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February 24, 2020 23 mins

Scott Bogman recaps the weekend in the NBA, where we saw the Bucks clinch a playoff spot with about 2 months left in the regular season.

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Speaker 1 (00:03):
Lets Fly a t s Y and Sports Grid Network
present all in his Hands by the hard Hardwood Takeaways.
It's Lord Lord, Hello, and welcome to Hardwood Takeaways, brought

to you by the Sports Grid. Get on the Grid.
I'm your host, Scott Bogman. You could follow me on
the Twitter at Bogman Sports. We had a lot of
action go on this weekend, but the first thing I
want to start with here is and you guys know
that I'm a Rockets fan, but it's also one of
the stories that I ended with UH for last week
was westbrook getting tossed out of that game against the Warriors,

and he had some comments and look, I am a
Rockets fan, but you know, the Rockets in the Thunder
for a long time have been rivals, and I have
never really liked Russell west Brooks, so it's weird having
him on my team when he says stuff like this. Though,
he talked about himself getting the bad guy label, and

this is why I never really liked Westbrook because he
punched Damian Lee turned around to him and said, what
are you gonna do and then acts like he's, you know,
innocent in all this stuff, and I just don't like
that attitude. Now. A lot of the times with players
like this that are so good and are so driven,

this is the same thing that makes them great, is
this drive and stuff. I just wish the guy knew
how to compartmentalize because he doesn't. And uh, he's gonna
get booted out of a game here pretty soon you
get enough technicals and then um, he gets suspended for
a game, and then it moves up after that. So um,
you know, if he's gonna get that, hopefully it's during

the regular season, but hopefully he doesn't get anymore. But
I I just thought it was a little bit eye
rolling hearing Russell west looks say that he gets this
bad guy label. After I mean, he went and stared
down the bench. You know, I was talking a bunch
of smack to Wiggins and uh to Clay and all
those guys over there, and I've just you know, like

I said, I'm I'm a Rockets fan and i am
a Homer, and I'm going to lean that way for
most of the time. But I don't like this attitude. Now,
Russell Westbrook had an amazing game against the Jazz, and uh,
it was pretty funny because there was some jazz fan
yelling at him, and of course he's had problems in

Utah before. But then he um, he went and had
a you know, awesome dunk on Gobert. It turned around
to the fan at yelled at him that kind of stuff.
I don't mind. Like if you're drawn back and forth
with people, I don't mind. But you know, he he
was frustrated and he hit Damian Lee. It wasn't you know,
it didn't hurt him, but he was frustrated. He smacked

Damien Lee. It turned around talk trash to him and
then yelled at or bench and then said, yeah, I'm
always getting labeled as the bad guy. Just didn't make
a lot of sense to me. But we have bigger
and better news. Um, this was a surprise to me. Uh.
To Marcus Cousins was cut by the Lakers, and I
think it was kind of a shock to everybody. But
the reason it happened was because, you know, the Pistons

bought out Mark Kief Morris and he signed a deal
with the Lakers and they had to make space to
get him on the roster. And we know that to
Marcus Cousins isn't gonna play, but he did say, I mean,
I guess I shouldn't say that he's not gonna play,
because he did say a couple of weeks ago that, uh,
he is hoping to get ready by April or maybe
for the playoffs. I don't think that that's going to

happen for him. I mean, a torn a c L
is a rough and long recovery. I mean, he's a freak.
He's an athletic freak. So there's a possibility that he
could come back. And you know, we've seen the the
return window shorten. Uh. If we're talking about realistic expectations now,

if you're on a team that's taking obviously the return
window is just a gigantic question mark because who knows
when you're gonna come back because they don't need you
and they don't want you to get hurt before the
next season when they could possibly have a chance. But Uh,
DeMarcus Cousins cut by the Lakers. Uh, pretty surprising move,
I thought, especially because he talked about how he really

