Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:02):
Another brick in the wall, Another brick in the wall.
The lyrics to the nineteen seventy nine Pink Floyd's song
are unmistakable. The chorus replays over and over in your
head as you envision the hundreds of school children in
the video marching in step, faces blurred, symbolizing to many
a society that marches to their own death, just following
the orders of their leaders, not questioning a thing. The
chorus continues to echo, we don't need no education. We
don't need no education, because if we did, maybe we
wouldn't be marching to the death of this country. Every
time I hear this song, I think of those amongst
us who are either playing stupid or maybe just too
ignorant to know to look for the answers themselves. School
gundesks reach forty eight this year, as grim total surpasses
twenty twenty three with months to go. The national media
clamored as the data was released this week. Wow, we've
already surpassed school gun deests from last year. Did you
miss those reports, because I know I did. Wait a minute,
Wait a minute. This story was reported by many across
the country, and the source of the data, the data
source was released from the most anti gun group in
the country, Bloomberg's Every Town for Gun Safety. Certainly the
furthest from a non biased study, and here are the details.
When you hear school desks, I know my mind immediately
goes to the young children and the innocent teenagers in
schools throughout the country. But when you're pushing an agenda
and have the media to amplify your voice, well, damn
the facts. But here are some of the school gun
dests they referenced as proof for their argument for more
gun bands. University of Purdue Fort Wayne campus police were
attempting to apprehend an escapeee, an escape ee who reportedly
had a firearm. As police approached, the firearm was brandished
and he was shot and skilled man. They're dying left
and right in our schools. Mount Horror Middle School, Wisconsin.
After receiving reports of a person with the rifle approaching
the school, police shot and killed a student who was
holding a pellet rifle trying to enter the school, premises.
Another school shooting Academy of Accelerated Learning, Houston, Texas. An
adult man's body with gunshot an adult man's body with
gunshot wounds was found outside the school building when the
teachers arrived for work in the morning. Boom. Another school shooting,
Jeez Valor Prep Academy, North Carolina. A student died of
a self inflicted gunshot wound after him and his parents
met with school administrators. University of Arizona, Tucson. A twenty
year old shot at twenty nine one year old near
a dorm after a volleyball game dispute. William's Wiley Elementary School, Washington.
A thirty nine year old killed his wife his ex
wife in front of the school. Borgalusa High One student
shot another at eight forty five pm eight forty five
pm on the basketball courts at Charter Oak Elementary. A
one year old died on the playground after an accidental shooting.
One died at a visual being conducted at Prince George's
County High School in July. In July, school's not even
in session. Do you get the picture? A flawed study,
but given merit by the complicit media. We call bs
because we know the facts, but how many do not. Recently,
the Surgeon General declared the leading cause of death amongst
our children are firearms. What a bold statement, if only true. Well,
it's actually true. But you see, the leading cause of
death amongst children children through age nineteen has been firearms
for the past two decades. This is nothing new. For
over twenty years, the leading cause of death for this
age group has been the firearm in the Black community,
the white and Hispanic children, while vehicle accidents remained the
leading cause of death. But since the Wokeness of twenty
twenty listened to these numbers. Since the Wokeness of twenty twenty,
Black children have a rate of dieting by firearms at
twenty one per one hundred thousand, their counterparts in the
White and Hispanic communities four per one hundred thousand average
both populations together. And guess what firearms become the leading
cause of death amongst all of them. Just another brick
in the wall. But at least our crime is down
in this street. That's what it was reported last week.
So fast, a quick look, and it doesn't appear. And
let's go in so your cities even and it doesn't
feel like it is down. But if let's say, let's
say you no longer prosecute thefts or certain assaults, so
that means they've gone down, or maybe, just maybe no
longer being reported. Now. We're certainly not the experts, but
think of this. All major news outlets agree that Columbus,
Ohio had about one hundred and forty eight homicides in
twenty twenty three. But a simple check of the FBI
data just released and wait a second, wait a second,
it shows ninety six homicides attributed to Columbus last year.
I'm not gonna say I could be reading something wrong,
but something seems a bit off in the Old Cap City. Okay,
maybe not a good choice of words, but something isn't
right here. Guys. I'll leave you with this. Trust your
own eyes and Columbus, the city leaders like to tell
you crime is down in our city and the lawlawful
gun owner we are always the problem, according to the leaders.
I'm not sure why this never makes the news, but
here is your Columbus update, and it seems to me
the lawful gun owners are not the problem. You heard
a date felonious assaults in Columbus. Sixty eight percent of
the victims are black or Hispanic. Eighty three percent of
known suspects are black or Hispanic. Homicides in Columbus twenty
twenty four seventy six percent of the victims black or Hispanic.
And this is horrible. Guys, of the known homicide suspects
this year in Columbus, ninety four percent are black or Hispanic,
many of them not even old enough to own a firearm.
Why is the mayor and the city leaders not saying this?
It is the truth. Why does it take some idiot
with a paid radio show on Saturdays to point out
the obvious with stats that black and Hispanics make up
thirty six percent of our population here, but ninety four
percent of homicide suspects. We need to get in there
to help the good people in these communities and rid
themselves of the bad actors. Why is nobody saying this?
Ban the gun, Ban the gun. That's what they all chant.
