Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Sometimes when I look at our business, I think, hmm,
you know, we did a good job today helping a customer,
taking care of an agency, or training a new shooter.
But today today, well we're going to talk about regarding
our sale. Next week, Well we did great. It's just incredible.
Stay tuned for that. And three I Holdstarts is right
here in our store Today on Target is up next.
Good afternoon, walking on targeting. We're broadcasting live from the
studios of LAPD Firearms Range and Training Facility. That's located John,
That's located JC at nine Bethel Road. You know what,
you know how long it took me to get that address?
I mean nine nine nine, you know that? And the
phone number.
Speaker 2 (00:43):
The phone number, that's what I like, six P one
four nine nine. Did I ever tell you that your story?
Speaker 1 (00:49):
JC? I had to buy one hundred numbers.
Speaker 3 (00:51):
I thought you had, I know, one hundred numbers, but
numbers a few of them. So but you got to
keep what you wanted, and what I liked was be
your other codes. We're actually police codes for the extension.
Speaker 1 (01:02):
So yeah, my extension out there is ten thirty three, which,
for a little police.
Speaker 2 (01:07):
Lingo is a gun run. Yeah, I thought that was
so clever. Yeah, I remember those days for.
Speaker 1 (01:12):
A briest moment in time. Before we were in the
gun business, I was in the telemarketing business for about
a day or actually phone number of business. But so
j C. Well, what heck, what the heck happened to
the weather?
Speaker 3 (01:26):
I don't know, but a couple of days ago my
son went to the Browns game on Thursday. Thursday night,
they had snow up the Yang and just I guess
that time of year, you know, that's the weather goes
from hot and nice to rainy and snowy and crappy.
Speaker 1 (01:44):
Yeah, that's okay. Hey, one every day that we get
this not snow on the ground, This one less day
of a chance to on the ground.
Speaker 4 (01:50):
So yes, come back, it's coming guys.
Speaker 1 (01:53):
We already owners of LAPD Firearms ranging training facility, and
we're active in law enforcement. But for one hour on Saturdays,
we put together a group of fire arm experts to
discuss new products in the market, training tips, and oftentimes
political topics surrounding the Second Amendment. Our commitment has always
been to bring you facts about our industry and help
customers and listeners with safe, responsible ownership of firearms. Jac
I am so excited. Can you tell him excited? Excited?
Speaker 3 (02:19):
And I was excited. He had to pry you out
of the shipping room where we had some of this
stuff storage.
Speaker 1 (02:24):
Oho. We got to start by thanking our good friends
Secretary of State Frank LeRose for stopping in last week.
I mean that was you know, he was supposed to
call in. I got a text from him right at
the top of this show that hey, look I'm actually
gonna be able to stop in. Great brought the family.
Speaker 3 (02:40):
Yeah, awesome, it was awesome. It was We just always
loved to have Frank on the shows. What a terrific individual.
Speaker 1 (02:46):
He is, especially as other states are still counting ballots.
Speaker 3 (02:50):
Yeah, he's got it under control in Ohio. Is kind
of a benchmark for how other states should be running
their elections.
Speaker 1 (02:56):
So definitely show him thank cam. Today we're going to talk, Uh,
we got so much to talk about. Talk about a
few estate sales. I know we touched on it last week.
The other one came in the door. We're gonna talk
a little bit about what's in that one. Jac I
could barely pull you out of the classroom with that.
And then we're gonna do a day after Thanksgiving, otherwise
known as a Black Friday preview. Now we're gonna talk
pretty much in detail. So if you're listening to the show,
if you're watching the podcast listening on the podcast layer,
you're gonna get a little bit of an insight because
this isn't going out until probably Monday or Tuesday. Via email.
If you want to see a via email, you got
to go to l epd dot com. Right at the bottom,
it says, hey, if you want to get our newsletter,
put your email address in here. Do that so you
can get the flyer, the official flyer when it comes out.
But we're gonna preview a lot of it. There is
a couple of things we're holding back though, that you're
not gonna see until you get that flyer. So we
are gonna come up with that. We're going to talk
about that here shortly and then and then so excited
second in a row. We have three eye holsters here
in person. Yeah, jac it has been I think it's
been before. Were COVID been so back.
Speaker 3 (04:02):
I was talking to Scott up there today about how
long expension. But he's all set up in the room
up there, and they can actually make a custom holster
for you while.
Speaker 1 (04:10):
You while you wait, I mean he has been. He
kicked out a bunch of holsters yesterday. Today, I mean
it is. It is neat to see and we're going
to talk to him a little bit here, talk about
some of the details of what it takes to make
a custom holster. I'll tell you what. It ain't just
one guy in a little press. It is a setup
up there. If you haven't seen it.
Speaker 3 (04:27):
I used to see these little things in a trailer
going around. Sometimes this is a whole set up up
there and they are they're like up and ready for business.
Speaker 1 (04:34):
And yep, and we'll have to think our sponsors as always.
This US Law Shield, that's Jackson, Egress Windows, Black Wing
Shooting Center, River's Edge Culery, seeing US Engraving, and of
course LAPD Training facility all make the show possible each week.
If you want to be a sponsor and actually have
another sponsor coming on, I don't want to tease it yet,
but a big sponsor potentially coming on. But if you
want to be a sponsor, reach out, contact us, give
us a call, shoot us an email to hear from.
Then yep, absolutely so joining me today in the LAPD
Studios right now, it is just j C and I
soon to be joined by mister Scott Frank from Three
Eye Holsters. But it's just it's just j C and I,
which is.
Speaker 4 (05:11):
Kind of nice.
Speaker 1 (05:11):
Always good to see.
Speaker 4 (05:12):
Yeah, yeah, it's good. It's crazy.
Speaker 1 (05:14):
I tried to get Paul Paul, who is just off camera.
I'm like, like, paup Paul, come on up, come on up. No, no, no,
so yeah, but let's see what other stuff we have.
