaker 10 (01:37:38):
Yeah, the ten speed's falling on his face all over
at what miles? Sure, I've seen him as low as
thirty seven thousand miles. But this gout was called a
CDF drum, and it spins out of bushing inside there.
It's a problem with every last one of them.

Speaker 12 (01:37:53):
No fortune.

Speaker 6 (01:37:54):
And again, what would you guys get if you had
no No, these guys work on them all the time. Okay, Jeff,
if you were to buy a three quarter ton gasoline pickup,
what would you buy?

Speaker 8 (01:38:02):
We are you hauling? Pulling?

Speaker 6 (01:38:04):
What you what are you going to do with it? Uh?

Speaker 14 (01:38:06):
It's going to be loaded down with tools.

Speaker 10 (01:38:08):
I mean I'm preferable to Chevy anyway.

Speaker 14 (01:38:11):
So yeah, I generally am too so, But in that
timeframe twenty twenty, a new or anything that's particularly troublesome, bothering.
You know, this thing's been recalled a lot, this thing
you see them in your shop a lot, anything like that.

Speaker 10 (01:38:23):
Well, if you know, the eight speed Chevy had a
very similar problem as the ten speed Forward, So there's
there're a high rate of failure inside them. And there's
actually a class action lawsuit on that one right now,
So I would I would severe away from the eight speed.

Speaker 8 (01:38:35):
They're also having issues with a few of the motors
in those years too.

Speaker 6 (01:38:39):
All right, I got to take this break, but if
you had a specific question you can hang. We're going
to move on. Three oh three seven one three A
two five to five. Go with a sure thing Denver's
best roofer Excel Roofing dot com. You don't pay a
cent until you're content. Time for an insurance checkup free,

no obligation. In comparison, call Compass Insurance paying too much
your coverage at dozens of insurance companies find out now
three all three, seven to seven to one help. You'll
think you're his only customer when you choose Frank durand
the real estate Man dot com to list your home
with Remax Alliance three oh three nine two zero sixteen
twenty two. Hi Tom Martino, your troubleshooter. Donald wants to

talk about oil changes twenty twenty four Ford F two
fifty Go ahead, man, what's going on? Donald?

Speaker 19 (01:39:40):
Hey, I just bought a new truck.

Speaker 22 (01:39:42):
After driving my truck for twenty five years and used
to be like two thousand miles. You change your oil
and now it's like eight thousand miles to oil change,
and I'm only about twenty five hundred miles into it,
So I was gonna see what Kevin's opinion is on
oil changes.

Speaker 6 (01:39:57):
Yeah, Kevin and Jeff by the way, because you know
what a lot of people are taken aback a bit
by the intervals in oil change recommendations nowadays, along with
recommendations on transmissions. That'll sock you. But what about it, guys,
what do they recommend Donald? Did you say on that
one on the twenty twenty four you have a four

two fifty.

Speaker 22 (01:40:21):
Yeah, it's saying eight thousand miles to my first oil change?

Speaker 6 (01:40:26):
And then what do they say after that?

Speaker 22 (01:40:29):
Roughly about the same about eight thousand miles between oil changes?

Speaker 6 (01:40:33):
I do ten right now on my beamer. I did.
It was hard for me to do that, but in
ten thousand miles it sees nowhere. I mean, Kevin and
you guys, with the new synthetics and stuff, what do
you think I think.

Speaker 8 (01:40:47):
Eight to ten is still too far. I, you know,
find cost for the cost involved and replaced stale engine
and the cost involved in the maintenance. I go five
to seven depending on how you're driving. If it's highway,
I'll go seven. If it's in ten and I'll go five.

Speaker 6 (01:41:00):
I just don't know, even with synthetics and semisynthetics.

Speaker 10 (01:41:05):
Yeah, I'm the same way, and quite frankly, you know,
some of the biggest things you can do is make
sure you're using a good quality brown oil when you
do change it, and even more importantly, go to the
higher and oil filters the lower do break down.

Speaker 6 (01:41:18):
When did you buy it? Donald, September fourth, oh Man,
Can I ask how much was it loaded?

Speaker 12 (01:41:27):
No, it's an XLT.

Speaker 22 (01:41:28):
It's it was cheaper than buying an F one fifty
with the stuff I needed for it.

Speaker 14 (01:41:34):
So what.

Speaker 22 (01:41:36):
Yeah, SLT is way cheaper on an F two fifty
for what I want to toe and what I want
to haul than get in an F one fifty.

Speaker 6 (01:41:44):
Well, since we don't know who you are, your last
name or anything, tell us how much it costs.

Speaker 22 (01:41:48):
You out the door.

Speaker 3 (01:41:50):
I was fifty five.

Speaker 6 (01:41:52):
That's not bad at all for that. That's an F
two fifty. What would a one to fifty What would
an F one to fifty of costs with the same stuff.

Speaker 22 (01:42:01):
Would probably out the door? Wou probably be about fifty
five to forty nine thousand.

Speaker 6 (01:42:08):
Well, it would be the same then you're saying they're
both the same.

Speaker 22 (01:42:11):
Pretty damn close.

