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April 19, 2024 136 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Yea RiPP new need advice. Whoyou don't have? Come running suspass as
we can. Shooter's gonna help comingMan Dix is the Troubleshooter Show. No

Tom Martino, Hey Tom Martino here, Welcome to the show. Today's such
a good day to go to ahome show in Castle Rocket the Douglas County
Fairgrounds. Three hundred and thirty someodd booths are there. Starts at noon
today. It's a great show atone stop shop. Go on in,

look around, have some fun.Anything to do with your house from the
top to the bottom, inside andout. It's going to be a great
show Douglas County Fairgrounds today starting atnoon. Welcome. Today is car Friday.
We have a good day today totalk about cars. And really I

wanted to talk about summarizing a car. We talk about winterizing a car.
What do what does the summer?What does heat bring to a car?
Of course today it's a little cool, as you know. We have this
now and then God teases us alittle with summer and then bam and then
we get teased again. But it'sokay, it's fun and listen. You

can call us right now with problems, questions and complaints, not just about
cars, but basically anything you want. Remember what we say. It's better
to call early the first inkling ofa problem or a hunch you have a
problem. You can't just throw upyour hands and wait yesterday, So call
us three oh three, seven toone three talk now. I always give

that number, that's the station's number. But really, you actually have a
better chance of getting through when we'renot when we're crowded. If you call
three oh three Martino, three ohthree six two seven eight four sixty six.
What happens is when we're here,we answer. When we're not here,
you leave your number, and wepromise to call you back to get
you on the show. It's impossiblenot to get on the show, especially

if you don't want to wait.You call three oh three Martino twenty four
to seven. That's three oh threesix two seven eight four sixty six.
Of course, my YouTube morons welcomethere on, and we have our Facebook
flunkies and and everyone else who downloadsus tons and tons and thousands and thousands.
So let me get to waiting.A guy calls and says his mother's

house was stolen. Somebody filed afake promisory note and quit claim deed or
something like that, and they gota notary and filed it with a county.
And it was in twenty sixteen.She found out about it and did
nothing. It's too late. Shelost her house forever, she lost it.
He said, well, we tried, and now I'm getting involved.

I said, well, I'm sorry, but it doesn't matter. There are
statutes of limitation. Statutes of limitationmean just that now it goes from discovery
or from the original incident, andthen it goes outwards. So, for
example, there are some statutes onfraud that go, let's say three years
from the incident and two years fromdiscovery, whichever is sooner. So you

got to kind of chart it out. So if you discovered it right when
it happened, you have two years. If you discovered it a year after
it happens, you still have twoyears, right, because you have two
years or three years whichever is first. Now, if it happens if you
find out in the you know lateron, you only have until that third
year. Now, I don't knowwhat the statute was on stealing this house,

but I'm pretty sure no matter what, I don't know of any statutes
that go beyond any that go beyondsix or seven at all, those are
called and then they are called absolutestatutes, the limitation, which means it
doesn't matter if you discover it,doesn't matter when it happened, It doesn't
matter what happens it. The onlytime you can go back is if it's
within that. But ten years isusually ten to twelve years is an absolute

statute, meaning it doesn't matter whatanyone did to you in the past.
I mean, I've had people witha securities account with investment accounts call me
and they've been lied to, cheatedand ripped off. They're gone. They'll
never be able to go after thatfinancial advisor ever, or the investment advisor
ever. So keep that in mindwhen it comes to problems. Try to

get as much help. It doesn'tmatter if you document that you tried and
couldn't get help. It just iscalled a statute of limitations for a reason.
I think it's pretty liberal when itcomes to med mal tom medical malpractice,
it is. Yeah, I thinkit goes on for six maybe I'm
not sure. Don't think it's prettyliberal because if let's say somebody left an

instrument in your abdomen and you know, ten years later they find it.
I think you may be able.I don't really know. I actually I
don't know about I'm sure we canfind out. The various statutes of limitations,
and the statutes of limitations are bothset state and federal depending on what
we're dealing with, or sometimes bothand and the states can actually make them

better than federal, so or betterfor the consumer. Now here's the deal
when it comes to wrongdoing. Thatdoesn't mean you can't go after somebody in
other ways, but crime and civilmatters, you know, you can go
on and make reviews, you cantell people about them. You can still

go after these people that way,but you're not going to have much help
anyway else anyway, any other waythree three seven one three talk so again
a reason to call. Now onthe topic of that woman who had her
house still and somebody said to me, Tom, if she had tidle lock,

it wouldn't have happened wrong wrong titlelock would have done nothing. And
people you know, don't pay fortitle lock. I'm telling you that that
service is free by the county.If your address is on file with the
county as owner, you'll get notifiedanytime anyone tries to file anything on your
property there that's free. So whatis title lock? It would have notified
her, It wouldn't have stopped it. Title lock does not lock anything.

It does not lock, it notifiesyou. Big fricking deal. Here's the
other thing. Listen to this one. She already knew about it, right,
so it doesn't matter. She didknow about it, she just didn't
do anything about it. So don'tgive me that nonsense about title lock.

Oh do you know there are peoplesteel houses every day? Well, yeah,
people do steal houses and title lockwill not prevent it. It'll notify
you. You still have to fightit, still have to fight it,
and most counties are. You're doingthis service free. And by the way,
that's why I don't think you hearthem advertise that much anymore. So
you can go and find out what'srecorded on your property, when it was

recorded, who recorded it. Andit's truly something that people do try to
get away with with someone who's older. They try to get away with it
with people. Unfortunately, I'm goingto tell you what they do. These
thieves. Do you know who theytarget? They target people who are older,
especially if they have rentals and ascollectors, bad collectors and gutter service.

Oh that's a long story. Butpeople who go after people to collect
debts old debts, knowing those debtsare old. The same kind of people
go after titles that go after theseold debts. They're the same kind of
people, and they target the samepeople every time. Older people and Hispanic
people. Why. I don't know, but if there is an Hispanic surname,

they don't know if they're Hispanic,but they the surname, you know,
Valdez, Garcia, Lopez. Theyhear these names and they ghost him
or go after him. I don'tknow, people, you know, I
didn't make up those rules. Maybeit's not politically correct to say it,
but that's what the hell happens.That's what the helles language barrier, Tom.
I think they assume that these peopleare not on top of it.

That's what they do. And olderpeople, they assume they're not on top
of it. Okay. For example, collecting debts, it's called gutter service.
After six years, speaking of statutessupplementation, after six years, a
creditor can no longer take you tocourt or get a judgment. Okay,

what does that mean? They haveno teeth. You may awe the money,
but if you go past the sixyears of when it was due,
not when the bill was made.Obviously, because if it's a ten year
loan, you go past six years, it's when it was due or the
last payment made. Six years.They have to come after you when it

was due or last payment. Sohere's what they do. These shysters,
these sobs, these creeps. Theygo to companies that have aging debt beyond
six years and they say to thecompany, you're never going to collect this.
You wrote it off. But andif you sell it, or if

you make money on it, nowyou've got to go amend the deduction you
already took. So why don't youjust give it to us for a penny.
We'll buy it for a penny,and then if you sell it,
it's off your books and you'll neverhave to report a gain. Ever,
it's a deduction. We get itfor a penny. What do you care

what we do with it. Sothey buy one hundred of them for a
dollar. The company who cares hasto claim a dollar of income against that
deduction. Now they take this debtand they look for people who are pigeons
and they say things like you owethis money. And people say, but
Tom, isn't this too old tocome after? And I said, yeah,

but they're still going to bug you. But worse, they're going to
trick you. And here's the trick. They say to you, listen,
we'll settle this whole thing. Let'skeep it out of court. Well,
they hope you know that. Theycan't take you to court. They hope
you don't know that. But theysay, how about just make one payment

and let's settle this. How abouttwenty five dollars. And you're thinking I
owe twenty five grand. They wanttwenty five dollars. That's a good deal.
Now why did they do that?Why did they any guesses? Guys,
why did they do it? Cardrestarts absolutely starts it over. You
make a payment. Guess what theyhave six years to come after you.

You just it's called no vasion.They've made a new agreement. Now you
think it's a complete settlement. Butthey never really say that once you pay,
no matter what you pay. Soif it's over six years, they
cannot come Well, they can commandto you, but they cannot do anything
ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, Hey, Tom, if

it's after six years, what happenson your credit report? Does it go
a way or does it say thatforever it goes away? I think on
your credit report after seven I believethere's different there's different ones. Bankruptcy I
think is ten years. I thinkit might be seven. The reporting agencies
really can be kinder if they wantit doesn't have to stay on, but

it depends on what they promise.I know there is some law to that,
but I don't know exactly what thelaws are for certain things. But
in any case, the credit reportcan have things on it or not,
and that's a separate thing altogether.But in any case, what you need
to do is to and by theway, if it is on your credit

report, Tom and you want totell them it's inaccurate, there's no way
for a credit report after six yearsor seven years to ever go back and
document a debt. They have totake it off. So maybe that's why
they take it off. Three ohthree seven to one three Talk Today is
a Friday. Say, we startout with a lot of pearls for you
to digest or to take in,and here's the deal. If you have
any questions, problems, complaints,three oh three seven one three talk or

three oh three Martino, and wecontinue with car day coming up. Three
oh three six two seven eight foursix six Go with a sure thing Denver's
best roofer Excel Roofing dot com.You don't pay a cent until you're content.

Time for an insurance check up free, no obligation. In comparison,
call Compass Insurance paying too much yourcoverage at dozens of insurance company find out
now three oh three, seven toseven to one help. You'll think you're
his only customer when you choose Frankdurand the real estate Man dot com to
list your home with Remax Alliance threeoh three nine two zero sixteen twenty two.

Hey Tom Martino here three o threeseven to one three talk MC.
One of my YouTube war ons thatI signed up for Adams County website for
recording notification. It wasn't automatic.Let me clarify this about what the counties
do. If something is recorded inyour name and your address is on file,

you get a copy of the recording. No, they don't notify you.
You get a copy of it eventually. And MC's right about that.
It doesn't they don't notify you,but you can sign up for free notification.
If you don't, you're still gonnaget notified when something is recorded against
your home. Let's go to youknow you'll be sent a copy. Now

that might be longer than you wantto wait. So as MC posted on
my YouTube stream, you can signup for notification with each county. Jeannie
or Janey? What's going on?Jane? Hi, Yes, I'm having
a problem with the halfway house inBryan and Adams County. Okay. Are
you part of the halfway house oris this someone you know? No,

it's my son. What's going on? He's been out for a couple of
months because he's been doing so good. Well. Now he ended up going
a Sunday that just tends to godo a U A and uh the next
yesterday I took him back and theytold him to come into a U A

and then they told him that hisUA was hot, so he went.
So the son went back for UA and had to go back to the
halfway house. Yes, so hewent to go do a U A again
and that's what they told him.He goes Mom, they just came and
told me that my UA is Oh, you don't do that, Nathan.

And so right now, They toldhim that he had to stay inside,
and Nathan told them that to go. Hey, you know that, but
what you guys are doing is wrong. You guys doing a mistake. Well,
are you sure it's wrong? Imean, and listen, I'm not
accusing your son of anything, Buthow do you know? How do I
know? Because my son doesn't smokeweed's been there for a year. Okay,

listen, Janey, did you guysdo your own UA to just check
it out? What I'm saying isis it poss I'm gonna do that?
And he didn't. The guy thatI was gonna do it, I was
going to go buy it. Andhe goes, no, he goes,
what do use doing it? Hegoes, We're not going to go for
that. Wait a minute, I'mnot talking about No, I'm not talking
about for the halfway House. Here'swhat I'm talking about. True story.

I had a friend I don't wantto get into details, yes, who
got in trouble at work for ahot ua. He swore to God he
never ever ever did anything what hehad done. He was at a friend's
house and he ate some candy thatwas sitting on the table. It was

a gummy just one. He didn't. It wasn't enough to make him high,
but it was enough to get intohis blood. I'm asking, why
wouldn't you do that just to seewhy big guy did. We wanted to
take a test and for him becausehe was at the halfway House. No,
I'm saying, on your own,why don't you do it? Don't

We were going to do that,but they didn't let me. No,
no, no, you see,no one can stop you. You can
do it for you. No,no, no one can stop Janey.
I'm not talking about an official onefrom them. You go to Walgreens,
you go somewhere and buy a UAtest and have your son do it,

just for your own piece of mind. That's that's all I'm saying. And
then figure out. So anyway,what at the halfway House say when you
said to them, I know myson didn't do What did they say?
They just go, well, that'swe don't know what he's doing out there.
Now go well, why do youthink though? No, seriously,

most likely the test is not inaccurate. Now they could have had his file
mixed up. Maybe, yeah,that's what we definitely Nathan told him,
But you guys probably got but hemixed up because Nathan's not going to do
that. I promise you. Nathan'sbeen going through this for a year.
La listen. I'm not disputing it, Jane Janey, I'm not disputing it.

