All Episodes

February 10, 2020 24 mins

Scott Bogman recaps the weekend in the NBA, and looks at how traded players played with their new teams. Bogs looks back at a bad call that cost the Blazers a win.

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Speaker 1 (00:03):
Let's f F T, S Y and Sports Grid Network
present ball in his hands? All right, body, no Dad,
the hard Hardwood Takeaways. It's Lillard Lord. Hello, and welcome

to Hardwood Takeaways, brought to you by the Sports Grid.
Get on the Grid. I'm your host, Scott Bogman. You
can find me on the Twitter at Bogman Sports. I'm
gonna change up the regular formula from the weekend games
this week because so much stuff happened. And I just
want to start by talking about this. Damian Lillard. Uh call.
I don't know if you guys saw this, but Damian

Lillard um went up for a shot to tie the
game against the Jazz in the final six seconds of
the game was clearly goaltended by Rudy Gobert. Even Rudy
Gobert after the game said, yeah, it was a goaltend,
you know. And um, the referees uh said that it
was clearly not a goaltend and that there was no

way to review it. And I just I have to
ask the question here, what is the damn point of
having replay in basketball if you can't replay a game
changing play. And I mean, Damian Lillard was not happy

you know the I don't have the quotes in front
of me, but I know I can't say them here anyway,
But um, it was it cost us the f and
game or in the middle of a playoff fight, and
you know, all stuff that he's a hundred percent right about.
And you know, I'm not one to cry about referees
or umpires or officials in any sport because they're human,

they're gonna make mistakes. But this was egregious. This was
a terrible call. And we get the last two minute
rapport all the time, and it confirmed that this goaltend
should have been called. But I feel like this happens
more in the n b A then it happens in
every other sport. There are bad calls in every single game.

Every single game that that you can play, you're gonna
have bad calls in. But the NBA is a good
job of highlighting them and then not doing a whole
bunch to fix it. I think that it's probably the
hardest sport to call. I mean, balls and strikes are
pretty tough for umpires to which is why even Major
League Baseball is thinking of incorporating, you know, at least

a home plate robot umpire. Uh, there would still be
umpires on the field to call you know, safe and
out and all that stuff. But balls and strikes are
so subjective, and uh, the you know, it's getting so
terrible and so unacceptable that they might actually go towards
robot umpires. But in basketball, you can't do that. These

guys have to be in shape. They gotta follow to play.
They gotta run just as much as these NBA players.
You know, they don't have to go harden to paint
or anything, but that's a lot of damn running. They
they have to be. They have to be in shape,
and they have to know the rules holy and completely
and call things right. And there are things that are
gonna get screwed up all the time. And you know,

this isn't gonna cost the Blazers a playoff spot. I
don't think they were getting to the playoffs anyway. I
mentioned that a couple of times. But you know, if
it comes down to the end of the day, they're
they're right now three games back, and they should be
two games back or two and a half games back
at this point. Um, they're twenty two and thirty or
excuse me, there're twenty four and twenty nine. The Grizzlies

are twenty seven and twenty six, so you know they
should be right there. And um, it's just a terrible call.
And they said that Lillard isn't going to get fined,
and I think that's at least the right call, you know. Uh.
And because people were tweeting Dame that he was gonna
get big time fined and all that stuff, and he said, hey,

I've got tons of money, I don't care, and I
think he's absolutely right here. And I'm I'm it's very
rare where I'm going to side on the case of
the player here because a lot of times, you know,
these guys just upset it didn't go their way. Uh,
it's a you know, a controversial call. Maybe they got
it wrong, maybe they got it right. You probably shouldn't
put yourself in that position to make one call, uh

for the entire game be the be all, end all,
but sometimes that's just the way game breaks. And um,
this was the worst call of the season. I don't
think it's very close. I'm sure there's other calls that
people would say, you know, at the end of the game,
this and that, you know, uh, we're impacted, But this was.

I mean, this is at least the biggest one since January.
You know. Uh, it was a a horrid call and
the NBA just needs to get their stuff together. And
if you're gonna have replay, do like you know in
the NFL is where the last two minutes the referee
doesn't get to call it. It's someone else calling those replays.

