All Episodes

February 28, 2020 22 mins

- Kelly Oubre torn meniscus

- The Wolves fined 25K for resting a healthy DLo

- Philly wins w/o Embiid or Simmons

- Pacers, Thunder and Lakers Win

- Weekend slate

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Tweeks, Let's fly a t s Y and Sports Bridd
Network present All in his Hands, the hard Hardwood Takeaways.
It's Lord, Lord, Hello and welcome to Hardwood Takeaways, brought

to you by the Sports Grid. Get on the Grid.
I'm your host, Scott Boggman. Can follow me on the
Twitter at Bogman Sports and I am joined by your friend,
my friend, the world's friend, the Welsh at is at
the Welsh on the Twitter. Welsh. What is going on? Oh?
Hi friends, Hi everybody, Hi friends. It's better to be
me than the seventies sixers. Well, the seventy sixers actually

got a dub. They did get a dub. They did
congratulate playing at home. They did. Then they beat the
next we're gonna talk about that's amazing. They won a
game without indeed, but it wasn't home though, so when
a game on the road, and then talk to me
without embeat and Simmons. But uh, the big news to
start here, uh, and it's local here for us Kelly

Ubre Uh gonna probably miss the rest of the season
with the torn meniscus. I mean that's a four to
six week timetable. Usually it usually doesn't require surgery. I
was looking it up earlier the Welsh, but um more
to six weeks pretty much he's gonna miss, like he's
gonna miss the year. Yeah, yeah, so he is seeking

a second opinion right now. But how I mean, Kelly
Ubre is one of your favorites, So this is kind
of a r I P for you. Yeah, it's a
brutal blow. I mean the Phoenix Suns season has been
like a brutal blow. But you know, the Phoenix Suns,
there's just another identity. You know, DeAndre Ayton has been
quiet and all of a sudden the other day he
just absolutely blew up. Devin Booker has kind of sat

by the wayside while them not knowing their identity. Kelly
Ubre has been the one constant. I really, I feel
like he's can been like the perfect mold to this team.
He can score, he plays well on defense, he can rebound.
I mean, he can do a little bit of everything.
He was a perfect glue to this team that you know,
they've got their pseudo star, you know star, I want

to say pseudo star, but Devin Booker and they've got
the point guard and Rubio, They've got eighton and Ubree
really balanced everything together, but they couldn't win games this year.
But it's a brutal, bal brutal blow for fantasy owners.
It's just another bad piece to the Phoenix Sun season.
But don't be surprised if you see Devin I mean,
don't be surprised if you see Cam Johnson actually be

the guy that kind of steps in. But don't be
surprised if Devin Booker just goes ham for the rest
of this season at this point, because he's been I
don't know, he's been kind of muted and timid because
he's relented some of those scoring duties to Kelly you bre,
But you take Kelly Ubree out of there, I think
I think Booker is going to start picking up that slack. Yeah,
and I'm hoping for that. I mean, with the all

the injuries that are happening, I mean, there's just so
many that are happening right now in general, but so
many happening to the Grizzlies. I feel like maybe the
Blazers and Pelicans and Sons and the rest of these
teams in the West can kind of think that they're
going to get back into it and uh start playing
a little bit harder and for us fantasy nerds, uh,
it leaves some more players on the table to be

useful at the end of the season. So I'm kind
of hoping for that, you know. As it stands this second,
the Blazers three games back of the Grizzlies, the Pelicans
the same three games back. Uh. The Spurs are four
three and a half back, and the Kings are four
back and four and a half for the Sun. So

they're all in striking distance there of the eight seed.
Because the Grizzlies got up to a couple of games
over five hundred and they're back down to twenty eight
and thirty now. So um, you know, fingers crossed that
some of these lower tier teams can make a run.
But you know it's amazing too. The Phoenix Suns, who
are the second worst, are the third worst in the

West twenty four and thirty five. The only two teams
were first in the West worst in the West, where
the Minnesota Timberwolves and Golden State Warriors. The Phoenix Suns,
even though the third worst team in the West, would
be two games behind the Orlando Magic for the eight
seed in the East, so they would be the nine
seed they would be three games above the Washington Wizards,

who are currently the nine seed. Just for perspective, and
the Wizards, I mean, Beal is trying to single handedly
drag that team to the playoffs. He keeps scoring fifty
five and fifty and then he gets drug tested, of course,
so he's been incredible lately. So, um, that would be

if you were the Commissioner, Welsh. If you're you're now
Commissioner Welsh, Adam Silver's gone and now you're here. Are
you making the playoffs? Just um, the best sixteen teams
and getting rid of the conferences? Um? If I'm you
know what I'm doing. I Am doing a March Madness
bracket style tournament. All teams make it. I don't know.