I think heads out hunting today. If you've been looking
for him, Oh, if you missed the show. The podcast
is out there everywhere, j C. I mean when I
say everywhere, it is on iTunes, Apple Podcasts, it is
on Spreaker. I found it on Spotify. My son's pat
it up on that. Yeah, we're out there everywhere. Jac.
Speaker 4 (05:46):
Wow, that's that's that's almost.
Speaker 1 (05:48):
Scary, you know. And if you if you would like
to watch the show, which is kind of neat because
you get to see, especially today, you can see some
of the items that are for sale. But we're out
there YouTube live, face book live, and then that sits
out there indefinitely. We're gonna we're still tweaking that feed.
I know, there's been some issues with that feed being
up and down, but our goal is to still remain
on this platform, is maybe at a platform in the future.
Speaker 4 (06:12):
So we'll be good.
Speaker 1 (06:13):
So, JC, it is news time. Do you have any news?
Speaker 5 (06:17):
You know?
Speaker 3 (06:18):
I just can't focus on a couple of stories. And
the one, of course was the big one our president elect,
who will not be taking office till the twentieth of January,
but boy, he's hitting it full speed ahead with his selections.
But one of the things that that he made a
promise was that he was going to reverse a lot of,
not all of the Biden anti gun and gun control policies.
Uh so uh, you know, this is of course a
lot of the focus. I'm we're doing economy, we're doing
the border, we have a lot of things going. But
but you know, he made this this kind of promise
that he was going to start, you know, attacking these
so and so there's an article that's out there that's
just a what can Trump actually do and what can't
he do on Biden's uh gun policies. So we're will
take a look at some of these and and see
what's what's uh, what's happening with those some like a
lot of things that are law. For example, probably the
toughest one would be the Bipartisan Safety Act, which was
a big law that was actually passed that has some
real negative things just by single words that have affected
us as gun owners.
Speaker 4 (07:32):
Speaker 3 (07:32):
And that's that's a little different. But there's some stuff
he can jump into right away.
Speaker 5 (07:37):
Speaker 4 (07:37):
And we're gonna talk about though.
Speaker 1 (07:39):
So uh.
Speaker 3 (07:40):
Number one, Uh, the White House created just about a
year ago, the White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention,
which was simply an anti gun I put Kamala Harris
since she'd taken care of the.
Speaker 4 (07:52):
Border, right, she says, are the border once you got
done with that? Yeah?
Speaker 1 (07:55):
Right. So I've said to you, John, if this is
an Office of Gun Violence preventioned, they probably had like
NRA representati the safety people.
Speaker 3 (08:02):
No, how about uh every town for gun quote safety,
which is every time for gun confiscation.
Speaker 4 (08:08):
That's what it should have been called. Uh.
Speaker 3 (08:10):
They had you know, the mothers against anything that has
to do with the fire.
Speaker 1 (08:15):
Is there any work to know?
Speaker 4 (08:18):
There was zero?
Speaker 3 (08:20):
They had these people and they set in and they
brought their attorneys with them, and they had their own
little section in the White House to uh basically pass
gun control and gun elimination bills. So one thing that
he can do. Uh and then an actro Shooting Sports
Foundation has called on already. But on day one, Trump
can just be in this office if he wants to
and say.
Speaker 4 (08:43):
Here I am lost, booms gone.
Speaker 3 (08:46):
Alternatively, which some have suggested, if they don't want it
to look really bad, like here he is going. You know, uh,
he's getting rid of gun violence. Look at Look what
a horrible thing he's doing. Alternatively, he can just get
rid of the employees that are in that office and
get some people that really know about gun safety. You
actually get the correct people that could actually help America.
So ye, which may not be a may be a
smart idea. You know, keep the office address gun safety
and violence prevention, but in a really appropriate way.
Speaker 1 (09:23):
That Trump is not a bad thing. I mean I
would love to be a part of something like that,
because you look at the gun violence. We all don't
want it out there. So a department like that, maybe
they look at Okay, a lot of this is coming
from the juveniles breaking in the cards. So what can
we do state to state on laws? I mean, we
need to look at a global and if it has
to be collaborative. This can't be the you know every
mother out there for anti gun only people on the board.
Speaker 3 (09:50):
And it's just and that's exactly what they have been doing.
And they have again have hidden the fact that and
this has been a study, this has been done well
but five six times now on actual defensive gun usage.
Speaker 4 (10:04):
It started in the nineties and one was just.
Speaker 3 (10:06):
Recently done by a professor English of what two years
ago guns are used by citizens in the United States
to defend themselves or someone else, to defend your lives
or property, not being fired, but over over four thousand,
five hundred times a day. Multiply that by three hundred
and sixty five and that was the low level. Some
people have it actually estimated at closer to six thousand
or more times a day a firearm has been employed
to save either your life someone else's life. And that
doesn't mean there's a shoot. That just means that, hey,
here it is, I have it with me. The presence
of it is enough to do.
Speaker 1 (10:46):
So out there the anti gunner did I say, well, yeah,
you're cherry picking some study. The CDC did they do
their own study?
Speaker 3 (10:55):
Clinton did a three year study and then he didn't
want the results of published because it because it showed
it showed how many times firearms are employed to defend
your life or someone else's life. They go, oh, we
don't want people to know about that. In the most
recent one, because the CDC had defensive gun usage statistics
on there and this was just from the last one.
Within within the last two years, five Democratic senators wrote
to the CDC and said, you have to pull down
this statistic on defensive gun usage off of the CDC website.
Speaker 4 (11:28):
And their letter just said, how else do you expect
just to pass.
Speaker 3 (11:30):
Any gun control if people realized how often millions of
times a year in the United States of America, and
this is to defend yourself against a dog or a
bear or this art is not the military or the police.
This are citizens employing a firearm to defend themselves or
their family. And it's out there and anyway. But so
that would be a good thing. So he could do that.
