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So true. Story. Guy ishaving this lower back pain and his wife
was like, well, I'll helpyou out. I'll draw a bath for
you, and so on and soforth, and so you know, how
nice is that? Right? Imean, your wife draws a bath for
you, nice and hot, you'rehaving lower back pain. You get in
and something starts going terribly wrong,and he describes his wife as super amazing
and thoughtful, decided to help himout, help him soak. So five
minutes in, he says he startshaving a tingle in his uh, in
his rear end, and he's justlike a couple of minutes later, he
says it's really really bad, andhe's yelling for his wife, who runs
in there and he's like, look, I think something bad's going on here.
Check it out. And turns outshe didn't tell him, but try
to help. She put vix vaporcrystals in his bath. In his bath
water like Vix vapor crystals. Sonow this dude is in big trouble,
like his rear end, like bigtrouble. He's been soaking in vix vapor
crystals, which his rear end,in his front end, well mostly his
rear end. From what I understandaccording to this story. But I just
was like, oh, God,lover, she's trying to help. But
she did that, and I didn'ttell her. What was the thinking process
that vix vapor was going to helpus sore back? Well, I don't
know his wife. Listen, whydoes anybody like somehow justify that she said,
She's claimed she was just trying tohelp. She said to yourself,
you guys weren't on the outs,were you? I know what? You
know what, I guarantee She waslike, you know what, he's been
such a pain in the ass.I'm gonna show him what pain in the
ass is all about. Congressman JimJordan's joining us now, and he's like,
all right, this meeting's over,gentlemen. By bon never uh.
I don't know if I've ever comeinto a radio show where that was the
conversation before I'm I'm on. Soyou get all kinds of things in this
job, guys, that's the gofigure. Moving right along. Listen,
listen, if if your wife's evertrying to help you out, Jim,
and you're like, man, myback, certain she drew draws a bath
for you. Just make sure youtest the water out somehow else. Yeah,
with uh, with friends like that, with spouses like that. He
needs he needs enemy, right,something like that. There's something there's something
in there. There's something very bizarrehappening with that. But I was just
like, wow. And his wife'sclaiming it was completely innocent. She was
just trying to help or what haveyou. But that poor guy man,
well yeah yeah, well maybe maybemaybe maybe his backfield better now that he's
got so much pain somewhere else,And maybe that was the say, yeah,
that's what I was thinking. Youknow. You they tell you,
you know, if you're your elbowhurts, go ahead and hit your thumb
in the door jam and you'll bethinking about your thumb and forget all about
it. Yeah, yeah, that'sdo that. Hey. Also on a
side note too, which I know, Jim, we typically don't talk to
you about stuff like that. Andthen this did you did you hear about
all that money they found in Marysvillelike a couple of different uh businesses their
true story true story there was therewas twenty thousand dollars found in a bathroom
at a place called the Avalon Theater. It's in Marysville here in Ohio.
Obviously, yeah. And last weekyeah, yeah, and twenty grand was
found in a bathroom there at theAvalon Theater. And then less than a
week later, more than ten grandwas found in a bathroom at a KFC
there in Marysville. In the andthe captain there in Marysville police was saying
they were hidden in a way you'dhave to know where to look to find
them. Wasn't like you walk inthere behind a trash can or something like
that. It was hidden. Hegoes on to say, but employees found
them at both of the established thereor to established establishments. Rather, they
found the cash there, but itwas cash. And uh so, now
like we had people calling in lasthours, you know, offering up with
they're but it's truly bizarre right now. They don't have any leads on anything,
why it was there, where it'sfrom, or anything. It's just
very bizarre. Wow, you would, I mean if you first first thought
it something some sort of drug drugideals, yeah, organized crime or something
something bad. But uh, Imean, I have no idea. That's
creazy, pretty crazy, man.I'm like, my first thoughts are do
Democrats run those restaurants? That's thething. Yeah, sorry, I thought
you were gonna. I thought you'regonna say some connection in the women they
when they found the cash, therewas like big paper crystals there as well.
I thought you could something like that, we should have somehow tied it
to but I was unable to dothat. I thought that this is some
long extended joke. You're like,just you're just making fun of Jordan here
today, and it's like we're gonnayou're gonna bring it pull. No,
no, no, that is atrue story. I just thought I knew
it was in your district. Iknew it was in four So it was
just like, I wonder if you'dheard about that kind of weird thirty grand
thirty plus grands found? Yeah,just crazy, pretty crazy? Did you
uh? In another connection? Justanother side. I'm just catching you up
on local in case you're also MarshallMcPeak, who's here in town on Channel
six. His cousin Kenny McPeak.They won the derby. It's he's the
trainer for that. How about that? Isn't that crazy? What a race
too? Like? What a race? That close? That was? Yeah?
That was exciting. Yeah, it'sfun to watch on on Saturday evening.
So or I guess Saturday, lateafternoon, like two minutes before six,
the fastest two minutes in sports orsomething like that. So it was
it seven, it was seven o'clock. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it
wasn't eating. It wasn't eating.Yeah. It was funny because on the
air with US Friday, Marshall waseven saying, because he does three live
hits with us every day, andhe's going, hey, my cousin Kenny,
his horse is running in the derbyand where he goes, everybody root
for Mystic Dan and we're like,okay, that's cool, that's cool.
