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August 26, 2024 15 mins
Jim Jordan Mondays
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Josh see East, Josh, how you doing, man? How was
the weekend good? Hopefully?

Speaker 2 (00:04):
Yeah, the weekend was awesome. It was cool. But what
just happened right fifteen seconds before we went on air
was not. I dropped my mountain dew.

Speaker 1 (00:14):
Like, what did you have like a can or like
a big cover it.

Speaker 2 (00:17):
Or a bottle? I've got a bottle.

Speaker 1 (00:19):
Did it explode?

Speaker 2 (00:20):
No? No, no, I just I'm gonna have to sit
here and look at my diet mountain dew for the
next fifteen minutes so it doesn't explode when I open it.

Speaker 1 (00:29):
Oh wait, so it's the bottle with the cap on it.
You dropped it. You open it, it's gonna be like
because I haven't even.

Speaker 2 (00:37):
Got a chance to open it. And I'm just sad
because I just finished off my Chinese leftovers from last night.
I'm thinking, Man, a diet mountain dew would watch this down. Well, well,
now I gotta sit here and look at it.

Speaker 1 (00:50):
You don't dare open that thing, because man, we'll have
an explosion in the in the studio.

Speaker 3 (00:54):
Don't do it.

Speaker 2 (00:55):
Yeah, no, I don't. I choose not to feel the
wrath of CEVOLDI over that, right, No, I absolutely agree
with you, man.

Speaker 1 (01:04):
That's a that is a wise choice, my friend, no question.
Congressman Jim Jordan is joining us now and uh, Congressman,
how are you welcome again to the show.

Speaker 3 (01:15):
Good to be with you, and once again surprised you're
open with talking about Mountain dew. I didn't know what
the timeline is, what the time as the response to
time or the attequate time. You have to let that set.

Speaker 2 (01:27):
I don't either.

Speaker 3 (01:27):
Gosh, is it I don't think it's fifteen, it's probably
five five. What do you think?

Speaker 1 (01:35):
I think you should do it in thirty seconds and
just let's roll the dice. Let's see what happened.

Speaker 2 (01:40):
If you hear me scream mid interviews, you'll know I
open it.

Speaker 3 (01:44):
Yeah, yeah, probably more than thirty seconds. But I don't
think it's fifteen minutes.

Speaker 2 (01:48):
Okay, then I'll take your word for it. I'll do
it like I'll do it like four more minutes.

Speaker 3 (01:54):
There you go, there you go. That's fair. That's frue,
congress could you do I used to mix it with
the orange juice I got for a hard workout. Now
that's that tastes pretty good? That's pretty wow.

Speaker 2 (02:04):
I'm can we fan of the dime Mountain do Congressman,
just because it's it's you know, it's got no you know,
no calories. But to me, it tastes just like it.
So I'll have to throw some OJ in there sometime.

Speaker 3 (02:13):
Thank you.

Speaker 1 (02:15):
Hey, can we get can we get everybody together, Congressman,
get the House together and have a vote on how
long Josh should wait to open.

Speaker 2 (02:22):
He should yeah, continuing resolution. That's what I did.

Speaker 3 (02:27):
Congress is wrong about so many things. We'd probably have
like some vote to say like, oh, you're fine after
a minute. You know, we'd be private. So what the
heck down to three minutes? Josh? Can you make it
three more minutes?

Speaker 2 (02:38):
I can do three minutes? Congressman, Yes, I camera, Okay,
all right, that's good.

Speaker 1 (02:43):
Yeah, it is uh today it is National Dog Day.
Do you have a dog? Congressman? Are you a dog?

Speaker 2 (02:49):

Speaker 3 (02:50):
We did. Chubbsy was a wonderful Corgie, but jobs, oh
that's the way. After we had ten years, she was
great and then but then you know, we travel so much.
Just tough. It's just tough. So we've never really had
a dog since since Chubbsey, who was who was tremendous.