liked the organization. Stuff. Doesn't mean that he can't come back,
but they're not gonna get him at the deal that
they had him uh this season, So it'll be interesting
to see where he ends up. A cat has a
fractured risk, he's going to be reevaluated in two weeks. Um,
I don't I I don't know why they would rush

him back, So you know, I think reevaluation means he's
gonna sit for two weeks, UH with his feet up,
probably UH playing a lot of Xbox or whatever it
was he was doing last time. I think it was
Call of Duty or something he was playing, or Halo.
I don't know. I wish I was more in the
video games, but I don't have enough time, so UH
don't get to play many. But UM, you know he's

gonna be out. It's unfortunate because he really wanted to
play with his buddy, D'Angelo Russell. D'Angelo us Russell's on
the team now and I think they played one or
two games together. And now it looks like there's a
possibility that Cat could be shut down for the rest
of the year. And once again, as I just mentioned,
this is a guy who UH is injured and the
team is not going to the playoffs this year, so

there's no real incentive to get him back out there
before he is absolutely so UH, if there's a setback
or if it looks like in two weeks it's gonna
need another two weeks or whatever, and then he needs
to ramp up strength. It's gonna be a little bit
for cat. Speaking of injury, Steph Curry said that, uh,
March first has always been the date. Um, and I

understand that. But we talked about this before. You know,
they just officially came out and said Clay Thompson done
for the year, not gonna this season. Not a surprise
to anybody by any stretch of the imagination. Uh, No
one really expected him to play because, um, you know,
he tours a c L and the Warriors have the
worst record in the league, So why why play him?

Why why rush him back? No reason. I kind of
think it's the same way with Steph Curry, But um,
I think that there's no way to make this worse
than it was. Obviously you can re injure stuff, but
there's permanent nerve damage in his finger, And he said,
I'm getting used to what the new normal is. Uh.
The left hand definitely feels different than the right. So

that's just something that he's probably going to have to
deal with for the rest of his career. Is permanent
and life permanent nerve damage in his finger, so I'm
sure he'll get back to being the same guy that
he always was once he gets back. I don't think
that the Warriors should play him, and I also don't
think that they will. Um. I think this is all

a little bit of a roos for what reason, I
don't know. Maybe it's still a you know, Steph wants
to play real bad, so let's go ahead and make
sure we're appeasing our superstar. I get that, but I
I don't. I just don't know why he would play.
And even if he does play, he's not gonna play
on back to back, so it's all probably gonna be
home games for the Warriors to sell more tickets. So

it's just it's just strange, weird spot that we're in
as far as the injuries and the reporting and all
that stuff goes in the NBA. There was another big
injury uh this weekend here and we kind of knew
about it going into the weekend as well. Ben Simmons
did not play. I believe it was on Thursday against Brooklyn. Yeah,
Thursday against Brooklyn, he was a no go because of

the back spasms and he drew a probable against the Bucks,
which was surprising, and there's this great article on Fans
Sided about it by Chris klein Um talking about how
weird and how strange the um the Philadelphia seventy six

ers medical rushing guys out there. I mean, you know
you're in a playoff spot, and you know it. You're
going to the playoffs. You're you're a five seed, you're
thirteen games above five d you're going You're going to
the playoffs. So why would you rush one of your
two star players out in a game against the Bucks.
I mean, I know you want to see if you

can compete against them, but you're probably not gonna win.
The Bucks are on a crazy streak right now. It's
the regular season. Save all that stuff for the playoffs
if you play them, if you get there. So they
rushed him back. He played five minutes against Milwaukee on
the road, left the game again, went for x rays,

and he was quote unquote noticeably shaken after leaving the
x ray room. So we don't have any results or
anything back as far as that goes yet, but it's
not a good look, man. And it's really really bad
that he got rushed back as well. But you know,
this might be I wouldn't call it a blessing in