But really, if he has ahot you wave, so what is
the consequence? What does he haveto do? Now? Now he stood
there, Now he has to waituntil the other you wait goes through and
they okay, so they hold on. That's good. So they did a
second one. Yes he did.It was hot. Okay, Now here's
what I want to know. Here, here's what I want to When did

he do the second one? Yesterday? Oh? Good? When are you
going to get the results? Italked to my I talked to my other
side, and he goes, Mom, that you have a result by Monday,
Tuesday. They're telling naked till Friday. Now, but he's not sitting
in the halfway house, is he? Yes? They kept him there.

Oh, I'm trying to tell youhe has You know, this is not
right and there's a lot of thingsthat's going on that I can have my
daughter in law. You know,you sound like a wonderful mom. I
want you to do me a favor. Please, we will contact you.
Listen, there's nothing we can doif there's a second test. Right now,
let's wait for that test, Katschina, let's have her come back on.

I mean, really, there's nothingwe can do at this point until
we get this other test and thenlet's figure it out. I'm going to
market pending and let's just wait,because really there's not much we can do
until this, until this second test, I promise Janey, we'll we'll talk

to you about it. Okay,three h three seven one three talk now,
Chris, what is your comment onJaney? What is your comment?
I was basically going to say thatat the halfway house, once they take
your analysis, if it does comeup hot, because there is a possibility
for false positives, they would automaticallylike normally remand him and then retest him
again. And that's what and that'sexactly what's going on. Yeah, because

it happens, it happens. They'reonly like ninety seven ninety eight percent effective,
so still too out of every hundred, someone will get caught, but
it's not actually hot. Okay,Okay, the system in place and they
will treat him right well, Ithink so. I don't think they want
to keep them there for God's sake, So they're looking for excuses to keep
people out, don't you think thegovernment? Yes, but the halfway House

gets paid by a number of bitsbeing used. Oh oh oh, do
you have personal experience in this,Chris. My brother has had some issues
with the laws in the past,was it And did he ever come up
hot when he wasn't? No,he only gave up hot when he was
hot. When I was in thearmy. When I was in the Army,
we used to test people all thetime, and if your analysis came

up positive, then it goes througha different, more extensive test for a
mobile mass spectrometer to actually take everychemical in the urine. So that's probably
what they'll do. It's not peinacup. It's actually goes under a mass
spectrometer at a lot the way.I just want to know something and maybe
you don't know, Chris, Butnow we're on this discussion. Do those
cleansing teas and drinks work not theway they advertise? Yeah, I just

in the morning. If you thinkabout it, it's going to be most
concentrated in your blood. So ifthey tell you to drink a lot really
quick in the morning, you're goingto just dilute it. But those things
are so sensitive you, I meanyou would literally have to probably drink gallons
and gallons a day. Do youknow how long you're say, how long
does pots stay or drugs? Idon't know how long they stay in you're
urine. I know they stay inyour blood probably longer, right right.

Once again, it depends on howquickly you're flushing stuff out of your system.
The Army standard was fifty nineograms permilli leader, So you could have
forty nine and you wouldn't be hot, but fifty would be hot. But
how long do you know how longit would take to shed all that naturally?
Well, it depends on how concentratedit was in your system. Like
if you're smoking pot every day,it's going to be much higher than person
who has it once. Yeah,so anywhere from seven to twenty eight days

they say, on average, ohmarijuana, okay, thank you. Chris
is a world of information. HeyTom, it seems to be like his
only punishment is he has to stayin the Astley house over the weekend all
right now until and like it comesback hot again. What's the big deal?
I mean, he's down. Yeah, I know, I know.
I think the big deal is themom's afraid it's going to come back hot

again. And I think the reallybig deal is she's having some doubts.
That's what I think. But whoknows or that he got caught? I
know, I know. You knowhow many PEOPLEPEC two morons are really mean
and because they don't believe anybody.And I'll bet you they were thinking,
come on now, mom, I'llguarantee you. I'll guarantee you most every

single every single moron on YouTube andmaybe Facebook flunkies because the online people are
are are ruthless, no, no, no mercy. They're thinking, come
on, mom, come on,go with a sure thing. Denver's best

roofer Excel Roofing dot com. Youdon't pay a cent until you're content.
Time for an insurance check up free, no obligation. In comparison, call
Compass Insurance paying too much your coverageat dozens of insurance companies find out now
three O three seven seven to onehelp. You'll think you're his only customer
when you choose Frank durand the realestate Man dot com to list your home

with Remax Alliance three three nine twozero sixteen twenty two. Hey Tom Martino
here three oh three seven one threetalk seven one three eight two five five.
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anyway, it's car Dave got mycar people here. Took a few calls

up front if you want to callon anything, cars or otherwise. Three
ozh three seven one three talk threeoh three seven one three eight two five
five. Do you know that amongyoung people, Google is taking a backseat
to TikTok for traffic and searching?So you know how you want to information?

I used to go to Google.I don't go to Google anymore for
information. I mean, Google's okayfor searching, but it's not logical,
and I thought, how stupid thatthey don't build into Google just AI.
So you just asking a question,it comes back with search result like Bing
did. Now, Microsoft, inmy opinion, is going to pull a
way ahead of Google because of thecopilot and Bing. They got it built

right in. So I go tothere and I'll ask questions and get answers
and also other websites. Right TikTok, I don't even understand how do you
go to TikTok for information? Whatthey do is they're getting other other I
was gonna say morons, but Idon't want to insult my YouTube guys and
gals. Ah, So what dowe call them? TikTok They're below morons.

They're like, I swear to God. Now, I'm not saying I
don't love some of the pet stuffand the kids. I mean, I
mean, some of this stuff isreally fun. I'm not talking. I'm
not about these frickin' ifasols. Whatdo you call them? They're so well,
they're so stupid, it's beyond likewhen they try to tell you how
to do stuff, TikTok tards.I wonder if that's politically correct. TikTok

tards. Man, do I loveit? I do it? TikTok tart.
That's a good topic. I meana good name, TikTok tart until
I get a complaint, Until Iget a complaint, TikTok tards, they
go on. I'll never forget duringCOVID the freaking advice they had. Do

you know that one woman came onand the dawn spray poam she was rubbing
all over her body and says itwill kill all COVID so she won't get
COVID. And she did. Shedid this demonstration and she didn't have like
she had like you know, nothinglike provocative, but she had like a

sports broad and work out shorts andthen did all of her bodies. It's
telling young people. She was aboutprobably eighteen, telling people how to avoid
COVID with dawn dishwashing liquid foam.Anyway, so TikTok truly is outnumbering Google
on searches. So people search forthe for the other tards on there,

the other TikTok tards ttts. Theythey search for them for information on how
to do stuff. It's and it'sway way way out pacing YouTube, YouTube
now and Facebook are for old folks, you know. I mean, In
fact, Peutie Pie, who wasthe one of the most prolific. He

was the number one subscribe and thisI think he retired because of all of
this, because I don't think hecould take the transition, and he would
be considered old anyway right now onTikTok, I think he might be in
his forties. And he made millionsand millions and millions on tick Peutypie was

the number one of revenue for along time. Well anyway, three oh
three seven to one three talk isour number? Three oh three seven one
three eight two five five oh AndI asked the car guy, so still
the number one complaint in autos?Jesse, you haven't heard this, have
you? What is it? Ihave no idea. Okay, I took
my car in for service. It'sbeen there for three months, or has

been there for two months, orhas been there for ninety whatever, it's
too long. Now we have tostop blaming COVID. No, I swear
to God, we have to stopblaming COVID. Could this possibly be still
the trickle down from COVID from thatMeasley shut down? Come on? Why

it? Did people adjust to anew normal? Did suppliers say we're no
longer going to wear house what weused to we're just not going to do.
I think that's it. Absolutely,you know that in the aviation in
business, and again I like talkingabout ABE it's because I love it,
but I want to tell you whatthey do. They're worse than the car

business. You know what they donow? Production runs upon demand, So
that means if you need something andyou put in an order, they don't
say it's back order. They sayit's not even being made yet until they
get orders exactly. Then they doa production run. So I got to
go around begging people to put anorder in or just breaking it for them.

So no, no, I'm justkidding. But you know what I
mean. It's like, did carsever tell you that? Did you ever
hear wait for a production run?Yes? Absolutely, so they literally hold
everything for a production run. Yes, so even the manufacturers are not warehousing.

So what the hell do people do? I mean? I think one
of the key factors people in shoppingfor an item is not only the dependability
of the You want dependability, youwant value on all that, right,
you love it? I did.Another one should be how are people getting
serviced? So if I had togo out and ask and we'll do that

coming back, I want to knowwhere the car, the vehicle to make,
the model, whatever you have,whether it's the exact unit or the
category of a car. I wouldnever ever have to wait for anything.
And it's plentiful and it's a goodvalue, the best all around. Well,
let's call it convenient car convenience fornot waiting for anything. Three oh

three seven one three talk seven onethree eight two five five. You know
Frank durand the real estate Man.He has been doing free market analyzes now
for a couple of years. Andhere's what it is. People can't believe
the level of service he gives.He'll tell you what your house will sell
for, why it will sell forthat, what you're gonna clear, and

what you can buy and he takesall factors into consideration. Absolutely complimentary.
Yeah, no pressure to list.Three oh three nine two zero sixteen twenty
two. Frank durand the real estateMan dot com Go with a sure thing
Denver's best roofer Excel Roofing dot com. You don't pay a cent until you're

content. Time for an insurance checkup free, no obligation. In comparison,
call Compass insurance paying too much yourcoverage at dozens of insurance companies.
Find out now three oh three,seven to seven to one. Help.
You'll think you're his only customer whenyou choose Frank durand the real estate man
dot com to list your home withRemax Alliance three oh three nine two zero

sixteen twenty two. Hey Tom Martinohere three three seven to one three talk
seven one three eight two five five. Let's talk to Oswaldo. Oswaldo,
what is happening, sir? What'sgoing on? Thank you for taking my

call, Senor MARTINOZ. What's happeningwith your engine? I got a question
because, uh my, my,my trug is a twenty fifteen. It's
not a new truck. But Ihad how many miles on it? One
seventy a right now at this point? Okay? And how many on the

engine? It's the original engine.Everything should be okay, same mileage,
okay, So what's going on?Well, when the light engine light came
on about two months ago, Iwent to a Dodge dealer and I got
a quote. They told well,I wanted to get a I diagnosed what's

going on, and they told meyour engine is bad. We will have
to replace it, but it hasto be a rebuilt engine and they quoted
me thirteen thousand Bullpark number. Allright, did they say they were going
to rebuild it or exchange it?They will put a new rebuild it,
rebuild the engine. Guys, whatdo you think? And yeah, is

that a diesel or what engine youhave in that turn? It's a guess
aline. It's a fifteen hundred guests, So it's the hemmy or what motor
is the HEMI? Yes? Isthat heavy on the price? It's a
little head. It's up there.It's easy around ten. Yeah, that's
that. I was thinking ten.You're always gonna pay a little more.
Well, that's my question. ButI would be more concerned if you need

the engine, Like what did theysay is wrong with the engine? I
know one hundred and seventy miles isa lot of miles, but those those
engines, I don't know. Imean they have cam problems. So they
can definitely have cam problems, butyou can't have to do the engine if
they have camra Now, what wouldbe involved in doing that? It's an
overhead cam, I'm assuming, soyou can get to that without cracking open

the whole thing. Yeah, wetake the valve covers off and get in
there and see what's going on withthe cams, depending on what's wrong with
the cat. Although the first thingI would do is before I even start
shopping engines, I would just makesure you need it. I'm not always
uh, I'm not always confident thatdealers get it right. Okay, That's

where I'm going because uh, Iwould like to get an independent making all
right, So where are you?Where are you located? Oswaldough, I'm
basically in Noora. Okay, Well, here's the deal. I think you
need to go over to share.You don't do engines on those, do
you? Jeff? Right now,we're so over a load of a drop
frame. We can't get it through. Kevin can do an analysis on that.

