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Yeah, ripped off news didn't needadvice, so you don't have come a
run anxious astas as you can.Shooter's gonna help. Come man, this
is the Troubleshooter Show. No,Tom Martino, Hi, Tom Martino here,
welcome to the show. We gotall kinds of stuff going on.
Hey, did you have a greatweekend? So many people took off My
god, they were all on theroads. But we're back to back to
life right. In fact, Igot a saying here that I want you
to uh, I want you toadhere to and that is a master Listen
to me. In the art ofliving draws no sharp distinction between work and
play. I know you're thinking thatcan't be no distinction between labor and leisure,
or mind and body. I don'tthink me to education and recreation.
Why you hardly know which is which, and you simply pursue all of them
with happiness and gratitude? Am Iam I too much? Pollyanna? Why
what? What? Why do yousay it wouldn't work for you? Doc?
Well, I don't think. Idon't think what I did for work
would be very Oh come on,you loved it? No, no,
but it wouldn't be I did loveit, but it wouldn't be play.
I think that would be a littlebit whin up in jail. You know
what I'm saying. You make youmake no sharp distinction between work and play,
meaning that your enjoyment, your attitude, your gratitude, your energy,
your dedication, your passion is equal. You definitely don't take it lightly when
you're going to deliver babies as adoctor, or like Paul here the waterman,
you're going to put in a watersystem. I mean, truly,
if we could all just enjoy whatwe do and do what we enjoy.
Now again, there are some peoplesaying, are you kidding me? Tom,
I'm at a factory and I'm workingmy ass off. How dare you?
I mean, I understand that,but there are ways that we can
do that. You know that bringsup an interesting study about workers. Do
you know? Now? This isaccording to Fortune Magazine, with all of
their research, sixty percent of employeescannot go thirty minutes without being distracted without
some kind of a mental break inwhat they're doing. Now, I must
be some kind of freak because Iget like involved in something and I can't
let it go. I mean,I just shut everything out sometimes. But
think about that, sixty sixty percentof the employees they can't go and they're
interrupted with everything everything, Like socialmedia is number one distraction right now for
people at work. Can you imaginepaying somebody to work for you, and
every ten minutes or so they're goingon social media or sometimes it's a game.
They're smartphone for anything and then surfingthe internet and pretending they're working anyway.
Three three seven to one three talkis our number seven one three eight
two five five, or you cancall three oh three Martino three oh three
six two seven eight four six six. Sharon is on the line right now,
wants to talk about She called ina week ago and she was working
with Deputy Doc on something. Doc. Do you know what this is about?
I do. Let's let Sharon speak. Okay, Sharon, this has
to do with a health related meetingput on by a chiropractor in Boulder,
right or excuse me. This isBoulder, Boulder City, Nevada. You
signed up for a three year programfor six grand and man, I gotta
tell you, I am so ohgod. It's not just chiropractors, but
but all of these programs that peopleget hooked into In my opinion, when
it has to do with health andwellness, people should have a back to
or be able to get out ofany contract. They should never be held
to them all in this program.They don't like Sharon. What's going on?
What happened when you How did youfind out about this Boulder City,
Nevada program? Well? I gota card in the mail and it was
about a diabetic meeting. It wasvery close to where I live, so
I signed up for it, andyou know, he gave a two hour
talk. It was very importing andhe said he could help you with your
diabetes. Well he said, uh, he can't cure anything, but okay,
well help with all the issues peoplewere having. It wasn't just diabetic
problems, it was other health issuestoo. He was saying that, you
know, with this program he couldhelp. And what did the program?
What did the program entail? Bythe way, our numbers three all three
seven one three talk three all threeseven to one three eight two five five.
What did the program entail? Well, it entailed first of all,
if you signed up, you gota large uh container of a powdered drink
mix and then you mix it withwater or juice. My daughter was going
to sign up with me, andthen I found out she didn't like it.
She didn't want to go through theprogram. What else in addition to
the powder drink? What else didyou do? Yeah? Also they were
to send some vitamins that you swallow, and I don't know what else because
I canceled it right away. Ididn't want it because after it Okay,
now did it have anything to dosince he's a chiropractor with any chiropractic adjustments
or exams? Or was it mainlyjust a powdered drink mix and settlements?
You could have some blood work andyou can have an exam. Now that
was part of the program. Yes, regular blood work or what? Well?
I'm not sure because I didn't getinto that. I thought, okay,
fine, you so so you basicallywanted out. So what happened?
Did you read the program and youweren't able to get out or what?
Yes, he had marked some thingson the sheet that I signed, and
he had marked I was a VIPmember and things like that, and I
was not, but he was ina hurry. How long you changed your
mind when right after you signed it? No, I looked over the whole
program and read some detailed information.Was it about a week? What give
me a time frame? About aweek? Yeah? And then I and
then and then when you called aweek later to get out of it,
Well, Tom, she had putdown one thousand dollars and then was obligated
for another six thousand dollars for theremainder of the program, and she wanted
to get all of that back.Okay. And what did they say,
Yester, the doc. Did youever talk to him? Well, Sharon
was unable to. I gave theI talked to them, and Sharon,
how long was it after I talkedto them that they called you? They
called me that same day, Yeah, the same way. What happened when
they called Well, first of all, they charged me two thousand dollars on
my credit card the day after Isigned the contract, and then I was
shocked about that. And then whendoctor Kent called, Well, so you
had two thousand dollars paid in rightright away? Yeah? Yeah? And
did you expect well, how wereyou expecting to pay for it? Well?
I was going to have my daughterhelp me pay for it, okay,
but your credit card was charged.You must have known they were going
to do something if you gave himyour credit card, that's true. But
he told me I had three anda half to four years to pay it
off. Well, hold on,it was a six thousand dollars program.
They took two thousand the day later, right, yes, And then how
were you supposed to pay the otherfour thousand? Pay monthly? Okay?
And how much monthly? It wastwo hundred dollars okay? So anyway,
what what happened then you changed yourmind? Basically when you wanted to cancel?
Did they say they would get tokeep some money. No, they
just said it cancel it. It'snot possible, okay. So anyway,
what happened then? Do we havea good result here? After doc called
or what? Yes? Yes,Uh, well yeah, she gave me
his number and I did call him, and uh he called uh the company
and then said that, uh,you know, he was representing me and
that I wanted to get out ofthe program, and so uh you know,
uh they had called me back acouple of times because I didn't sign
some of the paperwork there. Nice, So what what ended up happening?
I'm curious? Oh yes, okay, so uh they let me out of
the program. They returned my money. Oh my doc, this is great
news, man, that's why.Great way to start off the week.
Tom. Oh, so she gotthe six thousand dollars taking away, plus
you had home money back that shehad given them. Yeah, and plus
I didn't have that oh the twohundred of a month. Oh my gosh.
Oh hey, I am so happyyou call. I am so happy
you called us. That's great news. Oh, I know, I know.
Listen, I want to I wantto make a blanket statement here.
And by the way, first ofall, I want to do that.
I want to why isn't my dingernot working? Oh, never mind,
that's a personal problem. Hold on, let me let me just do this.
Let me get this dinger working.It's been a long holiday weekend.
Let me get my dinger out therewe go, all right, now,
let me explain something. I wantto give some blanket statements about these kinds
of programs, because you know,I'm part of a concierge medicine program with
Grossman Wellness. But I'm going totell you how they operate. I want
to tell you how good programs operate, like, for example, Denverregen dot
Com and all of those, AndI want to tell you how bad programs
operate, and we'll do that comingup. Plus, I'll take Joey's call
on a waterline issue. And thenwe have Paul Thewaterman with US Waterpros dot
net to talk about water quality andanything on your mind. Give us a
call. Let's start off the secondhalf of this year with happiness and solving
problems. Of course, kicking ass. You know, I don't mean when
you're happy, you don't have tokick ash. Sometimes you have to.
We got more coming up. Gowith a sure thing Denver's best roofer Excel
Roofing dot com. You don't paya cent until you're content. Time for
an insurance check up free, noobligation. In comparison, call Compass Insurance
paying too much your coverage at dozensof insurance companies find out now three O
three seven to seven to one help. You'll think you're his only customer when
you choose Frank durand the real estateMan dot com to list your home with
Remax Alliance three all three nine twozero sixteen twenty two. I'm Tom Martino.
You are troubleshooter three all three sevenone three talk three O three seven
one three eight two five five.By the way, Compass Insurance Group does
insurance checkups for the asking. Whatyou do is call them and say,
I'd like to know if I'm payingtoo much. And right now a lot
of people are paying too much,but some people are paying and they're getting
less coverage. Three oh three ninenine six nine thousand. That's zero three
nine nine six nine thousand a freeinsurance check up. Now, let's talk
about this issue when it comes toI mean, these health programs. Let
me just put it, say itlike it is. So I go to
Grossman Wellness and I think I payaround three hundred bucks a month. Some
some programs are a little more alittle less, depending on what you do.
And I get all my blood work. In fact, I just had
a telehealth appointment this morning with doctorGrossman, where I get on the phone
at zoom. Now I can goin if I want to, but he
knows me well enough, and weyou know, I get my yearly check
up and then I get my everythree month blood work and consultations. So
I was able with doctor Grossman togo over my blood work and he tells
me what's good and what's bad.There's nothing really bad because if you do
it every three months, you dialin your supplements which are included in the
program, and your prescriptions also included. And you know, it's just a
wonderful thing. Right. But ifI told Grossman Wellness tomorrow I want to
get out of the program, I'dbe out. There's no penalty, there's
no fast talk, and there's nopromises. You know that I'm going to
cure this or cure that, althoughI've never been in better health, and
I thank God for that. Buthere's the other thing. Denverregen dot com
now Grossmanwellness dot com is open toanyone. Okay, Now, Denver Regen
does regenerative medicine hair restoration, andthey also do UH. They do things
like weight loss with semiglutide which isUH which is compounded, orpetide which is
compound. They do a monthly fee. You change your mind, you're out.
Here's what I'm saying. Any legitimatehealth program, if you're a chiropractor,
no matter who or what you are, they should never penalize you for
getting out. They should not requirea commitment from you whatsoever. The first
red flag and you should run iswhen they require you to sign up with
a penalty if you don't complete,regardless of your satisfaction, just don't do
it. Period. It is asure sign of a bad sign. Don't
do it. It's that simple.Can you imagine. I mean, there
are so many chiropractors that are doingthings like neuropathy treatments and all kinds of
peripheral neuropathy treatments with lights and massageor lasers or this or that, or
they're talking about type two diabetics andhelping them. I'm not saying there's no
benefit to any of these programs,but if they truly have benefit, truly,
then they should allow a patient togo month by month period. That's
it, month by month. Andif you don't like it, you're out.
That's what they should do. AndI am sick and tired of what
I call healthcare. Charlatan's now,let's go to the phones, and we
have Joey with a waterline issue.Joey, what's going on? Welcome to
the show, Joey, what's goingon? Well? I want to say
I admire your program, listening toyou often. Thank you you resolve these
problems. I do have a problemwith the Denver led program. Yeah,
I never had a leak in myline at my house and ventures Ajventchers Incorporated.
Are you talking about Denver Water Department? Right? It's sir, and
and their their anti lead program meaningwhat the pictures they give you with the
filters or what? What are youtalking about, Paul? Do you know
about their anti Paul doubting? Ofcourse? Is a water pro is an
expert at water quality? What doesthat lead program consist of? Do you
know? In Denver? And Paul, they mail filters out to people in
neighborhoods where they have old water linesand then the lead exceeds the and they
put the stags for me, thesefilters are for pictures for drinker filter right
right now, let me just askthem real quick before I let Joey continue.
