All Episodes

September 21, 2024 • 44 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
It's all out of my right.

Speaker 2 (00:01):
Yeah, well I think mine is too. That's how it
goes sometimes. Greeting salutations, welcome to all target from LAPD
Firearms and Range nine ninety nine Bethel Road. Eric on
traffic duty this week, playing around down at the stadium. Yeah,
we'll get that that, we'll get that figured out. I
have no idea what what controls the audience volume, and
the audience is lacking this week because mister Bachman is

not out there. He's usually with us pretty much every week,
and I understand he had an eighty eighth birthday, which
ye kind of surprises me. I thought he was at
least one hundred and fifty. But yeah, eddy eighth birthday
last week. We won't say happy birthday to him this week,
and he is not with us. So, mister Brockman, wherever
you are, happy birthday to you. Big thanks to Secretary
of State Frank Larrose and I beck Gramaswami. Last week

they joined you guys. Were you out at the the
the Okay, were you out at the Big Patriot? And
mister Backman even showed up.

Speaker 1 (00:55):

Speaker 2 (00:55):
Wow, that's why he's not here this week. He's still
recovering from the heat from last week. There is Oh,
there he is. There's the birthday boy. Now birthday boy,
Happy birthdays, Happy birthday. Uh the lieutenant governor. Huh you said,
I guess was out there. I did not make it,
so I don't know. I'm reading Eric's list here. Let
me see. Uh. Dave Yost was not able to make it.

Speaker 3 (01:16):
We were hoping he was not able to make it
on the show because Fox News took his time slot
and he was live.

Speaker 1 (01:23):
Here to the Fox News.

Speaker 2 (01:24):
You gotta go with the Fox.

Speaker 1 (01:25):
But and Rose was.

Speaker 3 (01:27):
With us every minute of it. He stood there in
that heat for the entire show, and it was it
was great.

Speaker 2 (01:34):
You guys got to meet my head cook last week.
I've never met her in person. I've talked to her
on the interviews bill.

Speaker 1 (01:40):
Here once in a while back. I did not see.

Speaker 2 (01:42):
But it was a great turnout from what I understand.
Everybody had a good time. It was very patriotic and
very uh, very much a raw rah and very hot.

Speaker 3 (01:50):
Not only was the bake on the radio, but we
got to actually meet him in person. And once he
found out he never met Eric before, and once he
found out you're the guys on the radio, he gave
him a big uh.

Speaker 1 (02:00):

Speaker 3 (02:00):
We had a kind of a brief minute of conversation.
He was very happy.

Speaker 2 (02:04):
Did he tell Eric he sounds bigger on the radio.

Speaker 1 (02:06):
He didn't say that, but he was quite surrounded.

Speaker 2 (02:09):
Big Thanks to the sponsors, of course, every week Jackson Egress, Windows,
Black Wing Shooting Center, LPD Training and Training Facillity, and
are friends at US law Shield. They've got a class
coming up here by the way, October twenty third. If
you're carrying a weapon, you probably ought to come in
for this class October twenty third, six pm. It's just
an hour long class self defense. What happens next? If

you're an owner and you have to use your weapon,
what do you know about interacting with law enforcement afterwards?
You're right to remain silent stan your ground versus duty
to retreat, criminal court procedure, civil litigation procedure, and talking
to authorities in the aftermath of a self defense incident.
That is again here the twenty third of October from
six to seven pm. There are brochures at the cash

register at LPD Firearms Arrange that you should avail yourself
of that opportunity. And the car show's coming up I've
got the talked about this a couple of weeks ago.
The car show is coming up today and they're doing
what is it the live music, which we got that
with Jason's TI. There's the raffle of prizes, the motorcycle.

This is all a big fundraiser event at Gatsby's, the
twenty second annual Cruise In Car Motorcycle Show. Registration is
happening still right now between eleven and two pm. If
you want to display your vehicle up there, inter fee
of twenty dollars dash placks to all entries and judging
will be at three o'clock this afternoon at Gatsby, So

feel free if you got a classic. And before the
weather turns on us. It's gonna turn by the way,
you know it's gonna turn to We're gonna go for
my summer, summer, summer, summer snow. It's just there will
be no no such things autumn. It's going to happen
this year, man, because we've had no rain since nineteen
forty seven. We've had it. It's too hot this late

in the year. High's at ninety degrees at the end
of September. It's not negative I'm positive it's gonna happen,
and we're just gonna go straight straight from this. In
the winter, there will be no fall marked my words.

Speaker 3 (04:06):
This is the last day of summer, so if you
want to enjoy summer, this is the last day. Tomorrow
is the first day of fall. So get those rakes ready.

Speaker 2 (04:14):
That calm voice is of course JC. He'll have news
coming up here for shortly and uh and one story
that I am particularly thrilled about also again of the week,
the Smith, and we wasn't bodyguard to should I say
two oh to two point oh? Two point because if
you say two, isn't the point? Oh just assumed anyway,
Smith was the bodyguard two point oh if if we
get time for that, Daniel defense has one apparently made

only for l E. P.

Speaker 1 (04:39):
D really especially just.

Speaker 2 (04:41):
For the story, right, Well, I say we do that
before the Smith and wasn't if we get the chance. Also,
we were talking about this before we went on the
air today. Geistly or or Geezly or just Leguard or
maybe Giselle or I don't know, it depends on where
you were raised. But l Eped is going to be
an af guys League easily. Just sell dealer or.

Speaker 3 (05:02):
The these triggers that are probably used by over ninety
percent of target shooters in it.

