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December 6, 2024 14 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Man, I'm dying. I want to see Sammy and Joe
Satriani and Michael Anthony. And it's called the Best of
All Worlds. The tour is that and they're doing a
lot of Van Halen stuff and they are setting up
a residency and say it with me Las Vegas, and
it's going to be next year. So I've seen, I say,

I saw Sammy van Hagar. I saw the van Halen
with Sammy out at Plaire's Amphitheater actually Jermaine Amphitheater, and
that was look not to name drop, but to be
backstage and interview Eddie Van Halen was definitely one of
the highlights of my radio career slash life for that matter.

He doesn't shake hands because he did fist bump, because
his hands are insured because people get so rambunctious when
they meet him. Sometimes they squeak like you know, and
so his hands are insured. But as a result, he's
very careful with what he does with his hands because
clearly that's how he plays, you know, his guitar or
whatever and so. And this was all actually a mistake.

So I was out front working for rock station here
in town, and somebody else was supposed to be interviewing him,
but then our promotions guy goes, hey, Blazer, you're gonna
you're up. You're gonna interview Eddie. And I went what
And He's like, you're gonna interview and I I don't know.
I'd been in the business not a long time at
that point, but I was really nervous. I was like, what,

I'm gonna interview and I'm going, man like. So we
get on a literally within like five minutes, somebody comes
up in a golf cart and they were like, come
on cause we're out front, and we had the whole
setup out there. The music in the radio station was going.
I was broadcasting live from there. So we get in
and they take us back and we're going back and

they swing open the big wooden gates that are next
to the stage. You know. We go back and I'm like, man,
this is happening. This is really happening. I can't believe it,
you know. Oh my good. So then you know Eddie's back.
And this was when Kenny Wayne Shepard was on the
bill with them, so I saw him walking back there.
I'm like, man, this is crazy. It's like seeing all that,

and then Eddie is in the same room with me,
and then Michael Anthony sticks his head in the bass
player who does the high harmonies and bad Halen, and
he goes, hey, can I get in on this interview?
And Ed goes, no, this is my interview. Eddie grabs
and they start wrestling. He has him been a headlock
and they're like, I'm standing there watching the whole thing, going, man,
this is crazy. I'm watching these two guys wrestle and

this is like so fun, and it was. It was
so crazy. Anyway, fast forward now to the Best of
All Worlds tour. And if you're a fan of anything
to do with Sammy or Van Halen or whatever, and
you're seeing they've been they did some touring, they went
to Japan, they've been all over the place. But they're
going to do a residency. It is so fantastic, you know,

it's what is it.

Speaker 2 (02:55):
Like six months? Nine months a year.

Speaker 1 (02:59):
Yeah, it's only a couple of months. There are multiple dates,
multiple dates. But I'm dying to go and see them
in my favorite place on earth, which is in Las Vegas,
so to go and see them out there. So and
my wife is dying to go too. So I was like, Hey,
I'm gonna get us. So I had a couple of
tickets in my cart and I was staring at this
is like about a week and a half ago, but

I didn't pull the trigger on one. He's pretty well.
They were like three fifty apiece and so I'm staring
at him and they're decent seats. But Satriani playing guitar
is a guy who Joe Satrianni, very storied guitar player,
just a he's a virtue us. He's a wizard and
he understands how to play and stuff. He's not just mimicking.

He understands how to play it, if you know what
I'm saying. And this was Sammy talking about it, and
it's just amazing what they're able to pull off. But
then I bought Alex who's the drummer who's Edie's brother,
who clearly is not he wants nothing to do with
this because it's Kenny Arnoff who's playing RUMs on this.
Kenny was John Cougar's drummer for a while, and he's

a he's a he's a badass. Kenny's a badass. But
then it was you know, it was Jason Bonham who
John's son was Zeppelin and he was on this and
then he left, and now there's like a big brew
haha because he's not back on the tour and all that.
But I'm just going, man, it must be nice to
have these world class drummers like fighting over who's going
to be playing on this tour. But from what I understand,

it's absolutely amazing seeing them, And for all intents and purposes,
you close your eyes and it sounds like you're at
a Van Halen concert because Michael's doing the high harmonies.
It's you're hearing Sammy and I think Joe Satriani's even
throwing in some vocals too, and I don't know if
Kenny sings at all, but it's it's it literally sounds
like Van Hanna. I've watched all this footage and I'm like, man,

