Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:01):
D you needed that, so you don't have.
Speaker 2 (00:09):
Speaker 3 (00:10):
Just as as we can.
Speaker 4 (00:12):
Shooter's gonna help it come.
Speaker 5 (00:16):
Speaker 6 (00:16):
He is the Troubleshooter Show. No Tom Martinez. Hey, welcome
to the show.
Speaker 1 (00:22):
I'm Tom here to help you solve problems, answer questions,
take complaints, make your life a little easier, as I've
been doing for years and years. We have a guest
today we'll get to and uh. We also have Major
Mark Major at the Mothership. And we and the guests,
by the way, Brendan Killian Denver Shades dot Co and
uh Denver Shades. He's with Mark at the Mothership. And uh,
welcome Brendan Denver Shades dot Coe, which is made in
the shade window coverings. I'm just curious about something real
quick here, Brendan, are you there?
Speaker 7 (01:00):
Speaker 8 (01:00):
Speaker 9 (01:01):
Can you hear me?
Speaker 1 (01:02):
Is this a busy time? Do people want to get
like stuff done before the holidays? Or is it slow
because they wait till after the holidays?
Speaker 10 (01:08):
Well a little of both. A lot of times people,
well it was slow like running up to the election
actually and then and then usually this is the time
to order for holidays because people want to order a
week before the holidays, and it's just not possible.
Speaker 1 (01:23):
So that's one thing I'm going to emphasize.
Speaker 9 (01:25):
This is the time now.
Speaker 1 (01:28):
Okay, can you get stuff by Christmas?
Speaker 10 (01:31):
Absolutely? I could have out by Thanksgiving some things possibly,
but it would literally be this week. And we are
running a twenty five percent off Black Friday sale through
the holidays.
Speaker 9 (01:43):
Nice or the entire order.
Speaker 1 (01:45):
Oh very cool? Stay good, Hey, that's Brendan, and Brendan,
you're going to miss out on Filet Mignon because you
didn't come here today, So the hell with you? Oh no,
what's hey, Carly? What's going on with your car? Carly?
What's happening?
Speaker 11 (02:03):
Speaker 12 (02:03):
Tom So?
Speaker 11 (02:05):
So last night we went to the film Or Auditorium.
Speaker 2 (02:08):
For a concert for with my thirteen year old.
Speaker 11 (02:11):
Daughter and her thirteen year old friend Jim. Go to
the Wendy's located right next door to the fillmore.
Speaker 1 (02:19):
Oh man, this happens a lot. You got towed from
that Wendy's and hold on. This is what people usually
tell me. They stopped at the Wendy's to get something
to eat, and they really did use Wendy's, but something
went wrong. But I want to ask you something real quick.
Who was at the Filmore or who was at the venue.
Speaker 12 (02:36):
The band was called Chase Atlantic.
Speaker 11 (02:39):
They're kind of like an R and B rap group.
Speaker 2 (02:41):
Out of Australia.
Speaker 1 (02:43):
Very cool. I've heard of them.
Speaker 11 (02:46):
Yeah, And so I mean, we parked third before. So
we went to Demi Levado two years ago in twenty
twenty two, and I paid six yards park there.
Speaker 1 (02:54):
We had no problems, right, Oh, so did you pay?
Did you pay to the area of down did you
pay to park there?
Speaker 13 (03:02):
We did, so as soon as you.
Speaker 11 (03:03):
Go in there last night, they charged us fifty dollars
to park there. I paid cash, right, and the guy began.
Speaker 1 (03:12):
And then he said, I didn't realize that Wendy's. I
didn't realize that Wendy's allows people to park there for concerts,
so it was actually open for concert parking.
Speaker 2 (03:23):
Correct, And they charged tool So.
Speaker 11 (03:25):
That later very close to the venue, and me and
my friend wanted to be close because.
Speaker 2 (03:28):
We have thirteen year old daughters, you know.
Speaker 11 (03:31):
Okay, so we paid them. We got done with a concert,
went right out right.
Speaker 2 (03:36):
My car was gone.
Speaker 11 (03:37):
I got really worried because I have a Kia Sorrento,
so I was almost thinking maybe it got stolen because
of all the the theft with it. But I called
the tow truck company and they towed my car and
then looking into this more, this has been an ongoing
situation for years at this Wendy's and this tow truck
company before it was Wyat Towing, And just.
Speaker 1 (03:59):
Why did they do it? If you paid, Carly, I
don't understand why did they do it?
Speaker 2 (04:05):
It's a big scam, Tom.
Speaker 11 (04:07):
Like from looking at all these things on Reddit that
looks like the news even broadcast of this.
Speaker 2 (04:12):
Whole situation, Carley, I got a few questions, right toeing.
Speaker 1 (04:16):
Listen, I got a few questions. That's not the reason
why it was shut That's not the reason why it
was shut down. There's all kinds of reasons. And it
wasn't shut down. It was sued by the Attorney general
for violations of the law. Okay, listen, Carly. That has
nothing to do with this. What I need to know
about this is, first and foremost, were you the only
one toad?
Speaker 14 (04:36):
You know?
Speaker 11 (04:39):
But I know of yes.
Speaker 2 (04:40):
But when I talked to the Fillmore, I've talked to.
Speaker 11 (04:43):
Two employees that the Fillmore are trying to get information
about the parking venue, right, and they told me that
this is a constant problem with them and that it's.
Speaker 1 (04:52):
Like a scam.
Speaker 7 (04:52):
This is what they do to people.
Speaker 1 (04:54):
Okay, now, I assure you they do not do this
on purpose. They do not collect money and purposely toe you.
That would be insane. We would get more complaints than
you'd ever dream of. However, I don't put it past
them for someone to do something wrong. I don't think
it's an ongoing organized thing where hey, come park here.
But I need to ask a few questions. Does Wendy's
or does anyone acknowledge that there was paid parking there?
Speaker 9 (05:26):
Speaker 11 (05:27):
Yes, there usually is at every venue parking.
Speaker 1 (05:29):
Okay, so obviously they're not Obviously they're not towing everyone
from that lot. We have to figure out why did
they toe you, whether you agree with it or not.
Did they give you a reason?
Speaker 11 (05:46):
No, no, They strictly said there was no ticket inside
of your window.
Speaker 1 (05:50):
And I say, okay, hold on, that's the wait wait, way,
that's the reason they said there was no ticket. Were
you supposed to display a ticket? I'm listen, I'm trying
to hook you here. I'm trying to get some reason.
Are you supposed to display a ticket?
Speaker 11 (06:07):
So two years ago when we parked for Dennie Levado
and we're same parking lot, same Wendy's and everything. We
paid sixty dollars that day. We didn't get a ticket
that day to even put in our window. We strictly
parked there and we got out of Dennie Levado and
my car was there.
Speaker 1 (06:19):
That was two years ago. I'm not talking about two
years ago. I want to know this time when you parked,
did you get a ticket?
Speaker 14 (06:26):
Speaker 11 (06:26):
He looked back at my license plate. He took a
like a little shot of that, and he said, you
didn't go to the back, and that's where your parking
will be. And I paid the cake.
Speaker 1 (06:34):
So no one, no one was given right. No one
was issued tickets for this parking lot.
Speaker 3 (06:41):
Speaker 11 (06:41):
I even looked to other cars that were parked there,
even when we got out of the venue, the other cars,
and none of the cars had tickets on them.
Speaker 1 (06:48):
Okay, and that was the reason you were given.
Speaker 15 (06:52):
Yep by the toe company.
Speaker 1 (06:53):
Yes, wow, wow, So.
Speaker 11 (06:58):
Like this happening to a single mom can't get her
car out, can't get her kid to school.
Speaker 1 (07:03):
You know what, what is the name of the toe company?
Speaker 16 (07:06):
Speaker 11 (07:07):
The Toe company is called Elite towing services.
Speaker 1 (07:10):
Uh huh. And then it.
Speaker 11 (07:11):
Looks like the parking attendant that do the paid parking,
they're a third party venue.
Speaker 2 (07:16):
Right, they're called stop and park.
Speaker 1 (07:19):
Okay, hold on okay, okay, okay. And it was called
stop and park okay?
Speaker 7 (07:27):
Speaker 1 (07:29):
Man? What do you make of that mark?
Speaker 17 (07:32):
I don't know, man, I'd be curious if we called
up there right now. Do they issue tickets? Did they
issue tickets to other people that night?
Speaker 11 (07:40):
I would like to tell you I have no proof
of it because I paid cash.
Speaker 1 (07:43):
You know, no, I get it.
Speaker 17 (07:45):
I flim flammed you out of it, like some bum
walked up and we'll make it like one just taking
their money.
Speaker 11 (07:52):
I mean there was three parking attendants there.
Speaker 2 (07:54):
One was like yeah, but that guy, I understand that.
Speaker 1 (07:56):
But that guy could have pocketed your money, is what
I'm saying.
Speaker 11 (07:59):
Probably he had a stack of cash in his hand,
and then he had like a little like credit card
kiosk in his hand.
Speaker 1 (08:05):
Also, so you paid cash and there was no receipt
or anything. No, oh man, So how much did it
cost you?
Speaker 11 (08:16):
Speaker 1 (08:17):
I'm learned for me? How much did it cost you
to get your car?
Speaker 11 (08:21):
So if I wanted to pick up my car last
night or before eight o'clock this morning, I would have
paid three hundred and.
Speaker 2 (08:27):
Eighty four dollars and seventy six cents.
Speaker 1 (08:31):
Since did you pick it up?
Speaker 18 (08:33):
The clock?
Speaker 1 (08:34):
Did you pick it up?
Speaker 12 (08:35):
The rate change?
Speaker 1 (08:36):
Did you pick it up eighty? Did you pick it up?
Did you pick up your car?
Speaker 9 (08:46):
Speaker 11 (08:46):
I did when this morning at eight thirty pm, eight
thirty am with my dad?
Speaker 9 (08:52):
Speaker 1 (08:52):
How much are you out?
Speaker 11 (08:53):
Completely out completely two hundred and eighty four dollars and
sixteen cents.
Speaker 1 (08:59):
Okay, now you if you do you have anyone who
witnessed you paying for that parking?
Speaker 11 (09:06):
Yes, yes, I have my friend Marlene that was in
the car, the other adult, and then my two thirteen
year olds.
Speaker 1 (09:12):
Okay, and why would you lie about that? I mean,
you know, what I'm saying is so old.
Speaker 11 (09:17):
I'm like, this is just so horrible, Like it just
makes you feel so horrible, you know what?
Speaker 19 (09:22):
Speaker 11 (09:22):
No, listen, listen thirteen year olds sitting out in the
cold weather.
Speaker 1 (09:26):
Yeah, for the first time in my life. A few
months ago, I had my car towed. It's a long story,
but man, it is a terrible feeling. You feel screwed
no matter what. But I think in my case it
was legit. There was a sign, it was covered by
there's definitely a sign. But here's the thing. I I
don't know. It's because if we call, and I want
to call and I want to ask these people, I
don't mark. If she went to small claims court, it's
going to be would they take into consideration these witnesses?
Speaker 17 (09:57):
Do you think, well, sure the judge will in the
consideration whoever she brings in there, absolutely.
Speaker 1 (10:03):
And what do you think, like, like, so the toe
company just goes and looks for tickets basically, is that right?
Is that what they said?
Speaker 11 (10:13):
D's just so that they told me, and they're like,
we didn't see any tickets in your car or any
privileges that you would have parking in that lot.
Speaker 1 (10:20):
Okay, all right, So I don't know, man was the
Wendy's open, by the way, it was?
Speaker 11 (10:27):
And so we ended up going through the drive through
so I can talk to somebody there and just get
the manager's name or somebody that I can reach out to, right,
And he told me that pretty much. So the Wendy's
is owned by somebody separately. And then there's a property manager.
And then there's a third party venue, which is a
stop and park people right.
Speaker 1 (10:46):
Right, and probably Wendy's has nothing. Wendy's has nothing to
do with it.
Speaker 11 (10:50):
Yeah, and she goes I've been told multiple times, and
she goes, They really, they just kind of they do
this to.
Speaker 2 (10:56):
People all the time.
Speaker 1 (10:57):
I think what happens is this. I think they cherry
pick here and there and keep money. I think it's
probably one or two of the attendants. I don't think,
like I said, I don't think it's an organized thing
because it wouldn't work. I mean, there would be too
many victims if they just kept towing cars. I think
they cherry pick them and just make an extra fifty
bucks here and there. That's all I can think of.
I mean, so here's what I'd like to do, is
who's in the studio. I'll take care of it, Tom.
Speaker 20 (11:28):
I just have one I have one question.
Speaker 1 (11:30):
Yeah, go ahead.
Speaker 21 (11:32):
If anybody in our audience was there right last and
right and got a ticket from the stop and park people,
please call and let us know, because if that's the case,
then obviously this is a flip flam, like Mark said,
and somebody just pocketed fifty bucks in cash. If he
had if he had a credit card reader, then obviously
he couldn't do it.
Speaker 20 (11:55):
But if it was somebody from Stop and Park, who's.
Speaker 1 (11:59):
Just That's what I'm thinking, thinking that that they may
they might just keep some of the cash, because if
I choose to believe her, and I do, there's no
reason she's going to make up this whole elaborate story
and call us this morning. So listen, Carly, I'm going
to have Doc call over there and just say listen.
And then also if ask them just straight up if
they issued tickets last night, So what does that mean?
If they did issue tickets and she didn't get one
on her I mean, what how do we prove it?
I think her friends, as Mark said, a judge would
take into consideration that and I would definitely take it
to the next level of small claims court. Now, obviously
you would sue the toad company or no excuse me,
I would say, the parking company is who I would
sue if they cost you that by not giving you
a ticket, And if your friends are there that can
testify they didn't give you a ticket and you paid.
But hang on, Carly, and I'll have Deputy Doc take
a look at this three oh three seven one three
talk three oh three seven to one three A two
five five go with a sure thing Denver's best rufer
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Alliance three oh three nine two zero sixteen twenty two.
Tom Martino, your troll shooter. Hey, listen, I don't think
I had all of the facts straight on the settlement
with Wyats. And we'll have one of our news peeps
on soon to talk about that Wyatts I was told
was forced to sell, So we'll talk about that I
did not Mark, Did you realize that I didn't realize.
I found out this morning from one of the news guys.
Speaker 17 (14:08):
He wanted to do an interview with us over the
break for the news.
Speaker 1 (14:12):
Okay, so that's part man. And who was the guy
that we knew that was the owner. He was actually
the managing partner I believe. I can't think of his
name honestly, but he didn't seem like a terrible guy
at the time.
Speaker 17 (14:26):
I think what happened is Denver got him and find
the hell.
Speaker 19 (14:29):
Out of him.
Speaker 1 (14:30):
Wow, So he must have been doing things wrong.
Speaker 17 (14:34):
Must have been yeah, well yeah, remember they changed all
those towing laws.
Speaker 13 (14:39):
Speaker 1 (14:39):
Right, Rose? What's going on with you? Rose? Hello? Hi Rose?
What's going on? Okay?
Speaker 8 (14:49):
I was listening to your broadcast.
Speaker 1 (14:51):
Speaker 22 (14:53):
I have been trying to get out of my contract
with waste Management every time time they overcharged me.
Speaker 1 (15:01):
Okay, can I ask you when you entered into that contract?
Speaker 7 (15:07):
I don't remember how long.
Speaker 1 (15:10):
Have you how long have you had their services? Do
you recall roughly I'm going.