Can let be absorbed into your skin? If you in addition to drinking
water, is lead has to bebad? No? Yes, something that
you don't want to drink. It'sa it's a it's not terrible for bathing.
It's just shows. It's basically it'smetal does all solid. You can't
see it, so it's not goingto be absorbed in your Okay, good,
good? So so go ahead,Joey? So am I allowed to
give their phone number over the line. AJ Ventures Incorporated. Now, but
what did ajres what do they haveto do with Denver Water? Well,
Denver Water is doing the repair onthe lines. They mark the streets,
they come down with paint and oh, so they're repairing your old lines.
Well, they're trying to. They'retrying. They're checking the lines. They're
drilling into the ground and they're checkingthe lines to see if there's any lead
in them. They didn't find anylead in my lines. They found that
it was a copper okay, line, So they're checking for lead so they
can eventually replace it. Is thatright? I'd imagine or fix the fittings
that are down there. I havepictures of the fittings and the holes.
I went in the front yard whenthey're and who's aj Ventures? Is that
the contractor they've used. That's thecontractor they used. They came out to
my house for the last three weekssince June. And what does aj ventures
do? They did the excavating,Yes, okay, so what is your
issue with them? They do avack truck and they they make holes all
the way down to your water line. And on June twentieth, I pictured
them blocking my driveway and they wereusing a shop back truck and this truck
sucks the dirt up all the waydown to the water line. Well,
I never had any outrageous bills orany leaks or anything, but I did
notice. I took pictures of theholes and took pictures of all the lines.
And after they were done with thathole in the front, there was
water coming up out of that particularhole by the fence. So they tried
to blame it on Denver Water demberWaters throw it back at them. They
just keep going back and forth andthen find case. So let me get
this straight. I think I knowwhere you're going with this. Are you
saying, after aj Ventures did workon your waterline for Denver Water Department,
they broke a hole. You thinkthey made a hole in it or made
it worse, and now you're gettingbills for that. Yeah, it's been
three weeks, almost four weeks goingon a month. Now, how much
more is your bill? Now?I haven't got one yet, but they
called me kind of saying, I'llgive you one hundred and fifty dollars,
but the problem is yours. YouYou have to fix that line. Who
said that dember Waters called. Theycalled me on the phone at a different
time. Now, so they're sayingthat your service line is to blame and
that's your responsibility. Yes, Paul, Paul, you know a lot about
this. Service lines, whether seweror water, are ours responsibility. Responsibility
right? But if truly right,if this company went out and they did
the excavation and damaged it and damagedit, so they wanted to inspect the
line to see the type of line, the type of pipe was there.
Based upon that pipe, did ithave to be replaced or not? And
they concluded it was copper. Butafter they after they filled everything up,
he started to seeing water come tothe surface. And they're denying all responsibility.
Now, do you know if they'rewhere the break in your line is?
Yeah, it's about four feet fromthe watermere. It's about four feet
now is that anywhere near where theywere probing? Oh? Yeah, I
have pictures of the holes that theydone, four holes, and they're denying
all. I mean, what comeon, there's no kind of coincidence like
this. Hang on a second,man, this sucks, Just hang on.
Did they pull a permit? Didthey when they came out? Did
you that's a good question. Didthey have a piece of paper taped to
your door? Was there a permitpulled? Do they have to if they're
working for the city, That's myquestion. I would do go ahead.
They didn't give me any kind ofpermit. Did they tell you your line
is broken? No, they didn'tsay any any such thing, but they
said it. Why then, whydid they say it's your responsibility? They
just keep going back and forth.Like I said, they point to Denver
Water. Denver Water says it's uh, Denver Water says it's aj Ventures.
Ajventure says it's the Denver Water.They've all come to visit with me over
the last two three weeks. Theykeep coming up and talking to me that
they're there. Actually they had asupervisor that did say for them to pick
that line. And they went backand forth a couple more times. And
then after the fourth of July weekendthey came, both of them. They
all called me and said it's basicallyyour fault. Will get all right,
hold on, we got more comingup and we're gonna we're gonna tackle this
sucker coming right up. Go witha sure thing. Denver's best roofer Excel
roofing dot com. You don't paya cent until you're content time for an
insurance check up free, no obligation. In comparison, call Compass Insurance paying
too much your coverage at dozens ofinsurance companies find out now three all three
seven seven wan help. You'll thinkyou're his only customer when you choose Frank
durand the real estate Man dot comto list your home with Remax Alliance three
oh three nine two zero sixteen twentytwo. Okay, I'm Tom Martino.
You're a troubleshooter. Now. Thiswaterline issue sucks, Joey. Here's the
bottom line. These people can't justcome back and say it's your responsibility.
Now, technically it is if it'syour service line. But if they broke
it, they should fix it.The problem is proving it. You're gonna
have to have someone look at itand do all of that excavating to find
out where the leak is and howit was caused. How old is your
waterline? Do you know? Ibought the house in two thousand and seven
and I've towlds the house. Ithink it's nineteen probably forty fifty, nineteen
forty five maybe nineteen fifty. Soit's possible you have an old water line
and by them digging up to checkit disturbed it and broke it. Now
the rub is this does depreciation applyhere? Can they say? Well,
come on, man, you hadan eighty year old line or whatever the
hell it is? Right? Andwhat do you expect what? I'm not
sure about it? I really amnot. So have you done anything so
far to look into this? Yeah? I have pictures. On June twentieth,
I was in the yard and tookpictures of the holes they excavated.
I got a picture of the line. Now was that hole right near where
the water is seeping up? Rightnow? Exactly right right where when you
go down and look at your meter, your meter running when everything is off?
Yeah, you can't see a watermeter? Can you like an electric
do you, Paul? You don'tsee that spinning at all? To you?
You do? Oh? You do? You do? It's a counter.
So do you see it turning?Yeah, it's turning unless I turn
it off. I have to turnit off. And there's actually what do
you mean turn it off? Ihave to turn it off at the water
the water source that comes from thestreet. I have to show. I
don't get that. How do youHow are you able to turn off the
water from the street. They havea key, there's a there's a from
the street, from the from thestreet. But can he do it as
a homeowner? Well, if youif you purchased the tool they called a
key in my industry, where it'sa you know you can shut the water
off because I know you have amain water shut off in your house.
But I didn't realize he can goand turn it off from the street.
Every every house has the ability todo that. Do they allow you to
do that? Yeah? I guesswhen you're working on your water we're working
on your water line. Some peoplecall and ask the city to come out
and do that for them. Okay, all right, So I guess the
bottom line is this, what areyou going to do? Are you going
to hire somebody to figure out thesource of this problem or do you expect
them to do it. I'm hopingthat we can get them to resolve it,
because there were there I have pictures. I know it sounds logical to
us. I don't think you shoulddeal with aj Ventures. I think you
should deal with Denver Water. They'rethe ones who did this. I mean,
they may have hired somebody, butthey have to spearhead this. They
have to say, look, youjust got finished checking those lines and now
it's leaking. This is not thehomeowner's fault. For god's sakes. Now,
why did you want to give methe name of somebody at AJ Ventures?
Was there a reason for that?Did they treat you badly or what?
Yeah, they're all denying. They'reall denying. I'm being very graceful
about it, and I'm telling allright, we're gonna have somebody get on
this. Hey, Doc, youseem to be batting a thousand recently.
You want to try this? Sure? I mean, think about the logic.
Doc. They go out there,they excavate. Well, now,
when you say excavate, let's let'stalk about that. Is it a big
hole? Little hole? Is ita drill? What is it about it?
An eight inch hold? Okay,So they they bore, they bore
an eight inch hold down and inspectthe line to see if it's copper or
lead. Right, yes, Andas soon as they're done, as soon
as they're done, they dig it. They throw dirt back in that hole
and now waters percolating. Yep.Well, how can they blame you for
that? Come on, that's whatI want show in the twenties they did.
I have them out there digging thehole and I have a picture on
the twenty first of that hole filledwith water. Okay, you know what
I like that you did all ofthis documentation, doc, let's take it.
I'm going to give this to Deputydoc. As I said. He's
uh, he's right there listening,and I think he agrees with me that
there's way more. Uh, Idon't know, it's crazy, way Yeah,
there was no there was no leakagebefore, and now there's leakage after
they with them. Yeah, exactly, And he and he's got all the
documentation three oh three seven one threeA two five five. Now, Annie,
you got a question quickly about ExcelHome Service program. Is this the
warranty they have, Well, they'renot connected with to Excel, but it
covers five different things. And Iwas just wondering if anybody has heard about
this home service program. I reallyI've heard about it, and I got
the paperwork and then I read allthe exclusions and they're saying to you,
yeah, I want you to holdon because this this really warrants a discussion,
and I want you to make theright choice, so we'll talk about
it coming up. Three all threeseven one three eight two five five.
And speaking of home services, eighteight eight Heating dot com will come and
inspect your air conditioner of your havingany issues, free second opinions always and
they're good, honest people. Ifyou need regular service on any of your
plumbing or heating or cooling, andthat's eight eight eight Heating dot com,
go with a sure thing Denver's Bestroofer Excel Roofing dot Com. You don't
pay a cent until you're content.Wait time for an insurance check up free,
no obligation. In comparison, callCompass Insurance. Paying too much your
coverage at dozens of insurance companies findout now three all three seven to seven
to one. Help. You'll thinkyou're his only customer when you choose Frank
durand the real estate Man dot comto list your home with Remax Alliance three
all three nine two zero sixteen twentytwo. Man. Hi, I'm Tom
Martine. You're troubleshooter three O threeseven to one three Talk Annie, listen,
let's talk about this. These homeservices program you say they cover four
things. What did you mean bythat? Well, it's actually five.
One of them is exterior water service, another one is the exterior electrical,
interior electrical, the gas line,and the sewer. Okay, I'm going
to tell you that. How muchdo they want a month? Five nine
five dollars? Yeah, well that'spretty damn shape, isn't it. In
fact, yeah, they put aprice there like that. The five ninety
nine they do it on purpose becauseit's almost what I call a throwaway.
People aren't going to do a lotof complaining. But and if you have
five ninety nine to throw away,I'm not telling you it's entirely useless.
But what I'm telling you is this, most claims will be turned down.
And it's it's very simple premise.And that is this. The the exclusions
out number how much they cover.The reason is this? The reason is
this. The normal wear and tearfor age will not be covered. Okay,
exterior forces will not be covered,big trucks, stuff like that,
diasterism, I should say, justEarth's settling right is not covered. Okay.
The other thing is anything considered ownerabuse or anything like that. When
you take all of those considerations,what is covered hardly anything that's right,
that's exactly right. I read throughthe exclusions. Well, I bought it,
I got toword paperwork. I readthrough the exclusions and I realized,
no, not covering anything that's right. Could you send me, send me
the latest? Did you cancel?I'm thinking of yeah, I'm going to
cancel. I would cancel too.I called to cancel, and I you
know, she wanted me not tocancel. I said, well, I
need to talk to somebody about this. And I was thinking about you,
and I said, and I'm underthe thirty day. I'm still under the
thirty day where I can still cancel. Wait, if you don't cancel within
thirty days, did they hold youto a year? Well, they won't
return any money back. And Ididn't pay that much for it anyways.
To start off with, that's howmuch did you pay? I just the
billing that I'm looking at it wasseventy nine dollars in some sense, And
I'm trying to find my own billingbecause that doesn't seem that seems low.