Shardan auto tech dot com. HeyKachina, give him Shardan Auto Tech's
address on Colfax, Western Wadsworth.We got more coming up on the Troubleshooter
Show. So a Josie Jr.Stay on the line. We'll get to
you and more coming up. Gowith a sure thing Denver's best roofer Excel

roofing dot com. You don't paya cent until you're content. Time for
an insurance check up free no obligationcomparison call Compass Insurance paying too much your
coverage at dozens of insurance companies findout now three oh three seven seven to
one help. You'll think you're hisonly customer when you choose Frank durand the

real estate Man dot com to listyour home with Remax Alliance three oh three
nine two zero sixteen twenty two dNews need advice, you don't have run
anxiousness as can. Shoot's gonnahelp. Come man, this is the

Troubleshooter Show. Now Tom Martinez,Hey, welcome to the show. I'm
Tom. It's car Pridy. What'sgoing on in your life? If you're
joining us, give us a callif you need help. Information referrals on
anything, not just cars, buttoday's cars. Shared an autotech with us
and that's Uncle Kevin. We gotJeff Fick camera transmissions. We have Jesse

Sillier over at Honest Accurate Auto inColorado Springs. So let's go to the
phones. Anything we can do tohelp you, we will. Now.
Like I said, cars or not. Josie's been waiting a while. Josie,
what's going on? Good Born inStates? To take my car?
Yeah? I need a reference toI have a couple of rooms that doesn't

have an in the ceiling and outlet. I need a couple of fans put
up. We have great electricians.I mean it's easy to find. Now.
I want to tell you that youwant to you wanna let's see if
it's a small job and you wantelectrician, I'll tell you who we have.
We have plumb Line. Plumb Linedoes plumbing, heating, cooling,

electric and drains. The great peopleplumb Line and that's three zho three five,
eight, six, ten eighty six. Okay. Then we have fix
It twenty four to seven. Ilove these people too, and everything is
quoted up front, so they giveyou pay and fix It twenty four to
seven is plumbing, heating, cooling, electric and drains, and fix it

is uh seven to zero, fivetwo, six, thirty nine, thirty
nine. And then we have hejust added an electrical department and he will
uh so he's really anxious to takeon some new jobs. And he has

some great pricing. And that's Garrettover at eight eight eight heating dot com.
They have a deal going where fortwenty eight bucks they'll come out and
check everything out for you and thencredit you the twenty eight dollars on anything
you have done, and that's threeoh three seven seven zero two seven seven
six okay, and that's eight eighteight heating dot Com. So you should

have no problem finding people for thatsmall job. Oh okay on the eighty
eight heating I listened to you aboutforty years. Oh wow, thank you,
and I always refer you to differentyou know, my fods, thank
you and family. But anyway,I got them also to do my air

condition and my heating. So,oh you did you did eight eight eight
heating dot com? Thank you?Yeah, they're at three oh three seven
seven zero two seven seven six.We have really good people on the referral
list, we really do. Andthen that advertise on the show, thank
you. Josie So Jr has atransmission, JR. Is this one of

my YouTube more on JRS? Oris this another jar? Okay? What's
happening? Bro? So I gotI got a real quick better politically Oh
okay, TikTok twitch, TikTok twits. That's way better than what Jeff Vick
came up with from Kimmeer transmission anyway, talk twits. Okay, I like

that A real quick comment about whatyou were saying, buying according to how
you service. This is the reasonI stay away from solar. Oh,
you're right. It failed. Whenyou get a solar guy on there,
they disappear. You know what,you know what, I'll have to I'll
have to own that. Over theyears, we have had solar people who

had all the best intentions and didn'tstick around. Now, the good news
is we only had one bad guythat took some money toward the end and
didn't do the sis. Only one. All the rest phase down their business,
okay, and the manufacturer warranties werestill in effect even the bad guy.

The manufacturers were still in effect.But I am really thinking that probid
Energy dot Com and Redrocksars dot Com. I really believe that those two.
I'm not going to say they're hereto stay forever, but they are really
really good and they're using stuff easilyserviced by the manufacturers or others. But
right now they're good people, reallygood people. And Probid Energy dot com.

You know, I know Mark,and he works for a guy that's
been there for years and he wantsto continue. And you can look them
Upprobid Energy dot com now on theRed rocks at redrocksars dot com. But
anyway, so I agree with youthough I totally agree with you on that.
So what's going on? So?I got a twenty fourteen f one

fifty. I want to do atransmission service. I got an askt inmate
on it. Now the question iswhat should I do? Should I do
a drain and feel a flush andfeel and one one part of the question
I have is on the twenty fourteenf one fifty in the estimate, nothing
was said about replacing a filter.Does that happen a filter? All good
questions so on transmissions go through it, when you do the filter, when

you do flushing, all of that. Most transmissions we can change a filter,
particularly on some of the front wheeldrives are internal to the case.
You can't access them, so youknow some of them are drain and fill.
Some of them if you flush,you know on that, particularly on
that one, you can drop thepan and change the filter, and I
recommend you do. They have aproblem with the seal on those that actually

shrinks. So usually about seven outof ten of them we'll drop that pan
and a filter falls out with thepan, So you'll definitely want to change
at the same time, depending onwhich set up you've got, you have
to take darn your half the colorapart to get the pan off, so
they can be costly. Now areyou telling me, though, that there
are some that don't You can't removethe filter, Yeah, I mean notoriously,

Honda. I mean that's ever since. So what happens? Do they
eventually clog up? Or if youchange your fluid every thirty thousand, you're
going to help yourself tremendously. Butthey cause problems down the road. So
would you suggest a drain and pillor to do a conventional service work?
Do a conventional service work? No, don't do a chemical flush. Never

do a chemical flush. So butno, I would do a conventional service
drop the pan, change the filter, and refill the fluid. All right,
I appreciate it, Okay, thankyou? Three oh three seven one
three talk seven one three h Qfive to five. So Andrew wants to
talk about gasoline. Andrew, what'sgoing on? I was just curious if

if there is any difference between likethe Costco or Kruger you compared to like
show or film. You know,that's a good question. And then among
the among the brands, themselves.Really. I love that question. What
the hell the different? I oftenwondered, if I get X amount of
octane what I need or grade?Does it matter about the brand? Truly?

Do you guys really over the yearsthink brand names matter? And how
do brand names even differ? Ithink the only difference is the additive pack
is some of them put in exactlyyou know, the gas is gas.
It all comes from the same place. It's just what they add to it.
But they add substantially some detergent.Okay, you and your car will

tell the difference. If you goto Costco nine out of ten times.
The one time you go to Shellor something, it's gonna know the difference.
Sometimes it'll what do you like yourcar? I use Costco? Yeah,
okay, so you go for priceas opposed to brand. Does anyone
actually search out a brand? Idon't think. When I'm driving cross country
do you think I care? Ijust tell customers to stick with one.

So if you go to Costco orShell, why is that a stick with
that? Because your car gets usedto those additives. Come on, you
go to another gas, you getanother odditive. It can throw a check.
In July, the cat code oxygensensor code like, and I stay
away from the little bitty mom andpop shops so much for quality control.
Those are jobbers or whatever they callthem, independence and they just buy from

different places at different times, right, sure, so what do they get?
Can they be getting brand names?Yes? Or not or not?
Yeah? But absolutely no, there'sno consistency. Yes none. Well,
Andrew, Now, as far asyour particular vehicle, have you noticed a
difference on how it runs. Iwon't really only use shill, but I

kind of it looks enticing to goto like Costco for for field that I've
heard some people say, well,you know, also like the Kroger that
they get tanged. I like whatwell, I like what Jesse said.
What you see is what you getor what you feel, and here is
what you get. So if yourcar does well on it, then then
it's fine. And that's the samewith octane too. There are some cars

that can take lower octanes and getaway with it and there's no issue whatsoever.
There are others that need higher octanes. So it's it's all in what
it feels like. That's one ofthe areas where you can make a decision
based on performance, not on cost, not on promise. But when it
comes to gasoline, I think Shellhas done the best marketing job over the

years, don't you when you thinkof quality fuel. I'm not saying it's
true, but Shell has that marketingthey did, didn't they have the Shell
answer man at one time? Wasit the Shell guy that did that?
Or yeah? I think that wasand then you had all kinds of marketing
Shell did. But as far asExxon, what kind of They don't do

any marketing? I mean Chevron,I mean I never hear what, in
fact even think of a lot ofbrand names. Diamond, shamrock, is
that a brand kind of used tobe? But if you travel, like
when I travel to other cities,Marathon Marathon a big one. They do
so much advertising out there. Hmmyeah, I guess you'd have to be

on the road to see some ofthis. I just texted my cousin who's
a chemical engineer and used to dothat with gas. Okay, good,
good, turn on your mit nexttime you talk. But anyway, a
deputy doc saying, hey, hetexted your brother cousin who's a chemical he's

a chemical engineer. Three h threeseven one three talks seven one, three,
A two five five. Okay,So that Castle Rock show, the
home show is starting at noon atthe Douglas County Fairgrounds. If any of
you go there, would you callme by sell and and let me know

how it's doing, okay, andlet me know what you think. There's
like over three hundred now over threehundred and thirty booths and it would be
good. But it's a home show. It's not a van show. It's
not I live in a van downby the river, see shen And you
can't go to a home show andyou don't have a home looking for a
window treatment. He's he wants windowtreatments for his van anyway, Douglas County

Fairgrounds, starting at noon and allweekend. Go with a sure thing Denver's
Best roofer Excel Roofing dot com.You don't pay a cent until you're content.
Time for an insurance check up freeno obligation comparison call Compass Insurance paying

too much your coverage at dozens ofinsurance companies find out now three O three,
seven to seven to one help.You'll think you're his only customer when
you choose Frank Durand the real estateMan dot com to list your home with
Remax Alliance three oh three nine twozero sixteen twenty two. Hi, Tom
Martino, your trouble shooter. ThreeO three seven one three talk seven one

three eight two five five. Hereto help you anyway we can, as
we do every day, So Ihope you get your calls in at three
O three seven one three eight twofive five. Okay, Now let's talk
to Kenny. Kenny wants to talkabout towing. This is a ninety nine

f three fifty men? Do theyever die? Like ninety nine? What's
it? What's the oldest pickup you'veserviced? Now? I don't mean one
restored, I mean a normal pickup. What's the oldest one you ever?
We own a nineteen fifty six internationalpickup that we have for the shop that
we service, real, a realpickup. Yep. It's not a show
piece or restore nineteen fifty six beatup. We still throw stuff in the

back and we take it for theChristmas preade. How many miles did you
lose track? Yeah? I don'teven know. Jack. It rolls over
its international. I've seen scouts thatpeople will swear to God have almost a
million miles. Is that possible.Why what was about that? What engine
is in that damn thing? Huh? Straight six? But what is it?

Who made it? International? Harvester? Is that? Did they just
have a bulletproof engine? Commercial?Commercial? Yeah, they're old pickups in
the but they don't make those inanything new do they? They're too heavy
now they will E P A andeverything else get it done, but they
don't die. No, and theymake semis right, it's a big rigs
they I didn't know that, butthat's I mean, I only knew of

Detroit Diesel and Cummings. I didn'tknow. But Volvo now, not now,
but Volvo makes an engine right whoelse? Who else? Caterpillar?
That's right? Cats and uh?And then does International still make it?
Harvester? For So what's the bestover the road engine? You know?
You got to talk to the truckersabout that. They all have very different

opinions on that. They do Peterbuilt, I think, yeah, Hey
man, Kenny, I didn't.I'm sorry, Go ahead, Kenny,
I'm sorry. That's that's all right, that's all right, Okay. So
when it was when my truck wasa little newer, when I pull up
a path, it wouldn't get hot. It would as RPMs come down,
you just downship. Now I startgoing up the path and the temperature gage

comes up without the RPMs going down, so I have to downship keep it
from getting warm. So it soundslike you're having a cooling flow problem or
clutter clutter, fan clutch. Fact, you might not be yelling or radiators.
Yeah, not not flowing good,but right right, okay, So
this is what I put on it, So that's kind of what I was

thinking. I put a new radiatoron it from Mischi motor at eighteen hundred
dollars radiator. I put a newfan clutch, a new water pump,
all new holders, and a newthermostat. Somebody said there's two thermostats on
those seven point three. I wasjust going to ask if you did both
thermostats or just one. I justdid one. I don't know where that
second one is at, so well, which one did you change? Yeah?