Speaker 3 (15:14):
To stay around.
Speaker 13 (15:16):
I'm going to say five or six years or something.
Speaker 1 (15:18):
Okay, So do you Okay? Those contracts are not perpetual,
so do you never renewed them? They just automatically renewed?
Speaker 23 (15:30):
Speaker 16 (15:32):
So I called.
Speaker 2 (15:34):
When I called there, I said.
Speaker 23 (15:35):
I want to get rid of my service.
Speaker 22 (15:37):
Sure, if you are in a contract until November?
Speaker 1 (15:42):
Now, why I mean, did they say that it was
an automatically renewable contract.
Speaker 22 (15:47):
Yeah, but they called me on the phone, like when
I was calling them about it's okay, sure, they said
it was due in November, and I have been asking
them to send me copies of everything.
Speaker 2 (16:04):
Yeah, but they can't.
Speaker 1 (16:06):
They can't, rose I'll bet you they can't.
Speaker 22 (16:10):
Well, okay, so I can't even go through the bills
to tell you when they told me November. Anyway, So
I send them a letter September twenty eighth, making sure
that it would get there before November first, telling I don't.
Speaker 1 (16:26):
Think what they're about. What I'm saying is, I don't
think you have to do all of that. I think
i'd call their bluff.
Speaker 3 (16:33):
And do what.
Speaker 1 (16:35):
Okay? First of all, how do they get payment from you?
Speaker 11 (16:38):
I pay them?
Speaker 1 (16:40):
Okay. They do not draft any of your accounts or
credit cards?
Speaker 14 (16:43):
Right, No, they do nothing.
Speaker 1 (16:45):
That's good. What I would do is write them a
letter saying that you want to cancel the effective date
and that's it. That's it. Don't pay them anymore and
hire another company. They would have to prove that you
have an on going contract. The courts look really down
on these kinds of automatically renewable contracts, and I think
they can't show you one. That's what I think.
Speaker 12 (17:11):
Okay, So.
Speaker 22 (17:15):
Yeah, I don't even remember signing a contract when I
signed up.
Speaker 1 (17:19):
I'll bet you you didn't. I never signed.
Speaker 22 (17:21):
One, and then they told me I was in the contract.
Speaker 3 (17:24):
I'm like, I'm not in a cont No.
Speaker 1 (17:26):
Deputy D. Deputy D in addition to being a deputy
here knows all about the sanitation business, and he's in
the recycling business. D Do you do you think? Okay,
do you know how their contracts normally work.
Speaker 24 (17:42):
Yeah, every contract I've ever seen for a residential trash service,
no matter who the hollor is, has an automatic renewal clause. However,
almost nobody signs those contracts because most of the time
the service is set up on the phone.
Speaker 1 (17:55):
So if they never come to the door and get
a contract.
Speaker 5 (17:58):
No, no, I've never heard of that happening.
Speaker 24 (18:02):
So so Rose, if they can't provide you with a
copy of the paper contract, it probably means one doesn't exist.
So I think Tom was right on. Send them a
certified letter. Say hey, beginning November one, I'm going to
have a.
Speaker 1 (18:13):
New rusholders late down.
Speaker 5 (18:15):
Please come and pick up your your trash cans.
Speaker 3 (18:20):
Well, I've already done that.
Speaker 22 (18:21):
They did send me something in the mail.
Speaker 9 (18:24):
It was a contract, but dude.
Speaker 1 (18:26):
Hold on, hold on, hold on. Was it a contract
you signed?
Speaker 24 (18:30):
Speaker 1 (18:31):
Okay, well they don't have a contract you signed. Okay, okay, great.
What does that contract say? What does that contract say
that you got? Oh gosh, when was it drafted? When
was it drafted? What year?
Speaker 12 (18:48):
That part? I don't know right now.
Speaker 1 (18:49):
Okay, well that's what I'm getting at. And if it
was drafted in that year, were there ever any revisions
or changes like in prices? Did you ever increase did
they increase their price over the years?
Speaker 23 (19:00):
Speaker 1 (19:01):
Oh, you've paid the same thing for five years.
Speaker 3 (19:05):
I think.
Speaker 1 (19:06):
So, I don't know.
Speaker 7 (19:07):
I have a book keeper.
Speaker 1 (19:08):
Huh huh? Is this your business?
Speaker 22 (19:11):
Yes, it's my business.
Speaker 1 (19:13):
Hey, Rose, why are you stopping? I'm just curious their service.
Speaker 22 (19:17):
Because they keep overcharging me. They also there was somebody
somebody put a box in the dumpster and the lid
wouldn't close all the way, so they charged me two
hundred and fifty dollars.
Speaker 23 (19:31):
Wow, And then I thought that I got.
Speaker 22 (19:34):
That money back because I'm like dude, So I started
locking up the dumpster. Then I got another two hundred
and fifty extra dollars charge for the fireman's dumpster right
next to us.
Speaker 2 (19:46):
Okay, this was over.
Speaker 1 (19:48):
Enough said, Enough said Rose. I wouldn't use them crows.
Speaker 5 (19:51):
Does the contract? They said, you have your signature on it?
Or then one of your woes?
Speaker 22 (19:56):
She said, no, it can't be my signature because I.
Speaker 1 (19:59):
Never I'm not asking is there a signature? I got
to watch these word games. Is there a signature on it? Yes?
Speaker 5 (20:09):
Okay, whose signature is it?
Speaker 25 (20:11):
Well, it looks like mine.
Speaker 1 (20:14):
Okay, Rose, you're going to have a problem. Okay, when
does it renew?
Speaker 22 (20:21):
Well, they told me it renewed and nobody.
Speaker 1 (20:23):
I'm asking, what does the contract say?
Speaker 12 (20:25):
I said, I don't even know where.
Speaker 24 (20:27):
Do you want to email it over to me and
I'll be happy to take a look at it for you.
Speaker 1 (20:32):
Yes, I do, Okay, email it three all three seven
one three talk seven one three eight two five five? Gent?
Is that his name? Gent? Hey? Gent? What's going on?
Speaker 12 (20:47):
Speaker 19 (20:47):
I got a call yesterday where my sister lives in Layton, Utah.
She was under the care of the home own nurse.
They found her deceased in her Oh oh wow. So
my question, sir is too if you have any resources
to help us here. It's me and my younger brother.
Speaker 1 (21:12):
Okay, so your sister died in a nursing home in Utah.
Speaker 19 (21:16):
No, she was at her home. Oh, visiting healthcare nurse.
Speaker 7 (21:23):
I get her.
Speaker 1 (21:24):
Okay, I get it her. And this is in Utah.
Speaker 19 (21:28):
Late in Utah.
Speaker 1 (21:30):
Oh, sir, And what do you need?
Speaker 19 (21:34):
I need some information resource specifically like the links mortuary
there is helping us to have her cremated. They're asking
for certain vitals like social Security number. I don't know that,
don't We have no way of knowing how to find that,
sort of going there and digging.
Speaker 1 (22:00):
And that's exactly what you probably need to do. It's
called many people have what they call a drop dead
list or hit by a bus list, and that list
should have everything you know. Not very few people do it,
but they should. Let me give you some ideas. Hold
on a second, right, I'm Tom Martinez. We have more
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with Remax Alliance three all three nine two zero sixteen
twenty two. Hi Tom Marchise, you got some details on
this the towing company tell you why it's towing on
This comes from Channel nine KUSA nine News, published November twelfth.
So this is yesterday and it's under new management. Now.
There's no mention that the settlement forced them to sell,
but they illegally collected fees, did unlicensed towing and other
unfair deceptive practices according to the state, and they've closed up.
It looks like someone else has taken over. And the
state says the new owner will be bound by the
settlement agreement, which is a million dollars and people will
be getting checks if they were restitution checks if they
were screwed by Wyatts. And I don't know. They must
have a list of victims. And then Deputy d you
found something, go ahead. Yeah.
Speaker 24 (24:41):
So I was reading the dever Post article about this
I was published yesterday, and it mentions that the two
guys from Wyatt's Towing they now operate a what looks
to me like a private equit company called Firestone Freestone
Companies in Greenwood Village. So I checked out their current
list of investments in their own looks like a towing
company called a TOE and then Peak Auto Storage and
Peak Auto Auctions okay, and a few other companies.
Speaker 1 (25:09):
Do they own the new wives or the Elite?
Speaker 24 (25:12):
It doesn't say elite. I haven't been able to figure.
I haven't looked up elite yet. But uh, but that's
that's these guys went into private equity.
Speaker 1 (25:21):
Now, by the way, if you want to text me,
you can always text me anything you want at my
private Google numbers seven four seven nine eighty seven four
seven nine nine fifty two eighty or the short code
that iheartfuts out for the text put Tom in there.
It's five seven seven thirty nine. Back to the phones.
And but but it sounds like, uh, yeah, they're in
a world that hurts gent I found out some information.
Thank you if you well, if you can get a
death certificate. What I looked up was the death certificate,
an identification from you, and anything you can show. I
don't know what you would show to prove you're related
to her, but Social Security, even the local office here
can help you. You might want to call them and
set up an appointment to see But there's some other
stuff they mentioned. How old was your sister by the.
Speaker 19 (26:18):
Way, let's see about sixty four.
Speaker 1 (26:23):
When did she retire or did she ever work?
Speaker 19 (26:27):
I hope she could always work, than wasn't pretire.
Speaker 1 (26:31):
If you went to her last employer, they will have
the records. Yeah, this understood, and they're you know, if
you called, If you call and say, hey, I'm the brother.
Here's the death certificate. We need the number. They would
give it to you most likely.
Speaker 19 (26:50):
Okay, So, and the death certificate is in the works
through the good mortuary. But I guess really what I'm
calling about is like I listen to you every day, Yes, sir,
you give attorney references for things like how to get
power of attorney and right, who could help us sell
that house?
Speaker 1 (27:18):
And that's going to okay, utah, Right, here's the thing.
You're going to have to engage an a state attorney there.
Speaker 26 (27:29):
Oh, she or he or she will have to be there.
Speaker 1 (27:33):
But if I were you, you get prices up front,
you pay by the hour. It should not be that complicated.
Did she have a will? Now be married?
Speaker 9 (27:45):
No divorced?
Speaker 1 (27:47):
Does she How long has she been divorced?
Speaker 19 (27:50):
Oh like twenty years?
Speaker 1 (27:52):
Okay, So there's no claim on her house? Is the
house paid for or does she rent?
Speaker 19 (27:57):
Don't know she owned it, but I don't know the financial.
Speaker 1 (28:01):
Okay, you're going to need someone to do all of
that research. Is this sudden?
Speaker 19 (28:06):
Because this very very like she was very active hiking,
snow shoeing, and she had a shed flipped on her
stairs and was doing home health care and therapy after
the operation on whatever the injury.
Speaker 1 (28:29):
When was the last time you talked to.
Speaker 19 (28:31):
Her the day of the morning of the election.
Speaker 1 (28:36):
Do you want to try to get out of the
Do you want to try to go out there? That's
probably the best I.
Speaker 19 (28:43):
Mean that I'm putting together with my brother is for
us to take a road trip and you know, put
hands and eyes on things.
Speaker 1 (28:53):
Yeah, if you go through documents, you're going to find
a lot of stuff. You will. Yeah, but that's probably
the best thing. Or contact one of the former employers.
Are you now, how did they How did the mortuary
get your name in number?
Speaker 19 (29:09):
I don't know.
Speaker 1 (29:11):
Well you should ask him, Well, you should ask him
straight out. Ask him because if there's a document and
it says you're the brother, then that's going to be
good for you to gain access to the house and
to her employment records and all of that. So ask
him that and then let me know.
Speaker 7 (29:29):
The morning good called.
Speaker 19 (29:30):
It was a shareff and he said he found my
name and number and her phone.
Speaker 1 (29:35):
Okay, well that's good. That's going to be good. So
you might need them to help you get access to
the house. Call us back and let us know what
you need. When you get out there, and we will
ask our attorneys, but you need a license attorney there
three all three seven one three eight two five five. Listen.
We have a lot to talk about, and I want
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three oh three seven seven to one help. You'll think
you're his only customer when you choose Frank durand the
real estate Man dot com to list your home with
Remax Alliance three oh three nine two zero sixteen twenty two.
Hi Tom, Archino here three O three seven one three
talk seven one three eight two five five. We got
room for calls. Anything on your mind. We have Brendan
with us from Made in the Shade, Denver Shades dot
Co seven zero four or five eight six, five sixty
six quick thing for Brendan. And this is my question.
They still do curtains because someone asks they they want
drapes and what is the And I have no idea
why they're asking this fire rating on drapes. First of all,
do people still order soft goods drapes and curtains?
Speaker 9 (31:29):
Yeah, it's me.
Speaker 10 (31:30):
It's a it's very very popular. Now we're do what
my wife is in the middle of about six different
projects right now.
Speaker 1 (31:37):
Wait, actual curtains. Absolutely, Okay, I thought there was a
move away from that stuff. No.
Speaker 10 (31:44):
I mean so a lot of times people will will
put the window treatment up and then they'll layer. Like
in our house we have we have automated drapery in
our house and it's it's for like a layered effect.
So we have solar screens on the windows so we
can keep our view and knock down the glare. But
when we want to watch a movie or we want
it dark, we close, we close the drapery, so we
have you know, all the options or whatever.
Speaker 9 (32:07):
It looks tremendous too.
Speaker 1 (32:09):
Really Okay, so what about fire ratings. I don't know
why they're asking.
Speaker 10 (32:13):
It would totally depend on the material, whether it's silk
or you know, linen or wool or you know, whatever
it is. They do have some that are some of
the materials are are like eco friendly, they're made out
of recyclable stuff. There's like ratings like that. But then
you get into commercial settings. There are definitely curtains for
fire rated that are completely fireproof.
Speaker 1 (32:36):
What do you mean by automated?
Speaker 10 (32:39):
You press the remote and they open or close. Okay,
And if you don't have the remote, like on ours,
you can actually walk up to the drape, just give
it a slight tug and they'll close all the way
or open yep or open okay.
Speaker 1 (32:53):
So okay, So drapes are still in vogue. I did
know they're huge.
Speaker 9 (32:57):
Yeah, they're going right now?
Speaker 1 (33:00):
Okay, do the window fashion comes and goes or not?
It does? They always been steady.
Speaker 9 (33:07):
I think I think.
Speaker 10 (33:08):
There was probably a time where they were a little
you know, not quite as popular, but uh not really
they've been steady. Now, I would say colors and trends
and you know, patterns and things like that are is
what evolves, like everything else.
Speaker 1 (33:21):
What about plantation shutters?
Speaker 9 (33:23):
Very popular?
Speaker 1 (33:24):
We sell a ton of them, and you have those
even battery operated.
Speaker 9 (33:27):
Yeah, motorized yep return, motorize yep.
Speaker 1 (33:31):
Very cool. We got more coming up on the Troubleshooter
Show three oh three seven one three Talk three oh
three seven one three eight two five five. Get you
calls in now. You can call three oh three Martino
as well three oh three six two seven eight four
sixty six, and we'll answer your questions, solve your problems,
take your complaints, whatever's on our mind. Go with a
sure thing Denver's best roofer Excel Roofing dot com. You
don't pay a cent until you're content. Time for an
insurance check up, free, no obligation comparison call Compass Insurance.
Pay too much your coverage at dozens of insurance companies
find out now three oh three, seven seven to one help.
You'll think you're his only customer when you choose Frank
durand the Real estate Man dot com to list your
home with Remax Alliance three oh three nine two zero
sixteen twenty two new need so you don't have.