Well is that for the year oris that for exclusions? It was the
exclusions that just I thought, there'shardly anything here covered I know it.
In fact, they're y'very ridiculous.But Annie, they do this on purpose.
They do it on purpose because it'sa throwaway amount. They figure people
will just do it for safety.And I'm so happy you called me,
thank you for calling. But Iwould cancel it, absolutely positively. And
the worst ones are the home serviceare the home warranties they have where they
say they're going to cover your homeappliances and your major systems. Those are
all lies too because and I shouldn'tsay lies, there are things that might
be covered, but they don't tellyou what they are until they go bad.
Then they let you know why it'sexcluded. They all suck. In
fact, regular home warranties suck.And anyone I've told you, if you
represent a company that sells these littleribbons and all these other shields and stuff
for the house, let's talk aboutit. They're bad deals. I'm Tom
Martine Moore coming up. Go witha sure thing Denver's Best Roofer Excel Roofing
dot com. You don't pay acent until you're content. Please time for
an insurance check up free, noobligation. Comparison call Compass Insurance paying too
much your coverage at dozens of insurancecompanies. Find out Now three oh three
seven seven one help. You'll thinkyou're his only customer when you choose Frank
durand the real estate Man dot comto list your home with Remax Alliance three
oh three nine two zero sixteen twentytwo. Ripped of news need so you
don't have you come runnxious sustas aswe can show. Shooter's gonna help come.
This is the Troubleshooter Show Now TomMartine. Hey, I'm Tom Martino.
Welcome to the show. This hourbrought to you by renew home Innovations
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three nine zero four two thousand,nine zero four two thousand. Mark joins
us from Parts Unknown. No,it's not Parts unknown. He's at Pismo
Beach, or near Pismo Beach inCalifornia. Mark went out there to California's
Motorhome with Suzanne to try to talkGavin newsomanto running for president because he loves
the guy and he's in his fanclub. So Mark is out there and
doing that. So good Mark,good. Well, Hopefully he hopefully Joe
steps down and passes on those delegatesto a Gavin. Then I get my
five hundred bucks from you. Youknow, you're so ridiculous. I have
him on tape. No, youdon't play it. Yeah, look at
Mark. Mark, listen. I'mgonna say something that I don't often say.
But it is very possible that it'sslipped my mind. But in my
mind, I don't make reckless bets, so I don't think I did it.
However, I do believe he's goingto be on the ticket Mark.
For those listening, Mark said,we made a wager, and you two
morons, don't even bother waging inunless you have proof. Okay, don't
even bother you because you hear whatyou want to hear. Mark said we
were having some banter and said,really, I'll bet you five hundred dollars
Joe Biden will not be the nomineebah blah blah blah blah, or not
be on the ticket. Whatever.He's not gonna run anyway. But by
the way, Dan Kaplis is rightthere with you. He believes that too.
So I'm shocked. You still,I'm shocked you think he can survive
what's going on right now. No, I really do think he's gonna run,
Mark, I really do. Hecan't count. The guy can't walk,
and he's running our country. Peoplesee that now. Yeah, I
think he's running because he's afraid whatTrump is going to do to his family.
A fact, he's running. Andyou know what, I'm just tired
of hearing about this. Do youknow I'm on the mailing list as an
independent for both parties, even forKennedy too. So let me just tell
you something. What the emails Ihave gotten from both sides are so ridiculous.
But let's just highlight the Biden Harriscampaign. I get emails that,
literally, and I swear to god, I am not exaggerating. I get
emails that say, point blank,listen now that Trump has full immunity,
not that presidents have immunity doing theirduties. But now that Trump has full
immunity, he will most likely assassinateme and my family and get away with
it. Now, now, thisis the most ridiculous crap. And he
has pledged to be a dictator,to be a dictator on day one,
and that we will never have anotherpresidential election again. Now now, now
listen, come on, all right, I mean, whether you like Trump
or not, or like Biden ornot, come on, I mean,
really, what are people? That'sstupid? So Mark, So I'm not
going to mention any names. It'snot my great guest I have today,
Paul Thewaterman waterpros dot dot net.But it's not it's not that. But
there was somebody here, a guestwho was an actually what I thought,
an intelligent person, and I happento say, are you tired of the
hyperbole surrounding elections? Are you tiredof the exaggeration? And I'm thinking about
both sides, And I said,for example, can you believe that people
think Trump is going to assassinate hisenemies or he is going to work to
do away with presidential elections and tryto become a dictator. Now, I
swear to God. This guy saysto me, so I gave it away
as not a woman. This guy. This guy says to me, well,
yeah, that's a distinct possibility.And I said, you're kidding,
right, this was not on theair. This was off the air.
And he says, no, hesays, I'm fearful of that. Now.
I'm serious. All kidding aside,all kidding aside, Because when people
said Obama was an agent for thisor that or this country or that country,
you know, Mark, I've alwayssaid, that's ridiculous. I believe
the politicians running for office, eventhough they have different visions in their hearts.
In their hearts, they want todo what's best for the country,
or that's what they think. Nowwe may disagree vehemently on how they do
it, but I don't think wehave an evil bastard who is saying I
want to destroy America. I wantto do away with elections, I want
to be king, I want tobe dictator. And I don't think there's
a guy in the White House,including any progressive, saying, you know,
let's do away with free enterprise andprofit and this and that. Now
do I think there are craziness there'scraziness on each side, Yes there is,
and I do tend to lean conservativewhen it comes to economic issues and
stuff like that. And but here'swhat I want to say. I don't
believe anyone is as bad as theother side paints them. Okay, I
just and I at least I haveenough common sense to say that. So
Mark, I don't know how youfeel about that, But truly, all
kidding aside, this guy actually said, and you know what, I have
relatives who actually believe it that thatTrump now has a license to assassinate his
enemies and plans to do it.Now, come on, come on,
it's dumb man. Of course,of course, that's all they do.
All they do is fear mongert.That's what the left has come to do.
The other thing that's amazing is howbrainwashed they can do. If you
tell somebody something, if I toldyou the color blue was red, a
million times, you would think it. You really wouldn't. And that's what
they're doing to the population right nownow. Okay. But at the same
time, Mark, I you know, I just listen, I agree with
you, But let me just saythat. But at the same time,
I want to say something else.I've gotten emails from news organizations on the
right that say things that are ridiculous. I mean, you know that that
Democratic higher ups are child trafficking fortheir own gratification and they're taking transfusions from
babies. I mean, well,clairet fly to that island? How many
times? I forget? But howmany times did he fly to that nice
private island? Apparently? Who's thatEpstein? Well, yeah, but what
does Epstein have to do with progressiveClinton's oh so? But to say that
they're taking infant babies and doing bloodtransfusions for eternal youth and trafficking kids for
their own gratificad I mean, come, first of all, I've never heard
of any of this stuff. You'resaying, Oh, I don't. Oh
are you kidding me? Well,how many Hollywood people came out last week
and said Biden could do exactly whatyou know, could go after Trump?
Yeah, I know, I mean, but thinks I don't think how now
even him Pault. I mean,they're they're getting out of there too.
Man. Anyway, let's go tothe phones. But no, I will
give your comments on this because I'mnot here telling you to vote here and
vote this and vote that. I'mjust saying, the whole thing is ridiculous
and it's sowing seeds of contention andit's not productive for anyone. But that's
what they want, Tom, Ireally believe that they want to say.
They both sides want that. Ithink that I think the establishment, I
think hate in fighting. Well,okay, I will say that you're right
about the hate part. That thevery first thing a liberal throws at you
if you disagree hate hate, notnot oh we disagree, but you're a
hateful person. See. And thisis where they believe they're on a mission
of good because they believe doing awaywith Trump or any Republican is a mission.
It's not just disagreement, it's amission. Therefore, when people are
on a mission, I mean,they'll justify anything, right. And don't
you think Antifa what they did andwhat they try to do is to press
free speech? Well, no,no, In conversation, Antifa took over
more buildings than anybody did on Januarysixth exactly. I mean around the country
during the Black Lives Matter riots,right and or Antifa before that on Wall
Street. There was more insurrection inthose protests than ever. Totally agree.
I mean I'm not saying that itwas good. Any of them were good.
None of them were None of themare good. I gotta go to
the phones now, seriously, let'sgo to the phones and and and that's
look at, look at I knowpeople's old. Tom. Just solve your
consumer problems, you know what,go to hell? I mean, I'm
talking about things that are pretty obvious. And right now the country is being
torn apart, and I think personallyit's being torn apart by the media and
a buffoon running the country. It'sokay, Mark being torn apart, but
I'm talking about with the media itselftearing us apart and wanting us. We
are falling prey to the algorithms ofsocial media and the stuff we're being fed,
and we're being trained to hate eachother. Can't you see that?
You can certainly see manipulation on bothsides, certainly you can. And I'm
not talking about political parties themselves.I'm talking about the media anyway. Shelley.
What's happening with you, Shelley?What can we do to help you?
Hi? Hi? I am havinga huge trouble with Frontier Airlines.
Now, what is the trouble withFrontier Frontier is a terrible airline. Yeah,
it's it's it's more terrible than Iknew. So I flew them at
the beginning of tune and they lostmy bag, told me it would arrive
on the next flight. It didn'tarrive on the next flight. It's never
arrived. Cons they don't one bag, and so what has So let's just
let's just go right to it.It's lost, Okay, now it's lost.
Now what So you can't communicate withFrontier via voice It's only they do
that on purpose. They don't wantto talk to people, that's right,
right, So I haven't talked tothem, so I keep I chatted with
them. I went through all thesteps that they told me to do fial
report. Okay, so but herethey're only here's here's the problem with all
of this. They're only responsible toyou for a very small amount of money,
right, are you willing to takethat and accept it? Well,
I would like something. I waslike, no, I get it,
and I think they are. Theydo have to pay something. Isn't that
right or not? Well, apparentlyin the fine print it says that they
would pay up to like I thinkit's like thirty eight hundred dollars and it's
not the stuff like I can replacethis stuff. Well, actually, I'm
not sure. I'm not sure theypay up to thirty eight hundred. I
mean, are you sure that Idid read that? I did read that
mark. You travel a lot bya frontier, don't you. Yeah,
I got the all you can eatpass. Well, do you know about
their luggage and their policy? Youhave their policy on what I mean if
they lose the luggage, Yeah,they generally will refund you up to whatever
the max is on the ticket.What is it a thousand bucks? I
believe No, she set up tothirty eight hundred, it says. Now,
here's what I'm looking at. I'mlooking at the Department of Transportation,
and what she says kind of ringstrue. Here it says there is an
Airlines have a liability to limit upto thirty eight hundred dollars per passenger for
lost, damage, or delayed baggage. This limit is subject to change,
but so far as thirty eight hundred. However, the compensation is not based
on the limit, but rather theactual value of lost items and not replacement
cost, which means that depreciated valueyou may need to provide receipts and other
proof of stuff that was in thebag. The claims process you file with
the airline within twenty four hours orseven days after the loss is discovered.
Oh, I'm sorry twenty four hoursto say. You can't do it before
twenty four hours, and you can'tdo it after seven days. So you
did it in that timeframe. Theairline will then investigate and determine the amount
of compensation. So have you doneall that? I've done all that?
How much? How much did youvalue your bag at? Because you're not
going to get thirty eight hundred No, I mean I it's too much tedious.
I stopped at like four thousand.No, no, no, hold
on, do you understand that?How could you have four thousand dollars in
your bag? In one bag?How can you have four thousand dollars in
one bag? Come? Give mean idea, Give me an idea.
