All Episodes

December 7, 2024 • 38 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:04):
Welcome to gardening and guns, when we talk about the
right firearm to carry while gardening. No, no, okay, welcome
to firearms and flowers, where we look at the unique
similarities between the two. Okay, guys, okay, guys. Is eighteen
shopping days until Christmas, and today today we have a
two hour on Target Holiday special coming up. You'll hear

some great gift ideas, interesting stories, a really neat gun
of the week, and you're also gonna hear what we
are hoping is gonna be under the Christmas tree on
Christmas morning. Sorry, no garden talk today, but the two
hour on Target Holiday Special starts now. Good afternoon, welcoming
on Target broadcasting live from the studios of LAPD Firearms

Range and Training Facility, located at nine to nine to
nine Bethel Road. I'm your host, Eric. I am your
host Eric, along with my father Phil. I look at that.

Speaker 2 (00:57):
Took me out of retirement, pulled you.

Speaker 1 (00:59):
Out retirement, got you out of bed. Yeah, well, woke
you up.

Speaker 3 (01:04):
It's kind of close to my naptime now, well, that's
all right, that's all right it is guys. I am
super super excited today we have up JC Where yet, Oh,
there you are there?

Speaker 1 (01:16):
Okay, good yeah, back.

Speaker 2 (01:17):
I thought he was there.

Speaker 1 (01:18):
Yeah, just my voice was super excited the opportunity for
two hour show. And what I have the notes that
I have written all over my piece of paper here
in front of me is slow down, slow down because
we're so used to just having to fly through it. Okay,
jac what are you have for thinks? Okay, done the way? Okay,
Hopefully today we can take a breather and get some

really neat stuff.

Speaker 2 (01:42):
I think we got to ask our listeners if they
like the two hour special, maybe to write in the WTVN.

Speaker 1 (01:50):
And let them note honestly. Sure, yeah, definitely, we've talked
about two hours for a long time.

Speaker 2 (01:55):
Oh yeah, we need to.

Speaker 1 (01:56):
Yeah, it would really give us.

Speaker 4 (01:57):
I'm afraid we'll get fifteen minute request, that is true.

Speaker 1 (02:02):
It'll probably cut us pupa with two hours. We even
have time for our own version of Frontier Christmas. I mean,
I'm just saying, I don't know, is that even alloud anymore? Uh?

Speaker 2 (02:14):
No, one a while, I don't know.

Speaker 4 (02:16):
I don't know if it's not ever since the Morning
Monarch left us.

Speaker 1 (02:20):
Yeah, that is something the old Hudson and Landry definitely
worth going out there and checking out if you've never heard.
It was a classic, probably from the seventies.

Speaker 2 (02:28):
And you can still bring it up there Google.

Speaker 1 (02:30):
Yeah, some of those old Hudson and Landry skits were
mighty funny at the time. Guys, we are the owners
of LAPD Firearms Range and Training Facility, interactive in law enforcement.
But for two hours this Saturday, we put together a
group of firearm experts to discuss new products in the market,
training tips, and oftentimes political topics surrounding this Second Amendment.
Our commitment has always been to bring you facts about

our industry and help listeners and customers with safe, responsible
ownership of firearms. Guys, today on the SHO Show, I hope, uh, JC,
I hope two hours is enough. I mean we need
a three hour show. Don't where we go? Here we go,
So let me tee it up for you guys. In
the first hour, we're going to get to some firearms

news with JC, and then we're gonna hear a really
neat gun of the week. This is when we've been
anticipating for a while here at the store. We've kicked
it around, we've talked about it briefly, but now they
are here in stock actually have a used one here
as well. Firearm has a little bit of a unique history,
and it's coming from a manufacturer who has typically not

been in this game. This is the first first hand gun.
So it's something you're not gonna want to miss. That's
gonna come up here shortly at eleven thirty. Hesitate to
even joke about it, Paul Paul, But at eleven thirty,
we're going to publicize our Christmas list. Now, last year
when we did this, you know, we do it in
good fun and you know, what do we want for Christmas?

And I don't know how this always happens. You show
up once a year on the show and Paul Paul,
you you mentioned something you wanted for Christmas, and one
of our listeners he not only brought you one in,
he brought you one in that was absolutely stunning and
gave it to you. How does that have that?

Speaker 2 (04:16):
Well, because they love me, just because I'm really when
I'm here, I make the show, you know, So, so.

Speaker 1 (04:23):
I guess we have to put a disclaimer that as
much as we would like some of the stuff that
we're going to talk about today, there's no obligation to
buy a force now if you want to, that's okay,
but there's no obligation to.