Speaker 4 (34:55):
Run anxious as can No, shoot 's gonna coming, man,
this is.
Speaker 1 (35:03):
The Troubleshooter Show. No Tom Martino, Hey, Tom Martino here,
Welcome to the show. Three oh three seven one three
Talk seven one three eight two five to five. Yes,
we're live and local today. Just want to say that
it's Monday, December ninth. The first hour we had a
pre recording on, but I'm here now and we're taking
your calls live three oh three seven one three Talk
three oh three seven one three eight two five five.
We're going to talk about your problems, questions and complaints.
We also have Brooke White with us, and Brooke is
from Red Rocks, roof and Solar Bravo, Bravo. We love
red Rocks. How are you doing? How's business going? Turn
your mic come when you talk? Thank you?
Speaker 16 (35:43):
Yeah, everything's going great?
Speaker 1 (35:44):
Okay, our people? Is this a busy time or not?
Probably holidays? A lot of people say, you know what,
people put a pause button on the holidays. What are
you finding?
Speaker 27 (35:53):
I think for residentially, yeah, but for businesses commercial, we're
way busier than we've been all year.
Speaker 1 (36:00):
You've talked about this before, and again I'm not saying
I'm not recommending it or not recommend neither. I don't
know how I feel. But you do say there is
a place with some of these solar credits and paybacks
with grants for investors to help finance other people's solar systems.
Is that correct?
Speaker 27 (36:24):
Yeah, depending on the location, they could get eighty four
or ninety four percent of it covered, and then if
they tie it with a grant, then they actually get
paid to do the project.
Speaker 1 (36:32):
But what I mean is this as an investment lenders,
weren't you providing offers to others who want to help finance?
In other words, the company ABC wants a solar system,
they're going to have a tremendous return on investment. Yep.
Do you outsource that lending to maybe people who want
to share in some of that back?
Speaker 19 (37:00):
Speaker 27 (37:00):
Absolutely, if somebody wanted to invest in that. Like I said,
let's say the project was one hundred thousand depending on
the location, they could get ninety four thousand of that covered,
plus they get to charge the people for the power
that put producer.
Speaker 1 (37:13):
What does the investor get or the lender for doing it?
They get that okay, and then what does the business
get So.
Speaker 27 (37:19):
They get a decrease, right, So let's say.
Speaker 1 (37:21):
That, so someone would have a solar system put in
and someone else finances it. Yep. The person who finances
it makes all the benefit as far as extra money
on their investment, yep.
Speaker 27 (37:35):
But then the person who like the company who is
on let's say their normal electric bill is one thousand
dollars a month, they might drop it down to five
hundred instead, so they're saving two.
Speaker 16 (37:45):
So everybody wins.
Speaker 1 (37:46):
But who owns the system the investor and how long
does the investor own it.
Speaker 16 (37:51):
It's up to them in their contract.
Speaker 1 (37:53):
So investors can literally go out and say I'll install
it for you, yep, and then they work with you yep,
one hundred percent, and they own the system and get
a return on their investment.
Speaker 16 (38:05):
They get a huge return on their investment. It's insane.
Speaker 1 (38:08):
And the business who has the solar benefits from a
lower rate. Yeah, yep. All they have to do is
say yes, yeah.
Speaker 16 (38:15):
They're required.
Speaker 27 (38:16):
So the investor is required to pass on at least
a twenty percent savings. So over the twenty years or
thirty years, depending on the contract, twenty percent savings annually
can total up pretty big for the business. And then
if you become the excel as the investor, just think
about how much you're going to make.
Speaker 1 (38:33):
So if I went out as an investor, I could
literally invest in ten solar systems and own them.
Speaker 3 (38:39):
Speaker 1 (38:39):
I'm a power company. Yep, I'm a solar power company.
Speaker 27 (38:42):
As long as you as long as we set it
up with net metering the appropriate way, you could do
as many solar projects as you wanted to in a year.
There's no cap on solar tax credits or anything else
like that.
Speaker 1 (38:53):
Okay, what I want to know is this, though, do
I ever get my principle back?
Speaker 27 (39:00):
So if you're a nonprofit, then you receive direct pay,
meaning the tax credits turn into rebate checks.
Speaker 1 (39:06):
What do you mean a nonprofit?
Speaker 16 (39:08):
Just a nonprofit company.
Speaker 27 (39:09):
So there's a lot of like low income apartment complexes
owned by nonprofits. Okay, they don't have tax credits, they
have tax rebates and so they get a rebate check instead.
Speaker 1 (39:19):
I'm talking about a private investor. They go and they say, Brook,
I want to invest in a solar system for this company.
The company signs on and they invest in it. Yep.
They invest one hundred grand. Okay, Okay, you say they
get their money back, how so.
Speaker 27 (39:39):
It depends on their tax liability. If they owe a
lot of taxes, because it's all.
Speaker 1 (39:42):
Tax tax credits, right.
Speaker 27 (39:44):
They get it back pretty instantly, So I would say
within two years minimally they would have the principle back
the principle.
Speaker 1 (39:50):
But they have ongoing utilities that they make money on.
Speaker 27 (39:55):
Yes, and if we set it up like net metering,
which is what I would recommend, they get like eighty
percent of whatever the utility company is charging.
Speaker 1 (40:06):
Okay, Then if you don't set it up for net metering,
what's the other way of setting it up.
Speaker 27 (40:12):
I wouldn't recommend it because if you set it up
that way, then you're making wholesale value instead of retail value.
Speaker 1 (40:17):
Okay, yep, So okay, that's very interesting. If anyone's ever
thought about that you actually own a solar system. Now,
it seems to me like owning a solar system may
be more or less lucrative depending on where it is.
Like if there's a if there's a landlord who owns
a shopping plaza and charges for electrical buying, a system
for that plaza might be better.
Speaker 27 (40:51):
Yeah, absolutely, I mean anything in Excel Territory.
Speaker 16 (40:54):
If you do it that way, you're going to your return.
Speaker 27 (40:55):
On investment's going to be significant because they are like
the second highest utility company for price per kilo whatt
hour in the States. Black Hills is going to be
your highest utility. So it's really depending on what the
utility charges as to how great your return on investment
is because everything is based on what they charge. Interesting,
so the more they charge, the more you're ROI.
Speaker 1 (41:16):
Oh, now I want to talk to uh Lee Lee.
What's going on with you? Lee?
Speaker 12 (41:26):
Speaker 7 (41:27):
Quite a bit?
Speaker 8 (41:28):
Quite a bit?
Speaker 1 (41:28):
What's happening?
Speaker 10 (41:31):
Speaker 1 (41:31):
Uh Jeff Jelly because familiar of course he does. He's
a crook. He's a lying, cheating crook. And you know what,
I can say it and I don't mind it. He's
a lying, cheating crook.
Speaker 7 (41:44):
That is correct.
Speaker 1 (41:44):
Well, and if you and if you would have done
any research, you'll find I've posted on YouTube and LinkedIn
and Instagram, and I've posted on Sleasbrigade dot com our
site and everyone. So many people have found out about it.
But you didn't, right, did you go to him?
Speaker 10 (42:04):
Speaker 8 (42:04):
So I did go to him at the time, he
was not using his full legal name. He was using
a completely different name and pretending to be somebody else
running ads on Facebook marketplace. Basically, I ended up having
going on as I had a twenty fifteen Chevy store
auto truck with a six ninety transmission. Okay, okay, he's
running ads saying, hey, two four hundred and fifty dollars
complete bio transmission is completely rebuilt. Yeah, five year warranty guarantee.
And for me to give you that warranty on it,
you have to let us install the transmission. I need
half the money up front. I went ahead and bought
the transmission to switch it out. This was in August,
on the twenty eighth. He says, Okay, I hope you
done in two days. Well, you know what, after Labor Day,
you can come pick it up. All right, call him
one to answer the phone. We're going past the week now,
He keeps, well, what.
Speaker 1 (43:09):
Do you expect, he's a crook? What do you expect? No, seriously,
I mean I hate to throw my hands up and
say he's just a crook, but he's just a crook.
Speaker 13 (43:19):
That's what he is.
Speaker 8 (43:19):
And finding out from Johnstown Police lit over sixty vehicles
have already been towed out of the location where he's
at there, and he fails to notify the owners of
the vehicle, let even know, Hey, the vehicle has been
towed to.
Speaker 14 (43:36):
Let him know where it's at.
Speaker 8 (43:37):
And a lot of people have buried lost their vehicles
to impound And this just recently happened on November tenth,
and I just really found out on the fourth.
Speaker 1 (43:46):
So anyway, so where does this stand right now?
Speaker 8 (43:52):
My truck's still sitting at impound lot. I already paid
to get it out, waiting for them to travels bring
it to me. Transmission is basically in it oil pants
miss from it.
Speaker 14 (44:00):
Yeah, my mission is basically.
Speaker 1 (44:02):
So what are you going to do about it?
Speaker 8 (44:05):
I filed a complaint with the Colorado State Attorney and
basically he had mentioned to me that if there's anybody.
Speaker 1 (44:13):
Else, anybody else, my god, like the guy never heard. Okay,
I'll tell you what you can do. Go to sleaze
brigade dot com, look up Jeff Jolliffe and tell them
they can contact me for any information they want. We
have been trying and trying and trying and trying and
trying to help these people get information and they just
you know what, the truth is, people don't care about
consumer crime, that's the truth. They don't give it. Damn.
Speaker 8 (44:42):
So the state attorney what he said, the only way
they can convict him and bring charges on him is
they need people to file a complaint with their office
in regards to what's going on.
Speaker 1 (44:52):
They're liars. They're liars. I've had everybody call them. They're liars.
So you can live in that dream world.
Speaker 8 (45:04):
Well he does that take to push ifire under their
ass to make them actually get to it and do it.
Speaker 1 (45:08):
We get a bunch of people together. I got to
go out. We'd have to reach out to all the
victims and have them all go at the same time
or in one letter and they all sign it. All right,
that's really what we have to do. Look, I'm not
trying to be coy. I'm trying to help you man,
But this thing, I'm telling you it sucks. The guy sucks,
and and yeah you don't. We just don't want to.
We just don't want to give people the illusion though
that if they call the attorney general. That's who you're
talking about, right, the attorney general. Yes, yeah, yeah, I'd
be lying to you, man, I'd be lying to if
I said, call the attorney general and you'll get satisfaction,
because look, consumer crime is the lowest on the totem pole.
Number one on the crime list is politicians of the
opposite party. That's number one. Not your own politicians, as
we know by the election fraud that took place online
and how she was not prosecuting. We're talking about if
it's the other party and they're an official or a politician,
they're number one on the crime list. Murder is way
down at number ten, or in fact, consumer crime is
way down at one hundred in priorities. I hate to
be a smart ass, but I'm telling you the truth.
And when it comes to car theft and you know,
all kinds of stuff, shoplifting, none of that they don't
care about that. They care about going each Our government
has become a weapon of each party going after each other.
That's what we've become in Colorado. Colorado has no law enforcement.
I mean, honest to god, they don't, not for consumer stuff.
I wish I had better news for you. If we
can get a bunch of people on a petition, you
know what, I'd have to go and get each I
don't even know if I kept the I know I
have the names and stuff. I'm not sure I have
their numbers and contact information, but I would like to.
Now if you go on what you should do is
go to the Sleeves Brigade. Then you should go to
next door, and you should go to Facebook and other
places and gather names and addresses and phone numbers, and
let's put some pressure on the state. I'll do it, Lee,
I would do it. I'm sorry I have to give
you this information, but this is what our country has
become when it comes to law enforcement. There is no
law enforcement when it comes to true consumer crime people.
Do you know every single day people are losing their
life savings online through crypto scams and other scams. Do
you know who cares? No one cares. Do you know
what they care about. They're banning TikTok. That's what they
care about. That that's what our government's doing. So TikTok,
by the way, is being banned. We're all going to
be safer for it. So come January first, I mean,
the courts actually refused to to block it. So it
looks like TikTok will be banned in America. We got
more coming up. Waterpros dot net the best water systems,
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I was online streaming. I was online streaming and you
just turned it off. Okay, fine, anyway, I'm sorry, folks
for that rude interruption, but somebody came in and turned
off our camera. We got more coming up on the troubleshooter.
Let me tell you waterpros dot and at three oh
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companies find out now three oh three seven seven to
one help. You'll think you're his only customer when you
choose Frank durand the real estate man dot com to
list your home with Remax Alliance three oh three nine
two zero sixteen twenty two. Hi Tom Martino here three
oh three seven one three talks seven one three eight
two five five. Let's go right to the phones and
oh we have a question for Brooke Solar. Go ahead, Mike,
let's see Mike. What is your question?
Speaker 18 (50:08):
Yeah, Hi Tom, thank you for taking my college. Yes, sir,
He's great to hear you on and you know, you
really make a really meaningful difference.
Speaker 1 (50:16):
In yeh man, that made my day. Thank you. So
what's going on with solar? What do you have to absolutely?
Speaker 18 (50:23):
Yeah, no, I was just going to ask Brooke about
some of the challenges with solar panel like the regulations
and kind of the red tape kind of surrounding.
Speaker 28 (50:33):
Getting it in.
Speaker 18 (50:33):
I know, like different geographical locations have different regulations regarding
like installation of solar panels. I think could you just
kind of like fill me in on that a little bit?
Speaker 16 (50:45):
Yeah, of course, Mike.
Speaker 27 (50:46):
Are you interested in residential or commercial or you want
me just a word vomb it both?
Speaker 7 (50:52):
I think both would be the best.
Speaker 1 (50:54):
Yeah, sure, no.
Speaker 27 (50:55):
Words, So for commercial in order to get the domestic
tax credits and the tax credits that are bonuses, you
have to adhere to the Buy American Act or the
domestic content contents, and so you have to buy panels
and racking and such from American made company.
Speaker 1 (51:12):
What does that get you?
Speaker 27 (51:13):
I'm an additional ten percent for that domestic content.
Speaker 1 (51:16):
Wait a minute, So you get a tax credit of
a total.
Speaker 27 (51:19):
Of what like if the project was one hundred thousand,
you get ten grand.
Speaker 16 (51:23):
It's ten percent of the.
Speaker 1 (51:24):
Project in addition to your normal tax.
Speaker 27 (51:28):
Credits that you would receive the thirty percent plus appreciation.
Speaker 1 (51:31):
What are you kidding me? No, that's a forty percent
tax credit.
Speaker 27 (51:34):
Yeah, you get forty percent total. It's ten percent more
than that's percent.
Speaker 1 (51:39):
That's if you buy your and do you have those
systems with LOK with domestic products.
Speaker 16 (51:45):
I only do domestic product.
Speaker 1 (51:46):
Okay, So is that residential or commercial?
Speaker 27 (51:49):
It's for commercial right now. Residential is debatable. So some
folks are able to do it, and I would just
file for it. That's what I've been telling my clients
this year to do so. And then the last piece
is labor. So depending on how big the project is,
bike your there's labor requirements, so you have to have
so many apprentices and ratio to journeyman to master electricians,
and that gets a little bit complicated to talk about here,
but just know that there's different labor restrictions as well,
and then the jurisdictions, like you just said, that would
be your last piece on how to.
Speaker 1 (52:21):
Get it in.
Speaker 27 (52:22):
So working with locations like Boulder, Denver, anything with Dora,
like out with the state directly very easy to do
solar with. If you're talking about doing solar down in Pueblo,
they're they're very, very rough to work with. And then
as far as the utilities go, most co ops are
very welcoming to solar. They're very easy to work with.
