All Episodes

March 2, 2020 21 mins

Scott Bogman covers everything from the weekend in the NBA. Bogs talks about the growing comparisons between LeBron James and Zion Williamson, and how Trae Young's nutmeg move went horribly wrong against Trevor Ariza.

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Speaker 1 (00:03):
Let's fly a t s Y and Sports Grid Network
present All in his Hands, Body, No nut the hard
Hardwood Takeaways. It's Lord Lord, Hello, and welcome to Hardwood Takeaways,

brought to you by the Sports Grid. Get on the Grid.
I'm your host, Scott bog and I'm joined once again
by our friend of the Welsh Welse what's going on? Man? Oh? Hello?
How are you basketball? Fantastic? Little? Uh you've been doing
any little nutmegs lately? No? No, And if I did,
I'd expect Trevor Reason to deck me if I'd to
do that. It's only nutmeg, I like, is on a

little bit of hot cocoa. But so, what were your
thoughts about that? Because you know everyone on NBA Twitter
has just a ton of opinions on everything. I don't
know if you've ever heard of this, but there's a
thing called Twitter where you can find me at Bogman Sports.
You can find the Welsh at is it the Welsh?
And you can find a lot of other people discussing things.

And uh, who was I keep wanting to say hardened?
But it was Trey Young tried to pass the ball.
If you don't know what the nutmeg is, when you
go between a defender's legs picked the ball back up,
and uh, he tried to do that to a reason,
and a reason kind of checked him. I mean he
knocked him on the ground. It was a clear foul.
I don't think it was that disrespectful though, and people

were acting like, oh, what are you doing the tray
young blah blah blah blah blah. He's the new superstar.
You can't do that to him. But a reason is
a vet. I don't know. I probably a little bit
fairly skewed on this because the reason was with the
Rockets for so long and one of my favorite players.
But I did think that now you know what it
is to me though, it's a little bit like, um,

it's like a picture hitting a guy after he pimped
a home run. That's how I see it. It's the
same thing like they don't people don't like it's it's
getting shown up. And that's one. It's not that it's
a basketball unwritten rule by any means, But that was
like how you're treating You're almost treating it like, yeah,
the young man was trying to do the thing, so
he checked him, what's the big deal? And it's like, well,
then you have to I would say, you'd have to

say the same thing about a dude, you know, pimping,
you know, Fernando Tatis Junior pimping a home run and
then his next bit back getting beamed in the shoulder.
I think it's about the same thing. One thing you
won't see though, in baseball is that picture and hitter
dab it up after the game and talk a little bit. Okay,
good point. We did see that with a reason and
Trey Young, you know, I think a reason went up

and said, hey man, I respect your game. Don't try
to do that to me again. Though, I think that
you do dab you do, you do some dab and
dab it up. You know you got some dab venue. Yeah,
I mean I've I've had. How strong is your dab game?
We're gonna about to find out, and you know, as
soon as this is over. So yeah, let's we should
have a dab off. Let's let's have a dab off.

We'll do a video. It'll be the Bogman Welsh dab off.
I don't even know what we're talking about it. I
think you're thinking, Dad, is something very different than what
I'm franking. You sound like Quentin Tarantino and Little Nikki
when he's like, the Lord loves you, my friend, and
then he turns around a little Nicki and he's like,
you make the Lord very nervous, very nervous. What about

the disrespect gate between g A and James Harden. It
took another step in its development over this past weekend
where you know, during the uh the All Star Game
and the draft for that, um, you know, g A
had a little disrespectful jab towards Harden where uh you know,

Chuck said, you don't want the dribbler because he took
Kemba Walker and he said, no, no, I want someone
that passes the ball, which is funny because Harden leaves
league assists but whatever, um, you know, and then who's
the who's like top three in uh shots attempt at
the league? It's hard in there. Oh yeah, Harden's definitely
in there. So you think you think he's also he's
also top in point it's per game You think Harden

is passing during an All Star game? Uh? No, I mean,
by the way, he's not leading the league. He's seven
seven point three per game. James Harden, uh ten point
six but he's ahead of g A. So uh in passes,
there's that and points and threes. So but I think
we're coming back here. You're different, hardened defending rockets guys. Well,

of course I'm gonna defend Harden in this one. Give
me a break. Harden plays with the Blazers. Now, I
don't care what he does. So I do like him
as a fantasy player, but that's because he gets Seal. Yeah,
who'd I say, You said, Harden, you would be losing
your mind. Oh, I would be, Well, we better got
Lillard back, That's what I'd be saying. And Lillard and
Westbrook on the same team. That ain't gonna work. But

thinking of real quick, I don't mean to take good,
but you sent me is wild. Just you know this
show Takeaways. We're taking away all the things that happened
in the NBA, but also off the court and um
C J McCullum. He instagramed this post, want to like
you want to talk about the fear of the coronavirus.
He said that it was his long thing and I'm paraphrasing,