The left seems to be fearful of education because frankly,
many of their positions fall apart under the shining light
of truth. But don't let them continue to add another
brick in the demise of our city and country. Do
your homework and get it from reputable sources. Having an educated,
differing opinion is okay. But if you vote on November
fifth and are not educated, you have contributed to the
fall of this nation. Educate yourself before you go into
the booth and pull the lever for who you believe
will bring back law and order and who will move
this country forward. On Target is next, Good afternoon, Welcome
on Target, Chuck, save me, save me, Chuck? For myself?
Speaker 2 (08:19):
How were you at the show? What I thought it
was a jelly roll reference?
Speaker 1 (08:23):
Though, Oh my word, what is happening to this country? Chuck?
Speaker 2 (08:29):
I don't have to save you from yourself. I gotta
save you from ninety four percent black assailants and those
homicide numbers. That that's just that, that's probably why the
white kids are getting killed in the car wrecks. They're
running from the ninety four percent they have the guns
they could, and running into stuff. And the reason that's
not said is because the idiots at ninety West Broad
Street want the votes in support of people who coddle
the ninety four percent, and so they're not gonna say
it out loud, they're not going to call attention to
it because they want their moms, their dads, their uncles,
and their aunts to come and vote for them so
that they remain in power. It's got nothing to do
with what's right, and what's wrong. It's got to do
with what's going to keep me successful in the next election,
and it.
Speaker 1 (09:06):
Has to be we should be going into those communities
with the help of the good people and ridding them
of these thugs and making you know, letting these communities
see that we're on their side and that they got
to you know, we got to help them get rid
of I mean, that's that's the problem.
Speaker 3 (09:23):
A problem are the judges. I mean, look the place.
Speaker 4 (09:26):
Hey, we arrest them, we arrest them, we wrest them,
arrest them two, three times, and guess what, they're back
out on the street because you have all these judges.
And when I was voting, it was actually still I
was shocked.
Speaker 3 (09:37):
So I voted yesterday.
Speaker 4 (09:38):
But when you looked down at the judge list, like
they're not listed whether a Democratic, Republican. But I happened
to know several of them personally. I worked with a
couple of them. Uh, we don't have any Republican judges
that are out there, and there's no one running against
these people. I mean just they were just Democratic Democrat.
I said, where are If we don't get this straightened around,
you can you know, you can arrest all the people
what you want, and if judges go, there, you go.
Speaker 2 (10:02):
I have complained for a very long time the Franklin
County Republican Party is pointless, useless, ineffective, uninvolved. This week
I said, you know, I need some yard signs. I
got one yard sign, so I need some yard signs.
My Central Committee member has not contacted me to say, hey,
can I get some yard signs in your yard? I
don't even know where they live at this point, so
I said, hey, Siri, don't answer phone, don't see the
phone came on. I know that, sir. What's the number
for the Franklin County Republican Party And sirih said he's
got a British accent, by the way, on my phone,
and serious said, here's the MF Frank. I said, Siri,
call that number.
Speaker 1 (10:40):
What do I get? But that up?
Speaker 2 (10:42):
The number you have reached has been disconnected and it's
no longer in service. That's what I get when I
ask the phone for the County CP so I can
get some yard signs. If I can't even get yard signs,
how do you get somebody elected?
Speaker 1 (10:56):
Chuck, you know what it is your lucky day because
we have yard signs right here, Ellie and our good
friend whom Mer Senator Excubes. As I said, I said,
your hids, I need a little I need a trump
Yard sign. I need a little bigger one. Yeah, I mean,
I don't know. I got this big and get a little.
I need a little bigger one. I have the biggest
trump Yard sign right now. Did you see it coming
which way?
Speaker 2 (11:17):
Did you know? Back to Henderson?
Speaker 3 (11:22):
Like six feet It's like an America, which is very
that's very pro.
Speaker 2 (11:26):
I put it out that the grandson is driving through
my neighborhood this morning and go down the street. You
have a hundred houses and there's like six that are
just overwhelmed with all the Harris Brown and all those signs.
I said, you see, these other ninety four houses are
smart enough not to argue with their neighbors, but a
large number of them are not going to be voting
for the people on those sides. The fewer signs I
see inside the city, the happier I am, quite honestly,
because I think that says something.
Speaker 1 (11:52):
And you know what, it goes, by and large to
the type of people. You know, we put out for
the first time, we put out a Trump sign here
at the store out by the yard and stuff. It
was getting to be that. I mean, y're sweet. Put
it out two hours after I put it out. I
put it out before I left one night. Two hours
after I left, someone walking through our parking lot took
it and threw it down Shuston Road. Two hours. I
would never do that. Now. I might walk by, snicker
at the hair sign and think in my head, oh, man,
what the heck are you thinking? I would never ever
think of going there and destroying somebody else's property, going
on to somebody else's property and doing that. That's the difference.
That is the core difference between these groups.
Speaker 2 (12:32):
You know, thinks there's some psychological warfare going on to
you in my neighborhood with there are red comala signs.
Speaker 1 (12:38):
Okay, that a wink wink.
Speaker 2 (12:42):
I think that's you know, if you're a Republican and
stupid and you go, oh, that name was on red,
so I must be voting for a red person. No,
but I seriously, she may be onto something there.
