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July 25, 2024 8 mins
Stump Stacia
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Uh, people who may be newerto this situation of going, why the
hell are they playing the play NewKids on the Block and Mariah Carey regularly.
Yeah, we do not. Weour bumper. Our bumper goes everything
from Michael Jackson to Van Halen toMetallica to Mariah to Huey Lewis and the
News. I mean, for comeon, you know music, actual music.

Don't act like the Mariah and NewKids are just for me. Don't
act like it. Josh, It'sokay, you're right, let's bring it,
mush. So, did Marshall haveany of these fantastic deviled eggs yesterday?
Too? I missed out on thedevil eggs. I missed that one.

But you had the pickley things,the pizza. You liked the pizza,
and the lemonade. You had lemonade, pickle pizza. So so here's
the thing. And and and Iwill say this publicly, I'm so sorry.
I thought I knew that was coming. So there's pickle lemonade. And
so we did the pickle pizza,and and the idea was, okay,

there's this, and I need torun out of the frame and then we're
going to bring in this pickle,the pickle lemonade, and she's gonna try
that. And I, honest toGod, thought you knew that it was
pickle lemonade. Ah, but Sishadid not know that and thought it was
regular lemonade. And to a giantswig, And it was a genuine reaction.

It was like drinking salt water.I just thought it was the weirdest
and it was not what I Andyou know when you when the your waiter
brings you the wrong you think it'sgonna be doctor pepper and it's actually diet
coke. The other way around.It just is so shocking. Or you
get tea and it's sweet tea,Like it's that moment where you're like,
what is that? But I likea dirty martini, that's the thing.

Like I like the salty, somaybe you would like that. Well,
I don't know, though, notlemonade. I like lemonade. I like,
you know, the salty pickoli,but that's not pickle. That's the
perfect summertime drink. I love it. You know, who is the best
lemonade in the city? Raising canes? Oh really, I will try to
raising kings. And I even affordgoo the fingers because I'm you know,
I lost sixty pounds. I'm tryingnot to eat as much, but I

will get a lemonade. I donot care. That's it's that good.
Actually, the fingers probably have fewercalories that lemonade. You probably like Marshall's
nutritional content too. It has tobe one or the other. I'm not
gonna I gotcha. Yeah. No, it actually is a really nice combination
of just it's just a little bitof the of the salty brine with the

lemonade. It's a it's actually areally nice balance. I would have that
again. But the dirty martini iswith all of juice, not pickle juice,
so it's very different. Clearly,you like pickles, you will like
the pickle pizza. You will likepickle lemonade like the pickles. There's a
pickle dorito. It's a spicy pickleddoritos right now. That are fantastic.

I mean, they're so good.I out there. I like pickles.
I don't want them near my pizza, and I sure as hell don't want
them in my beautiful, precious lemonade. Here's the thing. I have a
sister who is a vegan. Sheeats pickle pizza. She eats pickle pizza
with no geese on it, andso that's what it is. I think
it might actually be helpful if wedidn't call it pizza, if we just

called it like pickle bread, itwas not helpful. But no, But
because when we say pizza, youhave a preconceived idea of what that's going
on, right, So if wecall it maybe pickle bread, it's kind
of like, no, those aren'tmashed potatoes. That's still cauliflower, right,
So don't call it mashed potatoes.Call it mashed cauliflower. I'm good

with that. I'll eat that.But I know what it is, and
I don't have a preconceived concept of, oh, this is going to be
mashed potatoes. It's not. Ihate to move this forward. I'm sorry,
we're going to run out of time. We still have to do stump
stage of Marshall. I apologize,Bartley. Cloudy sixty one overnight tonight,
low humidity tomorrow in eighty four,sunshine Saturday in eighty eight. Sorry to

hurry you along. You know howit goes when you have a We're up
against it here a little bit.But Marshall, thank you very much,
here's the forecast. There's gonna beweather back to you, and we can
take a long time about pickle things. Yes, heaven, that can keep
going and going and going. Soall right, without further ado, it
is time for Stumped stay shop.It's so nice you're both back. Everybody

saying the things when they're supposed tosay that. Yeah, two part harmony.
Do you hear that? We have? We make it? Do you
think we can open for Mariah atthat Las Vegas residency? Sure? Well,
we both wear wigs and you wantto be Milly or Vanilly. I'll
be Vanilly. Okay, I'll beMilly. So there it is Millie Blazer

Brown. That's what I'll go by. That's really good. All right,
here we it's Stump Station. Wehave three headlines, two of which today
will be real, one will befake. Here's your first headline. Florida
man tries to evade police by spraypainting himself green to blend in with lawn.

Oh right, okay, I've heardabout this. They call it in
the Disney World. They call itgo away green. Something that you don't
want to see or you want itto fade into the background. Yeah,
you heard it. Camouflage, sohe evades authorities with by spray painting his
self green to blend in with thelawn. I had no idea there was
an actual term for it. Goaway green. That's what he did.

He wanted to go away, sohe went with green. Headlines been written
over the years. Florida Man.Yes, it starts there, Florida Man,
and it's just like and then usuallywhen it's finished, you go man
figures Florida. It starts with Floridaman, and you're like, well,
it's probably true. Yeah, likethe last one I read, Florida man

gets fifth duy after being hold overon a lawnmower. To absolutely guarantee that
happened. Yes, that's true,all right. Not one of our headlines
though, No no, no,no, no, no no no,
Josh your head uh stay shop.A plant potted fifteen years ago grows into
three hundred foot monsters. Oh wow, I am a plant lady. I

don't know if we've talked about thisbefore, but I'm fascinated, Like,
I will propagate plants, and Itry real hard. I have minimal success.
What was it again, plant pottedA plant? Yeah, plant potted
fifteen years ago has grown into athree hundred foot monster. Three hundred foot
monster. That's my dream. Wow, that person's really doing it right,

that's amazing. Okay. Third andfinal headline, Again today you're choosing the
fake news. Third and final headline. Man claims eternal youth from drinking steamed
veggie water. Man claims eternal youthfrom drinking steamed veggie water. Steamed veggie
water. And that's probably some truthin a just water in general. And

then you've got all of the nutrientsreaching the water when you steam them.
Okay, okay, all right,I think let's see. All right,
I don't recognize any of these,so I'm gonna say that first off,
she's gonna try pressure. Okay.The man claims the eternal youth from steamed

veggie water. Ihing like that one'sprobably true. He probably does claim that.
I don't know if it's actually true, but he probably claims it.
The plant potted fifteen years ago turnsinto a three hundred foot monster. That
is intriguing to me. But we'vegot our Florida man over here evading authorities
by spray painting himself green to matchthe grass. Now, because we have

established that anything could possibly be true. With the Florida man, I'm gonna
go with that. A is thefake news today, you got it,
that's it, all right. Ohmy gosh, I thought you were gonna
say the Florida thing. Anything's possibleof them, that's probably true, It
is probably true, and yet that'ssomehow figured it out. That is the

fake news. Two in a row? Yeah really? All right? Come
on here, I'm reetting all excitedfor two in a row. Up when
she breaks her record thirteen in arow, She's going for a scorcher three
in a row next, sweet,I love it alright, Trafficking weather together
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