disguise or anything, but this might be a free preview
for the seventies sixers to see what time type of
team they have without Ben Simmons in the lineup, because
it doesn't seem like him and Joel Embiid are getting
along very well. And I did think that it was
funny that Joel Embiid said that he was the best
player in basketball and then immediately went out and lost

to g A. So UM, I think g A is
still good. I mean, I like Joel Embid. He's a
lot of fun UH and he's one of the best
players in the world that there's no doubt about that.
But g A is better than him. More drama this weekend,
UH surrounding the refs. Mark Cuban was pissed with good

reason too. There was it was a very strange call
at the end of the Man MAVs and Hawks game,
UM John Collins. The Hawks were up to UH, John
Collins went in or no excuse me, I think Trey
Young went in for a runner and it looked like
Dorian Finney Smith UH committed a goaltend right and UM

that's what they called on the floor. They called a goaltend.
Rick carlyle Um challenge that, uh, and they said it
was no goaltend. But because right after the non goaltend,
John Collins had picked up the ball and dunked it
for a putback, somehow they counted that, which was I

don't think that's how you do it. I think if
you call a goaltend and they blew the whistle, so
the play was supposed to be dead at that point,
even though John Collins grabbed the miss and put it back.
You know, if they hadn't blown the whistle, Okay, then
you go with that call. If someone else challenges that
it is a goaltend. I don't know. It was just
a really really weird play and Mark Cuban took to

Twitter to, uh, you know, talk about his uh anger
about this and here's I'm just gonna read his twitter
storm here. So they called the goaltend. They literally blew
the whistle. Uh, that it was a goaltend. There was
a put back after the whistle. After review, they said
no goaltend, but count the basket. WTF is that? That's

NBA officiating? But wait, there's more. One of the rests
told us it was an inadvertent whistle, so it was
not goaltending. Doesn't matter that people stopped. They thought the
whistle came after the put back, so the basket counted.
So they were Uh, so what were they reviewing? It
wasn't a goaltend, said and of course that comes after

uh Dylan intentionally kicked the ball as he was getting
thrown to stop the play. They don't. That's the play
that would foul out Max see Kliba Um. Refs have
bad games. Crews have bad games. But this isn't a
single game issue. This is the same s that has
been going on for twenty years. Higher former refs who

think they know how to hire, train, and manage realized
two years letter they can't. Two years later, they can't repeat.
In the past twelve years, it's been Ronny Nunne, Don
Vade and Bob Delaney and now Montye McCutcheon. What do
they all have in common? You know the definition of insanity? Yeah,
it's uh doing the same thing over and over and

over and expecting different results. That is that is true,
Mr Cuban, and I completely understand his frustration with this,
and this is what I've been talking about with um.
You know, these calls you need to either look, the
NBA moves fast, right, and these are some of the
best athletes on the planet, so it's hard to keep
up and hard to make all the right call calls.

I'm with Mark Cuban. You know, this is a human
element that's part of the game that is never gonna
probably go away. So you're gonna just constantly have that.
But we have all this technology at our dispersal, you know,
why not use it. It's not gonna It's not like
every single play needs to be reviewed, but stuff at
the end it needs to. Why do you think they

give us a last two minute report? Because that is
the crunch time. That's the most important time of the game,
especially when the game is close. So I just I
never really understood the fact that, um, they just do
such a terrible job using the tools that they have.
It's like all of this stuff is set up in

front of them and they're, you know, using a hammer
instead of a screwdriver. I just don't I'll never understand it.
And Mark Huban's right about this, and um, uh you know,
I'm not one to agree with uh. You know, Mavericks
a lot. But uh, the MAVs filed a formal protest
for this game, uh, the second one this year. The