Speaker 6 (01:42:13):
Guys, does that surprise you that the two the one
fifty two fifty are about the same.

Speaker 10 (01:42:18):
Probably both gas burners, I'm guessing yeah, both gas Yes, yeah, yep, No,
let's be about right.

Speaker 8 (01:42:23):
That's where they are.

Speaker 6 (01:42:24):
Yeah, so what's the benefit of the two fifties heavier?
That's it?

Speaker 8 (01:42:28):
No, you've got to hire a weight capacity.

Speaker 6 (01:42:32):
Is it is the same? Look? No, no, they are different. Okay,
what color did you get?

Speaker 22 (01:42:40):
Uh got like a gum barrel gray or something like that.

Speaker 3 (01:42:44):
They call it, okay, the blackout package. It's a nice
looking truck. It's just yeah.

Speaker 6 (01:42:49):
So so he's they're saying that, I hear the consensus.
Five thousand miles people are texting me the same thing.
They're saying they.

Speaker 22 (01:42:57):
Would you think like the first oil change, like break
in period? Do you think I should change it at
three thousand or should I wait till five?

Speaker 10 (01:43:04):
Now you can go to five?

Speaker 3 (01:43:05):
Yeah, you're right, okay, okay.

Speaker 6 (01:43:08):
Okay, thanks Donald three all three seven, one three A
two five five go with a sure thing. Denver's best
roofer excel roofing dot com. You don't pay a cent
until you're content. Time for an insurance check up free,

no obligation. In comparison, call Compass Insurance paying too much
your coverage at dozens of insurance companies find out now
three oh three, seven to seven to one help. You'll
think you're his only customer when you choose Frank durand
the real estate Man dot com to list your home
with Remax Alliance three oh three nine two zero sixteen
twenty two. Hi Tom Martino, your troubleshooter three all three

seven one three talks seven one three eight two five five.
So Truman wants to talk about good vibrations. Not necessarily
they're high gear vibrations. Let's talk about it, Truman. What's
happening on the Truman Show?

Speaker 17 (01:44:19):
Yeah, I wish I was getting that royalty.

Speaker 3 (01:44:23):
Yeah one, I excuse me.

Speaker 13 (01:44:25):
And when I'm driving down the highway.

Speaker 20 (01:44:28):
It's about sixty miles an hour, I'll fill a vibration.

Speaker 13 (01:44:31):
It feels like it's in the transmission.

Speaker 6 (01:44:34):
And this is a twenty eighteen Chevy Silverada, right.

Speaker 20 (01:44:39):
Right, okay, go ahead, and about every it'll quit, and
then about every three hundred.

Speaker 6 (01:44:44):
Yards it'll do it.

Speaker 1 (01:44:46):

Speaker 10 (01:44:47):
Yours is eighth speed I'm assuming what's that uses the
eighth speed? Yes, yeah, so they have a lot of
problems with the torque version there. They're known for shutter issues.
They actually had tsb's on them changing out to a
different type of fluid. But over time or you know,
if it's gone on too long for too many miles,
it can burn the converter up itself, and then you're

looking at getting into that transmission.

Speaker 6 (01:45:11):
Okay, if he didn't burn it up, what it would
take to fix it?

Speaker 10 (01:45:14):
You literally want to flush out, completely flush out all
the original fluid and you want to change it with
the Mobile one blue label.

Speaker 13 (01:45:23):
Okay, okay, yeah, because I only have thirty nine thousand
miles on it.

Speaker 10 (01:45:27):
So yeah, so there's a good possibility you're feeling to
a converter shutter.

Speaker 6 (01:45:31):
Why is that on a new truck? Why would that happen?

Speaker 10 (01:45:34):
The fluid they used from the factory was not sufficient
and so they had repeated problems with them.

Speaker 13 (01:45:42):
Wow, okay, so Mobile Blue you said.

Speaker 10 (01:45:46):
Yes, the Blue Alvin.

Speaker 6 (01:45:49):
Okay, and so do all of them do that on
the hps.

Speaker 10 (01:45:52):
Yeah, there was a TSB on all of them, so
that when they came into the into the dealerships. They
were they were flushing all of these trucks.

Speaker 6 (01:46:01):
Wow, well, at least you found out Truman before any harm. Right,
Let us know how it goes, all right, Man.

Speaker 8 (01:46:07):
Good luck.

Speaker 6 (01:46:08):
Those are beautiful Those are beautiful trucks. We have more
coming up on The Troubleshooter Show three oh three seven
to one three talk another hour ago, so they'll stick
around for more fun in games. Go with a sure
thing Denver's Best roofer Excel Roofing dot com. You don't
pay a cent until you're contenth time for an insurance

checkup free no obligation comparison call Compass Insurance paying too
much your coverage at dozens of insurance companies find out
now three oh three seven to seven to one help.
You'll think you're his only customer when you choose Frank
durand the real estate Man dot com to list your
home with Remax Alliance three oh three nine two zero
sixteen twenty.

Speaker 2 (01:46:52):
Two new needed that so you don't have a.

