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July 25, 2024 12 mins
There was an insurrection at the Capitol yesterday
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Station will be here. She's intransit right now, so she'll be here
momentarily. So uh, I guessif you read, if you're listening to
any of the mainstream media and youbelieve any of it, not only is
Trump struggling to uh, I don'tknow, keep up with Kama or get
any traction if you will, butshe was never the border zar either,

so you know, just want tomake sure you guys are completely solid on
everything. It's like the sky isblue and they're like, no, no,
I mean, I hate to usethat easy of an analogy, but
it is. That's really what's happening. There are so many different news clips
and articles, and so she wassaying she speaks for me up on the

border. She will be leading ourborder task Force. He didn't come out
and say Czar. Yeah. Butthere are plenty of media calling, including
CNN and all the other mainstream mediaall that time, going, the borders
are, Kamala Harris, Kamala Harris, borders are the Vice president's she's been
deemed the borders are, and KJPtoday is going she was not. The
borders did just lie. All Bidendid was lie last night. And by

the way, that wasn't live.That was not live last night. Now
I don't know if they can.I watched it, and I still can't
remember seeing in the upper left handcorner or lower one of the corners.
Typically it'll say live if it's live, and I don't remember if it was.
But you can see on his watchthat you know, people started,
they froze it, and for me, I double checked. I went on

YouTube to rewatch it, and Ido have it recorded, but I didn't
watch the recording, so I canactually look at what I recorded last night
when I get home and double checkhis watch to see and you can tell
by his watch it is not eighteight pm. So that was not That
was not live, you know what. And again not saying I don't know

if they were saying that it wasor if that was displayed. You didn't
watch it, so you were unableto check that out last night. But
quite frankly, he said a bunchof stuff that was all lies about how
he wants to preserve democracy. Yetthey're appointing the person who is going to
be representing the Democrats as president torun for president. She's appointed, no

voting, no nothing, and they'rethe they're trying to preserve democracy. Meanwhile,
meanwhile, nobody, and I meannobody's talking about the insurrection happening in
Washington, DC right now. Ohmy gosh, there's a full blown insurrection.

The United States flag at the Capitolof the United State, at the
US capital yesterday was lowered, burned, and replaced with a Palestinian flag.
How is that not an insurrection?You took down the flag the capital.
That's literally how when you would capturesomeone else's for what's the first thing you

do? You take their flag down, you raise yours. I feel like
I'm taking crazy pills. And themedia, the media is complicit. I
got I hold there are tribunals oneday, and I want the media first.
I want to hold the media accountablefirst. And these people need to
be in jail, and under thejail, some of them. This is

ridiculous, the lies they continue totell us day and day and day out,
the things that they spin, thegas lighting, all the nonsense.
All we can do is, asthey say, at the end of your
rope, right now, just tiethe knot and hold on, because this
honeymoon period it will recede. Itwill. It's just tough, right now

getting through all of this. Butlook, the cream rises to the top,
as they say, and once wecan really start to begin to focus
exactly on what she's going to bebringing to the table as president, I
feel like things will get better.But her talking to sorority yesterday as opposed

to being there for when Benjamin Netanyahoaddressed Congress there in the h in the
house, gosh, man, Iwhen you watch that and then outside all
of that going on, there's justshe's already misstepping. If you ask me,
I feel like she she's cocky rightnow. But yeah, she's yeah,

exactly because she's the darling and everybody'ssaying the things that she wants to
hear. She hasn't had any toughquestions where she's had to sit and answer
him yet, So I can't waitfor this day when she starts having to
answer questions to uh, you know, do any kind of pressers or anything
like that where she's gonna get askedthe tough questions. We're gonna watch her

really get flustered and the rubber willmeet the road there. So until then,
I'm just hoping to pray also exposeher her voting record as a senator.
How she was by far the mostleft wing communist Marxist US senator.
It wasn't even close. How Iwant her to be. I want her

to look in the camera and defendthe defund the police statements. She'll spin
it. Her people will all ofthose things that are going to be brought
up to her. They will sitand figure out ways for her to say
something, well, I didn't exactlymean that or whatever, and depending on
how she tries to defend it,they'll pull audio and you know, and

they'll pull audio by veil. Imean US we will and other conservative media
will pull audio and go, well, she can say whatever she wants,
all she wants, but here's whatshe said then, so what you know.
The thing is too even if shesaid something that is blatantly just awful.

That's the thing with the left.They never will just go, well,
you know what, I should nothave said that, I stay corrected,
please, you know, apologies,you know whatever. They never do
that. There, We're never goingto hear that. So yeah, it's
it'll be interesting to see how IEventually she's going to she's going to have

a Kamala moment. I promise youthough, they're going to ninety five percent
of the time of year talk togoing to take a teleprompter in front of
her. Yeah. Yeah, Now, I don't know about you, but
I can imagine what has been andthe thing in a moment. But yeah,

it listen, it is uh,it's it's an the United States and
this country is embarras seem to meright now. Yes, yes, we
are in embarrassment. We don't knowwhat bathroom to use. We're letting sick,
perverted, twisted drag queens with theirass hanging out reading the kindergarteners.

