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March 12, 2020 23 mins

Scott Bogman looks at the NBA shutting down due to coronavirus outbreak.

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Speaker 1 (00:03):
Let's fly a t s Y and Sports Gride Network
present all in his hands by the hard Hardwood Takeaways.
It's Lord, what's up? Welcome in. It is Heartwood Takeaways

right here on the Sports Grid. I today am only
one of your two hosts. It's Chris Welch and Scott Bogman.
We're here for hardwood Takeaways on a ridiculously maybe the
weirdest day in NBA history. Bogman, do you think that
might be a semi appropriate statement that we are um

having a day where the NBA has suspended their season
due to the coronavirus and we are literally left it.
It happened in like a thirty minute window where we
found out that Rudy gobert Um had tested positive for
COVID nineteen and then the NBA done. So Yeah, Hi,

very weird somber day. I think weird is probably the
best way to describe it as of now. I think
if you want to say depressing day or um bad day,
you would have to look back on that and say
that depending on what the NBA does moving forward. So
I know people are in fear that there may be

no more games the rest of this season, and I
understand that fear. I don't think that will happen. I
think that they'll pick back up in uh, you know,
either a month or two. I mean this, it's not
like baseball or football Welsh where you know you have
to have the right type of weather conditions to play.
It's they're all indoor stadium so you know, you can

literally pick it up at any time. And we talked
about this last week to where you know, there are
some people in NBA circles that kind of want the season,
the regular season to start in December. Anyway, this seems like,
because of this whole incident, next year might be the
you know, perfect time to implement that. But we're getting

way ahead of ourselves. I don't I don't know. I
agree with what you were saying that you like, do
you think the NBA is just gonna pick back up
off the regular season where it left off, or pick
back up into where they should be at the time,
because I don't. I don't think the NBA picks back
up on this regular season. Like we were just off air,

we'll talk about it over in the end. This the
kind of city basketball podcast. I don't believe the NBA
is just gonna pick right back up from the regular season.
I think if they come back, it's going to be
playoff time and it's just going to be you know
where everything is. They're just gonna end the season. It'll
just be a shortened season, just like if they were
on strike. You know, how what is it that spurs season?

How many games do they play into the regular see
actually of the regular season that they played like fifty
they played like fifty seven games something in that neighborhood
that I think that would be the nature of what
we're talking about. And so, yes, it could pick back up,
but I don't think they're going to pick back up
from the regular season. I think they have the ability
if they truly wanted to just move everything. But you
do have to think about, you know, the TV deals,

You've got a draft, you've got free agency. There's a
lot of stuff. That's why I don't think it happens.
And and and we're in a situation also where a
lot of early it is early stuff. But league officials,
because this all came down, I imagine they had had
some conversation about it, like if a player contracts this
virus that they would most likely implement a suspension of

the season and this happened and you'll tell us in
just a couple of minutes to the unfortunate web of
Rudy Gobert and and uh Moody A. Moody A was
also with it. So like, like, Rudy Gobert is popular
with it because he did the ridiculous bit of touching
all this stuff and almost not like not trying to
make light of it, but making light of it. And

then he just trying to make light of it. Yeah, yeah,
well he made light of it and then he contracted
it and uh, you know, he enabled the NBA to
suspend the entire season with it. But on um on
the and the inverse of it, like, I don't see them.
I don't see them replaying the game. So fantasy has
a discussion to figure out what they're gonna do if

the season just starts back up, and you know, overall
the NBA, Oh, this is where I was going with
it is the NBA officials have already been talking about
this not being a short stent, this not being a
small thing. Teams have already told their players. There were
some direct teams. I think the Memphis Grizzly specifically that
it had like really early contact, um you know, sharing

charter flights and stuff like that. That um, the players
are to stay home and quarantine themselves for two weeks
fourteen days, so you already know fourteen days is probably
the lowest the lowest thing here that the NBA could
return to, now, could they? It's poss doable, And if
they did, I think that's a scenario where the NBA

could build a plan where they could just pick back up.
They could if they wanted. I suppose they could just
dump those games. You know, what are fourteen days, like
five or six games or something like that, They could
dump them. Yeah, they could dump them, or they could
just pick back up and push everything back two weeks
if they come back. But the early word from all
the chaos on this very first night where the league

is going into suspension is that people don't think this
is going to be a small, temporary thing that a
lot of people think the regular season is done. Yeah,
maybe it is, and I think it's too early kind
of speculate that stuff, but it's definitely gonna be longer
than two weeks because they we don't even have proper
testing all around the country. Yet you know what I mean.