The other thing he could do immediately, and this is
my I hope he does as even before the office
issue is get rid of ATF director Steve Daddleback, the director, he.
Speaker 4 (12:04):
Has the authority to fire him.
Speaker 3 (12:08):
Now a replacement On the other hand, that would have
to require Senate confirmation, so he has to do this,
but we have we have control of the Senate, so
that may not be you know that that might be
easier said than done. But even in the case of
you know, debate or or or choosing one, he can
appoint immediately an interim director. Uh so he could take
somebody who's already there that leads and just.
Speaker 1 (12:33):
Playing someone there who has owned a gun before for
crime and he's sake, the man, by his own admission,
has never owned a firearm and he's leading the ATF
since he doesn't like guns.
Speaker 3 (12:44):
But I'm going to be on the ATF and the
the alcohol, tobacco, firearms, and explosives. We oftentimes leave the
E out of there. I mean, it is a government office.
It's under in the in the FBI, but the separate
office this is supposed to in the old days, it
would support gun dealers, help them with new laws, legislation,
here's what's coming on, here's what you need to do.
Speaker 4 (13:06):
And under the Biden.
Speaker 3 (13:08):
Administration, this agency has started a zero tolerance enforcement policy.
And for some people, going on zero tolerance for the best. No,
this is like clerical errors. Somebody transposed a number of
employed transposed the last number. They pulled the license of
the entire store to sell any firearms. And this was
not a small store. They go, oh, here's zero tolerance.
And the thing is is that it's so bad that
agents that are out doing inspections and we have some
great ones that come in, great great people they've recommended here,
let's just give a letter saying we recommend you do this.
It goes up the line, and what gets to Biden's people,
they go, Nope, zero tolerance.
Speaker 4 (13:49):
They made a mistake. Pull their lives again.
Speaker 1 (13:52):
For people listening who think, ah, they're cherry picking one,
there's more to this story, guys, I'm here to tell
you I know firsthand there isn't more to this story.
There has been. I've talked to the attorneys who represent
them and they're like, Eric, I'm serious. They made a
clerical air and now they are sent to revocation. Now
a lot of times they don't get their license revoked,
but they've had to pay. They've had to defend it
a death by a thousand cuts. Oh you can keep
your license, but you just incurred a ten thousand dollars
attorney Bill to do it. It is happening.
Speaker 3 (14:25):
It is, it is, it's contrived. It is just this
is why they brought someone in who doesn't know guns,
doesn't even like guns.
Speaker 4 (14:32):
Now you're in charge, and this is what we want
to do.
Speaker 3 (14:34):
If we can eliminate people who that sell guns, well
that's part there you go, it's it's.
Speaker 1 (14:39):
And we know firsthand. I sent you up in this
week every town for no guns. I mean they are
on a campaign to try to put gun stores out
of business and everything, and.
Speaker 3 (14:49):
That is that is still their goal. And now they
have a couple of months to do it. So but anyway,
but that's something he can do right away. So those
are those are good things. The things that will take
a little bit more doing. And we have one that
I'm going to talk about right now. One of the
things that a couple of things that Biden did when
he was in office he still is in office, the
banning on so called when we say ghost guns. But
this also include these kits that are like they look
like a block of aluminum and you have to drill
and make everything else.
Speaker 4 (15:23):
And you're allowed to make your own gun.
Speaker 3 (15:24):
It's always been the law that you're allowed to do it,
but they have put in regulations where if you do it,
then you have to go to a gun dealer who
has nothing to do with that. They have to check it,
they have to certify it and put a serial number
on it, and keep the records and turn those in,
and no guns, not a single gun dealer has said
that they want to deal with that. So basically what
they're trying to do is totally outlaw that, and that's
what's in effect right now. Also, the other one that
has a big effect, the stabilizing braces. Now a lot
of people think that this is a done deal, but
that's my second story.
Speaker 4 (16:03):
I'm going to be talking about that a little bit later.
Speaker 3 (16:05):
But they basically said that, hey, a stabilizing brace, which
his own ATF for over a decade has issued letters,
it's okay, it's okay, it doesn't alter it.
Speaker 4 (16:15):
This is a fine thing to do.
Speaker 3 (16:17):
And then all of a sudden, some of the every
town from gun and some of the other folks, the
gabby folks, go in there and go, well, we don't
really like those, so okay.
Speaker 4 (16:24):
We'll just have them change it.
Speaker 3 (16:25):
And so I'll say it's not okay to do now
it becomes like a machine gun, just having.
Speaker 4 (16:30):
Something that we're totally ridiculous legal Now you.
Speaker 3 (16:32):
Have to go through those soups and uh, the one
that's the biggest thing that's going to be probably tough
to change. They changed one word in this Bipartisan Safety Act,
which basically says that if you have a gun that
you want to sell to you.
Speaker 4 (16:45):
Know, I don't want anymore. I'm tired of it.
Speaker 3 (16:47):
Somebody else was interested. I want to sell it. They said, oh, no,
to do that, you need to have your own federal
firearms licenses, which is like a oh, I can't tell
you how difficult it is to get that. So anyway,
those are some of the things.
Speaker 1 (17:03):
On our wish list. And when we talked to Eric
Trump when he was here a couple of years ago,
suppressors that'd be nice to get that out of the
NFA and able to do over the counter at the store.
Crack down on felons, and I know this probably isn't
at the federal level. We need to get serious. If
there is a felon with a gun, pick up the newspaper, guys,
any day of the week. If there's a felon who's
committed a crime with a firearm, put them away, be done.
We're done with I mean, how many times we talked
about people having weapons under disability time and time and
time and time again. We don't do nothing. Get serious,
Put these people away.
Speaker 4 (17:37):
Put these people away.
Speaker 1 (17:38):
CCW love to have reciprocity nationally. And then the last thing,
we got to get in there on the ATF and
these stupid programs like this Demand two will calls us
a store that's selling guns to felons. We got to
get in there and set that record, and it's just ridiculous.
