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July 23, 2024 11 mins
Ridiculous rules for pot dispensaries
Mark as Played

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Man, these Olympic athletes, andI know you know it's coming up this
week as starting Friday. You weretelling me, Josh, But these Olympic
athletes, it is crazy the moneythat they're getting paid. Countries with the
highest payouts for golden medals at theSummer Olympics and Chief Meteorologist Marshall McPeak joining
us. Now, I'm going toguess Dubai because they just have billions and

billions and billions of dollars to giveaway, you know what you would think.
And this is just the top tenand they're not listed in it.
Okay, Greece just under one hundredthousand, this is payouts for gold medals
ninety six and some change. ThenSpain it goes up over six figures one
oh one, then Kosovo one ohseven, Ukraine at one hundred and twenty

five thousand, Hungary one hundred andfifty five thousand, Lithuania one hundred and
eighty thousand and some change, onehundred ninety three thousand for Italy, Morocco
at three two hundred thousand, Malaysiatwo hundred and twelve and some change,
and then Serbia at two hundred andfourteen nine hundred dollars for a gold medal
if you win a gold medal?Do they have gold? Do they pay

out for gold medals you want inyour mind in the world of broadcasting,
because you, me and Marshall aredo for payout? I would I would
say that, I like where you'regoing with that. Who do we need?
Who do we need to speak to? Marshall? Get ahold of the
people? You know? I havemy people call your people and they'll talk
to some other people and get itall done. Yeah. I was gonna
say, you'll have your people callour people and then they'll try to talk

to other people and then they'll allgo, you guys, be quiet.
You're not getting anything. They're gettingsquat. Shut up. Yeah, yeah,
you've We've come up with a pileof squat for you. That's it.
Okay, how about new one?Now about a me dollar? How

about a tall glass of new Howabout that? Wash that down with a
side of news? See what isBen Stiller in? Uh? What does
that Billy Madison? Or is thathappy Go? I think happy Gi Moore
when his grandma has to go tothe nurse home. Oh yeah, ohs
honey, Can I get a warmglass of milk. He ben stellar looks
like us. You can get awarm glass. Shut the hell up.

You're in my world now. Grannylike to play such a like meat he
had the flu man chew gone.He puts like the smile when he's like
he like all the families there,and then when they're gone, he's like
a slave driver. Just a jerk, crazy man anyway. So I thought
that was kind of interesting Marshall,that you know, man, it's it

pays to win a gold medal forthose different countries, man geez. And
in some cases it sounded like countriesthat actually have some more important things going
on right now, to be perfectlyhonest, and USA get considerably thirty seven
five for a gold medal for theUSA, twenty two five for silver,

and fifteen grand for every bronze.Well, see when you're Michael Phelps and
you win like fourteen every Olympics,it adds up, so it does.
Yeah, yeah, Sweetie's endorsement,right, you can say. Then you
get those endorsements and that's going tobump those numbers up pretty significantly, so
you end up with some pretty goodcash. Remember all the food that they
had, it all spread out.I think it might have been on GMA
where they had like all the foodspread out, what he eats, it's

like twelve thousand cavalies, twelve tofourteen thousand calories as he's preparing for the
Olympics. It was crazy. Itwas crazy, Like you saw the food.
We call that a good Wednesday.I love it. I love it.
Marshall's like, that's not the dailyrecommended allowance. I don't understand.
You're walking about it and there's plentyof ice cream on a daily basis.

These these nice little old ladies arewatching that going. I hope he doesn't
get in the water right after heeats all that. You're supposed to wait
a half an hour, wait anhour, for an hour even Yeah,
funky. We've got some storms outthere at the moment. Some of these
are doing some pretty good workout there. So what we have in Muskingham County
right now, from Zanesville on upinto Adamsville is a really strong storm with

some very heavy downpours. Kashuckton likelygetting some at least a quarter to half
inch hail out of that storm.There's another one down in Mcconnellsville with some
real downpours and this is just aboutto move from the planes into Athens with
some heavy ran there. We hadsome pretty good rain come through Columbus a
little while ago. Most of FranklinCounty is dry at the moment, except

there's a brand new cell that haspopped up in the last couple of minutes
up on the northern outer belt northof Worthington and south of Powell. So
it's just about to come across twentythree and three point fifteen that mayee King's
a little wet up in that neighborhood. So plan on some showers and thunderstorms
over the next few hours, someof these with some real downpours. It's
gonna make it muggy out there.Tonight. We'll drop to sixty seven for

the low. On Wednesday, planon showers and thunderstorms again during the afternoon,
especially the high in neear eighty seven. That's gonna feel more like lower
nineties. The rain will finish upThursday morning. Thursday afternoon we get some
sunshine, and Friday and Saturday lookgorgeous. All right, Marshall, thank
you. It is eighty two rightnow. Hey, Kevin sent me a

DM and he goes the watch themtry to charge Trump with election interference because
he turned his head and didn't getshot. Kind of do our point earlier
when we were like the Babylon bwas just like, they're going to charge
him for something, Yes, obstructionof assassination exactly. Man, Kevin,
thank you. I appreciate that.That's very funny and thanks for playing along.