Speaker 2 (04:34):
I mean, I can put on my sad face, yes,
and people will feel sorry for me.

Speaker 1 (04:39):
Right right. So on, So that is coming up at
eleven thirty. Really some really neat things to talk about then.
And then in the second hour, we're gonna call the
second hour what we what we we think we should
call it, And that's gonna be called on target, Law
in order and why is that. We're gonna start looking
at into some of the law and order behind the
scenes on some gun related uh events, and and it's

out there. We're going to take a look at the
New York City shooting that happened last week with tragic shooting.
There's some insight though that we're we're starting to hear,
but we have a little thoughts on that as well.
So JC is going to kind of lead some of
that because there's some some interesting tidbits about that. We're
going to talk about the rumble in the stadium, you know,
the the the after brawl I guess if you will,

at the High State Michigan game, and you missed that
on that I missed that. Contrary to what people were thinking.
I got a lot of texts. I was not a
part of it. I'm not saying I didn't want to
be a part of it. I'm just saying I wasn't
a part of it.

Speaker 2 (05:33):
I think you were probably more in a dangerous area
than being on the field. I'm sure I directed in traffic.

Speaker 1 (05:41):
With all the drunks. Yes that is Yeah, that is
probably a little bit more dangerous area. But we're gonna
have our good friend, Lieutenant Brian Steele FOPLI nine is
going to jump on with us talk about you know,
there's some calls out there. Oh, they shouldn't have mazed them, guys.
When you have an officer on the ground injured, then
then that is definitely warranted. But we're gonna talk to
him about that. And then let's see what else we're

going to talk about. Oh, we have we actually have
a neat thing to well, actually we have a couple
of neat topics in that second hour as well. We're
going to talk about something that we don't talk about
very much. Actually, I didn't even know it existed. We
had a customer come in last week and mention it
has to do with truck drivers and carrying firearms and
they're kind of a unique aspect on that. So we're

going to touch on that. And then finally we're going
to we're actually our good friend Dave de Villers is
going to give us a call. We're going to talk
about the Hunter Biden pardon and you know, according to
our President, why it's not important to prosecute people who
lie on the federal form that helps prevent Fellon from
getting guns. So we'll get his take on that. We

of course like to thank our sponsors, US law Shield.
It's all them here today, Jackson, Negress, Windows, Black Wing
Shooting Center, rivers Edge, Cutlery, seeing US Engraving and of
course LAPD Training Facility, all who make the show possible
each week joining me today in the L E. P
D Studios. Paul Paul is to my left. There is
maintenance man. You know what the unique ability of you

to at one point have a firearm in your hand
and the other point have a drill in your hand.
You know, I don't what do you have for well?

Speaker 2 (07:15):
I was looking for the sign that says applause, the
plau sign that that is probably uh in your drawer there, Okay, yes,
well yeah, I mean I come in here and you know,
I want to just have a day without maintenance and
boom like you hit.

Speaker 1 (07:29):
Yeah, that's what happens when you're a maintenance man. Jc's
to my right, Jaycy always good to see you. It's
we have I think we talked to the shows a
two hour show today. I think we talked for four
hours last night. I think you know we did so
sending text back and forth into the wee hours of
the morning. But good to see you. Uh. Our good
friend Big Ed is in a tree stand somewhere, so

we give a shout out to Big Ed. And of
course mister a big Yeah, it could be a big
tree stand, but.

Speaker 4 (07:55):
Yes, yeah, we have to give a shout out to
that tree.

Speaker 1 (07:58):
Uh so yeah. And then of course I missed Chuck Douglas,
who spends some time with the family. You mays will
rename the Navy radio station Chuck Douglas station. Every time
I turn on, he's everywhere, awesome, it's so great to hear.
The thing is, I always laugh about it as much
as we talked to text Chuck. I'm always in throw.

Whenever I turn the radio on, he's there. I'm like, oh,
what did Chuck have to say today.

Speaker 2 (08:24):
You know, and he definitely is not a loss for words.

Speaker 1 (08:27):
No, he's not. He's truly one of those professionals. You know,
he knows. I mean, he just spews it.

Speaker 2 (08:33):
He's spontaneous. It's I want to know when standing Claus
is going to call it?

Speaker 1 (08:37):
Well, you know what, we we were in touch with
this people this week, and yes, and he is. I
mean he's running a little crazy right now. Okay, they're
saying they're hoping to squeeze in a call from him
next week after he gets out of the tree stand.
I mean when he's you know, gets time. So yes,
so I will look forward to that. And if you
missed the show, you can always catch the podcast, and

says six ' ten w TV dot COM's iHeartRadio. It's
on iTunes, Spotify, spreaker, Facebook, YouTube, anyplace you get your podcast.
We are out there. Jac tell us a bit about
what news we have going.