Jac We're gonna jump to a break when we get
back on the other side. When we get back on
the other side, our good friend mister Scott Frank from
three Eye holds I step up and join us, talk
a bit about holsters. We're on Target broadcasting live from
the studios of LPD Farms Arrange. We'll be back right
after the break. Welcome back on Target. I'm Eric, I'm
your host. We're here live at LAPD's nine point nine
Bethel Road. If you're just tuning in. We went from
j C and I to j C. Mister three I
and I it miter Scott Frank, how.
Speaker 4 (18:24):
Are you you guys are wearing me out this warning.
Speaker 1 (18:26):
You know what I know, I tell you what.
Speaker 4 (18:28):
We didn't even get set up yet, yes, and that's good.
Speaker 1 (18:33):
Now I'm going to start now. You you called in
last week and stuff, and I don't know if you
heard right before you call it in, but I built
you up pretty big. I mean to the point my
wife's like, man, you got a bromance going on to Frank's.
I did build you up a little bit. Maybe it's
a little bit too much. I don't know, but yeah,
you know what, we have an awesome partnership and it's
it's really neat. I always you know where we all
came from and what brought us together initially and stuff.
So always good to see you here. So for those
who don't know, you've been set up now for two days,
your second day here set up at the store. For
those who don't know what the heck.
Speaker 4 (19:07):
Is three eye Holsters Custom Holster Shop.
Speaker 6 (19:10):
If you dream it, we'll build it. Yeah, not all
guns come with holsters. It's hard to find holsters for
every gun where, your guys.
Speaker 1 (19:21):
And especially when you start getting into some that have
optics and lights and lasers and all this stuff, and
you know I teased it at the beginning, but we're
not talking like, oh, Scott came over with a press
and you know, give me a minute. He has a
microwave and a press. You have the classroom filled with equipment.
We're talking a rolling manufacturing shop here.
Speaker 4 (19:42):
It really Yeah, that's not like a little small section.
Looked like we brought the big boy toys this time.
Speaker 1 (19:47):
Yeah, yeah, so it's really neat if you haven't seen that.
So what I mean we've talked so much over the
years and stuff. Is there still a couple of manufacturers
who are who you're the holster for them that occasionally?
Speaker 6 (20:02):
Yeah, we still do a little bit for Rock Island Armory.
We've been doing a bunch of stuff for uh River's
Edge Cutler.
Speaker 4 (20:10):
Have you really Yeah, thanks, these are our guys.
Speaker 1 (20:13):
Yeah, yeah, you guys.
Speaker 6 (20:14):
We got introduced to them and it's uh good relationship
going good.
Speaker 1 (20:18):
There's a good good guys too.
Speaker 4 (20:20):
Not only for its olsters, for knives too. So yeah,
I was.
Speaker 1 (20:24):
Gonna talk about that. You make a lot of sheaths
for nice Yep.
Speaker 6 (20:29):
We just did some for tax Dermis for their daily
you know, their in and out of their all day
long skin and animals. Uh, you know, hunting knives. We
do dive knives, hunt fish explore Hawaii. We sponsored showing
carbon TV down in Hawaii, and uh, we do dive
knives for them.
Speaker 5 (20:48):
We do. We just do all sorts of stuff.
Speaker 6 (20:50):
So bastually, if it'll fit in our press, we'll we'll
figure out way to holst it.
Speaker 1 (20:54):
Wow. Do you you still have some of your holsters
running with some competitors? Oh?
Speaker 5 (20:59):
Yeah, yeah, I've lost track.
Speaker 6 (21:01):
Really, I think we're over seventy really so wow. A
matter of fact, I got one picking up a couple
of today really one of.
Speaker 5 (21:10):
My local shooters.
Speaker 1 (21:11):
Wow, that's excellent, that's super neat. I tell you we're
getting ready for today. I went to my draw of
hos It's like, oh I got I got three eye
holsters everywhere you uh, I mean, and this is something
obviously you're not going to be able to do all
people wait, but yeah, yes we can.
Speaker 4 (21:26):
I brought I brought my die sub printer with me.
Speaker 3 (21:29):
You can, yes, look at that. Jac Well and I
have one. As I was talking to him this morning.
Unfortunately my birthday, which was February, it's just February tenth.
Speaker 4 (21:40):
That happened to be the day that the.
Speaker 3 (21:41):
Two officers in Westerville were ended up being killed.
Speaker 4 (21:45):
So I had their badge.
Speaker 3 (21:46):
He put their their badges on my holster and uh
and it's remember once a year anyway when I see this.
But but what I think a lot of people don't
realize is well, I was just almost overwhelmed because he goes, Okay,
what call are you?
Speaker 5 (21:59):
Ye know?
Speaker 3 (22:00):
How many patterns and colors and so it's people just
think of a holster act's either brown or black. I mean,
but no, you can get you can get it to
match whatever custom color you have on your gut. It's
just it's it really is amazing. And the fact that
you can actually put photos pictures on the it just
I find that just incredible.
Speaker 1 (22:21):
Jac have you ever seen this one? It's one my daily.
Speaker 3 (22:25):
Yeah, yeah, I have on there and uh and it's
just yeah, it's beautiful. I mean because it's a photo,
so uh and it's right there in the holster and
it's and he didn't exactly order that one.
Speaker 1 (22:35):
No, and that that shut up my door after after
our pup died. What that I mean, how many patterns
you have up there today? I mean I saw a metric.
Speaker 6 (22:43):
Time I think we've probably got sixty pre printed.
Speaker 5 (22:47):
Do you really?
Speaker 6 (22:48):
And like I said, we can, we can print here.
Speaker 5 (22:50):
We want prepared.
Speaker 1 (22:52):
Okay, that's awesome. So you I mean, yeah, so you
come in here and you want you want you have
that actually for the holidays. You have that special holster
you want to have made up for somebody and you
want to put a special print on it. You want
to put my face on it. You can probably put
my face on their whole scary right, Yeah, Sam, we're
talking about.