Speaker 1 (03:05):
Yeah, I just wondered because I I kind of and
I'm not surprised to hear that you did have one.

Speaker 3 (03:11):
At some point.

Speaker 1 (03:11):
You kind of pegged me as a dog kind of person.

Speaker 3 (03:13):
You love dogs, so everybody loves dogs. Lot now helps
you trained herself like they like you let her out.
She would go in the in the tall grass because
we got like eight acres and we have we more
like forur you've got in the tall grass. I mean,
just like just amazing. Now they shed a lot, but
that was always that was always tough. But but yeah,
she was she was good and uh, the kids all
loved him. But as we said, had some kids around.

So it's been a while since we since.

Speaker 1 (03:38):
Pat chubsy Uh Congressman Jim Jordan joining us. So last
week big big news with regard to RFK Junior getting
behind Trump. I mean this is yeah, obviously big, very
big news, and you know, I think he probably somewhat
understood what he was getting into until like they've it

seems like mainstream media is clearly going after him harder
than they were so welcoming him into the Trump Club.
His life turning into a living hell, I think is
basically the way to probably quantify that whole thing. But
what are your thoughts when you saw that happen? Were
you surprised? I mean, how are you feeling? No?

Speaker 3 (04:19):
No, it was about It's about censorship. I mean, look,
we had him come testify. I mean, I've invited probably
more Democrats than maybe any Republican come testify in front
of our committee. But I invite Democrats who are like
Tulcy Gabbert testified in front of our committee. And it
was all in the censorship issue, big government pressuring big
tech to censor Americans, and we had Robert F. Kennedy

come in because they tried to bid. The ministrats tried
to censor him right from the get go. Third day
of administration, they tried to have one of his tweets
taken down. We got the email from the White House
to Twitter saying take down this tweet asap. So ke
Keino's first hand and he understands President Trump is the
is the and our party are the party of protecting
the First Amendment. I still remember that committee hearing with

RFK Junior. The Democrats tried to kick him out of
the committee, and I was thinking, like his name is Kennedy,
Like that's the name most associated with the Democrat Party
over the last what three quarters of the century, and
they tried to kick him out. That's how against free
speech and against the First Amendment they are. So it
didn't surprise me that he in the end is for

President Trump because he agrees with us on protecting your
First Amendment liberties.

Speaker 1 (05:27):
Where do you think Trump is going to install him
in this? And you know, provided well, I should say,
whin we win with seventy one days from now?

Speaker 3 (05:37):
Yeah? Yeah, And I think we're going to win too.
I think you know, they had the big PEP rally,
but at some point after the PEP rally, actually have
to play the game, and you know there's going to
be debates. We're going to get to the facts, We're
going to get to the issues. I think he's going
to win. Where the President decides to put our junior,
I'm not sure, but that kind of voice speaking out
for our ability to fully have our First Amendment liberties.

I told some the other day that, look, we can
recover from all the other stupid things that the Democrats
have done. This administration has done on tax policy, energy policy,
regulatory policy, everything else. But they start destroying the First
Amendment like they're doing. They don't really have one in Europe,
but what they're doing to free speech in Europe that
is frightening. And so I thought it was big news.

And wherever he's going to be, I'm not sure, but
I think it'll be a welcome addition to our team
and our protection of American's fundamental rights.

Speaker 1 (06:33):
Yeah, you talked about the four day pep rally if
you will in Chicago at the United Center last week
for the DNC turns out, First of all, I guess
walls do work, right, I mean multiple layers. Yeah, I
mean good lords.

Speaker 3 (06:48):
And walls and credentials. And ID imagine that maybe some
states I actually want to do that for voting purposes,
but I mean maybe not when you think about where
the Democrats are and they're the fact that they won't
take up our legislation that we passed a few months
ago that sits over the United States Senate.

Speaker 1 (07:09):
Yeah, that'd be racist if they did that. For elections,
you shouldn't ask anybody anything, just come on in and vote.

