Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Thirty minutes ago. I was absolutely furious. I even sent
a text to the producer Aula to see what I
could and couldn't say over the air. I just watched
the video this week of a seventeen year old thug
shooting at CPD officers with an ar pistol, trying to
take the life of multiple officers as one after another
arrived on the scene, running into danger, of course, disregarding
their own lives to save others. Cruisers hit by gunfire.
Miraculously no officers were hit. What kind of upbringing, what
kind of failures of society caused this seventeen year old
to think this was okay? He wasn't born a menace
to society, but since the age of twelve, that is
certainly what he was. Twenty twenty four, Robbery, ag robbery,
kidnapping twenty twenty three, carrying a concealed weapon, receiving stolen
property of which was a firearm, having a weapon under
a disability, being in possession of a stolen vehicle twenty
twenty two, caught in another stolen vehicle twenty nineteen at
the age of twelve. Robbery. How do we justify to
the community to have this person still amongst us. How
do the judges sit with their neighbors and say that
they continue to let these people out, regardless of age,
letting them out to terrorize society. How do they look
that neighbor in the eye and say they did not
lock them up? We said it last week. These communities
are victimized twice, once by the crime committed by these punks,
and then by the horrible inadequate system that continues to
let them out time and time and time and time again,
just like in this case, right back into these communities
that are the hardest hit. It's time we stand together
and put an end to this disgusting trend of letting
the worst out amongst us. On Target is next. Good afternoon,
Welcome to on Target. We're broadcasting live from the studios
of LAPD Firearms Range and Training Facility. That's right there,
a nine ninety nine at Bethel Rod. I'm your host, Eric,
father Phil has just left the building. But I'll tell
you what, guys furious. I don't know if you guys
saw the video or not. It is disgusting, and it's
even more disgusting when you realize what this thug has
done before how is he out how last year aggravated robbery, robbery, kidnapping?
How is he out on this? Who is the judge?
Who is the judge who let him out? It's disgusting,
it really is.
Speaker 2 (02:53):
I mean the judges, you know, the police resk their lives,
get out there with catching these criminals and put them
in there, and then the judge and goes, oh, well
we'll just.
Speaker 3 (03:02):
Let you out.
Speaker 2 (03:03):
And we hear time and time and time again. People
just don't realize how important judge.
Speaker 3 (03:08):
They had the police shot and killed him, they would
have been they would have been the bad guys.
Speaker 1 (03:13):
Oh of course absolutelye And you know what, so I
will say if you go out there and watch the video.
Is the press conference that went on yesterday. The chief
spoke at it, the mayor spoke at it, Brian Steele
spoke at it, and there were there there were some
highlights in it that were I guess promising. One was
get this guys. These officers show up. There was rounds
going everywhere side of the cruiser and everything, and the
kid gives himself up. And the professionalism of those officers
who were just taking rounds from an ar the professionalism
for them to go up and cuff that kid. Shows
you what these men and women are made of out there. Now,
I will say this, we have been extremely critical, rightfully so,
of the Chief and of the Mayor and those guys
I felt did a great job. In that press conference yesterday,
the Chief came out and says, we are going to
prosecute these to no end. Well, so we need to
get the judges on board. And I was even I'll
even give a kudo to the Mayor. He says, look,
you do this, You're gonna have to come through all
of us. I mean, it was the most forceful stance
that I've seen him take. Of course, Brian Steele was awesome.
Brian got up there and Brian said like Brian always does,
and of course the FOP president and he says, look, guys,
I feel for this kid seventeen years old. This kid
wasn't born a menace. Society has failed his parents or
whoever they are the parents, The society, the judges have
failed him, and had you know, caused this kid to
be down this path with no other seemingly with no
other recourse. And I mean, Brian did a great job
of bringing that background. We got to help these communities.
I mean, this is ridiculous, absolutely ridiculous.
Speaker 2 (04:56):
Oh it is. But the judges have to come on
board too. I mean, you just can't really these folks programs.
There are things that you need, psychological evaluations and treatments,
and but just to sit there and go have we
don't have time for this, we don't have money for this.
Speaker 3 (05:08):
Go ahead and we'll see you later.
Speaker 2 (05:11):
And may we'll see you later because he's been back
how many how many charges to the other and they have?
Speaker 3 (05:15):
Speaker 1 (05:16):
The thing is why, I mean, I want to know
the judge. I want to know the judge. I want
to say his or her name every week.
Speaker 3 (05:22):
I would bet it would be more than one judge,
but yeah.
Speaker 1 (05:25):
Sure, I want to say their name. So when their
their yard sign is stuck out there on the side
of the freeway next election, you can look at that
and say, wait a second, wait a second, this is
the one who let these guys out. It's it's ridiculous.
I don't it's so ridiculous because it's so fixable.
Speaker 3 (05:43):
That's the thing. Or better yet, have the judge call
in and justify why they haven't done anything right.
Speaker 1 (05:48):
It's it's I don't know I get so frustrated about
it because the problems that we have, many of them
are fixable, and we continue to do the same thing
over and over again and wonder why the outcomes are different.
That's it. I'm going home by you. There you have it. Guys.