So obviously this is all in flux. This is all
fluid and moving and stuff like that as far as
replay in the NBA goes. But what, like I said,
once again, what is the point of having replay if
it can't change a play that altered the entire course
of the game. So I will now get off my
soapbox and talk about something else. But just an awful call,

I mean. In this also we got the Damian Lillard
burner account stuff. Um there was one where he clearly
sent it from his burner account, and uh it was
probably supposed to be from him instead, but he was
still logged in under the burner. I just I guess
this is the case where I understand NBA players having

burner accounts because you know, you don't want to get
fined and you want to call out a play that's terrible. Um,
that I get. But then you know, Dame didn't care
about the burner account at all, and he just went
full in. And he went full in even before he
got on Twitter. He was talking about it in the
post game and all that stuff. But then Kevin Durant
said that he's gonna keep doing the Burner stuff, which

I don't know. I I guess there's just so much
stuff here number one burner accounts. While uh, sometimes you
need to do it for financial reasons. If you're gonna
criticize for the players, um, it's still kind of a
little bit cowardly. Now look at ay my money, So
I I understand that aspect. So the money stuff I'll

never argue with. But you know, if first of all,
you're a millionaire athlete, who cares what some loser on
Twitter with two hundred followers or you know, twenty followers
or whatever says about you, or some idiot instagrammer who
cares you have millions of dollars and you are a
superstar athlete, why are your feelings getting so hurt? And

I look, I'm at Universe, see a Texas fan. I
love Kevin Durant and nothing's gonna change that for me.
But I do think that that the burner account move
is just cowardly. If if someone says something to you, you
you want to defend yourself, defend yourself, you know, go
out there and say it to their face. Don't use
a burner account because you're just doing the same crap
that they're doing. You're being a keyboard warrior and a loser.

And um, anyone that does that stuff, I just never
understood that. You know, people use it for trolling, people
also use it for defending their selves if their celebrities
or famous athletes or whatever. I just I guess it's
stuff that I'm just never gonna understand. But let's get
some more actual NBA substance here. Um, Darren Collison, I
don't get this move. Darren Collison said that, um, he

was considering coming back, which by all accounts for basically
any single person that has left something and then thought
maybe I'll go back. And you get to the point
where you're actually talking about going back, whether it's a
job or relationship, whatever it is, you're almost you've all
almost already gone through your head and said yep, I'm
on board. I'm doing this, I just gotta pick when.

Now his spot was, I gotta pick where, and it
was either gonna be with the Clippers or the Lakers
because uh, he lives in l a. But then he
went and visited both teams and just decided not to
come in for either one of them. I don't understand why.
Why even bother announcing that you might come back, or

having your agent or however the news was leaked, doesn't
really make a difference, But why would you go out
and say I'm thinking about coming back. He had to
have been working out, he had been getting into playing
shape and all that stuff, and then just decide that
you don't want to come back. Maybe it's because he
knew he wasn't going to be useful for either one
of those teams. He was gonna be, you know, six

seventh eighth fiddle on the Clippers and maybe a little
bit better on the Lakers, but probably not. I mean,
they kind of need to, uh another backup point guard,
but you're not going to get a bunch of run.
It's basically ring chasing and check chasing at this point
for Darren Collison. So I just I can't understand why
he would. It's not so much getting hopes up, but

why would he decide that he's thinking about coming back?
Like how much could those meetings have changed his mind?
Apparently a lot, But I'm just surprised that it got
to that point. Uh. And maybe this is all about
me being surprised about the human condition and people doing stuff,
but it just was very weird to me, um getting

to actual uh NBA stuff that happened on the court.
The Raptors are on a fourteen game winning streak. That's
a franchise record for them. Uh. They had two wins
this week, and I will go over the two wins
one win teams, just not as in depth in the games.
But they beat the Pacers one fifteen one or six
at Indie, and then they beat the Nets by one
point one nineteen one eight teen. But Kyle Lowry did

get banged up in that game against the Nets, so
we'll see how hurt he is. But they're thirty nine
and fourteen and when they started this they were twenty
five and fourteen. So uh, they've shot up to the
second seed in the East now behind the Bucks. Uh.
This is you know, we thought maybe they would be
like a five or six seed I I think most people,