Speaker 2 (05:07):
They're just responses, just adds a dittion to your shooting,
just bespons the nature trigger. So again LPA going to
be an uh the coming up at the bum of
the hour, after the twelve thirty break, We're going to
talk to someone, a man on the street if you win,
about that City of Columbus gun buy back from last week.

They said over one hundred AR platform weapons were and
I thought, no, there's no possible way, no possible Well,
unless someone was really creative. We'll talk about that after
the twelve thirty news.

Speaker 3 (05:47):
Uh uh.

Speaker 2 (05:47):
You know, as I'm looking at us on the screen here,
because I've got a screen in front of me that
has the Facebook YouTube feed where you can catch the
show if you're not listening to it on succend DOUAUTV,
and and I'm looking I'm sitting next to you, guys,
I really am becoming little Chuck. This is kind of
freaky to say. This picture. It really is. Big Ad
is still big Ad, and even JC is is robust JC.

And I'm sitting in the middle here looking like I
need a sandwich. That's sick. That's kind of weird to
see that picture. But what is this September? This is
the end of September. So it's been twelve No, I'm
trying to think on the calendar. It was January thirteenth
or twenty three when I decided, okay, this is it.
I got to drop the weight and all this. And

I'm just trying to think on the calendar. So it's
like nineteen months, right, that's that's not about About hundred
twenty seven pounds of me is gone in nineteen monthstat
which is a big deal. Yeah, yeah, that's pretty awesome.
Your negativity hasn't lest stop with you. Stop. You're off
the Christmas card list. See I'm already writing on that too.
Christmas card activity again. I'm off the list. No, I'm

positive you're off the list.

Speaker 4 (06:52):
But you know I wasn't on at the beginning because
I've never received one from you.

Speaker 2 (06:55):
You received one last year, didn't you. I sent you one.
I sent you one. I sent one to everybody here,
Paul Paul, I sent him one. I sent Harry for
some reason, and Jay, I said, everybody you.

Speaker 1 (07:08):
Call Eric and you think you're you call me and
think you're talking about Eric.

Speaker 2 (07:12):
Eric text and says stuff and it makes me think
I'm talking to you, okay, and it's a different thing.

Speaker 1 (07:17):
That's why he got two Christmas cards?

Speaker 2 (07:19):
Did we get married and I missed the ceremony? What?
What is going on here? JC News wise? What's going on?

Speaker 3 (07:27):
There's a lot of big stories out here. I should
probably start with one that it should be scary to everybody.
So this video is now resurfaced of Kamala Harris back
when she was the San Francisco District Attorney and you
can see it out there on many of the channels now.

And during this interview which you can just watch her
say these words, and she was actually she was asserting
that she was quite comfortable with not only violating the
Second Amendment, but violating the Fourth Amend rights which led
to violation of these Second Amendment rights. And this is
what she said out of her own lips. Very clearly.
She stated that being a law abiding gun owner does

not bar police from searching your home. From searching your home.
In her quote, and you just because you legally possess
a gun in the sanctity of your locked home doesn't
mean we're not going to walk into that home and
check to see if you're being responsible in the safe
way you conduct your affairs. And so Someway said, oh, yeah,

that was back when she was there. Well, she also
constantly says, my values have not changed, no matter what
you do. When you're accusing her of flip flopping, which
she does faster than you change your bed sheets, I
can tell you that she, you know, said no, my
values have not changed. And even her handler says, well,
she's saying what she needs to say to get elected.

I mean, they just so she's lying. So but think
about that. She thinks that that's an okay thing to
enter your locked home. And this is who they want
to be the president of the United States.

Speaker 2 (09:06):
Second Amendment issues could very well completely derail her candidacy.
This is because there are people from both political sides
of the fence that have realized the world around them
is a dangerous, dirty place and they need to protect
themselves and their family. And her constant ney and this
this garbage about well, I own a gun. I'd like
to see the weapon. I like to see where it

was purchased. I'd like to see the last time she
was on a range qualified. I don't doubt that she
owns a gun because she was a district attorney in
California and they are officers of the court, and she
very well may have been required to own.

Speaker 4 (09:39):
A gun a given well, and once she left and
she gave it back.

Speaker 2 (09:45):
Well, I'm not saying she likes it, but I think
she probably had to own a gun in that position,
which is probably why it's in a shoe box behind
the brown bottle of light saw in a basement closet.

Speaker 3 (09:53):
She said to Oprah just the other day, you can
watch your singing in a summer coach of my dog.
I'm going to shoot them, right, So Midbe, I shouldn't
have said that.

Speaker 2 (10:00):
So and poor Oprah, did you did you see that interview?

Speaker 1 (10:03):
That was just absolutely.

Speaker 2 (10:05):
Oprah's face the entire time she was interviewing Kamala Harrison.
Oprah's face said this, why am I not the candidate?
Because even she saw there was no reasonable answer to
any question coming out of that face.

Speaker 3 (10:18):
Nothing, nothing, Well, she also got pressed she did have
a finally had an interview, but she had an interview
here recently a couple of days ago in front of
the National Association of black journalists and most of them
were women that were there.

Speaker 1 (10:34):
And I will say one.

Speaker 3 (10:35):
Thing that I watched that and the moderator actually pushed back.
When you ask her one question, she spouts off on something.
So the question was when asked how to address how
she would address criminal firearm violence that involves handguns, and
of course the first thing out she goes, well, we
won an assault weapons band and we're going to ban

the assault weapons.

Speaker 1 (10:56):
And the moderators just whoa.

Speaker 3 (10:59):
She pushed back, respectfully, we do understand that, but I'm
talking about handguns because many of those handguns aren't purchased
at places that run background checks, and many of those instances,
those handguns aren't bought lawfully, which was the question from
the from the moderator, and then she went into, Okay, yeah,

those are bad.