We are the owners of early PD Firearm Dreams and
Training facility and are active in law enforcement. But for
one hour on Saturdays, we put together a group of
firearm experts to discuss new products in the market, training tips,
and oftentimes political topics surrounding our Second Amendment. Our commitment
has always been there to bring you facts about our industry,
help listeners and customers with safe, responsible ownership of firearms. Guys,
today actually kind of today we got a lot of
like just random stuff. Today we definitely have some news
that's that's importable. We've kind of been that that law
period period where Shot Show is not quite here yet.
Speaker 3 (06:42):
There's one we're going.
Speaker 2 (06:43):
Yeah, that one that we're going this year twenty first,
twenty fourth.
Speaker 3 (06:47):
Third year put us off.
Speaker 1 (06:50):
That's about the fifth year.
Speaker 3 (06:51):
But who's scouting that.
Speaker 1 (06:53):
We're going to talk about some shot show previews, some stuff,
as always has snuck out and finally we're getting in
this week. A couple of items that were that were
released I think back last summer and they're come in.
They're going to be here in the store this week.
So we want to talk about those a little bit.
Uh what else we want to talk about? Shot show
preview JC News at the bottom of the Eye, we're
going to talk a little bit about I was going
through some notes today and just trying to see where
we're going to go in twenty twenty five, and you
know it, and it kind of goes to the what
we talked about at the top. We need to start
partnering with each other and fixing some of these problems.
And I'm hopeful with the new president and their new administration,
we can start doing that, get some you know, decent
ATF leadership at the top, and with some of these
other organizations. We're gonna talk a bit about some some
of the things we can do. And there's there's one
specific group we're gonna mention. And you'll be surprised when
I when I mentioned when I read right off their
website of their stance on firearms, and then you hear
who it is, you might be surprised, and it might
be time for us to pick up the phone and say, hey, guys,
you know, let's partner going forward because it helps all
of us.
Speaker 3 (08:04):
Oh, there you have.
Speaker 1 (08:06):
That's it, the voice of JC that is sitting to
my left. How you doing, j C?
Speaker 2 (08:10):
Well, I'm slightly hoarse after the most fantastic game last night.
I just I mean I ran on you know, the
colors to it. But that was that was incredible the
end of the very first half. And then I'll tell
you that that that snatch and six.
Speaker 3 (08:24):
Was Yeah, that was great. Our defense.
Speaker 2 (08:26):
I mean, let's face it, they just won that game.
Our offense kept getting penalties and going back back. I
almost thought that for for a while that they were
gonna have more yards and penalties than they were in rushing.
Speaker 3 (08:37):
So it was just it was horrible crazy. That was crazy.
That was a great game.
Speaker 1 (08:42):
Yep, that was good. To my right is big ed
good see here? Yeah, guys, you know I didn't Jac.
You know, right after the show last week, I scurried
out of here, went skiing for three days. Yeah, I
went to Holiday Valley.
Speaker 3 (08:55):
Looked for you.
Speaker 2 (08:56):
I went, well, no, I looked for him on the camps,
but the only one of them was running in it was,
but I kept thinking, so after about an hour of going,
he's not going to even be there.
Speaker 1 (09:06):
So it was it was super neat, a little bit
dicey on the drive home because you're driving up there
along the lake right, but Holiday Valley.
Speaker 2 (09:13):
In New York that day you had like seven inches
of snow they said, and then it was leaping snow
in the night before, so.
Speaker 1 (09:18):
Right, tons of snow up there. Really a neat place,
Little Chili. It was nineteen and twenty degrees good skin weather,
but it was it was good skiing where we had
a blast. Luke did great with his new ski, so
it was good. Guys would like to think our sponsors
us Last Shield, Jackson, Windows, Black Women Shooting Center, Rivers,
that Clor, we see us in grieving and of course
lped training, all who make the show possible each week.
Speaker 3 (09:42):
Edward Chicago, Well, you know you talk about the new
year starting off with a bang.
Speaker 1 (09:49):
Yeah, it's not the bang. We're looking for it.
Speaker 3 (09:51):
In chicago's working on it. We got eleven homicides already
in Chicago this year. Happy to new the year. Forty
eight people shot so far in the first year, five
way till the weather warms up baby.
Speaker 1 (10:04):
Yep, geez geez. That's just every time you talk about it,
it's just I can't believe.
Speaker 3 (10:11):
There's anybody left in Chicago with all these homicycles. Yeah,
who would want to be there? Why?
Speaker 1 (10:16):
I know? I know because if you missed a show,
you can always catch the podcast as at six '
ten WTV in dot com. It's on iHeartRadio, iTunes, Spotify, Speaker, Facebook,
and YouTube And I have a little asterisk by YouTube
because those ding dongs last week. Do you know they
took us down last week?
Speaker 3 (10:32):
Yeah, as soon as I mentioned the gu in.
Speaker 1 (10:36):
The word, uh yeah, they took us down. And of
course appealing it. But typical, you know, all you talked
about guns. I'm like, what we're talking about safe, responsible
ownership of guns, about gun laws and stuff.
Speaker 2 (10:48):
The Second Amendment to the Constitution. We're talking about the
Second Amendment to the Constitution. Are you all right against
the Constitution of the United States.
Speaker 1 (10:55):
Now there is some hope though, because did you see
guys this week that Facebook came out and now they
I don't you know, I always have my guard up,
but they came out and said, hey, we're gonna we're
gonna ease up on some of these restrictions that were
just crazy that got put in the last four years.
And according to them, if you believe Zuckerberg and stuff,
he says that these were put in in direct basically
order from the Biden administration and that they never really
agreed with them and so hopefully going to let that
up a little.
