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May 9, 2024 9 mins
Chuck Douglas, host of "The Power Hour" weighs in on the latest trending news this week
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I don't want to waste any moretime. I've got probably two hours worth
of material for Chuck Douglas on theLegacy Retirement Group dot com phone line.
Chuck Douglass, of course, thehost of the Power Hour right after the
Mark Blazer Show tonight at six,Chuck, my favorite Westsider. I got
up like four or five bruises Iwant to push, Chuck. I'm just
trying to figure out which bruise I'mgoing to push first. Here. I

think I'll go with the boy Scoutsituation. Good morning, by the way,
reading salutations, welcome. I wantto talk about the Boy Scouts of
America story we had for you yesterday. They're changing their name, Chuck.
I'm sure you saw this to ScoutingAmerica. They're taking the boy out of
Boy Scouts. This is not apolicy change. They allowed boys or they

allowed girls into Boy Scouts. I'malready confused. Five years ago this happened.
They're now just catching up with arebranding and a name change. So
your thoughts did the Girl Scouts allowboy Scouts into their organization. I'm just
wondering because I've never seen anyways sellingcookies. That's my that was My first
thought is, and I guess Ididn't know. The Boy Scouts and the

Girl Scouts are not the same organization. There's no affiliation whatsoever. They're two
completely independent operations. Why why wouldthey not merge and create one big Scout
operation? Yeah, well, thewhole reasoning behind the Boy Scouts change of
courses with the transagenda and all ofthe children that want to identify as Barco

loungers or whatever it is these dates, and I haven't heard anything about them
changing their foundation, their mission statement, the actual essence of the Boy Scouts.
I don't know if you ever aScout, but the last line of
the Scout pledge is that you aregoing to stay physically strong, mentally awake,

and morally straight. And I thinkthat morally straight is a bone of
contention with a whole lot of peoplethat have a problem with the transagenda.
So they have created an uphill battlefor themselves that really did not need to
be created. Just let boys join, teach them how to be men,
and if they'd rather learn how tobe girls, then the Girls Scouts should
let boys in. I spent aboutthree weeks in the Cub Scouts in order

to create my Pinewood Derby car winthe race and I might drop moment for
me and I was done so aboutthree weeks. That's my experience with the
Scouts. But I did get thetrophy for the I'm sorry, my dad
got the trophy for the Pinewood Derby. There you go, there's a little
truth and right there. So they'retaking the boy out of boy Scouts.

They're taking the knife out of theSwiss Army knife. I'm sure you saw
that story. They're long, they'regonna make knives with blades and them.
They're just gonna have you know,special tools for cyclists and golfers and so
no more Swiss. That one Ikind of get because with all the increased
crazy regulations about carrying knives Swiss Armyknives, is that they're just adapting to

the culture that we're in. Butit's still a knife, that's the problem.
You can call it whatever you wantto call it. It is still
the same if it was like theSwiss Army spatula and they decided to make
it, you know, the SwissArmy tongs, but it's still going to
be the same thing that we're justnot going to call it a knife anymore.

And Pat Benattar doesn't say she performshit me with their best shot because
it's violent. It's no logic.There's no logic to any of that.
It's the same thing. You're callingit something different that doesn't change the world.
It's Chuck Douglas, host of thePower Hour. You can hear him
tonight after the Blazer Show at sixo'clock and one of the big headlines this

morning locally, and I know youare as plug in as it gets with
local issues, Chuck. Columbus CitySchools have decided to close a bunch of
their schools, a bunch of theirbuildings. They're still trying to determine which
ones and how it looks and wherethese poor kids are going to go now.
But then it comes out that theymade the decision prior to the one

hundred million dollars school levy passing.Can you buying all that? No,
it's pretty simple. And if theschools have money problems, over and over,
I've been saying this forever. Twothings. Sell the damn radio station
you have no business owning, andstop bussing. Kid. Desegregation is over.