I did. I did the topone on the bottom host. See
when I pulled that hose up,there was nothing there. I put the
new hose on. There's no there'sno thermostat there, and it is the
six feet manual transmission and yeah,I'd have to pull a diagram as well.

You know, if you get onYouTube or something look at it,
you know, replacing thermostats, they'llshow you the location. Yeah. See,
And I looked on YouTube and everytime it's just the top one shows
up. I was, I was, I was just like, But they
did say if that that other onewent bad, it would make the e
GPS go start getting warmer. Doyou think, No, you definitely got

to find it. It's just it'syou know, you do done everything else.
Yeah. So do you guys workon those old things? Oh yeah
yeah yeah. Seven has been aroundforever so always. Yeah. Well,
Kenny, check out one of ourpeople to me, what's that? Yeah?
Oh and Tom on that unemployment thingwith that US Bank card. Yeah,
the one where they're putting holds onhim. You mean, well,

I had an integrity hole too,but she had. She said she got
ripped off that that card comes emptyand you have to file each week to
fill that card. So she gotten ninety nine. Somebody use that money.
Oh yeah, that's what we're thinking. But thank you, Kenny,
I appreciate it. Man. Goodluck on your truck. Three oh three
East seven one three eight two fivefive, So Ray wants to talk.

By the way, we'll take calls. Uh, take calls right up till
two o'clock today. Ray, what'shappening with the sighting issue? Man,
I'm looking up. I'm trying tolook up your problem. Yeah, this
was a metal sighting of the homeand they warranty it for life and the
homeowner has gotten elderly. And nowlisten, are you you are? Did

you call in before this is markedas some kind of follow up or not?
Yeah, that's right. I didtalk with Smarty and he was able
to talk to the manufacturer on this. And this was back. When did
you call originally? Ray? Oh? Probably, I want to say August
of okay, twenty three, maybeSeptember, I can't remember. And where

was it for a friend or foryourself? For a friend of mine that
I've been helping. It's anotherly lady. And you know that she just wasn't
getting anywhere by trying to get themto do their warranty work. In the
meantime, her house was looking worseand worse because the paint was just falling

off this metal siding. Okay,And Marty was very instrumental in getting that
going and I just want to saythey contractor showed up this week and you
know, Sam Blast's deciding and completelyrepainted it. Wow, man, that
is so cool after all that time, we finally got action, all right,

because it had been two years beforewe even called you to get some
help. So really appreciate what yougot. Your team is doing well man,
and thank you very much. We'lltell Smarty Pants that he's in Florida
and okay, well, thank you. It's good to hear that these seeds
that we plannt keep bearing fruit forpeople and things do happen, and of

course we want to hear if theydon't as well. We're not batting five
hundred, well we're not. We'reprobably bat five and not a thousand though,
you know. Uh. And that'sthe point is that we we hear
follow ups. We love it.We can mark that we can add that
to our total three oh three sevenone three eight two five to five ideal

home loans. Still doing home loans, remember that with the interest rate guarantee,
so when rates go down, theyrefinancial free of charge. Right now
they're hovering around seven, but theywill refinanci you free of charge. Three
oh three eight sixty seven, seventhousand, Go with a sure thing Denver's

Best roofer Excel Roofing dot com.You don't pay a cent until you're content.
Time for an insurance check up free, no obligation comparison call Compass Insurance
Paying too much your coverage at dozensof insurance companies find out now three oh
three seven seven to one help.You'll think you're his only customer when you

choose Frank durand the real estate Mandot com to list your home with Remax
Alliance three oh three nine two zerosixteen twenty two. Hi Tom Martine here
three O three seven one three talkseven one three eight two five five.

Hey Craig, what's going on withyour roofing company? What's happen? In
man? What's going on him?Hey? What's happening? Well, my
folks, they've got this rooffing companythat come and they offered to fix the
roof for them, and so isa knock on the door? Yeah,

yeah, bad news. That's abad start. Then what yeah? And
then they get signed a contract withthem, but they don't have a copy
of the contract. God, Andthey did order all the roofing materials and
send them to them. Well,is this for storm damage or is this
a voluntary replacement? It's a stormdamage. Okay. And when did they

sign the contract. It's been backin August, I believe. And have
they done the work yet, No, they've just got the materials there.
Okay, so they do have materials. How much did your parents pay up
front? As far as they know, they haven't paid anything up front.

They paid for the materials the materialscame. They did pay for the materials
right right now. Those materials satout all winter. No, they just
got there in uh like February.Okay, good news. This is all
a good sign. So now what'shappening? So now we can't get a

hold of them to come. Theysaid they'd be here in April, or
actually said they'd be in March,and they haven't showed up, and so
we've been trying to get a holdof them. Okay. So how much
did they pay for materials? Twentysix thousand? Who did they pay?
They paid that company, the EvolvedConstruction. Did Evolve pay the supplier?

I presume they did, because theyEvolved came and they wanted fifty two thousand
dollars from them, and my momsaid, no, we're not going to
pay you that much money. We'llpay you what the price is for the
materials we have on here. Smartpeople, and they've and the guy says,
well, you've got to pay methis much money, and she says,

no, I don't. I'm gonnapay you for is the materials right
there? Smart people? Smart people? Yeah, from the from the what
do you call shipping label? Andso do you know who the manufacturer?
Would you know the supplier that suppliedthose to you guys. I'd have to

see if she has the copy ofthe receipt. I don't think she did.
I think she might have given tothem. Okay, so now you
want us to call I mean,look, I don't think these people would
deliver materials if they weren't planning ondoing the roof. I don't like the
way they're doing business, But hey, do you have any reason to believe

they won't do the roof? Ihavn't. I had no idea because I
can't get hold of anybody. I'vebeen trying to comb for weeks and they
keep telling me somebody will call meback, and nobody will call me back.
We're gonna get him a call rightnow. Okay, Deputy Doc is
going to call them, so holdon, let's uh, let let's just

see what's going on. Okay,three oh three seven one three talk seven
one three eight two five five.At least they are smart enough not to
get nabbed on, you know,paying for stuff and not getting it at
all. That's what I love.Now. One of the texts here say

Tom, I only use top tierfuels. By the way, you can
text the show five seven seven threenine. Put Tom somewhere in that subject
or upfront, it'll come to me. Only use top tier fuels. Easy
to verify which brands are certified toptier car one's great. Another one says

they won't trust cheap gas. Well, my god, I never knew anyone
who actually shops for brands nowadays,with the way prices are, I don't
know why anyone would shop a brandanyway. Whatever, A top tier fuel,
what does he mean? It's easyto find out which one is top

tier. That's the additive package theyput in that fuel. It's it's costco's
top tier. Do they literally callit they call it top tier? Is
that is that like an advertising sloganor an official No, it's it's an
official reality. And so who sosomebody designates top here a sticker on the
pumps to say top tier fuel.Probably a trade organization. It's not the

government, is it. No,No, no, it's not government,
but it's it's I think it's abranding, you know, more like,
like I said, an additive package. It's in it for detergents and everything
else. And it's actually called topTier. Okay, so we're making a
call to that roof for to findout what's going on there. Meanwhile,
let's talk about h there was something. Oh yeah, So as far as

the let me just get to this. There's something that came up that I
saw today and I thought, youknow, this is really important, and
that is E cigarettes. They've donea study causes as much or more cancer
as regular cigarettes. Now, peoplealways thought it must be the smoke and

the tarn and nic contained the vape. By the way, In fact,
it's also tied to heart trouble.They say you increase your heart risk for
heart attack and you know, ora cardiac event by nineteen percent. Now,
just so you know, this wasdone with a study just recently by

the National Institute of Health, withone hundred seventy five thousand, six hundred
people, and it was done overa period of fifty two months, fifty
two months or whatever, how manyyears, so twelve to twelve so yeah,

four and a half years. Andthey had a marked increase in heart
disease, heart failure, heart attacksolely on the fact that they had vape,
that they're vaping. Thirty four percentof vapors more likely to have a
heart attack, twenty five percent coronaryheart artery disease, fifty five percent suffer

from depression and anxiety. Now thinkabout that. What is that all about.
That's a high number, that's right. Yeah, and this is so
this but this is not a Thisis not a Schlock study. So they're
saying that the problem with the ecigarettes to deliver the flavorings of nicotines,

they have these chemicals that have tobe made into an aerosol or into a
steam or into a vapor not asteam really, and while it doesn't contain
smoke and tar, it contains worsestuff because the stuff that they have to
put into to atomize it or tovaporize it is way more dangerous. So

I thought you'd like to know thata lot of people think vaping is safer.
It is absolutely not. Go witha sure thing Denver's Best Roofer Excel
Roofing dot com. You don't paya cent until you're content. Time for

an insurance checkup free, no obligation. In comparison, call Compass Insurance.
Paying too much your coverage at dozensof insurance companies find out now three O
three seven seven to one help.You'll think you're his only customer when you
choose Frank durand the real estate Mandot com to list your home with Remax
Align three oh three nine two zerosixteen twenty two. Hi Tom Martine here,

Deputy Doc, turn on your mic. Deputy Doc called the roofer Evolve
Roofing or Evolved Construction. They delivered. They signed a contract in August,
delivered materials in February, and nowthe guy can't get a hold of them
to figure out when they're going tostart. They paid only for the materials
that have been delivered, and sothat's good. The materials were delivered in

February. What's going on? Doc? Anyway? I spoke to someone that
Evolved and they took that all theinformation. Of course, they couldn't help.
They said it's the wrong person,but that they will have somebody reach
out to them, reach out tothem as asap. So I told Craig
to call me if they don't getback this afternoon, all by Monday,

and we'll really get on their case. But for the time being, since
they did talk to me, wewill give them the benefit the doubt and
see if they do call back beforewe trash them. Yeah. By the
way, we only trash people aretotally unresponsive and people who just won't do

the right thing. Well, wealways give people a chance, yea,
if they make promises that they don'tkeep exactly, let people know about it.
By the way, mortgage rates upagain, so they're above seven percent.
That is unbelievable, right, Sowhat's really strange. The Fed didn't

do that, right, they did, did they? They didn't mark them
up. They just wouldn't mark up. Yea, that the market did.
And here's what's going on. Inflationis still out there. So this is
one of the rare cases. Infact, there's three things happening. You
have high interests, which should curbinflation, it's not. And it should

also take the wind out of thesales of the stock market, which it
is not a little bit this week, well a little bit, but not
what it should be doing. Peopleshould be flocking to debt securities with high
interest like this or the safety ofbonds, but they're not. They're still

in the stock market. There's nota massive sell off, not right yet.
There's some but the correction people werethinking is not coming. So you
have all of these weird, weirdeconomic indicators that people don't know what to
do about, high interest, highinflation, and a volatile stock market mostly

going up, and there's low unemploymentfactor into that time. I'm not an
economist, no, no, butbut there are you know, and obviously
to look at signs you don't haveto be one, but a low unemployment
is weird. Low unemployment happens bothin recovery and in it's going both ways.