Speaker 3 (23:08):
It, and I think just changing. Like you, new things
come out. So you have a light.
Speaker 4 (23:12):
Now you have a light with a late See it
doesn't fit new on. What do I do? Well, here's
what you do. You come to three.
Speaker 3 (23:16):
I come here today, and he can he can make
it so it fits the what accessories you have on
your gun. You can holster it and it's just beautiful.
It's just a great thing.
Speaker 1 (23:26):
Are you you still trying to turn stuff around while
people are here?
Speaker 5 (23:29):
Speaker 1 (23:29):
I mean in worst case scenario, I know, if he
gets too complicated, you can you'll just leave it here
or send it up. Yeah.
Speaker 6 (23:35):
So at this point, once once we get to the
point where I don't think I can get it done
today or tomorrow.
Speaker 5 (23:42):
We'll either cut it off or we'll.
Speaker 6 (23:46):
Take it with us and okay and get it done
at shop, bring it back up. Okay, Yeah, so it
depends on what customer.
Speaker 1 (23:52):
Great, Hey, let's jump to it, bir do you have
a time to stip for another second? On the other
side of the news. All right, let's jump to the
news and then we'll be more back. We'll be back
more right, back back for more time. There you go
with Scott Scott from three IYE Holds on Target broadcasting
a lot from the studios early PD Firearms Arrange. We'll
be back after the news. Welcome back to on Target.
I'm here's there joined Today we're back with with our
good friend mister Scott Frank from three I Holsters. A
guy JC here. What more could you want? Maybe the
buck guys adding a couple more points to the board,
That's what I want.
Speaker 4 (24:25):
But that's always what we want.
Speaker 1 (24:26):
So we were talking custom holsters before we went into
the break. I gotta ask, and it may maybe you
can't say this on air. I don't know what's the
craziest holster you've made?
Speaker 5 (24:36):
Speaker 1 (24:37):
What have you made a hold?
Speaker 5 (24:38):
Speaker 1 (24:38):
When we were set up at that show recently, the
Law Enforcement show. You said there was something you said,
I'm like, really you made a holder for that? I
forget what which is?
Speaker 6 (24:47):
We just did a five nine with a suppress or
chest rig real, So that's that's probably one of the
more recently.
Speaker 1 (24:57):
How about you were making them for hatchets and stuff.
Speaker 4 (25:00):
We do hatchets, we do, man, I'm trying to think
of some.
Speaker 1 (25:04):
Of the anything. I mean, obviously key remotes for your car.
Speaker 6 (25:07):
I mean, did I did a six inch judge that
had a light attached to the end of the barrel?
Speaker 4 (25:13):
Speaker 5 (25:14):
Speaker 6 (25:14):
But yeah, so yeah, if it'll fit in our press,
we got.
Speaker 1 (25:18):
You, all right, we don't care.
Speaker 5 (25:19):
How crazy it is.
Speaker 4 (25:21):
Do you ever do anything with suppressors? I mean, yeah, So.
Speaker 6 (25:26):
I'll give you a little insight info here. So we're
going to be doing an alien. Nine milis rest an alien,
and if you know anything about the aliens, you know
they don't come threaded. This one has been customized. We
are getting we're getting ready to do it. It will okay,
it'll be for an Instagram.
Speaker 1 (25:44):
Speaker 4 (25:44):
So yeah.
Speaker 1 (25:46):
Now, hypothetically speaking, this just came in on the JC.
People were asking stuff right. It just came in. If
if someone wanted like a beer bottle, like you could
attatch it to your belt and it just clips right.
Speaker 4 (25:55):
Down there you go.
Speaker 1 (25:57):
Sometimes you're walking around the yard and it's so income
I put it down. I forgot where I put it.
Right there, We did it.
Speaker 6 (26:03):
We did a set of knife sheaths for a chef.
All on one sheath. There were three knives and a
pair of scissors.
Speaker 5 (26:12):
Really, it's it's it's on our Facebook page.
Speaker 3 (26:14):
Good a beer bottle holder with an opener that's built
in so not only can you draw it quickly, but
you could And right there, I'm liking that.
Speaker 1 (26:24):
Ye know, he's gonna he's gonna market. And now we
have the.
Speaker 4 (26:26):
Idea we've we've incorporated.
Speaker 6 (26:28):
There's one up there with a knife sheath built into
the the holster. Okay, we do that quite often. Did
one a few months ago with a scar cutter.
Speaker 1 (26:37):
Oh wow. And of course mag pouches absolutely. And the
other thing too is important. It's some of the l
e gear. I mean, the handcuff holder I think I
still have. I think I have. I think I'm rocking
when your handcuff holders on my vest.
Speaker 6 (26:52):
Our Turnicicut carrier is huge. Oh yeah, but the Turnicut carrier.
So it's then it's the got great retention with with
the easiest draw on it.
Speaker 1 (27:03):
Do you think? Uh? Okay, So let's say someone misses
you today and stuff. How do they go about? Where
can they go and see some of the things you've
done before?
Speaker 5 (27:11):
So best place is Facebook?
Speaker 1 (27:13):
Speaker 6 (27:14):
Through our photos the uh of course we're on Instagram
and uh of course our website threeeye Ulcers dot com.
Speaker 1 (27:22):
Three eye holders dot com. Hey, thanks so much for
jumping in. Thanks so much for coming. Appreciate that, you
know what, it has been so long time. It has
been so long when I think I mentioned to you earlier.
Back on Thursday, I jumped on with Mark Blazer and
Chuck Douglas and we were talking about Black Friday Specialism
and I said, hey, three Eyes is going to be there,
and they kept saying, wait, he's gonna make the holster.
While you wait, I'm like, yeah, dude, I'm saying he can.