We are an homogenized society. Letkids walk down the street to the
school in their neighborhood, will favea fortune right there, and maybe we'll
actually have some uses for all theseschools that you're talking about closing down.
Well, it's not fair to thekids, you know that we talk about
classroom sizes and how some schools arejust you know, bursting at the seams

with you've got twenty eight, thirtythirty three kids in a class. But
then they're talking about schools that areunderpopulated. Well, so what if I've
got a kid in a class that'sgot you know, seventeen or eighteen kids,
and it isn't that a good thing? Wouldn't a teacher prefer that environment?
Well, that's just it. You'vebeen total and over again that we
need smaller class sizes, and nowthat we have smaller class sizes, we

need to close the schools because they'reunderutilized. Pick one, pick one.
In sixth grade, I believe therewere thirty one kids in my sixth grade
classroom. The difference is today therewould be thirty one really bad kids in
a classroom. This is not aproblem of numbers. This is a problem
of the way the children act andare are either allowed to act or not

penalized for acting. Nobody cares,nobody controls. So I suppose thirty one
today feels like sixty two because ofthe kind of kids we are allowing our
society to create these days. Hi, John, go ahead, and I
just I don't understand when you tellpeople that we need smaller class sizes and
then you tell people we need toclose all of these neighborhood schools because the

classes aren't large enough enough children aren'tthere that that defies logic. It doesn't
make sense. You've got what youwant it and now you're saying we have
to we have to be penalized,the kids have to be vitilized, the
communities have to be penalized. Becauseyou got what you wanted. I don't
get it either. I mean,you got the hundred million dollars in the

levee to allegedly fix up schools andcontinue to provide the services that they provide.
And so they got the money,which kind of surprises me that the
school levee even passed different conversation.So they got their money. But now
they're going to say, well,we were not going to actually provide the
services that we've said we'd provide foryour kids because we're going to close all

these buildings down. Yeah. Well, they strategically forgot to mention the fact
when they got people to pass onehundred million dollar levee because you know,
no other costs are going up sowe can all afford it. They forgot
to tell us, by the way, we're not making any positive changes.
We're not building anything new, We'renot creating any new programs or bringing in
any new equipment. We're just maintainingthe lackluster, underperforming garbage we already have

with the one hundred mills. Nowthat you've passed it will let you know
that. But here we go againa year later. We're not even maintaining
the crap. We're going to eliminatethat too. So where's where's that one
hundred mil going? What's it payingfor? Well, and on a positive
note, in my mind, isa positive note, because anything pretty much
that Ohio Attorney General does, DaveYost does is positive. I hope he

runs for governor because he's got myvote. Yost sent a letter to all
of the state's public universities saying thatyou better watch out. Your students are
protesting the Israel's war and Gaza.They're anti Israel and they're wearing masks.
You've seen this, and they're notafraid of COVID. I promise you.
They're wearing masks to protests to concealtheir identity. Well, Yost and his

team uncovered a nineteen fifty three lawanti disguise law. It was used then
in nineteen fifty three to make surethat the KKK would not be able to
hide their face, So that thelaw says you cannot commit a crime two
people or more cannot commit a crimetogether while wearing white caps. That's a
reference to KKK masks and any otherdisguise. So now you're on a criminal

trespass charge. You're wearing a mask. Guess what, You've got a felony
on your record. I have notheard white caps before. That makes me
feel a little bit better, becausemy initial inclination was to worry that this
could be turned around. The textthat I read that was supposed to be
the text of the law said threeor more people gathered together wearing caps or

masks in the commission of a misdemeanorcould be charged with a felony. Five
thousand dollars fine in community or whatever, six months in jail, and five
thousand dollars. Yeah, the thingwas, I didn't see that word white,
which makes me feel better because myfirst concern was, you know,
you get three guys at a rallyand they're wearing MAGA caps and they step

into traffic and commit a misdemeanor orblocking traffic or something that would be turned
around and used against them as well. So I love what he's trying to
do in you know, dealing withthese little idiot junior hamats, loving not
knowing what they're protesting for in thefirst place, college kids. That's great,
But I'm always looking for the otherside of the coin too. No,
that's why I like to pick yourbrain on this. And again,

this was a nineteen fifty three law, and they use the term white cats
in reference to the ku Klux Klan, So I don't know how that would
be interpreted, you know today,But it's the masks or other disguised portion
that it caught Yost's attention. AndI don't know if this will ever come
into play or be applicable, butit's it sends a clear message that we're

not going to tolerate this crap.It's absolutely ridiculous what's being allowed to happen
on college campuses. I don't understandthe masking to begin with. If you
have the courage of your convictions,if you really believe you need to be
out there protesting one thing or another, why why con seal yourself? Say
it strong, say it loud,say it for everybody to hear. Why
conceal yourself? That doesn't make anysense to me.
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