Speaker 2 (11:24):
Bit, and that amazing the freedom of speech was like, no,
you can't have it now here. This was elected.
Speaker 1 (11:32):
I would like to see him come on board and
stand beside Elon and and really get the tide turning
on some of this this media stuff. JC. Let's go uh,
let's see, let's go to a quick breaks. When we
come back, we can just fly right into the news.
Guys are on Talker badcasting live from the studios of
LPD Farms Arrangement. We'll be back right after the break,
so let's just change to us sports talk.
Speaker 3 (11:57):
How we could.
Speaker 2 (11:58):
I stayed up to like two in the morning just watching,
just watching the different interviews that they that they have
the folks and the replace and.
Speaker 1 (12:07):
It was good to see those guys obviously hard working
out there to see some good results on the field.
Talker broadcasting live from the suites of l EPD farms. Right,
Gymeric the host got JC to my left, I got
big Ed to my right. Guys, before you get to these,
one really sad thing. I want to just shout out
out there to keep him in your thoughts and prayers.
Our good friend Cam Edwards.
Speaker 4 (12:29):
Who is the host of a talk show Cam and
Company that's been around for long twenty years, and he
is a daily show.
Speaker 1 (12:40):
We've been on many of times, he's been on ours.
He writes bearing arms, I mean, a lot of good information.
He is on the front lines of a lot of
Second Amendment stuff. He lost his wife last week. She
had a long battle with cancer and and so we're
keeping him in your thoughts and prayers. We've been in
touch with him and just tough times for their families.
Speaker 3 (12:58):
So what really really good guy had the pleasure of
meeting him?
Speaker 1 (13:02):
Yeah, yeah, yep, definitely. Ge see what kind of needs
you got for us news?
Speaker 2 (13:07):
Well, actually there's potentially some incredibly good news.
Speaker 3 (13:11):
We'll wait and see.
Speaker 2 (13:11):
But we're going to start off at Ohio because I
wasn't aware of this and I read this in Emily.
It just came out on Thursday. But in Ohio court
of Appeals ruled that no ban on Second Amendment rights
upon indictment. I said that sounds curious. I hadn't hadn't
really heard about this. But in twenty twenty three, a
prosecutor using a injury brought an indictment against a gentleman
named Kendall Brown for robbery. Okay, but the robbery indictment
led to a charge of possessing a firearm well under indictment,
which you know, felony, and that that actually takes away
his ability to own a firearm. But the robbery indictment
was dismissed, never went to trial, but the charge of
possession of a firearm will under indictment stuck and they
took his rights away. So anyway, he went to court.
Aready moved to dismiss the charges of possession of under indictment,
and the trial court agreed and dismissed the charges, but
the state of Ohio appealed it. It turns out Ohio
was one of three states in the nation that if
you're just even under indictment of a felony, they take
away your Second Amendment rights. But on January third, so
not too many days ago, the state Appeals court agreed
that with the trial court two to one and decision,
and they found that the statutory ban on possession of
a firearm under indictment was really unconstitutional. So this was
it's unusual in the fact that they said this case
considerably the state's power to disarm one of its citizens
based solely in the fact that.
Speaker 3 (14:44):
They're under indictment.
Speaker 2 (14:46):
And what they found was Kendall Brown had never been
convicted of a felony, any felony. He has never really
had undergone a trial. He'd been indicted, which is basically
the prosecutor accused him, but there was no judge, jury,
no one ever considered he had evidence.
Speaker 3 (15:02):
But how did why did Ohio peel that no due process?
Speaker 2 (15:07):
Well, because it's the law, so I guess you have to,
you know, but our law either needs.
Speaker 3 (15:11):
To be changed or But.
Speaker 1 (15:13):
There was no dropped the indictment.
Speaker 2 (15:15):
And yes, as a matter of fact, he was out
on bail and I don't know how they discovered this
effect took him home or whatever, but they discovered he
had a firearm. Actually they in his home after he
was put out on bail. But again the indictment was dropped. Everything,
But what stuck was his fact that it could never possess.
So anyway, it was interesting. I don't like the fact
that the State of appealed it, but if it is
the law, I guess that's what.
Speaker 3 (15:41):
What we have to do.
Speaker 2 (15:42):
So anyway, I thought that was interesting because it was Ohio,
here's this could be something big scotus.
Speaker 3 (15:48):
Speaker 2 (15:49):
Just on Friday yesterday, the Supreme Court of the United
States agreed to in private conferences between the justices on Friday,
they distributed to cases involving the ban of ars basically
called modern sporting rifles by states and plus two other
Second Amendment petitions. So they're going to consider these. The
first one was we've talked about before, Snope versus Brown,
Maryland's prohibition on modern sporting rifles, so anything that looks
like the AR type platform, plus many many other rifles,
but they prohibited the ownership of that. And also standard
capacity magazines they put in the ten rounds, so and
they're so common, there's above ten round magazines. There's almost
a billiona or seven, I don't know, that's a little
bit overestimate. There's about one hundred million of these magazines
out there. But they banned those. So they're going to
consider that. The second one was the Ocean State Tacticle
versus Rhode Island. That was a challenge to Rhode Island,
which is a confiscatory, so they want to confiss gate
standard capacity magazine say just hey, if you have them,
you need to turn them in. We are confiscating anything
above ten rounds. And Supreme Court had previously rescheduled consideration
to those two. And the third one was Maryland. It's
called Maryland shall issue because it's a shall each date
versus more because Maryland's handgun licensing requirements, which very expensive, include,
among other things, duplicative background checks. So after you get
one to the Feds, they want some additional stuff that
they want to do that you have to pay for.