Speaker 4 (09:11):
We've got a lot of news, but it is Pearl
Harbor Day and a lot of people, Yes, I wanted
to bring that out. That's really that's really important. I
saw some of my grandmother's birthday, so I'd like to
give a shout out to her. She'd be cold. She's
one hundred and forty today, and so I got a
shout up and loud so she can hear me. But yeah,
eighteen eighty four to so it's been a while so

but anyway, still miss her cookies, all right? News wise, Oh,
there's there's a bunch, and I'm glad that we don't
have to hurry and rush through it. But I'll start
out with something simple. The National Shooting Sports Foundation, which
keeps records of all this, we did it again. The
November totals for firearms sales was one million, five hundred

and fourteen one thousand, seven hundred and seventy three. So
that's what that's a little bit down from last Novembers figures,
but it's the sixty fourth month in a row where
firearm sales have exceeded a million. To think about that,
sixty fourth month in a row, and some of those

months were like three million. Back in the covid GC.

Speaker 1 (10:22):
In those people, by all accounts, they voted, they voted.
I'm definitely hoping. So if you want to keep it,
that's what you have to do. And it's speaking of
the National Shooting Sports Foundation, They have filed an amicus
brief urging the Supreme Court of the United States who
end Mexico's firearm industry lawsuit. We've talked about this quite

a bit, but now the Supreme Court has agreed to
hear the arguments coming up early this coming year, so
on January February. But now that it's getting this close,
now we're having some folks chime in saying, look, we've
got to end this. So Mexico has basically for those
of you who haven't really thought about this for a while,

they have sued us and who did this? American attorneys
who are trying to take guns away period from us,
the groups like that every town and I think this
was an extra attorney from Gabby Gifford's. But anyway, so
they went to Mexico going, hey, why don't we sue

the United States? Sue the companies and simply bankrupt them.
So they have a ten billion our lawsuit where they
are blaming the United States gun manufacturers. Smith and Wesson's
the lead on this, not just because they agreed to
do this, but there's eight other manufacturers. The major manufacturers,
I mean, the Rugers, the Colts, the.

Speaker 4 (11:48):
The the big time of guys ten billion dollars and
they're blaming the cartel, massacres and the corruption over there
on us.

Speaker 2 (11:58):
Waitless gun manufacturers about back when they that program they
had Fast and Furious, right, I wonder you know there
wasn't a gun manufacturer that was.

Speaker 1 (12:08):
That was Obama.

Speaker 2 (12:09):
No, seriously, it was it was.

Speaker 1 (12:11):
Yeah, there's no doubt about it.

Speaker 4 (12:12):
You could read books about it. I mean they of
course the drive by media didn't want to tell that.
And his idea was, Hey, we're going to track these
guys and we're going to convince. And they actually brought
in and told a gun dealers that are on the
border and they weren't together. What you want us to sell?

Speaker 1 (12:27):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, just tell it. We'll track the.

Speaker 4 (12:29):
Guns to numbers, we'll find out where they're going over there.

Speaker 1 (12:32):
And guess what.

Speaker 4 (12:33):
So well, Free in Government lost track of three hundred
and some machine guns that went over to the cartel
and they lost track and my favorite one was the
picture of l. Chop Up before the coming holding a
Barrett fifty caliber semi automatic that was part of the
guns that were given to the cartel that they lost

track of. And U and so fast and furious. So
now they've they've been arm But anyway, the bottom line
is is they want to you know, they want to
blame us for their narco terrorist cartels. And so this
is a ten billion dollar lawsuit. So they filed NSSF
filed one. But here's the big one that just happened Tuesday,

so we're talking this week. The United States House of
Representatives told the Supreme Court of the United States that
the siding with Mexico in its liability suit against the
American gun makers could violate the separation of powers. So
this is our Congress said that, and so they filed

an amagus brief, and the House argued that the federal
regulation of the gun industry is squarely within its purview
and said that granting relief sought by Mexico when it's
battle with Smith and Wesson and the others, which aims
to hold the American gun industry liable for the Mexican
cartel violence, we be tandem out to the United States
Supreme Court. You're supering the new powers of the federal

courts by saying, hey, we don't care what you think,
We're just gonna do this. But the House urged the
Court to reverse the lower court holding dismiss the case
as incompatible with the Protection of Wawful Commerce and Arms Act.

