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July 30, 2024 14 mins
Pool talk and crazy Kamala
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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You know, I can't stop thinkingof the scene in uh dag got it?
What's the name of the movie.It's Adam Sandler Chris Rock Grown Ups,
that's it, dag gonet. Whycouldn't I remember it? Where they
they're in the pool and it turnsblue because they're peeing in the pool.

There's like a certain thing that theyput it. And here's why I can't
get that, you know that sceneout of my head or it happened to
you last night? No, no, I did not do that in the
pool. No, no, no, no. Olympic Swimmers policy. This
is the name of this of thisarticle, Olympic Swimmers policy on peeing in

the pool. It is a normalpractice for them. Did you know this?
Because I had no idea. Well, they don't have time, yeah,
exactly, which you know what,when I started reading, I go,
you know, that makes sense.But then I thought, it's good
they don't have that blue stuff.You know that that indicates that's what you're
doing. Think about how blue thatwhole pool would be one of them and

it names these people. I don'tknow. I wouldn't know them if they
walk through the studio door right now. But this was they were talking about
the Wall Street Journal about this,and some of them have thoughts on this.
As far as peeing in the swimmingpool Katie Hoff and I'm guessing these
are all competitors. It sounds grossto outsiders, but because there's so much

chlorine in the pool, you don'teven think about it, so they do
that. Also. Lily King,she goes every single pool I've swim in,
I peed in it. I'm justlike what, and she goes,
that's just how it goes. Ican actually do that while I'm swimming,
literally while she's swimming, she's doingthat. You know, is that some
talent? That's kind of some talent. It's very talented. I mean,

if you can actually swim full strideand not be distracted by it. Of
course she's done it at this pointthousands of times, so it's literally like
you're just so relaxed that everything happens. We're going We're going to my mother
in law's this weekend for a poolday. I'm gonna have to try it.
Hey, Carol, you don't havethat blue stuff in here, do

you know? Okay? I wantedto try something. You're totally giving it
away at that point. If youeven asked that, but it's probably smart
to ask ahead of time. Isthis a public pool or is this a
part of my wife or my wife'smom my mother in law Carol there,
geez, my mother in law Carol'sgot a really nice indoor pool or inground

pointing oh, in ground Yeah,no, not indoor inground, man.
I always wanted one of those growingup. I was in ground pool.
Yeah, I like, which Ihad one of the nobody in the neighborhood
had. We didn't live in aneighborhood where you know, anybody had.
She lives in the middle. Imean she lives outside of Tiffin. She
lives between Bascombe and Tiffin. Okay, And like you're like, yes,

Josh, thank you. That helpsme because I know exactly where I know,
I don't what the hell are youtalking about. So it's a very
rural area, yes, And sobasically she's surrounded by fields, but there
is there's this farmhouse there and boom'sthis beautiful pool, beautiful pool and it's
been there a while. I'm guessingthe pool I've known my wife for this

October will be twenty three years.It's been there since before my wife and
I got together. Point being thereason I said that was she got it
when it was actually affordable. Iguess it's all relative though, because it
was really expensive to her when shegot it. I'm sure. Because now
you put anything decent in I thinkyou're talking upwards of seventy five grand,
probably even more depending maybe even sixfigures for a really good, decent sized

pool in ground and all. Haveyou ever seen that show on oh Gosh,
Home and Gardener, I don't know, and maybe it was even whatever.
There's a show where it's like,literally, these guys just designed the
most insane pools, and these thepeople that all work for like have these
mega mansions. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, Oh that is

fascinating. I've seen they brea theygot like a grot They don't look like
grottos and stuff inside people's pools.Yes, reminds me when you, as
a matter of fact, on thatshow. It maybe not, it might
not be that exact show. Oneof those type shows I remember these crazy
rich millionaire people. They had onethat they had put in their house that

was exactly like one of the Disneyresorts. They stated the grotto, all
of that, it literally was exact. They took this, you know the
way it looks obviously a bunch ofpictures and then had that put in their
problem. Think about them, Thinkabout that kid's friends, like they're gone,
you know, their their friends wantto be over all the time.

They're like, they have the coolestpool there. It looks just like the
you know, fill in the black. I don't know if it's I don't
know if it's uh, you know, one of the it's one of the
high end resorts there at Disney,you know, and it's crazy. But
yeah, that was really cool.But a little baby inflatable pool, I
know. You know what on topof everything else, one of those above

ground hard plastic what we never Ididn't want to do because Jenny would always
be like, hey, let's getone. I'm like, no, man,
it messes up my lost Siota Valley'sgot to sail this weekend this week
and so there you go. It'stheir outdoor tent sail at. It's random,
how dido the valley? It's crazy, you know that? Because I
saw the commercial, I just well, you know, they saw spas and

they saw the pull table. Youpull you get above ground pool there.
I believe foods ball table. Youknow, you can swim up in Vegas
and play blackjack at the pool,like there's literally water the plastic cards.
Well no, well yeah, butit's an actual blackjack that you can swim
up to. At Caesar's has one, and you know, they're actual stools

down in the water. You cansit down right there and the dealers are
in you know, bathing suits orwhatever, and there's a few of them
and they behind them is the bar. So you can swim up and literally
play blackjack while you're out there atthe pool. Swim over and play some
hands and then keep swimming or whatever. Are there any hot dealers? Sure?
Are you kidding me? Well,yeah, they're not putting. They're

not putting the ugly ones out therein bikinis or whatever you're saying. I
couldn't be a dealer at a poolat Caesar's from blackjack only if you wear
that that one speedo thing that theFrench exactly, that's what you need to
put a bow on this. TheOlympic swimmers policy on peeing in the pool.