Your black hills in your excel, which are public. That's
another kind of red tape piece.
Speaker 16 (52:52):
So it really.
Speaker 27 (52:52):
Depends on the location, the utility that you're working with,
and then also the size of the project for all
that red tape.
Speaker 18 (52:58):
Any other questions, sir, Yeah, I was just gonna absolutely
quick because I wasn't looking at getting solar panels right now,
but really just more of trying to get some more
information on them. But I know they tend to last
like twenty four to twenty five years typically, But is
that a fair estimation of how long they last before
they have to be replaced? Twenty five to.
Speaker 1 (53:21):
Maybe not everything. I don't know if everything lasts twenty
five or thirty I don't know, Brooke, What tell me your.
Speaker 27 (53:28):
Panels are gonna last like thirty five forty fifty years?
Speaker 1 (53:31):
Honestly, the solar panels don't get destroyed, right.
Speaker 16 (53:33):
Yeah, but the inverter.
Speaker 27 (53:35):
You're gonna have to swap out the inverter every ten
of fifteen years. Other than that, the wire will last forever.
Speaker 1 (53:41):
Yeah, and so what else is there? That's it?
Speaker 16 (53:43):
That's it, Just the inverter every ten to fifteen years, all.
Speaker 1 (53:45):
Right, thank you? Three oh three seven one three talks
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two seven seven six eight eight eight Heating dot com. Now,
let's talk to John. He has an issue that could
be a possible fraud. Hey John, what's happening? Are you there?
Speaker 5 (55:25):
Speaker 1 (55:26):
Speaker 26 (55:26):
Speaker 1 (55:26):
Hold on, let me I'll pick you up here, bro
hold on, where are you one? Okay? Go ahead, John, sorry, Yeah,
I got you. Man. What's happening.
Speaker 13 (55:34):
Well, this issue is a guy that I've worked for. Uh,
what he did was he had an order from the
fire marshal not to let people live in a building.
Speaker 1 (55:50):
Now, hold on, hold on, you said, hold on. You
said you worked for him, But then you said something
about living in a building. So you don't live in
the building, right, not anymore?
Speaker 13 (56:02):
I don't.
Speaker 1 (56:03):
Okay, So you're.
Speaker 13 (56:04):
Saying that's what I'm getting at, is.
Speaker 1 (56:06):
No, I get it. I get I just needed to
understand what you were saying. Are you were a resident
in a building and you also worked for the landlord?
Speaker 13 (56:14):
Speaker 1 (56:15):
What did you do for the landlord?
Speaker 13 (56:18):
I installed two boilers, I installed heat throughout the building.
Speaker 1 (56:22):
Did you do trading?
Speaker 13 (56:23):
I had worked for him.
Speaker 1 (56:24):
Did you do trading? No?
Speaker 13 (56:27):
It was all supposed to be all for cash. But okay,
but the fraud isn't isn't.
Speaker 1 (56:30):
No, No, I get it. I just wanted I just
wanted to get a lay for the of the land.
You worked for this guy, you also lived in one
of his buildings. Now tell your story, sir, go ahead, Okay.
Speaker 13 (56:39):
Well, he had in order from the fire marshal not
to let anybody live in this building?
Speaker 1 (56:44):
Why and and why and why?
Speaker 13 (56:49):
They took the drop ceiling out of the of the
main part of the building, and without that drop sealing,
they didn't have the two hour burn through, so he
was required to get sprinklers in the building.
Speaker 1 (56:57):
My got it. So so the landlord, actually the building
was condemned by.
Speaker 13 (57:03):
The building wasn't condemned. They just had an order, a
stop order to desist from letting people live in the building.
Speaker 1 (57:09):
Well after he received the same points, and was it
from the fire department, he got the stop order. Yeah, okay,
go ahead.
Speaker 13 (57:16):
And after he got the stop order, he ran it
to like nine people, and he was trying to evict
some other people from from another part of the property,
but he failed at that. And what he did is
he ringed, he ranted a whole bunch of people rooms
in this building that he wasn't supposed to be renting.
And uh, and then turned around and called the fire
marshal and had the fire marshal come down there and
boot everybody out.
Speaker 1 (57:37):
So wait a minute, he got about so he took
the money and then turned around and had them kicked out.
What are you kidding me?
Speaker 13 (57:45):
No, I'm serious as a heart attack.
Speaker 1 (57:47):
What so, so what did he do? He took money
from new tenants?
Speaker 13 (57:53):
Right, he took money from at least nine tenuts that.
Speaker 1 (57:55):
I know of, and hold on, hold on to okay,
and how what did he collect from that?
Speaker 13 (58:01):
The fire Marshal coming to everybody out and then he
couldn't he dect anybody?
Speaker 1 (58:05):
But oh my, wait, we'll wait a minute. Did he
rent to these nine people after the stop order?
Speaker 13 (58:13):
Way after, way after and at least year after?
Speaker 1 (58:20):
Oh wow, whoa, whoa? So we're going wait a minute,
a year late? So now hold on, now, this is
way old than John. Let's talk about this. When was
that week? You said a year later? When was the
stop When was this? Okay? The fire Marshal's order was
a year ago? Was it vacant during that year? No? Okay?
When when did he rent? Okay, John, please do me, John,
do me a favor. I'm only going to ask. I
just need some very basic facts right now, so I
don't need anything more than a word or two. So
here's what I want to know. The stop order was
a year ago, and right after the stop order? When
was the first time he got a new tenant after
the stop order.
Speaker 13 (59:10):
Jeez, it was probably three or four months after that, Okay.
Speaker 1 (59:13):
And then did he get the others right after that?
Speaker 13 (59:16):
No, he got the other ones just past two weeks ago.
Speaker 1 (59:19):
Are you kidding me? At And he never ever ever
satisfied the stop work order? No, never, So he can't
say he didn't know about it. This guy is just
a truck.
Speaker 13 (59:31):
He well knew about it, and he defrauded the people
out of their money.
Speaker 1 (59:34):
Yeah, and how much did he how much does he get?
How much does he? Okay, I got another question. I'm
not talking about this right now, you were I will,
I'll get to that. So the guy that he rented
to three months after the stop order, when were they evicted?
Speaker 13 (59:51):
They weren't evicted. The guy died, okay.
Speaker 1 (59:55):
The people that how long is the longest people lived
there before being evicted.
Speaker 13 (01:00:03):
I'm one of the longest ones. The other one was
there for eight years.
Speaker 1 (01:00:07):
No, you're not hearing me. Okay, there was a stop order, Okay,
after the stop order. The tenants he got after the
stop order, how long did they live there? Oh?
Speaker 13 (01:00:24):
About three or four days.
Speaker 1 (01:00:26):
That's it. Yeah. So the one that he rented to
three months after the stop order, he got evicted three
or four days after that.
Speaker 13 (01:00:36):
No, the one he rented to right after the stop
order died. Then he got another stop order two weeks
ago from the fire Marshal and said he's violation the
stream got and he got fined three hundred dollars. And
he turned around after that and rented to these people.
And I told the fire Marshal and had him coming here. Everybody.
Speaker 1 (01:00:53):
So, for the most part, then this guy recently, for
all practical purposes, it he it was recent that he
really got these nine people on the hook.
Speaker 13 (01:01:07):
Yeah, yeah, it was less than.
Speaker 1 (01:01:08):
Two weeks ago, and he knew he was going to
have him evicted. And my god, okay, I just don't
even understand it.
Speaker 13 (01:01:23):
Well, there were some of them were outdoors when the
fire marshall showed up, and the fire Marshal asked him
if he was ready and if if he wanted to
them to come in now or come back later, and
he said, don't know, go in there now. Well, all
the tenants are in there.
Speaker 1 (01:01:39):
This is wrong, man, It's very wrong. Okay, So did
you tell those people they were cheated? Did you stop
working for this guy?
Speaker 13 (01:01:48):
He only were cheated because they were booted out right
after they were in it?
Speaker 1 (01:01:51):
And where are they?
Speaker 13 (01:01:54):
So I don't know that some of them are, but
I know at least five of them are.
Speaker 1 (01:02:00):
So when he got the stop order, it definitely said
he was not allowed to have people live there.
Speaker 13 (01:02:07):
Absolutely, and the fire marshal himself told him several times,
do you have but living in this building? You're in
violation of the fire code because you don't have sprinklers
in the in the main part of the building.
Speaker 1 (01:02:17):
Do you have any of the any of the names
of these victims. I'm wondering why we haven't heard from many.
Speaker 13 (01:02:25):
Okay, yeah, I've got some of their names. I've got
most of their names. As a matter of fact, I'm
I was the maintenance guy there. Oh my god, I'll
need everybody there?
Speaker 1 (01:02:38):
Did you and was he was? He given a certain
amount of time after that stop.
Speaker 13 (01:02:43):
Order no five days to being compliance or fined, and
he got fayed.
Speaker 9 (01:02:49):
So his lamb.
Speaker 13 (01:02:50):
Okay did it again?
Speaker 9 (01:02:50):
Speaker 1 (01:02:52):
But did he evict the first time around? Did he
evict everyone and then start hiring than getting more people there?
Speaker 13 (01:02:58):
No, not at all, he just ignore him. You let
everybody in.
Speaker 1 (01:03:02):
There every so, oh my god, Okay, did he get
so he had I'm all evicted.
Speaker 13 (01:03:07):
Recently then, just last about three days ago.
Speaker 1 (01:03:13):
So how many So those nine new people were evicted
plus all the old tenants, Yeah, everybody. And he's the
one that called them people in that building and then
he's the one that called them yeah, well.
Speaker 13 (01:03:30):
How many time as true, But the fact is that
he was overheard telling far Marcill going there now while
the tenants are there, What were you gonna say?
Speaker 29 (01:03:42):
Oh, I just wont to know how many total apartments
you're talking about.
Speaker 1 (01:03:45):
Yeah, that's a good how many total?
Speaker 13 (01:03:49):
There's sixteen upstairs and three downstairs.
Speaker 1 (01:03:55):
Nineteen apartments. Yeah, so there were nineteen tennants recently evicted. Yes,
is the building empty?
Speaker 11 (01:04:05):
Speaker 1 (01:04:06):
John? What's this guy's name?
Speaker 13 (01:04:11):
His name is David Clifton.
Speaker 1 (01:04:12):
David Clifton. Tell me about David Clifton ministries. Whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa whoa David Clifton ministries.
Speaker 13 (01:04:23):
Yeah, come on, I thought you might be interested in this.
Speaker 1 (01:04:28):
Do you have a phone number for David Clifton? Yeah, okay,
who wants it? Guys who wants him? To call him?
Right now? Hold on, don't give the number on the air,
Deputy d hold on, we got to call this guy.
Come on, and then we need John's information. Get John's
information for Deputy d Holy crap. Go with a sure
thing Denver's best roofer Excel Roofing dot com. You don't
pay a cent until your ten time for an insurance
check up free, no obligation. Comparison call Compass Insurance paying
too much your coverage at dozens of insurance companies find
out now three oh three seven seven to one help.
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home with Remax Alliance three oh three nine two zero
sixteen twenty two. Hi Tom Martino here three oh three
seven one three talk three oh three seven one three
eight two five five. Welcome to the show. And remember
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Mark Shmanski is our expert. I want to bring him
up for UH. Margaret's question. I think I might need
him for Margaret. Margaret, what is your question?
Speaker 3 (01:05:59):
Well, it's just about hanging a door, and I really
don't need I don't think Mark's opinion, But anyway, I.
Speaker 1 (01:06:06):
Have them on just in case because I don't know
much about hanging doors.
Speaker 3 (01:06:10):
Go ahead, I have like inexpensive doors in my house,
and I hear the ad on I think on your station.
Sometimes they're going to put a better door in and
it's going to weigh more. Right, Okay, so can they
hang that heavier door in the same manner as they
have had the inexpensive light door?
Speaker 16 (01:06:37):
Speaker 1 (01:06:38):
That is exactly why Mark is on, because he's the
one offering that special. He'll come in and do two
for one on doors. Now, Mark, me let me ask
you something. The doors that you're installing. Are they solid wood?
Are solid core doors?
Speaker 14 (01:06:53):
We do solid core doors. I mean we'll do hollowhen
it that's what a customerly wants. But for a few
dollars more you get a much better door, the salid
core And yes, they can go in the exact same hole.
We take your existing doorjam out and then we nail
these to your two vipours that are in your wall.
Of your house, and U it has your house. I'm
on handling the weight of the extra heavier.
Speaker 1 (01:07:16):
Door, okay, So in other words, it will hang in
the same place.
Speaker 3 (01:07:21):
Right, they're rebuilding, they're reinforcing it. I thought they would
have to.
Speaker 8 (01:07:26):
Speaker 3 (01:07:27):
I have been listening to you since the seventies man.
Speaker 1 (01:07:31):
When we were both young and spry. Margaret, well, I'm
glad you're still around.
Speaker 3 (01:07:38):
Thank you, and I never miss you if I can
help it, Thank.
Speaker 1 (01:07:42):
You, Margaret, Merry Christmas, Hey, Mark, A quick question for
you on this so so oh and by the way,
Margaret give her Mark's number three oh three six seven
nine eight five zero nine. What kind of doors are they?
Are they notty alder or what are they?
Speaker 14 (01:07:59):
I mean, the most popular ones right now are truly
it's it's a man made door, and it's it's just
a solid We get them primed MDF wood that has
like different channels in it. But yes, we can do
alder doors also, and you can do birch, you can
do fur. There's a lot of different options out there
for you. But the popular urs just the prims. You know,
most people paint them white or black. Are the two
colors that we're painting the most of the ardentary doors
right now.
Speaker 1 (01:08:28):
All right, but but are people doing any of the
uh natural wood looks?
Speaker 14 (01:08:34):
Yes, but it's not as common as it used to be.
Oh okay, these these designers are saying that white is out,
and you know, but then white still continues to be
a white is a timeless, timeless look inside the house.
But you know, I think if you get you have
a certain type of house, and you already have a
lot of wood inside your house, older doors are beautiful.
I think it's the most beautiful wood to put on
the inside of your house. And they're reasonably priced.
Speaker 1 (01:09:01):
Also, Okay, I have a stupid question, if you're gonna
paint it anyway, what's the difference? And I'm serious now,
and I'm asking it may be ignorant, what's the difference
between a hollow door and a wood door? I mean
the door that's up there? Now, what is up there?
Now that you're replacing.
Speaker 14 (01:09:18):
Those hollow core doors, they just would you even open it?
They have no weight to them. And if you just
even like take a knuckle and just wrap on it,
it's hollowing it.
Speaker 1 (01:09:26):
It's a cheap okay, So, and it's cheap feeling cheap
looking okay, thank you Genesis Total Series dot com. We
have more coming up on The Troubleshooter Show. Stick around
three oh three seven one three talks seven one three
A two five five Go with a sure thing Denver's
Best roofer Excel Roofing dot com. You don't pay a
cent until you're content. Time for an insurance check up free,
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two Ripped News. You need advice so you don't have
come runs as we can.
Speaker 4 (01:10:30):
Shooter's gonna help.
Speaker 6 (01:10:32):
Come man, This is the Troubleshooter Show. Now, Tom Martino, Hey.