I had, I had new shoes, I had new dresses, I had
new do you under do you knowwhat actual cash value means? Not replacement
costs? Right? You know whatactual cash fvalul means? If you were
to sell that, if you wereselling that online, how much would you
get for that? Stuff. Ohyeah, I have no idea. I
mean, you're not going to getme. Listen, you're not going to
get But you think that's the problem. And by the way, I'm not
saying that's a good thing. I'mjust saying that's just the way it is.
So so I don't know what youhad in their now, jewelry,
that's a different story. If youhad jewelry, you can document. I
didn't. I didn't. I mean, And the thing is, I would
like my bag back. I wouldlike them. I paid for the bag.
I paid for it, overweight bag, I paid I just I checked
the stuff because I had. Yeah, you should get paid something. Are
they totally stonewalling you completely? They'renot answering me. I am. They
just don't answer me. They saysomeone will get back to you, someone
will get back to you, andnobody has. And it's just I mean,
I think they want me to goaway, and I kind of would,
but it's just I'm really typical payouts. Here's what the average payouts have
been over the last ten years.Five hundred dollars. Oh seriously, the
average payout. It's ridiculous, wellridiculous. Now you know you can take
them the small claims court. Youcan't. But that doesn't mean you're gonna
get what you want. But you'llat least get something, and you know
that's not impossible to do. Theywill answer you, Mark, Won't they
answer you? Oh God, they'llanswer you the next day once you're served.
They've never not answered within twenty fourhours. Think about that. Yeah,
I mean, you may you they'llhave no choice but to reach out
to you. And honestly, ifyou have receipts. The funny part is,
let's say they ask for receipts ofwhat was in the suitcase, whether
it's jewelry or whatever, whatever's inthere that they would cover, and then
of course the luggage itself. Youknow, how would you possibly prove if
you have those kind of receipts ifyou brought that stuff with you or not.
I'm not so sure. You can'tget to thirty eight hundred. But
you know, Shelley Mark, wheredo you serve Frontier Airlines? They have
one. I believe I've served themin Littleton. It's one of those service
companies. I mean, I've beenthere a hundred times and I'm pretty sure
they're out of the same one.Shelly, you may want to do that.
I swear to you. I meanMark has gotten Mark has gotten money
from them before for ridiculous stuff.I mean ridiculous stuff they did to him,
like somebody to answer me. Andthey're not going to pay attention.
They're not going to Frontier Airlines willcontinue to operate the way they do until
it hurts them so badly they won'tdo it. You know, the new
business model of absolutely doing nothing andghosting people up until they have to do
something is really taking over this country. Man. It is it is.
You know what, And if youdo the math, I bet you anything.
If you do the math, they'resaving lots and lots of money,
no matter how you look at it. Yeah, because first of all,
they have no tellphone agents whatsoever.They have no They do nothing until they're
forced to. So if you takeall of those forced two things in the
equation and then get the credit fornone of the service and employees and all
of that, they are probably dollarsahead. And that's all that counts.
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nine two zero sixteen twenty two,Tom Martino, your troubleshooter three or three
seven one three tuck Oma or Uma? Tell me about your contractor what's going
on? Are you there? Oma? Oh? Yes, hi Hi?
What's going on? Okay? Wecontacted the contractor in September of twenty twenty
one for what lace the roof?Okay? Did you contract with them in
December of twenty twenty one? Yes, okay, okay. And what happened,
Well, they fixed the roof,but the water had leaked through the
ceiling and caused a lot of damage. Now, is this after they fixed
it it leaked? No, No, it was caused by the leak.
Okay before they fixed it, Yeah, okay, keep going. What happened
then? So they they put upthe roof in the fall of twenty twenty
one, and then they had issueswith the insurance to replace the kitchen cabinets
and fix the ceiling in the livingroom and the kitchen and the hallway,
and they took the they took thecontract, the home insurance to court.
It was set. Wait wait,wait, who took your Who took your
insurance to court? The contractor?That doesn't sound they don't have okay,
why would they take your insurance tocourt? They don't even have standing to
do that. Let me ask youthis, hold on. Did they fix
the interior damage and could not getreimbursed. No, they haven't finished the
interior. The interior is we haveno kitchen cabinets. I mean we have
no okay, But then why wouldthe roofer take your insurance company to court
because the insurance wouldn't pay for theinside of the house. But that's not
up to that insurance company to putthat. Excuse me, your contractor has
no legal standing to sue for thatif they didn't do the work, okay,
all right, Well what happened then? Well they took them to court
and they settled in October twenty twentythree for one hundred eighty thousand dollars.
Wait a minute, Ama, holdon, omen are you saying they got
one hundred eighty thousand dollars on yourbehalf for repairs they did not do?
Were they working on it? Oh? Okay? So? But but how
did they go? Okay? Iam so baffled by this. So they
sued for money before the work waseven done? Correct? Did they get
your permission to do it on yourbehalf? I believe I signed the paper?
Okay, Well, then that's thenyou're the one that sued. Okay,
go ahead, So now what theyso, so this attorney tricked you
into signing up this lawsuit through theroofer and and they settled. Now what,
Well, as of today, wedon't have a kitchen thing or kitchen
caundars. And here's the problem withthis. Here's the problem with this.
The contractor has the money. Isthat correct? Yes? Yes? So
what's the name of the contractor?Hold on, what's the name of the
contractor? Blue Ribbon? Who's blueribbon? It's the name of Is it
called blue Ribbon roofing or what?It's a contract that does inside and outside?
He does everything. It's called blueRibbon construction. Okay, So who
was the person you dealt with thatblue ribbon? Brian Moorehst, Brian more
Horst, can you spell that forme? Yeah, I'm going to try
to. Let me see. Thisis amazing to me. Just forget it
right now, Brian, and so, Brian, this was fall of twenty
twenty one. So the contractor tookthe insurance company to court. What's amazing
is they took him to They thatmust have been a bad faith claim and
they had you file it. Basically, what attorney handled this? I don't
know. You don't have the paperworkthat you signed. Do you have the
lawsuit? Do you have a copyof the lawsuit it? Yes? I
do. We need to see thatbefore we continue because this is highly unusual.
Hang on, we just need tomark this pending because I'm telling you
something is gravely wrong here. Okay, maybe gravely's not the right word,
but there is something terribly wrong.Somehow they tricked you into letting them do
a bad faith action and they keptthe money. I don't know who handled
the case, but your lawsuit willhave hoof sued who was the attorney and
how it was done, Because firstof all, you don't even sue as
a contractor unless you did the workand didn't get paid. The fact that
they sued before they did the worksays it was a bad faith suit which
can only be brought by you.So I need to get Kaschina. You
need to get this to me becauseotherwise I have no idea what's going on.
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roofer Excel Roofing dot com. Youdon't pay a cent until you're content.
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three oh three seven to seven toone help. You'll think you're his only
customer when you choose Frank durand thereal estate Man dot com to list your
home with Remax Alliance three oh threenine two zero sixteen twenty two. Hi
Tom Martino here three oh three sevento one three talks seven one three eight
two five five. Now, Stephanie, I'm sorry that I took other calls
ahead of you. I want togo through this really quickly. Here on
the constructive eviction. Okay, youyou are allowed if if you have intolerable
conditions, you need to tell thelandlord and have them by letter or email
or both, saying that according tothe habitability a warranty of habitability laws,
you have the following deficiencies. Andthen if it's like rodent infestation and other
things, you tell the landlord andthen you say, I hereby give you
notice that if these are not correctedwithin and you got to give them a
reasonable amount of time that the courtshave usually ruled anywhere from twenty to thirty
days. You give them notice andsay if corrections are not made, I
will with hold rent to pay forrepairs, or I am leaving you.
Pick one of those two. Nowhere's the deal. You have to document
everything. It is a real thingand people have been successful at it,
but you must do it like that. In fact, there's a float chart
on this whole process that I canprobably email you on what to do.
It's a it's a construction constructive evictionfloat chart. But the first thing is
to notify the landlord of the specificproblems and they have to be stuff that
that are under the laws of habitability. Road and infestation would be one any
health or safety issues, heat,water, all of that. Then then
you do the uh, the note, you know, tell them you want
to fix in a certain amount oftime, and then just wait. If
they don't do it, then yousend another letter with your rent saying I'm
withholding rent for this reason. Andthen but you must use the money you
withhold for the repairs. Now,if you don't want to go that way,
you can simply leave, but youhave to let them know either way,
whether you're going to withhold to fixor you're going to leave. Okay,
So the point where I'm at isI've asked them several times and then
I sent them emails. So Ifinally last week on Friday, I finally
found this document of the letter lettingthem know that I was going to leave
the premises. And I walked intothe real real estate company, which is
but part of the worst real estatecompany I've ever dealt with, because anything
I've ever asked them or talked tothem about, they told me I'm lying.
And and now anyways, this isthe last one. When I came
in this last time, I handedthem the letter and I told him I'm
going to do a constructive Oh youdid tell them that I did already.
I'm already at that point. Andso wow, the man and how long
ago did you wait? How so? So you gave them notice to fix
and they failed to fix? Right? So when did you tell him you
were leaving last Friday? Yeah?But what do you mean is when did
you give him the first letter demandingit be fixed? Oh, that was
about two weeks ago. So we'vebeen for weeks living with these rodents and
they were are you going to beout at the end of July? That's
what I told them. Yes,Okay, what have they responded so far?
So when I went into the office, Matt, he's very confrontational.
He right away he starts getting crazybecause this is the second time I've been
into the office about probably. Whatdid he say? I mean, he
can't get crazy, it's it's allbusiness. What did he say? He
told me that. He said,you can try to do this, but
the owner's not going to give itto you. And I said, how
much deposit do you have? Atwenty two dollars? I put the well,
he is going to give you now. He may not give it to
you without a fight, but you'regoing if he doesn't give it to you,
you're going to assume him for troubledamages. Well, I just want
to get out of this contract.That's it, because I've had nothing but
problem. Yeah, but you wantyour money to write your security deposit?
No, I don't even want that. They can keep it for the month
of the July, just okay.Then I would then just leave. Yeah,
so that's the thing. I Ican't just leave without letting them know.
So I gave them. I gavethem the letter. And he says,
oh, you've done nothing. Hesays, the owner is not going
to give you this eviction. Hesays, you've done nothing but lie on
our company. I've never listen.Listen, you've gone. He kicked me
out, and he said I'm notallowed in that building anymore. And then
he said, okay, but butwhy do you care if you're leaving?
Why do you care? I justdon't want this to backfire on me.
I in what way? Backfire?In what way do you mean? Because
they're going to come after you forthe balance of the lease. Yeah,
the remaining like what now, nothingcan prevent them from coming after you for
that. But you've done everything,according to you, you've done everything under
the laws. So even if theydo come after you to try to sue
you for damages, you're going toshow your documentation that you did everything correctly.
And believe me, with the waythe courts are nowadays, tenants have
more rights than landlords. Okay,so let me just ask you one question.
If they turn around and now saythat they're going to pay for the
extermination, but I'm already past thepoint where I don't want to live here,
how does that work that? Idon't know. We need to talk
to Brad O'Brien, our real estateattorney. Let's see if we can get
a quick comment from him about constructiveeviction in the next hour. Stephanie,
that's what we have to do.Well, let's try to get him on
to answer that we have more comingright up, Go with a sure thing.