Speaker 3 (07:15):
Kind of a thing, I guess, right. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (07:18):
Also, now it coming out today, Kamala wants to change
the rules for the debate coming up on September tenth
on ABC, which they've already agreed to everything. Now she
wants to have notes with her, she wants to sit down.
It's unbelievable with what is happening with these people. Realism
is slapping her across the face right now. And this

is going to be a lot harder than this, this
whole honeymoon sugary time. Everybody's kind of describing it as,
but her wanting to change the rules. I am not
surprised about this, but man, she is. I guarantee she's scared.

Speaker 3 (07:51):
Yeah, I mean it's only ninety minutes. You can stay
it for ninety minutes forgot his sake, And that's that's
I think I personally prefer when you stand because it's
just there's just a different energy deal you have when
you're in a debate. So I think I think that
that makes sense. But but I do think the metaphor
of love like like there is a pepper. We've all
been a pepperalized in school in the pep rally and

the team's undefeated, there's nowhere we're going to lose, and
then suddenly you get on the field and you know
well there's another team who thinks the same thing, and
they actually kicked the ball off and you got a play.
Or in the sport i'm was most involved with, you
got to wrestle the match, and you know, before wrestling
and before talking about it's a lot different than actually
stepping on the mat and seeing who stop it. So
at some point we get to that whatever those rules are,

I don't really care all that much. I just wanted
to happen. And I do remember in the last debate
those rules we thought, okay, there's a kind of different,
but they seem to work out fine. Whether the mice
got cut, you had the whole time there was no
studio audience, So I'm not sure how they how they
do it, but I don't think it really matters. I
just want to have the debate, and I want to
see j D against Governor Wallace, and I want to,

you know, obviously see President Trump against Vice President Harris Hey.

Speaker 2 (08:58):
Congressman Jordan, I once you to know you can introduce
legislation into Congress that five minutes is exactly what it
needs for a diet mountain dew to calm down after
you drop it, because I am that's awesome.

Speaker 3 (09:12):
That is awesome. We now have we have data, we
have we've had an actual study.

Speaker 2 (09:17):
This is a this is an official study that we
just did on the air.

Speaker 3 (09:20):
Yes, I bet this is going to be the best
in diet Mountain dew.

Speaker 2 (09:25):
I'm telling you it tastes pretty good. Following that, uh,
following that, General so's chicken. I'm not gonna lie.

Speaker 3 (09:31):

Speaker 2 (09:31):
In all seriousness, though, let's let's talk about something that
you're warning people about, and that is how seriously at
risk our health care is going to be under President
Kamala Harris God forbids she were to ever win. You know,
Obama said if you if you like your health care,
you can keep it, blah blah blah. Well then how

many people lost their health care?

Speaker 1 (09:56):

Speaker 2 (09:56):
But she she's trying to eliminate private health care care.
Talk to people about the dangers of what's going to happen,
what the reality for every average day Americans is going
to look like for their healthcare insurance plan under Kamala wins.

Speaker 3 (10:12):
Well, she wants to get you know, she's talking about
getting rid of private insurance, private healthcare. Be like, what
are you talking about? So, yeah, you use the all
comparison President Obamason, if you like your healthcare, you can
keep it, of course that change, but she's getting more.
So it you like in private healthcare, we're going to
get rid of that too. This is how scary. And
then it's it's not just that, it's it's her position
on fracking. It's like, you know, we went from a

secure border to no boarder, and the Democrat Party made
the Border Czar their nominee. We went from safe streets
to record crime, and the Democrat Party made the individual
who said, if you did the riding in twenty twenty,
send bail money to help bail mount they made her
their nominee. We went from two dollars gas to four
dollar gas, and the lady who says he's against fracking,
they said that. They made her her nominee. And we

went from stable prices to recom inflation. And the lady
who voted for the Quote Inflation Reduction Act, which caused
in places got to spend a bull of trillions of
dollars of money. The person who made the voote for that,
Vice President Harris, the President of the Senate, they made
hurt the nominee. And now we also find out she's
the one who wants to get rid of your private
health and charts. That's their nominee. Again ast the PEP rally.