Speaker 3 (17:32):
You have to take a.
Speaker 2 (17:33):
Training course even before purchasing it, you have to do
they put all these these hoops in and extended waiting
periods that could take up to a month after you
pay all this money to go in to even get
a handgun license. And so they're going to consider whether
that is constitutional. And the last one is more of
a technical one. The fourth one they're looking at it's
called Gray versus Jennings, which concerns the question of whether
infringement of a Second Amendment right institutes a per se injury,
and that would be for the purpose of obtaining a
pulmonary injunction for constitutional challenge. Right now, you can appeal it,
but they go, okay, well you they'll agree with the
states said, yeah, we're going to implement it as if
it's really happening until the appeal process goes through. Some
people go, wait a minute, this is our Second Amendment rights.
How can you put that on hold? So if there's
an appeal, what you need to do is allow you
to have a second amount of rights until the courts
decide that you do so.
Speaker 1 (18:32):
So that's kind of there's some big stuff coming down again,
potentially with with the Supreme Court this year. I mean,
it's some big thing.
Speaker 3 (18:40):
Really hoping on that now.
Speaker 1 (18:42):
Whether whether these states abide by the rulings is a
whole other thing, and that's.
Speaker 2 (18:48):
That's what's concerned me. It really hadn't made the news,
but I just happened to hear it the other day
that they were bragging that Biden on his way out.
Of course he doesn't know what that. I don't think
he knows what day it is. But anyway, he uh
one ahead and they were bragging that he appointed more
federal judges than any other president.
Speaker 3 (19:06):
He two hundred and thirty seven. I know it's over
two hundred.
Speaker 2 (19:11):
That number sticks with me, but it was a lot.
And I'm going I remember when when Trump the last
time had appointed one hundred and forty seven. This was
almost you know, like eighty or ninety more. And you
get these federal judges in there. There's the ones who
make up these circuit courts, and so the Supreme Court,
which is another story I have here can say this
is the way it is. And then you get to
the federal courts going yeah, we don't like it. Like Hawaii, Hey, yeah,
you have your Constitution, but Hawaii existed before the Constitution.
Speaker 3 (19:38):
We have the Aloha philosophy.
Speaker 2 (19:40):
So we don't care what the Supreme Court says, you're
not doing in this state. So they, you know, put
themselves above the Supreme Court of the United States, and that's.
Speaker 3 (19:49):
A that's an issue. So all right, you have another
good story.
Speaker 2 (19:52):
Yeah we got time for itod this is this is
good and this just happened recently. And this is one
that that I hope comes to fruition we will have see.
But last week, the US Representative Richard Hudson, a Republican
from North Carolina, introduced the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of
two thousand and twenty five. It's Hr thirty eight and
it had one hundred and thirteen co sponsors for this
Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act. And what this would do would
protect concealed carry permit holders when crossing state lines. They said,
the legislation eliminates the confusing patchwork of laws surrounding concealed
carry permits that vary from state to state, particularly in
regard with states where laws make criminals out of legal
permit holders from another state when they come in because
they don't go with their laws. And they said, what
you know, how do you know that it's this patchwork
where you have a concealed carry law for the state
that conflicts with what you're used to doing, and how
do you know those as your travel state to state?
So anyway, but President Donald elected Donald Trump on the
campaign said that signing a concealed carry reciprocity legislation was
one of his goals to follow up this week. On Wednesday,
the Senate jumped in and US Senator John corn from
Texas introduced Senate sixty five, which is the Constitutional Concealed.
Speaker 3 (21:23):
Carry Reciprocity Act.
Speaker 2 (21:24):
They added that constitutional word in there, and then forty
four Republican senators co sponsored this new bill, including Senate
Majority Leader John Thum as a co sponsor of this bill,
and they say, basically, compliments of the efforts underway.
Speaker 3 (21:39):
By the House.
Speaker 2 (21:40):
So what this would do, and they said, in short,
this would treat a state issued concealed carry permits like
driver's licenses. If you've got one driver's license in the state,
you can drive into other states. And they said, basically,
that's what that would do. So you know, four were
co sponsored it, and then the Senate Judiciary Committee chairman.
So this is important because that's the Judiciary Committee chairman.
It's Chuck Grassley, one of my favorite senators out there
from Iowa, said responsible gun owners shouldn't have to jump
through hoops to exercise their constitutional right when visiting other
concealed carry states, and the ability to reduce the confusion
and legal inconsistency for law abiding Americans, and also respecting
the rights of states to set their own laws. But
of course This has been endorsed by the National Rightful Association,
National Shooting Sports Foundation, and the Gun Owners of America
and another They said, Basically, the Congress has the opportunity
to deliver the greatest legislative victory for gun rights movement
in a century, and Donald Trump has already voice to support,
said Gun Owners of America Director. He said, with all
fifty states now wish we conceal carry permits, forty nine
states allowing non residents carry, and twenty nine states with
institutional carry, it simply makes common sense.