I haven't decided as a new commissioner, I haven't decided
if all teams will make it or if we will
do I mean, we could still do uh an East
and West and we just seed you know, the eight,
the one. I mean, it's still kind of like the thing,
except playing We're not gonna play seven games anymore. We're
gonna just play one game and we're gonna just bracket
its bracket style it through. I don't know if you

could do would you do thirty two? Would you do
all the teams? If you could first play thirty I'm
sorry thirty Yeah, so you'd have to have the probably
what the playing game like, the two top teams would
have to get like a buy. I just you can't
have a league where all the teams make the playoffs.
It makes the regular season and then the Pelicans catch

fire and then they get to their people in college
football that are piste because uh, there's four teams that
make the playoffs. They want only two teams. I still
like the I like the idea of a six team team.
And then you have like a big seeding show, and
then you know they the NBA can't milk it like
they do with the two month long playoff. It feels

like it is. You know, they'd only be able to
get you know, probably two weeks out of it with
the tournament, but it'd be pretty pretty pretty badass. So
you so you're doing one and done. I'm doing one
and done. Absolutely that may. I mean that makes must
watch TV, that's for sure. I bet you know what
they make. I mean, they won't make as much money because,
like I said, they spend this out over two months,

and you know they get every game with the advertising,
but you would probably double or triple the viewership for
those one and done games. Yeah, it might be close
to the same amount of money. You know. That's why
March Madness gets all that. What I'm saying, Although nobody
watches regular season college basketball, right, I mean there are
I shouldn't say nobody, There are people that watch it.
I don't. You don't. I know a lot of people

that don't. They watch March Madness when it comes around.
So I'm with you on that. See, we're solving the
world's problems. Look at us, Look at us, not us.
Not here's a problem. The Wolves were fined twenty five
thousand dollars for not playing D'Angelo Russell when he was healthy.
Let's find now, I'll go fifty next time. I thought

that it was a hundred grand per game, and that's why, uh,
you know, they had to like supply medical evidence that
Anthony Davis was hurt last year the Pelicans for not
playing him because they got fined like a hundred grand
two or three times. You know what I want. I
want to see them start doing it to the players too.
Player and the team. Um, I have a hard time. Okay,

so I have a hard time finding the player. Look
grand toys in on it. Well, first of all, well
he is, but um, isn't that something like you know,
I mean kind of like in baseball? We didn't see
any the players get punished. A J. Hinch is gone
your boss, you know, but they also should have too.
You're you're right, You're right, so uh you know what,

I'm with you. Yeah, I'm gonna go with you on
that one. And most of these players are making uh
more money? How about um, instead of grand, you just
find them like five which is way more than grand
for a lot of these guys. Five percent. So if
you're healthy, you go, you know what I mean. And
the Grand is like, you know, maybe an appetizer at

a really fancy restaurant for some of these owners. So
who cares. That's what I'm saying. Find the team and
the players, and every offense doubles in price. I love it.
I love it because people are paying a ton of
money to go to these games. So I'm absolutely with you.
I mean, the Angelo Russell wasn't hurt. He should have

been playing and he wasn't. So well, I said funny
that the Wolves are being fined when the Warriors are
sitting Draymond Green for half the season, and uh, you know,
they just keep making random stuff up. I I was
just saying this on our other show, the INDUS Fantasy
Basketball Podcast, that you know, fan to see basketball. They're

in a little bit of a conundrum right now because
it's it's a great game to play. You know a
lot of people listening probably play DFS, and uh, you
know basketball DFS is fantastic, and basketball itself is a
fun game. The problem is is the game. The game
is hurting itself in so many different ways. I think
it hurts viewership that all these players are not only