Speaker 1 (14:11):
So this is our US Congress.

Speaker 4 (14:14):
So and then Ted Cruz also has another group that
also filed h an amicus brief.

Speaker 1 (14:18):
So this is this is big. That's good. JC. Let's
jump to a break. When we come back, we're gonna
talk a little bit about some other news and they're
gonna get to our gun of the week. We're on Target.
Welcome to our two hour special today. We'll be back
right up to the break. I love this. Welcome back

to on Target. This is our two hour live special.
Look at that. Look at that, guys. I'm your host, Derek.
I got Papa with me today. I still got JC
sitting here beside me. I think great. Where did you
make that?

Speaker 4 (14:57):
That is absolutely that's the that's incredible.

Speaker 1 (15:02):
For those not watching on Facebook or YouTube live, Pap
brings a lot with them every times, and this time
he happens to bring an applause sign that says applause,
please louder and then drop down. That's enough. That's enough.
So there you go, guys, Welcome back. Thanks to the

live studio audience. Here We're at night ninety nine, Beth
the road. If you haven't stopped by, we're stopping by
in checking us out. Jase, we got a couple more
minutes to the bottom of the hour news and what
new other news do you got?

Speaker 4 (15:34):
Okay, actually, this is so long, we won't do this one,
but I'll talk about one that kind of surprise prized me.
So this is again with the freaking apartment. I do
Biden Harris administration bitch, bitch, bitch about guns and safety.

Speaker 1 (15:47):
But here's what they did.

Speaker 4 (15:49):
So the Justice Department now it's it's going to expand
voluntary NIX checks. That's the National Instant Criminal background check
system to firearm retailer employees. So you would think that
people that are working in stores and selling the guns
would have the background check. No, it was a gift
a Knicks only allowed firearms retailers to do these check

verifications for firearm purchases. But when they passed in twenty
two the Bipartisan Safety Communities Act, this allowing, which makes
great sense, employees to have Knicks checks before you hire them.
That was supposed to go into effect ninety days after
the bipartisan but Bide administration just sat on it. So

finally someone brought it up again. They went, oh, yeah,
I guess that'd be a good idea. So now they're
posting it because it's a regulation that's going to change,
and they have a proposal to post the rule and
then it goes there for ninety days and taking comments.
But it's about time it is.

Speaker 1 (16:50):
And JC, on that note, we you know, I should
say this responsible gun stores. We've been doing this hall
long day one, from day one. We pay for it.
We send every new hire out to have a background check,
a complete background check that is done. But to have
this ability to do right here in the store would
be good, would be phenomenal. I mean, it's just again

it's the stuff that's logical, that makes sense, and here
is tied up for two years and.

Speaker 4 (17:18):
Bureaucracy, right even though it was supposed to go into
effect ninety days after the the actresso.

Speaker 1 (17:22):
Oh yeah, but Jac, what other thing did they put
into effect ninety days? They certainly did the gun control
stuff ninety days afterwards.

Speaker 4 (17:29):
By the bump stocks, all the rest of the stuff
that they that they did, but no, they left the
safety issue out of it. So anyway, Hey, this is
a fun thing to talk about, so we only have
a couple of minutes left here. Unfortunately, we really talked
about the very sad assassination of the of the healthcare
Administrator for United Healthcare. Anyway, that was really said. What

was interesting though, being a gun show was the firearm
that was used.

Speaker 1 (17:57):
Well, let's table that for we're going to table Yeah,
let's tall with that one because we have a little
bit more in depth on that one.

Speaker 4 (18:03):
I'll give you a quick one on the on what
a lot of people are saying that you know now
that now that we're in charge, we need to get
rid of the ATF. Those guys are just being a
thorn in the side. And we hear a lot of
people saying that, and that would be really really an
overreaction that would actually cause pandemonium in our industry. A

lot of people don't realize that the ATF, it reports
directly to the Attorney General. So the Attorney General is
the one that we that you really need to do.
Congresses given that authority to overseeing firearms to the Attorney General,
and the Attorney General then has the ATF to to

place this in. One of the concerns is and this
has been raised because the candidate that Trump has, the
nominee that he has proposed is Pam Bondi, another Florida.

Speaker 1 (18:56):
I think Florida is going to control the country.

Speaker 4 (18:58):
It just seems like everyone seem to be coming from Florida.
But gun rights organizations have many concerns about this because
when she was the age in Florida, she promoted They
said she did.

Speaker 1 (19:10):
Some good things.