Speaker 1 (23:02):
That would be great. That would be great. Guys. Let's
jump to the bottom of the hour news. We come back,
We're go and talk a little bit about this shot
show that's coming up. Do a little preview on some
things we know that is coming out and some things
that are coming right here in the store. This week,
we're on Target broadcasting live from the studios EARLYPD Firearms Arrange.
We'll be back right after the news. Welcome back to
on Target. I'm here s Derek joined today in the
LAPD studios. I got big Edd to my right, JC
to my left. What more could a guy want? You know,
you know what I want? How about some of these
things that are coming in this week finally from manufacturers
that we talked about some of them six months ago.
So if you've been, if you've been waiting for the
new Daniel Defense nine millimeter carbing in pistol format and
in a rifle with the sixteen inch barrel, they are
literally en route supposed to be delivered I think wednesday here.
So yeah, so next week we can show them on
the show there JC and talk about him and stuff.
We talked about him for probably six months. We expected
to have them here I think last September, but they
finally were getting around the shipping them, so would be interesting.
The other thing, and I told all the guys around
here and all the young kids or like, uh, you know,
who cares. But car Arms, Now, when we started, car
Arms was a very reputable We sold lots of law enforcement.
Jac's still carrying it.
Speaker 3 (24:26):
You know. It's I just can't believe how accurate it is.
It's just had nothing to do with you. Oh yeah,
probably not.
Speaker 2 (24:33):
But I shot a group where I thought I missed
the target, and I went up and checked it out
and all were in the right, in the very very center.
It looked like it was like one ragged hall and
I thought I miss all of them, only get one
shot in.
Speaker 1 (24:46):
But extremely well made they are. They're known for a
kind of we always to say, a lack of felt recoil,
so their springs are tough. I mean, it's a little
bit harder to pull back, but the the felt recoil
or have always been great. The one complaint and the
one that kind of probably why they fell out of
grace amongst many shooters, is that their single stack magazine.
So by today's standards John Eure PM nine they probably
holds what six plus one or something like that, or
seven plus one, and now when you can get fifteen
rounds in a three sixty five or a Reflex or
a Hellcat, they kind of fell out of grace.
Speaker 2 (25:25):
Well, my opinion is, if I can do that well
on the first shot, why do.
Speaker 3 (25:29):
I even do the xtual?
Speaker 2 (25:30):
Well, that's trying to bring them all home.
Speaker 1 (25:31):
So that is true. The car X nine, though, is
going to be here this week. The X nine is
their first attempt out of a double stack magazine. Comes
with two ten round magazines. But the neat thing about
it is it takes the SIG three sixty five mags
as well. I think it also takes the Springfield Hellcat
Mags maybe with an adapter. I haven't seen read much
lately on that, but that's what they originally said. Definitely
three sixty five banks. It's kind of neat, so I'm
axed to see that. You know, I'm always kind of
a car fan and stuff. The pricing is not bad either,
less than five hundred dollars, so so we'll say, So
that's gonna be here this week if that's been something
on your list. JC shot shows around the corner. All
kinds of new things coming out there.
Speaker 2 (26:19):
Always exciting because it is amazing how many different things
are out there.
Speaker 1 (26:23):
Just when you thought you had everything, Glock kind of
got ahead the game. They announced a couple of days
of ground break breaking. John, they are, they are now.
You might have been waiting for this for a while ahead,
but Glock now has come out with a weapons mount
of light.
Speaker 2 (26:38):
You can actually put a flash right there on the gun, John,
on the gun right there that you talk about that
how innovative as everyone's going. Haven't you been able to
do that like that fifteen years ago? And yeah, yeah,
but no, this was not their first attempt.
Speaker 3 (26:55):
Apparently, I never saw. That's not true. I saw one
years ago.
Speaker 2 (27:00):
Now I know it was a glocklight, but it looked
very bulbous and it was apparently they've done several of these.
When I started to look at the review of it,
and there's still thirty reviews back in twenty and ten
of the glock Like this is their newest, latest version.
It's a little more streamline. And the thing about it
is you get to choose whether or not you want
to have a push button on her off or a
left right on and off.
Speaker 3 (27:22):
And you get to change that yourself. So it's nothing.
Speaker 2 (27:25):
I mean, it's a six it's a six hundred lumen
light and we saw eight hundred thousand lumen lights, right.
Speaker 1 (27:30):
It's just it's sleek, I mean it it's it's the
same wid it as a gun. It looks like, so
it's it's kind of neat, but probably a different holster.
Speaker 3 (27:38):
So it's no big deal.
Speaker 1 (27:40):
It's no big deal, I thought, I mean, you know,
you hate to say it, and I'm not.
Speaker 2 (27:45):
But at the same time they also introduced.
Speaker 1 (27:47):
Wow, they did andrew something else too that I was like, yeah,
look at this, you know, a slide cut for an optout.
But it's a little bit more than just that coming.
Speaker 3 (28:00):
I mean it is.
Speaker 2 (28:01):
They also have also come out with what they've teamed
up with Ampoint, which is the originator of the red Dot.
I still actually have my original first red Dot ever made,
which came out in nineteen seventy four, seventy five. Yeah,
I still have it. It's it's pretty cool, the very
first red Dot. I thought I had to have one
of those, and still do. It doesn't work now because
I can't find battery sport. But anyway, they came out
and they teamed up. But so they came up with
it's just even reduced, smaller than the very popular aim
Point Acro when they have that Acro, and it's actually
more streamlined, it's smaller, and it's their latest, greatest. It's
been tested with either twenty or forty thousand consecutive rounds
with a forty caliber am and holds everything. Here's the problem.