Speaker 1 (01:10:40):
Tom Martino here, Welcome to the show. Three oh three
seven one three talk. That's the talk station number, and
we also have three oh three Martino three oh three
six two seven eight four six six. That is the
uh the the number of the number three. So three
oh three seven seven one or seven seven three or
three seven one three talks seven one three eight two
five five Now MARTINOZ three or three Martino three or
three six two seven, eight four six six. Let's go
to the phones. Let's find find out what's on your mind.
How we can help you. Now, listen, we got a
lot going on today, man, a lot going on today
with people getting screwed. In fact, I should probably take
that follow up real quick. You want to talk about that, okay, Well,
the accusation was some guy named David Clifton and David
Clifton Ministries was renting out apartments in a building and
it was condemned. Basically, the fire department said you can't
have people in a building anymore. That was last year.
Since then, he's he's continued to rent and he even
signed up nine new people, according to this caller. And
then then he the landlord, after collecting money from these
tenants nineteen tenants, called the fire marshal to have them
evicted so he could keep the money. Now, that's what
but we were told Deputy D looked into it. Deputy
D turn the mic on.
Speaker 5 (01:12:05):
How do you turn it on?
Speaker 10 (01:12:06):
Speaker 22 (01:12:06):
Speaker 1 (01:12:07):
We just did.
Speaker 5 (01:12:07):
Thank you, Thank you, Tom.
Speaker 24 (01:12:10):
It's not what happened, isn't exactly what we were told.
I spoke with John the caller, and among other things,
he claims that the landlord, oh was in one point
three million dollars for all this work that he's done
in the building. Yeah, of course I looked up the
building in Lakewood. It's a huge dump right off of Callfax.
It's been populated and still is partly populated by people
who have no other option than.
Speaker 5 (01:12:32):
To live in this.
Speaker 14 (01:12:34):
Speaker 24 (01:12:34):
You know, I understand that the bulk of the population
defied the fire department's order to move out, for they
have no other options.
Speaker 5 (01:12:42):
They're going to end up in the street in the
middle of the winter.
Speaker 24 (01:12:44):
There are eight people and seven dogs that personally illegally
occupy this building. John's goal is to go to the
government and get this building condemned and get everybody booted out.
Here we are in mid December in cold weather. So
my point is, if we continue to pursue this now
I can call and I intend to call the David
Clifton Ministries and get their comment on this matter. But
if I pursue this with a fire department or the
government or anybody else. These people and dogs are going
to end up on call facts today.
Speaker 1 (01:13:17):
So what do you think is going on?
Speaker 10 (01:13:19):
Speaker 1 (01:13:19):
Just tell me what you think is going.
Speaker 24 (01:13:21):
On is and I haven't talked to David Clifton, but
I'm going to in a few minutes what I think
is going on.
Speaker 1 (01:13:27):
He is stretched.
Speaker 24 (01:13:28):
Then he's trying to provide some kind of housing for
these people in whatever Dumpy has available, because that's all
the options these people have, and he's not going to
have any money to comply with the fire department order
to install a sprinkler system. Now, I'm going to give
him a call and I'm going to find out what's
going on, and then I'll provide another update.
Speaker 5 (01:13:46):
But my point is there's a lot more to this
than we were told by John.
Speaker 29 (01:13:51):
There's always more than we're told on the phone, don't
you think so, Tom, We get such a bias view
when people call in that that's what we do. We
get the other side of the story.
Speaker 24 (01:14:01):
He's trying, in my view, John is trying to use
this as a leverage to collect one point through one
point three million dollars for the work ninety.
Speaker 1 (01:14:11):
He had an extra grind, so so I get what
you're saying. So it could be that this minister is
trying to keep this dump alive for homeless people and
people who can hardly afford rent. It sounds it could be.
Speaker 5 (01:14:23):
Yeah, let me get his side of the story.
Speaker 24 (01:14:25):
I'm gonna step outside and call him again, all right,
and I'll provide another update when you're ready.
Speaker 9 (01:14:32):
Thank you.
Speaker 1 (01:14:32):
Let's you know what we can do is figure it
out the best way we can uh, and uh stay
tuned for that, and I'll go back to the phones.
Thank you. Three all three seven one three talk three
all three seven to one three eight two five five?
And where was he? Is he still on or not?
He's not still on?
Speaker 13 (01:14:52):
Speaker 10 (01:14:52):
Speaker 1 (01:14:52):
Okay, So let's go to Tom.
Speaker 10 (01:14:54):
Speaker 1 (01:14:55):
Tom, what's going on with you? Tom? Welcome?
Speaker 16 (01:14:58):
Hi Tom?
Speaker 1 (01:14:59):
Hey, what's happening?
Speaker 28 (01:15:01):
I had a scooter delivered from New Jersey last week.
Speaker 1 (01:15:05):
Now this scooter was it ordered and delivered from that
New Jersey company or was it ordered on Amazon or something?
Speaker 28 (01:15:13):
No, it's it came from a company called cycle Gear
who sells use scooters. So it had twelve hundred miles.
Speaker 1 (01:15:21):
So I used scooter and is it a mobility scooter
or is it a recreational school, you know, transportation scooter.
Speaker 28 (01:15:29):
Yeah, it's technically a motorcycle. It's a Pazzio BV four hundred,
very nice Italican scooter.
Speaker 1 (01:15:36):
Okay, so it was delivered from a company.
Speaker 28 (01:15:40):
From a company called Psychologic, which okay.
Speaker 1 (01:15:44):
I like that Psychologic. Wow, that's cool.
Speaker 28 (01:15:47):
I'm sorry, that's wrong it cycle Gear. I think they're
called the company.
Speaker 1 (01:15:51):
Hell, we ought to make a company Psychologic.
Speaker 5 (01:15:54):
You made that up?
Speaker 7 (01:15:58):
I have cognitive issues.
Speaker 1 (01:15:59):
Sorry, No, I'm serious cycles selling cycles called logic. Cycle
Logic would be a great name for a company.
Speaker 7 (01:16:08):
Yeah, I agree, I like names.
Speaker 1 (01:16:09):
Anyway, go ahead, what's going on with cycle Gear that
The issue I have is with a company called tempest
Logics out of California.
Speaker 28 (01:16:18):
They are who I contacted the shipping with and they're
in life.
Speaker 1 (01:16:23):
Oh so wait a minute, So cycle Gear did not
do the shipping. They just sold you the thing, yep.
Speaker 7 (01:16:32):
Yeah, and who.
Speaker 1 (01:16:34):
Okay, so you bought the used scooter? Who told you
to use the other one to deliver it?
Speaker 7 (01:16:40):
I had used tempest Logics before.
Speaker 1 (01:16:45):
Okay, so tempest Logics was your choice?
Speaker 26 (01:16:50):
Speaker 7 (01:16:51):
Okay, they picked it up.
Speaker 1 (01:16:53):
Okay, so go ahead. Is it Logistics or Logics l
O G I X logics.
Speaker 9 (01:17:00):
He got it.
Speaker 1 (01:17:01):
So tempest Logics, what did they do wrong?
Speaker 28 (01:17:04):
They, I guess, contract with the driver who I thought
was their employee.
Speaker 1 (01:17:09):
But apparently none of that matters. None of that matters.
You contracted with tempest Logic and what happened to the delivery.
Speaker 28 (01:17:15):
Yeah, the bottom line is that he damaged the bike
because on a scooter like that, you cannot use the
the twist grip you know, handlebar as a tie down location.
It's completely verboten and it did damage. And the part
that I need to replace is three hundred and fifty bucks.
So it twisted it and broke you know, it broke
the accelrator.
Speaker 1 (01:17:38):
Okay, so the it was the throttle grip that he
tied down.
Speaker 7 (01:17:44):
Yep, and it was.
Speaker 28 (01:17:45):
It was rescheduled so many times, and the driver was.
Speaker 7 (01:17:49):
Just a mess.
Speaker 1 (01:17:50):
None of that matters. I don't care about the driver.
I don't care about the truck. All I care about
is you contracted with tempest Logics, and tempest Logics damaged it.
Why are they telling you to go after the driver?
Speaker 28 (01:18:06):
Well not really, but they're just begging out of it
because I'm disabled and he came during a snowstorm, and
I told him that was the absolute worst time.
Speaker 1 (01:18:15):
But it did anyway, None of that matters. None of
that matters that I don't I don't want to shut
you down, bro, But what difference does it make when
they delivered it, they damaged it whether it was sunny
or snowy. I mean, I know that you're trying to
build this case that they're a terrible company. You don't
need to. They damaged the throttle, now here's what I
want to know.
Speaker 28 (01:18:39):
And I did not get back to them within the
twenty four hours because it was after dark during that snowstorm.
I couldn't even go outside.
Speaker 1 (01:18:48):
Okay, you're now you're introducing something new. So you're saying
that they say they would have done something had you
contacted them sooner.
Speaker 28 (01:19:01):
Yeah, they got out with the technicality because it was
over twenty four hours. I mean, it looked fine, but
you couldn't see the hidden damage until you drove the
bike and when I tried to drive.
Speaker 1 (01:19:11):
It, of course, so there's no way of knowing. There's
no way of knowing if the shipper did it or
if you did it, is what I'm asking.
Speaker 28 (01:19:18):
Yeah, no, cycle, dear, I think they drove it up
on it, so it was fine.
Speaker 1 (01:19:24):
And this guy, how long did it take you to
contact the shipper?
Speaker 7 (01:19:31):
I discovered it four days later?
Speaker 28 (01:19:33):
Okay, contact here.
Speaker 1 (01:19:34):
Here's what I'm saying, Tom, I believe you, But let
me tell you this. How do it's four days later?
How do they know whether you did it or the
tempest logics did it?
Speaker 28 (01:19:52):
I mean, I have no way to prove it except
that it was strapped down in his trailer, which I
saw by the handlebar.
Speaker 1 (01:20:00):
Right, But how do we call how do we call
tempest logics and say you broke it? And they say
what four days later? After the guy drove it around?
He calls us, No, I'm serious, I'm.
Speaker 7 (01:20:13):
Not setting up my camera.
Speaker 28 (01:20:15):
It was under the camera, not moved where the guy
pushed it up to the drive because I'm just too
disabled to do that. So it sat there for four days,
and then after the snow cleared, I finally got out there.
Speaker 7 (01:20:26):
It idled. I started it so seemed okay.
Speaker 1 (01:20:29):
Tom, you do understand, you do understand. I believe you.
Speaker 28 (01:20:32):
Right, Yeah, it's it's an extenuating circumstance, I guess, is
my argument. And you know, companies just get out on
a technicality.
Speaker 1 (01:20:43):
That's right, that's exactly right. If you paid, well, just
wait if you how much did you pay for the scooter?
Speaker 28 (01:20:52):
Scooter was about five grands?
Speaker 1 (01:20:56):
Okay, now you mentioned disability? Oh what kind of This
is a scooter for getting around, not for somebody disabled.
It's not one of these little rascal kind of scooters,
right right?
Speaker 28 (01:21:08):
Yeah, I'm not that disabled.
Speaker 1 (01:21:10):
Okay, I'm trying to figure out. See, doc Bo, what
do you think?
Speaker 20 (01:21:18):
What do you think I'm looking at?
Speaker 1 (01:21:19):
Four days later? I mean, what do you think though?
Four days later he says the grip's broken and he
saw it was tied down. The guy could simply deny
all of that. He could say it wasn't tied down
by the grip. I mean what I'm saying is I'd
like to help Tom, But how do we do that?
Speaker 30 (01:21:35):
I think I looked up this tempest Logic. They have
great four point nine reviews. Tom, what did you if
you want to call him?
Speaker 20 (01:21:43):
Yeah, Tom, I'd like to know what did you pay
to have Tempest Logic ship the.
Speaker 1 (01:21:47):
Scooter to you?
Speaker 28 (01:21:49):
Yeah, I've used it before. It was about seven fifty
for this one. Have you filed a plane show Yeah.
They they're generally nice, but in this case they're just
slipping out of it on it.
Speaker 1 (01:22:00):
Oh did you call Tempest Lodges logic.
Speaker 28 (01:22:03):
Logic with the customer service. That's as far I haven't
gone to corporate.
Speaker 30 (01:22:07):
Well, you know, Tom, why don't I give them a
caucas That's what I'm thinking. They're a stand up company.
Speaker 1 (01:22:13):
They guess. We could try to reason with him, But
I'm going to warn you, Tom, you were supposed to
contact them within twenty four hours and you didn't. I
would have gone over that whole scooter, would have started it.
I would have done.
Speaker 28 (01:22:28):
It wasn't visible when he and even took pictures. Tom,
you couldn't see it.
Speaker 1 (01:22:32):
And does it say in does it say in their
terms only if it's visible you have to report it
within twenty four hours? Is that what it says? Tell me?
Speaker 7 (01:22:42):
They don't cover internal damage. So it was visible, but
you couldn't tell it because it was the two curved
cables you know, like tubes on the accelerator. Those are
worn off basically a brand new bike, and obviously it
was worn off by the strapping Tom that crushed the table.
Speaker 1 (01:22:59):
Okay, Tom, dude, you mentioned I didn't mention. You mentioned
twenty four hours. Where did you read that?
Speaker 7 (01:23:06):
Yeah, well that's what they told me.
Speaker 1 (01:23:08):
So oh wait, wait, wait, wait, it's not It's not
written anywhere. It's not written anywhere. You know.
Speaker 28 (01:23:14):
I don't know I have such cognitive in the screen time.
Speaker 1 (01:23:20):
Okay, okay, Tom.
Speaker 28 (01:23:23):
Let me tell admit they're out of it. They can
slip out of it. I understand.
Speaker 1 (01:23:27):
There's no slipping. There's no slipping out of it. There
there is either they they broke it or they didn't.
But whether they want to admit to it, you have
to have some level of evidence. I am not trying
to argue with you. I believe you, but you have
all kinds of excuses why you didn't discover it in time.
That's fine, but they don't care about those excuses. You
understand that they don't care. What if it was six months?
I mean, you know what, I don't even know if
twenty four hours is valid. You mentioned it. Maybe it isn't.
I mean, who the hell says I think? Bo onught
a call we listen, we're on your side. We'd like
to call them and say, look, this guy's not going
to make up a story just for the hell of it.
Now they may say it was like that when it
left the place, right, then you have to decide.
Speaker 7 (01:24:19):
The seller.
Speaker 1 (01:24:20):
Oh okay, hold on, hold on, so wait wait wait
wait wait, So now we're going to decide cycle Gear.
If they say no, we didn't do it, and Tempest
says we didn't do it, You're going to decide to
believe cycle Gear and not tempest Logics, even though you
dealt with tempest Logics several times before and they have
excellent ratings. I'm not see you are deciding what you
want to decide if cycle If Tempest Logics tells Deputy
Bow that that they didn't break it, it must have
been like that, and then you're gonna say, oh, no, no, no,
cycle Gear says it was in good condition, and well,
how are you gonna decide who to believe?
Speaker 8 (01:25:03):
Speaker 1 (01:25:03):
What I'm telling you is you have no case whatsoever.
That's what I'm really telling you. But we're gonna try
to help you, That's what I'm telling you. Hang on
and Deputy Bow will try to call them. He's done
some amazing things. Go with a sure thing Denver's Best
roofer excel roofing dot com. You don't pay a cent
until you're contenth time for an insurance checkup free, no obligation.
In comparison, call Compass Insurance paying too much your coverage
at dozens of insurance companies. Find out now three o
three seven seven to one help. You'll think you're his
only customer when you choose Frank durand the real estate
Man dot com to list your home with Remax Alliance.