Speaker 14 (01:47:06):
Running just as fast as we can.

Speaker 4 (01:47:09):
Shooter's gonna help coming.

Speaker 6 (01:47:11):
Man Dix is the Troubleshooter Show. Now, Tom Martino, Hi,
Tom Martino, Welcome to the show. Three zero three, seven,
one three talk seven one three, eight, two five five
Here with the gang on car Day, helping you solve problems,
answer questions, take complaints and maybe give you a better ride.

You know, so many people have issues they want to
talk about. And somebody texted us, speaking of rides, how
much difference does it make on a ride of a
car to have your tires, you know, change like for example,

what they're asking is do the type of tire and
the price you pay the quality of tire make a difference.

Speaker 8 (01:48:04):
Yeah, you get the low profile and it's a it's
a rough ride, you know. Cheap tires right, like cheap tires,
you know they just.

Speaker 6 (01:48:11):
All come on cheap low profile aren't necessarily.

Speaker 8 (01:48:14):
No no, no, I meant cheap and then the low
the low profile is just very very tough.

Speaker 6 (01:48:18):
On the ride. Good hand, When you say cheap tires, seriously,
if you have a tire and it's the same size
and one's cheaper and one's more expensive, come.

Speaker 8 (01:48:27):
On, not just based on that, but there's some very
very cheap tires out there that you cannot get a.

Speaker 6 (01:48:32):
Smooth What makes them a bad ride? Just quality of construction?
Come on, really seriously, Okay, what about installation and balancing
and all that.

Speaker 8 (01:48:44):
Well, everything being equal, it's still a better tire is
going to ride better.

Speaker 6 (01:48:50):
Okay, Okay, I mean, uh, give me an idea of
types of tires that would ride better or worse. Are
snow tires notoriously better or worse?

Speaker 10 (01:49:02):
Well, snow tires are gonna you know, they're made just
for that. They're a softer compound, so you actually get
a better grip on the snow. But if you're using
that on the pavement, it's gonna wear out significantly faster.

Speaker 6 (01:49:13):
Yeah, to wear out significantly faster. But what about the ride?

Speaker 10 (01:49:16):
The ride will be pretty mushy and on watuality a
lot of times it will Yeah, not great. You mean, no,
they'll still be good, But I mean you're not gonna
if you were using those all throughout the year, you're
gonna get put less efficient fuel economy and you're gonna
wear them out faster.

Speaker 6 (01:49:31):
Right because there's snow tires so so basically all weather
tires are not really efficient in anyone.

Speaker 10 (01:49:38):
No, they're meant to be in all around so that
you don't have to be swapping them out. And Colorado
changed it a while ago where they the tire actually
has to be labeled for that all weather.

Speaker 6 (01:49:50):
What do you mean if it's not right?

Speaker 10 (01:49:51):
They have they have in order to be to be
sold here in Colorado, they had to be a certain
construction and they had to be labeled so that you
could bring them in here, similar to what they did
with our muscle or a catalytic converters.

Speaker 6 (01:50:04):
It has that little snowflake.

Speaker 9 (01:50:09):
And CSP will give you a ticket if you're caught
without one blocking trap.

Speaker 6 (01:50:14):
On really okay, interesting Truman, we were talking about his
uh you know what he thought of as far as
on the highway he feels this shutter, And we talked
about do you have anything else, Truman? Or did we
covered Oh no, he's off. Okay, good, I thought so
three all three seven one three A two five five.

So if you had to think of vehicles that inherently
have problems like that, where as soon as you get it,
you got to do this, or you got to do that,
like you said, you got to flush this out or
you got to do this. Are there a lot of
those cars that you've made note of? I think it
would be a good idea to put together a list,
some kind of master list on if you buy this,
do this? Does that? Do you know what I'm saying?

I really mean that if you buy this, do this?
What do you think are there? Are there a lot
of tips that you could come up with if you
really put your mind to it.

Speaker 10 (01:51:06):
Well, you could probably go through any vehicle and come
up with lists like that. That's the reason why you
see tsbs and recalls as a matter of you know,
for Chevy speed.

Speaker 6 (01:51:15):
If I'm talking about more not necessarily like that flushing thing,
was that a recaller of TSB was a TSB?

Speaker 14 (01:51:21):

Speaker 6 (01:51:22):
It was okay? So do people check tsbs when they
buy a car?

Speaker 10 (01:51:30):
They haven't called and they need to ask for any
So I don't really don't think so.

Speaker 6 (01:51:33):
But you know I can do. The car facts doesn't
talk about that.

Speaker 10 (01:51:37):
Car Facts won't talk about that. I mean, if you know,
if I pull up, for example, that eighteen Chevy that
we were just talking about, and I go to Protmann
and I go on the list here, you know I
can count easily over just going through it real quick,
one hundred and fifty different tsbs on that truck.