it's crazy because he can he can actually duplicate what
Ed does because it's so complicated the way he's his
brain works. Anyway, I didn't even mean to do any
of that, but it's just it's one of those things
I I thought about. And I know you love Las Vegas.
I don't know how much you like Van Halen, but dude,
this is we're gonna go. We're gonna get it figured out.
I think we're going in May, so we'll get it

figured out. But I'm really I'm just like I can't
wait to go see it. I love Sammy. He's he's
not getting any younger, you know, he's in his seventies,
but he's still hit her. Yeah. Yeah, So I I
just don't want to be because man, at one point,
just to and I'll put this a bow on it
and and move on. But we were leaving, my wife

and I were leaving a concert at the shot. This
was several years ago, and we saw that Tom Petty
was coming and I go, man, we need to go.
I want to see Tom Petty. So I love Tom Petty.
So it is my wife and we're like, we need
to go and see him. And he passed away and
we didn't get to go see him. And I was like,

I am not doing that again, you know. I was like,
not that anybody's in trouble in this situation out there
right in Port Saint Lusa. Is that how you say it? Lucy?

Speaker 2 (06:07):
Port Saint Luisa, Lucy, Yeah, Florida, Florida.

Speaker 1 (06:10):
That's where this occurred. Police were called to Windmill Point
Elementary School elementary school. They were called to investigate a
naked man in one of the classrooms. Well, it turns
out this guy was a teacher at another school in
that region. He was at Somerset College Preparatory Academy. Police arrived,

This guy quickly clothed himself and made a run for it.
Cops ended up catching up with him. He told them
that he was homeless and broke. He accessed the school
through an unlocked window. Listen how elaborate this is. And
then he apparently had some spending money because police say
in the room he initially spotted in were several self

pleasuring devices, if you will, and women's underwear and a
clear plastic container that contained weed. So the guy had
like toys and like weed with him and he was
in that building in the school. Yes, how bizarre is that?
It's the most you know what they say, truth is

stranger than fiction, right, and this is yet.

Speaker 3 (07:21):
Well you could have started this with the famous Florida man, right, I.

Speaker 1 (07:26):
Mean, because that's always that's the kind of the joke. Yeah,
it's like, uh, you know, guy out of Florida. You go,
oh boy, here we go. You know, but that that
was so bizarre. I'm like, what kind of a headline
is that? And truth really is stranger than fiction. It's like,
you can't make this up, as they say, right, this
is weird stuff. It's like so bizarre people with a

sickness though even though they in their mind they might
be going, man, I'm going down for this, they can't
stop themselves, you know what I mean. There are plenty
of people like that, I guess.

Speaker 2 (07:58):
Lots of lots of mental health crisis.

Speaker 1 (08:00):
He's in America, that's a fact. So your thought on
forty seven saying he's announced plans to change the US elections.
Now we've been hearing this from I remember hearing him
talk about this when he was in Delaware. What's this
been a couple of years ago?

Speaker 3 (08:17):
Now, Yeah, he's advocating for paper ballots and one day voting,
voter ID and.

Speaker 1 (08:29):
Proof of citizenship. And when you hear all those things,
you go, right, exactly.

Speaker 2 (08:33):
Like pretty reasonable stuff.

Speaker 1 (08:35):
But you know, we know how this goes with the left. Oh,
you know, the pearl clutching what are you crazy? And
then of course, at the end of this, at the
end of this article, Trump encouraged his supporters to vote
early in the election this year. You know what he did.
You are correct, So stop acting like he's you know,

basically contradicting himself. The reason he did that was because
that is the current law. You're allowed and it's called
fight fire with fire, and clearly there was there was
something to it. This year. I voted early, first time ever.

Speaker 2 (09:10):
I did this time too.

Speaker 1 (09:12):
And a lot of people did this, Bob, Like a
lot of people voted early and had never done it.
I had so many people called during the election to go, hey, Blazer,
I voted, voted today, did it early. There was a
record amount of early voting for conservative voters, for the
for GOP voters. So anyway, Yeah, he criticized California asking

for voter ideas previously filed lawsuits against mail and voting.
They're talking about how this could disproportionately affect non white
voters and you know, outlying area voters, potentially disenfranchising certain groups.
That's how they're going to frame this. And I don't know,
as commander in chief having Upper and Lower House, I

don't know how you get this through.