Three oh three nine two zero sixteen twenty two. Hi
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with no interests. Three oh three nine zero four two
thousand and three oh three nine zero four two thousand. Okay,
So let's talk. So we were talking about investing in
solar systems, and Brooks showed me an example of now
this is a long term investment to get money. You're
saying you can get the principal back pretty quickly. If
you invest in a solar system for someone else, you
own the system, they're obligated to buy power from you.
You can also net meter back to excel so and
then with tax credits you get the principal back pretty quickly.
I'll turn your mic on. Right there, there you go, there,
go there, you go go ahead. I see yeah, I
just clicking them off.
Speaker 16 (01:27:23):
Go ahead, I'm winning today.
Speaker 27 (01:27:25):
So, yes, you would get the principle back within two
years or less, depending on how many tax credits you
can receive.
Speaker 1 (01:27:31):
Then. And then when it comes to the this is
what's important. When it comes to the payback, then it's
a return on investment. After that it's continual.
Speaker 16 (01:27:43):
Yep, it's continual for as all.
Speaker 1 (01:27:44):
What does it average per year on that.
Speaker 16 (01:27:50):
It's going to depend on the system. But in this
example here, oh, give.
Speaker 1 (01:27:58):
Me one approximately the return because you said it pays
over twenty years. What did you You extended it out
twenty years and then twenty years somebody who invested how
much would get how much?
Speaker 12 (01:28:09):
Speaker 27 (01:28:10):
So the project I'm talking about specifically, the gross on
the project is three point two million.
Speaker 1 (01:28:15):
Okay, So that's three point two million. They would have
to pay that, yep, and then they'd get of that.
Speaker 27 (01:28:24):
They're only out of pocket five hundred thousand of its
of all the tax credits, and then over twenty years
they'll make four point seven million.
Speaker 1 (01:28:31):
Okay, but the five hundred thousand is part of that.
Speaker 27 (01:28:37):
Nope, that was already deducted out of it. That's what
they'll profit, is the four point seven.
Speaker 1 (01:28:41):
So how long will it take to get that additional
five hundred back after tax credits? Oh?
Speaker 27 (01:28:47):
Like just one more year after the tax So the
system only has to be operational for two years and
then they'd receive that because they get another chunk of
it back the second year for depreciations and other items.
Speaker 16 (01:29:00):
To get that principal back right away.
Speaker 1 (01:29:01):
Really so truly, they'll get that two and a half
million dollars back in two or three years or three
or four.
Speaker 16 (01:29:08):
Yeah, most of it's back in year one and then
those things.
Speaker 1 (01:29:11):
Okay, that's so then after that it's all gravy.
Speaker 19 (01:29:15):
Speaker 1 (01:29:15):
Approximately, what what were you going to say?
Speaker 27 (01:29:18):
Again, if it's a for profit company, it depends on
their tax liability because these are tax credits.
Speaker 1 (01:29:23):
So if you're only paying no, no, no, I understand that,
I get it. But I'm talking about a regular for
profit person who wants to invest in a solar system.
They get tax credits, they get depreciation yep. After that,
what do they get Where does the money come from
for their return the building?
Speaker 27 (01:29:42):
The building pays them for the power because they become
the new utility company essentially.
Speaker 1 (01:29:47):
And what does that come out to be? Approximately? On
that system?
Speaker 27 (01:29:51):
It's eighty percent of whatever Excel decides to charge.
Speaker 7 (01:29:55):
You know what it is?
Speaker 1 (01:29:56):
Speaker 21 (01:29:56):
What it is?
Speaker 3 (01:29:57):
Speaker 1 (01:29:57):
So right, like like in your figures there, how much
when you said they're going to make this much? How
much year one I gave? What do I get? I
need to know after I'm paid back? What do I
get every year? Approximately?
Speaker 10 (01:30:10):
Speaker 16 (01:30:11):
Absolutely so in this specific example.
Speaker 1 (01:30:15):
Yeah, just roughly, you let me know when you have it.
I'm going to go to Stephanie. No, no, I really
want to know. Or let's see who's next, Stephanie. Stephanie,
go ahead, what's going on with you? Stephanie?
Speaker 23 (01:30:27):
Hi, thanks for having me on tom So. I work
with a really lovely lady. I've been working with her
for about two years. Basically she is a single mom,
of three, The father and her ex now ex husband
basically abandoned her and her children. She's been left with
a mortgage payment and all of the bills. She's currently
working three jobs and over.
Speaker 1 (01:30:53):
So when did the father leave?
Speaker 23 (01:30:57):
He lefts right before I met her, so over two
years ago.
Speaker 1 (01:31:03):
He just walked out on him.
Speaker 23 (01:31:05):
Yeah, he just walked out on him as an issue
with alcohol.
Speaker 1 (01:31:10):
Okay, I get it.
Speaker 23 (01:31:12):
Yeah, so he hasn't contributed financial a at all.
Speaker 1 (01:31:17):
Where is he?
Speaker 23 (01:31:19):
She has no idea?
Speaker 1 (01:31:20):
Okay, he just abandoned them, And so now she's left
with this house.
Speaker 23 (01:31:27):
Yeah, she's actually now going to have to sell it.
Speaker 1 (01:31:30):
So Well, whose name is the house in.
Speaker 14 (01:31:34):
So Well?
Speaker 21 (01:31:35):
It is?
Speaker 2 (01:31:35):
That's like another situation.
Speaker 23 (01:31:37):
It is under both their names.
Speaker 1 (01:31:39):
She's not going to be able to sell it, and
he's going to want his money, right, I don't know.
I Well, she's not going to be she's not going
to be able to sell it if it's in both
her names. I mean, I don't mean to just confront
you with that right away, because what let me let
you continue go ahead.
Speaker 23 (01:31:56):
Okay, Yeah, So she's she's trying to figure everything out,
but she's she's by herself. She doesn't have like parents,
Her parents are deceased, she's an only child, she doesn't
have any support, and so she's literally working three jobs
right now and she's just barely making ends meet.
Speaker 16 (01:32:18):
And so I'm just reaching out to.
Speaker 1 (01:32:22):
See if if there's help for.
Speaker 23 (01:32:24):
Her, like for her for her kids. Like right now,
it's like school she's getting They are in situation based school,
so she is getting like financial assistance in that way.
Speaker 1 (01:32:37):
She's in school. What kind of school are they in?
Are they in a private school?
Speaker 23 (01:32:42):
A private Catholic school? Yes?
Speaker 1 (01:32:45):
And how is she paying for that?
Speaker 23 (01:32:47):
She has a lot of financial aid?
Speaker 1 (01:32:50):
Okay, how are the kids?
Speaker 23 (01:32:53):
So woman is a senior, the others a sophomore, and
the other one is a freshman.
Speaker 1 (01:32:58):
Are they working the kids?
Speaker 23 (01:33:01):
The senior is.
Speaker 1 (01:33:02):
Yes, Oh that's this is sad.
Speaker 23 (01:33:09):
It's really bad. She's literally working like seventy plus hours
a week.
Speaker 1 (01:33:16):
Okay, listen, there's you know, we all know our social services.
I hope she has Medicaid for the kids or does
she have insurance for them?
Speaker 21 (01:33:28):
She does?
Speaker 1 (01:33:29):
Is it medicaid based?
Speaker 23 (01:33:32):
So it wasn't, but she just found out that she
qualifies for that.
Speaker 1 (01:33:36):
Yes, she's got to get that done. Immediately, right, No, yeah, she.
Speaker 23 (01:33:40):
Does because our period so everything is this Friday.
Speaker 1 (01:33:48):
So and that's right, it's called open enrollment. She needs
to get that done. Okay, good, So the medical thing
is major. What about food? Does she qualify for food stamps?
Speaker 21 (01:33:59):
She she does?
Speaker 23 (01:34:00):
Now, yes, she just don't all of that paper.
Speaker 1 (01:34:03):
Excellent, excellent. Okay, So now we're down to what I mean,
I'm not saying that's everything, but no, right, we got
a problem with the house and the mortgage and all
that she's gonna have, and I don't know how she's
gonna address it. Hold on, Well, sometimes people call in
with one thing and we end up with three. But
that's a good thing because at least we can take
a look at the situation. So let's take a look
at the whole situation. Go with a sure thing Denver's
Best roofer Excel roofing dot com. You don't pay a
cent until you're content. Time for an insurance check up, free,
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three all three seven to seven to one.
Speaker 9 (01:34:51):
Speaker 1 (01:34:51):
You'll think you're his only customer when you choose Frank
durand the real estate man dot com to list your
home with Remax Alliance three all three nine two zero
Steam twenty two. Hi Tom Martino here three oh three
seven one three talk seven one three eight two five five.
You know, this time of year especially, we get all
of these calls. But I'm not saying it's only this
time of year, but these are the hardest calls to take.
I call them hard time calls. They're you know, people
have hard times and they call for help. We look
for programs, so we look for ways to help. One
thing we normally don't do. I mean, except if it's
a if it's a one time thing and it can
get them over a hump and they're not going to
get back in the hole. We we never throw good
money after bad. What I mean by that is if
somebody fell off a cliff and is so far gone,
giving them money is useless. It truly is without them
having some kind of a plan to get out of
the hole. But there are also other ways. You know,
there are some things that people need one time or
special needs. But I want to talk about this. So
this woman has three kids, adult kids, and well not
adult you know what I mean, freshman, sophomore, and senior,
and her husband was an alcoholic and lefter and now
she's working three jobs. Now, this is kind of similar
to how I grew up here. I mean, I had
a father who abandoned us, and my mom had to
work and support us. And at the time he left,
there were three of us left at home, So it's
almost identical we were a little younger. So Stephanie, she's
getting food stamps soon and she's getting also Medicaid, which
is good. So what else were you calling about? What
were you wondering about for her?
Speaker 23 (01:36:56):
I guess just if there's anything out there, are you
know of anything like just to help her, just provide
something for her kids for like the holidays?
Speaker 1 (01:37:08):
Okay, so that's does it boil down to that? So
so what happens when it's not the holidays? Does she
have money? Does she have a way to pay her bills?
What is she doing? What's her long range plan?
Speaker 23 (01:37:25):
The long range plan? Is she she has enough like
just to get by? Basically, yeah, he checked a paycheck.
She's going to have to continue, you know, to work
these three jobs?
Speaker 1 (01:37:38):
What three jobs? What three jobs are we talking about?
What kind of jobs.
Speaker 23 (01:37:43):
So she does work for a school, yes, shorts with me. Yes,
she's also working for it's like a non it's a
nonprofit okay.
Speaker 1 (01:37:54):
And what else?
Speaker 23 (01:37:54):
Yeah, and then she works for a recreation center.
Speaker 1 (01:37:59):
Okay, now yeah, Now what about.
Speaker 19 (01:38:05):
The house.
Speaker 23 (01:38:05):
She's also trying to get back to find a lawyer
who will work with her to figure something out of
the house because she can't she can't afford the payment,
and so she's she her hope. The plan is to
try to get out of the house and obviously find
something that she can't afford.
Speaker 1 (01:38:28):
Okay, her children where she has no idea where the husband.
Speaker 23 (01:38:33):
Is not at this I know if she is in
contact with his family, but they don't even know where
he is.
Speaker 1 (01:38:40):
So she can't sell the house, right. I want to
get a hold of an attorney.
Speaker 20 (01:38:47):
Do I have a suggestion? Is there any way that
Brad O'Brien on a referral?
Speaker 1 (01:38:52):
Well, that's what I'm going to ask him. I'm going
to ask him if there's a way to sell a
house when a when a father a bed, may I
ask Stepan are you are you in the middle of
a crowd or something?
Speaker 23 (01:39:02):
Where are you am I we're going to school.
Speaker 10 (01:39:04):
No, no, I.
Speaker 1 (01:39:05):
Understand no, no, are you are?
Speaker 16 (01:39:07):
Are you break?
Speaker 1 (01:39:08):
Are? Okay? Are you able though to hold while we
get an attorney on or you want us to call
you back? I mean we want to do you need it?
Speaker 11 (01:39:15):
Speaker 23 (01:39:15):
Because I have a guest that just arrived at okay school.
Speaker 10 (01:39:19):
Speaker 1 (01:39:21):
Listen, Stephanie. We yeah, we are going to get someone
on to talk about this and and get information about it.
But it's kind of senseless to do it if we
can't relate that information to her. Is she available somewhere?
Speaker 23 (01:39:36):
Well, she's kind of in the same position. Okay, yes,
students coming into it?
Speaker 1 (01:39:40):
When will you have time to listen to an attorney?
If we get them on, I will be done at
Q here to forty five. Okay. I'll tell you what
we're I'll tell you what we're going to do. We're
going to listen to the attorney and get the advice,
and then I'm going to have Deputy Bo relate to
advice to you and her. Okay, okay, and Deputy Bow
that's what we call our volunteers, deputy, so he'll be
Do you have time to have bow? Because I just
gave you another one Okay, I go for this lady.
I want to help her. Okay, hold on all right,
and and then what we need to do, Kachina? Do
I need to take a break? Okay, Kachina, could you
get Brad O'Brien on anytime and then I'll get the information.
Bo can listen and then we'll relate that information. Go
with a sure thing Denver's Best roofer Excel Roofing dot com.
You don't pay a cent until you're content. Time for
an insurance check up free, no obligation. In comparison, call
Compass Insurance paying too much your coverage at dozens of
insurance companies find out now three all three seven seven
to one help. You'll think you're his only customer when
you choose Frank durand the real estate Man dot com
to list your home with Remax Alliance three oh three
nine two zero sixteen twenty two.
Speaker 31 (01:41:00):
Hi Tom Martino, you're a trouble shooter A three zero
three seven one three talk seven one three eight two
five five full lines, rocking and rolling.
Speaker 1 (01:41:12):
Let me go right to Tammy, Tammy? What's going on?
Hi Tammy?
Speaker 12 (01:41:20):
Find Martino. I was very nervous to start with.
Speaker 18 (01:41:24):
I have.
Speaker 12 (01:41:26):
Something stare with me. I don't want to go live
on the radio.
Speaker 1 (01:41:30):
Oh, Tammy, Tammy, I I know you. You're from next door, Yes, sir, yes,
I read your case on there and I reached out
to you, so I know the problem. You don't have
to explain it all. But here's here. Let me let
me explain it for people since I know it. You
basically bought a new car and you've had nothing but
trouble and they can't fix it, and they say there's
a delay in getting apart.
Speaker 9 (01:41:52):
Is that right?
Speaker 12 (01:41:54):
Yes, So they've told me that's the chump List Enlightenment
on back at the end of August, and I took
it in right away to have them service it, although
they told me that I had to wait for an
appointment and that would be three months.
Speaker 1 (01:42:08):
No, I get it. I get it, A Tammy Tammy.
Here's here's what I want to know. This happened. You
bought it new in twenty twenty one.
Speaker 7 (01:42:15):
Is that right?
Speaker 1 (01:42:17):
Speaker 12 (01:42:17):
Their twenty twenty one of two.
Speaker 1 (01:42:19):
And it happened under warranty.
Speaker 9 (01:42:21):
Is that right?
Speaker 12 (01:42:23):
Well, they told me Canda General Moments it was a
three year warranty.
Speaker 1 (01:42:27):
So that's twenty two, twenty three and twenty four. Right,
so it's a three year warranty. So the issue happened
while the car was under warranty, right, yes, sir, And
so why can't they fix it? It's with the transmission, right.
Speaker 12 (01:42:44):
They told me that it was some type of module
that goes to the transision.