Speaker 1 (12:52):
Guys. We so real quick here today. We're gonna go
to a quick break. When we come back. We got
JC with some news like three or four guns of
the week that are super cool. This one we're excited about.
We're gonna talk about those. We're gonna talk a little
bit about some stuff going on with the ATF, give
you an update with that. And we got Chuck Douglass.
So we got mister Douglas here, I got JC here,
and we're gonna go to a break and we come back.
We're gonna all be here still sitting around the table
ready to talk to you. We're on talking about broadcasting
a lot from the studios of LAPD Farms and Range.
We'll be back right after the break. Chuck, I had
to listen to the song like seventeen times to get
myself psyched up for the monologue. Today.
Speaker 2 (13:29):
You got me for duccasts the class.
Speaker 1 (13:35):
Welcome back to I'm talking. I'm your host. Eric joined today.
I got big Chuck to my right. Ed is not here,
he's back on probation.
Speaker 3 (13:42):
Okay, all right, yes, that does it.
Speaker 1 (13:45):
You're on there, J here, Yeah, okay, so uh, JC,
let's jump to some news. But I know you got
a bunch.
Speaker 4 (13:50):
Oh there's a bunch of stuff out there. I'm just
like I said, I'm so sick of this administration. So
we have a great Representative in Georgia's name is Andrew Clyde.
A couple of stories involved him, but he wanted to
point out that the Harris Biden Harris administration has been
delaying the Israel rifle order now for a year, a
little bit over a year. A few days so they
passed this export the Commerce had their Commerce department stop
exporting any kind of firearms or ammunition kind of overseas.
Speaker 3 (14:25):
This is what they're thinking. But right after the horrific.
Speaker 4 (14:29):
October seventh attack in Israel, they ordered and wanted to
purchase fifty thousand rifles from Colt Manufacturing in from Daniel Defense,
and we said, no, we're not going to give these
to you yet.
Speaker 3 (14:45):
I just but this makes me just so absolutely.
Speaker 4 (14:49):
I rate By the way, it's supposed to be a
two year so they have another year that they're not
going to be done unless we get in there at
which we're hoping and we can stop that. But remember
the Biden administration and Harris administration won't let our strongest
ally purchase fifty thousand rifles. But lust we forget three
and a half years ago, they left billions of dollars
of weapons, including hundreds of thousands of M sixteen's and
M fours. By the way, another twenty thousand hand grenades
and sixteen thousand pair of night vision goggles.
Speaker 3 (15:24):
And they left those all to our terrorist.
Speaker 4 (15:26):
Enemy, the Taliban, so they can have all this stuff.
But they want to stop our only ally that we
really have of strength in the Mid East from purchasing
fifty thousand rifles for their country.
Speaker 2 (15:39):
And we send how much to Ukraine.
Speaker 4 (15:42):
Oh, they had a list of all these company countries
that were sending just money to that, even smaller countries
that are our enemies.
Speaker 3 (15:50):
But yeah, we're going to.
Speaker 4 (15:51):
Send them that, and we don't have enough to help
our own citizens that are suffering from the hurricanes.
Speaker 2 (15:59):
But yeah, that's and fifty dollars more they need.
Speaker 4 (16:03):
That's just so screwed up. Okay, all right, enough of that,
so I'm not good news. But I mean, SCOTUS looks
like they heard consideration of the frame receiver challenge, where
if you make a homemade a gun on your own
mill it out if you really need if you're going
to sell it, you have to have an FFL and
a firearms license and complete the background check system and verification.
And one court said, well, they're not really a firearm.
They're like eighty percent you can't do anything with it.
But they have been I believe they believe have been convinced.
They haven't responded yet, but I looked at three different sources,
and everybody says they're leaning to allowing that rule to
take place.
Speaker 1 (16:46):
Which would mean that there need a zero life, they
need to be serialized, but also need to have their
FFL manufacturing license and all this other kind of stuff,
which is which.
Speaker 4 (16:54):
Will cut down that almost completely. But this one, this
really frosts me too. I've been frosted a lot lately. No,
this is also our the representative I just mentioned, Andrew Clyde,
he's introduced a no Guns for Illegal Aliens bill.
Speaker 3 (17:12):
You would think that would already be out there.
Speaker 4 (17:14):
So HR ninety nine forty one No Guns for Illegal
Aliens Act that would explicitly ban illegal immigrants from buying
firearms using government issued identification. And it's just currently nineteen
states plus the District of Columbia offered drivers licenses to
illegal aliens, which is what you use for identification to
by ah, here's a government ID, here's my driver's license.
But additionally, they've kind of mandated Immigration and Customs Enforcement
that the ICE it's a controversial secure Docket Card pilot
program where they want to distribute ten thousand ID cards
to illegal aliens released in the United States could also
be used as government issued So why is this important?
Speaker 3 (18:05):
Well, guess it.
Speaker 4 (18:07):
This is these are actual facts, not made up stuff
like the other side does. But a report that was
just released of the representative of Clyde noted that a
recent report revealed that more than six hundred thousand illegal
aliens and we have no idea where they are. They're
wandered around the country, have criminal histories that have been released.
They're released into this country, and we've talked about this.