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to list your home with Remax Alliancethree oh three nine two zero sixteen twenty
two. Hi Tom Martino, you'rea troubleshooter. Three O three seven to
one three. Talk Brad O'Brien veryquickly. He's here. That's good.
I'll talk to him now, Brad. On a constructive eviction, if someone
writes to the landlord and says,you know, I demand you fix this
stuff or I'm leaving, and thenyou're getting ready to leave, and they
went way beyond the deadline you gavehim, uh, you know, and
then they say, okay, okay, we're going to fix it. What
do you do? Then? Doyou have to unwind everything and stay well?
I assume you're not talking about thewarranty of habitability statute. Yeah.
Yeah. To get a constructive eviction, she said her place was infested with
rats, and she wrote say goahead, okay, yeah, things like
that that are health and safety,and wrote, including rodents and things that
make the place habitable fall under thewarranty of habitability statute, which has its
own procedures for giving notice. Thenthe landlord has a certain amount of time
to respond and start repairs and thenthey have a reasonable amount of time to
complete the repairs. And if thatdoesn't happen, then you could do two
things with that statute. Either onego to court to terminate the lease or
to go to court to order geta court order forcing them and learn to
do the work. So you haveto go to court before you just leave.
Actually, well you can if youif you can actually lead before without
going to court. But it's it'sa sort of a leap of faith because
you have to first get all thenotices the landlord has to then fail to
do the work, then only acourt can decide if you did it correctly.
So if they come after you,that's when the court would decide that.
Otherwise you're out right. Okay,listen, we have more coming up.
If you have more questions, we'lltry to get an answer, Stephanie.
I got to go on to someother calls as well. Three oh
three seven, one, three eight, two five five. Don't forget,
I'll take all of your calls.Stay tuned. Plus, we have waterpros
dot net here to answer water questionsthat I have piled up. Go with
a sure thing Denver's best roofer Excelroofing dot com. You don't pay a
cent until you're content. Time foran insurance check up free, no obligation.
In comparison, call Compass Insurance.Pay too much your coverage? Dozens
of insurance companies find out now threeall three seven seven one help. You'll
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com to list your home with RemaxAlliance three all three nine two zero sixteen
twenty two. Yeah, ripped news. You need advice? Who you don't
have? Come running as as aswe can. Shooter's gonna help. Come
man, This is the Troubleshooter Show. No Tom Martino, Hey, Tom
Martino here, Welcome to the show. Three all three seven one three Talks
seven one three eight two five five. This hour brought to you by Waterpros
dot Net. Paul the Waterman iswith us. Paul, let's talk about
Somebody wants to know they text agood question for him? Yeah, they
text me on my Google number sevenfour seven nine eighty. If you guys
want to text me, you can. Somebody wants to know does a whole
house water softener need to bypass thesprinkler lines, or do you just you
know and go ahead, So whatdo you do about that? It's a
good idea to do that, soyou're not wasting it, right, correct,
it won't So what with soft water? Treated water? Filtered water won't
kill the grass, but it's absentof food that the grass needs or your
lawn, the trees, you know, drip drip lines. So something that
you know, that's what we tryto do, is installed bypassed per What
about okay, that's what it's asking. And then what about potassium water softeners?
What do you know about those?They're the same as regular water softeners
that some companies over indulge and saythat this is a potassium based system.
All units can use potassium. Theproblem is potassium is very expensive and you
have to so why would you usepotassium? Let's say nothing else? Because
folks they misunderstand how a software operates. So people think that you're putting salt.
If a water soften uses water softingsalt, you're putting salt in the
water and you're not doing that.So then other companies try to, you
know, create this illusion. Whileyou use potassium and potassium, the process
is the same. You have touse more potassium than water softing salt.
And people have to understand the byproduct of a water softener is sodium by
carbonate baking soda. So why arepeople so concerned with the salt? Are
they assuming if you wash the filterswith salt, salt gets into your water.
So salt is a sailing the softrates right, So people are under
the false impression that you're putting saltinto the water, and that's not the
case. It's only put into thewater used to rinse the filter. That
during the backwashing process. It's anexchange process. The resin grabs the hardness,
so then the hardness and the chloridego down the drain. So the
byproduct of a water softener is eithersodium and the water stays without sodium.
Correct, So you're going to haveeither sodium by carbonate, which is baking
soda if you use water softing salt, or potassium carbonate if you use potassium.
Mark you had a question. He'sgonna think I'm kidding, but I'm
not. Someone emailed us and sentme a link to an article from the
Guardian. Listen to this man.The study has found significant levels of microplastics
and four out of five men goingthrough a rectile dysfunction and they're finding the
microplastics and the penis. Is thattrue? First? But first I have
a question, where do you findit in the water supply? All you
no, but where in the penis? Like if you go to a doctor
for viagar or something, does hesay, let me check your penis for
plastics. It's in the blood,vessels, microplastics. Microplastics has penetrated every
aspect of the human body. Isin the brain, in the penis,
veins, artery, is exactly correct. So microplastics is in the water supply.
Every every major body of water hasmicroplastics. So we're drinking microplastics and
it's lodging in our systems. Absolutely, we're eating We're eating microplastics. We're
breathing microplastics. Absolutely correct. Sothis is this is an issue where every
microplastics. My concern down the roadis that it's even going to be responsible
for birth defects. Now it saysit's leading it could lead to smooth muscle
dysfunction, which of course is whichcontributes to a rectile dysfunction. So that
is I see the article, Mark, I thought you were joking it says
they go it says, it saysthere. The microplastics go there because of
how much blood flow there is andhow spongy the organ is. It's really
crazy to think of it in thoseterms. Well, the bigger issue for
me is people who have stents inany aspect of the body for blood flow.
Microplastics can cause, you know,a concern because they can build up
within that stent, they get trappedin fatty tissue, they can get trapped
in cholesterol. You know, Deputydoc, if you remember what was a
couple months ago, first you know, told us that he saw the story
online because the microplastics win the placenta, and since then they found that they're
in every aspect of the human body. Wow, So how do you get
around that? I mean, obviouslyyou want to filter the water you drink
in your house, but are youhow would you even be safe buying bottled
water? Well, you can't besaved buying bottle water because bottle water has,
because of their manufacturing practices, hasmicroplastics. They have even nanoparticles of
the of the filter system are inbottle water. So with my purified water
pole, I use it now ifI put it in the wrong container.
Could I still leach plastics? No, I don't think you can leach plastics
if you put it in a plasticcontainer. Okay, it's something that microplastics
are that separate. Microplastics are anenvironment based upon deterioration and landfills, deterioration,
contamination, so then it's on runoffand everything. Right. They don't
they don't, they don't break down, tom, they don't go away.
They just get small microplastics. Absolutely, they do, hundred percent. The
research I'm doing is shows that.Knowing that, but the next big issue
on top of that is going tobe the pharmaceutical the component that we're going
to have to be dealing with too. Yeah, and that's micro pharmaceuticals because
pharmaceuticals are not being completely removed frommunicipal water. That's right, And every
their study is done right now inColorado that every major over the counter pharmaceutical
that you use is in our watersupply. See here's what I've said before,
and I'll say it again. There'sno way that you can be proactive
with your health by organic have supplementsand care about your body without looking at
your water. Absolutely correct. Imean that's I mean come on, it's
the most important thing. That everyaspect of life is water. What we
eat is water, the vegetables,the meat and everything, even the plastic
wrap. Now Tom that they putour meat products. They're saying that we
can get microplastics from That's crazy.Now, Joe Marie, you have an
issue with a product you bought?Uh, tell us about it. Well,
it's the Keto product. What isit? Is it Keto as in
low carb keto? Is that whatyou're talking about? You? They're Keto
gummies? Yeah? But has beenpeting it and it's Keto gummies to lose
weight. Okay, So it isokay, Keto gum. And by the
way, is it supposed to putyour body into ketosis? I believe so.
Yes. And who was promoting it? I see them all over the
internet Keto gummies? Yeah? Andwho was tank? Initially it was on
Shark Tank And Kelly Clarkson is abig push Oh, Kelly Clarkson. So
what do you not like about?It doesn't work? And I got the
wrong stuff. Apparently they sent methe wrong product. And in the process
of all this, she's been fightingbecause she talked about scams and she's fighting
it in court and whatnot. Wait, so she's fighting it. Kelly Clarkson
is actually fighting against them apparently.Yes, this is what she claims on
Facebook. Okay, now, Itried. I tried to call it shark
tank, shark tank. The numbersare no good. I ended up talking
to someone from shark Ninja. Shegoogled the numbers and tried to find shark
tank. Couldn't get a number forme. In the process of this,
I have containers sitting here on myaccount. Do you know, let me
explain something to you. Do youknow they're misusing the word keto on purpose,
But do you know what ketosis isand why people try to get into
katosis. It has to do withweight loss, and it has to do
with sugar. Okay, of yoursugar in your body. What ketosis is,
it's a very I'm gonna give youa one sentence explanation. It's burning
fat for energy instead of glucose.That's it. Okay. Now, for
years we've been told that katosis isbad for you. And it's not bad
for you. Okay, it's not. They said the ketones are bad because
it breaks down everything in your body, and it doesn't. It does Okay,
it does break down fat, andit's there's nothing wrong with ketones.
Okay, there's nothing wrong with it. And and but glucose and sugar which
is made well, you eat alot of it, but it's manufactured by
your liver. And it was onlymeant to be like a booster. So
when you were being chased, whenyou were being chased by a wild animal
or a foe, you would usefat as normal energy and then the glucose
would be like nitrous oxide or likea boost, and it would give you
a boost of energy when needed,and it would be triggered by the liver
and through adrenaline, and that's whatgot you extra energy. But through the
years, what we did was weshortcut our systems and we started using glucose
as the primary fuel and fat asa secondary fuel. And the problem is
our numbskull moronic doctors, most ofthem who don't have a clue about nutrition
or proactive health. Most of themare acute medics who go after symptoms,
and the problem is is they weretrained that if you go into katosis,
it is a stressor on your bodybecause your body is saying there's no food.
We got to use fat and that'sexactly what your body is saying,
and it's supposed to be saying that. By putting your body into what's called
a famine set where you burn,you burn through katosis, your body actually
also goes into a repair and maintenancemode, which triggers longevity. It's a
long story, but the bottom lineis this. There is nothing you can
do to throw your body into katosiswith the so called gummies. There is
not one that works or one there'snot one keytne supplement that actually creates keytnes
in your system. It's all abig giant ripoff. That's it in a
nutshell. It's a right. Isthere any way to stop some of these
people? There's an ad online rightnow on Facebook and it shows her and
she's holding a document. Anyway,it gives them. The only way you
can stop you can stop these peoplefrom lying to you about these supplements and
things is if somehow you got thegovernment to believe that they're fighting against the
COVID vaccine, then they would shutthem down. Other than that, the
government doesn't care what you do.All they care about is what they push,
and the government pushes big pharma.So if you were fighting against big
pharma. The government would come tothe big farmer's rescue and try to shut
down anything that threatens big pharma orthreatens vaccines. But the fact that this
doesn't threaten anyone, the government doesn'tcare. Now, every once in a
while, the FDA does raid certainthings that make certain claims. They do,
I must admit that, But mostof the time, if something is
generally recognized as safe, they kindof turn a blind eye to false claims.
They really do. And Tom,these supplements are not SAD, They're
not gone. They don't go throughthe FDA. That's one of the biggest
problems is that they're not FDA approvedbecause they consider it supplements and not drugs.
That's what I said, generally approvedas safe. They call it DOC
and if it falls under that grasscertification, they sometimes don't mess with it.