Rockets had one the same type of the situation where
they called the goaltend that should have been called the
gold head against the Spurs. Uh. In that game, you know,
they were up by some ridiculous amount. I can't even
remember what it was. It was, you know, two and
a half three months ago. I can't remember what I
had for lunch today, so but I do know that
it was the same goaltending type of a call. And uh,

you know the Rockets, I mean, the Rockets blew at
thirty point league anyway, So you know, let's not get
too carried away and blame that completely on the refs.
But when it's a close game like this one was,
you know, and it all comes down to one call,
you gotta get that call right. That's the bottom line
at the end of the day. We all want the
same thing, and that is that the right calls are
being made. One more other injury, and this could get

a little bit interesting. Jaren Jackson Jr. Is gonna miss
two weeks with a knee sprain. Uh. The Grizzlies are
I mean, they're they're decently in command of that eight seed. Um.
There are four and a half games up on the Pelicans.
But the Pelicans won both their games this weekend, and
you know, was Zion there Now they are looking dangerous,

so I expect them in the Blazers to make a
push for this spot, especially if the Grizzlies start losing
games because of this Jaren Jackson junior injury. But let's
get to what happened this weekend. I'm gonna kind of
speed through it since I spent a bunch of time
at the top of the show here, yap in a
whole bunch. But um, the to win teams, the Los

Angeles Lakers, Uh, they beat the Grizzlies one, one oh
five and the Celtics on twelve, the forty three and twelve. Now,
and I know in that game against them. In that
game against the Celtics, Lebron, Uh, Lebron hit a shot
to put them up with about thirty seconds left. Jayson
Tatum had a shot at the end of it, um,

but he got called for an offensive foul. The Raptors
won both their games, of course their UM. You know
that their run came to an end right before the
break there. But um, they won both their games this weekend,
one eight one on one at Phoenix and one versus
the Pacers, and they sent a new record here. Winning

this game by forty six points is the largest marginal
victory in Raptors history. And I don't know what the
deal is because the Pacers split the weekend, but they
got absolutely stomped. I think they had nine points in
the first quarter, something ridiculous like that. I didn't get
to watch this whole game, but I was checking in
on the score as it was happening. The Thunder one
both of their games, one on one versus Denver one

one one oh three over the Spurs, their thirty five
and twenty two now thirteen games above five hundred. Who
would have thought before the season started that the Thunder
we're gonna have the same record as the Sixers, both
thirty five and twenty two. Right now as it stands, uh,
Thunder the sixth seed in the West right now. The

last two win team of the weekend was the Pelicans,
like I mentioned before, on the road against Portland and
then a big one fifteen one on one win against
Golden State, the twenty four and thirty two moving up
and up and up and up. One win teams. You
won't believe this. The Bucks won and there one game
one nineteen and over Philly. There forty eight and eight.
But this is the biggest news. They are now the

fastest team to clinch a playoff spot in NBA history, Uh,
surpassing the Warriors. UH from a couple of years ago.
There seventy two win season and UM, I mean, I
don't know the loss that's coming up on their schedule.
I guess maybe if g A sits again, they'll lose
a game coming up here. I mean I think that that.
I think that seventy wins is iffy for them. You know,

they gotta I mean, I guess I would say it's iffy,
but they're forty games over five hundred, forty eight and eight.
It's ridiculous. Uh. You know, Boudenholz are one of the
best coaches. And you know, I don't think people give
the UM. They don't give the surrounding cast and crew
enough credit. I don't know that g A would have
this team at forty eight and eight if he had.

You know what the Blazers have you know what I mean,
Like the the Middleton and Bledsoe really make that team
team good. I think they got a nice front court.
You know, Brook Lopez knows what to do, and they
have good chemistry too. You see him posting all those
weird wrestling videos and stuff like they're uh they're together
and that that's a that's a winning team. So um,

they've been playing great. They Heat, the Rockets and the
Nets all won their one game this week. Uh, the
Heat over the Calves not a surprise. They're at their
thirty six and twenties, same record for the Rockets in
that win over Utah their thirty six and twenty. The
Nets won fifteen and eighty six over Charlotte, and there
are three games below five hundred, but still in a
playoffs spot and um, you know, I mean they're gonna