Speaker 4 (19:12):
She defended the standard ground law, she supported that, and
she opposed the federal semi alimatic weapons band that was proposed,
So those are good things. However, she defended some measures
and enacted some measures that were not so pro gun,
such as she raised the age limit to twenty one

for gun purchases, whether it's shotguns or rifles, and most
states it's like, hey, you have to be twenty one,
not an adult doing that. And then she also implemented
red flag laws, which allow courts to confiscate firearms without
adjudication until after the fact.

Speaker 1 (19:51):
It's certainly worth watching her. I mean I like a
lot of things about her. Oh yeah, this is we
do have to watch. And to your point JC about
you know, dismantling the at I know a lot of
people out there. We need to dismantle it. The Second
Amendment doesn't say, you know, it's you know, it doesn't
say that your rights are gonna be infringed upon, but
there is. If we can control and do it like

it's supposed to be and go after the criminals, help
us go after the criminals and get off our backs, and.

Speaker 4 (20:17):
They can be a real asset of when they go
to Congress and saying this is why we're doing this.
They control what's a sporting army.

Speaker 1 (20:25):
We need someone in there to this. Gee, let's go
to the bobin hour news when we come back, when
we get to the gun of the week and what
we want for Christmas. On Target, we're broadcasting live from
the studios of LAPD Farms Arranged. Will be back right
after the break. Okay, John, I'm not gonna are you there, John,
I'm not gonna look a gift horse in the mouth.

But if we're going to have a two hour show,
we need to cut down the weather. How many times
we got to talk about the weather, But.

Speaker 2 (20:51):
You know, they took that one thing away from us
that we always no, no, it'll be in the quarter hour.

Speaker 1 (20:56):
Yeah, but now and everyone knows what the weather is
gonna be talking. As I told you guys, that wasn't
going out over the air. I was doing. Now, Ella,
are you going out over the air? I am now, yes, yes,
there's you know what we don't think Ella enough. Ella
really pulls the levers on the back end. And if

you ever watched on Facebook or YouTube, you can hear
us talking to her. But she really is what keeps
things rolling.

Speaker 2 (21:23):
She does.

Speaker 4 (21:23):
I'm trying, but you guys are talking about the weather,
the weather, and your listeners are like, we didn't hear
any weather. I'm just letting them know they're not crazy.

Speaker 1 (21:31):
They did not hear.

Speaker 2 (21:32):
Typically, the program director brings in cookies around this time
of year.

Speaker 1 (21:38):
That is true.

Speaker 2 (21:39):
Yeah, yes, Ella.

Speaker 1 (21:41):
First of all, I'm not a program director director.

Speaker 4 (21:43):
Secondly, if I bring cookies, I'm the only one here
eating them. You're not here with me.

Speaker 2 (21:48):
No, no, no, you have to bring me then I
wouldn't be to do my job.

Speaker 1 (21:52):
That's a valid point. That's why she's always one step ahead,
all right, thanks to Ella. Ella always keeps us moving.
Here JC, speaking of keeping us moving, we have a
gun of the week that is super neat. It's one
we've anticipated now really for about a year. The manufacturer
is Daniel Defense, well known for their rifles, phenomenal rifles

carried by civilians law enforcement. But they came out with
us up in JC. That is some might say, outside
their wheelhouse, what do you have there for the gun
of the week.

Speaker 4 (22:23):
Well, this is this is really really interesting. It was
interesting even when it originally first came out Daniel Defense. Again,
as you mentioned, the first pistol, their H nine. Their pistol,
the H nine came out in nineteen let's say it
was nineteen ninety, yeah, no, pardon me, twenty seventeen, yeah,

twenty seventeen shot show and it was very very interesting
because people were kind of excited about it because it
looks like a nineteen eleven, a grip like a nineteen eleven,
but it's striker fired and it's very very slim, and
it had some really unusual features. So, like a lot
of new startup companies, the ideas were great, but they

were having some problems with parts. When you're a small
company and coming out, you've faced all sorts of challenges.
So bottom line is is they had a lot of complaints.
They brought it out at Chatcho.

Speaker 1 (23:22):
Bottom line is.

Speaker 4 (23:23):
In twenty nineteen, they filed the chapter whatever, the chapter
seven chapter some team. Anyway, they went out of business.
So once they went out of business, the gun people
are excited about the gun, but now it wasn't around anymore.
So Daniel Defense took a look at it, said, boy,
it has a lot of really unique and interesting features

about it. And so they picked it up and said, hey,
maybe we can you know, get the bugs you know,
worked out of this. Take a look and see, and
so they spent four years and they redesigned it so much.
Only one part is interchangeable with the original, with the

original H nine, So it's, uh, that's pretty amazing. So
it's it's but what makes it so unique everything on
the design. It has an extremely low bore axis. Now
the bore acxis is the relationship between the center of
the bore and the highest point of your grip.