He can make it. If you got the light and
lasers and the you know, range finder, all that, he
can make it right there. So they were impressed, and
it's probably why you're getting some of your business.
Speaker 4 (27:53):
Yeah, I get some curres. I got to add that
to my list because that's that's important. And yeah, that's good.
Speaker 1 (27:58):
That's good, good, good, yeah, perfect, all right, well good
look up there. I'll let you get back to it.
That is mister Scott Franklin three, I host there is
a good friend of ours and and so much more
so appreciate it.
Speaker 4 (28:10):
Right, great seeing in great avenue here JC.
Speaker 1 (28:13):
So one piece of news that we were talking about
off air, that is that's important. It's important.
Speaker 3 (28:19):
It's it's been kind of under the radar, right, And
I thought it was actually, uh, you know, maybe that
was a done deal, but it is not a done deal.
And this is an update on the stabilizing BRACE and
people going update. I thought that that was all finished off. Well,
just recently ten days ago, U Palmeta State Armory Armory
along with a group called FRACK, which is the Firearms
Regulatory Accountability Coalition, they followed an amicus breath with the
US Court of Appeals in the Fifth Circuit. So initially
it just kind of came out of a Texas is
where this case evolved from. And they want to defend
the nationwide final rule that vacated the BRACE rule, and
so what happened, just for folks that you've almost forgotten
about it more than a decade ago, the ATF authorized
the public to use pistols that have a stability brace.
So if you're holding a heavier pistol and it's out,
it can fit and attached to your arm and it
makes it more stable, and especially for people that have disabilities.
And it kind of came out out of the folks
coming out of the war that had injuries and needed
some assistance doing that. Anyway, ATF said it was okay.
ATF repeatedly issued letters rulings assuring manufacturers and users that hey,
this is okay.
Speaker 4 (29:45):
It doesn't alter the pistol.
Speaker 3 (29:47):
It keeps the classification of the pistol as a pistol
and not a NFA. NFA as the National Firearms Actor
in nineteen thirty four, which basically covers machine guns.
Speaker 4 (29:57):
And if you have one of those, it's a long process.
Speaker 3 (30:00):
Two hundred dollars tax stamp gets it takes you know,
a long time to get that through. But they said, no,
it's just a pistol with the brace, and they said
it was okay. Another letter, it's okay, it's okay. Don't
worry about it. Well, then Biden gets in there and
go someone said, boy, I really don't like the looks
of those things. They look like there are rifles. So
they had the ATF issue a rule effectively banning stabilizing braces. Well,
it immediately went into the courts and the and when
he got to the Fifth Circuit Court, it ruled. And
this was Judge Reid O'Connor, who was a federal district
judge out of North Texas.
Speaker 4 (30:37):
He ruled.
Speaker 3 (30:37):
And when he looked at the reasoning you said it was,
you said it wasn't. And what difference is there? How
how did that change? And he said that basically that
the ruling was so impermissively vague that it provided no
meaningful clarity as to what constitutes an impermissible stabilizing brace.
It was just fusing. And so he actually issued a
nationwide he vacated the ATFS rule nationwide as a as
a district court judge, so deleted it from the books.
This happened some time ago, a couple of years ago.
So now people go, hey, everything's okay. Now, Well, the
ATF appealed this ruling back to the Fifth Circuit Court
for a final ruling on the merits, and that is approaching.
So if the Fifth Circuit Court upholds Judge Connor's vacating
rule saying that you know, we're throwing this out permanently,
then that would be the final nail on the coffin.
But there's a chance that I don't know when this
is going to come into effect. Presidential changes don't seem
to have an effect on this. It's just how the
how the Court's rule. So anyway, so that's still hanging
over our head. So we will keep you apprized of
the situation.
Speaker 4 (31:56):
Speaker 1 (31:56):
Let's jump to a break because I am. I am
super excited. When we come back, we're going to talk
about our upcoming sale and it is a big one, incredible.
We're on Talking broadcasting a lot from the studios of
Laped Farms and arranged. Will be back right after the break.
Welcome back on Talking. I'm your host, Eric joined today
in the LAPD Studios. JC and I. That is who
it is today, Jac and I. Okay, guys, we got
sixteen minutes. Jac. Here's the deal. Day after Thanksgiving sale,
Black Friday sale. Come get your black rifle for Black
Friday Sale.
Speaker 5 (32:28):
It is a.
Speaker 1 (32:29):
Wonderful We've out done ourselves on this, and let me
let me tell you why. A lot of it has
to do with the election. And I'm not saying, oh,
and now President Trump's getting in everything, No, it truly does,
because I think stores such as ourselves and others we
were geared up in case the election didn't go as
it went, and so that's a different look for us
versus how it looks now going forward. So we have
some backstock, honestly, and that's a good thing for the consumer.
I mean, so it is. It's a real good thing,
and it just hits at a great time. So let's
start about what Let's let's talk about some of those.
Let's start on the biggest one. I went on the
Blazer and Chuck Douglas show a couple of days ago,
and I say, guys, I can sum up Black Friday
sales on one thing, free guns.
Speaker 4 (33:18):
Free guns.
Speaker 2 (33:18):
And Mark was like, what free guns, free three guns?
Speaker 1 (33:23):
I think, just John, I think this is probably about
the eighth year in a row we've done it. It
has been a great thing. Every time. People are now
you know, looking forward to it and whatever it is,
it works like this, you come in on Black Friday
and it will probably carry over over well, I mean
it will probably carry over for a day as well,
but definitely a Black Friday. You come in, you renew
your membership or you get a new membership Level two,
so it's three fifty. And you might say, why do
I want a membership? This is why you need a membership.
If you get a level two membership at l EPD,
you get five percent off accessories the entire year. You
get three percent off all gun purchases the entire year.
You get free shooting shooting during the week for the
entire year. On the weekends, you get it. You pay
a discount.
Speaker 4 (34:10):
Rate, and you get to reserve.
Speaker 1 (34:13):
You get to reserve stuff.