Speaker 3 (28:49):
The problem is it won't fit your gun. If you
own one, you have to buy a.
Speaker 2 (28:54):
Brand new block because there is an undercut on the
back of the slide and there's a lip.
Speaker 3 (28:59):
On the CoA.
Speaker 2 (29:02):
Is what they call their new aim Point CoA so
it if you can imagine, it clips in, pushes down
and then there's a wedge with two screws.
Speaker 3 (29:10):
That holds it down. What it does is it's smaller.
Speaker 2 (29:12):
And they said it's absolutely the aame point, the latest
greatest in their vengeance and it's the sturdiest because of
the way that it mounts. But it's only available if
you buy a new block for it. That's either the
the the forty three X or the or the forty
eight X and the small size or then then you
know the the nineteen. So the model nineteen has got
the forty five and you know the model.
Speaker 1 (29:37):
So does the optic come with it?
Speaker 3 (29:39):
Speaker 2 (29:40):
If you yeah, you buy it as a set.
Speaker 3 (29:42):
So there you go.
Speaker 2 (29:43):
And the cheapest one retail is a little over one thousand,
and it goes up to around almost twelve hundred dollars,
but you have to buy that gun with that so yeah,
I mean, I.
Speaker 1 (29:57):
Mean, the guys around here we're excited about it.
Speaker 3 (29:59):
I if you buy the.
Speaker 2 (30:00):
Gun, but right, and it works on the Gen you
have to buy the Gen five obviously because that's the
only one that it works with.
Speaker 3 (30:05):
But you have to buy a new glock.
Speaker 2 (30:07):
And with the market comes from the factory that way,
and you can't buy the access reactor.
Speaker 1 (30:10):
Other things that were not this week's Middle West End
continuing with their rifle line, which you know, it's okay
to me, but I appreciate their ingenuity and venturing out.
Speaker 3 (30:22):
Well, this is in their lever action.
Speaker 1 (30:24):
Right, their lever action. They're calling it the stealth Hunter.
Speaker 2 (30:26):
Yeah, the stealth Hunter. Now what was interesting because you know,
the lever action is truly an American invention. I mean,
there were the only ones that really really have those lines.
And when Smith it wasn't came out with that a
year or so ago. It was the eighteen fifty four,
which was the founding year of Smith and Wesson. So
they came out with it, and you know it was
in forty four magnum only and pretty expensive, and it's
it's competition is Henry and Rossi and and now Marlin
that Ruger has taken over. But they came out with it.
The new one that they have, the stealth Hunter. They
have modernized it to the point that it's like, you know, uh,
Chuck Connors and the rifleman probably wouldn't recognize it. And
when I saw it, I had the same reaction that
most of you would. I looked at it and I
said WT, which of course stands for what's that firearm? Uh?
And it was a unusual because it has an aluminum
forearm with with mlock cuts and it's got thirteen mlock
cuts in your forearm that you can hang whatever else
you want.
Speaker 3 (31:31):
To hang with it.
Speaker 2 (31:32):
Large loop. And now they've extended the the caliber to
three fifty seven, which is a great little hunting calendar.
Also forty four colt so you can get so you
can get those three in the stealth hunter. And because
it's stealthy, it's got a sixteen point three inch barrel,
so you know, short and compact. But yeah, it's a
it looks properly, you know.
Speaker 3 (31:55):
Yeah, but it's expensive.
Speaker 2 (31:57):
Throng list prices like fourteen hundred, right, well that's a lot.
Speaker 1 (32:01):
So, speaking of expensive, Staccato announced they're coming out with
a new handgun. I think it's in a similar format
to most of theirs, except this one. We'll take glock magazines.
So there's some chatter about that, thinking that it's going
to be something kind of neat.
Speaker 2 (32:17):
And they make you know, they make quality quality guns.
I mean, really, they're expensive. But they're really a lot
of use, a lot of competitions.
Speaker 1 (32:24):
So yeah, so in next couple of weeks we're gonna
definitely get to some more stuff that's announced. I wish
we were there hopefully maybe get to talk to our
man on the street again about some of the stuff
that is announced. I really haven't heard too much more
of anything big when I was.
Speaker 2 (32:37):
Looking up the level of reaction Smith and Wesson. Henry
is just coming out with a new level action that
is magazine fed and it takes bags and it's for
the three hundred Blackout or the or the two two three,
and yeah, and a suppressor on it, and uh, it
looks really really fancy dancy uh. And of course a
lot of new Love actions actually have picked to any
style rails. I think the one on the Smith or
Weston's ten and a half inches long. You can mount
any optic you want, so they've really have upgraded it.
So why would you want Love re action. They're not
supposedly as accurate as Bold actions, But on the new
one that's coming out from Henry has a rotating bolt
locking lugs. I said, it up as tight as as.
Speaker 3 (33:22):
Any other AI would be. So and it's a love
re action gun. So cool.
Speaker 1 (33:26):
Great, great, guys, let's jump to a break you know,
before we jump to a break. One thing too. And
now I'm just this is just proud dad here talk
jac Did you see this if you're watching on Facebook
and stuff? Did you see my latest firearm that that
I put together.
Speaker 2 (33:45):
It's just not the one I handled early? Yeah it
was okay, Yeah, yeah I did. I felt I thought
that if any.