We'll see this on the SAD.She has a document that she holds
and as I wrote down the FDAnumber, and the guy is local here
in Aurora, and it really ticksme off because I brought it up and
apparently it's an address and everything outof his home that he's selling this stuff.
Okay, now listen now, listen, let me explain something. When
it comes to external ketones. Okay, that we take that we want sometimes
just to be completely transparent here.Sometimes those external keytnes can provide your body
with a trick. It's it's likealmost like almost like a homeopathic response,
and it can trick your body sometimesinto encouraging katosis. But you must accompany
it with low carb diet or lowsugar diet. It kind of helps you
stay in ketosis. It can reachit, it can, it absolutely can.
Well I'm saying that's what the claimis. I mean, I've never
tried them, but it makes thatpart clear. What does it say on
the bottle as far as the contents, not much? You know, they
sell So you guys, no,this guy might be selling his brand out
of his house. But you cango into Costco, Walmart, Walgreens anywhere
in the world and buy the things. Yeah you can. Well, what
do you say, pull the carbohydrates, pull the sugars, h apple,
cider, vinegar. Doc. Itdoesn't really dock it. It doesn't make
claims on the label of that SNG. I'm just curious what was in it?
That's all. Oh, it's notnothing, nothing to be you know,
not to worry about taking us.Mostly that's a lot of natural stuff
with apple cider, vinegar and stuff. Hell, you can get that at
the grocery store. Yeah, wewe listen, hold on, we got
to take this break. And I'mTom Martinez. We have more coming up.
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zero sixteen twenty two. Hi TomMartino, you're troubleshooterer three oh three seven
one three talks seven one three eighttwo five five Oh man, we have
some follow ups. Here's the bottomline, Joe Marie, there's nothing we
can say about this keto thing,because everything I can say is this,
What are you looking for? Areyou looking to get money back? What
are you looking for well, Idon't. It's not so much about the
money right now. It's about thiscontinued sawa that goes on as far as
they promote and they give you placesto order more from. I just love
to shut it down. I mean, well, you know what, though,
that's just one of so many.As I said, they're not going
to shut it down. Listen,our government is so swamped with these supplements
and these claims of all kinds ofstuff. My goodness, there are so
many false claims out there. Iagree as I said, they truly,
I mean this sincerely. They willnot go after people doing this unless it
threatens their benefactors. And their benefactorsare big pharma and all of that.
I'm serious. It's not a conspiracytheory. It's the truth. I mean,
if if if Pfizer or another drugcompany complained to the government about like,
hey, this Katosa's thing is cuttingdown on our sales of semiglutide or
some other weight loss up or weightloss drug, then they might go after
the Keto people. But they willnot go after They do not go after
supplement people. People think they dogo after supplement people to protect the public.
They do not. The FDA isthe Food and Drug Administration and what
it should be called. It shouldbe called the food and drug promoter of
big pharma and big farms. Andif people after where's who they go after
for food? They go after peoplewho do non GMO foods and healthy organic
foods. They go after them andsay, you must boil your honey,
you must pasteurize your dairy products,you must add GMOs, or you must
add these additives and these artificial ingredients. You are not allowed to do anything
healthy that competes with our big corporatefarms. You think I'm kidding. In
fact, if you have a privatefarm next door to a big corporate farm
and their seeds happen to blow inthe air, or if it's pollenized by
bees naturally and your farm happens totake on some of the GMOs that were
used in the corporate farm, thecorporate farm can sue the private farm for
infringing on their patented GMO formulas.Did you know that I swear to God,
when you look into this stuff youwill think. You won't think I'm
crazy. Here's the next thing,so they protect that's the food part of
the Food and Drug Administration as faras the drug part of the Food and
Drug Administration, they protect big pharmafrom anything natural that can do the same
thing. Any If you propose somethingthat can do it naturally and big Pharma
is selling a product that does itartificially, they will go after it.
If it's not competing with big Pharma, they will not go after it.
If you look at the pattern ofthe FDA, you will find that they
go after small natural, organic farmers, supplements and other things that compete with
corporate farms, GMOs and big pharma. The Food and Drug Administration perpetuates all
of that. It used to bejust the opposite, but it's no longer
that way. No longer that way. Right now they are in it to
promote and market and to really liftup all of those agencies. That's what
they're doing. They're in bed withthem, and that's just the way it
is. Unfortunately, so you can'tshut him down, that's the answer.
You can't shut him down. Nowthere are some people in government now.
It used to be it used tobe that progressive liberal people were all for
natural, holistic all of the natural, organic, holistic, wonderful health things,
and conservatives were more like traditional somehowI think I woke up in bizarro
universe. That's what happened to mebecause I used to protest against big pharma
and big government and mandatory this andmandatory that I use, and censorship.
I used to protest against that,and I was called a screaming liberal.
Then over the years, I kindof must have gone into a coma,
and I woke up in a bizarrouniverse where those ideals of free speech and
anti big government and anti pharma andanti you know, all of this other
stuff became a conservative value, andinstead of being called a crazy liberal,
I was then called a crazy conservative. So I don't know how it happened.
I never changed anything. I neverchanged my beliefs, and I went
from being supposedly being called this tobeing called that. Don't know how it
happened, So it's I call itbizarro universe. You'll never get rid.
You will never get rid of phonysupplements unless they compete with Pfizer. Okay,
there you go. Three zero threeseven one three talk seven one three
eight two five five. By theway, I think I thanked you for
calling several times, but then again, that's okay, we have more coming
right up. Go with a surething Denver's Best roofer Excel Roofing dot com.
You don't pay a cent until you'recontent. Time for an insurance checkup
free, no obligation. In comparison, call Compass Insurance paying too much your
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to one help. You'll think you'rehis only customer when you choose Frank durand
the real estate Man dot com tolist your home with Remax Alliance three all
three nine two zero sixteen twenty two. I'm Tom Martino. You're troubleshooter.
I'm just answering a text. Someonewants to know they have vinyl sighting.
It was destroyed in a storm.What would you recommend is good replacement?
I recommend stucco. Listen stucco,even on small homes. It's not that
expensive, and man, will itenhance the value of your home? You
be shocked. It's not as expensiveas you think it's and when you consider
it's little or no maintenance. Now, if you had to go with anything
else, I would go with asteel coated a vinyl coated steel, not
just vinyl, but vinyl coded steeland Genesis, by the way, does
the stucco. They do a greatjob. They also do the other siding
Genesis Total Exteriors dot Com. Uh, they're they're great at that. Now
I want to go to the phonespeople at Midwaity. We have also Paul
the Waterman. Somebody wants to knowabout nanoplastics real quick, Paul. They
want to know ken it. Whatabout well water? Yeah? Absolutely,
nanoplastics can contaminate well water. Whybecause of runoff and all of that.
Absolutely correct, Nanoplasts fall and allright, nanoplastics are absolutely in every single
major body water here in Colorado.Coloradleston University went out they tested and tested
positive for nanoplastics. So not onlyis p files forever chemicals and issue and
well water, but they have thesame problems we do. Is it too
late to turn the corner and getrid of them? I mean, come
on, this sounds like I think, well it is. I mean it's
nanos don't go away, they don'tdisappear, they just get smaller from the
deterioration of all the plastics we've beenusing. Absolutely correct, Okay, So
I want to go somewhere with thisand that those are based on petroleum based
products plastics. Okay, so weare overdoing it. We are overdoing it,
remember when we're I mean, there'sbalance. What I'm talking about this
is ecology is important. Ecology,environmentalism is important to an extent. I
mean, you can go crazy withthat stuff, but it is important that
we take good care of our environmentbecause we are poisoning it. Absolutely correct.
Not only that, but think aboutthis. We don't recycle plastics.
I mean, I mean because there'stoo much of them getting the landfills and
so, I mean when we werekids, glass bottles were recyclable. Now
they broke down, that's right.But now we're in a situation where you've
got generations of those plastics to thepoint where fish are breathing them in in
the waters, even fish too.Right, there's in the oceans. This
is a globe. I don't thinkif you went out to the middle of
the ocean, would there be nanoplastics. Oh yeah, absolutely? Come on,
think about the Think about the islandof plastics that they found floating in
the ocean, all the plastic bottles. What do you think New York does
with their garbage? They dump itin the ocean. God it's kind of
scary. Actually. Now I wantto talk to uh Ray about his car
warranty. Ray, what's going on? Yes? Or I've my car wheeled
down? I've got one of themprotection plans? Yeah? Now, Ray,
what kind of protection plan do youhave? Oh? They said I
had the premium one and car.Okay, but but when? What I
mean is this when did you getit? You have a twenty ten I
see on here Chevy Traverse. Yeah, I've had about round a year.
You've had the traversy year? Orthe plan? I had it before before
I got the plan? Okay?So you have how many miles on your
twenty ten Chevy Traverse? Wow?One can? And when? And you
bought this plan last year? Yeah? The plan isn't giving me a problem?
The shop what is? They approvedit? The thing is my friend,
They wouldn't answer the phone. FinMy son finally got ahold of them
Friday and they told him that thecar would be ready by the end of
this week. Oh so you're whatwhat protection plan do you have? Have?
Carshield? And it actually approved?What kind of I'm anxious to hear
this? An engine? What anengine? An entire engine? What happened?
To your engine. I don't know. I just seated up and they
approved a new engine. Yes,the shop, and they're supposed to be
putting that in and everything and uh. And then when my son talked to
him, he wanted to see enough. He just wanted an update about the
car. He whoodn't it might beready. They told him that I would
have to take eight hundred dollars inand I called car Shield. I didn't
call the shop. I called carShield and I asked, and he said
said, no, you have apremium plan. You have no out of
pocket expenses except for your deductible.And your deductible is one hundred and fifty
dollars. Okay, what's the nameof the shop. I don't have it
right with me because I'm blind.I have a car and I'm blind,
but someone drives it for me.No, I get it now, and
now I want you took it toone Let me get this straight. Now,
you took it to a shop whowants you to pay eight hundred dollars.
Yes, they actually came and pickedit up because they told me I
had it's voice of shops wherever Iwanted. And I said, well,
now I get it. All,but they want eight hundred dollars and your
deductible is how much? One fifty? But did you ask why they I
guess they told my son that thethat the plan wasn't covering at all,
but it proved it. You know, you know, I do not have
a contract with the shop. Inever signed anything with the shop. And
uh, the shop when when theypicked it up, they called me and
they told me that they would takecare of everything. But now they're wanting
more money. Well, we gotto figure out. There must be a
reason I need to get Who canwe talk? I mean, how do
we find the name of the shopand who you're dealing with over there?
I'm gonna have to call you backwith that because I can't see right now
and my son had to leave.When is your son going to be back?
Ray? When is your son goingto be be back? He'll be
back this evening, but he probablycan be here tomorrow. But when when
I what? I wanted to seewhere I stand because I ran into a
problem like this before. Well,you know, Ray, we'll be happy
to tell you that we need toknow the copy of your plan with Carshield.
Maybe someone you've dealt with a carshield that you talk to. I'd
also want to know the name ofthe shop. See, we just need
these basics and we'll help walk youthrough it. You don't have to worry
about it. We'll help you,Okay. So Kaschina, who should we
give this to? Chopper? Ishe around? He is not, unfortunately
taking cases today, but we dohave doc here. No, no,
but doc, I've loaded them up. I think I really would like to
get so they don't have to geton this today. But because he has
to get with his son and wejust need to sort through this, so
let's give it to someone I'm noteven sure is gear Head around still?