but essentially that the coronavirus has made has made its
way to the West because I think like there was
you know, the first US death happened in Washington, and
he had posted this whole thing, and at the bottom
he goes, until further notice, I'm not signing any autographs,
and I was like, whoa, He's like he's taking it serious.
I wonder if we're going to see more of that. Well,

we're definitely going to see more of that, as this
kind of moved autographs being taken away from Bogman. But
but while I don't want autographs, you know that, But
I think what these guys should do instead is maybe,
do you know, maybe sign a bunch of stuff before
the game starts and you know, leave it out or
give it to someone that you pay to go and
then hand out your your autograph for whatelse not doing

at all. You're not doing it at all. It's fine too.
I mean, you know me, I could care less about autographs.
But let's get back to the hardened thing real quick.
Because coronavirus is hilarious. But I'm it's so funny, you know, yeah, yeah,
it's a hilarious gas. But someone asked hard Uh, someone
asked Harden over the weekend. You know, um, what did

you think about g A's comments and he said, well,
you know, I would love to be a physical freak,
super tall and with his athletic ability to dunk and
all that stuff, but I gotta, you know, learn the game.
And and that was and that's a dig right back
at g A. I think it is just good enough.
But I don't know if you've noticed, but g A

has been trying to uh, I don't know. He tried
to do a step back three and he air balled it.
And then he tried to do a Euro Stepman, do
you see the do you see the Chris Paul one
where it was at the three point line and Paul
was up on him, and then Paul literally stepped back
like he gave He gave him five feet just taking
he was, I mean, without even he didn't say it

or put his hands up, but his body movement was
just take it. G A puts that shot up. Click. Yeah. So,
I mean g A is That's why they call him
the Greek Freak. He's one of the best basketball players
out there. There's absolutely no doubt. He's unbelievably gifted athletically,
but he's got he's got a couple of holes to

be worked out. Here and there. That three shot needs
to get better. He needs to get way better at
the line. Don't have to be right, Yeah, I mean,
do you think Shaq is the best basketball player ever? Know,
he's just a giant, enormous man that can back down anybody. So,
I mean, he's a good basketball player. But technically, you know,
I don't think there's any basketball player technically more sound

than probably Chris Paul. You know, Chris Paul is probably
the best as far as his mind goes. Uh. Now,
he is a giant cry baby to the refs. Everybody
knows that I'm not gonna sit here in defense. Well,
I mean, look, the Rockets have had guys I don't like.
I never like Chris Paul before he got to the Rockets,
and I never liked Russell Westbrook either, although Russell Westbrook.

Did you see the Rockets game this weekend and ce
Celtics not forty one points wins that game? Uh, it
was really really close, went into overtime. Jalen Brown hit
a three at uh at the buzzer to tie it
to go to overtime, and it was an amazing play
because it was often missed free throw and it got
kicked around a couple of times, bounced out to Brown.

He took it with no hesitation, I mean, just fluid movement,
knocked it down, goes into overtime. But the Rockets still win.
So that's your favorite, that's your absolute favorite. You know?
Are we are? Are we talking about any games this weekend?
Because I've got one I want to bring to you. Yeah, yeah,
let's hear it. How about your boy on Saturday? I
believe it was. Let me see if I have that right. Yeah,

this was on um yep, this was on Saturday against
the Bulls. Mitchell Robinson a career high twenty three points,
had ten rebounds to assists a steel a block, was
eleven for sixteen from the field in twenty nine minutes.
This looks like the dude that you've been selling and
people on in the preseason. Twenty three points, ten rebounds,

two blocks, and eleven for sixteen from the field. All right,
so uh give me the line one more time for
Mitchell Robinson ten to assist, one steel, two blocks, zero turnovers,
was eleven for eleven for sixteen from the field, one
for three from the free throw line, and only played
twenty nine minutes. Okay, here's the stat line that I

like better, and you tell me if I'm wrong. Uh,
this is from February on the road against the Hornets.
Thirty minutes, twelve points, sixteen rebounds to assist a steel
in three blocks, so he doesn't need to score, but
he's barely Ever, I think that's got to be a
career high in boards for him at sixteen. No, I

guess not, but it's uh, it's pretty damn close. So
six it's the sixteen boards in the three blocks versus
the one steel. I like that line better. I think
this line two blocks in this one though, two blocks
of steel, couple of sis. Yeah, you're right, but seven
offensive rebounds sixteen boards, you know, I mean he he
led the team. There were only one person was close,