when I say we, I think it's the you know,
the people who are talking about the NBA before the
season started, because you lose Kauai and look, it doesn't
ruin your team. You still have a great core and
Nick Nurse is a good coach. But we've seen this
many many times. You lose one of the best five
players in the n b A, usually those teams start

to sink. I mean, you know, the Pelicans were never
good in the first place, but they're not as good
without a d I mean, they're probably actually kind of lateral.
But uh, you know, the Lakers are good with a
d um just it's kind of strange to see them
vault like this. I mean, once again, still six and
a half games outside of the Bucks for first place

in the East. But I think I thought, personally, Boston
and uh Philly, we're going to definitely be be better
than Toronto. Probably the Pacers too, I thought. And then
you know, you mix in the Heat. Probably the Heat
are much better than I thought they were gonna be
their thirty four and seventeen. But I just never thought

that the Raptors were gonna lose Kauai and stay as
a top four seed in the East, and it's absolutely happening.
And it's because Nick Nurse is a fantastic coach. Fred
van Vleet has stepped up Searge Abaka has gotta get
a lot of credit as well, especially on this fourteen
game win streak. So I can't go, you know, I
can't not mention the Raptors and how impressive they've been

on this fourteen game win streak. And if you're looking
as far as records go, fourteen while it is a
big deal, of course, it's not. You're not in the
upper echelon yet, Like you're not on the wiki page
and I'm on the wiki page right now looking and
sixteen sixteen is what will get you there. Um on

this wiki page, because there are I believe seven teams
tied for a sixteen game win streak. UH. Golden State
comes in there like the most recent one. Boston had
one UH in fourteen fifteen. UM, excuse me in Golden
State was fourteen fifteen. Boston and Philly both had sixteen
game win streaks in twenty s eighteen. UM. Then we

get up to seventeen and there is a UH six
way tie. But for seventeen games, then eighteen. Um there
is a one is that four way tie, uh, five
way tie all going stretching all the way back to
the fifties with the Rochester Royals and uh, the Sixers

did it in the seventies, the Knicks the seventies, the
Bulls in the nineties. UM. The most recent big one,
and this is gonna sound intimidating and it is, is
twenty eight for Golden State. And that was between two
seasons now, between fourteen and fifteen. Uh, they won their
last four and in fifteen and sixteen they won twenty

four straight. They started out that season twenty four and
oh so Uh that was a big win streak, twenty
seven for the Heat with Lebron and Bosch and all
those guys um in and then my Rockets did it
in oh seven oh eight, they won twenty two straight
and they got to sixteen of those with Yaoming, and

then Yaoming fracture his foot and was out for the
year and they won six right off six more wins
uh without him, and they were fifty five and twenty
seven that year. But at twenty two game win streaks.
So we'll see how far this raptors won uh tracks
and follows. But they are very very impressive right now
and on a nice roll. Um, let's talk about the

trade assets with their debuts when new teams now, we're
still waiting on a bunch of debuts. Uh. D'Angelo Russell
hasn't played the Wolves yet. Uh. Clint Cappella hasn't gone yet.
Georgie Jang, Jabari Parker haven't gone yet. And there's a
smattering of others, you know, Ennis and Turner and Von
Lay and guys like that. But we'll start out with

Bob Covington for the Rockets. In the his debut against
the Lakers in a one eleven win over the Lakers.
He had thirty minutes. He put up fourteen points, eight rebounds,
four assists, uh, two steels and two blocks with four triples,
so a very very good start. He fits right in. Uh.
We'll talk about my Rockets a little bit later because

the way they lost tonight, I barely wanted to do
this show. John Henson in Detroit against the Knicks and
a loss, had eighteen minutes, swell points, four rebounds and
assist in a steel. The three headed months are going
to Minnesota. Here, Her and Gomez twenty seven minutes, fourteen

with a rebound, three assists, a steel, and three triples.
Malik Beasley had a fantastic game twenty nine minutes, twenty
three points, ten rebounds, four assist, a steel, and seven
triples for him, So if you're in fantasy league, you
may want to go scoop him up. James Johnson UH
twenty minutes, fifteen points, three rebounds, five assists, two steals,