Speaker 1 (33:51):
And I know you haven't seen it. For those of you,
I mean, if you listen to the show any amount
of time, you know, for some reason, I don't know why,
I love the three fifty seven sig round right. Well, yeah,
and it's really around a lot of a lot of regards.
It's kind of come and going a little bit. I mean,
there's still some fanboys out there. He still get them,
and they're still producing guns. I mean, glock thirty two,
I think it's a thirty two is what I carry.
Speaker 2 (34:13):
I think Uniform Secret Server still carries that round, so
do they really?
Speaker 3 (34:17):
Speaker 1 (34:17):
So it has a lot of good properties. It's basically
just simplicity sake. It is basically a forty caliber neckdown
to a nine. So it screams. It is a very
fast round. That's great, great ballastic. It was intended to
be similar to a thirty seven sig. The problem is
not a whole lot of new guns are coming out
with it, and it's hard to find something small in
compact with it. Like I said, the full sized guns
are still out there, but not necessarily stuffing small. I
got an idea though, I did some reading that the
Smith and Wesson shield, which is a great you know,
you can still carry gun that. There's companies now making
three fifty seven sig barrels for it if you have
the forty. So I bought one guy it installed yesterday
and went up with the gunsmith and shot it. And guys,
it's like, it's sharp. It's sharp. Yep, holds nine rounds.
So not you know, you said it's sharp.
Speaker 3 (35:09):
You're referring to the recoil.
Speaker 1 (35:11):
You know what. It wasn't bad. The recoil was not bad.
The fire I'll tell you what. I would hate to
be on the other end of it, because if you
don't get hit with the bullet, that fireball is enough
to scare you.
Speaker 3 (35:22):
It was.
Speaker 1 (35:22):
It was neat, but yeah, so yeah, there's my new
toy there, Ed, I mean, it really.
Speaker 3 (35:27):
Is a great, great, great round. Yeah.
Speaker 1 (35:29):
Well, because let's up to a break and we come
back and we'll talk a little bit about what we
see happening in twenty twenty five and what we can
do as as lawful gun owners, as safe responsible gun
owners to maybe you know, reach out with the Olive
branch and team up with some of these organizations that
we might not otherwise thought to team up with, but
all in the name of correcting what's going out there
in society and helping the Second Amendment going forward. We're
on target broadcasting a lot from the studios of LPD
Firearms Arrangement. Will be back after the break. The interesting
talk is that way.
Speaker 3 (36:02):
Yes, that's interesting. Who cares about the weather? The Buckeye's
won last night?
Speaker 5 (36:05):
Speaker 3 (36:05):
Right? And style? Oh man, I loved it.
Speaker 1 (36:10):
Welcome back to on talking. I'm here's there joined today
with two good friends. I got big Ed and j
c up here. It's kind of a cool day out there.
Yeah stuff, but yeah, good day, new year. Everyone's kind
of fresh and ready to go.
Speaker 3 (36:23):
That's just just a great. Yeah.
Speaker 2 (36:24):
I'm still robbling over last night. We'll see what happens
in nine days or eight days now?
Speaker 3 (36:29):
Is that an awesome view of the crowd last night
when the Longhorns tied us up and then we turned
around and ran the ball back.
Speaker 2 (36:39):
Yeah, it was like twenty night seconds left and the
half and all of a sudden, just looking.
Speaker 5 (36:43):
At the crowd, were they aribulation scu Yeah yeah, yeah,
Oh my goodness.
Speaker 3 (36:49):
That was a great run.
Speaker 1 (36:50):
That was a great run.
Speaker 3 (36:52):
Good good.
Speaker 1 (36:52):
I feel good about under Dame going against another game too.
I don't know why.
Speaker 3 (36:55):
I don't think we have a problem with Tho yer Day.
I don't think so. I was surprised that notre Being
came back like that at the last there to do
that three year point three point field goal. But yeah,
I thought Penn State was going to take them all
the way to the end. It'll be ten to seven,
and that was gonna be it.
Speaker 1 (37:12):
Yep, guys, we only have a few minutes left, but
I wanted to give one thought. Twenty twenty five is here,
and as lawful gun owners we got we got President
Trump now and his administration in there, and you know,
I started to take a look back at some of
our shows last year and the narrative, the horrible narrative
out there in the media regarding firearms. When you look
across it, you know, one of the things this year,
you know, US Surgeon General reported, actually last year, our
children have a greater chance of dying by a firearm
than a car accident. Totally a false statement, you know,
totally a false statement that gets replayed over and over again.
You know. And if the stat on that was that
if you broke out black children versus white children, that
the poor black children poor, not economically poor, but the
unfortunate Black children have had a better chance of dying
by firearms for the last twenty years. This isn't a
new stat and the corresponding white kids are still more
likely to die by a car. But the problem since
twenty twenty, in the riots, in the fall apart of society,
it has spiked those communities so high that now it
has brought up the averages for them to be able
to say our children are dying more by guns than cars.
But it's not a true statement. There's so much more
that it's the.
Speaker 3 (38:37):
Weaponization of truth. This is what has happened in the
last four year period. But that's a definite goal.