Speaker 1 (24:26):
And why is that important?

Speaker 4 (24:27):
Well, if the bar actions is very high, the gun
has a tendency to muzzle raise up because recoil wants
to do this. If the bore actions is low, it
has more of a tendency to go straight back, and
your follow up shots will be uh, will be much
easier for you to make, so it has one of
the lowest bore actions out there period, So it's really

really good. Some of the features that it has. It's
got an aluminum frame where everyone else is going polymer.
They stuck with the original. It's got a seventy seventy
five aluminum frame, which and with the steel slide, you know,
it ways about a little less than thirty ounces twenty
nine twenty six ounces with the magazine, and it comes
with a fifteen round magazine. Now the magazines are proprietary.

It comes with three, but a lot of people give
kudoos to Daniel because they said, if you want magazines,
you can get them directly from the factory, really well
made steel magazines for twenty five bucks apiece, which is
really really good for proprietary magazine. So fifteen rounds plus one.
It's it's a striker fired. What's some of the unusual

features that they copied was the trigger is hinged at
the bottom instead of the top, so when you pull
it instead of pulling this way, and that's they've studies
and found out from a safety standpoint, things getting caught
in the lower can pull the trigger, but seldom does
anything get caught on a trigger when it's you know,

up up high, so it has no external safety. It
doesn't have a actually it's got just the trigger safety.
There's no there's there's no safety on the on the
backs of grip safety. Uh. And it's all round it.
It was meant for concealed carrias, so they've rounded all

the edges.

Speaker 2 (26:19):
It has.

Speaker 4 (26:21):
Dry rations and the metal in the front and the
rear's got a nice oversized grip. It's undercut as you
can see, so you get out again an higher grip,
and it's incredibly accurate. I watched several of the videos
on it, and they were shocked that they were shooting
in basically like one big ragged hole with it at

twenty one feet.

Speaker 1 (26:42):
Jasey talk about Daniel's quickly here about Daniel's their warranty
and what they do to back these up.

Speaker 4 (26:49):
Well, it's probably no warranty. Better you read all these
accolades that are given to them by purchasers of their rifles. Again,
this is the first pistol that they've had. But in
the rifle, one guy his house caught on fire, burned down,
and his rifle burned up, and he sent it in
and they replaced it. They have a He said once
you once you have a Daniel Defense firearm, they will

take care of you. As a matter of fact, the president,
I happen to have what he's what uh what he
said here, but he basically just said, look, you buy
from Daniel Defense and we will take care of you.
The company stresses this lifetime guarantee. It mains in full effect,
you know, as long as you own their gun and
gives you peace of mind. The quote was from the president.

Our customers, that's the heart of everything we do, said
Rob reason CEO. Their trust and input drive us to
continuously improve. We don't just build firearms. We create lifelong
relationships with our customers by listening to their needs, standing
behind their products one hundred percent and anything that they
would do to upgrade their pistol if it's it's you know,
if it's something not custom you send it in and

they will do the free upgrade and send them back
to you.

Speaker 1 (27:54):
So which is stand seeing it on other things, they
stand behind them great firearm. We have new ones here
in stock. JC happens to have a used one that
we just got in with an optic already mounted to
it for a heck of a price to stop buy
and check them out. Jac Let's jump to a break
because on the other side, on the other side, we're
gonna talk about what we want under the Christmas tree.

This year, we're on Target broadcasting live from the shooto
Is of LPD Firearms Range. We'll be back right after
the break. Welcome back to on Target. We are approaching
the second hour of our two hour show. Let's listen
to the crowd. Listen, just listen to the Oh that's enough,
that's right, Pop, that's enough, guys, Welcome back. It is

time for that annual Every year we've done this every year,
pople since we've done this show. I think we've done
the show ten years now. And at this time of year,
we go around and just if I mean, we're not
telling people they have to buy us something, but if
they wanted to buy as something big a gesture and
so if they did want to buy something, we're gonna
go around and we're gonna do like quick hits on this. Okay,

so wet, you can't like go into you know everything
about it, So we're just what you want and tell
that you want to start pub you mean to start.
I'll start.

Speaker 2 (29:05):
Okay, you start, you have more, probably I have a lot.