a block, and two triples. This was a gigantic win
against the Clippers one two to one fifteen and that
was all without Russell, So we'll see how they're gonna
be when he gets in there and finally starts playing
abates job for the Nuggets fourteen minutes, four points, two boards,
and win against the Sun's Shabaz Napier with the Wizards

in that one en win against Dallas, which, like I said,
I'm not going in depth on the games, but Bradley
Beale hit a runner with point two seconds left to
win that one for the win. Searches against Dallas shabazn
Here fourteen points, three boards, three assists, two steals and
a block with four triples. A great line for him. UH.
Dwayne Deadman made his Atlanta debut thirty three minutes, ten points,

eight boards, won three and he fouled out in double
overtime and a win against the Knicks. Glenn Robinson relegated
to a lower role with the Sixers, only twelve minutes
in his debut against Chicago, ten points and a board
in a one eighteen one eleven win. Jerome Robinson five
two and two and sixteen minutes and a loss against
the the Grizzlies. Marcus Moore's for the Clippers ten points, uh,

four rebounds to assist and three steals and win against Cleveland.
Andre Drummond putting up Andre Drummond numbers for the Calves
as well, nineteen points, fourteen rebounds, three assists, two steals
in a block with two triples in a loss against
the Clippers thirty three um and then the Heat lost
tonight against Portland. Jay Crowder had a nice game here

thirty five minutes, seventeen points, eleven rebounds, three assists, two
steals and a block, five triples. Andrea Goodala, who's playing
his first game in seven months, twenty three minutes, two
points on one of two shooting. You didn't give any
shots four rebounds, three assists, and two steals. And then
Andrew Wiggins UH starting for UH the Warriors thirty one minutes,

twenty four points, two rebounds, three assists, five steals, a
h block on eight of twelve shooting, and three triples
for him. And I thought it was really weird that
Steve Kerr said that D'Angelo Russell's fit was questionable from
the beginning, and I just like, really, do you need
to say that stuff the second the guy is gone?

I mean, I I just I don't know. You guys know,
I'm not a big Steve Kerr fan, and him talking
bad about a guy that just left UH is a
little bit unacceptable to me. Just, you know, be be
a little more professional for God's sake to win teams
outside of the Raptors, of course, because they're on a
fourteen game win streak. The Celtics beed Atlanta won twelve

one oh seven, and UH they ousted the thunder one
twelve one eleven on the road, bringing their record to
thirty seven and fifteen, trying to keep pace right there
with the Raptors. In the East, the Jazz one s
fourteen against Portland's and my Rockets lost one, fourteen, one
thirteen UM to them in Houston their thirty four and
eighteen now, and it was a Bogdanovitch triple on an unbelievable,

weird falling back shot. UM now, it was just I mean,
you can't shoot it better. It's one of those shots
where he was he was doubled up and defended by
two dudes and he still made the shot over both
of them. And it's just heartbreaking because p J. Tucker
had knocked down a winner with like one point six
seconds left, and of course the dumb Rockets announcers said, yeah,

that's it, that's the game winner right there, and then
Bogdanovitch knocks down that amazing shot. The Sixers win both
their games, nothing like some home cooking for them. They're
terrible on the road, but get to home wins against
Memphis in Chicago, and the King's win both their games
one oh five nineties seven versus Miami and one oh
two against the Spurs. They're now ten games below five

hundred one and thirty one one win teams. The Bucks
over Orlando their forty five and seven, the Lakers over
Golden State one one twenty, and Golden State looked better, obviously,
pushing the Lakers to the brink here, but they couldn't
come away with the win thirty nine and twelve for them.
The Nuggets beat the Suns, won seventeen one oh eight.
The Pelicans beat the Pacers one, seventeen, there, twenty two

and thirty one, and the Wolves with that big win
over the Clippers, uh sixteen to sixteen and thirty five
is a record. Now the teams that split the Clippers
lost in Minnesota, but they beat Cleveland pretty bad their
thirty seven and sixteen. Now, the MAVs lost that one
on the runner to Washington one eighteen one nineteen, but
they beat the Hornets won sixteen one hundred. They're still

