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July 25, 2024 13 mins
JD Vance needs to get out ahead of his childless comment
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Archie Griffins to dot the I atthe opener on August thirty first versus Achron.
So of course it's a home gameas a shoe and so the only
two time winner of the Heisman Trophyas well and Youl dot the I during
the Scrypto Higher performance by the OhioState Marching Band. He is sixty nine

years old right now, Archie isbecause it has his age listed here anyway,
joining a select group of honorees allowedto dot the eye, including comedian
Bob Hope, Golfer and of coursethe great Upper Well Upper Arlington native Jack
Nicholas and then Griffin's coach with theBuckeyes, Woody Hayes. The last person
to get to so was another formerfootball coacher, Old Bruce in twenty sixteen.

I remember Earl, that was towardsthe end there, and it was
emotional. I was talking to Iremember having that conversation and I was talking
to his daughter Lynn and his grandsonZach, and uh, just just how
sometimes when they miss him, they'llput on, uh you know, they'll

put on you know, that footageof him or whatever, you know,
dot Ney eye, and just howhow comforting it is. Yeah, just
to watch it, and uh yeah, man, so Dottie, the I
very special honor. Griffin goes onto say, I know that what he
was proud to have had that opportunity. I'm following his footsteps, extremely proud
of this opportunity. The original Greatforty five, the original Grade forty five.

Yeah, we didn't talking Billy D. Williams and Colt forty five,
h forty five before Trump was fortyfive, and forty five before katz Zamoyer
was forty five, so on andso forth. But there it is.
So that'll be cool to watch that, though, you know, it's so
funny, and living here my entirelife, I have yet to run into

somebody. And my wife works atOSU, so you know there's all kinds
of people there that have dealings withhim, and my father in law,
once upon a time was working forOSU as well and had many different times
where he would associate with Archie anddifferent types of things going on. I
have yet to run into anybody ormeet someone who said anything cross about that

man. I mean, everybody hasthe nicest things to say about him.
I've never had the joy of meetinghim, but I have literally never talked
to anybody who said the Alumni Association, You've got to raise a lot of
money. You can't really go aroundin the community and be a jerk,
can you. Yeah, I know, but some people just comes flying out.

They can't help it, you know. I still, I still don't
understand why Kats Someware was allowed towear Archie's jersey. I don't understand that.
I don't understand why that thing isnot retired. Nobody with defense,
I guess is the only thing Icould think, right, that's the old
because no one else has worn iton offense, correct, and I didn't

dig. So if I'm incorrect onthat, I I apologize, But I
you know, the only thing Ican think is because he was on the
other side of the ball. Butyou're right, I don't understand have Yeah,
yeah, nobody should be wearing that. You were correct, I definitely.
I mean it's like, you know, Chris Spielman, they should retire
his jersey. You know what I'msaying, thirty six you shouldn't be I

mean that nobody should be wearing thirtysix. Yeah, I mean, just
there's some very when when you wereall time legend, you just yeah,
I think you earned that right lastnight. And I brought this up earlier
when we started the show. Butto watch Biden speak last night, there's
all you know, you see mylisten my personal take. I don't I

don't agree with what some of thepeople are tearing him up on that he
looked awful. He sounded awful.I really felt like he looked Okay.
They brought once they once I sawsomebody go, he wasn't blinking very much.
I was started watching that, andthen I'm like, Okay, I
guess I can go with that becausethere really wasn't a lot of blinking once

that's pointed out. But I neverfelt I don't feel like watching and you
didn't watch Did you watch some ofthe clips though, at least from last
night, if you seen any coupleson Instagram? I don't feel like he
looks like he's on death's door.People are like, yeah, he looks
terrible. I'm just saying it.Look it's subjective. The way I didn't.
I didn't feel looking at him orI was like, did you watch

it, Zach? Did you happento see it? Zach? Did you
you didn't watch it? Okay,so you didn't. You don't have a
take either on that, But Idon't know. I look by no means
am I saying his message was Okay, there's a bunch of head scratching going
on. He gave no reason forgetting out of the race, literally gave

no reason. The other thing wasagain, I have yet to find out
if the word live was anywhere onthe screen while he spoke. I don't
know why. I didn't know.Typically i'll notice those things, especially in
a situation like this where you lookat his watch there's some still of the

video. You can zoom in.You can see it's not the same time.
So I don't know. One oftwo things. It was recorded,
which I'm not surprised if it was. It was recorded, it may have
been edited. I don't know ifit was edited. I don't feel like
it was obvious, because look,that's what I do for a living.
As far as editing sound, audio, so on and so forth, I

don't know what's all is involved inmaking it very seamless as far as video
goes. But I didn't think ifit was edited, I didn't feel like
there was anything obvious or I waslike, oh man, as Caden's completely
changed there as words almost overlapped,so they if they somebody edited that,
And yeah, the fact that itso one of two things. It was

recorded or he was wearing a watchthat was broken didn't have the right time
on it. Those are the onlytwo ways to to assess that last night.
So he gave no reason for gettingout of the race. None,
and then he just lied the restof the time about do anything to save
democracy. And meanwhile they're appointing somebodywho didn't even get any votes. Isn't

that what democracy? It is laughableto watch them. You know what I
think. I think they think mostAmericans AN don't know what democracy is or
b don't have the ability to lookup the definition of democracy, because why
else would they continue to try tohold on to this. And the gas
lighting continues. It's not going toend. It's only going to ramp up