Thirteen thousand and ninety nine have been convicted of homicide
in their countries, were released from jail and are now
wandering around. These are murderers without going guy from Peru,
I keep on twenty three murders, he committed, he was
in for life. No, they don't even know where he is,
but he's wandered around our country. Fifteen four hundred convicted
rape and sexual assault folks, And this is a new
stat for me. But sixty two hundred and thirty one
were convicted of assault, not the sexual thought that was separate,
and over sixty two thousand they're ramming around our country
and thirteen four hundred and twenty three convicted of weapons offenses,
and we're giving them.
Speaker 3 (19:11):
Driver's license to state ideas. And there's no.
Speaker 4 (19:13):
Way if they would walk in to do this. So
this is what our country is doing. And then we
talked about Bloomberg. He announced that he's spending nine million
dollars to prop up gun control candidates in state level
elections across the five states.
Speaker 3 (19:30):
He's putting it into TV Digital.
Speaker 4 (19:33):
And these are the states of these, of course, the
race stations that are really really close and House and
Senate races Arizona, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, and Pennsylvania.
Speaker 3 (19:42):
That's besides that he had already pledged.
Speaker 4 (19:45):
Forty five million dollar every time for gun safety Bloomberg
for campaigns and ads. There's just no way that the
Republicans are matching that huge amount of money.
Speaker 2 (19:58):
Going through an adjacent story to that one, Trump came
under fire yesterday for suggesting that illegal immigrants that kill
United States citizens should face automatic death penalty. That's that's
a crazy concept, apparently, Yeah, just it's Bloomberg. Bloomberg's cool
with trying to manipulate things, but saying something.
Speaker 4 (20:18):
Like that, Yeah, I just they're they're not deporting these people.
Speaker 2 (20:24):
I mean the Peru story, did Peru just open the
cell and go, hey, for you, Florida is lovely.
Speaker 4 (20:30):
I mean, what Venezuela, Who wouldn't I mean, if you
were in that country and you're feeding and housing these
absolute wait, put them on a bus, send them over
to the American.
Speaker 2 (20:38):
Well, then Peru should get not one single dollar in
international aid from this country ever again. Period.
Speaker 1 (20:44):
I mean, John, is there any is there any allegations
that they're they're sending them over here to do to
the dirty world. Hey, we'll let you out of prison.
Speaker 4 (20:52):
You never see this, but this this was on They
were there interviewing a top official uh in in uh
the immigration. He said, you know, they're proximately fifty thousand
Chinese military age men. When they showed the video they're
standing to crossover in the at ease position, weren't boots
and they showed there was a couple hundred there and
they said, why are we litting? I mean they said
thirty thousand came in last year and it's up April
this year. They think another twenty thous You don't get
out of China.
Speaker 1 (21:23):
You just don't.
Speaker 4 (21:23):
Hey, let me just take a no. The government had
where are you going? And we're going to send you there?
And they're all eighty percent our military age men from
other countries.
Speaker 1 (21:32):
Well here they are. And I'll tell you what. And
this is kind of a side note, and it may
or may not be relevant, but in central Ohio we
are seeing, you know, keep talking to some other stores,
there is an increase in non US citizens of Chinese
descent purchasing firearms. Now, whether they're students at OSU or
whether it's a novelty forum, I don't know, but there's
definitely an increase we're seeing of them trying to purchase firearms.
So I don't know. You know, it's something that makes
you at least stand up and listen a little bit.
Speaker 4 (22:09):
So and now, at least on one news channel to Habit,
we have Congressmanners saying they're concerned about Iranian hit squads
trying to bump off the president. Because it's one thing
when you got somebody with a rifle is going to
be one place, But if you actually have a government
sponsored hit squad because they're afraid of what he will
do and they know that Kamala is nothing right.
Speaker 1 (22:31):
So jase, let's go to the bottom of the hour news.
When we come back, we got definitely more stories. I
have some updated FBI uniform crime report, we have Guns
of the Week, and we have Chuck Douglas. I mean,
what more could you want for a Saturday afternoon, right.
Speaker 2 (22:44):
Chuck sandwiches?
Speaker 1 (22:46):
That would be good. There we go. We're on Talking
broadcasting live from the studios of LPED Farms Arrange. We'll
be back right after the break. Welcome back to on Target.
I'm Here's Derek joined today in the LAPD studio. I
got my good friends JC and little Chuck Douglas sitting
up here beside me. Guys, it seems like it's been
a month since we've been up here. That hasn't Yeah, jeez,
I think we're back next week. Two next week's of
bye week, So we are back next week. So that's good. Hey,
before we go any further, you know me, I like
the stats of stuff, and I like, you know, I
got this grandiose idea that if you share, if you
educate people, they're going to do the right thing. Maybe
it's maybe it's maybe or maybe not, who knows. Maybe so.
But one thing that we've talked about here since day
one are the FBI Uniform Crime Report now and mitally so,
as we said in the monologue, there are flaws in it.
There's some areas not reporting. But this is this is
phenomenal data that is released every year supposedly by the FBI,
and it is gun data murders, people who have been
murdered by firearms, and it gives a breakdown and we
have quoted this time and time again and these stats
have held true. But I wanted to go over it
just released for the twenty twenty three stats for the FBI.