Yes, I mean let's give itto someone who can at least get the
basic information and find out why thisdiscrepancy. Okay, So just let me
know who your give it to.A eventually here and I'll mark it down.
But I think we need to helpthis guy out. So ray hold
on three all three, seven toone, three talks seven to one three
eight two five five. Now,Kyle, what kind of bad car purchase
did you make? I didn't makeit. I have a friend that made
it two years ago. Two yearsago. Was it a newer used car?
It was a used car. Allright, You hang on, Kyle,
come right back to you go witha sure thing Denver's best roofer Excel
Roofing dot com. You don't paya cent until you're content. Time for
an insurance checkup free, no obligation. In comparison, call Compass Insurance paying
too much your coverage at dozens ofinsurance companies find out now three all three
seven to seven to one. Help. You'll think you're his only customer when
you choose Frank durand the real estateMan dot com to list your home with
Remax Alliance three oh three nine twozero sixteen twenty two. Tom Martino your
Troubleshooter three all three seven one threetalks seven one three eight two five five
all right, So, Kyle,two years ago a friend bought a car,
a used car. What's going onwith it? Oh, it's a
twenty fourteen Nissa Morano. Yeah,she lives in Utah, Salt Lake City.
At the time, she got itfrom a carmac which was shipped here
from Loveland out there. At thetime she paid had like eighty thousand miles.
She paid about twenty one thousand forit. Twenty one, twenty one
thousand, and she's so seventeen onit now, but now the car is
worth barely seven thousand dollars. Shehaven't trying to figure out what we're turning
to where her options are. Well, okay, let me get this straight.
She bought the car for twenty onethousand dollars. Yeah, and it
was two years ago. Yeah,okay, And what are you calling about
the fact that it depreciated or thatshe paid too much? Yeah? Maybe
that she paid too much depreciate,you know, I went down in prak
Off. But I'm trying to figureout what kind of options does she have
to help herself out, because that'sthat's a ten thousand dollars difference, so
that she's trying to figure out whatshe can do, Well, how does
she know? Okay, when shebought it. She bought it two years
ago, So what why did shepay twenty one thousand? What went into
that price? Did she trade?Did she trade hold on? Did she
trade in a car? I'm notI'm not sure she did. I do
know she also got one of thosewarranties through car Kile. Here's what could
have happened. Okay, I'm goingto give you different possibilities. One,
she could have paid too much forthe car, plain and simple, and
then put too many add ons andput too many add ons number one.
Number two, she could have tradedin a car that had negative equity that
was added to this either way.Either way, there's no recourse for paying
too much. No, so,whatever the car's worth, now, what
is it worth? You just roughedlike okay, and what is she Okay?
Hold on, we'll come back.Go with a sure thing Denver's Best
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Who you don't have? Come runningjust as as we can. Shooter's
gonna help. Come Man Dix isthe Troubleshooter show. No Tom Martino.
Hi, Tom Martino here, andI thank you for joining me. Honest
to God, we love doing whatwe do. This hour brought to you
by Frank Duran, the real estatemandot com. So Frank Duran will do
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somebody who is solid ranked around thereal estate man dot com three oh three
nine two zero sixteen twenty two.Let's go to the phones. I got
Paul the waterman with mewaterpros dot net. We've been talking a little bit about
water, microplastics, filtering your water. It goes without saying, in my
opinion, everyone should have a watersystem of some kind. And I want
to say something real quick here withPaul. Paul, I'd venture to say,
and you might think I'm crazy,but you can damn near do your
laundry without detergent absolutely correct. Howwhat I mean I mean that sincerely?
I mean I have done with softwater things you wouldn't believe. Soft water
breaks down dirt it's just like zerorest. That's what they do. So
zero res uses the same in cleaningyour carpet and gets rid of stains.
What do you think that the cleanwater? You know, after you showed
me the demonstration where I took someof your water and I put took supergloff
my hands, I swear to you, I'm thinking now of getting it at
my hangar because I take water fromhere to there. I swear to you,
I use it now instead of chemicals. It's I cannot believe the cleaning
power of water. Water. Wateris very aggressive when you have clean water,
So it's going to attack anything aggressivein a good way, not in
a Coca Cola way, right,And so what it means is is that
food stains are organic stains. Wateris going to break down and it must
be really good for your digestive trackand all of that. Seriously health wise,
Well, you know the water thatyou drink here, you know at
your studio, Okay, So it'sacidic water, and it matches where your
stomach. Your stomach's acidic. Soyou know, any any of this alkaline
water and and maybe deputy docum Wayand anything that has a higher level of
pH or counterbalancing to what your stomachacid is. Yeah, so what our
old water? Does it enhance flavorsbecause it attacks the flavors because it breaks
everything down. Wow, all right, now let's go back to the phone.
Now, Kyle said his friend boughta car, and we got to
get to the bottom line. Butthere may not be anything illegal going on.
But she bought a car, atwenty fourteen Nissan two years ago.
She paid twenty one grand. Nowthe car's worth seventy two hundred. What
does she owe on the car?Right now? Do you know she owes
about seventeen thousand on the car?Okay, Now, what I want to
know is this is the car runningright? Running? Well? Yes?
And no, she's had some issueswith it. I did find out though,
she did not trade in the vehicle, so I think she find him
the whole thing. Okay. Now, it's very possible she paid too much.
If she owes seventeen grand, Iwouldn't know. But even if she
did, there's no law against peoplebeing cheated. I don't mean that,
of course, There's there's no lawagainst people being you know what, You
don't call it cheated, but beingsnow jobs, you know, what I
mean, and to paying too muchand it might be unconscionable. I don't
know what that was worth. Buthere's here's what I can tell you.
Okay, there's only a few waysout of a bad deal. Okay,
I'm gonna I'm gonna give him toyou. And I tell this to young
people because I've had young people.Actually their first bout with bad credit or
with with bad financing and finances thatthrows them into a tizzy is a car
purchase. I had one kid whobought a car and he paid over paid
for it, and then he gottired of it and it wasn't running right.
So he had this old car andhe then had it to trade it
in and he had to put negativeequity into the next car. So he
ended up doing this two or threetimes to get out of bad cars.
He ended up with an old,old piece of crap for which he owed
twenty three thousand dollars. Now thecar was worth four or five thousand,
because he kept having to buy othercars and he had to keep refinancing the
negative equity into the next car.So with twenty three thousand dollars in what
he owed and a four thousand dollarsasset. This man was upside down more
than sixteen thousand dollars, more solike seventeen or eighteen thousand. There was
only a couple ways out of it. One would be to keep the car
and pay off everything and then whenhe's done, start from scratch, but
that was impossible because the car wouldn'tlast, so he had to do a
bankruptcy. So there's only two waysout that I can see. One,
well, three ways really. Oneis to do a bankruptcy and walk away
from it, or you walk awayfrom it and if they come after you,
you do a bankruptcy. Or numbertwo, you pay it off and
drive it as long as humanly possible. After you pay it off, even
if you'll just have it long enoughto pay it off, then you start
from scratch and do a smart purchase. At least you'll have good credit and
you'll be able to buy something newand something lower priced with a good warranty.
So you either pay it off oryou do a bankruptcy. Or the
third option, which I do notrecommend, is you find a full bigger
than you to sell the car.So she's not going to have any magic
way out of this. So youasked what her options are. But those
are the options. That's what Ifigured. So I appreciate the appreciation.
It's really too it's really sad.Do you see, And I'm serious?
How old is she? By theway, she's thirty three? Okay?
And is she in a lot ofdebt otherwise, not that I'm aware of.
We don't really talk about financing.Okay, how do you know her?
We I've known her for a littlewhile. We met through a mutual
friend There's a reason I'm asking this. Is it like a just a platonic
friendship or a romance? Is itsomething? Yeah? Because okay, okay,
good, good, Now here's thedeal. Because if it was romantic
and you were ever thinking about gettinginvolved with her, you want her to
do this before. But okay now, but you still want her to know
that a bankruptcy is pretty extreme,but it it is. You know,
if this car will not last,she is going to end up. You
know, Let's say let's say itgoes down to six thousand dollars and she
owes sixteen, She's going to beten thousand dollars upside down. If this
car will not last, If thecar will last it actually behooves her to
keep it and to try to payit off and be done with it.
Yeah, so you know, andif you need any other help, give
us a call. Sorry, ithappened to her. Three zero three seven
one three talk seven one three eighttwo five five. Now let's talk to
Sam. Sam. Sorry for thewait. What's going on with motor vehicles?
Sam? Hi, Tom, SoI got DUI back. I had
a good interlock. When did youget a dui? Oh, back in
twenty sixteen? Okay, until Ihad to wait until April this year to
get my interlock and my license back. I went through the whole process.
Hold on, hold on, areyou saying are you saying that you did
not have a license since twenty sixteen? That's correct? Why why so long?
It's just a it's the DUI process. Yeah yeah, Wait wait a
minute, that's that's okay, that'sthat'sir. I know, I understand that.
It just sounds extreme to me thatyou lost your license for more than
eight years or seven years. Butgo ahead, anyway, what else is
going on? It turns out everytime I've gotten to go get my interlock
calibrated, the technician hasn't been sendingin my reports. So I got a
letter from the DMV saying that mylicense is going to be suspended again because
my interlock provider has not been sendingin the reports. Okay, your interlock
I have. Your interlock provider isthe one that is is that the one
required to send in your reports?Yes? Yes? Why has he not
been? According to Colorado DMV,this is an issue with all interlock providers.
They have you with them sending inyour reports. Wow. So even
though I've been following every thing toa t with the DMV and my interlock,
making my payments, going in toget calibrated, they didn't send in
the reports. So my license gotsuspended again. It actually did get suspended.
Yeah. I got the letter onthe fifth of July when everything was
closed over the weekend. It's theholiday weekend. Okay, this is terrible.
Now did you call your your yourinterlock provider since seven thirty this morning?
What do they what do they say? Do they say anything at all?
Like you didn't talk to him yet? But but let me ask you
this, how many reports to himI have talked? It's called Smart Smart
Start interlock. That's my provider.Okay, I have talked to them and
they say, oh, we didn'tsend in the report. How long?
How many reports? Listen? Ineed to know some basics. How often
are they supposed to send in reports? You are supposed to go get your
interlock device calibrated every sixty days.So I went in. My last calibration
was May thirtieth. I have areceipt for that. They email it to
you. So my next calebration wouldbe July thirtieth. Did you only miss
Here's what I need to know.Did you only miss one report? I
didn't miss it. They missed it, but yeah, you know what I'm
talking about, though, So onlyone report was missing? Okay? Now,
will did they retain it somewhere?Like? Is it inside the equipment?
Is that on a hard drive?How is it retained? You know,
I have no clue. You callthe one eight hundred number that you're
provided with for the interlock, Youtalk to the customer service person. They
say only the administration department can dothat. They try. Okay, but
here's what I'm asking Sam, Sam, Here's what I need to know with
the interlock device. Is it donein the sky? Is it automatically downloaded
somewhere? Or does it have tobe done physically by the people who calibrated.
It has to be done physically bythe people that calibrated. Okay,
So they they download the information andthey send it to DMV under your name.