eleven games over five hundred and thirty two and twenty one.
The Thunder beat the Pistons but law that one pointer
to the Celtics. The Grizzlies got a loss against Philly
on the road, but beat Washington one nine on the road.
They're a game over five hundred, twenty seven and twenty six.
I told you about the Blazers losing in that game
to Utah on the terrible call, but they did go

and beat Miami tonight. At one fifteen to one O nine.
The Sun's beat my Rockets badly. It was uh. The
Rockets had thirteen wins in a row against the Suns
and lost one seven to ninety one. It was a
back to back without Russell Westbrook playing, but there's no
excuse to lose that bad. And I almost bought a
ticket to that game because it was here in Phoenix,

and I decided to save my money, and I am
glad I did. One oh eight, one oh seven, one
o eight, one seventeen. They lost to Denver, though the
Wizards one nineteen one eighteen over Dallas on that beal runner,
but they lost the game to Memphis. The nixt got
a win against Detroit two, but lost in double ot
to Atlanta and then Atlanta split, losing that game to

Boston and winning in over time against the next double overtime.
The one lost teams. The Nets go down to Toronto.
Spurs lost to Sacramento. They have not won a game
on this eight game road trip, so it's just gonna
be a long one for them. The Magic lost to
the Bucks, the Bulls lost, the Sixers, Hornets, Calves, and

Warriors all lost their one game, and then the two
lost teams. UH. The Heat were without Butler for both
their losses against Sacramento one O nine one fifteen on
the road against Portland's the Pacers lost both their games,
UH one to Toronto. UH. The Pistons lost both their games.
But obviously my big concern is the Rockets. I told

you guys in the last show, I don't know how
the small ball lineup is gonna work. I'm not really
in favor of it. I think it's the Rockets, Darryl
Moray and Mike D'Antoni thinking they're smarter than everybody else.
They beat the Lakers, so I was a little you know,
I wasn't swallowing my words yet. I wasn't ready for it.
And then they lost these two games. Uh. It was

back to back against the Suns. But the Suns aren't good.
You shouldn't have to rest up to go into Phoenix
and beat the Sun. So not having a good year,
and to lose by thirty six points to a team
that you have beat, uh thirteen times in a row,
it's just a absolutely pathetic effort. Now, Look, you can
say that they should have beat the Jazz tonight, and

that's against the team that's us specifically, a team that
I'm worried about, because when you have a big like
Gobert or yokich Um, you're just gonna have to throw
guys out there to foil him. I mean, only twelve
points for Gobert, but fifteen rebounds, a steel and a block.
Mitchell had twenty four, Clarkson had thirty, and uh Conley

had twenties. So uh just not defending very well. And
obviously that last shot was the dagger. So I'm concerned
about my Rockets and how this small ball lineup is
going to last with these guys banging around with the
monsters all year. Um getting to the Monday slate, we
got a ton of games. There's gonna be some really
good ones here. We got Detroit hosting Charlotte. Give me

the Pistons, and that one. Charlotte just is. Charlotte has
now become what we thought they were at the beginning
of the season, a team that's not gonna win many
games at all. The Pacers are seven point favorites hosting
the Nets. I would take the Pacers and that one
especially no Kyrie magic and Hawks has no line. Give
me the Hawks. We'll see if Clint Capella is gonna
make his debut or not on Monday. Uh, Toronto and Minnesota,

give me the Raptors. There's no line in this one
because we don't know about d' Angelo Russell. The Bucks
are four team point home favorites against the King's. I
would take them and give the points. Mavericks and Jazz
have no line here. Uh give me the MAVs at
home with the Jazz on the back to back, Nuggets
seven a half point favorites against the Spurs. Give me
the Nuggets, and that when the Spurs are just lost

in this road trip. Golden State hosting Miami with no line,
I think straight up I would take Miami, but if
the line is more than five, I would take Golden State.
And then the Lakers are hosting the Sun's. I don't
really care what the line ends up on that one.
I would take the Lakers. But that's all I've got
for you, guys. I hope you had a great weekend

and they're going to have a great week here. You
would follow me on Twitter at Body Sports Service and
a couple of days take easy
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