Speaker 1 (11:21):
It's gun shows.

Speaker 3 (11:22):
The gun we have to close the gun show loophole
because that's where a lot of the criminals are getting
their guns, which we know from interviewing criminals who have
got arrested with guns that that's not where they're getting
They're not going to gun shows where you most frequently
have to have the whole background information. That's not why
they want They don't want people know they're buying guns,
so they're buying them illegally off the street from guns

that are stolen.

Speaker 1 (11:46):
Don't even buy them. Well, they steal them.

Speaker 2 (11:48):
There you go.

Speaker 3 (11:50):
Well, which is another not a story I was going
to do. But there's a guy who just at gunpoint,
he got robbed of his gun and so as the
as the thief was leaving with it, he pulled us
backup gun and shot him.

Speaker 1 (12:01):
Yeah. They're charging him too. Yeah, they're charging him too.

Speaker 3 (12:06):
They're charging the guy who did that.

Speaker 1 (12:08):
Yes, because because the threat was leaving and he took and.

Speaker 2 (12:12):
He his gun.

Speaker 3 (12:13):
Well, Okay, I hope he gets a great attorney.

Speaker 2 (12:16):
Okay, he was protecting society by now not allowing this
fellon to flee with a firearm. He was protecting society.
He better get a good lawyer.

Speaker 3 (12:26):
Here is a big story. This could have some Supreme
Court repercussion. So I don't know. It's it's amazing. Because
we don't live in the state, it kind of leaves
our mind. But in the state of Illinois and act
at a law January of twenty three that prohibits the
sale and possession of over one hundred and fifty types

of semi automatic firearms. Some of them are shotguns that
have been used for hunting, which the hunters complained about
are now you cannot possess them, and including high capacity
magazine over ten rounds can own that you can't possess those.
So of Courses has had some court cases and some
of the liberal judges that they've had said, yeah, those

are like weapons of war, so yeah, we're upholding the band.
You cannot possess these. Well, so they maintained that they're
dangerous and unusual, which is the verbiage from the Heller decision,
but anyway, and they're not civilian suited for civilian use.
So they finally have come up to a US district

a federal judge, a US district judge, Stephen mclinn. Stephen
mclenn happens to be a black man, a black judge,
and on Thursday this week was the final day of
the testimony to challenge the ban of these so called
assault weapons and large capacities.

Speaker 1 (13:46):
And he's going to.

Speaker 3 (13:47):
Issue a ruling on the constitutionality of the bands within
a month, but he may have dropped a hint on
how he's leaning. Mcclenn was born in Saint Mary's Hospital,
across the street from a federal courthouse near downtown East
Saint Louis, where the trial took place. So he pulled
out during the trial a black and white photo of

East Broadway, the street East Broadway, and it was the
site of a black neighborhood that was burned to the
ground by a white mob in nineteen seventeen.

Speaker 1 (14:19):
The riots raged on for a week.

Speaker 3 (14:21):
They'd burn a house, people would flee, They'd burned that house,
and at the end of the week, six thousand black
families were displaced. Six thousand people were displaced in nineteen seventeen,
and one hundred and fifty black residents were killed.

Speaker 1 (14:37):
By the mob.

Speaker 3 (14:38):
So he pulled this out, this photograph, and looking at this,
and he asked, rhetorically, Gee, if the death toll, I
wonder if the death toll would have been different if
some of the black residents had been better armed. And
his quote was when he said he was flown, what
if they had some of these weapons we're talking about
now he goes, who knows, oh, come may have been different.

So it's an excellent point and one that you know,
hits the heart of the issue that the State of
Illinois maintains an AIS and other semino coquments are weapons
of war with no legitimate self defense purpose. But McGlenn
pointed out there may come a time, as certainly we've
seen in the past, when citizens are less concerned about
the lone home invader than mob violence. So he pointed

this out. It's going to take him a month to
come up with his decision. We don't know what it's
going to be. But if he decides in favor of
the plaintiffs, then his opinion hopefully will give Scotus another
compelling reason to review the upcomings. Scotus is going to
hear the Maryland gun law, which is exactly the same
thing banned the possession of no high capacity magazines. You
can't own anything that we say as as what we

call a weapon of war. So we'll see if that
will aid us.

Speaker 2 (15:49):
I'm looking forward. I'm going to try to get that.

Speaker 4 (15:52):
If they can't wait, I can't wait till we get
some politicians in office that uphold the damn laws and
get rid of all of these fools that keep trying
to take our rights away from us.

Speaker 1 (16:04):
Well, yeah, they want the power.

Speaker 4 (16:05):
And it's got to turn. It has to turn or
we're going to see nineteen seventeen again.

Speaker 1 (16:11):
Yeah, you may be right.

Speaker 2 (16:13):
That was a scary year around the world. I hope
we don't, but I think that judge makes a look
excellent point. What would it have been like had those
had those six thousand people been armed and prepared for
something like that. Got to take a break. Jac's got
some more stuff when we get back, especially you gotta
tell us why shot spotter is racist. I'm oh my gosh.

Still more news to come in. Then at the bottom
of the hour, after the news report, a man on
the street report about this Columbus gun buy back that. Seriously,
if you've got some stomach medicine, keep it handy, you
will need it. This is on target from LAPD Firearms
and Range. I'll six to ten WTV your ABC six
first warning. Weather for the rest of today, partly cloudy's
skuy's hot, humid and ninety for tonight, mostly clear skies

in sixty four first day of autumn. Tomorrow partly mostly cloudy,
muggy showers, thunderstorms in the evening, anna high of ninety
degrees eighty four. It's your severe weather station News Radio
six ten wtvn.