Speaker 4 (34:14):
That's yeah, I serve time.
Speaker 1 (34:16):
So yes. So it is a really real excellent So
if you sign up for that, which you should be
excited about already, Hey I'm doing this is three point fifty,
We're gonna give you a gun. Now. It's not like
you can pick one from the case. There is a
supply of them, but it is about I think it's
about twenty different ones to choose from. John. And so
you simply you pay for the membership and then you
say you know what, go ahead and uh, you know,
I like, I'm looking down through the list. Here there's
a the Spikes tactical strip lower. You can have that,
and you can have that if you uh there's a
tourist revolver. I saw on the free gun list. Bond Arms.
There are several.
Speaker 3 (34:57):
Guns are worth hundreds of dollars. I mean when I
said yeah, I mean, I mean it's.
Speaker 1 (35:02):
The bond arms. If you don't know that line of arms,
those are wonderful little pockets bank vaults of of derringers.
Speaker 4 (35:10):
I mean, they're just some of the best made.
Speaker 3 (35:12):
No one makes anything better than bond arms derringers, and
they'll be free, free and you have your choice of
of your of your caliber. I was just looking at
the bombs bond arms. They have a forty five a CP,
a nine millimeter and a three eighty ACP And these
are double barrel derringers that, like I said, built like
bank vaults. When you handle them, it's like, wow, this
is really really cool.
Speaker 1 (35:34):
Have you you've seen a life card, the little we.
Speaker 3 (35:37):
Actually have that neat it's a little life card and
it looks now it's a little thicker than a credit card,
but it's the size of a credit card.
Speaker 1 (35:47):
Speaker 3 (35:47):
And it actually opens up and oh, this one's in
the Magno. Twenty two magnum. Oh this is really really good.
So it just it opens up and it becomes a
when you pull it out and the trigger is concealed inside.
Speaker 4 (36:04):
And for those online, I have.
Speaker 3 (36:05):
A hold up piece of white paper up here, white
dish that we have.
Speaker 4 (36:11):
Here we go here we okay, there you go.
Speaker 5 (36:13):
That's perfect, all right.
Speaker 3 (36:14):
So this this is what it looks like when it
is open and when it is closed it looks like
that signs of a credit card thicker. But uh, it's
they're absolutely they're so cool.
Speaker 1 (36:29):
And if you were next Friday coming in for a membership,
how much would this cost after your membership? Oh?
Speaker 4 (36:36):
Free is free?
Speaker 1 (36:39):
So I mean these are just some of the examples.
There is a call four to ten Did you see this? John?
A four to ten pump shotgun that's on the list
for free. The guys are a bunch of stuff. There
is a bunch of stuff. Now if you look at
the list, and this list is worthwhile, signing up for
our email that's at l epd dot com. The bottom
of it sign ups you get this email blast next
Monday or Tuesday is wonderful. You will see the list.
If you look at the list and you're like, you
know what, none of those really strike me. Well, there
is another list that is going to be out there
where you can buy your membership, pay a little bit,
just a little bit more, and some of the guns
on that so here, if you buy your membership and
you spend let's say three hundred dollars more, there's a
Kimber Micro three eighty on. You're getting the Kimber Mic
for three hundred bucks. These are all brand new guns.
Speaker 7 (37:31):
Yeah, that's an eight hundred dollars gunn John, how about
this the R seven Mako, the Kimber Oh oh yeah,
that's beautiful night Sights, Optic Ready two mags.
Speaker 1 (37:42):
You pay two hundred bucks on top of the membership, we're.
Speaker 4 (37:44):
Like seven hundred dollars gun.
Speaker 1 (37:46):
You walk out with the gun. I mean, guys, I'm
telling you there's some really, really really good deals out there.
And then now this one's you gotta pay a little
bit more. You come in to buy a membership, you
add five hundred bucks more. Maybe you got a little
extra cash coming around a cult King Kobra Oh.
Speaker 3 (38:02):
My goodness, that's an expensive Yes, that's that's like almost
a thousand dollars, a little less of a thousand.
Speaker 4 (38:10):
But it's like, you know, fifty wow, I know, I
know they're amazing. There is saving.
Speaker 1 (38:17):
Yeah, there is a lot, a lot of stuff on
a lot of new things now. So I'm just I
guess you may. I don't know if you see the
excitement coming through JA. So let's talk about something else.
Fifteen percent off a don of guns. I'm talking about.
Speaker 4 (38:35):
Page and a half of yeah, of firearms.
Speaker 1 (38:38):
And we're not talking John like, oh, it's the you know,
it's the cheap gun in the case and you get
fifteen percent off. There is some guns and you talk
fifteen percent off if it's a thousand dollars gun, it's
one hundred and fifty. A lot of these are at
cost or below cost, and you might say, okay, what
is it, what's wrong with it? You know some purple gun? No,
a lot of them are. We've had some all the
same models, and one might have an AMBI safety and
one has a regular or or one might you know,
have a little bit of a different site system on it.
They're great.
Speaker 3 (39:09):
I have a hard time taking my eyes off the list.
I mean, you know there's so many f ns. You
just have a whole bunch of f and you got
a Golden Boy, Henry repeating Golden Boy deserts.
Speaker 4 (39:22):
Got a couple of Desert eagles on there, Yeah.
Speaker 1 (39:25):
Ruger, fifteen Desert eagles. This is just really really see
the desert eagles fifteen percent off? You're talking about two
thousand dollars good, You're talking like three hundred bucks off
a desert eagle.
Speaker 4 (39:37):
Did you see all new guns? These aren't used these?
Speaker 1 (39:40):
How about ther sp one ones?
Speaker 4 (39:42):
I mean good? Yeah, they are great revolves? Oh, those
are great revolve.
Speaker 1 (39:46):
There's a couple of Smith and Wesson shields on there.
Smith and Wesson nineteen eleven. Guys. There's a lot lots
of good stuff. So you have that to look forward to.