So it depends on what the trendsare. If it's trending up,
then three or four percent is notgood. If it's trending down three or
four percent, you know, itdepends if it just really depends. It's
good if it's if you start comingdown and get to that. But here's
the thing. The real unemployment rightfour percent is considered fully employed about four

percent or better. What is itright now? I don't I didn't even
look today. I think it's inbetween three and four percent, which is
so it doesn't do much better thanthat. But the economy doesn't seem to
reflect that as far as okay,the inflation and all the other stuff.
But here's what's weird. Usually withinflation, you have people buying like crazy,

right, That's why we have inflation. Businesses have said to me that
business is slowing slightly, just slightly, and I don't know how accurate that
is of I'm getting an accurate appraisalof that. But you guys aren't slowing
because everyone needs cars, right.I don't think you guys are a good
indicator, are you. Well?No, but Mark's one very good and

April is just putts and it's nothinggreat right now. So what I'm asking
is it is slowing? Yeah,okay? And do you notice that,
Jeff on rebuilds and stuff, Ohdefinitely, I'm on. Our phones were
quiet down a little bit. Youknow, we've got enough backdon So.
I don't know what's going on,but in the polls, people are swinging
back to Biden. I mean,he was down by as much as ten

points at one time, and nowthey're dead even so, what the hell
I mean? I can't make higher hair of it. But it's really
it's really interesting. This is goingto be one hell of a year,
one hell of a year. Jack. What's going on? Jack? Oh?
Yeah? And I have with yoursure as who were I was for

comment? Who signing a content?Hey? Jack? Hold on, he's
eighties. Jack. We want tohelp you. Please hold on, all
right, just hang on. I'mTom Martino. We'll come right back to
you Jack. More on that comingup. Three oh three seven one three
talk Go with a sure Thing Denver'sbest roofer Excel Roofing dot com. You

don't pay a cent until you're contenthtime for an insurance check up, free
no obligation comparison call Compass Insurance payingtoo much your coverage at dozens of insurance
companies find out now three oh threeseven to seven to one help. You'll
think you're his only customer when youchoose Frank durand the real estate Man dot
com to list your home with RemaxAlliance three oh three nine two zero sixteen

twenty two. Ripped up News NeedAdvice so you don't have come. Run
in just as fast as we can. Shooter's gonna help come. Man.
This is the Troubleshooter Show. NoTom Martino, Hi Tom Martino, You're

a troubleshooter. Three all three sevenone three talk three all three seven one
three eight two five five. Welcometo the show. As we do every
Friday, we have Car Day.We'll talk about cars, problems, questions,
complaints, and we'll talk about anythingyou want. If you call us
at three oh three seven one threetalk three oh three seven one three eight

two five five if someone lies,you cheated, you ripped you off,
or you just need information. That'swhat this show does each end, every
day, why I should say weekdays, recovering millions of dollars for people with
cash, merchandise, exchanges, refundsand services. Do people are people braver

on social media? Behind a keyboard? There's no doubt that animinity makes people
much of it. I believe thatpeople have become so belligerent. If you
look on social media, no matterwhat it is, the newer ones like
next door, or you look onmaybe not Snapchat, but you look on

Instagram, you look on Twitter,you look on any kind of social media,
just name it Facebook. As Isaid, where there's a forum,
here's what happens. Here's what happenswith every forum. Either it starts out
nasty or it starts out nice andgoes nasty. There is not one post,

not one, and I mean notone that does not turn nasty,
not one, And I wonder dopeople like that? Have you ever seen
a post where somebody will just say, oh, what a beautiful sunset,
and then you'll have someone say enjoyit, Well you can. Climate chain's

coming, you know, I mean, it'll destroy all our sunsets thanks to
those GD whatevers. No, no, I'm serious, or maybe I'm exaggerating
just a little, but no matterwhat is posted, someone will find something
negative about it, and then theentire thread goes negative and personal attacks like

can you imagine? Before social media, people probably still thought the same they
did, Everyone thought the same,but they never verbalize it. So you
didn't know what people were thinking,and you mistakenly liked a lot of people
because you didn't know what was intheir minds, and so you still don't
know when you see them because mostof them are cowards. Most everyone online

is a coward. Most everyone.I mean absolutely everyone, because they can
say anything they want, any timethey want without giving their real name,
or they give their first name andan initial, like with nextdoor. But
what I'm saying is is that they'reall cowards because they take potshots instead of
putting themselves out there like this ismy name, this is what I believe,

and better yet, who cares whatyou believe? Right? But if
you're having a discussion online about nothingto do with anything, it all comes
down to being nasty. Sometimes it'snasty for the sake of being nasty or
the sake of politics. Politics isa really big one. Religion is another
big one. But if you wantto I've come up with a formula here.

If you want to just have ablame for everything, it's going to
be one of these things, Trump, or it's going to be Biden,
or it's going to be climate change, or it's listen COVID. Well,
yeah, COVID is another one,but climate change, Trump and Biden.

But there was one other one,like on what you can blame everything on?
Just it will be you know,it'll be one of those things.
And it's amazing to me how wehave all gotten so nasty. It just
is now. On this show,we try to help people. We get
nasty against people who rip people off. But I don't know if you noticed

this or not. Seriously, wedon't treat people differently on based on their
beliefs and their politics. I don'tcare what their politics are. When someone
calls me for the roof problem,or somebody calls me about getting ripped off
with an investment, or getting rippedoff here and getting ripped off there,
I don't We have never asked whatparty affiliation are, what do you believe?
Are you conservative? Are you liberal? We don't try to make people.

I hope you realize that when wedo observe certain political things that seem
ridiculous, we observe it. Idon't care what you are. You deserve
the same help as anyone. Ithink that's one place we can all agree.
I really do believe that. Idon't think there's one person listening to
this show on a daily basis thatbelieves the information I'm giving out shouldn't be
given out. No one wants tobe ripped off by paying money up front

and never seeing the person again.No one who's gonna say, oh,
yeah, I'm in favor of that, Tom, I totally disagree with you.
No one who's gonna say, yeah, I believe we should offer something
and never get it, or Ibelieve we should be overcharged, or I
believe that you know, no oneever can be against what we do.
Ever can you? You might notlike the way I do it, but

I don't give a damn. Weget results. I mean you don't.
You know you don't do it forforty five years on the air and not
get results. You just don't doit. You can't. You can't BS
that long, Nothing ever will lastthat long from BS. So anyway,
what I invite you to do iscall us if you have a problem,
question or complaint. We've been talkingabout cars today as well, and again

the number one car problem. Ifyou didn't hear at the beginning of the
show, the number one car problemright now, delay in repairs. Whether
it's bodywork, whether it's transmission work, whether it's entry work. I don't
maybe maybe not oil changes, butI swear to you the delay in service.
It's gotten to be where you can'tget anything done in less than two

or three weeks. It's I don'tknow why. Now here's what I wonder,
I wonder why. And I didthis with a body shop. I
said to them, you know what, I'm not driving here and now let
my car sit for two months.Tell me what parts I need, at
least the obvious ones, and I'llpay for them right now. Order them,

Order them right now. I don'twant the car sitting there while you
wait for parts. And that's whatthey do, order them. And I
don't know, guys, are youstarting to like if somebody needs somebody with
a transmission, Jeff, or somebodyneeds something with an engine, Kevin or
something else, or or Jesse,somebody needs something by the way, we
have honest, accurate auto from ColoradoSprings transmission. We have a Chimera transmission

from Denver and shared in auto Tech. So have you ever said, come
back when I get the parts.Have you ever done that? Absolutely?
Absolutely all right, because you don'twant to have the car sitting there right
now. If you've got to removesomething that's different, remove and replace.
Well even then though, if youcan have the replacement engine or a tranny
there before you remove it, well, building a house we have to strip
it down and well, building that'sdifferent. When you rebuild, that's totally

different, right, But don't youwant to make sure you have the parts
to rebuild? Oh? Yea,that's what I'm talking about. We have
gotten to the point where we startmaking phone calls and make sure some of
the more soucial items we know thatwe're gonna need, yeah, are available.
But this body shop, actually itwas foreign to them. What you
want me to what I said,order the parts? No, we even

have one or two loaner cars.Emergency situation, you can't meet without your
car. We work it out,We find a way. But but man,
this new thing about you know,staying in a shop for three months?
What are you kidding me? Frank? What's going on with you?
Frank? Good up here, sir. I've got to get a twenty ten

Ford Taurus with forty two thousand mileson it. The car runs great,
I love it. I've got aproblem with the defog or on it.
Air conditioning works fine, heater works, fine, blows through all the events.
It just will not clear the dfog. When you see not clear it.
It's coming out of the defroster.So I get warm air coming out.

No, there's no fog coming outof it. It's just that when
the fog builds up on the inside, windows, front sides, it just
will not clear it. So yourdefroster or your defrost mode will not take
any of those off. And you'resure that the warm air comes out and
all the events are You're you're feelingthe air coming out. It's just not

doing it. It's not doing thejob, that's right. So is this
all the time or only when it'smajor? Well, it seems like it's
all the time. And now Ilive up in Summit County and I keep
the car garaged, and I'm justwondering if it's temperature differential of coming out
of a reasonably warm well, doesit happen the entire time? Does it
ever clear up? It will geta small spot right at the vent.

Yeah, I know, I knowwhat it is. That's just the airflow,
chess you whatever? Are you goingto say? Yeah? I was
just wondering if airflow number one isare we sure the vent's closing and letting
it go up the defrost tube?And then of course too, if it's
it's not coming out enough maybe yeah, I can feel it coming out of
the vents though, Yeah, butis it coming out strong? Have you
changed the cabin filter in this one. I don't know if the twenty ten

Ford has it, but that cancause it. It doesn't. I've changed
it twice. And do you hitthe AC when you turn on the defrost
or do you hit the AC buttonto pull moisture. I've even tried that.
I've tried doing AC on the defossmode as well to see if that
would do it. And any ofthose different indicators on the control panel I've
tried, and it just it's it'sfrustrating. It's anything I've tried. Now

I kind of agree with you.Maybe that maybe even though I'm getting air
out of the vents, maybe there'sa gate valve that's not fully allowing all
of the volume of air to comethrough. Perhaps. Yeah, I'm pretty
sure that model is vacuum operated,if mine serves me right. And sometimes
those vacuum hoses can have a smallleak, so it is changing but not
pulling it all the way closed.Just just an idea. I'm not sure

that's what it is. Just throwingthat out. Do you smell anything,
so call me sound well, smellanything sweet? Like you pinhole leak in
a heater core, something that's introducingmore so is it possible that the airflow
is just insufficient? Yes? Sohow would he know if this blower motor
is operating at peak efficiency? Howwould you know? I would just put

a piece of paper there. Isit flapping really really hard? Or is
this barely moving? Yeah, itsounds to me when he said there's just
this little circle that you're not gettingairflow, because if it's doing it in
that one circle, it'll do itall over. There's nothing magic about that
circle. And heater core pinhole canbe there, but usually that's going to

leave a litle Jay, you havea comment. I'm going to bring up
Jay as well. Jay, goahead, what is your comment? You're
on with Frank and Oss? Goahead? Yeah, that actually is a
really classic symptom of a heater coregone bad. It'll blow hard enough and
hot enough and warm little spot thatit'll kind of clear it, but as
it gets a little bit cooler outsidethat spot, it'll condense right to the

window. It's super classic. Heneeds a heat your core undoubtedly? Absolutely
undoubtedly. And is that because it'sit's leaking? You think, yeah,
they're they're just a little tiny radiator. Now would your would your regular heat
reflect a bad heater core. Iteventually actually might get bad enough where you

run in your heat and it'll startbuilding up in the cabin and it'll start
condensing. But you're really going tonotice it when you try to defrost,
because it won't. It simply willnot do it. I got plenty of
good heat though. No, buthe was saying there, it won't change
whether heats or not. I mean, it'll just whether or not it drives
the air. It won't drive theair. The air is going to come
out. So that's what that's whata defrost is doing, drying as well

as because it uses the air conditions, not just heat. So so okay,
thanks man, I appreciate. Sowhen you turn on a defroster,
does it automatically pull from the airconditioner? Yes, a lot of cars
it does, and then you getthe dehumidifier effect from the air conditioning.
I often wondered why I switched onmy AC. Nowadays it automatically does it

with newer cars three oh three sevenseven one three talk Frank, I don't
know what to tell you other thanthey're thinking at your heater core, but
where are you located? Drive byone of our experts man. They'll look
at that stuff for you. Threeoh three seven one three talks seven one
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list your home with Remax Alliance threeoh three nine two zero sixteen twenty two.
Hi Tom Martino here, three Othree seven one three talk seven one

three eight two five five. Sowith mortgage rates at seven percent, I'm
wondering what effect that's having on realestate now, Frank Duran says. I
checked with him and he said they'restill selling and they're even getting multiple offers,

and that to me is amazing.Now seven percent, you don't understand
seven percent compared to where they usedto be. It's aced out a ton
of buyers, a ton of themare now out of the market that at
one time we're considering homes three zerothree seven one three talks seven one three

two five five. Guys, thegap, the quality gap between foreign and
domestic. Somebody texted wants to knowwhat are you seeing truly on the service
end as far as the quality gapit used to be. You know,
for a while Americans took a hit. Don't buy this, don't buy that,
you know, buy your buy yourstuff, buy your foreign stuff,

more dependable, lasts longer, blahblah blah. They're still lagging American cars.
They really wait, really well,you know, Jesse, we were
just talking about one a chronic problemin a Jeep that Jeep just won't fix,
you know, Camschefs and the Jeepsare terrible in the three sixteep almost
every single one on the road,it's gonna need camshafts at eighty thousand miles.
I think the other thing that wesee is for a long time they

weren't doing maintenances on American vehicles likethey were on your forearms. Right every
thirty you do your transmission fluid.American car would say, why do your
transmission fluid. It's important that youchange those fluids too. So we've got
to get everybody to understand that maintenanceis so important on vehicles. You want
to maintain them, you've got todo maintenance on them. Let's take a
pickup truck, okay, a Chevypickup truck, a Ford pickup truck.

