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Ripped us who you don't have themruns as we can. Shooter's gonna help
coming. Man six is the TroubleshooterShow. No Tom Martine. Hey,
I'm Tom Martino. They let meout of the Nursing Home studio and I'm
back at the mother Ship for todayFriday. Card eight to see my Buddy's
Kevin Calkins shared an Auto Tech JeffFic camera transmission and Mark, I didn't
realize how ugly was in person.You know you can get from me.
You forget over time. You knowyou forget, but it's balanced out by
sus So that's okay. Three ohthree seven one, three eight, two
five five is our number. We'regonna go right to the phones. We
have a busy days card day now, listen. I want to put another
word out and then we'll talk aboutit later. But I don't want to
get too much into it. I'mhelping a few immigrants as you call them
newcomers. They they are absolutely illegalimmigrants and they're here trying to get asylum.
And I go case by case.Mark and I used to have a
theory. You help people want tohelp themselves. You can't help people that
fell off the Cliff, you reallycan't. You can help people who are
struggling and want to stay afloat andanyway. So, to make a long
story, sure here not all ofthese so called newcomers or illegal immigrants or
asylum seekers are nasty bums and lookinto freeload. Some of them are very
hard working, wonderful people. Youcan't use a broad brush for anyone.
Now, what I'm trying to dois help some of these families get assimilated.
And we're having some success. AndI don't want to talk about the
people helping them, but we havea lot of people helping them get jobs
and get to work legally and allof that. So next thing I need
is transportation. If anybody has ascooter or a little motorcycle or a car
we can have. I can tapthese guys to help me fix it up.
And now we can't put in majorengines and stuff, but if you
have something needs a little tune upand fix up. I know another gentleman
called the show a little two weeksago. He's working on a car.
So anything you can do to help, I'd appreciate it. Now, let
me go to the phones and I'mgonna talk to Janet, and Janet,
what's going on with you? Hi? Janet? I was I was waiting
for. I guess Mark is goingto meet us on here this morning about
my roof? Oh, Mark Schamanskyfrom Genesis, Tell me what is going
on with that? Did you callbefore? If so, I'm going to
find your call. You did callbefore, right, Janet? Yes,
sir? Okay, let me figurethis out. Let me figure this out.
Where we are right now? Andyou use the name Janet right?
Uh? Huh? Okay? Okay? Is this how long ago? Did
you call me last Monday? Okay? Got it last Monday? Okay,
we'll find it. So tell methe situation. Is he coming out today?
No, he came out last week? Oh he did? Oh wait,
but is he the one I talkedto? And he said that this
company was exaggerating, the one withthe supplements It went from eighteen thousand to
like forty two thousand, Yes,sir, yep, Now I remember he
said this company did you wrong?Yes, sir? Now he said a
lot of this work they charged forthey did not do. For example,
there were three events they reused tooand did never put a third one in.
They never bought any new vents.There was something else painting the side
of a house. I'm going bymemory here, I'm trying to find the
call. I don't know why.I don't have that weekend. And he
charged me. I think Mark saidit was fifty four h Yeah, for
painting one side of the house.Mark said, you could have damn near
done the whole house. This iswrong. Now, I thought we were
going to get this information that Markhad gathered, and I was going to
have one of my deputies call.And that's why I'm putting. I'm trying
to find the damn call. I'mso sorry that that I can't find it
right this second. And then theydid windows. They put up boards round
my windows and it's not sealed,and it's no. I know, I
know it's Now do you owe themany money? Well, I I have
not paid them one dime. Sothey went direct to your insurance. Yeah.
Are they trying to collect any Arethey trying to collect anything from you?
No? I haven't even heard fromthem, did you get Okay?
Have they been off the job awhile? Yeah, they come periodically.
This job started in September. Okay, here it is here, it is
Janet integrated into it's called integrated orintegrating successful projects. What's the name that's
correct? Integrating successful projects? Okay, Okay, we did not assign a
deputy to that. I was waitingfor Mark's report and we got it.
And I think we need someone tostart calling this company and getting on their
case because they need to either fixwhat they're doing, but I need to
know how much they've gotten paid becausethey defrauded the insurance company. And I
think we need somebody to be prettypretty strong with them. Who do we
have that we should put on this? Well, you do have Mark on
the line right now that you couldgo on. Oh, I know,
we got Mark, okay, AndI thought Mark could give me a follow
up. I'm gonna go back tohim or maybe I talked to him off
there. Hey, Mark, thanksfor being here. I wanted to ask
you something. Mark. Didn't yousay that they charged for three vents they
didn't need. They reused to andnever put in a third right their power
add events and they added another onein the supplement and then they kept the
original two, which the insurance didapproved to pay for, but they just
kept the two, so they okay, go, I don't think they've I
don't think they've been paid a dime. I don't think they've gotten paid by
the insurance. Good. I knowJanet has not paid them, so good,
the money's not an issue at themoment. Good. Then we ought
to call the insurance company and letthem know that this company tried to defraud
him. Have you ever heard ofthis company before integrating successful projects? I
have not, neither of I thatshe met she met him from a door
knocker. Yeah, it sounds likea made up name to me. I
mean, you know, I meaneverything's a made up name. Technically,
it just sounds weird. I meaneverything, it's just weird to me.
It just is. And and whatdo we do about it? Really?
What do we do about it?Well? I think I think a good
idea is to get a deputy involvedand let them contact the original contractor and
see what their game plan this is. I agree. And so the other
work you said, I believe yousaid the roof, talk about the roof?
Was that done? Okay? Yeah? The roof itself is installed correctly
and properly. You know, it'sjust the things that they're charging for.
There's a couple events that they needto replace the covers on yet. But
the quality of the install the roofis fine. Okay, well that's that
could be worse and so and oneof the events wasn't nailed down you should
yeah, Oh, the both powerevents have not been secured to the roof
on the lower portion there. Youknow. I don't know if they're behind
the shingles that they've been secured ornot. I don't know. But but
the lower par par portion where there'sa spot for four nails or for screws
has not been well. Now thatwe're on the case, I think what
we're going to do is have somebodycall over with the information we have from
you. They can't b ss now. So thank you very much, Mark
Schumansky, Genesis, tootalexteriors dot com. Janet, We're going to uh,
let's see you've been dolling out thesecases. Who's who do we have that
we tell me what we should dohere. So we have Deputy Doc available
today and also Deputy Bow. Let'sdo BO for this one. I want
to try to even themount And here'swhat I want BO to know that they
are in danger of being accused offraud right now. And I can talk
to BOVI wants. But the wayit stands right now is these guys charged
for stuff they didn't do. Now, to me, you call that,
I call it fraud. I meanthat's what I call it. So I
would like to uh I assigned ithere. I would like him to call
and let him know and and say, look, you know this is wrong,
and that's what we're going to do, and see if they make if
they're going to make it right,and if not, then I don't think
they should be paid for what theydidn't do it. She should be able
to hire someone else. So,Janet, somebody will be getting in touch
with you. Three oh three sevenone three talk seven one three eight two
five five. By the way,waterpros dot net is the place to go
for your water systems. If youwant to save money, a ton of
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thing Denver's best roofer Excel roofing dotcom. You don't pay a cent until
you're contenth time for an insurance checkup free, no obligation. In comparison,
call compass insurance paying too much yourcoverage at dozens of insurance companies.
Find out now three oh three sevenseven to one help. You'll think you're
his only customer when you choose Frankdurand the real estate Man dot com to
list your home with Remax Alliance threeoh three nine two zero sixteen twenty two.
Hi Tom Martino, you're a troubleshooterthree all three seven one three talks
seven one three eight two five fiveeight eight eight. Heating dot Com has
the twenty eight dollars special for servicingyour water heater twenty eight bucks. Seriously,
twenty eight bucks. And who's flushingif they can get to the flush
part, you know, with thetop of it all. That's a long
story, but they'll take care ofit if they find any problems. If
you ever need anything, they credityou the twenty eight and that goes for
any single item twenty eight dollars tocome and service and diagnose or just service
eight eight eight heating dot Com.Now, let's talk about your problems,
questions, complaints right now. Youknow, when we talk about insurance companies
and contractors, never let your insurance, never let the contractor, never sign
over your rights to have them buildthe insurance company and get collect. They
can bill them, but don't letthem collect. All payments should go through
you so you can control it.Now, Danny, what's going on in
your life? Hello? Danny?Hello, what's happening? Man? Okay?
So I was pulling the goods.I was on the corner of build
your sims A wonderful bar and grill. What's the name of this place,
the bar and grill? Yes,yes, yes, yes, the gasoline
is That's what I meant, theglasses. So what's happening with that?
They had this bargain tour up afew months ago? Oh okay, So
anyway, I filled up with hightest and just drove down the hill of
block or something conked out at thelight high test. Remember that caram high
test. It's been a while Iremember that test anyway. So so Danny,
this was Valero. You filled up, so I clunked out and had
to get a toe. This isafter you filled This is after you filled
up? Right? Yes? Howmuch did you put in? Were you
were you on empty or did youjust top it off? Tell me about
that quite a bit. It waspretty low and I talked it all got
it filled up with the Valero withthe premium at Valero got it? That's
correct? And how long after thatdid you have to did it conk out?
I'm and I went downhill to ared light and comped out. I
felt us sputtering and comped out rightaway, and the windows one hundred miles
an hour and cars was zooming by, and it was very horrible. And
I had some help and nice citizensto what did it turn out to be?
Man? Okay? So the firstshop couldn't figure it out, and
they're a very good shop. AndI moved it to another shop, Christian
Brothers, and they can't figure itout. And they finally figured it out
that it was the water in thegas, because it was it was showing
thirty different codes on the computer,you know, and it's only got thirty
thousand miles. It's a beautiful littlejeep renegade. Oh oh so you damned
near new? Yeah, thirty thousandSo well, I have six years old,
but I just drives what six yearsold than thirty thousand miles? That's
bad for it, But now you'rejust the opposite. I bought it with
five miles on it in twenty nineteen. Hey, listen, let's get to
this issue. Now, what damagedid it do? So there they have
to get rid of the painted gas. Yeah, of course, what else
do they do? keV? Whatwhat do they do? Just tell me
what you would do on that well. Obviously you drop the tank and a
lot of times you recommending in thefield pumps out too. Once they get
water, they can shorten the lifeof them. So that could be.
So it may not happen this month, next month, but in three months
if you have to redo the pumpand then you have to redo the well,
you take out Okay, you don'thave to remove any tankers, just
drop the field, the field pumpsin the tanks. He just drop it
all out. Oh okay, youknow he's right. You got to dispose
of the fuel. That's not Yeah, so anyway, but yeah, what
is this going to cost you?Danny? Well, I didn't get an
itemized list, but it's like fourhundred to do rid of the gas.
That's pretty reasonable. I think youmentioned nine hundred. And I probably should
ask about the fuel pump, Yeahyou should. Sometimes sometimes there's other things
that it contains that might have tobe replaced as well. So they're looking
at it right now as we aswe speak. And so when I called
Valero, uh, the guy wasand when did you call him though?
Did you call him right away ordid you wait a week or two or
what? Oh? No, No, this was Saturday night. And I
just found out this morning about thewater and the gas. Nobody's been able
to figure it out this morning.So I just found out this morning that
they said where did you give yourgas? You know? Yeah? And
so when I so, anyway,what are they going to do right now?
But Valero is not going to doanything, but they should well did
they say did they say why theywon't do anything? It was very short
with me. He said, youcome here and talk to me, buddy.
So I might be doing that,but wait, wait, wait you
come here and wait wait. Hewas upset with you. You come and
talk to me, buddy. Youmean you called National? Is this a
locally owned and how do they workat Valero? Is this locally owned and
operated? Their individual franchises? Ibelieve, okay, And this particular guy
was upset. You called Valero andsaid he wants to talk to you.
Did you go talk to him?I asked him for the manager or the
owner, and he said that hewas the manager. Here's what I'm thinking.
Here's what I'm thinking. You're notgoing to get anything voluntarily. Never.