not playing, that the stars aren't there. People don't want
to go to games because of that. But also it
shows how much these teams just don't take the regular
season serious because so many teams make it um. And
then also it kills fantasy basketball, kills people wanting to
play because you know, newcomers come in, they get their guys,
and then there's load management left and right and their
best players and every single day it's squid. Leonard is

not playing, this guy's on, Russell Westbrook's not playing and
it's hard to get down when you know your guys
are the equivalent in other sports. Serious, like if a
football player didn't play four games in a season, that's
a pretty big deal. And what if that was the regular?
What if that was the regular of a football player?
You know, I don't know your roster missed three to

four games like that? Would that would really suck and
you would complain it, you'd be piste off about it.
And that's something that basketball just hurts itself, and it
doesn't also know how to fix it. It doesn't. It
tries all these little goofy things and nothing is working
yet because they just don't take the regular season serious.
You know what, new rule no longer a tournament. Cut
it down to four teams in each one win. Okay,

four teams totals too from each conference, and then it's
one game playoffs. So the playoffs are a total of
three games. Yeah, it's just one game. That's it. They're
all play on the court at the same time. It's
just the Lakers versus the Bucks in one game. That's it, right,
that's it. Now, I'm just saying, I don't know, you

need to do something where they carry it's like a
damned if you do, damned if you don't. At this point,
with teams not caring about the regular season, if you
lower the amount of teams that made it, there'd be
more teams that would be giving up, I suppose, but
maybe there would be more of a care for the
big star teams. And that's why I think you might
need that. But you know you don't want to do that.

You get the eight teams that are in there, and
you still got teams just managing for the playoffs, just
trying to get to the playoffs. Well, let's get to
the action here. I'm gonna go over the game for
you and then the Welsh will give you the stats.
Are good with that, welch alright, So the first one
here was Philly over the Knicks, one fifteen to one
oh six. In Philly the thirty seven and twenty three
Now Nick dropped to seventeen and forty two, just a

cool twenty five games below five. Uh, Philly was with
no Simmons or embad in this one. But and beats
m R. I did come back clean. He's gonna be
reevaluated in a week. So nothing terribly uh you know,
has gone wrong for him. He's gonna be okay. But
coach Brett Brown said, it's painfully it's a painfully obvious bind.

We're missing two All stars. You yanked that from the team,
and it's painful. The Sixers were up fifteen at halftime.
The Knicks got within four with about five minutes left
in the third, but they were down eight going into
the fourth, and then they pulled it within five again
with about two minutes left, but they could not close it.
A couple of injuries in this one, or one injury

in this one. Dennis Smith Jr. Left for the Knicks
in the second quarter after taking an elbow to the head.
So how did those Philly guys stack up stat wise
with no MBD, no Simmons Well. Toby Harris fourteen and
twenty one had thirty four points, seven rebounds, seven assists.
Al Horford um touching on the triple double range fifteen points,

seven rebounds with nine assists, so he was kind of
closing and they all start a block in a steel
in thirty four minutes. Milton we were talking about shake
nineteen points with four assists and three rebounds. Josh Richardson
had seven rebounds to go along with eleven points. Uh
shake had was five for five from the three point line.
By the way, Al Horford four for four, and you
had Toby Harris hitting three. So uh, putting the map

together there you have twelve three pointers. Twelve of their
fifteen came from the starting lineup. Off the bench, it
was relatively quiet. Cork Moss had eleven. They hit fifteen
threes and just under fifty percent and over on the
knick side. Julius Randall was kind of everything. Thirty points,
ten rebounds, five assists. He was eleven for eighteen from
the field. Hercless drops seventeen. Peyton had eight teen points

with twelve assists and six rebounds, and r J. Barrett
fifteen points and more. Herkless hit five threes, he only
hit eight as a team. All of them came from
the starting lineup. Hercless had five, Randall head two and
Bobby Portist had one. Most most important line Welsh Mitchell
Robin Hall six points, eight boards. Uh to assist a

steel in three blocks, he's filling it up. He's been
getting thirty minutes off the bench pretty consistently. He was
good the other night. Get those steels and blocks that's
what we want, alright. Going over to the Pacers winning
one oh six one over the Blazers in Indiana thirty
five and twenty four the eleven games over five hundred,
twenty six and thirty four for Portland falling to eight below.