So what you have to do is you have to
get the players quarantine, then you have to test all
of them. Then you have to make sure, uh you know,
you're getting all the results, which you know, we were
talking about this in just our phone call that we
had earlier, I think some and said that the shortest
amount of time is nine hours. Well that's someone was
touting that hospital and I don't remember where it was

that they had it in nine hours. In reality, it's
been like two days as we're talking right now, as
we're recording this. There are actually, uh that might not
be the necessary case. By the way, I think there's
some quick there are some quick tests that they're doing.
I'm not sure how substantial it is. But there are
multiple reporters and let me see if I can find

any one of them, because they've been on my Twitter timeline. Yes,
Sarah todd U at NBA Sarah if you um, if
you follow this, she is Utah jazz reporter and a
former beat reporter for the seventies sixers. She's quarantined in
the stadium right now like her and multiple other and
she just she tweeted, this is about I guess this

would be about eleven pm Eastern, she said, seriously, so
frustrating to hear that the team has been quarantined and
that they are there are national reporters being fed information
about their traveling abilities. Well, no one has told the
writers that are in the building anything concrete at all
about our safety, she continues, saying, if I hadn't chosen
to stay here in self quarantine in the tunnels in

the arena, I could literally walk out and fly to
SLC tomorrow, She says, Think about how awful it would
be if I did that. Not a single spokesperson has
came and talked to them for hours, and they've been
stuck at the arena. Yeah, I mean, it's just, you know,
it's an unprecedented situation. No one was prepared for this
at all, and this thing is spreading like wildfire. It's

much quicker than anticipated or uh predicted. So it's, uh,
it's kind of a it's a rough thing to sit
here and say, well, why wouldn't we doing this before? Um?
But it's also a how the hell would they know?
You know what I mean? So it's it's a it's
the weirdest situation that I remember in my life, I

mean we've we've seen um, you know, work stoppages. I
mean obviously no, I'm sure you remember during nine eleven
all the sports stopped for a week. Everything stopped for
a week. I remember I worked at an electronics store
at that time, and I remember that day they were
taking things off the shelves that might have been a
little dicey with twin towers stuff on it, and like

that was that was you and I have been talking
to about pandemic type of like chaos, and the closest thing,
you know, you hit it right on the head was
um was why two k That was probably the closest
thing to people having kind of like a a freak
out in hitting the stores and panic. But the difference
between that is that wasn't attached to physical health concerns.

That was just like, hey, technology is gonna go, and
you know nine eleven had I think everybody was on
edge like safety. It's actually very similar I think ish
feeling where people's people felt at uneasy and they felt
that the safety was um it was in kaind of
in peril, and I think there's a similar ish. It's

obviously not the same thing there's a similar ish type
of thing going on with that right now, where you
know this the virus is going around. But then also
you're taking in just kind of the chaos of what's happening.
And also you know, I point this out. Bagman and
I we were on the phone and I had to
get off for a second and then I called him
back within a thirty minute span, within a second span,

well thirty seconds, but within thirty minutes. Yeah, it was
really quick between that we had Rudy Gobert contracted the virus. Uh,
the NBA was suspending its season, like Tom Hanks has
the virus, like all of this and all by the way,
and the president banned anyone from Europe traveling to the

US for a month. All of that happened within thirty minutes,
and I think it helped kind of spark some of
the kind of chaos and the the NBA just at
the grocery store in the middle of that stuff, and
people were just buying everything. So it wasn't pretty. It
wasn't pretty at the grocery store. I was at, Yeah,
it's just, uh, you know, there's no a way for

us to know what's going to happen at this point,
you know, if they someone made the point, and I
can't remember who. I've been watching ESPN and NBA TV
and all kinds of uh, you know, anything I can read.
I've been trying to read up on what is going
on to try to get a you know, just to
gauge how long this is gonna be or And no

one really has a good answer, but one one bottom
line thing is money. And the NBA lost a ton
of money with the whole Darryl Morey China you know
tweet thing, and that caused business between the NBA and
China to uh devolve, and the NBA lost a ton
of money and now they're gonna lose a ton of

money because of this. So I think that you know,
first priorities obviously health, making sure your whole league, all
your employees, from the concession stands and the janitors and
the parking lot attendants all the way down to you know,
the most highly paid players of Lebron James is in
the league. Make sure everyone's healthy and good to go

as far as the NBA goes, that's first and foremost
of course, second is how do we make up this
money that we've lost, you know. So I think that
if it's something where we can get back on track
and playing within you know, four to six weeks, I
think they they'll just reschedule games and play them again.
If it's gonna be longer than that, I think it's