Speaker 1 (17:09):
Boss gags Joe Joe.

Speaker 2 (17:14):
By the way, the Doobies are coming together again with
Michael McDonald really yes awesome, which is kind of cool.
Iron Maiden also doing a world tour for their fiftieth
anniversary Iron Maiden. Everybody got really, oh, something's wrong with you?
Josh was all fired up about Buttallica. So I was
like Iron Maiden, Man, that's gonna be a great show.

And in fifty years.

Speaker 1 (17:37):
I can't even tell you what song Iron Maiden's done.
Name one?

Speaker 2 (17:41):
Okay, You and Tom both goes on. You and Tom
both go It's I don't know any songs I know
with sound. They were just a cool band. I like
the sound. What is wrong with you? What did you
listen to? Were you like a big manil fan in
your youth? No, I was a doobie. You were a doobie.
You still are Steely Dan. So I love Steely Dan.

In fact, I like Donald Fagan by himself, to which
a lot of people think I'm nuts for that. This
is on Target from Laped Firearms from Rage nine ninety
nine Bethel Road. You can catch it here noon every
Saturday on six ten w u TV and also on
YouTube and Facebook? Is it anywhere else?

Speaker 3 (18:17):
I don't know?

Speaker 1 (18:18):
Just what is?

Speaker 2 (18:19):
What is she doing?

Speaker 1 (18:21):

Speaker 2 (18:23):
And a little iron Maid for you?

Speaker 1 (18:26):
Never heard of it?

Speaker 2 (18:27):
So I see that's an attitude right there. Sorry, yep, no,
I'll just go back to sleep. So anyway, uh, YouTube
and Facebook? Are we on any other video streams?

Speaker 1 (18:39):
Plattorms? I think so? iTunes?

Speaker 3 (18:41):
I don't worry, iHeart yeah, no I heard, I saw iTunes.

Speaker 1 (18:44):
I went iTunes?

Speaker 2 (18:46):
Really yeah, just we'll find it somewhere. I don't know.
I got some more dues here from j C, including
why the heck shot spotter? You know what shot spotter is?
It's that technology the microphones at the police departments put
in the neighborhoods where there's high crime. So when somebody
fires again the police department has notified gunshots here, they're
supposed to be able to respond faster, maybe actually catch
somebody now and then and and and apparently it's racist.

Speaker 3 (19:10):
How well, of course, just like helicopters are are racist.
I mean, that's what's happened in Columbus. They said, neighborhood said, hey,
you're always flying over here. Well, if you stop shooting
at each other, maybe we wouldn't. But anyway, so what's
happening is the mayor. There must be a new mayor
in Chicago. But one of the campaign promises were was

to not renew shot Spotter.

Speaker 1 (19:33):
So shot Spotters, as Chuck.

Speaker 3 (19:34):
Was saying, it's a triangulated sound thing, and they pick
up a game. Then they can pinpoint so the police,
and then they can report where the shots are fired,
with the idea that you can get maybe more arrest
that way.

Speaker 1 (19:46):
But it's only in twelve.

Speaker 3 (19:48):
Out of twenty two zones in Chicago, so just a
little more than half. Why is that Because that's what
the crime is, and that's what the shootings are, and
it happens to be a lot of time. What is
it what we figured eight? I think it's that slow.
I think it's even higher than that. Of all, the
shootings are committed by blacks are browns against blacks are browns,

and so they put them in those neighborhoods. Some people
complained about it, but here's the other thing that helps
helps this. So as of Sunday, ShotSpotter is gone. They
are not renewing their contract as of tomorrow, first day
of autumn. But they had an independent study to see
how this was really working, and it's really detailed. Economic

group went in and took a look and they examined
this for like about a year. They said the problems
as this independent study says that the response times have
actually been delayed two minutes using shotspottercul although it could
determine where it is by the time it gets to
the radio communications and gets over to the nine to
one one calls, it's averaging two minutes later to get

to the scene than a nine to one one call
would be. And then they said, and that's affecting people
get injured, they get treatment two minutes later if they
get shot. And so they went through the whole thing
and said, look, it's not working and it gives priorities,
so it pulls the police away from other nine to
one one calls that arn't shot spider ones, you know,

family abuse, stabbings, whatever. So they said, in a cost
an arm and a leg, Yeah, very which is why
a lot of cities are dropping it. So that is
why my friends contracts over Sunday and there we go.

Speaker 2 (21:25):
You got anything you can do in about ninety seconds
before the next break.

Speaker 3 (21:27):
Yeah, I got a couple of things that are really quick.
This is more. This is horrible. Also, firearm industry censorship
on social media by the big companies. I think we
talked about how Kickhock forty five could lose like twenty
seven one hundred videos because they were sponsored by gun manufacturers.

So this is the big tech continues. So this just
happened this weekly six hours. Facing a new challenge after
attempting to advertise on x dot com and what they
said this is quotes they went sent to Elon Musk
said thank you for supporting a Second Amendment free speech.

Speaker 1 (22:04):
We're ready to support X with our ad dollars.

Speaker 3 (22:07):
We recently tried to run an ad for sig connect app,
which promotes firearms, safe firearms handling and education, but they
were censored and they weren't able to advertise. Just days ago,
guns dot com announced after thirteen years and more than
two thousand videos and over one hundred and twenty million views,
they will no longer publish content on YouTube because of

the censorship. And this one hit me just two months ago, Meta,
which is a parent company at Facebook, censored mckinna Green,
who is a US Paralympic air rifle competitor and in
the twenty twenty four Paralympic Games, and they censored her
from posting any of her stuff on her mat.