Never. The only way anything likethat would happen is if there were
so many people that had the sameproblem and then we heard about it or
someone else heard about it. Butwith just you calling with one problem,
they're never going to admit it.They won't. You're wasting your time,
right, you have to prove it. I'm gonna get a hold of the
landlord there, and I'm also goingto speak with a lot of people.
Now, what about the landlord?What are you hoping the landlord would do?
Well? I actually this was arecommendation that came from my again,
that I might want to talk tothe landlord there about what happened. Because
the parking lot has been recently dugout, the new concrete all around those
gas pumps. How much will itcost it for that water pump? Kevin,
so all together all together, he'sprobably with the flushing, he's to
have fourteen fifteen wait, plus thefour hundred for the gas. Well,
I don't know what the four hundredis. Yeah, I don't understand they're
judging you four hundred just to drainthe gas, they have to dispose of
it. Well, you keep sayingthat, what's the big deal there?
I mean that you know, don'tthey have weeds out back? I'm just
kidding, I just kidding, mygod. Hey, So really, if
you're looking at like fifteen hundred twothousand, that might be good enough for
small claims court. Have you everthought of that? Well, I'm listening,
yep, I'm thinking. I'm thinkingyou need I'm thinking you need to
mark. What do you think aboutthat? You're you're the small claims expert?
What do you think you'd have tohave that other person show up?
What can I say it was?What other person? The person is mechanic?
Yeah, whoever said they're skate water. Even if they say it's water,
they're going to say, well,how do we know he did it
there? Well, then they're goingto have the receipt and the timeline built
perfect. So you got the receiptfrom the gas, I hope If you
don't, you're screwed or on yourcredit card. Yeah, you don't have
it somewhere, then you'll have Afterthat, you'll have the receipt for the
mechanic. I think you can puttogether a small claim court. You got
to go to that you don't seeVallera, you got to see that particular
franchise owner. Now, I thoughtof going to this bar and grill a
lot of people that what to drownyour sorrows or what? What? Tell
me what the bar and girl hasto do with this? Oh, to
get the number of the landlord,but also to ask, but why do
you care about the landlord? Thatdoes not? You mean? So you
can find out who to serve,find out mostly if anyone else had a
problem. Why would the landlord know. I'm just curious why you think the
landlord would know? Well, thatwas about the parking lot that got uh
replaced recently and concrete work and askall work. Okay, I'm not making
a connection, bro Danny, I'mnot making hold on. I'm going to
give you these instructions again. Goto small claim squirt, look up that
gas station, find out the owner, have them serve there along with their
manager there, and sue them forwhat it's going to cost you to fix
your car, including the fuel pump. And I'm telling you you need to
get it done. And I wouldgo to share it and auto tech get
that done because they're right. Youknow they're not gonna cheat you. They'll
write up all the receipts, keeptrack of it. But what I would
not do is I would not messwith the landlord at this point. Go
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You'll think you're his only customer whenyou choose Frank durand the real estate
Man dot com to list your homewith Remax Alliance three all three nine two
zero sixteen twenty two. Hi TomMartine, your troubleshooter. Three all three
seven one three talk seven one threeeight two five five. Welcome to the
show. I home loans, stilldoing home loans, and they have the
interest rate guarantee the only ones threeoh three eight six seven seven thousand.
So we have Ray who wants totalk about cats, not kitty cats,
mew mew. He wants to talkabout catalytic converters. We have our car
experts in today shared an auto techand camera transmission. So, h do
you do them? Do you docats? Jeff? Do you do them?
Not? Typically? No? No, no, okay, but you
do plenty of them? Right?Kay? All right? Now, what
if they brought their own to youand it was wink wink, one of
the ones they got somewhere else?Can you you're not allowed to well if
you get caught, it's kind ofyah yeah, yes, yeah, it's
not worth it. Ray, what'sgoing on? You know? Tom?
Thank you for my call? Yes, sir, love your show. You
know. About a year and ahalf ago, I basically found out that
from the dealership that my casts wereclogged, and the dealership said they can
how do they get clogged? Bythe way, I just want to I
want to educate my people as wego. Huh. Typically, contamination of
the catalyst will start breaking the catalystdown and it's it's a honeycomb, so
little particles and everything start building upand it just plugs them. But it
starts with contamination. So but sodo they normally last the life of a
car? Yes? They should.Okay, keep going, sir, I
just wanted to find that out.Go ahead, sir, you're right,
they know me to last the lifeof the car. I had work done
on it from my daughter's boyfriend,and it was questionable work. And basically
when he changed out the timing beltand everything, and he didn't adjust the
valves properly. And wait wait sohe this is before you had the other
problem with the cat right, yeah, okay, go ahead, all right.
So basically I took it to thedealership and they were they had to
replace the timing belt, timing chain. It just wasn't done right earlier,
I guess, is the best wayI can say it. Yeah, so
what does that have to Are theyconnected? As that's the case. If
it was running poorly enough, that'swhere the rough heuel gets in the in
the executive that's what that's what wipesout there. So you know what,
So it knocked out the caps andyou know what, I said, well
can you get you know what?And courtesy Accres, they can't get the
caps. Okay, what kind ofcar is this? It's a two thousand
and six Accurate TL okay with asix speed transmission. It's a really nice
car. So listen, we're goingto give you a secret, okay,
And seriously. The reason there's ashortage is because Colorado, which I like
to call California or or or orcall yeah, California or Calorado. The
problem is are lawmakers and our governorthere are jock sniffers for everyone in California,
and they they want to be California. So they've adopted this California cat
and and you know, so youhave to have a very strict catalytic converter
twice three times the cost of normalones? Is that? Is that right?
To say? Guys, about twiceor three times? Easily easy?
So listen, what's that ray?It's probably more than that. I got
quote of forty five hundred five thousanddollars to replace three cats? What there's
three of them? Why do youwait a minute? Why do you have
three cats? Only crazy people havemore than two cats? No, but
why do you have three catalytic converts? There's two menifold maunt of cats?
Are you there? Sir? Didhe hang up? I think he hung
up. We were going to tellyou how to save a ton of money.
Here, go ahead, So turnyour mic on one each in the
manifold, and then one mane inthe line. Okay, do most cars.
A lot of cars cars have one? No, A lot of cars
have three or four? No,come on, many have four. So
when they steal them, did theytry to steal all of them? If
they can get them? Mostly theystill take the ones in the exhausted are
easy to cut. The manifolds theytypically okay, but all of them can
go bad from one contamination, wellextended contamination. Yes, all right,
So here's what's happening. His catsare bad, and I hope you're listening.
Ray, you need to go outof state and have it done.
And I know people don't like whenI say that, but what's the consequence.
Mark had a long argument with aguy one time that told Mark he
was going to be arrested seriously,and Marks is, wait a minute.
So I'm driving back and they're goingto stop and say license registration and cat
let's see your catalytic converter. Comeon, man. So if you're listening,
that's how you save some money.Three all three seven, one,
three, eight, two five five. Bill wants to talk about an oxidgen
sensor. Sharon, I didn't forgetabout you. I'm sorry, Sharon.
Hang on, go ahead to Bill, what's going on. Hey Tom,
longtime listen, thank you, thankyou. What's happening? Well, I've
got a ninety nine Jeep Grand Cherokee. I replaced the bank one censor one,
the upstream oxygen sensor. Check enginelight is still on. I don't
you have to read? Do youknow how to reset it? Yes?
I tried to reset it and itwas off for a day or two and
it came back on. And Igot the part at NAPA, and it's
supposed to be an OEM part.It's a Denzo oxygen sensor. And I'm
just trying to figure out what's goingon. The car runs fine, but
I just wonder about the light.Well, what what code are you getting?
I don't have that handy, butit's the one the car throwed off,
the one the car Yeah yeah,sure, So okay, go ahead
say fun sensor one. Well yeah, I mean it could be a number
of things. There's you know,again, it depends on the code.
If you're if you're chasing a leanor a rich code, you may not
need an oxy See That's what Iwas thinking. He gets a code and
then does something that's not related tothat particular code. You know, you
can drive by Kevin, and they'llput a reader on it. We'll look
at it. Actually looked up thecode. Okay, so do you have
a reader? Uh no, thecars through the code at me. Not
no, no, no, notlike the data port code. Right.
No, it's so if you hangon, just said, I'm gonna get
my keys, I can look upthe No, your car actually do cars
if some of the older jeeps,did you know through the message center you
could get it, you know,but if you think about it, why
wouldn't Why would they make it soyou have to plug something in? Why
wouldn't they just so a tech canget in the car and see what code
is thrown. They don't want peopledoing it themselves. Oh okay, well
yeah, if you turn the keythe agnissi key three times quickly, the
car gives you codes. So letme look this code up in the car
real quick. Yeah. Okay,but I don't know. We can hold
on, hold on, we'll comeback to you. Okay, he's going
to be looking up his code.Let's find out what it is. Can
you look? Can you search thatfrom here? The code? All right?
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That's one clear Choice garage doors.But the website is one clear Choice
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insurance checkup free no obligation comparison callCompass Insurance paying too much your coverage at
dozens of insurance companies find out nowthree all three seven to seven to one
help. You'll think you're his onlycustomer when you choose Frank durand the Real
estate Man dot com to list yourhome with Remax Alliance three oh three nine
two zero sixteen twenty two. HiTom Martino, you're a troubleshooter three oh
three seven one three talk three ohthree seven one three eight two five five.
Now, Bill, you're gonna tellyou find us some codes? Right,
and what's going on? Did youfind it? Yeah? I got
it. It's P zero one threetwo p as in Peter correct. All
right? Did you get that number? Guys? Yeah? All right,
we'll come back to you on it, okay, Because here's the deal.
Jeff Fick over here, camera transmission. He says, one code can sometimes
mean you have to look at threeor four different things, right, or
even more right, even more?Yeah, So then what is it?
I thought a code pinpoints. Acode will tell you where to start looking.
So you don't know that it's actuallythe component. You don't know that
it's wiring. You don't know what'snot being affected by another component that's making
it work erroneously. Then what wouldtell you an oxygen sent needs to be
replaced? If it pointed to thatsystem? You've got to go through a
trouble tree of testamon. All right, and I'm assuming Bill, Bill,
I'm assuming you didn't do that.Well. I replaced every sensor, every
management engine, how many sensors?So I replaced the rear O two sensor.
I replaced the CAMP censor. Howmany do that take? Like you
when you say CAM sensor? Thatwas so oxygen sensor only one? So
there's two down and an upstring?Got it and I both okay? Yeah,
what that code tells you though,The one thirty two is a circuit
code, so that means it's nota sensor. It's a circuit to look
it up already, Well, thisis common code. Oh, I'm sorry,
but it's it's also a heater circuitbecause they have a preheat. When
you turn the key on, itruns voltage to the oxygen sensor preheated.
Well, it's not seeing that circuit, so it could it could be as
simple as a fuse. They dohave few circuits for the heater. But
you just you should just pop byshared and they can, you know,
quick things like that. They docourtesy checks all the time. Now they
can't dig into something deeply, butthey can do it. Check Randy,
what's going on with you? Randy? I'm sorry, I didn't see that
number there. That's the three orthree? Martina? What's happening? Tom?
I got an hoa problem? AndI know how you love so well
you know what, I love themand hate them. I really mostly hate
him though. Well, yeah,I'm with you, but unfortunately I bought
it some HOA about twenty years now. Now, see that's the part where
I like and when you said unfortunatelyI brought into an hi. I'd rather
have an Hoa than no HII.But I'd rather have a good Hoi than
a bad ho But obviously, goahead. So what's happening the problem problem
is? Okay, So I'm presidentof the board, so you know where
I'm Oh, you're you're president,So you're the one doing all the dad
bad stuff. Then well, actuallyI'm trying to fix things, but uh,
I'm running into some roadblocks. SoI'm hoping to get some advice here.