exactly what you said where they're just gonna pick up
in the playoffs. You know, they're just gonna say, alright,
regular season's done, we're heading towards the playoffs, and we're
gonna just do that. I think there's a chance that,
you know, they could do the two week quarantine and
you know, because they stopped it though, you know, there
were still games, like plenty of games came to completion

um on Wednesday night. But if if you take today,
you know, as we're recording this, which is uh even
know what today is March, and you go fourteen days
into the future, that would be March. I there there
is in theory they could come back play the games
with no fans in the stadiums. You know, players, they're

all went to get tested, they could be healthy. The
NBA could get back on track. I still lean that
if they did that, they're not going to make up
the games they're just gonna move forward. So the NBA season,
you know, will have you know, instead of eighty eighty
two games, it'll be seventy six or something like that.
Like that's that's where I think they're gonna go. I

see ten percent scenario where they're actually trying to make
up the games. I think there's almost a certainty no
matter what the decision is, they're just moving forward. Whether
it's two weeks, a month, the playoffs, put whatever it is,
it is going to be a full move forward. And
it just causes a lot of I mean, it's gonna

cost a lot of chaos. Most likely people will come
to terms with it, but you know it's gonna call yeah,
but it's just gonna be you know, teams not teams
that are actually fighting for an NBA for a spot
in the layoffs, are going to kind of probably fall
short due to this. It's just it's a you said,
a good word. It's an unprecedented event that is a tag.

This isn't a CB, a shortened season or anything like that.
You know, there's other things that happened with like Vin.
We may have seen Vince Carter's final moments in the
NBA and it was stopped at the behest of you know,
the coronavirus. I mean, he came in, he hit a three,
that's it, and he's done. Like we're done, We're done
with We might be done with Vince Carter if they

can't get back a few of those games. Yeah, I
mean Hawks, Uh, Hawks aren't making the playoffs. So um,
you know that that could have been it for him
if they do decide to come back and uh just
skip straight forward to the playoffs, because he's done after
he said he's done after this year. I mean obviously,
you know, if he wants it to end in a
different scenario, he could always come back and play next season. Uh,

you know, assuming everything is good to go next year.
I mean, because we just don't know, we just don't know,
uh how the country in the world is going to
handle this, uh this virus. So um, but there was,
like you said, our guy Dusty in our group new
rooms over at our I T. L Army Patreon, Patreon
dot com, slash I T. L Army he posted in

our captain's room. This is from a tweet from stat Muse,
and it says the Jazz have played uh Toronto and
then it's who have played and you can connect all
thirty teams in the last five days. So that is
why you know, when you look at something like that,
that is why the NBA has to suspended season because

you could just be spreading coronavirus or COVID nineteen between
all of your players if you know it, because it's
easily it's like. But also the symptoms don't immediately show,
so you could have a multitude because, by the way,
you don't just pick on Gobert. Moodyer also tested positive
for the coronavirus, and yeah, I mean maybe, um yeah,

maybe that's something to attach to all of this, but
it's a it's a virus that also can sit with
you for multiple days before symptoms are shown two to
four days. So this is just five days. That's it.
Those five days half the NBA could have it. Plus
there was their share with hockey. There's some hockey elements
that are attached to it as well. It's a nasty

it's a nasty situation. And what is um what's interesting
also about it is we were kind of ready to
to experience basketball without fans in the stands. That was
gonna happen, you know, with the Warriors and we're we're
just not going to experience basketball. Plus you know, let's
not even say this. This is amazing because of the

news that it trounced earlier in the day, which nobody
was is even talking about at this point because of
the chaos that happened late Wednesday night, was that the
n C Double A and the March Madness tournament they
announced that there will be no fans for the entire tournament.
That that was it's gonna be over, They're going to
cancel it. It's an astonishing and absolutely astonishing development that

I was stunted for the day and I couldn't have
thought that anything could have been more powerful than you know,
maybe one of the biggest sporting events. I mean that
the event owns the month. When I think of right
of March Madness, I literally think of that. It's it's
one of those few sports too that it has this
rate of like, um, you know, nobody can pay attention.

And then the entire country is just locked in to
March Madness. They're going without any fans and the ESPN
gonna do for programming like UH and NBA TV, Bulls
Bulls versus Piston. I don't. I don't know. Well, I mean,
most of March on ESPN and ABC is March Madness.