the closer we get to the election. You know. And now today the
narrative is she was never the bordersare. That's and that's the talking points
that were sent out to all themainstream media. Clearly, today's talking points
are she was never the borders are. When Biden appointed her in charge of
the Southern border. There's actual audioof him saying this. Listen, I've

asked her the VP today because she'sthe most qualified person to do it,
to lead our efforts with Mexico andthe Northern Triangle and the countries that help.
We're gonna need help and stemming themovement of so many folks, stemming

the migration to our southern border.Okay, So that right there is the
definition of what she's trying to denyshe was in charge of. They're claiming
that her efforts were to focus onhow to focus on cultural and economic and
social issues south of the border sothat people wouldn't feel driven to come to

the border, but that she wasnever actually in charge of the physical border,
right, And they're going to arguesemantics. Now, that's what the
that's what they're really good at.They're going to go they're going to backpedal
and then try to argue semantics.And we remember we made fun. She
went over and they were talking aboutstreet lights in one of the areas.

Do you remember any of that streetlights equals safety there And that was one
of the things they were trying tosay they needed in one of the countries
and that would help the people notbe so scared to try to flee,
fleep the US. I think itwas something along those lines. I just

I can't. I can't with thesepeople. This is what we're gonna have
to do for the next four months, three and a half months, however
long it is. Oh god,I know how long ago has it been.
It's only been what three and ahalf weeks or so since the debate.
Does it feel like that happened solong ago to you? It does
to me. The debate feels likeanother lifetime ago. And it was literally

less than a month ago, iscramark? I think two days from now
will be one month. Uh.And then as far as Jade Vance goes,
I don't know if you've you reallyyou know, you just kind of
listened to me before we went on, and you didn't really offer up an
opinion. So as far let me, I'll set it up here. So

Jennifer Aniston, now it was firstit was the Swifties yesterday, and they're
going back to what was it twentytwo, twenty twenty two when jd Vance
is running for Senate and he basicallysaid, uh, women who've given who
haven't given birth like Kamala Harris arechildless cat ladies who are miserable at their

own lives, and they have nodirect stake in America. There are a
lot of women who I think supportTrump who are really pissed that he said
this. And I think yesterday wehad one particular caller who was focusing on
the no direct stake in America.Yeah, and she took she took comedy
with that. I believe her namewas Kelly. Yeah. Man. And

I don't know how you defend that. You don't And and this is a
problem, and this is what they'regoing to double down on. And this
is really really going to They're goingto beat this drum over and over again.
He needs to put this. They'regoing to use the fact that Kamala
is a woman, and that they'regoing to use They're going to bring up

the hysteria about Roe v. Wadethat Republicans are trying to ban abortion everywhere.
They're going to bring up the JDVan's childless cat lady. And they're
going to try to win this campaignby by dominating the female vote. That
was going to happen anyway. Butthis is just a bad look, and
especially when you have people who areTrump voters. How many childless Trump women

are there out there? How manylots of them? Yeah? Yeah,
But and and also it's if you'veknown people, and we both have known
people who could not have children,that is such an unfair thing to say
to them, even if you justchose not to have kids. Here's what

jd Vance needs to do. Ifhe feels like, WHOA, maybe I
uh, I miss I misspoke ormisstep here or I regret. I feel
like he needs to throw himself inthe mercy of the court, come out
and apologize and let then that wayas it continues to be brought up.
If he's brought up to him orwhatever, he can just say, listen,

I apologize for saying that I shouldnot have. If he feels like
he wants to stay with it,then stay with it. Let the chips
fall where they may. But Ifeel like it needs to be he needs
to say something about it, becausehe did say it. He's on,
he's on, there's audio of it. He did say it so well.

I wish that he would do somethingbecause that's you can't defend that as somebody
like me or somebody like you,Josh, you can't defend that with somebody
who's bringing that up, who's havingtrouble with it. That's not I'll get
over it. Your butt hurt,blah blah blah. You can't. You
can't say you can't take that stance. You just can't. Now if you

if you want to say these they'reangry cat ladies, Okay, that's right,
then it's just get to invoke thechildless the childless part and no direct
that was just stupid. And Ilike JD Van. Oh yeah, we're
both Jdvan supporters. I talked toJD Vans multiple times, both of us.
This friend of the show. Isaid him a friend of the show.

I even sent him a text whenhe when he got picked, I
sent him a text and I said, you know that, congratulations, good
for you, very proud of you, blah blah blah, all of that
stuff. But all of that beingsaid, I wish that he would address
this one way or another, sayI said what I said, and I'm
doubling down and I'm going to backit up, or uh, I probably
shouldn't have said that, and orI shouldn't have said whatever he needs to

do. I wish that he wouldaddress it, and then that way it
can be taken off and we canmove forward, because they're going to continue
to how what he really what hewas focused on, and he's right at
the core of it is to havethese bitter, angry liberal feminist women who
are very miserable and their their wholepersonality is about anger and justification and intersectionality,

feminist feminism and all that you know. Make that point. Don't leave
the child thing alone. Trafficing weathertogether from Drin Sunday Weather powered by the
Basement Doctor eighty three at your severeweather station, News Radio six Ton WTV
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