Okay, Well, tell me what'sgoing on. Well, we have
an insurance broker that did not notifyus when our insurance company decided that they
were not going to renew any insurancepolicies. So your insurance broker didn't tell
you that they're not renewing. Well, okay, so the insurance company told
notified the broker's March of twenty twentythree, over a year ago. Okay,
our broker told us, Oh,by the way, your insurance company
is not renewing at the end ofMarch, and they told they told us
the middle of February, so thatgave us six weeks. We said,
they said, no problem, we'llfind you somebody. Well, here it
is second week of April. Westill don't have new insurance covering. What
kind of community is this, bythe way, it's a townhouse community,
ninety three unit. Okay, nowlisten, we are going to get compassed
on to talk about this. Thisis a crisis, by the way,
facing facing a lot of people.But I'm going to cut right to the
chase. Since you're talking about afiduciary here, or you're trying to make
it that, and it's not notby any law I know, So I
don't think that you're going to beable to hold that. If you're thinking
we can hold this broker or agentresponsible, I don't think that's the case,
not necessarily what I want to do, Okay, So I went.
I talked to another insurance broker thatwas recommended by the vice president where I
work because she's on the board ofanother ITSUA downtown. And this this person
was very helpful, but she raninto a roadblock because she does not have
broker of record signed over to her, so they wouldn't the insurance companies wouldn't
give her quote. So it justso happens that two people on the board,
there's a five person board, twoof the people have personal relationships with
our current broker. One of themlives with her, the other one is
best friends with her. Does thathave to do with anything? Well,
our broker is not finding us insurancecoverage. That's that's what we'll get rid
of your broker, get a newone. Well, the problem is the
personal relationships on the board. Sowhat I want to know is, being
headsent of the board, can Ijust get somebody else, you know,
assign them broker record and let themgo to work on it, because well,
that's the matter. Hold on,I'm going to ask Compass about this,
But I believe that's a matter ofbylaws as to what power you have
to do that. But this isa serious problem, and I have a
very obvious question. I have avery obvious question, and I want to
ask it to you, coming up, like, you know, what do
they want to do? Even ifthey like the broker, what do they
want to do? Just let itexpire. I mean it's going to affect
them negatively. Hold on, gowith a sure thing Denver's Best roofer Excel
Roofing dot com. You don't paya cent until you're content. Time for
an insurance check up, Free obligationcomparison call Compass Insurance. Pay too much
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the real estate Man dot com tolist your home with Remax Alliance three all
three nine two zero sixteen twenty two. Yeah, rid News. You need
that so you don't have to runincousas as we can. Show Shooter's gonna
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S. M A and Grossman Wellnessdot Com. All Right, today's car
Day or car Fridays, people loveto say. And we had one issue
here though with insurance that had nothingto do with cars. I want to
get to because it's puzzling the hellout of me. I'm not sure what
this guy wants to do, butI think we got to sift through this.
It's pretty serious. Basically, Randysays he's the president of an HOA.
He's at odds with his board becausethey have an insurance broker that's not
doing his job. That's it ina nutshell. And Jeremy, we have
a question for you. This particularinsurance broker found out a year ago that
the town home community wasn't going tohave its insurance covered, I mean renewed
okay, and Jeremy, a lotof townhomes and condos are having their policies
canceled, right, yeah, yeahthey are. Yeah, it's a problem
in the industry. Well, rightnow, Randy was given and the board
they were given six weeks notice tocome up with new insurance. Now apparently
they can't get another broker. AndI don't know why because they say they're
talking to another broker, but theygot blocked by our broker of record.
They couldn't get close. Your brokerof record claimed the territory. Basically yes,
now, now let me just okay, but who has the authority to
hire and fire that broker? Randy? Well, in our bylaws you mentioned
those earlier, it says the presidentwill have all the normal powers granted to
presidents and CEOs. So I wouldthink, I don't know, I've never
done this, that the president wouldhave that authority. And at the meeting
we just had the last Tuesday,this past Tuesday this week, the broker
knew we were all disappointed, andshe said that if we wanted to get
another broker, she was fine withthat. Now, the broker that's a
record right now, does she livein the community, No, however,
she well, not right now.She used to live with her boyfriend who
lived there, who is a homeownerthere. He just recently moved out.
Okay, okay, that's tm Iright now all I need to I just
need a quick answer. So,so when is your new When is your
insurance done? When is it?What's the expiration? Right now? We
have a temporary policy that expires thefirst of May. Who gave you the
temporary policy? Our current broker,and it's const a thirty thousand for one
month. Now, here's what Iwant to know. If the other board
members like this broker and won't getrid of her, what do they don't
they understand she's not doing your job. Is she presenting you with a new
policy yet? Not yet. Shekeeps saying she's got something for us,
but so far she's presented nothing.She just keeps saying, So, you're
buying temporary insurance at thirty thousand dollarsa month a month? Yes? And
how many town homes ninety ninety three? Does that sound like a lot of
money to you, Jeremy. Youknow I got out of doing those a
few years ago, so I'm notas up to date on it. But
yeah, I mean it's a lotof money. It's probably not horribly off
of the going rate. Scary enough, Now when he says he didn't he
doesn do it, the Compass stilldoes it? He works out you Yes,
yeah, Compass Insurance Group. Jeremypersonally doesn't do it. So here's
what I want to know. Then, a broker of record? Is that
true, Jeremy, If you calledto try to get rates for somebody,
they'd make you show that you're thebroker of record. Yeah. On the
commercial end. This is all hasto do with just commercial insurance. But
basically he could have the new brokersubmit a broker of record for those quotes.
So if the new brokers locked outof the quotes from different companies that
they're trying to get, he couldhave that new broker submit a broker of
record to all those companies and thenthe new broker would be able to get
those quotes. But then, okay, but what if there's an old broker
that has not resigned yet. Inother words, if they wanted you guys
to do it, you submit abroker of record. What happens if there's
two brokers of record? Can therebe? There would? Indeed so let's
say he called us and we weregoing to get a quote with Travelers,
we would submit a broker of recordto Travelers, and then that quote would
be released to us as opposed tothe old broker. Well then okay,
but then who decides who's the rightbroker the insurance well, the insured ultimately,
and then the insurance company would makethat switch. So it doesn't make
sense to me, Randy, whenyou said you had a broker who could
not get a quote. I wastalking to a broker. She's not our
broker record. I was shopping around. But she but hold on, you
heard what Jeremy just said. Allshe would have had the new broker would
have had to have done is submita broker of record for that quote.
Okay, but do And she askedme if I would sign a broker record
form. But I we are theold broker is our broker record, So
I don't. You can listen fordifferent let me, I don't know if
I'm hearing You're right, Jeremy,But can I have a broker of record
for a different companies? Yeah?So if you have, Like, let's
say there is a company that theyhave not gotten a quote from his current
broker has not gotten a quote fromand the new broker tried to get a
quote from them, then they wouldnaturally become the broker record for that company.
Do you hear that, Randy?So you don't have to have just
one broker of record for every singlecompany, right correct? Okay, so
you got your answer right there.If I were you, Randy, I'd
call Compass Insurance Group, have themquote, give you guys some quotes.
Then say to her it's very easybecause if Compass doesn't give you a good
quote, I mean I don't knowif they will. This terrible it's a
terrible industry right now for congreg forcommunity living. So here's what you do.
Let's just say Compass comes up withthree different quotes from three different companies
right now. You go to yourbroker, your other broker, and say,
okay, here's what we got.Can you beat any of those?
And what are your stupid board memberswho like this broker gonna say, well,
we're sorry, Randy, We're gonnago with the triple expensive one because
we like her. Are they gonnasay that, well, put it this
way. I wouldn't put it pastthem. Oh come on, now,
you're telling me if your town homecommunity had to pay triple the premium and
all of they all of their premiumsgo up triple, all of them,
they would say, yeah, wewant to do it because we like the
broker be Randy, are you tellingme that's the case. Well, I'm
telling you that that seems like thecase right now. But so basically I
can go ahead and sign a brokerrecord for this other person I was talking
to, and she can shop aroundwith her. You know what's really amazing
to me. I'm gonna I'm gonnahang up on you right now, Randy,
because what's really amazing to me isI've been in town forty five years.
We've been doing insurance checkups for peoplefor almost the entire well, no,
they've been in business whatever twenty twentyfive. I have shown people eighty
five percent of the time that CompassInsurance Group can beat the hell out of
any quote. They're an insurance brokerand they handle about twenty six companies.
And you just heard me talk tothem, and they're willing to talk to
you, and you said, well, I'm gonna go get this other person
goodbye. We're done. Three allthree seven one three talk seven one three
eight two five five. You knowyou can lead a horse to water,
but you can't make him drink.That guy is a moron and shouldn't be
the president of an HOA. AndI think he's misinterpreting the whole thing,
because I doubt there's anyone in theentire universe, I'm sorry that would say,
Oh, no, we like thebroker. We're just gonna pay triple
Yeah, we like doing that.We're gonna do that because we like the
broker. Now, who in theirright mind would ever do that? Three
oh three seven one three eight twofive. Go with a sure thing Denver's
Best roofer Excel Roofing dot com.You don't pay a cent until you're content.
Time for an insurance check up freeno obligation comparison call Compass Insurance paying
too much your coverage at dozens ofinsurance companies find out now three oh three
seven seven to one help. You'llthink you're his only customer when you choose
Frank durand the real estate Man dotcom to list your home with Remax Alliance
three oh three nine two zero sixteentwenty two. Hi Tom Martine, you're
a troubleshooter three oh three seven onethree talk seven one three eight two five
five. I must talk to uhoh yeah, she's been waiting a long
time too. My god. Okay, let's talk Alexa. What is going
on with you? Hello? Alexa? Hi? Are you talk good?
What's going on on? Every timesomebody calls you at home, your Alexa
goes on. It's sun and conferencecalls to have my name a boot?
Long time was there? And I, by the way, atime people lived
to Colorado, I always say,go to the referral list. Oh,
thank you, you know, Imean I was. I was trying to
give that guy a hint. He'sgetting screwed. And back and forth anyway.
So what's going on with mold?I hate hearing mold. If you
would have told me my house hadmold, I would have told you you
were crazy. So typicult track homelate nineteen nineties. You've been there the
whole time. I'm the third owner. It was five years old when I
bought it, but nothing was reallydone on the house before then. So
fast forward to my daughter's I meancompromise. And they run various blood tests
trying to see what else they canfigure out and when they ran the last
of blood tests, hers came backas having moldic spook. So, by
the way, just so you know, and I'm not disputing that, just
so you know, about ninety eightpercent of us would come back with mold
exposure. It's the level that counts, right, and hers were very high.
Okay, hers were very high.Now, who there's not many people
who test for that, So how'dshe get that done? We go to
functional medicine people and I just wantto ask, and I promise you I
won't go down this bunny hole.I just want to know though, out
of curiosity. When you say functionalmedicine, are they mds? This one
is FNP tythe and C is whata functional nurse practitioner? Oh okay,
all right, So anyway, sowhat's going on? So we got me
tested and I've had huge fatigue foryears, and mine were even more out
of the range than hers were.So we got an environmental assessment person who
came looked at every room basically saidyep, pulled up the carpet, Yep,
there it is. Yeah, Holdon a second. This environmental person
you didn't get from the refer listbecause they they wouldn't pull up carpets and
anything. They would do a moldsport test in the air. They also
did multip test too. And whatdid they find? We have bold?
No, I'm not asking that.There's you can everyone has. There's just
let me put that out there.Everyone has mold everywhere. Do you have
toxic mold? And do you havedangerous levels? Yes? Okay I would
say all dangerous, but yes,we have toxic We have staffy, Yes
we now. This mold assessment persontold you you have toxic levels of toxic
mold. I don't know if heused the word toxic, but I think
I'll help if I just go keepgoing on this. No, I know,
but but there's a reason because I'mgonna have to go back and ask
it anyway. But keep going,go ahead. Okay, So we've started
the remediation process. We're almost donewith it. What they have found now?
Who offered their a remediation? Wasit the evaluation company? It was
and I had had a different evaluationalso done. And how much did they
How much was this contract for remediation? Initially it started at twenty thousand.