Speaker 6 (01:51:56):
All right, So basically I got another question here from
somebody who doesn't want to call but they have a
two thousand verson Okay, a twenty eleven Ford Ranger. Sometimes
when I turn the key to start, it'll turn over
but not start. Well, then it doesn't turn over, it cranks,

I think, is what he means. Well, yeah, it turns over.
I get. So it turns around, but it doesn't start.
And then I'll turn it back to the off position.
When I turn it on again to start, it fires up.
What would that be, so in other words, a two
thousand even wold Ranger?

Speaker 8 (01:52:34):
He goes, yeh yeah, yah, yea, yeah, it'd be a
fuel pump prime.

Speaker 6 (01:52:37):
Then he does it again and it starts after he
turns it off.

Speaker 8 (01:52:40):
Yeah, he's priming the pump and the first crank, and
then it'll start on the second. You could have a
week fuel pump.

Speaker 6 (01:52:45):
Well, even if he's priming the pump on the first one,
why doesn't it start after it's primed?

Speaker 8 (01:52:50):
It does starts after the second time.

Speaker 6 (01:52:52):
Yeah, But why does he have to turn it off
to turn it back on just.

Speaker 8 (01:52:55):
Because the first five seconds of the crank prime field
pump cycles of fuel pump?

Speaker 6 (01:53:00):
Okay, so it be left out on for ten seconds,
wouldn't go.

Speaker 8 (01:53:03):
It's a relay. It'll go five seconds and shuts of.

Speaker 6 (01:53:05):
Oh I didn't realize. Wait a minute, are you telling
me that that that literally you have a cut off
on those I never really. Yeah, you can't leave the
key on and the pump pump don't key pumping, though
it won't. So if you leave the keyon and start
cranking a car, there are some cars that'll stop you
from cranking.

Speaker 3 (01:53:24):

Speaker 10 (01:53:25):
No, he's when you first turn the key on, it's
going to charge, basically charge the fuel system. It's going
to pressurize it, so that fuel pump comes on for
about five seconds and then it shuts off. If you've
got a weak system already, that might not be sufficient
in order to create enough pressure for the popoff injector.
So you cycle it again and now you've boosted up
your pressure.

Speaker 6 (01:53:43):
World fire, Okay, it has nothing to do with the cranking. No,
it has to do with the electric. Is the fuel
pump electric? Yes, yes, So when you turn the key
on before you start it, your pump is pumping. Yeah.

Speaker 10 (01:53:57):
And if you if you stick your head out most
of the time in most vehicle you can actually hear
that pope cycling.

Speaker 6 (01:54:02):
So in my car where I don't turn anything on.
I just sit in it and press a button because
if the fob's in my pocket or you know whatever,
So it's a proximity key. So I sit in there
and press the button. What's going on? Is it priming
at the same time it's starting.

Speaker 10 (01:54:18):
It's probably will. You'll notice it. Even when you push
the button, there's a momentary delay, so it's still going to.

Speaker 8 (01:54:22):
Cycle that pump, you know.

Speaker 6 (01:54:25):
Actually, sometimes I've noticed, Wait a minute, sometimes I notice
when I walk up and sit in the car, I
hear things starting. So does the key signal the car
to get going to start? And some it does. It's
a proximity it'ses you're coming. Yep, Okay, I thought about
that where I heard things happening and something else like
wap modules. Yeah, I've never realized that. And then a

lot of times, I can't tell you many times I
walk away from my car after turning it off. Somebody says, sir,
you left your car running, and I didn't. But it's
going inside the engine here. It's some fan. I mean
cars often do that right nowadays. Oh yeah, what is
it doing cooling down?

Speaker 10 (01:55:06):
Yeah, it's still cooling off, So you've got an electric
fan on there, and it's going to continue to cycle
until it reaches a desired temperature.

Speaker 6 (01:55:14):
Okay, Okay, so it doesn't just shut off. I mean
some cars do, right, I mean, I guess the newer
the cars, the more crazy crap they have to do
as far as cycling and waking up modules. But I
did realize that. So when I'm approaching my car, I
do notice things happening, like well, first of all, I

hear a little click, and then I hear the mirrors
come out. But so so what it's doing is getting
ready for you to enter. And then what is the
other thing that cars the remote starts? What do they do?
Did they wake up modules first and prime and do
all that or how do they? Yeah?

Speaker 10 (01:55:53):
And in a case of diesels, you know, if it's
cold outside, it's going to cycle the glo plugs. But yeah,
they're doing the exact same thing you are when you
turn the key.

Speaker 6 (01:56:03):
Okay. And as far as cars that have buttons, uh
do they also? I don't think I have a Do
they have key somewhere a keyhole somewhere?

Speaker 3 (01:56:14):
Some do?

Speaker 8 (01:56:15):
It just depends. I mean, you can pull the fob apart.
That may be an emergency key or something.

Speaker 10 (01:56:19):
Particularly for the door.

Speaker 6 (01:56:20):
No, no, I know there's a key, the key and
the fob, but there's no place to put the key
in the car except in the glove compartment and and
in this you know, right, there's no place. There's no ignition,
so to speak.

Speaker 10 (01:56:34):
On some models, I believe you're right. You can pop
the button off and there's actually an condition.