Speaker 1 (01:42:48):
Yes, transmission is a transmission control module TCM.
Speaker 2 (01:42:54):
Yes, sir.
Speaker 12 (01:42:55):
And they told me that the part could be too
much for two years, and they were trying to just
throw me away like a piece of chest. But I
called them that I had persistent pace past of this
vehicle and that I was sick, and I was.
Speaker 1 (01:43:10):
Asking them, Jammy, this is unacceptable. We want to help you.
You hang on, okay.
Speaker 7 (01:43:16):
Who is the.
Speaker 1 (01:43:17):
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Speaker 4 (01:44:18):
Come running, Just as as as we can, Shooter's gonna help.
Speaker 13 (01:44:23):
Come man, This is.
Speaker 1 (01:44:26):
The Troubleshooter Show. No Tom Martino, Hi, Tom Martino here,
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Now Tammy, we have some experts for Tammy First I
want to talk to Kevin Caulkin, he is with Shardan
Auto Tech. And then I'm going to take our attorney.
But right now i'd like Tammy, I want to ask
a quick question. Hey, Kevin Calkins is a mechanic. He's
a great guy. Tammy's twenty twenty one buick. Is it
an envoy or envision?
Speaker 18 (01:45:48):
Is it called in it an envision preference?
Speaker 1 (01:45:51):
An envision? It is giving It gave her nothing but
trouble with her transmission and it threw a code and
it said they told her she needs a TCM, a
transmission control module, and they said it could take six
months to two years to get Is that right? Yes, sir, Tammy?
Are they providing you another vehicle?
Speaker 12 (01:46:15):
Let me tell you I've been Tammy.
Speaker 1 (01:46:17):
I just need to know that's a yes or no? Dear, please?
Are they providing you thirty?
Speaker 23 (01:46:23):
Speaker 12 (01:46:24):
They finally said they would give me a loner. However
that I've heard that they may want me to take
it over for rental costs.
Speaker 3 (01:46:32):
And I said, well, of course.
Speaker 1 (01:46:34):
Not, of course not. They have to Okay, next question
I have for you. Did they say okay, no, no, no?
Did they say it could be up to two years
to get one.
Speaker 12 (01:46:45):
Yes, sir, been the service manager and is worker.
Speaker 28 (01:46:50):
Than okay, got it technician?
Speaker 1 (01:46:52):
Yeah, yeah, that's a yes, Okay, up to two years.
Kevin Caulkin, have you ever heard of these TCMs being
so difficult to get?
Speaker 26 (01:47:00):
Well, I've seen madas with difficulty getting but I've never
heard two years.
Speaker 1 (01:47:05):
Well it's been going on. Hold on, let's let's how
long is your how long has your envision been there?
Already since August I took it there, and.
Speaker 12 (01:47:18):
The end of August I took it there beginning of September.
I tried to take it back and tell him I
would not drive my man pull with the light on,
as I wasn't gonna.
Speaker 1 (01:47:27):
Okay, Tammy, Tammy, I need to ask this again, Tammy.
I know that you have anxiety, and I know this
is difficult, but I promise you I want to help you.
I need a quick answer. How long has it been
at the dealer for the.
Speaker 12 (01:47:43):
Last this last time my cardbooks done?
Speaker 11 (01:47:46):
The very nick?
Speaker 1 (01:47:47):
How long has it been at the dealer? Okay, it
and before that? It was there before that too, Is
that right? Well? Yes, sir? About yeah, now, if you
took all of the times that your UH envision was
at the dealer. What does it add up to a week,
two weeks, three weeks, four weeks, what what approximately?
Speaker 12 (01:48:10):
I'd say about five maybe five weeks.
Speaker 1 (01:48:13):
Okay, Now this is ridiculous, UH and you this is ridiculous.
So Kevin Caulkin a transmission control module and this is
something else that I'm hearing from, Tammy, and I need
you to clarify this, Tammy. I want to get this straight. Okay,
this is the most important part, and you need to
hear this. Okay. Did they say, I'm not asking if
you agree, I'm not asking if you disagree. I'm just asking.
Did the dealer say you could take your car and
still drive it while you're waiting for the tcmer.
Speaker 12 (01:48:56):
Yes, sir, Yes, for multiple times.
Speaker 1 (01:48:58):
Okay, hold on, hold on, Tammy. They said you could
take And so when you say you can't use your
car and it's at the dealer and they're not living
up to the warranty, they said, Tammy, it might take
a few months to get this, it might take a year,
but you can use your vehicle.
Speaker 12 (01:49:19):
Then Kevin and guarantee we call. We've asked all the
mechanics their car will not reve stranded. And I told
them I'm very ill.
Speaker 23 (01:49:28):
At the side.
Speaker 1 (01:49:29):
Okay, Kevin, Kevin, Why do they say she can drive
it if it has a bad TCM.
Speaker 26 (01:49:36):
Well, it may just be throwing a code, you know
in a check engine light. Is their driveability issues as
well or just the light coming?
Speaker 8 (01:49:43):
Speaker 12 (01:49:44):
The very next day that I demanded them to give
me a rental or something, they basically threw me.
Speaker 1 (01:49:50):
Out the guard Punge Tammy, Jammy, I know you want
to tell me all kinds of stuff and we're asking
specific questions. Tammy. I hope you forgive me, but this
is what we need information. When you drive your car,
does it act up?
Speaker 12 (01:50:04):
Yes, sir. The very next day it wouldn't not come
out of park okay, okay, locked out okay?
Speaker 1 (01:50:11):
And then do they get it going again and tell
you to keep driving it? So you're afraid you're going
to be stranded somewhere.
Speaker 13 (01:50:17):
No sure what has.
Speaker 12 (01:50:18):
Happened is when I contacted them and I go, look
at here, my car did break down?
Speaker 13 (01:50:23):
What do you want me to do?
Speaker 12 (01:50:24):
And they said, well, we're not going to talk to
you any further into utow the vehicle back here car?
Speaker 1 (01:50:30):
So Tammy where's your car right now?
Speaker 7 (01:50:34):
In the dealership? Lock part?
Speaker 26 (01:50:36):
Okay, okay, I rooped up the TCM real quick for that.
Speaker 9 (01:50:40):
It is on the back corner.
Speaker 1 (01:50:42):
So what does she do? So basically, Tammy, we agree
your car should not be driven. It could strand it.
You could end up stranded. It's at the dealer and
they're just telling you tough, that's what they're telling you.
So the only solution, the only solution I would see
to this is they pay for your loaner one hundred percent.
There is no way you should have to pay for
that loaner, not if it's been They can't even give
you an end time. Kevin, Is this happening with dealers now?
Is this common?
Speaker 26 (01:51:13):
It is fairly common on modules to you know, hit
and miss with every manufacturer. But they won't give you
a time. I mean they have an open you know
order for them and it could be a week or
a monster.
Speaker 13 (01:51:24):
All right.
Speaker 1 (01:51:24):
I want to bring in our attorney now, Kevin, thank
you so much for looking that up. I want to
bring up that's Kevincolkin Shardanautotech dot com Reina bias. Does
what does this sound like to you? She bought this
new and twenty twenty one it was still under warranty.
Still is she can't get the Okay, that's Kevin, that's
my fault. Okay, let me go to her now. Now
I'm gonna go to Rena. Okay, Raina, are you there,
I'm here. You heard that case? What do you think?
Speaker 12 (01:51:55):
Speaker 15 (01:51:56):
So when we talk about whether or not a warranty
has breached, we're going to be looking at you know,
is this a lemon right, like the promises that the
dealership or sorry, the promises that manufacturer has made that
they're going to replace and repair a component part. Has
that been violated because they've taken an extraordinarily a long
amount of time. And I would say in this case,
you know, four to five weeks of it being at
the dealership.
Speaker 13 (01:52:22):
That is a long time.
Speaker 14 (01:52:23):
That is a long time.
Speaker 6 (01:52:24):
Speaker 1 (01:52:24):
Well, the worst part Raina is they're telling her it
could be two years and there's nothing they can do
about it.
Speaker 15 (01:52:31):
And you know, I'm a little bit confused about the driveability. Right,
So she's worried that she's going to be stranded, but
yet people are saying that she's actually not going to
be stranded and just throwing.
Speaker 28 (01:52:39):
A code I don't.
Speaker 1 (01:52:41):
Let's find out now now, Tammy. Again, I don't need
a lot of hyperbole. I need to know the fact.
Did the dealer say, oh, it's okay to drive it,
but every time you drive it it gives you trouble?
Is that right?
Speaker 12 (01:52:55):
Multiple times they told me this and have sent me back.
I kept finding that. Beg them to take my vehicle
and have the fixed correctly and give it back to me. Then,
because it was not, I was scared.
Speaker 1 (01:53:07):
To drive it.
Speaker 12 (01:53:08):
Well, they say the very last time, the very next day,
my car did not come out.
Speaker 16 (01:53:14):
Of park and it will not.
Speaker 12 (01:53:16):
And even the towing lady that came they had us
said they didn't want to ruin my car anymore, and
that I had to get a special tow truck. And
then this, I'll just to get it because the computer
rises a new thing.
Speaker 1 (01:53:30):
It wouldn't come back, Tammy. Tammy, we get it. The
answer is yes, every time you drive it you have problems.
You're afraid it's going to be it's going to strand you. Tammy.
I know that this has been frustrating. You have to
understand something, and I'm going to tell you this because
I'm your friend. Now you may go on next door
and say I'm a jerk, but I'm going to tell
you the truth. When you go on and on and
on and on and on and on and on with
details about all of it, people still listening. Okay, that's
why did you notice on next door how I summarized
your problem for you?
Speaker 12 (01:54:07):
Yes, sure I did, just look at it. I understand
that's part of my anxiety.
Speaker 1 (01:54:14):
I understand. I don't don't. You don't have to apologize.
I'm just telling you. In order for people to help you,
you truly have to cull it down a little raina.
Is there any really? I mean, at this point, the
dealer is basically saying, we have no idea when your
car is going to be ready. Tough.
Speaker 15 (01:54:34):
Yeah, So look, Sammy definitely has a way of potentially
getting the manufacturer to pay attention to her. Okay.
Speaker 7 (01:54:43):
So there's a couple of ways that you can do this.
Speaker 5 (01:54:46):
Speaker 15 (01:54:47):
You if you are still under warranty on a vehicle
and you've given notice that you've been having issues and
it was during while it was under warranty, there is this.
Speaker 18 (01:55:00):
It's like a third party arbitration.
Speaker 15 (01:55:02):
It's not binding, okay, which means that just because they
find against you doesn't mean that you have to accept it.
But you go to this third party and you can
file a claim with them, and the filing.
Speaker 8 (01:55:13):
The claim that's really easy to do.
Speaker 15 (01:55:15):
The way that you find out who this third party
is is you got to look in your warranty booklet. Okay,
so open up your warranty booklet, or you can look
at it online and it'll show you. It'll say, okay,
speak to uck manufacturer customer care.
Speaker 13 (01:55:30):
Speaker 12 (01:55:31):
That's not the person that I'm talking about.
Speaker 11 (01:55:32):
I'm talking about.
Speaker 18 (01:55:34):
There's this other arbitration.
Speaker 15 (01:55:36):
Okay, it's called arbitration, and it's going to either be
BBB Auto Line, so not just Better Business Bureau but
BBB Auto Line, or it's going to be NCBs, which
is the National Dispute Resolution Center.
Speaker 1 (01:55:50):
Does she have to pay for this?
Speaker 15 (01:55:52):
She does not have to pay for this, And you
don't need an attorney for this. But what you do
need to be able to do is to really talk
about what's going on with your case. You have to
talk about how all of these service people right, and
give them service records.
Speaker 18 (01:56:06):
You got to give them service records because that's.
Speaker 15 (01:56:07):
What they're going to use you know that all these
service people are saying that there's something wrong with the
TCM but there's a back order and it's not safe
to drive, or people have told you not to drive it,
and your car has been in for a certain amount
of time.
Speaker 12 (01:56:21):
So you put all of that.
Speaker 15 (01:56:23):
Into you know, you make this claim with MCBS or
BBB Autoline and they will assign an arbitrator for you.
And this is these are people who are not you know,
who are supposed to be neutral, okay, and they would
look at your case and say, okay, she deserves a repurchase.
And what I mean by that is not to trade in,
but a repurchase right now.
Speaker 1 (01:56:47):
Listen here, here's what I want to know. Okay, So
she starts there with arbitration. I'm maybe I'll have Deputy D.
Maybe D. Do you want to this woman needs help
in the D you're a detail oriented person like me,
We're going to have somebody contact you and help you
go through that process.
Speaker 12 (01:57:03):
Okay, yes, sir, I would really appreciate it.
Speaker 1 (01:57:07):
And you're just gonna right now, what are you driving
right now?
Speaker 12 (01:57:12):
The loaner from Enterprise went a car.
Speaker 1 (01:57:14):
But are they paying for it?
Speaker 12 (01:57:17):
Yes they are now, But I have been told that
as I keep calling almost twice a week to ask
about my vehicle being written, and they said if I
continue to call that they will have me go ahead.
Speaker 1 (01:57:31):
And take over the Okay, hold on, hold on, that's
be okay, Tammy. They're not saying you're going to take
it over. What they're trying to do is get you
to stop calling. So as long as you have a
what I would do right now, this is what I
would do, truly, I would just keep using the loaner
car if they're paying for it. Let me tell you why,
and Raina you may agree right now. You actually when
your car is not being used, and so when you
get it back and have that many less miles on it,
I think you're better off using the loaner until they
give you a hard time, and then we will. I
promise you, Tammy, if you play along with us and
do what we say, don't call them anymore, use their
loaner vehicle, and if they stop paying for it, you
contact us immediately, but don't call them now. Deputy d
will have all of your information, but we're going to
put it on hold. As long as they're still paying
for the loaner. Then at such point they stop paying,
we'll go into high gear or one other thing. We
should check back in two months and then say to
call the dealer in two months. So either or this
is what we should do. Rana. Do you think that's
a good tactic?
Speaker 7 (01:58:51):
Speaker 15 (01:58:52):
I think, Sammy, absolutely, don't call them anymore. If they're
working on your car and they gave you a loaner.
Speaker 13 (01:58:57):
Just drive the loaner.
Speaker 1 (01:59:00):
Yeah, because no court Tammy would would consider you a
victim if you have a replacement vehicle. All right, get
Tammy's information. A RAINA, by the way, is the Bayless
Firm dot com, b A y as the Baas Firm
dot com, b A y as the Baisfirm dot com.
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three oh three seven zero four two four four nine. Randy,
what's going on with you? Randy? Welcome to the show.
Speaker 9 (02:00:33):
Thank you for having me.
Speaker 1 (02:00:34):
Speaker 7 (02:00:35):
I had a question for you. I had a cell
phone with a girlfriend a couple of months ago. We
broke up. She's refusing to pay for the cell phone,
refusing to pay for the bill. If I'm going to
cut it off, it's going to be eight hundred and
sixty seven just to pay off the phone. Am I
okay to go to small plane court? Is it worth it?
Speaker 9 (02:00:54):
Speaker 1 (02:00:55):
What is your agreement? Tell me?
Speaker 19 (02:00:57):
Speaker 1 (02:00:57):
Tell me what your agreement is? Kind of.
Speaker 7 (02:01:00):
Well, her husband at the time kicked off his plan.
We were dating, so we got together. I told her
she could come onto my line. Yes, she got a
new phone, and she got a new phone.
Speaker 1 (02:01:13):
And the phone was the phone put on your account?