Another gal Colin Jones goes, younever want to swim through a warm
patch or crop dusting everyone that's foul. Ooh. I was just like,
what these people, these these animals. But to your point, think about
it, if they're out there theydon't have sometimes, and think about how
much hydration they have to do,you know, all of those things.

Yes, so white dudes for Harris, they they raised over four million dollars
right now. And by the way, I was just reading that Joe Burrow.
It was one of the publications therein Cincinnati. Somehow it you know,
it got into the the gossip millthat he was part of some you

know, wide movement with this whiteDudes for Harris thing that he was on
a call or something, some sortof a big call, and he's denying
all of it. And then theBengals are obviously putting out a statement saying,
look, he's the that is nothim, that's not part of what
he was doing. And you evenbrought up you were like, you'll never
convince me that that they're not conservative. Maybe his family they strike me,

yes, lefty loose. Yeah,I'm not saying that they're diehard Trumpers,
but they did not. They're certainlynot not lefties, not crazy lefties.
And if they are, you canknock me over with a feather, right
over one hundred ninety thousand participants jointhis call. This was last night.

Wait wait, wait, what's today? It's today, Wednesday, Tuesday,
Today's Tuesday. Sorry they joined thecall Monday night. One hundred and fifty
thousand people joined this group. It'swhite dudes for Harris. You know what,
what if we had like, youknow, white dudes for Trump,
you know, or you know,white chicks for Trump, do you think
that that would go over? Well, wouldn't that wouldn't that turn into all

you guys, that's a dog?This is racist. And these are the
kind of guys that carry a satcheland have a man bun and talk about
their white privilege. I mean,let's be real, they might as well
just call it guys who sit topee for Harris. The vibes right now
are incredible. Buddhaj Edge was tellingthe reporter, Oh, Booty Juice knows
all about the vibes. Huh,yes he does. He said, they're

incredible right now for this incredible,the white dudes for Harris. And look,
earlier I was saying, if youhave somebody, a loved one that
you know is thinking about voting forher or maybe falling prey to the identity
politics that is happening so hot andheavy right now for her, I wanted

to make sure that if they hadnot heard this, this is not doctored
at all. I swear to you, this is not doctors. As a
matter of fact, this was somethingthat Elon Musk had he had poted or
he had put on X, hehad posted it on X, and I
just I was sitting there listening toit going I kind of remember this because

I think it's from a couple ofyears ago, but it is relevant.
This is since she's been vice presidentand this whole stupid message her in Biden
are trying to clab her America with. But this is her talking about what
she would do to improve inflation.You want to talk about a word salad.
Listen to this. Prices have goneup and families and individuals are dealing

with the realities of that bread costsmore, that gas costs more, and
we have to understand what that means. That's about the cost of living going
up. That's about having to stressand stretch limited resources. That's about a
source of stress for families that isnot only economic, but is on a

daily level, something that is aheavy weight to carry, so it is
something that we take very seriously.But there is also a point that is
important to make on the Build backBetter framework. One, it is designed
to make it less expensive for workingpeople to live. It was specifically designed

to bring down the cost of childcareand increase accessibility and availability. What happened,
designed to bring down the cost ofelder care. Oh and make it
available to all those working families thatneed that support and need that help.
What happened and Bill back Better isnot going to cost anything. We're paying

for it. Oh yeah, nice, it's not going to cost anything.
We're paying for it. This isthe person who wants to run the United
States. See this is see thehoneymoon's coming to an end with her.
The media, the media is tryingto take that away. Once people listen
to this vapid buffoon talk, dude, they'll go back. Trump is If

I'm Trump, I literally ask todebate her once a week. Once a
week, let's go every Tuesday night, tell the election we were debating.
You know. Trump brings up agreat point last night on the Ingram.
He's like, as far as thedebate goes, he goes, Yes,
I absolutely would debate her. Iget, but it needs to happen before

the before voting early voting starts,and in Pennsylvania that is the sixteenth of
August. Do you believe we're thatclose? He goes, So it needs
to happen by the fifteenth or earlier. He goes, I believe before early
voting starts, we should have atleast one debate her and I but you
know, I start thinking about this. He's making he's sinking money into ads

already going after her. Could thisbe a ploy of some sort where he
spends a bunch of money and thenthey do another switcheroo? Or am I
giving him too much credit here?I mean, I just was going Could
that really? They're not going todo another switch roo? This is they're
commanded. They're all in with her. I mean, think about how much
money he will have quote unquote wastedat that point if they switched up again.

Now they can't because she's raised toomuch money. She's got all the
billionaire liberal donors on her side.They're not switching. She is going to
be the candidates. It's done,it's over. Forget about it. I'm
that confident of it. I wouldbet everything I have in my life on

it. Also, it's going tobe tougher to google and find different things,
she said over the past few yearsbecause of the end quotes, I'm
doing air quotes. Algorithms, that'swhat they're blaming it on. Algorithms are
well, make sure you're looking forpeople who are conservative on any social media
and stuff that they're posting, becausea lot of people have they have captured

that and they're reposting it now.To make sure you're crystal clear on who
you're voting for in this situation.Well, you know, basically that picture
of Trump put this fist in theair and the flag in the background with
the agents around him was getting flaggedall over Facebook and taken down and Meta
basically had to apologize because they weretrying to say this has been fatch,

this is misleading, unbelievable, unbelievawould go to post that picture. They
didn't do that to me, andI posted it as my actual profile picture
and it's been there. It juststarted over the last week
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