Speaker 6 (01:56:39):
Okay, now, I know in Mercedes they had something you
could just that's right, you could pop it off in
the key and actually the button fit in the key
hole and it was like and you can either press
it or pull it out and use a key and
turn it. But I don't know if that's like that
on most cars or a lot of cars. In fact,
my button isn't even on where the key would be.

My button is over on the side. Now, I mean
most buttons are can be anywhere, right, I mean, so
I wouldn't I, to be honest with you, I wouldn't know.
I never even thought of it if I pressed the
button in and didn't do anything, or where there is
there is no key hole that I know of. Oh
here's another thing. One time we had a car that

had a battery out and so the fob wouldn't open it, right,
And and I said, well, how do you open it?
So I took the key out of the fob. But
then there's no apparent keyhole on the doors. Right. Have
you ever noticed these guys and the doors right? Yeah, yeah,
there's a freaking plastic thing you got to pop off

and there's a hidden keyhole. I mean it's crazy, the
way in their efforts to make everything so streamlined. Now
with my kids, Tesla, you walk up to it, if
you got the card or the phone thing, it opens,
It opens. I mean, you don't do anything. You open,
You open it in and press the pedal because you
have that card on that black card on you. But

that's weird because what will I often wondered what happens
if something goes wrong with that system of your card's
not working. I just don't know how you would. There's
no place to put a key in a Tesla, is there?
I mean there's no key. They don't even make a key.
I don't know of any keys. Do you guys know

enough about Tesla's I guess the markets are I could
ask me now my son's Tesla. I don't believe we
own a key anywhere, so there's no place to stick
it in. So there's a black card, and then you
can program more cards if you want to have other
people have a card, or you can put an app

on your phone. And I'm wondering how long it's going
to take for people to hack those to where they
can take it and steal a car. I don't. To me,
it's probably more secure than a key, even though people
talk about hacking. I have to believe it's such an
encrypted code. It would be like getting a bitcoin wallet

in order to start one of those teslas. But I
know I'm talking which craft to you guys, because you
guys are gear heads. And by the way, do you
have anybody in your shops that are learning electric cars? Yeah?

Speaker 8 (01:59:23):
We take classes all the time as they come up.

Speaker 6 (01:59:27):
Yeah, but Kevin, you might be on a beach long
before that happens.

Speaker 8 (01:59:30):
I might be, but the business may still be there
mailing me every month. Who knows.

Speaker 6 (01:59:35):
Yeah, that's true. We got more coming up on the
Troubleshooter Show three O three seven, one, three eight two
five five Go with a sure thing Denver's Best roofer
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three oh three nine two zero sixteen twenty two. Hi

Tom Martine here three O three seven one three talk
seven one three eight two five five B your turn?
What's going on with you? B?

Speaker 1 (02:00:31):
I just have a quick question, Tom, I am going
to be getting a revocable trust. Yes, I want to
know if I can drop my liability to limits on
my auto policy, drop my umbrella, and drop just my
liability to limits on my auto policy and my homeowners policy.

Since I don't know why what?

Speaker 6 (02:00:54):
Okay, hold on now because you don't owe, because you
don't own anything, is what you're saying, Yes, okay, So
your theory is there's not much they can come after
because stuff is in your trust. Is that what you're saying?

Speaker 3 (02:01:10):

Speaker 6 (02:01:11):
Okay, No, that's not so if they are revocable Okay,
a revocable trust. A revocable trust is set up for
for convenience, and you can be ordered to dissolve those Really, yeah,

an irrevocable trust irrevocable. An irrevocable trust is a different story.

Speaker 1 (02:01:42):
So if I had an irrevocable trust, could I drop
my liability limits to you know, not state minimums, But
I don't need to carry five hundred one million dollars
worth of coverage.

Speaker 6 (02:01:52):
Well you're assuming, then, now listen carefully. You're assuming there's
nothing they can take from you if you literally have
nothing they can go after. Yes, you could drop, yeah,
you could drop limiss a lot. But I want to
ask you something b this is really important on your
trust though. I wanted to get an answer for you
if I can quickly get maybe Dan McKenzie on because

there is something about a trust that people do offshore
for a reason too. Now offshore, because here's the problem.
Irrevocable trusts I believe still have some weaknesses. I believe.
Maybe I'm wrong, but because and the reason I say
that is because there's a reason they do Offshore trusts,

and offshore trusts are trust that cannot be forced open.
So Anyway, here's what I'd like to do. I'd like
to ask Kaschina. Can you get Dan mckenzion real quick
for a quick question on your revocable trusts? Okay, good,
hold on, we'll come right back to you. Bennett. What's

going on with you? Bennett? Welcome? What's happening?

Speaker 3 (02:03:01):

Speaker 13 (02:03:01):
My wife had state farm condo insurance. She made two claims.
One well, both were due to hail. One was for
the shingles that got submitted.

Speaker 6 (02:03:14):
The other one was wait, wait a minute, wait a minute,
on a con on a condo. She made a roof claim. Yes,
on a condo or was it a town home?

Speaker 13 (02:03:26):
No, it's a condo.

Speaker 6 (02:03:28):
Well, how do you make a roof claim on a condo?