Speaker 2 (22:50):
Wow. Representing the United States and the Olympics still doesn't
meet thirsday. I got one, by the way, this week
from twenty seventeen. I got to notice that Facebook removed
what of my posts from twenty seventeen? Will you want
to see what it is? I said, yeah, let me
see what it is. It had nothing to do with guns,
it said, I know this is crazy, but I got
to take my shot. They removed it for violating community standards.

That's oh well, yeah, that is sad, all right. The
Columbus gun buy back I another joke, another fiasco, another
ridiculous waste of your tax dollars. As far as I'm concerned,
A man on the street report coming up because he
was our man on the street. Stay with me. You
got to take a bottom of the hour break. This
is on target from LPD Firearms and Range on six
ten WTVN. A lot of people don't know you were

raised in a middle class family. Was your father a postman?
Just curious? It seems to be all the rage when
you're running for stuff, all right. This is a targets
from LAPD Firearms and Range nine ninety nine Bethel Road.
I'm Chuck Douglass in for Eric because he's playing in traffic.
They won't actually let him in the games. It's as
close as he can get, so he enjoys going down

and directing traffic around the games. On game day last week,
city of Columbus had a gun buy back. Now, I
I got on my Facebook page, and you know, I'm
fairly well connected. I keep it hear to the ground.
I know what's going on in this city. I didn't
hear a thing about it till the day it was happening.

Speaker 1 (24:17):
I didn't either.

Speaker 2 (24:18):
I don't know to whom and how they publicized this
gun buy back, but you would think a guy who's
on the radio every day, but I never heard about it.
So he could tell people, Hey, go go turn in
your guns, because that's what you should do if you're
a good citizen. Hang on, I got to throw up
a little bit, Okay. So I heard a report that
over one hundred ar platform rifles were turned in at

this this gun buy back. I didn't believe it until
I got here today because we had someone there who
could attest to what they heard and or saw at
the Columbus Gun Buyback. Do we call you by are
you mister X? You are mister X face blurred? Were
catching X ray? Yeah, his face is a little glory,

but we don't use electronics for that. So how can
I say? So you you went down to the gay
and you you could explain how over one hundred ar
platform rifles may have been taken in at this this.

Speaker 5 (25:13):
Joll, Well, I can't explain that really, but the word
was one guy brought him in.

Speaker 1 (25:18):
One guy.

Speaker 5 (25:19):
One man brought that many air fifteen's in fifty.

Speaker 3 (25:22):
He brought in fifty and he got thirty seven thousand
and five hundred dollars for turning these.

Speaker 2 (25:28):
Of your dollars your dollars.

Speaker 5 (25:32):
So I was at when you were first in. You
had to go in off Washington Avenue, off of rich Street.
So is there for a while? It took a took
about an hour to get from there over to Mainean
and Washington. Why is there? You know? You see a
lot of things. I mean I saw a lot of tahoes,

real nice pickup trucks, saw a couple of audies. I
saw a couple of beamers in line waiting to get
in to sell the guns.

Speaker 2 (26:00):
So I was typical gun buy back, typical hit.

Speaker 1 (26:03):
As they use.

Speaker 5 (26:06):
And uh we had some guys walk around buying guns
out of the cars.

Speaker 1 (26:09):
You know they can do that legally, but.

Speaker 5 (26:13):
I was there no time at all, and uh a
place office growing, so well, we're out of money.

Speaker 1 (26:19):
They got wrong.

Speaker 2 (26:22):
Why didn't somebody shoot them? Because they turned in all
the guns, That's why.

Speaker 5 (26:26):
So when uh, I guess it is having a good
time because as I drove out and went by the place,
they had a DJ and some of the Savillian workers
there was dancing and just looked like he's having a
good time, taking selfies and everything. But it was kind
of strange compared to the last time I went to
the gun buy back. Uh, I was there quite a

while and I still got in. Uh this time is
that you was there and you start getting up where
you see the place and see the area they get
them and you've told they're out of money.

Speaker 2 (26:59):
But kind all the aldis and so forth. I mean,
I'm sure you saw a lot of the inner city
drug dealers and gang bangers and everybody turning in their
at their guns. Right, No use they weren't there just
one guy with fifty rs.

Speaker 4 (27:10):
Huh yep, yeah, these these were all middle class people. Yeah,
they finally trimmed on that were raised middle class in Toronto.

Speaker 2 (27:21):
In Toronto, Well, then crime is over. Don't got it.
Mission accompli.

Speaker 1 (27:25):
He did it, she did it.

Speaker 2 (27:26):
Mission accomplishes.

Speaker 3 (27:28):
Another gentleman bought uh, twenty five brand new Uh they
looked like ars, but they were shooting twenty two long rifles,
and the astute police officers went, wait a minute, these
aren't real ars because they're not shooting two two threes.
These are twenty two. So they only gave him five
hundred dollars apiece for piece. The ones he just bought
for one hundred and eighty nine.

Speaker 1 (27:47):
Holy smoke, he profited.

Speaker 3 (27:49):
They figured seven thousand, seven, one hundred and seventy five
bucks after he came up with a lot to buy
twenty five of these.

Speaker 1 (27:56):
But uh, but they yeah, he made tripled his money.

Speaker 2 (27:59):
Yeah, I mean it was.