Speaker 1 (29:08):
So if you're watching on Facebook or YouTube, if you're
not one of the things, and this is legit, I
really do want one of these. This is the Burner,
and we talked about it here, Glenn Beck and Sean
Henry talk about it. Oh, Paula, you hold that up.
You keep us on track. It has a place out
there for a less than lethal option, especially if you're

in your vehicle or even at home, if you're not
a gun person. It is a great product. We are
out at the moment. We should be ginning them back
in this week. Okay, I'm getting the acts. Okay, the Burner,
jac what do you got?

Speaker 4 (29:42):
I'm good.

Speaker 1 (29:42):
I looked forward over there too.

Speaker 4 (29:43):
I didn't see it anymore. But that's actually on It
really is on on my list at least less. If
you ever watch the videos of it, they are really
they will stop you almost done your tracks. And it's
non lethal.

Speaker 1 (29:54):
Uh safe. Uh just it's great.

Speaker 4 (29:57):
So yeah, add me to that list too. So we
doubled our burn Oh what the heck?

Speaker 1 (30:01):
Okay, Papa, how about you?

Speaker 2 (30:02):
I just want a family first aid kit. Oh, that's
that we have here now, just real quick, you really
don't need a kid when you know how to do
first eight. First eight is you stop the bleeding. You
do that with your hand, all right, yep. And then
if you have a break, you know you can you
can fabricate something. But the family first aid, kiss got

band aids. Yeah, and I'm always nicking myself.

Speaker 1 (30:29):
That is true. And with that, I don't know. Just
have a tourny kit in I mean, that's a big thing.

Speaker 3 (30:33):

Speaker 1 (30:34):
You see all the officers having turning kits. Keep them
all my cars?

Speaker 2 (30:37):
Yeah, I mean that's not sure. The one that we
sell for thirty four ninety nine.

Speaker 1 (30:41):
Yep, I don't know. That's a great stocking stuffer, it is. Yeah,
that really truly is.

Speaker 4 (30:47):
That's a good idea and you can get it just
a nick of time.

Speaker 1 (30:50):
That's right. Okay, I'm gonna because okay, guys now, don't
don't judge me on this next thing. But oh jeez, guys, now,
I don't want now. This is a transition.

Speaker 4 (31:03):
This is transition, transition.

Speaker 1 (31:05):
Gifts in this time of giving, it's not all about me.
So what I have here is a purse. And the
reason I show this part it's not for me, John, It's.

Speaker 2 (31:15):
That's not what you told me. And all I bought
them for my wife too.

Speaker 1 (31:19):
But they're really neat. I mean I've told they're fashionable.
They have a place to put a concealed firearm in them.
They're great. They're not all that expensive, and they are here.
I want to I'm taking a little bit shorter, so
I want to give back on my next thing.

Speaker 4 (31:33):
Okay, great, you can talk about those for great gifts.
So I'm just stopping and buy one for their wife.
Bring there, you go, bring them with JC.

Speaker 1 (31:41):
What do you got?

Speaker 4 (31:42):
Well, this is kind of a has a dual purpose here,
so uh, this is one of the reason I like this.
We're gonna want to say s toccato. So it's not
an expensive firearm, but this was owned by the quarterback
who won a national championship for the Ohio State University Buckeyes.

And it's had a very you know, it's had little use,
but it is U and it's got some custom features.
So this is the Staccato nine millimeter.

Speaker 1 (32:16):
It's their C two.

Speaker 4 (32:17):
But he but he went and had an extended he's
got big hands being a quarterback. Uh, so he got
the staccato extended a magazine Apard magazine, but he has
the longer frame on it and linked in the barrel
by putting on a compensator. So it's already an incredible

If you know, staccatos are expensive, they're just really really
excellent target and defensive guns. And it's got all sorts
of bells and whistles, and so my thirty seconds are up.
This is what I would have, right.

Speaker 1 (32:49):
You kind of went high on that, yeah, I mean,
all right, okay, that is nice.

Speaker 2 (32:53):
I stole this from Eric. This is eric gun that
he wants for Christmas. But I am the snubnosed type person.

Speaker 1 (33:02):
So now you want to wait a minute, wait, witt,
Look look how sharp that is?

Speaker 2 (33:07):
Look how sharp that is?

Speaker 1 (33:09):
Like I have one, I bet you, I bet you.
The other.

Speaker 2 (33:15):
Doesn't say tested for plus P plus.

Speaker 1 (33:18):
Oh it says plus. It says that in crank though it.

Speaker 4 (33:22):
Says that right away.

Speaker 1 (33:24):
Wait can I see that? No, that's just so I
am going to piggyback on this because I really wanted this.
This is a early model Smith Weston six forty. It's
in stainless steel. It is the Centennial, so there's no
exposed hammer. But what's unique about this? Read that Jac
is right? There is stamp from the factory like this.
Do you see it on the inside? Yeah, I just

but I just yeah.