Speaker 12 (02:03:31):
Was she?

Speaker 6 (02:03:32):
Normally that's the HOA that does that.

Speaker 13 (02:03:36):
Well, the h OA paid for it, but it was
put in through her insurance.

Speaker 6 (02:03:44):
Well that doesn't make sense to me, So you help me.
Help me understand this, Bennett. Your wife had a condo.
How many condos were in this building?

Speaker 3 (02:03:55):

Speaker 13 (02:03:57):
A good number. I'm not exactly sure how many.

Speaker 6 (02:04:00):
Okay, so let me get this straight. Then what happened?
Probably correct me if I'm wrong. There was a roof damage.
There was a big deductible where the insurance didn't pay
all of it, and then they put assessments against the owners.
Your wife one of them, and she took that assessment
and had her insurance pay it.

Speaker 13 (02:04:21):
Yes, I think that's what happened.

Speaker 6 (02:04:23):
That's the only way it's going to pay for a roof.
So that's called loss assess lost damage. Yeah, it's a
lost assessment coverage. So she put an acclaim for her
loft lost assessment coverage, and what happened.

Speaker 13 (02:04:38):
Everything got covered on that.

Speaker 6 (02:04:40):
That was fine.

Speaker 13 (02:04:41):
Yeah, she also put another coming in after that, or
some water damage that was inside in a closet.

Speaker 6 (02:04:48):
Okay, So she'll she'll definitely.

Speaker 13 (02:04:50):
Be canceled, okay, and then no one else can pick
us up.

Speaker 6 (02:04:57):
Well, god, you know what that? No, you can go
to a high risk Well you no, No, you'll get insurance.
You're just going to pay out the nose. Okay, did
you were you told you can no longer get insurance.

Speaker 13 (02:05:14):
That's not true, well, not necessarily, but all the companies
she's called so far, I say, no, no, we can't
do that.

Speaker 6 (02:05:23):
That's right. If you had two claims, if you had
two claims in five years, they don't want you. I
suggest you got to find a high risk.

Speaker 13 (02:05:33):
Crew with the claim though the second claim.

Speaker 6 (02:05:36):
Oh, I know, that's what's crazy. That's what's crazy about it, Bennett,
just inquiring about it counts against you.

Speaker 13 (02:05:46):
It's messed up.

Speaker 6 (02:05:48):
It's totally messed up. If you would listen to this one,
if you called about hail damage on your roof, listen
to this carefully, and and they came out and found
no damage, and half of your neighborhood did not have
hail and half did, so there was no damage and
no claim. It counts against you. Jeez. Yeah, yeah, So listen, man.

I would call Compass Insurance Group and I would say,
can you please give me a quote? Because they're good people,
And that's what I would do, And and they'll find
a high risk. It's going to be for a little while.
You're going to have to do that. Three oh three
seven one three A two five five. Hold on, Sandy,
what is your question on bankruptcy? Sandy? Hello? Yes, what's

going on?

Speaker 7 (02:06:43):

Speaker 6 (02:06:43):
I just need to find out.

Speaker 1 (02:06:46):
Is a decree for a divorce, the payout for a
divorce if it's a mossy pound, is any of that
able to be bankrupted.

Speaker 6 (02:06:56):
No, you can't bankrupt on a on a worst decree.
It's yeah.

Speaker 3 (02:07:03):
Now, now.

Speaker 6 (02:07:06):
It depends on what it is. If it was a
credit card obligation or something you Yeah, you can bankrupt
out of them. Go with a sure thing Denver's best
roofer Excel Roofing dot com. You don't pay a cent
until you're content. Time for an insurance checkup free, no obligation.

In comparison, call Compass Insurance paying too much your coverage
at dozens of insurance companies find out now three oh
three seven seven to one. Help. You'll think you're his
only customer when you choose Frank durand the real estate
Man dot com to list your home with Remax Alliance
three oh three nine two zero sixteen twenty two. Hi
Tom Martino here three O three seven one three talk

seven one three eight two five five. All right, let's
talk and find out what we can do for you.
UM don't have our state attorney on. I'm still trying
to get them, though, dear, So hang on, Mike, you
have a question about alignment twenty nineteen Toyota rap Go ahead.

Speaker 20 (02:08:10):
Yeah, I call a couple different places, and one says
you do Yeah, rotate the t and then't do the alignment.
Another place told me to do the alignment and then rotate.
Rotate the tires first, and then.

Speaker 6 (02:08:23):
Oh well, it would say, I would think. I don't know.
I mean, guys, doesn't it seem wise to first rotate
then you do your alignment because you have the new
tires on there?

Speaker 8 (02:08:34):
Yeah, you want to align it to the tires. You
don't want to move the tires after the alignment.

Speaker 20 (02:08:39):
Oh okay, so rotate the tires.

Speaker 8 (02:08:42):
Whoever's doing the alignment can just rotate him real quick
and then do the alignment.

Speaker 20 (02:08:47):
Yeah. No, it was just somebody said you do it
the other way.

Speaker 3 (02:08:49):
Another guy.