You know, It's there's games on like every hour of
every day pretty much up through the beginning of April.
So there's just so there's so much impact by uh,
you know, by sports shutting down, and I just like,
you see the reaction that the NBA has because of
COVID nineteen, and there's so many more players in college sports,

and you know, you can't you can't shut down a
tournament and then do the tournament two months later because
those same venues have stuff going on so well, I
mean two months later. I mean, if you get something together,
it's just not going to be the same. You know,
it's not gonna be March Madness. Like it is not
gonna be your normal tournament. You're probably gonna have to

play in smaller gyms, you know, um, different venues. And
I think they're committed though at this moment, they're committed
to playing out the tournaments. I guarantee you, I would
bet all the money I have that it will be
cancer and it would be one of the biggest financial
windfalls that we've seen. I mean the NBA doing this,
it's it's a big blow, um. But I mean the March,

the March Madness tournament is like it's like the Super Bowl,
but spread out over multiple weeks. I mean the marketing,
the advertising, dollars, game, the money at the schools. Think
of Yeah, I think of the local cities that are
dealing with, but also think of the money the schools
bring in. The notoriety they build their they build their

college based on you know what they do in March Madness.
They can sell recruits on it. And it is um
from top to bottom. And also, you know, there's not
that we need to get into it, but there's a
there's an entire new thing to look at. Is the
backlash that's gonna happen with Rudy Gobert. You know, Rudy
Gobert unfortunately made himself the face of coronavirus in sports.

That's an unfortunate thing. And he mocked it and he
touched all the stuff in a in a joking manner,
and he literally contracted the virus and he shut down
the NBA. And I know, yeah, I saw dude. I
saw reporters being like, hey, don't blame Rudy, he's really
caring and he's this and that. Okay, that's fine, nice guy,
I'm sure, but you you put yourself in this position

when he acts like a jackass. I saw people have
that stuff happen I Paul. I saw people talking about
the petition of him maybe being um taken out of
the NBA, like being suspended. Well, I'm just saying, but
that's the type of reaction that people are having for
what he did. And and it's you know, it's a
small at the end of the day. It also might

not have been anything like him touching the mics not
might not have been it, but he probably wasn't. You know,
he made a joke like the situation. He is specifically
the one that got it, and the NBA ended their
season or suspended their season because of him. There's bad backlash.
I mean, we're we've been dealing with this with the
Houston Astros in in baseball, with how bad the cheating

scandal is. This isn't obviously the same thing. But this
is not going to be felt lightly. I mean, the
only the NBA season is canceled, like the whole season canceled.
He's gonna wear that for the rest of his life. Yeah,
the only thing that my um, you know, as if
they come back, the only thing that might help. And
also you know, if people also remember that he's sick,

you know, he's got the thing. People are gonna want
him to be better. We don't know how the whole thing,
you know, and younger people proved to recover much better,
and you know, and an athlete of his sort is
you know, it's going to have pretty much everything at
his disposal. But you know that would be maybe the
one saving grace that's going to let people kind of
like not think about the direness of the situation. But

it's a nasty situation. And to be honest with you,
I mean hard with takeaways right here, we're kind of
we're kind of up in the area, you know, I
mean I can't imagine. Um, you know, we we got
to talk to the uppers. But what the podcast holds
here for a little bit, I mean, as new developments
come in, I think there's justification to continue talk. But
there are no games to be played. There's nothing else.

There might be more news, but there are no games
to be played because the NBA has suspended their season
and the most disappointing part the Welsh Oban best game
of his career thirty one and seventeen tonight, did he
really had a great game because Porzingis was out and
he played and uh he was amazing, but scoring leader

the final game of the season, the best performance might
have been Trey Young forty two points of eleven assists.
That could be the final game of the two thousand
twenty NBA season. It just hurts, you know, it hurts, uh,
not only money wise, but just like enjoyment wise, because
there's people that are completely and holy invested in the NBA.

Are friends over at hoopball, you know, uh, Aaron Bruski
and Dan Besprus and you know our buddy Jonas Nader
and and Steve Alexander over road world. I don't know
what they're gonna do for work, you know what I mean.
So there's, uh, there's money stuff, there's enjoyment stuff. It's
just it's a crappy situation for everybody. But um, you
know we're gonna we're gonna talk to Mike and and

see what, uh what's going on with this show. Oh
and you know, hopefully we'll be back sooner rather than later.
And talking about some playoff matchups and maybe even some
regular seasons. That's it. So like the NBA regular season,
we don't know what Hard with Takeaways holds. But there's
the update. NBA season officially suspended even off of Great
Boban and Trade Young games. But Rudy Gobert Manuel Moodier

the first professional athletes that were aware of that contracted
the virus and uh ending a lot of sports right
now and we'll we'll follow it and we'll be back
and as we as the news unfolds, we will be
back with you. So that is Scott Bogman. You can
find him on Twitter Bogman Sports. I am Chris Welsh.
Find me on Twitter at is it the Welsh. This
is Hard with Takeaways And hopefully we talk to you

guys soon. See yeah,
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