Weird back and forth game here. The Pacers were up
six at the end of the first but they only
scored thirteen points in the second quarter, and we're down
six at the half. The Pacers regained the lead going
into the fourth with a thirty seven to twenty six
win in the third quarter. Uh, the Pacers got up
ten with just under two minutes, but then Portland went
on a nice seven and oh run seven to oh run.

With about thirty seconds left, they were within three, but
Miles Turner hit a triple and that was the nail
in the coffin with nine seconds left. And this was
the fourth straight miss game for Lillard, and the Blazers
just are not gonna win many games without Damian Lillard. No.
CJ McCollum was only three for twelve from the three
point line. Three of twelve. You heard me. He was

eleven for twenty seven as a whole, played thirty eight minutes.
Did score twenty eight points with eight assists. Uh Hassan
Whiteside eighteen points, sixteen rebounds and four blocks and thirty five.
Gary Trent Junior had twenty points in forty one minutes,
actually a team high. No one played more minutes and
Gary Trent, Uh Carmelo Anthony twelve points, was seven rebound,
did not take a three point shot, and all of

the three points made, which were nine, came from the
starting lineup, none from Carmelo Anthony. None of the bench contributed,
only thirty from the three point line. Over on the
pacers side, Demonus Savonis twenty points, eleven rebounds, four assists
in twenty eight minutes. He was eight of fifteen. You
had a bunch of teens scoring. T J. Warren scored fifteen,
Miles Turner had the dagger but fourteen points, ten rebounds,

Brogden had seventeen with eight assists, and Oladipo he had
twenty six minutes. My eyes are going with fifteen points,
seven rebounds, was five for nine from the field, holiday
eleven points off the bench. They only hit eight threes
in this one. Poor percentages. Really, they were able to
get away with stuff just the starters were more efficient
than the Portland Trailblazers. You know, I see this lineup

and I go, man, Finally Victor Oladipo five of nine, right,
fifty five point six percent. But he was minus seven
on the plus minus, so he was by far the world.
So it's not he said. The shooting rust is there,
but he still needs to get a little chemistry with
his teammates. They're gonna be They're gonna be dangerous when
they get to the playoffs. Trust man, right, I know

what's gonna happen. Yeah, that's what I'm hoping for as well. Uh,
the thunder over the Kings here one twelve, one, O eight,
thirty seven and twenty two. Can you believe the thunder
our fifteen games over? Legit? Cannot I can't even remotely
come close to believing it. This is a team. In
the preseason, I remember you and I talking about like, oh, yeah,

Chris Paul, they got to get him out of there,
and they'll just play the young guys and they'll go
in for next year after a good draft pick lo
and behold, Chris Paul comes in and ye thirty seven
and twenty two on the year. This was a crazy game.
The Kings were up by eleven at halftime, and they
were up as big as nineteen at one point in
the third quarter, but the Thunder after being down nineteen
one on a fifteen and oh run, and they were

only down by one going into the fourth. Back and
forth in the fourth quarter as well, but the Thunder
were up one ten, one oh six in the final minute.
Healed stolen inbounds past but brick to three. Corey Joseph
grabbed the board and made a layup with ten seconds left,
but CP three made his last two free throws to
seal it uh for the Thunder in this one. And

that was all she wrote. So how did those Thunder
players look? Yeah? Gallinari had a game high twenty four
points with six rebounds. He had four threes and thirty
four minutes. Chris Paul seventeen points, seven assist, a couple
of steel six for eleven s. G A twenty points
eight on eight for fifteen from the field, only three
from six from the free throw line, and Steven Adams

at fifteen points with seven rebounds. Off the bench, Dennis
Shrewder thirteen points, five rebounds, seven assists, very productive in
thirty two minutes, but was only four for twelve from
the field, and new Lands Noel had the very new
Lands no Well typed Night ten points, seven rebounds with
a couple of blocks and a steel over. On Sacramento side,
Harrison Barnes twenty one points of five rebounds, Joseph had