Correct, and now did not happen, okay, But what I need
to know and what you need toknow, is that information still in the
device or somewhere with them. Accordingto them, yes, and according to
them, at nine point thirty morning, they were going to send it right
off to the DMV. Now here'sthe way. If it's no fault of
your own, and if this datais somewhere where it can be downloaded,
then these people can clearly see youhave been using it as required, right,
I guess. But the DMV can't. What do you mean they can't
because smart Start never sent it tothe DMV. I get that. Here's
what I'm saying. If smart Startsends it today or tomorrow, will DMV
look at it and readjust the suspension? So they say, but I can't
get any confirmation that they send it. Okay, when they do send it
is a sent hold on, whenthey do send it is a scent elect
tronically, I'm assuming. So okay. And if they do send it and
it's sent to DMV, is therea place you can call it DMV to
see if they got it? Youcan try I've tried that three times today.
Yeah. They DMV tells me theyhaven't received anything. Smart Start tells
me that they've sent it, butthey will not send me an even email
confirmation that they have sent it.Okay. What I'm getting at is the
place that I want to go getcalibrated will not answer my phone calls.
I have thought. I thought yousaid you talked to him this morning.
Well I talked to the secretary orthe front desk lady, and she's that
they would have their technician give mea call back. Okay. So who
did tell you they sent it?Then? Someone from smart Start? Okay,
So I'm a little confused. Holdon, I'm a little confused.
So you're saying that people that calibratedit are different than smart Start. So
it's a third party. Okay.If you look up smart Start on Google,
it's always going to be at likea mechanic shop. I get it.
Are you saying are you saying thatthe interlock provider is smart Start but
they use independent contractors? To calibrateit. Correct. But here's what I
want to know. How does smartStart get the data to send to DMV.
I'd assume they have some compu uterprogram? Should the state? Yeah?
But no, Here's what I'm askingsmart Like what I signed up for
they sent when I signed up forit and got it installed in my vehicle,
the guy that set it up senteverything right to the DMV. I'm
get into the computer sent it awayand I mean the guy at the local
office. So so yes, okay, So when you go to get it
calibrated, That's what I'm trying tofigure out. You go to a third
party. Does that third party havethe information or is it somehow sent to
smart Start. It's sent to smartStart, and then smart Start sends it
to DMV. Correct. Okay,So if smart Start tells you they got
the information and sent it in,why do you doubt them? Because I
got a letter from the DMV sayingthat they did not send it in.
It's been seventy five days since theysent it in, and in Colorado law,
if you have not been serviced withinseventy five days, your license gets
suspended under the interlock hold. Ona second, we'll come right back to
you. This is very, veryweird. Hold on go with a sure
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Hi Sam Martino your shooter thrill threeseven one three talk seven one three
A two five five. So itseems to me, Sam, that if
you had an interlock and device andit was supposed to be serviced by a
third party, then it's not smartStart Interlock. Maybe the other place did
you wrong, Or if smart Startsays they got the information and sent it,
then it's not the third party.But who is is? By the
way, is smart Start Interlock theonly interlock provider in the country or is
that just one of many? Ibelieve that's one of many. I actually
actually used Joe Laser to get mylicense back. Joseph, I know,
but who who's the third party?Who's the third party that starts? No,
it is smart Start like you bringit. You bring into one of
these locations. It's usually a mechanicshop and they have like a smart Start.
That's what I'm asking you. Whatmechanic shop did you go to?
Yes, called Advanced Auto Glass inHighland's Ranch, Okay County Line Road.
And have you ever talked to them? I've tried. I tried calling them
this morning. I talked to Nicoleat the front desk. I asked to
speak to the smart Tart smart Starttechnician, and she said Jonathan, who
was the smart Start technician, wouldgive me a callback. I have not
heard back from him today. Ihave tried calling back the shop and they
will not answer my calls. Now, okay, we need to call them
then. For you, this isn'tI've done everything that I need to.
I get it. I get it. Like why are you being I get
it? Why are you being punishedfor what they didn't do? I get
it. You're not trying to hideanything. I mean, I totally am
on your side on this. DMso told me this is a constant problem
that they will not send the reportsin it from Advanced Autoglass or from smart
Start, just all interlock. Itdoesn't matter what company it is, it's
all Interlock in Colorado. They're havingtrouble getting reports sent in. So I'm
sure I'm not the only one that'sbeen going through this issue. This is
a good one then, that we'rehelping with. So, Deputy Doc,
are you still there? I'm here. What do you think about this?
Well, let me make one quickcall to uh y maam Autoglass. I
got a number for you, guys. Hold on, we're gonna do this
off the air. This is reallya complicated mess. Hang on, okay,
three h three, Uh Doc,this is a good one. If
you can help, uh, ifyou can help cut through the mustard for
this poor guy. I mean,I can see where he's pissed off.
I can see where he's pissed off. This is crap, all right?
Three oh three seven one three talkseven one three two. We have a
follow up with you, Doc onon Earnest. What's going on with that
one? When did Ernest call Ernest? What's going on? Okay? Hear
me? Okay, I can Earnest. When did you When did you first
call us? I'm trying to findyour call. I think that was back
in April. Tom and I hadthe company is called Elite Film Services,
and we provided trucks to move abunch of dirt on a project off of
Federal Oh. We were We wereout about one hundred thousand dollars, and
then Doc helped out. He gotthem on the line. We were both
on the line and just the Iguess the result is we got all our
money, little over one hundred thousanddollars. What are you kidding me?
Holy crap, get that dealer,Tom, We got it, Doc,
Doc, did you hear that?Yeah, we're on a roll today.
Tom. Oh upside that I triedto do it, but I think it
went It didn't go off for they, But listen, I'll get it on
there. Hold on, man,tell me what they did they call you
or say anything to you about it, or just it just showed up or
what happened. Well, we wereon the phone with Ernest this mister Mill.
Can you hear me? Yeah?Yeah, go ahead, Yeah,
I'm here, mister Miller and Iand Doc were on the phone and we
were talking, and he was prettypretty agitated. He got really belligerent with
me, threatening, and then basicallyafter that we just kept He kept communicating
because he knew that we had youguys on the case. I told them
we were gonna let go of it. Go with a sure thing Denver's Best
roofer Excel Roofing dot com. Youdon't pay a cent until you're content.
Time for an insurance checkup free noobligation comparison call Compass Insurance paying too much
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one help. You'll think you're hisonly customer when you choose Frank durand the
real estate Man dot com to listyour home with Remax Alliance three oh three
nine two zero sixteen twenty two.Hi Tom Martino, your troubleshooter three O
three seven one three talk seven onethree eight two five five Shelley, what's
going on? Shelley? I'm tryingto find your original call here? What's
going on? Oh yeah, Italked to you on Tuesday last week and
about the HOA trying to charge methe thirty thousand oh ye oh my god.
Yes it was terrible. You havea leak in your condo. You
know what I was wondering about youjust the other day. I'm glad you
called. And here's what happened.The leak in your condo damaged the floor
below and the condo below, andthey're expecting you to pay. We wanted
to get our insurance expert on tosee why that's happening, because you said
the pipe that burst was inside thewall outside of your actual condo unit.
Right, No, it was inmy unit. It was behind the water
heater. Wait a minute, soit was inside your dry wall. Yeah,
damn it. Okay, that's awhole different story. So when that
broke, where were you when thatbroke? I was at work. They
called me and I came home onmy break, so I mean, it's
got it stopped. They turned thewater off when they were trying to charge
me. Afterwards, they said itwas emergency and I wouldn't let them in.
Not true. I came home.I had a friend come and stay
to let the plumber in. Whenwhen you when you got called about an
emergency, you went home? Yeah? I was. It was actually close
to my lunch break. So Itold my boss. I said I when
you went home on when you wenthome and entered your condo, what did
you find? I couldn't see anything. I let them in. The ha
president came and looked. I'm like, I don't see anything. Do you
have a floor drain in that closetwhere the water heater is? Yeah?
They saw some water, but theycouldn't see. They thought it was my
water heater. They like, oh, your water heater. I'm like,
no, I don't think so.There was a little bit, a little
bit of water, but not much. Well, how did they find it?
They finally called the plumber out wasThey said, we need to see
a plumber come and they put thosethings on the wall where it detect water.
And did it come? Did didthey hold on? Did the plumber
come the same day? He did? Yes, they had, and they
had the water off through the wholebuilding. But you said, let me
get this straight. You said thewater was in a pipe that was inside
your condo, not hidden in thewall. Yeah, it's in the wall.
I mean it's nothing I could eversee. Well, that's what I
just asked you. So it wasnot in your condo, Yeah, no,
I mean it was. They're sayingit's in my condo because it was
behind my water heater. So itmay have been behind your water heater,
but I need a clear picture.Was it behind the dry wall which was
behind your heater? Yeah, okay, pipes inside the wall. I did
not realize you could be held responsiblefor Usually the bylaws exclude everything behind the
dry wall, and that's the hoa'sresponsibility. But what was the cause?
What was the cause of the waterbreak? Did they say? He said
it was a rusty pipe, Paul, what would cause that corrosion? And
a pipe that doesn't even make sense? Was it a copper pipe? Like
I said, they never gave meany reports. I have no idea,
all right, So how did theyfinally find it? The plumber came and
did the plumber find it? Hetook out my water heater and cut out
a piece, so like, okay, I use those things that detect water
and he cut out the drive.And how bad was the leak going on
for a long time or was itgoing on just for a short time?
Did they say? I'm not surebecause the person underneath me, she was
on vacation to Europe, so theyonly saw when somebody down there saw like
water. Yeah, how long wasshe gone? She was gone I think
for at least a week or moreworking. Who's actually coming after you for
the damage? Is that her insurancecompany? Or is it the HOA?
It is the HOA because like Isaid, they paid it. So this
new guy that I've been talking tofrom the new management company, he's like,
I think you need to get alawyer and go after Roqueale. But
who's Rotael be paid? Who's Rotel? The first management company that they're the
ones that called out that company?The okay, now, mitigation or whatever.
That's their own people. It's theirown people. And I'm looking,
well, wait, wait, waitwhen you say their own people, it's
just people they deal with. No, I think this new guy from this
company, he said it is partof their company. Oh sounds like Electroalsy's
to me, were if the copperpipe corrodes. But here's what I need
to know more than anything, thatdamage. You know, it did have
to be cleaned up. I don'tknow if they exaggerated or what was that
for cleanup and repair or just cleanup, clean up and repair of the
downstairs unit? Right? Yes,you also have insurance? Is that correct?
Yeah? And who's your insurance carrierState Farm, and State Farm says
they're not car they're not covering it. They won't because they won't accept the
invoices that they gave. They wantdetailed invoices. I'm looking at what they
what I sent, and it's notdetailed it just as project manager one hundred
and fifty eight an hour, fivehundred and fifty dollars, restoration labor okay,
restoration supervisor all that. I'm lookingat it now, I hadn't looked
at it before. That's total ninethousand dollars for managers and labor people to
come here. Yeah, yeah,is what they're sound and your State Farm
says it's not detailed enough. Wellyeah, And then she said she was
like, she said, I meanI get that. She's like, why
weren't we called out immediately? AndI told her, I'm like, because
I thought it was covered under amaster policy. But you're supposed to cover.
You're supposed to call with any damagelike that. I mean, even
if it's not covered, you're supposedto call hold on, hold on.
Now, Katchina, I don't knowmy notes here said the next time we
got her on, we were gonnahave compass on, so, uh,
I need some insurance experts here.Okay. I don't know if we're going
to have time to talk to Compass, but see if we can get a
quick comment from them. And thenI also want to talk to Matt Stanford
over at and we can't do thistoday, but I want to get Paragon
Services, a public adjuster on totalk about this. There's a lot of
avenues I think we can go throughto get her covered. I'm Tom Martine.
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