So get this.
Speaker 3 (24:06):
Guy, Let's all causes death, not just exactly.
Speaker 1 (24:12):
Just yes. So this is just interesting, Chuck. Okay, now
you're you're part of the media, So I'm going to
you know, I threw some numbers out there at you.
Twenty twenty three, across all the country, thirteen thousand, five
hundred and ninety three people died at the hands of firearms.
Somebody used a firearm to murder someone thirteen thousand, five
hundred and ninety three times, okay, okay, just to give
you a frame of reference, gotcha, okay of those shotguns. Okay, Now,
shotguns can be you know, a tactical shotgun. It can
be Grandpa's shotgun.
Speaker 2 (24:43):
Joe Biden wants to buy a shotgun.
Speaker 1 (24:45):
Exactly what he's right to do, the doorgun. Out of
all of those, one hundred and eighty five out of
thirteen thousand, somebody was murdered by a shotgun. It's pretty
low number, right, Okay, okay, just as a frame of reference. Knife, okay, yeah,
fifteen hundred, Just under fifteen hundred people in twenty twenty
three were murdered with a knife fifteen hundred, So you
can kind of get a frame of reference fifteen hundred.
Thirteen thousand by guns, Okay, thirteen hundred were murdered by
a motor vehicle that was listed of the cause of death.
They're trying to run someone over. Okay, thirteen hundred. You
kind of get a flavor where firearms sit into that. So,
knowing what the media tells you, the ar okay, the rifle.
Speaker 2 (25:30):
The yeah, okay, that's got the other eleven thousand, it
has to.
Speaker 1 (25:33):
Be up there right. Unfortunately, in the stats, excuse me.
And fortunately in the stats they don't break down the
type of rifle. They throw it all together. So when
I give you this stat on the number of rifle deaths,
it includes every rifle. It could be a.
Speaker 4 (25:49):
Lever action, Bold Action twenty two, It could be a
Bold Action twenty two AR.
Speaker 1 (25:54):
It could be an AR, It could be any rifle.
I mean, when you look across our shelves, there are
a lot of rifles up there that aren't the evil ars, right.
Speaker 2 (26:02):
Okay, nasty rifles in one thirty round magazine capacity, assault weapons.
All right.
Speaker 1 (26:10):
So before I give you the punchline here, one other
data point that they give is the number of people
who die who have died in twenty twenty three at
the hands of somebody else's hands, fist and feet, So
presumably a bar fight. We had that case a couple
of years ago here in the short North that bartender die. Okay,
number of people dying by hands, fist and feet seven
hundred and fifty four last year across the country by hands,
fist and feet. So you start to see the relationship
of these numbers. Okay, so ars, all rifles were all rifle.
The guy has got to be a big number, right, Remember,
thirteen thousand is is how many die by firearms. So
out of those thirteen thousand, Chuck, you watched the news,
I know you does. Out of those thirteen thousand firearms
is take a gander at how many rifles were the cause?
Because there are always mayors always saying we got a
ban the maars and the rifles.
Speaker 2 (27:09):
One hundred my shooting to eye on.
Speaker 1 (27:15):
Six hundred and eighty, six hundred and eighty out of
thirteen thousand, I.
Speaker 2 (27:21):
Knew it would be three digits were rifles.
Speaker 1 (27:25):
So let's put that in perspective. Six hundred and eighty
out of thirteen thousand were rifles. Six hundred and eighty
hands fisting feet once again, twenty years in a row,
hands fisting feet outweighs rifles by the cause of death.
Cars Almost three times as many were attributed to vehicles
at least twice almost three times as many too knives.
Yet it's the ar that they scream about. That that's
the type of things that you don't hear. I mean,
why now, if you're, if you're legit about saving lives,
you got to get in there and say, you know
what these cars, I what do we gotta do to
crack down on that or our hands fist and feed
that kills more people every year than rifles. But they don't.
They hone in on something that has a cosmetic look
to it. It's the whole basis of their movement is emotion.
Speaker 2 (28:18):
So the rifles at six eighty does it say pistol.
Speaker 1 (28:21):
So pistol is yet to add a couple together here,
so it's probably it's probably twelve thousand something in there.
Speaker 2 (28:28):
I'd love to see that broken down even more into
semi automatic versus revial.
Speaker 1 (28:32):
I know, I know they don't do that.
Speaker 2 (28:33):
Yeah, because the policing of those shell casings is one
of the things I think that catches a lot of people,
which you would think, if you had mal intent, revolvers
would be much more popular than what they know.
Speaker 1 (28:44):
I know. So it's just good to show. I mean,
it's every year we talk about it. We've talked about
it for ten years now, but the data goes back
all these years. One of the things guys too on
different notes talk about self defense self defense out there.
US Lost Shield, a good partner of ours, is having
a class next week October twenty third, Occober twenty third,
six to seven pm right here at our store self defense.
What happens next? So if you're happen to be in
a scenario, not just a firearm scenario, but in a
self defense scenario, and you want to get an idea
of how that progresses and what happens afterwards when the
police arrive on the scene and everything else. These guys
are the experts and stuff, and I think they're going
to be on our show next week as well.