We're now getting to the facts and the issues in
the actual game and the debate. That's where the American
people can actually see what's going on and real quick.

Speaker 2 (11:24):
Because something else I know you addressed last week. You're talking,
we're talking about energy costs.

Speaker 3 (11:29):
You know.

Speaker 2 (11:29):
I don't know about you, but my electric bill is
off the charts this summer. It is absolutely ridiculous. And
if you're struggling to put groceries on the table, it's
hard to keep up with the electric bill. And quite frankly,
it's been ninety two degrees for the last four days.

Speaker 3 (11:47):
I hate to.

Speaker 2 (11:48):
Open my bill next month. But talk about what you
were addressing last week, and because I know this is
an important issue for you.

Speaker 3 (11:56):
Yeah, it's not like it was hot last summer's. I mean,
summers are always hot in Ohio. Go figure. But this
year the electric bill is a lot more. That is
because of that of the Biden Harris crazy energy policy.
I remember what President Trump talked about, we were energy
and dependent on our way to being energy dominant that
will help so much because one of the key things,

and just big picture sense, you want to lead militarily
in the world, you want to lead economically or diplomatically
in the world, you have to lead economically. And if
you want to lead economically, you've got to have readily
available energy at affordable costs, and right now it's not
that affordable, and American families understand it. That is another
key issue that again I think will be honed in
on during these upcoming debates.

Speaker 1 (12:39):
I only hope, Congressman, that people that the Americans and
there's plenty of us hurting with this current economy and
what we've been experiencing and what they're hearing from this
current administration. I only hope that they really are going
to heed the warning. If you will. I guess there's
I don't know, that's one way to put it. With

regard to everything they're telling us. It's like, believe what
they are saying, and people that are just voting down
party lines and kind of ignoring it. It's like, at
what point, how hard how much hurt has to happen
financially to you before you finally say, Okay, maybe they've
been lying to us. This whole time, because that's exactly
what we're witnessing real time, and her coming in going

on day one. Your day one was three and a
half years ago. Stop telling people you're going to try
to fix something that your administration broke. I mean, how
many different things have they broken and they're coming and
going on day one, we're going to fix the It's
just like, oh my gosh, these people, they know no bounds.
It's crazy.

Speaker 3 (13:42):
On day one they came in and said, no more
building the wall, no more remain in Mexico, and if
you cut to our borders, you will not be detained,
you will be released. The ten million migrants have now
come in the country and the borders are is down
now there nominee. On day three, there was an email
from the White House to Twitter saying take down this
tweet asap. And it was a tweet from Robert F.

Kennedy Junior. And that's what they did on day three,
going after their political opponent, asking big tech two censor
their political opponent. So it's no wonder he decided last
Friday he wants to be on the team that is
for protecting your First Amendment rights. That's who this administration
is and again, I think all that's going to become
clear over the next seventy one days.

Speaker 1 (14:25):
That's good stuff. And I think the momentum they kind
of snatched the momentum back right after that, you know,
the fourth day, and you know how everybody's celebrating like
you put at the PEP rally and so on, and
then on Friday, boom this drops. And then I feel
like the momentum kind of swung back there. And then
now there's talks that like some other crazy stuff may
or may not happen too, so we'll see.

Speaker 3 (14:47):
Yeah, yeah, I think it's I think again I'm ready
for the debates. Let's get all with it. Let's let's
get the issues out there, and then let's make sure
President Trump is our next president. And JD Vance, our
great senators, our xt VP.

Speaker 1 (14:59):
For sure, Congress and Jim Jordan thanks for joining us.

Speaker 3 (15:01):
You bet guy, see you doctor blug it out and
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