Speaker 3 (28:01):
And then they had another gentleman who bought up bought
an old twenty two rifle twenty like from the forties
or something, broken butt stock and stuff. But anyway, so
he got five hundred for that and then he had
two of the old like the Iver Johnson's round pop
metal guns from the thirties that shot thirty two of
you know, a rim fire or thirty two shorts, and

you get five hundred for the first one and one
hundred and fifty for the second one, So that would
be six hundred and fifty bucks plus five hundred, and
he paid two hundred and forty nine two hundred and
sixty nine or something like that spare gunments.

Speaker 2 (28:37):
And you don't even need hours. You don't even need
to argue about whether or not this is an effective
way to stop, stifle or slow crime in the city.
Put all that aside. You are too stupid to be
running a gun by back. If somebody's coming down there
with one hundred and eighty nine dollars weapon they just bought,
and you're giving him five hundred dollars for it, Seriously,

that's somebody out. Get the drug dealers and gang bangers
to appraise the weapons because you don't know what you're
buying people. That's the kind of people right there. You
put some baking sow it in a baggie and charge
them five thousand for it, right, that's nuts. That's nuts.
That's our city, Columbus tax dollars.

Speaker 1 (29:17):
That saw the mayor talking about what a great buy
back it was.

Speaker 2 (29:23):
Of course the mayor was there.

Speaker 1 (29:24):
There were cameras so happy, it was such a good turnout.
And here he is buying brand new guns that somebody
just purchased off the shelf to all their money.

Speaker 2 (29:32):
What I noticed about the mayor on television with his
what's what's ther title? The director of anti violence or
violence prevention, the director of violence prevention, like that's working
and and uh and there was another woman at his
other side, and they're standing there talking and they're all
happy about it. And the first thing I noticed is
there's nobody. There was no background movement. There were no people,

no cars, no, they stood someplace completely icily. I just
I I figured you'd want to show at least blurred
crowd behind.

Speaker 1 (30:03):
Them, or show all the guns they took.

Speaker 2 (30:05):
Yeah, where were all the guns?

Speaker 1 (30:07):
Well, according to what that said, they got two hundred
and thirty four firearms total.

Speaker 2 (30:11):
Does the mayor have an office of reselling the crap
we just took in? They might have been, you know,
taking this stuff over behind the chicken joint.

Speaker 1 (30:17):
And they took the back to the store and got
their money.

Speaker 2 (30:21):
So you didn't You didn't manage. You went down there,
did all the leg where, got all this intel force,
and you didn't manage to turn in your guns.

Speaker 1 (30:27):
No I did not, No, I did not.

Speaker 5 (30:29):
It's a little disappointing. MM.

Speaker 1 (30:31):
That's terrible.

Speaker 2 (30:32):
Well are they any good? Maybe I'll get you a.

Speaker 1 (30:34):
Good deal of Well we'll talk late, okay.

Speaker 2 (30:38):
And you said there were people going to the cars
and buying the guns.

Speaker 5 (30:41):
Yeah, you have your usual guys on things like that.
You have some guys that hall up signed cash for
guns which their legally allowed. Yes, and they go by
and you know, if you want to talk to him
and talk to him.

Speaker 1 (30:53):
I chose not to because I don't know them.

Speaker 2 (30:55):
But so the city was enabling private sales of firearms.
Kamala Harris wants to stop at gun shows. So they
are anti Kamala Harris. Really seriously, I think she should
be told that Andy Ginther did something that was anti.

Speaker 3 (31:10):
Any officer selling their backups for five hundred bucks.

Speaker 2 (31:14):
I don't think so.

Speaker 3 (31:14):
No, I'll make a little profit there.

Speaker 1 (31:17):
So are they going to have any more gun buybacks?
As well?

Speaker 5 (31:21):
The last one we didn't know about the gun by
back until I just got to thinking it's time for
a gun buy back. So I looked on the internet
and there it was. I didn't hear it on any
of the news media.

Speaker 1 (31:31):
So we're not going to hear about the next one
until the day of Again.

Speaker 5 (31:34):
Now you just kind of keep watching it and eventually
it pops up.

Speaker 2 (31:38):
It's that's so stupid. But as I've been saying for
Andy Ginther has an open invitation wherever I am, if
there's a microphone, come on down, come on down, because
this is a question I'm going to ask you, and
you're either going to answer or falter or walk out
of the studio about how can you give somebody five
hundred dollars for one hundred and eighty nine dollars gun?
How can you call that doing anything to protect or

remote the city of Columbus. All it does is show
that we're stupid. That's all it does. So Columbus, you're stupid. Congratulations,
your mayor's office has spoken. All right, we got to
take a final break here. What else are we doing? Oh?
The gun of the week. Yes, this is specifically LAPD.
That's what I wanted to make sure, we got to
because it's specific to l EPD and it's pretty cool

and which one of you knows a lot about it
because John John, all right, John, I'll tell you all
about it and maybe he'll meet you at your car
and sell it to you at the next gun by back.
You never know. This is all target from l EPD
Firearms and Range. I'll six ten double UTV at you go. Ella,
I'm so proud of her. Let me get out of
your way. If you're watching on Facebook, you see the

seat shuffle that's going on right now, so mister X
can can vacate get back to work out there after
his awesome report about this ridiculous Columbus.

Speaker 1 (32:53):
Columbus truck out in the parking lot bringing guns into.

Speaker 2 (32:56):
Something they might you know what that would not surprise me?
Hey wait, we fell intah, what do we do with these?
I want to be that guy from pawn Stars. I'll
give you a hundred You know this this weapon because
we we never seem to get the gun of the week,
but this, because it is specific. Two l E. P
D Firearms arranged me just for this store. I think

we got to spend some time on it. JC. I'm
going to try to see if I can make that.
Is that the prominent picture on the Facebook page now
because I'm trying to zoom in on it. Yes, okay,
good Jacon, tell us all about it and see what
the city will give us.