Speaker 4 (29:25):
So and you just have to realize on the big
picture of this. I mean, they want to disarm the
American people.
Speaker 1 (29:30):
There's just no doubt.
Speaker 4 (29:31):
I mean they want to disarm the American people, no
matter what they say.
Speaker 3 (29:34):
That's what they go for. So you take away their rifles, Okay,
what's next?
Speaker 4 (29:38):
Then they go, well, gee, that didn't really have the
effect that we wanted. And look at our Maala Harris,
who banned She led and sponsored the banning of ownership
of handguns in the city, and it passed. It passed,
got shot down in the higher courts, but fifty eight percent.
Speaker 3 (29:57):
Banning the possession of.
Speaker 4 (30:00):
She said it was okay to enter your lockedhouse. The
police had the right to enter your lockhouse. Go and
search just to see how you have your gun store.
She's running for the president, and she said it was okay,
and her values have not changed.
Speaker 1 (30:16):
And you're not paraphrasing, I mean, catch it come out
of her lips. Yeah, it's out there. I mean you
can go out there and hear her say it.
Speaker 2 (30:24):
Interesting those statistics. She's also in favor of the government
coming into your locked house and making sure that your
hands and feet are secured.
Speaker 4 (30:30):
Yeah, yess yeah, yeah, that bondage thing.
Speaker 3 (30:33):
Maybe she's into that.
Speaker 4 (30:34):
I don't know, but the so yeah, it's just I'll
tell you it's it's where they want to go with this.
Speaker 3 (30:40):
If you own a firearm, period, you need to vote.
You need to vote, even.
Speaker 4 (30:46):
If you really it's not going to make a different, No,
it makes a difference. You get what do we say,
there's about ten million hunters out there that have shotguns
and cats.
Speaker 3 (30:57):
I'd have a pistol too if you don't. But they
don't vote, and that's ten million votes about it.
Speaker 2 (31:04):
But I'm going to be belligerent at this point because
we're just we're twenty two days out. If you if
you own a firearm and you believe that Americans should
be able to own a firearm. And you vote Democrat,
you are an idiot. It's that simple.
Speaker 4 (31:15):
In the Second Amendment, it's a militia, which is military
aged people.
Speaker 3 (31:21):
It's the it's the right to keep in bear arms.
Speaker 4 (31:25):
It's not for just hunting that they want to go
into that they want to go your self defense at
your home. You don't need anything else. I see all
these things about do you really need an aar for
self defense?
Speaker 3 (31:34):
You need whatever you can, any kind of a weapon.
Speaker 4 (31:38):
But the right to keep in bear arms shall not
be infringed.
Speaker 3 (31:42):
What this is important to the life of our country.
Speaker 4 (31:47):
You know, we have to defend ourselves against enemies foreign
and domestic.
Speaker 1 (31:52):
And I think jac I think in Ohio, we we
can we get a little complacent because know, you hope
that that President Trump is gonna win Ohio by a
decent amount. So if if that's your mindset, and why
do I even need to vote He's gonna win. Right.
But the racist that's equally as big is Bernie Marino
in the Senate. I mean that is equally as important
to pick up that Senate seek because these things we're
talking about, that Kamala if she gets in there and stuff,
and then she gets in there with shared guys. This
is all coming to fruition.
Speaker 2 (32:27):
Are all important? I mean, is Marino absolutely important? You
got you got Hawkins, you got Shanahan, and you got
deaders on the Ohio Supreme Court. These constitutional issues are
gonna need to be decided. We need levelheaded people there
there there are. The Democrats are aligned with Bloomberg with
every absolute and they all believe for some reason that
I gotta say her name right, got my law is
going to be their their future. They're gonna follow her lead.
And she thinks that she should be able to send
troops into your house. If you were good with that,
vote for them. If you'd actually like to be a
free American life, Liberty, the pursuit of happiness, Forth Amendment,
fifth Amendment, first Mechanism, all amendmentths. If you believe you
have rights as an American citizen that should not be
taken away by some left wing liberal, nutcase arbitrary woman,
then vote Republican. I'm telling you, Otherwise you lose.
Speaker 1 (33:22):
You lose.
Speaker 2 (33:22):
They they are on path, and your vote them getting
into office makes them feel substantiated, as if they now
have a mandate. Well, this is what the people want.
So they're gonna push it, and they're gonna keep pushing
until somebody stops him. And that's where things get where
we don't want them to pay.
Speaker 4 (33:38):
Made her the guns are? And who did she have
in her office in the White House? She had the Bloomberg,
she had the Gabbys.
Speaker 1 (33:44):
Where was the representation from the gun industry? I mean,
if you're thumbing your nose at one hundred miles, you've
thumb your nose that the second a member about that,
they don't care about that, yep, I mean I don't.
So JC, let's let's go. Let's turn to a brighter
new Okay, you we got, we got, we got a
couple of minutes before the break here, let's talk. Let's
talk about a fire. We're talking about fire. Oh yeah,
fire so.
Speaker 2 (34:07):
Rater than with Darth Vader's story.
Speaker 1 (34:10):
All right, So so let's let's start with the one
closer to you there, jayse So, Chuck, you don't know
about this one. When you were a kid, you hold
on when you were a kid, Chuck, when you were
a kid, Okay, a couple of years ago. And Stephen,
you're throwing your frisbee around the yard. What was one
of the brand names. They had a lot of commercials
on TV too.