Julius Randall and ten and thirty two minutes in that
game you had R. J. Barrett dropped nineteen and Tash
Gibson dropped seventeen. But I don't know, Miss Robins just
just coming through. Man. Can I just tell you what
a gentleman I am right now? By the way, I
I thought about keeping receipts. In fact, I did keep
a couple of receipts on the Mittell Robinson stuff from

from the preseason, not firing back at all. See, I'm
not like harden Er g A, so I am the
perfect gentleman. You were very much a gentleman. I mean
it's not very NBA style, though, I mean, you know,
who are you gonna fire back at? Are you gonna
dab at the end. There's a couple of guys, just
a couple of Twitter people that you could maybe maybe

save those receipts and check out that. That's more what
I was talking about was the Twitter people. I will
tell you though, on Sunday, I'm not saying that this
was a response because we did the g A and
Hardened thing go down. Wasn't that like Friday? That was
on Friday? Yeah, okay, well you want a little bit
of response. On Sunday, g A up against Charlotte. The

Bucks won twenty nine twenty nine, three to eighty five,
got their fifty second win of the year. Here's g
A's line. You want to talk about how Hardens in
his face about this, that and the other thing not
in his face, but forty one points, twenty rebounds, six
assists with one steal. Was a was seventeen of twenty

eight from the field, he hit a three, was six
of seven from the free throw line, and had a
plus twenty two in the game. And that's that's her response.
I think the most surprising thing about that game to
me is that that was his first game. He hadn't
had really that Yeah, with all the rebounds that he gets.

To me, the averages like fifteen games evan ridiculous, but
uh yeah, forty and twenty with six assists. I mean,
the guy answered back. He been on Friday as well,
his line against um who they play on Friday's line
against the Thunder, even though he missed that three against them,
was still thirty thirteen and six. Uh, you know, thirteen

of twenty shooting as well, and four or five from
the line, the most impressive number for him. But he
only had to play twenties seven minutes because they smoked
the Thunder. And you know, I'm a little surprised they didn't.
They didn't even get to a hundred points to uh
to beat the Hornets. But they didn't have to because
the Hornets, like the Hornets right now, are exactly who
we thought they were in the preseason, right we thought

they were gonna be one of the worst teams. They
had the lowest Vegas win total, and they played much
better than that for the first three months, but last
two months they have been garbage. So all right, I've
got another game I want to talk to you about.
This is another important thing. It's the slide of the
seventy sixers. So they lost on Sunday. Is a big
game the Clippers one thirty six to one thirty. The

seventy six Ers are now nine and twenty two the road.
I think of impact, they're the they're the worst road team,
the worst playable road team in the NBA. That's going
to be in the playoffs, like they're gonna go in
and it's gonna be their biggest crutch. They have the
biggest target on that. But also they have been kind
of a relative disaster comparatively to losing Ben Simmons and

Joel Embid. But Shake Milton is a monster right now.
Played forty minutes in the loss to the Clippers. Scored
thirty nine points, fourteen of twenty from the field. Shake
was seven of nine from the three point line. He
had five assists. He had a steal in the game.
He has been an absolute, built up, out of nowhere superstar. Uh,

not really a superstar, but he's been playing like a superstar.
He got them close ish, but the seventy sixers continue
to slide the Clippers. They won their forty one of
the year. But thoughts on seventy sixers the road stuff
or Shake Milton? Did? Did you see our buddy Jonas's tweet?
I didn't. Oh god, what is it? Did he did

he just trade Anthony Milton for Shake Milton? No, no, no,
well yes, but okay, I thought this isn't really that.
And someone asked him, uh, Melton versus Milton, and he said, well,
I have to say Milton, and Melton is my son.
So but he said, uh. Ben Simmons was averaging over
ninety two touches per game, lots of value opening up

in Philly taking a flyer on Shake Milton in some
leagues averages eighteen point seven five times three point seven
boards and two point eight triples per thirty six without Ben.
And then he quote tweeted his own tweet and said,
see guys, sometimes per thirty six works. Ha, thanks for
the wind, thanks for the Windshake and mine my tweet

underneath his was I can't imagine who this is directed
at because I hate per thirty six so much. You
and I famously hated it the only forty minutes in
this game, so well, that's true. The only thing I've
I've ever really felt like it actually does positive is
when you're looking, because people will point to like guys
that are in the twenty minute range. But if you've

got a guy who average, you know, this is where
it also excused. A guy will play like ten minutes,
you know, on average a game maybe eight minutes, and
then he gets at random twenty game, so then you
can kind of build those per thirty six is up
because no guy in eight minutes does anything that a
per thirty six tells you anything about. But but the
for thirty six identifies the guy that gets the spot minutes,

you know, not a consistent eight eight, and then all
of a sudden, twenty four and then eight seven and
then twenty one, and then the per thirty six might
shine like, hey, this guy actually win given the opportunity.
Otherwise it's just picking guys that are in like the
twenty minute marker, and it's losing our minds about it.
And I don't know It's just it's a weird. It's
a weird staff that people pick on going around the
other notable games of the weekend. Looking at Friday, of course,