Because we because you don't know whatyou don't know and what is it right
now? We're about seventy thousand.Okay, you got ripped off. I'm
just going to tell you so ifyou wanted to know that, I'm going
to confirm it without looking at it. You got ripped off. But keep
going. You have a track home. What size is it about? Thirty
one hundred. Yeah, they're puttingyou together. That's what it's called.
They knew they had somebody who wasoverly concerned with the health. And here's
what they did. They put youtogether and they ripped you off. I
without even seeing I would love,though, to see the actual testing you
had done and the actual remediation they'redoing. But anyway, keep going.
So you've been ripped off for seventygrand what's going on now? Okay?
And I disagree because okay, underevery window, So this is the problem.
It's not that the remediation part isnot the problem. The problem is,
well it is. You just don'tknow it. You just don't know
it. But keep going. Theflashing was not done properly by the builder.
And so under every window I havepictures that they took. Everything that
they did has been documented with pictures. Yeah, start to finish and there
is mold under every single window,almost every window in our house. And
I wanted to know, I mean, my house. We can't. And
let me add one other thing.Some the other things they found were where
there's missing insulation, thermal apply wasput in backwards are completely missing. Yeah,
okay, uh no, I don'tdoubt that with I don't doubt that
with track building, some of thathappen. I just still think and by
the way, I'm with you onthat, that probably was a very very
shoddily built home. I'm with youon that. But as far as the
remediation goes, mold is not ascrazy to get rid of as people think,
and it can be arrested and stayin place and simply sealed. You
don't have to take out everything andrebuild, but you do as much as
you want, because again, theygot you already and you got to keep
going. So now, but Ineed to know where we're going with this,
because it sounds like that builder reallydid a terrible job. And I'm
with you on that, right,and that wouldn't be unusual. By the
way, that would not be unusual. Yeah, where I'm headed is it
can't just be my home. There'sone hundred homes ish in my area builder
built. I have casement windows.Two of the models had case windows.
I'd say there was eight models total, So I got to believe if they
didn't do the flashing right on mywindows, they didn't do it right.
Well that's not entirely so it couldbe. But let me explain to you
about track builders. Okay, I'veoften found this wonderful when people say,
I have US homes, or Ihave this home, or I have that
home. Who's the community builder,by the way, who's the builder Richmond?
Okay, Richmond is not Richmond,and US Homes is not US Homes,
and no home builder is a homebuilder. What a homebuilder is is
a brand name and his assembly ofdifferent contractors that every single home is built
by someone else. Now, theymight have the same crew on three or
four or five homes, maybe eventen homes, but most of the time
all of those subcontractors are interchanged,and the only thing that remains constant is
the corporation who hires the subs andthey might have project managers or general contractors.
But the point is everyone who workedon those homes are different most of
the time. So the people whoput your flashing in aren't necessarily the ones
that put the flashing in for thewhole community. You're looking at it as
if it's a factory, and it'snot. So. While you may have
a house that is completely shoddy,there could be other homes that are like
that or not. You don't know, correct, Okay, ok. But
my understanding and the people I've talkedto is I agree with how you've explained
that that it's teams probably would haveworked on multiple homes, and so there
could be multiple homes. Oh yeah, my neighborhood with the same shoddy construction.
No doubt they or the company itselfsucked and they didn't you know,
they didn't supervise enough. But keepgoing. So my concern is can I
go after Richmond? Of course not. They didn't build that home for you,
then who would I go after?You don't have anybody to go after.
That's just called life. There's noone to go after. That home
was built in the nineties. Ifwe had that kind of liability, no
one would be in business anymore.There's two kinds of statutes of limitations.
There's one that starts tolling when youdiscover a fraud okay, or a breach
of contract. Now, in thatcase, even if you were, then
there's what's called an absolute statute oflimitations, which means, no matter when
you discover it, if it's aftera certain number of years, you can't
do anything. And one of thosenumbers I know is twelve years, no
matter what happened. Now, thereare special circumstances where the government, in
egregious situations like with the cat,like church, or with like President Trump,
they start they do a special lawlike in New York they did for
Trump, where they opened up thestatute of limitations so that woman could file
a lawsuit against Trump. Oh okay, what I'm saying is and that's a
fact. I'm not being political.So if the legislature they can circumvent that.
But most of the time your waybeyond the statute of limitations, both
both the discovery and the absolute.But let's just say you weren't okay,
you still don't have anything because theydidn't defraud you. You bought it from
someone else, And so we couldmake the argument you did not do your
due diligence with a home inspector oror nothing, or that it's just life
and by the way, if youknew how many homes had molded them,
you would shudder, because we're underan illusion that we don't have more.
It's not. First of all,it's not the mold that's the problem.
It is the sensitivity mold to moldthat's the problem. Correct, Okay,
Well, and then also it's thecharlatans taking advantage of those who are sensitive
not only physically but psychologically, becauseabout eighty to ninety percent of the mold
cases for people are people who arelooking for something because they don't feel good
and the mold has nothing to dowith it. But when they find someone
to tell them it's mold, thenthey feel better because they have a reason
for how they feel. And thenas a result, they go after the
mold instead of trying to find whateverdeep seated problem they have. And I'm
talking after forty five or fifty yearsof dealing with people on this. It
all started with Ed McMahon. Hewas the one that publicized black mold and
insurance and all of this, andthen people started lacking on to mold as
the reason for their symptoms when theycould find no other symptom and when it
wasn't black mold. It was chronicfatigue. I mean, it's really these
are popular trends and it's people searchingfor a reason for their ailments. Now
I'm not saying there aren't people whotruly have mold. Oh there are.
There are people that are deadly illfor mold sensitivities. Oh, I don't
doubt it one bit. But eventhose people, when you go into their
homes, don't need half the mitigationthey pay for. So it's a big
industry that is, it is perpetuatingitself on fear. So if you're looking
to go after there would be anotherserious question, what are your damages?
What are your damages? You couldn'tsue for health damages because you would have
no atta attorney in the world thatwould try to make a case that you
had mold poisoning and you and yourdaughters are sick because of that home.
There's no attorney in the world thatwould spend the money it would take to
try to get the damages that youthink you suffered. So that is out.
So the only damages you could goafter is the seventy thousand year up
to where one hundred, and inthat case you would have the company even
if you were not beyond the statuteof limitations, and even if you bought
it directly from the builder, whichyou did not, but let's say you
did, then that builder would havethe right to go after that mitigator to
make the case that they ripped youoff, and they probably win on that
interesting. I mean, I hateto I know you didn't call for this,
but you know what, if Idon't tell you the truth, I
feel like crap going to make youfeel good by saying, oh, yeah,
yeah, go after Richmond and goafter this person and seventy grand,
oh yeah, get rid of thatmold. You've been so entirely ripped off.
I feel so bad for you.I mean, you wouldn't believe how
simple mold is to get rid of. And for them, I don't even
know where seventy grand could come from. First of all, you can just
kill mold and keep it where itis. It's not the mold that's causing
that problem. You kill the moldin ten minutes. What the problem is
is stopping the water from feeding it. Once you cut off it's once you
cut off mold's food supply, youkill the mold, it's gone forever.
You don't have to do anything aboutit. Nothing cover it up. You
don't have to do anything about it. It's not going to be mold again
unless more water seeps in, soyou stop the water infiltration. That will
never cost seventy thousand if you hadto do a whole new roof with all
new flashing on every single window inyour home. That's not what they're doing.
They didn't just kill the mold.They made you feel that somehow your
house has cooties and they have toremove each and every piece of wood and
beam and everything the mold touched,which is a lie. The truth about
mold is you kill it, andmold is not going to deteriorate the wood
and it's not going to get intoyour air once it's dead. So why
do people not just kill the moldBecause these contractors lie to them and say,
oh, it's gonna stay in yourhouse forever unless you get rich,
you gotta cut it out. Iknow they told you that without even talking
to you. I know that's whatthey told you, and they lied to
you. Because you don't have tocut out mold. You just have to
kill it now. If it's somewhereyou can see it obviously you want to
put in some new dry wall andmake it look nicer. Of course you
do, or you paint over it. But the point of this is you
kill the mold, but you muststop the source, the food source,
and the food source is always water. So we just educated you. I
don't think it's gonna make you feelbetter after spending seventy grand and knowing you
can't recoup it. And by theway, you're not done, right,
They're probably not done. You're gonnaprobably be into what one hundred grand?
We're almost done, so okay.But here's the good part. If you
don't tell your daughter, do yourdaughters live there? Yeah, okay,
if you don't tell your daughters whatI just told you, they're gonna start
feeling better because they got rid ofthat mold. So that's a good part.
That's a good part. They're gonnastart feeling better because they're gonna think,
well, we took care of theproblem. So that's wonderful. I
wish you the best. I reallydo, and I mean that sincerely.
I swear to you. I didn'tmean to like you know, I don't
want to make you feel bad.I just truly have to tell you the
state of Mold. People are obsessedand contractors are ugly, dirty, disgusting,
vile people who take advantage of thatfear. Go with a sure thing
Denver's Best roofer Excel Roofing dot com. You don't pay a cent until you're
content. Time for an insurance checkup free, no obligation. In comparison,
call Compass Insurance paying too much yourcoverage at dozens of insurance companies find
out now three O three seven toseven to one help. You'll think you're
his only customer when you choose Frankdurand the real estate Man dot com to
list your home with Remax Alliance threethree nine two zero sixteen twenty two.
Hi Tom Martino, you're troubleshooter threeoh three seven one three talk three oh
three seven on three two five five. What's going on sharing with T Mobile?
I'm so sorry for the weight.We had so many people online.
What's going on with with T Mobile? Well, first of all, you're
worth the weight, so thank youfor taking the case. We canceled our
service with T Mobile back on Novemberfifteenth of twenty twenty three. We received
the bill December twenty seventh for threehundred and eleven dollars in the eighty three
And I want to stab and nowI might be wrong. Did they say
you never returned a phone? Know? What they were saying was that when
we called them on twelve twenty seventhat there were two booster boxes or signal
booster boxer, they thought we onlyhad one that we hadn't returned. Okay,
well then I was wrong about thephone. But you know how many
complaints we get sharing about this verysame thing that people are being accused of
not returning equipment. That's why Isaid phones, what I should have said
equipment. So did you have stuffyou returned or not? Yes? We
did? Okay, this is toomuch now and it's all T Mobile.
Yeah, yeah, it's all TMobile. I've called them seven separate times,
speaking with their supposed customer service representatives. I absolutely believe you. I
think that we've had at least adozen complaints like this. Wow, I
bet. Yeah. Well, nowthey've sent it on to a collection agency,
which, oh, but I havereally good news for you. First,
you didn't pay it right, no, okay, because we returned the
products and we have proof of returns. Yeah. See, this is the
good news. Saying that they haveit. I'm sorry that. I'm sorry
you had to wait for this answerbecause it's so simple. But here is
what goes on. You're not goingto stop the collection activity. And here's
why T Mobile's done already. Theysold that. Okay, there are sleazy
collection agencies who will go in andpay pennies on the dollar to buy up
these bills. Okay, Now they'regoing to harass you and they're going to
threaten you. But here's the goodnews. They almost never ever take you
to court. But even if theydo, do you understand what they have
to do. They have to provetheir case. See a lot of people
believe once it goes to collection,oh damn it, I may as well
pay and get it over with.I don't feel that way. I tell
collection people if I know I don'towe something, I tell them take me
to court. In fact, Iwant you to, because I need to
get this past me. I'd liketo just prove it's not my bill and
beyond with it. So that's whatyou tell them when they contact you,
You say, you know what,would you please take me to court?
In fact, I'll wait for serviceif you tell me when your guy will
be here because I want to getthis behind me. They don't know what
to do with people like you.What kind of proof do you have?
I've got numerous documentations of phone callsthat I had with T Mobile? Good.
I also, do you have areceipt now? Did you mail it
in or drop it off? Wemailed it through the UPS and I have
the tracking. See you got it. You're golden. There's no way they're
going to collect from you. Yeah. No, And I don't want to
pay it, you know, becausewe they thought I only had one booster
box. We actually found two inthe hall and where you turned both of
them immediately as soon as we foundout that that's what the bill was for.