Speaker 4 (34:32):
Speaker 1 (34:32):
Right, Well, let me introduce to you Chuck.
Speaker 2 (34:36):
Twenty two here with your lies a WAMMO gun a
gun not the same company THO, same company, different.
Speaker 3 (34:44):
Division, company, different division the h out of the w
h A m O. And this was there just w
A m O.
Speaker 4 (34:52):
The two owners did this. One of them was really
a hunting enthusiast. So for one year they they developed
this single shot looks like it's a semi automatic.
Speaker 3 (35:03):
It is a single.
Speaker 4 (35:05):
Shot of firearm with a bolt and when you pull
it back, that's the firing pin. Also the cocking indicator.
You can't miss that one. And you put one round
in and you close it and you pull the trigger
and it fires one single round. There's no magazine, there's
it's just a single shot. And unfortunately he died. They
made him for like one year. They don't have a
record because back then it was before the nineteen sixty
eight gun control back. So it does have a serial number,
but you didn't have to keep the record of this
back in those days. Anyway, he died. They don't know
how many they made. There are estimates about four thousand.
Perhaps that's a very very rare gun that you will
not encounter, and we have it here for for sale
and it's nap Shot twenty two.
Speaker 1 (35:53):
I don't know what the prices off the top of
my head, but it's not we're not talking big money here.
Speaker 4 (35:57):
But anyway, so yeah, when you watch the videos of it,
you just load one round at a time, you close
that and now.
Speaker 3 (36:05):
It's covered up when you're doing it. And they said
it's noted for its very light light trigger pull.
Speaker 4 (36:10):
So I've watched several videos of people shooting these over
the last couple.
Speaker 3 (36:15):
Of days and unique and it's in twenty two.
Speaker 4 (36:20):
You've been shoots short lungs, a long rifles and it's
got an adjustable.
Speaker 3 (36:25):
Rear sight and it looks like it's so sketchy.
Speaker 4 (36:29):
I tried to look up the history of it and
I got the name of the two guys and the
guy who died who liked this.
Speaker 3 (36:33):
So as soon as he died, his other said, hey,
we'll go back.
Speaker 4 (36:35):
To hula hoops and and sling shots and the other
stuff that Womo made. So they're, you know, one year
kind of production. They were sitting there, you see people
bought them in the.
Speaker 3 (36:45):
Fifth They think fifty five, maybe.
Speaker 4 (36:47):
Fifty six, but people said I bought them in fifty nine.
But obviously they weren't big sellers, so they were just
people that had.
Speaker 3 (36:53):
Them in stock. But oh twice was back then the price.
Speaker 4 (36:57):
Was between fourteen ninety five and nineteen ninety five dollars.
Speaker 2 (37:02):
So that they sold it like a toy too. Basically
with a purpose of that long barrel, it's just a
little twenty two that's.
Speaker 3 (37:09):
A lot accuracy radius.
Speaker 2 (37:11):
That was it meant for maybe like a target shooting
type of thing.
Speaker 4 (37:15):
It's but for that price, it wasn't exactly an expensive
target gun. The other thing is is there's debates on
whether Daisy bought and I kind of believe this one
Daisy ended up buying. When the company folded, they bought
the rights to it. And this is it looks exactly
like their Daisy one hundred or Hubbly one hundred, a
BB gun, and it looks absolutely identical. They said, the frame, parts,
everything are are pretty much the same. But Daisy turned
it into a BB gun. Somebody else said that they
saw the BB gun and turned it into a into this,
and I find that believe.
Speaker 1 (37:48):
Chuck, and I will give you the gun if you
post a picture of you holding it with your hulu
going with my hul hoop. Yeah, you think about that
as we go into break.
Speaker 2 (37:57):
When we come back, it stuck like a bill.
Speaker 1 (38:00):
Oh no, that could be fine?
Speaker 3 (38:04):
Was great?
Speaker 4 (38:04):
I mean so, And it's for sales if you want
a rare gun, the fun to shoot single shot twenty two.
Speaker 3 (38:10):
Uh, let's there you go.
Speaker 1 (38:11):
Guys. When we come back from the break, we have
a couple more really need firearms up here to talk about.
J C has another bit of news and there's much
much more wrong talk abroadcasting life from the studios, LUPD
firearms and range. We'll be back right after the break, Chuck.
You just want to play records the rest of the way.
Speaker 2 (38:33):
We could. I don't know if jac is happy here.
And it's the end of the world. As we go
into his news.
Speaker 1 (38:39):
Again though, valid, it's the end of all right. What
an introduction, Jake, JC, you know what, I want to
start playing this song before the news, right, So we
got a couple of minutes left. What a couple of
one liner you got?
Speaker 4 (39:00):
Okay, just you know scotis finally they agreed to hear
the Smith and Wesson fight with Mexico. This one kind
of scares me because this is where Mexico's saying, oh,
the reason these cartels are killing everybody over here, it's
not our fault, it's you guys. You're making the firearms
and they're coming across the border. So they are suing
actually eight manufacturers, but Smith and Western has taking the
lead on this for ten billion dollars, which would effect
wipe out the fire manufacturer industry. But they're agreed to
hear it. And the question is not Second Amendment. It's
whether this Protection of Lawful Commerce and Arms Act, which
we would say, hey, you can't, you can't sue from
third party, where they're saying, oh, that's not the case.