we already told you that the Bucks beat the Thunder.
We also had the Jazz over the Wizards, the Clippers
big over the Nuggets one thirty two to one oh three.
On Saturday, the Pacers won a road game one one
oh four against the Calves. Ever since getting their heads
caved in, they have started winning games. My Rockets beat
the Celtics by one and overtime, and then on a

little bush like and then on Sunday, as we're talking
right now, the Lakers and Pelicans are going on. That
one's gonna be a fun one to watch. Clothes out.
But the Clippers are over the Sixers one six, one thirty,
the MAVs beat the Wolves, and the Nuggets one over
the Raptors with uh Yokis having a triple double. But

I did want to ask you one more thing before
we go. Did you hear about how Lebron and Zion
have never talked? Never? Yeah, apparently they've either never talked
or they've never like sat down and talked. Maybe they've
talked a little bit on the court, but uh, you know,
Lebron usually takes guys aside and stuff, and he just
hasn't done that. Was Iion? Really, I wonder what that's about.

I mean, I mean, there are two very different players.
They don't well, I don't know. I mean, Zion zience
come out, come out the gates with his game being
different than I thought it was going to be. Saying though,
isn't he the biggest rookie to come out since Lebron? Though,
Zion like the most hype around him since Lebron. YEA, yeah, absolutely,
you're absolutely right about that. So I just found that

a little weird. I mean, we'll see if their relationship grows.
I mean, you know, Lebron usually likes to be a
pretty damn good leader of the NBA. I think he's
doing a solid job of that too. Yeah, I mean,
and he's kind of like taking that de facto job up. Um. Yeah. Yeah,
that's really odd. That's I wonder if there's something to
it or And you also gotta think, I mean, Lebron
is his focus has got to be harder than ever

because he's not getting any younger. They've been built, they
built this special team kind of around him with the Lakers.
Like how many more years does Lebron have? That's other way,
how many do you think? How many think did he
really have left? Like ten or fifteen? Like that dude
is just they I can't remember who it was. Someone
was like Lebron eats like garbage and still looks like that.

Like they said, his diet is not fantastic. It's not
like you would think, like, you know, a super millionaire
has a trainer and a cook and all that stuff
in their house. They're like, he doesn't really do that.
He'd's McDonald's and crappy food, greasy food all the time,
and that's what he looks like. You know. It's just
some guys are blessed with it and the rest of

us are big, huge fatasses when we don't work twenty
hours a day. So uh, that's just the way of it.
So I don't know, I think that, Um, if he
keeps eating like that, maybe five or six good years
left and then whatever to polish off his career. But
if he actually, you know, gets a dietitian and all
that stuff, he could probably last another decade of good play.

You know, it's interesting coming up on Monday. If people
are looking, probably the biggest game to keep your eyes
on for tonight on NBA TV. And I believe the
time zones always scream up. I believe this is seven
thirty stern. The Bucks and the Heat are going to
be battling it out and g A, you know you
were mentioning his rebounds averaging thirteen point seven per game
this year, twenty nine point seven points. Just on that

thirty marker point seven, thirteen point seven rebounds and almost
six assists. They're going up against the thirty eight and
twenty two Miami Heat team who is twenty five and
four at home and the Bucks are twenty five and
five away. So this is a battle of some of
the best at home and the best on the road.
The Bucks only have they get sorry, I mean to

cut off. They can only lose five more times this
season if they're trying to get to that seventy wins.
So yeah, I mean, I think that's a phenomenal just
um battle of home in a way. And then just
because you brought it up before, the Pacers have another
road game and they're going to be traveling to San
Antonio their fifteen and fourteen, so they potentially have the
chance to lose a positive positive I mean, I guess

if you want to consider five hundred still in the positive,
but lose the plus five hundred record away because they're
fifteen and fourteen, thirty six and twenty four in the
year and they're going to San Antonio and that is
the late game. Yeah, and the Grizzlies are playing the Hawks.
And I know a lot of people are gonna look
at that and all their eyes, but the Grizzlies are
fighting for that playoff spot. There two and a half
games up on the Pels, three games up on the

King's right now Kings and Spurs, and three and a
half up on the Blazers. So uh, that spot is
still up for grabs. So that's gonna be a huge
game on Monday as well. It's good stuff, man, catching
back up from the weekend. I love it. That is
gonna wrap it up for us. But the Welsh will
be back with you tomorrow night to talk about those
games we just went over. Plus more action. Remember you

can follow us on the Twitter at bogging Sports. For
me at is the Welsh. See you guys tomorrow. Take
it easier. Let you guys,
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