Let's take some foreign pickup trucks.What really do you have that the Toyota
is the big one? What else? What other really to Toyota Tundra?
Okay? So those two how thoseFord trucks do the Nissan and the Tundra
and the Toyota put to shame?With the longevity and the durability and the

engine, does it put to shanethe American I wouldn't say, you put
them to shame? And they havetheir size and downsides. I mean the
fact that the Big three, uhyou know, sell more here in the
States dictates we're going to see themin the shop a lot more often than
we're going to see the Tundra ofthe Titan. Uh. You know,
they all have their websites and downsize. You know, look at the Tundra
compared to the Chevy. You're gonnaget better fuel economy. The Tundra is

a good heavy truck. Definitely fourwheels. Well but uh, you know
they're so on all all. Soare you saying they're not that much better
than the American drug Not? Inmy opinion, no, So I think
the trucks are closer. Yeah,okay, what about the gaps in SUVs?
Is that where the gaps are SUV'sand cars? For sure? For

sure? Okay and okay, wetalked about this. What are the what
are the most convenient cars to ownever? Where you don't have to wait
for parts, easy to service,relatively not low cause, but you know

it's not going to knock your headoff. Remember I said vehicles that you
would put in that category all aroundvehicles, anything come to mind where you're
not waiting for you know that's thesame list. I mean almost every time
we do. You know, Toyota'stops, tops, all of them really
absolutely, So with a Toyota,you'll have more convenience, more parts availability,

less wait times. Yep, aslong as you don't need a transmission,
because I tell you what's Toyota probablythe worst that we have to deal
with right now, transmiss transmission,part everything. Transmission is if you know
what they're dealing with and what I'mdealing with, two different worlds. Yep,
that's true, okay, But asfar as regular service, the Toyota
and the support, the parts availabilityway better. What's the worst? Christ

hard for parts, hard for parts, back, quarter back, under back
order, discontinued, They'll discontinue withten years almost everything. And then when
you get a problem, it's notjust one, it's the whole line of
them. Like any car that's gotthat part in that engine, they're all
going to go bad. Heater core, well, all their trucks have heater

core problems, right, it's justall the all right, and then the
vehicles where the same recurring problems havebeen going on so long you scratch your
head as to why manufacturers these areweird categories. But as to why manufacturers
never corrected it or take as longas they did, What do you think

subrew is never going to correct theirhead gasket? That's just that's just subers
have a head gasket problem, alwayswill and they just what is wrong with
it? Do they do they warpthe heads or do they do the gaskets
just blow their heads? Don't reallywarp them much. Basket, it's the
casket sitting in the oyal sideways thewhole time. You know, it's nobody's
figured it out or they would havefixed it. So so what does that

mean when you have a subrew?You're going to have to replace the head
gasket. Correct service is what wecall. Well that's okay, that's not
terrible if it goes that long.But is the engine otherwise pretty bulletproof?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, aslong as you don't let the head gas
get be a problem. Yeah,because they do eat some oil. Super
says that every thousand miles you cango through a court of oil, no

problem, that's normal. But theyonly hold four and a half. And
when it comes to Japanese cars,are the engines made by each of them?
Toyota makes their own yes, Nissanmakes their own okay, Everyone makes
their own okay? Is okay?And then what about then rebuilding replacements for

those readily available in America? Youdon't have to go to the factory.
And the only time we've ever hada problem with getting the rebuilt locally is
a BMW we had to get fromGermany. But outside of that, yeah,
most of the doesn't matter whether it'sa Toyota or Ford. They rebuild
them here in the state. Andso what would be the most expensive cars

to maintain in gen We'll talk aboutthat coming up three oh three, seven
to one three talk seven one threeeight, two five five. A lot
of these questions have been texted tome. If you want to text five
seven seven three nine, put Tomin the promo or not in the promo.
Put Tom in the in the textsomewhere and we'll get to you on
that. Okay. Uh, somebodyhas this one here? A g alexis

GX four sixty one hundred and seventythousand miles runs like brand new. All
you ever have to do is changefluids now and then. So what do
you think about that? He said, I'll never buy American again? The
GS four sixty. That's the Lexusthat those are really rock solid art pretty

tough you and it is a largerRECUV And the Lexus is Toyota, right
yep so, and then Acura wouldbe part of Honda. Honda. Are
the accurates just as good? No, I would not say so. I
would say that Toyota Lexus definitely hasHonda acrobeat all right, more coming up,

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one help. You'll think you're hisonly customer when you choose Frank durand the
real estate Man dot com to listyour home with Remax Alliance three oh three
nine two zero sixteen twenty two.Hi Tom Martino, you're a troubleshooter.

Mark's got a comment on cars.We've been talking about maintenance and repairs and
convenience and orders and parts availability.Go ahead, sir, well the other
your comments here just saying I'm gonnamake quickcoments on four cars. I own
two tows. In two thousand andthree, I put nineteen grand into to
say, why would you do that? Well, I bought it new,
and I bought a whole new factoryGM drive for not remanufactured new because I

like the car. Huh, I'man eighteen. I like it. It's
got barn doors, sentri if Ibought a brand new, it's my hunting
truck. So I look at itthis way. These new vehicles are getting
too complicated, too complex. Myrear here went on a dapross. I
went to the jiang Kaarden's got theparts for seven bucks. Boom fixed done.
You know there's something to be saidabout that. In fact, I've

often thought, when will a manufacturerever meet the need for those who want
basic and simple, like not allmodels but one, and I really mean
basic and simple. But I don'tthink it's going to happen. Toyota's in
the middle of bringing out a truckthat's very basic and simple, really drive
crank windows, entry level price ofthirty thousand dollars. Now that's incredible.

That'll kill the marketplace. I meanit is what they say it is when
they released it, Mark, whatelse did you say? How many times
I got? I got an eighteento, which is okay. But that's
the end of the line for me. It's the last of the solid axle.
I don't like to do suspension.Of my best all around via cle
I ever owned was a Avalanche.I absolutely positively loved the Avalanche. I

can't why, why when you havea winning vehicle do you stop making it?
Why do they do that? Cansomeone tell me why they stopped making
the Avalanche? Change? It wasa lack of sales. You can't keep
them. Not the ridge line isthe same way, and Honda changed the
ridge line and now it's nothing likeit used to be. Not the truck,

the Avalanche. How was it servicewise? I mean, same truck.
It was a gentleman's pickup. Theengine was rock solid, the interior
was nice. Oh man, Ijust was so pissed off when they stop
making them. I always got one. I've had one for several years.

I loved it. I just lovedit. You don't even see that many
on the road, I know it. Yeah, I mean why, I
mean, honest to God, Idon't know why. And that those are
the kinds of things that just pissedme off. It's the same question we
ask all the time back in twothousand. You make a car that's still

running today, and now you can'tmake a car that'll run, you know,
five years, like okay. Sowe talked about the most convenient all
around cars for value parts availabily blahblah blah, Nissan and Toyota. Right,
Toyota has them up beat, probably, and we also Hondas not bad,
but Toyota number one. Toyota,Now let's talk. We talked about

what's the most inconvenient? Parts area pain in the ass, Wait times
are a pain in the ass?Expensive, what BMW euro You can just
slap that ping badge on that Audi. You're dagon BMW all of them.
Many guys do not. You guysdo not like European cars. When we

say German, the Germans should stickto making beer and losing wark. I
was always thought German engineering was theThey're great as long as you're leasing them,
and you keep them for three yearsand you get another one as a
driver, you'll love it. Greatvehicles as soon as they hit fifty No
longevity, no, not without avery expensive expense. Yeah, I tell

my BMW owners come in sixty thousand, plan on five grand a year.
You're going to put five grand ayear into this car, So everyone's going
to do that. Yeah, yeah, my factory warrant about like that though.
Yep. I don't touch Mercedes becauseof it, because of the tools,
the parts, the problems. Yes, we stay clear. So so

this idea that they're they're rock solidis bs. They're they're good new cars
the two thousand miles, then getrid of it. Your problems are coming.
Yes, Why do they have suchgood residual values for leases? Stigma
status status symbol? Yeah? Nowdid I take mark or is this a

new one? He's still on Mark? Did you have thatcond Oh? Go
ahead? Do you have any othercomments? Go ahead of Mark? Yeah,
quickly. Okay, So now we'regonna move on to my wife's car.
Oh, I'm sorry, go good, go ahead? All right?
All right. So she's got aball Doll twenty eleven XT seventy station wagon
portal drive. We bought that carbrand new. We don't care what it
costs to face. She does notwant an suv. There's very few station

wagons in a poor little drive anymore. The Mercedes is one hundred and sixty
five thousand dollars. She likes thecar and it fits her, and she
doesn't want an suv, so theylike two cookie cuver, which I agree.
Yep, Supers and Babbles are cultcars. That's what we call them.
Supers and Babbles and super Okay,So what about is Volvo considered Europeano?

Right? It is? Do youlike do you like Volvos guys or
is it the same as you putit in the same class as the others
at fifty or sixty get rid ofthem. The big difference is the Volvo
owner's going to spin to fix it. Your BMW owner doesn't want to.
They're going to move on to thenext model, the next model. The
Volvo owner loves that, just likethe Superwo owner. That's why we call
it cult cars. BMW's are weirdbecause they give the illusion of such quality,

but it's an illusion. You're saying, great marketing God. The same
as Cadillac. You know, onthe GM side, you own a Cadillac,
you better get rid of it atsixty it'll crush you. Yeah,
they're all high end cars. Buthe owns a Chevy Tahoe. Right,
that's just like a Cadillac Escalady,just not paying the Cadillac price. But
he's driving the same vehicle, allright. Three zero three seven one three

talk seven one three and two fivefive. We invite you to join the
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Remax Alliance three three nine two zerosixteen twenty two. Hi Tom Martino,
you're a troubleshooter three three seven onethree talks seven one three eight two five
to five. Paul, you havea question on an IRA. What's going

on? Paul? Hey Tom,I'm not sure what advice you can offer
up that I haven't already tried toaddress. I'm calling for my father in
law who's eighty seven, and I'vebeen starting to help him with some of
his financial and legal items. Hehas found some documents that he had an

IRA trust plan, and the onlydocument I have is with the the opening
package of it, and that wasin nineteen eighty four and it was from
Empire Saving which the main office wasin Denver, and he opened up the
account in North Glenn or something likethat. But in any case, that
particular savings bank was purchased by CommercialFederal and then later became a commercial Federal

bank, and then in two thousandand five it was bought out by Bank
of the West, which is nowBML out of Montreal. So I wanted
to find out whether he ever liquidatedit or you know, cashed in,
or whether it's just migrated from bankto bank in some form. Well,
okay, it has no specific memoryof it, all right, let me

tell you what would happen if hehad an IRA. It would be one
thing we do have that I amencouraged with. And since I got in
the financial business on the side withit's a long story, I've learned about
the strict regulations and controls there areon people's mind. You know. It's

a good thing. By the way, So with any kind any kind of
an abandoned account, they're not allowedto keep it, they're not allowed to
transfer it, they're not allowed todo anything send it to the state.
So if it's abandoned, and thiswould have been classified way back as abandon
like back in before ninety, soit would the only place it would be

if he had it, the onlyplace. Well, let's put it this
way. There could be three things. One he could have taken it and
doesn't remember, or somebody could havedefrauded him, maybe a caretaker or someone.
I'm not suspecting that, but theyfound out about it, let's say,
and took it. Or the mostlogical thing it would be with the

State Treasury, which is the ColoradoPayback or they're officially called they're a jeep
funds. Have you ever heard thatexpression? Yes, I even checked on
the database online that if it's notthere, Paul, they would not retain
it. They would not do it, Okay, because I contacted Empire,

they have no record of it,of course, not their IRA division or
obviously their banks. And I alsochecked on the abandit you know, abandoned
accounts, and he's got maybe twentydollars sitting there from some other lost accounts,
but not this IRL. Now,the IRA, how much did he
open it with a couple of thousandand at this point it would have been

over fifty six thousand dollars it wouldhave been probably sixty grant or so.
And he just has no specific memory. He's not saying that, No,
I understand it didn't. But theonly place that would be absence of fraud.
And even here's the bad news.Even if there was fraud, they
got away with it. Even ifyou knew who did it, they got

away. There's nothing you can doabout it. That's why, folks,
we have to be attentive to whatwe call these statutes limitation. Go with
a sure thing Denvers Best Roofer,Excel Roofing dot com. You don't pay
a cent until you're content. Timefor an insurance check up free, no
obligation. In comparison, call CompassInsurance. Pay too much your coverage at

dozens of insurance companies find out nowthree oh three seven seven to one help.
You'll think you're his only customer whenyou choose Frank Durand the real estate
Man dot com to list your homewith Remax Alliance three oh three nine two
zero sixteen twenty two rift you needso you don't have run anxious sustas as

you can suit that's gonna help.Come. This is the Troubleshooter Show.
No Tom Martino, Hi Tom Martinohere three O three seven to one three
talk three oh three seven one threeeight two five five. Welcome to the
only show of it's kind anywhere wherewe're solving problems, answering questions and taking

complaints. This are brought to youby one clear Choice Garage Doors. If
you want the best garage door service, one clear Choice Doors dot Com.
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They can do minor or major repairs. They represent all major manufacturers and can
do warranty work on some of them. That's one clear Choice stores dot Com.