Speaker 8 (02:08:51):
I don't agree.

Speaker 6 (02:08:52):
Yeah, who told but that that doesn't even make sense
once you align with tires but new tires on. In essence,
that's what you're doing. You're screwing everything up. So I'm
glad you called. I'm glad you called. The ultimate authority
is here anyway, thank you very much. Uh three O
three seven one three eight two five five. So, uh,

what's the latest on our state attorney Kachina. She's working
on it, okay, So uh, all right, let's just talk
about this then, I'm gonna go to my I'm gonna
go to my folder here, Deputy Dimitri tells me. Deputy
detaells me that according to the Internet, there are a

lot of people actually sympathizing, possibly that they don't even
really know the motive, but they're assuming they know the
motive for that shooter against that insurance CEO. What are
they saying, what were they surmising, well for concluding or
or suspecting or speculating whatever.

Speaker 9 (02:09:56):
Well, the speculation, and I think it's quite plausible, is
that this man had lost it's the loved one to
the insurance company's greed and corruption.

Speaker 6 (02:10:03):
And this is not in healthcare, had the biggest rejection
rate there is in the industry.

Speaker 9 (02:10:07):
Go ahead, Yeah, I'm not surprised to hear that, And
especially when you consider how his bullets were labeled that lay,
deny and deposed. So this man lost at least one
loved one to what he believes is their mouth Hee's.

Speaker 6 (02:10:22):
I don't want to make this sound like we are
on board with this. No, I'm serious when I say this,
I mean we're not. It's not a wink wink, and nobody,
look at nobody deserves to be shot in the back dead.
But if you can understand the rage, maybe he lost someone.
But the chatter online is disturbingly for him.

Speaker 9 (02:10:41):
It's overwhelmingly in his favor because look at how many
people have been have been wronged by health insurance companies,
and how many people have lost loved ones to health
insurance companies greed. So this may be an act of
righteous retribution THO in illegal shooting of course, right, So

I'm not prepared to condemn this man until I learn
more about him and his motivation.

Speaker 6 (02:11:08):
All right, we're trying to get on. As I said
our state attorney to answer the question on trust.

Speaker 8 (02:11:14):
That didn't make any sense. Why wouldn't you condemn him
just for the shooting regardless of what?

Speaker 7 (02:11:18):
Are you serious?

Speaker 6 (02:11:19):

Speaker 9 (02:11:19):
Well, I acknowledged that the shooting was illegal.

Speaker 6 (02:11:22):
Condemn him. You can't shoot somebody in cold blood. You
can't condemn Are you saying?

Speaker 3 (02:11:28):

Speaker 6 (02:11:28):
Wait, I didn't know. I didn't know if D was
saying that or you D. Are you saying that's what
people are saying?

Speaker 9 (02:11:33):
That's what people are.

Speaker 6 (02:11:34):
Saying and I believe the same thing. What do you believe?

Speaker 9 (02:11:39):
I believe that this man lost somebody that was very
important to him.

Speaker 6 (02:11:43):
Well, let's say he did justify murdering cold blood, that's right.
I don't think it does either. Obviously it doesn't. Are
you trying to say when you say not condemn him?
Are you saying that I don't know what you're saying?
D Are you saying that that that.

Speaker 9 (02:11:58):
You can understand I can understand his rage if that's
really what drove him to this act.

Speaker 6 (02:12:04):
You're not saying it was right. I'm not saying it
was right.

Speaker 9 (02:12:08):
I acknowledge that it was illegal, but I think that
there is a lot more.

Speaker 6 (02:12:12):
Hold on.

Speaker 9 (02:12:13):
Just wait, doc, he's not done yet. Hold on, go ahead,
then then you then once, I mean, the facts will
come out. This guy is gonna get caught. There's video
of him without a mask on, and he's gonna get caught,
and then his story will be available to all of us.

Speaker 6 (02:12:25):
Okay, here's what I want to know.

Speaker 7 (02:12:30):
To meet for your pausing words by saying, you admit
it's illegal, but you won't say that. How can you
even not condemn somebody who shoots somebody in cold blood,
regardless of the motivation. He shot him from behind in
cold blood. What in God's name can justify.

Speaker 6 (02:12:49):
That Okay, we're gonna find out where Let's let's say this.
Let's say this doc. I don't think d is saying
we should go out and kill people we disagree with definitely.

Speaker 9 (02:13:00):
Yeah, I definitely am against killing people.

Speaker 6 (02:13:02):
Okay. I think what he's saying is we don't know
the depth of his motivation. We don't know what drove him.
Let's say now, I don't think, by the way, there
was something that egregious that could do it. But let's
say in another world or in a plot in a movie,
there's a guy in the insurance and I don't think

this happened, but there's a guy in the insurance business
who learns that this procedure should be approved, but it's
going to put him over the top and it's not
going to get his bonus, and he plots to get
this thing tonight. You know what I'm saying. Obviously, I
think that's what people are doing. They're they're putting things

on this that we don't even know. I think if
you read on the internet, they're saying, you know, my
sister was turned down one time and she didn't get this,
and she didn't get that. They're all taking their own
personal experience and rage, saying, you know it serves them right.
Have you read some of the comments, Doc, Yeah, but
but Tom, I'm not justifying it. I'm not saying it

it's ever justified. I'm not saying that for sure. I'm not.
I know you're not agreeing with it.