So I feel like we did.What is this about? What is
this about tea Mobile going after peoplelike this? I don't know. For
some reason, it seems like thecommunication from wherever the warehouse is, I
think it's Fort Worth exis. Doyou recall a few people talking about this
stuff and it's T Mobile? Yeah? Yeah, T Mobile. I'm so
glad I switched out of them.We went over to Pure Talk and I
couldn't be happier. Oh really,So tell me about Pure Talk what is
it for your home too? Yeah, it's our home and our business line,
and we have excellent connectivity with them. They're usb good. If you
have any problem, you have anon foreign speaking person that you can deal
with. Hey, Sharon, Iwant you to do me a favor.
I want you to do me afavor. My number when we're not here
and when we are here, butthree oh three Martino. If they serve
you, call us. I wantto know if they actually serve you for
court, call us back. Ihave to take this break. Go with
a sure thing Denver's best roofer ExcelRoofing dot com. You don't pay a
cent until you're content. Time foran insurance check up free no obligation comparison
call Compass Insurance paying too much yourcoverage at dozens of insurance companies find out
now three O three seven seven onehelp. You'll think you're his only customer
when you choose Frank Dround and theReal estate Man dot com to list your
home with Remax Alliance three all threenine two zero sixteen twenty two. Yeah,
ripped news. You needed that soyou don't have come running sustas as
we can. Shooter's gonna help comingman. This is the Troubleshooter Show.
No Tom Martino, I mean,hey, Tom Martino here, welcome to
the show. Three all three sevenone three Talk three oh three seven one
three eight two five five. Markwe still we got yet another call last
hour. You weren't here. You'renot gonna believe it. T Mobile accused
of not returning equipment. This isbecoming an epidemic. They all do it,
I mean every one of them.But yeah, T Mobile they accused
me of that years ago. Ican't believe how many people have called about
that. Anyway, I'm Tom.Welcome. This is a consumer show where
we solve problems, answer questions,day complaints on YouTube, on Facebook.
I call them them my YouTube moronsand my Facebook flunkies, and uh we
hang out there if you want toleave us message, We also, of
course, are on all the socialplatforms for messaging, and you can call
us at three oh three seven onethree talk. That's the station number seven
one three eight two five y five. My personal number twenty four to seven
open twenty four to seven to leavea message is three oh three Martino three
oh three six two seven eight foursix six. Chef has a question on
a body shop. Hey, Jeff, what's happening? Well? Hi,
Yeah, I buck to you guysbefore, but I got into a rear
ending when I was up. Areyou there? Man? Hello? Something
happened just all of a sudden.Huh okay, see uh that line three?
Just uh, Jeff or I don'tknow what happened to you, bro
Let me try. Is he onthere or not? No? Go to
Mary? That looks fun. Okay, Mary, what's going on? Mary?
Did that call me? I don'tknow? Oh, okay, you
called up. I'll tell you why. Dear. You called us a while
ago. Yeah, and you hada problem, so we're calling you back
about it, Yes, sir.Now do you remember what you called us
about Tom Martino? Do you calledfor a problem that I owed? Dha?
What's that, dear? She owedDenver Housing Authority? Oh? Oh,
okay, I remember you're okay.We talked to you. We did
talk to you already. They saidyou owed them money for some damages.
Didn't you have a bunch of catsor something? No, sir, it
was a false charge at the twelveyears ago. My farmer. Wait there,
here's my companion, Charlie did notyou're on the carpets, the lilolium
or the legs of the island.Ever. Yeah, and I had no
choice but to go to come upwith it about I could pay I chop
a by rent. I did notwant to come to dha at the postplace.
I've never liked d Aha. Idespised it. Hey that I had
a small problem, not this lamarea. Where do we stand right now?
Did they evict you from where youwere? You know? But are
you the one? You're the onethat you're the one on s s I
and you're on Denver Housing Authority rightyeah? Ses today and they say your
dog caused damages? Did you havea dog? I just told you my
late cert if I therapeutic compagitt animalCharlie did not do that. He was
okay, No, I understand youdidn't do it. But they're saying you
did it right, yes, sir, okay, Now what do we do
about this? Well? Then whodid do it? Well? She says
it's a mistake and it's from tenyears ago, so twelve years ago.
How are they collecting this? Arethey attempting to collect it? Were they
taking a little out every month?Were you paying them? Or have you
never paid them. Excuse me,I had a meeting after they made the
false, false stuff, and Iguess I had no choice but to go
how long ago? Here's what Iwant to know. You say the charges
from twelve years ago, thirteen yearsago. But I moved across the street
when I first No, no,I get that. But when did you
have a meeting with them about it? About almost a month after I moved
in over at ten? So you'vebeen fighting this for you've been fighting this
for twelve or thirteen years. Yes, sir, did anything happen recently?
Why? Why did you call uslike in early April? Did did something
happen recently? I've been talking tomy Section eight certification specialists ask you.
They give me a few ideas.But she she, los are a lot
of people. It shouldn't I shouldhave been charged it. I understand.
But okay, here's what I'm tryingto get at Mary. Every month at
the added a let's maintenance who pay? Let's see charge is twenty five dollars
a month on chop of that,and you've been paying that for twelve years.
You've been paying this abatement fee,this twenty five dollars a month for
twelve years. Yes, sir,come on, don't believe me. Call
Stephanie Blunt. Never housed on aproperty marager. So if you if you
refuse to pay it, would theykick you out? I don't trust the
government. Why is that I shouldnever have been charged in the first place,
because Charlie didn't do the damage.I walked him quite a few times
due No, No, I don'tbelieve. I don't I don't believe Charlie
did it either, So tom myunderstanding from a caller. Now, I
haven't seen any of her paperwork.But that fifty dollars a month was just
a simple pet fee for having fivedollars a month on top of my rent,
lady twenty five? Yeah, laylady, come on, it's twenty
five dollars on top of a rent. Now in your rent did you have
did you have a pet fee inyour rent? No? No, are
you sure it's not just a petfee? That twenty five dollars? No,
the deposit was paid, but Imoved in across the street when I
first came here. The pet deposityou mean, yeah, I didn't have
I didn't have to have one becauseI was I still I was still get
a little bit of finishing up someOkay, do you have here how I'm
going to do this? Mary?Mary? Do you have any written documentation
of this fee they're charging you?Yes, sir, I have tried to
offer that. The last time wetalked. I never got a copy of
it. He told me. No, I told you know what I told
you. I didn't want it.I've got a new ledger I just got
just before the last call, andand everything. And Okay, here's what
I want to know. So far, you've paid if you've paid twenty five
dollars on top of your rent forthe last twelve years, you've paid in
thirty six hundred bucks. So it'sdown to twenty two hundred something now,
So what the hell was it inthe beginning? Okay, well, I
don't charge for repressing the stupid notshad carpet plus shad carpet, right,
they said, I'm sitting on thetop of the rose. Certainly they can't
after all these years, they canlet her slide on the balance. Come
on, no, they can't letme fight. According to Stephanie Missus Stephanie
Black, property manager in housing AdministratorMissus Shadow climbed the individual Okay, I
can't. I can't move from hereuntil what I always paid up. Then
I can stay here and tell buoklaand I can find a better place.
I can't believe, as cordial asshe is, that this was even an
issue after all these years. Iknow. I'm not the government. I'm
not fined. I'm not Denver HousingAuthority with all their illegal stuff in the
eighty five years they date a business. I've got things out of Westward and
her people going to Channel seven orstuff about them. I want to ask
you a very okay, let's justtry to simplify this. So right now,
you're calling because they won't let youmove to another apartment until this is
paid. I can't move out hereit's paid off anywhere. Well, of
course you could. Let's just sayyou wanted to move to Florida. You're
telling me they would lock the doorsand keep you prisoner, mister Martino,
I don't put anything passive. I'mseventy years old. That's you know a
lot of things. What wa waita minute, you're seventy, Yes,
sir, you're seventy years old aroundyou time, seventy, we're the same
age. Want to go out toeat. I mean, come on,
this is like, this is likeunbelieved. I thought she was eighty five.
I didn't know that. Okay,she's seventy. Wow. All right,
what a nice picture I have inmy mind for the future. Now
listen, here's the deal. Idon't know what we can do. On
a serious note, Hey, Kachina, did we ever reach out to that
housing to housing people? I don'tsee that. Well, yeah, so
I see it was a signed todoc. She tried, and I don't
know what right there? Okay,true, we got DOC on the case.
Well, what did dog? No? Seriously, did Doc call the
housing authority? Let's ask Doc ifhe recalls this case with Mary. I
think he was telling me she wasbeing evicted. I remember him telling us
that. Ask her if she's gettingevicted. I don't want him, I
don't want you. Right at thispoint, do you think her dog actually
did it? Well, man,I mean it's too late now to even
defend her on it. So shesaid, thirteen years ago, how much
was the total? Forty nine hundred? She said, right, wow,
forty nine hundred, So from herdog twelve years ago. I wonder if
she was just letting the dog kindof you know, go in the house.
I don't think so. I don'tthink so. You want to say,
well, hold on a second,though, she's seventy years old.
We got to have we got togive her special grace. We do that
every day here. Okay, now, people, what do you think Kachina?
I would like Deputy doc. I'dlike you to ask him what he's
doing on it. I got totake this quick break. We got rufe
max ceiling. Has anyone heard ofthat? And then we have a car
tow. We're going to talk aboutan employer. All of that coming right
up. Go with a sure thingDenver's Best roofer Excel Roofing dot com.
You don't pay a cent. You'recontent. Time for an insurance check up
free, no obligation comparison call CompassInsurance paying too much your coverage at dozens
of insurance companies find out now threeoh three seven seven to one help.
You'll think you're his only customer whenyou choose Frank durand the real estate Man
dot com to list your home withRemax Alliance three oh three nine two zero
sixteen twenty two. Hi Tom Martino, your troubleshooter three oh three seven one
three talk seven on three eight twofive five. Okay, So, Jeene,
what's going on with you? Gene? What's happening? Geane? This
is Jean exactly, Higene. What'sgoing on? Well? Oh, I
had a friend here and he justleft. He was trying to well,
if you want to give me somegeneral you want to give me some general
information and we can talk to himlater, or do you want to just
what is the issue? Since you'vebeen waiting so long, let's what's the
issue there? Okay. The issueis that I purchased an onnon from my
I mean I live in a condo. Yeah, and a couple of years
ago I got approval from the HOAto have the onion installed. Okay,
you did get approval, Okay,I got approval. Now the guy,
the manager that approves it, it'sbad to say, he passed with cancer.
And I know Jim would have beenmore reasonable. So you are they
denying that? Are they denying thatyou had approval? No, that the
unton got put up? Okay.I have lived here for thirty years.
Okay, Okay, for over twentyyears I had I've been having problem with
water from the gutters above pouring downonto my patio and they have been bandonading
it. It hasn't ever really beencorrected, right. And I think after
the eying, when they put theinn and up, everything looked really nice.
It was good. But last yeararound July, we had a down
pour of water, right, andI mean the water poured all the way
from the patio across my stairs.And I noticed that because I'm my patio
was pointing south. I get alot of sunlight on that patio and I
get the end of the patio ofthe the part that was holding it.
I think it may be called theraft ear. Yeah, it pulled apart.
They pulled apart like always pulled.Tell me where you're talking about?
Pulled apart outside your back door?Well, now this is I have when
you walk out on my patio.I have a little coverage. I got
it so that you're talking about therafter above your patio. Yes, okay,
So where are we going with this? What can we what can we
help you with? What's going on? Okay? Okay, now they want
me to take They had some workgoing on here last summer and they told
me I needed to remove the donning. Oh put it back up. I
get it. I get it.Well, they did it. They didn't
do the work last year, andso they postponed it until this year.
Okay, So this year the workhas still not been done and they're supposed
to have some guy to come outon Monday to do the work. And
he came and told me Monday thisweek that he was coming to do it.
And I said, will they beable to put my funning back up?