Anderson's strip Lower goodness. Yeah, anders Strip Lowers were putting
those on sale for fifty nine to ninety nine. So
that's a good price. You might say, Oh, I see
it out there for fifty nine online all the time. Yeah,
that's kind of an online price, but you got to
transfer it in.
Speaker 4 (40:10):
This is just yeah, fifteen look at all this, I
mean a questions.
Speaker 3 (40:15):
You have an MP fifteen, you have their Oh my goodness,
you have some rifles on here that are just really
really good.
Speaker 1 (40:21):
So listen to this JC, you speak of rifles. Okay,
So Black Friday, yep, great time to get a black rifle.
And we have a radical deal for you.
Speaker 4 (40:32):
It radical.
Speaker 1 (40:33):
Get this brand new AR fifteen radical awesome, uh AR
fifteen and five five six two two three. And this JAC,
this is where it really gets neat. We mounted a
brand new HRT Advanced Weapons light on it. The HRT
light retails get this JC. The HRT light retails for
two fifty nine or two seventy nine, depending on which one.
These lights are sixteen hundred lumen fifty eight thousand candella.
There a battery in it is rechargeable. Okay. If something
happens and that goes dead, you could put two CR
one two three batteries in it. Okay, So JC two
hundred and fifty dollars for the light itself on the rifle.
We're selling the entire package for Black Friday. Five eighty nine. Wow,
five eighty nine. This is yeah, and this is what
it looks like.
Speaker 3 (41:32):
I mean, yeah, this is is not some thin tubed
rifle that you would see. It's just writing to amount
an optic on it's got the light mounted there.
Speaker 4 (41:43):
This is uh, this this is actually.
Speaker 1 (41:46):
Incredibit they are. It is a heck of a deal.
Speaker 3 (41:49):
And I was talking to our aur expert that we
have here at the store.
Speaker 4 (41:53):
He said, this is a good one.
Speaker 3 (41:56):
I mean he said, he said, you know there's some
stuff out there that doesn't cost as much, and there's
always some entry level things.
Speaker 4 (42:01):
He said, this rifle is excellent.
Speaker 1 (42:04):
Yeah, it's just to give you a frame of reference.
Jac if you look at the price on this firearm
before Black Friday, the price is pushing seven hundred, seven hundred.
It is five eighty nine worth a two hundred.
Speaker 4 (42:17):
With the hundred and yeah, two hundred and fifty.
Speaker 1 (42:20):
And guys, we have six. We got a few of
these here, so this isn't we have one, you know,
get here first in line. We have we have you know,
an indalyst supply, but we got a bunch here, uh
to come check it out.
Speaker 4 (42:34):
This is really a nice are it really is?
Speaker 1 (42:37):
I know it there's there's extremely said. I don't know
sure is that a Maxi bull stock on it? I
don't know if that's Magpool or if that's their own.
Speaker 3 (42:44):
This is the beef the oh this BS. So that's
a good stock. That's yeah, that's an upgraded stock. Yeah,
it's an upgraded and actually what is that Magpool? Magpool?
And that's also the that's also yeah or just a
BS yep, So no, I mean that's it's a great
great boy.
Speaker 1 (43:01):
We're talking. The stock on it and the grip on
are upgraded. This isn't your your run of the mill
entry level stock in grip.
Speaker 4 (43:09):
And it's made in Texas. So there we go, radicals.
It's a company.
Speaker 1 (43:14):
And did you notice that Ambi Safety?
Speaker 4 (43:17):
Ambi Safety.
Speaker 1 (43:19):
I mean I kind of want to buy one. This
is really nice.
Speaker 4 (43:23):
This is I mean, this is really really nice.
Speaker 1 (43:25):
It is so there is a all of specials now
if you're a member, there are gonna be some really
good specials on nine millimeters thousand rounds. I think I
think it's going to be down to two fifty nine
JC for one thousand rounds, two hundred and fifty nine
dollars for one thousand rounds of nine. There's gonna be
deals on forty five, three eighties, forties, two to two threes.
There's gonna be some deals if.
Speaker 4 (43:49):
You're not a member nine on one thousand, So if you.
Speaker 1 (43:52):
Come in, if you start to map it out, you
come in, you buy your membership, you renew it, you
get yourself your free gun. You then get the AMO deal.
It is it is really going to be. Uh, it's there.
Speaker 3 (44:03):
So this is this is this is really cool. So
you know, we've had some stuff in four that was
really good. This is really really good. And that light
sixteen hundred lumens out of that that's uh, and it's
a it's amazing.
Speaker 1 (44:15):
And let me see if I get this straight. The
Jake was saying that it is actuated by a I
don't know what if the button on the back is
called is as they're they're calling it like a nipple
type light on the back or but that you can
and you can hit it in many different directions. So
if you if you hit it one way, JC, it's
momentary on like push it to the left or right.
Speaker 3 (44:37):
I see, yeah, I gotcha. Yep, So you can change
it just with a touch of your finger.
Speaker 1 (44:42):
Yeah, super neat no, Yeah, this is super neat No.
Speaker 4 (44:46):
This is a great light, I mean quite quick, great weight.
Speaker 1 (44:48):
So all of this guys, if you're watching on YouTube
or Facebook, I mean you see the piles of it
stacked up here. It's just a little bit of what's
going to tell, Oh, jac you know what? One other
thing on the free gun. Then I can't believe you
didn't men, and you know I haven't gotten to it yet. No,
I think it's self serving, John, I think it's self serving.
You didn't mention that you could buy a membership and
get a free Browning.
Speaker 4 (45:08):
No, no, no, no, don't tell that I want this one.
Speaker 3 (45:11):
I'm just hoping you'd forget about this, and I was
gonna say, let me buy this from you, that this
is a Browning. This is one of my favorite twenty
two's period. Yeah, I've got my rugers and things, but
I'm telling you we used this model of gun for