Speaker 2 (38:44):
For example, I still bring up the fact that this
is so important with all the firearms out there, that
the CDC was forced because five Democratic senators said, oh,
you got to take down these defensive gun used do
you know, folks, I mean, this is just has been
a fact since that's been research and research reseizure. Over
forty six hundred times a day a firearm is employed
either to save your life, somebody else's life, or defend
property not fired, but let's face it, or someone's going
in to steal your car and you come out and
you have a firearm, the chances are they're gonna go
away forty six hundred times every day over that and
that's the least amount that they've discovered.
Speaker 3 (39:24):
But they made them take.
Speaker 2 (39:25):
It off of the CDC's stats because he goes, oh,
we're going to get any and the letter actually said,
how are we gonna expect it to get any gun
control passed if you keep stats like this out there?
So it's this weaponization all.
Speaker 1 (39:36):
We need, just collectively as gun owners to start turning
that tight. You talk about the ar that's always the
topic of these media's outlets and stuff, but it the
stats are don't lie. Ten year average, ten year average
about seven thousand people a year dive from handguns. Okay,
this is over ten years. This isn't cherry picked one
year because the stats look good. Seven thousand people a
year from handguns, fifteen hundred a year from knives, four
hundred a year from blunt objects. Six hundred and fifty
nine people a year on average last ten years have
died from hands, fist and feet bar fights. Yeah, okay,
four hundred a year by rifles, all rifles, not just
the evil looking ones, all rifles and gold which they
just said, first, we're got to take these away.
Speaker 2 (40:24):
And why because these are weapons that you would use
to defend yourself against the government. I mean basically that's
what they want. So then after that's gone, they're going
to go, wait a minute, that wasn't really the problem.
We got rid of those. Yeah, it's the handguns. And
we talked about this before. On a national survey, forty
nine percent of Democrats overall thought that they should be
in semi automatic handguns forty nine percent.
Speaker 3 (40:47):
I was like shocked.
Speaker 2 (40:48):
I had to research that again and again, going well, that's
what the acollapole.
Speaker 1 (40:52):
Uh oh really, yeah, you have a better chance in
this country of being beaten to death. Think of that
to me, killed with a rifle, not an ar a
rifle a long run.
Speaker 3 (41:05):
And that's a.
Speaker 1 (41:05):
Stat that is held up for years and years and years.
But but you don't hear that we need to start
talking about that.
Speaker 5 (41:11):
That's because the media wants us to ban the absolutely are.
So here's what Here is what I'm proposing and that
we're going to try to do this year. We're going
to try to reach out to some of these groups
who still believe in the Second Amendment. Listen to some
of these This wording off of a website here that
I pulled.
Speaker 1 (41:28):
Okay, this is a group out that is out there
and on their website they say our members' opinions on
things range all over the board. It's a diverse group
that we have here. Sometimes we're hard pressed to have
a consensus that reflects the entirety of a membership.
Speaker 3 (41:43):
Well, that's understandable.
Speaker 1 (41:44):
But here is our stance on regulation of firearms. We
favor root calls mitigation for violence prevention. I get it.
We need to go into these communities and do something
long before the seventeen year old takes a gun out
and choose the place we favor stronger men mental health care.
I get it. Addressing poverty, homelessness, and unemployment rather than
focusing on prohibiting or or restricting a tool sounds like
we wrote that right. Absolutely says this includes opposition to
so called assault weapons bands as well as restrictions on
magazine capacity. And this view is directly related to our
preference on an enforcement approach to regulation. We favor enforcement
of existing regulations over the creation of new regulatory schemes.
This sounds like something. It sounds like, you know, monologue
one oh one that we've done. Right. We favor increased
accurate reporting by states for the Knick's background check system. Jeez,
how long we've been talking about that. We're in favor
of mandatory safety testing as a condition of licensing for CCW. Okay,
I could listen more to that. I mean, you know,
I have a sometimes I struggle with that because the
Second Amendment doesn't say you could have a right to
carry a gun after you go through testing, pay the
government and this. But I'm willing to listen to that argument.
We favor minimum standards based on a national CCW reciprocity
so that all states could be part of this National Reciprocity. Guys,
guess what website this is from. Guess what group that
this is that we've since reached.
Speaker 3 (43:26):
Out to them.
Speaker 1 (43:28):
No, you would think right. This group is called Liberal
Gun Owners of America. Liberal Gun Owners of America.
Speaker 3 (43:38):
I didn't know there was such a thing.
Speaker 1 (43:39):
Most don't. It is a very large organization with instructors
in many many states. They have a definitely a presence,
definitely a presence out there online.
Speaker 2 (43:51):
Speaker 1 (43:51):
We have we share something with these guys. We're under
the same umbrella. We want to fight for the second
A mement rights just like them. I could care less
with their policies are on any of the other liberal stuff,
but on this, guys, we could come together with them.
Speaker 3 (44:05):
Yeah, bring them on the show.
Speaker 1 (44:07):
We've reached out to them.
Speaker 5 (44:09):
Gun safety every school, absolutely absolutely, guys, thanks for spending
a week with us.
Speaker 1 (44:16):
Go Bucks. Next week we're gonna talk about Semiato shotguns specifically,
UH magazine fed winds are going on out there. We
want to We've had a couple of customers ask about that,
so we're going to talk about that next week.
Speaker 3 (44:28):
Did I see that going to be here?
Speaker 1 (44:31):
No? No, what do your maybe get the get your
get on the right page. There you gave me today, guys.
Be careful and as always, stop by this door and
see us. And let's be careful. Let's be careful out there, guys,