Speaker 7 (02:14:09):
And the people, the people who are putting it online
are sitting at their computers doing it. They're not they're
not looking face to face into his family and friends
who just had somebody shot in cold blood.

Speaker 9 (02:14:24):
What about the family and friends of the man that
may have lost his loved one or loved one we
don't know that insurance company is called blood.

Speaker 7 (02:14:31):
Murder is not the answer, Dmitri. Murder in cold blood
from a coward who shot him in the back is
not the answer. Put the guy in jail, whatever you
want to do.

Speaker 9 (02:14:43):
But I didn't say that's the answer, Doc. I said
that's the Doc. I didn't say that was the answer.
It certainly is not the answer. But that may be
the motivation.

Speaker 7 (02:14:52):
I understand the motivation. But you're saying you can't condemn him,
and I'm saying, I don't care what the motivation is.
Cold blood and murder by a coward from behind is
never to be It has to be condemned.

Speaker 6 (02:15:06):
Okay, Doc.

Speaker 9 (02:15:07):
When concentration camps were liberated by the Allies, some German
guards were literally torn apart to pieces to death by
the prisoners in these in these camps. Those are all
extra legal executions. Would you condemned those people? Of course,
you were condemned the prisoners for killing.

Speaker 6 (02:15:28):
No, we wouldn't condemn. We would condemn them. We would
condemn the arms.

Speaker 9 (02:15:33):
Why why isn't this analogous to the prisoners exercising righteous
retribution against the German guards and prison camps.

Speaker 6 (02:15:41):
It is not because he did not personally don Well,
we don't even know, we don't have any idea, we
don't have any idea.

Speaker 7 (02:15:48):
But not do anything personally to this man's family. Well,
I'm thinking head decision. But he did not do something
mino and mono to this person's family.

Speaker 9 (02:16:02):
Oh, I agree, But he sets the tone in the
course of the corporation. But Doc, he sets the course
of the corporation.

Speaker 6 (02:16:08):
Wait a minute, this is no Tom.

Speaker 7 (02:16:10):
Let me just say one thing.

Speaker 6 (02:16:12):
I agree with you, Doc. By the way, I don't
think there's justification for murder. For God's sakes, Okay, I
want to make I'm not sure I'm hearing Dimitri right.
I mean, I don't think he's saying there's justification for murder.
I think he just said that. I think he's saying,
we don't know if there was. It doesn't matter. It
does not matter.

Speaker 7 (02:16:33):
You can't take the law into your own hands in
this country, in this day and age, and when people
can't think of a legitimate argument, they always go back
to Nazism, all right.

Speaker 6 (02:16:43):
Three oh three seven one three talk three oh three
seven one three eight two five five. Hi, Tom Martino,
your troubleshooter three oll three seven one three talks seven
one three eight two five five. Hey, what an exciting
day of all kinds of calls, problems, questions, complaints, My goodness, gracious. Anyway,

I want to remind you who we have on Kevincolkin
shared an auto tech dot com three oh three four
five five seventy two forty two. Jeff Thick Kimera Transmission
and h he's at Transmissions Denver dot com three oh
three six nine three fourteen hundred and we're talking about cars.

And I do have a few extra texts here. We've
answered this a million times. I think we did, but
I'm going to say it again. What is What does
Kevin and Jeff think? What do they think of the
They didn't say that they said about car guys? What
do they think of the lifetime transmission sealed units?

Speaker 10 (02:17:48):
Well, as long as you wait until the unit goes
down as lasted its lifetime.

Speaker 6 (02:17:54):
No, really, if you owned one, what would you do?
What would you do if you owned one?

Speaker 10 (02:17:58):
For now thirty six thousand mine?

Speaker 8 (02:18:00):

Speaker 6 (02:18:02):
When they say they're re sealed, I mean, is it
like you can't get in them?

Speaker 10 (02:18:05):
No, you can get in them. They've removed the dipsticks,
so you've got to access them from underneath the vehicle.
And so that your average consumer does not have the
ability to check their fluid, add to their fluid, change
their fluid.

Speaker 8 (02:18:16):
And some do have internal filters and that way you
just change fluid, but at least change the fluid.

Speaker 6 (02:18:22):
Okay, So you can change the fluid, but the filter
you may not be able to correct. Okay, how important
talking about that? How important is changing a transmission filter
in general?

Speaker 10 (02:18:40):
Well, I mean the micron rating is going to break
down over time, just like your engine oil. You know
you're going to get some debris. It's naturally caused in there,
and you want to dispose of.

Speaker 6 (02:18:47):
It, all right. So anyway, guys, if you have a problem,
question or complaint, you can always call three oh three
Martino three oh three six two seven eight four sixty six,
and of course leave your number and your message and
we'll get back to you. Remember, save all your problems
for me.

The Troubleshooter News

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