make the playoffs. Um, they would really have to start
losing games badly to not make the playoffs. So uh,
they're gonna be in. The teams have split this weekend.
The Celtics lost that game to the Lakers, but they
beat Minnesota seventeen. The Nuggets uh lost to the thunder
one one one third team, but beat the t Wolves

one eight sixteen the thirty nine and eighteen now still
second in the West. MAVs UH beat the Magic on
one oh six and then have the controversial loss to
Atlanta one oh seven to one eleven. They're still eleven
games over, five hundred and thirty four and twenty three.
The Pacers got beat by forty six on the road
against Toronto, but before that they beat the Knicks by

eight on the road. Thirty three and twenty four is
their record. Uh. The Blazers lost to the Pelicans, but
beat the Pistons tonight only by three points, so they're
twenty seven thirty two. They're still hanging on by a shred.
I mean, Damian Lillard's trying to carry him there. I
don't know if he's gonna be able to do it though.
The Spurs beat the Jazz on the road and then
lose to the Celtics by twenty eight of the Celtics

the Thunder by twenty eight there twenty four and thirty two. Uh.
The Sons lost to Toronto, but they beat Chicago on
the road there twenty three and thirty four. Now the
Bulls lost to the Suns, like I said, but they
beat the Wizards twenty one, one seventeen there twenty and
thirty eight now and the Calves split because they lost

that game in Miami. But they beat the Wizards one thirteen,
one on eight and their fifteen and forty one one
lost teams here the Clippers that Kauai was getting mad
in this game. They lost to the Kings one oh three,
one twelve for Sacramento their thirty seven and nineteen now
the Sixers one nineteen uh one ninety eight and to

one nineteen. They lost to Milwaukee their thirty five and
twenty two, the Grizzlies, Magic Kings. Actually the Kings will
one win team. I'm just so used to putting them
in the one lost team. I just stuck them in
the losses. Uh. They're ten games below five hundreds, still
twenty three and thirty three, but looking better recently. The
Hornets lost that game to the Nets. The Pistons lost
to Portland's Knicks lost, Hawks lost Hawks one. I screwed

that one up to seven for Stallus their seventeen and
forty one now, and the Wizards lost two lost teams here,
the Wolves, Wizards and Jazz and Bradley Beal scored fifty
three and that loss to the Bulls, so just depressing
watching him toil a little bit. And they're fifteen below
five and thirty five. The Rockets are are the Jazz

excuse me our thirty six and twenty with that loss
to the Rockets, and uh, the Wolve sixteen and thirty nine.
Like I said before, not going to the playoffs this year,
So not a lot of expectations for them, and that
is why I question when Cat will come back and
if he'll come back this season. Looking at the Monday schedule,
We've got a lot of games going on here. Uh,
starting out with the Calves and the Heat. No line

in this one. I will take the Heat and the
Calves are no good. Sixers are hosting the Hawks. Give
me the Sixers in that one, even with no Ben Simmons. Uh,
no line in Washington and Milwaukee, but we do have
an over of T fourty because Milwaukee is gonna win
that game in a route. Brooklyn is a three point

favorite against the Magic. I'll give the home team the
advantage there. I'll take the Nets. UM. The Rockets are
four teen point favorites against the Knicks at home in Houston.
UM don't know if I'd bet that line, but I
would take the Rockets. Mavericks are hosting the Wolves, giving
the piste off Mavericks in that game. Jazz by eight

over the Suns in Utah. Give me the Jazz. No
line in the Clippers in the Grizzlies. Um, but I
would take the Clippers Grizzlies with no Jaren Jackson. But
a great weekend and we got lots of action down
the stretch here, so be sure you're sticking with us.
Remember you can follow me on the Twitter at Bognan
Sports at is it the Wells for him? And we

will see you guys later. Take it easy, everybody,
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