I mean, this country is sick. We deserve God's wrath and judgment right
now. I'm telling you, letme grab this. Mike, Welcome to
the show. Yeah, he wastalking about the media being complicit. The
media is so bad, even inour own town reading here, the Dispatch
filed a lawsuit last year to getthe names of the officers involved in all

these shootings. Yeah. I justcan't believe the Dispatch is getting involved in
something like that. Are you kiddingMike? Thanks? Are you kidding me?
They're not only getting involved, they'reusually at the nucleus of it.
We watch that every day. Theyput the spin out on everything. Beware
the government media complex. Beware thegovernment media complex, and uh you know

that. That's what I that's that'sthe best warning I can give. And
you can't really trust any good mediaexcept for like people I don't know,
like Station A Can or something.Oh yeah, she made it all right,
made it all right? Oh isthe wait Potter up, Zach Potter
of my gun? There there itis, there is all right there you're

hey, hey, did you howare you? I'm good? Your shirt
is so awesome? Do you likemy shirt loves Jesus and America too?
That was awesome because it was aBible School for Little Johnny today, Right,
Johnny's at Bible School and it wassnow cone day at the end of

it, and I was like,oh, this is the perfect shirt.
I'll wear this. And my parentslove it too. My parents are in
town. Little Tom Petty loves Jesusin America too. What what flavor was
the snow cone? Oh? Hewent for coconut. Surprisingly, not tiger's
blood, not grape not Yeah,like all the other kids, he went

with coconut. I like coconut,but I don't want it on a snow
cone. Wow, coconut. Coconutdid that floor you were you like,
uh no, that's kind of athing right now, Like this is a
little face. He discovered coconut thissummer and he was like, oh,
I actually like this, and sohe'll ask for that flavor if it's an
option. We all wanted the rainbowcolor where you get like the blue,

raspberry, the grape, the labThey were doing that for other kids too,
and you could see it and youthink, oh, he's just going
to join with everybody else. No, he's like, no, I want
coconut. It's like that's called theClowns Wig the clowns, all the different
colors. Yeah, when I goto the I'm forty two years old.
When I go to Reds Games,I get the I get the fun and

then it turns into like a brownslushie at the end. But it's delicious.
Yeah, it is really good.He said, oh, mom,
I can't finish this here. Andso he gave the flushy to me and
it tasted like sunscreen if I'm beingreally honest, and I like coconut.
But I took a bite and Iwas like oooh, I was very much.

So it was it was sunscreen ina cup. Well, your teeth
and your your tongue will not getsun by I will be protected today,
that's true. I don't know howlong that lasts. That's great. I'm
sorry, I'm late. Thanks forhaving me. It's to see you both.
It's been like weeks since we wereall three in the same room together.

That's crazy. Was awesome. Wehad a great time. We were
in South Carolina, yes, verymuch, despite the fact that the news
was crazy the whole time. Soit was like spend the whole day on
the beach at the pool there atthe hotel, and then spend the rest
of the evening flipping news channels toget the very latest information on what was

going on, like literally every singlenight, that's what we write. And
it's to the point now where youknow every night it is you can't dodge
it, especially if you do whatlike what Josh and I do in the
opinion, and certainly you keep ontop of it too doing what you do.
But you guys are more reporting andnot as much opinion, especially with
the really uh you know, thereal volatile stuff that we kind of take

head on. You guys, I'mgetting we've had more than that. I
mean, it's been you know,literally I can't remember a time when it's
been this busy, just rapid fireand in the middle of the summer.
That's what I'm taking a beating,is where I was going with this,
Like my well, and my wife'slike, you know, last night,
I'm watching you know, Biden andall his lies and and you know,

then I'm watching after and I'm flippingaround, and she's like, you think
you should maybe take a break.I'm like, I don't need to take
a break. I'm like, comeon, spicy. Yeah. I was
just like, I have to doyou know what I do for a living.
I have to watch this stuff.And sometimes I gotta be honest,
it's painful. It's painful. It'slike a slow motion car wreck. Uh,

And sometimes I feel like I'm involvedin said car wrecks. You got
to just like, that's why weneed to see. This is where I'm
jealous of station. So Stace isprobably gonna go to the fair I did
last night last night. Yes,what did you Marshall try? Oh heavens,
oh my goodness, you guys,well pickle pizza. Why do you
do this to yourself with the pickle. Okay, I agreed to that one,

but then they surprised me. Askhim what they gave me to wash
it down with. You were like, oh, yeah, we knew you
would hate that pickle lemonade. Ohand I was like, okay, take
a big swig of that, andit was like salty lemonade. And then
there were six different types of deviledeggs. I've got to tell you all

about these flavors. You'll die,all right, we want to hear this,
so stand by. We will getto that
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