So welcome. We have shared anauto tech with us on a saccurate
auto from Colorado Springs and Chimera transmissionfrom Parker and rap from Jordan and a
Rapo area. So whatever's on yourmind, give us a call. The
home show started, I wanted toget a report from somebody who went there.

If you dropped down, it's anindoor show Douglas County Fairgrounds and it's
the Cassrock Home Show all weekend.So welcome to the show, by the
way, and give us a callif you need help, information or referrals.
And I wanted to talk about afew things first and foremost. When

it comes to hacking, it usedto be people would get a virus on
their computer, or people would have, you know, some kind of problem
with their computer they were harmed.And then we had serious stuff like identity
theft, where they'd go in andnot only mess with your computer, but
somehow extract information in order to getyour logins. And then we had even

worse malware. They go into bighospitals and towns and corporations and lock your
files down tight with a worm thatgets into your system, and then you
have to pay to encrypt it tounencrypted. Now they do once you pay
the ransom. I often wonder whydo these guys do that when you pay

the ransom. They could just takethe money and run, but they want
a good name in the hacking businessbecause they want people to pay the ransom.
And if it ever got around thatyou didn't you didn't do what you
said after the ransom, then peoplewouldn't be paying it. So people pay
the ransom, and the FBI hasbeen trying to crack down on these.
Well, now municipal systems that runon computers are now being the target.

Water systems, sewer systems, nuclearsystems, they say, although it hasn't
happened yet. And a water towerin Texas it overflowed in January, spilling
tens of thousands of gallons of waterinto the street. Guess what. They

did a deep search with a cybersecurity company and found that these water systems
were attacked by Russia. That Russiahas a hack army. They literally have
an army now that they're building todo cyber warfare. You know, I

said this a while ago, andI think everybody believes it. Everybody said
I wasn't the only one, okay, and that is that cyber warfare will
be our next warfare. You cando as much harm or more going to
someone's infrastructure. So Russia has dedicatedthemselves to getting an army together of nerds.

Think about that, as does Chinaeven more than Russia. You know,
do we have one? Of coursewe do. I don't know about
that, do we. I meanit's part of you of the A M
forces. I'm sure there's a securitybranch. I wonder, I truly wonder
if we have a hack force oran anti hack force, or if we
have cyber security people. You know, the Space Force. People laughed about

Space Force is going to be abig deal. But do we have a
cyber security force? Do I guaranteethat we do? Tom Do you think
how could we not in the twentyfirst century. But but what's really strange
is what's going to happen to thiscountry or to this world with this with

this warfare. Now you're not gonnahave bloodshed, Well, you could have
a lot of lives endangered. Butthey're saying so much as these Russian hackers.
Now maybe Chinese, but I'm readingabout the Russian ones. They're learning
how to hack into traffic control systems, subway control systems, trains, switchers.
I mean, everything is on computer. Everything is on computer. Airplanes,

you know airliners. Think about thecontrol systems. What could be done?
Do you know like the interpretations wedo with GPS receivers, they're all
computerized. I mean not the GPSitself receives a signal, but the triangulation
and mapping software that all could behacked to where you think you're following a

GPS but it's off. How aboutjust knocking out satellit. It's the same
deal. That's right. So tome, it's a frightening idea. It's
truly frightening that that everywhere we look, we're going to have a battlefront.
But I can't. And that's whya lot of people were suspicious. And

I don't know where did the banninggo of TikTok. Is that still happening
or did they decide to sell whateverhappened with that. We were Congress was
all about banning, and they werewithin a few days of banning TikTok.
It was tied to the Ukraine andIsrael AID. And now they've split all
that apart. So there's going tobe Israel AID alone from Ukraine Aid then

separate from the TikTok ban and TikTokis still available. Tom well, of
course it is. They didn't doit yet, he said. They separated
him up and now instead of havingone big bill, there are three of
them and now they're going so that'llstill come up for debate and stuff.
Then, right, it's still underconsideration, and people are convinced that through

the TikTok it's one of the waysthat they will have entry into our cyber
system. Chinese. Do you believethat? I mean, Mark is very
skeptical of TikTok. I'm not onTikTok so I'm safe. I mean it's
making us a dumber. I mean, if you've ever been on it,
well, do you think it's goingto be like mutually sure destruction was in
the Cold War, where both Russiaand the US knew that if either started

a war. I'm just hoping.I'm just hoping everything is backed up to
a point where who cares? Right, if you knock out our system,
you have another one. I mean, why wouldn't you have one hundred backups
a day? Why couldn't you?I mean there's no cost of reproductions technically,
just storage. But there must bea way to back up to a

point where you simply restore. Youknow, you know, war is one
thing, right, and anti hacking, But if they hack a system like
these hospitals and stuff, if theyhacked the system, why can't they go
and get the new one up andrunning? Why? I never wondered.
I never understood. I mean,and if somebody is smarter than me listening,
if you have a complete system runningyour hospital and all the records are

encrypted, everything's encrypted. What aboutthe backups did they getting? I think
what? Probably these backups have theworm in it too. I don't know,
I don't know the reason, butyou would think that with our brains
that we have today, we wouldcome up with a way to back up

native files or something to where youwouldn't have to pay ten million dollars to
somebody. It's amazing. I knowin my practice we backed up our patient
files every day onto a floppy disk. Well, I know that it was
so easy to do that. Youwould think hospitals would have some mechanism to
download it onto a USB. Youknow, when malware takes over and encrypts
stuff, it encrypts it now,but it is that worm hidden in there.

So when they back up it,it's into their backups as well.
Yeah, but like I have abackup. So when my system went down
one day, we just went backto the last time it was working,
which would have been Friday, right, And then they went back there and
opened it up to Friday, andwe started there. We lost Saturday and
Sunday, right, But at leastyou go right back where you were and
start rolling. Yeah, I haveto believe it's not as simple as just

backing up and not paying a notpaying malware. There must be a reason
they pay these exorbitant malware ransoms.So anti it, anti malware, or
let's put it this way, cybersecurity, it is going to be of utmost
Now, I don't just mean onthe military end, but for people to

protect their companies. I imagine that'sa pretty damn big business right now.
That you hire these people to makeyou malware proof, hack proof. You
know they simulate a all the timeand find weaknesses. It's amazing to me
that we don't have more of itactually. Three oh three seven one three

talks seven one three eight two fivefive Go with a sure thing Denver's best
roofer Excel Roofing dot com. Youdon't pay a cent until you're content.
Time for an insurance check up,free no obligation comparison call Compass Insurance paying

too much your coverage at dozens ofinsurance companies find out now three oh three
seven seven to one help. You'llthink you're his only customer when you choose
Frank durand the real estate Man dotcom to list your home with Remax Alliance
three oh three nine two zero sixteentwenty two. Hi, Tom Martino,

you're a troubleshooter. Three oh threeseven one three talk three oh three seven
one three eight two five five.Compass Insurance Group, by the way,
still doing insurance checkups, an independentlook at your insurance to see you're not
paying too much or you're not underinsured or over insured. Because there's something

about three nine nine six nine thousand. Yeah. Well, I think it's
amazing is that I've been with themevery year. They call me up,
I know, without my asking them, and they go over. They go
over to see if they can saygreat. I think that's incredible. It
isn't great. You feel like you'rein good I should say in good hands,
because that's that other ugly come Butno Compass this great? Hey Eric,
what's going on? Hey Tom?Hey, you got a question for

Jeff? Why am I not hearingyou? Oh? There you go go
ahead, go yead I hear you. Can you hear me? Yes,
sir, I can hear you?All right. So I got a question
for Jeff. My wife is aftergoing to the auto show here a few
weeks ago, my wife has founda new car that she's interested in,
and I am curious. Are thenew CBT transmissions through Knee Song better than

what they were previously, because shereally what does she like? What is
she like? Well, she reallyfell in love with the new Ultima all
wheel drive and we test drove it. What's the model you really like it?
Oh? It's called who makes it? Okay, Nissan Ultima? Okay,
got it. Yeah. Then Nissanreally kind of stuck all their eggs

in that basket in a passenger carmarket. Almost every car they make as
a CVT, I would say they'rebetter, Yes, would I say that
we've reached to the point of reliabilitythat's going to take time to tell.
Okay, well, tell me whatdoes she like about it? Now?

It's not an suv. It lookslike a car to me, right,
Yeah, it's yeah, it's aregular Sedanza. It's freaking beautiful. Golly,
yeah, she looks like a fancybeamer. Yeah, I mean she
just we sat in at the autoshow and it's it's got tons of interior
space. I mean, I'm sixfoot, my wife's five to two.

She put the seat where it wasgood for her and I sat behind her
and I was like, okay,home, James, because that's about the
leg rooms that I had, andso we were you know, really liked
it and we've testro of it,and she's you know, she's kind of
contemplating in the next few wee.Well, Jeff's go see, like how
just how bad are those transmissions?Come on? Well, you know,

coming up into the two thousand andtwenty twenty one or excuse me not two
thousand to twenty twenty twenty twenty one, you know, we have some improvements.
We're not seeing as many of them, but I mean we're gonna see
more and more over time, that'sfor sure. Prior to that they had
an extremely high rate of failure.Yeah, but not now, right,
I mean, time's gonna tell whatdo you think is going to a car
mileage on them? We'll find outwhat do you not like about them in

general? The regular failures of them. I mean, they but they're a
cone, right, and it's aconstant philosophy. Yeah, you've got two
separate pulleys that will expand and constrict, so similar to like a ten speed
bicycle where you're changing the size ofthe spread. But since they're actually moving
back and forth, mitchure that youdon't have that actual transition. It just
moves up and down the height inthe shallow of the cone. Yeah,

the belt does exactly. So whati'd like to know the same situation or
just keep up on the maintenance onthe ring. Well, maintenance with anything.
Maintenance with anything is going to becrucial, you know if you've Jesse
alluded to it earlier, where youknow, the American manufacturer likes to try
to tell everybody you don't never needto service your transmission, go eight nine,
ten thousand miles on an oil change. These are just marketing gimmicks in

order to sell the car. Yeah, you know, if you actually want
to keep the car going, changethose flues. It's the cheapest thing you'll
put in there. So what aboutthis? I've got Eric, Eric,
what about this? What do youcare? How are you going to keep
it for ten years? What doyou I'm not asking like, oh yeah,
yeah, okay, yeah, that'swhat I wanted to know. So
you're a long term owner. You'rea long term owner? Yeah, I

mean, sir as, I've gota twenty fifteen niece on pickup with it
just hit one hundred and ninety thousandmiles and the body and the interior is
still in next to the condition aslong as the mechanicals hold up. You
know, it may be my lastvehicle because I have you know, I
know the history of it, andI just keep up on a lot of
maintenance. Have you ever thought aboutan electric vehicle? No? Not really.

You know what. The more Italk to these guys, the more
I'm being sold on them, becausethere is no life limit like there is
on and John. I'll tell youwhat, Tom, When when Uncle Joe
gives me twenty thousand dollars to rewiremy house so I can have an EV
then we'll talk, because it's goingto cost me twenty thousand dollars to rewire
my house. No ev what becausewhen my house was built, they put

my uh my box on the wrongside of the house instead of being on
the garage side on the house.Okay, well then that stiff wired.
I see what you're saying. Butyou can you have a dryer plug the
same side of the house as thebox. Okay, then move your garage.
I don't know what to tell you. Okay, thanks, Eric,

Steve, what's happening? Yes,yeah, this is Tom, Yeah,
yeah, this is a Tom Martinez. Joe. We're talking about consumer problems,
and I see you have something witha refrigerator. Oh, yes,
I expect I wasn't expecting to beon the air. So what's happening.