And he said yes, no problem. Okay, let me ask you
this, jan Jean. I needto get right to this part. Did
they finally did they finish the repair, not the awning part, but they
never did the water repair. Neverdid it. The girls just called me
Saturday asking me the manager of thepresident of the of the HOA ask me
if they fixed it or not.She don't even know. And I told
them no, So I sent uppictures. Okay, so they blew those
pictures up and then they sending mea letter yeah, and an email saying
that it's unfortunate that it's been determinedby the contractor that the building will not
support the weight of the awning andit cannot be reinstalled. Okay, but
I need there's two things going onhere right now, Geene, the first
one I want to know. Iunderstand about the awning, But the first
thing, are they going to fixthe water damage? They're supposed to send
some guy out, okay, Monday. But even if they do fix it,
they're telling you you can no longerhave the awning exactly, and I'll
pay four thousand dollars for it,oh my gosh. And they say that
it won't be it can't be supported. Yeah, now, no, we
had one guy over here. Butif that's okay, let's say, let's
say it's true. Okay, Iwant to take both sides of the argument.
Let's say for let's say it istrue, Well, there's nothing you
can do about it. If theycan't, if they won't let you put
it up there because it won't supportit. The argument, well it used
to be there, won't won't begood enough. In other words, if
they if they notice somehow that itcan't be supported, is there anything you
can do to have it reinforced.I'm willing to come out of my pocket
to pay whatever needs No that,well, did you tell that to them?
Did you say to the homeowners?No? I have not spoken with
him, you know, when shesent me in the email, I think,
I think what I would. Iget what you're doing. I get
what you're saying. They don't wantyou to put the onning back up.
By the way, May I asksomething? Do other people have awnings?
That's another guy has an onon?Is it like yours? It's a retractable
one. Mine is a retractable one. They're pretty heavy, man, is
it? Yeah? Okay, nowhere's what I'm thinking. Okay, I
think first you should try to talkto the person that wrote you the letter
and say, I understand you discoveredmy awning will not be supported right now
the way the roof is. Youthen ask just let them know you got
the message. Then ask them whatam I allowed to have someone? Uh,
let's say, reinforce it so wecan use it. Usually they don't
mount on the roof. They mounton the side. Yeah I can't roof.
He didn't put it under the river. It's on the side, right,
Yeah, it's kind of over this. Uh. If you could almost
reinforce it, if they had allowher to do that. Yeah, yeah,
right. I mean if you rana two by six whatever the length
of that, it would mount rightup on that. Ok. Yeah,
Well, all I know is.I had a friend of mine, a
couple of friends. One is ahandyman and uh, and he believed that
they're not going to ever get itright because they've been just banating it over
the last years that I've been overtwenty years. I wanted you to know
that, over twenty years, thesame water made caused my whole patio to
fall on top of my car.Why were you parking under the patio?
Well, how's that possible? Mycar porch is under my patty. Wow.
Okay, here's what I need todo. I want you to call.
I want you to talk to themfirst. Then if they then,
if you have a problem, callus back. And we need to get
a copy of that email she sentyou three oh three seven one three talks
seven one three A two five five. Now I'm not entirely sure about let's
see, Oh, Doc, company, doc's got an update. I'm married
Doc. You know you remember Marywho was in that place and she was
being charged from twelve years ago fortynine hundred bucks for dog damage. Oh
yeah, I sent an email tothe Denver Housing Authority and I haven't gotten
a response. I'll tickle them again. Are you? But did you am
I remembering this correctly or not?Did you tell me she was being evicted
or is this someone else? Ithink there's someone else. Okay, okay.
So she's paying twenty five five dollarsa month on top of her rent
toward that bill. She's been doingit for twelve years. She's got a
balance to of around two grand.I mean, that woman's been paying forever.
And I think you know, wegot to figure it out. So
you did write to the right person, I think so? Did I did
it at Denver Housing? So whichis what? And did you use her
name and complex and all that?Yeah? I will, I will check
with her to make sure that everythingright. All right? Thanks? All
right? So Mary, Mary,we're gonna call you back on that.
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dot com to list your home withRemax Alliance three oh three nine two zero
sixteen twenty two. Hi Tom Martino, you're troubleshooter three all three seven one
three talk three O three seven onethree eight two five five. Okay,
let's talk about this Max roof,Max Roofmax ceiling whatever the hell it is?
Rob, what is this, sir? I'm not really sure what it
is. We know these two people. One them's elderly, the other one
just turned sixty five. So wesee this blacker in their yard and it
says uh max uh at roof Maxand that had up on getroofmax dot com.
And so one of the first tipas we asked them, well,
what do they do? I'm tryingnot to laugh it Ken told them that
we have this special formulated chemical thatwe're going to spray on your asphalt roofe
and it's going to soften it upand it's going to make it hail resistant
about five years. I'm right herenow, roof Max m A x X.
Right. Yeah, We've talked aboutit this a lot. It's just
uh, well jaspress garbage. Itis. It's a joke. Got ripped
off. What they well, youdidn't do it, did you? Oh
god no, they say easy,proven, affordable, or alternative to replacement.
They're not saying it makes it helproof. They're saying that you don't have
to replace your roof anymore. Theywill do this instead, and it resurfaces
your roof. They told them thatit would soften their tiles up. Yeah,
and so they soften them, sothey lay flat again and seal is
what they're saying. I just Ijust was happening to me. There's nothing
on this website that talks about hellresistance, not one thing. That's the
first thing that came out of hismouth. Well, okay that I think
what they Okay, I think whatthey might have said. Man, it
is what I know. I thinkwhat they might have meant was you don't
have to replace it after a hailstorm. They bamboos Come on, Well they
didn't bamboozle him because he didn't doit. No, his neighbor, the
old guy, Oh he did.The two people I know did it.
Oh oh they got and fifteen.Well that's that sounded way cheap to them.
So they thought, you know what, this is a good deal.
Is probably theirs are probably a littlelower than ours and are beautiful and their
roofs don't look good at all.So did they do this after a hailstorm?
No, it just did it likea month ago. But why did
they do it? I have noidea. I don't want to embarrass them.
Man this Yeah, I'm looking atthis. This looks like a bunch
of garbage. I mean, itreally does and out and they say that
what they do? They say thatit basically all. Their only claim is
it softens the roof so it laysdown and seals. That's what they're saying,
restores flexibility and water repellent action.Well, in their Q and eight
it actually says, will roof maxseal my roof from leaks? Short answer
no, what that's what it saysright on their own website. I think
they said they will prevent it fromleaking, It says, short answer no,
because ninety nine percent of roof leaksoccur the flashings. Oh this must
be local too, because their phonenumber on their side is A seven,
one nine. Well, the productssold across the country and then yeah,
it just has contractors buy it andspray it on. Yeah, the website
shows animation and and what I Listen. What's really silly about this is the
roof is mostly cosmetic anyway. Thereal roof is underneath the roof. I
mean, you know, asphalt protectsthe underlayment from the sun and really and
it's their first layer, but it'sreally not the waterproof layer. So and
the whole thing is ridiculous. Andthe only reason people replace asphalt after after
hailstorms, the only reason is becausewhen it loses its granules, then that
shingle will deteriorate, and once itdeteriorates, then the underlayment will deteriorate.
That's the one really protecting your roof. So you know, roofs have not
changed a lot in years, rightnow? Mine has well the hell resistance
stuff. Well, no, mine'sall plastic. Yeah, it's halproof.
Yeah. Did they call it helproofor still hell resistance? I think it's
called halproof. Yeah. Yeah,zero damage. All those big storms and
nothing on the roof, nothing likeit never happened. Man. Wow,
and snow comes right off of it, which is cool. I'll bring you
in a piece of it. It'sthis thing is plastic. Is it a
smooth side? No? They fakeit up to look kind of like uh,
no granules. It's fake, notlike wood. It looks like slate.
Oh that's nice all right. Anyway, Rob, thank you for telling
us about this because I don't Iwant to look more into it because I
don't believe in it, by theway, I truly do not. Coming
up, we have an issue witha car toe wondering what that's going to
be Franked around. The real estateman will do a market valuation of your
home. I'll tell you more aboutFrank in the commercial, but I want
to tell you about something else abouthim right now. Some of the things
you need to know. He doesn'thold you to a long term contract ever,
and he will let so. Helets you out of the contract.
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durand the real estate man dot comto list your home with Remax Alliance.
Three oh three nine two zero sixteentwenty two. Hi Tom Martino, you're
a troubleshooter. Three he's seven toone three talk. Let's talk Mike,
and by the way, after Mike, we have some open lines for the
first time today. Three oh threeseven one three talk seven one three eight
two five five. What's going on? Mike? Hey, Tom, I'm
calling for my nephew. Yes,sir, Yeah, he lives downtown and
Unions are right above, across thestreet from the Union station, in a
loft. He does he like it? Does he like it down there?
He does. He's got a smalllittle place and it's perfect for him.
You know, it's a beautiful area. I was there the other day,
I mean before Denver went to hell. But that area still is pretty nice,
and I was shocked to how theycleaned it up. It wasn't what
I've heard about. I mean,it looked really nice and the restaurants were
thriving anyway, So what's happening?So anyway, if he has a parking
pass, he pays two hundred andseventy dollars for the parks car. His
car went out of commission in theparking garage a month ago, so he's
been taking the bus to go towork and back. What's wrong with this
car? I believe it's a turbo, but it won't even start. Well,
it starts, but it runs horribly. There's no power to oh,
okay, So anyways, he's beensaving money to get it toad and get
it to the parking ground or tothe mechanic. We got it warning on
March twenty ninth saying we need tomove this. Obviously, he's not going
into the parking garage looking and makingsure his car is good. He's saving
money to get it to Toad andto the mechanic. April fifth, it
got towed. But we've been payingour parking pass, which is two hundred
and seventy a month. Wait,you're parking pass in that garage? Yes,
but it has it not moved correct? So hold on? Do you
have do you have an assigned spot? I think it's free or it's you
know, wherever you park, youjust have a spot. But okay,
parking. That's why it was toadbecause it didn't Monuve see right. They
don't want a car left there.They don't want a car left there.
That's so hard. I've seen themtoe for flat tires. No, they
won't let they won't let a carstay there. That's why they want to
move in and out, because theywant everyone to have a chance. And
even though you're paying for a parkingpass. We've had this issue time and
time again. You're gonna make theargument there is no reason to tow it.
Now if that's true, that's true, What had it been moved?
Or be honest here as far asyour was your son being honest, No,
it hasn't been moved. Go witha sure thing Denver's best roofer Excel
Roofing dot com. You don't paya cent until you're content. Time for
an insurance check up free, noobligation. In comparison, call Compass Insurance
paying too much your coverage at dozensof insurance companies find out now three oh
three, seven to seven to onehelp. You'll think you're his only customer
when you choose Frank durand the realestate Man dot com to list your home
with Remax Alliance three All three ninetwo zero sixteen twenty two. Yea ripped
up news need advice so you don'thave come running susy as we can show
Shooter's gonna help come MANX is theTroubleshooter Show. No Tom Martino, Hi
Tom Martino Here three All three sevenone three talk three All three seven one
three eight two five five. Welcometo the Only Show. If it's kind
anywhere, I want to tell youthat Regen Denverregen dot com has your weight
loss semiglutide compounded form for just twohundred and fifty bucks a month. People
say, Tom, can that betrue? It's like fifteen hundred or more
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In fact, you can't even getthe brand names. There's national back
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diabetes as well. Now it wasoriginally done for that and then went on
to be a weight loss drug Denverregendot com. Denverregen dot com. You
can contact them for more information.Now Deputy Chopper has an update, and
I think I remember this problem.I got to look for a deputy chopper.
Thank you? What is going onwith this problem? I'm looking for
the call as you start talking here. Okay, well I'm going to take
the second call because it's real quick. It was an ho problem. Name
of the gentleman was Robert. Heowned the acres and the HI team would
not give them a copy of thebylaws. I why did he want to
copy? I mean he deserves it, but why did he want to copy?