Speaker 4 (33:46):
For plus P plus that's almost like proof loads. Now
does it come with a first aid kit? Because if
I were shipping the J frame with plus P plus,
I think I would be needing it.

Speaker 1 (33:57):
Incredible. Okay, put that back up. Okay, all right, yes,
all right, so I guess, uh wait, if you want that,
how do I get that?

Speaker 3 (34:06):

Speaker 1 (34:06):
Now you never know one really? All right, all right, guys,
it's mine. Okay, I'm gonna do I'm gonna squeeze two
things in the thirty second. One thing is I just
love these Magpool We all know Magpool, their their product
lines and stuff. They came out with a line of
hats and stuff. It is really well done, has little
candy canes on it in the midst with scraw skull

and cross. A neat little hat that was on my
list too. Wasn't really that exact one?

Speaker 2 (34:36):

Speaker 1 (34:36):
Yeah, I like that. The other one too is Oakley Sunglasses. Guys,
we're having a special arm here. This one has the
US flag on them. They are on sale for lesson
we paid for them, come check out. We probably got
I don't know, six seven eight nine left.

Speaker 2 (34:49):
Those sunglasses are great because I said on mine completely
disassembled the yes stems on them and.

Speaker 1 (34:55):
They pop back and they just snapped back there. Yes, right,
all right, jac what do you got?

Speaker 2 (35:00):

Speaker 4 (35:00):
All my stuff is big tickets. So I'm just hoping
to get one of the many things that I want.
But I need a a really good sub automatic shotgun.
So there's a couple of good ones over and over there.
I've just I'm kind of sat on either a Bretta
thirteen oh one, which would be lesser than my Benoi

M four that I would really really really want, but
they're both about the price of a car, so I
guess I can't have either. But that's stuff Santa wanted
to be good.

Speaker 2 (35:32):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, Okay, Papa, what you got, I'll take
this over that Age nine any day. Yeah, it went
old style, but it's Mitt and Wesson is a Model
thirty nine thirteen ts W patly Yeah, and it feels

great in my hands and I like it. I like
the old styles. They're heavier guns. I like the slide
release because it sticks out where I can do it
with my thumb, you know, like you're supposed to write
a nice gun good feel and uh and I'll pass
that down to you.

Speaker 1 (36:12):
You know what I'm gonna I'm gonna add fifteen of
my seconds to you, Paul, just to talk that that
is super neat. It is. It's neat because it's about
the size of a Smith and Western shield. But it's
the old school days were it only held six or
seven plus one. But Papa, you know what, back then,
that's all we needed. That's all we needed.

Speaker 2 (36:28):
That's all we need.

Speaker 1 (36:29):
It wasn't about this spray and pray six or seven
plus one. It feels great and.

Speaker 2 (36:33):
You're real good. It's a double action single double action,
single action, yep.

Speaker 1 (36:39):
And this one came in on a trade obviously, and
it is like new, Like my goodness, Yeah, that is sharp.

Speaker 4 (36:47):
That's just really nice.

Speaker 2 (36:49):
I think if our group out there would take up
a collection, I didn't have to wait for Christmas.

Speaker 4 (36:55):
Wow, do we have this for salors?

Speaker 1 (36:57):
Just to sure this is right now?

Speaker 2 (36:59):
It is in my possession, okay, all right, but it's
not legally mine.

Speaker 1 (37:06):
A body. You can get the path the back store
if you pass the background check. That's always a tough one. Yes, guys,
A couple of things to wrap it up here, and
this is just the Magalula speed loaders. Everyone should have
one one. Everyone should have three exactly.

Speaker 4 (37:22):
So uh yeah, don't if you have a chance, don't
get them in black on them because you can't find
them in your in your kit, so very black one.

Speaker 1 (37:29):
I can never find it.

Speaker 2 (37:30):
You're not wrapping it up because I want to jump, alright.
I want this one too for to ten shotgun lever action.
I love the wood on it with a pistol grip.

Speaker 1 (37:43):
Oh yeah, that's a Henry giants.

Speaker 4 (37:47):
Yeah, it's like a Henry they make just top.

Speaker 2 (37:49):
I love that top quality. I love it.

Speaker 1 (37:51):
Wow, that's pretty good Henry level action for that's nice.

Speaker 2 (37:56):
I know.

Speaker 1 (37:57):
All right, you got another hour. We gotta go, guys,
don't we again?

Speaker 4 (38:08):
Mm hmm
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