We're watching. I said, you'vegot to be kidding me. He just
won. Yeah, it's nuts.What a rate, pretty exciting. And
so anyway, we'll get to acouple of stories here so we can actually
here going, well, okay,thanks guys for knowing news whatsoever. Uh
So, how about uh I thinkthe judge slaps another an additional thousand dollars
fine on Trump? Well, I'lltell you what what's happening here. Jim
is a travesty. You know,Trump's up to ten grand. They're threatening
jail time. Boy if they puthim in jail. I mean what,
it's just like one unprecedented thing afteranother continues to happen, and we're how
about him going and delivering pizza theother day to New York's finest the Department
Fire Department. I mean, it'sunbelievable how he's taking these lemons and turning
it into lemonade. Right now,there is sure is and what the rats
Newston Pole has him up like tenin a national poll because I think the
country, as we've talked about manytimes before, the country sees through all
this, they understand this is theweaponization of government, this is lawfare working
against the president. But the ideathat they got a gag order on the
president of Michael Cohen, who's aconvicted curjurer, of Michael Cohen who lied
multiple times in front of the OversightCommittee a few years ago, he's allowed
to say whatever he wants. He'sthe star witness for the prosecution. And
I think just they just underscores howridiculous this all, this whole thing is,
and how the real conspiracy is betweenBragg and Jack Smith and Fannie willis
if to impact the twenty twenty fourpresidential election. Yeah, your thoughts on
and this happened maybe what an hourhour and a half, two hours before
I was going on at three o'clock. But Hamas agreeing to the cease fire,
but they're making no mention of hostages. And of course, as we're
seeing all over the US, andnow what do they say in Josh at
Columbia, they were saying the studentsthere are gone. They want the students
are saying that the university needs tocancel all finals, pass all students because
they're traumatized from the NYPD being sentin on them. Golly yeah, I
mean, well, this, uh, this whole thing with Hamas, I
mean, I don't I don't like. I don't get it. We should
be doing everything we can to helpIsrael. I don't. I don't get
what the President has done over thelast several months. You know, we've
talked about when he announced in theState of the Union that we're going to
put a temporary peer report in Godthat gives supplies to the enemy of our
ally, which makes no sense tome. Decided is going to bring gosins
here to the United States, makesno sense to me. There was an
announcement, there was a story outearlier today that they were stopping ammunition from
going to uh to to Israel,I mean, I don't get it.
I just don't get it. It'sjust wrong. Israel's our dearest and closest
friend. Let's help our team wininstead of this this game that the Biden
administration is playing with Israel. Doyou think this Hamas agreeing to the ceasefire
and again making no mention of thehostage is a deal for them or so
on? And there's speculation that whatthere's twenty or thirty up to maybe one
hundred hundred and twenty, but there'sfear that they're down to unfortunately around twenty
or thirty again, all speculation atthis point. Do you think them agreeing
to a ceasefire? First of all, I was reading Israel's going, don't
fall for this. This is athis is a work, This isn't real.
But do you think it has todo with parts of them saying,
look, you know Rafa. Youknow they're evacuating parts of where they said
they were. They believe that thestronghold is in Rafa specifically, but they
see something like this and they're saying, look, evacuate out of that area
because that's where we're going in.And then so is that connected to it
somehow, and for me, gosh, this is I just try to connect
the dots with some of this stuff. But some of it runs so deep
and so like rich history Rich,I don't get some of it. I'll
just be honest about it. Well, I think the real takeway for me
is let's just let our ally win. Let's let the country who's our ally,
who was attacked by terrorists, unprovoked, terrible, gruesome stuff was done
to a Jewish citizen, Jewish people, they're in the state of Israel.
Let them do what they need todo to win, and quit quit saying
oh no, you got to fightwith one arm behind your back and all
this like, just let the goodguys win. We all know who the
aggressors, we all know who thebad guy is. Let Israel win and
quit playing all these games. Butit all comes back to politics. This
is the left, which controls theDemocrat Party. Joe Biden's looking at the
approval ratings and he's trying he's gotto keep his crazy left wing coalition together
to have a chance against President Trump. I think he's gonna lose, which
is exactly what the country we need. So uh, let's just let let's
just let the good guys win here, which we know is the state of
Israel. Hey, Jim, wegot about a minute or a little over
a minute left. Uh, tellme about what you're doing to Uh.
Basically, you know, the FBI, instead of hiring the best, the
brightest, the based on merit,they are obsessed with diversity, equity,
inclusion, and we know nothing goodcomes from DEI. Yeah, this is
this is a letter we sent lastweek trying to get to the bottom of
this. All these agencies are implementingwhat the Biden administration came in and did
and says you got to go woke, you got to do the DEI.
It makes no sense, you know, particularly when you're thinking about what's supposed
to be the premier law enforcement agencyin the world. And frankly, I
think it certainly was, and inmany ways the rank and file agents still
are. But if you the folksat the top, I think there's a
problem. And then if you implementthis, I think they'll be bigger problems.
So we're trying to get to thebottom of this and find out exactly
what's going on over there. Asin so many of these agencies, though,
when you when you go with thecrazy left ideaology. It's just not
good for the country, just notgood for what makes sense for American families.
Congressman Jim Jordan, as always,thank you very much for joining us.
Appreciate it. Thanks, see ya.