Speaker 1 (33:30):
For from our crowd. What do you mean did that
to me?

Speaker 3 (33:34):
I would appreciate it, Thank you, sir, touch arms.

Speaker 1 (33:38):
I couldn't reach it from here. Thank you have it? Okay.

Speaker 3 (33:44):
Eric was really excited about this because you know we've
had Daniel Defense. You know on the show they make
incredibly a fine fine rifles and pistols, and they have
come up with this uh kamala close your ears, aar
style pistol uh with no butt stock, but it has
for the buffer tube extension there and this is actually

considered to be a pistol. But what makes it unique
is the fact that they made it just for l
EPD with so I think it's a woner right now.

Speaker 1 (34:15):
I think I don't know if you can order it,
which is exactly this? What exactly did they do to
make it just for l epd.

Speaker 3 (34:21):
Well, they put all of these wonderful things on that
they don't always put on everything.

Speaker 1 (34:27):
I guess you could probably order it.

Speaker 3 (34:28):
But right now this is the only this is the
only one well pre floated barrel okay, and that you
always want that for the accuracy, so you don't have
any handguard or anything putting pressure points on. It comes
with the mlock detachments at seven different positions, so boy,
it's got a nice.

Speaker 1 (34:47):
Grip on there too.

Speaker 3 (34:49):
Aircraft well coasted, a lot of them have sixty sixty
one six construction. The bolt system. It's it's well they
all have six points. So all this is is pretty
much stand it. I don't know what the what if
what they made it out of. They write L E
PD for and they said, although it's not written with
the LPD, they said the configuration and maybe it's the color.

Speaker 1 (35:12):
He just handed me.

Speaker 3 (35:14):
The sheet and they said, this has been used by
the way, this type of firearm has been used by
the US Special Ops Command, so calm since two thousand
and six, this type.

Speaker 1 (35:28):
But when we had them on the show with the.

Speaker 3 (35:31):
Colors, with the accessories that they had, they said, this
was the first one of these that they have made.
And I first thing I did, I said, where's the
L E P D. I want to see this.

Speaker 2 (35:41):
But because there is no stock, this qualifies as a pistol,
which means loaded and in your car is not illegal.

Speaker 1 (35:49):
Correct, correct, this is Yeah.

Speaker 3 (35:52):
If you can get a big enough hoster, you can
probably conceal it in your pants. People will be impressed.

Speaker 2 (35:58):
Enough to conceal that. God bless you.

Speaker 1 (36:00):
Yeah. Wow.

Speaker 3 (36:01):
So this is why they make the stocks that are
considered braces, right, are now legal to help support this
because holding this out one handed, which I'm off camera now,
but for the audience, that would be about three seconds
and then I'm done. So so it is okay to
use two hands on your pistol.

Speaker 1 (36:19):
But it is a pistol.

Speaker 3 (36:21):
Like you said, it would be legal to have in
your car if it had a stock on it, which
would only bring it out about a couple of inches longer,
it would be illegal if it was a rifle. So
it would actually be a short barrel rifle if that
was the case. So I think the rifle here is
I think it's going to I'm going to see the
length of this rifle to make it a pistol, it's

got to be under sixteen inches. If it's sixteen inches,
then all of sudden it becomes a rifle. But if
it doesn't have a stock, and it's shorter than sixteen inches,
and you see very real length. I wondered they didn't
put the barrel length on here, but it obviously is
shorter than than sixteen inches just my handbreadthless and it

is nine and a half inch I would guess.

Speaker 1 (37:05):
Three yet two two three, so wow. So uh.

Speaker 3 (37:08):
But it is an incredible pistol, and they are not cheap.
Matter of fact, we can only sell this to law
enforcement or military only underneath its configuration because of what
designation they want that to go. But it's called the
Mark thirteen R three rifle. They call it the real

because our three I I I and so people look
at it and go, I must spell real.

Speaker 1 (37:36):
But it's got their real handguard. H it's it's it's otherwise.

Speaker 3 (37:41):
This is only sold as a factory short barreled rifle.

Speaker 2 (37:45):
So that's why can you swear me in as like
an honorary officer, son? I like, I can't know, you're
no good to me anymore.

Speaker 1 (37:54):
It is.

Speaker 3 (37:55):
It's for sale to law enforcement or military, and and
if you'll even see it, it is fun to hold.

Speaker 2 (38:02):
Now, what about the civilian endto this? I mean, there's
got to be something that they can manufacture that you
don't have to the law enforcement or millions here, what
would have to be eliminated so that they remained a pistol.

Speaker 3 (38:15):
They put the hand brace on there and now if
you have the brace that fitts on, he.

Speaker 4 (38:20):
Means so they could sell it to the regular p Yes,
so not that particular one.

Speaker 3 (38:25):
According to Daniel Defense, they want that only sold to civilians.
But you could order something like that, it just wouldn't
be that particular one. A lot of the law enforcement
uh and military only is based on the fact that
they sell it at a much reduced price. So we
can't sell that gun at that price. We have a
lot of guns marked like that. All the manufacturers they

encourage our military, they encourage price tag.

Speaker 1 (38:54):
Thank you.

Speaker 3 (38:56):
So it's it's under just under two.

Speaker 2 (38:59):
So what about subsequent sales like ed could buy it
and then give it to me for Christmas?

Speaker 3 (39:03):
Right, Yeah, I'm.

Speaker 2 (39:06):
Trying to work this man. I don't know.

Speaker 3 (39:09):
It's not illegal to own that particular one just on
the configuration.