I mean, that's a very funny. A lot of Ohioans likely planning
to celebrate the start of recreational marijuanasales here in the state of Ohio,
and it goes on, it reads, but don't expect the festival like atmosphere
dispensaries. Really, who's the partypolice, who's the party? Who's doing

that? Who's gonna stop people whowant to celebrate or as happy that it's
finally, you know, happening herein Ohio. And you know, I
mean, who's this? You can'tstop it? If there's gonna be a
party, Like I reading these rules, it's just like, you fuddy duddies,
what are you doing? They're tryingtheir hardest to throw no wet blanket.

I'm sorry. The culture has movedon without you. Recreational marijuana is
not going away. It's only goingto spread to more and more states,
and quite frankly, I trust somebody. I would rather be around somebody who's
stoned on pot than some pilled upalcoholic every day, all day on Sunday,

because I've been around them my ownfamily, alcoholic pill heads. Yeah,
I mean, stop treating this asthough you know we're we've legalized heroin
the Ohio of course, uh reasentlywell, No, it says reasonably released
guidelines for what the shops are outand largely not allowed to do, and
the Division of Cannabis Control issued guidancerelated to dual use dispenseries opening to activities.

Prohibitions include no consumption of cannabis.In other words, right there on
the on the property, you're notallowed to fire it up as you're walking
out. You don't even make itto the door. You just kind of
spark it up. And yeah,no, I'll tell you this. Have
you have you ever partaken in Canada? Do you they have very loose It's

very loose there. It's been aminute since I've been to windsor why is
it like Las Vegas? You justwalked down the street. Well, just
like pot everywhere, because I knowyou've been to the casino a couple of
times up there. Yeah, soyeah, I know for a fact,
how can I put So I waswith somebody who was like, hey,

uh do I can I? Uh? Is it okay if I light up
in here? And they said,no, you're not allowed to do it
here in the store, but assoon as you get out the front door
by all means. So he looksat me and he's like, let's go
out front. So we go outthere, and so he has a he
has a uh pre roll, apre roll exactly. I was trying to
think of the name of it.And he's standing there and he literally an

officer, a police officer drives byand stops at the red light where we
were and waits on your buddy's smokinga fatty due in front of the He
waves hid the officers like hey,and he was just like he looked at
me. He was like, thisis crazy, man, And I was
like, I don't know. Hewas like, dad, gone, this
is crazy. And do you rememberif you do make it to one of

these newer dispensaries, Uh, yougot you got. You can't just sit
there at a you know, Oh, let's go on a let's go on
a back patio and you know,sit on a cafe sidewalk and fire it
up. And it's not for publicconsumption. You treat it almost it's alcohol.
You can't just walk down the streetwith a beer unless it's one of
those designated zones they have the Dora. Yeah, Dora Yeah, like bridge

parks at Dora. Uh. Nofood trucks, other food offered for sale
or complimentary. What do you realizethat is the gold mine for food trucks
just to park near the weed store. You need to open a doughnut place
literally next door to a dispensary.Do you understand the kind of you'll retire

by the end of the year.You'll be able to retire by the end
of the you put yeah, putit. If you put a Graters next
to dispensary, it's like Greaters islike, well, this store alone accounted
for fifty percent of our quarterly profits. And then also have Dorito's and ho
Hos there too. Yeah. Justbecause no music outside the dispensary, no

product displays outside the dispensary, nocelebratory decor, unapproved sign outside the dispensary,
no ribbon cutting. What eighty fiveyear old out to Touch Moron wrote
these stupid rules. Dispensaries are allowedmusic inside the dispensary. It says not
live, so you can't have aband playing in there, so there'll be

no There'll be no live bands.Non alcoholic beverages may be provided to guest
complimentary inside the dispensary. Oh thankyou for allowing the dispensaries to give us
a side in ninety degree heat.I'm allowed to have a bottle of water.
Oh thank you, dear overlords ofthe legislator. Oh I love you,
Thank you. The product displays bycultivator or processor, empty packaging,

No cannabis inside the dispensary not visiblefrom the exterior of the building. Approved
signage and celebratory decor inside the dispensary. Ribbon cuttings inside the dispensary. So,
in other words, if it's insidethe dispensary, everything's cool except the
live band go to the dispensary.But you got to be miserable. You
gotta be sad looking, keep yourmouth shut, don't even look up,

and don't even think about firing upa dude while you're in there.
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