Speaker 3 (10:00):
So so you don't get it through as a federal change
because most state. Good point, but you lead by example.
I mean that that that's sort of the nuance that
gets lost. I think when the president makes a declarative statement.
When President Trump comes out and says, we need to
fix this and we're going to fix this, you know
he is.

Speaker 2 (10:18):
He's doing what he's supposed to do. He's leading the nation.

Speaker 3 (10:22):
And you know, because of that, certain states pass these
laws that helped make the vote most more secure.

Speaker 2 (10:29):
Because here's the thing.

Speaker 3 (10:30):
When it isn't secure, it disenfranchises people that follow the
law and vote regularly. It dilutes their vote just a
little tiny bit.

Speaker 1 (10:39):
It does taint it. You were correct, I mean you
got people who you know, they're trying to which state
was you may or may not. You're usually pretty good
at remember, but there was some votes that were purged
in Uh where was it? Virginia?

Speaker 2 (10:54):

Speaker 3 (10:55):
Yeah, he was going through the process and the Democrats
were fighting to the nail to keep that from happening again.
I know they fight against they fight against voter ID.
Why why did they not want voters to have to
use an ID when they vote? Well, because they want
people that aren't the people and the ID to cast ballots.

I mean, they're for these ballot boxes that you put
them everywhere, and anybody can drop a ballot in and
you don't have to say who they are, and they
can drop more than one ballot in. I mean, all
these things are recipes for you know, malfeasons.

Speaker 1 (11:29):
And then they also and then when you call them
on it or you try to go, you know, the
reason you guys want it this way is because of
what you just laid out, and they go, no, no, this
is this will and then they give you some bs
long bs explanation but which is not an explant.

Speaker 3 (11:44):
But for Blazer for years that worked. They got away
with that. Now they're not getting away with it anymore.
And that's the difference between today and four years ago,
eight years ago, ten years ago, whatever.

Speaker 1 (11:55):
How what was it like earlier this week we finally
got the final seat in cal where it did flip
just barely, you know, to Democrats, and and we still
have what a five I think we have a five
seat majority in the House something like that.

Speaker 3 (12:11):
So I've been involved in several recounts, and the Democrat
playbook on recounts.

Speaker 2 (12:15):
Is count, count, count, count, count.

Speaker 3 (12:18):
Until you get ahead, and once you get ahead, and
you stop the counting. I mean, this has happened in
Minnesota in the Senate race. I was down in Florida
for the two thousand elections.

Speaker 2 (12:29):
Hanging Chad, the hanging Chad.

Speaker 3 (12:30):
I got some stories, a few I would ever share
on air with your listeners, But I've got some stories.

Speaker 1 (12:37):
And uh, well then it's not a story if they
can't hear anyway, go ahead, okay, But but it's part
of the playbook here.

Speaker 3 (12:46):
And you got guys like you know, Mark Elias that
who's built a legal career on doing these kinds of
shenanigans and stuff, and that's that's his that's that's his
bread and butter. That's how he pays for his house,
in his car, right, whatever else he's got.

Speaker 1 (13:00):
I think we're always going to have the states that
do that. California, yeah, well New York to a degree.

Speaker 2 (13:08):
The Blue states, well think about it.

Speaker 3 (13:10):
So you got these states that that loosen up those
electional laws for a reason. But there's other things that happen.
Some of the most restrictive absentee ballot voting states are
states like blue states like Connecticut, where they don't want
you to vote absentee because they control. It's a blue state,
so they control those things. So they they what you

see consistently. And they'll say this about Republicans too, and
to a certain extent, there's true to it. Is when
you have control of the laws, you try to gain
the system a little bit in your favor. But Democrats
go way overboard on this stuff. They will go in
the legal women voters will go and argue in one
state for one set of rules and then go argue
in another state for an operation unbelievables.

Speaker 1 (13:55):
Well, I wish I could say unbelievable, but unfortunately it's believable. Yeah,
but it's a head scratcher.

Speaker 3 (14:00):
I mean, you look at the last ten election legal
issues and the Ohio legal women voters were plaintiffs, and
all of them on behalf the Democrat interests in those things.
They're nothing more than a front group for the Democrat Party.
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