Speaker 2 (39:13):
Well, I'm saying his law enforcement though he could legally
buy it, then would he have to legally or sell
it only to law enforcement? Or a police officer, or
could he sell it as he wanted to know.

Speaker 3 (39:22):
I've had a lot of guns that were say, law
enforcement only.

Speaker 2 (39:25):
There you go, and.

Speaker 1 (39:26):
There's over.

Speaker 3 (39:28):
Or police years ago that they had these special you
know guns that were law enforcement only, and they said, well,
we bought more than we needed, and they you know,
sold them to me just as a as a college kid.

Speaker 1 (39:38):
So you know, so what about that other handgun that's
up there now, I just got that.

Speaker 3 (39:43):
That's the one that I just got done shooting, not
this particular. I shot the model, not this particularly, and
this is pretty much amazing. Smith and Wesson came out
with their new two point zero bodyguard. Now they had
a three eighty bodyguard and that's the caliber, the three
eighty ACP automatic pistol cartridge, which is just less powerful

than a nine millimeter same size bullet in the cases,
just a couple of millimeters shorter, holds less powder, but
it's a great little self defense gun. Well, they took
a look at what they came out with originally, which
came out and we said, ah, here it is, and
nobody bought them.

Speaker 1 (40:22):
So they bought one.

Speaker 2 (40:24):
Well one of those.

Speaker 1 (40:26):
Yeah, no, I have the the the rig.

Speaker 3 (40:29):
You need to handle handle this one. So as we
saw we're unloaded, safe to handle. They went over there
and said, look, we're going to make it tiny, tiny
enough that you could actually conceal it. Their goal was
to make it lighter, smaller, and hold more than the
Glock forty two, which they have done. This hold comes
with a ten round in a twelve round magazine. But

the smallness, if you can see out there, my hands
are not that big and it totally fits in. It's
like it's it's four inches high in about five and
a half inches long, but it is so thin. The
slide is three quarters of an inch, the grip is
point eight nine inches, so really small.

Speaker 1 (41:10):
The what makes the biggest thing that makes it wide.

Speaker 3 (41:12):
Wide an inch is the fact that the magazine release
sticks out. But other than that, the pistols like less.

Speaker 1 (41:21):
It looks like and the order than the bodyguard that
I bought.

Speaker 3 (41:26):
And the other thing that's nice about this is they
made it with a locked breech pistol which will help
absorb the recoil, and that means a barrel tilt ball
after you fire it. Most of the three eighties are
straight blowbacks, right, so they have heavy springs, and they
are harder for people to pull back because the entire
with all the physics whatever come out one end, the
same force comes back at you. So that they put
a heavy spring and a lot of people can't even

you know, cock that they went ahead and put the
uh the luck breach barrel tiled in there. They have
extra aggressiveness on areas that you would want it where
you would put your finger on the side. Always put
your finger on the slide before you're ready to shoot.
And they said the bore axis is absolutely amazing. Your
hand sits about here. The bore axis what you want

if ideally you'd like to hold the gun like this
and it'll goes straight back and not have any muzzle lift.
But you can't do that because you'd rip your hand apart.
So they want this as high your hand is high
and the barrel low, and that distance between the uppermost
part of your hand on the grip and the center
of the barrel called the bore axis, and ideally you.

Speaker 1 (42:27):
Want that to be very small.

Speaker 3 (42:28):
And one guy who tested, he said, I've been doing
this for years and years and outside a couple of
really six thousand dollars guns he said, this is about
the lowest bore axis. And I went and tested it
today on the range and just fired about fifteen rounds
out of it and it just didn't The muzzle did
not rise. They made the sights. It's made for it
short quick. So someone says, oh, there's not cut out
for a you know, for an optic. This is this

is a point shoot. I mean, this is what you want.
So they have a wide you shape channel. But the
front is they have an orange day glow with the
with the tree with the tritium sights from night sight.
So when you look at that, but look at that
it weighs with the magazine empty magazine. It wears eleven
ounces eleven ounces, And this is a concealed gun and

as a backup or is just you know, this is wonderful.
It's not as easy to pull back. And because it's
so light, you'll notice a difference in if you shoot
some range rounds in one hundred and fifteen grand or
even less. But if you go into the heavier stuff
you will notice a difference because it weighs eleven.

Speaker 2 (43:34):
Ounces the magazine. Then so start a savings account gun
or is this a magazine and.

Speaker 1 (43:42):
It's like eight point nine ounces.

Speaker 3 (43:43):
I mean, it's just like it's it's amazingly light, amazingly
small compared to.

Speaker 4 (43:48):
The original Bodyguard. There's a lot more hand grip on this.

Speaker 3 (43:52):
One and fructrations, which is rual in a small gun.
Instead of reaching way back where crowds your hand, you
can do and it's got the you can for.

Speaker 1 (44:01):
The police officers did a nice flat rear sight.

Speaker 3 (44:04):
On the front of it so you can cock it
on a hard object or your shoe.

Speaker 1 (44:07):
In fact, that it holds ten rounds.

Speaker 3 (44:09):
Ten rounds and twelve they come from the original twelve
round magazine.

Speaker 2 (44:13):
All right, it's pretty cool. It's uh, it's very nice
to hold. I was surprised.

Speaker 3 (44:18):
The price is like it's like it's like four thirty
nine something. Come by and they said it's going to
sell like hot. Yeah, we got him in stock too,
We got him.

Speaker 2 (44:26):
Got to get out of here, go bucks, get there,
don't do any more gun buy backs. Praise be to
each of you, and uh, let's be careful

Speaker 1 (44:34):
Enjoy summer, have a good fall.
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