Speaker 3 (39:49):
The case is that you.
Speaker 4 (39:50):
Are knowingly furnishing weapons to the cartel and that's causing
all of our problems here in Mexico, which is such
I mean, I had I don't want to go into
it anyway. They just had mayor and somebody else that
just got elected. A week later, both of them had
their one of them shot when them had their head
cut off, put on the things. So it's the cartel
that's doing it and they didn't cut their head off
with the thing they cut up with a machete.
Speaker 3 (40:15):
So anyway, so.
Speaker 2 (40:16):
Israel can't have weapons, but we're getting blamed for the
Mexican cartels having weapons.
Speaker 3 (40:21):
Right, yes, right, And if you remember fast in Fernias,
we furnished in order to do that. Okay, all right,
so that's what's any way, they agreed to hear it.
Speaker 4 (40:28):
So we'll keep you updated on this. This is a
big one that just just came out. Matter of fact,
this was a day of the eleventh.
Speaker 3 (40:35):
Here a federal judge. There was a.
Speaker 4 (40:38):
Federal judge in New York. Judge I'm gonna give him,
John Sinatra. I wonder if he's related to Frank issued
a forty three page decision where he says that New
York's private property gun band is unconstitutional these states. After
Brewers say, okay, well, then we can say because back
then some people said, oh, you can't carry a gun
on our property. They didn't want that during Revolutionary War,
you know, but they said because of that that it's
okay under Bruin to ban of ownership or carrying firearms
on any private property that's open to the public. And
the judge says, Look, that's most of the of the state.
So he said, and the quote is, the nation's historical
traditions have not countenanced such a curtailment of the right
to keep in bare arms. Indeed, the right to self
defense is equally important and equally recognize on the vast
swaths of private property open to public access across New
York State. So he said, it was unconstitutional for them
to ban carrying and can't go into a banding fleet. Yeah,
it's it's a huge, huge story, big big win for
because there are a lot of states that are trying
to do this.
Speaker 3 (41:51):
Okay, I can carry, but you can't carry anywhere that we.
Speaker 2 (41:53):
Say so, So this is this.
Speaker 3 (41:57):
We'll see how that goes, and of course I'm certainly
it will be challenged. Here's some good news. I was
we were very shocked about this.
Speaker 4 (42:04):
Firearms suppressor registrations. It's amazing what has happened.
Speaker 3 (42:11):
They keep it.
Speaker 4 (42:12):
Obviously a track of this with the ATF has processed
back in May of twenty twenty one, the total number
of fire of suppressors on firearms in the United States,
and they start keeping the records in thirty four when
they passed that the acts of from thirty four to
May of twenty twenty one, there were two million, six
hundred and sixty four thousand plus suppressors in the United States. Well,
now with this expedited way of how they're processing it,
this the ATF is processing it. I'll get this between
that May of twenty twenty one in July of twenty
twenty four, an additional two million, ninety three thousands, almost
two million, two hundred thousand more suppressors were processed in
that thirty eight months versus eighty seven.
Speaker 3 (43:01):
Years wow of of pressure.
Speaker 4 (43:04):
So right now, as of July of twenty forty four,
there are four million, eight hundred and eighty seven thousand,
nine hundred suppressors in the United States. So this is
becoming normalized among hunters and Jacon.
Speaker 1 (43:19):
You know something too, when we when Eric Trump was
here a couple of years ago, and this is when
we were looking at potentially as second term for the
president at the time, he says on you know, in talks,
was kicking the suppressors to be able to be over
the counter actor of background check, which it should be.
There's no reason it needs to go through these things.
Speaker 3 (43:37):
It's not like the movies.
Speaker 4 (43:38):
Who's never so, but that's that's I just averaged that
out for the last at that rate, and it's almost
sixty thousand per month.
Speaker 3 (43:47):
Wow, purchased and approved JC.
Speaker 1 (43:49):
We don't have time for all three of these going.
We're gonna kick two of these to next week. But
the one right in front of you, the one right
in front of you in thirty four seconds or less.
Speaker 4 (44:00):
Oh this one, oh boy, this was an old yeah
years ago when I worked at the gun stores in college.
This was the backup when it first came out. And
what's it called. It's called the backup.
Speaker 3 (44:11):
So AMT created a three eighty backup and it was.
Speaker 4 (44:15):
Mostly purchased by police officers as as finally a three
eighty backup to their to their guns. Smooth, easy to
get to AMT and.
Speaker 3 (44:25):
It's big time company. It's right here.
Speaker 1 (44:27):
We'll continue that's case on that one next week and.
Speaker 3 (44:29):
The other two far do we sell a lot of
these guys.
Speaker 1 (44:32):
Thanks so much to spend the hour with. That's always
good to be back here live studio as we are
next week again. Continue to have a good week. Next week.
We have a couple of neat people coming on the
show with us, and please go out and vote. The
elections are out there now, you can go, let them vote,
and as always, let's be careful out there. Yeah,