eleven assists, Bogdanovitch had eleven points and just laws. Harry
Giles nineteen points, eight rebounds, Bill It's at eighteen points,
nine rebounds, had four threes, and Buddy Healed off the
bench fifteen points with five for nine from the three
point line. Alex Lyn also had a double double eleven points,
eleven rebounds, twelve threes, shot only forty five percent from

the field, and it just wasn't enough for Oklahoma City Thunder.
They keep rolling. Man Lens only only his third game
for the Kings in the first game over twenty minutes. Uh.
This last game was just a stomping, dude. The Lakers
beat the Warriors won sixteen to eighties six. It's one
of those games. It's one of those games by the
way that I look at what you know, like when
they were setting the season up, They're just like, man,

this Warriors Lakers game is gonna be so good when
we get to that one in late February. Burner, but
one of them is Lakers Warriors. Don't worry, fine, but
Lakers win this one. Big eight straight loss for the Warriors. Uh,
Lakers or four, five and twelve. Now the Warriors are

twelve and forty seven. This was actually a close game.
At halftime, the Warriors were only down to um even
with Draymond getting booted in this game. He got a
second tech with about, uh just under six minutes left
in the second quarter and got the boot in this one.
I mean, there's just ways to get out of games, right.
You don't want to get fine grand or especially if
Commissioner Welsh is around take care of Can I give

you a stat at what happened in the second half.
I know exactly what I'm gonna give me. You're gonna
give me the third quarter score, That's what I'm gonna
give you. The Los Angeles Lakers scored four to forty
points in the third quarter. They could have not scored.
They could have just sat on their butts and not
played an ounce and scored one point in the fourth quarter,

and they still would have beat the Golden State Warriors.
They outscored the Warriors forty to thirty four. But I'm
giving you only the third quarter for the Lakers, and
I combined the third and fourth quarter for Golden State
because Golden State had seven and team points each and
the third and fourth quarter, so they outscored him in
the third alone. Didn't need to score single more point
and still would have won. Yeah, So it was actually

sixty two to thirty four in the second half they outscarred.
Just an absolutely ridiculous game. Who had who was big? Here?
Was it a d Yeah? Twenty three points, six rebounds,
ten of twelve from the free throw line. The rest
of the starting lineup was quiet, a bunch of twelves
across the board with McGee, Rondo and Bradley, but off
the bench Kyle Kuzma had eighteen points. He was eight

of seventeen from the field, and Dwight Howard thirteen points,
nine rebounds. Over on the Warrior's side, not much of everybody.
Pascal off the bench did have twenty three points in
twenty seven minutes. He was seven and fourteen, But in
the starting lineup it was Pool and Lee had sixteen
and fifteen respectively, Bender Dragon, Bidder Head. It was in
the starting line up. By the way, Bender, Chris and
Draymond combined for ten points between the three of them.

It's pretty brutal. Yeah, it's just not a good game
and a terrible, terrible game for the Warriors at Jordan
Pool left his game injured, and so did um Uh
Soda Kai Bowman at the very end of the game.
And Andrew Wiggins sat this game with backs passings. So uh,
all that plus Steph Curry might not come back on Sunday.

So at least there's that. At least there's that. But
look at looking ahead at the weekend schedule, there's some
good games to look forward to on Friday Night. I
like some of these games. The late one is really good.
Clippers hosting the Nuggets. That's gonna be a great game.
Clippers are favored by five and a half Welsh Where
you go on that one, Clippers, Uh, the Bucks are

hosting the Thunder. Uh probably gonna have to take the
the Bucks in that one because the the Thunder are
the Bucks just don't lose games heat and the MAVs
should be a good one. Going over to the Saturday Slate.
My Rockets are on the road against the Celtics. That'll
be a great game. Hey, look your sons, Sons and
Warriors go to that. I would I would much rather

go on Sunday and see the seventies Sixers and Clippers
or Raptors and Nuggets, even better game. That would be
the game I want to go to. That's the one. Yeah,
Lakers on the road against the Pelicans too, will see
if Lebron can get back and play that game. But
that is gonna wrap it up for us for this week.
Remember you can follow us on the Twitter at Bogman
Sports for me at is It the Welsh, find all

of our work over it in this league dot com
and we will see you guys on Monday. Take it easy,
every buddy,
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