Speaker 7 (02:01:18):
Speaker 1 (02:01:18):
Okay, So the phone is put on your account where
you pay monthly for it? Or was is that how
it's working? Yes? Okay? And then plus her service? Right now,
did you guys break up?
Speaker 7 (02:01:32):
Speaker 1 (02:01:32):
Okay, so now you're paying for her phone? What about
the service? Did you cut that off? No?
Speaker 7 (02:01:39):
Because it's cut off the service. I have to pay
off the phone and I don't have eight hundred and
sixty seven dollars.
Speaker 1 (02:01:44):
Wait a minute, you can't cut off the service or
turn it off. Of course you can, of course you.
Speaker 7 (02:01:50):
Call I called him and they said they said that
I can. Verizon said that I can sign a sign
a second phone number to my phone. But I would
still have to keep paying on her phone.
Speaker 1 (02:02:01):
But you would stay here. Here's what I'm trying, Randy.
What I'm trying to figure out, not yeah, is to
what you should do though, is if her phone is
not working any way, you can do that, even if
you have to keep paying. Okay, then do it.
Speaker 7 (02:02:15):
You've never got a new phone, Oh so it doesn't
really matter to her own?
Speaker 1 (02:02:19):
So actually, where is the phone?
Speaker 7 (02:02:21):
Speaker 1 (02:02:21):
Can you hold on? Can you at least get her phone?
Will she give it to you?
Speaker 10 (02:02:26):
Speaker 7 (02:02:26):
She won't.
Speaker 1 (02:02:27):
No, why won't she give it to you?
Speaker 7 (02:02:31):
She's not answering my tech? Well, now I don't have
her phone, but I've messaged her through Facebook and she's
not answering me on that either.
Speaker 1 (02:02:39):
And tell me how you would sewer How would you
sew her in small claims court?
Speaker 7 (02:02:44):
Well, that's what I was wondering. I mean, can I
for one thousand dollars because right now shows me one
hundred and fifty for bills.
Speaker 1 (02:02:50):
Here's what I'm randy, Randy, I'm asking how will you
do it? Where will you find her to serve her?
Speaker 7 (02:02:59):
I know where she's lives.
Speaker 9 (02:03:01):
Speaker 1 (02:03:02):
Have you ever thought about going over there and asking
for the phone. Say, look, if I'm going to pay
for this, I want the phone and I'll tell you why. Okay,
Or you can serve her. But if you go to
small claims court, there's a very good chance she can
simply say it was a gift.
Speaker 7 (02:03:18):
Right, I mean, even if I have text messages from
her saying that she's going to pay me and she's
going to do this, and she's going to do that.
Speaker 1 (02:03:25):
Well if she if you actually have dated and timed
stamped text messages from her, you can go to small
claims court. Sure you can fifty bucks, that's all it
takes server and do it. Or you could ask for
the phone back and try to sell it. What kind
of phone was it?
Speaker 7 (02:03:42):
It's an iPhone sixteen, I believe.
Speaker 1 (02:03:44):
Wow, you must have really thought she was something.
Speaker 7 (02:03:53):
Well it was the cheapest one they had, but yeah,
now it's down to eight hundred and sixty seven dollars.
Speaker 1 (02:03:57):
No, but I mean you must have really thought she
was something. I mean, did you think you're going to
get married or what?
Speaker 14 (02:04:03):
Speaker 7 (02:04:03):
I thought that was where it was going to go,
and then I found out she uses people.
Speaker 1 (02:04:06):
So yeah, this is terrible, Randy, I think you're losing
small claims court if she just lies through her teeth
or but if she doesn't show up, it'd be the
best thing. Get a default judgment. Go after her, but
you know yourself to collect. You understand that. You know
small claims court isn't a panacea. You get a judgment.
It's only good when you go after legit companies because
they usually settle. They don't want to. They don't want
to be bothered. Individuals don't usually care the judgments are unenforceable.
It costs you. It's going to cost you as much
to collect the damn thing then it is to get
You got to get the judgment. Fifty bucks. If you
do get the judgment, now you got to get a
collection attorney. I mean, it's just not Randy. Well, she
might cave if you do that, though, So it costs
you fifty bucks to gamble on that. But if you
go and get a judgment, you know there are things
you could possibly do. But it's to be honest with you, Randy,
it isn't worth it. I mean, if you went to
her house and knocked on the door and asked for
the phone, would she considered that a threat? Is she weird?
Is she going to have you arrested or what?
Speaker 7 (02:05:13):
She's very weird? Yes, I don't know what she would do.
I don't know what her roommates would do. I'm not sure.
Speaker 1 (02:05:20):
Then you should have a witness. But it's your phone.
You can simply tell the police she has your phone. Yeah,
and you all you want is your phone? You say
I broke up with her. I just want my phone.
That's all I want. I don't want anything else. I
want the phone and go there with I mean, maybe
maybe they'll go with you. I seriously say, you don't
want to have any issues whatsoever when you go to
ask for it. That's one way. And oh, man, you
know Randy eight.
Speaker 30 (02:05:57):
R Andy, why don't you go to her place to
work and ask for the phone. It'd be less intimidating
and there'd be other Do you know where she.
Speaker 1 (02:06:05):
Works, Randy?
Speaker 24 (02:06:07):
I do not.
Speaker 7 (02:06:08):
She quit her job and she says she's going to
start a new one. That's why she said, kept telling
me she was going to pay me back. And so no,
I do not know where she's working.
Speaker 1 (02:06:16):
Wait, if you have text? If you have text message,
is that much? I forgot about those? Yeah, you might
get a judgment. But even if you get one, now
you got to collect it. Or do you think she
would even pay you?
Speaker 7 (02:06:29):
I don't know, to be honest with you, I don't
think she's got the money. But I don't know.
Speaker 9 (02:06:32):
I don't know.
Speaker 7 (02:06:33):
I mean, I'm a single father. I work twelve hours
a day, you know, I'm a full time dad, so
I don't have really time to be doing a whole
lot of stuff. But yeah, I was just wondering if
it's worth even going this route. Well, I mean what
Douglas County and I can't find anything.
Speaker 1 (02:06:47):
Anything about what?
Speaker 7 (02:06:50):
Uh? Just trying to file in small claims. It's easy
out of the courthouse.
Speaker 1 (02:06:54):
You know, you don't. You do it online. Everything's online, Okay,
you can fill it out online. Yeah, then you go, yeah,
then you have it filed. Sure, but you can fill
it out online. Randy, listen, Man, I I wish I
had better news for you.
Speaker 7 (02:07:14):
Let me.
Speaker 1 (02:07:15):
Did you ever have any kind of doubts when you
were buying this phone?
Speaker 7 (02:07:20):
A little bit? Yeah?
Speaker 1 (02:07:22):
Well, man, I'm sorry about that. Could have been worse,
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three nine two zero sixteen twenty two. Hi tom Archino,
you're troubleshooter three A three seven one three talk seven
one three eight two five five. I want to talk
to Brad O'Brien, attorney at law as a real estate
attorney and Brad, we had a case come up that
she's not on the air right now, but we want
to call her back and give her some information. It's
a very terrible situation and basically she's a mother of
three kids and her alcoholic husband left her high and dry,
but they own the house together. She wants to sell it,
she can't afford it. No one can find him anywhere,
no one, and uh, basically we want to know what
there must speak cases like this in real estate for
divorces or is this better left to a divorce attorney?
What do you think, brad Well?
Speaker 25 (02:09:07):
One alternative is to partition the property. That's a court
proceeding that basically splits the property and it's used when
the other co owner doesn't want to sell and do
you want to sell? So in this case, you can't
find another co owner to get there and assigned. Indeed,
so you go to court, the court orders the property
to be sold. Then the money is split.
Speaker 1 (02:09:29):
The money is split. So where is where does his
money go? He's nowhere.
Speaker 25 (02:09:35):
Well, somebody's got.
Speaker 7 (02:09:36):
To hold it.
Speaker 25 (02:09:37):
It's not a windfall for the for the lady, for
the other.
Speaker 22 (02:09:40):
Is it?
Speaker 1 (02:09:42):
Put an asker? I mean, what happens if you can't
find him anywhere? What happens?
Speaker 25 (02:09:48):
I imagine the money. It's a pretty pretty rare circumstance.
But the money probably will be deposited into the registry
of the court in some type of court action. Actually
it's part of the same action. And then after so
many years, it would cheat.
Speaker 1 (02:10:03):
Oh I see, yeah, But but no matter what, she
can't get the whole house.
Speaker 25 (02:10:10):
No, that's not what a partition action does.
Speaker 1 (02:10:13):
I wonder, though, this is a question for a divorce attorney,
which we should probably get on. I wonder if she
petitioned for divorce and the guy's not around, I wonder
what happens then? Does she get kind of like default stuff?
I don't know. I mean that, like I said, that's
more divorce. But what you're saying is, Brad, it's tough
to see what you're basically saying it's really tough to
sell if one of the people who owns the house disappeared.
Speaker 25 (02:10:47):
Yeah, and you're you're asking about abandonment. Abandon Abandonment does
not change tiles, warehouse is not.
Speaker 1 (02:10:54):
Okay, lady, get full tired. Well that's a quick answer
I wanted, though, Thank you very much.
Speaker 20 (02:11:00):
Question for Brad, Tom, go.
Speaker 1 (02:11:01):
Ahead, Brad?
Speaker 20 (02:11:04):
What about her doing a quiet title action to get
his name off?
Speaker 1 (02:11:11):
Well, but what are you doing a quiet title action
of that right title? I believe that's I don't know anyway, Brad,
what about that?
Speaker 25 (02:11:18):
Well, a quiet title action you asked the court to
declare something about the title of the house, to say
what it is going on. But it's not a way
to actually get ownership. Have a right to get that ownership.
Speaker 1 (02:11:29):
Right, Okay, Yeah, it's a different action altogether. Give an
example of when you would use a quiet title action.
Speaker 25 (02:11:37):
Well, there's some promise between these two people that that
she was going that he was going to sell the
house to her on some condition in the future, and
that that has now happened. Well, you could bring a
quiet title to basically close that deal through court order
without him actually signing the deed. That's an example.
Speaker 1 (02:12:00):
All right, all right, hey Kitschina, thank you very much. Brad.
That party that I wanted you to call said they
have no voicemail messages at all, so I'm not sure
if you call that number. But she was waiting to
come on the show.
Speaker 14 (02:12:17):
Speaker 1 (02:12:18):
John has an issue with an apartment. Right after this,
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dot com to list your home with Remax Alliance three
three nine two zero sixteen twenty two. Hi Tom Martino
here three O three seven one three talk seven one
three eight two five five brook right now, real quick,
b and I'm going to take the calls, but we're
getting toward at the top of the hour. If somebody
orders right now, can they get tax credits for this year? Yes,
but only commercial okay, so residential, you're out.
Speaker 16 (02:13:21):
It's too residential.
Speaker 27 (02:13:22):
You have to wait till it's activated. That came through
from the IRS last year.
Speaker 1 (02:13:27):
Okay, And it's not time to get done and activated
right now.
Speaker 16 (02:13:31):
No, there's no way you could get it activated.
Speaker 1 (02:13:33):
Okay. Uh, but red rocks can do it though. Red
Rocks rs dot com. As far as a system for
you in a good one three oh three seven zero
four two four four nine. Susie has an issue with
a contractor. Susie, what is your issue with a contractor?
Speaker 32 (02:13:52):
I hired him back in July, gave him his two
thirds down payment for a very large project.
Speaker 1 (02:14:00):
Wait wait, two thirds down? Two thirds Yes, that's a
deal breaker. Okay, So what happened then? And when did
you hire him?
Speaker 32 (02:14:11):
He was supposed to begin the project on July twenty seconds, okay,
money was in his hands, you know, a week and
a half before that.
Speaker 1 (02:14:20):
Oh my god. Two thirds down is unheard of anyway.
So where does it stand right now? Has he ever started?
Speaker 32 (02:14:27):
So he or his workers have spent less than four
full days of work. They've turned my yard to complete?
Speaker 1 (02:14:35):
How much is two thirds down?
Speaker 32 (02:14:38):
Sixty thousand dollars?
Speaker 1 (02:14:40):
I have? I have some really bad news for you.
There's a very very very good chance you've lost this money.
I mean, I mean, honest to God. What's the name
of the contractor?
Speaker 32 (02:14:55):
Well, he has two different business names, Trotter's Home Improvements
and and the invoice that I paid didn't say Totter
Some Improvements. It said American Elite Construction.
Speaker 1 (02:15:06):
Well, tell me who your contract.
Speaker 10 (02:15:09):
Is with.
Speaker 32 (02:15:11):
That with him? He's the owner of the company's Protter Totter.
Speaker 1 (02:15:16):
I mean the contract that you signed. What does it
say on the contract? What company are you contracting?
Speaker 11 (02:15:23):
Speaker 32 (02:15:24):
The actual It really was just the invoice.
Speaker 1 (02:15:28):
What are you talking about? Do you have a contract?
Speaker 32 (02:15:35):
I paid a sign I paid the money and signed
a document online and the documentary American Construction.
Speaker 1 (02:15:44):
Okay, the document online was American Construction.
Speaker 32 (02:15:48):
Elite, American Construction.
Speaker 1 (02:15:50):
Okay, Okay. Then his name okay, I got it. And
then his name is Totter t O t t.
Speaker 18 (02:15:58):
E rrr tr O t t e r like a horse, right, okay?
Speaker 1 (02:16:05):
And what's his first name?
Speaker 32 (02:16:07):
Speaker 1 (02:16:10):
And does he ever answer your calls?
Speaker 32 (02:16:15):
So he didn't show up for a month with no no,
you know, he's the start of the twenty seconds, do
I never showed up.
Speaker 1 (02:16:21):
What's the last you heard from him? That's what I need.
And see we're getting toward the end of the show.
I'm not gonna I'm not going to drop this. We're
going to get you back, but I want to get
some of these facts down. So when's the actual last
time you talked to him?
Speaker 32 (02:16:33):
So I handed it over to my sister and a
friend because I just couldn't handle it anymore.
Speaker 1 (02:16:39):
I don't blame you.
Speaker 32 (02:16:40):
They met him at my house I think a week
and a half ago now, and try to continue to
get things moving and what did he say? But he
couldn't provide any any of the things. He couldn't meet
any of their requirements and other than communicating with So
he has reached out to my sister finally and said,
you know that he would be here today, which she
just said, you know, no, thank you, because we're just
not sure what we want to do. I don't trust
him at this point, I'll.
Speaker 1 (02:17:12):
Even do I don't even but but here's the thing,
Oh my god, this is terrible. We we really really
really need to take this. Do you know it could
be a crime the Contractor's Trust Act, Not that it
matters hardly anybody does anything about it. But it could
be a crime.
Speaker 32 (02:17:32):
Now, crime in mine I mean, what's that. It's a
crime for sure in my mind.
Speaker 1 (02:17:38):
Yeah, no, no, no, I know, I know, especially if
he didn't put that money in trust. Who wants to
call this? You want to scare the hell out of him?
All right, hold on, we're gonna we're hold on, hold on.
We're going to assign this to somebody to shake him
up a little. Okay, can you hang on, We're going
to get your information. Let's give this to Doc Kachina.
All right. I'm so sorry for you, but let's try
to do what we can. I'm Tom Martino. Wow, what
a busy day. We're out of time. Remember three oh
three Martino three O three six two seven eight four
sixty six. Save all your problems for me.