Again? He wants to try toget rid of the board. And
oh that's right, that's right.He wants to do a recall on some
of them. I got I rememberthat. Yeah, I got a letter
from him yesterday saying, oh,you're good people, everything's great, and
he thanked this for it. Ohokay, and I think, uh one,
go ahead, the one now,I got that. Loy and Alexis
they contracted with one solar. Now, this is complicated. I don't want
to make it very simple. Theywere supposed to install the solar system,
but they did it in an areathat could not take a solar system,
and in fact, Excel Energy inorder to accept more solar systems, will
have to do millions of dollars inimprovements for their substation and they're not a
proving any new solar systems. Well. As a result of that, this
woman could not use this man andwoman could not use their solar system.
And our solar person, our expert, Brooke over at Redrock, said they
should have known that when they wentthrough the permitting process. They should have
known that. They would have said, no, you can't get it done
here, but they did not submitthe proper paperwork, therefore they didn't know
it. So Valor Solar's solution was, you need a battery and you're going
to be self sufficient, then nowimagine this. Or you're going to hook
up to the grid during the day, but you can't feed back to the
grid, some crazy stuff, andthe whole thing was ridiculous. And they
wanted her to pay like sixty thousanddollars or some ridiculous amount to bring that
system up to stuff so she coulduse it in that area where Excel Energy
served. And so, you know, without getting too technical, I said,
if they built her something she can'tuse, they should take it off
her damn house and refunder money.It was even easier than that man that
financing company. Once they know it'snot working, they'll pull the money back,
and she's going to end up forthe couple's going to end up not
owing anything. I thought that's thedirection. I don't know, Sha,
go where's it at right now?Well you just about summed it all up.
Yeah, but where? But whereis it? Did you contact Valor
and try And by the way,Valor was just the dealer. It was
really through one Solar right, yes, And I tried to contact this mister
Hall four times. He refused tocall back. But the part that bugs
me tom as Valors did those batteriesare sixty thousand. I've done some research.
They come in at less than twelvethousand. Well, here's deal.
These people shouldn't have to do it. The system doesn't work. They got
to call the finance company. Yeah, do you know where they stand on
financing? No? I don't.I'm waiting for them to answer on the
letter that they sent to Excel,because Excel does that hip a thing.
It won't talk to me. Well, there's no hip a thing with utilities,
but that we should get election.I want to get them back on
Monday, Kachina, let's or couldyou ask them Chopper to come back on
Monday. I got some other ideasfor him. We got to turn up
the heat on one solar. Onesolar sucks, I mean they really suck.
Part of their financing once again,is a working solar system. If
they can't deliver that, the financecompany is going to get it handled.
Hey, Mark Chopper, you heardwhat he said a few times. We
ought to contact their their finance company. That's what I was going to tell
them. Well, I was goingto tell Alexis that on Monday, if
we can get her on Monday orTuesday, because I don't think she did
that. I don't think she complainedto them, so good, I'll be
in on Tuesday. That might bea better date, Tom, Yeah,
your memory was pretty good. Mycase was the one with the woman with
the bedbugs that was being evicted thatyou thought it might be the Oh I
thought it was Doc Okay, Sowhat happened with that? She was worried
about bedbugs and you said she's gotto worry about being evicted, that's correct,
and she had another apartment to goto. So I kind of just
said case Saul done. Yeah,But she was still bitching a lot about
the previous one because she wanted tobe able to help the people that live
there, which is kind of nice. But I tell people, you know,
it's it's too difficult to take oncrusades. It really is. But
I mean, Chopper, I mean, thank you very much for being here.
And the updates three oh three sevento one three talk seven one three
eight two five five. All right, So questions did inflation hit the car
market as far as repairs? Guys, most definitely about Okay, so you're
feeling it in what the cost ofgoods cost that you have to buy,
the cost of labors up to youhave that insurance insurance crazy, so you
have to charge more for repairs.You have no choice. We have no
choice. And our consumers noticing itat all? Are they saying, wait
a minute, I could have abreak job done last year or three years
ago or whatever. I mean,are you hearing any of that? So
I get from them as it's justlike the rest of life. They're accepting
it, just like their groceries.It's just like their gas, it's like
their lumber. Don't you feel apassive acceptance? Yes, me too.
In fact, I have this conversationwith Mark and it's not a disagreement,
it's a conversation there's a difference ofopinion. There's no right or wrong I
feel and he doesn't. Right,Mark, I feel people will endure a
lot of pain in order to bepolitically right in their mind. We'll see,
and Mark thinks, when it getsright down to it, as you
said in the past, people canbe selfish and they're going to think about
their pocketbook and their family first.I would I'd like to believe that,
but you'd be shocked at how manypeople I meet that say. I actually
had someone the other day say tome, because I have this new thing,
you know, when people start,I should keep my mouth shut.
But I heard these people talking aboutabout, you know, Florida. Have
you ever visited so and so?And they say yeah, but but then
again, it's Florida. And Ididn't know exactly what because I's just you
know, and it's in the lockerroom. And they say, well,
you know, no matter what,you got the Sanders and you got Florida,
and no matter what, I'll nevergo there. It's politically, it's
crazy politically, And I said,I don't know why I should kick my
mouth. I say, yeah,you know, I'd rather live in California
or crimes off the charts, andtaxes are up, the ying yang and
business as they're moving out, andthey're filled with homeless people on every street.
I think Newsom's doing a great job. And they just looked at me
like I said, yeah, thatwould be way better, woodn't it than
Florida? Those jerks in Florida livinglike that. I can't believe how clean
the streets are, how low thecrown, I mean, you know then,
and of course they're younger men.They walked away. So this woman
says, as because we were havinga similar discussion somewhere else. This woman
says, well, I actually thinkGavin Newsom is doing a great job.
And I said, now, waita minute, come on, I don't
care where you stand politically. Canyou actually look at that state and say
that it's in good shape? Comeon, come on, really, And
that's what I mean. People willendure anything to say they're right. They'll
endure anything. Well, Trump hasTrump, Yeah, he has a lot
to the Trump derangement syndrome. Right, anybody but Trump. We don't care
what we have to put up with, you know, I asked the woman
one time, and mostly when Italked to that that hate him but I
said, would you what about inflation? If it was double digit inflation and
unemployments double digit and and we goto hell because of the policies. I'd
rather have that than Trump. Now, how do people, how do you
justify it? Now? By theway, people, I'm not saying that
that will happen, nor am Isaying that Trump will make it better.
All I'm saying is that's what theysaid, that it doesn't matter that they
much rather have not him than anyother. I love how you meet these
people. And I never met anyof these people. First of all,
I've never been in any locker roomwhere I hear how mar Gavin. First
of all, you don't go tolocker rooms. First of all, you
do I play racketball all the time. I've never heard anybody say and I
think that you're pretty sheltered when itcomes to who you surround yourself with.
Maybe because I live in Douglas,I live in Denver. But I mean
that sincerely, and I don't meanthat as an insult. I think you're
pretty sheltered. People walk into yourshops, guys and say, oh man,
I'd rather live in Califia. Ihang out with such a diverse group
of people in all kinds of functionsand all kinds of fun How can we
never get one call that's vague formand people don't call. Well, I'll
tell you why, because that's justradio. Radio has their styhard audience of
what it is the station. Look, you have Brownie, have Dan Kaplis,
you have rescuments. I mean,you don't have any other diverse You
don't have any diverse voices on this. Say, my point is it's a
lot different than you think. Imean, I'm not saying those people don't
literally exist, but I'm saying there'sso few of them. Nor towards Mark.
I'm not pretending that I represent whatI hear represents society. What I'm
saying is I am shocked that Ihear it. I've never once said this
is the way the country is going. I said, this is how it's
amazing to me. I hear peoplesay this, and I hear people say
that, and you think it's oddthat I even hear it. I do
think it's odd because I never hearI'm asking these two, Honest to god,
do you hear your show? Mark? It's pretty obvious. I'm not
lying. I hear liberal or not. I hear freaking liberals all the time,
all the time. In fact,I hear more liberals. I hear
more liberals than I do conservatives.In my circle. When I'm out and
about, I hear more liberals thanI met up with a good friend of
mine. Do you hear more conservatives? Let's say it again, Look like
in your circles, do you hearany of that or not? Any liberal
talk at all? We generally don'ttalk politics. I'm not talking. I'm
talking general conversations. Not you know, you don't do a degree. I
mean, my god, I meananywhere we oh, all I hear is
say hey Biden. It doesn't matterif we're at a brewery in Denver,
or in Douglas County or into Walmartor anywhere. I have not I have
not heard anybody in my life sayI like Biden. Not one person.
Okay, I will tell you,guys, Yes, half the people,
half the people I meet, lovehim and hate Trump, and they may's
newsome and they love the way thecountry's going. Half the people I meet,
right well, that's amazing, That'swhat I mean. I don't think
you're exposing yourself to him. Andmaybe on purpose, but I don't do
it on purpose either. I don'tknow why, but I you know,
I have all kinds of conversations withall kinds of people from wash Park.
Then he'll say, why do youlove Biden? What do they say?
Because I like the way you see, I don't necessarily challenge him on it,
but I have asked questions like that. They say, well, you
have to admit the the economy.Okay. I had one guy, and
I don't want to mention his name. He's a pretty intelligent guy. He
has run a lot of businesses intown, and he says, the fundamentals
of our economy have never been betterever. He said, look at the
stock market, look at this,look at that, look at this,
look at this, And he said, if there's inflation, baby, it
ain't Biden. Meaning he's saying itwas corporate greed. That's what he was
saying. So, yeah, Ido have those conversations, and it might.
See here's the thing I'm not.I'm not the person who's going to
believe that everything I believe is whateveryone believes, because it's just not the
way it is. It's there.There are a lot of people I'm still
amazing. To anybody out there thinksBiden's going to be in office again,
it's absolutely crazy he is because ofthe hatred. Yeah, okay, it's
like you said in sixteen. That'sright. I swear to God, it's
like going back in a time machine. I did say that they did every
single day. I did, butI wasn't giving my preference. I was
giving my There's a difference between observationsand preferences. Okay, you said point
blank there was no way he wasgoing to win. That's my option.
What you're saying. Tell you itwasn't my wish, it was my observation.
My observation is right now, there'sno way that Trump can get elected.
That's my I'm not saying that.I think it would be terrible if
he was to understand. I mean, Mark, actual people can actually have
a conversation without trying to push anagenda. I'm really just discussing by I
belief no way Trump could win.You are pushing an agenda, even if
you don't realize it. I'm not. It's the same. I can on
any day of the week and listento how Trump's saying based on what I'm
hearing and seeing. In my opinion, I don't think he can be elected.
I'm not telling you it's because hedoesn't deserve to be or he sucks,
or he's a criminal, or thatBiden's doing a great job. I'm
not saying that. Do you understandpeople can absolutely observe things without taking a
stand on him. We got totake a break. Go with a sure
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Hey listen. If you're looking forpeople to do your windows, yes,
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We clean windows, dot co.All right, so let's continue here
and Stacy, what is your ywhat's going on with you? Stacy?
Well, since you have your carexperts, I'm kind of torn if I
should trade my car in and orkeep it. Yea, and the husband,
of course says keep it. Whatis it? What is the car?
It's a two thousand and nine MBXAnd that's a an accurate, right
accurate, anaccurate kind a nice artday. Yeah, just under seventy thousand
miles. Oh that's that's that's nice. Well, it's nice, but things
are starting to go wrong, guys. How dependable is that car? Let's
start there for her, like,what major things would she have coming up
at seventy thousand, Well, certainlythe transmission. You know, you've probably
got another fifty maybe seventy five thousandmiles inside that unit, particularly since it
sounds like you don't do a wholelot of highway driving given the mileage it's
on there. If you haven't doneyour timing yet, you would definitely due
for that. That's the the timingbelt are you talking about? Yeah?
Correct, Yeah, And even ifit was ever was done good, good,
good good? How long ago?Well see that's part of it too.