Well, I had a little powerglitch here about five weeks ago with my
refrigerator, and since then it hasnot been able to be When you say,
can you describe what you mean bya power glitch? Uh, it
was just a power surge or aspike. When we had that heavy snow
of what five weeks ago, welost power for you know, seconds,

and then after that the refrigerator neverworked right. Correct, it's a it
will only get as cold as aboutforty eight degrees. What kind does it
get it? What kind does itbe? A ge monogram? I can't
think of anything with a power thingthat would have done that. Now,

a surge maybe it was it ablink or was it a surge? Well,
I guess it was a blink andit just it just flashed on and
came back on moments later. Anddid you okay, did it really?
I'm going to start with the mostobvious. When the power goes off,
did you reset your your temperatures?Because that's a computer and there you got

to reset it. I mean,what I mean is did the temperatures go
back to default? Nope, theywere still showing what thirty four degrees or
something like that. Whatever you wantto show, you show in the refrigerator,
and then you have the freezing inthe freezer and those are both set
still right correct. However, therefrigerator part will only get as cold as

forty eight degrees. Yeah, there'ssomething. It sounds like your compressor more
than any but but it could bereally simple though, like do you know
if there's any internal fu There areinternal fuses, but they're not resetable by
you. Have you ever called Haveyou called anyone to come look at it?
Yes? I called ge Monogram,uh directly because my Yeah, good

luck with that. What did theyThey're they're terrible. What did they tell
you? Well, they were actuallyvery accommodating the Sorry. Yeah, they
said to contact Sears Home Services.Okay, so where did it all end
up? Did you get someone tolook at it? Yeah, they came
out a couple of weeks ago.They looked at it and they said it

needs a compressor and an evaporator.How old is the refrigerator. It's a
little over ten years and so thecompressor. The field units are still covered
by the warranty. Oh wait,so you can get this done under warranty.
Yes. So I contacted the geMonogram and they sent me the compressor

and evaporator and everything was going smooth. That's amazing to wait, that's amazing
to me. Go ahead then what? Oh? Okay? Uh? So
then we had I try to scheduleagain for Sears Home Services to come out.
And do they cover the installation aswell, Steve? Or just the

part? No? Just the part? All right? Labor's labor was five
big dollars? Uh did you paythat five hundred? Yeah? I did?
Yees to what to Sears? Yes, the Sears Home Services? Yes,
correct, My god, you shouldhave never ever ever done that.
So is it working? Is itworking? Uh? No, Well they

have not been back out to installthey ever. Wait wait wait wait,
you said you paid for it.You paid in advance for installation? Correct?
Yeah, well hold on, whatare you talking about? You?
Who'd you pay in advance for installation? Sears Home Services? They said it

was one hundred and nineteen dollars forthe diagnosis. Yeah, but hold on
here here's what I want to know, Steve. You got the part sitting
at your house right? Correct?Can you get your money back if you
cancel installation? Of course you can. There's no reason they should keep your
money. Get your money back.That's the issue. I can't get a

hold of Sears Home Services. Wheredid you put Did you put it on
a credit card? I did?Yes? All right, do me a
favor. Can test the charge youpaid for something you did not get,
which is installation. Can test thecharge. Get rid of city. You
do not want these clowns coming fromSeers to install it? Never? Okay,

never. Now I'm going to giveyou the name of someone to install
you ready, Oh, you writethis down. And this is an independent
guy from Russia. He is thebest service tech you'll ever get, and
he works directly with homeowners. Heeven comes out on Sundays. I'm telling
you he's not on the referral list. He should be. I asked Mark

to get him on, but maybeMark hasn't gotten around to it. His
name is Roma. Okay, here'shis number seven to zero nine eight zero
four six zero nine. Now here'swhat I want you to do. I

want you to tell him you wentto this guy's house one time on a
Sunday, and you did such greatwork that he told me I should call
you. I need this part installed. Blah blah blah. What you might
want to what you might find outfrom Roma, because he's so honest,
is you probably didn't need the compressor. Because I'm just going to say a

little note here. You got itfree. It doesn't matter. Put it
in. Put it in. Yougot it free. It's going to extend,
it's going to double the life ofthat refrigerator. But you didn't need
it. You didn't need it.You needed the starter. You did not
need the entire compressor for one blinkof power. Okay, but you call
that guy. Did I give youthat number? I'm sorry my age,

Yes I did. Okay, soyou take it and you call that guy
and you will be thanking me forit. But get your money back even
if you can't get a hold ofthem. Stop payment. There's no reason
you should pay for installation you donot want and you did not get.

Go with a sure thing Denver's BestRoofer Excel roofing dot com. You don't
pay a cent until you're content.Time for an insurance check up free,
no obligation. In comparison, callCompass Insurance paying too much your bridge at
dozens of insurance companies find out nowthree all three seven seven to one help.
You'll think you're his only customer whenyou choose Frank durand the real estate

man dot com to list your homewith Remax Alliance three oh three nine two
zero sixteen twenty two. Hi TomMartino here three O three seven one three
talk three O three seven one threeeight two five five. Welcome to the
show. We are here to helpyou any way we can to solve problems,

as questions, to take complaints.We're winding up an hour, but
you can still get a call in. And by the way, we were
talking about cars and convenience and allof that. Somebody wants to know about
that Nissan car. He asked aboutthe Uh there's an Ultima that's alt Ultima
and they're really handsome cars. Now, as far as Toyota, do they

have a version of this that wouldnot a version but a competitor. What
would a competitor be in that classcamer or you know one of those.
Now, how do they compare toHyundaidai? They're very comparable. Has done
a lot over the year when theyfirst came out, they were a big
lighter, you know, when yourun out of gas, throw it away.

So but you know, over theyears they've done a lot to improve
that company, and they're actually areally quality car anymore, you agree,
Yeah, they're the warranties on islooking at warranties unbeatable. Cona's a nice
vehicle, a nice vehicle. Uh. They have all different sizes and shapes

of cars. Now, is Kiacomparable? Are they now? I heard
their brothers. Did they get backtogether? Are they separate? I mean
they're they're identical companies for warranties andall of that, but very very similar.
So quality wise, very similar aswell, right, I believe.
So I would say Honday is probablya little bit step above them. I
mean, they do share a lotof technology. But if I was to

put them side by side, aKira a Hyundai, I would definitely take
the Hyundai really okay, And thenwe'll say, and there's one more text
about some men are not looking forquality. They're looking like, you know,
I think status is what they havein mind. I mean some people

like That's why of course the rangeRover. Somehow people got to know that
as some kind of status and theyare good looking. Nobody can deny that.
So as far as the there wasone other question they had about the
performance cars. Are there any thatAre there any that's that have a reputation

they shouldn't for dependability, like whenyou're when you're going to look, are
there any that are overrated? Iguess is what we're talking about. Well,
I I just have to keep goingback to the European and while they're
new, they're great, but onceyou hit that sixty k mark, they
start going downhill and those they're expensive, very expensive. Yeah, all right,

three oh three seven one three talkand then what about the So it's
not just the cost that we're talkingabout of the repairs and all of that,
but we're also talking about basically theuh, the longevity itself. I
mean the fact that they even breakdown like that, not breakdown but leek,

Well, you're not gonna have catastrophicsfailures. They're small, but they're
theirs, but they're oh nicol,but two and three thousand at a time.
Lupey, what's going on with you? Loupei? I'm calling Tom to
ask about my twenty seven tu son. You're twenty twenty seventeen. Yeah,
okay, your Yndai Tucson. Whatabout it? Yeah, it started knocking?

Really Now have you had regular Haveyou had all the regular service done
and oil changes? Uh? Yes, I have had? Have you changed
gasoline at all? Oh? Whywould knocking? That's not a good How
many miles are on it? Ithas ninety nine? Thou? I would

check with Hyundai there's still they haveall kinds of different recalls for their motors.
What I know, I did becauseI read about it and I get
what year? Now? What causesknocking to begin with? What could it
be? Is it a deep knocker? Is that a tick? When you
say knocking? Can you really hearit? Knocking? Cock? Clock,
clock, clock, cluck, dock, cluck cluck inside it's it's yes.

Can you feel it or you justhear it? I hear it. Yeah,
it's unfortunately a common failure. Said, it's probably the rod bearing,
that's what the reason. Now that'sa major engine. Yes, the motors
done? Yeah, oh my god, I mean why no warranty on that
one or no recall? Well it'sa ten year warranty right on a two

thousand. Yeah, but they didhave they'd extended some past the ten years,
but hers wouldn't be ten years attwenty seventeen, so you're still you
know, you're still under warranty forthat. Because I'm a second owner,
I'm not Okay, wait a minute, so you didn't. Yeah, they
change it for the if it's acertified there's some rule on extending that warranty.

That's why I always refer to thedealer because they keep changing it.
Anyway, what is your question forus slope? What is your question?
Well, it was I've taken itto two mechanics and they did they say
your engines toast. Well one ofthem did, and the other one said,
well, if we fix it,you'll probably have the same problem again
because it's that engine. Now,that doesn't make sense because they would rebuild

it. Yeah, that doesn't makeany sense. Why don't you take it
over to keb Where are you located? I'm in Broomfield. Yeah, I
see. You can come down southa little go on I seventy. Just
go on Cold Fat west of Wadsworth. We'll check first see what's available.
We're having a little bit availability toour with Hondai motors. Why don't you
do me a favorite Lupe and givethem a call. Call with the vin

number we can make three four,five, five, seventy two forty two.
Okay, Dennis, what did youneed to talk about? Dennis?
Yeah, Tom there, Yes,sir, so I got a question.
I'm thinking of buying a Toyota andis it worth buying that Toyota Hybrid versus

the regular Toyota. All right,we'll come right back and answer that.
Hang on, okay, because wedo have thoughts on that. Denver Regen
dot com for your weight loss SemiglueTide at pennies on the dollar compared to
the brand, well not pennies,but only two hundred and fifty bucks a
month Denverregen dot com. Go witha sure thing Denver's Best roofer Excel Roofing

dot com. You don't pay acent until you're content. Time for an
insurance check up, free obligation comparisoncall Compass Insurance paying too much your coverage
at dozens of insurance companies find outnow three oh three, seven to seven
to one help. You'll think you'rehis only customer when you choose Frank durand
the real estate Man dot com tolist your home with Remax Alliance three oh

three nine two zero sixteen twenty two. Hi Tom Martino, you're a troubleshooter
three O three seven one three talk. Let's go right back to Dennis.
Okay, Dennis, So what wasyour question, sir? You wanted to
know about, uh Toyota a regularRev four versus the Toilota Hybrid. Yeah?

Which one would be the better buy? Because I'm looking to buy maybe
this year or next year. Iwant to buy brand new, and is
the Highbred worth the extra money?Guys? Guy, here's what I think.
Okay, but it's only my opinion, Dennis, I don't want two
systems. If I'm gonna get electric, I'll get electric. Otherwise I'm going

to stick with the gas because it'svery dependent. Well what do you guys
think? Yeah, same thing.You know, you're buying a lot more
maintenance car for how long? Yeah? Yeah, that's Kevin. I've talked
to Kevin about it too. Soso what I mean, I just do
my basic driving around Denver. Idon't go out of state or much like

I would get I would get theregular one and not pay the extra.
That's just me though. Well,particularly if you're doing a lot of city
driving because you're not going to geta lot of benefit out of that electric
side. Yeah. So anyway,Matt, Matt, Matt, what you
have a question on the car shield? Yeah? What what do you recommend?
What? My My warranty just ranout on my Chevy Silverado, So

what should I buy? Are they? Are they rip off? All right?
Listen, That's the only time,the only time I would consider a
warranty is when your factory one ranout, and I would go right back
to Chevy or General Motors for it. That's what I would do as an
actual extended warranty car shield. Ipersonally don't like these warranties that are independent,
but guys Coach shield is probably theworst one out there. Are the

the worst one out there. Matt. They're saying I would go to the
factory. Now that you actually canuse it, now's the time to buy
it if you want it. I'mTom Martino. Don't forget Shardanautotech dot com,
Transmissions Denver dot com, and youcan always call three zero three Martino
for help, information and referrals.Save all your problems for me.

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