So it was done like five yearsago, but it's only had you
know, fifteen thousand miles and they'relike, well, you should get a
new timing belt, and I'm like, no, what now, you could
probably go a couple more years onthat, But I mean the thought process
behind that is a rubber does dryout and start cracking, and so it's
not just the use, but theage of the bell itself that can become
an issue. Yep, Okay,Well, what are they offered you for
it to trade it in or something? That's the other thing. The dealership
said five thousand dollars, which Ifelt like, wow, I think,
yeah, yeah, yeah, fivegrand's a good deal. We'll give you
a five thousand and one for themfor them, that's a good deal,
right, not me, That's whatI mean. Yeah, don't do that,
No, don't. I listen,how about this. If you sold
that privately, you could get somegood money for it. If you want
to buy something new, sometimes newcars. You don't always buy a new
car because you need to. Imean, how do you feel do you
want to just get a new car? You know what? I hate the
whole process of getting a new car. Oh, we can take that.
We can take that trouble out.You go to I'm serious, go over
to Rodney. I mean, thisguy made it so easy. I said,
this is what I want, isright. I don't want to mess
with this. I don't want tomess with that. He comes back with
three or four offers. I swearto you, it is so easy.
You don't pay anymore. You payless that Rodney I would. Now,
you got to talk to Rodney though. He's one of our guys over at
J f R Cars. They're abroker dealer, okay, And you'll never
buy another car another way after that. Do you guys know about Carvana?
Because that's the other thing I thought, Well, let's see what someone else.
Well, yeah, that's used carssolid well to sell them. Well,
do they buy cars. Everybody.Oh, they all buy cars.
Okay, Hey, look at here'swhat I say. You can't go wrong
getting an offer. You can alwayssay no. Rob can do that too,
though, Okay, he can doa consignment. Then he can go
ahead. And I hate the wholeprocess. You know, we all do.
We We were just talking about it. It's a nightmare. Then you
got to go see that closer thattries to sell you everything under the sun,
the mob, even though you tellthem you don't want it, you
walk in there and go, damnit, I don't want it. Well
I'm required to try. Oh Ihate sitting there for that. I don't
even do it anymore. That's that'sF and I anyway, And so if
you just never mind. So anyway, Yeah, well what repairs does the
car need that you want to getrid of it? Well, this is
what's well. First one went onwas I come back from a vacation five
days gone. Whatever, the batteryis dead, I mean nothing, completely
drained. Bought a new battery.It happened again. I'm like, what
the heck is going on? AndI looked online and they said something about
the bluetooth draining the battery or something. So I had them turn off the
bluetooth because I didn't use the bluetooth, draining the battery. I don't get
that over a period of time.I could wait wait, wait, wait,
it doesn't stand. When you turnyour car off, it's searching,
constantly searching for signal. Wait fromyour car. Yeah really yeah, Wait
a minute. When I turn mycar off, I have a bluetooth searching
because I have Bluetooth in that car. That doesn't turn off with the car.
Why it turns off when I turnedmy phone off. Yeah, but
it's it's seeking out, you know, you coming back basically, but when
you but that's okay, well,when I know, but when I come
into my car and walk up toit, when you touch it, that's
when it lights up. So isn'tthat when the bluetooth goes on? Or
are you saying it truly is?Some of them will go, wait,
it's got to wait for something towalk up to it. Wait, I
don't know it's in the car.I always like, yeah, that's the
wrong thing to do, for sure. Yeah. It was leaving your keys
in there, you know. Wellanyway, they turned it off. Now,
But if you're gonna if you're goingto sell. If you ever try
to sell your car without help,here's the problem. You're gonna have scams.
You know, almost every off it'sgoing to be a scam. That
is such a terrible thing. That'swhat I was thinking of the Carvana because
it's like a well, you don'tjust limit yourself to Carvana. Just there's
any number of people that'll that'll dothat for you, any number of people.
See, I didn't know of anyother people. I tried to look
on your referral list. I thinkany good dealer black car. Yeah,
but they're going to be wholesale.Sure. Yeah, that's all you'll ever
get from a dealer. Yeah,And I think five thousand is not reasonable.
It's on the low side. Doyou understand Do you understand some of
these cars with way way way waymore miles than yours in that year making
model are getting eight grand for thatcar? Yeah that Rodney was thinking eight
to ten. Have Rodney cells rightin the ball, probably get ten twelve
for it. Yeah, you oughtto have Rodney can sign it and then
talk about getting you in new oneand all of that. I'm sorry,
but we have to run go witha sure thing. Denver's best roofer Excel
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three oh three nine two zero sixteentwenty two. Hi Tom Martino here three
O three seven one three talk probitEnergy. They'll do a solar system for
you with twenty one thousand dollars.Now that's in fact, they have it
even lower than that. Now areon twenty grand fully installed battery backup.
That's net after your tax credits.You can't do much better than that,
and as for most of your electricalneeds. Probid energy dot com. Pro
Bid energy dot com. Steve,that's a question on taxes, Hi Steve,
what's going on? Excuse me whileI put you on take you off
speech? Yeah, what's happening?All right? Here's the question. I
use turbotext. They have a deductionfor exterior windows and doors. What?
All right? Yeah, I didn't. I didn't realize people got like a
tax credit or a deduction, uhtax credit deduction whichever, Well it's one
or the other. They're really importantanyway, Bill, Okay, all right,
So anyway, the company I dealtwith on my exterior windows and doors
only sends out a receipt, youknow, like windows and doors are X
and that's everything any add on,you know, like I had windows seals
where separate and those are my twocategories. I've never heard of that.
But hers, first of all,just before you go on, mark,
have you ever heard of tax deduction? Probably due to insulation, probably at
factor reduction? I think I don'tknow. Well, no, he did
say it was a credit. Hesaid it comes off. Yeah, you're
right, there are energy reducing career. You're right, you do get some
tax credits for energy SOUFF. Soyou want the advantage of the whole thing.
And they're not breaking it down thatway. Is that what you're saying.
Yeah, they're they're lumping the windowcosts ten dollars and labors forty bucks.
We're saying it's fifty bucks total.Well, well you but don't you
get it for the whole package ordo you have to have a breakdown.
I believe it's only for materials.I don't think tax credit eligible homeowners can
claim a tax credit the total costtotally qualified replacements. It's the total costs.
I think you have it wrong.All right, that's cool. It's
thirty percent. Yeah, it's thirtypercent, man, And that's cool.
You know, I didn't realize that. I have to say that more when
I talk about K and H andI talk about Genesis and all of these
guys. I don't think I pushedthat enough. If there's a tax credit,
that's pretty damn cool. Okay,Mark, what is your comment on
insurance? Hello? Mark? Well, that's my Kindent is directed to Mark,
and I want to say thank you. Mark. I renewed my premiums
for three cars and a house inBonnie Bray with American family. But I
got a letter from they wanted toput a probe in my car, all
my cars. You know what Itold them about the probe? Yeah?
You told them where they could protit up. Yeah. No, No,
I'm not going down that road.That's a little crude. I just
said, I'm not interested in invasion. Of privacy. Oh yeah, it's
horrible man. Then they'll stick itto you next year. You know,
there are people I swear by it, and then I hear people say,
well, they'll never raise your ratesbecause of it, and then I hear
stories where they do, and quitefrankly, they also cause problems with cars
we have. There are all sortsof tsbs with him into that pole.
Come on, we can make makethe callor malfunction, even the insurance stuff.
Now you know. Now now bythe way, Mark, they're doing
something different by the way, they'redoing apps, so you don't have to
have the same thing though it's onyour phone, right, but you don't
have to have anything in the dataport. Yeah, I know, I
deleted. I deleted that app.Yeah now that app. By the way,
what's crazy about that app, Mark, is you have you have to
go on and tell it when you'rea passenger or when you're on a train
to pain in the ass, imagineevery time you're on a bus. Yeah,
anyway, Eric, what's happening withyou? Eric? Hey? Tom?
Hey? I know you and Markor Tesla fanboys, yep, And
there are month a month back youguys were you know, hot and heavy
about the cyber truck. And sohere's here's a thought for you regarding how
heavy the cyber truck is. Talkto a friend of mine yesterday. He's
been hauling cars, new cars outof the ramp and the factory for forty
years. Yeah. As a comparisonbetween the cyber truck and a regular pickup
on a standard nine car trailer,they can only haul a maximum of five
cyber trucks and they have to setthem as low as possible. Stainless steel,
baby gravity and batteries so heavy becauseof the stainless steel bad they're so
heavy. They can only haul fouror five max. And call them as
low as possible to lower the centergravity. By comparison, he can load
six f three fifty single rear wheelcrew cabs. That's wild. That's done
that much of a different and athree to fifty that's a big monster,
man. But six of those comparedto five oh four? Okay, right,
he can he could on his truck. He has a real lightweight setup,
so he can put five. Buthe said, the majority of these
guys pay Eric, Are you doyou like the cyber truck? I think
that is the ugliest vehicle on theat the moment. I think it's kind
of weird. I would I wouldbuy. I just passed one earlier today
on the highway, and that thingis the ugliest thing on the road.
It makes the pontiac as Tech lookbeautiful. Actually, it's kind of weird.
It does resemble that old as tech, it really does without the camper.
In fact, I think you canbuy a camper. Well, I
think they used the Minecraft app.It's more to actually design the thing I
love. I'm pretty sure that Ithink. I think that's what somebody designed
back when they were about seven oreight years old. I just never forgot
that that was a curiosity. Areyou still on the h A or did
you get over that disease that that'sthat's a discussion for another show. All
right, I'm not I'm not onthe board anymore. I'm more of a
pain in the ass now. AndI'm actually uh kind of asually. I
email with Stan about something. Yeah, and I'm working with one of my
legislators on some stuff that i'd reallylike to see after having spent twenty years
on HOA board. Yeah, thatI really think need to change. Yeah,
I mean the whole system has tochange my opinion. Go with a
sure thing Denver's Best roofer Excel Roofingdot com. You don't pay a cent
until you're content. Time for aninsurance checkup free no obligation comparison call Compass
Insurance paying too much your coverage atdozens of insurance companies find out now three
O three, seven to seven toone help. You'll think you're his only
customer when you choose Frank durand thereal estate Man dot com to list your
home with Remax Alliance three oh threenine two zero sixteen twenty two. Hi
Tom Martine here. You know wejust happen to be talking off the air
about when the smoke alarm sound goesoff? Do you have that sound?
Greg? Anyway, Dragon and MikeBrown did a April Fool's joke and played
it during the show, and theydidn't tell anybody they were doing it,
so people are running over there.I was in my car thinking I don't
have one of those damn things inmy car, trying to figure out what
the heck was. Whose idea wasthat dragon? That was a really?
Was it yours? No? Dragon? That was great? I swear to
you that was so fun. Icouldn't believe it anyway. Bottom line is
I thought I was the only onebecause I was thinking, why can't I
tell where it's coming from? Buteveryone, well, wouldn't they have an
easier shouldn't they have an easier way, like code them or something like,
or they should make it so youcan code it, or just a light
period. Yeah, that sound.I hate this, And inevitably, in
the middle of the night I hearof chirp and then it's not only chirp,
but now where's a chirping? SoI have to go to one and
you have to stand there, andthen you there and they go, oh,
no, it's over there, andthen you go over there and they
go, no, it's back thatway. How do you do it?
How do you don't struggle? Uh? So I was told, if you
go and look straight up at him, there's a red it's blinking red inside
if it's low. But mine,I couldn't tell. I couldn't tell there.
Supposedly, I don't know why.They just don't make it easier.
That is probably that was invented bysomebody from Nazi descent. It's just it's
just something to irritate the hell outof you. Yeah, that sound that
sound there it is. People don'tgo looking around your house. That's dragging
screwed with you? All right,guys, let's talk about this. As
far as dealerships, I don't andbody shops and I want to know the
reason. We don't have a lotof time. But why is it that
service? Now, any service willtake a week usually the availability of hearts
the biggest isn't there a way tojust order the parts that have them bring
the car And they won't do thatbecause they're afraid you won't bring it in,
maybe if you paid for them orsomething. There's got to be a
better system anyway. Shared in autotechdot com three oh three four five five
seventy two forty two transmissions Denver dotcom three oh three six nine three fourteen
hundred. So remember, folks,you can also call three oh three Martino
twenty four seven. Leave a message, we'll call you back.